HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1880-12-10, Page 6AN EVENVUL VOYAGE,
' A Haniinenaeateee Adventures in a,
Twit: from NahdeS to NOW York.
Scenes in Naples -A SS payee Salle -Soon -
WI Bei1-1 leighe at Malaga -Au Atlantic
Blow -Twelve Days, Below Batches --
An Italian Rove on Board Ship -Poni-
ards Freely teed.
From the eliteeliton seemeerea,
lo our Tuesday.evening'e edition, was au-
nounce4 the arnval, from Rome of John
Drummond, wile has been studying sculpture
there for the lust year, and a reereeentative of
Lim SPEOTATOR thinking that SOW interesting
detaila of his Doan veyage might be obtained
and eiven to its readers, interviewed hint
and 1930 anahly repaid for his trouble, as will
he eeen Ione the account given below. Ur,
• Drummope secured a berth in ope of the
Anotior Lino 'steamers and was booked to sail
from Naples on the net of September last,
• but owing to the non arrival of his steamer
. at tho specified tirae, he was compelled to
remain in that city for about e. week; duriug
which he had many opportunities making
obseryatiops on the violate plaases of life
oeen in the . •
mom Go seems.
• The streete themselves, are eor the most
part very uaerow and "exceedingly filthy,
Many of them, notwithstauding theebrillimiey
of the Italian sen never enjoy a beam of ita
cheering arid Imaith-givieg light. For blocks
Rua blahs in severalquaters of the town the
04(0a of the houses on: either Ride of the so.
called strata reeehhe the middle but a few
feet above the head of the pedestrian, who, if
he be not a Neapolitau, will labia under the
transition of passing through a Menet.. Scat-
tered in abundance_oyer the .stufaee of these
crooked and winding (Areas is filth stoO re-
fuse of every description. In the more poen
thoroughfaree are to he seat daily safes of
the beautiful, :but woefully ignorant turd
. poverty-stricken young girls gatheringup
scraps ot paper, hags and cigar stumps,
which they disposio of, RS an only means of
--obtairsing the wherewithal to keep body and
--oeol-tegetliereelloolng-ahouttho etreetsi too,
especially 118 (wooing chews on, aro groups of
Playere on various Pivotal instruments, teho
frequent the taverns or chiral, where as•
semblo nightly the tuajorite Of the male popu-
• • tion to forgot the reality of their misery,aud
poverty hi the lively strains of mandelina and
deep Watkins of wino.. One moatstriking (lay
eater of the Neapolitan streets, however, is
. the public baba, who apietshinaself with all
the dignity iineginablo on tho • street corner,
• with a little hex, whieh'servon equally well as
'a.table. er as a stool for his, cuetomers, and
within whIelt an 'rift:meal hie "eups"of- water;
---.seogeohler a.d toetel, while Aboye bite ,is
• erected a huge tinibrella to -Protect hiselailad
from the 'Wining :yews •of ' the sue.- ' As he
sits there in •els eiege leiportuuing the
pewees by with. " una barb': 'per 'due
" a shave for two ceits,' ise pregehte to the
average Americari or Bogligh mind a Most
- • , __...pietureeque not to eay ludicrous pieture: -Mre
Druramondes- arraergeoreatehoosoui iroe
been oompletect by thee2703, and he having,
through his knowledge of Italian ellieraeter,
' managed to avoid making the tioquaehtanceof
Lb Neapolitan. poniard, (a thing eery easily
• dome, he boarded the steainer Olympia,
whiee weighed media on her home bound
voyage about two O'clock in the afternoon.
Beddow her regular cargo000L follies and note
for New York ethe Olympia had a ba -go on
hoard oe Oboe!, 400: lealian peasantry for
America. . Mr. Drat:mond heiog the only
Engliell :speaking paeseuger, buoked hod
messed it tire officers' quarters. Tlip weather
• on the: Mediterranean was most dolightful
and elle short tripaoroes: to the. Spanish
coast 'VMS one of the moot eihoealle a Amulet
(meld hope for. Alta slightly augmerifing
thertergtreet--Gebeve-thoyo... . ecoraegjehe t_ethe
port °Malaga on the south cent to hiet:ir.
801110,h-ult. Bally on -Setae/ay mornitie, ;the
second day of „their stay ; there, the rumor
-reachrehthe ship that therawas e
- •
. 1117t.t4 'FIGHT
in • tlao town that A ye a • as the.
' cargo had been stowee Baal_ , ands and
eook" went eeliore to witneste thee_evora
famed sport, to enjoy Cehiele is the sninritum
banury, of the Spaniard's existence. • The
• fight was te begin at 8 o'clock, and the party
proteeeing to the huge amphitheatre be the
ouhurbe of the town, , after paying
their entrance fee; about ten emits , tho
' inienoese tiers of seats ranged one above the
other, Swarming with men, wiemen end child-
ren oagaixect principally in shouting,'" squab-
- Ming ane sipping wino. the common drink of
the country. .Share on time the bull, 0, big
fellow, with loog dangerous looking horns,
adored the arerla followed on foot by a man,
decked out in a Moe hank with belt and oapc,
and ted knee breeches. On his head was the
regular Spaniel hat with broad flapping rim,
while ova his ehieuldera was thrown sievetal
yards of rod, buoting,with which he proceeded
to provoke the bull by flaunting it in its face.
The bull chewed setae& Upon him, but he
stepping nimbly aaido threw Meer
She horn•s of the exeited'aeimed air it, rustled
past him. At this jtmeture the bullet'. reel
torment& onteied onoherseback, fancifully
bed to be ,eeeked :hem the arena in double
quick time by a couple of attendants, while
another combatant came forward as a subtitie.
iute and mounted the stimahareeto_Thie omo
:seemed to be an expert at the bushes,for
after goading the buil to,a pitch of matnees
that was terrible to behold, avoiding at the
same tirae its repeated chargeo, he slipped UP
bohind it and dispatched it with the utmost
sangfroid eliciting by so doing a perfect stoma
of applause, This ended the eull fight. But
after the aceue of the fight heel been cleared of
carcases, the whole amphitheatre emptied it-
self into the ertelosure, and were lett be Mr.
Drummond and the crew of the Olyrapla en-
gaged in tripping the light fantaetie on a WOO
extensive Beale.
All on board epee more, the Olympia was
steaming snugly out of the harbor, when, to
the oeagrin of all, shp :stuck on a
seam AANIC,
and was removed only at the end of the
third day, by the united efforts of Bomb three
or four tugs. They at once premed to Gib-
raltar to take in auflanent coal for the voyage.
During the time of loading a fine opportunity
was offeree of gazing upon the eelebratee
fortress, the key of the Mediterranean, which,
however, is too .well known to need any de.
soription here.They then steamed across
the Omits to the ports)! Tangier, on the Mo-
rocco coast, boa consignment of licorice root.
Here they stayed a day, which was spent by
eelr, Drummond ..f...of the clips' officers
Filty.one fetal oases: ot dietherie. occurred
Tn BroakIyo, Telitet Wale
The oteentehip Silesia, fropa Europe,
brought 2,250,000 francs to New York yes-
Diptherie is spreading rapidly at College
Point, L. I, Five deaths the past tvienty.,
tour hours.
The report of tho ohief of the bureau of
equipment and recruiting states that there
were 7,322 men and boys in the -naval serYiee
on June 30th.
The President has iseueel a proclamation
that ell discriminating duties and iraporte
against foreigo vessels entering Amite:en
ports :shall be suspended in the case of
, The trial of /3, F. Allen, president of the
defunct Cook County Nationae Bank, charged
with fraud againet the Government and
She bank's creditors begen yesterday morning
at Chicago.
Lucius Hotchkiee, retired banker, of Now
Haven, Conn., died yesterday morning sud
donle. leis wife ben% informed that ho was
dying fell deed on the bed- beside hira. lee
was 78 and :she was 72. .
A number of. prominent Ministers who be-
long to the Evangelical Alliance, ot St. Louis,
met yesterday and decided to being suits
agaimet'saloons, theatres and other plaeee of•
amusement, and all violators of the Sunday
In it tripenlatid on the backs of nye denim- mw.
tive and exceedingly lazy dopkeys, engaged at A .elegrarti from Berlin informs the State'
five eoldae apiece, the bargain, hoviever, in-
Department that the oases of tem American
oluding a couple of urehins whose office it was
natoralized citizens,who have been arrested
to remain in close proximity to the rear of the in Alsace -and Lorraine on charges of owing
military service, have been &aided in wool.
donkeee, stud by sundry grunts and freopent
proddung with a goad, keep these most docile erese with the claim of the Untied States
of animals alive to it proper eense ref their Govenment ,
, elr
duty. The country was found net be very • WmE. Brockway, the legerOrger and
eountorfeitor, has surrendered the plates from
hilly, ruggee and perfectly sterile. ' Farther
in the interior, they were told, the soil was which bonds wore printeto tee Government,
very fertile, fruits; espeoially growing in great end BinekwaY was then allowed to, become
luxuriatice, Laving Tangier they
haled duo his own bondsmau, giving $5,000 for his ap-
wed as far as the Azores or Westord-Islande, pear:ince When wanted.. It is said now that
whore a further shipment of fruit was made, he will not bo ro'soouted.
oothing of event averring M the interven-
tug tripe When about four days out ••. Cable Notee.
from the Azeres e nor' wester' .B1)1'11'113 oPt The Archbishop of Goa, Primate of the
which after a few hours fitfttl blowing Settled Bash is dead.
down into . The Berlin Gpzette deolares•Berlin and the
eighboringeownseiti ostateuf siege for an.
,whieli blow steadily for twelve days, straining r ther year.
the steamer's' timber, and making than . A Cale diepateh says the steward'df th
create in a way which struck terror to the ship Surprise, who shot at a ear -driver, has
!souls of the Italians who kept huddled to- been dischaiged.
other in their quarters in the middle deck. At an immenselend Meeting in LoUghrea
During all this time the hatches were nailed several priests were .present, : Mary agitators
down, and the sea swept over the decks with. °finial naked swords.
out cessation, and:it speaks well forthe sea A corxespaident at 'Rome hears thee the
reanshie of Capt. John Craig, that he kept his Irish Laud Lague has Ordered all nioney
ship alive •throughout so long a stress Of foul from Artier -lea to be gene. to Pari, ineteail a
weathele,..eAo *meteor he course, steam made Dublin. •
little head -way hem% ?Opt:suing wind, -A- niepotch 'from -Melbourne. Baya.. tho ppm-
eme'tearplegan-to -be- ootertamed..nhat ..the enapder andosisea the crew of Pe,•ht.
supply of beef and . biscuit eveuld hall luori, nitodgy have beeivraursherodet the Si:donee
and ratiorisoverehiceorelinele slightly reduced. Islaties. •'' •• • '
This ;erect' coupled' witiethar irkeome ;pollee- If is aid that the British ..Fereigu Moe
merit below deck rendered. the Italiens very has asked Cot Synge t� refutedtho- £12,000
troubleecano. `The women in particular were adyaneed as his ronsom from Turkish •bri7
Most obstinate in their:atterripts to come op gauche
deckhwhen if they had done so omelet Barely The British bark Challenge,' tram' 'qualm,
orheeereen-heeptoehheibocerch_ochie morning' has been totaley•vereelrecie052' the island of
when the gate was at its height a women, Gigha, one of the Oleene es, and ea n hei
oppeareih, an the gangway leading' to the. 'crew:drowned. •-• • -• • . ' •
••rotecastle; and when told by e altar to go be- ' A itiettor is currout London that the
low or it weuld the, •Weese for . lier, she oontempleted inarriego of ilaielearonese Bur,
proximity drew a poniard and dett-Coutts with Mr. Ashmeal Baetlett. has
, • STABI3F33 331NI 11,7 eareearr. •been *broken off, . • . ' • •• . .
rhe worgan-wae-at onoo.disarmed and taken' A dispatch from Teheran says Sheik Ab.
beta° the espectine The uniateinate-sailo iillaheiserePereee-to be negotiating with the
whose rieme is • Mike 'Darliiig,• was handed principal Kurds to form a coalition againee
over to the stripes 'fleeter who dressed the Persia in the spring: " e •
wound and continued to attend him for the A Prague dispatch says pop -cacti meeting
rest of the voyage. When the captain woes of the young Czech party was closed onSattue
intern:Ma of the affair he fated himself lea hay hy.the authorities on accetint of ,tureinto-
dileraina as to how he should dal veithet. If ous proceedings.
gelid and its gaseome condition. 'Aoteng Innen
the hint wleich this general prinoiple gave hint,
Mr. Charnelly put a lump of lee under en Or -
pump and reduced the ordinary atmospherie
preueura Dalt to somethinglesa-thaohtha
" critical pressure" for ice, sod he was there
able to heat the solid block of crystal so
hot that that itiburned the fingers on bema
touched. Nor watt this, all --he actually sue.
eeeded in freezing a quantity of water in a
red-hot crucible 1-Zereetoer Globe. •
-.Ye Axone Houssaye is .writing history
of the Moller° family. '
--Peps, the novelist, paid at the rate of
$25 for two magazine pages,
--Mr. Thomas. Hardee story. for Harpord
Magazine it called " Laodicuin."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson's house in Con-
cord. is horaely, aud stando near ,the road, so
that it catches the dust,
-Bev: JeeCook to horevgland prepariegOo
inflict a two -volume edition of his lectures on
our aneient.foeo.
• ;elle Sat:mere Review aye that most
Aneefican novels would be by Henry James,
jr., if thybad the luck." •
-.-"I'Atio," Victor lingo's new para, was
begun thirty years ago, and was written for
the plat part during the author's exile in
.Guernehee •
• -.It is a significant and suggestive fact that
five of our foreign ministers wee at various
tirnesrin their Three, full fledged ,editoro of
newspapers. •• ' •
-The Qtleirterty •Review .says that news.
paperis of the •present frequently ,publish es-
says or loading articles worthy of a place
among the English clessics.
''e -Dr, d..Hollanckis haying it steam yacht
sixty feet long and nine feet beam needs for
hire by Ifereshoff, tee blind steamboat builder
of Bristol, R. L
-Justin MoCarthy's - A History of Hie
Own Tinea" is cortoludee. The second and
lad volume, bringing the history down to the
eleetwo of 1880, haseust been issued hy Har -
here. , •
-Prof. Inched A: Prater, the astronomer,
who . is now in Australia, will return
to England by way of San, Francisco and
Now York, instead of going by the Indian
-Mean es was hos first Attendee,
--Alfred Tennyson is shone to publiah
a new volume of ballads and other rhymed
poems. It is to contain variouo " English
Idyls" and verses in dialect after the manner
of" The Northerielearraeree •
ICABBY 1-134141tra 1)134.2M
Peoteeenehee he the' Regiallibuliat.. or the Do- '
. roineoe.
--HtieheiBeeeiry, who dial at Teroato, aged -
66, the other day, was born in Coolie -tone
cwongsnatymoalaTeytroesred, gardener. Up
t wo h je7r ye eahirse foot age
he behaved himeelt like other ooung men;
then he wanted to roam abroad, so he made
his way. to BeIfitet awl got aboard a Teasel
eailine for Quebec. Chelerst was raging when _
bo areived, and he made hate to Toronto,
the look of which place made him bend his
stops back to Whitby. There he wee ern. . •
ployed by a farmer for a year, III3(1, then he m.
turnal to Totonto, whom he got work with
Mr. /harper, the builder. Efe was paid 010
per roopth and his board. This was to 1833.
33y going for his washing to a certain laundry
ho was thrown into the society of certain,
young meia, and he poen joinedio their sprees. '
He got so bad, that Mr, efeeper. discharged
him, and to make matters worse be went to ' •
buena'• at this woshinge • house. 'He
was engaged for Mx months with Mr. James
Brownewood dealer, at Ille a month, without
board, Then, he went to Chathane, whew het •
evas three menthe. with Capt. Williams, as •
waiter. When he Ica this, place he was a
year out of wale and lived on money he had . •
:saved. During this year he fell into • a toter, •
teen feet drain, NVO,B' ruptured by a Polieeman .
and Boot down by Mr. Gurnett for thirty days.
He was twenty-five years old ut this time, , •
and when eamo out wont' to Chathem,
where.he engaged with aleutchman, arta was: •
discluirgeci two 'weeks afterwarese Ho wa • • . '
noxt waiter on a steamer, andwhatt the Lamle • . •
'were paid off got drunk in Fort Stioalee and •
was robbed. He made his way to Buffalo, .
about 100. ranee, where • he • piekee- a• tow
dollars aud then got to Toronto, Mc- "
Oatiley engaged him tot gardener and made
him overseer, but no sooherlecl the captain . •
gone to England than Harty Henry was ,
drunk. Of (tours° he was ellecharged when
the oaptairt returned, but . euanaged . •
heap out of the lands of _the police for nine
months, being finally captured atul Bent down
for fifteen daps. Four days after his release ,
he was down again for thirty days. Next •
year he was eight times in jail. His brother
John °fished to paghigpassage back to
lane, ane keep bine in jail till the easel sae
ed, but Harry would. not go. In 1836 he en
listed for moiitlas no the Queen's Light . , •
Infantry, and was present at the burning of
Montgomery's hotel, as well as the hanging of -
two rebels on .A.eelaide-street; near the Court
House.' ;When the regiment was at Niagara *.
ho end °them, broke int& o hotel eellor, andi ' , • .
got drunk, for which he was ,sent to Niagara
jail for two weeks e After hie (embargo hie .
brother get him to sign the pledge ando3ent . •
him off toeleve York, Ham get drunk before
starting and was drouk whoa ho arrived. He
was up before the Magistrate- and discharged.. •
JIe messed to Brooklyn, gat : little work,
-ansi.. wits again. cheek „„hefoetenklet: _After a ' • ' - .
slight detention he made- his Way fle-Haerlaiicene
.where ho lost aupther ' place throogh drink. eh
liteving • etielek pelicanan with st; blade •• .• •
bottle, Harty, wae, seohio .131ackwell's Mend '
for 01X.- months., Being liberated „before hish '
term was up. and 'given some mooey„ he got'
on the brut for Albany; ' ample • again, libere
atee ; .drunk once more, and.nown for ten
days, leo event on to .heittle Valise got drink, ••
and was sent down for kill a0y0.'• .Thehetile , • ;
gem° hem a. liege money,. ane ,he went °oil)
Aeibarn, where he smolt his money' and e •
tramped on to Cayuga; .got: A. -situation and •
lost it 'through -le epree ; reached Baluster . .
and got three months e eactbeel-Lowieton and • • • •
was drunkhwiee ; rettolitideHamilton and liacl
ailliltWit granter's.; reached Toronto' again in , •
1858; drunk the day' after his arrival and '
bent down for fourteen days; drunk again on • e
•tho day of his liberation, and (hewn for thirty .7
dews.; two houese after liberatioo • was .• •
opeo More ' in the -lailds „ of the
police'. After 'this, convictions mule fast ."
.and he wits evehtualle sent to the Ceutral
Prison.: Where he acted ae waiter for Capt. •
'Prinoo, Bieco 1858 prison hat been Therayes .
home; except for eight ra'ontlis during which • '
mord' ere instructed net to • uncut him;.• •
Tide plan ., was or no e ee An Amato *
lady tried .to get hem to an enehriato asylum .
in the States, 'but he would. not go further
than Hamilton becaine she would not give" •
him ditnierthere. During Governor . • •
regime 'Barry had a good time, but whether it •
---wortereloue au (mewed pig or toehoWtgetehe-----
sageehlarry tweet- got outside oftho prieon... •
walls without heing brought back drunk., The. • .
prison missionary set Harry couvatee to_ • .
temperance some time ago,butit has been '7 •
pretty much the old story, his failing playa. •
cal pee/useless eliau any failure of Lis appe-
tite . having kept him hem appearing befoesr .
the Magistrate. ' '
-It is Siaid, that Miss Yonge 'devoted the
profits of her famous neyel, "The Heir of
Ratcliffe," to fie out a mielaionary ship, and
of the profit of her " Daley Chain"
to building a missionary (lurch at Auckland,
New-Ziareend. •
eeAfiEtagIieli litteiateur wholes.. made,: a,
aleible hit, is Samuel hailles. 'Of his nate
book, "Duty,' oevolome of the tame land AB.
" Self ' no lees than 1:1,090•copiea were
oedema boa. dozen booksellers at 'Mr. Mur -
ray's trade dinner a few days ago. • -
-A writer in the Boston Transcript says :
" To correct ir prevailing iniproesion that the
little Arthur in 'Ttf em/eh:MA ' is drawn from
DeaneStool ' • d b • that • Tore
Brown is a portreettime of ' Thomas Hug es
himself, I bog you ,.•to enseet the' followihg,
tattoo 'front the pteface of !Tom, Brown
ford,' Maeraillen, 1881, where Mr: Hughes
says: rhirvehitly then to say that neither is
the hero ei portrait of myself, nor is thero any
other portreit in either of the hooks excephin
tbsreose,of Dr.=Arnoldowlereetire-true name
is given. . •
• -Being congratulated on the large.num-
ber of books: that he had Written, Victor -Hugo
replied:at a dinner recently "1 have .roore
hocike to write than have ' already written.
Ansi yet aba conscious of having' worked ; "I
testie fulfillechthe task for whichl was Plaited
in this world,! anel I am going to the ,enfenite
untroubled. Many a my poems which
are now finished will appear after my death,
in their • time. Remenibor Chancre fine
he Poniellee women -es she cleseeeeele he The Peruyiett Gatti° Corepany' has receiv.
woold.deribtleds Mir up elm Italians erniee• as ed a telegram stating that the <Wham occu-
they 'Were to a man; with their deafly knives' peel Pisco, 130 mileshoutli of Lima, on the
hilentle-allo.• • ' or liberty; he knew
uot how far her stabbing propenes iee . 20th inst. withent oppaitiote ' .
e elle-Persia-beim
lead her. • He chose the letter alternative anhtd The eleeteee Be *
able to subdue the Kurds, Russia, considering
allowed .her to go. All was getiet during the
She vicinity of her Own frontier, would doubt -
the neat day, but on tho •ftecoud inorning„
after, sale of the meo •begatt squabbling lees feel bound. to aid PerSi0.", -
Itis stated that the Spanish GovernMent
over .their talons of biscuit, tueh words leading
has decided. to reinfore,o the Birk garrison by
to blows several. of them clutched each other 600 nem:, and to dispetch troops to Bapagher,
and -beg .; • Portumna and several other small western
' - iiiiiiiiee wax( moves,
a general butchery only being prevented by t'e*Es' ' .
A St: Petersburg dispatch aye : A ukaao
the determitied conduct of Agit. Craig:Mel his
has been ,icieued.acceptingthe resignation . of
officers whp rushed among them imel ieetored
the Governor-General of Kasen, who was im-
order. As it was., three of the quarroleome plicated in the recent note of cruelty to the
fellows' had received gashes, two of them in Tartars.
0 '
•n2-,52 and tho °thee in the arm. Vorthate-
ly they were not of . it, serious natuto arid did • Rochefort announcers this morning hut m-
oot prevent the captain ftoni putting their re: tention to'eohly to the nauniolpal authorities
eipiente and all °there coneerned in thp Melee, for perm oleo to heve statnee erected in eer.
in .1ms. They wore released at the end of tairt ptibliie places in memery of the heroes: of
twenty-four hours, but their prompt punish- the. COMMUlle .. . „
ment }5d tho desired effect of keeping their . The St, Petersburg' Vosti is informed that
eompeitione quiet ever after. Silently atter the British Marge, d'Affaires has been in.
these distufbaoces occurred the wind happilO structed to address representations to the
lulled:Mid the omigrenta with safety anne Luis:deo Minister of Foreigu Affairs relative
upon deck again: This pf course removed the
alletetion to quarrel, to Russia's attitude on thePorsian frontier irt
irritate:ea and te
andno view of the Kurdiph insurreetion.
further trouble was oceasionee.Nothing oil.
Parish priest of Ballinrobe has reeeivea a
5_vortny_of notice occurred till thowairived at letter in which he is threatened with instant
Now Yoiliehiehieliethey- dideaftertheranusually death if hloyirott- ie ' Att. 'The letter bears
long Veyage of thirty-three daps. Mr. Drum. toe eeoheeeeee hosemaro. • ,
mond is to be congratulated upon ••finding wereepe,,neent whin gates that
himself once more among lila friends ha/ape- owing to the •eontinnee opposition to •the
erection: of a police leet at NOW • Pallas, ansi.
other disturbing- events, tevo companiee of
infantry, two troops of cavalry, and a detach.
ment of artillery with two guns will be Bent
there. •
A diepatoll from Calcutta to the Times
says Orders have been issued foe theremoval
A couple of old darkiee mot the other day of the telegraph, lino between Peehaveur Abe
Lune-hleotal. This( seems to' epdicate the
apogee+ evacuation of the Kliybee, whidifiethe
stole remaining/I-nit of the campaign lo„north.
reasoein' powers," " Don't know Man' aooet ern. Afghanistan.
him-hain't eeed hire oince befall last 0hriet• • '
dressed, anti sumo& with a long slender thou, 'end it•is to be hope that into whatever
spear, - Tie at once made for the Tear of the Wide his artistic studies iney lead him in the
bull. 'u" it, eiferiatedhy the flag which Inane future,his travels may terminate as fortunate-
dangium over its head, turneci round elutrp, ly as this ono has,
as if on a pivot, and in the twinkling of an
eye htul gored the horse in the belly to the hem Rig tok SON Aut., it, fe swum
vliole depth of its home, caueing the wounded
ansnualieinkdytng to the ground with a groan
which wrie only drowned by tho deafening
cheers of the apeotatoro. Ere the the bples
horns were woll freed from its viaira, its
rider was mounted on another horse, v,hich
mot an even speedier Late than its predeces-
sor. The hull charged tull upon it, and run.
ning due et its horns betweeu its front legs;
had pleieul it to the heatt ,before its rider
could direct its stighteet movement. Again
tita the andicete eollevo their highlystrung
nerves in a prolonged shout, and again was
• the daring fighter supplied with another
horse, This time ho WAS more nimbleoond
. managing to ga bebind the beast, ho ran op
alongside ofett end drove his apear to behind
the loft shouleer stabbing it to-tho heatt. It
May here„hoetated that, a Spantsh bulefigliter
Would be hissed fromilioaretea; ff he killed:his
anitnel otherwise than by piercing its heat.
As' what lute been related all took plea:within
twenty minutes, another bull and another
has:omen were forthemoing to prolong the
Sport. This fetimat waeretueh less ferodatis
than the fattier, aud after beitig dodged
" found 0.0 ring for some tune, it ran at and
It:looked over both home and ride omici the -Whyoracarriage upsets t
n •
ieeee one laughter of the throng of. well knowpatent retediehle onlookere, .„
The tae:a, however, had broiren hiti arra, Mid at° ihei*"Pleei•
Etna boon talking Over matters and things.
" Ilow is ole Ool, Jones emoin' on, tvbat used
to own you before de war? He is so ole he
mast be geniis! to bo childish Mid lain' his
Isiah" " Why; ethane:de.' matter P" 1' Ain't .
got no goo for.auch old gemreans. Laat time
I was dar I fetched:him a big rodfish I had
cotehed. I tole him if he would glum° a
teble knife I would ectrapo and•cleao de fish,
What do you tepee he ad?" •
• "Asked ger to come in Mid get a dam, and
chat awhile about ole times: on de ole plarita-
o No salt; he Mtn tne if I couldn't berry a
table Untie from Isom oh de rebore dat he
would raider clean do fish hume11 1 e'porle
he was dead I'd be nemesia in lianditd de
knife hack when I got done widit."
The ()thee duke), rubbed his ch'in and re.
malted, "1 Secteh:v dat dat eat de Me man's
efill got do use hie reasonin' power:Lee-Oat-
vegan News.
itpri-:Hce ICE.
, • — •
• when in the " Midsuromet Night's Deeeto,"
the Lord Chareberlain hresehts tho in:ger-dons
play bill el 13ully Bottom's very tragical com-
edy te Tesene, the' King etclairos, e Merry
Mad tragical Tabus and brief 1 Hot, iee and
wondrous strange sinew! How ellen we fine
the concord of this discord e" Such hoveeva
is the advance of science that the pbehe put
tie has been solved, and the concord of ha
ice has been remedy diseheered by Thomas
Charnellyiat Firth College', Sheffield, Thie dill.
gent expensed:Wallet has found out that any
solid body tate be heated to a considerable
tempetature if the precaution be taken to
keep it ender a premiere less than a certain
" critical pressere," whirl is different for
aillerent sithaterleog, Uncia this • condition
the isOlici hate and sublimes away Onto 'a
vapor Without ern gulling into it
There hi no interitiediate state between its
• t4 1111 1
Bien xi-at/mit atajourd ;hub, tout. seen fait 40
• 3110111.
But after all, I repeat, I am cello, and I shall
pass a,wayeike the good workmannwbo has re-
mained at woi k without flinching as hooras
is day.
Hove the Minnesota Insane Asylum NVE1S.
Burnt -An Apparently Harmless In-
mate the Incendiary. .
pumas, lelov. 24. --Special dispatches fe.
ceiveel this morning from St, Paul, Minn., say
that opo oe the inmates' of the• Mioneapolis
:itaylion for the Insane'named Benjamin
Hazleton, has ;moo arrested on a charge of
firing tho building Which caused the recent
disaster, rola has wide a full cone:melon. He
ordinarily is tractable, mid Was employed"
around the huilding performing menial dutiese
and was supposed to be entirely hartntess.
The facts, se far as known, are as fellows
Hazleton, having town employed on somemit-
elaireeorkeatmend the hospital, was directed to
finish hie reek that; night, hoe ho waiethus dee
taiaod a little lateo than motel:- Returning to
the hospital he toutal a eold and Unpalatable
shipper awaiting hien. This incensed Lint,
and he swore 'vengeance on tho attendants,
telling Engineer hence that he would have
revenge if he had to born down the whole of
the hospitel to do it. No attenticei•appears to
have beet paid to his throats, but shortly after
the fire was discevered, The maniac's story
Shat he had used quantities of naphtha in stale
ing the fire is confirmed by several firemein
who hard the explosions, He placed canned
naphtha Udder the femate eviug, hut it, provi-
elentially, failed to ignite,
-Superintendent Leach, ' of Providence,
shows excellent sense when he aye in regard
to examinations for teachers that a verylarge
percentage of ooreect sinewere in a written ex-
eminatiensi to questions in arithmetic; gram;
Mar and geography'afforde but a alight evi.
donee of ability to teaoh and govern the
wheel stieeeesfully, Mn. Leech thinks that
Bohemia ehopld be eo organized that the work
of the candidata may be tested ptaetically in
the school room. Mn, Leah (total:Oahu, and
with reason, that too many studies are
crowded into the aohool aura, arid t000meh
mucb 51320 10 opeOtin learning technical terms
and definitions that convey 110 eXaet nod do
finite matting to pupils'. Caporal pettish.
ment, he ism Is least toed in 'the beet'
:wheels, arid he mentions with honest severity
She abomioable habit of faulteinding which
dilate , porno of the teachote, Mr. Laciest
opinions 'are root:emended for the Consider -
Oen of other Bohol superinteilaenta.
• EDINLIKIVIIIA1E. Ogg A 111.10/CE11.,
. •
Many of our roadera remember Gen; George ,
A.. Sheridan, tho elequeut stump.speaker,who .
152 two campaigns spoke with such happy ef-
feet in Rochester, They will he amused with ' -
the fotheving anaeoto of him:
George wee 'recently coming over from •
Boston in a sleeping 'car, where Ito had a
Whole section. He was sitting on the lower'
berth in the morning, about to pub his shalt • '
on, when he was tweeted by a kind looking
gentleman opposite,. who eves eleo puteingeon
his shoes, with the ;liquify : "My frietul; are
you a rich man?" • George loolsed astoniehed,
but aosweied the pleasauttfacedetirecolooking
gentleman with a "Yes, I'm tolerably rich." .
A pause occurred, mad then cenie atother
question "nevi rich are you t" "About
$700,000 or 6800000. Why ?" "Well," tiaid
the old man, "11 I were as riehaa you say you
are, and suoted as lone ae I know you do, I
would hire a whole sleeper every time I tray- '
eled."-Roc eater -Democrat. • • • ,
FtINT5N( A epit wile/kin" cow A
In 1876 'Copt, B. Dengeti leolbe FL Demerara
of Brooklyn, made a hot with Capt. e.lturgere '
&Republican of ehat city, that - if Tilde*
should be ()looted the Republican wad to
climb the flagstaff on tho roof of the Demo- • e
era's iosidence, without Ming 'n ladder, or e •
hoeing any assistance, and paint it red feem
top to bottom. It/ case oe Tilden's defeat tho
Democrat was to do the same to the Repel,. -
norm's flagpole in the 'same way, On the
following St. Patrick's day, Omit. Dengen
Teeth, in the face of a bitter snoweitorin, end
in the presence of a largo umber of hmeeta-
tore, elimbed and painted. Oapt Burger's elag.„
lite. This yea -Cited. Deogou XoSt made a-
similar bet, and he is now determined to
either break his; nookin honor bi Gen, lhan.
cock or pailat Opt. Burger's( flagstaff green..
Netb York Star.
--Mrs. leetuaole• Hodgson Burnett is so 111,
that sheeveritee While lying Ott hot back. shtt
is tortitiag a now tmeel, • •