HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1880-12-03, Page 5AeSTUIT0014,Z i t Tar, A 1 • ,
Between 1]e.sherate Robber and lie.
termtned Polisernem
ca.r.ven eater ruz Or' TAO or THE IInnor.i
r ..A 4100 )IaI;E Y. — .. Man 2:4.-
(*arcra, i t?'r Ttlk Boonr.98 saelln4I)--
!*° c, it1Uhl'8 ONE•II:tNDa) FXG1{T AND
Londe rrco Press, Nov, 28.
It was iearnc(I bythe public author-
on :i.'irursllay night that te'o.'suspi-
eio.ss chara:•ters were in the .city., aur(
although they were conducting them-
selves in a quiet way, it was decreed
advisable to place them under a rigid
surveillauce. Oa J?t'k1ay they remain-
ed in bed nearly the whole day, but by
a well -arranged plan the, valise of ono
and a package rolled up in a linen dus=
ter belonging to the other were secretly
examined a 1 found to contain burgl-
ars' tools. The (,Lief of . Police set
systematically to ' work on Saturday
morning, and after acquainting himself
with all the circumstances, obtained a
\larr•timt for their arrest oU a charge.:Qf,
vagrancy and being found with tools of•
the description nteutiorrud'in titers peg- stent later :the robber had disappeared
session: Owinge4the: -wording .of the. fioul si•ght "'." . _
Rider tlas•now haviug•.a dessperate
struggle with his man on. the slippery
sidewalk. He was a big powerful man •
and stood on equal grounds -with the
policeman, • %ebbe(' batten w:is along
with liis uniform -in. the 'Police. Station
tried his revolver in the .back pocket.
Finding hitnselt in this position,'ltider
called• lucily for help. Night Station
Plaster McKeuzie heard the cries,- and
running into the waiting room said, to
Phair ,—"Otic' of your men is in,troulele;
.run to bine quick." • Leaving Wigmore
in charge of the prisoner, the .old time-
worn•detective ran across the platforms
like a boy -of fifteen, and'in less time
than it takee to write it, was atAtider's
Side,. andneta moment too soon,eith:
er; for in •a few seconds later the officer
would doubtleesly'Lave been a. dead
1lis'powerfui autagoniet had man-
aged in...tin encounter to free his right
hand, and' with ti.ie he had 'readied
into his coat pocket•aud drawn a •sel£-
_eocki21g'.. .volver,...,-.het. as he. in.
the act~ of bringing it into use--eaatd
fires as often as the ti•igger.is p�ullecs
e-Piiaiir.Spre tgeen -lriseima eai•>d- sna belie d •
t1Re weapon from his hand; '`then tak-
ih :a tight grip around •the, robber?
throat in that°eff(ictive 'Manner so well
'kicowri to -policemen;_ - lie . baud ed hint
against the `fence . and 'yelled :• -.",you
Move rind•I'll•break your neck. 1Told•
-out jiour.inner"e_Ride •,_ailjtaterlthe
laaudcutFs, aiid'No. 3 Was.. allowed to.
.draw in some oxygen and. realize" ;that.
corner of Richmond :and Bathurst
streets, He immediately rare and in-
formed Murphey of ].d discovery, and
that oiliaer slipped around the other
side of the block for the purpose of in -
tem -opting flight eastwards .should it be
attempted, (.doing across the track
down Richmoi I,street and around the
corner, Rider . yr`v two nierz behind' a
little store asking towards Clarence
street, lie stepped up briskly, and
without a word, seized both wren by
thein• respective.collars, and command-
ed them to stand. The smallor of••ths
two jerked himself loos°, and Ryder
closed with the other. Murphey at
titin moment eame along Oil a rung and
the disengaged than ntadsi of The de-
tective followed him around the corner,
and drawing his revolver, fired in the •
air, yith the, intention of bringing the
fugittve to a' hault. But he was too
old a bird to be stopped by the mere
sound -of a pistol shot, and instead of
slaekenieg up in the least, he threw'a
little more energy into his race for life,
and dodged behind'tlie pile of brick
lying on the corner. "When he °mine
in sight again," said Murphy, when
telling about it afteridards, -"I fired.
forekeeps " . It eves ..dark, and a mo
criminal act under which thiswarrant
was drawn up, however, it because
iiecessal'y that. the ,arrest 'should be
tirade after nine o'clock at • night. Ac-
cordingly, Detectives Pliair; Murphy.
and Wiggler°, and P. 0. Rider, in-civ-
iliau's clothing, were detailed to assist
it' carrying out the Chief's plans; but
at six o'clock on Saturaay 'night the
couple cra,tire hastily down to the clerk
of the hotel at'wliich they were .stop-
ping, paid their bills, and .announced •
their intention of going away : on the
next train. The officers 011, ascertain
in g this,, wore at' mice instructed to
maker a.c all-night. patrol of'thes t)eets,
xt.nd the members of • the fierce' were 'in-
atructed to �exerbise the. uuntost watch-
fulness on all the beats:.The trains
were to be 'specially -watched. The de-
tectives set, out. on 'their wearisome
trautp. Fiery nook • and corner was
searched in the business celtti•ee, the
most thorough caution being obsorved
to• snake themselves as slightly oonspici.4
calx ae Elossible:. They weict;:in pairs.
-Frontel idden-•quar;;hers•-•-tho -'-fi•rst' train'
was seen to depart with neither the ,sus-
pected 'per•sens on boeiT atid.it became'
iso l more 6videit herrn-ever .tlia;i""-i• ey
were at work in • some - uarter. But
where? was the question.. The pair
were knows, to. be ' • as eehei p -:ifs they
''.ere desperate,and,fiom tbe:knewledge
gained by t long professional :Career,
not at all likely to :give ..themselves
away. - _ eothe'r-traier-caine nd ', ter'
and still there Were 'MS •.traces of 'the
desperadoes, , Tliis, hpwever;:oily tend
ed to make the officers. more mindful,.
and determined, if it were posS111$,,
than before. I3•y,' appointment they
met at the G. W. R. station: towatch
the early. Sunday morning train: for' the
- west. —It ras•an hour late ; -but •this
was almost their last • hope.. ',Murphy
had seen one of the suspected. charact-
ers at the . hotel, and - was: •therefore'
compelled to•keep himself 'eompletely
out of sight,. at the same 'CM ier ptsz
Sition 'to command a view'of the rata-'
tion grounds. - Pflair• and. ' 1rigieere.
lueated tlteansalved In the waiting room
mal P. 0. Ryder remained, 'on. .the
western enel;of the. .platform. On en-
tering the apartment, the „first men•
t.ioned two saw a man sitting cis one of
the settees, with -his hat laud on a'• vd-.
iie,bcside him.,, .FIe eyed • the detect-
ives, and the latter at first sight eorl-:
cludod that lie vas' one - of the pair, of.
whom they Bail' received a description
'froth the proprietor of the hotel. They
resolved to remain quiet as long as he
kept .his seat, and to . take Trim in
charge on the first attempt to shove
away. It was now the regular .train
' time, and travellers cl nle: in. bustling
about,. learned that they would have to
spend a wearisome .hour in the waiting
roomy, and—well, some of thein grew
emphatic in their remarks about , the
procrastinating train, 0thers•satdoriiz
like the bare -headed man on the bench,
and resigned themselves to the situation
„vitt' eommondable camposure. The
'detectives hard not long to wait laowevci:
S'r'i-tliiri ten minutes after their entrance
the man with 4the ,',disc • arose,, pat :on
lois cap and started towards . thfe ''door:
.Phair sprang forward in au' fnstatit and
seizing hint by both arms said :--" Sou
are my prisoner." Wigtuoro was by
his side, and before tjce astonished in-
dividual could make a'tnove;, had the
handcuff's securely be his wrists.'He
was then takers beck 'to' his seat, and
told -to remain perfectly quiet. 'Two'
other men, near by,, _*ere also'told not
to stir for two reasons :=.iso • keep in-
formation of the arrest from outsiders
and to allow the second titan :to enter,
and fall. into the trap sp nicely set for
-him. "
But 'in the meantime another act in
the. drama was in progress without,
P. C. Rider had noticed. from his posi-
tion at the western end of tbo'platforA
that two men were eteincling on tilye
he was a•prisoner, .
Even this 'was not: the . end -of 'the
,wild str ieede-b - the' officers. When
t'he man at the station found himself in.
charge of Detective \Jigniore he de-
terini:ned to escape. '
and silver coins wrapped up in a piece
of brown calico, a pile of poste;ge
si•atups, several keys, andnearlya coal-
plete set of burglars' tools. On un-
rolling the supposed linen .duster, the
balance of the iuetremeuts were found.
The "swag" in the valise consisted of
$i? in stamps,. and nearly, 4'2'00 in .coins
_footing up a total of clearly 1„ 1,100,
'The question n".. was, who had been
robbed 1 and to answer this the de-
tectives forbore from soaking the sleep
which they so much needed after the
arduous work anal. excitement • of the
night, and pet out to inspect the vari-
ous places of business and offices
throughout the city. Not a word of
information could be gleaned. This
coutirsued throughout the entire day,
the conviction growing stronger rn the
minds of the Chief and his staff, that
such it variety of coin and barilc bills
could only have been 'stolen from an
exchange bank.. After supper, Detec.
tive• Phair dropped over to 14Ir.• 1!.' • S.
Clarke's residence on Ann . street and.
informed him of the capture 'anal the
money found iu .the • prisoners' posses-
Oh,;it•can't be mine," said 1Vir,
C.Cark, "for I looked in at my oflico to-
day and found eve�ythina all right"
arry �ieivaili d`on'11Ir. `Clark, ])ow
ever, totcom° down and snake another
inspection of his exchange. -office on
Richmond street, and the two set out
together. The place in question . is'
about half -a -dozen. doors'south of the
]"ree rrees-oflice; and in tine niost. can,.
tral portion of the city, where a po-
liceman's footfall may be Beard. both
night and day the year, round. Me
door was.found securely• locked, and
this made the proprietor. feel like say-
in; "1 told you so." But they entered
and on looking over the• little coutater
that extends across the entire . front of
the Exchange Bank, it was discovered
that this wee indeed the' scene of :.the
robbers' midnight operations. A large
hole liad, been dug throitgli the • br•ick-
wdrk.of the'vault, so as to -reach the
lock, and when that had ,been done
tlim bolt was no ,doubt forced back ' by
the powerful. "jimmy" in the kit of
tools.. -_After • having obtained this
Much of an•ohtrance, however,,anather
iron door presented` itself as a.. formid-
able obstruction between tiro robbers
and the' coveted wealth ` 'within. Tlie
brace 'and bib were then brought into
FIs ;_o,ncl eteyeral holes•drilled tinourrh•
into the lock, andwiththe aid of oti--yl
(r tools the seeoitit bolt. was drawn.
Tho bills tatid silver were £grind'
side by .side, and after closing theedoors
oi the vault anti getting out du the
street agai'n,,the robbers adjourned from
the Scene cit an enterprise �r hieh~tat and
tunic seejit.ed to'be a•;'•particuit rly.• re=
;mitherative one
It is believed• anorig•the officers con-,
corned, icy the arrest, That White-. and
Ahen eammerrced operations nr' Clarke's'
office early on Saint day night; while a
good deal of -bustle
was; going: ort
the -streets and.tho presses in the eict:
vert1scr office adjoining were: at - *or
Twd'were probably etnplqed 111'2; ha.
work, while .the third remained on "rite
outside arid kept' an eye :on the' ape.
proaehing • .policenteii or pedcstrianse
who might•,1ie• alarmed by the . noise: •
Thais, wl ei't the i'obberyliied been coin -
plebes Q' •.' i • ) ch a wed
before.the discovery would proliablybe -
Made to allow'thole to swage oir ,tire,
etariy morning train. •
'Peiiding the receipt of • information..
r'e:~,ard.iitg tiro past history of the pais
oners, tlipy, have been remanded to lair•'
Until Saturday"rrext.•• They . are sup-
pesed<io. stave been' iuiplit:attecl in the
r•eccfrt ht.. Thomas bank robl)ery: •
" Wog Poeit t* Take a' ]?aper r'
Monro of ' the Turns' _1'ew .1 <)rkFar
was sitting in his 'office 'one afternoon
mile years ago, when e . farther friend
The latter, saw this too; and 'removed .
eyes from the prisoner. A cap was
dropped a,4 if by accident, and the re-
quest made that it .ba pic.kecl 'up grid
ad°i'fi5leil `fin his head • :-The detective
complied ;with caution, •arid. this: little
ruse wasineffectual..•Then the peisori
er pretended to •,:elapse into-;., doze; bat
after ,`moment or two .suddenlysprang
to his feet and bolted towards the
door of the,lathe''s:waiting, roost. This
die •struck at the wrong side, • and it' re-•
fused to give: Wigmore'wason band, •
however, and.'altliou;lt his -opponent
was a.manof prodigious-'str;en;th, lie
sue6eoded in gracing saran by tliethr'oat
and. ccs-forcitg;the conviction that itt was
much better to remain and take break
fast in the city.. The extra .precatitioty
was then taken,of.putting the w.ristldt'
of another pair of handcuff's around ono
arm of .the Prisoner and fastening'it 'to•
the wrist of the. officer • . .
It was now after.five •o'cpck,. and on
making certain tlarlt'the third man •slits.
not leave by the ;westil.��ad• bourns trans
the ofliccrs-broth 11t Weir prisoners ""
5 l to
the •Police_ Station under a heavy guard:
Rider then anuouneed that at.• the , he -
ginning .of his .lesperato,•:.and single•
•handed straggle on Bathurst street; his..
-mars lradlawn soutetll:ing'. from a
breast popl�ot andthrown it over :the
fence, (tai returning to the steno' just*
biafoz'e the break of dtty, 1)okuctive
•Phair, saw a package' oviIi the fence,
and otz picking it, up found that it
contained an iinniense pilo 01
.This he brought to the.statiee, where
the two captives :were undergoing .a
thorough search. One g'a'vo the nanio
of Matthew Allen Nind tite other that
of, I:iarry 'White, both no &tilt :fiotiti.
Otis. 13ut little money was • found on
their persons, add .they wore locked- in
the cells pending an, 'odor to remand
from the Police Magistrate.. The ' Chief
of Police was communicated tvitlt, and
on his arrival tho mon.oy .was counted.
.It oonststocl;o1.Aniorieals and Canadian
bank_,billes of all ' denominations;; am-
ounting to $869, • The valise was open-
ed and in it were found an ilnntetine
•colloetit>it Of foreign and C;tinadittn gold
caine'in.and said :—(tl•Ir. Sioore, I like.
your paper, but tinges - aro .sethard T
cannot pay -for it."
tlJ8 that -so, friend Jones 1 - I'ni,very •
'sorryto o bear that you are 'so poor ; if
you areso hard run I- will give you
my paper." . ,
iso, I .can't take it as a gift.",
"i't)'elJ; thei); Iets 'sire linw we can
fix it 'You rt.asso chickens,. I believe:19
]'es,'a fete' ; but they don't bring
't Don't they .1 Neither' does my
paper cost, anything, hardly.: Noes ;1;
have a. pi oposition to make to you , x
will continue your paper, and when
you, go' home you may .select 'froui-
your lot one chicken and:call her mune.
Take good care• •of her and bring rate
the procoeds, whetherin egg's or chick--
0115, anc1'.we: willacall it square."' .
to .&11•'right, brother Moore, and the
fellow.,k buckled at what he brought a
capital bargain, He kept the contract
p g p
strictly, and at the end of the year.
found that he had paid about four
Trios for his paper. Ile often tells the
joke himself, and he never had the
face ..to any he was too poor to take a
paper Since that day,--.-I'odet Parntcr.
'ocHctaPE TNas• T t.54E-iR•=
w —
or iat4ei'j,!
The only place in the County to see a corgi plc. o st ck of
k try' flats and Caps,.
Yoi:t);n's Hats aiId (Caps, .
• I1Coy's Etats r
stela IIteg'ist.er•
Parties getting sale hills printed at this .,r aate
,r all getftynotice under tabs heading. Dee.of charge
11io'bAYa Di•c G7I1—Landlord's War-
/ fast sale, to take place, in the Vile
lage of Blyth ; Horses, •cowv, calf,
wagon, bobsleighs, reaping n ticliriie;`
hay, oats, saw logs; e�e., Sc. Sale
to eon -in -mike at one b'oloekee -Chas.
Hamilton, baailift: `' •
nd Cans, •
Children's Ifitts and Caps,.
Lawren.c `86 Grace
GAYtl;t.—In Birth, on„ the .1'511 ult.,
is wife uj:. SIT: J-ulnr`-C s of=-
Evvc Hernit<,` tip .the' 19th
the wife of'lli (.x(o. Eyv'el, • oi ' flee
pbses•v'er, of ti 'son.
ICi u.=ln'INfiteliell, on tile; '?3rd flit:,
''tire wife of Mi ,Mic11ael King, 'of a
diiugliter•. ..•
MArtat-CLAanei.--At the residence of
:V'the bihie'e father, on the, 24th ult.,
by the 3tev. W.- Burks, .11Ir. ,Paine.'
• ltal;ce to Miss CarolineClarke; •alt:
of Blythe. -
on Tuesday, .:3i'd tilt., by the: Rev.
Father Murphey, Mr. Thomas Con-
nolly,. to :Hiss Mary pasting, all of
f libbort.
•'MTc',:LLIST r., -1n Elate; on, the 10th.
;ult.; Janes .Alle:tr, ,' fe of Mr. S8.inuel
_McAllister, raged "a0 years. '
S,tt,ia:t,i zt.--f tt 'ti istgliazn, on.
_atiltr Reinert Saddler, aged. (
years. - . . .•
Oa,i t.ta,--In 'rnogaii, on the `31tui ult.,
Edwin Thomas, eldest soft of Mr..
Richard. ()Iver, aged 9 yeart 4nd 8'
;, month ,i. • .. ..•
— .. •, MAXflIO AND
Is now complete in allits br.a'nolice..'
'We have large 'rooms, also the
of Furniture,.
1.111111F4 iiUAnti..pTtS. • .:.
11 ttes c Treadwell, per hunk., 1 04 1 Of)
:(pri•,ig Wheat, (red chuff) - • 1 Dir ' 110
Spttny wheat, (Ate) •
• .1.10 110
• t)10s•, ver haw ,. 0 00 0 70
Oats, per bush, 0 ist 0 30
poi bush. °•0 00 ° 0 (i4
Corn, per lamb— .. ' p s 0 hs•
Clover Seed, per hush. •
Timothy :loud,
cwt. o' per bust,
• mower, per cw,•
•1lavjperteln•,. -
antter,'0i• 8, -
Eggs, gel• doe. .
Petat001, ler bush,'
.Apples, Ater hush. •
Dressed !togs, tzar 100 its,
ctevoWeed • ,• ,
•• ' 55) ' ?S
7ti . :1 00
• 7 00 . 0.00
'0 10 '0 20
• eat;• os0.
020 010
• r, no (i 00'
pis 027
i 70'.'••i OU
0 1101,00
KISEI' . .
always on hand.
we gum SNITS by the best Method. known ; • neithih. .•
-busts the temper or tho set'ot the salsa. ITEM t':+
7)rt\'S anis SATCRUAYS are our days lot gunuc,in,,,
Our charge is 50 Clents, .
' a"Aw1tENCE &G1iAr'L Y.
KING C3F '1I T YLI1118.'.
r,11 •7f V�. ,� 41Y kyr,,�� P
(34t12 Year of Publication) '
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