HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-12-23, Page 9,SUPPLEMENT TO " THE
Notes from the Capital. i ' lands which wily be increased in value
is signed by the Reeve and Councillors, •
the Village Clerk, and all the prominent
7nerola a.11ts.anti Inauufact[trereof Brussels
the ll us tt all
jrSJohn was not in h o e current that the passage of the propos-
on Friday. . ed Railway Bill will be the final actin
the political career of Sir'd'ohn Macdon-
ald, who will then retire on his laurels,.
Uneasiness is •a markedresult of this
apprehension, because• those wembers.
eressingconailerable anxiety onicor mug of the party who believe they have a•
his health. Be is far from %%, a this tare before thein, do not care: about en
session, as is evident Crrinl hid appear,during the oarium of the bargain atter
ranee, the man who made it has leftthem to
IIArRSAu> WITH,DECEASEDWI ,ll:'a fight their way alone.:—Oita?CYC F,'pp
SlsTeR.—Literature in favor of the pas- °
sage of the Bill to legalize marriage THE '•IARRIA(,11; QLES'FION.-.4t iS^
with a deceased wife's sister. is at pet. understood that the senators are 'much
sent being circulated. : more favorably' inclined towards Mr.
Ryt.'EI]'TS AND E\1'I.\[leTt'RES.--By Uirouard's Marriage Bill, legalizing
return brought down in the House it matrimonial alliances with a deceased
appears that the total receipts from July ,'wife's sister, than they were ztyea! ago,.
1st to November Ot•h, this year,, were 'when it was thrown out by a small ma-
jority,ctl ',O`1;,,13U1y, against 8,f1G:b,21h Cor,t1 although previously carried• by
same period last year, The total expen—
diture was $9,1 I 1 •t 7'j; against ri, r I'.• of sixty or seventy: As people will per -
mainly by their eflol to The 'petition
Random Items gatlltared wh#'le' the
!rouse is in session.
Hon. Edward 131akr took along drive
through Ottawa on Friday-,ace(impanietl
by the Marquis of Lodi[:.
Hon. Mr. Mackenzie's frieutls are eY-
- e'
SW in nlarryiflg their deceased wife's
t)IS\t1SSA1.t AND. ABPui\9'arJ:y;7',.-_...1 sister •wiles they want to,'it is proposed
statement of diSinissals,auperannlld{.ion8
and transfers from 13th February, 18711, .
T:[2 TNS() r VF.\T ACT.--'1`he letir i:itii:JU
to "Orli February, ltu'K O,ahows than these • has been given ``l.y the Government.
reached lh(l, while the appointment:[ its
the same period was' >'_' i. 'lies• appoint-
,meatsappear to have I+,4h plentiftrif,�
•listributeti. ••.. --,._.
'11rt, svN1)lc'A'I'F:'s fT'llt:,'I`(TI Fill:- .;'tt.--'
Ottawa paper says: --1\'e have reason:
to believt. that tide terms hist pIo.l)Used-
,by the parties. who now, COi11.11CYe the_.
syndicate. previous to the depart'ur'e of •
Ministers to Englaiui, were'fat more
favorable 1'• the country iI:iui .[.hese li
. that no general Insolvent 13111 will be
i.ntroduceil this•sc<sion, contrary to the
opinion .entertained by sorne_tliat'a new
act. W011111'_be ..intraduced: 'o frit; :the
wholesale :trade iu the West .seems:.to
approve of the :present •position iif' af%
iai•rs,. true .of the resna lavtllt, It 1 a to
een to..
_-..". weed out a rtiod -many- "lam l'ueks3l, ''
and to deter incaii]peterif persons from
tivak>n indiscreet re etures, .andel .tile.
l`elief that' It compromise l l 1 t
nobly agreed upon. I'ltt frtiltire .
of the
welt •l.. .ie a .. w
vnriotiN' iilt"J.rli.�......., ,.a. NEW. -SHOP'-
AdYanctri, YVW, cire,.sulmoss„ disappointment and w
hereditary predf positibu'-oiierate. to turn the lrv:r BONEY CAMPBFL,tL.
gray, and either of them bilines it to ,1 ed pi.rnlriutc•
ly, Area's Hail Vlooa wilt restore faded or gray, red
or light hair to rich brd(('n or dut'p black, a; it[.ry he
desired. It softensand cleanses the scalp, giving'it' a
healthy action. It removes atul cures dandrutfiuidhu-
mora. l y its use falling hair t ,necked, and a. growth
will be produced in. all eases uhere'the tullicles are not
destroyed or glands decayed .its idol., are beautifully
;shown on brachy, weak or sickly -hair, on which a rim•
applications will produce the loss and fre tineas of
youth. llarlllless and sure in eta operation, it is in-
comparable aro a dressing, and is especially veined for
the soft lustre and rlth esa of tone it imparts, It - .
tains 'withal. w1 or dye, and will not sod or color whirl%
,•outrule; ort it la,tslong on the hair, keeps it fee -Baud
Volt SAM', al ALL pt; ll,R((8. ' ..
'Z'lta Great ?lboaboneas monody, •
' Ryan Indian vegetable eoaponnd; composed of the
jufhes of a varleay et remarkable medicine/ plants and
herbs; the various properties of these different intro•
Monts, when eembivad, is so constituted as to act site-
ttlt$neousl'yupon the ]gleed, Lungs, Liver,'Sidneys,
Digestive Organs, Nervous System, Se„ restoring their
(motions to healthy action, and, being Purely 'Ogee-
,. able, is as harmless as not eros. owe beverage. This
tnediuino is a decided benefit in all, and a permanent
,...core in. a large -niajarityo•fdi,oages ef.tho -blood, such
al Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Canker, Pimples,
tto. In r eserlbing this medicine we.do' not elaim that
. it always performs cures; lint this we do say, that .is
.phrifos and enriches tho blood, permanently outing e .
[urge majority of disoaeesarising from its impurities.
It stands tar ahead and unequalled among thehundreds
.of oompeting medicines of the tray. It has stood the
test of ton yearn, and ie today more popular then ever
9s: a slimmer restorative It.atands unrivaled; it enables.
'system to boar up against tho constant draiu to which' .
It is eubjeotedby a high temperature. Persons why
are subject to biliouseoIie, Dysell tory, Indjgestf oil„i:e,,'
should take the Shohoueee RRunte,ty. Price' of tho
Remedy 10 pint bottles,$ 1: Pill 4-,:Vt. .et,. a box,. Sold
by all: nerd leine d, glrrs,
5uY 'winos% taa<• t'Iseldwe�i,
F.911aEri to inform the people of Clinton auditor.
rounding country, that he has opened a Barber ..
tihop In•tho premises lately oecupledby B. Horton---
Raving. had eighteen years experience,ho feels conn•
dent that ho can give satisfaction to all. Haircutting,.
• sltsefng,•shampuoinir, eta., done at reasonable Tates,
Clinton, Aug. 12, 1880, . '
(`,il'El..a\lianuL£1'(`.t8't,iif-C/1LequalIy oiler: '( "
able -for children and adults. 1 21dnrrttl l,t• '.
over 110f) doctors, in (,anaila. '111a difficulty „f' ..
administering nausauneutediuiICd, anti.the'tie•
sirability of having' thein l!le;yt}ut to the taste,
tudueed '1'. Copland to nnd.tn•take reseaaehes
W-lli0lt3 e8U•lt84411' i h't^tl Ytr r' C t to a 5t rt t',1�=
tot Oil, perfectly paltatable;of the nablestrengt11.. .
itnil -medical qualities as the srrdinar ('aster,- '
till ; and while equally safe and harinita•s, yet
actiugwith tim,reeertataty, .aiiL1 :liroehtellig nee•
t,her....nataseaa .nt,rvivplfi;; :;4uiue- thihllrrn play
1. linnet'; others 'billets t•iip-they.all say they 'i
like it, (hie parent says. "1ky.ehiltir4u [brink
1t like W.at0t ;" another- We hal to hide the •
-bottle or they'wo(tid hare ,finished it right off ;'
another " s[y little :girl..has takoa It twice
withiint atjy. trouble, and dote itot 'kbi i' ['hitt i
I t is,'thonbh she hate's the:nr,linif.o. (lasto' 011.,
and eve (10,01 (io(11(1 get AO. to take it witli(lnt Tl
any tutie.'.possible to (ase.'of N.1111re . ' .
P:uglish mission l(lat'eil ,the' tur'el•ntneut
the mercy of the "tyrolleete- iio` l'E ACA NT' tii,,\AToi( n l' () t
blade their own terms; sth is, evident.: :� �- nu -Oilier of partieshave been'spolien o£
light •
.I)1•ii?t' rEtil't:, T 1T Ti) 1)A ,:--An 1)t
1: tWa correspondent says: .-The members
1f the Syndicate in it ltitr.;hing. in, th(:rr•
sleeves at the zeal shown by the (i overil•
;dent in trying to v;is, the e'ontrrieic 7:...
stn speaking of what 1. klub.' when 1 say
that one of the nle,rli•t,Sl:S of the 1 .•yuti,t • The i . 1 . ..... 1 haven'• lnm•liaded Messrs..
• . as pt'obahle successors of the'. late Hoti.
David Christie a senator. Among
them are 'Mi Hardly, of. ttrnntfotd
Idoll..:Jolin ('arl.ing, of Lon(ioit.lir-
Ilr•eWn-aii(l D.fr.:1). \f>Inn es hof Lfamit
tort. .ft is pot-proboltle that the ap
loitltrnetlt will be wide f.... sonire little
Sour 5u t iii (!salon °T,r ; la sa splendid than#
1nrr to take the place of all the contlnon oil
The extraordinary demand for thIS impr( e•
..inent of a staple householdmetlicine hadbrought
. , � ii rl:e )
utltil nt imitations ns -oto .the t a l ut the, -.fro e , t r t, t. .
nubile ean,gitard themselves against subatitiittt s
fwhieli unprincipled partied; are attempting to:.
still on the reputation of this artielt)'1'iij'sti
that the name' (,irr..\N1, , S-Wtl•:I•;r (.7.1/421110'01 t-"..
IA on hoth<u•raptier 3,11(1(irectiien label,•
i i14OVAL:
Cooper & M.cKenzie's laninC Fac tyi
” 11118 eubeeribera desire to thank their many trionds '
for their past favprs, and beg to announce to the
inhabitants of (hilltop and vicinity,' that they have
removed their workshops to right
NEA i rrifE G. T. R. ST'ATIr1'
A short distance south of the b'oundrv,
Where •they will he pleased to meet all theft old ens
triers and as mlki,,r ale, Maras.nidyfavor them with
their Patronage, and ,'here they will carry. on all kinds
of work eonneeted with the building trade,
And material furnished at the .vbortest.possiblen,itf,'e:
and at reusnnabin iatea,
t We always' keep on 1(i(1(1 1 et•class i FII\ll l I:ti,
and ,,.aka a specialty of 1.111 ,, which (1111 be s01.l of
• the lowest prices.
• •.000PE S 31. KEN%IES.
Clinton, Jnl'y tu;1881).•
never'e Ypected the term, iu ' pas' -
r r ir.i,io(,. i ..
4ltlle yet...' ties-nante .ol' Hon. ' Ill.: • �� ('u,dand&('ne-'.0terest"in,t1i aiovepl01)1tt.
.1Ic1)uugall has. also been- meniioned•rn,,
this cot] tinction;' bait the �;toverninent.'•'•l �lYttlydiill,'
is iiflaid to open: Ilalton. although they risk f,n ('nr'r tart v tt l+�'r [,strrn lift. oh_
would dortbtless.b'e pleased to 'lute the.' ieat•ethe name l)ti-1.i(4thi rleeeield i;,ri,l11
gentleman hauled out of the alit,. 1t nii•,bl int„1c+[itis, lube[ 2:1
ON' o'1'HER Sit 18.. VIE F. ti HEM): 11}MAr.t: itEM11Iit.. •
ate •
lie acknowledged that to dive • ration,1are unit taditifaatmrim; it front the ori: .
lboeers to the Syndicate . bonld be to
turn over the whole N orth•west to them. ' ,l
(.iETT 1,N;; .1) '1014:
• 1V"hite has given notice tlraGhe•will move
her a return of t.hli number of perhtiufi •
wito crossed from. Canada to,tlta f i,itetl'
States by way of Sarnia and .\\'incisor
since the first of •frauliary-.. 188(1, with
the intention of he corning settlers-;
also a return allowing •111r• 00(13)'!•. tt•1u,
•carne to Canada by wily of the sante',
points; in the same pei'ia with t'lie it• ”'
t.t'lltiOU of bedOinlllg 'fettle is. .
CosTht: ''V't•rrtlI\ei.-- 'I'1u' watching-
of lie, t'arliamentlu•y bnildiugs'to see
that they aril not carrit•tl away froom Par=
liawent Hill costs over 12,OOO a'yeal', •
that being the sura it takes tokdep the '
4'outinion police force of 20 men, with'
superintendent, in trim. 1818 probalble -
ttlat an economical member of f'arl]a-
'nlent will Make inquiries before.the s.es-
Bion is over as to the (hltics of the force,
and whethei they are an Raper necessity , •
or not. •
Piiiri'ruys AnAiss'[' 'Rill: 8'I)NTtiacr.---
the. House oit Thursdity Sir. Richard
t'artright presented a petition from the
people of the village of Brussels, 'strb; .
Twitting thatthe contract for the con-•
structiorl'of the Pacific -1'eailwity is not
advantageous' to the- people of,•Canatla
it is set forth that the proposed scheme
creates a land monopoly, which must be
detrimental to. the greatest possible 'ex-.
tent to the best interests of Canada:
The finest tracts of land in the North-
west will be locked upend itssettlerne'nt
prevented. All legitimate rail way , �,etl•seasoned:naturlal byp!autical wnrkliien,antt,n•
,'ompetition would "be shut off awl . a bushed in splendid style,
groan injustice inflicted ori. genuine .set- 18da80AL NOTSOIr' OlbeAll 1'stdueaeceuntetutistbe
paid' at onee, or they will be pieced in court.
dors by the exerteptinre flout tit %ion 'i1 1 Londesborc, F&,v,•
4.-7 • Ind
• N.011 'I` [ 1109 & T " r V` 'i'tduntu,
1 Raft ,1Vort)a 'ltlnosvi•
Are Yeti sitlteling with CotiauwIition,'(�ough's. .I
:'e were Colds ,settled ou dile I:reasr, iaieetlmaui;t.
or any 1(lsense 08 the Throat Lt u1$T 1r 80 •o ill
Yoirrtiritg4Ixt out► get. a bottle ui•E))k:t l:1•;,61:11•
(1.t:( $rm1Y..' "Tibia medicine. has lately been. no
r•rodueed' front Germany:, and is selling on its.
lrwil SneltitS,. The geol)te are ge;ri'1 Witt[ o4er its
ut'e0(d, and druggists all over oar colintey are
writing ns -of it. won(lerItll mires among their
customers, It sort wish 1.1 ret• Its superior m -
on., tae, get 11:$141419.10 bottle:'01' 10 cents, large size
bottle emits. Three domes .will relieve any'.
wast. Trp oris;.
sexiiiz A001•4010
:titi:tRTGAGES, NOTEi,
AND ()'rill:}; I
Good Securities Purchased.
1,t1ti \ F V.A.N Ct1'NG
• ' (V. W. TATMAN:
Ciintod. Nov. Li,1880. 47
For Nobby Cutters..
A:: b.
.21) 8 .'tla)N 1 $-Ie F: ItAOD-14`.A1. 1.1 X.1,yc
rhlewell kuowuaredieinois Il ituposltwn.rbtttastnr'
.4'43 s reincdy tor.] s,DLLle" Difficulties rin,i fib,U nc:
.f tuna, item any rause whatever; and although n vowel,
rnl remedy, it'enntains nothing' 100011 to the cunsti•
tlltitru 1'o (rated ladies itis ;Aaiun:41y ;pined, ' 1t
811t.,[na 'short (line brinj(:atethe m°'->tlyperiod evil
• (45 1lauty In all cases of i , ivonsands,pluulatfeo bin, '-
p,iiva iii rite 145,11-e111t rola,., bywiness,f,ttigueonsligbt
esortio'u, kalpftatl.tn Gt the hc+trt, hysteries,srek•hend•
tiches,whttss,:andeli tl?t.l t1ntul,dise0a(s odeasrr,nned.
•by a 'disordered *yid moo hese f•ilis will elYedt a Burs
when all other itiorn. have relled.. Chose l'illo1e-ve
never been kno,vn to [nil, where the directil ns ou the
seeond page of painpbli•t are well observed. Fur
{ • particulars ant ,t patuplilot, tree, of the agent 1011 '
• 310811CS, NEW `011R, Salo Proprietor. ;1 and 11.1).
'tents fur iostage. eneloscrl to 'Northrop 1, Lyman,
Toronto Ant.,•ganeral agent. for the Dominion, will
it151tte A''1i['nttle, ennt(tiiltlli 4401•.50 pills. by returnof
Sold i> 01 Int•,n byJ. A'. C2,in h, and• \'.fi.\I'atts;'
l;. FTiekeco mai F. 2,108100, Sesiorth; J. Kidd, Car.
runhreuk; Parker ,@ Cattle and V. Jordan, (inderiell
18, Catueron, ltaytleld ;Jas. lrranth{n1,Ftodgervilie and
NOT, THE SLIDHTESTAL8I\I'r-4saintslletoeeu
the nutnberrosricoughs niirtrireS.With wIdol; the market
is' flooded and that secocesful preparation Northrop •
• 3t Lyman 'o 1'ymulsion•01 God Liver Oil and llypophpe-
phiteef of I fate and Soda • It stands alone;distinet
. is like Itself, and nothing else. It 'embed/04 the boat
roiiulte qi alvaneed•pliarmaeoutt011 tnjenee.• It ec•
•e'oinpliehcs 1:isitive, decisive results,: ofteetuelly. roller- '
r trig, eouglia lwhott'the Wogs' are not tnberatloue 01
•hopelessly asaotedo tolds, larYngitis; an,]•dis0asosi(0
'a serofnlous origin. While it does not eine,0onsump-
tion, it is the meet reliab'icuteene of ttotenee.against'
that dreaded saourgo.. The iilvikorttting' properties of
the hypopliosphites reimburse •oho system debilitated
by the' oonstdnt tear and •wear of a cough, while tiro
paroxysms rapidlyaiminish in violence. in sun reillienee
of the soothing emollient action ,o/ the, cod livid oil
open the inlitt�.iwdir"",,.:..'„••'•:•g'v"•'"YirilfY:v:"'.L'1w phnsphotgt:+;
dime. arta soda, in combination with it, are .411 natural
components in th0.00n1t'ru'othni of the, bodily edifice,
• which, in a state of decay, lacks a surtleieney of tlror.e
• elements. `flume the hypopbosphi.tes silpply,.inereas•
ingtheuutritive properties of the Mood, andbuntting -
• up and rehabilitating. the tottering human etrnotur,. '
with a degree of promptitude a'itnnlshlrlg as it. f•,
• gratifying to' the invalid. Aperceptible ,illii11 dolt
minces of
se well as in strength is'•one.of the venin t
usingthis standitld preparation, which both time and
rosperienee have denilluatrated Jo be fully worthy cel
the 0ontidenoe reposed in it,. Preuared'b-y l'nir'rrtttr'r
S• Lvx.t:r, Torollto,and 'sold by alldrt(tt;lats. , . .
•Johl Bri1USdoii'S, LD eSbO 011 li
:tin is prepared to supply one hundred Cutters and
Sleighs: " helnember, our work is nrat•aian'a, [nadir of
14)-7'-;s:Wick and •C1cicic `M,aker,
• .J 1:11 1 T.T,E 11
iii,tl1tt•restlettttitlfynttnourfee�t11 hid ettkttifii'erA"-itttd rile
puIf hli{• gtuuully That• he Iain iempveii in.tli }tip ,[i?Unci. '.. --
r, 01.11 . yt' fll: tli',- Oi'ro'.1I'F THE
\\ hCr t 1te win -keep ((111(5((1 n ;�•!( u O(111)iiatit n t`� �,
fanr.z.'.q Il'rtlr/lr' .lrirmllel•ij; ,u1r1 ,1'i(i,•.Pie`hL',
i h mill bell at lea:ionalilc raffia. Repairing of
• ,r,ty'deserimion promptly attended tip. •
is i]IDDLECOMMBE; AT,isairr S•raim'r
t'liuton,•Doe. 8,11178.
S, Fowler �C Sorg -�
E-Tave • Removed
.fi;'4ne aF ,
Y�\IIG S1/4111$111.allEItilEtIti LEAVE '1U ti't'ATFt
4 to the public that he keeps constantly on o
te:largo xudauperiorclassrrf •
GOA” E�,z.T$; " CA►S ETS;
Cof%n Trimmings and Robel3-i
With a splendid IIT:AItS7 . PLAIN Cett•rNs atways
on bland. 'buttes dart be supplied In bat) horrr, at',
anytime, at..
This VER Z.. SS
Than can beprteenred at any otherphtei:.
. A full stock -of FITR,NITtl:itE
Atwaysoilhand.- ••
„ r'
Clibton, Moo- i o, F 8'i i. :