HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-12-01, Page 1TIM
VOL 1 I12,
$I A YEAR IN .A»\7 iCE
AILORING is our business,
and it would please us ex-
ceedingly if yon would step
in for a look at the elegant new Over
coatings, Settings, Tronseriegs, etc.,
for Fall and Winter wear. The pat-
terns are the handsomest that weav-
ers' wits could produce.
Come in to see the new
ideas, a n d talk the
matter over with us.
Quoting prices for tailoring means
nothing, as you know, but what you
can get for your money is every-
The best dressers in this commun-
ity are our steady patrons, and if you
favor ns with your order you will be
in the hands of skilful tailors.
Come in for a look and
a talk, at any rate.
In Hats and Caps we have all the
latest styles, and when you need any
thing in this line you should not buy
elsewhere before seeing our big range
to choose from. _ Prices .GOe to $3.
New Uuderwear, Ties, etc,
arriving daily.
Homuth Bros..
Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers.
Issued by FRANK PATERSoN, No. 28 victoria
street, Wingham. Ont. No witnessesiequired.
Capital paid up, $ 3,0 0 0 ,00 0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,414,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and' Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
And added to principal 80th June and 81st
December each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
B. Vanatone, Solicitor.
iapital Paid trp, $2,250,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $2,000,000.0.
'Total Assets, $25,000,•000.00.
Ouy nt Here
is BeinA Sure.
Wear" Greer's S1#OH`and Rubbers
Housekeepers have Learned that buy -
tug here is being sure.
When they wish to be certain sure
about their eatables they pretty
nearly .always boy ours.
The "sure part is this store's first
thought, its most important aim,
It's Ahead of prices, even.
'Ernst ua with that • Christmas order.
Trost ne with every order for goods
that MUST be just so,
Trust us with orders for goods that
are better because their purity is un-
Ghristmas Baking.
What you'll need is here when you
are ready.
No more to pay than anywhere else.
R. A, Hutchison
Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59
President— Hon. Win. Minton.
Vice-president and
General Manager --1`. TtrxtttrinLt.
Ateistent Gen. M finger -S. M. *wear
john 1GeomR*thb Cord, Olrrud!i.AkeBi genctrie,
inspector -4e. 'anneal/. •.
teA"V`ire l#S 14A.111t.
Interest allowed en depoeite of 81,00 sed sap.
*ode, end added to 1 tnelpnt on Net Mel rind
88th November leen Trier.
Spoiled Depdtita els() reeelved et eirtrett
rates of interest
' t 003*B00XD, .tees 8
DIOKINSON & 110LM.146, pofialtnrtl, ,
Real Estate . Notice.
t the last regal
land Lodge, I.U.
officers were elec
term;—P. G., J,
N. L. Brandon; V.
T. J. Elliott; Roc
Treas., II. B. -Ellie
• Officers.
meeting of MAit-.
.F„ the . folk/win
ed for the ensuing
., A. Bell;. Pin.-Sei.,
-Sec., J. F. Groves;
—Trates eekly Globe till let of
January, 1906, .for $1.65,
First class, war, furnished roam,
will be available in t o weeks. Enquire
at this office.
Home fro
Mr. C. M, Welke
his business trip to
while away sour
Walker & Clegg's
tura, mattresses, e
ing great difficulty
as quickly as their
wish. The Trues
their prosperity a
continued success
the West.
has returned from
e Paoiifp Coast and
d many orders for
e upholstered f urni-
bis firm is hay -
filling their orders
any patrons would
is pleased to report
we wish- the firm
For violins, guitars, mandolins and
small goods of all kinds, go to P. Bell's
music Store.
It will pay you to come to me to buy ythlk
farm or town properly. Never before had I
such an extensive Ilat tboth in town and coun-
try) for sale. I have about 6,000 acres of land,
compriging some of the best farms in the coun-
ties of Huron and Braes, and now is the time
for the intending purchaser to have a look at
I hem. I can also suit you in town property
no matter what you may desire, Prices rang-
ing from $400 up to 84,000.
Ool:eotion of rents and accounts a specialty.
Life and Accident Insurance effected.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent,
Y ANsrosn Bnoox. • WINGHAM. ONT.
Supplementary i
Huron Farmers' I,i
Goderich, on Fri.
Homesville, Satur
St. Helens, Mon
Mihail, Tuesday,L
noon and evening i
at Goderich, and o
will commence a 2
speakers and man
to farmers.
teettngs of the West
ltitute will be held at
ay, December 2nd;
ay, December ird;
ty, December 5th;
ecember 6th. After,
teetings will be held
her places, meeting
o'clock p. m. Good
subjects of interest
A good house to rent. Apply to F. G.
Sperling. fi
Married at
be heartiest co
many Wingham fr
to Rev. A. E. M.
Merlin, son of Geo
ager of the Goderi
his recent marriage
referred to in
"At Glenwood on
ber 16th, at high
Thomson, M. A,
ricd; to Miss Hatti
of Mr. W. Care
wood, Ont. Th
ducted by Rev. 11
in the presence o
Mr. and Mrs. Th
Chicago and St.
gratulations of his
ends are extended
ompson, M. A., of
e Thomson, mau-
Lumber Co., on
Rte event is thus
Toronto Globe:
edneeday. Novem-
noon, Rev. A. E. M.
erlin, Ont., was mar -
A., eldest daughter
Estabrook, of Glen -
ceremony was con-
J. Uren, of Tilbury,
only near relatives.
son left for a trip to
The Chicago & North Western Ry.
bas issued a new publication entitled
"California." It contains a beautiful
colored map of the state, a list of hotels
at California tourist resort$ with their
capacity and rates; and it most interest-
ing series of pictures showing CaIifor-
nia's resources and attractions. The
prospective visitor and settler should be
in possession of a copy of this profusely
illustrated folder. Sent to any address
on receipt of two cents in stamps." Low
rates Prem all points. B. 11. Bennett, 2
East King St., Toronto, Ont.
Letter Astray.
The postof ce de rtmetlt has issued a
notice which is mo e than usual interest
to the public. Per ons receiving letters
thathave been miS- ent or delayed are re-
gheetedtopreserve heenvelopesandsend
thein directed to t e Deputy Postmaster -
General With an information in 'the
case that may be f service to the de-
partment its ma Me an investigation.
Letters whioh a not registered are
carried through t o mails and delivered
t0 the persons whom they are ad-
dressed Without ny kind of record be-
ing kept of their ehvery, The depart -
Mont has theta e, 110 means of know-
ing how the pos faced are doing their
work, tinletslt tho a whose correspondence
ie subjected to i gnlarities bring theso
to its. notice. •
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, lose and Throat
Spet:Jalist, 870 Queen's Avenue, London,
8rd door 'East St. Andrew's Church,
Glow( d"applied,
1dre. Thos. Corn
dentiai property
Josephine street to
of West Wawanos
family to town in
price paid was $2,
Fishleigh has sold
Scott street to.
town at $875 Mr
purchased Mr. J.
farm on the 1st c
half mile east of
These sales were
Maguire, real est
n has sold her rest -
the north end of
Mr. Wm. Wellwegod,,
who will move his
few weeks. The
0. Mrs. W. T. A.
er house and lot on
r. John Hooey, of
Wm. Rbbertson has
Denman's 100 -acre
iicession . of Morris,
Binevale at $5 500
ade through 0. J.
e agent, .,
Div WANTED —A good smart boy
seventeen- or eighteen years of age, to
assist in the express office. Apply to
Jas. McGuire,
Next Mond
On Monday event
Presbyterian Char
of the Westmiuste
Hewlett, Mos, B
Church, Hamilton
vital. Mr. Hewlet
musicians in Outer
in store. Ile will 1
Annie Sutherland,
soloists of Hamilto
The proceed° will
the debt on the pi
number should a
ing Mr. Hewlett.
y Evening.
g in the Wingham
i, under the auspices
Guild, Mr. W. H.
oh., of Centenary
gill give an organ re -
is one of the best
o and a rare treat is
assisted by Miss
ne of the leading
i and by local talent.
e used in reducing
e organ, and a large
til themselves of hear -
'the admission is 25
.. O. l,,.
The relater rloteetin
O. L,. NO. 704, will
roonl on Fridt►y eve
when Manor tent bind
a,pted, and officers els
year, Refreshments
the close of the me
tendanoe of the ale
of Wingham L.
held in the lodge
ng of this week,
ass is to be trans -
ted for the ensuing
will be served at
Ong, A. large at-
bers is expected,
We are ready for anim, .:n: - .usiness
in. Christmas' Footwear.e, see our
display, - '' . 3,. GREER.
Wingham Connoi
Templars af' Temp
annual "rallynight'
ing of We week, 'an
p visit from Mr.
Dominion Grand
Emery, of HamiIto
Twenty-four ne
inttiated;..after wh
were delivered by
sident members.
the program refresh
The members: rep
evening and all we
speeches from the
cil No. 114 is AM
•ditien and the m
every Tuesday ev
in town just take five minutes and see
what we are offering. Slaughter sale
of Ready-made Clothing and Overcoats,
—Men's, Boys' and Youths'. We have
decided to clear them out.
First Sno
We had our, -.fir
winter weather on
Sunday Inst, when
half of snow fell
district. This is p
fall of suow ever k
in such a short spa
has been in order
ness men report
Last year there
17th of November.
on Sunday interfer
the attendance at
the Doming of the
the question :—+'
be kept clean?" L
cll passed a by -la
property -owners to
front of tiller pr
has never been enf
go to considerabl
their walks free of
little attention to t
towns the snow by
cad, We liavd a s
very good work, bu
good plan to have a
on this matter. If
the work, babe t
or if the by-law is
forced and do a
Either plan will
it should be ale
plan will be in vo
of Season.
taste of genuine
aturday night and
bout a foot and a
a the level in this
obably the heaviest
own in this district
e of time, Sleighing
ince Sunday and buri-
n increase in trade.
as sleighing on the
The rough weather
d considerably with
e churches. With
snow, again comes
w are the walks to
st year's town coon-
, providing for the
clean the walks in
raises. This by-law
rced. Some people
trouble in keeping
npw, but many pay
e matter.. In many
aw is rigidly enter -
w, plow that does
wards it not be a
lear underataudiug
town plow is to do
by-law replealed,
stand, have it en -
ay with. the plow.
Itis the TIMks, but
ly undes'stoed which
lite for this winter.
ally Night.
No, 114, Royal
ranee held their
on Tuesday even -
were favored with
Hales of Toronto,
uncillor, and Dr.
Grand Secretary.
members were
h short addresses
e visitors and re-
e#ore the close of
ents were served.
t a very pleasant
delighted with the
wo visitors. Conn -
n a flourishing con -
tinge are now held
Two good furnished bedr • .ms, singly
or together, centrally oc ed are offered
for rental. Apply .t. '. 0. box e08, or
at this office.
Wingham Bran
The regular mee.'
branch of the Natio
eociation, was held
Mr. Alex. Rose
the president iu t
urer's report was
the thanks of the as
the citizens of Win
generops response tri
them in behalf of a c
Muskoka Free Hos
Ives. AD emirate 11
made will be
as a sufiioient. runt
town council is expec
what is being ooutrib
of Wingham. The fl
a misunderstanding s
in the minds of som
the benefits received
thinking that our olai
would cease at the en
the payment of $300.0
local branch instruct
Write to Mr. J. S. R
of the N. S. A., Mail
who replied as folio
h of the N.S.A.
ig of the Wingham
lal Sanitarium As-
t the residence of
n the 22nd, with
chair; the treas.
ry gratifying and
iociation is dne to
ham for the very
it is being made by
t (or bed) in the
ital for consumpt-
t of all donations
i this paper so soon
is realized. The
ed to supplement
ted by the citizens
lectors found that
emed to exist in
people regarding
y the endowment,
to the benefits
of the year after
was made. The
the Secretary to
ertson, Secretary
ending, Toronto,
]ori a ---I have errbnged with the
Dominion Bank to manage my business
and all owing me- on notee or mortgagee,.
can pall principal or interest at any
time after falling dee. Itertc►eniber on
need not pay until yoti are reortested to ,
do to by me. I thank ,all Oboe who
have done business with me era wish
you all every prodpe Rost, 3Ielti OO.
"Having endow
of $300 00, that be
disposal of a Win
though that pati
sent forward dur'
year for which th
You ask if two 0
elapse before pat'
would the accom
ed to your p
people need not
about the benefit
their money.
Wingham patien
him or her aloug,
or remote.
"Whatever mo
yon can apply t
would include y
ber. If you see
amount of mon
The collectors'
for another week.
ou$ of contributi
through our Loo
Oorbould, at Ban
a bed at a cost
would be at the
Mon patient, even
nt might not be
g the particular
cot was endowed.
three years:should
nt should be sent
sedation be extend -
tent? Yes; your
vo any misgiving
that wil come from
will care for your
whenever you send
bo the time recent
ey you may collect
cot fund, which
ur $1.00 per mem-
t remit your full
through your local
Sabbath Ob
A union mass meeti
gations of all the ebur
will be held in the T
ham, on Sunday eve
8.15 to be addressed by
travelling secretary o
Alliance, who will
account of the work
to maintain the pr
the Sabbath. A la
sired. A silver co
Bank, Apply at the
of the oongre•
hes in town will
n Hall, Wing-
ing 4th inst., at
ev. T. A. Moore,
the Lord's Day
ve an interesting
hat is being done
per observance of
e attendance is de-
etion will be
e Dominion
Smart youth wa ted. Apply by letter.
Box No. 4, TIMES o ce.
The new bridge a
completed and the p
will be pleased that t
is a thing of the
bridge, we are sorry
the same shape as it
ago. The concrete
bridgewere complet�
and up to yesterday
was in position. Th
inconvenience to the
lieve does keep man
to Wingham. We
be in position hi a s
tractors should put
men and have the
out further delay.
Donnybrook is now
pieta that vicinity
eir inconvenience
ant. The Zetland
0 report, is still in
as siteri.l weeks
butments for this
d tvio months ago
of a pound of steel
s hat, been a great
public, and we be -
people from pouting
ope the bridge may
ort time. The con-
n an extra force of
ork completed with -
Ladies, see our
Shoes! Now is t•
iu Footwear.
The Late Mrs
The death occurre
Workmau, Assa„ o
Mrs. Sanson, relict o
Sanson, a former res
ship of Turnberry, a
ham. The cause of
moults. The deooase
Scotland, and spent
the old land. For m
her husband, resided
Clement in Turnberr
ed to Wingham, whe
about five years ag
three years ago the
the West to reside
was highly respect°
be regretted by mat
quaintances in this
mourn her loss,
of Workman, a
Emma and Janet
Mrs. H, Harris, in
John Wells, of Lo
Samuel Vanstone
ter of deceased.
lov: • line of Felt
•. a to invest money
Wm. Sanson.
at her home .sin,
the 19th ult., at;'
the late William
ent of the town -
later of Wing -
death was peen -
Walt n
een-Was'a native of
r younger days in
ny years she, with
n the Fortune • set -
and later retnoy..
o Mr. Sanson died
. About two or
°ceased removed to
th her son. She
and her death will
friends and ac -
art. She Ieaves to
one son, George,
four danghters,
also of Workman,
he West, and Mrs.
er Wingham. Mrs.
f Turnberry is a sis-
For the best m • -es of Pianos, call and
look through D. Bell's stook. Prices to
suit purchasers. They are the best
money can procure. Remember the
stand, near Bell's factory.
ooks will not be closed
Any persons deatir-
g will kindly do so
treasurer, Mrs, W.
of Hamilton.
Stock Foods
and last but not least,
' O'tift OWN' Condi.
don: Powder, 25e.
A colored picture of ban Patcli 1.60l the
fasteinches andnin 6 colors, givenliorSe el thevorldFRREE with
eeery 800 package Of " lnternatienal Steck
Walton McK
1text: deet' to Pact t 1aee.
The nominating
Commissioners for t
composed of East an
Blyth and Wingha
Hebert Wheeler's
in Belgrnve, on'Mo
at 1 o'clock. P.
East Wawanosh
officer. For the
Grey division, th
will be held in th
Sells on the same
the nbmtnating
says that their is
all the eight di
eating for County
is district, No. 7,
West Wawanosh,
, will be held at
gon and repair shop
day, December 19th,
orterfield, Clerk of
is the nominating
tassels, Morris and
nominating meeting
Town Hall at Bras-
te, F. S. Scott being
fficer. One exchange
ikely to be a contest in
tricts for the Couuty
e Wingbam
give an entertaiem
this (Thursday) ev
will be a good one
should be encourag
in turning out in
band is am organi
of the, townspeopl
tafnment in the op
day) evening.
mettle' Band will
t in the opera house
in he program
scene baud boys
d by the towntpeople
arge numbers, The
tion worthy support
Attend the enter-
= hens° this (There,
A. R. Smith w
week, buying No
wear, Olothing, e
trade. Piles of s
again in the city Last
hats, caps, under-
, for his increasing
oks and overalls,
Last Sunday was
ing for the Union
Holmes school hon
John Kerr, the s
voted a great deal o
Council. In tl e Wingham District,
flounced himse as a candidate.
Mr, John T. Cur e, the late Reeve of
East Wawanosh s in the field. Mr.
experience and wo Id make a .good re-
presentative. Hie lectiou card will be
found iu another c umn of this taste.
Reeve f West Wawanosh
ie also mentioned as candidate, and it is
'likely that Messrs. tterson and Lock-
hart, the present C. missioners will be
again in the field. In e Turnberry, How -
ick and Wroxeter di ision, wahear that
Messrs. Miller, Ferg son and Doig will
be again in the field Mr. Doig Was the
defeated candidate t vo years ago. In
the Morris, Grey and Brussels division,
we have not learned he names of any
possible candidates. W. Kerr, of
Brussels mid Jos. B Of Morris
pal mattere in Wing am and the town-
ships are yet very qaiet. In Morris
between Reeve /sbi ter and Councillor
Code. In Turriberry Reeve Cruickshank
Wishes us to anno nee that he ietends
retiring, after many etas at tat eonneil
hoard, Mr. Cruick hank hes made a
good =mid* Ohio His retiring will
leave the way open for neW aspirant§
for the Reeveship.
he last day of meet -
Sunday Sohool
, Turnberry. Mr.
eintendent has de -
time to this school
work. On a recent
onated to the Sick
ial services at the
Church. He is ac-
eLeau, Rev, Mr.
h will take the ser -
Baptist Church
Booth, after over
bade farewell to her
iticent meeting in
nto on Sunday. A
he doors were opened
filled, and hundreds
disappointed. That
nee lute extended far
lowers was shown by
any not connected
petal seseion until
sday night, at Lon -
urea elected Ven.
William, M. A.,
Church, of Suet -
of the Diocese of
to the late Maurice
iocese. Rev, Wm.
meeting, and Mr.
lay representative
uroh. The Bishop -
ales, and came to
king a professor's
lege. Subsequently
ssistant preacher at
e, London and for
cial preacher at St.
In 1892 he was ap-
orship of St, Jostles!,
ife is a daughter of.
urwell of Lo +arm.
This year the P.R. coul-handling
plant at Fort Will in has taken from
boats over five le mired thousand tons
of coal, and the .N. R. over two hun-
dred thousand to s at Port Arthur.
Are you thinking
of Christmas?
It is not far away, is it ?
Wise shoppers do not leave
all their Ottrietiniss buying
mail the last week,
XvorY day now We are
eellieg said petting aside
these pretty goods,
Fifty Cents secures any
article, and we take care
of it for you until the
desired date,
Our invitation le to
SEE the geode now ; buy
when and. where you wish.
AILPAcCall &Goo
Druggists and Opticians
We have beautiful
Cut Flowere, fresh daily
This school enjoys the reputation
of doing the ben work in Businees
Education in the Dominion. The
large schools in ()amide and United
StateS emidny (ler graduates es
teachers. We give the mane niseeio-
tion to all, and that The Best.
Students may enter at ally time.
Write for free catalogue.
Grit and Tory
get the same rates when
insuring in COSENS'
All kinds of Loan, Real Estate
and Insurance business
Winham's Leading Shoe Store
Never mind what priced
Shoe you want come
here. We're making a
fine showing of new Win-
ter Weight Shoes for both
men and women at
We know ye can save you money on your Shoes.
You'll know it, too, if you try one pair.
Step in and see the new. Valour, Box Calf, Heavy
Patent and Enamel Leather Shoes.