HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1880-12-17, Page 4HURON RECORD,, MYTH, FRIDAY,,DEci 17Tx,• 1880. ¥U2V1C1PAL, As, the time for the municipal elec- ---tions draws near, the candidateslor the Village Council for the; ensuing. year begin to come to the front—but very Glow --and we will in all proba- bility have a much livelier contest than was the ease at the previous elections. Considerable speculation as to who will compose the new council is heard, and little groups; of citizens are fre- quently observed on,the streets and in the various shops of the village, con- versing on the subject, and giving their opinions as to the merits or demerits of the various persons named as 'probable candidates at the coming elections. We expected ere this late day to -have been able to lay before our readers the flames of the candidates, but there seemsto be . an uncertainty as to who will "'stand, they not having come for- ward with their cards. •It„is time the electors -were informed of who would likely be the probable candidates. No- mination will take • place on the 27th inst., and the elections, on the . 3rd. of January. Q 1• r Blyth Council, Council Room,' Irwiii's Hall. Dec;. 14th, 1880. Council met at 8 o'clock, pursuant to adjournment. Members ' of Council all present, Minutes of last rneeting read and approved, By-laws no. 5, 10. and 11 providing for municipal . elec- tion were read and passed, Moved by John Cook, • seconded by C. bloody;. that the following accounts be paid :—Taylor & Elder, for supply- ing flour to John. Quinn, 'indigent, $5254Iiugh....A&QQataxrie; ropairs....te. lock-up; ..$7.50 ; Anderson & Elder supplying ...goods_to_John ._. Quinn,:_Jndi gent, .$3 ; James Gillespie, ' gravel on Queen streest,. $2 •Moved by John. Cook,' -seconded. 'ley A._ Taylor, that Mrs. Mary Holland's taxies be remitted, in full, and half of Mrs. 'Hefferon's and Mrs. Creighton's. Carried.. '' Moved by C. Floody, st bonded :by Wm. Sims, that John. Kruse ....be...paid. $5' as payment for •collection •of poll tax.—Carried. . Moved by A. Taylor,; . seconded .by. Wm. Sims, that the . Council . do• now adjourn tomeet again on Friday, • the 31st of Dec. 1880.=Carried..• • R. PHIL, I'PS, Clerk. COUNTY COUNCIL. W1nghatn Tithes " The County. Council of Huron inet in the Town Hall Wingliam; on ' Tues- tlay-afternoonillt,-the-W-ai4eni-J•as,40- Garrow, Esq.,. Reeve of Godr-ich,= in the "Chair. The • following -councillors *ere present; Messrs Webster,' Griffin; Chid ley, Menzies; Ford, Whitley, Straoh- an, Ifislop,'Ki);ie, Cook,jWeir,.MelVlillan Mason,Hays, Evans. Clegg,' :Castle, Walker, Hannah,, : Black, •...Hennings, Kay, Shier, Girvin, .Gaunt. Bell, Gibson, Leckie, 'Taylor, and Currie. ' The nein utes of the .last day of the June meet- ing were read 'and adopted. .. " • The Warden 'addressed the Council upon the•;following .natters: Insurance. of Grand Beiid bridge, the acousties of. the court house, the right of . way for the new Bayfield bridge, the: tenders for the gaol supplies„ and the payment of,a salaryto the CleFk of the Peace in lieu of fees; ; The following reports and. conrmuni- cations were read: • From Mr: Le Brun, 'architect, upon the necessary improvements in the emit t i1n.reoard to acoustics.. Re- ferred to Gaol and Court House Com- mittee. . • • From the Cleric of the County Coun- cil of Froiitenae in reference to certain I amendments to the municipal essess- 1 lilmit` acts: • Referred 'to School and Printing Committee. I ,From the secretary of the Council "Of the Six ?Nation ' Indians, requested a i grant .to the Brant Memorial. Referred' to 'Finance Committee. IFrom Ira Lewis &rt.,_ Clerk of Peace regtiestecl the Council to grain hip a salary in lieu of fees, Referred to Salaries Committee. , Prom the sauce requesting the Cotfn- il to appoint asteuographcrtotake down he evidence at the ensuing County lourt and General Session, so. ae, . t0 I.issen the expense tethe ,County. On I}notion of Mr, Leckie seconded by htr. Currie the .Cleric was instructed to ent- p oy a stenographer for that purpose until further instructions from the Ceti lied, .Mower by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. McMillan, that tai's Council in future equalize the assesment roll at. the January meeting, and that the June meeting be abolished so as to to lessen the expense`to the County. Referred to School and Printing Committee. The Council then adjourned till Wed- nesday at 3 o' Block p,m. WEDNESDAY,_ December 8. During the morning the various Com- mittees metfor the transaction of busi- ness: The Warden of the County, as. T. Garrew, Esq, took the chair at 3 o'clock p, m. and the members being called to order, business at once proceeded. The Clerk, P. Adamson, Esq, read petitions from the business men of Wroxeter, Seaforth. and Wingham representing the injuli'y their trade receive from roving liuxters, hawkers. and peddlers ° pnd praying the Council to increase the li- cense of these persons to one hundred dollars. Mr. William Clegg, Reeve of Blyth, stated to `the effect that all the peddlers could not be placed in one category that some were respectable andmanufactur- edthe goods theypeddled, and for this and other reasons he intended •to make a motion t'o the effect that the license should be increased to fifty dollars. • The Clerk then read a..report from. Mr. A L Gibson, Bridge Commissioner informing the Council that all the con- tracts let in the early part of the year have been completed—that-the contract- or of Day's. Bridge was docked fifty dol- lars for not completing the work accord- ing to plan and specification Mr, Gib - .son required in respect to this point au- thority 'frotni the Council, to notify the contractor to' make his work right, and. if he should .not do se •in reasonable time,--thatlie (Mr. Gibsou)would com- plete the work end take the G::cpense, out of the $50 ilius retained. 1VIr Gib- son reported the condition of five other bridges and the expenditure in their repair,but space will not: permit ns to expatiate. Referred to- the Road "and Bridge Committee. • • Mr. L. Hardy, .Bridge Commissioner reported: respecting . the building • of �spu anttlie repairing of other bridges: Tile .repairs of five bridges amounted to $411:__:Altogether...._ hexe,,Were : ,zine bridges•.renortell upon.. This also was referred, to.•tlie Road and Biidge, Com •mittee, :- -;The Clerk read' a third repprt from Mr, Charles Girvin,;.Brilge Commission- er, who • assures the Council that eight out of the teff bridges under his Super intendince!upon.the repairs of which ].ie bas,eiiae»jied$: :0,..ke•:nciv`Ela,a gust state; of repair, and .will require no more money expended on them:forsome time, e'cept :a trifling expenditure next: Year. . Two bridges however, are in`a bad state' of repair: /They are on the boundary; • line •between. • Hilton. and. Bruce, but•.although he reported the urgency. of their repair to the :Wal• - den of Bruce,; that• official would not. authorize the incurring of half the nee - , expense, and so they are left un repaired. He recommends the Council to authorize the Clerk to notify' the �. -Bruce-Gauneii-tliat-un-of caseyof. mix i;- cident occurring, at any or both. of•these bridges in consequence 'of the bad state of repair in which they are .at present, they will be. heldresponsible, 1{eferi•ed: to the Road and: •Bridge Committee The tenders• for jail ;supplies were re- ferred to the Committee: to take that matter into •consideration` • •A long list of accounts: was read and. submitted. to the Finance Committee county printing, the name and faxAe of which may not have extended beyond. the smoke of its own office, This view of the utter fatuity of suck: a motion. was still further expatiated upon by Messrs,. Hays. Strachan, Black and Leckie,, the latter gentleman taunting the•mover of this motion, with being suddenly imbued with a fit of economy which was totally inexplicable to him: This motion besides the mover and sec- onder was supported by Mr. Wm. Young, Reeve of Colborne, and Mr. Wm. Graham, Reeve of Stanely, and was voted down by 37 others of the Council. The whole fuss was about the matter of $147 extra advertising di-' vided amongst the papers of a comply as large as a kingdom. The Council then adjourned till 3 p. in. on Thursday,.. CH ISTMAS FAT CATTLE SHOW • • A ,QQOD DISPLAY, d As was previously announced, the fat cattle. and poultry' show, under the auspices of the Morris. Branch Agri- cultural Society, came off on Wednes- day, 15th. There was a fair attend- ance And the exhibit good. ' The cattle, sheep and pigs were above the average, while the poultry exhibit • was second to none. Tlie butter needs no bom- nient,, . as it 'bras'. A 1 quality, and reflects much credit . on the part of 'the ladies, , Tho following is th o prize list, Fat Ox or Steer—lst Joseph Lyons, $4 ; 2nd •John. Cumming, $3. Fat Cow. or Heifer -1st . Janes ' Mc» Gowan, $4 ; 2nd John Wallace, $3. Fat Sheep=1st John Cumming, $$.. Fat Pig, 8 Months and :over -1st Jno. Govier, $3 ;;, 2nd .John Govier, $2. ' ': Fat'Pig under 8 months—let Geo. Pearce, $3; 2nd John Crozier, $2. Fat .Turk'ey=1st Thomas Fear, ''$1; 2nd Thomas Fear, 75 cents. Fat.Goose-1st Thos. Fear,' $1 ,•' 2nd.' Thomas -'ear, 7b cents,' • -----> 'at -_.p - air_Ducics,-list. ,John.. _Govier,_. 75 emits ;,2nd John Govier•, 50 cents.. Fat part : Chickens -Alit Thos. Fear, 75 cents ; 2nd Jolin Goitiei, 50 oe nes. Crock of .Butter not less than, 10 lbs., =7 st John (Govier, "$1,; 2nd Thomas . Leo, 75 cents. ` Butter in rolls not'less than 5. lbs:- 1st John Govier, $1 , 2nd John Cuni ermsemasiewiwirannweisme miresmairsissaisa La reloe &• Graced' 1 N H w Corsets atl 02. t THE . BEST FITTING CORSET IN THE. MARKET, For Sale only at 9 • JkJI.e'KJXNO% s ! r:GREAT DRY GOOD$. AND MILLINERY HOLIS , HARDWARE r HARDWARE ! , CHEAPER THAN EVER ! AT WM'.CLEGG'S, EAST SIDE OF QUEEN STREET, BLYTH, ONT; He keeps constantly on hand a first•class steep of ilardwarck and Is yelling as cheap as uny house tin the County. Call and examine floods and ter1.as before purchasing elsewhere, Spying principally direct for the : , Manufacturers, 1 stn enabled to sell at very low pricey. 1 -am offering very low t),uotations in • ' CUT NAILS,. CROSS -CUT SATS;. 1-1 1N1) SAWS, • „PILES :&RASPS,..._ _ EDGE TOOLS, HINGES, 'GLASS,: AXES,' FENCE WIRE; • 1t VC21fY.EEs, ELECTRO -PLATED WApi., CUTLERY, 2ASb'& COLT T,I :Goo11', ... BUILDING HARDWARE, 'APPLE P4R1+'.•RS, -.MEUHANICS_TOI LS,._ ;,"PA .NTS .& OILS; ROUTS-- -_ MACHINE* COA "QTLS CORDAGE, SPADES & SHOVELS, • :HORSE NAILS, COW,'1 IES. , E.vtra inducements to cafe ancl•1iroinpt paying •eutstont.rs I3.est'brands of Coll 0441" AlWays.on 1•iand:'•'C'ttslt for wheat W, C'LEGG -LIDA* 000D PtflAKINO AND U N DERTAaK'I N ESTABLISHMENT •• for approval,. Moved: by 'Mr. David Walker. Reeve of Tuekerstnithi.seconded 1>v Mi Chas Girvlin, Reeve of West \Vawauash, •that 'each .municipality " be. paid its boundyy line approbation as ' per :schedule. Carried, • " Moved by Mr. Thos.. Strachan, Reeve of Grey, and 'seconded by Mr. John Hislop, Deputy Reeve of Grey, . that the sum of $17 be paid to the to`wnship of Grey towards • erecting a bridge on the stream that serves a5:a boundary line between that'township and Elena.. Car- ried. Here adiscussion of a very mild type arose us•to ,the expediency of shortening seme. of the bridges over small Streams the object of course is, that the town- chip councils should leave a .larger.. number of bridges tinder their juris- .diction than what they have at present The County 'Council, it seems have 'not the smallest ambition' to be po)tt','tf'f to .the extent that they now aro. Moved by Mr. Thomas E. • II'ayst Reeve of McKillop, scicotnded by Mr John Hannah, Deputy Reeve ofTpuker• smith, that the Clerk take the necessary steps to obtain tenders for the county printing for next yeah •Carried, Moved by Mr, A, L:Gibsqu, Reeve' of Wroxeter and.spconded by Jolnr lire Millan, Reeve of litillett, that iii future' advertiseiiionts be inserted only in the newspapers, the proprietors of which do the county printing • • The absurdity and slicer folly of such a•riiotion was ably exposed by Mr, D. J): Wilson, Reeve of Seaford], wlio showed that a newspaper may have the. Is now complete in all its branches. 'We have large rooms, also the LATEST STYLES of Furniture.' • • UNDERTAlK1Nt ,-.:;:. ... WE KEEP A I4EARS g .FOR HIRE. a ' COFFIN SHIIOTJ•DS, &c.; • always oirhand. SAW- GUMMING We gui» saes h.$.the hist method known neither Intr€k the temper. or the set of the SW:' R 1 DNIii i).1t', and 8 Vl t Ut A1Sare •[fur days for gumming:; our charge Is fie'Conts. ' •• • • LAWltl3'sICE & (MACPt., • KING OF THE WEEKIIIES. KAY FRES RES (34th Year of Publication) • STANDS, UNRIVALLED FOR THE EXTENT, SUPERIORITY AND RELIABILITY OF • • ITS CONTENTS. Ti11 most approved and popular portions of die Wttf:f iv unpin Paxss comprise its Market Itoports & Fanners' Intelligent* Country Notes • . •• Boys' and Girls' Department, • " Stirring Tales of Adtroniture & 1tomanee, Ca:arihUnited oesNBitsand rh ews, Unrivalled Political and Social Articles. 'ills Western 'Nowa is ever prompt and prime, containing notices and •records of the latest doings aril events. Assize and other Legal Intelligence, togetker with Western Correspondence, contributed by an extended corps of able observers and pointed' writers. PEACE, 51,60 A YEAR; POSTAGE PAID. ; tar Send Postai Gard for Specimen copies, Fanta Agents Wanted at every place, at every pm office, to whom handsome . missiles will be yaidt ° Address, FREE PRESS PRINTING C . CROON, ONT. • The finest and Largest. Stock •of Varies; Toilet Setts;' Fancy ;Gugd ,; Toys,. Zunis and Birthday Cara, photo .suerAntograph'Albums, Writing. Desks, Work:Boxes; Picturt Books Niece None tiws, &c &c. in Town -at MEDICAL HALL. . Call and see them. LAW. RASO T]EIAMI TS' O. N, I3 A :fullstocker Statioitiry, Envelopes, School • Books, Bl nil: Books., &e., &e;4.. .always (m111140;7-1, cl;—L.• . IZ,. 0_ BLYT}I;. ONTARIO.•, Ixi tlie. Tug Store, Repairing -of fine Watches a .Specialty. OOKA:?.I. JOS R[NTING OF ALL KINDS; T THE "REC:IRD'