HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-07-29, Page 1THE CL .• • - • - • ••,,, VOL. 13 NO. 31. TERBIS-$1.60 Per Annum, in advance. AND CENTRE HURON GENERAL ADVERTISER, CLINTON, ONTA.R10, THURSDAY, JULY 298• 1880. an TatItcr (541.40. TAR. REESE has removel his residence to the house lately ottoupied by Tuonas Jacasori,E so., Huron street. (Mice on ltattenbury street, as before. _ Aff0NaY LE T0 ND, IN LAROE Olt SMALL 813118 on good punting° security, at moderate rates of interest. Gt. HALL. • Clinton, August 0th WO. A LIST. OE LANDS IN HURON 1 Olt SALE 13 thCanada Compa Co-Partnership Notice. PNIS dosires to return his sincere thanks ter ..1= • WS customers and the public generally for the I liberal support Ps has received from them, 4.4 wonm intiurntc that ha has entered into par tiers p with 11013E11T JOHNSON, who will unite with hint in car. rylng an the business of Blacksmithing in all its branches, Mouse.Suoman made a nodally. Dios Woloc of all deeeriptions done in RWOrkmaOI1IO man- ner. with desPatelt, nittl at reasonable -Mica. hAnn InennataxTs repaired on short notice. • JONES 4: rOlINSON. Clinton, tulY 10,1880. e ny may bp seen at the office of the undorsigood. IL DALE. jan.17,1870. — - • 'AI RS. 'WHITT, Teacher of Nash!. Penile attended. tbeir own residence, if necessary. liesidenee ono door south. of Idr. c. A. llitrtt's; Queen Street. Clinton, ey 15, 1880. n. i Dissolutioof Partnership Atw qktuttrtionunt#, .... _ OTICE is hereby given that the ParthershiP here- -01 totem existing between1111813Itti. W. ()AN- TRUM, as Carriage and Waggon Makers, in the town of Clinton, has bcon dissolved bynadual consent. Mr. 18. Cantelou will continno the business, as usual, at the former stand, linden debts duo the late firm can be paid to either of the above, who will settle all aceounts aguinst them. IL CANTELON, W. CANTEU/N. Clinton, june 1880. Dxi. DowsLET, 11, 1),, M. B. C. S. England, . Physician. SUrgeon, kr. Otilee and residence next Molson'a Blink, minket square. Clinton, Jim. 15, taao. .,____.-- ......_ _ • DOL A,PPLETON..- Or Eit.E. - At Residence', on Ontario etreet, opposite.tho English Chore/A, Entrance liy he gate, • . . . Clinton, Dee. 4,1879. ' . . EARS. REEVE ti, WILLIAMS. ,Olfice, Rattoubury AI Street, Humediatelybenind Ilansforit's book store.. Office hours from 8 a.m. to 0 p.m.,. .. Clinton, Jan.89, 1880. . OYOIJN(8. 311, 13., (GRADUATE OF 'TORONTO Llitherfalty,) S11110011, reeitleuce at Mr. Manning's, throe doors east of the Temperance Londesbore, Ont, Loodesbero, June 14, 1879, 1-111. STANDUR y,GRADCA'.CE OF TUE MEDI0.1.1, 13 Department, of Victoria University, 'Toronto, for- nierlY of the Hospitals and Ditif)onsaries, New Yo.xh, Cdronor fdr-thnounty of Iluron, 13Av1'isr,D, Ont. July 22,.1874,•• 81 ..• • It TARRIAGE LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES: - J -1i Apply at the Town Hall, or at the residence of the subscriber, near the London, Huron & Bruce Railway • JAMES SCOTT, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Olin ton, April 27011, 1870. ' n; ny any. fount of mone '.111°tNo...e,L11,0ctitLgoNMISlooa , improved farms only, at 74 Per rent, interest payable yearly: Sure no °Waist if securi- ty ample. Private feuds. j013.13 S. PORTER, Senforth. . . 1 IR: WORTHINGTON, PHYSicIAN, SUMTEON., LJ Acconeliour, Licouthat of the College of PhYalcian, and Surgeons of LoWer Canada,.and Provincial•Licenti, ate oda Ceronor for the County of -Huron: Office and •re.sidence,- The buildivg „formerly oecupied by Air. Thwaites, Huron tdrect. Clinton, Tau. 10,1671. OF.NTRAL 1801118. -- late Farmer's - Albert 1. Street, (Minton. S. PIKE, Proprietor. This ho. tel hau lately boon groittly improved and thoronghly, refurnished, and possoatios OVery.requisite foi the com- fort and convex:dunes of the truyelling public. Good stabling nud attentive hostler,. • • Clinton, Nov.:18th 1878. W. E. C1IITWItIG1123, StmonoN Dnsliirr Graduate of tho 1Thyal College of Dental - Surgeona of ()Markt, lino opened rooms in the Viatorialilook, Albert Street, Oliaton where ho will constantly be illattendanee, nua prepar:tel to per. form ovary operation conneeted with Dentlitry.. Teeth . extracted, io filled with gold, amalgam, or other filling material. A .•titl dal t eeth inserted from one to atoll set. 'Clinton, A.pril 17, 1879.- 16 liaa•e BIDDLEcom)3, .Clock Makor,, JLWIO'LLER &o,' Weald respeetfully announce to his customers and tbe • publio general/7, that betas remora into his former . betiding, on • &LIMIT ST.12,SET, 61.1'081Tpi THE MASSEtT, *here he:wilfkoop on n.aid a select assortpient of e/ /nob, 0801008, .7, coelleryi an(l. Silremxtre Which he will troll at reasonable; rates. Repairing of • every description promptly attehded to. J. BIDDLECOMBE, Annum,. StnEET. Clinton, Pee. 5, me• -1)804-1A. agourIn aim TEE. FARMS OFFERED FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED • IX TIIE OLISiVivr AND RLSEWHERE, AS, TEEY • DECIDEla BARGAINS. • 0 N TO LOAN AT 7 1O7). PER dENT. - - • . , - Farm. for Sale T"''subscriber offers for rale that conveniently situateddana, being south -half Lot 10, tird. On. of Mullett, about throe miles front the town of Clinton, coutaining 50 acres, ou which there is a good frame house, barn and stables, good water, film bearing orch- ard, most of the farm being free from stumps, and under good cultivation. To be had either with or without the crops. Terms made known on application. GEO. ELINTOFF. Mullett, Juno 24, IRO. MoN1LLPP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE OOMPANY! THOS. WEILANS, AGENT, • BARI. K , ON T, .° • Farmers wishing tO insure wili find this •ComnanY one of thef best and cheapest to intone in, and will be waited on at their:homes if information be sent to the Agents' °Mee. 4y Factf)ry • ming sobacriher, having repurchased his oldfactory, -desires to thank 10 friends for their previous Patronage ntl Lopes to again be favored will/. their •orders. Ho would also inform Ids friends that ho ie ,proparedto manufacture Well and Cistern Pum-ps and Cisterns, and'setisfaction guaranteed. All orders Bent ,by mail will bo attended to with tho tamest despatch, , • anliN no SS. Clinton, May 20, 1880. UNPERTAKEF;S; 11 aIbt Streit, TISDALL:Sz .GALE Albert.. Street.; -..Clipton Directly ',opposite the Math% , • , r/1 RA N SACT A .GE NE RAL BANNING lin SINEIS . 1- MOney advanced on Mortgages and Notes of hand Drafts 4/dined payable et par, and collections and remittances made throughout tho United States.and Canada. NOTES-- .DISCOUNTED, • .. . • . MORTGAGES, Stoeiis, and all other. mar. iterable securities bought and sold at beak rates. • • BA o .` e - NTS ph' THE MERCHANT'S. BARE: ' GYINADA, INTEREST A.LLONqlD ON' DEPOSITS; SCrVallt Wanted. — 1 jii, A(00 10 GENER.A.L SERVANT WANTED, - . C1intofejult;21507. POHERTY. : $10,000 TO LEND, 1D111VA1E IFUN'DS. Cbsts moderate. No controls. Rion Otarged. Interest payable in Clinton. IL Clinton, July.29, 1880. I 0 • S,tray Cow nattE to subscriber's -;remises, tot 51, Maitlata Con., Goderich township, taunt a week since fi LARGE BED COW, with a bell on, and now giving milk. The ostler is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges, anht take her away. • THOS. COLBORNE:* Goderieh t'o, ,Tuly 27, 1880. ii3MOZT"..aSTOW G P H rrguittspikt,-.A.u.gasii, -12th, tTdeo tho auapieekt of Huron Encampment No. 213, I. 0. 0, F. to participate in fluolph's welcome to the Grand Ledge of Ontario. The MODEL FARM is otio of the tunny interesting plows wOrthy the attention of excursioulAs. PARE nog pug gorND TRIP, $1.00. 111 the cariy train. MOLsoTcs • BA -NJ(, Incorporated by A; t *..itliameht, 1855,, ' WITAL, -7- .$2,000;000; „Hea.c.1 Office, Montreal. • T1I011A0 WORKMAN, ,, ..... ...Prosillenk. - .7, II, 10 MOLSON,.... , ..,,,Vice•Prea: 'F. wOLFERSTAN THOMAS, GenerlIdnuager, 1 Lines 10 One Treading Path beset hy ninny . Perils -My friend -,, The path thy stops have chosen, . How slippery 'tisto tread.: How many fall upon the Way, lloW ettniberea Ils with basolne alas, .,.. • And must num tread it day by day To win thy daily bread'? Bethink thee !art thou -grottier . Than others in the . rlfe? / Caust pass unstaine4 'midst the throng That tread temptat'. ts path titular, ' . • .canst thou still ke#:, whist Nice and wrong, -ThY writs! of 10.1... Tho atinomdiere deilleth • Whore impure manhood dwells, The mocking jest, once heard with ,pain, 110 yet tin ttit...nr Ratnergain'. The face once pure yet 'Mars the stain It's tale of ruin tells. Yet couldst thou tread this pathway • With feet for 'danger shod, • The christian's mantle shielding thee, , 111 prayer from stain et Sin 100110 free, --"-^ An ttid thweak humanity, .A. glory to thy God: 9 '0111 how the true 11;;;14 stvelleth " At thought of storytold Of ono,who passed this pathivay e'er, Untainted by its worldly lore, Ills footprints spookily evermore • The chrbtion tale WI old. • C. . S. SEAFORTH WATER....ViORKS. - The Belly system Of water Works, which hayo just been completed at Seaforth, et an aspen:se of about 811,000, was inaugur•• ated by a grand gala day on Tuesday last. The day being fine, •basiness slack in towns and vilinges, railway fare very low_, the ga • timing wtui euuselluently large. The cor potation -of, Seaforth hadtmade liberal pre vision. for entertaining a large:number- of guests, such as mayors,' M.P.'s, reeves, bands, firemen', &c.,'and it Was not made i11 vain,. es 01. crowd was on hand to -partake of . their hospitality. r.rho, works, which were. conStrueted by Messrs. English & Hunter, of Gaelpli, had been tested the day •prov Mud, and found in,gobri working Urdu... On Tuesday morning the boilerWas'entp tiod and -fresh water put in, 80 that a -fair test could be made of the time occupied in get- ting up steant.aelliciont for fire proteetion purposes, The wood-cffrpenter s cuttin„tra -was laid, and from the time the match was applied• till sixty *ninth of nressure. was'obtaitiod, eeven minutes elapsed. This proves that the werkS eau be -put in 'opera- tion in,case of fire, as qqick as firemen can get Out 'their hose reel and attaah the hose to the nearnst bYdrant to thia.seen a. of :the fire, and be prepared to play..upon, it... ' • "rmn, FritumUN's TBsr.. • : T BRANCH 1-.011(14411Iiinager. ' A1)%'ANC/F:14 MADE TO FAIDIERS ON THEM OWS NOTES. ON FAVORABLE • .TE10al S. ,glinten,„ job. 29,18d0:, *0-ARLING'S., AGER BEER For -family PUT ITP AN -p QiYART-S. N. , ROBSON; GENERAL WINE AND SPIRIT MEM/RANT. Clinton, july, 1880, • Nurs_c_____Wanted• •• • WtrtiletVe)tiett'ornte.trlTeltrilldartIrle1;..lels-'68ag.?'7- . ..• PEERS, JOHN eus1•7910111). Stapletine, July 21,1880: .iFarni.• 'Wanted : ,21,y7"'D to •ent, for a torsi itf_yeani,-a- -rT-aWr one ennarea acres .oloarance. Good buildings preferred• • :THOMA8l.'NOTT, Loud/saber°. o1y22,1880.-. • •• is • • . Tisper.X. • -• Clinton, May 20, 1880. , -1 ' • S PO WLERJA .S 0 ' liEALEPS ts • WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, . Albert Street, OLINTO Wia have litak added- 00 our Stook a line lot �f MORTGAGES aodother secuitiq. VOIR and GUITAR STRINGS.: 1/°1;ciliT .4" 5"3?' ittrritets Ott:tit • 3-it:1110,s, A. •: •' Notaly patine anatommissiehe.r. (Munn), ilareh.,1, 1850. : IZATIILII 311111G PrOp.orlies foii sic' by It Halo,Clilltoll • rf irfAT viiiaS.•-oaess FARM, No, /30 liti the linh . - - • -IL con. Of Coderich Townahip; belonging to Uri. C. . Gordon; will be sold flir CliSh or on part credit. Only' one mile front Chu tt,p, The farm contains 80 nerds of . . LaL .111'111E11 vault, 0007? FARMS on the Fourth COnteseion of ehoice land, in good oondition, lino °milord,. Sm. • .1:. Millet( , wition five miles of Clinton, Well cleared , and with good improvements; will be sold on nasy ^ ternts. Lot Seventeen, 8 outh.lialt of Nineteen, and . • • Nat/v.1110f of Twenty. • 130 soid together or separately.° • SPECTACLES • :ALWAYS REPT IN STOC.K:.- Clintelt„ Oct. 2,1879. • _ ..:.11 3:. . : . .-T.,,,„litou.1,1,ttww.....fr,f,.,.:,:i!::•,vivilioli;11:1:.110sly tier°"rti:snl°. c8eltiiiiatriA01:rtiIrliel . II 4 quiretIrtlown, If good seourity is given. 1 liO hOWIO le , • r troll bnilt, roanortimie, arta cortventen fly Situated for a . . ' - prefessional or Madness roan. ., ......,... o e L�st. A1.1. ar.rhereby cautioned 0901000pureliatt.• lug a noto of hand for $120, drawn by Edward Carter, of Clinton, in favor of Geo.. Morahan, payable about tho let of Ootobori the flame having been lost, autl payment of the sante 4,topped. • GE0:11113113ALL. ' G0,108104 township," 20 joly, 1880: , Good Far* for •Sae. • . 91= sithseriber otTer's for sale his farm, tieing Lot 13, Con. 2, Mullett, 100 acres, 00 cleared ; good. bank' barn 86 x,70 foot, with stabling all uutler, 2 .pump wells and a never -Whim spring of good water ; good orchard. hi full bearing. ' Situate 4 miles from Clinton Railway Station (a thriving town) For further particalars'ap: nly to theproprictor, on tho premises: s • ;rains wAractNeITAW, Mullett; ,7uno 80, . • • On Good Farzik for Leasel • ()N the 3613,. mincenioni.'OoderIch Township, .85 tiprOff• elsarea„ under good state of cultivation. , Good House and OtttbuildinAS. Lena° givtn /or one yoar, told if tiit,t11Ie to•011 parties, extended for two yenta longer. Privilege to plough immediately after harvest, witlifull possession given 1st of February.- , For particulars apply to • , MRS: 11. TAYLOR. 'Clinion,Jnne 80, 1886.. ' . • ;Voters, mrxxonvaxt.7 01.' TM? To%vs' CrAt;.'rits. . ATOTTnE in hereby given tfiet Inive transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in tho third and fourth sections o81110 " Veter'e Lists Act"•the co- pies. required by aaid oections to bo•so transmitted or delivered of the List, mado porsuant to saidact, Of all persons appearing by the•iastltevlsed Assesament Roll of the said municipality to be entitled to tote in the ;laid Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and attfunielpal Elections. and that the said liat wad first posted up in ruy Office in Clinton on the twentiothilayot July,.1880, and remains there for inspectiort. Eleotors aro called upon t*.ex. airline the said. Bat, and if nity omissiong 08 003' other errors are toned therein to take irannulifito proceedings to have said errors em•rected according to la w° • JOHN CALLANDER • Clerk of mid y. Dathd at Clint tai this 20th day of 4nly., 1580. • • • . . 111E (rant° Cottage ittatenbury Street, one door rio . "71-0,07:„t,rartt nIt:(triviAte?.;,.wei;,],141..Fzitig4,1,..7. .a 'orm. ca es. 1 1 i \ NM sia.roomea Cottage, price $5003 two ilve-roOru. . ‘ reilelottages, 8400 and 8'd00. Each has a good ger- , do-n,h`ell;tte. Relict/10 prieo may remain on mortgage rf1/1" 1111/T0811 1rOTPLI in Clinton, commonly • — • .. m 1' ' rcaundretnt:cfreertir., l';.T.8ttr 4trItiiii,g.),Pirl:gfttilornet etift R ...11- kno'wn as Lane's 11oW; will bo sold on very )largo hotel building, part nearly now, containtng 17 rooms. Stable abeut 55x8e. with 10 stalls. A capable 13 411, it . :t.i.t 0 lc, and popular iandloto conla Melo this an excellent shwa, or it is wen adopted for a boarding house on a — , -And liardixare, Merchant.' eats -TOT, Ea I MO, 1' honso and lot on Rattenbury street, *bleb be- longed to the late ItittrAst Oricacultb, will he sold cheap for cash. gas lately boon pet in good re- pair, Sir rooms, good garden, do. 01. rIALE, tiara Otreat, Clinton. Clinton :oboist, 1880. • Teas Teas r 11110 tindeisigned ha ing impor sa direet from Entr'44 land Some very SUPErtIell Dr.AOIC Ant GREEN 'TPIA, now offers the same for sale., It ix put up in five Or ton lb. caddies, for foully use. TO TUE TIRADE it ia offered in whole or halt chests, at pride lower than generally Data to wholesale houses.. . The undersigned desires to call the attention of the publio to the Tea mit up in 5 and 10 lb. Caddies for family iise. The- OadOlee aro foil Hued, and the Tea' keeps perfectly good atid fresh for any length of tints, Pricos•vtill be found, on 'Mosel nation of amour, to 80 considerably levet:1r than over heretofore offered. Orders by mail promptly filled. A trbil solicited. ' 301138 ItANSFORD. Citnlon, June 10; 1800, r.. Fire eompaniest. Irma Ciint'iM, Exeter, ,bruittels, Mitchell'„ and Stratford, together with:the Seaforth company, then assembled'. to Make an exhibition of tho capabilitiee of the- works for threwing *star'. :;Twb }Mae,. with a siven•eightha. nozzle, and one of an inch and an eighth,were then attached to the hydrant; and two good,. strong streams were throWri, sufficiently high. to •fall (her any building that the town contains. third was then attached, which did not ap- pear to diminish the force of the -other streatba, tho outflow of water seeming to be 'sufficient' to drown out any possible- fire .that rny came. FIREMEN'S TOURNAMENT. • " Two prizes of $40 and $20 were offered to the two fire companies' which should aucCeed first in running about 250 yards, with tool and lime, attoohing. °hose to hy- drant, carrying bote 1504mb-further, un- couplirig,hom and attaching nozzle thereto; • and then have water •sufficient for fire ex- tinguishing purposes, through the hose and gozzle. The trial was a: very severe One, especially 'MT:those who had not good run- 0i-ng-a1-its;-Ph-ia-contut-took.u.a le great length, of, tithe, pia there was a 'good deal of•eonteu tiod between .the companies as to the trim in whigh they. should be al- lowed to come.te, ;whether in firemen's if�rm as tin prepared for rapid • movements, As the Seaforth and Mitchell companies had had some experience with the Holly system they had a amen degree of advantage over the oilier comjtanies,. which were used to other systems. The Seaforth Company drew the first lot and went to the starting point, on the Huron road, in gymnastic 'costume, with its, complement • of fifteen men the maxi mu m allowed, determined td win or die, but the fates 'were against them; for although thoy made good time in running, they had a mishap, in.the hose, getting* caught on the reel, which jerked it out of the hand of the anna who wa coupling it: to the hydrant; hitt; neverth lees, they succeeded in *havinga strea through 'the nozzle in: one minute an twenty-eight and a-ltalf seconds. 'Clinton came next, with only •t -en men; in full fire- man adatunte,„ andnotliwithatimding tlie iinpediinglit of dress, mention of number --two falling out before little more than Half the distance was acoomplished-and the bad racing qualities of the team, they had good stream on in one minute ,a1A twenty-siic and a -quarter seconds. The 'Stratford team followed in fine running trim'making. good time to the hydrant, but the same mishap happened to , them that happened to the Seaforth company, causing A loss of eight and a quarter se- conds over Olin,toni Then followed the Mitchell company, which acted wisely, but not quite squarely, in having thecoppling of the hose on the reel onlY suffielently screwed' to hold -together; so • that was juot ready for tho nozzle to be screwed on; it performed tho feat in eighty-three se- conds. •Then 'came the 'Brussels team, With its fifteen atalwart mon, who:, if they all belong to oho lliminiels company, make it the finest company of physically formed men in the county. They performed the duty 111 eighty-one and a half seconds. Then canto tho Exeter coinpantt; which wonld have carried off the firkt.prite if all their moVententa were as rapid as their running, but the water was let on. too quick, Which burst the hose, and before the, could uncoil a secona length and con- ROO it, the time was so long the ante - keeper did not take it.. , 'THE DINNER AND l'IlOCES,SION, A. sumpttions dinner ;as then Burred in Catdno'S hall, to the firemen, beats, And a large number of invited guests, af the procession Was formed order t --St. Marys bit 5 10. 11(1)1(.34.1CS cis SON. • VIinhesi, gommeee,,,,,..enniemestassalemeeTionesecangswinstanneneanassasa tection Corps, with theit',13aboock .fije.ex. tinguishing apparatus, Stratford Fire Co., -Herat operations for thin section Ilcom tUSfielS baud, BruSeel8 fin/Merl, Clint= grotto#ionAt firemen, Mitchell firemen, Seaforth band and firemen, Seafocth eouneillora drawn by four splendid mules, and then representa- tives of the prima and gueets, in carriages. After marching through several- atreeto they directed their course to fleatty'e grove. in tho precincts �f the town, where a platform had been erected for the accom- modation of speakers. Here a large con- course gathered, but would have been much larger if the lacrossematch had -not attracted so many. Tho Mayor, Mi. •d. Beatty, prealded, congratulating the town upon the success' Of the undertaking from COLBORNE. !awned t I:5th inst.. The \yield promises to be excellent. Messrs, Molunin LS: Idabel are already busy with their steam thresher. • :Messrs. W.4and W. II. Baer have invented a shoo for threshing machines, which they intend patonting. They have•also invented' a new $park arrester, for threshing leachineli. • . • " Letter Pr_oni 1111113kOlta.: The following letter front Mi.. Chas. Mar- row; late of fide town, under date'of the 19th inst., but now of. Daketa, will beof interest to our readers :-- • its inception to Its, inauguration that day,. ;April was rough, snow,. wind and rain...were ,. Hot then - .ip traduced -to •Ilro-irrnlinircea stn • the order -of • thialitnea; but arn 0 e tho first of • order, the follosvIng apeakers :a -Messrs. Bray, we contt1 wish tor notoing liner ; w.e • ,Hesson, M.P. for North Perth ; T. Gibson; 1i M.P,P., for East••11tIrOn ; IleV.. Mr. Gra- ()tit.‘e ,..rar bbuat.:s <.t.Qitpe4ov,ler. obtafdroresi at inztcevehofirsartym.oei bans, Egmonaville -• T. Strachait„ Reeve of ainee, mostly thunder- 811011088, 401800 heavy, . uiay ; ,ii. pluet.„...sliorm Gib.ow, .•James some light; 'so welsh rain has had the affe,et. a Dixon, GOderich ; D, D. Wilffen.,§taaforth. .of keeping the sags, or lotitplaces„ full of yrit. teri tnoro than u.sual, so that flies and mos - The principal tepid that %vas dweltripen 1110 0.130 waterworks, and the enterprise' of.; grapes are thick, 1411(1 they sing you to sleep ht night, .and haVs no objection. to assist yon Seaforth in establiehing them, . Tho pro- eut of yourdreants„by: reducing yoUr ' dir-. 0i:editing %sere brought to a •tertnination by • oulating fluid: ti little. .W011, the eifeet of • • I, FI:.vo.te. of thanks, moved byMr, Iletison, sneli weather is as lino attappoaranc.1 of crops seconded by Sheriff Gibbons, to Mro lleat.. es. 'any .one could wish for; every kind rooks- ty, for his courteey throughOut the- day, splendid, wheat,. oats, harleY, Psae, •potatoes, and his ability ill .preeidieg 'over tha. go- :aud. . 'garden stuff ;• all aa • good 'AS 'it eau .be. • Hay is very heavy ; I •was in a Mew:rota yes.... timing... , • . • . ' . • terday that; I ant going to out, when tatmu by : , Seafoith is eertninlyte be ectrgratulated the top jingand was as, upon tho•-posaession of duo of the cheapest uat thick. as it eciuldreaehell . otand. '1*. have nut 13 or 20 and best* fire protection ayatem of water - tons, but was caught in the rain ; 'it is. not as works in this seetion- of the country. Sil. good. as I. , Want it, but. it can stand nutittliere ver Creek, upon' the" bank of Which- they l'd.11. scarcity, Theo it will nine in. good, T.. Borne 0.811.1t1 liptitet e 8d 1,,Irvi 1 leys ecilfosweater 110.110110. .ifinch sell when it chance Lill'ors, We havo• got OS , to the town, giving want -01) put'up 100 tons; so as to be ready to difficulty oa expense ib utilizing it.. 'They acres broke for. ourselves,. •atict 33 for a man hav0. about a mile and a 'half of piped laid 'hY the name of 1414tott. We. have 'tout up e dew it,- which,- with about- 1,000 .fent, • of stable of old. ties, to keep • our horses. and Ow •horte,,..wilt cuablo • thorn. to :. roach alindlit in,: with . a •.staek Of hay for, a rOof ; We have also put up a good house all finished but the every . hones irk tho corporation .• llinits, whielt are tot of great•ni,terit. -it eau .and roof-; , have Ling a well 33.foet deep, •tintl got' will be nsbil :..f or watering the. streets, abandance of. Water, just as • good as the wa- purposes, •and probablY the . G•T•Da;* lliftY ter nt Clinton. Potatoes have been"e failure to is• certain' extent, the .land Was plotighed aprtnicling lawns; moue factUring and .other some time, and waslie a.state•of Iteating . at make life oEit to fill• their tank, altogether bringing iti a revenne of from' 8500.to 8800 the time.' mit thorn in; arid quite a lot of the s.ocd.heated and rotted; they should •have bseti a year. They haye .a resident engineer,. put irt awl plesved -under tbe nod, then they who Will not coat- them More. Lha $250 a Would..do all right. Seale of, mine aro good, year. . , there are 110W °awl as largo as liens'eggs noW, . • ,by August, they will. :itf first rate and. large. -. , . GOO:ERICH 'TOWNSHIP. .1 like My nieve verY wel1,..and see, no. caner; to 1-0048 it yet. We have no grasshoppers, and but few potato hugs, but likely wilt -soon It aye . abundance .0 f them, !Batter .sells at 20 to,:il:i•cerits•per lb.. ' .- -.. . • - . at .0.4.. . Rgru1.l6to.-Mise 'Nesbitt, 51 whitby, who has. been visiting friends and relatiyea, oath°. 40th cob:, reintned to her home on Monday, Sittynay..--Quarterly.,serviee in.cennection With:the ITelmesville circuit of thellethodist Church, will be helki On the fibh-of Aug. • = 01.J'IPPED HURON: fTEIYIS• ' ,;. • liar. --The Auntie farm whiph wad 401dutt- • Mr.•Ttiompsou Adatn0; of liullett,110.11. kinder inertgdg.s, on Tueicit y last; war p mcluio- burp, sowed BOOM fall wheat on Saturday the, od by Mr.P. McPhillips. Un tbe 2t d .vn. on ,.. 17th inst. • Tuoday a hog; belonging to Mr; p. Prouty, • GOOD WORELOO Sat,tirtlity the l''Ttit July, wasakilled by lightning.. 'Tattles Hopkinson, aged:17, bound ' eighteen ' ITE:ssitio;;- -- Last Wednaiiday the grain doxen, or equal to 216 sheaves Of fall wheat in warehouse of Mr. ,Oharters canght lire and 50 minutes, which is at tbe rate of over four was tointsaulltytacofoosru in;6,0wolth ?re:6n: encotsni rine:to Sf70,,i:4 . Sheaves to the minute. Thiele very good ,500, work, • " ' • " staking the salt well haa been let to Mr. Mc • , . -41'4— '. • Esien ;- it iii cipected that 0,000 will .put . -, BRUSSELS. • ' ' 011Egsts. PAOTORY BUB NED.•••••=rht Zrussels ever-th" a 'n ver'ine order, • ' cheese factory was burneedown abont• three ItIoNatr:op.--11./Ir. Peter areEweri left ou the 190.01 inst. f:or the old country, fotthe pur. - o'clock on Saturday Morning, The July make of cheese, amounting in value to about $1,000; poi° of purchasinga heavy draught stallion. was entirelY. consumed,- together -with the Mr, Alex. Gardiner, of tho,14th eon sold IV building and entire plant,.valned at 83,000. Open of iliree.year oldheavy. dranghteolts to. '- The cheese was covered by insurance in the an American .buyer • f or the slant .of 8300, : Contmerejal Urtion,and the building was in. 1)M:so laorase ‘Tialisotnviiposeoicn .0onf atrhde eliertio.a scat, an% ak.i oak, ei also . WO worth Of household goads and a library on' the front of the ttligh bona, in. the letter armed for $1,509 in the "Western. ' Over VI, - goods et J. II. Murdan also consumed. .1 ye_..b.0.480hai .i-JICAFOS.T1 The dwelling re 'slightly plt,.,%co pretty strtrely,,_ , _. „ . ... . Ls -Henderson a harness.shop WU- were stored in the factory, . the property .of , A. E.' Walleee. No itisuro,no ' maker, were house and' ur • damaged. tile.. Sup- „Reeektlimaan, i.tae trip611 Yota'rkled-b)i.ihol4rok. 'r, but; •althotign a large quantity of gr, t, little slaniage is done as.yet. . • • 8IC80N808g.-4[r.. Itttt10 I‘IcElien . of- the 3r4 .00n. Stanley, .who has been -off .Work for oobti*ue from an attack. of inflammation, is- n�w Tee ng atid will soon be able to -re - 80010 Itn. re- re.ir,--;11r. Geo. Baird, jrallas been 8. h. No, 10 for 1881, and Mr, has been re-engaged:in 8.S.No. he year '881, at the same vtz., 8500 'Lite trptees certainly display wisdom Midst: tin, two teachers ned ef ns is tul r•Neteietie.e ,P tion. • -., • . a0 tett\ - na.Y. - flo leech eivil.V. 'ooliday has b fined for -tha -1.2th inst. .•• Sureinia Orrlantentablo affair occurred bore latit'Wei "day afternoon, ill the.anicide of M. G. 0., Dyett, teller of tho Batik of Montreal. The. •ts of the affair are aboutas follows:-Alectra Pas been in a ,dostionclent mood for some 'i., and after making tip his books and leavinreverything' in, pedant order, he went into the vault, and,.yvitli the revolver 1:210070110g. to The batik, shot ,hims.elf through the heat, causing instant 'death. The reliort of•the reVolver being 11011.0(1, 14 party :Went into the bnildiog, and found hint stretch- ed upon the Iloor. Deceased was well off, and bonus granted 111011 two yore egoa..--Pesi; WAS:, looked amen As one of the steadiest and I most highly respected young man of the town, ITsnotisit-Ilr. ,.I. E. Anderson teacher of being religiously inclined, and very zealous hi 8, 8, 'No. I, litte bean re-engaged for the year the •adyaucemenk,of any eliaritable.or sosisl US I, at a salary Of $450 per year. Mr. Q. Moir, object. Ho was tininerried. Ilia remains who has retOrned from. Manitoba, reorts Were interred on 'Friday, syith masonic boners, • that there wilt ho no 'harvesting, except barley', - H01114 .AGAIN, -,•J teV, Alr.tdieveright ram-. . Until 'September. During the storm of Wed - ad front -Dakota and the. North-West IAA nekday evening, trio barn of Mr. lt, Illatelifetcl, 4th. eon., was struck by lightrung; a driving shed, and one end of the barn wore burned, when the heavy rain extinguished ,tho firci.-- During the thunder atorin which, prevailed a ferwere woilda‘y,eaago c o, two belonging te XL Alex, A killed by lightning, On ?richly 6, sad accident oecurred o11 the farm of Sir. John Martin, Iiith eon.; by Which 'a threo-year old datighter lost her feet ; the family were cutting wheat, and, being very busy,set a tett-Year Om Ann to drive the reaper ; the little -girl ran in front of the machine,it is supposed with the.intention of getting on: the seat with hor brother, and coming .in eontact with the knife, her feet were Completely severed front her legs, and she was throWn off the reaper by the rakes, Doctors amputated both legs a little below the knees, . recently broken into, and.artichis to,the value of 060 stolen therefrom', The *residence of. Mr. Lowrie .wati also* visited,end,. a silver watch Ofirrie,O. off., Mr. .W.' S. .I.tobertson -endeavoring t-�eittablish •a• butter and cheese • ..forth. iiigh School has -resigned his • position, ' • having reeeived the appointment of PrincipaV f ,the .Caledon. ia High Sa.heol. WINcICAM.-.1SESS L. Reynolds,' who fOr years has been organist and choir leader in the : Baptist eburelt or that towu, •wai on Tuesday • evening presented with very handsome • ver tea service by the tnembors of tbe church, inaeriago to :`,1r. Frank I). the occasion being . the eve 3olfarl‘sialiseet,,Roeryllnoolods: stook.' 'Mr. lhunasis the• new station agent here. .There aro '50-1•voters in the •municipali. ty,•of whom 280 are qualified to Serve as ju- rors. Mr, Thos. Gregory on Saturday ship. . 'tied two car leads of bacon, containing about 54,000 lbs weight, to Winnioeg. • Mr, IL ' Black has disposed'Of hill groovy business to • Mr, Lk., 1,, Dodge, late ot.Dicton, 13.nrstim,s,---1'he first of the new series of monthly eattle.fairs villho'hold,on Thursday, Sept, 2nd. The Council has done what vse woold it hail clone ; the Clerk has been instriteted to write.Mr...11one1d regarding. the:, :workleg of the folindry ; as at present eon - ducted, the.foundry is .actually no benefit to the place, .ana int] y right thatllit council should, in the interest of the ratepayersi see that tho•property is not further frittered away; sae haVe been•disappointed in Mr. 11og1d ; we Itsvloki.,11t:lo, :II and voted for the bplaw, .helieving him to be a keen, :practitam l ah ul he as not proven to he snob, butt visionary schemes have p ltitt attetitiote 3v1i11e the business of •• the found t.y has,jaMguished almost 'unto death... We hote. the matter will bo settled at an early „ day, so that the ratepayers • may know -what they may expect la roalize front the very largo r Thursday. He is very meth pleated with the prairip-etTuntry. The ease with whichfarm- mg is-cartied on there quite charmed. him. The quality of the land is excellent, and horse power and )naChinery do nearly all the work. In the aeotion Of Dakota 14 which he travelled, probably *even eights of the people are Canadians. Many of them settling there instead tli Manitoba ott• account of tho. more ilberat landpelicyoethe Americans. No man is more strongly British -Canadian in Senti- ment than Mr. Sieveright, yet he says, from what came under his own observation and from tho expressed opinions of residents on both sides' of the lino, that the Canadian land it of driving very eable settlers