HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-07-22, Page 8tk\
TuunRDA-k-, Rat).- 2, p$so.
,ev....•...-•-eleeseeteeteseeereseeesewstr.ree...,..•eageetveetesageseete......eseepeaereeeseee..-e........tteatue ••
_ ...
On '1'hursd'ay afternoen a boy atoned I CANADIAN 01WI.:Ilt 01I` lonICVSTI:1104. To L'ry .1 f/ (,,I A- (' .'; , , . . . „ i ,V , . ,:t:,..
iluteble„ employed at the woelle.n factor:6 1 ' en" ,a .-t•;;.-;f v, . p• .1, 4.. ., 4. i DEAL:, Sta,--I wi;-,11 to terree.t yeurl cones -
lost the end .of one of hie linos in tin: ma- 1 : 1,,...:-.1-1:1,,,17/1i:1 'ti",,, ii'aj- ,,,,,,,,z..ez...(,,,„ pendent, as regtrda ,,',.. Sterlieg breaking hiS
chinery. ..‘,0'cliei:P,
Tuesday and Wealleeilay ei hot week, ilm Idow anil tlx way Iie. male looney. lie 1,xieel.
• ed loe a LIcekeraith thon cud lite hieeketnith
116111:vino ta.itef thee:rated with ilowers
(hole tic/141)4.1%-ln eompliance with uve€41,,.-71.",. m,,,,nt nay etteeetes Avali not at beim:, Mt he tht4.1.;.lit 1.((. wari
, •
Li.70•41tIt ,"(rr41).i.eg. numerouely-stgnet1 r sion tile .
t Yor ImaaPPointed• Toosal., tho All' Tbe meetio,•vety liarnomieue through. • Jett. 11l TA L'.14 1iL1.0 1.
(.11(411 43 and he would act the :With and 11:.
present, te:retlur Nyitli IttimIe,r a Nieuwe:,
The brick work of the Beavtir Blockie !IVO) eivie holiday for this town, • '•ut. and a Leo ailment of Invineee, which (ambl• 'A"'L c".•11 wile" took it° 1)(•iut out
completed. • •
• Wool. - Zlre T. Stanbury last week
made a. shipment of a 'ear load of Wool to
1 s 110 c 0 to . J
. • there was a big hole bunted Mit. That is what
1 ca
DROWNINci ,461.4•41 DENT,- -On Sunday last watrausaeteil. Satiefaetory reverts of the' n walri9l; money tor the go.k1 of tra le
•two young men named Brynon, together .end as for Ins entre of the 412.50, all he got
steads Mores -et of the order and curditlence of
Hamilton. . the ltecollet Batas, nert'r Montreal. Limy [ ilt:iprIlettuattlaaO01.8 311 ltS 1 erinanen‘v and. stability was gn ail plow, that WI eatil was net worth
drawing. home, aud, then he speilea the best
with a brother aged ex wore drowned in • - ". b • • • . .
p!trt of it. He has been. very tiefortunate
Some farmers in this neighborhood are wore', cousies of Alm Wife of Mr, Martin, The following are the otiMers of the Ili'41).
,..., since lic came here. lu the spring loo went
paying $12 and elk per week, Awl 'board, book-keepar for Messrs. vottsp„ow, Mite- 1:Ourt elected for the ensuing year,:
experimenting., burning the prairie grass to
'WV. (1, (1.• Mollobbio: Tilsouburg, 11.1) E.,
see how °lose ot wank'. burn to his stable with.
re-elected.. .
, 0_01l taking lire, and. he had a hard time to
B. C. Clarke, Listowell, II. V. C. R.
for harvest hands, atid even at- this rate,
hands are name. •
A youth from this vicinity luta his pock
et picked while attending the show at Gocle.
rich on Monday ; fortunately, there was
very littli money therein.
.An alarm of fire was sounded on Friday
forenoon, caesed by an escape of stnolto
from email cracks in the chimney on the
\ premises of Mr. Barge, There was no hi -
jury done.
Too BAD.—The other night cows got into
the gardens of Mrs. Mowbray and Mrohis.
Hearn and did nitwit damage before they
were discovered, There ie strong susp
don that in the case of the latter, some
contemptible being let the cows in,
• ' -Mesta's. 'Icelaficts an Gouinlack-shipped
two &Wale -decked car leads of sheep from
this place, which was part of azonsignment
. of 1,000.hea4 they were shipping to the old
country. Messrs. Momfey, %teem &Co.,
also shipped 400 head for the same place.
It leeks a little odd that this description
of meat -mutton -is in such dimand in ,
Enaland while in this country con:para.:•
tively little of it is. 'eaten.
RAIN, -A soccession of unusually heavy
• thunder storms passed over this locelity
this week. We have not heard of any in-
' j ury resulting to grail.' therefrom,lo u t large
quantity of hay that had been cnt has been
rendered nearly Useless. Many fanners
must blame themselves for this as hay was
left too lone in the field after' being mit.
ft should be an invariable rule that when
grain or hay is gut and the weather is at
all fine, they should be hoUtted without any
unneceesary cl'elay. We have. frequently-
• noticed. in past yens, that where fart:Imre
have lost crops by -their :getting' Wet and
rotting, it has altnost always been threugh •
carelessness in not looking ;after them.
Foltzeapon's Snow.-- Quito ,a number
from this place went to Goderieh on day
day to soe the above'show, exPeeting, frOtn
,ivhat was advertised, that it would Prove
onnatially interesting, in this they were bid-
ly disappointed, in so far as the general
circus perfonnanoe was concerned! The
show has a fair collection- of animals, a
group of remarkably well-trained elephemts;
and a few of the performers aro geed actors,
but the gpeater part of the "ring perfezen-
:ince could be equalled bY a:collection of
untrained youths. , Thoee. who witnessed
• the eveningperformance, say it was -much
better than that of the afternoon -it did -
not amount to Mitch if it was not, A large
'crowd alid Went to Seaferth on Tiiesday •
to see trio show.
SHADE TitEES-We notice . in driving
through the country that, farhaers in differ:.
ent sections have ',planted -Shade:UO.4 along,
theireht of their 'farms, soma. in and. toth4.
• et3 outside the fences... The only drawback
to their chances of maturing!•on tlikeutsidee
is the .clepredatibni.• of :young Steak. which
are tfermitted to 'run at The Maple
• .• appears to 'thrive the best and has Certainly
u• fine appearance When g,tooin; and we
would' advise. fitioners who have not yet
set 'out•treee-te..•det'eetat the earliest conve-
i• thence. The. labor' reqiiired :for the•-.pur-
- pest) is •very and if .titet• Out •.succese-".
ively.aleng the different, firms, the .eottm
- • trz., would in .a few yearapresent magni3O,
eient :appearance. , • • . • • • • .
TAIEVOXO•Titt*st. -A rin.mber of the ia.
.sidente along the. base •pf•Xcillett and:
Gedistich- townships, ..and 'also along con.
. 16, .Goderieli -township, have recently
.-H.feredjthe4eas ofettantitiea of •proy isieue by
. thethefts of teattips. ••• There is Saict •to be
live 'of -these gentry, .Who„ maketheir hOrni
1n the woOdei.and•ealltont tiii=ciorrthe.covere'
of darkness - to. 'commit their cleprodatianii.
The thefts, -Which.'have beemcarried on for
*time titiie are. very annoying, „ae in;:severo,1
'cases, all the'edolced edibles in •8.•:•tions.e.
have been ctteried off, idaving the family
sans•beard,"•while the tramps. tlisplay p
nicled fer bet,ter", :cheese.,...canned
fruits, &c.- Goecl•Watch dogs and: collar.,
doors seeei to be no guard "agaitist the . de,
predations, and- the fartnere dn.:Jo a
dry as to what to de. , •The.y,shouldturn Out
4,4 etasse to find the .felloUrs, ,n(3. root- them
out of the neighborhood.'
. .
. . .
. PREHENTAFIOIAT;r-A- for .eveninge since.
the parties composing the •Sabbath School
class of Miss itioks,•of the B. a Church,.
assembled at the residence of• Mrs.•>loW.'
• bray, and presented their teacher with a.
handeome teiletpOeut`base,.aeoeiripatiled by
the following lid:dress, to Which Miss .Hicks
made at- • • '
Dilut TKA.Ctilt11,-It tiTiti4itl et regret;
t hat Wu, learn of Tette baying to- 1('41.'4> town,
especially our Sunday 'school. Wu haVo' re-
. el yell yintr Attlibm. With p etts,ito•atid. satit(fae.
ti Oil, tIttriag eseitiettera1)10 ittuitttul . that yell(
have heeof Will 11E4.05 the feltelter of our class,.
will you kindly accept this email presetrt ;is. a'
memento of pite appreciation .or your valuable.
ser Vices; 3ertir kind, willahle. tted. yet aripreissivit
niauncr of imparting instruction, WOVIsli yoll
happy alai useful career wherever your let
pherson Se Co.
P.torgn..-The Methodist 'Sabbath School
of this town, held its annual picnic at Clod-
erich, yesterday, being acconapa.niecl there
by the Blyth brass band, which very ma-
terially added to the pleasure of the occa•
sleet by their fine music. The day being
fine, a very Weasant time was spent.
A.CtlIDEST.—On Thursday afternoon, As
the children of Mr. John McCartney, of
Holmesville, were driving ant. of town,
their waggon was upset by the wheel of
Knox's 'bine catching it, just as the 'bus
was turning a corner., throwieg the occu-
pants out, the only injury sustained beitig
by one of the girls, whose shoulder was
severely grazed. • •
013E4> '' Exounsio.w.-Mr. Thos: Ford,
travelling passenger agent of the Grand
Trunk nailwaY, was in 'OKI- 011 Tuesday
and arranged for a cheap excursion to To-
ronto on .the civic holiclaY-August 3rd, '
TiCkets wilt be issued to Tormito and re-
turn, for $1.50, good for three days. - On
payment of $1 extra, tickets will be made
good until :Monday, .A.ug, 0,. A grand re-' Orphans or legal 'mire at his death. Three ores/ near the Pembina Mountains, norh-
gatte. will be held in Toronto during the • deaths have 'occurred in the order since.No-. west -territory. •
week, and no doubt a large nUmber will Vember last, mid $1,000 has been paid then' ....'" .
avail thenisolve$ of this Vary ohoal5 Oxeur., ',widows ancl orphites-viz., to Mrs. Donnelly • . .
- clarity til inILECT011ni.
8i013. . •, .1 qiid„Aildren, Sb. Themak; 'Mrs, Messer and
A, ..isuLklitow- EscArli. .(.)n Tuesa6y alter- i reehiillilTr.,en, Blnevale, Mrs. 13ennevis -awl child-
ietowell, In addition its members have Serv lees urd 11414 in 610-01.1111.411.44 in Clint= RH 10710WS
.WILLISe-(Oonada Prosbyterin)-11sv. A. Stewalt,
all the social 'and fraternal advantiwe's es- nuttgut,a)rt. 0 irbati.ltnit.Tlkattl:.bliotiiittns eabtai,01311 pitl.; prts,yertoceti:
nOpo Messri. Jas. Fait and John. I -1041118 .1i 1.
met with a very unpleasant aceident„which I seised by Cater eoeieties, ample provi-eionPhe- t
though not attended with .serions results, j ing made fdr assistieg' members "lit &Arose prayer ateetine-Nc'eantseay, 8 11 1 '. IS' 'WU' i
CANA,TnoniST.-1.1ev-0, SntlierlanilaiiiUtot, [
cao10 rather . close thereto. They •woro I end relieving their wants during sickness. •
tl',814bea.tnii,; 1:Igillel,"1 it14.a8:4•)•11.)2'em. Lo8r1.1gir,G1 I
about to take a driVe into the country, and. I We tire glad to hear that the supper, serVed van, 4 gencrea p raiy 0 j,)Tut,,,,,t'iTcrt. i'tI.v,iteah-• uneo;;(abi:li..p: tia.got1,,r1.1.:-21.1.:). i, ,
had just started from the resid-ence of'Mr..1 1.•)S7 Mr. Neunedy; al the Royal lintel, to the
Fair, when some portion :if the harriess•be- delegates on the ev'etiiite. wevious to their de- nthr.E C111IISTIAN..-11
trrgo.tietistunt. Soblitith-10,311 a.n11, anti '130 Nu.; • •
chine'detaclied, eitatziniglithiotshoet.tstoorttos'btei.elOgreoet i Tta11.1'.117, 5, f 1(.21 t shecl'1411.004,, I'l'ils 8i th ilt. .1a1 (15 11
‘SipeOuk, Cal 01 r upiCi;.1.15ilie Id
untwinageable, •
: sereed ie 40:el..style, besides berne a thareugh ' 4,,,,,!t.(11.:.1‘pRi0,1hug,.:1:(23:41,1!:::;11.:::i.:::::3:21:.tt.ecil t. ::::::11,11,:::
away, ran the buggy Into the ditch, ovu'r, teMper.;:olile•.:ailair. • -Mr. lceenedy: w.iii. have, tor. .s i i b 7 1
it:),)0l--._ 0.11.t.. iind 7 ran.) (44>4 1.414 seie.01-::).1
turn.ing it and pitching the occupants out ti
until itheeame su• entangled in the I i•elest's N'N'•ho 'eti..rtc(*)a.IiIrciLi.l.'1911!.•.s5nunilbltlul'oat'ils. 1r)eybliiiIiIt'0. 1*(.14(''f4 l'r3.'"1.. ineetlui171.Ykla:Y':."4117a"..P'1'1.-i Y°..tij' 1
toe ....iittotietion of baVing hla reputation as 1- Pao• ' 1 011,11.0 gerrleo- Wedoe•iihi3',. '" 'al
into the Mud. ; the horse, then kicked awl eabli,„ 1 woe-
harnese and .btige , the • t co 1 1 ' • 1 ' 1 ' • .s ' • - 1-tm2d=leaLven,."1:1E4-seollseeeee.r.assortaave.e.Leer.epqmoos I
,3 . ,, i 0 1... serum y
(too..LitalloY, Brantford., II. Sectetary, re. i3't°13 la 110068.
elected, IsimAx.
Dok'Aa July 12 DM
Nelson Green, Waterford, If. Treasurer, ' ' '
1tobt. W.. Abell, Toronto, If, S. W. SEA.FOR.TH.
Thos. Bithray, lieterhoro, 1-1, J. W. TUE WATERWORRS CaMiDnA.'eto.N.—Next
Jos, Northwood, Chatham, a S. IL Tuesday the Seaforth waterworks will be
John Carpenter, Chatham, j1.3. B. formally opened by a, grand demonstration
. A,. M. Stanley, M. D., Watford, Chairman,
Medical Board.
1g, O. Young, M, Ilidgetown, Mem. of
Med. Board.
Peter Robb, Clinton, Audlors
J. C. Hicks, St. Thomas, •
Geo, Sinclair, Ingersoll, H. Marshall, .
Q. Whale, Waterford, H. Conductor.
This order is a purely Canadian Institution,
Its prineipal objet appears to be to provide
for the liberaLsupport of the widows and or._
pilaus of deemed members by the mutual aid
plarwand by this noeans the!order hue estab-
lished the cheapest system of life insurance
in vogue; by the payment of the small sum of
'fifty cents per month by each member the
Suut of 81,000 is secured to his widow and
in the shape of a fireman's touts:um:tent and
preceeiien, and a picnic at which speeches
will be delivered by prominent perscont.-
The railway fares for the round trip are
very low, and it is expected that there will
be a large turnout.
General crop reports for the United. States
indicate that the corn crop is larger by far
than in any year heretofore, the cotton yield is
equal to any in the pest, and wheat np to the
average, with a slight increase io acreage.
Crops are said to be very geed in the N.
• It is reported that gold mu been discov-
rew-5,mr essa,....ereeter•-s.eeemz. __:.•e•-:e.eeeeg:rseaveveer..er,s,•rse,ea:eseer.evee-e:..eee-Aeee..e.e• 'n"-14:41Phr$011411441,4
. . — . -...)
l• • • • • •' - . • . • ,roy antosig Lite 91111.1titeen.
move, during which the. hug,gy was`slightly - - . • '
brokee. 'In' falling Messrs, 'Fair and . 01,1))).1,N :411' Err OIE. 0111141 IY Snit- f
Hodgins sustained a 'few bruises, but hove- 'rho demise of aui late -.M.ts. W. If. Perrin, tilde for children. and touit,L .1 111101 by
they managed to free theindelves from' the
buggy -s -a t op .eneeinl. escape scrims. in-
jury, is a mystery to themselves. •: •
Mr. ills. Witiaman, of Gait, le'. visiting
his many friende here,
which took place on the 14th, instant, was . over Goo doetuni Qttitada. 'I'll( dillieulty of
not so •smitleti or- unlookdd tor as one might, !, allininisteriint' nauseous Medicines,. and tIM
*bp led to suppose froei.the brief eetice oar eirability of having them pleesant to, the tit to, •
last 'week's 'Josue._ She had been, -011111g for iMliteed. T. • t.lo.pland to. undertake.. reAearelies -
about 'sii.'weelis before but'most'of the time In'the'Lli'elwQPY..ar a Sw"t '"'
tor.01i, perfectly palatable.. of the same stiseigth.
able. to walk around, litit 'still She was very
au.1...inet heel. qualities as the . ordinary Casttir
Weak. and fregiumtly Raid. to her.;.lintnediatc.! . .1 .f., arm. • • t •
Alr. Thos. Jackson. has .left on a...abort I e, 1 - I ' 1 • cl felt . actin,g with more ite.rt9Inty,,and Prpeluefilg! ;lei-.
• friends that she Was afraid' she•would 11evr .,
: wol acratu, au( tnat s to ha never tvor 1151.2868, la0. griping. home elnliltyn say it
pleasure trip to the east. . ' • .. [right shichest wiuter, when. slit had a severe-, ee honey ;- others cell 11 syrup--they'all'eaytheY
Rev. . 1\li•:' Fowler, cif Lis tow ell,?fornieely- attack of itillammation ; but..for 'three or four.' like -it,. One.p,arent $14.y>4 —' `, Aly ehildren drink
of this placee, is- re,eruiting at Goderieh. • I clays •beforo lier death -she seeined .to be re- , it like *water ;' another-:" Wre had fo bide the
. . , of Elora, is spending .
. ' • •j doverine., and' was out with different mem.. • t , , .
- . . 9 110t IC 01 tin y 'w paid have finished it right, oil ;1,
Bet S. Fisher, 4 ' ' ' ' a 1 1 r -i . • f • '1-- • 1 1 It 1- li ' 1 '
ters o . im ami y, ant. itu,. a on... ,er inea s another,-" My little girl has, take...n it twic,
few. days witli Me friends in ,this' vicinity: ,,.t .' withmit any tr.euhle, and doeA. not kinjw,Wlitit
1 th m and took' (r eat' 'tit .• est i 1 M.Qsill
Me. D. M. ...Vallee)), jast now et,clod ee_
rich; assisting in the examination of•ar..-e-•
didates for third-cle.as certificates, •
Mr. ;amps Turnbull, and family, left
this week for .1-Iarriston; where they. pur-
pose ramaining for a short time. ' 1
Mr. G. Wright, and wift; left On
Tnetiday ,for a _short 'pojourn.in Chicago.
It is likely that Mr. Wright -will also make'
stout of the Western-Statee:. •
. .
Cantelon, late of Holmeaville,
whe has been visitiog friends in the neigh:
berhood of Torentp, has returned.end c(in-
templates making. Clinton his future place
of residence. He could net find a better
place. , .. •
Mr. Geo. Watson; formerly of this place,
. had returned from the northweit territory,
where•he had,. been spending eotne One.
It tot.* him .a Month to make the .trip
from where homes located to Ontario. He
rCperts times lively at Winnipeg and set-
tlements further west, and thinks the.t a
man. with' capital will-fificlab-atei
opeitingS for ievestment than in Ontario.
" and Alin usemen ts.
lACerrespondeni sends us the following la
reference to the Doniinion Day sports at bra.
renza, Men. Nearly all thwplayers are tree);
thie section :- •
• The l'ilot Mound yds° ball °bob lutving
'challenged the -Loire 'Stir Club, of Narenea,
to play a match on their pwn .ground, on 'Do-
'minion.day.' .Mr: Shoemaker aotea as tune
pro, Mr. James Wilertham add. Mr. Beverage,
scorers' The liarenea boys Were first to bat,
whenthe umpire called the game. The score
stbod. thus :-- •
T.,one Star Club -John Sterling,'1,; James
McCool, 1; Cardno, 3 • Wm.' outh-
combe, 13 Glarclno, 3; Win. Cockerlino, 2;
Samuel Frith, ) ; Henry Ady, 4; fr, Camino,
events and dosiieslio affairs, 4,') >3 ftseely* tegliabe hate.; the ordinary 'Castor
Iiit,'fiiiItilii in -fatal: -7.The Tniglit previous. tte-tili4-Y-1-41-W";q2V4'g0,211 '•121t' -'-k9 4- ''`I' -i1-44'"'": a
ber deeth. she appeai•ed as wellas meal, and.... Y:. '%%•5erluetr. tgs1,:irt.7(31t, ;;.g•iis .a:tlist.t..cleati.'‘'
slept soundly... Ifer dangb ter havileg•eiden -••-•snre to take the place or all the Peemmee (in.."
in the mOrning,...and.befeire gt,i4g do-wn ..ltatta..;... The extraordinary. demand for this lint -wow: -
went up to fbe beitto kiss her motht:, end' ment ot•a staple houseliold•medicinehasbrought
thutt diseovered her in' the very root Of dying.- :fraudulent imitations bite the markiti. but the.
Her husband and.a few friehde were quickly, .-publie ceri•geard themselves against substitutes
suunnoned, but notking could be done .‘o re. (which iiiipriricipled *pad;ties are•atteinpting to
sell on thcrepetatien df 'this artiele) by. seeing
•Tiye her,. mid in a f 0, \11 minute's she W11.4 ..till
ii.t.t: .tliattlie name CoPLAND's SWI.:3T , CASTOR OxL,.
in death :She had, at different times,
sudden ' attacks. of heart• 4isole.,... to wtade ,, id on luitli„ Wrapper and direetionlabel. ..
The ittiautivitOlutl, having purehisecl Mesiars„
she load been subject for over t•••renty yealel,.,.T.Ctielaud & ()'s interest in the above ere m-
grs. Perrin . was horn at London,
. ,
Enktaild• 'raticin, are now manufacturing it from the ori,'
ata at the 44g4- 01 Six nicntlis was brought out. ‘ginalreCipe. . .. . . . . .. •
to Canada end adoptcid by. b ertnicile and, Lunt, • . . .. Nr,011tITROTE)1, LYMAN, Toronto.
the late.,X43ness 0.0.17(1911..and wife. they hicving ' Ask for (lorwiten,'s S \VSE'r C.tiiTbit OB.. 'Ob-
. no children of their. own." - A....K."3:1; . tire "dit.-r i eeree-the iiaine. :1),e'rewbo deceived., 'Sold by
1840 Mr; Gordon kept 1, 814014. in Hay, on the all intelinine dealers... 1.?ric6, 25 cents. • •
',Olden Road', .where,slierSoori. became known • • "
to tlo 'early: settlers,..soirio'-'yeata'later tlinv ' ,..,' . . . • . ..
motet' to Clinton, Ir. Gordon behig a leading •,iNoT VIE STAG lIT'EST'ArFTNITY 'exists betwein
(flan and heeping abent the enly- stole: in the thi'.16116"."."'3""1-11 "1 4t'll''`"ithLw-144.64"1-e-i°A.1114
place end the poitoffice; slte spelt heeamo well, ,eL
itt Ilrogilieutlaalid, 444 0n.44400Illi.proparotiencorthrup.
' 'Emu/slim of CO Liver Oil arta llypoPliter.
known in the Place end.totfie Older sottlevA "An phitud' of Maui mut 300a. It tgluitis abide, dietingt,
it! like. itself, nolineriting ONO. 'It endloilieri the beet
the nounty, frequeetly attending the store. reaulte •rf admii,p2iii__Pliaxintwoutivel eelmici-' .1t4 -
.Its-nrivast -office, she. - ,betiame ir- favorite- of all. „„),61,; wiled
.t.ihe attended . school here' awl at tlocleriCii; ing • coe,ilo; (when
some of. hoe sehoolmatei have ,,,eaqed away. boiadessly•ausetrd), eotts I•tryttuith,,. on4 ,itsiAtsos ut: .
Positirti, deeieikii recbite, • ITertually whey.;
the lungs. ii•rO nut fribercuanur. or
"b-efere lier, stiirrnany yeeliti. v-ae -ler "444"1.11141.-540.1410----3-Y ai014-5113-a_giukumg conoumn-
, ,.......ec 1
of whoin -Tem able to. iitteud.het, ft1nerali ' At
the age of aboid liftdeA She lest her unele, and
aunt • by it; railWay 'aCcident iri the
Whieb was a severe shock to her system; shot t7.
'ly. after', that: she: went4to Toronto to attend
school, ancl ou her return home liere,in the
winter -of 1860 She became acquailitoa 'with
Mr, Ferrie'.7to where she. Was married in Au-
gust Of that year. , She kaves behind her tiro
children. -William Cordon and, .Matirtim Cara;
line, bile. was a 1-ind aff ,ctionitto and loving
41. 314 0)0 .111iltaf. reliable tibia/le-0f otenoo agutust
. that iirea,loa seourge. The invighruting provurtiot 0(3
tho Npophooldlites rsiintitn•se the. 'eyetein debilitated-
thu Uoruitunt tear glia 0.1' ethigh. while clic
putoxy'sniK 'Antal y aitolin(-11 violurthe, in. ex.usi quiiiitus •
ol Ute soothing emollient notion' of.the cod. liver oil
wiser the inbutiett luag'incinbraue. . phexplvo-nc,
.11:nu ;mil soda, in u,entanatiott with it, tire ;c11 tetturii
»0114( 111(1113 11; the e.ne.truction 1,f 110.•1,,,iiiscaii'cc,..,
• whia0, :ttute of de&y, eisks or thu,e
olumunt4, The,e. tho hepoplionAlitt,s
ing Ulu nit ritivu 440>41.43114 (ho bloo a, ill.. 1 building
up and .rehabiltio dug the fiittering 411,11011 stroeihre•
with 44.elegrou of .prutuntittt4u RS astonishing 110 t 13t
, gratifying' tO• I he imittfit A 110ot...ewes lean bp tti'.1t
'Mfg told mother and her family Will ever as wen 04 ill Strength is one of the (101)40 21011101
.olieriali towards her a kind and:tender re-:
eseerieneo have- denentstnitoden be fully• worlics• c i
using thie rtwiRittid preparation, %idyll buth.tiipo•01141
membrane, .O.'s they knowiliev have sustain. the oontblonto ronuerea in it, Prepared 4 Nourttne 1^
ed a loss from whieb in this life, tlm,y. cannot: &LynAN, Tomato, and Ku by an druggisto. - :-
recover. A husband lia;Slest tbe ,eliosen wife . -------ese----1-,---..;
. .
of his youth, two children have lost a mother. - - — •
1110 xe, It's ki i
remits' I:etr(-reel Aim • wollen Tex"Ti•Ses.oes
. Weenie III 001.1)) Do 1`01' 11:Now Asvaltm1.
, 01` IT Il' :icor, tr. ts :pun Yot, Di n.
Pain cprpot otay whirro itja 'iced. 31 414 the ehea; vet
. :deelicine evf.A. 1000.4. •••• one (mac enrol couirookr sere
, ,., . ,
--...--P11-0-81-43Y-2._!1...11.e..°1'.r_a_..s-..1)6.11..t-1(12:1..*!°-.1 ....... : .. -: - -- Throat 4011>, bottle hap enroll Mune-11We; 50 elo. 4014h
--YOU W11.41.4
CCURID 400A.nrs,
LAT‘ille.14N 3001LTS'IMIEZS,-
WJE3Ctillp and ILAIINTEN. "Vg8S9VS,
no's--. ICACINTEN:' d40.4421"S„
3-36.-§z-,s7P ItTijS,r1901Eze.,S,
iLT ar 3E11-1-71.114:1-4.A.tigh,
,Z,T.T31:3 1{4:1
• 1-7L;113-BIRPEtiZ i'll'CA-0-11:7A74,
:4•T T 13
Viotoria BlOck, -Crintoti.
5. Total, 25.. • • ' - 0.0 *,.RESPONDENON...
Pilot Mound Club -H. Woods, 1; Jig>,
liertson,' 1; Burke, 0 ; 3,arnos 1 tobertpoo, Wt. (vish it to boaistinetly mutoriitpoe that we ao hot
1;. 3. Frazer, .0; 'B.: T. 'Robert:len, I; ri svootb, hod. :responsible for the opinions ex-
.(); D.. Kelso,..1 1). Stewart, 0. Total, 5.
After the match they, all Proceeded to par.
take of the geed, things.preparetl.ancl furnish-
ed by our energetic store keeper, Mr. Frazer,
foul the ladies ot•Pilot mound eity..• The ef.,
ternoon was spent with games of different'
jciods,rand at oielpelothe gatherieg of tome -
thing like' 125 people began to disperse and
Spread; each party going tile/1.'03112 WRY 0V01'
-E110 beaittiful prairie to their homes, express.
•themselves well.pleared with the dey'e
!/'/f[ 7' .PRAW '
To (1,o 'Editor orate Cligion'New Bra.
• • 8111:-1 always..theught ..the Gratigere wave
fin:My fellewe, kilt the fannieet of them all
tfobous toll::: .111eSeinftel Smillie, of. 1'. A. 1),
a tant;41, lienSall,.Whell lie says, in last wook's
7:7/Fos/tee, iii answer t,o it I L110)4011 '.put by
u Observer" in 111 111.111.11)1143 WOOIC II ./4081/0”,
may be east', Mid 1101W to littutt again, ir not on " Who pays the bill," nreanliso•who tiays the
...surd', 114 th0•01111111y borders or 0110 11141044-0 or. sport ill (hie itifant country --.a. len a. o f tie went.
core where we may eonverse on -the thetile•or• - • - ' •. bill fer the leech 1414(1tiranget".i. eat at • the
reelect ii frig love for 0111 i411 a eV1,11 We 'iro. de4' r • ' (0 (2445 . -, • .. Model .Farm,.efi . the day of their late excel.-
teaelloyturectionately. . • . ... ' - .. . .. • % '
- to) .11) s.,i. r.4.1101. % 1), • • A 1135010atelt at eueiti for .f• 10'0 a side, took place -81011 . f mr''' • I iu()"
.r‘ ''''Tf. Yaur e"rrtimulant
at 1,4)8(1011, en -Wednesday; between:1), Dedd, - has.suilleient it telligenceto rekeli 11111 1)031411.111
'r,,X."..‘IINATioN„ -- lejavit v(ilekta10, aittl.(.1. Walhinslirov, ef lVingire
' of the enquiry, he will find it is, paid by the
Nl1, .. a.,. i 9lu, •
the names .of those tv.ho. passed tin: en- . the champion of the Dominion.. It. resulted classes who prirteok of the lunch."' Of ceurse
i .( this 4554 A- big; jeke of Mr. Smillie,- (14111 111- examination to. the, Clinton Iii,,i ( in favor of Dodd, by a score of GI to 42. •
tended to' make all the mg of the li rangers
School, with the echnol .0onv which. they • •
HAS Ililki,li, . lalli.01; bllt.t0.110 4111.10114, I would respeetfany
Came, and the number of marks obtained; i • 2'l.: mach was plaited at-Wiegleant, tm.Satur.. 'ask yoe, ,.eir, Who you' thinli .Nte. Smillie
( /ut of 42 applicants, 25 succeeded. in pais. clay, between l'eesw_ater and Winglnon, • rem- 'oans by the r70,8s, go cannot mean .the
Mg, and One wes recOmmended; ' - salting hi favor of '‘,1. 11.411a:it by 14 tuns, • Channels iliCtritelVeft; . tifi I understand {hey
• ltxusis. - 4•onto01e MARIN • . .Tim ntem.:.- „ '
did. no such thing as pay' the bill ;* does he
Emma Boyd, Illyth metal; all•the 11114111018 of Ontario, of which the
Ella Cannel- vo, 3 0,31,3,3,1, vi.).',.,.... '11;,$•.i A 'plgeptoshoeting match ' teak place at ( .
Enitnit 'Wear tuey, , No,, 8 iiecjerich.rp..... 317 ;remotes aro a very small part? I think he
\\7111g1141)77, Olf 8aturqn,y, for.the dounty.badge, nia,y ilophape. mem, 1110m, wen,. if he e1.ee114.1
Mary Twi or... , .. ,,, ;111 intuit „ , , ,,,, ;',(bi between Dr, L. .. , (,n1i�', ,
T TT (Armor of •Luelcnow, and „ P 1.
ataggie Wasiiingtem.clintml • • of Winghani, resultingjii fever woulo. 1 mbar ask, do the' fariners of Ontario
• flare,ottclieli t• e ,, •..,' II 0:2i /111,,,,.T.ein,bi°bt'ei by one bird, elm seere; eteee.' nay all the taXes? ..111tiory am knowe thatthey
Georga A11(10041011,,, .311). lil Goilerlen 1. p, .,. 362 , • , ' ke, • • , 8 . e, p Tam t o
George neaeolets, -.No, 3.o tiodeoleh Vp.... ::77 ing, .1,:r. :annex, , .. , %., ; o , .. . de not, and if thei de, what right have all
Iletry Clark . „No, 5 those holiest, hard.working fermers who ate
Jolla ell tirehl11,......11e. II Godericli Vp,..... 348 • • fiSICEilirr. . net (4 -rangers tO be saddled with the coo of
John cronyn, Witighron lify7expensive luncheons and dinners for the
The following team of Ctickoters leave to -
Thomas Campbell,. „14e, 2 11torrls •
. John na • night for Win haree when -they will play with (7rangorg to C3t At t 10 .0 'ar
charles Grant,•,...,.(ilintoti!... ,. . ..... 315 they take . it into. their heads to visit that iri-
George jewltt, , . • • -Igo. 8 Isterrls...,..... sos stitution, why do not they pay Lor their own
Johu Setrostem...„.telnten.„.....1 .... „..,. ese dimiera, like other folks 1 'I .thonght at tho
George Istekinley......Stailley.....•..... . , ..... 31241
. John 1,teIntosti.,.,..,No, 3, Tneleersinith.,.. eito timo it was too bad" of. the Grauger$ to make
(merles Plankett,....Varna ............t. ... . Iwo out alto° dinner at the country's expense;
Albert Plumnier.....No. 4 Goderteh t'n ort but when one of their leading rnerdbers coulee
ceerge retrie,.„..:,Xe. 3 Ifni lett 850 ont in euch a peblie mitestatement, I thiek
vrancis Sutherland...NO, 3 Ittlilett ....... 428
John It. Stitherlands.r.endon '11 1 arm in doing.a little grumbling.
I ;V :161 11' no whenever.
the club of t mb piece to-niereow : Wm. II.
11ansfer(1, Harland; T. A. Gale, 1. Urea),
'N. Fowler, Dennis, J. teshan: G., Knot,
A. MeKown, D. Forrester,' G. egged,
P. J. Macikinancl W. Jackson,
Brasseic Crieket Club failed to nt
appearence here
Dublin °rid
:wadi here, en
Stittibs • ......No. l‘torris ..... 4441 407 PAItIdit It.
.144>411(4 nteplien Tayfe'r, , 1880.
inn 0112.441 58 ease. ut rites and.iiitiney Troubles; ki:).
to eteetaepoestions owes y'ettRe 01 Exeoriated- Nips
'pher.or fogirloca 1,fceitet ; one bottle 11114 1.41101 1411,4413>8-41
teiglit years' shotahlg. 1.). o
jthypf: MI104 for a bath) of your oil,' h
ulTutiterl tt wontterint curb rt Erordred.Linib,.by -six
..pliestiOns."- Another .10101)0 4 • )10. `Al11.110 ' tor. yealr4
ff 1105(111.011. *of cent 'botfle 1r -it, Iola. eill0
u00111 not b ny' IRTratild get 00. 'noire." Ea fax Rob,
• illF401.4, (41 Nunda, N.Yi, caym.: one sunt 11 bottle of
your Edo(.trie oit reNtr)relVt110 vole6 IVIle (In: pagen),
hall 'not -spoken above ri.with.per'in yotro.''. Rev; .T.
1,..ialhow, of Wxottring, N. Y. \yellow eyontrieteettis011
enroll fru; iu ono wev11.''' • ft ia
ok 1;N rd Ole host 0110 iluit are known. It. IS MI good for
P41015114 ao for external nee, en,d hi holioroa (0 ,21, 14(0
Ihountroubly superior 00 anything (Ivor ta.020., 'WM
save yott blurb tolitUring and many. annum ed•tliqiunse.
psw.iith 1.511TATItitc4. -Ask 7.4. '1110111:10) 7k: -
reales 011..-fil.cethitt, thy signa•triro 01 14. N. TiftWAS,
be wrapper, and the iniino Nonynroc Ly.
31.114 1)10001 in tilt:bottle, mid TAMP. NO •O'.1‘11.,E R. Sold
b,v ali 1110)41110 dealers. Plies e5 mute, 'Northrop 4;
Lyman ,Toronie,proeriefors for the ilorain ion
•• Noen, -Bch:etre: Seleuted and Met:trim-It
AlititaT 4'13:1l3.3,13 411111314Y. °
1442,1143 .
This well•known iletliuino 110 411)1141111.100, hot it Mire
sof0 retutay for l'emide DifIlenitie a and ohm roc -
tions, from any traltid whatever, and. 510000 It pelVer%
101 1e111.003., it contains nothing hurtful Si tbo coasti.
tatiou. To inertial lailieu i141s peculiarly :mita it
vvin, in a, ebort tittle, bring 0,11 1.1441 monthly. porieti 40101
..rogularity. In all swain nervous awl spinal 11000, ion,
pains in tho look andlimbs,linotinest, fatigue on olifilit
exertion, palpitation of the heart, Nineties, side head.
aches wint(s, and ail tits 411111111111)411014>30404110011(13(41by 'tliaoretered )3ystern,these Pins wtil.ttfoot a Niro
whoa all °then means have foiled. The:cid Ms have
novorboan known to tnil, whore th o airoetinns on rho
secon11. page of v0101101. aro well olitetved, For
plifficoniita get 11 3)544>13)11101, free, of (he nu(1nt, .101)
atOSbi3, 3111W 101341, solo Dropriotor. 131 Iola lel
Coats for podium, onotosea to Northrop tyrant),
Toronto, Ord, general itgente for tho Dominion, win
113313101. bottlo, egmtaining over 50 pills, 31311004111 el
011111. 110341 150111414511 bra, It. Cmnbe an"( R•Wafts;
14. illekson runt leLttnestim, Soatortlif 3..10(1.1, car.
tonbronlid Porker di Cattle and 10-. ;tendon, Goderieht
14• Cameron, nageter; Jac, litonthondlongorville; and
>t11n105101140 deniers
E I 12i
&O. 8iC,AT THE
:•••••• •
W. H. 1-?.ANSi-4,ORD
CIA toil, .7 oty,1880.
. • •Itnekleit:e Arelea
Subwribo for the NEW 1011.14 a 111,4-
14rrei hleal 110W111100r.
q11,1.71BItRY,"—T11 0 now wender for whiten
ing the teeth, delightfully refreshing to tho
triouth, To try it is to beeonfo it friend to
the piquant, irresictibie, popular dentifrice Of
thio (h.q.
The beat Salve fluovorld tor nrnises, Seets,
I110540,841it ithetun, Totter, Chapped Vends, chilblains,
cloths, and an 5141018l4 Sem Ernetlets. This salve is
guaranteed to give veiled safisfattion to every ease or
money retreaded. Price es cents per box. Per sale by
3. If. eombe, minton,