HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-12-23, Page 2r
ite functiens We shall see the calamity of a promulgated in opeu day, executed with.'
.spouttoseoue etruggle between those who promptitude and vigor, and reePeoted Iw.
set up their Oyin Will as law and. those who PithiaYi• The shopkeepers in the towns
i. r
cow so eoereion, It must be plain to w110 are obnexibue to the Laud League are
ra:riteii,, Davitt and mon Throat,. the Government that the evil bas griewa to no:ricte"nrixo(tnel?'irseimentvlaertlyA an tit itthil
its present dimensions' because it. lute been m
name. .
. •
elle d with Death, . Blow to understand 044 to execute it cluty." Kingdons only in
Lennox, Dee, 1.7.—The officer emulsion& The movement of troops goes on, and the
, lug at Berri King's, county, hae been order- Spectator this week says that ifuecessary
PRiars 4ND0AFTLE earcorreo• ed thpotrol the distriet nightly with forty the Government could throw 1.50,000 Men
----,- .-...-.___.ealdiers. The Pellee petrol, bas been into Ireland next week merely by calling
out the reserves, and embodying the • reili-
'VW 'Scots **other 45111ard8 .4r. °able&
Mr. jonee, who was made a vetof tia. But soldiers really offer no protection
dem* to, ltrelattd. Boyeotting, is now getting armed melt from. against the seutences of the Land Leapt°,
etanee to replace the laborers who. left ' for they hare no, power to •act except in .
tom vorT3 A'ND THE LEAG.,tibats. felni. Two polieemen eleep in the house, ease of aotuai ineurrection, and the local
14,,,,,,,,,,, Deo. u.—.40 already bricity and four othera are stationed. near the ciaristabulary are .entirely powerleps, .
• London meanwhile is gettingfull of Well
telt•grapbed; Withure Bence Jones, au Eng. wised
A number of troops have been pro-
XisiOnitri and . a large, owner, residiug at wised him. refugees, and to -day a lady writes to the
Lis,,o1;;no: county (3ork, had expeudecl A. tenant's right meeting was held at papers begging that some vacant alieds in
•gss,000 irt improving ilio. property amt., Lough. Gall, county of Armagh, to -day. the.. SOntlt Itelleington Museursi may be set
hitherto enjoyed good relations. with his TilOan present were prinoipally Orangemen. apart for thellSe Of her fellow.ezilefi.. There
inomt•; : lflit because he refuses GriMtil's Athe7LpolbatlorT,Y *Pheiresli°45thteciy94.4Pes°tEirsoeyseBid°.4 °I 194$314;otu :or emalrelir s exaggerationmati i'l, itectilauiseeth4eesset
O hem .p;, jug their rearoby throats from the meeting! wee then held m AD adjoining people arrive in London without money or
•ealr.stitsi, his tenants have been deterred
agitators, and threats haVe been made that field, and resOliitione Passed in favor of a friends, and wander about the streets of
the .great strange city utterly destitute.
Ins ::1'..Nc, will be dug opposite his door. 1.3. esasolut•gorgersipetoanriefinee ispublished be. FaMilieS that were comfortably off, or Oen
!Me lAts?rera aro compelled to leave hies, yr ioevhe,xtthyr. e El months ago, are new in actual
slid noise dere bey his produce, because tween Oaptain Boycott and Mr. Gladstone.-
. when it is -sent to market it is surrounded The former asks the assistance of the Gov -
The liadicals everywhere feel OW pre -
mob, jones on Tuesday tried erinn wit to indemnify him for lessee camied
sent events'in Ireland aro:but a .prelude to
t, sqp :,it) (settle and sheet; to Bristol, but. . botypilixeia repliesthattoSnCialltitthier•e.leratrliTifentgrlhaads- A similar successful agitation against the
stdailiship company that they would cease already largely . assisted Boycott, With landlords in England. Already nurnerons
ceramittees are (Plietly being formed in the
8.Anoutax of large shippers informed the
dealings. with it ffihe cattle Were shipped troops. To this Boycott replies - that the
, 'Ilic veropany consequently refuse,...-io,take wieli and merely to preserve the poem, and, army was sent to Lough Maile against his. Kriglish counties somewhat on the basis of
the. Land League, an# a demand is springing°
- ' 1 lii; e.S file, itellao did 'the ClydeShipPing.
Con:pally. 'Finally the drovers refused lie regrets that. the Government refuses up on all sides for lower rents, and the right
of purchase after &certain oeoupanoy, The
to 13,44. the cattle. which, after straying him:compensation.
land revolution begin a in England at the
litroligh the Streets, were finally driven by Orders have been received at Queens,
moment of Ad greatest "emcees in Ireland
The working classes erelevorable it it, and
-Cu; pence to the Great Southern railway, tawnier the:despatch of forty -marines to
e ffoits of the Boycetters. to. prevent the ClrhaeldPite•Yr'nell 'defence fund now amounts
name at public Meetings has been received
and toiwarded to Dublin in epiteignf the .. this week eVerymention of Mr.Gladstoue's
40,1,,,,r fvoat s.appiyino a train. bilea is to over 410,000; ' • ' • . - , With trereendeue olseers--an unmistakable
• • - optilrr because his writings in the press . - • The Grand Orange Dodge '114Ye iaaned , a; indlOatiOn of the feeling of the masses. I
-'1" opposition to public' works.; TIM . Oreulorntging• the brethren to take Pleas- ,may add that in the 'coming struggle of the
rob,,o,proinised to protect the 'laborers i ures for Meetingby means of' signals, any • gentry against the people the formeroannot
. _ tte,x...wotad_rornsin with Tones, but they time of day or night; under any emergeueY,
•'01.14.:41, ' The Land League. will 'Support and ,to take Means to . protect, themselves: even count on the tradesmen, for these ast,
• '. the labererEi.. who 'left the estate, Tse • Another eironler announces thonce-their warreest allies., are now bitterlyat asubserip- exasperated againet them owing to the
.toness• family are attending the remaining: tier, hes been opened for organizing e 40- establishment Of co-operative stves, which
cattle; and are Pretested by &rimed, poliee.• fence, and gives information in.. regard to
have Bo eatenhit° the business and profits
, The tense isguarded etnight, and 4 seiZure tho eostof arms. • ot witrEal shopkeepers. Altogether, as you
. 'c.f. the lodge is expected. The state of eiege Liverpool oensignees etate that they re- can see, the situation is extremely menacing
. ss..t.leovs' residence continues. - . . felled to...roceivedjones' sheep because the
for the property interests,snd English land
:bus ofix, Dec. 16—When Janes' cattle ar- Land League threatened. them.. • • •
seems likely to have become the least safe,
a-lye•I at Dublin theywere treated iii the • Judge•Dowse; In closing . the -Cennaught ad hitherto it has been the most coveted, of
.4.,,unv Way' Pclii ' at Cork. An attempt will be assizes,•said that of 212 juters 'Summoned .
all investments.
mail: lo -day to hip the cattle to Glasgow only half had' attended- The abeentees will .
The Queen went to Osborne Houge,.in
• .'
or Li t enbe fine
voi. • If that fails, ones' agent d 420. each, %-
the Isle of Wight, .to -day. Mr. Gladstone
• . . will telegraph for inettuctions whether the . • It is confidently asserted that Michael was her .guest at Windsor Castle on Thurs-
cattle' ellen. be conveyed to Bristol by way Devitt's ticket:of-letWe. is about to,be can..
day, and, it is to be hoped, satisfied his
d D
anarvitt orrested. • • • • •
. ..ef Belfast. • In the meantinie tlfti poliee celledroyal entertainer that. Ireland was till
guard the uettle. . •,, There is no troth whatever inthe state, under her rule. - 'I hear that .many appeals
•.. Parnell, Davitt and Dillon have received meet that the Governixtent has -urged•Chief
have been Made to her Majesty from Irish
• c.tters threetenin'g theni with death, . ' justice May &abstain from the state trials. ladies, but; of course, she is unable to .do
The Itev.•Daiiiel :Foley, porish priest of Cu; 'Dec, 17;—There is a great want of anything in the matter. '
. To thert; eounty Kerry, has been P. Boypo'V• ' otnployment throughout the country hete, • It is said • Viet.' during the holidays the,
toil - by his parishioner's. for three weeks, owing to the dieinelination of landlords to Land League is -to give the, English people
lie eat' gist lie smith in Torbert to shoe hie • lay out money. -At several' meeting's re-
• nor,,e; and had to send it to Limerick. It cently held the farmers weresurnmene4 tits • a convincing proof of its power and orthe
secrecy of their organization, and will strike
po,,:•ars that the sliaith was even warned E.0 give ensploYment to laborers. - The • agent "a startling blow" in the 'heart of -London
his peril not to clO the -like. a second time, of the Bari of Pork Was thquested to pre-
Th v people of the parish long since refused. Vide labor on the earl's' estate. He intim- itself.
Captain .131:lye:At, whose trials and tribu-
te :-,,,ivo theiiseal hal-penny or penny ext Med thethe will Open new Nvorks.and give. 11-etions.at Lough Meek have formed the
.. • ' title:lays for seatein the uhapelisnd it •ii; einiii.yment until March. . , • • . •
: • theme of many cable despatches and. given'
- . STiouslit that he will not be paid; his dues at D'usire, Deo. 19.--A very significant -risq...te, the aptly deseriptive term ‘13:oyobt-.
ChrhAulas. Father Foley has frequently' movement is afoot with regard to the land. ting," has been taken up and mademuch
gUI Irgl I toed tho•Leaguand,persiatently.o. agitatioei.whieli .1 -Pay •11.4ra an. :.imPettont.: of.rn .London,by . Qaptain BitrnabYand--the
_ '1?501? itildin it.' -• ' ' ' ........ - - - ',' • ; -- - --- aniince-on -the': iln&I :settlement . Of -the • aingoeswitlIthe•intentiell, , .doubtless:i. of.
-. ..1:tgent otderehave been received...hi question.... I refer to the attitude stidcIenly Viittleing all the, capital .possible out of. his
• Publie to -night,,. directing that no further adopted by numbers of. the Iiigh,landlords, ;:grievenees .andout of Mr. Gritelstone'etaisit
._ furiqugh. forAlip.present,bo_gantec10, ncgi.,. leoth. Liberal and .Conservative, , favorLug hefusAi.tpiAtyd, jlipa opmpooatio„,:m.A119
• - ..-- .. .(.' 0.14 t tiiiviened-officers•and men in Ireland: 7.i'ata-ttri alleTtlitIwthree7r-?. en'in'eautir ;dor attge.110 - hes:Sustained by laiirdeteptilSOry
iers'elso :lima thatsny men whose •
fu r 1 : g l'i s have • been Made out, end Who b Ei,VO
not yetieft, sliould net be allowed to de.' Cou-'
oeett.nitlyanuntiber of men .vilio were letty.
imam: furlough for England this, evening
stopped before goind;en boatd. and
• 'tlireeticil torettirn to their quarters. • 'Offs;
' , curs and in;en isowon leave from regiMent3'
• ."' gtationed in Ireland horti•heen ordered to
• • ydjoin their regiments 'without fail before
• • Cie: 2;•;th iust. Greet exeitement was eaused*
• itere by the .neyis that. orders' •. had ..been
s1.,m1.• by tho. War Offiee.....in . London
• to the •ISeeta :Fusilier Guards to•• -pro -
c cM: to Ireland On-Fridey,. It. Wad the
•. 1-ieists Guards 'which, • when the Fenian
• - p -are eeourred: at Chester, turned oet
• rt Li quarter of an hour's notice from the
-bugle 'call: The. battalion numbers, 800
' bayowts, but instructione have been issued. Saturday. ",e.... :remarkable article arguing rum. Mr. Forste,r,though the beat. &Weed'
• .. to lailig the foree. up to1,000.•The'majority r vigorously iu favor- of the fixity of tenure man in England by. bOth Sides, hall ShoWn
of tlgi en are Scotch's:ten, the Irishmen in. and the dther F'Ts,'' Saying, "The easiest throxigheut patience', "jiidgnient .and:deci.
- the wl,ittailon ..numbering lese . then. One • wey to ;establish' a' peasant Ptoprietary is' Siootrecogrosirig the political .obstaele to
•Inthtircd, of wl.,oinforty•ate Catholics. The, through theplan." • TO properly under- .immediate parliernentary action 'while;
Calst.theteS ere to be reinforesedto-morrow stand the importance Of this cheep of at-: ;Steadfastly ,representing that the peters.
by 110 men, bringing the foreoupt to 1,050 titmle it must • . tie remembered . that intrusted to the -Irish Executilie are in.,
• . 9,..`AVI. . - 1 ,' ' ' . , . , •.-., : , !. . fiXity Of tenure wasidenounced everyWherd,. euffiiient to' reprege tho • emispiraey. 'which
. D.: Dee. 10.:—Today counsel for tha Y
ear, ego .as nttetlyinedmissable. Au.y. is daily spreading and is accompanied by
lent, e
crows: told counsbF km the traversers•eaeh one proposing it wasconsidered a medinan. bolder ancl.more frequent outrages. . ••,.• •
•stroi I. - off twelve names frem• the tarty, . Of edurae: the ',three "Fs" 'do not satisfy • • The Irish authorities Say iinatainously :
ht': previously - ballotted fori. leaving
„ 1.wcilq -tour. front which the' jury will be
' • . :,,..41 at the- opening of' the trial. The
(rrs.ve solicitor challenged three. Catholics
Plytd Jane Protestants..ensh gide alternating
• • ih stt:,king thein off' name by wane:• ' At
- 0;.ol.' • mine struele off by the Crown:, Mr.
•kreversera' counsel, and ncousm
• (..• :!, 11Dillon, cried "another Papist,".
't' it rennse called .attention to the fact,
notign ,J),ie..,,inaster , of ; the • •Crown ciffiee
t,es,l,rely• tentimencled • him. • -Some Catho-
• lics are included in the terealning twenty-
. four eersons in the 'panel, but the probe,
. • I.,ilio is that a great majority of the jury
'rill be. Protestants. Opinions differ regard,
log Om probable ..inelinations of the jury,,
• but it isnot generally considered. favorable
tlius far teethes traverser. . ; ' . - • • .:'
•.:ilt. Philip. Callan; niereber of Perlis-
. .00eet ;or Louth; conviiked of: libelling Mr.
A. M. Sullivan, has been 'fined 425. ' :. •
A greet anti -League meeting:was held. to.
i! Ily- ft c-NLOItagiukax...lioid-iltossinoka Prosid,-,
• ;isle, ' lteeolutions were pessed• declaring
•that an, eqeitable, 'settlenient of •the land i entire-couety. and the ineetnigsthroogbenm.
quo•1 len wits necessary—a gettlemeet giNiing 1 -the County were -topped withont ,dieturli
• the lardlords e•fair rent' and the ferrantS: auce. .. ., ' '• • , .
, • , Free;,,olon. from rack twits. and, ea,Pricieus '• I;etteete;Decs:10.-'--in coesequenee of the
evieLtens.. '. P.,. ' . • .. . .. . , : . , • , refugal 'of Mr, Gladstone -to assistMe. Boy',
. . - •
• Tia, au:billet was in ilesSion four hours' • cott, theEnglish public will be appealed•to
. . ti-i1s. ' , : • . • - '. •S ' for aid. 'A, list Will soon be published the.
• Ono bemired and nineteen mon of the committee whichwill organise a'subserip-
• Coldia ream. Guards have Started for Deblin,. tion.
'Thom will -ho a.large meeting of Trightee'll It is .state4 that Petuell' will nob iusist
• - at•Manolsoster. on Wednesday to. exptbss
r;,ytnpathy for the traversers Mad. to auk
imp: lilt- (N. fence, fund. IVIr. Pakten. will
Ls present, . • •., ,„ • . • .. •
:or. Pio-sell has issued a oireular alteting
.1.-'..• .si dal e ei!•tlie.ineeting of the Home Rule,
r It:: tr-i Januory4th to Deeember 27th, '
-r!,, a.., i? ire the State Weld begin. • ..
' ....: truce:el t iplit0 been ordered te get toady
i tie 0-,liestly to do to Gibraltar, t Coevey
Crso ''s•i'fi, itsginient thence 'to •Queenstown.
The ests!ts belonging to joifits, of Liss°• .
l• is .1 .•,,e.11 were •forwarded from (kirk,
1 :•.: I II J, 1,e,,, refused ' shipment by 'the'
ri?••e.•;.o• ey'ropsinies in cersseqtence efr.the•
cor,.. ct-,f.i, Elm" Boycotters," have not yet
isft lit blie.. The Grend Orange . Lodge
'144 sh t, rodeed„to make every exertion to
•rclif:vt.• 'Nit...Jones: His ;Amen were' shipped
C; 1.0:crpool today, Without opposition..
Th.- eJstie will be shippedto.-day,
. T.:. 1•• toperted that a fridVemebt is afloat
ill t'1,..t14. bi Howls reliefietliedition to Mr.
• • Arie, at Bandon,
Lois i•os, bee, 10, --The Zino sive;
" Tle. Atitation in Ireland is one f deepen.
big :1,19m. The offieets of the Government
' l'isok on while lawlessness iS iineheeked, but
etiiI4 asennot continue; 4•Vit eeme point the
14111,0f tho rebels against society muSt be
rrolien by the force of society. If the GeV-,
" thunont does not step forward to reannie
ipanamian. •
A computation has been made of tile
aggregate east of new buildings erected at
Penetanguisliene this slimmer, the' result
Stowe over 076,000. Of this about 1140,000
is represented by new industries, which
will supply permanent employment. The
building prospeota for next year are par.
ticularly good.
• At the ICingston police court yesterda
Alderman Gaskin, who for the past three
years has been in the habit of purchasing
large quantities of poultry and. meat for
friends in Montreal, was charged. with fore-
stalling, in porohasing before 10 o'clock. In
his evidence he stated that he had not re-
ceived any commission or realized a -cent
• in any way by the purchases. The magis-
trate reserved his decision.
Joseph Deliele, a Canada Southern em
ployee Grosse Isle,.was shockingly in -
lured on Sunday morning, while endeavor-
ing to make a s Molting ' switch. One of
the cars was loaded with iron rails, and as
the two parts a the train came together
the concussion caused the iron, slippery
with frost, to slide, and one of the massive
bars struck him in the fabe, tearing away
the bridge of his nose and one eye, and
forcing his head against the other car in
such a manner as to fraoture his akull.
'There is no hope of his recovery.
"fair rentsfixity of tenure and. fair sale."
The landlord opposition to these measures
had hunt: sensibly lessening in many' • quer-
tore-for sometime. 'The firstpublie expres-
sion given bo them was during last week'
at a Monaghan Orange meeting, piesided
over :by Lord 'Hosinnore. • • Thie 'fleeting
made' the" three F's ?' its platform. This
actiou shows ou the ,part of the young
nobleman and the otherlandlords asso.elated
with. him a public spirit and Wisdom far in
advance of their chtess • Some Armagh
landlords have done the sime thing, ata
rr.oiny prominent Etiglish inembers of• az' the action of their English- cOusins on
liamentlia'veitlso spoken °tit elearlyun -G-ey-Ea-wheetday last month bk-burififig
point. Furthermore, the Louden Ti es, • Vr. Parnell in effigy amid the wildest
which has heretofore opposed coneesaion eitensent: ' . • . . •
and fevered an out-and-ont Whey on the It is notIrtte that 21r- Ioorster at any'
part of England toward Ireland, printed on
tinie offered his resignatiop-ur an -ultimo,
removal from Ireland.. •. •
The arrest of Michael Devitt, lift. Par-
•nell's able lieutenant, who cinly recently re-
turned from his trip to America, has been
determified on, and it warrant walls? issued
Immediately. •
• The,Orangemen of Portadown are wale-.
brating this evening their victory of yester-
• day, During the. day -nothing was . talked
of but the attack on the Land. Leaguers
and their subsenuerit. dispersion. In th,e
evening the enthusiasm took a more tang-
ible,forru au4'the leading spirits imitated
the Land League, but if the landlords 1, We know the men wbo are fermenting
disturbances and organizing disorder. Half
of them willorlY atthe menage of Imprison-
ment, and the fee:lei:Aar- can be attested
if neseseary: Comparatively feW arrests
will• restore traziquillity,” .
RX•G arAt11,•
should generally adopt them they would be
goi.?-44'halt way in tenet:salon to theleague.t
• accordauce-with &proclamation issued-
ou Saturday night, ,the military went to
Queen's county early this morning,, to
three -places where .League ;reeetingd 'Were
to be held..• The fact of -the Government's
• eaten,. however, is robbed of the signifi-
bailee firat given. to it; as the „ meetings
were 'prevented. for purely local reagens:
It some certain that & landlord near
Cullshills had ineited the- hatred of the
.people'. end, an indignation meeting tits'
gotten up by. the C'entral League, of Dub-
lin, to denounce hini. The landlord there-
upou announced that he would break up
the meeting by force; at any cost, if the
atteiiiptvere made to held it. IThe Gov -
About 7 o'clock on Tuesday night tho
.1:if:Ake discovered Ann Driscoll lying appa-
rently drunk at the Berthelot market, Que-
bee: She was removed in an insensible
condition to the central police station, and
a doctor sent for as soon as dangerous
symptoms declared themselves, The doctor
ordered her removal te a hospital, but be-
fore this could be effected the unfortunate
woman had breathed her last. The de --
0(31180d, some ten 'years ago, was a respeet-
able servant, but of late years she has been
so dissipated that she was peldom filers
than a day or two at a time out of jail.
Pamir Deo. 17.
To meet the' views of the farmers the
Council of Mount Forest passed a by-
law last . evening •declaring their market
free. • ,
Benj. Hodson has heen fined 025 and
costs or two nionths. In prison at the
Belleville police courtier driving a laeree
to death.
A: women- narned,Stewarb on Tuesday.
night attempted to desert her child by
leaving it in a shop on Front street, Belle-
ville. The attempt was unsuccessful.
Young °hal= an of Irort Lawrence, N.
deared into insanity by young men coming.
from a graveyard covered with white
• sheets, died a day or two ago without re-
covering his reason ler a Moment.
• Mrs: X. II. Bowe, of Barry county, near
• Port Huron, has been rendered crazy by
swallowing a sharp 'piece of oyster shell in
seine soup which she: was eating. The
piece produced such intense pain that her
nerves were Shattered and she was utterly
prostrated. • This was followed by lesii of
her senses and insanity, and now her lifo
is despai•red of. .
Ssrtatimx, 'Dep. 18.
, "The-Londeirgrocers haye deoided nnt to
give Christmas -presents.•
• .. The boy Halliday, of LendOn who svial-
lowed the quill or •bone whiatie is on the
way ttrfebbveryi a successful. operation
haying been perlormed by Dr. Ross., •
A. shipMent of turkeys for thetEnglish"
market, • made by 11..Eysh, jun., Londoe„
was refused by the Steamship companies at
Net, York, and had to be -brought back..
idany of 'the liorsee at the lumber shan.
tieeln the rear portions of Peterborce and
surrounding countiea are ,bodly affee '
das county, lost a two-year-and-a-haltold
boy, who fell backward into a pot of boiling
hot water while playing with a cat, and
NM so much scalded that hs died soon alter
the aeoident.
Mews. Bayle Bros. at Winnipeg, have
received instructions 'from their London
agency to make preparatiena for the recep-
tion of sixteen Irish famillea 'which Her
Grace the Duchess of Marlborongh is send-
ing out to Manitoba in the spring: Whey
will all be provided with a full outfit for
• child of Mrs. Edward Morten, of
Petit de Grab, 0. B., was left tied to
chair in front of a stove while the mother
went out a the house for a few moments.
Upon her return she found that the child
had tipped the chair forward and fallen
on the hot ;dove, being burned so terribly
that death came a few 'wine after,
Frank Lowe, a commercial traveller,
was before the pence magistrate at Port
Hope on Saturday morning charged with
assaulting Mr. Wilson, editor of the Guide,
on the night of Thursday.last. Tbe
wag fully proven. The prisoner had elected
to be tried summarily, and. was defended
by 11,1r. H. White. The magistrate in the
strongest terms denounced the condueb of
the prisoner, and fined him the full extent
of thnjaw-820 and costs; total, 827,49.
Be en 12 and 1 o'clock yesterday
morning three men were in a house in Alba.
%tale street, Halifax, W. S., kept by a man
named Pyke. One of them used insulting
language teMili. Pyke she thres.tened
to, oall a policeman. He then seized her by
the neck, and gave her a violent swing
out oh to the sidewalk. Pyke ran to his
wife's assistance andawas himself seized
and violently thrown to ,the _ground and
kicked. His assailant was pulled off by
Mrs. Pyke and, alter bestowing a few part-
ing blows on her, he fled, Pyke, on being.
carried to a doc'tor's, was found to have
sustained several eerious -wounds about the
head. Later in the merning the police ar-
'rested a man named Thomas Snow on
suspicion of being his assailant.- In .the
afternoon the injured man was conscious
and showed sig,us of•insprovement,htit for a
day or two be impossible to tell
whether he will live or not.
• A revolting and probably tragical Faae of
wife -beating occurred in Belleville on Wed-
nesday. A young man named Charles
Wilson, who has for many years been ad.
dieted to drink, has for the past few weeks
been in a continual state of intoxication
andlas pawned'nearly everything in the
house to obtain money to buy liquor. A
few days ago a friend of his wife lent het an•
axe tosplit some wood with but when Wilson
came home on Wednesday he saw the axe
and instantly seized'it and made off to the
pawn shop. His wife remonstrated with
him for taking it, whOreupop he•turned and
knocked' her down and kicked • her so
severely. that she sustained an interual
rupture. A medics's,' man was at once called
in who, on making 'an examination, pro.
nouneed-her easels, be very serious. •Wil.
Son was arrested and is now in jail. .
of the gem d 'Duke of Sutherland and
Mistress 0 the Robes to tbs. Queen, is
sinking last Her death is only V. gliestion
of a few ho re.
A- smuts onjaas 'been caused by A rumor
which. has rdlltihed London that the Sultan
has been trying to divert the attention of
England from Greece MA her relations
with Turkey by attempting to rouse the
• native Indian population inte rebellion.
Turkish 4%111416'1,ms are known to be all
ever India, keeping a sharp watch every,
where for the interests of the Porte, and
this rumor, therefore, has snfficient ground'
to render it e belief quite eaayrand to cause
a good deal of excitement in London.
4 The second report of the trustees.oftlie
Glasgow Bank shows a much more lsopefu4
condition of its affairs than had been anti-
cipated. The total dividenda so far paid
amount to seventeen shillings on the
pound sterling of indebtedness. It is ale°
stated that after the payment ef the re-
maining three shillings =the pound there
will remain a surplus af not less than
4300,000 sterling for division among the
shareholders upon whom calls were made.
It is believed this sum will be utilized by
investment instead of being returned in
• money to.the shareholders.,
MONDAY, Deo. 80.
Rev. Mr. Enraght, the Ritualist, eldots to
remain in prison.
The Duchess of Westminster died at
Bournemouth on Saturday night.
The captain and orew of the British ship
• City of Montreal, frOm Quebec for Green,
sick, before reported abandoned, with the
loss of her rudder, has been -landed at
- *AA
• A meeting of 2,000 persons was held in
I3erlia on Sunday, at whieri resolutions •
were wiped in favor of the suppression ;
of the 'liberty of Jews, to return no „
Liberal to Parliament who will not promise
to vote for suoh suppression, and to buy.
nothing from Jewish shops or firros. '
It is likely that the Misr pis of Ripon,
Viceroy of India, will recovs 'his health, •.
but lie will certainly have to leave the east.
He has caught the jungle fever. After an
attack a man may live, but at Lord Ripon's •
age cannot possibly hope to getwell,so long
as he remains in India, If he is compelled
to return it is supposed. that Earl Dufferin,
now ambassador to St. Petersburgrwill be • • -.
Laked to suoceed him. •
• Tuoitansx,.Deo, .16.
The Rev. Messrs. Dale and Bniaght, the
ritualists,. have'decided to lodge an appeal
fronithe judgment of the Queen's Benoh:;
. Paris despatch says the success of the
Panains,', Canal enterprise. is enormcsus.
.Te...corganizatiort of' the undertaking is in
•'The death is announced of Earl Crive;.
ford, 'teed 64.• Lord Lindsay; the eldest
sou of the decep,secl, Will succeed to the peer-
age, thus camping &vacancy in ;the House
of Commons for Wigan.
Constantinople. advices store that Der-
vish Pasha has arrested the Prince of the
• rilse.v.it
• c • . •
with.epizootio. .A large nunaber of t •o r 7 If
a inan-of-war to Constantinople. •
Two new cables th America are now
known to be secured. -The effort at mono- '
poly through the capture of the French
cable is therefore defeated. The contract
requires the first to be finished' and laid
ready for work before July, • 1881. ` The • •
• second one is also to be laid during the '
summer of 1881, • ' •
American. •. •
THURSDAY, Deo. 16. /
• Rotuma of the cotton crop up to Decem-
ber 1st show a decline compared with t else
to November lst. •
• •
Two bad oases of small -pax hav been •-•
diScovered. at New York among 747 Winn •
'emigrants who arrived. in the steamer
Italia, and everybody on board/bas been •
"qiiarantined•in condeqUence. •
• The Ohio Grange has adopted a resolu-
tion that hereafter alleanclid'at,es for public ,
offices asking the support of the Grangers
shall be requested publie to express their .
sentiments upon railway corporations and •
their sels.tions to the eople.• • .
Cbailea-Ainswort , a, -colored
TrayTivas"arrested t Albany yesterdayali • ' .
a charge of • adm' isteiing• Paris 'green to
sonsbeerhe purchased ,
several perscins
and treated the'm with. No serious con, .• •
sevences fol wed. • . • 7
• A confide ce man, who played a game on.
• a St. Loui train on Tuesday night, was •
_parsue „gelistreAn , an
are laid up, and the work in the woods ' the Albanian League, and setntthernliboard. nmetY
., greatly raarded. '
• The Ccimmou Council of St. jolit, N.B.,
is to memorialize the Dominion Govern-
ment to secure the training -4A
• port and also to make St. John the winter
'port fem. the line of stee,mers to be subsi-
dized to run between the Dominion. and
South Ameriea. .
The marriage of an .A.merican lady mai-
A Seventh Day Adventist, of Sttathroy,- dont in London to Mr. Martin; a ban or in
named Calvin Peters; was brouehl to the Lombard. street, which was to bav taken
London jail yesterday under coMmitment piece, has been poitponecl, it le ru red, in
consequence of stories from Ang. rica, un-
favorable to the lady,' wile, it itifsaid, will
commence libel suits there and in. An;terica
to vindicate herself. . •
• The' Clyhe Master' shipbuilders •: and
masterengineers have noanimously refused
o -gent. advanee-etreageeLtu--their--ein-
ployees. The movement for an advameO
has spread -to the large works ..throughou
'-thirty-di:ye, in defoult of a fine of. 1$9,
for.deseeration of the Sabbathby husking
porn. ' He persists in keeping SaturdaY
stead of Sunday..
• - Yesterday an Ottawa saloon keeper was
. charged with selling liquor to polieeman
McKenna. The officer was • galled. as a
witnees and refused to say whether he got.
anything to drink' in the saloon, The
;magistrate theretipon immediately .dismiss-
ed. hini from the force, and committed hina
,for one month for contenapt of•PoUrt.
$$,900 StolemarOm h Township Treasurer
• -,No to Barglarig--$20.
. .
ward oesered.
lowasucli, Ont., Dec. 18.—A bold robbery
'woe, committed here last night. The bur=
slam effected an entrance into Mr. Alex.
Drake's Store by. cutting st, place in the
backdoor and raising the bar which fast-
ened it in the inside. They 'vast have
opened the Safe by means of a key•te fit the
eminent, hearing this, resolved to prevent • look, as neither safe nor look was damaged
the meeting. If only Oullshills were pro- in the least. They were rewarded. by
scribed, the Leagee 'would have marched. Making a haul of about 4.Ve thousand del -
into the adjoining district to hold the meet- lats.- The Safe was the . property of
ind-there, a,s did at Brook- Robert Gunn, township treasurer,. who
boroegh. They, therefore, prostribed the had three thousand -dollars of township
money in it, which he had eltawn from
the bank in Chatham on Tuesday. TvielVe
hundred dollars edit belonged to Williate
Clarkwho' put 'it there ler safety ; also
about ninetydollats belonging to Mr.
Drake. • They overlooked a, poeket-book,
• Containing ono hundred and fifty dollars,
'which was folded np• in, a paper, mid was
found on the floor near the saft7-4There 19
no clue to the parties, but theY must have
been well acquainted 'with tho •prenalsea
on attending the;opening of Parhainent on
January fith at the risk of a collision with. and knew all about how, matters stood, •It
the Government ttutherities. It is said he has caused quite an excitoment in our quiet
hopes by submission to. induce the autho-
rities to postpone the. trials to enable him
and the other indieted, land Leaguers to
roach Parliament in time for the openthg.
`A mob of twolhousand, portions attempt-
ed on Saturday to wreck the hOuse of Mr.
Downing, Astice or the peace, at 13o1ini,
'colon, eouuty Mayo. He had served Writs
of ejectment on Borne teriants. The police
kept the people back at the point of the
bayonet while Downing escaped one car to
Ballina, where he took train for Dublin..
Tho police oeoupy his residence. '
A Land League meeting was held at
Mullingar, county Westmeath; today; at aa• 2 '33
whieh ten thousand persons were present. 105 8o 251
The town was deeorated with flaw'. 20 1 SO
• XParie despatch says it conetiltatten of • cionamm010508 - 12
6 10 22
10 22
Irish Nationalists is expeeted on 1Vloriday, Clioaolate.„.,.. , , 41 ' 8 49
at whichthecolObrated Fenian head-oeutro,, c(41011010ear - ''''''''''''• So
James Stephen'', will be prosefit. • 0offee.„2., ''''' ts,........ ''''''' , 20 85 61
0 11 40
•6 17
New Yeaff, Deo.'10.--A speeial (sable r
tax) a.. ....... .,...,.. 3• - .° • 3
despatch says the ()stile interest of the li1111c • 171 72 251
16 16
hoer is eentred in Ireland and the land pMustalt,d •
24 19 ' 42
tittestion. It is clear to most people that isglgo°,1, masts 12 2 14
the Queen's Government no longer hag an Iiinfar 55 155
existence in the sister island, but has been Sseat-i 47 4 52
04 . 6 63
" superseded, at Icily& fot the present, by Teti'
the Land League, .N.0:13 debrees are now
Seem; Dec. 18. ----The County Council
passed,a resolution offering a reward of
11200 fdr.the spprehonsion of the, thieves
who robbed Alex. Drakes store, • .•
. ration of' Food.
The adulteration of food report, recently
referred to iu these eolumns, contains the
following sarnmary of the whole number of
samples analyzed by Doininion analysts :
• Adultor:
Ilartio of Sample Genuine awl, Total
Allspice 15 0 21
Oanno0 frujt
• ..... ....... 728 295 .1,043
• The funeral df Madan:se Thiers ab Paris.
yesterday was witnessed by tespeetful
crowds. The hearse and. coffin were buried •
under a orowta of .flowers and immortelles;
All the leedinginembere of the two Chain -
berg -were present. The Miuistry follewed
immediately behind the coffin: ' Gambette,
and Buffet were' centipicueus in the proces-
• A violent, lunatic, mini& on
Henry Abbott, •• .
from the township of Olden, was committed At a ottnquet on Tuesday night given to
to jail at Xingston on Thursday. 31 re- :General Roberts by -the Merchant Tailors'
gaited seven men to bring lum to the city,
and when in the cells he tore his clothes off.
His Insanity was superinduced by fits, froul
which he has suffered for thirteen years. His
wife has on many emissions stved•his life.
Ho win.130 sent to the asylum.
.. • • . . • might know' no rivalry 'but that of peace:
. A young man named Frank Deiners, bit, Mr. Lowell, resPonding. to the toast, eulor•
gized General Roberts' services in Afghan-
istat- .
A St. Petersburg correspolZeet renews
the rumor 'Of the transfer of the' Czar's
Company, London, the master of the emir-
peny, proposing the toast' to foreign ani.
badsadors, coupled with it the name of the
United States Minister, Lowell, and said
he hoped:the English and American flags,
which were floating side by side in the hall,
longing•to St. Johns, Que., has been for
sometime past in love with a young ,lady
who was employed as a missie teacher in a
convent in 'Montreal: His inamorata
having left Mei:strati on a visit, some of his
acquaintances informed the love -ick youth -authority to a councilunder the presidency
• of the Ozarewiteb, end adds that the man -
• of tho Princess Dolgorouki with the
• Czar: will be declared legalishe receiving the
title 61 Duchess of Efalsteingottotp, and
her Uhildren terhaprinees and princesses.
The Czar and family will retire to Livadia,
in the Crimea, he remaining erhperor itt
name, the -actual authority, however, resid-
ing in the. Ciarewitch.
that she woe gone off to be married. He
tookthe painful news to fleart to. such
-.degree that in alb of depression lie went
into a, stable and suspended himself by the
neck from. a beans; He was qtfite dead
when discovered., It appears there was no
trtith in the rudit-Sof-the• lady's intended
marriage and tlieFitateinent was made °illy
itt the way off &joke. • • •
The dead body of an infant was found:on
the sidewalk adjoining Knox church, at
Ottawa, on Thursday. evening, by Mr.
Daniel McKeown, whose foot parte in con-
taot with what he supposedwas a parcel, but
which upon investigation turned tint to be,
an infant's body with a cord, to which was•
attached thoneek of it glass jar, The oe-
ourrence was reported to the police, who
notified Coroner Corbett, under the impres-
sion tiler it might be necessary to' hold an
inquest. 'Dr. Corbett a0On dispelle'd the
mystery surrounding the affair, by recog-
nizing the body DS one which he had the
Selne morning given to a medical etudent
for the purpose of facilitating his study of
anatomy. How the studeet lost the body
is 4 mystery, and some people inelifte to
the belief that ho is it praetieal joker. .
MONDAY, Deo. 20. •
Stratford is agitating for the abolition of
market fees, and with every prospeet of
success. •
An old man named Duffy was bathed te
death in his log house, Drummond town-
ship, Lanark county, a couple of days ago.
The origin of the fire 19 not known.
The male prisoners in the London jail
have been ordered to do laundry work, as
all the women prisoners have boon taken to
the Mercer Reformatory in Toronto,
Policeman McKenna, of Ottawa,,Ittving
'consented to answer the question asked by
the magistrate, has been releasedfroni
Where he has beep eommitted for contempt,
'Mr. Lot Richardson, Of Mountain, Dun,
Mixon, Dec. 1.7.
.The Allen steamship Prussian, von Bos-
ton, Whieh arrived et Liverpool yesterday,
landed her live stock ehipmeet of 170 oxen
in good-or:let, With the exception of two,
which aka ou:tho passage.
Tho marriage of- Crown Prince Ru-
dolph of Austria With the Princess Ste-
iihanie of Belgium, fixed for February, has
been postpimed until warmer weather, opt
of consideration for.the state of the bride's
The GoVernnaent has eonsented•to noel
brigade to be fitted out from the Cape
squadron to act against the .Basutes. •The
trgent demands of the.Cape GOvernesent
for.military reinforcements have led to this
. '
Mr. John 3. •Bleelii, the.well-known Eng-
lish 'agriculturist and raeopstrop Maker,
has fmled. His liabilities are estirested itt
£180,000. His assets comprise the stock at
• Tiptree Hall to the valtio.of about 427,000.
A very serious plit has taken place be-
tween Lord Bate and the trustees of his
esta,tet, and the result is a very exeiting
litigation. One of tho most important
matters of the disagr.eement is concornind
the nossession of the Jewels of Lord flute'
mother. These the trustees refuse peat:
tivelyto deliver to him, and it quarrel over i
them s imminent, The business is some.
what further complicated by the fact that
Col. Stuart, the next heir to Lind Bute, is
one of the ttuethes,
• SArtrankr, Dee. 18,
The Dilehees of 'Westminster, daughter
eet Into the ri r and was drowned '
Fraims, Deo. 17.•
&census gives Maine a population of ` ••
6 ,946, and Montana; of 89,157. • '
',Ole:Yung, a Chinese laundryman, cord-•
mitted: amide yesterday at Chicago by
poison. Be was a noted gambler and
opium -eater. Th Et cause of the.suieide is. '
said to have been financial lopes incurred
in learning the game of draw poker.
. • •
• • • • ; SATURDAY, Deo. 18. • '
Bishop Ireland indignantly' 'denies the.
,reports .of fearful suffering among the .•
colonists 'et Ne.vs Connemara.
A band of spiritualists are digging for
gold two ,railes south: of Albany; N. Y.,
under the direction of a Rochester reediuni.
•They claim to .have found manyuurious
articles, including Masonic orablernar- • '
The large fly -wheel in Ettle'S
wood. factory, New York, hurst from the- • • •
wheel revolving at great speed. One piece
was hurled ;through the. side of the boiler,
which exploded, scattering destruction'in •
every direction. John 'Ethic) was terribly •
Scalded and Will,probably die. 0:04i
, •
MONDAY, De0.' 20.
• M. Sample, • aged 50, a Presbyterian •
preacher of Allegheny . • Pa., has been .•„
arrested on a charge of betraying his niece, '
-aged 20, who lodged in his house while at-
tending school at Pittsburg. Sample has
wife and several daughters. ,• • ' '
Thos. Van Buskirk, an inoffensive old
colored man, kvas brutally beaten by Prinie
Smith, et Bayoeueeity, VanBuskirk's . •
wife 'leaves him from time' to time -and
takes up her abode With Smith, who ill-
treats her, when she returns to her hus-
band. On . such oceasione Smith visits
VanBuskirkis home, and assaults VanBus-
kirk, his wife, and VanBuskirk's son. The •
aged man has irlfertinies littenisted -
suicide. 'Smith baeleen arrested, and the
police are looking for VanBuskirk's wife. •' ••
• .
A storm, set in at Caldw•011, Ilan., en
Satutday, and it is still- blowing and very •
cold. Four inches of snow have fallen. '
There ie no change its the military situa-
tion at the Oklahoma settlement: The
settlers/who have Mostly .been soldiers, .
have goneinto quarters dug into the banks. ,
They have good flie•places and are really .
eomfortable, A strange infatuation seems
to possess them, and they show no signs of
weakening. They devoted the day to read-
ingtheir Bibles,Singing, etc. The eolonists
say that if they do not get in now they will
keep tip their orgaiiization, and make a
move early in spring, when they will call
uut the full orgauizatioin ' They hold secret
meetingsnightly, and Omni that they now
nuMber nearly 10,000 member's,
An attempt was made eatly yesterday
morning to wreak a train on the Wisconsin
Central railway half way 'between Elkhart
Lake and Plymouth, Loose tails were
placed across the track in a lopelyspot,ba •
fortunately a freight train wits the first to
reach the place, and striking the obstrue-
tion the engine was thrown from the track, ,
but kept the road -bed. A. brakesinars waS
immediately sent back to flag the eorning
.express train.. 4 short distance book the
brakeaman Was accosted by a man who. ,
°Aiwa if the pay cat had passed, and being
hiforined that it had, he pulled out a ro- • •
velvet and• demanded the braketessan's
Money. Re. gave the robber about 840. , t
Siimilts,neously with the first.demand two
more appeared, on the ether Side et the
track from tluttmderbrush, and after the
robbery all disappeared. bio trace of theM
Ito been found.
• r.
11 .