HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-12-23, Page 11— - ,. I 11 I 11, ­.­ .11 ­.­­ ..---_.-1- I ...''. _. , ...'. ,____ - I __..,T__._1-._ ­.— . - . .. -1.11,1- 11 �� _­r�"___­.__,V_ , __ � - - ­­­ - - I I . . : I � , � . . I . " . . I . - ;V- I I . I I 11 . 1Z , I , 140 I . . I 11� , ., � I 'A - . . . I , **, , , . . � . . . � 0 . I .. . I . ­ - . . 1 4 - 1. . .11 . � , . . .. I I � ,� ... i , * I . * _. " . I - .. I .. . �t . " . � . � . . .1 . . I . I . I I .. ­­­- . - ... . � . I I � .4 . . . � � - - �- -_ - - . . - - I . � I . ____ - - . . : I __­�­_­_ ___­_­.�­_­-__ I-- -­­­­­ . . � _�­.­­ � . I - - .. I I . � . � , . __W:� _�____ .. .. --- __�. . . . __ . — _,__ I , , — �_ I I I I . . . . I I � . � I . !Ls i , 'L . . ` I . I . . � - t I ­ I 1;% � . . .. . . . � i . I F_� I - t, � I.. . ... � I .1 . . . . , . � � -1 11 .1 . I . .. - It ... � .. 'I I I I . I � 1. -. . . . - . 7 . . . 11 . � � 11 I , - .1 I .. - . 4 , `� , I . I . . . . I 11 I I 11 . . . I �� " , . I , . I � I , , , � A i I I !- V 1 . ; I . I*e. . I , I � I . I . . . _ . I . . � . . . 111; . . � 11 � � I . � , P - I I � ., I ".. . , ". . : . I I � . .., . . . . . . . I 14. ! .. , IZI. -- .. .. . I .. . k � . . - . � . . .11 ;. .. ��� I � . . ." . : i-, ­.­. I , , . I . I I � ­ I I � I . I . . � -1 � ­. i, . . . . . . I .. I . :: 7 . '�� .1. . 11 1�* . . . . I ! I - , . . , . . � .. . I . ; . � I — I I . �� . t . .;!. . 1, '..", I I .. .1-11 - 4 . I � : I :: ,,-- - I . I - I I . I .. . . I I . �':. , I . . : . . .;. . ; . � . ., � J: I . . I I I . .. . . � I 11 ;; 11 � I . . � ... I . . ; .. I , 11 I 11 . . - � r, � - - ­ I . .1 I JIL . I - I .. � I . . . ... 11 .. - - . I - I � I.. . .1 I. � . - .. " , 0 � , 1. - I . .... I ' I I I .. . . . 11 -_ , , I I . . . . ' : ' I � ' .. "I'll .... . I . . . .. � . . .!, .11 � . . '' I � I . I � I . - . � I . . - . . . . , , I I 1*1 . 1, . .1 — I I � I UVRON GENERAL - -AD VNATMIKIRO I .. " .1 'v . . . .. I �. - . . AND C � ' ,I ","�,_ , - _ . " .1 . - � I .- � I ,. ­­ ..,-: -_ 1--.,_._.___,, 'fit, ,__ I ' .- . _ "'. . �__; ..., i.. __ I- 7�=_-_�___ �;. "�V,�"U�.—,--.�---�---..:7.–L"I.---,-"-------.,--,-.----__._._______.___,_ ­ ­- -11'.-_'--1-.-. ­_­..... I—. -1 . -..- I . . --:7 " ' ' ' ' � ., I . . I " I . , . ,:;:=:�. _'7. _.' - I I .. . . � . 7 . : .: ) I I , I " �­ . I . , " . . ;,; . - 11 - :. .�:..�r ."Z � . . . , . . �� I I , :' �%A%1143 flk!" F.0;*nsaftioa, I � I , .-ill .; I . p i ­ : 6. �.�:!-! It. IWO&M-10 * sox . , I � : I : V - VO*L Its no. 0-0, in , . , . .. I , ,�� .-. WAA " �,* N,wio _:K-_x§.W-: - .... _ -- ..... 1 A-4vaosoie. 1 . 1. . --I_ Px 10, TaURSDAT I I � 11 I � - . I i - - _____1 - � � I .. . __ - . ,., ­­ - .­..� . , ".. , I .1 ... Vale", 11 I . . , __ , , .I.. �� I .";. I ..* —_ - ".--"...L��-'----"--.,..---..�.-_--,.----....----.--..--.-�l-.---..--..:,--- --.--.-.-----�.--.,.-.,.---.,—.—�-,�!!!!!!!!!!M------.--�-------�--,-..-.-��-.- I . I " 1 , . . .. . .__.,_______.;r�. -I__r7-7---- 11i -7- - I , : . . . 4 . I I , I . I.;, 7�; ­-­__­_ LIMP 93F rlto,11~46. ". 1, 11. . . * '---- ----.---,— , . I . . "14&0# #;I .1#�.g i, ­­--bu d somfp;tftk�q 00 � ,,-.. I I . UAlf(Ijusuat It. I . .p 'r , A_1TD LOT FOR $ALU­TijA,v s. aiiii ` a 19" — - 11 . %. 1 _%J4 $4� 45-410 - s. a- 0 it , I � , . , ip 11 I . � - - '.. ,. . . ____ . ­ , :4 rearl'y oppof I --_-.1___-._ - . . , a I.e I . I _ 11 .. 1. . � . � I— ; i.s."t, 1, i 11. 4 1 1 .--,.-- I 1�__ , I"$ .,),iU*�-Ilfl.11�llf,.Uil.11o�i-OlI � "rh�!011owlng, I , I;-xT-xA,.AljPiaI.v tos , Iflottitias � 01BE I ; . . D, lka* e0miga by.mr. Iffliplev aid ;; . , ­ 'A f, " - Brie thopa4kV.6,f puji1v 1. . . . O. -A -successful , � I � I . 'Toli�_ 0 ago � 000 I xjty�*k 0 - offlaro that comforts, nist 4uppat closed, With Church, was hold O4 Qh - t a Moth4alif . I . O'"y ).,)m xAOx.Q!0Ji,jl us , INKI.21# J micas, HV NU $ALV�­THX 1TKDF,R- CIRRIIIAT.KA" XA" 01811`14Y. Noted 'from the diflorent- , ilivislo L , � , � . I I � ils of t , �j aid of the SinI(Ijkly.9chool Of: th I 44104,00.661. terms, itue abotims. contains seven loolual; 0 newly , � . X , , , 610WEIP bit wild adisiblY. sitill- . . ,.! .. � I . - school, at the ex, , - . .1 � I . I I , __ caid �1 � I Ill! �Uil . III &toil- k;DU8ej 00V014te 4he 11FA447wilam' tharobt: to -,kh. we announced. last,week; tha kjitqh� th b ' W ti Tbode. , , � .,4mdv at i6*411 611111111 � I . rig loss eve, JAV,il U. A 0 & - 411 limishily. Tlaq I . . - I . I � %jj.,.:A. 'I il leso. , - - .- . 74f ;o4 ji��dom. Aprly to, 39,. HAFAV; Binrou t-1-1:ef sale. 'ILato ate-loovin rams, herd and 0016 *at a num air of .iiairko -.-Plitained, Thi's list 1114tv0dii .1130jular-NV estfield Choir on ' . � . � 1, . 1; . � . � choice 6010611011 Ad frost Crowe On tke lot. Tpirmse", pro made a gi . . music. Avalil,bis an pplied the .. 0� � ­ � �0 - I _ 49 . olin0r. 1.41 �iud diiplay of 1xients of all, havipg been kinaly farhithed pa by t d appreciated address . � I * . ' * - . I ,eat in ciumitity oiPA Xr-�:A�9. 31all6c . h. Those Pa I w4uldehr;arad by the VOY4 X CASwoli, .,Of. W. � ., . , I - 1-1 ­. L LIST OF LAND ­,-�­_t.' ' _'; :_-­­-- " - Otter partitulatr was" known on oplicallou to '.4' .ile W al r. , . a IN mWNO!4 YOH BAJA BY . ascripMona, to Stich aii ext I I " MRS. 11. ST]URGE021, on the premisee. I i -, . I . � � ' " so to vousel. suirpru worl - ai X were 086nt'��'be Loullesboro. .. I I . .1 I Atha Canada Oomparly, mis.1 be coo" it the 40409, at. FARM FOR SAILE. - . - � w afid, idol, . 'exam, � 6n the 0 Al , I . �1. . I . ­., . . B.. HAME. — I nglImed I vol"and If 4, I . I ,A b . . the muderaillivad. 11 . r I Of the Bob . lialifiled *jIj pro at., - BA241). , rate -_ " .,,,r . . Pi H,4,XCF,RY .1.Tf).TXCj: .To (%'PXIT0R , I wit , I . . . ­ 0 I ., I .1 41hutoa. Jam. 17,18it-'. . I OT16,094.4 Towmqldpof'HuIWt. 10scret . . 8 ,qhere and iiybeo. it �4 aIL- 0 be ca I A balkil bas been form d * ' � . et , R. . . �_ I JU of improtpo - at . , - tbO'141498 and is b , tig i4structei by Air. 3111 � - 4;�a land, only ob,,-jt,4 inflow front -%�-V Of ?QHN 1101,3148- 41006111,1104- ,14, the c1pality, 4a it.141) been for sorqi� ved It this c 84FJ going. 40 , kr Z 0 �, . . - ---------- r- -1 - - —_ �d I . , . . I , I ­ I . . � r I � I I 1, � , I 26. W11ITT, Texcherat'lift*5). ix,lation,dall Clinton. Vill] it-swoldebeap, and ]the -al tzraro given. i19"WA4108 CALLANIP I !8 I kl A I on . I I - , , 11 I - . ry. ' I � , .Z.vl-o r4arkso:btain,%j�ls.,,_jj9 . * - . at their a" residents, it noolessa"" A'%j4o.. Applyto1j'. FEW:1)RE SS, DO";C'A ATE All V O., ,.-x to, - Ttn�suwut to aii oleeirox _MiD rocrt 41 Clianocry made Tasors Past, firit-Ouss" , 3) TI., 0.4. -I*wBtr 9 of God6riall, � �­�� "' � . Kiisarli. CAo -, ea f " a. 0 - 1. . A I I . III the'naitter Z,f ElipAbttli Holmes Alad othiiii, ju. 1. I Ike & Coich had three 31' (I , - . CRUNCH OrR . . . . I . � I . 1 .4 1 itroet, near the Hur . Salad. 49, , V .� , W. W.. 1%31�R4*�, Clinton. toluts, sb6 exeditals of John Holmes, late of the towu� of.cattla-1 heifer, - two:yearl, old, . . fed by Willie Bezzo, of �, - NI -fa, -The metv ).,,Rl8cOp&I . . i;, I - "', , , . . .- , , 12 Mary Pinch, - 97 AfetIlOdist Obbr,h in'Oliveri neigh � I .. �� Olitat:.3f,ril"isoo. a �_ �-..- lip Of Gcdericb, in tho.'r,owity of nuron, yelimain? thomBelvoo, which took first prime at, ogir James shoplVdardil 91. .F-Qrd.Osbarve,.-__-_ ,86- PeArMancheater wait -opened- � for (qvl�6174014 I _ , . . � __ _;. 1. . � . ___ _ ... _ I _ - __ - I , 1,�, '� . ____,_.______., . . . F0ft_,%AL"o-__,_ . __ who djea inor about tbeanouth Of Jalinfilly,48?jklerel 'etm4s show ' ' -;- , - , ahip, a *uq; I . ice wor. . . r 11, ... la� . NTIllid pacilieft .100 Hugh Moo � M ,3u..Q;ky , I I I;r .. : R. DOWSMY, K� D,j X - 1. 0. LA. z Aorre, � __ ___ ­. - -c-ii-brible-larstlie 36th dayofjinmai ,-1661,to N-zd, � Chfz I War, three 7. ra n1d, � , I . � tje� . � f ,on , . 26th im4 , .. , R. - .091166 am& sgd a ____-___' � � — . I , Eddle Waterson � * ' ' ­ ' , - _t, _ .. I., I I .. : I ­ � �, - ­ . I - rujoiciall, SW160111 40 by post, propollil, so SEA05 ,� ON.Barrietlare, fed by T hp M go Aimee Allifth, , 91 D . I . flnEle audersigoodoftersor tale, ow, BAY'MARE, 0 7 of Enron, their � 9, � I 11.1 99 - AV . . I ! . � . .. I . nest $1019163111 Vank, ML6rkqt squaro. 11 I AL,10 .Tearp.old,wi4h foal to. Hosecim's Ace4dental, I of the town of Oodorlob,, initbecount � . ., I itetin, Tookeramith,. and'I Joba Sheppard, 00 Willib-Youllo, $ClfOOL EN441VATIOM,-The annual ex. ; �Ii'l I CA1000m, a am. 15, 1W... . . cow, six?yeara old, fed by Riclha�i Jack- . alasinatiorl of A,jr. Afil r - . opeBAY MARE, S'yearoaldi one BAY HORSE, 11 briatinu\%na mr."riell, sa0cooice and dboakiptio (" . Hattie Ntilerson, 9 ej 1162.. Wilson, 90 on Friday, thil 2 . ler's school took. Plac, . . 1� . .. . ..---.-..--- . . old, one Iran axle rjjs� to 41thoir'Ojoliars"Alstatemento Hullitt, .3 very file .deer, averaging 1 4tho and %vas the Beene .af, . . - . . tho full u tila of � It. APrY -OFFICE-At k.09146nft LOU ..� I 'Urities(Itaxill - L ,ETON. I gaiidth . 97 lei . . N, one It Fred. Brown, Xphil Lesli , . - Eijglx,b Chrirtb of he I . , av BOIB SLEIGHS. nearly now, orie Act,of I hheirvilic Lie mature (ff the flea tin; lb;. each, brought frajUr the Wilds'Of 84 nluch 01310(164on for'the 'j)ooLa I . Y, DoutArjo street. aprvpito the . I held bF t1i in, or In 4efolult thereof they will be pre. 9 fat hogs L , Artb. Sutherland, 00 Vred. Diehl. 9,7 in, , I , . LI-GHT DO BLE IfAr.1516fl,'andorle'sat'of HRAWr e _ Mus I Wires to the 40bolars, A2118811ein offer4d .. . � , " 11 .. Entrance .by aide g6te. . DOPHLE BARNESS. The AboT6 are all in pretty I bapt9rilya allidedfro$athe benefitLot the saidorder. I, koka. -3 fed by 3, Crozier, John "'Ainner, I q8 . Dayid, Al athesnu, 92 aided .at th eshan prol I ..L - L ClIntole, Doe. 4,1879. . good orde r, and will; *0 Zvery 7i", I, itor holdifig any seeilirlt.y ill to'tiroftoo I . .8 I 8 GrSau. Short all4rcaes were . ­ � . I , e oblaoureasomnWo terms. . I for w h ich lie. to I ok,21nd and a special priy.i,, hlddic,o�,antejofi, -1 Etta Spe"Clit, do. - . , I .- . _____ ___ . . i the Faine b dre me at my chaiabex", In the Con", 2 fed by (34 P of Moriis, 1, undpr -_ 1 99 lirin`04 -by Mr.. Avid Dobie Mr, John 06W, . � L . , I . . . I � -1 I L I L X of HOWW11, 01 an, Rev. Ajr. C - . I , I . I IN, DOHERTY 4,61013INGS, Clilit(m. �� HOURS, i;L th town of Goder al., on the I,Slh as . ierce, CaITOna MoDontilel 9S Emma I 0 . I - , AW- FRED. ROGEM, SOLICTTor., 31AS K _-, . I - �­__ ...�­___ - - ­­-_ jauna, j _ I at eleven o'clockin th . a forenoon t befre I . ook an � . . Block, WIXORANS. Braich O. . utharlatid, 68: d a . . ­ Officer Totswater, C .. � I Metal-& vallitfoxioutbeelfiluir. �, eight months, took 1st prize, , Mary Paisley, 7 9$. Alaty S . there. L I L I tj:a ti at Blytllt .WtNT PRj,r.-_jh, A ,� Birmad. Careful And prompt Ditattiori'$() torieg),RmA. . . . 161�� I . , XhQw�, I fed- hy,Toi, H6wson I fed by Jae. Yolile Walker, 100 1I in Cooper, - 04 -, - ­ 10 I . 4 day of Deetailipp.2"O . I L ' .1 - $ t- 11a , nin . ,,,, Itithodlet peopla"Of , � , once aganoybusineso, and 06110tZiona. . I . 11 ' Cottle, of Hollett, find I fed by H.1flan jltattio KlAPICY, - '18 ' . lary Brown, Onobeater are getting entirely in t IL . . " . . � . Al. , ' " . a 9Q he back � I . I � ,.:, - __ --.-,-;;-. . . 12 er; Stapl6tm, 2 very'fine, lambe fed by 'ni gfOuAdill, the-mitter of choir and organ . . ­ :?__ -,-.--.--. I - V L * ' i - jDated this � LaDf�ttlgQTT,k:pef(i,niGctilerit I . . , . � I I- . . , . . Gertle 01111,111), 91 � - T a Q.0opell, 91 .�., � I , �L : R.REEVE. 0.1110t, riattembury, Street, immedi' I __ - - . _­ . - . -, . I I . I . IL I -ad with thiik Aur-ounding Oburchos, I& , Resid4rico ­ .- L. G.:.Stanbury, London Road, and u'large. . 'Par .r : , L . � � I I "L ....... 1) atoly behind Ranotbrd's boc,k store. I -Teas T-eas . I ­ � : raoid: mign P,OTLBxj11S nbox. LhOuld be'tike� this winter. to. produ an or, , Nu 'I 'Coln- , , , I Alp, ; - . . �, tt'. , , oppoelto the Temperance Hal), Hvrov Sir I tet, . OL. ff.. cc _- ." .. ­ ­ L � � I . CHANOERY ALE "' 'qllantity of geese, turkeye, rabbitov ind L NO', of marifs obtajuablfl_�110. . ire, . . , � hours from B a.m. to 6 P.10 - - - _ . I . .- - - . . . I I . -up ill f -clan style. * � gaii , illat.would.exCal ftpy�thlng - Bor'L . I , L i - , � fliqued baving 'ret, !, .'I . . , . pigeons, sill got irst Jnmoa 89inbury, 94 Carrie Coste, I rovpd!ng con a in the, i .) Clinton. J an. 29. 1880. HE simdel lingwrted'ai -thor.aEng- . I I , . T land sme vorySI1FEB1OjtBLACICAN 1) (IRE . . Of, 11 . I ll� V -"jt'ob!jhfOjj, . . ,F ' L . ing all fld')j, A model tea meet. , ­ �- L . "'. I , 'N j'L nwn so ni &do - a large.. El.ija __r�Suj__­_­ 0­VVflfia' 93� r . .5f; , ,L - - _, , . - � ­1� 11 . . � --.--.-,- _ _.___ . " * " ' . -1. . I . Off a edandflifirst-clasab to ' . . 'L jtilsr�tr 4 .. . Mr, 3-f,"Fitmilli. s� al' �% fjatjoug� � ­ DUATE 0 TEA, Po . .p in fi . Ve ___ __ ­_­ ' . ­.. ... ; _', , w�, - ­ dia . Willie 'Aledford, 1�3 Alice 31 a' L 01110 to adar , ebo h ' ' ral ,rpro- .'', I � � .., "L P? W.WALLUkS,-B.A.)d-2,,GRA- tr 611gs thq same -foi sale bog" L three . Y, t e'P8QPI0 financially. .The -.1,- R.'Torouto Ulftersity;, tatimber of the College 9 . I S, S . Bad fat ,beevo, several. sp - 11oklrb,Cree, 90 Williii sml�b ' , � . � or tap1b; iod W.Jar tomilm vse� . I . .1 play, he -having two cleor, one.ver�'large , , N TRADE— 0 li, Offered in whole orli.it i F111 .`T�CLAS' ''I ,M . . 96 Metli : 91 "', I . physiesslue and surgeoula, CIA. ok,jacp 4 Rustorwor WO, wis L � . .. ' , -, ,� . . The bouts farwer)y ocerpled by, or, Ratio; A-lbo eit iLl3gir..,r*))Yp�ti.�o),C.ho)epek)e. . L . . . �VAII . I . L - Odi6t Church is in a good p6riti6cj if not ' ' '. . .'' rf.'st. ob,86tiffikt; prices low -, �4 , Sondthou. (' Q4 96 .better . . . � ,� , . .. In WO.Tawrowbip,of.Goderich. . felt pig""Tabbit 9 " . al Pig'sons, torkeyal geollvi - , ,astle Jobinjo L(�rfi�r, - than * moat Of tile morroun&ng . . " . 49 L . , , Harry Read, . ' I . � 1310tom. bouses . . - -11. Tawsle . ftl.' ZoUn D.��ine, . , a chtroliet. . . . - . T)iellmaersh,*rmd 4elro'k tn't-allthe siteritionctille L , _: , &.0. Messrs. , .y, 1�. Diusleyjs6d . L 9 I . . ___"_ ; 6 and 20 lb. Calidle to.0m, or4orma4le In re Holmes InfamW, J. Dayment AluOi in Charles 'Blacker, 92 Bertie I*vle, � 81 . , � � . . . . .1 I : .1 . I . L . ,. ., —..*..— . . . . I public to the Tea lint, up In 1; for ade vori gqod-displilys 'Hardy 2 vaile -, 0.3,* 111eh. Green' - . .. . � � .; EOHflZ A. WATSON, ATTUR�X%3-A.T-L.&W family pea. The.caddiee are foil lined# and the Weel. Pand baring date the gap 411i QrNoromber;A.D., I . . ' I ' .. . . . I . � GOolicitor in Chancery, Convoyaliciart &e. Office ' f jime. IW, 010to all I be told by 1pab of fxIe,fAk,l;ieeyCg, � latilt, go, venisomi Ujij, $ Side, 85 . ; . . I ,ll#d r.W Dr lidepe rerfeotly 9004 and froth for SAY length 14 Aucticn,wjtbtlie,sp� L. . so P! ' SVIOXIMIKILL. � - : L , . al 0 e, &C. . I B"OvI'll ' I 1Y.1 GeorgeHunt, 9 - � I . , . . I I ' 3 . - �. : '. , ovOj Mr. Craminglismi's Store, lu&Q,j_4-por.j , , - F4404 will 4 too . ad, On. oxamfluat.i.ou Of.� 4"Ilty to be probation of Houry x4cDormott. Var Waster in turk4s, gees � . . .1 I KatiQ,MCC4r'tr.gy 'L , Sellool, A 3,1,211TIUNMENT.-The, entertlub- L . MI. . . . I & I '- Ch#i3OOl7Rtt�Q�'t."4t�t'.#'.C,C.g pAro9,,,oj,"',' 1, L - 97 - . . A platom. t," L 4031 ,lot0ortbamoverberetoloreo trod. L , a _ I ­ I i,,L , " 101 -'mnao Clark. iment held in the public. sob I . . �1 Ug. 26, ISK. �­ ;ider0ij I ' 'L '. ' , , , , , . . . 8utom, A ob millprOMFOr. vtr�p I . . . . . . L,,,,�,IRR IRTStVVG . LE OF LXIIFE,�, ­ . . APQP Toibe 92 X*yJ6a-i,' - u cess. L The ad. ' ' � - _ . , TUE 00,16th of -JAN An 1881t 1� L . . . . 1. - 11 L - 98 dientiI began to 'Onle in, lo . . �4 V 0 de I . Alj9j1,'.t 1 ogy,eted go i3hrl'stinfis "eve, was a grando � C call, here,.0n s� YOUNG, M. B., (GRADUATE OF TORONTO . . I Noloo, . . . . L S . - , — I 13416 T'AtWysoll, .902 A & Isloore - ngL bal * . I . i . I . . � � . I - . Mary J��,'dSore, 92-- Mary Coo] , I I dre the 14%ir, 11 � I . 0.� University,) Pilysialem, Surgeon, &c.,rooldemee . ­ . spe,0141-Sotice'. . -1 . Attbehovro,I!Tws)ve, . x I P 11 . . Th I is was I the subject of a: . . k � 07 Ol cQm,eu4 . ing, C 1 I L at Mr. ramullag's, thiff q9oFF cost of lbe Temperance* I I . . I- � — . . - I , . -1 I . orm, at , . , lectnre, On Ella Dickinsoiji 92. Jennie 'Webli; 92 1 and jetion th r000, wais'pold . . I . . � . L to its nimoit Capacity., � . .. . Bell, Loaduborn, CIA. . JbL jVawj4)gn(,d beq.& to notify J�be . . I , Thitiraday cvianij4',l"t.* by Mi. A. H Man- Alice Xenny, ' 98 JessiQ Stratton, L97 the . We I diiiloguox. �by . - Lonaoslicro, 31111614,167 .9. I publip.i'llat he. , , * * 'uj, Lin the Temp�rance t1all; Th lihiir Flo . has appointed Mr. X; Ounlabighahlb his Agent, in DI kelicewheatley, itt. L dad. . The - . IL, ___ TH , ; Pupils, .were bighly no � phill I Cliutoc -Those who are dedircrie ill - , 14tefiburfs-flotd, iA the, 36 Wo QfQiptbn� . . L .10retts Young, 98 - - 39 -WAR 90nd'upled undeithe-Jeaderelilip . I � I 1�1_ R. STANDURT, GRADUATE OF THE MEDICAL i . 1,forthlisatess. 64- - , . , . .... �, � Was accupbeLd by Rev. 'Mi.� Gray, . AfWr Lillie Xillov, : : 974 - N--tllie Strait,clu, 913, , AlligIf . I tanimpa really good. too . -mcw,do By tb'o wild Matter, the jotio'wink fejiy valuspiq pro. doic)LIL . (A PCOCS111 tar, ,one .of b is- pupils, A -Ties " DDepartment, of Victoria University, Toronto, for- 9 at f4 obeft� rate, can . . anal elterciles, miso ofillander IL114 'Bella cy'go, - , go . - - . . . . . : A ma.� On, "coun t of shose tees being priced st.ft figure' p, . . Xarw , . I , � merly al the Hospitals and DiaMegpeariee, Now Toik, erty,vlz;�Lfib UumillepAl im, tbw 26ili . . Farquhar, Piesidii1g.Ri ill,, organ, an I . . - eouxiderably lover than over borotolore 611tred, they, i and,ths-g6rth plorf of,Lot m, . umber 69 in the Maifl4nd, L . I'"ilr '1026S F. o`('lfjRA'.D 1 V) ", 1 0 I". L . I Coroner for tke County at 17tirom, BATIVIELD, Out. j .., conce""OP, 11r. T. Jackson, jr.i sung, ill rond etylo2 I . I , I kro sold only on a STRICTLY CASH BASIS. esion, a! the township of Goderichijo The Totiv,ty a Tvry pretty 44n: .. � � . , . I , I .. . . I . . Of 'hill' pupils Ail6ifited. in the Singitig.'� Tija �: July 22, 1874. al keptical i -bat the.. --mar .� . .: . .. - � of HC on' ccEtaltink'107 orreP,'Isibre cirjtft. , .. .. ' Fj . I 'inneioal Part of ths- enter6aitiment was hijhl� . -, , - r , ' . -. . No, OfLx6arko obtsinable-2,0.9. . , . . I A! - - ­ _+_ I.. - I one trial will a T at" "I'll" . . I I ,lio Iribui Ulan biffefly ittroduotid. - appreciated.. The performance wai brouitit . - on Ioa 9 to be, v5z: CHEAP . . all, - . I to" are wboAtlity. r.p.-X-d ai Harty Sheppard, �66 Dan. Buchantin, 183 � ]WARRIAGE LICENSES &NDVE)ITIFICATES. A%1D GOOD. . . � I T)ilN rti) c`lqu,;jail� f!-Op�I.iy'jw sji�j�ea'cm Lhe)Efu, - . I to a. CIO$* by sin ell, #I , � . . 1. - -live, in -the leqturer,-*ho at once entered, vigor. . I . - . Applyllitthe Town Boll,or attbe itAidenecofthe . .. , ry Tiplltig,� . . . , on & Bruce Railway . . JOHN RAN8T�OI(D. rOl) Pravel lived, about' Hot from the town of' , of.'llia Louito Dennisou, 17$ AU . 162 , ging " God. g4v6- the Quo . I , . - I . . I , subscriber, near the London, H Clintpl;, $Apt.,80, _L1884. , ' . . , . . . Clinton. There ere, ationt, 07 sicres cleared suafree '()Ugly into is lconsidFirpiCxon aubject;: tiale-Holliatt, 377 Teenie.10ooper. - If�Q. � I 01"'E WRO w,%fj wilimm . . �,� . � 1� , ; ,I .., I " � JAM l , , .1j. 11 _.__ - --.-,--"— fr&A stuisaiia, and tbe.remainder is well timberail,.,'Without 'ai�y-of% the ita,W-oxentjc�mskingol Irlaggici I ,. .. �: , I . . LL. I ,. I - .." L. laner of MarriattLiaeasio.- — . , � 11 * - -bob'siti,-, .172' Eva' Spooner, 172, ' . .. ' ' . L . . . I and 4ij *eM witimad'. 'Third iia. bilth; Airillirij b ch-toci frec�uently; ohirdettirisiethlil-O'Pela, �Aiinie-riitm sta�Slwi .11 .. . _, . . .. ­ ­... I I . , I bard�wcdd land. The poll is ski excellent city jQatia.. _*� III , ....... W_ , . .., .. � - �':,­­�.' ' � � '�!" " _ - - I . - , I � ff LL 'LOAN -i-, ... I . Artzi ­ � I . . .. . I .1 . . I p. Clinton, Api�127tb, 187f. L 1 SW6118,-264. -01 4 - :' '.,BL1TW. -- . .. _ IONE � - 0 , rome-barn SZ41 stableandtwootrea o9amorch NO remarks of licturors. He iterfed ant Slirah� Smithi, * I.74 � . . . — .. I stfif " Lillie 6sntdoia, ­17*t ' - The ,S'W�ath ,96oiil social'and -Christ .. 41 1 . roikxf TO LEND. -I have atIVIamount of Jueney I 1. b upon the piemiwws� �. ,� . : . "... . . I I . . . 110" . � . . Y' at 7j per '. . , . � . .1 . . -comparing this Ifth 6e0itry ivitll,�tber. Jennie E116by, 163 ,Flora,J"Ali"On, 176 tree kjjI,j Lat'the. ,Nleihodiet ch . , craly. 50iuxoOb�ectifSQtmrj; L . $.20' ­­ IIIA* '"' * ' .. I � urell, Squ. - - ; 31 to lond, on good, Improved ' larme.cal . I III an witunial.1j'Ato form ang In liy e iioild's , -hisi , _� f.,3iatercst payable 3 I - . Q.Q 6-..-.� ',,_�_. T' , ` :periiids .of th .y, . 84*e.. - ; I I .1 . . ,. al w))ich Ida'Boles, I eon � , . . . . . InCet der . , ,�'. ay�. V a �'L & . ' 195 Mug. Fullartom, 181 on theeiiening�6f the 27th inat., WAS a oom- � . 1. *. . . � . ". �. . .Irablo pj,4*,ty_ I L. .i �., I . . . . . 0'a"flo, .PrIvatefun4e. .. . . ' . . . . . L I I I .;­ I . � . L, . - J,e nie"Alatlicion, 179 -4s, ' -enzie, f. suecess, the ' I ' . . . Seafoj& ,k1j fl�jtm�rbp.ttyi . . ,� ­ , . . ... .. Lsiblowed in what'grand.and itirri�g times it Oh AU .1 76� pl,te . � �i I lyoliNjll. TIOU'l In. at, Aimen'llier ieens. lull,ewest 'oe� L, eihl.iot- smone , to be phia to - I I Jennie .141100150,11,.'194 - .Bertlla' . � . I . . . . Terjxe� ttu%par . y . . 1��'"Ix* -:Ris .0f.tLi�CA:ip.t.i.q.0'.4,4�stf-t�hp,�;i�.pr�t-),Iit - ­ "It,"','. L proceeds being ,$14�W_ ' q I .., - the-vinder"pltwka,rat�the,t.iwfrliji,ioglc,"ILmttba,ftll-- .-d ­ .. — "_ ... __ 1.3 I . . - � .. I ­ - .. I I .. ­ ­ �. - payable yeatly, bbtiowers,li"ing theprivIlege.-of,psy., 1. - . ee, � Davis, :162 Phe Ohristmas Ltriae in tbe.j�jl . . ­ .. . .. ­ ­ _... "..... - ­­ . . L - . _. Pee ,, .,. . -194:1,�'2il-hiliel-Ro . . .- : : I 1iI I . me 1, FrMVIS _.th Vp16_kt&8t�_4.-_ : ... .-4 ., I . Yi. 1111ANNINIG, Attenkey-at-Law, S, ' . log tba- ,%;b(y)e oi-aiif,part of'theloolm,at al'Yti .... to.sbe pold into CaUtt­'11 C, 0 Mouth f0t.4 UK .whed. bn�i.16 force, goldI aiid high. hinkageil '* 1111'err-4311717.6a Ize I Ove - X .. . - , � , . .d .1 . . I . .. . � :1. -, - . I . �N - I " .; A,*_ 01301to"'In. ' h t, EiTiUR'p-0101le LO(We- �On time.i. salt, without Interest. . 1, t lanae's lAi,itleirion', 1180 Nand Frouillil 170 . . . I . ,�. X% utcer, &a., BeaverBlock i0lin- - "' O'l�ri6e4p.al.intere.st'caiif*oona]Dp. . A clear- title atiAlmmeltlat' riiipoitO,'bly, Ruei�ed to be 11he.cuiltrolling I . . � . r . . 1 I 1. ... � I I . . C I j, Olaf. hLoney to loan at loweat totes of in!'�reoti. I" I � I J. 1'. Doh�xtv, " ICC); 0*ert� Freffillu, .. � . — ?..-- .. I I i U -how they jhaa sees . � , 179 � . " i . - , - .. - . ,_ - �, I . - - A I . putlinc .. I I . � I - IWL . . I 1 '4 . away Wfllie'Ba�e;,81 , 177 Willie -LiVin 0j1Ij�jL",U_'.'jr0i;' -L�­ -7 --- . . I . I t Clisnacry, Convey s, ,!.t.".-tv. i.6-,� I a pCosefision.g v�-;\O 'iutlueii�e�,- and . Ljil' .- ffeLprotimptly &t^,on4td to. I)f.'Jae bot)v'q i sht" pe rlleulursglveu�m application I 0 payment of purebago money. . . ,P 'L . . All be one rescrve4 bid, firodb.7 the Unkt,4�.. to give place, t, better. and nobler state C . -_ -...A,!4_1_. - -7. - . '. � . � There v I ' . * I VIVS11111'. . .1 . - -_ R.m.too P.m. . I . . . , 0. , . j Otte V . . 7 Johii M d0y;_ � W - . . . 'I , - #an . # - (WITtTAIt.j1.-1j.t' iS�ohr duty this Week tiil,slii: -- ., " . . - , .pt. 22,1880.* . _. -.--- _________7- - — _,Ze �.� � . In o6bdr reer he -(xjla4Um"f_Aik-u�i�-4 -affit-irs--p�ss--4,�u.d-)y-up.pla-tid0d.--7He.�Yt�bt.' 11711obip '. , . 160 j)oubocitliod'14tbLof*96eot4thetaiijeatLseiiI *�� .. . I L I ellaton, Be, _. - . _.— . � 4 . .. ,. . , .� �Iimt(,r ; Etanding bouditlon of the Conif . Qf . , . L ' , _ �_____ _ . . . I Attornc . . : qf C baxycor;r� �I,46�Co,p 10 John Oxardiucir, . I '. I I , - .. �,-�V - - & 41 4,kTT - _er . . __ _ .. ., � I � . ., '.. � .... . . . . . . � ­* � eig"'. . . I '.1 .1 � � .� � L: . L F-efurthei'pir'donlare ajTly w LLc under ijimed.- \1 Pointed out) thattotilay, the qudstionfiio jf�lk, C�ntojc,' 156, ..Emma CalIjV';,_ . ,.1,71 of. this toWnohlp, In 00CM011,0f b1r. Jampi� .'� ; * - . 1; �t�---.__ - 'IST, CLINTON . , ' - �' , , . . be asked, coned i - HarVeV Davi;1, L . 0 163 Switity., of the 6 Ii , , .. f ­ * . . ,. . .. I - j. T. WILEIR, SURGEON DEN7 i !!! �JRVEB_�I, 130ODYARMS FOR 84L ' 1 . rning-any newaspirant de- .. , --L. i ai�clx� 1 WnTox,. - H. XACDERMOTT, � . . 1 175 Gael Barg , Extracts teeth without pain by i t4a tlaO tit the EL I r ..GodeTiLL", ' __`,� I t con.olhickoccurr4prom - I 1. �- 1. Iat rot, b6sti. and bl� far the ssfest appliance yet dis- . arr ste, r, , , at ter lst Goderk.h. '"hi6tis. of. ding the-wi)rldil I- Willie'Fil6r' 190 - Hpllogj C-Otp, .. ,"j,Q3 i � I . . . . 1, I . I I 14 , li� , moul i fittrVitip I I fiflAmin4ti6i of,thlif lug ,'- on:,Wedflesda . I . .1 , 11 , I I. . . . . . i 1. 70 - L 0. .... , .' Dated 23xelbecoibsr,'14(�,- ,-, ' I. . " � - ' ' t R he weplih T - la� fie`of liable 'J�h� bciiloar_,`� LIK-1 jaq"I�Ic?dt - g III . ca verad for that purpose. All other I�rsncben of the I I ... t r . NONEY L ' . L I . . . trelt'ie,,T153 bece"I'so-ttled in j cc � . " pir of-Rojon promptly attended to In the moo t av �vcd . . . I ,. . . .. . . I . , - , . 'G' . � .1 �ns ; - .. , . J.3ln IL �. . .- . I .1 . 1� . ._ .. - - p...'.:., .." � ­­ �:�­ . - 1. ...�_, .. . . "' -_ .1 I . O -was, a =an . of I inine.na ty'.fine. to - , , ., , - � , a at y1e, and at moderate prices. I . . I b " -4 I j3nt. is be .ToVu Meunel', . . I W, ago. lie" ,gver4G a . . I , �,',,"o'dll?oe� aSlan aristocrhk� i 86 ec.,Thylor, , . . � - . . , ' .ffaL . b ­ fl " P o , . I . . . a an, xt rie y 70 LeAlin Brfitou 146 ppr % I .1 . I , , , , " , . , . . , . I is 6 rigl_ JaL ament, and, soon inaile friends all QVpr t e , it," . Ile .,Aej M, - ----.-- - I.. �___ . , : . L SPLENDID— " 1' � I I .11] �,,, I . I �00B. :, .. r. , -.,,j *WORTKINGTO. 'ICIAN, S ; , : . . .. . . . . . 1. � . ,�. , , . . - Mo. u-1 !;3.if�,_­� Too' -r-I­ .r-- all- _ I L I . 1 -6 a0l� life.he wa I I N, � 1� . . - . . t . . . ;,: .By 4r- I . ­, � I, ..., -­­ — I __ - of -we Viet] __ - . .. I J'a -_ ­ - . . I IS h� L I ntt L 8- id--�;-&;�ig, , 9, 1.29 initiation h rein h ' N. PHYS , � I . . � T X'�` t, . youngi man bd4lii$ to think Erneit Hovey" 179, , 358 tOWmbSjP.­L] 1iQdk"hu,rcI.­--- .. �, .- I I .1 . � . k b d lif ftafD the craalia (v this ' , I � § a, loon! . .$ ,_, � URGEON � � P.. q . . _ - DH- -of , I I .� . .. I L � Anconelieur, Licentiate of the CoLlege "I'T0.1,:m, 1 1 � ... " : -and Sirgeot, of L wer Canada, and I'll-oviboi.1, I .. . � � !It. 't I �1,1.-` . n - . 64 Jar Ad ,LLL Sr.. ---fittadh-,01C-iiajj---1- . . Meta and Coronor forthe Coutil Y of HUI on. 0111crand, , 0 Y00 ., 0 � :- 6.1 ffl� gto`foi 1 aiffies (if life, whi Eifili� DOwnie, -177 ,. . I tile time -of'his death. Tli . . .=:::-Tle building for6trfi o�i-njded by, NP. I . - . . , , . ,.,; � , � ,a .,�L,"�.:, ' ! . ­ . . :,I,, t , ,,,,,,r,,,,, r � I, e - - - - . . Wed to lay . ., . I . . I I . an -illy th# tuir� . . , - . ' � Huron street. , I .. .. I I �. I . . A . . '. L ,rules ft,r th - ii- .,War,64 ,if - . - 4reu�,.�j ripLoap"Div . . I . A WI 0, $our got 1 10,1671 �� i . . L . - I _�'*bkl. SALE , dowiW;b'�erl`,'1' ,0,.,. ! , 1. a 84 , IF;ON. . I ' if ' is, slid four � . . � . � AT 7 PrU CENT, payable to suit 1,r r . . -ARK . �. , , , ..:. 4 �,, ow*T '' f F - VITOS him are I � I Clinton, Jam. . . . � I . I ­ .;... ­ , , . . . . .. . . daughter, whebuive.-the.jympathy of, fill 'in , . I . - ...-- . . - __ . - __ � . . . .?. I.., ., , . - L. . . �% � "L T: No of marka,obtainab I . L L � .., � I . . I .. ­ -ii—.F. CAItTNVRIdHT,8 - FA R � . . t 096-9 ' - - ` --_,�_ 7 - - ," - 10-20- . ! their frr�-pafable loss. . . . I I . ' , . sTIPT I M -S, FOR 8ALE. ,140RTG,�GBS AN!D I 1. .� . I h p9k.yo-nviske life sude-flishful and' 1, . . I d UR09014)DE1 . . . . , . , . I .. - . . . .. . .. , .4 . .. . . I . I � 6raLai c, of the Royal College of Davie? 0Ti1Y,R WOURIT16,13, BOiXkHt :- 103 ur-as, -happy. Firef, a go6d siark, by)ba ifig Amy Ikegl6y; 162 011ver.'Aloop�, � 158 ­ . . . . . . O.— - . . . I . . '. . . - I - . . I .'. I' D, 8,0LD. '. I ,� . . 1 . k 51 LWA6 I . V . r theriglit lioice of,a calling ; lhecond, Stick.: -Flo,, M01(76cv�n Ill�j­FkM 'Davie, . - 153 , . . 1, , � .. ­ . . . I amp . : �; AN :. - . .. . ,acris of Ontario, bits opened tDomp ­ ' ' I � . . L . I . I , . . . . . I : : - � - I . I . . I 1%�X' ij I * Higgins, '133 - , � I . 1,0NAESDONO. _ . ". . I . its liboVief'orialliock,A11jort atmet.01haton,viherts IU& , , . " I � . , " _._—L . . hird, i?iinobling it, -by . 1ut, 6hS'P ., 135..: . ,. . . � . . ing tothi .choice'; t. . ZIA .hroLwal lvasle�, . iv -92r! � 41 g,jk-t4Qt-' %�OjjiOp .Atoftx, I , � .1 I 11 ,it Well. L, ., L In ihis, AOL in gi,!ttonstuntli be in attendunce,exid proparod to I ;TE (iUEEN.4 I I I 1. . I I . t . r.r.i . 8fx-.Ic,,I(tx.k-'�-- . . . I . , . . L . r formitil all poiuw 'd . . I'' I . . .. . pot fokirth a-ohenfiss of. Lizzio r9obiAs, 343 C"has McLeo4, ' � , . . in every operation connected wish Dtilltistry. Teeth " ­ - ... � .. .. .�._ 1 I (; 0 01).'.BA R N A.N, Q, STI�,PTj.,S ' . . I . I . . . L . P L ' - . . 177 northern.'Lontaricl, the .slei$hing is all that .. ,� I I ther Allisig - , ' . 1; ', . . . . - h j6tarmju`atj�,j�. t -er I , � *mraoted, irlilled with gold, amalgarn, 03, 0 's 10 R - .. . . . . I . I purpose; I' t j� a. (L . I - o .work VzZie -NA'all' L 127 : George Howson, 158 . , . � 0 . I . A. . I ISHE * I .. ' .- 1. material. Artificial teeth invertedfrom one tc a fulfect. 1 . ' , . . ,. . _: 'L . � . . I I I . I . I; . could be desired- Tile, rusdi: swain luan)gea . � I ,k,V: 1.9 jobQ. '! � _ �,' .L, : , , , . . 'fficulties, and sixt.11, Stan& LF, 0 1, nit . . ln�. to 'hl� haditls-sweetheau!s­ , . . Is. ! oliptor , 1% I 7 (1100D I�Ojj;N . -� - - An(! overecim di . .. I tiotil6i "s,' 168- Cha6. Difikineon,.159 E�eighl I . __ '. - 4 ­ . . ,.. . ,. . � .*that. I ic� � i , �A) ice. IN16are, 80 - Willie Pi 'gley,-: 138 in .. . . . . I Cliutop, April 17,1879. .., , f . I , �1, (MCE A R 1). - . . . 1. ` . .. I n I . .. _�_,4_________._ '. . . _ . . : . .� I ing by, 4 I . rigbt.� :lrhleso points . I I I I . ­ z L. L. I 1 � . - . . . . litent., . , . . I , " � . . 1 I I I . ;Q I.. . 'enforce b 16r) ,,Cc . . .. . j 11cKILLOP I I (, Oj) yrp,cr��., , viere, . nume�nki�. telling illili-JEFAnnah-Smitli, 182 -Henry Racey, . - �L . I I . '5611ii Smith, � 185. Charles Grb i85 - (.1,wftv;i,x,A,j Joys. -The � - 1 $1. 0 0 1.P QQ - ..- . I , L ' . - I . good peo�)e of-iom. I . SURANCE 8 . " . . . ' L"L � . . . . . . I _ '.. : ' .� .- - � - - , tratio. a fro ' ill e lives of pelebrated men. I n PlIs o L are entering upon the fes ,.. . I � . -1 I I.. . . . :. P, ,. !,. . I '( . Boa ' Martin Luther, -Lor ' lit to tho'blirietulas season I Wilh�'=�_,_ � , . I., ­ . I . r G Xft) WATF Mar�: Shiploy, .182 Er set Graham, ' 3Lr)g. deabor � . -- - !L ... . 1. . I . It, .! The le erevces , ____ ­_ '- d , - -- I ddic Kitti ' 142 Old" . .4 .�, . _ _ - . I . . '8 I I .o * L I. - ,MUTUL f IRE IN ON-PANY t. I . . - . , .� :�L, ."', .. L I... . . �" -1 , .. .� . - .! I . Qli keti, ,&1joenuit. L'� ' * - 186. X .. . . � L , I I � .. zle, Maggie Paisley,, 179 ` 316noldhfeVbilald� 17 - . I 1. � __ I . . ". �C�001Y VALtik �. L I . -Hon. :.Oklox, 3140 'I *estw Th6 usual quota of visiting and receiv-' . I . . . - . � , ' - ) , 1 L. . . . .. . . . I .,. . I . . .. . . and, o-stru* ,Is the�-hiade..to overconle-1 `teTenscin 17.9 Arthur Jackson, It 5: ing vi ' U)!s is going 'on, dritl every one seems � I � . . : I I � . I I '0 '' , , L. ,: . - " , . - Tijos. NEILANS,AGE , 1. , . . �, . . � i., .- . . � . . . . GOOD T'FIAMS. diffi ties ill I PI paths', lkv,�ro warmly ro- MI nke Leeric, , ; Ii.3 Bertie'Kerl,-, �, 136 I �vjng is hap il- ­htisonp.�. 'I 'he rising - - - �" - . ' 11' ENT I Al ( NEY TO 41 'OANT 1 '. . I' Emma S ; t g i.) � . . . '. . V -1-i- ! - � . I I , , � . . � I ­­ L — . L . . . ... The 1 ."Lead:, - - ,�'189 -..Al.- lVillintag, . 1�1- 01) � . iuEy autL fftil. th0*VjgftS of' ' '". . ; L, I IL I .. -' ' _­ ' ---j L . - . I .. 6eir .� - cl, e, ailking'-for ci KIn 8 I , O' I'N'll'. MI . , IT, TUND.S. I . .'... - ._ . ' ' 'Ile, , appon , atis r exinlat Oil �%ts , . P .: , . I I , . I I ., . ,, L . . . . I " 'I -.latgr activity Mary Duncan, . . .. . . ' L.. I . I IIAKI, Ch. ( . . .. . I 41 . � I . I 11 ^ I' L 193 45 , . .. , . .. I I . � , .. I - . : . b r moral Sign , .18 MajkCO'pP, � antis ( 'I. '! . I . :1: - . - .. � . . 1. . I I . static] rd a ar( an . . � I . L I 1: . I .1 . I L . I - , . � . I . I . . . . , ,., ��, - . Furtioirr Q!.�bibg to inlinie nkli r.od Qjjp ComrSm,L '. . , I . . 1� _; "' - , *1� T'� �� () - . , ; ­ � :: init. , affaiks i)f�� , ! -911141* it ninre, darefal: Maggie Ja�,,L-F;on; 190 Charles Dbvt,jiie, 128 pritsoxAL—Riss V, (In5well. of.-Saugeen". �. . .. � . , -t " i L (c,f fu ,$On4ge. L L . . . I o n a v f t 'as be t.t and ahoupef-I t�, f I: stive I n, a-nd wil I 14 ' 01vus"J" INXTERI�S'Pl- . , I . " I - � - �. . . . . an -earnest ptepail I'll ,a w cirk aij d � Aila- Willie Fullartorl, -1 5 � ,is spqnditigri, few da�ys 0 flie IIAl. , . Slid - - �� ,-, .- - waltetionattbeirb,,in,,�:!..Ty",.ru,:,I.i(D ie.hLnl.tUl.)m ! 11 I . .� , : .t! � I .-- - .�­ . .. . I ' r.ti tu i, .k;ie Aluir,. , .' )66 I I .- . Agcula'e.115ce. . 4y . I 1. . I.. .1 *T . I .. .1 . rapponsibiIiiies, was a Itched in eloquent Aggie Jackson,, 180, Tboil.'Straiion, � 174 lo CMUMO Of,tbe north had . I ,�.� . I . t I ad L oks as though the - I edL Wort � L '.' " . : � � '?�, I ilN 1"TIM' ' ' 1T'POa.R01VR1%$ t language and form hy pernrati(.)Ij Charlotte. Ul%-iss, .]76 lVillie BOA001n, �166 not altogether disagreed. ,6%, ith lier. . !, - $ AND ON TLi'V.1.q TO SU . R' M' , - ' "F131 A C E -Y . . 3 ,Robt. Sheppaid, 188 ... . . . : � . . , - . . . , i 'I- L I I � � L . � , . , . � , -1 .. .. 1. . .!P. , , .1 i � fi . e I -little walitor, 110� S1xaIxC..1 Cr'Asf�.­�I?`rof� lfolmeii,b " '.� � . . I I - .. . . - I . 11 . I A0ENCY OF Tljr4 .. .. . ­ . . . . . as eatub..L., . Tisdall -& Gale " ' '. .� . %L ,., - . ­ .. , "' leept 0 'Illy "a dc""� , M; LW. , '-rll()mas,Ca , Ihni 170, � I . " . . , I . L, , CitiZ 0 1, " . , . ' '' 11 * I . . L L .. ' I . - ' L .11 ; "' ,,vote of thinks ivAs: L , I oved by r. . .: -L . . . . � . IlFdlQ.a a Flinging SCho6lL lit the, village. A ' . .L .% I _ . .. - ,q ' ' the. youth, of'.bath. sexes are tak, .. ' I 11 I . . U1 . � " . . I O.Aj - , . uum�ero.l . P .1 1 � . I I .. L . ron �"d Mar ": ai' a 'L C.�$earle, and bedonaed b 31 F. � A. S. Nis h - r1i xxa�; rruc;'U'so "s IjjvxS'Ie1x. . 1. I . . - E R S , - I 0 8 Ps ahci Companj o', .....,.I , � .. . . . . . � . er, ill coniplime'lltary speec as kad heard'. . I . . . . B A IN K L. .. . I .1 . . . . Yap ,,, ,I . NO.. of marks �btcsinablo--305.. L � .. ing.advanta�e thereof.' . � . I . . . . , . . Y'a " .. . . . . � . . I . .1 . ,jT parr ' .. to t ir.. 1jaggic, Fish,er � I .1 . i. .) led. ,A simiylaarp',�o he ell** 20 .') I f) C()NvrN-ir.NT.-T6 tw I * . . , . C . APITAL *T,1S,:i4iOQ0' .1 .. . ] Cr,lN.!6ON,,D.4:c. ,0131i, � I . L I '118) Uzzia Gorrdll 2 2 .. . . o iieiv trains ptit on. I . . . I . .L . I . I .. . . . I Ti: g . Alfiry ]r , ' B. railway have proved a"gr�at - ,- , A LBE'l-IT STREET, CL1_--qT0N,, ON,ff � , - I . - . I � Illari find t,be Dox 7 br h -t the pro, jollficirl 3 Kate Alefinel . 22,4, the, L,,Il, arld ­ - . . . . :� L . . : LosAfril already Ilaid. ;�i,m,u.,., 0711,114-v�00afmo _ "I ceadinea't(o a Close" ,,, I),,,, arms, to be- a Clara Calla-nder '214 Eintria Ximmons 200 conv6if,ionce to the villuge. With four traills .: .. I . I . . . I . .. . . L .1 . N.icetly opposite the Market, . , , comfeeted In Ontaflo $,I. .11; �Vnrp, L . .. 'B._VF1PAL() IMBL. - -VOU SALE, A, if.) ha.ve Mr. I Hittic Malley_ 213 Willie' Ores. . 232 , we _ priVi_ .. . , I L I . . � . 1 . I V .1 . . 04.111 116C(lEd-k.ftbil Buffelo jj(,j,a. .Applyt. general desire , �, Annin rew . - .going, each way -are abort,as.Nvell I . . . . . - � _ g, . in a Place �Alinnie Dennison � - 'turgeon 211 leSed as most villages, ; .1 . . 0- . 'I . . I Past this lectnr6,int, a Hine'at.. N-3 James 1, I . I .:. , ri'NKANSACT A OENBRAL BANRIFGBUSI: 3i ljoan Cfnnpii '. . . . I W. n'L 1, Gliutou. , . ' ri I, a .�. Thel?,nglis . 11 � . I . I 1`1 N L . . . .. L , . 'hris. Heiiie '220- S&' as left'foriler hi�llu , � .. . , ..... 11 _... _____1. .... -1 where a large uti.dience may -I 11 jq him Ones (look 1945. ,C cial'.­�Miss Irwin h � ..'X Tdoney udyanced on ,Alortgagta and Not eN olhand .. .L . . .. . . � I I ; - , , - ­ �. I 'Pralte insUed payable at par, at all the offleep of tho I . , CAPI-TA-L., *41;10001060. . .I - I � .. i torisalld'ackefizid 194- -4amas Gordon. ,072 il v, she intobde a . . . .. reliant's Bank of Camada. New York drafts iseri6a, I . . I T ITIMBER NVANTE D..'t"'O'000 FEET -OF I , . --066 a. ., Ellitil C"te '� " 21 i�.- Joh n Rumball �- 190 9 AY ool next year. I tionding Clinton High - i I I we a . .. .. .. L-t-JAlaple and Esenvood IiiinVor winced in excluirige ., . � I .1 oil Miss Bird takes ,her. place .. y ble at par, and available in all parts of the United LORTIA efftObbd Vilrilf the WOPt fAV0;'AbI6 4114f, �u � . . � .L� I� VIII � . . I I 'Jar, Furniture, ot�W. )s. CHIC11"". COPS, Victoria C11HIS"I'MAS EVE SEIMNA Ross, Joiner 2.16 Prank Brown - 209 in.the School, All we can Icifirwof tile now ntop.: . real witate. F I , L ' . . . I .. . %treat, Clinton. , � . , I . . I . .. I �, .— . . ..� . . L*E.. , ,. , X Oruiekshauk` 201. - Nichol Stn;bury. 191 teacher She -%vill- fill tiie place as. well 4ith ' .1 I .. I .. 'Vi k,.N 'C� I t, G. FjPES LOW� ' � I .___.._____ � .. . .. ­..4�___. _%­­­ - cilea. , '. a' ' ,�, - . I CONN ,q h,' , 24 I Felix lfai]ilon' -184 old axis. . Air. Afg, ' J`iit"71'r A-1 ) ENTION PA In 10 CoLi,F(_T],�%� tjjr,.Ugh' . . I I. . I . - . . '011, ,F X . . Few, -we fancy, will ohjrict to t o evital G race B L , . Clinton romains, in the high , ., . � olltjpr�aa ana the u.jtua �Ltnlefl- � . � . L I ' -.-: L. . . I I MAX' WANTV). 1- ."AlY i. .Al� of We d1difashloned Find almost o sole e.cus. NbIlie Fair ' 22P. 'G�ri. Tipling 197 tvom bf, t am 0. . I . I I . . I '. � WfirAou F 0, mhot Lave pood Ilb am 104pe �:f Ligures . - . . 110.8, . scyloollor another year. 1. . . - E� OTES BOUGHT tit ch P,: ratep'.'and Iftoney L . . I . . and Of 803thlt AND IN(W.-IT10OV4 lilibitH.' None other tom of the Singing of Christmas carols, by.a. Maggio Graut 24 I' - Afred Rance 195 . � . . . � � . I I . .. adlli.ed to farmers on fhab'OWD LCIOR � ,101!hLyUrg A.I.K. "ANNU.N'G' , 1" ' . . band of serenilders, - on'tho ave of thAt ay. Jerniga.11 TICAAMr=ixae�Tho success of Lonliesliord ' 'L ' ' ' ' .1i . I, . � . noddapply. Cori P taut emilloy nion t dnrlm P whole year. L OlLnes , 254 (Teo. Bayley . 248 : . - of tim n to sui t the borrowr r. . - . W . .. .. I 61 . . � lacylaill) InNVI'm Amidst t4o molamn quietness of the night , Elcota Swartz .. i),27-- Herbert Dialil- 208 101, uledtings is getting somewhat proierbial. , - ' - . - . . . . ­ 111170-PYWY ';.A.A"D ' ­50LIC"ITOR; - ­­ ­ �- - .-..--. .:_-_-­­__ . when the Nvorld is hushed in gloep% In 224 Robdrt,Nlooro 261 Tile v6ople g6li for tham with a vVill, find. 1: � I . . . a � ' - 1`1 0AXWE - ' ' Ore. I- .noth . ,g ,Jennie Patterscri - '; set t III I " ' All marketable seenritiesbunp,11. arld 03A. , I . 1. .. . �, ,, . . IIPLFEAS, !0 -TAT -W 1� I -, � , is in Boll itirring than -to bear the StTAI�S 1.04111ily Chbili;oi' �21i' Willie Afenual ISO . heir . inds ol�` likling, n6illing but the �� I . . P�"'i.VEU� I'L�OCI(L" CLjN'TOjq' , ' ' .- � ...'. e , e,(Jhri8tr,aa$3.('r.Ni'WL';Yi'ali,,,. I call to 111(y)- , of some - beantifill Aotliem,, sung b ewe l; Minnie, Cantelon 1 271 .21, , bost,'and in this theyare%enerally Ruedessful. I . *1 � , I PARM2101 INN , YooK.cApy-.N?s QV TIM . . L - bullst are ofter , ed for Aide'. Apply to y I ?I WIllio Straith. . 6 on L'. ),old fil,tIle WjetjIodjS'j. 6hureh.. �oa .1 . .� EV4 . � L . , L. . . The a I .. . MrI(CJ?AN7'813AXn T'CANADA. .1 S . . J. 0.,lPLLt0T'1 ' Tolceg, floating through the -air. It -here seem - Olive .Snide' L 1* ' ,. � . : .. r 2q.?. 'an ever tin Ally L r'blembOks being . . � ' 'L 'L . . . - V "O Q 6112i . - I.t 4:1, n6vuld Conco,P1011. wopriAtences in ou' . Christmas * nighto was n6 picception..' 'It was - - * t 'A,Y;.,- ),,,- ,!,,nt Interest alloteal oil DelioAte. BOOTS,16 ­ -; . ..... . ­­­­ - ­ brcikon.fii upon %iith the irebe6tal of how L I . - �1li'Layic'U'A Divisior , ., 966 up ts 4the Sabbath School. - , . * � . vllolm, mis's ul( ' in the interea — JQ�V% JUD --­ - ". , . I . . . -F .-CIA. -E " . No. of,marks obtainslilo-344 , . T. A. GALE. . I .1 . . - 0,TRAY HElF M. N1 , INV)' THE . - s. \ I A bonuteous spread Wall prepared in the , . . . . 'of 13 is) �1.1?1. laid so )Owly, * . . . . .­ _­_'_­­__ — _ Caul trial, I . I ' 11. V. I PSPAIII.. � , . 01nemloos of the rubsefillot,Lot2fl. (,'On;)'. - . � . . , . .--a . . I . . alo"Mitea ofPc9co-to vit,xi,b, I . . Temperance Hall, alid herd th6 inner man L ­ - . . Ye14JInj, Ifelicr. , JV flile a oboh of angels holy, I atiettaIldlines 292 Bartle Walker , "s rovisirived with delicacies, such - . , .; 'I. ­ ­ . _ . . left, about tho 7 at of NoVoInber, -p, � . . . . I . . .. The owner 1,4 haveby notified to V&Y expantem aria teke .. ­ ... . ­ I . . A . - I . I jfQWQy' .S.LMILLIN.Londoeboro. , 61121 � 'Ciang to celebrate his birth, . . T ... mpliell ., 261. .log, Chidle " 298 "VS=Y Aight tile lleart--,or sholild We say - S_ IDI. -718.111 oNEW" fof 1hei, verv' liberal patronage dnr.. * . . I . . . olory in the highest' , . I I ­ y 0. 11, . I I . , . � , . . I I 4' A. �eGar%*a Je own ` . 805 stomich-'al the most fastidious o�iojjre' L . I . , .. . I i'139 tbe*p&Rt; I wou)A beg'to direct thqir attention . � Aang the glad angelic Fitmliry,' I c;NjIIyCjIjO . P . I ' '20 Willie I CLINTON. . lelhiA L&LAGY114-PINER& 33ETTER VRAY. 81JEE!"i --- 8`111UYED - rROM. I i.3oj;y Ill the highvit, - .. � . A. ; ktllelr� will : I . �-Itra;ton 283 Supper -iiv.cr, an* hiljonmilient was made to t or_ I .41a"I"N RyLp. � S � ". . Pawad on tro-th,, gooil Nvili to mt.n."I . L :110 Willie Sniflh '.' 24r) 'the ChUrLb'L Where. thd Mina w a regaled with . . 4 . _,�_. 111.1 11 . kovembers " V8 � , . — Z4 . - - .. I . . the ptettises of thil qbbrcribei� Lot 72 Illlh'con .T. It . . ' Godaric towI1i,hIp,abduttboQdalOO1 Jan 0 jell L at , . . L A, . . of h I I ri 316 ,,Tjodia, I W, . ation jl� eftileolto Ilg6 following TWO EWES, with the ittfars W.11. on their ojdoe� This Christmas o�e tire old a6ima was Jen L I Th�owor a morejuilaterial, but not.leas enjoyable, jul . ", . 'L . U4 . Special Atte , * introduced by the Methodist church tell,, Fiber , I" .1,6nis Tkouse , %I telleotual foubt, A 'varied and interest* "! �� I 11 . I without exception, Amy one giving s4ch in1crmat-lom ad uIll lead in their n ,, * , g.of Singing d! 'ing . I . I ,", . djvr�?, Will Ile oaitably vb*firtTed... . Wlx,-'Ahr � it,,, - 'ot � 1. �: cool'. �.'ruvrss. E-4 taA :19:11'r. The' -party w, as. acim,posid of Messrs. I oper .113: Gea, Xitt , - , m4 pr6grismine, doopi lit I - . lines, which nire, tile beat I I I Alogues -- �j$­ I . . I . . I .. �, - " - .,(L'� . M VAIMOUR 9TOV11,13. . .i� . value In glit: linniket . . . t. - . �O '\� I, , L nit lt;Alofis, by thif cbildrou, and speeches ' -' . . . . -T I ! 2DIv - _ � . . ., . . I ' I I ... I . I- - W. li�d T. 0. b6hett� . J. O., Stevenson. ,A. I ft ,* L RbW Higgins 220 and real . I ' ' I � . . . . W LADINO' ft, -qdAT BOrTOXF.17, C11011019 1111M, , I 'Q TRAY AN IMAT,8.�­UA11k, 11 . ,�At I , 6nd W - . Callabdero 11'-LFo*., aL n a A., H. Man- ( . 0 1 tts'()h 20' Waltir tough 816 -by. the pastor, Bay, J. CrAwelI, ind, Revs, Jr. � I ,.L .� ` � I. lzig, � and I num, � Ida Johns, " , .1 . �f' HEATING' STOVE -9. Z)' I,Atffiml 011' GOAf )3AE,Y.okAl,s, Chfinloii,; lined. � 0, l5fdralhio4f,t)(kilinficiviber, lot 12j.W lit Afieses Callandor. Holme9p - M;G Idbilli AS haw 218 T, Smith, 4 Lucknow. 3nd,'Birks, of Ulyth. .. . I . — I ­ . h � " I �L - I _ and prices, Godatich township, about the lot -of 'U' 6 . 30 -60111 Afilt6llan- 109 T 6 singing of the'&'S if late, tiuder the. - � ' . . . I,Aows' xT 0 ': 6, '9� - . ITITRU; Go" lymo.�Kfj, 06111fdKelit, styloil � o�v'4e'Axd4b0a6rr -at ballp Corbett,. Jackson, Nellie Holmes find WS,1t S "r "" , STOVE FURN I . White Tafttl 1(!r,sliton.lVbitel)airyo.%Y�Pig. Tbo tujina 1j'unabill' ' Visits weraL.made to tile' Dab e 1 916,�' Willie Thomas 802 IdadLdrSbfp of Mr. T. 446, wag much appre. . 1,Awas' Pittium 4rj,rw",O� of different styieq and prioco Owmaro late 'mg air. notified to rtb ' . g , ,b To propetlyj pay b6mea f 'i be,,, I 0 MiFlars', 11, Irwin, T* Stevenson, E. I Yrar Campb 1 . 3t$ : (,;,hog. - xeith 290 41atod. Miss WoodufAit presided at the otgo, PIPES AND ELDOW8. . Ink sv,� � k 110 � " I LAinklit SKAIMM boo", �trong and-rioat. . . chgtgoa.and e th(,ru aw .� 1. ?Z *40, . A -T HER. F,ddm SwIttz 28CP , Ogle Cooper and1lattle Callanaer.,deservas pr'isibe,14 the I �. j - *91, 1, IT, � " 8,1 I)talm6s, Dr. Williams, Jas. Thcimpson,A. S.. 249 1 M LADIM, PRIP114CII I(n) WhOxxii"oholipaild good, _LL� I ­ �' �. 1_. I 4 Flober.'D. C. Carri T. 0:Doherty W.Doliar- Bell Gibbioje 200 ClIgg. Cross 222 Way in which her part Nvito pattointea'for Otto . I . P� CROSSCUT SAW& W LAtints' MOCK�Kkl) BUIVro.4ko, very lleat. � I TA19,1,V,A - - A" 111190k.StAR. VOR ty, 1. Hodigins, A. Callaudor; :6..16i�dit,*� 'T, jobn Coat.s, . t47 WjI)j',s Afallalch 391 so youtig, , All apparently omjbye4 themselves . ,. I . . Pill- Fi7i 'A Willio otluf6b, clinlj))", )!to dulleswif, be to Cunning A F. ittlinbiAll, i4vies.81nith"T. I I � I . ... ; 0-3 SISIghoolls SlaighBells ., IIA010'1011, 00Af BA610K'Acg, VelrY ne4t, * , I lit 9 I rftov� MAI Vt6R'g jDIVjStOX, fully, Financially the- meeting Wee a Very take charge of the &Inging In oommet)t .611 the Jac son ones. J. Dean and ldro. Callan. I gratify!ng ething over $100 being . ! fm' PRE11LIll BA . 1,340KA14, At ptlees to wult,the . getvloso of the toTApr,?kt$om,' Ato 10l orfl) be der, lint, as 'a. of � rko.;-' ;O I isions Were disA .. . 1. ,01 4 � . ,I Aggregate NN 4.92. No, "B"la I , of c � I � ,�,_�v 0 . t�l ljar�e and One assortment* ;" I .�jq . ebmer. pur. mellicA to strip wo he on trial pillication, 1. pieces ward also sung at can. . realized. 1"'he, is Uu3ing proiri l. W *1 , , I I . � . . . to as _�329, . re I quired . " . . . posed "Zif at , 6tion oil the following Monday . . . LAMPS - W . U'DiFA' 0IVGQAf SIDE -TAC", the gu�nufllo artlelo. StAtinsr oalary, to be xv�ade to the nbil ca. tral poi lie town, The selections *ere ; .Ala . . .. I I , D. M. I 10 k". I I SEA IALI� X7 -*I),, � . .110 . L .. '.., ")JALto :Peli -0taryt � . lip r6 I.j o file tiedselou and iticluded tho Idii Gibbillge 30 rana Lealle 1554 mothing.' ., . , - , " I C"ITTLI4, 11y, , , � . XfA 4, To Db,ms Ol extraordinary quality . I ` 11 I L . I �� I . jdlft�A COMIIOX WAAj"jj'ysAsa L able . 11 IL 'Otmas hymii, Imhoo khop. 06rd V-Plianis 351- 1), ' . L ,, we 1, no lin I .. Dennison 328. . , .1 . n i,ntew, 'T. X TH1.1 SURROGAN161 ( '" THD herdg ' I their Rocks by night," "In ,is V9,011Y RA11109 367"IV . . . Fj,ATl&, D GOOD$. te Pull line,5 of C="Ws W*nj Athp and diu*ble, _L ('01toty Of Enron, in the 1096, alrallan'Ailip , L . I . Wilkie . ;I98 7,6VESA."14ixie �eoiified the agency for . " .. I . . t hild t W a a . mab O 16WIV " ' 4' 'W, L fiTagg'art -134. - '. Hoagins ,184 . 6 0114 k; ,:i , ;- .-� of the inlan a 0 ILIJA AACKY, 6 �, AJIL hall the oowor of '1110 Af thiS new vom�tttid for T)ysopgia isild Livok ' . . . . ' I PA ,! 4�1'& , call aud dhaAad. '1,AkonO,,c0,,balt.ftt, L Ation Of twenty .0 ail(i ; 'Ailefit, night.0 Vy many I . t-11 ' - * '0"' ' ,. gat, a wrlof 04'r ramou 31kat AtTijam. I I amylt ult`ok this first pulbliattion notice, aj�pllcft. � '103 I , L ', I . I 1. . 0 'VETS,',L-C. : ' ';' 3 A . i w0afing ,,�rohcb how.1toote, should IT , , Solin Co011 4"` 11 dill Smith .39 Troubles. It comen to me under i0o#t,j *at. I � . L a ted the choir was hospitably on. Slim). TAY'low" , � Ellie Vl,r !h Im Sao h1i endorsed AtA . , WE Mcotia; .'; ,V able atippitos being V I I E-4 - �tft iforij'Will bersedo to tbe,yndgal 'Buf 11 ­ , I . Cry hip .1 I 'is I r 09 4, an _ . . a . 11 A, firilt-fla" at4ok of M914,A, 110%)TIt's and BOT's I ACRI, It I Through the kindness of 16. T, �W, Itowl4nds 196 C, . ffibity Ito tho L � , iltintly ' . '4 tolintiont)y oil .1%44. � . I . BVILDERS' SUPPLIM14 qo of fbd Count* of ght . � I t4l � 4�, 6 Yatloi�mqlldba, 14 WO11JOHNI a . M on hand. - - , . k ____ � . at the TOWUP40 of ItIlallatt, ij; 6 ltounWbf Hixftt� , thi) blind was driven Af6hiltl by '14-611 11140168011 420 Uo 4 Shipley.. ZVI Di&)lltlV6 otgabb iincl -the. -Liver, ifiefouing I I I L . .), .. I L . I _. f r toldott, lot letters of gn0ai-ft hip, appointing her, A 8S9 M a 281; . I ; . I-, QD . I . . I I - Ad 041611,01"WI)IIA I h 11 jcenb teata. , , - . - - Maltit 016411: .Xdjli�l do? . thdfai0mly, -Woos, 6Orr0tiT,g.th0-A6ld#6bd ., �4 0 , ��, , I I... - -1-1 � . . willid %11 ' :8q7 . C , ;r -Up was w the. stova � . PAIq0I 01148"Gli-Ass. qL;", 0 tho said 14arla Agnoo GrAtol, , , , Ach. "a L "I , .LQ&)r, 8 0ohn0rad6l theAmIdWiftil, Mi I .. . ---,. L I I ',;. � - I amali't, Ib hill lift ll.%be Tmgfti it , 4 , , It. 366 -1h11-4T6 t a to;otb- 1 Wh�n school ro.opiqrm ih - . Al I , I 1. , , �: A �e: Fjtbo Intent child o Atry L ft . . , . I 046)166 j -j;i4­i:44A'VRR .9 . o .. I . I I A -11. , , I ii -i At toptilik Ift1wrMt. s'da be totted, .bylsaftt. . �r I . r � � 6� I 11 I ". � .1 - , -�t � 7P � T ,!;!��- , , , _,"' , I - . . I 1. , , ,r� , I I - E .. - N,!I * � - +;:'.., � I ""' . T.r. '*;` * I 'I -� 2A L I _.­ L.. . -.*-' ` H C ,,N. .- - E le"', , I "I""'. ERA "I — I I I I I I I � I ly-flar 11431-1 it( fdj I ee"Is � a I'' , a MI -_.— S I .1 I I I I I I I & t � I i - - - I 11", " . -_ .1 r1p W6, 1, I . I I I . � i 1. _QA � THIsIfty, 14 tit U ux # 1> .1 I �.iiu lu. faclin onxi be mado in.tile,senjor.. lWafo0,a.fe,* jq,i sjjhp�, . . XA1t0,'XA11i$, &c. . r, - , " :,4i'! loixud!' !:& W ­* i I 11, � I I I boft � f 'Ihc:�Two)t 4411"411won. ;sso5t Alecea . �� �, .�,4. 1 . . I , 1, A—. a tAVAI00 r,*t . * ,botim *hioh el Is !It - I 0 on0C ., , . . - I . �, I � r, . L � be . L I I I.. � fad WO I , Al. - I I I 1� `_ : : , Is" 1100�tx JA 0XISON, 6moutto 0 . , i'w*. k4ltlt , si k ebut tithers'Ovill be takenlih ilio'6j"�m'.1 I L I t " , dot of t114,41; ot large 6 � 1_� L , , , 7 I . � I L � A V 11 I t, . . obtaiied by,tlilem, , , . .4 .4 . L.Alit �0112%00'Ao"J.0 0,0*, j"m , . � . " I . : 011 � . I '.. I . t , . bit - T)� L 11 �, � I 'I . torn . 1� ,N .! li* , ..& . . , ., � F I , L , k . . I � 11 I . . , �-, . ;, I . . ,,(X*" ' - L� , . ., ;.': , � , 'I.:" � I ­ t I rh . 1. : - \ . '001111, �, 1. V , , p '4 "� L - � I L . . �- 1. D� : I : �� ", '4L -, . . � 4 . , cc - . . . .", . 1, �, -,i. - . . . . , I � �' r . 'i r I - , ­ V., .1 ,� �_,- I ..14 I . . . . . L � : , , " ! , r.., 1. . . . I 11111 . . , - I I... , I I.- -* ?. I 1 . I I � 1-1 . I 11.,� , . . . . I I L !, � % I . � - I , -vo- ," , I . !, '. ��' .$.�-'4 .. . 1-1.1 � I .. . ' L 1, ,, - 1� I . I . L . ?;e- I i W 'k. . 114 I �� 11 A I ` , , _ I - �'!�� '� If �. - � .'I ' " ,L .... . . ��.4 .' . '�i � - . 1� ( * , - 1.11 - ; _.. I . .1 . I I 1. L .,�4�" 1 - I . . . � 1*.� . j'J' '.1 "" L, L , I epil 1�'t . __"Iiio� - I . " 7 . .1 I I . . 1�. , .(- , e ,, �1, ,,� � It I . I I.L I A&IJ . 11, :- -, , ., I., � I t.. . .. I \ . I , L . . I 'i'j. � L. . ­ � - , 11 1. ­ l�, � L I , ,, \ I ,r � I !i L. I ', I * 7" Al�l I I i 11 ­­, . 41 I I., ",� . . 0 V , .'' 10"_ I I -1 4_ . I , 11 .. � \ � I � 'k . . . I 'f . \ �L L I . . P . 11 P . i 2*_41�_ 1 1 I . - V , L . I � , , I I I I . " I .rL , Mi"' � , I I.— � - & r -A