HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-10-28, Page 6NINE 0 A 7. 4 I _`(�_,__� IV--,. ,--- , , , ) I i — - , - . . ­ I - , ­ 1. ,owls X � . I . I - ___­__ M��!_�_ . I _1- __ _ ­_­ � -­ . r-.4L.8J1t04N'S F001AICSit _.___1 ______ ------,-- 110 maititsipa that clothing At first was . I -, I __.- . Sbipwrecltvdii __,__________ _____ - AUIXITINAt OA)LICS, - — .­ � -, - , , - � __ �.. _. - ­ . 1. t tAK10 NALUXIM NOW.100 O. N, '�' , 19JFAVP 19U. AXACP 0301F "ME. ' I I . . . I A'Antf; it 0961.110 poow I'Vollarn an,4 Dresso . almostentiroYorummental. Theexceptl9um ' wore such art oleo as belts from W111011 in; - � we c4ch or us amuca in a tinyskiff � Alone through the waves, or the woria; with a marry all wgi the rudilor Liot, . . who'snuorlo, orend-An 014 coplalwa A JUC91tceflous. " . . ito Tb Q TO rpible Disa$topi; Avs$els, , — , a BTbuWn;lUurob C40, lonk ( I " . Tile �wldo sailor collars for children Are strumouts of various, kinds gould be all$- , , so as to be ready for Use While the thl I Ana ilia suolww , ite 6,04 unfurled. � Timos) . . ­ _".. - —, .v , . peralace filentintcuts, 1. -It 'L made of cluuy, ofoolAet mud. Irish' point , laces, torchon lace being votod too common. ended Eands wore left free. A so,vAT does not ., tile hero was the portourbarUsh(allalcliX01? Q�,li,N�V� t'lltilediLttlievoya(,Iol)ett)rOUR, (V,TQ=tbo0);LJcago , # Capt. George W. Staith oat in bis - -cow- � MLb r A C4XADIAX P:PLOI?r I MISSING. iterest Jigs oo A-3 m,9004 deal of It , 'i-�T a X -ma oil the utterances. of, lie V. D. J% Xuradou ­ ' and Breton lace too fragllo� Widecuffsof the same lace are worn with these collars, - van at enjoy tbaluxury of 4, pocket. present day a 'Tapanese has to Sling bia - an 4 cloudloolditte(to'cross the suo, . w� , AULA its dLade fall tifirwy Wer of), fortablo room at the Briggs House last evening. 4 bright liro blazed cheorily.At' I .. - � ,10011499 ll�f* tOVILmnPitlelt, Wxt!194110, J90- nell, the talented Toronto preacher, at the I PatI.Presbytorlau Council on the . i some of Nvhlo4 have attained tile dlweu� � , tobacco pipe anil, pouch from, his belto and the duly packets Ito, has arc iii, his sleeves. who voice of tbo sea rose storn antl high,, I I And fear; his feet. 14'rogarant wreaths of awoke train the bowl of a rLdIlly-colored, Cuic,wo, Oct. 2l. -The probfible loss .91 question of temperance, we publish the rev. gentle. I I ,eious of a s!uali phoniarer-cape. � The simple cincture WAS ilia germ, so to, I ourliva grow xalowith In terror wo watebe the otoriii wras 11y, curica _ pipe� He Nv ma. an image of blessed enjoy. U'uropo isroported.. the Canadian propeller L . - in u n- 0 B ,Views in . ,,an's Juaidexpla atio I hi The Tain 31Shmuter and Glongfirry cap.s Is. Speak, of tile clothing we wear. After - And t4o duslq night draw near, , , I . � I his via.fi.via. went. A reporter"was She was known ,to have beeir on -the lake . reply to his critics. 4t a Meeting in To. . �xo Worn AL'to by little boys .and gill � a I 'T I i 6 p'd R I ).,Ah(i royal middy caps Are also sometime a bunch of Pall4guas slips was . U411Y OX' aad6a in frout, and. this was grad ' � Tho lightning gleapled AlicU130 tbTiaerpov,led, And olichr-toiYAUrNVAS StralldO ' aill "'Captain", and the t of a wall. Steil I blank lead re oil ti a during the Storm, but has not been heard. from since. 8he ,was an route froln UOU - uto. last night be, said h reference ro I that wit . . at was staitedby biwoelf on the queo to wh - - favorites still -Nith the former. A useful and becoming Style i's a wide brimm I plate fringe toltaed. I 6 t made, a com I I . When the became So . B uJil,firt, _ tit owavollmaefirried uabeorbt And it was in Lden, we landed. sharpened pencil Fmpar, to captain, the major po ition of your treatto Chicago, with a cargo of soda as) 1, had tion of tomp and w1ifit had been - I orance, 'written bX.ona or two anocynioua, correta- vned list, which is set on the Welt scift croy , 'Intil i - , obody, arts far advanced, that man could make paper, . . —, �. I ife was spent on the lakes,do you remem. . tile tin, liquor, etc. She several passen- aboard, mud ber oMcers and crew . I pondents In the nowspa � . .1.1 of t4e head; tn,s, is finlshiId with a large, voven material, th�Bcr latter cloth or some N I SCOWTIES1111. COLVDI - I , I X bar many storms. the equal of one lima so disastrous, durility the gets numbered twenty4ye. The ca&liu und I tbmt the few remarks he bad. made were . . soft powpon Ott in the middle of $he . Crown. I were Substituted for the V�imitive fringe,, , the jKilt was thus developed. Curiously — . . Religious services in commemoration of which ,been past few days 2" 0 . T. Qlifford,.of 8b, CA Part owner was . . , tila. Out. called forth by A statement ot the Ilon, � . Win, Dodge, of New York,, who had 4e- .1 I ' Idle dresses of seal -skin Are made for, _)VI , and . , tluougb, the dress of the Scottish Iligh. , the Covellauters who, Were imprisoned on I . S the Bass Rock, were held at the Ea t Links, The came slowly from the mouth , Pi alia r0stowoou the knee of tile old seaman, ritics, Tir,tilisgo, Oct. 21,-A report was JjT. CA I I I livered a speech containing, in, bia r. . ,(M I � � I . . I A, yo ung. 1!11iiglish, lady of rank who 14, to landers embodies these two stages of pro. . . . NorthBorwick. I 'I Well, Yoe, air, but I do not want any current Lore to -day that the propeller Macdolinell's) judgment, Some moutuu� Ile thoughb spend tile winter iik Russia. One of these garwent, is cut, an nriucesse, lined with gress in the kilt and the Spartan.. As man 64vanced there were. inconveniences -at- ro,�m, The 11.�arquig of 13. ate intends to a � notoriety." 11 certainly not," was the bland response, 14,'arope andochooner G, M. Neelou had been Just on Lake, Michigan in, the recent , t% warrantable btatomen it monstrous for to, characterize as equal brown tdik. and trimilIed by tho $rout Nvith ' iouding the use of the kilt, which were , Mamma Uldtbolio Monastery for Ln6"Iiabr . 11 but any account of similar blasts, or umr- ga4e. Certain Neelon, the owner, has to. : eviJa4he drinking of Ifig.er beer And. the I I f.rogs 'Of browil. and minicar cord. The abated by fastanitig thab garment between nionks on his property in Jerusalem, a rative of wlshmiJB Stich via $*earn to have calved word that the schooner -G. a, Neelou : . � . I frequenting of houses of 111-14me-fis .1 train is caught back with cords, and gold, � , as fairly. the log4, and the human Mind w .. � - Plans for 4 $20,000, oratory have boon pro. , ­ . overtaken t'he Aiperim, would be of great ,t southmanitou isisua, ail right, the, is 4 th 4 I wliytIl1Dg likothe I . ese two stoo or And amber, au4 old .V1 lauders point Are the I . set upoll the path to arrive at the attmirt- I pared. . . , . . interest just ;low." k1urope, whichwas towing her, ,having Is& I isme moral piano. This induced him tG. 0111fin.1011U. . . . . , incut of a, pair of -trousers. Wheill4aback In 9, hfi�rvostfiojdon Sunday week,A migrm- 66 Well, Such, blasts as this one Are to be her go about fifty -miles Above the Mmul- otty whathe believed to be true on this On. I Lot) don Court Journal presents all in. I novatiou in the style of dresses of brides- . And Oloulders need9d protection tile OfivagO tised tit; skin of some animal, Ancl it is tory locust wap captured by Mr. Robert Scott, Tho locust meatiured : Lougth.of . expected about' -the middle of October and thu latter of November. Ilvd experl, tgulino. He lima not, heard f rom the 1-lurope, , but,is confident she is all Safe, being wind very important practical question. this question at temperance he was more * . rlmic4i at a recent Wadding. , They weie I __ --- tile. brid.6 and bridegroom, from this sort of covering, *for the upper 'part of tile bbdy that we have derived our body, 21, inches.; expansion of wings, 6, In- ches. . part ellcicd, many severe storms sit this tilue of I There the ugly blow of 135, bound somewhere. . - Owtor SouxD, Oct, 21. -The ateraip barge concerned to be, at one wiEll-ri-ebt-Wiron 6 than on some matters of were belief, but-. . the sisters of and these young ladies were in dresses of crea;fn-colored Himalaya, Bilk, With Pink . I coats, vests, Hb.irts,e,to� "But -the ancient cloak form is even �et reta . ined, i)ob only I I TheDuLkool Argyll's specaliattholoty- , of the foundation stand of tile Church of I the year. was you know Ill . � 11 What, in 1835 ? Do -you remamberA Vanderbilt,from Goderiali,with suit and , 1 coal oil, arrived here this morning, Loot. , lie wasVot thereto retract a single son- . tance lie had uttered, He thought it visa . 1. . asshes, white muslin mob -caps with pink . I by such people as Zuiu, olliefs, but in All robes of ceromony bX dignitaries of court S"otland tit, BullachuliulA is said to be & , , back to that time,?" inthatblOw, I I .night she lay in Tobermormy for shelter . . tile south' the Willa blowing a gale from . of formen& . Ao distinguish between tile use, . . ed liquors and the .use of spirituous liquors . I I . I ribbons And b,ows, antiqu. o'sifver nocklace, . the giftof tile bride, pink stockings, bronze , y civilized aud.collego of tile M040 highl � mostbrillimitormtIouill favorrof rj:osbY- torianism. I . OtOb,yes, I was Wall � , only a laid of 19, and it was nly first y�ar of She reports the following vessels in Tuber. I � -dinaryboveragoo, because be thought . . a% at . . : tinoes a Ila bIr cR lace mittens. 1. I . At nations oil the face of .the e�rth- The elabilrate aud'vatieci head coverings 'of the I . I ,r1io is having a' Cape illail Donald C4 , I � . , I � - wind tramtd(l�us r,otv,1ce on tild. lakes. The L'vory erdfb. on 14�tke . onte,rid, ud . $team battle wormy, wiudbou - Lothair OtZbea And &lid. consort, Schooners ft I . the effects were yery different. The I normal condition of man was n at total , At A recent ball .of tbe'La�cas.tor - cbery.C1 n4 the following described dresses . I � prosoutdayallsprangrfroina very sitnple r I stottnier,btiilba,�F,.tirfielcl, Gla6gow, to be Ii I , I med 411awarden (J'astle-11 It. iHilopod, rougibly. but two want down." . . - Canadian,aud tag N.R.McPherson, on abstinence, Total abstinence wasexcep- tion4 and in some circumBtancep rieeps- � - - . 'attracted attention . - one 46f pink satiu. . I With drapeyies of"black lace and .. I Origin , ly altyteo, - �. .',,,-,-* . - -Z=:"* -7-i' I Mrs, 0 ladstoue will Ghristou-, the- ship that T , 1 � in December. . 1.'N ��...,jqnlars ?11 DQy,Q1t.raQ-Q,11.%Pyf, I ,� ----I-' 4. k� b", I of 14 No, except that it wits oil t a 12t I liabea, had her Saturday night the Oto ­11i .1 * I her .Bfdoring,goar carried. away,,bringing .1, I . I t w , �ion*, Bitry; but i as ndt.�Ilo normal condi . . . - . ' Imuier . . ' . pink satin stripes, diamond ornaments. . ITI&V A clan I 11411PULN JUAILUCKIK V . � I . — . � I � - TheAberdeon ijolloo; have apprehended � November'of '35, And was accomp,quied. �,by into t -trowth of the sea,'doing oouBidar� lie 0 her gild sweeping and to condemn man w . 4o. -were to As the euemies of Christ &lid lnaxi,�­04, Fto . Ono of Pale pink -Surat train over.a. groiiiLD - . - One b1tick not trimmed with . i6 r� unn . v, DiNctioglon nt, a Church Convieum ; ) . . " the Master, triate, second inmte,. And Oil-. , . sleetysilow. Yollknow,thoroisgenerally f 0 Solna difference between the storms o -tit (I ....... sails; ablo go to -of lie . UN". , - pact r deck load. � The Quit&- . . depavl,from Scripture and slight Ue'vory, , I, . ' - . to hiiii - skirt. of . SmIlflowers, Two �oung ladioa wore cAsa. � - 11011. � . I ,, I ., . . I � X Y R �qptjat mill., l�w 0 X, Oct- 19; --Ill tile ] gi car of the XatithilB, of - Voterlipad, OAW u 11, wilfully r iih4rger connected wit. I I ,oititi,, tile I ' middle of October .mud those of tile latter in that the latter are ,1i.Z also lost part of her deck load And soino of her ca4vas. . . h .. I med, , 4 , , 11� .0 . example. of all. It See , I . ity that. temperance men and: total 1. . ,lubis. 69, tin � . Pel. gauze over -full Skirts of brown tialle, wreaths of brown foliage with . isters' weekly conference yestpramy, the U0. I 1 11'er,in a vessel on fire, thadi destroying . Sai I Melville Jo'AY,, palt-of November, I usuallyaccompauied by snow, oniul'that"j 1LOLLANI), Mich., Oct. 2r,Prof. Scott, of diary foulla I . � AbOteti.ners should not work together"dri.a, � I common Platform for �the of saving I . . I frosted - twfi,s. A. White satin dress em. - , beetles! wings -was DroidorcA Dr-cT. $. Holme spokeatlengthou the ques- uulak uth ti011: " "I've, W , usements, a p1dile ;-.*- A publicall no rhed Qlames Dl.'ues lima com. what tile sailors dread. NVinds With allow ate aiw,�y� most disastrous. It wais a bit: ITOPO C011090, lima a leaf from it . attached to tile moulding of the cabin of the pi.irpose . le men who weri3 being destroyed through In- * � , . � I I in, with .thought . 'effectivef afi also Lyfis V. cream lactiall siik and '&purposo in th6 life in Christ?" .1nitted Suicide At DULIdoo U'ndSr unusual ter and'bliuding Snow which DAL110"With' A I stci.xper Al�eua by a small nail. It ill .badly temperance, And of - doing, all the goo.d - their Ile - did not Bay one, word.- .. I fultddnwms�a wit different colored alitcts. . . . . U . . I HehoUthtat eLIU, amusOmelits are wrong under some olrourriftauces Aud ifight unda"r 0 circumstances.' HarlofttlieharboronSua. day in m I)Ieasurd bOat, together with I"s ig , 42, on the 17th day of Novem- 1). " storm in ' . - bar, afid Lifl"I Out that day wag , Aid, of cha,fed and*wager soakod, but by thc, - I as fell WS: ,,oh! this 4 glass can be rd4t 0 power. I . . against.total ubtitinence, and be could'not . - - ' The Suido stme, Qru.ndresse& kid g1pvosi , . . . tilough ' in, vogue, are not to be,con' " . others, sua he refused to draw it -Iiiie be- wife, Ron, and beveral friends, 'ITO sat at 'somatim6, - everytI � . T' bad ashoro 4 wreck. limb Was also A is terribI6. -The 'Stemmer is. breviklug ill)- �Ou- -re,g[Cilllit it, say m -word for mail had . rave- lutioniied -Society by the �raotioe of it, and ' _­ greatly . pared' with drossea kid gloves foraurabilty � � =quot playing or,ball. playing on And the&t�os -and. dmncing oil the the tiller for but suddenly jumped up and- sprang into thewater. A storm one. of thilvprat ,of 1-�-1-1, blieve, I . the lal.ces. It fagged on Lake , fast. -I am aboard from Grand 1Ihv to . Chicag6,�--Cllao. Conn r.11 The last-tvib - 0 I . all ))Oil or to tli6'& for so doing, He was not - ,. . or trinlRess. , They suit more'easily, And tile . � . . di4advalita, with them is, tharw3he other. Any such dNtinaidn is quackery, and I . . man SWpIJI to )Ila assiRialice, but lie refused. ever known on and Lake B�T'ie. ' Why, tile wind O�itfirio . ' , b letters of- the nam . , very , faint, and it a are. � . Afraid the cause of -temperauceNvoula auffer�. . . ' . Train tile - utteranco of trutlia which he groat - go t Olds' being worn; once ost.flatinif glove, after 110 who Makes tile distinction is a quack. Ho- -held when wo at , 'tile. enom a merriest. � yl 'S the proffered aid, and 400iA sank. . . . . . At the Edinb out, on' Man- . Ile water fro the Detroit fairly scooped t m eucl ;if tile lalie and piled it up at Buffalo. . . _ may be Connell. . . . Despatches f rom . Holland. comment on I .. . . . ,spoke there and repeated here. ' , . . � � . . . ov twice, has 4:haft worn or-wijilkled up' . pearance, resembling A paii of glo'ves a' . � � nearest -to -us 1, the devil often assumes tile . isg.Li ise of w fool" It is in timea of fun a � diiy;,klextLuderStuwartWillis6ii,p,in�iii,iter the Established Church Salina, Vita- � 1,;irom ten tc, fourteen feet of Water bulged , city itself, Swamping tile cliarpLoter of the. wrookage of theAlpona -Which Caine ashore there., It issto,tedthere, : . . � __., __ - . . �. . , co.=NG, FxsnzoX"1 I I . � . lady.-N,Vollld slip'onto trimlierrosebusliesi I . 'it' . There. ig no doubtj however, that th.ge " and,frolle that he is near us, and especially I we are .weary and- exhausted. Doed . of at, .shire, w hr having, carly on . over into ..Buffalo . mfttiy blocks of buildings, And, drowning . 'residents.' I don't are some casds of absolutely rotten timbers, So it is considered.temarkable th.st she did . . I I — . . j,,n,uem,tq'%vear Big xiloops rind Gentl4r,- & 11 gloves .are exceedingly fashionable; ., . id . French fmshion Writer has.'recefitly sal. when' the true Christian havo ni relish for 13g, committed a breach pf Sunday, mormij . Alto. peace in 131di.nburgh by.-utterhig- oaths a, f large number a . remai�ber -the : de tails, but' I know . I eo�le* ­bQ s"mw- not go to pieces Booller. P, .. "'" Turldsla Wroustro on Their Arms. I (1-orIdon cut:respoudenceofth6CILicago Tribune.) ' . tilat nolady with any pretensid" of style Secular amusements? A fully develop ad Christim does not. Itis-onlyquackery to and imprecations, and Nvith 'sho�bing, bfiwling, and making a greatil. nolge., He ' *08501F, leapdd. it was said' that . . over the lighthouse Pier At 1311119,10 Aud the condition of the timber that IftoNw,' in war's highly indignant. - .The Goodrich; . . 1. .:I ­.: ........-. - I I hasten to -A rumor ratio lea me ivirich Will' weat; all Y. other, . . � . . ­ . . G. I am informed thfit in sboidty *circles tb I say.that 0, Chrisdaii May plfi� baseball, or chess, or croqub't;'bk that he.way frolic'4rid Pleaded Iguilty, mndwAs fined fist ,with. the , � alternative of twenty -4 liours'imprison- lan4ed in the creek, And I Vlieve they did; too. It as told wo that the big Ashland, Company -claim that many of th'a pieces h cLZme ashore a to Ai- whic, re not part of tL -son ommunicate. I learn frotd Paris that; , 0 III ... . crinoline is once,more coming into fas ion ; . . .rumored retirement df Mrs. Langtry into l lau'gh, while lie maynot go to tile thbatie � Our I .. ment. � � . W a4d she wit,. 3 a largd vessel,' lWailifted oil Pena Wrack. Mr. Squi who.,; 6 Was ier, , the dreadful iron hoops. have already made ' .*seolusion is tile abiorbin&pi6; of conver _. I . sa- tion. 'The pr�vfiilingboliefia that tile lady . o4 0ance.. Talwage blows at the theatre . n And frolic" b6lt upholds laughing filld fu - I I � . .,. . . The Grampian hills ,*are �, covered with. I ier, iight where Bennett's ..a tile east P I . -lava- thercWThe lost on tile vessol,'has . been oil slioro.qver. since the news arrived of loss, and. dx- their appoarau, ap co'bithat6therwiseirr rp-' re b o6rping more in liensible city., And a a , .1 . - . will not Abdicate the unique position she . 'has gtbilioa, hub there aye rliIMIlY NN'llo Con' I t What right has Talinage to Imug I Vila .111 110 ifilfghS at May Make me ory. IVIIO is to 13 now ,.to, their bm�e, Rain has, fallon'hi torrentotbroughout the Midland counties, ter now, stands, .And rested . StOTMI.t6ok place on -'tile 16th of October, . ' 'he - 152 ',59 -her sell tile belief that the Alpena mud the. pres . .. I David A. Wells collided, sinking the Wells I number and greater in eiricliniference every - - tci � . , day. The importation this country, � . . Sider it possible. Meanwhile it is, I know, . . . illO Very Rev. the Dean bd the udge of another nian?s risibility so 11 I f ' . causing treineildous floods. Tile riv*()-rs and , tributaries mre byerfloiving.tboir,btunks intd, '44, and t big 4iorms of And were about ill a Same time of.ifie year, f rO& OctO- . And disabling the-Alpona,_ so that she wak I T1 Woils . . - .; ' under these circumstances, ,is only a ques. . I ' tioa. of time. . Por - I � ii I tps by next season the a fact that tile of I Clianii'61 isluaids.has sold his pos*ossiouh ''Jersey. that lie call preach. about it.? Iteiv. Mr. Potter held the jollibst and beEft adjacent. ileadows, Bell Nevis I'and, the bar .16th -to 191h. You see, they-l'occurkod juBt, about this. 'time the year. Now, Unable to cope wit h the-wuvos.� ,a . was sunlv off this. point.. . . *. � female devotees of IS,- mode w � illbaos suc�-, � . . ,and ta4ou his. departure from Thereby hangs which I ani% Pat fellows'itt the v�orld are , . . - Christian minis- laugh rrourlding mountains have been coybred all th slio�i for the last three ,weoRs'.' At W' - .6f that starlit. of October, '52, was it s6�ere' - Tho storm WAR felt se-�erely, but not Lake Superior. Tit , cumbed to a, fashion not' less Striking than. - . . thdr short.ivaisted gowns and large bonnets . a story . . ,permitted to tell., But it does' not follow. ters. Th6y,tell good atoriesi" and . . o a Christ ..*mt the same ,. Jesus � Bla�waohrdldicll, the iOO Was half an inch . - I , , . . . I one.' : Tho,pr6peller Oac�dg; went dowit on Lake -I]iriil, at that time with all on . board.' disistrously, on ord ,were some vessels bverduW-at,Dtiluth, but . � . I of our. grandmothers -or, let me ace, should.. . . . - because tike dean ,lima- gone into exile that . - . . Iiia daiLialitai ghduia do so' tod.�London.� ' ' . maillreach ;iu 1i Now, .do Y,ou - riwan. to,say,": lie ; . Mk4d,­�' ilifit; ..there- are no, Amusements, , - . . . thick. � . -.4 iiico case . I ,,.4ulfiting the . unoerthe Iowa rc 0�6ndacidqd. V I . I�ota.of veseeli wore destroy6d. Then there , ' ' the Storm of ,.,19,. when tj . � . I I . no anxiety was felt. � . I I � The velocity of 'tlie ,w.ind in the - late ' Leay:our great-grandul'others? ButUshion, . I I I is not unkind to the fairor sex alone,.. The .* .. . . I .. . I . �.. � I I I . corres1sondiout - � . .. , . � . in 1. spoken. of in t1lo i(iiiptixros ? go,** about , . . i ' DO gale ofintoxicatillgliq rishag I . 140 . . at Port6bello police court. A- pej�qu was was I .,ko .pKopollqr Troy, bel6naillg to B. B. Ward. of Detroit, _ lffi�ricaudwms,'at Ji.rankfort 90-miles.per,jypra, hour, Ludington 75, . ,por,hour, at � _%a ,gone forth that gintlemell's . . .b .� 4 ... ­'. ­ 'coilits must have baggy, sleeves., . 1. I Pairisimn.-Supp9siii.g. .that you are I . ... . . . . . -SOCIM with a. lady of a �certain age, &lid' * tile marriage at alla? U suppose 11 - - I at d I Lope that thmt�dhtlist sai to th9. r* a : T � seen diinking1i4tLor in a 5ioecir's shop, And P charged ran. Before th�t, laundered in Lake Hut - , ihouigh, was' the disastrous- Ull of 166; . at milbs . dr, at Charlevoix NfiWater 65 miles'ber ho .evening 0 The aspect of a' cerfain' portion' of th "' ' - .. I . . bar she be An . . ' u : '.. . 9 ii "'ll have E6 ver go bre, mournful YO. WI y -the Merchant, having.-bAn With sellffig him ll'qubor to be consumed on' tiles .very Again tbe',wind "s, let lobse ill, i66., It . 66-mileR per hour, at South Haven',59 miles . audience on t . I The Mighty I I he first niglit *f I . I I - . that, - - I .. Dollar 11 ' ,seriously impressea. me t, . I -old maid-or-Lho t - on to a dregs her . ­ 2. 9 ��� .. and melandholy ti a of it ?I No, there is .,. , 4 __ * ._ . �� 'Ill _� li _A *U,�. . . roml$16s, in�con trave)itioll of - tile terms of I . I was on Noitembar 24th, on- Lake.Ontari6 .1 . ,. . . . . . I , 'i . . I . ,,poi liour, at E_aist Tawas 5U.-miles-p6i %,r � r1A ;I . r h-ur at ­ , . . , � 0 . Although Turkish tiousers might be 'Ali , . ­ : ­ ,I, � or . OIS814. 4--; .. 119X;r� , ._10W_4____R_ . L . Kow ,ar U . .� . uti hourti As on ague 0 : . . . .... ,�� ... ... IIAMU ��-%�,�rt-ififttorre,pl'ied:th�itliddrinker-was aua...Likke- '131ripl, Tba-gdilo was aw � I - X t. . a% Were ' . . . . ­ � ­ 1-1 11. -11 On a, I ­ .. . . � I . . � a a �drivjoir 'allow . fell to . - I thil ..(leptl� _r -Ti1xvUrsereity-4c 'at . ­.. . . . 6f - I il'.. -._7:_. � .. .... �- . . �,retty,q and if .. 11 creitain Age 11 i 0 llmildl3pdr�hbllfj,� .LINVOStor- _.N,Ar3m.oJIJn there. proper. ..pl, 1. ws b .. . .Christian reli ILL cuslaruo'i tasting 1-inuor bef orb nurebakino an I I . I ." I- � I 1 i-f, 1, ­�,_�;t� +,' , , : 0 In cautiof be lookea upon. i indi erence,. . '. , . then c.*II*her M&denlOiSolle. ' If tho*pcison, we fid6pb the speaker'9 -dews, 'Behold, ' -P We noverlailgh-weneviBio-omile". r(t%4114. I it, to on 9. 'decided, � The madistra luesdoty . two fee b . � �Wssels-just djsmp�pmrod, Some I a auZt bel ing. 35 wi.lek p6r,lidur Bud .At Saud . , _ a 0 4o . � I � . . � . 1. .milo'g-per.liour. - . . . . I caL & U J I .v I gotl mail, in full dress. Stil! 0 1 . . � . � I � ung., .,. , ` , I � '-be U. I . . and uulovel� �all her Xadf��e - it. y I . . , : is* Only gallant to goem to� suppose - tbap 1,110 ter, ator, the lle-�. Daniel . jJe �, Then the moder . of the First chilich in Williams,' .that such.t"ting of liquor is not a violation 11 ,roe plio.. - - -, � -, . . �6f or's certifiq. . , - . foifilaaring in. Iiid'ses, others ' o -bet there; dashed �� 6.6 Shores. " I remem , f1deb �! thirteen! Ila lead ihrouJ,,i . . It is feared that1be steam barge 'Trader - ' ' ' Lake 4 lims. gone- downan. Michi an with t a ;main, 'conildes to tile - 01 It a' 2'a a ( I follow, is able, t o,affo, i . a" I I I at . ery ' ., ­. - , . I has boon the 6bje,qt of, siribeiedeVbti6n, ina I of ail fiffectioli foulidbd,6n the qualitiesof - burg, till aud. digiliAed, arose' to �posk. 01 r1i'llotter 6a1d,:1-11DkuiieI"UcAdJs tile Q � Lild, oil tile Clyde- has beeii ill, a fairly sat, &lid ,.tile hbalthy, oob.Altiori-, for, sometime P1. ,the was, 14 of paf � NNr6lla,ud *CA'al ati(J. . went into Ontario n . cited :RN Vb ' building. for the 8t, Lawr or. * , r . I . ,9 . utiracrowoft6nmen. , . 11 .. .. . *'I'll' Schooner George L. -Wronu takds a . season, vii.ioll the waite bacli- ofthe cost," too; us ' . � - her hea rt. ' On th6,,�ther haiid,* it -may be . I i, that alwaywfiddregB � � . � I man who: ox xc��advisocl another man to � , - O0MiQ.�'&IM06Ii ad A -1 knoW fti'j.z 14 Workmen -. aie beginnilig to dgitate for " �easeotwages. Themovemobtisin- an IT - ­ I , , was it A., 60�_-016nty.-four hours there ., . F , -11icrib ' S , . to to Collingw( c6rii from Chi )ad at Q,q.. . cag . -The Echo. is loading lumber - at the .the,c6ll t. d. d I ar urne own ' b Ratio scarf ellind. '118 ad one should .inaints. Vi ' . . . . � ' worulin in these conditions aB. Uadame, ad .. , I I , (Laughter.) 1. " tile indautilio coutinba.-to' ffiej ligme- ers, '-,thmk, � a d tba' olnetek blin ing storm, - n Let's there wa's tile , I . Northdru docks, Toronto,, for -SI. Catharines now the'collak is higUr I . I%- -which is the object of 'hei'dreaws if she be lle;F. Dr.. Aa,a imuc;bilra aria,b',gmn.­ �'Yes - � . - I � a. . .i 11 ' , ­` but it rLimored is . on the ir' Workarg, who are .in demand, illtei mching �d appro . raligod'a6zero. see; , 'mp. Tiiani ,v�ith 'Manley Robihsontifor her a at *1.40. , . 1 I 11 ,. . I I . . Oot f6ildwi' * ; Very back of the' he a I t no a can bi Ar * . a maiden, and_of�-�her pride, if. she be a - - I - n, - "�' . . ., �, * d'�� , . � Marna -:,tna - - . � . . . � And it-�' - - . �). ' . ' * 44 . ad )to . bt6ke' calla n F� heitp of 'trouble, - . . � I . .for. iner the employers 014 "tell for ' There is littler. 41=6 JOe' tailli 'all )rn (I tile Oswego, mud the North( . . . . B.elle;'aaa the Tornado-tbirtecu,.iir all , , Tolio-.\,io, 212. -The 11 g chhrteris - wer6 reported yesterday'; S.br. ��­618; ' ' .nature ., . , , , To - modern vivaVreraii , . ". ' .1 . .� ' . . . .. Aocort�, - it to the English papie;61dr�ssing - in the Rev. Mr. Pottilr.' : : .. . a trotible,", re ­Yes,it a used,�mo -. ri.veiiing- of. shipwrights.*joilling, ill theAgitation'Us'a, 'but only -two of'them escape'd destr1hatign, B0116,`upQu",,�Ilich whe'at, Toronto to l(ingston, 2ic.,; Sohn - . - SL C . ,. ' Louise, lumber to atharinesi own that Wa's in, v,pguewli( had iheir likeness tak I .. , . . . I at L, t1i 6,',!,,'1J' is characterized by. boldukibs I . . , a, .con I cart I:4thur 1..I!-,LL.-b,�-goO�l-�-t�ii(k-',,--A�t . . ,much. surned. the -moderator. ,,.A, mail, one of 14rge n1ober of.111ii clfiss�df to�tisftus firt) . I imemployed. � . I .. I .11 I . n One-being.the Norther . :1 was, We mmnagea -to get into the'St. ' " account.; .prop, City'of Montreal, barley*16o' the I .1 . . I . .. �� � I � ---. I., 1. �. . I I 1, ., - . r6eolltl.� oulig mioman appefirad� are saa. . J LtOtw ilia Members, of the church, sai&fif , AIZ4 , - - hu'd in',so'doing .- ' 11 As'a *orkmdTx was passing clown, i�n 614-, -'go"' I b __ p ..0swego, r _UrQ Iia,wrenco -�Rive; --but--hAd_�-to-7 -2J - Capt. Tripp also iepatts , d. � - I --I --t- �N­ I- --barley -,to-.-Laikb-, . 't., B10,11"ittim"Lu --:77 7 - ,-..,-,;. - I . . . like a �igmi'itio. childi wearing a short, ver . y ana'insisted on it, that I exalted. tile c�tnioalmauaol above the Bible". gallery, in -connection, with e� loll Used . " UlIaL!lay 1XI. tbvougli tile Iske,q1nd fii�do an angle of 39 I So - tile t hirteen.: vessels .9 c ir.. . Sy -yep or . ce oil, - . . . . .. . I 3 L"rio port, a. - . I . viiii I . * ' : ... I - short, lo�46 frock Without a waist, with - tin . . -mitionl'ol v wide bright-Y6,116,qi8ash.�itwopId. * ' We �qij,l,the d000dus to labor with him, but' keep Finfilly,,we had to i% Scotland, on" ccialpit at Carmy: . �wc�k,hedisd'ovetedtlie.�lteletbuof & ra%n,the degrpds.. ; -me of . swallowed- rhilit i 1P. 'It we's just about were . � . o. I . . . CUICAGO, Oct, §1.,.�-.Rates ,Are -still a&' , vanbing, slid there is a' Of - vessel ' jt winnalit '0114.0 W461 � ' ' . �. I I XR, I r- a .Uncy ball­ll'�., � " . have do��O capitally,fo ,1 Bab�." Accloinpanyinirl­thii'�bilff wits it, �" well Pit quiot; i . 'i mah* to. read , .Illd. him . , I did ad�.iso a; ' �Resh havingentirely wasted awitv from tile u6s hp . Lyhig-be$ide tbe',skble�cu% ' a t1lis time of the .year, -about the miodle of . . 0otober of that saime year of '60, wliag'016 . . I proSPect' n making. up V,r pit 8 cents MG ,it loidea yet. - . - . � .. , C,IIATHA31, . 'Oqt.' 22 . . . . . I . a. siti'ock-fi-ock, b6lded .. person in %wagg6ner', I. - the'-w;Li8t, tli�'Aioaa,g6mr, a soft felt,� in th000rnioalminac to.'fiis-dbildran,and to o . I . . tallcund4aug,li, -iblid 1, . I ,t again. - .I 'would. do i . � ­Y,ere :,blailk silk neckerchief, in a, goOa state OL - Ir of - lbather and a . , ,NV. a `f., * Brooks, of tile Northerii, Transport - � ,tiQu nile; foundered -in 14ake.*Qnta�io, near were bid an w -yesterday, but. owners , . cents � t, , 4 heat _nuffalo�_ With 7�. 0 1 f malted 'fu'V , I * ened on .-I ,,were op Justice' Armour. Mr. ' at keeping i�itli tEie 4reag, , This'Would have I . . I . I Anothey, Ile was sick . aiid weak, . and .A did ,him . go.0d. As to dancing and- the theafto there . . . I � proser-�ati6n, .Also,. pa boots, wliiich*�mouldored Away at the'touch. Besides these there was no of 'cloth- . swego ;. and two years from that time,ln .0 � - of tr62 - Trans- . -t6bek 2, &L.Lother Notthorn Oc cents bid mix,d 8 cents asked on ,brd: I a . Through rates are also. up, and I cents. for , , Ilroy wals'eharged wit, WOUB. The Pr, . b6th 0 . done for, thq,ljolly waggorier." . : I 1. I . also more fltted-lor.�Private theatricals than - I I I . 3 -only onerule. Hit i� 9, cause'of offence, if stian, . or a .9tumbling blabk to. Ana 'her. o hri � . .arbicle ing visible, but ,,on' -search 'being made for - . - pQrtutionlin.e boat -the Bay Si4te,­-:-fPlm- _ I Yes, and it *as, -.'ii Ontario. whelit'and 15 rentifor porn was .askod by, . . lhka and canal to Now York. . � , , 0 ' f r' ' ' Slit, 4 y6mrs, a 'age! a been three times mari fo'walhiug, was a id iorb blue sergo, With *m 11 twine nei'trimmiod'-with *.coiRS­artisiicaIIy . � .. . �. ifi�n it -is %,�Vrong 11 ': - �'- -- I I . ­ .� other. h6longipgsd the man a shi'lling1piece . of the reign of George- Ill. hearing the,da,te dered in Lake � ,)ropolio'r*Wfiter of ,6 1,, Whelk th 0 1 October � . . I 1 I * 13 nOw'-'bul dir The hirge'90iko,Yessel i 19 � dimensions i " . . .b ' Cwas - I n"lish in Bill 10. . enough, draped, a red. Masmuiello cap on the -1 . � head; flealiLcolorQd. hose 1. &Lid saild7shoes; �� Rev. Mr. lVotloy, mdlav'e in milte bellum , day's,ajiid� that lie 11 a seen figood deal at , * ,' * ' 'brethren of the yerar 1820 was'digoevered. It is be. ,twean�71�rtysfiad 116y.years since -work WAS' Witch lounder6d. in. Lake llurou..', All � r tile' about1bis tim� '61. year, you. see, a at Toledo,. A Hohooner. _11er. i are : Lonath of keel, 285 feci ; length 7 over' � ,` *team, who -died... - Oil being, a . A husband, she a Recoil I . ­ : . Tain 01$barltara are of..6�ery deodkiptiou . � . 'of- tf And kind, two lb indst.6onspicuotisluid. n: Ilia o� The and dancing I, . tima. . . t? � South 'danced � sMf III dances sisters in tho ' I . � suspeud6d in-thd portion the ' ine �vher6 of in . I tile iik'olebim ,i�as found, and it .14 A nlyst6'ry . ;-these la'st part of Novernbok� � ,It was 616,19 I � . days 'ill,. 169,, v.beli. the. destructivo P16 cf: all,. 278 feet, - 18 ,ieet.; depth, of 1 hold; -18 feet. Sho' will h%vo capacity f6r., r . . - ,I ii. _Jo,rau.nway 97U 1 . li ved for -a tim'o wit] . � . . � I . * �' , uglierit bHoing La choVs .white beret. Aca. m, Rometimis; there was no doubt of that. B'dt- in prayer-meeting'the sisters would - how t1lQ docopsed. baine to,wh6re - lie was . I . I I . I mlind occurred M.tho- foot .a' f LiLkO Mein- � Lake Hunon, Wh an Uie Thomas' 00,;000 bushels of g1mift, -widl LC foot d t rk i, *a Id carry 1,10,000 lid \�ith mrater.oinougii dou. was not'ffifirried.'. f maerie , a her . tliir , d I I . . I Frelich d;,o's toque4- red, like thdid that . -j' .94 couseillers'aa Im CO'ur de Cas- . join hands in a circle and Bing While they . . !found. ,;. . . I . - ' _. gckn ana,gii . ' or the St mits of A. Scott foundered lie .r . . � I - , a r . . I .. . � . , bushel � � � . . . T?p­ " limms d Franklin . I .. .; arOWOi._b . . I._ " .. sation � . . :. I . time ,witir' -their feet. Thq marking . . , � , , . i,Nw�.. � I JU, 4,oJk,82wlL r ' MackinaWt and fifteen or twenty. ves . Sol$ __1 _..__11 I � . . . .1. . . . I . 'yomrisince. SlIe no . , . . . . ' . . .. timd with'the feet to tile Sound of music. iis I . L � ' ' I -_ ­ - . wore stianded: in that localit� where tile WaKE C211CAG,op 171TSTERY: . family on -the carrier At the recent ll�m�riage. at ArgoWfin7 near uud6ubtedly dancin'g. Well,'the sisters . ' A Wealthy and Infutunt.ed Balle Xg-rnnts . . Alponfijs Supposed to be.' The proparbY� L . . .1 . . . ­ —, , - - aud tile afght"Idoiloassi I ok, ScAlmad, of Vigeoutit'Nowar k,to .Greenoi .1 danced and - the brethren got ankind. the, , - %*Ath-a Owelegralbla Operalor-aint-riml. a � 4 � . . I . de.droyed'at t6at time *as valamble,-tho 'W I Of SL N61.0d Counter1refter A N&on-ln-l�n- 11 ship, 'Tho prisoner'll . � anieceol tho-Duko-of We�tiiliugter,. the. � . sister, Lady Mary Pierrepont, I oh6ide of the -ring,, and one of'them gauight. . . Vutler,]Valso lklretencem�,Ivnry 'at tile . . Is . . . . vessels bein . g all heivily laden," . . . . .. � . . . �trrkitiitlid,*Irtli a X,tstrge .1-4�nnl ofIT'LOO'y . I . . I , : the :employnicnit 0 I . . I viscount's obb of tile sisters Vdien she bAd exhausted 'Tile" - Nwrn rarient.'t . , . - .[tit Tile captain Anchored here slid holy to . And 1106ilo. . . L ... . . . � Chathfinl.'�Tlio'Offcu was a bridesmaid. She, wore a priticesse� facannee fina, -h arself by ,dancing. -: - (Laughter.) : Pa.. Lox:c'di; .Qzt..21,---;A',gezisiY,tional*olo .. . . . ff . sly at his �ipe, Jil respon4efo pu %igorou . 12. ' AVA8lIXXbTft, DX.; Oct. 2. -The� mail ,been committed on. il , 1, .. dress of white cashmere I& white satin, trittimea -witIr,point Victor' brethren acparstc&�. whliatit comin" f6 a . decision on tlio'nimder . . .. . � � . . . ment is roported. from Wingh am. Tholady . 'Itima, eldest daughter in the case is Bliss E he added - an interrogstlofit! however, � I . I., Storms rarelyl if tire known to a Li - Arrested ab Chi6ago, by tile Secret Serviog . a rs is James 13'. ,Doyle, of Bradford, Ill., Orq a in tlid O' f vcuintt�; - . ,. , Prisoner. � I . , ". lace And turquoiso�blue'ikatih ribbon, with , - . 1, ... . O.' .. .. . * of Mr. Alex. McKibben, the wealtbiest nian .*over,, ' tj lakes At -tile ammo time. When -a gale to, � sori-in. law of th6 noted counterfeiter Brad. - I . . . . .. ­­­ I ..� , I . an overskir�of wl�ite sittin, trimmed with lace and,blue satin. She wore A�Wreath of - , I TXKF, RiJJJV JLND WJIL4 J#)LDIE f6, ­ . ... . � . . � . 1 ' � I - 'in the place.' About three 10mrs ago & I young man namod'Mi6limol Ouighley, telc� is ,blowing oil one lake Ahe others aric I . . seldom- affected. I don't sup�, ,lose any buil 3?ostor. The' prisoner'lims -.Spent � much tini.6. in, Colorado. He is a Jarmer. And- . I . . I The Cursoof . . I . . Y. . 1 R6 iter � . 19 tolgi rosos, rilixed with wh heather and 0 tulle veil.,For:an ormamentsbo. kcitina seclIC I U. IL bubilnThellire.. � r,. � . . I � 4 � Ails& Craig and graph opbrator At Literati, ' , . I . * Niolligail.isnowstirro1 Thewatoroflliake . . - lumbarriian, ai;d is reported to he wealthy. - I tha t �. . . .. (N. 1. . lVilfib can be said. .a 1 I . of . 1. wore- all, arrow broochwith the initials . . . It is not ab all unusual. far unrehearsed Scones 'to takoplaodin the6tr6s, and the I : b ther points On, thel, G;and� Trunk railwA31, . Want to Win,iham, whore'lle started a 81,01) E rid; iourcover, a more easily affouted'than I that of any other of thd,lafies, because it is- 0 avo.information Tile Secret Servic h Doylb has. bilen engag6d, in .-I, crooked" . . �xercioo in -the 'I 'mi y � . the bridofind gro6w in pearls and tur - . I .. - ­qfabigbAl, -and- a iyo-kri � durount 'Abovel.the I I I 0�icty AtDabll�u suppliad mix,Awhealpe _11 , _ .0 bxcitement, - for 6 candy, 'etc. . I the SAO f fruit, Oysters, "; _. - ____ , _ -W tad lie' li&'(T'a'ls'o' cbm#WoTtlio. Ddififilion ." i .. � )nly �igl)ty fact AtL tit() besj�, MOre-shadlow,p ______ -, ,. __ � ­ _ -_ -_ d but forty in tile neighborhood of De, la ug__qv6r silloq tlie wor. ..The jgmu aStig - _­ ' i -d- --geo 4 govern-" itriest was caused ch�r` H' mail, when'a Lond6n o . ., il, -of-c4ii6iiia in -011 c .. . . initials. 'Oddly enough, Lady Mary Pibrro�, . . . I - Pont presented her new siater-in-law with other nightl�,ith An clement of . . - if not of fun, of. -which tlib* printed pr*o. , . hiade�xiomentloif, and ab6utwhich . in his establishment.* 'Quighley made poor bema,iiay- in his business, and, was� ,unable . .... , troib. I have seen tile waters On fill these . lakes, however, badly Stirred... This is a. .oil; I f ment'defalcation',but the act. allows that io. Db�lahfld a -tIllul, Buell -was not the cm . .at the upper classes. I . ,,,it misfortune, I. saysi � "a silver tea-pot,!, mfid the �Io.n. �Evolyn I I , . -and Mrs. X14orrepont addia a "silver,tea- grdmilio the in bad tiot.e.vorl been ilonsultedi!'� I fine"or - "The Sole"rIt"I -was beiiia by Btr, �ftgenleuts, and the Store was to. Mast his onc . 01(isodelioi,tlyaft6ritivasopiBtied. Duringhis big- storm, but, only 'about three feet of �vfitot.- I sup�osb, is blown West, Ithd - I haVe 'be� of thousaud' dollar'. United ,States L. coupon bonds, sixoS of '186 There wore S* ofladie to be rich a .Always A their orde. .; kettle." Tile 11ou, Ilenry'Viorrepont pro- a serited a silver niustard pot. - The i6rmniS , I givety . larte's company, ;;Ildn aii extfa . D'Oyley(, I . . . bt&y in lvvibg�ham lie iiiade the acquaitit4ded Of &iss Mcliibbon� witli;41iom he rofessed P I I ., I 'I . ftilaii f t seen . it� when, . per raps, ,some 11 . ea7t bale. IV] hy, Pve sedft' it so . alk) found twerify-soVell, genuitio' hatidrea dollar tnited St0oq Treasury not6s. and lose, or never to fib ing kf,6qd walks. . . . of.11011TIOR Piarrepolit. gave I.,& stand for. . ,. . I �, ordinary r,ommotioil appeared to Ile going ' oil -in the' pit. - The 'terror tf the . to ilavo fall0l in love- The young' lady 'and was shifting� Ves in the rough�t1lo,tiebuldnot 860. it , Sol i I .. I two -one hundred .dollar ourialley notes, ' . f clot-ocar of a 6 t' country W , , - . . spirits." I . . �. . . . . Hast seen (says a wit4ter, in Sooiet�)' tile females had 1pdou'koited to* a bi6li pitch by t o 0 in up of 11 creop7 things . encouraged Ilia advances, ,in buen be- r,%me. inifituated with her 4rlli)g - Alike, trough if ollfk about a. biock aiWay, Gone. . rmII7 *0vok, : it is ,the a,wful . under, Ila- Tho bond'�'hfi;vo boiln gonorallypkiptiounced geti,buoinobyexpertsi .Thoaprisoiler is-8ftid. . . .� ,,�,U'ln�,�;�w L-v"D 16 Mal I now wintor boiinet*? �'Tis foiLrYully and .. - , -.1made," �' 'vow ,a -john'Welling 4 .%�ltll Win 14-," al r,ton Welh '.Quighley openly b6itstea of 11IF1 future � , 111.6tion, the shift -current, which proves to conb. 1.1 undi itains flimt . very.- roti co"I". S'r,�-It , with tile, . wonderfully finar I �vould �wms 6niarging, oil the horrors -of 11 4 farnily . pios�ects, Saying in thojibaring of' c01106ill. disastrous, Thid is one. cauao� of. so., much oat The tharcia. &'TtrWaker about his arr . , sooner, see any lady of my kin'go to Both . And come home witli hot, head' shaved than Vault," holrqt laidd rat Wis'sees. to scour alroung tinder. the"pit bunches. At abbe Pal0tios"111 giiess VII Come into some Pretty �411 piolierty one ' of those days. How �oinidorina " - I . 1. . � - Tile cap'tain was hero bit! 16 ploftsfuut, atnotint of bond.,; And motley . found oil Doyle is catiniatod ab :6210;000. Many Selves. - . -overvthin � ,0 -r parading 'herself in this latest , I view lie crea,tion of the a toliers of Madame Mo,n�- , there Was ounting in hot baste on the � .. -D Woula'I do for the. landlord of 1ho - runs, wick I �totI86 ?11 Quighley'spaientB live. ',it , . . . . goba evening. " 1. ,. � I : I 11 . I . . rdiwe been bonds be holds have' lont, :1t,.,,u boon, redcomed, and the liumber6 flave And. tent of .. . � 4 . talit". T6 What 641i 1 c6roplLro ,it ? Ito seats and 1 ud screams from tile Ificiin%. .. TheroWas,alsb:& rush.-towardstly6door. ' Lucent and it is supposed- that Ila wits aid- ' , . - t -, ­ �.. 11.1 . � . . . I . � .... ' .. . altore(L. - , .. . 1. I .. . ,,.�.'­ - . , . - � " course, P thillness'll .; nothing certainly on earth nor under tile . . I darth, and I date to aBsuMe that * it' Would 'the .The op6roi waS totally 4istogarded,-while 140 B0 -m rilili6Lry i0titleman, alid 5'po'rson. ad by'one -or more of. his 'brothers. The tn�etlng' took pidee at 4 P.M. Oil Monday, .Tile Buffalo . rt.vaning , No -,vs, i nnwly� bbt%7t, city,. colito.ill fle(Jaca joutiial of I R k . � . �, I I . . 11 - - 4 , - .,%. - - rillaTlitX400AL 11!14144ED� I , , ­variable.t . � . never be affinitted within �gmia where �, tlici Peri stood disconsolate. Yet, if I call. � . I whose. 6ognomen is 41 tile' G&Pcr*,1t coul. mcbeeratboattaelt. Invaintho "olicenian, I , . . tho.4th'of Ociobar'i ana at 10 pan. tll6 0 ouplo; word - unite4l, in , M&I'tiago statadeliftb th6 offeettliat a) I'll t1filbor otpool)lofrol,nst,(Iatliariti�sall�'Oti�le6til�(l- . , I . . . I . 1. . .&. Ivann-f4liat J)y )IF, -4' 111-oth0r,V016 XXINIOGIf I - , whicli'm , slid their . . - not conipaiet I call at least Suggest how it ',:, lapped Ilia holmot. , OIL .. tile groulid by - A. ' Me'thodist Minister rosid, . ing Country aro to 0-porb themselves to " . .J . filoll far 6 "bag. I . , , - . . 01 tunatalk , � may,150 Illadei Take, .,-two .Ordinary oval v6gatablo dishaff,1 he wire slimpes of that I v&i.IX ilia' and kich , od the Wainscot, In . 1. - ing � At 1 13lythe. - . Thu counle 1. rQ_ . roamed in Blythe all night, 41111 next Buffalo' afid for a conpideratiop be. register. ad, as liaturalived. citi4orLst and, vote for . � I Itky'll"u'. Oct, 22.�On Thursday night Walk a, cortmilil . __ -4-ennr-un4X1x 111.0ii"boo, "rto-baek- . _1_' , ...­_�_. 'k otho-hol- abovallars, of 116MOS, affirmad that they . -V(jlAm-fi1ii,ol,(Mro-i�-dic-o,tgo-s-fF6-�d-t6,fby8--vik-5r-- . .*�_ I., ­ . -triorrring--d-ep-u.ii-*te-fal-4ft I liowtrAx4i,ar4-41-nl)­ . . ' 'tioll, h -pi�-sident--tLt--t.lw-domixig.- ollac, - ,T 0 Itistti,foLirftiltrLtge(lYtooitpItLce.*a,tTizza,r(I's I � . I . Ilarbor, NeWfoundiAlid, Visit ;; ALi tit. 0 ften a —, conseq r I I v; low ill fro' t 'a where t�a f�da 'a t6,90, that" behiud will be covereduVofaourso. Then bla'andinvisibla'. . Tile animal escaped, but only " in A W to' momenta tore-appoarin romaivad, a few da-yriwlieli finding it ith- possible to appease the wrath of ail incensed paper Says that fifty or sixty fi�&tliaro now, and two or three hundred wilL be present death of a maii named Piore6luo"Intwell, fit . the 11finds of his brother,N wholaq Cantwell. Inuell I . . Bob tilaps. in your garden all(! catch a on't . Possessed, of the Most repulsively yellow. Another art of the piL The ladles, who word bacpaling valialiti were .-tllrowl� allow Parent Bliolimol, deemed it prudent to de- camp, forgetting to leave Ilia pflsb-611lee �md- altogethor, . At a grand review by George III, of the it appears that A -fish Make. bolongint, to , Cantwell has been for'sorno days pllst.opeat� young I �kork e - . colored skin, the, Mind of man call conceive, 101ay tilarclat'it6l cover your bonuct-shap6 tile Iii(IQ, thereof, and, to will into tarror, Tbus tile play went to its end _every ilow mud then the ist, 11 beaten to dress. lir,M.'(�ulglilo�'sr6pittatioilinflio pfigt-was that be was ratlierfmat, but of late Portsmouth fleot in 1789, there was A, boy who utea the silroucia with so much "A ' Tile ;� ' �Yll . ero(l with dogs, who destroyed a quantity of figh. Ontheevoning mentionodNisholas .. A ca - - eovero with you,, you . have jus6 the 11 top of tho fashion 11 where. head, You t , smiling 11 wbiftu bb iopos,'! but it opining up � a few momenta lima ollipsea., At Tast tile lid has been Steady. it is reported. that Mr. McMillian has dntored ail EL tion oth6t; . a- to Aurpriso every spo6tAtor- l"t'in"g %tticularly noticed it, And said to tothian .0i6tWoll observed what lid thollidlit. to be a dog prowl4l.g over tho-flaho,ftbaing. 'dark 'Ild 'On' mald . %Vitll to adorn your mitybo . mistmkohtwhen ;Wearind it, for a ravinih curtain fall, and ilia pooplb had turned to go, when the dragoon, tile policeman, &lid Against Mr, Quighley oil the grounds his daughter was not of age, slid that the , L " 'd : 11 Lothian, I have liefir(I imtch of your agility; lot Ila AOO yoli ruil, and rainy it tha'titn6, immediately . big and fired, but, on approadhing police lime lunatic; but what's t as long &a you're * 11 the g6n.tIoulail,who was hailea w1th 413� . yavo services of tile clorgyrrian were obtainoa by lip after t1im boy." "Biro," replied Lothinni got gun tlto pot, lie wits horrified to di4covor'that 11 other know . - fasbionabl0: . ., . Gapar�ll ran the ratio tile wall and kille(I also. ijretencos. miss Quighley midi I 41 it is my duty to �oll6w your majesty," . he lima shot and killed his own brother. A writer in Nature his boon applying the it, Tho alletnics of playwr'lglitg tgo,vo but 31"Mina Moxibbon, who 119'a just. arrived. at A ilaugliter of Mr, Cameron, marble . I . . , What . flicorlet-of facto whithover OU5 likes of to the explanation of' the graTual to lo . b & Pitt loose in the ilit, arid tho,re. 'suit be her 1761i year, is 6, young laay of Xomark' ably lippoarance still was dealer, Burford, fall from t6 chair and atolto in A U1pbn1l*AgOn dos�atdll ,says A tertirle hurricane, over Dentnarkon Weduco. . evolution ' should such AS to gratif the 'most �y prepossessing I 'Winglitur), hor arm. Dr. Chaffoy Was called to to- I I pasi6d dovelo�imout Nud present style -of droBs.. Malicious. , . I I . I looked ul)on ad ilia ll�lle of . I 1Z I I , allce tile fr.doturc. day, doing,much damago to shirping . ol I . I . . I I . � . . . . . . I-. . . . . � .D. I "I . . . . . . I . : . 1. . I . . . 450 . 1_ . � . -. .1 . I . . . . � . . . I ,­ .. I I . . 11 . I I . . . . ­ . I I . . . . . ". . . . I I . . / I I I . .. / I