HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-12-23, Page 14• eeh !. Illileft tb�vr), mueh'tn the relief of people re- No. R. laloC?dwan,'JGO ; �Iilggin Murray, 392 ; Mary A. Price, 4411; iWlargt►ret ltadeliffe, Jidi.ng in the neighborhood. 404 ; Helen Sparks, 454 ;Alice Sturgeon, 462; A t rn 'r 3 , e n tae 1` tar 41 Marion Wilson,• 5.Jae on1 C lt1aseert . A' the regular 0 t le atin of and } Jam¢s (rant, 400 , Asa �fai•, 427 ,Douglas Ulinton Lodge, 'No, 84, G.TI.C.,• held on .A McDonald, 432 ,Chase 1licfiay, 4(0.; Ken= St. John's day, Dec: 2t, the following of - fleets lafelieume, 405; ,lames ble'Pakgart, 374; facets were duly installed b R.WW ; Bro. D. 'Orrin t rin AlcQaeen, 420 ;. Jaime Mustard,, 453; M. Malloch', for the ensuing year; viz.:— St Leslie, 42;3: D W. lo. A. Straiten, W.' M.; Bro. D 1;1, The following resolutions were passed by ow e ey,, M.D., S. , ;; Bre.'of l,xa Jas, Youhg, the Board mincrs .;That alt these, at - 3• =: W.; Bro. Wm. Sheppar.i, Treas.; 13ro. tending the,• second ,session of the Model J. Macwhirter„ Sec.; Bro. Wm. Foster, S. Schools, who received 60 per cent of the at;- D: ; Bro. J. Craib, JJ)y; W,13ro, W. F. gregate, marks, . receive certificates. That ' Murray,' D. Of C.; Bro. D.•.13..Kennedy 'Miss.Bella Wrightnian receive a Certificate and A...13rowe, Stewards : Bre. J. Rider, •for .three years. That the secretary be ie. J:%:; Bio. Jas. Roes; 'Tyler, struetbd to notify those candidates who pass, • .ed ,the intermediate examination, and also " Jorrtzos Iry ran, EASr."—Under this the Model Sehool•oramination, to forward to caption, we observe that the flew. D. G. the:, secretary the intermediate ccrtitiaates Sutherland, B.D,,'111..;B.,,ia to contribute they )received, to that the matks.tnay be en a'serios of sketches to the Methodist Ma• tired in their third^class 'certificates- That gazing for 1881, being an account .of 'hen '61'lf , per cent in the. total aggregate of the recent visit to Greece,' Turkey, Egypt and proieeslonal esaniinatfon bo required. next Palestine, with, sketches of 'AthenaCon. year to obtain third^class certificates. ghat o at"antino;Sle, Cairo, Daniascua slid Jer;taa- after having heard the •corres ondenoe real between the chairman di this Board and the lem.. , `J'hese_artiolea.,-areeto be •illtistratod . EtlOoation 17ep" urtrrient, rotating to'. the ex. with, very handsome engravings, and we amination of Wm. Stewart, anti well knowing., doubt not, will, in every respect, prove of 'elle bail work done by him in arithmetic, • great value, To the rev. gontiemnn's that the ,eliuirman of the Board is justidee 1 friends in this vicinity, this annbuncetnent by us hi the,contae he hat pursued ,iii, this veill h, e. goad news; for what be leas already matter. That the matter of arranging for skid and written about bit 'trip Isaa made the pu;',erii regeirocl fol• "text'Yearlieleft:in theta Wish for merit. •' • the: hencte of the ohahman for the One being, 1 r BARLA1 » EROS, are selling off stores at a rgdnstiun of from Akita peresan lyes. than °rain- h n ie" f Kn fag f Ba 1' fat th, Straw .131.41( Kees,—The first blockade of ,,,y ip, shanks to ae- • the Assisi wits experienced by the railways rl s• ..1.1ti �silaL 4tDioxea a +'R lugV t }} J D M yesterday, the Great Western train due or cash >n wlde ,8 ofiCooktca. Stover, cheap f hereat 8 a, in, being detained near Wine- ---" 'ine- --„...•. _ ham for over au hour, while the afternoon • ' ' mail on the, (hand Trunk. i delayed un- DEATH. n- DEATH. --Macy of c ur readers will repel, •til /see today« • sER •--•fife members of Willis {t'e believe that the Rims �t i11 a open- • • '1 ; church, hoi,;r intend. serenading their ed .on New Year's daY._ ' • • ir>iendy about town tomorrow (Friday) • We gndbrstand that Mr. t lisilae ba ,ifl,; ieso , s. re- S1�JW' y } s ' evening. W'4 a are pore they will be ,Welt ,tnred.frona the editorabrp of the $eaforth gams received. ;' ,,, . , ,Sen, Mr. Neehn becoming sale. proprietor U is A .•, I „R S . pet days of the season, the thermometer 41,,• sii'tiug of the Revision '.:Ours. was .held indicating several degrees below zero .early on Tuesday, Judge Toms presiding; a Plinistaacusis}talieatiognOptstktteredatnougrecri- in the•,rorning, of Tuesday, .and 10 1)0107 number ee cease were disposed of, b et 'teeme' and Wednesday were the ode. thereof. toe'matWr areleteitee at io setae fine, yrerx. le . On 1Vedneadey. none of tben} off more than , ordine y iet aortia.]: �, to;eat, PERsez�Ar.--iluew}}ere will be found the a of a o . art a v, P. rat eon of our townsman of the same name- The ame. T e bride ie'a cousin of Mr. J. artiu, of thio town. The conple have pour best wishes. Nee first tafte fot otg1+' 1�rwdi leht4 '- • • M R. M. Rat/E3t 4ll are. feleod farm for riale ii our advertising colgnnns. . diat'emeetoie.- -The `Sahbath Scheel Cin-' veratiode tinder auspices of the Huron Pres- -bytery, will be held at Clintep, on the 141th. January. • 'I'EEt p'raetiee of allowing young children to learn that Maggie h'orgtie Ewing, wife of the well-known Scottish vocalist„ Thos.,.. 'r _ ^.._...._ if amiltoa Corbett, died oiSuaday,the 28th ultimo, at Greenock,' Scotland.. The ae ceased lady was. well known here, having remained in town for some time` on several Occasion's. to go around and solicit subscriptions ter WATCs ?IGET Asp CovEN:Arr SEItvn:t s. charitable Orr other purposes, ie one that: On New Year's eve the usual Watehnight should be discontinued. i ' '” Service will be held in. the. Methodist Church 'commencing at 10.30 o'clock. 1't will be conducted by the Pastor. Next Sunday morning affil •be derated to the ing taken up land in that state, a short Covenant Servide, Both these eervrces �...,diatan ow areola.:.. „...areoccasiousof solemn interest, and eel. We thank :the public for the liberal inAn 1•e1' 111 which they have culated to, }nuke tits. — ..... C$arS"'".4 navel, were ver la gel used participant tetter SCCTL 1tr, t•C• �t1tTOt1lG0 us since StOI't111�, 1 ti1S1I1GS5 We will I here thi$year; tit being estimated Tante prepared to oonzinence the Now• > es , • ways li:ef� = �ouz� sto ; well' assort e(i, and give the people ' .t 4e tween business men and others•, nearly' ' . ReeenNe ee ]IETt, e eeee ee 1 ese. , 4200 worn' were sent cunt, i. rant was issued against a youth unwed benefits that (i.4SR PURCHASES AND EXPERIENCE Tar 2oWer •resented a very- animated Joseph Graham, at the instance•nf Major 111 �1iiy1C1� �00C S ] fig• ht l•aIi give; rr rr • appearance. on Christtnas .eve; the streets 92urray, for refusing to return to the urwere thronged,. fancy geode stores crowded, ' awry a suit of volunteer clothes held by while at W. Jackson's the hand performed hint. Several attempts had•#leen wade to to as appreciate gathering.. •get the clothes returned,. bet they were • unavailing, hence the issue of the warrent. ‘ The fine for tbiw offense is • $20 and costs, ,but Graham was on this occasion, allowed to g: on paymenrt of coats, ' 'urn family of .51r. R, Sturgeon intend retrieving to Dakota► in the spring, he hay - • 110 'toe eopetteto re -open Onthe tin ,fan, Remember thin.. . • TEs: JOB tit': wbiteweehirig and. calciutio- ing the Public S;.bo•,l walk, teas given to D. Gardner: Mr. Jl'ae. Fair isetali-feeding seiner/here Iin the: neighborhood of seventy head of cattle, on his farm here. • i TOWN contractors report the prospects i for building next year, both in and put of I town, as very good indeed. i A meeting .of the nigh School beard wee. held on Tsesday evening, but nothing of 'public importance traria oted. A Ota" ELEMM .& r informed us recently that i he knew of one hilndred peqrmons, princi pally from Coderieh. township and town, " Who would, nitre to the west in the i ring, P , I 1 • WE REGRET to heir that Mr. John Lindaayof''the:'Hnron Road,twho hed hie leg broken a few daye since while *load- ing Atones, is only very gradually recover- ing, therefrom, and thatit will be comm .diene is€ere he is able to fret around $grin. E4iox4ED: —The • trustees of the aehpol On 'the Babylon''Line, Stanley, :.have en. .wed as ,;their teacher for nest year Mr. Doug}ie' McDpnald, oldest eon of Rev. A. D.McDonald, of $eaforth. Mr. McDonald Paas for some, time been attending the Ciit?- ton Model School: r- tkue -e-Ate `inter'esting rece e'now being arranged to take plane either here or Clin- ton, on bext'Qneeb's Birthday. The race ref private 'purse of $80, and will e bet*ean four or flue "Clear Grit" three year old Colts, awned• in this town and -noighborhoott,—Ennosifor: itC>, OVER,.:Ou'.Saturday night a man• weitifigt'<at the Great • Western Railway fitation-fo he;late train going north; went to:alee j•S d4 not.hearing•the arrival of the, arctic 3t'on until after it had departed •; e. .thein segilePee Weehe_..had to,;whet oyer•' " snail Monday morning, Streif,-'Saavior.a.—Mr..Ternbnll; ,cif: Ibex Qoliegee.preached_ti :tbeeP..resbytee. 'to claim the greatest share of attention on: riah Chereh last Sunday ,.1 morning and ,Monday next, 'and the probabilitirea are evening, We hear' his discourses very fa that the contest will bo a eery keen one— vorably apoken of:. Mr. Gray, of Seaforth, .something like previone ones. that have seeiip'iied_thaMethOiet pulpit'in the morn- been .nought pretty much on the same line ing, and preached.an,excellent sermon: —and whichever may be successful to not likely to har'e•much: :of a "majority over Aceinnerb.--On day last Week; as iMr:; the .ether. -.'The. conteetwill . really he bew. W. "Wade was whittling a stake,' with•'an tween Mr. 'Menzies and Me. Sheppard, as,. axe, he slipped teriyaki' and inflicted en `Mr. W.C.Searre ie only nominally a candi- ugly wound en his leg.. While :Mr. •D,- date. Both Of these partiee parties are sufficxont -Oluff was engaged at work•at,the'rtshaper' 1 •.well_l:nosvnan_tow.n ur eetepa3.erA t SC`iL0oL TSFSTEE''Lffk i s: estemlay.~ the nominations for four suheel, trustees was held, those for three- wards being el- ected by acclarnation, viz --Jae. Thomp- son, St. Andrew's Ward .1. Cuninghame,. St. Gearge'e..; W. H. Hine, St. John's,• while for St. James' Ward, Messrs.E; Ken- :ney and John Stephenson were nominated, necessitating an election therefor, which comes off next Wednesday. Very P little . interest was manifested DArrore. •News.• -A former resident of «oderich township, writing to tis from Da- kota, gives the following, which may be of interest to our readers;—Tho average yield of wheat in this section; was 22•k�bueh. to the"a.'cre, and bf rata, 40bushels; wheat. sell''s at 800 per bush.; • oats, 40e; potatoes, -, CENT t o, $1.60; flour, per barrel,1�7.50 ; pork, Per • • , .. t Millar fol cash., ari(1 ie. larger FIVE P�a� d,]�,,N 1i ty� the t(jiJ�� cwt. $7,25 ;"butter,'' 30e per. Ib. There I , hasbeen no stow yet, and there are excel- 1 diSe+Uttrlret, allowed tor' large.parcels. lent roads for- wheeling. Mr, Jas ter ling. returned to Canada last week; it' L9 • said that when he return's he will snot be. the-eingle individual he now is. MUNICIPAL. MATTE S.—The cend'idatea for tlte,position"of deputy -reeve are likely eeial for Christmas `which we .self-.VE1 Y- .l:i,QW: Es A.:S PEOI .L REDUOTIO�, Dress Gaols, Shawls . AT A 'BI(z DIS .OUN '. Cloaca Scarfs �� �� ill Kat e.. '� ectal set. PRODUCE TAKEN IN El6C.H N E.: ONi.I ONE: PRICE.. •••••••••••-•.--).14..•••,•-•••"" FineORDERED CLOTHING NEW CEOODS POI?" FINEBLACK BROADCLOTH SUITS._ FIE WORSTED SUITS. ,FINE SCOTCH TWEED SUi'TS: lines - ofOverooa-tir Shades MEN'S; YOUTH'S and CHILDREN'S READY-�dADE CI�TflINP�, story ��c, ��y��od p�cA, IOT.tRIA -BLOCK; 1L'�i�1TOi. • CALLANDER'S. OLD STAND, CLINT;ON. ire Organ Fa ory, hie-themb,camo, in form their own Judgment as to who, is best contact therewith, _ and was soalewhatla- qualified to fill the positionand discharge cerated' • taeduties of; the office. •, - COLLECTED. . A short time since a couple Ova' FIREMEN It will be remembered of young men named Leggatt and Grey,' that.last summer the Clinton firemen were left Croll'a boarding; house- here without euceeseful in carrying off s $40 prize at the payifl ter ',their":board.: A, .warrant • was 'Wingbain tournament, :but owing to a tech belied for their arrest and ,pieced •in the •nicai objectionby the]Brussels 'Company, -. hands of ,Constable: Paisley,. who, after theemoney was not awarded' them.' Cort - considerable trouble, raptured his men at siderable correspondneco' ensued between Wingham, and compelled them to hand 'Clinton and Winghtim.; over- the. disputed - • over the required' a.mount. prize money, a proposition emanating from • Summer DEATIr,-Tire wife of Mr. R. the latter to, the effectthat, as i,t 'seemed Beesley;: of th. impossible to 'arrive et•adecision,,the race Vile anti, died'very soddenly be re - on Sunday afternoon, from an attack' cifcontested at WW'angham, next 24th of • inftauimat oil of the bowels. Deeeseed 'May.. 7 o.thie the Clinton .couipany very enjoyed a ' large' circle of-acgnaintancer,. Properly, demurred, asserting thatthey, was a ,vuaian•of anastral 'business; tact and ;lied won first money properly,. and were ablity,'and: had Worked up',a very nice eiltitled:to it, and claiirung•rfo, pay, ;nowtbnainese here. Her remains were interred without further correspondence. On P at - on Monday n, and her funeral ser- urday last, Mr. J: Cuninglla'ne, Secretary' preached in the B.C.Church, of the Clinton' Fire Company,' nes. very, on will be preached next Sunday eveniri .. ` agreeably surprised , -on receiving a letter f rid Who:baiu, to find that it ctintained: Cnnistrr:tts DAY. -O0• this day a very the sure of $40. At a rneetir;g.of the :Com - great deal of sleigh riding was indulged ixi • piny, hel.d•on•.Tuesday .evening, a resolu and 'the streets were alive with convey- tion was passed, thaelring WW'ingharn ' for :ances of •all descriptions,, f fled with the the "straightforward manner in which they beauty of the toivare 1n the afternoon had conducted the, matter, considering the the band acme out and favored the people awkwardness ofxhe•circuulstances in which with a 1umber'of well rendered tunes, We they were placed, and for the remittance regret to say that the :number • of young : of the money, men made spectacles of themselves by their unsteadygait and "'loud"' talk ; they had evidentlytaken too [Ouch plum pudding, or something else. • Disneerettime I.1.oese.--• Out Thursde evening Constable'Paieleyenade a descant on a disreputable house in the western aeetiop of the town,, and arrested the keeper •thereof,. a woman givixg her name as Mrs. H. Bond, of Seaforth. Being brought before the Mayor,' alio was lined $20 and costa.. A second warrant was issued for them bu t. before it, could be enforced, they Mt'31DEL • SCtW 0 ' ..' The pupils attending the seeond session 6 the Gode:ich and' Clinton Model Schools were examinee on Thursday, the lathinste and the examination of the papers concluded on the 18th. The following marks were secured by the Candidates who were awarded third class'eertificetes.: Maria J. Ames,.857; Mary A. Burnett, 425; Eliza Cassidy,•434; Minnie' •Plemminf;, 393; 1+lorenee E. Goodridge, 349 Clarissa flays, 420 ; Mary Keefe, 866; Lizzie McConnell, 424; Maggie J. MoKinley, 454"; 1& ZV sslO011 4V314.0 • .:1.1302104 %r GOA 1, idt,U',03Ko • , - .. ?1+ enkiDettnn Pin 3s'021ud2111112i yp a3dibeV.'S soes.deo tie'..: Judd 1. k e'er S F..0 lid) •Ji CITY -, • ` AND ''IfA' i.R01(:1i:':i" WiIi.l *1 TIYI E9aN0 STOCK R?MAS GOO:, �,1'vlt ''AS' WAS NEVER DEPORT; J'N.i Li'NTC 1.1-. roscnis for aid atill. yiig, di( �Il'ch�ap for r�s� eitil' and inspect. my 'stock before purchaping elsewhere,.as I defy competition. ' • ,I.Nr.111:`O INT..1.-) X t '. ;Our stock :.of FUR CAPS, CLOTH CAPS, PLUSH I CAPS, int every style, price and' size, is still _omplete, and will now be cleared out at a great reduction, to make room for new goods. *• holdWe h .•:. � eJargest and•,Anest stock of the above •1 goods in the county, and everybody should call `andsee them before purchasing elsewhere. ... p � � SILK HANDKERCHIEFS in beautiful shades. SILK TIES and SCARFS, an endless variety., SILK' BRACES, in new styles. SILK and . CASHMERE 'MUFFLERS, in all colors. • The above are all new holiday moo N. B.—Imported CHOICE HAVANNAU CIGARS -, 0 VLIM and RUSSIAN CIGARETTES. in • ackages, suit- White, Lavender, and all light , ddark shades, ,. for La es & Gentlem.en in every.. size and price. able. for Xmas presents' for the old Boys. • ,:' a.� QI1 slit •• , xx�, Zons to.all. • iw . W. H. R ,NSFO D, O S' • 2l-, ,to , e .,amicus Hailer... Oliniai.