HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1880-12-03, Page 8-,M* s rev aeeaavrxncr".t!na •m, :► .fir .nisi ,wick=.oratri+zaa.r�rieurd. rrartrrirx�rr cittr- • BL YF,f! L.IQ QTQF�b LY T. p A 01PQ1tTE1t or Cr' E .1.7.1T YE UI S, LIQUORS, ALES 44c., &o,, . FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES: IIIc RO11%.J,QTTIlV�t�,i". ---A gluttonous youth in Cranbrook won a. wager a few, days ago, by eating a pound of sardines in tour minutes. —A large rininber of the horses in Exeter and neighborhood -are "aifiicted with that loathsome *disease, 'the 74', *zootic. • —Mr. James McFarlane, of Goder- iclylast week sawed ono 'cord of wood,` one cut, in one hour and a half, and says he can do it again. --Mr. Peter Nolan, who has been. a resident of Goderich since 1847, died last week. He -was 57: years of age, and was much respecteel by thoso:•wlto: knew him. • The by-law granting a boiuis of. $5,- 000 to the Toronto, (Trey • & Bruce Railway was voted on hi Fast "Wawau• ash, _on- Tuesday, and defeated. by at large majority. • —Mr: Thomnts Archer, of the 3th concession of Hullott, intends- leaving in walled time for Dakota, where', lie purposes residing for a conplo'of .years at least, for the bcneli�t of his health. m • OPENED AVX AIN. _rIEW,110110,"—... T.".11r. ..10. —q--■ 0 •Yi�fJ�'9tlIM'.Itl1f.7PJtltlil�.!'!�!:'9F:-.^Z•^•4.':�[Y"C'�•7�.'i�"f OPENED .. a ?i .I K {; Ss. 9) Bos to announce that he has opened out the above grocery with a new stock of.. Teas, Sugars, Spices; 13rushes,. REMEMBER THE • REI) STAR GROCERY. seasons liaisons• and Ciulants in fact: everything thing to be found :n a *fist class grocer •. Prices for cash far produce only. The Doimellly Tragedy. TILE- TRIAL,, or TIMI: iraWiN $ 'FISED I:•Q1t• THE 24Th QF.•JA\L'AItY. • A special telegram announces that the trial of the six liri;roLlers under in- dictment fer.tlie-sillegcd murder . of the Donnelly fautily in 'February Past, has been fixed by Attorney -General l\iow(t,t for.the 24th of Janaaay; 1581. Tile arrangements for a°special commission bad previously been made, and yester- day ester -day Mr. .klugli Maculation, Q. Cl•, via, ited Toronto for the purpose of having,. the date.of thio trial. finally fixed. The result will relieve a widespread anxiety, as to the. euer':,e whit+ the Crown in. tencl 'i.. to adopt and tiothit)g-'reTninn$"• „novo but, to patiently await, the .final action o#Tth( rtlry.• • Al ti ;tgll not -de::: fiultily determiued on, it was said that Jti stices:Cameron and Ossler will prob ably 'preside at, the trial' - -Mrs. A. Breland; an old 'resident of Exeter, and mother of • Mr.' D. Ilrsund, of that•cillage, died last , week at . rue residence of her son-in-law; B:l:r. Tilos. Shute. She had attained the 86th year of •Icer age. .-- Mr:• W:-Gmreien of• i?Fldland:: City;• 'Michigan, son of tho late ;Mr., Doi>tiatld f iordon, of Bayfield;, has been. ele ct;l:. Circutit Court Commissioner. Iii -rein nn the .republican ticket and "was el peered by a large ma3orfty., --Ales i's' Peter McDenald,darnel Pollock and -John. Pollock, who left -the township of, (rey a . short time ego,' arrived in Alpena on the t) 1. ttst.;.at.d •S J TL Y . ,m ar of go t tl e lu i er Wooilss° P433 I (:d`t;ie Deegrl; el • • SCIIOON'+tt No MX YEW..40sT—TRn.- 1ttI3L1 i yrrnrivcr Oi: rr1: SUJYIvott. • Lustsit 41y Kilned -at Willso&bating. ' Tilsouburg; Nov. 25.—A roan named Thos. Johnston,. a stone .mason employ= ed on the Air_ Line bridge, vv�'iicll is being rebuilt hero,: "was instantly killed titin evening by a lfeavy' pulley block £tilling an dtis.aread Narrow .Escape., As the train bound for the. east was leaving the Great-Westerti Depot, Iaon- don, on Noy. 26th, ' a man named Os- borne vainly attempted to get aboard, but the train .raving attained' a high. rate of speed, his endeavors wf"it•o futile+ and as (r:rerluit of his foolhardiness 11( a eceirad n ser%are-'a-amble- along l.n track. 3 Wekiiitoes winter Weather'.. �.: S\Ow-1 ILLS 'o )ri: • %,3rEItY T IV8RF:l1" AtiI) V R 0OL» 1,7;A!L'iUII TO.COY.r: IN I)ampilnlilt, PotWenner is early in the fioltl.fiiilt: MS: sneather })rttl ctious fey the In a private. litter to the Arose, • n 1=1.;i• date.ot last Fr:dav, he says Hatteras e- ;cells will be.very �t i1 tits sc,.• u,. ire •aired, will extent. in all probability, not only far to the sop t.h-wt.(r,d „in.'America, 'lnit•across to lanropo. • 'd'1ir; - snow-fal.l ports to xlirs Chief higual Otuotir, under data of t -ho 25th,:'aa fn;llows r-Tlie seboonerly and D. d•'i'k of lath, ;11e,. G: W.•SnOwnmo, master, With a' carbo. of pllosplin.t'es from . - New York, - On of the 15th nae marked in. this rest �: et." His predictions . fOr. 1)eeembe) w� oa,. lht 1. jlnd for Port lluyal, S.•fodl<rty� 1)ecentLer �'lll, in' ell 1,tol'.a- C, wax's"s �ticti+il onl tlic out';;;a, q—lifli:'"""Etil ty), open. with-Ichile `sinos,7lift'. the -mond shu t'., .bine miles south-e(tst•. of . Weather will b(; cloud j threatening the point of Gape of 3:Iattorws,,rt 8;30 sno}v-fails. I)urin g;: the opertltig ..days I), iu.;, :Nov gaud. The }ois consist- of the moi tli, dust': witli the very li;lit' .ing•of'Sttt I Men, :lashed -�t�jhemselves in • Mixturo of snow dtieli mayhave'fallen titer -rigging: :•At •3:p... 'Ma ort• the' �3rtd vvill;be swept u1 £.'trines with the -.gusty tioptain iinowtiaau arid. s(antan. C. I3 yiiuil. £lir..ri, vvtll probably be Sei.ie ' ' Ley:1v : were' washed.' overhotia•d• and •'anew £tori) the 4th of t11ts'inaittit: ��"itlr (diem red At .3:30 the mast fell and . the. second quarter. • tb'e mouth cold iy lr the i essel brolttr ire -=pieces. t ((. 4no�= ' �Glat3r `r'11-.pxobilltl�.,set'i+i •fifth4edla.• Fri 'man and W Snowman e•ot a oa' a of- snow. The farmers will; be able to. 'piece' : pltlic; �( vviig"t1rree otl)e5's ofiloy 5seg'tj+itiiee tiiitlto-co si; eilliT'e a r„ . STILL THE CHEAPEST SPOT I TOWN. 0 tired �: ,►: i JL C"1 I R E .i.. , L ,L, T +1. . Mina ' don ; y.c. U .Caen or- Produce and secure B�'�tI".:` T w; , as tivc aro houz �t not to ''be Reuse, in .tho Trade. ANW QUANTITY OF POLIO TRY WANTED Vic0C)SII 31?lt). w�>; PI -10 1'f7 ftS. Itt;<attin er. . going into ) 1A r .'. oil• he boya of, idle Wreck. ck. •At sunset" lug air, bet goor slelghing..iiettcl net be —Titer e is a t uaioi of a second Con- I ' *Brownian died of cold' and was expected, until rtf(ar the Michael of• th , serve'. we paper being started in Cagd-' rvaslieid oil' the n •; and at' 1:30. a. month 'There wi11.1:2 a spall of-•.ntxl era. i,.. I1 - \ lei oimery 0 ie m., 'on the `15tH. Q. G. t nown'1an, theweather about the.13th aixl1.4th. Af-. ter a brief. interval of `mild.: Weather, during which more snow• ivi'll:•fa]1, the third q ;arter:of the mouth will : proba: bly sce.blustering, and cold -is eatlier=• a cold :snap- With 'heavy snout storms affil: consequent good sleighing. Very eo1d Weather mayy be'expected .during this- quarter :The last quarter of the month will bring: milder ' Weather, but Will tetliminate,probably, with..lie!ivy ' show hills:aild stormylrcathei in fact,,•tlie.' ,S's pial, and Mi. 0 1 rheart- are . the . iiro-- lnoters. Two p• •' .s,ltre. as many as (roderich ca:n support decently. - only sni•v.ivor, :landed ui1 the :beach a I;iile north of--tius•s.tatian,-itnd- ala' -'ked to. the .ligli+-;:eeper's dwelling;. having Mr..Thynne; r:orrtierly of I3lu'ale,' been at the -aa •them -a ten: hours, and • but now school teacher• •..-t C.'leiimorrrs,, l having snr11111,a,n(;. 4rif!.-:(l about fifteen Brant County, intends removing to 'Da;: kota after January, where lie. will en- gage in farming.. If he will tts good a'farreer as .he is a school teaclier,• he will succeed in the Northwest, -illi • James 13nTker, a .10 has been a resident of Htiron for'about' 50 -years, (lied at his residence »in 'the.:township of Colborne last week. ]lc wits • 1$ rears of agcy. During the rebellion of '37 he carriers the trail from. Godorieh to London. - • The social given by Mr. and lll s. Thomas White. in - North - Exeter On I4'riday evening last, under the auspices of the La%ie's -Aird of ' the . hf ethodi t. -('hur.•ch, was a very successful affair. Ane:cellentproem- none was; dealt out,; nom -'sting of . addresses; readings and la ; . tt•. ° The financial rest* was gone.. —Mr. Jas. Oko, . proprietor 'of -the (;e'itral„ Rotel, Exeter, who ••lower the most heavily by tine Blake ab$consibna has received a letter. from the prineipa1 of the "firth," telling him-nnt•to 'be- at all alarnmecl, as he intends returning in.: December and paying . all • he . owes.. • in the meantime he sa31s.he is going to. Cennessee•with. the woman of 'Svhont mention has' previously been nriacle, and, who will give him the necessary funds to recoup ]cis injured fi eticls. miles'1 'a vessel :,ial -cargo were .a total loss. Rand. • \Yell:saillea N'ov , 1.9,—'flit. most coir• ardly a.M14c1*,aaally,'ouur-age :hi -1 vz�n,s ever conlluitted iu Willsville;was. per- petrated last night .About 6.30 o'clock a strange roan called at the re fide oee of John Apple,. tho I' . r -1,1,1 of the; tolsln, and l:noeked at i Lr• road door which suinnii ?t vv i., answered by his daughter, *dins .t r sula, a young lady of tv;:enty years. Iiumediately upon* opening the door .tlie clerlon outside clashed a giueaitity•of oil Orf vi.t6o1 into the face of the unssuspecting' ';tri 00(1 then r n away...1.boor girl, madvitr -fain, rusliced• .tltreugh the:..house 'tit et ng the most .heartrending cries, '.whets he:members' of the family •and neighbors secured lior and ,5unimoned a physician " :. l.ottr torr nili0nt eat .the house imniediately'after the affair happened .and ; forrnti_: the young. 1•t;'y in great agony front -tire effects of the. deadly' acid; which was visibl(` 111 ya,0}` oral tertible.l)uins, all over the fore- head, • right eh(.rl` and . right' hand. The: right "eye wrt>i ;entirely closed ," (.1:-,i itis feared both those organs are permanently injured, if not destroyed. Portions of her clothing uponwhich the LOST A\DFOVYD.—\'Vliil9Mrs.1:7a151i, oil fell were burned to ;ndtes. •The of Clinton, orris r^turnitlg frcnl,London patient 'suff::rm.- presented . a pitiful dry the 1.. II. ata Il. a few clays since, she sight wtreu yOur 001 ieSponrlent called, accidentally lost in tho car her pocket- 1 but freely imparted iter knowledge: of book dontaitiitlgab,i-it 8,$20, mut did .i not discover the; loss untill late in the even- ink; after she arrived at her home, The the'stfi'rtir. The stranger, she said,. Was disguised beyond, recogni anon,' and: when Baked if she could give an idea. is ear she occupied had been switched. off] to -wlto he. was, replied that she suspect- at 13rucefield, and there left, Hardly 1 ed,'no one. 'flit victim is a pretty. and • expecting to recover, it, sire inforin-ed preposscs'sing brunette, a general favor - 11r. f4nider-of her loss, wlio'next morn- ire, and ger fats is lamented by every ing sett word to lrucefk1'ld, but foun(1 one. Inquiry at several drug stores tllnt during the night a down special � revealed the fact that no ane hadpur- lta(i come along and taken the. car back based vitriol at any of them,: The to Lmidon. \\lord Vas them sent to" ..,1i'air is shrouded in mystery. London, and the answer came bac*, that an honest carssdeeper had found I • SALE B3rLLs.--Those who get their flip article, and it° was accordingly 'r,t- .50.10 bills printed at this 'office .will get .turned to its owner. ill. a notice ill.the RECoIiii, free of change. 1, .'•i'., h:?5!'.q a?h .te•'.:u •.•. NS•.:,. ..e7:. pp} -i,• wh .n t•. 44: 4.. t.`5 !44i heaviest snow:151l,5 ori t -be toWarcWthe end csf the, month, and snba• blockades may hc; 1001(d for, the • show -falls: ex tendingie.-late the southward, probably es+fai "(ts \Vnsltington, with: V'nry7=stol•my" vv eat`h(r around N.ew Y prk and.I3oston.. IIr, aiioir'a lat(St pt edictiorn•3 are:tlrat . the comiIig inoilth-:will .btu 'udecidt 11y, 'cord with trerinimloita snow -falls during na the lattc r;halfInd "i ail; part of Jan- IIA'" nary; causing destructivOaliipckadeu to railroads. • Two gorses yv ri o'sold on the market • rn S:onde , on Saturday ;• one brought $5, •atiii'' the .othr r..$2.'10 ;. acid bones ' wore not very ilpntiful 'either:. It is sorted that a fol)lale peilortr uari', of London, willc,ltorti•y- attenpt the nztriiordinary featof -.walking ;'orifi;: tltousattd quarter lnrl;,s in tlic• Katie, number of quarter Hours. • She is tlersteed le fro rt, ]thins (hahamc - 'rho death of Ti1:r. Alexander McCrea, of Sarnia, Township, who :rag recently found with his threat 'era, .tools place Thursday,' An inquest was held,and the following verdict returned : That 'the (idem . i exandcy.• M'c0t ae,oarne to his dead* ••:)m his throa-t'beuig • cut by• soine'person• or persons to the `,jitry i n - ' knowt)," • xV31"G,11T .'' Zotr.ss from Btazil,'is now. eome in-' 'to. Canada. ' , It is:- . a' milt. 'purgative, acting :as a wonder:upon, and giving .strei. th and energy to • the Degestrve Apparatus, ' of the human stomachs, cor- recting and increasing the•a'cids; It is iitrongly Anti -bilious and carries off all surplus bile, tones up the Liver, gives sound digestion -and speedy healttt to this Dyspeptic and the Bi111ous,...A:sl Lawrason•&1 1 aniilton for a 10 cent sample bottle and test, Zopesa the new compound) large eight punas bottles 75 conts,•y, • Which Nobody Qan pony. 'r.. art ? ;W It C&m b'et ...GPOery::,Drepartrileht.'.Corn let ,• a _. :ln fact we can furnish all Classes "From Top to Toe,".with • ANY.THING V U WANT. INSPECTION INVITED ; • T. • •