Huron Record, 1880-12-10, Page 4HURON' ' RECORD.. MYTH, FRIDAY, DEC. 10rzc, 1880'; AVM OF IT,648Il LITL'RA2'.URE The London .Free Press, in One of its leading editorials of December 7th, gives the following on the "Evils of Flash Literature,," which, no doubt, in many cases has and will end on the gallows. It is worthy the considers- tion of all. It is Mentioned as a humorism of theday that a Massachusetts boy about as high- as the counter recently came into a book store and asked for "A book for 10 cents with a murder in it," t• This class of literature islamentably on the increase, and is, undermining the morals of. the youth. • In this city it is read to a far greater- extent than most parents are aware of. Flash nov ds ;Have `becinhe so great a `plague among .our neighbors that one'of the principal, railway companies have prohibited their sate 'on the line, The symptoms of, the juvenile diseases pro- duced by •the trashy, reading referred to are' quickly made clear to the 'ex-, perienced eYe. Directly- a boy ' be- comes infected'he begins to scoop out a cave, then he provides himself with 'a pistol and a tobacco pipe. The con- tagion rapidly spreads in his neighbor- hood: He' becomes the leader of a "gang," who hold daily and 'nightly revels in their. subterranean retreat, The leading youngster swaggers among his admiring comrades," bragging 'of• his prowess, and of his desire to be. come a blood -thirsty pirate. He pro- bably soon after robs a till or the pater: nal pocket, and runs away, aeCompa i- led by one. or more little shavers whom he has inoculated with his loose notions, ancl'dominates by his will.' .A. telegram is sent, a • leteotive follows,' and the adventure ends in. a well delivered cos- •tigatio r Just now • there is a perfect. eruption of +such. work in the city. of. .Chicago. We •aro told by : the local papers that' the. organization of -gangs of youths of from 12 -to 1.6 years 'of age for the purpose of robbery is just stow becomine klisLwwn,n<I-their oral• tires conning • .to light These scamps roam tbe'streets'by day And by night. -When they meet a youngst'ccr.not of their trib"e they seize him, hold him up,. go through ;ilii, 'take whatever:be`las. of. value, threaten hint With vengeance, and depart hastily.. Many'. of these juvenile robbers are armed' With- pistols and knives, and . with the . proceeds of their: robberies tlrey regale theinselves with beer,' cigars, tobacco,; and other._ inanly stimulants. Of ` course this is only radian' what will: uicaygsoiv _ into a profession,: ,' The next step is to rob' halls and stores, to , look out for unfastened doors, and windows, and engage ..in the plunderingof houses, This' is a pratticingschool for thieves and burglars, 'Evetit,•tliese boys olid ready sales for all they eau stealatthe so- called pawn -shops, which, in fact, Offer. the greatest= -encouragement -'for .•°•rob`. bery. Parents are. complaining that • their children are robbed, on their way to school, by these'young ruffians; and the police' ought to be. able to break up these gangs without • much -trouble. No dpubt• nine -tenths 'of this criminal outbreak is.due to the • reading habits , of the youth in question,the tendency of 'which is to 'sow Moral pestilence. The remedy is to put plenty of good reading .matter 'within reach of the hays, and instil into theij a just ap-• preciation of the pleasures and bene- fits of a more healthy mental culture,"' The•'visits of Mr. Joseph 'Hickson' to Great Britain has much to do with the prospectR of a double track for the Grand Trunk between Montreal and Toronto, and itis asserted with label' confidence that this is a scheme certain to•ile.conipleted within the next three or four ,years, - It appears that all the bridges' between Montreal 'and Toronto were built .with double abutments with i1, view of tt doitlhla tree&, and %fiat• from an engineering point of view plat ieg a double line, „between the' two •points is a very simple natter, ' After the double line is completed to Toronto the next stretch will be between Ee r'olnto' and Sarnia. A soap eating match Was a diversion at 'Springfield, Ohio,; The quickest de- vourer of a bar of yellow soap got ' a prize of Sri. The winner performed the feat 'ie. less than an hour, but was much longer in the hands of a physician because the lye poisoned hint, ¥rs. Bores. Reimenschneider, aged 32, has been arrested in Brooklyn, on °barges of bigamy and larceny. She is said by the detectives to have four. teen. husbands. It appears she married men with'aview of robbing them of all their personal property she could. get, and then abandoning them. Wallace Ross boat Trickett in the race onSaturday by fiveboatlenhths. The race was most unexciting. The start was very even: Betting before "tho start was. G to 4 on Trickett. Ross.' passed Chaswicek ebureh 'twolve seconde ahead,. anal after this he, elle ae _lie liked, „ oe casionally ceasing anti: riot attempting • to row. Among amusements, skating bas some admirable qualities wholly its own ; it doesnotimpose the expense of a horse, like driving,: nor a crowd . of inert to: help; all'' yachting does; it de- velops as red cheeks, as, clear eyes, as bicycling, at a fifth part of the cost alit does'not even demand a special and expensive dress, air the evening party does; it compels its votaries to go 'out ofddoors, which is the principal need` of Many citizens, and it allows them to go home when they choose; which fashion, able amusements never do. An hour or two on• skates once a week would give almost any lady, a supply of cos- metics that could not be rubbed •or washed off, and would oily prevent many ba''ekaohes and attacks of the blues., 'Its only fault is tlio chances to enjoy it are but • few;. therefore they' should be improved froril the' first. ' A Mian by the name of Angelo is 'selected by ;Miss • Bernhardt-. as - her bugginc4ost 11eL. reeeives all 't1Ye passionate:eunbraees,• the ardent: kisses, aild'abbout his neck 'do twine like ten- drils the 1"oii'ry iid'nis o£ .the 'famous- . ac- tress. , It ie said that 1111. t..Angelo occu- pies an •eii'v-iable position : in. society, " There gees:tlie rnn.tt Sarah -Bern -her ;tugs 04:tho sates," remarkthe people as Mr. Angelo pattses, and all adrniring public stare at him tis at a wild animal.' It said that when. ' the ,fair' Sarah was in•London a gentleman offered 5Q that is $250; to tills stage manager to. let him take Angelo's place in a sinie scene un Whieeh there .was no acting, and in Which ` his :own responibility • woulcl:be to :stand; as a .target ler Sarah's . burni ng• kisses. This is a pretty largo story, .but will, db.' to ' tell, as illtstra ing the value that is -laced t a. p port 1itl►igerols situation.: --Pres • Press. i., The London Free Press is a' valuable and reliable paper. It always has the very latest foreign and other nova, and also a large collection' of interesting local news from the western. section of the Province, It is a welcome. visitor. BxiTii,•-,••-Brussels Post: Our worthy Reeve, Mr, W. Clegg, is likely tie occupy the chair for the coining year although he will require coaxing. There, is a likelihood of considerable "tumbling" in the old Council. Look out for cards in the Blyth paper.. SENDING itEcuIFTs nY Mali.„--tfudg- ing by the •fact that it is a common practise to send receipts by mail in an unsealed envelope, prepaid by a. ono cent stamp, it is not generally known that thepostal regulations forbid the practice, Receiptsfor money should • be. sealed and prepaid by a three . cent stamp or a one cent stamp accordingly as they are intended for delivery in the office where they are posted or are to be :sent to a 'distances 1A ..BUYERS. MAKE RAK ONE R BY PITYING THEIR, PRY GOODS, GROCERIES, cI10 ,• - IW , a " M iiiuery, Mantles, Boots, Shoes, Mr. Wm. Wade, of Clinton, intends taking a car load of dressed beef, dried apples, and other produce to Manitoba at art early date, Mr. J. T. Cooper, who has been a. resident of Londesborough for sonie time, has disposed -of his business°in that village to Mr. George Newton,and intend; ,leaving shortly. The ntiw market building at present in course of erection in. Clinton, will cost $10,000. We carlpot see how the. Clinton people are goingto get _their money out of the investment. ZopsSA,--I have secured the agency for this new compound for Dyspepsia and Liver Troubles. 'It comes to me under. roost favorable auspices, being very highly endorsed and recommended. Its wonderful atiinity to the Digestive Organs and the Liver, increasing the dissolving juices,. correcting the acids, and .carrying off impurities .of the stomach and regulating the Liver, can be tested by seburing a ;;sample bottle which sells at•10,cents,: or large eight ounce bottle, 75 cents.`--LAw•n.Asex • .C' HAMILTON.—y. . ' STRAYED'.. �.. AMR to the prenise9 of the undersigned,Lilt 42, Con. 4, Vast Wawanosh, about .the 1st of June, a RED AND WHITE. yearling ' Heifer. The owner is .requested to prove propettv,.partxpeRses, and tate it affray.—ai ORUI: ST1,WA'1tT. . St. The Itekorni1earty., We clip the following letter from the Montreal ,Star, Dei ernber 4th := "Sift, Tller° is :sotire .tall about'. a; general election next year: At- least; ..I see t a .tie a riun haG heenk.start&L in Ottawa and whether it has a sliad- ow of foundation or Mit • I' do not know. l3ut'I'ani a reformer and hav- ing the interest of iny'party in view, I hope the .rumor' is not true. • We; woukl be nowhere. • .rl'he•country is still anxious .to gi;re the N. P. a trial, and the people,rightly.say that it is too soon to judge of its areas yet. On all sides we hear .that business is letter,' and no matter whether this inlprove- ment is attributableto the N. P, • or 'not the peoplehave the •belief that Protection is doieg. good: • The Wok,,. nlayxave as,mucli as it pleases against Protection, but, the masses'' of the people will not reason the.question out, all they'see is that the country isb' ccon►- ing more prosperous day by day. Btit there is, another reason why .I, would be sorry to see the `election at present. ' We haven programme. On the 'revenue tariff'cryy tike' will, never ;get back -to ' power, Wo must have some other battle cry -such for in- stance as you have often advocated- competitive examination for ' the civil service'; the payment of M. P.'s $5 or. $G a day-. instead •of $1,000 for the session ; Commercial .union, and Canada,, first, best and every' time. ' EFORMSR. STRAYED. ;tit)., AT :.B. MeKI11O%'s GREAT DRY GOODS AMD MILLINERY HOUSE ! MARKET SQUARE, . - - • BLYTE. D 13. 1 IcKINNO. N. .HARDWARE ! ,HARDWARE CHEAPER THAN EVER !AT WM. L' , EAST SIDE OF QUEEN STREET, SLVTH , ONT.. Ile keeffs constantly on hand a first-class stoet of pg5 Hardware, nod is selling as cheap as any he. in the, -- — - Cottnty. Call and examine tf N.ds and Pricesbotore purchasing elsewhere.. Buying principally direct from 'tht• • manufacturers, 1 am enabled tosell at.sery low pricey. 1 atn ulfnrinb, very i l truotatlotls to CUT NAILS, UFEA1NS, (11105 I -CUT SAWS, i •I AND -SAWS, FILES & IRAS PS, . 'EDGE IIIN GES, GLASS, • • AXE a, r3 CElV IItE, ' REPO L'4 Ruts, ' • ELECTlto-I LAT -mi) CUTLERY, '' • • BRASS ,IC OOPPLit 0001.)S,••.,. BUILDING IIA.1lT)WArtE, APPLE p.SilER.3,• -. M13UHANIOS'..T00L4;P A. ' .-INri'S'�r.OiLS, -71101: S-• . • MACHINE. h COAL COIRI)AGE, Sl'AI)1*3 & SHOVELS, , ' 110RSE NAILS,, • ` COI1'. TIIrS. ' Extra inducements to ndprotupt payipg.,entatfr t:Iera,, • lleet..brsgniis-.ot-:Coitl 01i ain:rc's oil ;;aril; a trash lui:iGli it. ' idle➢ of trio unttoralgnod, /Of 5, Con. 10; Morris, on or about the 1st Qt'. August, a red heifer two year old. The owner can have ,the same, by proving property and tta7ing charges. : DONALD FItAZEu. Morris,, Dec: 3, 1880. . iffiAKINO AND ERTA.:IC N The finest and Largest Stock of IT:19es, Toilet Setts; -Fancy -,Goods,'., Toys, Xnlzs.tiiatf CSTA�L�Sl l�tE1I T. Birthday Cards, 'PIreto • an.d:auiegcalilt-Al-1}tr�irsr-Wrrt-rng�Dcr s; irl. T3oxes; 1'Ict:nre 13ooks,'Bibles, Novelties, &i:.,: kc. in l o'wn—.tt., MEDICAL BALL::.Call and 'see them. -Is not' aoliiplete' in all its 'branches'. /� ��r �,y /� gg L.L. 1gY R.So.N - II.A. IL:TON. • . N, B. --A full , stock Of Stationery, •Eli' elopes, :School Bllal:e, plan Books, &c ,; icr,, • always on hand.—L: •&:1.1.. . . • We have. large monis, also the LATEST STYLES.. of Furniture, • 'TIE postmaster -General has. issued a•regulation prohibiting the eireulation of ordinary business hand bills' and circulars through ;newspapers unless S11011 newspapers pay a postage at the rate of ono cent for every our ounces. UNDERTAKi WE KEEP A HEARSE FOR .I-IIRt.: • COFFIN SHROUDS, &c., • alwayson hand. SAW GUMMING We gum saws by the hest method known"; neither hurts the temper or the sot of the saw: ; WEDNES. DAYS and SATURDAYS are our drys for gumming. Our eltaige is 50 Cords. LAWRENCE & GItAOST. KING OF THE. WEEKLIES. 13LYTE, O.NT.1—Ri'O._ I the Drug Stott, I: �ol airitig of . fi><>e .Watches a' Specialty. ThoWD.Ei LYFRES alZ (34th Year of Publication) STANDS UNRIVALLED FOR me EXTENT, , ` SUPERiORITY AND RELIABILITY OF ITS • CONTENTS. THE most approved and popular p6rtions of the Wsmct.v H HEE Partes comprise us Market Reports & Formers' Xnteiligenee. • Country Notes, • • Boys ''and .Girls' X)epartmont, stirring Tales of AdVenturo.dd Romance, Canadian and United States Items, • British and Foreign News, Unrivalled Political and Social Artioletl.° The Western .News is ever prompt and prime. containing notices and records of the latest doings and ekents; Assize and other Legal Intelligence,.together *kb Western Correspondence, contributed by an extended corps ofable obbservers and pointed writers. PRICE, $I.50 A YEAR; POSTAGE PAID, ;QIP Send Postal Card for Specimen Copies, Foss, 4soits Wanted 05 every place, at evgypost office, to whom handsome cOmmtssiotis :will be paid; Address, FREE PRESS PRINTING CO„ LONDON, ONT. OOK AND JO RIN.A. ING ALL KINDS AT THE "RECORD" 3