HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-12-23, Page 5'''"-``.1111.111111.1.107r41111alamon T GREAT ClIARING SALE ! OF STOVES STOVE PIPE....S cte . t:s.a7,rs,7310 att.-rItrt= RIEDIJCp1) PRICES FOR ONE MONTH. Now is the time t:o .secore In order to, reduce stock, And make. • room for other \ goods, we have decided to seeat froth TEN TO FIllEEN PER 1 GENT -LESS THA.N TT V'4± PRICES. FOX ONE MONTH, ONLY • a Itarkwarc, Axes, 11.1rOssent Saws, Lamps, &C. 'ye*: IOW. I3EST 31. COAL .4.1RAL.A.W3D .„ r.• SIGN Ot THE PADLOGli, BRICK BLOCK, ALEUT STREET, OltINTON. MOW Christmas Trade ' • , FineORDERE1):'CLOTIIIN i\TM-sAr 0-00-1DS POP., •- FINE BLACK BROADCIAOTII- SUITS. FINE -WORSTED SUITS. • Clipp'ed and Cotten -led front our Comity mileages. Mr. Robt. Graham of Winghatu, has pur. chased Dr. TQwler'a farm in Morris, 100 acres, for f,';3,000 cash.. Mr, Wm. Lashatn, hotel -keeper of uait- landville, lost his horse "Ned klanlan," ou Saturday nigt ,from au attack of inflammation or epizootic ; he was valued. at $500. • Last week Godericu lost another at resident in the person of Mr, Leonard Peek, who had just completed the alloted three•scoro and ten:years a life. Dr. Frank Lundy has given upbLs practice at Dungannon, autl intends •going to Dakota. Last week two teams at Exeter draw six and sixand.a-balf tons of flour, respectively, in goo load. Peter Dolphin a few days since had his hand badly•jammed in the gearing of Lee's mill, Varna, Duncan MeDougal, for 2o, years a resident of the 7th con. of Grey, died last week after a brief illness, • • The by-law granting fivo thousand dollars to the Grand Trunk Railway, for the purpose of building the Torenia, Grey & Bruce into Wingham, was carried in the township of TurnburY by a majority of 158, on Thursday, -oo • - 23, 1830. Wheat, fall, bt1411, 03 a 1 03 Spring, Redehaff. • 1 CO a 1.12 Fife, - • • 1 09 a 115. Oats, - • - 0 30 a 0 32 Bpealt:157, • - ; 060• 0 60 00 7750 Flour,. • , • 5 50 6 .00 Potatoes, • • ". 0 30 a 0 35 ,Butiggttlie,r, . 401 1197 •na.. _00 .21a0 -Hay, , • - 8 00 a 8 50 Hides, - 00 'it 9 00 Sheepskins • -Q 50 a 1 00 Beef, - • - • 4 50 a 5 50 Glover, • - • 3 00 a 3 10 Titue0Y,. I • t' 3,10. a 325. --1.1ork; - •• - 6 00 • Dee. 23, 1880 Wheat—Yali, • $1 03 a 1 05 Spring'..- 1 03 • a 1 12 • 030 a 0 32 : 00 a 0 70 . 0 60 a 07 - 0%30 a 035' • 8.0* a 8 50 . 19 a 0 20 - .0 00 a;„ 0 18 - 8 00 a 8 50 •. 2 09•a2 50 Flour, . 5 50 a 6 00 FINE SCOTCH TWEED SUITS. Hunklen's Araten Solve. " The beet 3czlvetn 0h,1 world Or Untd, Brig Sell, Sores, Uleers,SaltIttieum Tltter,oherpodllauda,Oblibiahasi Coons, and all kizai of Skin, it: rupflone 1:418 awe is guaranteed to give perfect sltIsfaction In every eakie or money refouded. 3.'ri. 3, cents per ,bes, For stile by 3. M. Oats, • • Peas, . • • Barley, - Potatoes,. Hay, Hay, • •Butter, • Eggs, . • • Hides, Wood, • • IF YOU ARE TRAVELLING io.wr WEST --.13L1YOUR TWEETS FRO r -- JaTis Thompson Town Agent G.T • • • Drufralat. The live Druggist 01 5110 town., are always Up to the times and ready. to meet the domande Of theirrimoyens. tomer.– They hum just reeeiVed a supply Of that iron- derful, that is aetonishiitg, the world by Dm marveloue cores, De, Kula's Nsw Discoveity for consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitia, Hay Fever, i ltt,'Croup, Whooping Cough, Tickling in the Throat, Lose of Voice lIoarsonessor anv ant:MOW-of the Throat and Longa, This remedy positively cures, as thousands can testify. lf you do hot believe it call at J• KMAC- Erin Drug storeund gat a. trial bottle free.of cost, er a regular sized bianetormtenonsr. vtlpoyottt Ile, give it a trial anti be eonvinced, as thousands al. easy hare been. • ' . asramssa, This Great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of life. These famous Ms parity the DLOOD, and aut Most • [Jewett ally, yet root*inglz., on the LIVER, antt BOWBIA, giving, tone, energy and 'rigor to them groatMAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are etmadently • recommended ne a never.Iailing remedy in alt oases where the eonstItution, from whatever cause, has be - cone impaired or oreaxeued. They aro wonderfully oftititortins 10 alrei Smoot a incidental to Femalee of all. ages and au a GEN EMIL FAMILY. MEDICINE are unsurpassed. Ii13110WAY'S OINTMENT1 1 have to large amount .of ,rit . far sal e at. 'A reasonable price. To frirrriiTs buying. 50 to . . ico bilsbeis reduction will be Made from the' regularTiice.. .; .. • Vo.good fal'ine'rtitat.1 aMiterinaint,tal .any.feaishiable time will'be given, if required; • ' 7 W..• kf.'11ERTIIN;'ClIiiton,. • • • . . , • . • ... New lines of Overcoatings, hades. New. . ' • YOUTIV8. and CHILDREN'S-: READLIIINDE CL01111%, OYMPII SliO, .S410 *ail(' •OCDRasT. A" a:* !Zia COOPER S CROCE-it, CLuirrotli. OIRICTIOIC81-1.,A.11-3VB .. • ' • • . . . .we . ESTABLISHED 19 YEAP.S. TTAVING ON HAND VIE LikuousT, nEsr AND CILEAVEST STOOK OF )30614 AND 8110E8 IN County of J1PrI,It 1 am giving SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to Cash. Customers. THE STUCK CONSISTS, IN PART, OF TIM FOLLOWING LEADING DINES: osxrd VINE MOM% hand -made, limed and sowed, .LADIES, SEATING BOOTS, LADIESFRENCH CALF BOOTS, GENT'S BATS AND GAITERS, hand.made pe.t.go.1 -LADlitir80'netAlalteDeZVAN SOOTS, in battened, sh arid amd sewed, LADIES' PRIINELLA, foxed and plain:, GENT'S SKA.TINII BOOTS, LADIES' SLIPosit8, in hid, calf, ion and tapestry, MlSS1i• s AND CIIILIBIEN's nooT$A31.) SLEPPER ,,, GlasIT'S TOILET SLIPPEIts, in laced and buttoned In endless variety, JAVIER' KID BITTTONED, 'JOY'S HOME ANI) S.ALF, MA.DE 300r4 LADIES' OILED 00AT DI. TToN ED. ',AWES' PEBBLE BUTTONED, 'ALL OF WIIICH 1 Ail SELLING As CHEAP AS TILE OILEAPEST. • ; Itt Searching andHealing Properties • at picnown throughout the world. For the ewe of OKI/ LEGS, Bad Breasts, . OLD WOUNDS,ORES& trr,opirts. it la au infallible remedy. If effectual rnbbed on the steakand chest, 00 0010 tato meat, it mires Sora Tifrost, Tironehitis, coughs, cows, and even Asthma For Glandular Kwerungs, Oitioleir,Vitos, 601.r.U, ltREUMA.Ti.SM,• Amdevery kind of SKIN DISEASE,,it has never been known to faiL ••. The Pills and 0Intnilut .rer 'llanufastared Only at 533, OXFORD STREET., Li. DON,. end are !adhl by all Vendors of Medicines thretighoitt the Civilised World. with directiovs f or use in alnioat;ever viauguage. The Trade Marko of thego Medicines ore registered in Ottavrs. Hence, anyone throaxhont .the -British Possetinions.who may•keep the Amerlean ooanterfeits for sale, willbe prosecuted. . .• Pnrclabisers shiittld look to the Label on the Foto and Boxes. 11 the address be not 533. Oxtard'Streete-London, tkey.n.eaoportona.. GOLD • FLAKE .Citt Plug is' the best pipe smoking tobacco ever •introduced into Canada. It is made from the best selected fine old Bright Virginia Leaf. (7he razo leaffrom phick this tobacco made eines more than env other tolacto, mant4eenred..in Ca)mf4,. after 'On- readyfor the AM.), . It is nide absolutely pure and neatly packed in • handy tin.foil pacliages, O Itis sold by ail resrectable dealers in ail parts: of the Dbraintort. ' • • Manufe.Oured by • • • ' THE GLOBE 'TOBACCO CO., Wnenson, Ottr. I am not selling under cost, but I am giving bet- ter value for the money than any other dealer in, the County, Alt hinds ol 000t13 numb, to order, from the finest Ladies' Kid in Buttoned er Laved, to tbe Farmer's heavw.,:i Stotts. Call end examine. Nt truifle: to show goods. C. 0.RUICXSITANIK,7. • ••BRLCK BLOCK', ALBERT STREET,. CLINToN• :Now Tam of ail ltintl; of Grocirils. FIN"?' TEAS, CHEAP, gdod as can tie had for 50 e. • Ciall•atetrsee• the Itargrianii at ctinton. Why pay $2.50 and, 82,75 for GRANITE TEA SETS, in second, when you. can get the same in first for the sante money?.. ,Why.;pay.$1•for 1,11hs..1.1.AISINS,..when.:you cam get-- . ? . Why. pay 81:for 15. lbs.. CURRANTS, when you can get 16, good, not full of dirt ? Why pay $1 for 26 lbs. SOAP., when you. can get 28 ?. • FRESH ORANGES, LEHONS, GRAPES, CRANBERRIES, APPLES, — FRUITS, &C . LEMON, ORANGE CITRON PEEL, NUTS RAISINS D vr • • 1 .4 • (.... yhe very finest assortment of BISCUITS and CONFECTIONERY in town, without exceP• . tion ; good and fresh. •Who wants to buy old stale' Biscuits? 30 coats per lb. for GOOD MIXED CANDY, 40 for the host. JUST ARRIVED, FIVE. POUND TINS, BREAKFAST MACKERAL, CHOICE. 0011LTRIF wArrripae.-win tiny any quantity Of GEESE, TURKEYS, CHICKE;58, DUCKS, and give • ' the very highest market price. Nit' Don't *forget the .present you get• far ivery Ten Dollars you spend in Cash, „ist ;JOHN OUNNINGHAME'S, Clinton, Now is the time to get your money's viorth, XMAS CHEER. VVEiteleftiNtia(eulOsilthT ti(), gletPal abilottOire-lh1 oEet IN N:EW FNUIT, -11AV,ING• — • • NEW VALENCIA RAISINS,, - -NEW RAisaistar .ALL Ki*in. • ••••• : NEW CURRANTS. ARIN NW LEJ1ON, 9RANGE & CITRON' PEELS.- • . • , • STOCK:••01`.;—•-,.. •I'Vtt# neveritto itiplete. Any one Wialiing to make, a. present IttiVe THE 13EST f3EriE071,1Ii • STOCE: TO CFIOOSE Fatoi.q,, EVER SEEN IN CLINYON.. . NO: S9,iucK 'mock, AfHIRr iiILEET; CLINTIIN• I)ECEM_I3ER • 77 RIGH . •• 1 8 8 0 . • • lv-rsx10,8 N.•.ov ' •• –..;.------:•—'—'000 . , .. . • . , .• ______ k Merry' • Chnstmas 4 ,ana a .. Happy 1M65.r • Year. . , . • • . 3 • GIVING OP -;-•BUSINES$ I - • • , • . The .new Goods direct frone,the old countries and - . JACK.SON S CLOTHING STORE 1 Net York, have arrived in. part, are Marked off, •- . VICT.O;RIA BLOCK, CLINTON. i:111 V/11011 'ailifillt tM 110 °Mill 1.'1". 4111'' l'''' ii'' IliliAll*: and 'ready for the inspection of.the inirchasin4.) . wv to NI ' 4W "14111 t"5 Wil Vig • . public. . - . . . • • ..., . a. • . . . a . . ,. NO. HIYMtiTG. • i thE.A:N* BUSINESS. ' 'The inlyirouse in Clintonipoitirtge.nerallry GOods dirtctiorn foreign countries. LQ li,:and READ .1 --- . i . . '-: - . .. - .- . . . ,. . ... : • ...-.. ..: , , . . .. : Aal°210 the Pill's' 0/' .N,0.. (lood.• Will he tonuit so/i)- e•dto:Winfo'?i igirtgrin$,'In. the .$12000 WORTI-.0i '0( DS 4 • - friltrat"hqf :MM.! :" • t,,4••••••• • 1 iftr,cre •ti.fr" r.L'eatl•5, c.c! • ' beautiful 11110 of 1.1.acicA0E'i? 1A0.i.8s .(joons, .at in cents per. • vastly slimy any .nne papa() cents for Tea, whin We ay. supply jtyt 94 good 'for CentS, We'To be sold at once, as I iritend to clear all out as soon AS pips- „ sibleNo old cb•oods'.. All neW and well bourdit for cash.— , . are noted for offertng the best ea m b . 0 pa r AM and $3,34 for GRAN 1TE TEA. SETS. when you eau bny the leatate. Patties .wftittint,r bargains will get them tricallinga& oneebefore from ttei for $2.5Q $2.1q. • ••• the•stock is brol<eit atTR STOI 'OF 1300'r S • ANT) SHOES• TULL LINES IN ALL DEPAR• tIVIENTS., 1a ociMplete. Geod stork mid elle*. WOMEN'S 'BOOTS ranging lit price from $100 to •82.00 per pair, Please esti Jfl and fosaplfet Oar stock before, petrels:Wax. , 000 WANTED --L11 the GEESE, TURKEYS, CHICKENS and DUCKS in the surrolind. , log heighborbinul. nigh* prices will he paid, • Thompson, & Boles, Beaver Block, Clinton. • -- NV, E. C11:,1[C1C-1 & C. . . ” VT(1TORTA RT., CLINTON, • : t• .• .. • ' - . . , . 1IXAVEI Orr oa hand the largest and 'most totePlete stook el BEDItOONI SETS' Piltbolt SET% EAST .1.1fr MAIM, CENTRE TABLAS, l'ARTNHES. Si'liixO BEDa and MATifRESSEB de :, in the esmityd 1 Spelog Sou and LoanStat male to eerier. • • . , . • _ ., ,i?gr "'Are 01011 td.,W toeyd. 1.4tearq5ets. itt the‘1Intnitetrae., .t'ot'- the. .11doi,iey, I. .,• Oar itack hi ii4olass, soil wo eatnad lee ondereohl. • riallaufl be nottrineed. Too want. saYa reest 9 14 20 tun avec or oe Oomo, 'Wo, keep geode mei* by all the •Ilaii.daee aelionteettitete. dinalotedverra ,kryWhere within toll Aires Noe or shoe*. 0) 011atolt,iitx•qa, IMO. . .41 5. • • • 8 GOOD4,'..at cost. BLACK AN'D COLORED SILKS at cost. WIXOM'S at cost.: '•• FLANNELS, AIA. KINDS, at cost. • , corroiss, nucKs AND DENIMS at. cost 75 pieces TW1418DS, in English,. Scotch and. Canadian Tweeds, at cost: Large stock Pa:ADV.:11MA CLOTIIING it ast..' Large stock Of LADIES .JACICETS at cost, Largostock of HATS AND CAPS at emit Large stook of pro.R.e,' ••• • . • 2,000 pairs of BOOTS ..k.NDSIIE&S,,in 141001 • WOrrion's and Children's, *cost. .• RUBBERS AND OVIIIISIIOES, tit coati. • GRoCERIES,'at cost. , • Everything to. be sold at. cost. No reserve, . Sale will cont . - Titmice thto day, and continue until all aro sold. jrr- The Store 'will be to rent as soon tis the stock is sold. OLINTON, Dee, :lad, 4$0. Lo k HENRY. PLU IVISTEEL. 0. „ • yard; 'worth folly 30' cents per •yard. , ; • • , 50 (10ze11 MEN AND BOY'S ilkAM) CAPS; at 011&..itair the • price they ean be bought for in. auy%ther store in the•coiinty. •• 100 sets LADD' AND CTIU.DitEN'S VITUS, etflThisting of South $oa • Eical; Lynx:Mink, 'Ermine, Grebe, (1:e„ &e.;nt .`.15 pet' cent less than it cost ' to manufactUrp them. • • • 5(30 MLN AND BOY'S. OvERCOATS, 11t ulster and. Sitcque shapes,' at, $3.50, $4.50, $5.00, $6.50, $7.50,•$S,Or!•and $10 ; less than the Canadian 1:vholosale eost to manufacture. '. 'Black: and Colored: TYRES4 .S.1,19)..l:eSS: tkan th3 Per cent of.. . • 150 Lailiekblack and ligitt-eihred 'CLotti MAwrixs, at tbout • ono -hale the ordivary prices. •• • Yti .Bed Comforters, Counterpanes, Table Linens', Carpets, Illna- . , • kets, Thimasits, Tweeds, Shirtiogs, Viannels, Shirts and Drawers; 800ts outt Shoos, 0lottds Mftsand Oloves, in endless 'variety, at reduced pribes. • • , Day your presents for the holidays at the Great Bargain and Importing Ifonse, opposite the Town' .ffatt. GI Hi WRIGHT •CLINTON •