HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-12-23, Page 10_.11.101 Ii ML\T.- lir ,Julrn on .1Iuu• day, said that the (government propos- ed to adjourn the llouso from Thursday (to -day) to the following Tuesday, and flung the 'Thursday afterwards till the Tuesday following, It is altogether probable that the announcement will be amended so as to include the whole period between the _;ird of December and 4th of Jauntily. It' it is not actu- ally announced in the House, a system ut• Failing will be followed that, will leave the House without a quorum. I3ttrrtsii Com•11BIA.—Mr. Bunker is preparing a speech ou the railway (lots• tion that will convey a great deal of in- I'urmation on many points not getlerally understood. Ho will point out the ad- vantages of 13ritish C'oInuhbia, and the great strength, he thinks, it win be in the future to the 1/minion. He re - pelts that the Chinese are gaining a strong foothold in the Province, many' of them being -e'mpl'oyed on the Canada Pauitie Tailwa\.. INDIAN 1 xsrhtl'(^rO1ts. • On :\fouday, \lr.('utnl'ron (Huron) asked fora return showing tit,: mule and nationality of each of tho ugr,'(eultural instructors to the I udiholu orthe North-west, with the various particulars in relation to the sante ; slug ii:ttk011ality Of tlhe (tovern- menNland guides in the North-west. 111 speaking to this, ler. 1'alneron cited a couple of instances that Caine Under. Iris ntvn observation in tho 'Porth -west, wherein emigrants were put to great iurunvien('e and taken out of their way by the ignorance of the guides, and ;lade the subjects of pretty extortions. Sir John Macdonald agreed to the Ino• tions, anti lirnulised to investigate tho 0:1805 of extortion, whietl, he stated, were entirely without the authority of the Government. L\1INISTmtIAl. J1 et:t:,'rix4:,•--_1n the Senate on Monday, lion. Mr. Hay- . inoved. fora copy of the -Order- in-Council instructing the Ministers to go to England; also a cups of tltleir re- port- submitted to the -I,i0VerU'UIent: Senator 1'.tmlhbell etated that hu'w•ould he happy •t(1 produce copies of what was :lsl(Cd for if any such docnmeuls t•xitsted, but no cruor !hall been llrtssetl i71 the Privy t'ennci1, 0011S(' 17(11t! f theta was no report. From this it is evident that Sir John 2Iltcdouald and Sir Charles Tupper crossed the ocean on their own responsibility and kept 770 record other than (he expense ac(Ouut. \w hil:lt wH, looted by the co1111trv. Thu statement ;1:1(0 by 1'un7orvatiV. 47( l'1't'SI(01)(1Nu18- Ili tt th'a't 1S a 711(1(1114' between the Ilou. 1Lr, IAlitekellzie 1771(1 the I(on. 'Mr. Blake is without founda- tion. Mr.:11ackeuzie has been keeping quiet and laving oil' from hitt duties as hooch :78 pnasible with the hope of to/titl- ing strength, riot being well, Mel desir- ing 17) slake a speech on the syndicate question. .. Sir Itiellartl Cartwright is to In too. duce a bill for securing the indepeu- tlrnce Of Parliament null prett+riting corrupt 1)I'aeticef. (;EO• 1)I EMI, ABINE'T MAKER FURNITURE UNDERTAKER Ar., Ar. i('rOrigl St. Clinton. '111E M`) I,SONS BANK, • 1:', rpnrntcd by A(.71•1 I'arlinmont, la"5. 1'.A1!)'l'A 1., - • S_2,000,000. mea H d Office, Montreal. THOMAS (VORKMAN,.•,.. ..President. It. St01,SONl, V(ee-I'rrn. I . \VfLFRJNTA N 'III 1O IAS, (lenm'al Mannger,. CU TON BRAN° 11. f I11tll ft, ll sharpy. 1117A\( lilt ,71A1)1; 'i'O FAIt.11RIt�i/'4)N '('11E117 1)\1 \ NOTES. 1)\ I A7(I)tAU1.1. (tnt n. July . • 1„ et. f M V _ .5H,+•MM,I�r'wrr•r^�+ .+n++•.iLswr...� .. eARL.I.Nfays .BUSI I10'fT LAGER BEER, PO le '1''.1.11 I I, )' 1 ,S 1,, Pl71' i'P IN PINTS .�NJ)Q1T4.1ITS, N. ROBSON,, oENI':ItAL (VINE AND SPIRIT :1I)a1101IANT. Cliatn(tt„ 1u1y,1}Jsa. LOOK HERE ! A LARUE QSSOI7TMENT OF CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S CARDS FOIL HALE AT MRS, BEE LEY'S. A N1,w' STOCK. O1 - WINTER IIOSIERY3 F'GIUGESI &C.. • 31.4 .y A'S, ('Lh /Zi1i,S, 1111.(1!. L'T,', //0.1//0 .L(Jl /)L ('.Ull,i'L`/,t. /, A r)I r,., (_\ l)1'lr Irth, .t 1l, . d',' , re I'll ilia ,. , Hals and Bonin Made over as opal i'rut(ore Inkrn in e.i:e rtp;/e fur !pro', v, Seita. li rIE cr ET,'. 1'It tntta 87., C'1.11107'. Horse Blankets,- Bufraio Robes, Rugs, Etc 0 i Girl' It EC 116:I),alu stuck.If tho "above,w4rieh t tiro Ilr.t i•Ilt, , 8!ls 1jsn;nl-,(. lint'.' th...(LAa1EC.1(;s..' ('111 SI 11 fit 1,sonu•thitt:'verytreV. SCOTCH CO LIARS r a -Spcially;: .1nd warrant, 111, (t chtss; Lrinpn.:u)t:b,'a )l•)((1h'al writ.):I !:(ill. . • J')•rr)t1'.v, . 1 itli..r:.,•,fw„ et'le•ct))H NEWTON 'Sr, DENNIS 1IAN NESS 1(EPO')',• CLINTON. FOR, CONSUMPTIVES. See what Physicians and the People say about SCOTT'S EMULSION OP WD LIVER, OIL' ANI) 14YPt)1'I.IOS-" PITS, as at remedy tor• Coninmhptiou, ' Acrot'nIn, .and. Wanting Affections 8'. Qatobn('31, 1)478, 1leeers•sro'rr,( II„wxx:•• tir::v mug (1 1.111\ 0 preseribed-Seott'e Ts n(nls.ion or bud LO or() 11, ele.. (0 1uy pt•arti,(,.nud used it. in w) - fnm(ly. 1'nm greatly pleased wilhit (,dnuae of (t+ palatableness and the ,[and reqults thud (olio% its use.' 1 bnve found it ver) se:'viccnble in eerptulotts.dIF1'rtseh and 1,1Intoner? ufferltoms. I;nspItf utll\ Pau, \ i11Abi tA\1: 11 l) 37!).1 not N.toadwn\ ; N;'\,' Lori UtL6,7*v.,J)nt111) 3, i,r,7.Sr 01.1:mot es—Nur the last Mitten lttotaIts 1- btNxe used your Qud.Live•r Oil Emulsion. both in liusplt(*I', amt (n ln•i v)(e prai•t (e., and hnbe beeih int ratty' 71ense11 with its effects, It (s better 7)1111' uud•e.nit ht,' ettlie 1. ;or a longer time. than any utlier• I'epnnttit u-.„d.Qmd Liver I'17, in Consumption and ohilartht 1.1 have L11111 (t especially valunhlo JOTIN' A. OI f 1 la 1N'7 11 11:, Vis,79'y7ician,i.0n171i1 !City 4077110. SI 0550x. ll. rl I .0 1111 I ha t,• nserl Seoll'a i•lnolislnn et Crud Licur O(lill vii• ohms in,ten,•es. and have found it to !i, sadly Inken, reudily'ttedmiletwivand 0071d1v 1 np1oyes 7hc.riutr l I(tel and I ah. f ron•idcr it 7717.1u...1 f tpulsirm 1 tYe(• toted, It 1?: i1Al'Cil('I`O 11 1) - • Indiannpolis,tnd' 17Itavl0 Set.I l . i havoelvet; vont. rutnt 1; ('0,1 rr,mrO'(1 &IA., rah, Trial, slut nm pial thnt 1 e it -limy 1 think it•17.11477• reel.. tdy for weak Innen anti h el coughs. I01111 7771711/' 11. cuntuce'ud u. Wilts Ili d0r101111117111(17( 1(17 tri, 1 e07011tene7(1 ;nine you tnedie(nt an)1 I a111 otht health nod strength v rt feet,•iuld 11r(t,l: 1 x7,1.11 4o W1. be well. Yours 111113, _ (7.. A 1(11 111;!7 i A111', 0111 ,liun,fnlL SenVi .t. BOW N E ii I fall it guy duly in lel youktnow Ihebenefit I bete arrival from the use ofyn1ft lIm(Uslou. •771”,;(7 g 1tl'y •• bud 1000.111 for years; and on cunenitink J)r. J 111.,0, 1'. such n7111i*('771 v,he informed mo thitl 1ny1(tl lout' \0)(( ' diseased.ltmd 7','erer(hrd Seb(t's Vann 1140.11 .with 1 lypu• ,Ilio'+,,l .0'v. Alter taking ten bei),t1•10''1,(.77/), (11.1(11• prnce+ery rnn(dly; 011191(111(7(71411 71777p it 17 (111)1ad • tnl.en ten bldtlee, and now Itnt nn 10(711113• re 109(7 as th,,,,„7n irt'thee(t 7 n111:t !nim , ' Iieu i bnt'nri (IStag - (t 1 8oighF.,1 145 7090117, 1 110)9 I'we(gh 181) pounds. Yoi rs, 7). P. P:tltorxlAIt . Oct,8,1S71t:Balrnnore.7(14, • Ca,\'A:MAY(1VA, Septei10)er 117,1877. • ,torr & ltnwSa: (11tNTS • I tho11aht I wm11h 7(11(710 , ),1yits I craw ti' 110110/1 noon your bottlesnf Into 117nn its long comma - anuse. 9'his lifts proved tont, ill my Oaser 1 WrOi given to die Inst Marchi with 1101(8llnpt10,1; the Best meth; cal aid made no use of any treatment, 177y hmshcnd 9717110a for your Emulsion of Cott Liver. ((111 he ]las. bounht twentys(e bottler and it is re71ntlbtt 111010 it oanlr beyond the : ectwet•n I kne vof-inti, 7'rctln lr: Treed 111; to 7110 of my death every tiny.' T shn111tll.ilto In 1,171/0 lc torn coni•, when, t 1 h(nh, i Wit hhe perfectly curie i. Yours with renpn(t, " • . • ;WIRES to intimate to the people of Clinton and vicinity, that•having purchased this (grocery and 1'ruvi:iion Burnet/as fol'rnerly carried on by Mr. A. 1'. lt(» S he has isle thereto (1 fresh anal w'01l•Selceted stocck� f • pAM1I.,• • TEAS, n G- 0 0 333 1RAiil311 s SUOlR AS RA ISINS, SPICES, /ETC. LEC'1; ASSORTMENT OF ,/' , }IE WILL. ALSO NEEP ON BAND A"GOO!) SUPPLY (1 • HAMS, SPICED' ROLLS,. BREAKFAS1 A_R,F. BACON, FIRS'P-CLASS LAM) in pails or. tubs, or by the Ib„ t� snit purt/flasers, A11 Meats antLard warrl)fltod first class• ,A.11 of the above 1)e id prepared tO /1011 at+bottom prices for cash. ilo will still 'continue li,s manager of the 1''nrnitpte 7turc. for 13ro(cifoot tf^ Box, whore he is prepared to sell as 0heap.US nay ho'tise West 0f '(ur'onto. • • A ('.174.1,.. 14SP -("1`i'CLLY SOLICIT n, . 'Olfntou,Feh, U7,188(3. . • d lett Taylor, LONDES ORO. nd1. VV.f nter Goods. lreV%rr7 r e Trle(t.OI) r' ''r,r `tyl.(rlaair,y Y./crit i i' /'a /,1, .l :VD 11717 R SPOOK is' WOW CnJ)i/JIPtr_ 11:- I/- .;IN bra )n'lw74, , • SPECIAL VALUE' & NIC ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS /71 (Inl'.1.11" TierOrel' 8ntl(T)) t`r744 will..1, Arno, fp? 761P ors I/(nsr o ' 0ii)'''(01/1j)r/r(nrs,, ai.7d''. (ir ( 11:%11'\ i r: (()74 ti yer•e/)liolfr(llrf' p(rio. jtylirr„k: Our WINQEY'• inall shades, at 16 (.:.;per yard, is proT ounced b4 all. who have examined it, to be extra . value, 1r.P Afttt(: 7)7f/'.'/1,f:• r. v)' ey /7 (r•ri/t/ /1/01' Ar(r4(irr,'1r): tr`rr et' 9A)F(4l•1 fi 6711 7i'efAs- illy li (r \ ire r'xR, GE. O- PROMENADE ;'SCARFS & WOOL''SQUARES... urleit10114/ I') !p•1' •ir .510(.1' 7(j' (7(70//5' 10, srlal all e/rixxr::.. 0j' ),ner'i'1iasers,. /it roll .(Ittf. ,ti:17 0 (0(/1/1 ('1r.411t/t((ri ' %itl)1 trrt(1(i/1 \; 11).. (/)'t� /lire 4/001/7 ' PT ,. '' nit( P BKONS, KID MITS & GLOVES, TINSEL, ruLL RANaE vor'r/iril/rj tilinr w.r1 Gn:iirx/)rr i"f1 Itt1 :br+i'i'ltfr.virfy a/yeti/fere. . 1Tz lcey incl' till uviol, S1air�r lays '11� I, ;11111 \'tet ieci'7tocl Tweeds,'. �Fei cocl ]'ngs, : loakxn s po x l ga le A Men's,'"Woraen'i; 't CYrilc ren' Bnc��) 10(11 r ate. pricer 0' .• Hy' on TEA. at 60c. per '111 i.ri cl !HA W 7 1.le1'y eoiupetitiop Mr7,ELi)11111111'.. 1'`eri!alelly'Druggist sat!ilperbntile, • Subscribe for no Now , Era „ (.)13'1,1.1:JiT1'E :: T I'LO heaper than Ever: • \11';\'SLO\t.' l3l)ll'I'w, 130\ ti`.1,OSfg Tt00'i"4, A111;A'ti 111;'l'C 1;UU)I',, i'1)'." 1„1( 1 1)1)'7", \\ U'ih\'' 1'Ai11'' 1307)'1'`±, 11'0 i1'l'\ ", 11 1 .1 1 1'.ItL7(Ja” \[J'SSI:S 7'•\]11+' 1,001',, 11lSSlrg'k:VI'I' '1300'15'+, Ril. BUFFALO . ROBES 've'rjr. 'cheat', ' SPECIAL .ATTENTION,=Tfaving employed a oolnpetent boot and shoo tnaltor, of many years' oxporlc)too, It: lic et prepared to t\teal to 1711 (0 (111r8.(llltrtlfited' to hila, on the shortest notice in first .elass styli+, and tt 'rca8onabh. t'ttt8 ' Iti'(1 \I111N'(, also promptly attended to. A,E NESS .. DEPARTMENT.' �flltu.i..ng.a vc.ry.lrvr o.tttunl..af• l ia't;t l'lrtf 14 \(i 1.11 Tl.'li Nl,''S (in, hunt! 'the 841Lsnr li71 h'1/11 . iltract especial intention thereto. :\1rin ])(1LI3I.l',TIAIIN7 ',", beth heavy autl•liglit: 1 Till) mallei lip from !,10111 g)o(1 , fool Iiy n8pi'1!('i(7('1 W1*rltmen, lie• eau.g1aranice the sane: i\Iy :4!1OT4!II. (10(1,1118 wtirratittal to- giro entb't! satisfaction. '1'IttrsIE". ;11771 VA, X.114f't. A vfiry iferfT ansorltne» t lowveryt•hnnp, TRUNKS tram 7 01:1111 7(u, ' 1.41 laid '.irnl elan.; 4111,\ MAN, 7/4, front 4(1 eellts'th btlnoil, up . - ALT, (1004)8 WA11i1A13'Lr:t); JAMES TWITc1i1LL, Victoria Block•.• ' .0