HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1880-12-10, Page 5'fi'he Caged Craeksirien. Nt'rDENcj or TUN wiTNEssEs: AND MINN • INCIDENTS. t Some time before the hour of open- ing the; doors Saturday morning tho Police Court was crowded with specta- tors, anxious to catch a glimpse of the two men tinder arrest for robbery. At half -past nine the detectives and, a umber of ofUcers formed a: body guard at the jail and marched up the centre of the Broadway . like a company of ?,soldiers to the Central Station.. This precaution was necessary inview of the desperate character of the men and the" possibility of an attempt to escape. No trouble was experienced, • however, and Mlle two heroes , of Sunday morning's robbery walked sullenly but safely into the • Cour. t, Before this they were stripped in an adjoining roolii, and their persons searched for .scars defined by American detectives as a Means of establishing their past record. On the man giving the name of Harry White bullet marks were found which showed beyond doubt that • he is the Henry Curtis who escaped from the Ohio State Prison'at Columbus i1i May last, while s " undergoing a eentencof: fifteen years for various crimes; • Forty five :.dollars was also found ingeniously fastened to Ms shirt. When I brought • into the. -Court room they 4ere .the object of keen .observation :iv -the hundreds who bad assembled.., Police Magistrate • L'awrason and Squire Peters. sat on the bend, Crown .Attorney Ifutchinson appeared for the prosecution, and Air. 'D. Glass, Q. G.,. defended the prisoners. After arraign - snout the evidence -was proceeded with. E. R. Gustin, on being r+worn, said lie was keeper of the'Cousins' House, on the corner of York and Welling- ton streets. The. prisoners had come to his house on Thursday: night, the 25th•of Noveinber, When 'White had registered both_ ,cam .cati net Asl,:ea'.._for_ a. room. It Was said that one bell `Would ~lo both of them. 'On the •following day they had come down 'regularly : to. their meals, but witness had ..not seen Them froni.noon until about ten o'clock at night. On Saturday he had not seen them until 'noon. On Thursday night when White came hi witness n ecoguized"hies aft the man s who "• had Stayed at his.lipuse when Saunby's:safe , was blown open in May last, On Fri- day .he haat .told DetectiveMurphythat a burglary war no doubt premeditated,. and warned•liiin to be mi the lookout. ' 'rstable:„Litgale of the G. W. R., and Messrs. Saunby ,k Co's clerk were informed: of • the pies .dice of the suspects d persons.. ' In con- equeuce of' these snspicions, . witness took an opportunity w]:ten"the prisoners 'were down stairs to go upand look at' their satchel. It was sitting in, the room, and the lady. .vhq. accompanied Irim.lifted-it up-to---see-haw litiuvy-�it was. She said it weighed tenor twelve pounds, and on second. thought witness opened it, He was ' o r si' •ass l he Il dto fi d ,that it contained a collection •of tools, including a brace,•seise . steel • points, two or three revolvers,- a. piece of. board - on sac i st e:o • ie sa clrel, • three or fear feet of fate, 'a dark.. lantern and roller articles. The valise was opened and witness identified the ar:tioles ••pro- , duced as those he had seen in ` White . and Allen's room. On Saturday night The two men .had comet down stairs,' paid• their bills, and •said they wished to leave by the train. Witness 'went' to the G. W. R. station and . found that the prise -stere hail -not --lefty anti ho at once"coneluded that. a• burglary would. be committed in the city that night.: He:. searched for the detectives, and sono time. late' the Chief, Murphy _and ?hair ,came down and talked the .matter over.. That ended witness's connection -with the matter. . ' • The register of The hotel :was pre- ,dnced, .and the signatures, of May lust , and a week ago compared. They were the saute. To Mr: D. Glees, the ' witness said. White had made registration Detective Murphy had received . in- formation on Friday, the ..26th : hist., from Mr. Gustin concerning ,•t two sae picioes Behar acters staying at his • hosed. On Saturday evening ;tie: had seen .the hotel keeper, ,again. and made ..arrange- merits to *etch the suspected hien. warrant was also obtained for two inert Whose manes were uukliown Together with Detectives Phair and Wigmore and P. C. Ryder he was at the G. W. R. station on Sunday morning In pur visit of these men. .A.bont six o'clock;a -trate ,was leaving. The particulars of • the arrest, as published in these col: ,umns, •were then recited. The " money :was'also produced and identifiedits that fouief in thepossession of the prisoners. ^Se geantklrawforcl testified that he was on dutylat the station en Sunday morning when Detective Murphy ',brought lin.the satchel 'now produood :and left it •ritit'la hint. He examined `tlte contents rand found besides the rarticles mentioned by the former wit - mess, the spaaftge of postage stamps of various denominations, also a bag sou- tainiug a quantity of gold, silver and copper .coins which was produced and identified lay the witness. ' The Court then adjourned until 3 o'clock. On resuming, Detective Phair took the statin and gave a clear account of his oon.nection with the arrest.. Ho went to the station in company with three other officers to search for the two men. Its the scuffle he took a self - cocking revolver out of White's pocket, He then, told ahout.the finding of the money, which lie counted at the time; He identified the memoranda made then. He got'tho broken point of a chisel produced'from Mr: Clarke. Constable Allison, of the G. W. R., gave evidence that he had seen the prisoners at the station on the morning in question. Detective Wigmore said he and Phair arrested Allen. They found 2 keys on his person. One of thea burg- lar's tools he found had a broken point which the piece of iron shown to wit- ness was found to fit. • Mr., F. 5. Clarke' ' identified Allen as the m. ii who visited his office the Fri- day before the robbery. The key shown, lylien tried in witness' presence, worked well in the door of 'his office. He gave•tha amounts and denomina- tions of money lost as $584 in Ontario and Quebec batik bills, a one 'old two of banks in Prince Edward Island, a four and five of a batik in Nova Scotia a five of the Meelianics' bank, and $$276 in American bills, altogether $877 in bills,' The coin consisted Of two $20 gold pieces, two- $5 pieces, three .20 franc pieces, one sovereign and a half sovereign in gold .$20,26 in postage' stamps; $5.70 in Canadian, and $89.75. in Auierican coin, with a few odd pieces bringing the total coin up -to about $168. He identified a Bank of Commerce ten - dollar bill,avithA piece torn olr .the upper left hand • corner, by pi;pduming. -and biting-the-niissinrg-pieca, : "Some the coin was wrapped to paper,..witln the amount written in - witness' hand- writing.. 'P. C. • Rider tostified 'to: arrestihig White, and seeing him ; throw some-. thing away. •He.:al'iao detailed his• single-handed .struggle with him on Bathurst street. . _ This concluded . ti>o .easel and the 'prisoners •wore committed for trial. gr. Glass' said he, .did • not. desire that they should -be, brought up at the ep- preaching'Sessioti s. • Huron.'Expositor. Tlie .'follow,ing letter from the now yome vkiat notorious .: $le.ke,. ;who,,ab sconded. frorif-Foc ter,a. few.'weeks agog is about the most " cheeky'' production which' bas ever seen the liglitof day: It is utterly astonishing how such a• vile ivretch•c6- iu d so far impose upon re spectalale, • shrewd ',business . men as to secure their signatures on his paper for thousad s of although. tliy flail only .]:hewn ."., him for • a comparatively brief.period The , Letter, whichwas dated .Detroit, was addrtssecl to Mr. James, Oke and is • as,folio ws.' Jarnes Oke, Esq , .Eketer, Ont. FnieNO Oxe,aa-I have just received a. letterfrom that party to ge to Chicago at once.. 1 am going •'to leave • first 'train. ' • She .has' got some ' money with her and says I -will have to go with her to get the balance. Jilmny,.I am going to -follow' this thing up if it.'tukes /tie a -year,-•-My-bu.inesswv ill -be a tt-rn in bad shap:>, but I can't help it. - You have enough to. ivake you safe, and also Jack: --There is 400 aorde of wood oft the Ki tail (look • ready for shipment There is 580 cords of bark on Port. Blake dock.: •The 12ashlemi is going to carry 'wood steady from Kintadl. See to it yourself, andeeollect the' money, also the bark. I sent Bob and Hicks word about this, and they came down yesterday and said They would not stay unless I came back; but I'am'going to stick till I get this menoy; 1, know it is all.eight;•hut- it may eanse•yon.--soino- tronble, but you and Jack will be well paid for your trouble, 'aiid don't you for- get it I I:know•this thing is'going .to come right, 'Don't :You let them get the start of you. If you have to,°you make a -turn ; put your property out of your hands for a month or two, as you own all the wood in the bush, on the docks,' and the chattel property its full, both the docks and all the brick, and ga on; Now, Rodgers will give you time, 1 ani Ftire, and : so will • everybody. There is soma parties in London sued me. • I sunt to hall to -day to put in a. defence' and keep there Of. Go to I intail and tell J'erniyn on. the square how things are, and tell him to get itis payout of the store, Yon get all you can, rix it up, with Jermyn, , You want to keep this quint. If ' you have not your papers of the Kincardine sent to the Custom house, 'Goderlch, for registration, do so at once. I had to writoto my wife to -clay atid• tell her, and 1 never felt so• bad about •anything in trig ~life. I told her about the we. man. Jim, it night have been better to of had nothing to do with her, but there is money in it, and I must see it out now. I will be hack in December some e tune if things works right; if not, cannot say when, Make yourself safe in every way ; talk to Hall ; do your business with him i get, your „property out of your hands till you can snake a turn, .1 know there will be a good deal of talk, but there won't one of them lose a cent, as. I will pay •every body every dollar, and. can assure you will be paid for any trouble or incon- venience you may be put to. T am mix- ed to -day. feel strange, My wife, I am afraid will go crazy. Talk to her and try and console her, poor woman. She is as fine a little woman as ever stood upon two feet. But something says, "Go in old man, on •this money business," and I am - off, If you ' see Fried, tell frim to renew that note in the bank a couple of months ; he, will get it then all• right, Also Jack Sand- ers. I wonder why Jack' did • not or would not ship them telegraph poles; •I anfout, so far, $1,500 en that ,cedar speculation.' ' T don't know what Jack has been doing, I am sure, Do the best you can with everybody ; and if I don't be in Exeter before • Christmas Day with over,$200,000, will give' you my head for a foot ball.Good bye; old ratan. Fix °yourself. ,Don't lose a cent pr get in trouble , by 'rite,, who respects you better than a brother, Your old friend, • BLAKE. Chollted to Death, SD ENDING OF MASTER FRAN$IE DAWSON' •SUNDAY A.1'2E101'00:4.. An accident of an unusual and fatal character betel the youngest son of Mr. M. -D. Dawson of London, Sunday after- noon. Along with his. brother and• several other lads he was on • his way home from the Queen's avenue s 111etho- dist'ellurch,- ami when near the -corner of William street, on Dundee,' he was suddenly ,seised with a, choking fit. His brother ran to his assistance, and' ascertained that had swallowed a button. 1•Ie slapped hfui on the back and diel everything in leis power 'tc zits lodge theobstruction,. but without being' gine to bring, aboutany,relief whatever. 'faking a little wagon • near by,' they. wheeled him•home as quickly as -possible anti sent for a physician. Mr. •Charles Lilley rah it to the ]rouse along . with: other n.eighborss acid found' the little fel low gasping for breath; s and, rapidly. a, oasinsa_hlac.k_.ii, the fare T took •lt m in his arias,. unloosened the clout- ing about, his neck; and ponding. the arrival of the doctor,.ondeavored to sus- tain the us-taili•the flickering spark of lifea', .I lien `minutes' however,:.and' just w.'lien • 1?r. Gardiner opened: the door, • the'',littl'e, pulse ceased to beat. Still hoping that' "resuscitation might bc, "possible,' -tlui. -DoctorMade, an•.incisien••iu the throat anti:fuser ted.a tube: in the Wind -pipe.. Efforts to restore breathing were made. • Ed Lilt to no avail.. Dr :Cclward5, sr., 'iii* rived shortly after this, and at the re - 'quest offAirn „Dawson a search-::'iiitrr:. 'made for whatever had calmed .little' Fiankie:s• death.' After considerable •trouble an ordinary collar. button • was found, in the '.throat, 'tlirectly.ilt front. Of the passage,` leading to the lungs. It is supponc:d..that while . h9Idiiig this- in - sae mai:li arld playing along tlierstreet,' it suddtul.y sl.ipped.b'ack:into the:throat, and there lodged in siich a position as to::produce strangulation. ,'Thus with- in' pelf an: Hour after" he rvas... skipping playfully along the 'street,.;. "little hankies spirit had Bitted beyond this 'world•. The incident is n sad warning tti those wile •inay'careleesly hold play-„ 'things, and especially. buttons jor.piece:i of money, iiitheir';mouths: rtNQTHER CHOKING 4.CCIDE?NT a4 'r t•••4„, pyZr !'1'_III1 X11 .11 -o -•. 1114 a — • .19 ho's Yonr atier? The ,only place in the Comity to see a'eomplete etockof; Ge*nth' ILits. and, CaisDs., • Youth's Ituts:eilid Caps. Roy's lifatfi. and Cabo, Children's -'flats atn1 °Cates,• —IS AT —• FAMOUS_. .HAT ON A soniewliat peculiar . accident oe _carred on Sunday afternoon. It ap- pears that a lad maned Joseph Holliday Of ''Lo ndoli, was. walking, homeward whistling through aportion of the wind- pipe :of a goose, when suddenly it slip- -ped down "Iris: 'tlirorit.'.-'O.n iirrivitij;` house fie appeared to be suffering great pain, and, : Drs. Moore. Eccles and Rees vera sent for. The physician attempted to clear the boy's throat, but without success, and as the only 'means of pre- serving animation, performed tracheot- omy, which consists in making an in- 'eision in the throat and passing a.tube into the windpipe. At a late ligur last .' night the • poor follow .was breathing quite comfortably; under the circumstances. .The medical attendants aro of the opinion that unless the it-' ritation-producesinfiatnmation,. their ea- deavoxs to extract the obstruction may yet be sugeessful - Sale ,)ltcgiOter. Mr 'Parties getting sale WIN printed at this Mike will got a rtotloo under this heading,free of charge. SATunnAY, 'Dec. 1801.—Sale of horse, cutter, waggons, .sleighs, harness, &c, &c+, the property of P. Kelly, Esq.; to take place at Blyth, --C. I am ltoll, auctioneer, -i ofz,'aai= E 6IONARCH OF :Lair Will Da published is Cowan with ills " V eeklY Globo" for 1881, the BIOGRAPIHY, 11 SP CUES of the HON, £O. BRAWN Th r The wort, will contain about -600 pages, and will be sold to subscri- bers of " The Globe' only at the low price of ems' t .The Cheapeit4 The Best! • Containing 06 columns of reading matter, and : WEIN INS away admittedly the best authority in agricultural. to everyr • wind cotiimcreidl choles throughout the Do vearlY.Sab- ,rninion , Scnlloofte"weekly Its cnormo istei tilation distributed; as s, Glale" for 1811,. a' in all.p country, y, � e s a advertising. mCdiuin for reaching•thaiutells:eat n{usus.tvcryw hurt. 1vicw 'TYPE INCREASED SPEED IN . P.UBLICATION I Remember that all sullscriptions•sontin'be- title the this scriber to receive !I'HI'•GLOBE flour date of subscription to 31st of December, SI�iC�rl.7ru isupsc :I.IIC'TxQN;..' TWO 33UI.LA'Uii3.. ONE 1)OLLAIt.. 1s81. Handsome -Steel En- gland Portraet of 28.. late • FO i. OEO. BROWI"T. li X 20 inches, and Rat up :In the Yea best Style,ofindent Orders and°romittanced Lobo actdiessed ' :THE GLOBE. l'RI1 TING. CO..'r01toNTo.` _�_—teents:trantelinevery—nMtprcrOnira_dl'trlrt.. tievash0Sr,G..tite-PstFtln10 •inducements offered„ to good mon. fih.YD FOR. TERMS. BIRTHS. M'vxtnAY,—In•Wingliam, on the 22nd ult.,' the wife of -Mr. Andrew Mur- ray of a daughter: •• MARRIAGES. ]3nOAbwooD—LITTI.E.--DIi the, 19th ult., at the •Queen's hotel, •Brussels, by Rev. J: Harris; Mr, Jas. Broad - wood of Mullett, to ,Miss Ellen, (laughter of Mr. . Wal,,' Little, of Morris. li A feature at the last meeting of Ash- • j;field Council was the presenting of the [bounty to Francis Minns Russell, a i,boy df thirteen .years, for killing a wild [cat on the farm of Wni. Harris, .eou.4, in Oct. last. TUE' MARKETS,. Wheat Treadwell,,yar.buah. • Spring wba,*t, (red cha>f) • 1 0'0 Spring wheat, (8fs) • 2 01 Batley, poi bush. • ' 0 e') Oatyt,pot bush. • - • . 0 28 1 Peas, per bush. a ..' 0 01 Corn, per bush, 0 ea During the month of Novontber'. Mr. f Clover Seel, per bash 10 1t. Irwin shipped over 70.cars-of grain ; Titrtothq:4oed, twrbush. • e pAb i Viewer per cast. • • 110 porn Clinton station. . , I iia," 4e' Um 7 00 1 Metter', per Ilia .. :