HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1880-12-03, Page 4HURON RO«t.'il RE . 'Olti.J. BLYTH', FRIDAY, 1 i !J. 3xn, 1880. SII, fi2A2'O 1: We, this wee'; f present the public with the test issue o£ tlio Huttoi Rt•:COrtg muter ear management. . In doing so, we hope to receive that support and patronage. which i:., elisen- tial to the suceess .of a local rxoivspaper. We shall always endeavor to furnish the public with a good livepaper, in which foreign and general news, local news from all parts of the county, and the >narkNts, shall be a prominent fea- ture. Although Conservative 'in poli. tics, we shall give all questions of a political nature an independent con- sideration. - In the Jobbing department wo shall be able to. fill'all orders far Wok and job printing of every description on the shortest notice. Orders by mail" will "' ae4.promptly attended to. 41.s the type. ' ' ; nearly new, and tone .but first- class workmen are employed, the pub, .lie can rely on getting their work.done with entire satisfaction and at reason- able rates. E. FLo0A1f;. Publisher.. EDITO1t',7AT, NOTES.. Doetexoe P2tamaME;rT mcots.on the 9tls December, 'and the Ontario Legis-, lature is called for January.13tlr..•. Seven of the leading banks will :pay December let, $898,500 in the shape of dividends, representing about 7 per cent, per annum. A German is willing to compete with Dr. Tanner as a faster With beer against water. He°rnaititaine• that le can live on lieerlorty-four days: It is being foundin Nova Scotia. and. elsewhei that.ii ai y pceoirl'o-` •ko.,have- left Canada for 'the. States:to better. tltemsolves, hacl niuoh ., better .have stayed at home. r .--Canadian raiilwa3 Bare .mucliiricaiii- venienced by the dekentiou of . their. --=rolitiig-stoc' at the Anleriean seaboard:. It is said that the Grand Trunk. aird (Treat 'Western lines bails several • thousand cars so locked up. • • It is understood that the Canada Pa citic Syndicate will take possession of the works and lands coming- to - them under their agreement on January 1st, provided Parliament aauotions 'the, ar- rangements,-• Another railway Byndicata, is an-' nouncetl to complete the construction of the Northern Pacific, which'.has been ha,u 1 ked-si-nee 1 3,74—Isiah •itilr sed kut-- erican money .houses are to ' contribute :$10,000,000. ' . -The German authorities have - been foreed at last to take action on the anti- rewish,agitation. '.Clic Berlin police have torn down placards, calling, on 'the Berliners to persecute the Jews:'P,ut' the Rev. Mr. Stoecker is a court chap- lain yet:, - N. C. Herald ;—Two .landlords hove just been arrested and. held .to bail for `g allowing the drainage system . of seine of their houses to remain . hi a' condi'. tion that' threatened the health Of •.tern- ants. Let the good• work ;ge prison cell is not half .bad. -enough for' a landlord who allows 'his tenants to be poisoned.with sewer gas, butit.affordi opportunity for thoughtfulness and, re •pentance. - The Montreal Jonrncfl, ef'C'crnitnerce says :—” A. wealthy merchant of • 'God- erich, Ont., is endeavoring' to: form 'a joint stock companyfor tJ.P i11 ose'of .. establishing a eotc< M0 Azr vi'i;in- ity. It is intended to begin on a small scale, say 100 spindles, to be - increas'ed as circumsta aces may require. It is probable there will be a carding' mill in connection thereyvitli. The intend- ing promoter lain is 'J ear esti on the subject, and will probably build it -ex. elusively with his own nglis, should lie not succeed in getting the stock sub- scribed. He purposes to. sell direct to tho retail trade: • 'The proposed lobal%ty. is some four miles outside tho town, where there is an -excellent water pow- er." A strange MAO of general interest to housekeepers comes from Dublin. It seems 01w:a is there, a "court of consci- erne]" that it is hold by an alderman;. that Irish ladies have trouble with their serving -maids; and that whoa a serv- ant leaves her employer elle may legally demand a " eharaeer." On the 13th £ October, before Alderman Tinley, Eliza Butler, a servant, summoned her late employer, Mr. Wm, Lawson, jewi- ler, Fleet street, for �ti compensation for refusing her a character when site left. But it seems that 'if the waster was a jeweller,' the servant was not a "jewel," and yet sire got a good Betting- out. The 2'wn s says :—" Mr. Lawson saki the plaintiff left of her own accord under such ' circumstances that be thought himself' entitled to refuse a certificate. M:rs, Lawson stated that. while the plaintiff was in -the grouse, there was quite a reign of terror in it, Slie was a girl to whom they could not say' the simplest ` thing without her threatening to leave directly. She came to witness' house very ignorant.;,. the greatest pains were taken to teach her, and: make her as happy and coin- £ortable.,as one of,the children,- and at the present moment` she was standing in •a pair of boots belonging to .witness'. daughter. • She finally got beyond her- self and forgot. herself, and the'chiidrerl.; could not 'ask for water, she would answer ao 'dreadfully. Finally witness: dismissed her, His Lordship dismissed the case, holding thatthe defetrdant's-• action hacl been highly commendable, and that they were notobliged'to give. the plaintiff anything noroltan a cer- tificate stating that she had lined •with them a certain time."',` (;ouncil .Lloom, Irwin's Hall.- ' Nov. all.- Nov. 26th, 1880. Ci uncil rnet_at 8 0' ck u o lo rsuant to �...p . adjournnsent. Members of Ci'ouneil•all' present. Minutes of last greeting read and 'cdnfii•ined, ' Moved 1.iy 1Y. Sims, seconded by C. Floody, that the following accounts • be paid .fohrl Bell, for: work on red, tilling, etc:; 75c.; 'J olrix "Tlionipsart;1ba17 lance of gravel delivered. ; '1eil ] 1i11oy; fixing sidewalk 2uo.1 L. Thorne, supplying • John .Quinn . with goods, 90c,.;. Mr. Yizngblut, two cards -of wood filr eisliod"I11rs.' Gordon "`indigent, $2 ; C; IIainilton,• aucationeering anal select - )'i; furors; $S. I:iovecl by..Wm. Sims, seconded by'C I'loody,`that the following paepeities,. Baying been omittedby `thistako ,frons the Collectors Roll, be .. now • entered, Joseph Carter, North. part 61,.; McDonald's survey, $.300 11. 0: 'Rog-. erson, S.-1ralf'bll .9, i e1)onald'ssurvey, $60Q ; Joseph Tucker,. lot 4, Mc- Caugliey's' sy., $65 Carried. _ ' Moved by John. Coale,' seconded by A. Taylor, that Thos.. Tartan be re- mitted$14 for, error. in taxes,. lie being assessed for more land than lie occupies,. Carried':. ' Moved by A; Taylpr, 'seconded by. ,john Cook, that, this Council do: -afljourn t-o-ene t -a a-iir-err- -geada -••lath Dec. 13S0:—Carried: . e [3.. Pnlr:r.fi's, Clerk,' lulleett. - • etzoo•Tre--?-Tlie; Epizootic :1S POW • rain; throt' h• this'township: :retry., iy.• farmer Haff some or. all of :his ponies 'that is effected by the 'diseassf?, bu t not seriously. • OnAvEy.ri'( —The' fariners' in clif- ferent sections are nosy -basely :eiigagecl in gravelling tho .roads,; It .is • an ex= cellent time now;, and; all ,should 'take advantage • of such suitable weather. as this is for . the ;performance ` of this duty.. . SOCIAL ?ARTY. --On Monday evening last a loacl'of young folks from Clinton took.' advantage of the sleighing' hal] e drive to the :residence . of Mr.S: (xrayi :wlierei a .social party was being lield. • A very pleasant and social: time was indulged` in till an early hour' in' the ingrain. Clot1cridie To'tvx ship. NEW C.txarcn.—A now B. G. Church is to be erected at Rolmesville. Pxl scv'A'rio.;,--=Miss Minnie. Steep, of Grrrfielc];, was ,resented with a gold watch one .eveninglast week, by the • congregation of • Colis Church, in ,con- sideration con -sideration of her services as organist. Enewa'loN,1L.: The' following is the -standing of IS, S. No: J, at the monthly examination for Novonnber, viz :-Fifth a]ass-1st Fatinie Richard- son, 2nd Wei.. Cantelon; Std Lottiei Cantelon. fourth class -1st Jennie liahardson, 2nd Annie Holland; 3rd Peter -Cook.. Third class—lst Ellen Sharp, 2nd Frank Cook; 3rd. Isaac Stifling. S'f:cotid 'class- -1st Julia Car- ter, 2nd; Clara-Switzor, 3rd ,,Thornas Cook.. Eladei. ich. Dm-BKsn, ansa our town bakers, while. driving .down I:lnwilton street, run against' a young lady, who was crossing the street, and knocked her •down, causing a law elf ;lit abrasions. on her head. Bakers knead to be careful, or they will destroy .the nowt of our town. (i0-AS-You-PLEASF Ratea----The 'last this season "„go-ag•you-please” "ped" race came of is the skating rink on There Thursday evening, Nev. 25th. .ilit+re were- keven entries: in all—one from Clinton, one from.7,ucknow, aucl Allan B. Potter from Colborne, the remain- ing emaining four being locals. MuCallunr, of Gocler•icb, who tool. first money—x;15— made a distance of 12 miles and -8 laps in the boar and a half; Throe left the course entirely'. jaded; but when the race was over McO. informed the boys. in a Munchausen way that ,he could keep it up for another hour and a half ; the bad boys told Iiinr'to "take a rest." RFNovae—Mr. David Fisher has removed from town to his farm in Col- borne, -about three miles from Gode.. rich, *here "Dave" thinks he'll ." rush 'thingson the farm again for a while." SAW MILL: --Mr. ICiad, wholiee. about completed his saw mill, which lie is oreoting; in couneetion- with the. in- ternatienal Salt Works, which he late- ly.purehased, is up north 'buying a lot of ;fade .logs, whicl8 he intends rafting dawn 'the lake`to his swill. " ExoAGED:=---Mr. Thomas Elliott, who, is .at preseut 'atte.utig Toronto Nor- mal School, leis been engaged for 5, S. No. 4,. Colboltne, for the. ensuing year, At a salary oft 1$400. LETTER FR=; DAKOTA; — 1Ve re- ceived a letiter from Drayton, Dakota, from G. VT, Thomson, soli of Major. Thomson, of. this place, who purchased 64.0 -acresof land 'in• that' state last -fall, He passes high enconiums on the. place as:a,farming section. HIis farm is on the bank of the heel' itiver, up which- boats of- eonsiderable size navi; gate, thus, furnishing him with .con- venient shipping privileges. He says that a person should have about ;1,000 to sot up firming comfort Lily out there; and ..when .that .inneh has been expended `on farming accoutrements; the'. 'farmer- is on:,tkre royal ralt.'"to fol t, fie:.' Theo Tann. . The`gta ie:fe yers :of that town aio"ii bad ivayfor cars to Ship -their grain:' -Nearly- a-11tli stdiello Two ofour i'espcetable(?) ci tiiens were surprised *n 1oking at the `door of a hou,e'1i1 the.: East end of the town at a •very unreasonable -holm' do Su'nday'last, to findthat they " woke up'tlie wrong: pa•ssengers !" A word„to the wise, &c:''. 'Robert ,j adler,• aI.1 'old resident . of this place, lias- at 'last' been released from ']Its • sutferinge byrteatll. lf?iFi four•'years 'lie has been, suffering under! a severe paralytic -stroke.. .. . • Sulissienerhill. - Co\ t•�ir u.tTIOX ('JAS,. - :•Tl e Rov. Henderson,: of;- Blyth,. is coridueting a confirmation elite—here,.llr- conned ion With St. Peter's Clilireli; : There are quito* a number of candidate... I1.Ecovitur.--We.. are -pleased to bo; able to state that 14i r, .J`ereniiah l� lrlte Jy,. Wl10 hag'. ,been: confined to liis•bed* for 'several weeks with ulcerated stoin-. itch,. ' Snow 'able to` be •arouncl'oiice more. Ile hadn't til fast forty clays lise''Dr. `I'amier. • I31r'1t0� 1 MF.1T5,-tllhe farmei•,1 111 tlll3 vicinity are bound ,not to ho behind the tuli.es, as far as .outbuildings are gen= cernecl: The following. buildings aro to 'be erected during the wit ter Driving' .11ouse andshed for Mr. Jolinit-. than i, cliricn, driving house and stied for Mr; -W. Mc.Brion, end a barn for Mr. W. Mcllwain. Mr. 1V;: I•I:. Whitely•has :secured' th.e contracts and . is • busy • getting foist filmier for the frame work,- Ho, is "'the right ran'in; the: right place.°'. 11Dublinn. - W.: •Baker intends . starting a butchery on a, large:soaa.le. It'iy hoped .her may 'carry on an. in: manse business. Mr, • CJ. ;l.veil is' doing an ' extra- ordinary business now in the boot and shoe line He employ:} • a ntinlber of hands and is now advectisineefor more. •Wood is storming in .very fast. Teams may be wen for miles heavily *laden with it. J. th J. Kidd have now reeieved at the. Salt *Works, nearly:a thousand cords since the snow fell. It is -now high time that ottr •young neon shpuld organize And begin the as- setnblies,iuiying been shown the ox- anplo° by their ' neighbors. `.Elio here than usual tone of sleigh bells told us. that Tonle' thing must be tip,. and . who: 'should we behold ,butTholnas C,onnely and his fair young bride, 'Miss Hastings, =klieg speed for the depot, where they were seen off by their many friends w110 Ilad assembled r CASH BUYERS MAKE MONEY 1BY' BUYING THEIR ,..- e CERIESy ,��^��° ter— �l � -• ••' . ,/''�1 , 11 er :miles Boots, Shoes, r r &c., AT c GREAT DRY' GOODS AiED MILLINERY HOUSE' 1 1 - MA.RKKTT SQUARE, - �.' 13. i�ZC Z1ii` Q a w A a " 1 HARDWARE. CHEAPER' Tom. H EVER AT DINA EA6T SiDE OF QUE1 N..14rTt EET, BLYTH,ONT.. Ilo keeps constantly on liana a liret•elnx, stook of IIurdware, nail 11 selling us uhcaii au any house ii, -O 'County, E'altmurex:onion Galata and l aua- befu,•u pitretWitA elucwl,eracu,yinv I i nciriali) direct imam thy utauufacturera, 1 win cnablud, to cull at Very low prices, .l utu .t1•ering rely lOw apu,tattoup in • NMr,S, CROSS -C•31! SAWS, 111; N D 'SAWS, rlLl:S, tet,[ ASPS, nC)7.ti lI [ (lla,, GLASS, . • • AXES, ItEVOLVERS, CUTLERY, PAT IL 1)1 N c T 14A110WA-1tE, ;4 Ec (i AN 1CS.' TOOLS; l3 Cil, I S, . C'oltl ).AGE, HORSE NAILS,.. `• PE NOM IRE, • EL];C'rR0-vvA.TEb .l1`A.R . B1tAaS &.O..OPPEtt GOODS, A1'P[E 1?A1U 1tS, 1��kl,te1'S'&;'Ol;S ' MACHINE'S: COAL 0l [,y SPA MIS SIIO °"b'L ',` COW T1IJS. • - • Extra iaiclecelnente to cash and•pioinpt paying customers. Beat •brands et Co tl E1'et *[aan•s•on-.liana, -• C•ash•loa Whe 2t;, :... ., : • .. W ,,;..:1, .-. .-•>...,., .; W, 'CLEWit 1, . :p Q-. . Is' the Place for.: Cheap a42d el,able Dbid Stuffs, Genuine ' Otte "It Medicines _ : Pure rugs, &a,- &c. A. PULL L11VI OI+' soHobL BOOKS, T iOTNEli Y, BLANK BOOKS i; BIBLES ; (3.,,,Just. . , e711Si L0 '��il11Cj. ke.ta 'teras`' 0 fel-7 '1 i /. 6 A AND .1).)21SJW .AS', . X 111A.SCAR ASO >' HA.TLTO, : OPPOSITE TIF .POST OFFICE. r' BLYT.•ji, to: In .the :Drug Stoic. 'Itopairhig'o f Aro Z %a tc .es' >, Speeialt',-. • c::c1f�"p.as • ` J ALL Kitj T T c l� ;..^ E