HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-10-28, Page 2� I _ _-7— ' , I ,----. - - I - -_ I .- - - I . I I . 1. ___. 1-1. . .1-1. .. . . I � 1. . . I .. I I 1. I � 1. I
'. mesa, botel7keeper at Drayton, was called I A HAUCKV DIAN. VATUT r'Aurillixtu. $UMOVIOURUSIDIRAT19 Or, A WOVXCA . . � 134-tivIllem, �
.1 . WEDDED LIFE . 11 .who testl6ed to having seen plaintiff . - WO31AX* I
11 - , U utinal lstrenU 99 Wortane too! 4 Vntkna ioxperleavem, of n I -Coal is, 97 A ton. at Guelph.
. . at the station With two checks in Ili$ br=1 0 , Ivell-Itno'sVIA Cheviot — '
. . 0 din". . ! Itluker-Whe Uvog. 111111kerm nut! the A 31r0litivni 119an Arcusecl 0.11' 1,11urik-r- I-. I, a -c . I
- .. WaluamtFo W011S: Wh-'tt U9 "UOWS A�motber. witness testified to having � Itralmly Orgivis *14 $be I clausubelk, 00 =The Turkish poBitiou-illross-legge&
. � About It. . seen plaintiff leave the baggage b. Xames Norris, ex -M. P. for Lincoln ' ly'009 AplirOyed Rife I -A good pide%tor lawyerg�811)ux cityo '
: I " , 44041 Qlr 'Xu0'U1l,P;; ot'"Oh. i
I - car with A vali 13,11, their rx,eductm to Account. .1
:. . . . with � check whose headquarters is at St. CatharillOS: Mol;=Az, Oct. 11 -Tho, husband of a, ,aster P
� _ $0, -The postal winotlines stamps his,
. . Some, Allnumina Aunstratio s. . the 'llescrip- has met with a. streak of fortune this year At a, Sitting of tbQ Ontario Agricultural woman named Annie Walsh -,was arrested fe .
. , ,U attached, tallying with I I
� NEW Yoltic" Oct. 18 -A's Mr. Tal tion given of t�o article which the lairitiff .which his mau'y friends in CarlaU amdr the COMM 9-4 � zes, .
, mago I issfou in Porth, Lartiark.county to.d4y to Awaita post-mortem.ex4miriation pple Jack is first e,)wiin to .Tames-
. r otopped/upon. the platform. of the Tabor- claimed was lost through the fauf( of the United States will be grAtffted to lcarn.� Reuben titead I I . ,. Mr. . I
. .. man, ,of the townsbip of on her remains. She is ra ams ...... ...
I maple yesterday morning his face W�s railroad, Mr. BArkor was .about to call Some years since the, .captain. becarawlpro- Drtirmliona*, whose evidence relat _ ad to have died J . �
I � e(lohiefly suddenly early this morning. Thegromtct,t -Fancy feathers Bhriw tole influence of I
I I I wreathed in smiles whic4 shadowed forth farther evidence in the -samo line when Mr. prietor of 42,000 -acres of timber land in the to the dalr.�. intordsts, stated timt lie began excitement ,
�.. � �rovailod in tile noigliborbood � the o I 14 tior plaided effect .
� . in no uncertain way the pleasant nature of Hagel one of the plaintiff's counsel, re- StatoolMiclAgan.* Tlieprppertywasuutil 03eese-rnaki . . _ s I
. , rig six or a4ven years ago, on of bar late reqi4clice, dO Drolisdon, lane,
t . the 41$60urse whio4 WAS to fall from 4iS marked that his client appea,red to be in last winter almost -unproductive, the price - A roan named Lacroix was accused of I --A man mnnot Smoke tb vigar too. short
. t Q,, , . torX system,, but lay- .
1:.Uying tile Milk;
a , lips. He talked about marriage and the 4,anger of losing not only his case but his re- of lumber ruling so low as to tender latfWrl e intro need tor.making abio; ingmurdered,tbo woman, with wborlallo ulllo�s he smokes it too- long. . I
I I duties of husbands ,and wives, to thavyl- putation for life. Finally, after consulting operating in lumber or timber tl� losing lie a the i4tronago of from $00 to 400 bad lived aii her busbau --Look out for fires. Petrb pa tl�o new
. , d,'though not 111ar r'
dent.delight of the wompa in Lie flock, with Lis client, be stotted to the court that buoin 00. ,,,�Ejq,st winter, thinking that the cows ; be t. Ong t the .tendency to go into rjea to her. When, the police.,myno upon BtQvepi&a donot lit perfectly.
, . be.sermon broko he would accept 4 fiba: ult, as evide had., i lh , .
I who, several times during t 8 . lice � r464 long of t a tirnes, were in f�v'or of an I her girl -
, . �lb dairyingiathat istrictwas increasing ana the; ground the. 'Mat of the -A beggar set up btish.c.,,; tivi other day
1. � . . 1. I
.. into, rounds of rapturop, applause. BO- been sprung upon him which lie was -not I advance in prices, Capt. Norris sent a large he knew of seven factories within all airem Ivas present axid half , aog(.,,, fomaie4 with a Small sign roaditin ' Ilk -111, wanted.' .
.1. . ... ginning with the assertion that a blonde propq,rod to meet, the pleadings not having ' number of -men I into big territory, end, of, tenor fif teen miles, each having 200 or Ivero Ili the rooni, all of tilern �
� . � disclosed such a defence. The court enter- -Why is the discovery North Role
4 might ma,fely .marry' a, brunette, and ostablislied an entrepot at Tonawanda, ,�,Qo cows. ITO estimated the cost of manu- drunk and unable to give any coherent
. � that a inaiden with A nervous temporemexii ed a non -Suit. , N. Y_ one of the largest affairs facturing 100 pounds of butter at 25 cents; account of the inanner of the, wommix's Ike all illicit W11NUOY lU3TlllfkLI3t0rY? 1313,
, . I
. . might fearlessly bestow herself upon a I . of the kind irk the United States. B vents where patrons brought their own Mill, death. Tile body was removed 'to the causelt's a secret 11. 1.
. phlegmatic youm - g man, and remarking in- ovicat A ii-ill:113011VILCU, havo proved the correctness of the captain's the charge was 15 cents per 100 pounds. ing - -It is said tile .epizootic attaekR men So, I
� . morgue, and the police notiflea to, bi
I Claolitauythat there WAS 1; no more .need A Traint Ifflown, froul she wrackand JR1.1.34 judgmont. Lumber and timber have ad. Tile average return of cbeeso - pe'r cow - tile, worneu present to tile coroner's. jury well as horses. If it would qjjl� attack ,
for the driving -wheel than f or. tile brakes I . vanced in price, tLQ demand has become was from 900, to 300 pounds )at season, this. evening. Wil a hand organ its. m6siun woula Up. bt, (in �
. I CA heventy V ect "o,wynward. . � . I On the jury met tile Only . I
in marriage relation," iiii said: It I will, good and the rpsult is that Capt, Norris representing aboht lj� tons of milk. The witness sober enough to, vain. .1
I The New Ze give.ovidence was . ,
however, take it for granted that you are &lend Herald says - 11 The has clears(! §100,000, on his lumber specu- cows are ellerally Durham grades or the man ijaeroix, and he waa too drunk. ,�-A 11 Gems of -thonglat " %vri ter so, ys
all well inated and that A littid good advice trainwhichleft Greytown for -Wellington lations I I -0 a of 11 No star ever �
. . this season, and has, excellent natives, all lie 11 uses'. all Lis stock Ila win- to give many facts. There were mark .rose atid ' A without Influ.
is all. you neea to in at 8,80 a. in. on September 12th, when just prospects of realizing still larger profita
; � Rho heavens of your I I . � . -ter. The whey is returned to the farmers violence o ate wonian'o bodY, * once sloweivIlem.".:,�4 , Itnly way With -
, - Ills during tile winter. With- the advance in , I .�
. ho b6yond Cross Creek, waii blown oil the I* , n tile unfortug
I Mae, First', 1'remark that a spirit of . J I;� Qlo� ,
� to feed to hogs, aicept,whero hogi are kept and a postwmortem:<&7w0natioix Showed . a lie I 1.
. colnpromise must be dominant. You Py an& harled over a precipice seventy feet lumber, of course the price of timber land M tile factories, Mr. Steadman .Y* , "", I ,
. . high, The luggage van and passenger car- . I I thought that these were .merely superficial, Cora. -4& prominent doctor. remnimends a
, �
-, (looking straight at a young woman in a . I ]has gone up, and the captain has in - this a r'actice of -growing green fodder was geation of the Ion I gs being the cause of, drop or two of camphor oil si-ar, daily as , .
� I
- ' I
I . charming fall borinet, Who, seemed to to. ringes were ovorturned.. The couplings * did �,espeott,added to his wealth. The captain yet be 0 dial. - Ile, preferred keeping death. The collipmmon of the deceased a pre-tentive 'in families wheret' dipjlWerig,
1. .1 I . ' 1. I
I � I
� I sent it) ,I must- remember thar, you were not break, but still held the carver frames i also . owner.of ten Steam and sailing r am , Scans . o " _ � -god, and. tile body sent has broken out. - . I .
. . h 0 When the mill6lig failed 'was then tliscliai I
tp the engine, which reinaftled tightly grip. yea, . . . I
. thirty years forming habits api�licable to a I- 11 sale and several flouting mills, all of t o cow could.be put to beef. Tho valve for burial. . . . �
I . single life, and that your husband was .. which Iliave this year yielded, him -a liavdw o 'a beast could be doubled in one soaaon . . abs, licit de- .
� ping the middle rail and luckily hold firm, . --m�The Ontario Government I
. .
. .
I even a longer time. You cannot expbct 41th gh swaying visibly' under the A�rain.. some profit,. inore p6rhaps than, hislumb6r- by feoding, and no motecould be (lone with . - __.. , aided to waive its right to arqmiut- Queou's
I Ou I � . .
I The wholoof the upper part.of the car- AN U,N,V,ALTVX1'%'1, '1710TIZI..n. counsels,notwithstanding the recent action,
. � that everything is going to work smoothly . ing operations, and -taken. all, Ili nlr-ib is a milch cow. The Ayrabireg, though good — . I
. I -
aless there I- is a spirit of compi6nift riage, however, ,,veto smashca into match- believed, by lh4c who know that file mill�ers, - -were very interior - for -be6fiug' . of the Foder&I GoverrAllierit. I I .
U, , . . . .
Lot your rule be that Ili all mat- wood and burled, over the precipice, pas. Ager ox4prhla x,elt 10 t1le ll.,73"411 '40 Ole. 1. , "
, . . paplali,n'a not profits this year have not. purposes, Ile had Nind the old Canadian . . .1
-among b . I -8ays George Elif;t-who wight to
oatterbd, 'p � .
. sengers and debris. being a �. a II.kmv,l%, Oct., 10.-Aboqt fofir weeks ago� ' know I
, ft 200,000, A large number of Wde-(Ta to bar excellent Milker I lid- while if anybody does- Uak.rlag'e 1'.1"14 st4to of
. I . ters of moral i)rinciplo your 460r� . t. an 02 s A �
I minatiop .shall .Ed irou but - in 'all the boulders clown the'sida of the. declivity, St, Catlia,rilles people are now employed in the G allaways -,veto hardy and good f adders, a, lady d iscovered that a sorve.ut girl she higher d4ties-." Yes, Geor��iv, and thei.
Minoi but not falling, to the bottorn,' Tbrawhi . had in bar employ for a low Months was
. rmatterawillo,W. Intlionextplace" 10 tile oaptaia'sAerritory in Mk . chjgaa 41,114 in they were not equal to -good. DurlaRms I on 110mant, vis'.a th, Jab irer is worthy of 0-r. I . . I .
I l9d the I ' . I ar 0 Silo, ad . I Ids Ili, ,
, .
(Mr. Talmage now removed his ,eyes frora tLe wreck of carriages limig suspenc . yar(b, tl�t,Toriawanda. I � . . . , as milk4fro., He thought the. sailing system 0�1, who had'no relatives here, to go to the -4 Boston phygioiall lk1h%ii:g aiscovered - -
� - . ... . . � . � � I . � � lui-lit -iiag
- - - - - __ - =_- - -the-youn, v(3,mea-and-.Iaste.,ie"em..U,O.ell- above them, and hadoit given way 'or -the I kq in; god as cb%y,pQX n
6�e-ft'� :;-_;4==- -_=� ;=_ - - 1 -WIT- ; — -
. . ___. - "tied g6il,96natili�"'-in--iy6--e�lleiy _Oii01XiZRN5_: 6V_0iF�-�611-;Zr-6usV=h&vU7--b __ t _ - V -4411 ufter.-liel,-,i,llxieami,,.oW.�tl4,�e- -that.telephang"relhli'l - 0'. *. _-
, _
. . .. - N�o t; svort I say �40 por Rare, _ , . __
I . .11 a M. 11 a: � 1� _ . . lid, __ ,
. crushed t a jolly, as the gully at this place- I � 1 � I wff I IF -girl did so, TbQ child was'boru in the a 11 !" 6, tbp�it� ,
... . * there nollst7be consultations, fiequent � . 'a . - I ___ . Would thko.thiOO acres of indiffem umber of people; acuor�liit
I . I converges almoatto a. pointhear,ly ahun. A NolyzIne coute"Aphried by vandA-bilt 'lit pas &0,bouse, and witl0lie mother was cared tro: t Free Press, ba,yo ,bugua to iaot in
. :ull, between men all(! their wives. You . . I ture land tO..lmaintaia a cow, while by Boll. far till yesterday, 'wben the motl ..was their ears. , . f` . . I � ,
. should -take- ypixr.,business matters home. , dred feet below, so that had all. gone down * -One. Day -to Aselftyed HeiW I ton NON I y crO-would be an . lei . .. I. .. ..
. . I they Would hrtvb been orusbed into a com'4 Woric mitil Liverpool. I , , I . mg one a fficient. - Ili mak. allowed to g6 and take the .child ' wi th ber. . �A city- clergyman said every I blade of �
� That last ugly failure of yourg might'liave Jng butter he used caus twenty ii4qhes deep Silo wl to - wrLip - the infaut grass was a se Ito ilex t day lie Was
, . .'I . been averted had you taken your,Wife into pact, mass At.thq bottoM. They.layaround ' Nrwyonic, Oct. 17. -An important scheme borrowed ashi . .
.and niaoincliesin dillmoter,Ny'Idell, were .. . rmon. ' 'I
I I � 66rifidence. Ever for.a t;me uncons6ious, and those who -first has come receiver, Tbeywere ' MAS1131g, to return .it. liater in the . ' . . n,wben', . 1.1
. . . . your business I .y4usbAnd . 't6 light, within .:a few daYg,re- filled,, 4ireot.frorn the 'd'l'yP.7'10,e fbok back tho amusing himself by,clipping 34-1 1:4W
. before . he enters into'. � busineiqs:partnerm . d .their senses desbribed-tho scene garding the. fordign shi' trade of the, theris'etin spring waterat about 45-d6' Shawl, tliaultiiig tile h parishioner said. rh, ,
. � . ,� . I � PTIng , "llit4's ,jht'dpcior� .
1. .. as a fearful one -killed aiid wounded lying! Now -Yoric Central r�ilroad, 9'"8 keeper for it, au4 said silo.. had placed the on . I I
. � . illip with Any man should introduce that I . . which, if true, for from 24 to 36 hourii, after- which the t your sermons short." I . .
. . man to his wife and get her opinion �of 6roiind in all directions, cbvel!ed with blood, will oreatela sensation in railroad circles milk was skimmed. Tbaoroarn-wasoburn- child with some friendit- to board till slt6 -We &to not �very' allkervilig, 'but wo. - .
. . - - 1. . him. She will . know in five minutes" and the train above suspended in mldair� w could hire a. roorn, and that silo was, to b3 J a ti I
-.1-....�_1-1. . b., - I 1. I . more . . and cause considerab flattbring atnong ed sweet, rind Viie'aldmin6d miIh,;.as,.W0I as -harri d ' I— f' """"'f"'tlio7tUiTd"iyii,riI . -1. .), � Y.q, Do. PQ tb.at tile first thi it,
. a 0 at " hilih, " Eli �:V YIijus'Uhi fid'-woald - 11 Ad" lthreatening.every...m.-om ... �. 0_9 . "..., , I , _thq. othet-4W, )JA -as told is i a tothe athdr 16 6. I.,it. 'fo.r�jj��l�jll'j .,"-.1---1---,.,
a =a doc, 04 I Jg A I � . OY4 i� �l��iil,i 14 :to a
a ga -bu,tto=-Allg,-wits,llggil.IQ6-tb&.JX�991 . . . . . . . ��� . 1!1. ...
I ... I'll, ... I s._�R� a ig A ln� -_ I
out in ten years. .Very likely she wont be � ake ivas detac'ed to ran - 'I I 6rf�fli th`&'..' Tile ew YOW-OrliGrat of cheese, on6 being equally - as, goad as the � . . I 1L, 111 M'rlle-IPL9� - 'Ictv�
,. %p
. .�,_�Thp=a.tAgy
AV ell br . 0 Seemed�i�-.qw&UIIFA almos"t
I . � . - . ( pu ri .... band 1) po i ....
. . able to tell you w e doesn't like him, incline 'for assi$taniio. � The two produce Hudson River RaUroad Company has made other for that purboaii. The c1nirping Was , good4iratured girl, and. her story'Wall ",a her back li,vdr, just tio'se6 if it's all tight. I
I �
I I I but she'll 'say she !iLl*t' and tell yod to waggons wero,also capsized by the gain, and-, a contract with the now East River briOg I a, plausible, that it was readily boli�ved_ Ill .. .. . I
- . . . � 4onebystaxim, in 9churn sixfeei lonjli� four tile mo&lltim A 811011T 11011H. : .
I beware I I After,ten or fifteen ydows'if ypu the engine had to sustain -a double.9troin of which Is to be constructed next year -from I I a some .children who 'wore ' . . . I
feet in* diameter, When the cans Ivere 'down in the woods, near -the and of South . . 0 -to one' .
. . fail to take list advice, you'll go homi . , the seve4al vehicles hanging over the pieci- I . . Buy .. I. Canto Two. . .
. I a some . .. this cityto a point above LongIslandoity fdr gompletely irmilersed the croam would rise , , I (Itial , . .
': -�� . piceil,t both ends, full wei tht on the coup- exclusive right of tRafreight tran'sportation ,Street, heard achilderying, and o,nexamina- . (fall; , .
night and say : I Well, MY demi, you were , in tell hours,, but when only sot hitbe , - Burst,
I -
. I .right ; that iiian has cheated n?e out of my lings, which f - , , % fast. Two of. from -Hunter's Point to Montauk Point, � tion found 9, little one. lying Miller a bush % il'Y' . , 1. , Dt,y, � I
water it would takotwenty-four hours. He, . , . I Yun. I � . , i)UFit.--. -
;_ . . boots It"' (This was one of the points at the children killed oil �ha spbb -were sinoth- .L.1, Mr.Vand6rVilb has secaredth0ah' rt�gar I ded the marlufacture 61 8kimmed'rail k without any adequate .protection. .They - . . .
. � I 6alile in.) eredindebrig. The other was partial] y'do-, -golute .coi)&ol of the Long Island railroad, ,commtni6ated their discovery to the coacli. . An excb&nge pri'ats it 1, r, i ig article ,a
I ---Which the applause of the women cheese q4ite as profitable and porhaps More . 11 Science at BreakEwit,'l 'v'n1a, ,
I " Of course,'! continuer capitated and its brains dashed out. The and lie Proposes to afect it tile latter place So . . mail of a gentleman living nearby, and the 10 Ispace,
I I Mr. Talmage; P -all I � - .
. 0 third v�as'pickcd up not quite dead, by' . than that from crown milk. ITO had infant was cared for aild,"sent to the ppor. Wasted. Science at broal�fu�t is pettill "
� this is Oil tire Supposition that your.viffe is , a grant foreiirn'grahi &-rid provision shipping ..,,,d Canadian Salt bo.th' for olicose'aud I � . away with fourAict,s ('if haj n
. a fo.ol=that. you didn't commit 'suicide Hugh Dickson; aria of the -passengers, house.- Thdrethemirsasatonoo, reco-niv, lid.. alf m.
-1 ... I mot. I him.--- !f1tatiou, and, lhe through European freight butf,r,mak�g, ancl.navor heard any- faalt, -ed it as the ebi %,d -a�y s
11 � --I-- _.c6rry her, I la of --the IVolllRu,%,h(I dozonoggs .while you.r --�ls iw* i -, . - �_
I I at the marriage :altar. I know of a man" sbIf rnd6h fiijui&j. Ie' tried to I will all � be seat Z�cbj without breaking .found wit� it. It wa� ti*gtrorlgor sf)41�� arid - - . .. .
1. up the blink, but she d . led in h . is arms, be . I . . �) . .gon I Ing kis napkin; . . ... I .
. --,---4Mr Taindacd)e'hadoaiightthe�delictbte little . .. � - bulk,. to Montauk, Point, - At this po!Wt had to be used more spariii�,lytlia-n'.L-',ti,glisli .a out in the inorning.' ', ' . .'. .t
. gold chain attached to Lis eye-glasseg' fore remchina the top. Whon the special - iminenso elevators and storeliouseR are to . �. . . .. I � Will you love 1110 wilell I ifioula?"
and I � . - Salt. .- .1-10 bad also used' an ingredient by �- . I � 7 I -
. . . *as twirl4ig it in a jaunty fashion.) '4, Who train arrived attlie. spot vith doctors, the ,be, created, and -it is'claimed that by those whiall, butter could be curbd witbout's0t; We rend fit Nature all account, of an said the:ybutliful irloclohir to .1lid'sweei- -
. had. kept his - business affairs a secret from force of the wind was so grd(bt. that.1hoy had direct' shipments fully one day's. sail - will � 11 : "n - 11111t,� She cast .1tv'r - eycs-', Clown -and
, their hands antl knees, tightl its composition - see . a. tj e -fruqae�it - I I
. ' Iiis wife, having allowed'her 6, certain to brawl On . Y bb -saved between -this part and llver�ool. ' was a wet,'blft, lmfltar ,gin:llous, method fbr obviatin. I aasweted in the affiriiiativa, atid I�e.w.as'so
� made with it had kept its fl;�vor under any stoppage of.tralus at stations, a.1 yet tic-
, OR * I , - .- . I . plated that upon leavill", hei. prosalloo he ''
. sum ell clutching. the middle rail to - avoid. -being , X,6 is stated that Mr. Vanderhi t's-busilloss I . ..
.. month Without ever questionflilg . . I I . .- adverse .piraurnstances, 1041MModating the, passengers, from 111tusa I
. :. . , ' I
.her as to'the use blown over the �recify�ce.". . Aroad fias 'been to arrange fully forth . . . � I . Started off inimOdiately 0
,she made of it. Xjll� . I . 0 1 1 .. . g&tionawhich-busbee A .. . I , oil li, bust'.. ,
. . . . '. I . . . ,- . I - I .. .. n ovised by a INU , I. ,. I
I . . . .evonin'g he Wep . .. . details of ihis..great,_�eiit�r .. .-1V.I&-s.
. . � t..,JA - � . , __..._.:_. �.�",;�,;=: �__-?' - .1 11., - .-- - PrSSe,i-aa4a.,Iin.p,_,,�i_. m -r - wril- -- .-Vilmir - :.l,16=e-��.-.�:�'-::'-�Wr&i.tiTg."041,r-%ngO -aomj-wg� W 1. . .
., h;a,Q, .,aa.(1,.abraptry,,an.. _�. . . . , "BobAls- fl.,D.r—,—,-�;xl:udlfbiltd.l,-.�-WhiD--WM7R--
I .11 11 ,.- 1- � - .. - - . -,.., - ". .." , 1_- � I - . t� _-
... , ''... I—— . -1. 11 - . ,, - . =,r a- liw Ill, _runtu Z27., .--.--- . � , ` , , ii .f!L: It. (,11gir, A11ch.,, and,
�_ I- � ............ . ....... I. --....,--...���,�--.i4,o,iia6d..,,t(",Ilia: .... helpmate - tll�&� Ile— WaS" 7-- - A%�ZtXP_X`U !X�F"`D3�"'R'. . I �, . ,- --of-,sto&mr-rs-�h4s-bouii--bontra-cipiL-fb-�-wltlr* I - t ilig a ll,com.engu , - sp -,Lial goar, and � . arrested laZit month at �3 .
- I . Slam' e of. the'large Clyd4 builders, and' .It seems increrilibIt-, ,from a -osen , .. t ab Ivith. . .
,. . : - — . 11 . ur pi .
; . ruined; that he was unabl ' , .Somo f � ongers aria. itiggago, is Ill ... a �akell to-Philadel�lli,�,f,()I.,trittl� adliiita ihst`� �. ,%
. a to meet a large - spaco or pass � , I
I . pa-yrrient due tile next day and 'Would ..be '[10"'Ible Trn4edy lat 11'erniont-Suicide.*6f 01- these, vessels; builton piikpose for -the Stlind int (says a rQcout visitcir iii ti . to on a sidltUgat the station, iW(Tilicked. b n6arly'40,000"bOgus dii)fbinits'.bave been ! ' .
I I the ITIarder . . I . Ifni teT. States), that so short, tilve Iwo, - in UP .y 1,
� compelled to, go 'Into binkrUDtCy. The . er-Ghinstly Details. , Newyork Colitral r�ilway lraffic,.-will be � .. . , . . 0 the ti'aill, as,ib,go.es. past. The -latter, by . 'sold in this country all(! Eutope. fioni, the - . '.
. good wife comforted li-ini vhth te�der words LYND , I . . . . . . I par : c6n.gressional Ulht, , the eleotkio� tele- I
xvmim, Vt., 066. 19 -Byron Blake f.... _y for cambow of �
. . . , "I 6, reaq,to sail to this'c6untry .. ines,118,�Of--a- book- -6a�;-tho.*-Aa�b 4carriage;� -tWD:ini�,Ututions.of-Nvaikh,ho-,-w"--thi,..�e4j,i.,-'..�'-�-,-
, -_ -.r"- � I . .. - :=Min '. - �gt 'aP1rN%WCq11wfft X -W .- -lid --vdtaa,i)lt6 . , , _ .
- . . � . .-- � .., ;� fif. . � .. � Idlua (I h . , . ' -Plans.have .bbon, prapaied for a large *
.1. . . aud-li4ar-in tho6vbnin"' fI'"- - ero sib.' iff-dkddi&ZL-Ei'��6tli6-r;'3-ls-f--'-��a' ' jbir - reig. -ear�n es ring, , - catches 6 ring .Supported orf a post, and ban.
. g, as icy w . Or an , step.fa , I ON. - p . .1 . .
� . . . � 1 . tingtogether, said,' i-yy . . � I. I . I : I.. : alivion; fr6m whiqh it. -could never rise. . I - I . i .
. . aear, would, you with a, knife, tIf6n Lung himself in I � -� __�_'. . )ri�t�ilg iteolld. With rt, e'able wound on a drtilm � Ili slimmer. hotel to beerer,t�d on, Bellvidere ..
I �, . . .When a.bill was 'presented approp . , _ , _-...-TI �- . I—— .I I . 111. 1. -- 11- ".. ., __ � . , . t, '. . . . .
. look up the dell . tlie-wor& 11-inde. `W.Iieplock, this !forenoon - .. - '- - . "Tho'Gui-idilici IS .
I . mitiori of ,
;. lnsftriity� Tile T116 NOT01 Theox-3, ot n. Ciefrchnn cheakii6l. it"ti 111b waitiho carriage.. mroupoii tYe.drum ioig its, arry Sourr(a. . , '.I
,. . . I . t ' , I . . $�0,000 to be experidod',. under' thetl on If � � � ,0 - ,
. . I .- pendence ".-Ili Webster's Dictionary?' The 'Murder occurred in the town of Sheffield, - T&the ot�eiii'm'p'ortrkntpr4opertiesof'W;6oI ies of begins tb- illiwind, and 4n, doing. so c0iii. 'be three stor6ysi .bigili, 60 by W foot, sur- . - .
I . . . . . I I of the..Postmaster-Goneral, in a sdr , , - -, - , . ... . .
I . I. unhappy man illechanically turii6a* to the: one iiii1e. fkom Wheelock Hollow. .The which are- sufficient proof of its - suitability ' . its of.M r, rin�s, while the�ar.' rounded byta doubl� verandah, alld finished , ...
. I I . . . . . . . eiporindonts to test the -Meff .0 ge7a preSSeS It �;�i�l� 6
. . . word, and there, tollis utter, astonishment, .murder�r,� Biro I 11 a I 6 . 1�.`tlp. 0allally illor6asing ill first-class �yle. it will � ,
. n: Blake, was� 26 years: of' tinge is in gra and furnished I J
, 1. . . I found a crisp- $500 bank note. The-' 'good Six, years a for painting, a fiew one has been added by electro-magiietic telegiapb, onii rapth-be'r , to that. of -the. I trRin. .The brigineofthecar- be a 11 kesqr� for . it I .. ,. , I.
. a , _ go had spinal *difficult', - . .no,summer Ila= omans.
. . . � . Y Profassor Ta0cfei'a latest investigations,', moved an anielafteilt requiring half the � .. . I .
. . . . I wife then sehb1im hunting for i number of ill-cil"I'luoll.aagioned 'loss. of -reason.. He was wEich -we ill %nly mantle . . 11 � . . propriation io Vd uscd. -for the eneou" riage then ,winds in thedable, the trail' ttild '-'Wh . it lau Ann I . incosAlisk. b&. . .
. ? , .. � I . - .. I w n bric y, as an ap . rage, I . enapoiic � 11 11 �
. I I I other portinbrib words, -and--before flip 'confined to th6 a@y1urn for two Years,. and explicit description Would oc�olipY ioS,mA61i' fhent'of-mesmerism. Anothqrproposed"to cariiage are Connected, p0sengers are-trang. will discus� the que�t .ion of a hour, 130
.. ; 0 t,
� 6 - I . search was 'ended; 'he hid folind bnough returned home c6nsider6d. safe, but' of all Space I .'. Jaeger , - ferred (the -carriages being of the American ;bow or other all, the I - boys ', x - I -r iih
is � has proved.1lial Ili our indbide . Milleriani in the,' beUefits of. the I I .1
, . V . money to pay -all: his* cibligations," . Th . li�ly. ieihper. -T;EiS mothek,-was 63,' -step- ,,),rg -to clirtaiii gaseous vol, appropriation ; others to appiopylato �Varb type) from ttie ,joined oarrir4g4li -to the'traiii, are, expect him td -begin ,ivi � . ,I
. . � I little anecd . ballis n there a I xtile, a: . 11 .
at - - A: School �t6achcrwho lives 4 . called by"*Lim,. "duftstoffd" of the , Sam. -to 6. tele-rapli t� the moan. I � 'two are disconnected' , 011--Astheone I
' ' and- the engine of -the carriago working, on
0 . was aladthe o6caken of ap . fMber'74. k this morn- Stan. a, I . caj�d to j, final vote this lid vicoversm, than the, 't
I . I PI&use Oil tile � part - 'of the' women. Tho �au "'
. . . . tfio house left theta at 9 b1cloc' ,:odorous stibstafices), Wliichj�v.'%�very And when tho.bijl . . llifie, partleli ,azA I
. third. rpcipo !or domdAi6 llaginesd 'Ovon Ing. A neighb6r went to the house .at 10. �Inpbrtant I j .1 a k,to the station lines * I .
. � . �� - the Wheels brin'' , it bael
. . - - 1LYM._.1V_ I.., _.-.ii --51- __ . __ __ __ � _.- I _. _part,!_is_ yet undivined. � .tie f, three votbs. . �S . .. . �
I I wag so close tb&t 6 Cll&l2gO 0 I I . I 1. . .
. r. aT.6ge- consise- 4 . 'thekffaUe-n-d-o-o-r,. he fou-nd andeavorsto showthattlie, actions of dur would doubtless. �avo left'i%a till thia day I I . f- , * . . .
. .0 .
. a] , . .,i%�,, an opening - . �
. . ,.. C. . I . I wligilealt,was talcon.
ectar * t , 110 "' maniac's mind, aro'coutinually roliftred fr'e* in tile witliout' the , benefits - bf, the telegraph. I No matter it we �
. . . - . vice that thdri3 should' be*.`no7�6 8 --the ghasly renihins of t, I _. Whatever joys ofli
. . � - -between man, and' . fct�ims; ,Tbe -body of- Mrs, Williams 9 - Lord Redesdale, - somewhat sliabbily
� said he., . mife.�, . 11 It's -a bad Signed vi ,acts.. of bret,,t�ihg 'and perspiring., He After his invention was in w.orking'order, drossetl,' as is bis won't, . One Wall cooked,111
. -.11 when. ei -lak with 'her I recently went to - Than seven mo
. - I thet. ..party .1offers any . feet lipai the door- that, 'discerns two diff'e'ient groups of...Qdorous 'Xinistu `on7 'bus' I
. -- objeo ion tO th, opo" . . . . the F oxel�n . ,Iness. . . .
. ust and unlust Stage'! (sub- moreandlyashington, Mr. Morse'6ffared Kii0oking at the door, lie . was received by 9 Five dt9h as �nrti eft
, � . t, a ning of big'brhor letters he'op.pned, that of. Mr. Parks lay near the. substAnceaf 11 I . .. and transmitting massages. between Balti- see . .
. 'by I the oonjugal-partner., Bowake'ofyour sitting-io6m door, and oars. Parks'boay lay . 0 . . 'With skilful am
. a.$ stances of pleasure and dislike). The first it to Congress, to'be aitached to .the Post" the f6o ,
I W&'s I lady�confidant . . Secrets are nitrlo- by the door leading to the.. sink-rodin, ',near .6n6a I . tman, who, without kiinwilig Who. Dh garcon, color
. I gly6erine under the hearthstone.', - Aspirit the sifik,. where apparently she� had 'bebti are oxh4led during'6 joyful -and agree. . Office Department for U00,000. - But it Lord Rpdesd�le was, informed him curtly . . . * , iYll, shoot yp ,
� � able - ifa'fe. of mind and .produces Ihis. was declined, 6n. tha: statement of �he Post- that. I ord Granville., wag not at, home, , I
. . of forbes;ranb6 Ur. Talmage also spbolf : wailling dishes. 'Blake clubbed them :ill to . . I .
I . -.1. . lid. , � .. .. stat6 6f Mind -if * inhooled. , 111st, ' tile.: X6'. master -General, Who reported- that; while, 11 But look 16re;" oplitinnecVtbe flunke . _'.. Write carefull
4. . . � � as something-nocessary to*doin'�itie felicity, deiihwith a Shot gun,,brbakin 66 'stock , I I Kf " ,4 You can never tel
I 9 I .. ve of the i6cond dnei.. Wh6eTpr the invention.I . 14 j6st -rail and get me api�t oflail all
but oive aill ' ,,r,,e is ttrlt.p va's " an Pont vastly super -
t? r -by - Off on Mi§.Villiams" head, tho'lock of 'the 11 . - wdrk May abaci
. ab he bagged for tole anlo�. - ,,k. 1. ' `1 a ,a , Ii
I wi l pains can iliscovor. for himself 16i to, any'olher ever devised by tile, genius 'will y*Qu ?11-prodaciri� i ju,;. I, C�rtainly,ll
fe or husband of Via other's peculiar reli- grm bbing'f6und entangled in bet hilt. Tile .that tlio evaporation* differs accordingtg the of man," he was not satisfied that "tinder a . .1 I
. - ware ever spoken.� ,
. . I �
� 1. PIOUE1 views. I4 If yolrare a �Raptist-,,, said .�steclx-lmy-�by-heraide. The,waills, -'curtal.1i . . replied Lord U.; a;nd, taking the jug, away ,a perfectly lovel -
I he, If . a condition df the body. ' During, joy and. � any rate of postage tfitl,cebilld be adopteff ,he toddled foi the beer. -Bringing it back, �
* and-ybur ,wife a Pedobaptist, don't and mirror were bespattered* with blood. ' '- hisse eavesof. *0
* . ' . . happih6astho-pdOr of perspiration is*not ite'rovenue could Ve. made to equal its 0, he handed it' to the. footman, who fir6t.of -
I I splash -Waiier in e'amhothdr's facei ; -and If . Part Of Mrs. Williams' hair wits pulled out. disagreeable, � - . while during. anguish and . �penditurc;s." .by .this sliort-siglite(Lwaiit'. &.11 took's regulaa4 quencli6rf n as th .6 cc , a hi
� yo,ur a: Methodist, - while you are It is supposed� She. Started to escRe. and he . t jaervous'excitemeub it.is o . ffensive. of 'f4ppmelatioii at' idicriab Clio Ull.ited R.,.polifely -declining the offer i . -
� , � hu'sb6nd is I . I a Xthbn Lbi& - -
� � . groa gr to and Waw Ion
. . . a Presbyterian, and. goes about the.house -caught hof.,by% the ;hair . ... � I of' a drink I -_ A
'd .1 - #g I A * � i, . 1. , ..
-arr -aragged. her The substance of disliking have there ore, rived � itself of- a ,quietly -remarked ,"Oh by the by, when. - .., . .
� .f , � , ,
I � . Statos'Govermnent iidi . ) I
_ � shouting hallelujahs, ."don't give way to back. Blake's victims Were terribly pound. a;.bad oclor. In a atmosphere b,f th6 -sub- soured of 'revenue ,suffloient,'doubtless, to vour " master "cc les Ili tell him that the - -Iraqcible-andii
I .
* .
:, I - I ,nervousness. Really ,th&, best thing'..you 4d and mutilated. The dead�body of Blake 6tances*the vitao' I . : a, 'Mi56f'M0`&MMo called to see bim'l " You Taut
can do unAer:s' . I liby is .16*ered 'and, dis-' liquidate the entire natioiYal debt,dil. -sla, � Son-", Toil You
I, no ' h: cirotimstaftces ,IS to canoe Was found in the barn Stispemded by tbe� 'advantageously influenced-. 'Xhis* accounts gle decade. .. I . 11 : . . : . - may finiarine how the footma�� %It at' that II "k
. . and take a a* b . 'nook . � . . . . . I. .. - . =pes, c to me 11
� , 3re .in -the B.ro , WAh 0, roin from the harness. There a state, 6f anguish and ,' ' I sublim*elornent, i'lid'howLoia Granville a ling to in
� oklyn for ffie. fact that in. � . ' . . . I
. . Tabe acle , W late, although We stand ' has beexi no inch ixeltement here since four . I . � .1 't-1, . I . .. - kicked we d
ra � . I . up fear the body is .rmore; susceptible to con. - .. � I
. . . , . boldl V - fok. - -Christiall - princilei,- . .1 1� Advice.Alyout F"n6l"als. . � . . convey'ed his displeagafeto'hialwhon, after . at'of'
� . - _. , .the., I years *ago, when Wilder killed lira father. taggioiigdiseaves: Theinhalingofthe" Sub. . .. . I , I - mug . -
� -
I �. . . wo-�- . list 11 ..... . -rye---S-tk `_ 16i. � ana-m6th&r,-mrdiJ,r1IIda yJ=q1f;-tW7 ,,fi�,tin;1n.ta.'Ill� .1i. 7.tni;-.th",io,odote-Aulcl-amkl-romrs.-& 41011--laus
-milmr - . arati iratld-ar an "
I . . I , aw - . . st&ilc6 . bf.,pic,sa, b - , - , , , " - - - - - In the -prop :a , - r lauallter in ovary club be went into;. h - father." Old g'en
� . . thosc -infilifteSiMal. .differences' be. . South of Eere. . - ' . 1. . to 11 eightens the vital . ac- . . Le .ar_
. . I �. . - .�, .. I ' tllol�iirial, lot-asIttle time and'money as - - . ' ' i
. . : twee'n different O�angelical . . . . . .. I 0 . . � tions and imi)roves'tho rasiBtability'of the possible be expended for showy surround., Tived horno*andhad anbpporbanity ofhear -was, -a pursed 8
. I if you want one drop of water -on y sects, Wouldn't X&Ate.' -" - . � I bo4k,ggainst sickness. , Saeger: has, now - ia%battor" ipa the flunkcy�s explanation. . . . . YOU'Ve got I." .
. I head I . our, fore. I discovered that 11 sbeep's wool" attra6ts the . ing% The less of. these .things t1 I 0 �- I .. . .1 � ,. . I 1.
- . . . I -� . "Ai� aoute'oblf
. -
I ,. we say ! all .right;, or if You, wa�ald . A good 6tory is told about Miss Panny. It Substances 'of pleasure "I (this''property H,%;vo 6nly enough allow for proper respect, 11 Some rude race: - 3,": says a wr1rer in* , One, I Can casll� detect
.. prefer more water,,. all right again. We Davenport!O'bargailivifth bet dressmakers., , , must not be confused with tile . gieat cap- Tor public decorum and 4ocilil, respect, We and � All, I I have * iltrailgb substitutes. for
.don't. barn whether You' have be6lx f6re. Who &to 0, flim Of Men, and' stand some. . . are*getbing,to minglo ddversity and. pros-. . kissinia, , Of a Mongol f6tber a traveller man.. Now, onocou,
ordained .or not; 11you only alie"savea. O' *here near the topofthebusine, � O'city of wool f.or.absorbing odors in general) i . gottiri * 0 I dor follow unload
� . . as,, The while the clothing made of, plant fibre ogether,.and &ro ,,'to be uu- u,rlte�, 121.0 smolt,from time. to time tile. . �
�. ' Peril' ]lead of. his youilgest, son, a mark of pa. nian"
. Irreligious_ bluibmilds 'You - Must come to agent of the actress said to the dressmhk-' favors the accumulation of 'tile offensive able to distinguish the inOW'difterence. I Herb tho
� h With your ref . . I . ' ardly.ablelo'distinguish ba- ternal tellaorness usual among the Mon,*
chure ligious. wiveslm. 0, ir. era:, .44 ton do not ulide*rstaiid the art of 11 substances� of dislike," *Ith all their evil 'We are now Il . ' . around and shool
. . ,ell 9'qua Wives, YOU must Come to,phttr6h advertising -aa well .as we theatre people tw_een a fmieral arid wedding. At luncrals gols instead. of embracing.' In the' Sarno and, the tulloade
. . wit � I consequenceg. ,' Even with healthy persons : - . . � -
h your religious husbands; -'you�twaxn, do.. Vako the prices right.for this job and the tendency is towards extrava ad way, according to another Iraveller, I the yourself init yo
�., who in all worldly. relations1lave been for I'll see that I cotton And linen clothing, after.long Wearing, 0, aild, as a consequoilco,' t(;,�vmra.yicc Burmese - do. not hiss - eac' a the vill You ?" which
. . .110 *bne'another, lot you come otit of it the most. takes'a'distinctively repulsive. Odor, while . �rid h Other ii
I YOSrS as trub *&a- Stde 11 . famous dressmakers in the c6lintryi How � woollell 016thing, &M ill iummer, when and the- mparaaA fbIly. . Vnnerals arc do- western'fashiop, but -apply ther lip and ral5litmtion as a .
. me to -day, romarryyp.0 for. heaven., Kneel 0, it's,bilmPle enough. .This, wardrobe will � . gelicrating.into the d;st salfish, expensive, .,2104e to tho.bliepk, arlid il�ako A-sttong inlia. . .
. . evappradoo-is strong, : takes only � ib 0 , - � , - -Vito boriks
I I—- .I-..,- lic vulgar�ei --lati6l3..'"lOZ6a,.�..63:,,Itlib-.Saiiioan
down. claspliand I? (Xk.'Talmag6.turn�d; . ' . i 1�6'86nietlling-Well worth lidwspa, ' " ' li�ri____ I ,�- - ct_�_ -'MftningIba6- serviaos,LAP-�41le-, -- s..safuie by. ,.a
. Per Men- smQl: of porspira�tion, never ac mu- � .
� . hiseye-suponan imaginary 6oubf�athis tion�the press of the whole country *Ill .. on " pressiouls,,they arc giniply ceremonies to I I I - hav6'thpir points,.'
, late'4*other offensive smells. T .I ilixta�ositioa of' noses, 6,009milaniad. not are, fir t th * h '
. I his seem- -Ila, -good sond�off." . The by axab-,'but a heRtty siholl.l: There is �%,,gdbs a,,�e
. . : feet and strotilhed out Lis ha ids over thdir have items about it. Well,,,Ill give..the 'dead .... Ird r 19,
I .- 11 I see that ingly importaib fact, thdrilontion. 6f.winch , shoi
. imaginary heads), : !,'! I-PrOnolluco you one, into print as the'makerg, 'Sep? - I I ..., coffin is covor�d.with tinsel and, *11pery to. Scriptural ,precedent 'for Such cu9t10m8- .rosolqg. Xext,i
� YOU' 90 may 156, ridiGui�clbybdany,xa,,neverthgless, � .
. . .. on.ca,,ttl - and one for eternity. These whom YOI-Would get thousands -6f d6lliirs, worill of tile gremt&66 *�alue -to medical science, Wly otit. of place, considering the sur,roinia- Whin blind Isaae.waslu doubt wlidthorla 'firat-blasB the
. I .
. . . . . God by Ills grace' ,has ,. joii,ea together'lot Of such advertising as couldrilb -be borigll�, and has proved.of the highest irnporbance jugs of the deceas'ed - when .alivo. A nukill the �oa who 6% iog� was4gcob or Live a shol
. .not earth or hell pull asunder.. Hark I I witli. ahY amount of , money. . Your firm for the 1, resistability of the' human body will Spend. 1550 for catilage hiro.at this 'noti I lid Smelt t1w,l) 41111JWhl§ - ri . timent, or Jqp6
. 1. . .,
� hear a humming in the' air - it , ' would become instantly. as' � popular- as against'contagiong disemog.11 . I funeral ilf-his �vife, when lie *never spent a . )i , . , � or' -T, I
. 1. . wedding march; bear how it tells fr is a . Worth'S." ,That a . . I 'oil riding for ber'Wfigli, alim and blosgQd LiM.., . , 1� an Ilip"10
. . olahri I earned roasonlible inough, , I . . . - � I i FE ! ... . , dollar - 'At it - I .1 . . to
played �&ri. by . . .- . " ' In-arecont able, work on �l`i!mv-yoduea., 0 alose
orgoal. C610�tl�l and;' a very low price w6s made for tile . . . gr6at deal 6f sacrifice a �'hasbaud Ivill buy. 1 pal.81
'seraphic." " , . . fingers dresses. The'agoilt (lid his'lovel boat to I . . 14,lviltlliiiut;,V,eni.bY*Ibudlcm. . - a*pr6fusion of costly flowers for tllo deco- tion and apprentictship ilu r %t hollo
e-0011" . - . ------------ & . , carry -out his part of thdbon tract. He fairly 'j� Itacently a great swimming feativas pbi-. iation of his wifolg 7 coffin, and grave w1l ell Salicer, & na,vaI officer and ca-�'-.,�.r,�Ohn. as U,
- .. . .-:j Alrltll. . gate, roferiing to the distaste for manual IY, t P
.. A VC*V. %,X1t1LN _-Cjt� . , : bombarded � file newspaper offices with in. primed. on the Tay Y two young lhdies- qle'ilevdribtlucgll,i.��, pot plauffor tho bright- work of the cliilaien Who leave tile elomplal an I
1. . � I � I , 11 I . I formation about thb dresse . s and their .. Miss Gillospie" Of 0 magow, champion lady. �ening of lor )bar during year .
I �41ng dut , AC116111 A alumt the qp_,%I�. � P1, - -a of Sick. tary school of Parisi says.: 11 Those little ,
: . —A Plaindir in 9 R. mafters;'but� whilb items relating to,.tho swimmer of. Scotland, and Mids 11dQu-665'i'liess and suffering. If possible tb6 inner&!: bliton,uprats come to tho end of their school ,,,
. . . It qlicbr irth'.11tt. former -got intoptint readil�; I liavo yet to of Dtrudct� Shortly alter 5 the ladies, abb' * With but one fear before t1lorn-illat .V
. ,. � . � 4loald be oil a c14 OtIlQr than the S . atIl
I - 4.11. , , - � . -, - - Tram. vs- , , , A it . sceono that contained the'llame of tbefirm . . 'a - to, intarfeto with tho 'pastorlb courso ' forced to,boc6rAp workman wd ..
At tfthS_y,_60rI,, AsSi2os on Tuesday the Sul with, a number' of persons interest6d ill a as not .
Its, � G-�W, R; calft. up -, Itt , in- questibn ...... Wheth, r4 is story -i JT'Ud 6'r, SWIMMil3g,- left with . tho'Faireeatbor for- -vicgular'dutioa.at -stRt6d,-Aervito; , A *igd-� 11
. �. . 110 .1 . - XV -61 9 a h . - ... a'
I_- . . . I a. or 'baggage alleged 41Q not knoi, but even 'if f'b is to. the Tdy Bridge and the two ladies ii-amied 'tous ii.P_l,',)vi'N1c'n.; -and buVwith'oii6 Wish�tho '1;'
. � I an action fot'damb,ga* f . not We i protest against tIld. too freq ont and boys' to become clerks, the girls shop �voi
. to have been lost between garded merely as a Jumped feard I'd first broken p1br at tile very often disgusting babit'of pulifil leave. U e
NGwry and f fable,ib illustratob the . ' 'this uncertain'.
. Oil wome .. Ilona . undefined, I Sol
. Palmerston Stations, on tho Wallington, y of -trying to a0ort1so commodiflos by north end of the gap'irl the bridge ab 17 taking of the body was made. Tho leave. ovorstocked-olasa of book-keepors, cashiers, All
. Grey It Brace tailway, controlled by' tile indire . bt lactlioas. Theae methods. usually -miliatos -to 6 o76Ibbk`,`wfth the intention of jaking.of 6ur'balovea dead slidula AF!Sii To ft
defeat thOMSOU14; while tile business mail . Swimming to Droughty'r, arty Castle. The be Ili private, qud not before a oroN "
defbriddlits. The PIdintifff G: W. 45mg,ott, 'a of salas:ilion. Aorks, &,fonts,, scorning. amp and. - -
. . I laid big d&mages,at Owl. Hagel & Morti.. who carries before tho-publie'lil. a'frankand tido. at tile -time - lia4, ebbed an hour, and !die, clirious aLd unsympathizing, speotm. -blottap" and tile corvosp6ndifigg 61as§, atilk Nay,
. I 0 Straightforward Mariner ,ud ib tile columns the current Was. running pretty fast. , The tors. . All theJulleral ceremonies shou ( - ;mor6'to to pitiod of I young ladies,''ofilo �
It r for plaintiff. Air. tirker, of IMmilton 1.�l 0 We
. _. .- .. .. . � . . the rallwmycompalpy,g solioltor, appe4rea of ioputable newspapers, gains*,tU dogirod wmtor was rather lurnpy at the start, but ib- +ro- 44triltlngly--SYI]3�bolicttl.---A- -Sbb`P,p0rhaPs aild,witil the coveted RUir0, Tile
. I for th6m. The circumstaii � coo, according to publicity and socurca thdbusiness that he is improved a little. -Miss McQueen gave, up simplo iiieco of crapo on the door or wo�n 'but, alas, how Prepared, . I I I F i X
F I . I p1hinti I wore that be was travelling bp- sed1dog. . . . . I . . . .at 6.25, two -and -a -half Milos from the 4tarb. on tile person, i's sullicient to denote (loath I"OlIcnap and Urs Greene eloped together, Bill .
tween , tbd two -Stations )mentioned - on .. I . __ . -lie family.-Froina, sortuou of the Rov, va a , Man
. —.--- . Miss Gillespie kopA'6ntill the and, and in.1 � at Melrogo,W14., Theydro goodborso
the '11 of August last, Ile left Newry -The Knights of th6 MacoRbabs have at. landed at Droughty Castle, Which sha J. U., Whito. Of Cilloilill6ti. , I I rallidly, NIL ha(I, not gollo Illora thall toll -A
VOtWOO)l 8 and 0 o'clock at nighto where ho ranged as the basis of Toconciliation. that reached. Ili an liour and 16 minatos, having . __�_1.__._- . . - ilfflet4 1)("fora tlivv bear'l it chl,ttor of hoofs ill a I
. O'llooked. hiwvalisd.for Palmerston. On it. tho two dXecutivo1o8ics shall remain its at, swam -a distance of four-and.a.liftlf miles. llrodorli fqclollco lIA14 laid proftn'lla hal',(U bt-11111(l. Grovile'llad Itastily momited and Ile,% t
I riving thotO 'bG claimed his bagetago ad preaelittintil ,lannary, when both will moot she used the breast strolco tho greater part upon tho f,bl11()Us ,, car Of ,%uggornanti).11 startwl in ptirwalb, Tho race Nvas long a half
Is . w f . _ �n M.4 * �
. . w4v, toia L a - must wal or, it unti tile as One body in Part Huron, whefo tile of tho way, but occasionally rawd by ti�ing, . Mr. J, 8. Arinstronef, IvIlwis tile 1,1111"I'lish ull"I v%eitilig; blit the'llusbal)(I At 161gth trav
,morning'. Next- arty the valise Was, not to I I I 'a l4di"
. union will be consumipated by the adoption tiio side and ovothand, Stroke., T) gistrato ill Poo,re;', rarmitI.N,'obliged. the ro,lu alongsido t1m Imir, cocked it pistol, and AN IT,
. ,
k be found. Tile- portn'2ftlitOMU itself W&q Of a constitution anillbo election Of oftreors. ,werp conveyed back to Dwldoc�f. and.wero MR owned 11,111doo temple col;illial)(led, a 1111H, 1301knap Nias abject :t I
� .. 'Mr. R. T�.13 , authorities of Old ran
'Villue'd IM '.450, . and . its contents; c8m, arnum"tho Circus man, 11, loudl� cheared on landing.. _ . - salety-brahes upon'tbo with torro - " You may, have you� wife, IV
as I to place pittont r
.of different aVti6IOS of 'wearing ap. 's li I I.. . y ould, have their unilftal kr. Greeno," lit Amid. ,,I don't -wall 61
posed spent $10,000 in tile pres6lit c011tL, t 4 the . - � I I . ear. before thr, c) a "it
parel,'at �460. ,Savor I. States. tic is d1lopublioan Sena. . � . p ocession; . I I I ,Ori� of O
. I &I WitnUsos for the Unitoc . - . . . � 11, Giopripropliod; ,,,I�o'Litloii'ttllinleilve,ebr"ie
dOfcbcO PrOVbd there Waso,str6ligprogum tors and sits for Connecticut, ., Tb em is to Vo a bab� allow Ili Hortloill, � r Illike Illad to get Iwr baelt? 011, Ito. Ilut Boo(
. . tiouthat lal iffl, %,' -The mulo undarstallas tho art of Leal. t1lial liallf Boston, with a pdzo elich 'for Doing it 0, party whon the P1 rk gulls tul�
. a been travelling Wit tile h, oed tho 1jirth of 6lyince, Dollly,las J'01-- T11111 take itly dollar and m half thatrilid'q got 1,00C
I I only one valis I stea of two, as LO 11, ing.� - I I � the baby'�udor a year old with and- 'noun
. ��, 11* i . la i I comost eyes, the blackest eyes, . the bluest told oxclairried: - . Ilow� they do powdo . r hilierpockoL." Tboluolleywas givenull, ii . I ..
State is I atoninchief. Hohad. -Thu minstrel man I lid oyest tile Most hair, tile leastbair, tl b tbeso. babies." . . and tbo.clopoinent proccedca quietly.
� . . also at a It a Il he was tr ling is paintod. . 9nobsoblacha I a � In MO . . � . I . "4NT_
')I" -_I'
.1"ax � I's
' -'t'm
in to 7ames-
.0 I
, -1. I
... ar' p"lis n a d
�no v,
. h
"a ,am I I
to �
I at a I . �_
. vvVith 'two 'Valises lie avel I woight, the least Weight, tile 6malle4thalAT111, Tile Dillte of Argyll is sufferhig from
I ad never had more Human nial.,618 are qlwgyj3 trying to an , of pearl. 11alld. VIM
. than One ohoeko4 a it 0310 timp. A w1& got into dimo soalot . Ttlio smallest foot. , Tile finest bab3 goat alla the 11thecis Louisa hi vistill�', Onte�,n1�1"Iti"l,"t, 13,vo 11101111tea in, ortah
. � � .. I , Y. . � ropoiva a grandprizo,, 11 hill), I . : � I falls'aro Pli r4flek'l of ly)Otllcr of pawrl,
. . �. . . . I . � I I . 1. 6 " I � $1 I I . I . . . 11�
!11,1 - , � � .. � .1. I 1. . .11 . I . . � . . . . . . . I I . I - . -1 . . . .
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