Huron Record, 1880-12-10, Page 8•
1-11111-0 R--S-T 0-11-
Godes rich Township:
Rsuovl.ta.—Mr. $.,Young of Trip-
perary, intends removing to Clinton in
a few weeks.
PERSONAL,—Mr, P, Cantelon, Teach=
er of Benmilter publicschool, was in'
this -township ode day last week
Ption,th'riol.—On Monday evening
last, sone individuals indulged iii a
little pugilistic exercise, but without,
any serious bodily injury.
QUERx.`---When is our -market build=
ing going to be finished'?
TEA -MEETING. --A . tea-meeting)will
•be held in the C. M. Church, Holmos-
ville, on Friday evening "next. A
good:time is expected: s'
RAILWAY Bowws.--Voting • on the
Bayfield and Lake Huron Railway
takes place in this township on the 20th
inst. ' A lively time is expected.
FARM PURCHASED.—Mr, Abel }.teed,
of the 9th con., has purchased a , farm
containing 100 acres in 'Ashfield,. near
Kintail, to which hes intends' 'to move
in about two weeks. Mr. Reed leaves
with .the his roan best wishes of y
DOING WELL.—Our young friend
Mr, J. W. Hill, of the post office. store,
Holmesville, is doing a lively business
just now. John is a. the,
• Bruasols.__ . .
A SOCIAL, was held in the 'Canada
Methodist Church on Tuesday evening
last, under thiiauspices of the Ladies.
Aid Society. Addresses were delivered.
Eby Revs. Bryers .of *Ingham and
Barris of Brussels. 'Music was furn-
ished by a choir selected for tho .pus-
B. MAJJ1OIIY,. .(Successor
to L. Thome,)
Begs to announce that he has opened out the above grocery with a new stock of Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Spices, Brushes,
this seasons Raisons and Currants, in fact ever-ythinb to be found in a first class grocery. Prices for cash or produce only.
We aro pleased to state that the 0..
W, R. Co. are now supplying U. better
with cars than for some time past, but
the supply is not yet equal to the de.
mend, but we•trust soon, will be. We
might add that -the Company took this
step justin the nick of time, as one of
our leading grain buyers had deter-
mined not to be imposed upon, and was
in the act ofteaming his grain to the
Grand Trunk Railway, when the sup-
ply of cars' was timely increased.
Most of the farmers. are at present
engaged in drawing wooer to'Brttssels,
Dry wood sells at $1 ; green at 90c per
,coal. • .. .
A'singing class, containing about 50
pupils, has been organized • in Button's
.schoolhouse. Prof Salter,. of Clinton,
is the :teachers and is a good one. ' ,.
A few days .ago tho•dwelling house of
Mr. A..Cloakey, lot 5,' con. 6, together,
with the contents, was totallyconsumed
by fire, the inmates barelyvescaped with
their lives.
Goderielh.. ,
Candidates cards to the electors' are.
attracting attention:: • , • • •
Magnus 'C. Swanson has purchased
the market fees for,two months fer,tile
sum of $1815. '
Last season, the firm..of 'Olgrvie 4
• Hutchison paid out $137,000,for'wlgat,,
in connection with their igamnoth. mill
iii this town. '
Navigation is now' practically closed.
at. this port, .andlights were ex-
tinguished at the lighthouse on Satuaday
niorning.for the season.
Messrs. Strong and. D. D, Wilson are
both spoken of as the coming men for
Mayor: Mi. Beattie; our present
worthy Mayor, is satisfied with his
year's; tenure of office, and does not
seek re=election: He is a good man
aid One of the best the
There is considerable talk in town in
reference to the .'expense Of education
in our midst. „It seems that the. pro=
motPws of the High.&ohool promised to
make the institution'self.supporting.
This year, however, they ask for $1,400
out, of'the taxes;: In 'the publicc school
the people considered that the salaries.
were too high, bat the -Board raised the
salaries on' the aggregate of $80. Itis
urged ly some that there are now two
male teachers with equal, or nearly
equal, qualification's and good` salaries,
where one Head Master,•with female
teachers under him, would do equally'
as well. This • is the subject of most
interest in - town, and'' no doubt . will be
contested at tlie polls: -
The. annual exurnination of school
section No. 6, will take place `on 'Tues
•day,.' 14th inst..: A large. number- of
teachers will `bo: present " '"All•' parties
and lovers of education are cordially
invited to attend:
Messrs. ,Thomas Peart' and John Mc
Leariy Who 'enti' ao the lumbering- in
Michigan 'about a:nionth ago, leave re-
turned hon , the former owing to- be-'
ing unwell, and the. ]atter on account
of the filth and uncertainty. of .receive.
ing his wages.
Tlie Town Clock is becoming better
appreciated as each day passes ' by.
Since the slatwork has been -placed in
the belfry the bell -has given a,. much
improved.. sound:
Last week while attending to the
cars at the station, a young man named
T. Coward had his hand caught between
the cars, and lost one of his thumbs.
Mr. P: McEwen got 16 cars and Mr.
Platt6 cars during last week, fo.rcar-
ring salt. •The scarcity has been
grnately felt during the past month
Wo are pleased to learn that ourtownK
pian, Mr. E. F. Moore, has been •ap-.
pointed American Vice Consul. at:God-.
erich. Mr. Moore is in . every respect
well qualified to di:c•lrarge the, duties of.
the position.'.
A person ycaept "Big _Malcolm,",was
drunk and conducting himself in a
blackguardly manner on' the Square
last week. He had to' be tumbled on •e
or twice to bring hien to. his, senses•in
the matter of propriety.
Mr. Upshall, veterinary surgeon; of
Clinton, has been purchasing, horses- in
this section for --the- Pennsylvania.
mining regions. . A twoyear old filly
owned, by,Mr. Wm; Fagan, from W.
L. Forguson'1i 4Lord Dufterin, btouglit
$130; and a four year old horse otynecl
by Mr: W, Jackman, -from Simon Pure,
realized $150. • ' ' '
The bad habit of cornerloafing ,scents
to be a prevalent, :vine in Goderich.
Young men,. tv. io appear, in every other
particular, to -be decent, eau tat .onco be
"marked. down" by their aptness at
lolling on street corners. 'It makes
very little difference what'ovenin of
- the week one passes around the Square,
the same blackguardly exhibition of
torner.loungirtg and filthy• and impure;
jil,ina and rjestitio can be seen and heard:
lliiilott. "
Mr. Thos. Neilans Our efficient tax
collector, has now completed his annual
township rounds with the awe' inspiring
,tilt; box. IJe ..has` succeeclecl. in ' col-
loctit g a•,goed sum in cash, considerable
more than last' •yea; ' but there is ; still
a good ittiinunt onthe roll unpaid. IIe,
„reports fai'lp.hrs in better spirits anti less:
inclined tis grew]. than they havebeen.
for;somc years.. This -he considers a
good omen.. , •'
Moir. Alexander' Smith, ,ef the- 12th
concession oftTiillnt ,'few days. ago
-w-A11--to-Messrs. Moughton & Sharp, •ot
Seaforth, a two year ,old• colt for the.
SLIM of $1.40. The eolt •was,a very fine
animal and was stated by the buyers to
be ono of the' best they'. had purchased
this season.
A Leap Year.Party.
On Thursday evening last, 'a' number
of the young ladies of thevillage car-
ried into execution a brilliant idea
which they, with remarkable unanimity
had conceived on the first. day of -last
January . This was nothing. 'less'than•
a•dozen or so'of them taking a corres-
pending number' of the. sterner -sex out
for a drive to Mr. Werry's, in Usborne,
where they were right' royally enter-•
tallied, and passed a•pleasant• evening
singing.'&c. The girls paid for every-
thing,' but failed to ,make the. affair 'a
complete leap year.' success by. taking
-Dave-Bissett iinstead•-- of-s,san-J uzgagitzq'
(aiift li i p year' parties for that?) young
ady-a,s-Jelni-(nothing persnnal
evening,,, , The young gentlemen enjoy-
ed immensly the • novelty of being
alion i -..-,courted. It didn't east' 'them',
ti pickle. We learn that some of them.
bad their hearts badlyused up. It is
to be hoped that they will not forget to
return tlte_cotnpliment'when they aro
again periiiitted to exereiso 'tire. privi•
lege oflavishing their superabundance
of. shekels on' tlie girls._Re;Jlecttor., °
The street:.latiips were lighted for
the first thee on Thursday night'. last:
They, are, a great. iiiiprovement, and
give a city likeappearance to our vil-
lage. , ',
The Bible Society, Committee has di-
gressed from its usual thode of making.
the annual collections. •Y+'ormerly . the.
._village was canvassed .. by eight _ladies,
but this year -the work is " entrusted to
one person: Mr. Geo. • Kilpatrick,.
whose, heart is fully -in sympathy with
Bible Society work, will wait on our
citizens soon, when we hope he will be
greeted with a liberal response, ' •
A few days ago a . young man pf.
about twenty years, JB.ptha Clack, got'
On the horsci ibwor of a -threshing ma-
chine at work at the barns of Mr. D.
Coohlin, McGillivray; intending to
'Make a bargain with -the driver to .as -
Big hint for'; some time in the .threshing
business, when he missed his footing
and got entangled ' in the •Machinery..
His feet aid legs -were ',forced through
a spaeo tivo inches in width,' and were
fearfully Mangled, and a pair of new•
booty he hail onwere torn to pieces;
Mr. Cochliti had hien conveyed to his
home in Exeter' the following day, Ho
is now •doing air well as could .be ex-
pected, but the doctor does not . think
he will be able to do any, work during.
the winter,,- which is to be regretted, as•
heis.the .chief support ofe widowed
tnotlu:r, .
Mr.'. Robert: Martin,' of Grey, has
old a four year old gelding to '_lir,' T,
un ort or
On' Sunday morning, as Mrs A. -
McRae, whoresides just outside of the
town'of Clinton, was gett .ng out,; of
bed, she 'slipped, • and putting, her hand
Mit to save herself,' broke her arm.
The annual uieeting';e5f 'thee Grey
township cheese and butter manufad-
turing company will be held at Lynn's
school house on the lst concession, on
.Saturday, the 18th intt,. at 12 o'clock-.
Mr. 0. Dorwood, of Exeter, -bad a,
handsome Newfoundland dog poisoned
a few days ago, He Offers a reward . of
$50 for •information'that will lead tothe
detection of the parties Who adminis
tered the poison;
ontreal Cask Store,
Bring along your Cash or Produce and secure BARGAINS,
as we are bound not to be undersold by any
House in the Trade;
A. W. 11fAT1®111',. Manager.
V" r'■.". I T
-D—NEW poops,
Chea. • as The eapes
Which Nobody
.rtment Com lets ..
��'. �oo�s Dep ., P •
a •.
.�ro�eru •D•epar��enk .. p -
i ii-tnery.. Department ..omp. ete
..In fact we can furnish all' classes ."From Top to 'line;" with •.
From Now Till
Jarivar x,1882.