HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-10-28, Page 7I
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I SONS REHIRRY . --7 ..-1 Ir '', 1-5
CE D r94 . � 0104TIl QF A NOTIOD 11JU, 31 A, L I R lulloctAht"Vonio 191V13100 , afroeb upon our markets. According to 0, bottom of liar majesty's ship Tourramli " French Xxiolorafloon 1.
I . I (IIII-EA119AVIVE19. ne, , of Africa, A . .
I I I . The lines of rallwaysin the five divisions report by Professors Bar;ff and Wills, Of lately arriv6d at Sheerness from B. armada, : The early part of thlu� an
, on; VJLVC83�1019,1x. 10, 440 9PISCOP"I IM ..uorjAcl,tlleo4NIsmin!eller,lo,n,0411ryicr , f tile earth Least, the Glasgow University, andbr. 9 tevellson, it , onth waB to wit- .
� "if 9 in round numbers, 01o,.
I coavcP06". I � 1TIode of Rendering %403eph. Worcrew 000,000,000, waid, would, According to Daroll Of Guy'o Hospital t ix T4 A he old was t One 00�mftll, city, Breslau, there are bass thadeparturo from Frioiceefa strongly , .-
I � .. r 'mom a ,.� o t 3,000 people who do, z;ot receive their cor. orgmuized expedition for tile ex I
Yonit, Opt. I$. -In the TIOU00 of ReumtlfogL � Kolb, reach eight times round the globe, found to be perfectly uouna and good, the respondence until it Las beenexamined by .0 . 14ormtion, . I
J)aPUiiQ$ of the J'roteStQlatr BI)ISQ10pal r P�Ithouqh it is but littlo7over balfr . Coutury muscular fibre unclianged mud the nutritive the police, t the country round tile upper � courso of
I �
. 044- The other day -we publislied'.o report, by amco,� Is first railway worked by steam PrOPOrticH ullimpaired,-c'-The Material am. Ictinamatufacturing machines have been the N iger. The eNpedition Nvill, first of 411, .
.8 ,expensive than
.veil the discussion of the ,remarriage Of cable, of the (loath 114 prison at Loildoilof was opened between Darlington and Stock. plo�e,a ., selatroilt t be 6011VOYed by mail Steamer to tile coubt
4ivorod persons, which has had Much Of the celebrated female beautifyo 11 is Baid to be r 01 I �
, r, or ona. ton, Septoinber 27tb, 1825, and ,between gait d not only wholesome but pleasant to $lip Owillt%-Y posts in Central Asi Of 80110g"'Ll, wlielice two steanivrB wllIc1A.T;y I
Ilia attention of previous conventions, came I oliel, whose real name Was . I Plythe Russian troops with ice in hot
Mellor, Mine. Ra - Manelle, to tile twite-11 , the Sellegal River, as far as Tdoohnij.
'Upon'tile Rev. Dr. Franklin's re Levi, orL star and Liverpool, September weather. It 11
Solution , eVison, mud who Jised to carry -oil , Mr. Murphy, tile tonip3ratleor lecturer, . Ix I, i P11 'emiled, the coliree of tile expe.
t6amex tite'r J�th, 1830. it is shown that in Fran6o, P
td. Canon M, which directs that no busialese aii a perfumer in ig, , Rev. Xosish Reason. the original 11 Uncle I olut I
be hborlx6od (litiol will be directed towarils Dafoulailq, .
minister after duo inquiry shall knowingly -of Burlington gmrdells.Sbe advertised a pecu- previous to the existence of railways, thero. has been obligoul to relitiquista tile .�H,000. Tom," i-9 to 1114yo ..
, I 5 t a now church at Dreso1011 Tile object is to carry out w1alt may be .
solemkilize the marrlttge4�bf aily person whor liar treatment warranted to make the waiollepa8seng,or in ever 335,000 killed, house reported to have boon *1 prevented 11 c, a . I .
� r and One ant, . .ovary 30,000 woillided, tohlinbytlls�)yourin',�rell,goilristiala ' cost a' �:)1500' " The old InAn AU still callvil Lt'�a@lfo co
haso, divorced busb%ud or wife Still living, patient bemutif ul folrover, and % large alum. � � AHSO- active. .1 nquest of tile interior of I
Atrica. A prodominailce is, if postjble, to .
it either'were divorced through reasons wheroasbetwoei� 1835 and 1874. there wits chttioll (;f 111111sololphim. , It lifts been ilia. The Fronal;farmer worries before Ilia, be tiocured
r . bar of ladies whose personal attractious
occurring after marriage,. the rale not to were lailin about one !I% 5,178,800 killed, mud one in covered that Mr, Murphy advanced §'J,5ool tot: F rench. itifluence, and every .
apply to an innocell. r t I person ka n. divorce g availed themselves of her skill. 580,45D woundeolp so that wo. vatty infer in 08sit tOWilr(l the purchaso n soil i's taken into tile arniy ; the German effort made to turn the trade of ilia country �
tr or to persons once divorced And seek- . that this Was tlin only money Cl�,or p4d oil t Aftwo .1
. Her proces6 was to give one or two washes. ioneyl and, f &I'll rrics after his son has been into tile 0hannel Passing through X 01 a *
Bull to liar patient, which brought out f rigi.ktf ul that the tendency to "Accidents is )-early . I a "
. I . Ir . Ira"' I
ingto, be married again. Dr. Franklin ditial . and Saint Louis, Tile hope is ON -014 Oxilressed I I
r . eruptions on the skill, than to decline to ,,ndiltabing. Railway travelling lit ri,ag- the'proporty. Tile vommitteo have re- , 6 y there may be a railway be� .
as. attended with greater riel . 51urphy qlaice Rev.Johu Hurst to tile position of canoll tweeit these two Poll, ts. Tile ex�editiou
desired to incorporate intortlie callop the proceed further until a bargain was umail r � than j'n ti,kralred this mobk-y to Mr , The Bir,Wop of Ruron bas.appointed th that one da
first four verae$ ef the 2-1th chapter and the money paid, terrifying her patio any other country .in L,'urQpo, A F roatoll, ]'is evictlou-IW200 in c�sla **mud a note of I
� lit I of tIaMeatlapdrial of tile, Holy Trinity, Lou- will be strong ouroUgh to proteot itself �
of Deuteronomy, which forbids a statistician observes that if a . !land for the rait. , it is understood that .do,. � against Attack and to',comirland respect, .
at the Name tirato by assuring liar - that if . ]Parrott wore
urn to, liar B a ! to live continually in a railway carriage the lecturer Spent some -�1,00 it) improving
husband if she Las Married another the process ceased at the pirticularr t go � and spend all his time ibrailway travelling what lie supposed were his prol"" a' . - Gr anaine, of South Durnfries, The Main body consists of 2 0 t -oops, t I
to which it had been carried sho would be � SOU'r an 14TrXhilip � I &
after leaving him, The .committee dtO not beautiful but hideous for tile rarnaiii. tile chances in favor of his dylug from a this sulal is lbst. . last weeo out and secured nine tons of which is added a4 Auxiliary cpll),),Luy:of !
0 r ! railway pooldeut would, not r clover bay off a field seeded this spring. artillery artificers and a tiuiilb(.r of laborers .
. whom the amendment was referred _ .derof,heroxistonce. Against one of them, , A alotlabla condition of tritdo and coin- , I
aid , . of an admiral in' I r was 960 years old., I i;)US r Of tho forty.flVe f . .
Cidthat it was inexpcdi6�4, Dr,Frank� tile wife tho"lia,vy, Rachel . told M argh QS Russia forthe con%,truction ofmilitaryposts. Tbo . 1.
, . Marco Dow, tvi compared 'with prev of ..
Thore. has latoly been .published m very ,,,.,,, thr . I
11a. saia. that. the discussion was, very Ira- brought an action . . . - ye a short .credit &dn, mild tile Silleo 1700oailytwoo aPhicill mud mediml ,stall have been .
, for breach of 2 ' ouldolaim a purely
ii, for the law'of Godwosdir atterestilig official paper by Capt Moraut, absence of what ia ,,, ,r =Ily-.seisctea,And the expeclition will .
po,rtAn 0QtIY contract, . claiming X1,000 ai , the 1 sually dosi,rgated as r uRsiall descent, ' b,r,, r -
9pposed" to the present o%nori. The see. price, of 64 restoration," �Tllq Jury, of the Britimh navy .h tiOns Of ,gommercial p�Lper. Most of tli;T,Nr kRev. Air: Hay LAS rettch Saint Louis at.3hp bogitaultig of tile . .
I � aLIqmO- pastor of. Scot- oSt season of tj r ' I 11
tion should be amended by adding 11 a%. however, gave a verdict against bar, An the s1x:,ve%aols sent under ootalinaud of the done between cQ111misaieu -houses slid job- land Cougregail6nmi church for thirty-three b I to year. . . . I .
in. God'K War d 11or Puke of Li'dixiburgh to give aid ia.the bare wid reta,ilorq are on what . - , . . I I
ccpb in cases forbidden .d, ill success ill this lawsuit probably was. the 1, , ' .West is called a Are . . An Awsonfil'i ITIale Qf SamiggliAx.n r . .
notably in Deuteroi4omy, twouty-fourth at a a it of Ireland!, Xho .report says that the otts'll. bits!"; that is, paylliont on Open YCA. �ase 13. mentionod where a lady, d ' * I
br,fo r . . cause of tile fill ous tri r at tit Old Bailey, 'a" r . died
ch4otor, firs ur verses," Rev', Dr. Hare, ollstress-did not come euddonly piA.tho count it, 30 days, If payme from the stibg bf a horso-fly. !An offiol4 I . .
of Peniisylvania, thought Otis part of tb6 in 1868, when Mine. Rachel appeared iu habitants of this wild region by reason of. made, tits are not Ir . I I Of ilia' Paris. Gatrol, wlijimt .' � . I
Ir thia dock at tho suit of Ups, Borro(laile,' one , � no more goods citn' be ,purchased, I .- � I , . walking in the .Ria
. - I tholailure of fast vear'i harvest, b . . . - 0 do Rivolloll,WUdIloo. 1. . . I
r . - at was' and asalmo-At ft1l, allies to consumers are'also, . . . BrC110cm. . day, met a very thin gentleman whose face . I
M69mio law was reversed in Lake xyl. and at liar dupos, oti a -charge * of Obtain'" duo in great measure to tile falling off roado for cw.h,Jt is not is always Waiat fall. seemed familitir to him, )Out -,vilich lie had
in Mark ix., and was not now binding. money under false pretences, Mrs. Borr 0 . . difficult,tor maintain -A woliamills, bolt I
The Rev. Dr. Craik sfbid that the World dpgle Wp O' in value of kolp, This compelled the this ba i f th plarchasea of - . .. holly of unusual
.r ,$evidently a woman of weakin. . �;Ili On tiny one a 0 . -Rod iii the leadin Always associated ivith & r
. -
alid undoubWd . ly of arlv�nqpd years,'� P -bmCk upon tillage And fishing.; tile r=16-�Plaftadelphia� AcAdricau. ' . nigh . being, tile. no si - material. . obesity. The official was sonlowhitt"puz. . :. .
would thii1k the Protestant E ,piscopal telloot �OOPIO40 fall � � I r g color for bonnet s
Church was guidbil by the old r Mossid law . but on but the crops. oCj?able of being grown Are- . . rl . . I . �Ied, but thought al' � . r �
r the strength ot a promise from Mow. Tho, Otimaull, of Constantinople, sayer : r Othin,g morp of tile cir. .
if the amendment 'Wlire adopted.-.-* �&fter' Rathal that the comeliness of youthshould inelifficient to support t b popala- -ae'dusq as of perfidious, pro -Section 86 on the Welland Canal has catest&119.0 until Friday mor whell, ol� . . .
' fartlitir discussion tl�e arneudincuf . * ="�Iwlhile' the appliances for 'Ithig Are Lot those ,who - been 11niabod.. . . I . . . . du I f the gates At � r I .� . . .
-1) " be restored tO bar' and that she should cra9tiatt.tion come and gee, as we see, the "ill, a, lie fiaw - -
I . 1y=O nmu approa
Franklili wasi lost *411d, *tile report Ath r m ' too imporfect to help much lit . -fi is not the yellowest'liumph tit. I',; , , . .
arry Lbrd. Rauelagh, she partecl .with , tile su"4ta"ling misary of out, position ; come ,mud Teel, R's ailing in t1u,
i�� . Population r ,, . in, but I gentlei . I
committee was adopted. I . ! over 23,000 to tile imZosbor. A servaiit re- communities. Tile far we feel, tile tortures ot our maon tho rosiest girl, that makes the Lust pipe. direction of U16 to � .
r - . I lar,lger than ,such a soil and cliii�ate can y, Nve . . . I . , wit, but this tinle olt. ,
. . � . presented Lord 11tinolagh ab several labor. blip people r Are not afraid. ; -wo are stitrving.' Usury is --The wire of Aid.rXitollalli of *Tkirouto, � d6wed with &.most redundgut figure. The r . I .
. . . . I , .
Indixotrial land 40ornMervial Nato( -4. I � . stipport, And . have boon ' - devouring as. 1?bvorty is seated under the r hits presented that - I an , til. r Wary officer stopped the placlao-nenal geil. . -
rrr � ' ' viewii and thre lady Was delighted, but liar I lmPru gout e ali* f 1ple,
The imports of ilry'goods are,copiiiig into. 0 A ing very parly , inmrMages, � . . . , WI ts . I.. .
. as. -of money gave out iuld sliallowoftliepala6e. Itisoallybyruillona -SOLLs� ' t1oman,and,requestin" hill, tofitepluto t .
t tWor Mil 11 . � Emigration is tile only remedy for these I . I 0 � 116 1 . I
New YorX at the rato of iibi rly .. 1V!11pP.1.l , Rachel hAd - the hardihood to o � � . . - . . loans .tlllkt a pittance can be dolod out to '. � .. � . . oflice, asked fol, an explauti,tioll Of tile - ek�, . . . . I .
One al week ; and they are finding, a stoady I r . , --�.Mayor Beaty, bas'appealed. mainst the traordialary alteration l I � �
U . have liar arrostecl 'for P, 'brescill' of Pe ple' . I 1. " the huip-blost offlchtli.'. Ali ullfortanatia .a his p,.,oportiollu, . . .
. . rho Londoners are still on tile -1 . . asBessluelat - oil his., salary 4ter Mayor of The individual thus brought to tit
mark6t. . .. : contract, This, led to, it revelation ofall Oak Out clork can not ob tain it couple of lirtis. wi tiloab 'r . _ . aktried to,
. . XOro ' .
Onobarquenowcarries MGrQ the proceedlugs, and after short trial Mine. for Lady.Burdett-Coatts' marriage. A an inapprial tirad'e. - � . , - . I - 1. I � tito� r .. I . rail away, but wal I
. tha&tlantio from li,oatolt,th'wir-,ttLa-',Nl;txole".-U"-liel..-W.tis..�gii6.t6ii�&l� r - ... . frf3li�o-i�4'blo,*iN,Q,rAclilf�.,i6ok-. Place two wooks - r, , - -.1 _ . -1., .r . . � . . � .. 1. -1 r I � , ,,,,, r .3 Arrested &)ad rphoved of . .�-, . � I . : rl'� - ,
. - AO iivo Joar'W'Jan , " -1, I . � � � -Tile scn,g,' "'Oh, 'M y Ann, fie for vvlmrge I . r I
� �, , r - . . r , lix r a hid'a r4bI%ft*` s (smacle, c; - * . r
. ' ' I " . . . - I . " a .Very r 1 11 to,, y I 9 .. I ,011 I I
. . . Uld .,. In Bil"laud there is st'rong . Mato I � . I .. . .
export of peril .-tud wheat. froan that port in prisonmelii,' ' She , co not,,havo bi ol."6 il,t',tWe Savoy chiach. The public have I BIL lie T&Oo' tr&i'Jillg art$ of mlcoh6l, I
, Ban - . . ; Ouk ma," is all t . i about twenty qu ' �'
. . . I . . a . so, v y i a -that �grarid juries should be abol- 'London now. I., � I . 11 I which- lie was Cindeavorlrg to' 61,011,tgle into, ' . 'tj
1851. liberatpil more than it few montlaswhen all . 6 ilantl watched the ',buildhag ill opillio in I ,. ' . .. .
The largest shipment Of Apples from this had won back many of liar old c.dutomere, � expactatipla of the event that a few milailtdS i -h-11'. No sui;11 institution oxi4ifs in Soot- -Adam instgurf-bted tbof all campaign,- Paris freo of octro'i daty. . Thiiq rRiliced to . . . . I I . . I I
. latiol,arldin-Outario the gaiieratl feeling, 1,T.y. IfOrLbld. B vo caused tile first Oboom a H. . .
country by one statinter was by tile Iowa, and for some years continued driving.a .after the Arrival of thO wedding party seem. � . ,, - his ilatural meagre stilte, tile indivi4tial wit ' 11 . . . i
which r6f 0 Boston Oil Sullol&y with 10 673 profitmble trade, On February 23, 1W,8, .Several' thoulmald persons, including Imply a to be that tfisir asof alness Js gone, ill the.apple trade. " I ., . coijdu(:ted to tU polico station "'it.d. locked, -
barrels of apple4 as part of ,her. cargo, .1 . dain committed for trial oil the of position, flooded the building anct blockil Tboroarothere Bonin laudatordstomporis al Py Jnrp--Glas-ow Mail. - . - -1 I I . I .
. . r . -Vails of rose-colored tulle are wor I . . I I
Cotton seed oil is Sent from Arkansas io' charge of oNtaiiiing X200 by f Also protallaos all tile approaches, when they discovered, acti like Judge -Armour,- who ]alive eofuP English ladies. They itopar� it roijeat,j � ,; r I : ,,,r . . . . .
a is Bellt -,oaple � I . goo�d ww . I r , . I . . . . I .
- Europe, all . to Me . . I arse, who � rcW to say forthem, but. tile aluao8b tint to the complexion. � I it RecAdlintion. I
oil .back - Aine i 'a as from Mrs, 0. I a lradbe6u induced tbehappyt the bridegrbom,&Frellch� real sentiment is agaitiRt their a n.: . . It is estimated thit, I t pier V5,000 clia . -uge& ' � . I 1� ,� . .r .. . I I
I pure vo oil. Arkansas people tbijAk, to. leave all liar jewels lit the impostor's man-, a rela,tive-of�Xr. Qoselien, &lid the 'l"'ve 0 . . . . . .1
however; tbab it cutiba retrued �u as to -be .1jazids in consideration, of'being randjoyed brido,' t&o -a foreigner. 'TIJ6 ,crowd, in tinumuce-mailax (41,s.) Ilortild. . . .. hands oil the rbijulb of tile. ImQrOSSO Maw ' Ilia order to ievoub any Possiblo (Isneor . -
. . . . . � � It frolli tile use 11 I
r just as good. . . "M 6 ii angry dismppoilatutelit, hissCid the pair and' of the vaccine Vj�a$-Ulla 0�01 � . . 1 - .
. rover beautiful, Mrs.Pctrsowmsamar�. I - The Ayr Burns. mollumout trustees hava' At Toronto�og S%t;urdaylast. I .
I . _ . r r . Q .Secure its; r ' ! � . .
Mr. James R. Keene is about the' only ried woman about 2), yearg old, and a *their. friojids as they. drove'off. There is completed tile pur6haso of the cottago in :-It is easier to be an actress than to be effloacy-'a-mambe pf American surgco, . r .
. . � , suppose, At the�amme tiiiae, t
. . 'on t �
greatoperator we Imp* (it. wlio:.bbught, 'da,ughtor of.tbe celebrated tenor, Mario, a rumor tl�iat r Ran interested parties � V I ., Is . . . . I r, . .. I I .1
. . whichRo6erfBilroswasborn. The'lluild- -tho-bubballd Of all aut.ross. Only it man of tire going back to -Dr. Jannerlil 61:�Llintt� '' ,
stocks without flinching yl�vhb lip, to the and th6' wife- of a stockbroker. She hostile to, the Marriage 6f tile barone.8s are . in ,,,,, 1,111lerto been a'publio house. � It is tlict And goilins at-fia . Successfully Pfay the . Material, the virus taken - - . .
' ,teranined to interpose At tl - 11 -apt I to%16 'Onverto,d into a 1111ISeUln, in Which . . -direct froru'rQat- - . , . ; . . I
timeof the laidialaw. eloctiQn, - and he has was put through a- course of Wasllos, do , le ill . part. - - ti, I -pose healthy-youll'" calves- I .
. I I I . " ,
madeafortuilein olle day -W41 Street lotions alid ballis r6presented, by Utt,31101 to - mlt�r, and if the� cannot prov6t the cerew relies of 010 i) tttlierod together. I. r""b'Zils pa possible, 'o'f thQ Jersey - - . . r
. . . . ,. � . - . . oot Will be g, -.\.Rli'OdEL141audjtTatiocrefusecI to marry are sel I . . I
we*s. - I . I. . , . �� . be - enormously pxp6usiv.o,. immediately' many to create -a 'acandab, . I � -oil Oro) . r . . I
. .. 1. . � A c sidemble arpa�Of' , linol attttich(ia to 'it man iiartied Cgrr. :to a 'lady of 'tile s�me bra 4 h we , I .
I . _,Via$ &f.r&i( 0 , .of which t coo r I .
� , Agents are going thr6tigh' the coal after which the usual rasla broko out on, At a recent b,Lzaar iu'Bl.rmlpgbarA Mr. 'thO 11OUS0 Will be- abtractively Jaid oil I t are preforr'ed, I . .. . . . .�
Eli". . r . I . .
,�a � . r itry liar ipieteiv disfigured liar In Rotary It- . . t. ilatilo, Oil ilia ground, that lie . o They are stribIlpod down ob r� tab!o, add .
. 0 -clitt, . � .
around Ottawa pull6limsiug tter fb face *and con . ving smid. in opening it I There TIIQ PlIi .is price: of the house, and cuup[Q Oarro. I . 1. - . . . " . . . .
. . ds being shaved on the
I ition who shake their - heads grOulla is 'Xi'060. t . . .., r - .bellyi they are .
. land. There is about twonty thoaastM thiW condi Rachil derna'aadcol more tire ceitain people I I . -.1 1. .. . . Wuq iliere ever. known m more gloilous bf� ( , ociilated.. The -matter r the.,, cal. . 11 . ; I
pounds at Ow'yoodo' atmilou 'for linmediate, money and threatened if it were nob'forth-: tit bazwtrs. Wall, thoire tire bertain peopl , . . r F 119 . . .
� F-iqob , r, * � go f J:01n 18 be *, ljll,� t 11 ," ' . . 8 ' � A *correspondent of - thtitil thle? Such geniml,ypt 6ritollilf Weted in tubes or -quills, a I . � I
shipment. r 'ttl 'late t& r Ciam , tit& a Q WoUI41 aiSCOntinne tho tho ClIfeag) 121ijlki Octubul . . I . . lay that is not. � its I I I .
. who Bhutto their beads at everything; and watat8 geusule.;.% lishifig lit'. troat btr6mins days itaid such marvello a ear'as water. --being rejected. ' This l:rarb . . . . '.
. W cents per lb. . . " .. . : treatment and thus the patient would be -after aititi6n't$o difficult to ,shitke 6ho's . . . usly' beautiful ' I I
. . stopped. Oiiertitpti,,h�dg�tLtoti,;i)Ln(l,troLit pights! I . 1. .. virus is being4'very lArgiIy.ei,portPd-,., Thp ' �.' - � ' . .i... .
. Manufacturers appear to be taking only hideous for life. Torriftea'6ytheBdtlb!eats I , load, bat it wolild be much more er6diiahle, I . � . � . �tive . -- .1 .. I .
� f voni one stroarii,.. Another pttrty'ca oit A Liverpool young ladywa's rocontly fined a h ex- - -
-gafficient wool to 'Supply preselit''w&nts, Mrs. Peaa.�e-collfeised all to liar liusball.d. I boilieve, inacaselike thi�to'put pnel,g r . I 1; 84rogaid -after 6, B art time to . 1 .
. '200. br ut all.too small for ivie an( g to .. I Ponvellience from their .. . , .
. . . ook tr(5 1.20 And costs for *rofuslu i I heepto-tile. parlance no great in ' I . ...
ina . . I
. And the am. ount of pulled is . acculniflati Rachel was brought to tri,tl, found guilty h.tnd in ione% pocket. I aae-Vqr� Was Able to tJAQy'.'Weror "th � r . . � . . . .
state ,,,r . - I 'all ls,sta� be .
. .
. dail . The same things Wet., in'. rLittleonaorniled to potial servitude T& five 8-,�O -auytbing ,desperately irtinadral in '4 rown Amoy. S01ft0thing figlAt-iii dogeendi'lig * due. oi t1leapp,romolibs q6tifl-talemetab, will . 0, � lit a weeki, - 1. . . . � . . , . .
.. . � . O'Lit'r 1� it ' - o iothalitia ingsta,ge. - - I . . � . . . . I. I I . . I .. ! , .,
r.: the ' late tps.�- The'dermaucTfdailustre - ydarg"Whielli she hatl not- -yet' 'served sh6uld broldon,(j,,',t4:�s.4M.re.4�_,#,L41;e'r'iiic,,ri'� Ilk' d - - - . . . Ift. , - � . ]
I .. I I , 'I", _ r . . j- � r � .. * . . ,-- -, , 1:� .1. . . � . � 11.�...�.. �. . .
� O � :- , How R 10 OnGlInew, . T6*11 Xe�- Ae"W'4*06, ,Ill- , . .
good , nufacture of - which on by aeatti.. . , - . - purchitses. .You luiow that your . -the , . I - 01crilom-Xiall-06w.-T . . 0 I ..
. AZ ar. Y6uo=e-iixherip--miil,mWm,-Iliopo 7th�64"I'ligtit4sbarol tu toll'bo-4' y Can iig they 9fit tGera �
. our.. wheikslie Was bviirt.tk . no 6nd or . � . be rovolit ol"do, . I I . . . ..r. . . - . � . . .11 I i.
� . . I . iilg.,�Lqoll silitalleful - : But Nvlidu he rose tu go I I . . I ... Aflantle.. . . . �. .1 .
Ae Sell,ria . . . . v 0 Work,
.r . �
imusually.61dw* .1. . . r -- - � . .. 11. . money. is applie'd twa most useful plirpose" ... --,%*r . , r - __ .- . - � T11roia hairs of hers were, tmaIgIbil in. , ., , - . , NE* yor.r . , Char 'r r . . . ' I . 'r r'. , . ..
T of- Toirontodattle. dealorb, . � . d refiasesaropo4titual sonvelfirg . � Novor Within .the recoilec'etoll. of 11 ... tho., Thaftbrosof hi� brow'.. i � I . .. . "O les Grirlaloy,,a, -. , I .1 . .
a rac 0 . � SlItIng P1111 ... 1Z il-1.111ilared at ir.ktm�. . 'an 3'0�r- pu � "Oithr dried, r at. IS-. ., � , . '.. . ' I L. . .
tb t , iive cout'i ted'f i- si)H:C0 - - of . 'rA\ English,wronalit, *ho st - ad. from .
.-A . ,; � ... . " - . 09' Your good -will to an adilairablo ins6tu-: eldest � 'inhabitaill .'a w )COrk I ' ' ail7U_fllotU,re-of-e)lf4M�ag'ale...'r yo4od :�, ;.. I ... *��.
. �
tif , NvmlaNdio�;, D. C., Qct, 18.-A letter re- -, - with -that -detfou - . - - su e,l a . �� u- dry'- - - . taowm�' , apples and rhubarb j uice are . ,)l,p,,W_l,J,,,,,. :.r art . . . ..
r -Wi f " -- -1 - --t r t --fin , 10
. , ,.�. ti.�.::.NVIIM ,�fav%Nznt roc�llk has : there - been-, I ,, * .� . -th&.M --11 18-79, - with,4he7:v.joW. of - - - . ... , . I. ....
-ir : - � . .
6 -Coi.v_ed-h-e-re-t-bis'morniii�f, a v, as tliiiwblittv� 'rticle 3a, I thin ,ion F - The champame thus :made coat's frolial live . ,
20,00t 0 Br tish mar- Ball Jim , . a 'Or .and the� a - .stliam you fts tile - presout.. �ronl. .. pec. crOpsing the Atlantic, pjClpoE�as to inakehis - . . � I
�ets or I gas th an , the . , r 8 mildO �La dp�li6aitiou'to surren or an . . .M"�.iceaisiowfron�%Iaig city at,'An ear - , I
. I -4aite-if not more thaa-:-your me � � coinplailifi .of sodoup. & it is � to' twenty cents a, bottle. , �- � . I . 11 d ...� .
tiler �%';t year" . - ,;&.. I r ., . . .. I . . I Y. MY - i , . . . . : t
'If atid bW On the terms propoqecll by worth.'. - I I I I . r I . . : beitrd;� ,Rt'vers. which. usually at this . sea- - '-�LAt. . ,,�Shall r * wibh two passengers, in a balloon contain- .. 1. . .
compa ad . LIMBO got lady's ho,ristho
, . . .
. tl ' .re ident somaitirne ago, provided lie ,4 - 8OIa6ttJja.yearrftj6 j4ll.to . a ball . - .Q dance this time?" i ' 00 cubic'feet of gas 'The arseelasiClix; I - - . 1.
with ti ne.,nabinber has - 401 .-a . I . � .. 0aptAn,: Hobs6n,'Wh6s ' ' . over 01711111 call - . � w . ng 20,9 L . . I . I
I ... . . 11. . 1. 01111 come itito F 6r,t Keogh without a mili- nouilead.by it cablo despato d6ath'WAS all. r 0 0 No ; I prefer to remlin - here and-. listoin, will be the 52nd;mdWe li.-�'jr,. Oj I 1. .
. r. . . ch- tliv othar'dla�, hoWbo crossda ia'-many places by stapping, to tile two orchestras.'! ,.1 .)'on will cortabill . asserts that'ab m height Of two miles a.OUa-:*' . r I
,,,�%vpn. I -t a.- being R . abject to interference. mparlied' as heutbuiant Captain 'Mc�- from stone to stoato . . I . - . . � ibilley� He ' - - ; . . . ::
.. 16 houpeld near. tary'asepi adoo .., I . ' � y - . r 'o . . - . .,
� from the Indian a�,dpis. li6da,slr6p io stir, . . . . . r gab cold7-betwcon two mira.'.' I . . r . . . I
... and oxpedition. in seafth Of * Tbe Midgets, under the maringeriaent .of , -The I?hil&d . rent of air Rev - steadily from the -wost to . . ..N. . . .
ine Imst Winter, . .. . vs � I . .. r . � . .1 . .
I reuder. to slid j'J�Cftt With tile r military Clialtock's - age . eIpbiaCbroaaicIe�HeraId'ev1 the' east, 'and 'tbab' the. Atlatit' - , * -, - - �, . -
and,,tolls.relliall I . I
3. I a Sir Johir F ranklin. He sailed. in the 'little Mr. ipriv,11c Uffnaa� will ,;o to Lunaou in it d r . . to can be -
-ant Only authorities -olily� His abpli6aiion haA 601i . . I otitly. does not I 'a girls who-b9aig -their', crossed wil . "es .!, " . . , � . I r
a about . feW;rdays I il, blifil-three days. He profess -rl' ' . . .
. , Ili, open b .
� r Jorwariledr to the Presid . ant ,�or olod * . steam yacht Foxi from Aberdeen, .,Tuly Is t, I . U0 iA. James' IILIII- I -for it a�s they'mr;e trying to woar' nolfaith iii any ap I . � . � I . . �.
pro_ t will Concliadbrto it r tuoth a r nvented. ' � ':
and this Will 'Fie"' 1837, was detained abova Y�ar in t4e . L' , z , t - I . iair ; a , va a u fa i
r . . i ,
r ,
eai�ori is'over. A r It is tholaulit'ibe Preqid ein pack ice O I ff XelvilleBay, whence he'driftod lloii6i Ara U IS 'now 1 *18 y6lirii Otago - Mid r chin Whiskers on their f oralleads. "�'*r �.. against air* ourrezifs, ., , . . " . , I I , I - . I ,. . :.. I , I
Mit liumor SiFif nj Bull in tile, matter in' order . Ills Odly four and throQ.qJtltrterrJ,jOi.JaadS; piece of file � hioh-writers' ', .1 ., � 1. . . I . � .1 . - . . . : r
11 .. for.1,100, milea ,in 2.i2 days. - 41 ter reflttinc4 Woi"Gene' .,- . � I - � . 1. . I �
r -Ag " 1. - The r I&teet . r .1 ..
� tcrrelieve' . . . slant, is to 01111 . a, gown - 11 restful." - How' I . r , . ,
- mllae la, d I Ll Mito is 17 yeare of �ge and �' - .
ei 8 . � I � I.r ... . .
. acted to iis � t1,Q f ran tier. settle Monte of the ak Disco the Foi. proceeded to. Bee�dlio; Weig a pounde..'Getteral Tom. . - I PROPLE HE IJAS .. . � . . I .. � .
. �, . I & raid rby those Inoiim)ls�' Islaild, And their, via Prince Ro6olat 11 , 'Ills only alin anything but M rall,ght.-dress can' suggest .. .
. I . hourly fear a, - . . lletri� Tht OM43 . . XnZ.-The f0116�lng'js a. . . . .
I . .. . e4pocially'ag the fnAians.mre ready to sura , valb atid � otllea�' d . 9, , . . . piece of blimitiftal descriptive wribing � . . - . 11
, 'of Picton, have . 13ellot Straltmfid'T�rabklln Cliannel,tO Kinty by compariion.' . � � I W rf a are giants that queer word it is not easy.to see.. I the 'sporting editor of the Glol " y , I * ., *..
render on the terms first, proposed. � I . � . ... I .1 . . Z a . . .
esent time seven - . . . . - . I William Land. Liout6nalif.-Ilobsoll then' . I I I _74tis-siligular that no m=who cJQM- . Ir I I
. -, . I . , . Capti Hiram aves, of Ivindsor'lifts - a trip lastatimmer over 'the li�p..,rpf -'��a-� r. . , , ,
. - Liverpool— . � . -- � .- -, ,-.-- . I . , . . pur - . t kxea� � " - �-:-
about two thous� ' ' 11ace4t 1311'siness Changem. - I , th6 no th and *e6t coasts, and found - - -IMi �tv -itifitfid adjoining. fourueen tire juJ eating him,up, over thinksof sav- iiilway " A: c -81i f t a Canadit Pact d , .. . . �. . . ... �
leg-:, t6 I I �-:--., -took-eh wroe -of m,aledgb partyp millibli cxplor� -diarS&T . . ... plains., P65. dayjLin,th .his -A. - -T ft)jrd-er-B`&yblra-n -6* - N - - ' - - ,fl -�--- -7 ' -
. . . 1: - - ad r , - ' ' - '
- . I V- - . , acres villago' land a'. 'Ruthyeal, Ont, ib� b ' i ' away his property. '. �. auoe came over from the . �.,!- -. - �.
t le molstreet' supplies th� - -at Victory Point the record 61 tb6. death of Th. . money y -giving. . . . I
this date tp * I ' . ,' foll�'wing in � . I . Of . . . I . . I
' , � Br. is is ono,of -the finest whti;,1413 bit tile � � namialla,nd bringing with 16 TiAecile, the lacii-&: * . . .1
As' estimated b inrysuCla-Rdek- � 'd , Sir Jobiirtrauttlin'MLd.ofthe'pro,,ress.of- I 'like r ple, reasArejusknowbril- of the �illlido. Tate I . . I
I y 'Ontario :- K wall Beos�, r y �. . , The� sugar ina t, , ` , . che-isreallyuveryprotty. . . I 1. . 11
jud a t there 0 1 a iore. .It is located four aiiilak this aide of limutlybeautiful; Onevi'duld n6vor*dreani* littl8"Els,fifsel OfAbbut 17 ' . . �
goods,. stock sold to P, Clarks. at: ,05 . cSNs .the expedition lip .'to 'April 25 1.11, 18.18Z � Leamington, is 1,300 foot long, N�itlx . - .years. . I I . I .
* .
i�rrels at 'PIS - 1 � I .. . . . &depth that they yield. tla&-saaad slid 'molasses.. - 0exibli though veky' Clark' as p � er Erer-coili: , . . . .1 .. � � I . � . . . . ..
I oir-the �'dlolliir. ' Lake * 'OpitairQu-, .:-Poola' . ' The c Al&mA Pioneer - reports th.ifi - ttic of eighteen feet of Water oil- the- f tout. . I . lbetly clear; I.
. 0 , . ' Ii., all are Anna Ily.sold for maple sugar. ... her -teeth (like thois . I . .�
ar count t Is ,.Bkos,, saW mill, etu., fafle�li- Loudoa�L. success of' the .Governm tit in' the Paciflo �. . whi . . I I. I P, � � . . . .
a count .., w- . The E, ";t An6lia'r(Dii1y' Tim�s,! an Eric- , I . a Of � Malay of liar race), '.
. (ined in Crust. brillia railway sdlieme-- has put�new. life into thb '11811 .1 0 . , .. �Mr.- � T.' W. Haullf6fXg lecturing tour 'are Absolutely kaultless, and. her features.- . . I : ,
institution' r I � I G. -Mrvis, gt,ocer, ms4i, I � .. Papar,�reportstbmt*tlib divorced vilie . .. --.1--.. I , L� , ,
, -Peter -Bertram & Co., .Aiardwr�rii,'dis- aggitation for -the Sault Sto.'Nario railway. - . thiCiughout the States. 'knol Calladoi ,has, .UiO,1)4u6h-mbr6th�n'ordi,,�iiii�.if ' -� ." I ..- —
oil thih"colitin i2t. � of ilia Rev. -Newman IM611 W-.1% married t . . - . . bbildsonlo. . I � - -.. � - . ; . , k . ,
t116 registriij!S offidd, Great Yarmouth ini' �� I
- * s6lv.ed. 'Shollaurne-taidiaw & mcge'th, Railways, it oa�y a, already - d*ot -tile milip OT. a . fallen through, Mr. Pita% the ag6nt, having, - She w6rea, dark alpaca dross,. and S.figtirail '� * -: . ,
* " . �
. - I I
0 . .
00., yarrds of CIO oral stoic, Min McIl4h deceased. - To- . h of �Lako Sup,erior, and dedided that to tak61i'm' in 'Land would-be. turkey -red .handkerchief n4atly folded .. * . . : I . .1
. I gen . the obuntry sent the iuonth of Augu�t, to Richaidsoit, 'tlid. . . I ... .
. itenfr�versil le - r J] -,of stratchin"ir,out to bulath or groom whose battle was r. inently an * ieky�veft . . .. -.1. . I.... .: about her neck, with the araft crossed '
rate of 25 be ars .ronto-M H I;Bowaii, fatiby dvy gbods,' the work . .P*dm on- ia�'X Fare.` ' � .. i.. , . over'. I : 11, . '. : , .1
, rineapbliswould be 'a compaiatively easy . . , - llerbre4t, 'and, another of'similar '661o' . . . : . ,
' ;Buccoeded by Jo' .in - G a6st. Togonto a�tid 'ki . I 1iOhd(tinJ)r..lI ..-Father—Chailey,Ased no imprCrvb ' . .1 r, . : . . .
a - ratio .* Can.ada Londoa��R-Clbbrt... .G.60- ge, -Toronto � �,T04 ta3k,. TWO: hundred miles -of country cast' . . alftsuit-for-divQraa. .1 -- --f-1fi7-`your ip-r1M-.---C-h=ter-,-Ye .An, Rat -tern 'fiiati3nedturbD,n.fashi6nmiou�d : .� . . I . .
.1 . . . - , ' . ' men. - d -- -
to tweaa�y nil ' Company, called xqeetiiia of: orbilitore.- . 'tthis l�qint tis, rapidly - filling: up with'- I . u and" -t -ea I I . I .. ... .. � � .-
� h il a, - . .
co , iarl*of. Airlie. -with his �o .. .Sheliasiii,i`ii — - - - .. - ..' � ..,
.. pap" .- of., . T14'V * 'Cretim .pjapti ;,.it is high time* yon. had � A serious. .. I , I I , and . . . . . : � --
Be lars, a d 11 - ita. BhOlt, gr,acef al lit. aver�thina: , � I
a- . lIkIrs WinchesterSprings HirrgAlbort,g6nei-al t 'n .dtea,t Mallitoulin -and. daughter arrivod at -1- ud, Or., Se&em- . is, Fy gral-P fr9l1i;7 1. I I � I
- . tatkwitir the 7eaclier, or 61B6 he'll keep on - . g excolab, - .. : - ... . -
or � " reverse " so t * clo�illgtlp,Lil-ldleaviii�rh6re. wind. adjacent. islands must be taken.int thig bar lfflth,'in ilia steam5hip Califoraiim Irorn . .1 - . . . . . . her W&1k,'*@cL has,beon spoiled,, of course, . . � . .
. , . . . a ore, . I 10 that way foreveV; .. .- : � . .1 . . I , ..
. . i gold. out. by part of the consideration, Where upwards of � 'Lord Afflie is J)rosident of �Y the ugly Ilidlan -habit of t' I 1, �
., so r-,. 0. Sti Louis,,., groeer` . . . . San Vrmalbisco; : -.1kilvertisixig'Is becoming recognized as . ux4 I �
ment I;ave taken . . the Oregoniali railway and of its allied dor- . . . . in t a toes. � �
` ' 'g. It
I sladriff.. ': ... � . % . 1 20,000 people hmvo already settled, and are ILL *' . . - , . .. . : . �
. . 1. . I . � 1. . i ' %tiou, thl3*mortgttg BaZbi or.egiplaua th6 grand. high road tou� big businiss. In �.� ... 11 .. . .,:� . , I 1. 1. . I
ping the , i oil - . .. - . . I I . . I looking for railw-ay corulactiorr.with Cie POr� 9 . .1 thesg. dA : I - — � , . . .1
, have oftered . . I I , . . 7 I . . I I .. � . Washiiigt.Cin. .. � . I . 4V6 Y9 no Arm wants to ' stand still, And Tnn ELPOTRX . -- .. I . . .. . �..
. eastern parts of Ohtario;� � I is satisfied with ,Lr ,
. , I . .1. itg'dwati business . c.TL ,onApix AS AX.Ain ro. . .. .
t 500 tohi - of . - . A. &-A. S.Atite, . . .*Ru-by,4;hatowaau'ow beinc, fouixiled � " ti advertiso,meni in all . Inglish society a' . � . - 1. . un-mr-N.-From �111116 imme oiidl the . .. . . �. �, .
. I . i .... , .y - A . nd does not wish to extend I . . 1. Vim an . ,. I
. . � I I I 1. .
rom Queens., .�,.-n'�s 11tighes-and others i7i East Tenfie- *16uklaal isaccompullied by it cub Of amus. . .. � I Reber . . i . ,
or *tola oa� , The Suprorno' Coupel-1,330 DoMinion,of TI . . -Xr.Thomas AldKility, 'grocer, -'at the, C lubnot theMediterraheall slajores;of ' .;� .� .. �
m uni ' . 6riawall,ithd of the Scandinavian co,LsW,. I , I -, . .. .1 . , . !
, ght Cana", mot.in Montreal last 'week. ' Mid Base, is in RoEo rok�ects it co, in ' tv. The -tacliedrnaiiwlioivaiiii3p,corget. Themotto corner of James' aaadg�airay streets, -who. hav6b . .
I .
spoculattirs-to r�utine and gerieraisbusindsB'��aa disposed store will be on the - Clo-operative plan,. the ,of the rpe'rolld�is' is 11 W.1lon' usturo � falls I slatic pen directed in theirwork by lookouts. , .
a AntipoA6mn ..of anil"the followin- officers were' elected profits. thenart steps iu,"� Thadramatic aboutsix weeks 9go.mbeidentally had big 'ad upon cliffe to discover the aL)pro&oh I , .
. . . � purclimers receiving a* sh�rc of tl *1 n . , �
., I . . -
. and'installed for the`next three years ; . . A large. part of the 116d ill Is . ong. the wo -.1broken , -is &his to, be about again, and is 0 tit . .
. . I wl remain un- ,%ion 18 -mentioned as am = '!a ' . finnyschoole.. Of 16te the eut6rprisilig. I : ., :
.. . . 1. . -
I ' ' '. . milost &$'active as ever in the a -ore. , . � . .
6 11tivealila", . SuprowbOotincil 330--r1. D. Hann- ai ided�and- be -devotea to, Pleasure grounds, , tile article. . - . .. � I . I .,. � .. . . . I .� fislibrinell. of Norway have called, to. their. 9 ' .- -1 . -
. .
ton 33 0, so . v . grzd coi�mnnder. * - W. I &lid Stock rais . ing-Libo fatter for the be . nefit . SOB wA'youiig woman in Denver flung liel:- aiil,the electric telegrm�li, laying CIO . I . I . . ,
611 announced go, . ph Field; who. lives near: Fair View,, , . W11 Mora I .1. I . I
I 0 I year. than twelvehun rddmileaof wire, to britag ' . . � . :
the American Hutton. il ii6ut. grand commander. J�' of all settlers. 'Thd manadors �vjll, provide ,N. J., did tot marry until in his 7-Itli self into a oist6rn','but she was fished out% d . . .
orf ul discovery' IV. M.Apn, 33 0, secretary-general. ^ Ill, A, plans f or buildingi free, -Wtif will n6t. impose Hois now 88 and has thee clailarep', a boy A local. paragrablier advised her. as follows: the fishers into iustantoommunicatiou With. . I .
I . any ,.a I . .. . ' . - _w . ,r - turn' . and. to 2i . Otify ib � : , --�- . � . I
light could be , 5 - a� on fromyour.-ovilways.11 �Butbo -the watchers,. ie fish mer- ' " ' . . e I
Ili Mae - kay, 33 0; treagurer-gonerah NV. B. , t2tiong as to the kind. of ,house.9 to an(! two girl.. . He oiks everyd his , " Cis, - , . �. , .
. duce arficulate Simpson, 930, grand' chaiie6llor. Win, beerected. NPliquor,will beeolditiRtigby, farm of 400 acreg,,directing All the ildtails', Won.'t joke iha6 Way JIeli it comes Cistern. chants , where to go for supphes.'. Tile I . . , � .
Giast6i of car mouieQ. ,.I - . . 1. .
. I . . ..
Hand that mo.ro Reid, 33 0, 9176ne a . except by.�A apothecary for medicinal, put! and lie parts a great' part of th6 produce of . —Speculators will'do Well to remember W.ol-w�oancom,st�ives.employmenb$640,000: ' ,.. .. I �
- . . . . ,� - - I .. 1. , � I . . I
e--stibjeot,by the H- -6�tOaths,-,.8.3..Q-��iiLd-xaka)Alil--CQL .pQP1Q% -� .L� I- - -Iilafmim� ---.- . =-.-t--- , �hlq-bit-QL-plailosppliy, m.-.prp J � dr�bI durin&_E�J%�je part. .. I .1
. . -� � - 1:� -� . . . . .. -pounded by A8,k nil of -114e- A -w., .. - -*— .. � . .
, . I Billf "-- ;i'l-Iff-that 1-fii�6i-,ibout , .- . -7- - - z-- - I I .
na AfeLood Moora; 33 0, grand stand6rd bearer, Harry Loshb, after crossing' Niagara 04 Jod I I logs : . . -� I .
ry.. In En ,,,, . . - . Uoso Temple, ilia pretty burlesque Etc, . 7.� I - � . . I . I . ... . 1. ..
nee beat, ,�l .E. M. cope . . mes' , i. 90 RA�iiatk DyivQ bUT The faahl t I
. � own . . ' land, 33'6,.grand capWit.of . a- ro�o many il in aaf6ty, - lately .had a tress, has' obtained a divorce 'from hq oil at, bad luk iz thig-Qur good,' Ink . We � , Oil h ' '
941 . husband, James A. Jona% , an motor of the attribu Ink . ng : ,� �
� -
p9rdne, and. liol. I. . I , � I I narrow osT&po from falling in Now 6riomais. . . , t to our' AlirowdUosA.',,,out 1)md has for sometime pa�Cpremiled'ln I" at'. I , . �
I 'IT. A., Maoli:ay, 33:0 s Hamil- - . Boston Magenta, and Emma twilan6t, this 9 vo their. . .
elation. In Deputies.- The rope was suspended across a 'street wechar edover,tosomebodylgelso�akotili't'. land forkashionible.beputies. W lim - . ..
q * " I -io. .1,U trus; *. , . . I ., 1, . * 0 , : I I ...'' I
.journal I a. ton, fprprdvillc�'ofOixtai - Stei from tile tops of Louses. PWII lm.d mado performer. of sentimental parts,la�i- been. -Jogh- .1, I .. ; ! ' . .P,110tograplis taken and exposed, for amle. in . . % .
lams�succeS4. 33 .0, Montreal, for -provinde of Quebec, .1, it slippery, i6nd, wilcuin the coutre, be slid separated train Gebrg6' Meti#, A favorite � -1taitlier too hard - on . hfm I (overheard the Shop windows of the great metrbpolisi -. , �'' - - . ' - - I
I ,
ranamitting. V- Bills; N (5"* St., -John; for! Province' of Off; but lie caught :With his hands, letting .1tomed. ; , I I '.. � I �ab -outang cage . To is,rapidly dying out. - The English press.' ' ':. �' . .
- nj� New Brunswick. R. T, 'Clinch, 33 0, &.: tile lleav� bu,1000� , I I I I I the orang I I ni (*he is has generally condemned ibe �ra . . I . .
I ' pole drop into - tho -crowd . A successful trial of X ngiand�g.ncw 100- not overburdened ralliff)-111 Slay� otio., and ,.. I I .
ey of John, for province of Nova, Scotia.. . � below. The accident seemed to'completely lAr Punch disapproves of qlle fashion ". I . I
. ton gah was mide September 22nd. Loaded Lizzie, what Ao theympan by the I inissing 11 I . �I- . . !. .,
a dis. ' . I �— ,� . uzinervo him. He visibly- trattabled from . viith 441 pounds of pebble -powder (itr cubes link?"' MissLizzio—Woll Ishould-ild. th0following lines .I . .. . I � . � . �
. . I . . . I . � . � .
n`c, - 13rovinclail AppPlaitilientf.6 I head to loot, mulwas unable to gob lip the fins it [is a. creature half -way betwoo4 the - 'TIMO was when Unglish rnalas and wivos - , .- � � - i:�. ... .
' ' ' of 1.�J inch) it drove i0,000 *pound projectile f f, .. � . I , � . . .
a '4ill � His Honor the tiout,Governo'r has been incline to tho-imof. - A cord was thr.own.tO �45JC . at into a* sand butt. Th6 velocity of' spe and rdysol . '. , 6I . . �. . 1,0d allodoat and ecel�ldod lives; . � � .. . ..
. - I t , , ! 23ut in theso) latter (lays they vio .. I .. I I . .1. . � I
lVade; pleased to appoint:. Gilbert Twoodio, .U:D,, him, andwith it lie Was'pulled up' , - tho'projectito wit's 1,5,156 fe o*f m second. .ThAt,was-R,V-0� p6ift (3a'allil possibly a 11, sooki'ng base publicity, �, , . . I ... I
'10 Of Dresden ' -to ,be .an associate coronev in From.4a articid-lutho last ,number of � Very wholesome bib of sacasna, which r, - "V la flies that OnOO at 1101116 WOUld Shill .
Kani - Bah!61 Phillips, of Philipat6n, 11ast. t1w IlLpistake HoJur" it would about that The Brtish,E,le6irioLir,lhtC6m,t)tLtiyl'of, gentleman turned oil 9, coxcomb, who lit -0 '.-, ! 0,91orYof the itnelontline,* . 1�.-. � . I .�. 1.
im-i,. Now York,. ba,ve opened offices At 800 The lins the sweetest 1111dar Stan, . . . .
Tho ) tlid raeo of kitagg'is pot yet platirely -dxw been making himself offonsive. . . I
I . logs, tb be bailiff of tile H'ittlith Pivision . 33!oAdwity, .'mud ,tile officers 'expect. .tilimt.' Ro said: What ill Old (109 paillod but for om . ,� . . . . I
- � .. . .
ine-to , Court of that county, instelloi Of �Wilhmm tinot in Ireland. It says that & district 6f- 1 1� Sir,,you,ougM to be the happiest man iii � The eyes that velled.theanaolves.alwa�g . . ..
ov , Irwi Galway, near the coast, �mlled the " 601ma" before tile end of October a 1mrgenumbor of the worId',,'you, are 'in love with yoursiolf '110meatlitbokuddobservok, vkzlo, - .. . I 4 .. , "
. I GfY ill Stins6b, resigned, John Robert it, Aall;,, tile p66ple ,, 11,vo a kinct of their ow�, liglits will be lit operation in the. vicinity of And. you hav6 no rival." I . I All tholid, If haply lie be ,willif., " , . � . 1. ,..
61111, of ,qtreetsyillo, to be - bmilift, of tile Second . . . Tbo Cad Coln �)urohaso form sliffillig. . .
t tlao. Division Couft, Pacli-instowl of qaorge E r had 11 few, Irears agol, ;�llo is chosen Madison and Union squares. - =A,g0XItlQ1DA1LLL9k5-1t%. "'what, ahAIII. � .. - . 1. -..--.I- -- . . . -....,.
. � , � ...
Y Or Hawkins, rehhoved by Judge, I . � mogt r6)1owlIed "On Tuagdm� fast �evcll crat65 cionWhin''W -Ab, to make'wy h6uso warmer?" B1.1y -s— I I . . . � '. .,
, . . I � ir6m turic. � - un BiODU&M Piuso:Ms.-A- &titiOniq . ... I. .
r.mr� . . � , . . . ofthe I Claddah familips;1 atid is Arbitrator .100,000 eggs.emob of California s0inon, a!:- ruorb brooms. If " your wife, witla, . half it b Ing1getter Ily a gred by persons ]IV , . , . .
I I of all the disputes tha�'in, riveot at'Nowark, X. J., from-tho United 6 I ind ill' � . A .. I . .I. 1.
loate By ariso among dozen brooms at liar conatnana, can't .make as I And Bi dulph,..i6)rm itI"0,V,-_tlIa , ., . .1
. I Ali Ifiallan goatilomilln Says that, after ilia gnb�jaots,,66 th&t.they fiomrcoly evejo,mi7 , states sm1moLhipeding'. ranch oil tile T�Io-' tile hOn,,4o-NV,thr1m.-e4 � 0- -their-hor q� - _ _—�.,
. ...
. ' early dduqm -ir-s' d'M',,O$tiO 1I&S the DpainqJly murd6r. TW document lq I : �
. ,
Romo aaadGcno&,Venio6 i;probably the pear beloro m.coart of justice.,, Clowl Rivor,'Cithforiaia, to be ropackoci for tion, In a " - - chargodwith,
S - � . richest city ill Italy, ,Venice is alingst fro§ Possibly it might be wall. to console the,%'() Europe. .. -- I - . . . been saQlk it .. � . .1 I . . I � , *' . ..
. ---polocted. Addressod + -
1111* trom dobb, This gentleman sa,vs that . grants io are amiatn be dissapointed, . .- . 0�� I n Aitoftov-OAnnral Arowat, and . I . . . .
that three V6jiotlans are* each worl ]I worn than on 6 rivial � , in this neighborhood, At not Reports front,, Glonoak stato thmttIi& — Tile excess of rugged Pl4listiniAm," points out the. result of the recent tria],� 1.
Ills $.10,000,000. Abontitwo Inandrodfainilies ing tl a streets Pnvo(I With 9014, by set disease. black ton=6 is vory PfOV&I0Ilt eays the London World, ".is ,bettor thall th13 lOngth Of Jime ilia prisoncra have been * , , L
own more than. 1200,000 each. Throo ft ill. there with fatml�resultq,' I;tr. Wakain an one'rvating And spitrioiia rosthotioism. ill iftil, the condition of their farans. nud I I . : .:
ill t om 'children in a wo;wk.. Mr. L. &aid the o.kpression of (lisgil. b lid g , in I
&a 1"IfteitA5 in new Mexico. Tile lost, iour a it pain 0 heatics; and asks 014fundor tboso cieoum� I ... . .1
..Who thousand. Venetians are 61nPlOY&Y ill thd village is uilt on m 1pdg6 of rock, which Itiakson, P. X, one, and Voter Ver"118011 disappointment is Clocidodly preferable to StAnces the substantial bonda of their- ': ,
. , making. of glass boads. There is a Land- locW� nut oritioq ostimmte to be thin to one. . . . I ail outhusiasm which is vimulatecl And an f riends be. a6cepto4 for their appoarallao ah I 1
15,000 worth Y., now admiration which is sliam," � tile IlOxt trial, Ib Will be forwa ded to its ,
some trade in combing or sating bomp., yield from $3,500 to � of gold 11[o4as toonard, of r1orpoub, N. . . 1 I
Travellers who go to Velliao look at tlio�goia. vor ton, Tile veil, 14 calculate(' to ba 84 agod ro,44aid,Lglowla hoarty, )Ills been a . I . .r
dola.q and feeTtlit), pigeons, and falicy t1lat places. wido by 9,01)0 f Bob Ion-, so that 11 the famous launto , ars lie has -Mrs. lllainAllr�b, After IbOl�iug long 611a dooiduatioli ill, & clay or two, *I, - . I
0 r� - In. thirty yo , thoughtfully at a* plastor. cast of , Shalt- I . . -- � . 0 . . 1. .
, ecmu.,Ae tile bolls at - borHas are 'lob rilit,ling estimates are true the village stp.ets and killed 4.1 pivabots mud 1,500, door. no I Mxr,T�TA RnOt;L'ATt0Xs --- ,
� Ind tile drivctr,4 arp*nob quarrelfinet th0rO i� lots, too� are pavoLl with gold. A writer on,do kinea'three pantlaors in one (lay. - spoaro, remarked, 11 1,06r mail I 11ow POO -A revised edition * . , * . .
much less trade there tliaetllor�la. - . . with atimble fancy rAight find ilia scene of a Of tile triplots born to Mrs'. Palmer I howasl Hocouldtilblimve b6onwdllwlien Of tile ruleg ana rogulationg govornitiotho . I . .
I .,) "No"Iropliod Fogg, "lie r .
� � t*was talten anilitia force is being proparool undo' the
. The - growing custom 6f getting marHool romance or plMyin LAS Pl&cit&s. - Riverside, Toronto, a Thursday Ittat, two, w IS dead." "Ali, that accounts -for ib,') s4crvisioll Of ,General Luard, (Laid Will � �
telegraph Wbot altogother safe, accord. Tho London Timos says: ",,The now a girl And a boy, diel:11 oil Saturday, Th6 I Allortly be published. It is Whispered that , -
I I said M-s, P., olkawill - a sympathetic breath.
.4 and. appWrontly most valuablo method of third, it girl,, remains in a precarious can- I 0
to tile Law Journal, becAUPO " th0ro i, I I . . tile general objoota to offiedieg of tile activo I
,gor of running Against conflicting laws preserving raw ranat, diacovoro(l, by Pro. clit',on. - I . I fordo wearhig gold dritamonts instead of I
( ifforont states, and tlicro Inight aris.0 96 fe"or Artimini, of Florence, nuil patented . . .
.. . , An latmonso goo,tility of young oysters -A pealty girl may talk slitlig, but Alto ail ad t)iaf the mattorwill be Attended I I
, culty at 1woo.f." ill this coantrydromises to have it great limyo �on found g1rovAtig oil tlaZ -copper never bmSoto her beau, " No'noof y6urlipl" to �
I I I � . . . I . L� . . I . = 110P.rogulations, I I
. I . . .
I I I . � I . . . � . 1, .
. . . I . I . - .
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