HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-07-22, Page 2, a � �- .r � 0 � h ' � � • , �oo��nm���'ac � � . . ., �[cr Lnnt E,a�ai<r. . . rnakeH tlto tliin„ s�ju�ts�+� ;�,* wo .Yp�T.^ , .,_,�,,,_�„�+_..,._�...._...�.��--- ._,_ ��-_...,_e._�,..�v..�.�_._z..��-.�.�� .....,. . ._ . � ; " tu][y!�FiO+r. ,�aL2r�4D�x A. +Ca.1��4 :V.s�q�s�.rr. ,1a a�ot seo .R,. A �'0 1PlS�cIG �+'Iq/fa� C�'lutpLu;,r x'is1N ARii Llif;Y.�l'C!(;Gi T�«i �(�.A3tIIiXA�� r �} • , 'TiH but c� linc�� a 1mrrIc�l ac�r�st, w}�y �t �laould be tulce�� ;',;r r�rt+�ritc<1 tlza�t tha � �nllf�Fe. 'j,Sf� .LPebPttl �u tltC. %ordK .n�� ta Ti�e Artcyt U. �.-x�aY;�11Nt Cl�ilel �2ox•n E� AuQ 1',ttlo scclAlliiu �ti�n �l. t�� �,«�-� Uci(�P;,k'WZT1. lii.l3 11(Gc� �i; ��iLt�t� Yj;L�tli. A�LI(� Ze� nothIng mnko tl�co eo.�J, or frpt�u], ,+ � .�lotful �.A��i86 KOxN rCi:ry TCpDTES�llo f0110�111�. �"i�'l�cll�e�•� n!1Kuu. �fint,� R.[n1•ry �liK Caundn E31iil .Alir•c. Y�+t Yiql�l xi4o 9R1 rci,Ynn��} !nl ilar�.!1 : � t11tL'� 111fl. {CC�i �L'C til� li;'i:Y. Ortoo xcn . � ' Xc�u 4a�rrnllul �•ritl� uw 1�'ntcr,lr.y ; � �y,. , 13� at�ll; �onfidantial G:l�,t amon� i4 merX'y pa�rty af D�;csuxeRl lYlfc'� $ir�ccr. tl ooxrespondent, �i'k'iting frotn I'c�1ea ;Cu-suu�•rorv }�uti'12 Ii� t+,Gc�.' � A VUl.aarTTY Ta ,:� .��nit>Y.ia, � r � �vhat Co�i �iatt� ortilered mu�t Lo xighti, i s•n l�er uo�v book, ''�Lo- .�rc��,Ge�y of tlic ruee o� tiY e u tlao ]�uke� u£ is]tLixd am s:' Tlioro iH notv livisr� on t��i:s Zri t�t�kixi . a ronu c ue.;ti• <<�, Lr�uec:r��iszn his: �'hqr� ffua �n it �i�ine o�vu deli„Lt, o � x� } a��Q vialnto ua couudenco �n Tlip �zi . t�l s a d � Y ,Axo, �you'11 Lc� euct �_..ti c�c;,r�i�n�c, P�:w. � i �, ni rr•ill. ' IInoapecte , I�di�burgl� i�ua �uous�au^Lt �vent tone�kier i�ilo,ad nxz ngecll:�dv,llirs.riIarxPlcCoru�icl:, ��i�l ynt tiiev in�;ir,�� nxy vnt ti�itii l�;uu: �•riie, y��t alaoul�l iiut n•�y :' i�ow ia youx � y iv'n it xo oux xoa,aers . �� to t}�o Iiuuso oF �,>eers pn t11e 'oveni��� of �vha �sns U�xiz xu 17J2, xn �uly of tl�at yenr, A e, xynirll bu ti,L�t -,ai" v,r�r�i�. ; ri truu ; lady?' `1'his is vttl;; Gt i�.t�, ;�1ii� iuvaxi�bly tiVhy sh0u13'st tlzon l�llto-�lnp �uith so:ra�e �� o,�lo ou get � oux kn�,r inta sucli n ,,. - , t,a, t.� Uetrays � lc�c:k uf cult�ti , t u n. !'1�� teLzn, of About to-m�rxow, H� ��' i tir�d m brunotto o# a J�ne l�tl� iu oxdox to voto for �,o'rc1 �Iouoh- at b�nd�'icli, �:br�ox, tlic� ckiilQ of Joh�a atizic'i z�,',1 �iYiorrvwlXuu ai�l;4 ����3i°cic ,,.ruu�: �� , �_ D�[yhoast? lovels fluff 2 iu�� toz�'4� bill legwlizinh mairit�ga �ritL t4 Alary Cornw:�ll, Uotki T7. E, refii�ees, nnd . Svifo is faLr zno�o �Gnu'sf�il ;�iid e�.���ro�ri�ta 0110 �VACG$0�3� i41� �Yltll C4Yq SI1bfi�i tIUO� 'tj]O�(],q• ' . ce se�a sv'fo'� siater, '��hen tlza bi.11 �vt�s� � t�ia iirst o# Svkaoixr, waA tiio firAt menibei �oE �ya qunrrc17c�1, �un�l fur �-�?i.tt ? �� �� ��r ;�, n�ic1 re�'irierl, wliatevor � y:��,y� bu t++�zcl tn� , tlza . q�, � � DouUt not thnV iIo ��ill k]�co, tao, � z roll it �tp anto aurls, ana tliA�i da �' } WI�Y+ , calTec� u fox its eccond xondin� tu� �'siuco 1'nriia�ment evor eleotec� in tYia old �e�tern And`ei�"isiii �viii ili� icFPnir� ti�:,iiri•4 i'; contrnry.` Sn��pos� t� l:vl Y�eces ta s�,x, zn� �'k�Y part. a ust ruu m poarsa conzb thiou�,lt ib. �ut � k� � kto�v do ou of ti� nlo� pzeaentad fxom tha Gouventioix o� clistiict of Oixtmrio. '_1lre. IITcCoxmick �vcuK �il��n cauio Lc�r l��ucr; ' aic•�ar, u:y �t. ar, Htead of my hiGHb.tind,' ��iv �;c.utiotnan, (7n]y bo �to�clf;�st, navor �vaver, youra is lovoly, 'too, T.'u1 st�.rc, Y tuo Tayal aud, 1.'uatli�,montnry 13uxgi�� of mmriiccl nt n,n o�rly r��o .to .'�Yzlliam loauorru�v yuu•ll uu o.���' or �up�ose rt�o wexe t�� ,+.•�+.k of `T�ry. k itz Not ecelc eart7i'a f+�vor, °ao your�7 •, ' Scotlancl a petition, �ur,norou�ly ai ;necl, in 117oCorraick, fox ma�ny' veal� 'AY. Z� �lTaurtco wnel lier ;;eiitl� ��;� �i: Thc� thin�; But roat, ' I�:pll l� OIl t4 �leE1tC� bittia pCllCil, u I'ow �vor4s ! hcLlf mirth nxxd 1a��1 F i� �i•��t, n0 Q6t�92�tL�GOciWi1181i1USt;Ue, ��f:1'�OTq�lt. �Y18 t4Cf1041 '�VFL6 follo�vecl by fQx t�lp :Htiri1Q C115tI1Rt� � lLll�l n IC:LI�All„ �� rChult�,dtYiuCh.�il4hhuUl�Ll:i4'L'L1y1tC - SVOUI(�bQ ��K1L1Vc�a��' )�ll.ji�.•1'r�;1H, A,7;CZ1tkOb^ " �Chon k w r His c;reaturos so ior tt�ca "+ Uk, Lut tliat,l�uita tlao �air, so. Z�ut o•c II u<� lt ��- Svho reseutecl in fa�vpx af man in tlxo �ve�t. nire. ll'[cCormicls xs . t;ua �ror�tn t l�•ar��o�t Iui:h u^,��, iui.l }•ot . qeTeC i& xlozl0 tlto 1�s5 t, , i� ri;;htly coneicl- I or µll mino iutio crim}�il��; pin:�,' h��a muother. t��o 1�1�� b� � lii��,o PCtitiou aiguad b still �oxfectly eloar in ali lier iucultzos, nri<1 z'ry,1� �ith u�:�v p�tiin t�� ct�r .�:.,[ e�i�i�: ; erecl. � mc�n's wife iY l�ia r�•i�e, nzxd no�}�is 7Cl�e .f�iol�lcu t3�t�le. �.ua still nuotlior :'I bxaid miup and 42,,OR �fluien, . o� �,accl,s. A.ftQr tlaxs in oscallent henith. 51to i� tlle motlior of 1<r�uorro�v yun'li 1�� o-uu:- , lai�y, Tlie terr�x �h4u1�1 k�:; t boo�ci. o ia an a roso iu tl�o ro�,cl,oS life, press i��' •,.•• I,qr1 IIou �Iltpll� 0.s tlie pxAmoter o4 t21c� tliii�een c2xildren, aucl mn acEivo �vorl{er �t�id """ ,.,. �y��S,�S�I� �are:srt.�s �+: nz `;x ic �'ri. �1hQx _ m Y _ . If r�o �voulct ouly stop ane t:tilco �t ; �,nc� atill nnotliex :' Commou l�ni�. L�1ns, T, . €� . . , bill, xoceedec� to n��uo #ox it at �ro�t tliiul�er to this. cl;�y. Slio ga�v fromrt�Ite -i� ��� ]iar3,�kiifi:4i' C'6;�La4•:i�[.'r, (;utrant 3ally.—x'icic tl�•� fruit itis t;aoti na Ipndmans 4 tonu iiom tl�a bettcrl��u�i, �li�p�� �,ro tl�o Ue�L oi ull. Iiut tlleu one P ,�,_ ' cru o�xsl1eart �voul�tzu+�Q lt; , , lengtli, iu tha pieeenee•of net�xl��• u��#.�a -L�ant�ctinu slioxea thebattlp of la�a �x�o, in � it tuzt�a xeQ; do �iot w;u�L.tiil i1; �;ata too � If tho nu 1 u tt�nb is i�iil aP ]�opa� . , looks so liko n fux•y iu atiy �ius. To ti�o suuny so 1 •�, s iritual poers—every ono of whom, ��itlz (aoptembor, 1813, nnd yvitli �,�t�iuful sadnes, ,�os;(u�b ac q��cc�.:�a au�c�.a n. cu c9:<� n,•�:ple�, �.����� FU� Lerciu lies tlae �e�arc�U }uliy ko many And tuoso Ueu�utiPu� tri3StF3 uo'or tu�iletlt. _ *�11en tho bxuuuetto �,tit:e c� gi�„1t3. I� o�uw�ry urc �,r:€;ut, ti• mto ius onco--- tlie esee�tic�u af tlto 13isUop o£ Tti��oT�,yoted krioSv Svlticli sicln �tiotaiy hacl deelnre�l fat IIo�v ro u:v�r: ,� ziu�<trr.i•, fwil 3u n�nkiu� theix jell;; lii�rti�. '1'a evory ';Cho gruss is �eaz� a:�d th � p�, �4rls, I put �n�� 1�,1�. p oix �h tl�o �vinter stor�u prerailotu. , ius Lau usea. Tt adFsersely to tho Uill. I,ord I3encousliold wliou, a#tpr kho btettle, tl�o ffc�ots stao<1 �uund of tlie uiao tLdd u:j� rr>tlucl of tlre T� �- tl�o�a reat ari� ill , • � .��` �' � I vdted but did uot apo�it apaiix�t t110 mai�. Hc,utlaward to I'ut•iu Uny. �iliv kue�v,Gen, '1'liose tivlto wunt to lc:t.rii liow to rn;�lce U�at coi'feo su�nr, b��il c�,;l to�;otlrex 15 ttor to �seavo in tl�crwoU of lifa zvag ovo moruxu� �vhEii it r:�ined, t� ad Z "�,�lio I?uko' of �r' 'li t�lho votecl fIull �ud n�ll tlio Amerieans.in caintnand, nt Uouquet� artisticnlly �vilt L� •intaresled in 1r1inuteH, put into moul�3.; i,c> c�ol, tia com- �A brigut nutt �;uiG�eu fliiin�, tliou�lit I wns s�fa �rom tisitors. i R'�g �n�c' ` COI]�llA(:ClOA Ot t130 TOx `��1p titno, nl�o Gan. 73rock, 'the brnvo reaclAn�; tho follo�viug c:strnct fz'oiii tlie tlrt �.nd to do Go�1's }vA�i �v�th a rnuAY pq�rt, , • 4 o the o ora iu tl�o ovcuiue', a�,au��t it, iLuci thia 1 y , ai�d all tl�o wo1Chiva of that ,A.mieteur ;` GolarK zLt ui��li� i�rc� diffr�r�ut mc�n wrmppinh p�p<�r r����l put a�way up- . .A�ldhauda tLntnroreaily anct a��itu�g, g�in6 t p n k ver nipo, o�-Pren�ser witlx t4o Liboral fntl�er-iu-lm�e Zeeuxn;�oth, �•it tlie iu valuo from colox� bvdteyli�;lit. 1'iiilcar.cl �ta�ir:�. It w�11 keep aaxy Jc:��F;t1i of timo, *�hau to auantliociei3entc�, mim�to tl�i�:s4c�s ancl I wtiute4 ta, 1 0 �' of tlie (,iueon's clauglitex ig unclorstoocl, to ' period ; laat Uut uot lons,tSimon (xi y, of our curiol�s lives asuu��er, • �nu .�o�y, �� all, there I 5nt m tuo t d tlio sentiY�qeuts of lier ,��oborious Indiuu Lr:�c�e1, wliose dara-dot�il 9ClLr1Ct Cau Y�0 uaCd Wit11 uiuch inoro rro- Zla,y apru�kled �vitli .� �littlo chloride of ,ll.ud tuun biuwo hdaven-foi• tnng7ed an�lA, ��,xlor >�tiatisiti �ny l�st Slri�rillf�* 7C5$011� li�Yfl r�p�esou c riova auit �vonaer., . 1 + 1 � ineti'osty o� tlae BuUject. I,�ord Hou�;lztaii cleecls cover ao mzL�iy. �n6es of imn�„inmry fu�ioai n,t nioht Ghnn Uy 1Luy, FL1id bouquats. lima t�ncl leFt for can linrr iti n� close ropm .And sit and � �,�� �oyoz kflq,rd tl�o ' liell uox e4 foo�,�tep J � spo�l{e wt lenotli witli cl��racteristic spirit Arnoricn�x litorntuio, but ti�lzo �vns rec�lly a cornposecl outirely oE c�uo o�� tlio otlaer of will removo tha smell of ���Liut. , zA��f,7r; i1i�.3n:�:. - nutilsouio oneGrossed thetliresliold. S�II o � ol;iu�= :�rticul�tirl ou rou *lz, wi1a, Uut liiucl-lien�rte<1 man. these Colors, mixecl wit1A �vliite, ai•o r:uro to T3uttox Tstffy�—TRr« cc�aAee: Cups of W1�ito � itIIi�s1CI , n,ucl e:�rzie3tuess, w a P Y E� dA you supposo it �vas 2 l�t�cl tl�e litUlo .o p:ettir�o, �'Vhito iYiu:�t mltvay�s be nii3ecl �vitli �11b�,1,: t]iroo-quwstexs oF a t.:n.•aup of viue- rstir �prdy i'S�orF�rnnd �oi-,= lc aend L ried itsolf, iu o, littlo Yozei�tiu" tlio ,�uttitixdc af tlio Uis1to17H ae to . �ltoav� 11Inn �Y� dt�T i u , , llls �:ll. STo said nith �xiuc:h sigui- (�cn•�c�y 3[on!�fiti:•,•,. itil Qthor eolors, �nc1 u�ec1 in l;tirger pr�por- �nr, tlireo•quc�rter�t of .� tc:u•cu1> o£ butter. daa Dccu Lirin�; iu 3.oudo�x, {)nt. muff to �motlaex n�notlier �a��le, . 1 0 ' Ciavo , the . fi [rish ClLRtL< iitiL ,.,_,�,. ,_„_�._�.;...� t101�s, tltnu tXio bhtuQes it acensn �aiAieS, ns., ..,7,;,�1�_.,,,,ta]_„bri;,tl�..7'i�:;,�.-iixi.o.-..�uttexed..._. ._..... �._- iare !� �1 iicauca of toue tli�t i L.__ _._._..-._1.... 2 }.- �entilomoii• � SVp crui'�uess. �tilto�vus it?' buTat ___ -� e e`cTeyi��s$idtil� ues�ioii, "`- � orkin �mei� ol Cmundce �t� P�ecloniinnnco'�i��triowt c+���oiitiitl. �ol- aa;;lies, • � __.�Qn �t�irc;in�ni;Lt_n cott�lo of ., �.oxces iu t�'i'o �xeeetc;6t xs�'"`zank �o tIi c �i tl�� iticldresa to tlio tiv �, ---- -- —�----- -- = iscover�. out tl�o other ioux..� . 6 . ' 1 ed tlie rcal difiicitlt low, froni so olosely x•c�btsziil;liut; �;�liito, is �3 pli�'S1C1iLri �ItLS�'l,l�'C;1 l��iii• rules wlaic7r.it of Loudou maclo n sl�ochit'ig c� y becauso it const1At t Y��fl,y Ueeu se�ai; na ior ].1UUI1CiLt1011 Uy, tlio ll wdn,f� etz'eeb, oseitozneut. t"Lo e�zcouutereci iu c`lenlin�� •, � unt inueh needed, �vith tl�� e�;ceptiou of tlie �yuulci ba woll to; :teuc�,>t iG�acl ncb tlpon: � 1. Goiitg iuto zL rookory o� t hencl travn zts tein orary .�'hiclilind n � o tiJoxlcui�,inon �LiUciYcl GoiAso�:r•utive Uuiou. ono Norris who LIp camo tlie P is s U' e�. �VhiJ.e uo ono �voula ra .� •{;�• o a e1a�:H wlia mre m�tii�ly }?1lo sliade oi yellotiv hGes� ii� tltv ��tirqclic�l lla uat'dri�lc �olrl �„ter iintneclittitely nfter Zoudon, o��t.>���llnioa uy � xc�tt•� Yiw�talt a lilush, the dai'lc svit�i th u �e • f. t1,s s�c1� �cn S, • s nud a�eeniu;i- liidiug, tl�o � ,, , n ho tlie aUseueo of tl�o x� l�t ��, -�ubiiwii hlie addreys il� tlie Niel �;asea, rtii�tl iu soxno c�reliicls ; t3iihtiizt,�s• esereising. 2. 1�}ut soi�le�tl�ii��;bofore clrink, lzas maclo lximsolf notorion n-dar.,slo �s•itli ]n.u�;l�ter, tLo 6rot xnoxo tha .. 6 Svorlau„nte�i,: v�e.l � . eutin liouses to oople oyos a11 _ •+• 7la U neli ' fram tl�e cioliUertibiou�; of of our clut �. � t1:t �,noi�lier t�mo we �urriit��; �t ni6lit a rieli ci�e��r�iy liiie, ea,u ue il��, ;;. 7.?rinlc iu srricill �;•,s a�lla�v�. ��� po - iatod tu #ortuno Uy r �, � 1 frizzacl lia�ir n.litt,lo tlio worae %or•I'ersiau xeS�le e . • of ill-re ute tlioy, foimd�� th�,t tuo auto tlio�flouse, tl�ere cpulcl bo no doukit tli�t �limll rc�•ierv it iYioro at lc;n�;i�11 ; uut for tlie o�ril�loyed in a bou�Xuet to•tl�o osvlusion of uat tliiTlkmitch :�t ouco. . • p'' old chnirw'itli tlio Uack inuff,. �chite mucl «riII ofte�z t11;�Ito w�oftcr cbrubi-• xoom eontaiu�cl oue ,,. ,tlai�3 moasu�oSvouldjnsittut:�ueouslyboComo 1eScut c1Fic so to the extent of its sihui.- + ' To �Vliiten tlie II i�ls---T.al;o n�ine- -... ortiozr of n Sho ' UI�, �irls ! ix wn� "6ViA IToss with, T.�an„ o•i *lit revcreud �relates. n' tttc;Gino oi tho tnatieos un,tiou, ospeoi:�lly �vitli � dee� set�rletrs .,or .�lnsaful at oa,u c10 Gc�lr, r,�; �,u$ cuvothex of � inng aince r�op:�ra�tecl, m p a forcl�Lau«forcl-'us8 Bome fror� J.'aris, you l:��v Unt for tltoa �, �, L i�en,uco n:� ntx n r ur >lcH, svlieu inteusu �•;liite i5 soznetimas ' ' . couuter, a pieco of furniture onco emlled b J : Iti ehould lie reri�euiUored that ii tlioy lzc�d .�yllosc� ro�sulte zvo puint out el<tewliere P T lcu�ou juicQ ; tl�en scrape tvm .c4lses of • mll the resi; wns rn;;s ,nncl l�uo�v I lio" ower to rc'ect tuo Ui11 ti�ay iucurred � t�io cn.so - of tiVest Toronto. �'lho tnocrudo. 11T�uveiq a��ery anfL• und pleusit��� Uio��xi �Yiuclsor soa1� tu w�,>o�sde�; aud inis . oupbonxd, nncl of the �vorct vt�rints. Au old pia• "`�Yknt.did you cla?' fro�n tiie claorus- of t P � Y T,iberc4l Couser�•ative�' �vorkin�, eolorxo ufie at ui;hb, n�ud eetitr bo niixecl avith �.1e11 iu �, niould.. SVhc,ii lusr;t it will bo an xubbish , the respansibilit sie �voll, Alremdy tt�e �rnen, nro . • ' h• iiice-fourtlz� of iha fr�Lmo toiix. �eo �lo of Lu�*lmud �vere'Uoginiiiu� to mrcler� tlie �artioa who [; aealc; ;�uci �vl.io liit, 1'icuts t�z�d �vliites in4st afzac.t�vely. it ia eseellenb soflp for���;iiioi��i�� i.he lit�ncl�. �' . � iure�, `�vlt t �. � o � . 1 � � , •n�s .tho onl �liiun "�vhitih Olx, T didn't clio, nu� T coulclai'ft ruu L k tlint it �vt�s tlio C1u'cii of P3u��l:uucl, :�s derstooil Sir 3olili l`�liticd�vnlcl in Plefornl�le to bluo;wlicu a<lu�Liittb� iF u5o<l, �.�l��s�yxlt• perfui�le, : �i��l nlso n pce- . atill davgliug,, �r Y n l��a �y�y� ,. �or tliero the� �sero iiglab beCo�o �tfl�� • l�e it uu , ed ono froin boueviug. lio v y,. .ra �i�soixted iu t1iQ IIot�so of Lortls; Ll�at {;lioir ic£eronees to ' Lr� trioi¢sters,' to ,�lnless tlie �ht�le of blue i4 . tlia fc�r�;et-ina ventive :a,�faiinst mot]is, �r�c.� Uo mt�dc of y �rovout •�, � 'r3io filtl� �vns mo ; so T mado �}te.bestofit, atid lwugl'ie�l� andoxed iuto •a i Z ou� enrue in bet�recu, tho5e �vlao �vcro zn- ,�yrty iLua �vilea. af , c nnin; politicia�ns ' 11Qt, whicli nlwn �� mt�ss�y weil �vitli qithcr �, zv P� �'t asfunu �, n�d thoti I snntched our � tlze � fullo�vin« in;, �edieut'�: 7.'��lso clovefl,. • e iu ln,ceg and over tivl�ere emitted ibi x�v 3 «� ioso �led s are uxido �to cloceive: ��arlet;>, criznson� or �;iulc5: L'uri�le,e5�,�7 � cnlltiw�ty see 1:s, nutme�, zuucu ciunn�mon ,• , knee de p. p, � Y ho �eor �o'K Scotcli ez�p from tiio tcible �vl�ero terested x�i tlio pns5iaa�; of tlio Uill ari��cha,t � k 1.�%F ' `� eucl� wl�ich �rna oveipo�oxiug. T €, mnu o� tlietu tlaoualiL .�v�.s a�ortion oi ry�]lo Sn�id °Lt}�er?�l UotiServa�ive' workin�- uot used;�too fuily, is` �,�cy eftocti� , �ytx�Z �J'nll uin Ue:uiis, vf e:�cli qiio ounoo ;' , . �. , »t . 'necl t� baslcot hn�l# filled wlth l�e liad flu»; it tli[�t inorxii�g, tLud covered 3' � rotest as well tlzcy �.ncvy, :�h ooutrastswell�yibli orai.(,�. ]iuedttincici�i�my- � 1€�rdor contn,i iLiid ui u Iiuess• iu fl tLeir pllb;ic rinlit in re�itit�il tn tuia �C1Y � nairi5t the tl�ou ad<1 z�.s nmch I'loreutirie c,rris root as a rbuted otatoos, nnd� � p�ntd besitle it my ateel lioxn� , Y S nestion. in" xude tigea biiere w:�5 � cou.a irac a�;iLixist ItLlior in �vliic}i thoix `vliite ilo�ver�. Gicou, Sviic�tlier . in ]e�tiv�s . P � old mn�u h:�d t�yin]sliu�.' � � ' � tiviit e un�l tl�� otlier iuhccdiczits Xiut Lo- s�io�ved' tli[�t •on these tho desireta iucteasa,the po�eer of t11o•Cliiirch axgti vLila�' cliiettain' l�as .z�tteulj,�tdcZ to or foru, is alway:a lisecl, niid it ib tn„ceiz ior f;ethexn Gri��d the n•]iol� �reil t4 po�vder, lived for sometime. 'ilio iuner room wa� � ------' b iin osin« ceiqtwin restrictions `vitli ro� break cio�vu Sv�;e� liy tlio .ira�ortatiou im �;rn,pted th�t it: 9s ne��er Zra� in in lar�,e �ri�l thon 3ut it in little L.ia� �tzuon� yous misorable if sucli n o;*lecrc �led. 7D�ti'i*ri•nnce .v�to�?r,��tr 4�ZEF1C AFl.. ,;1�', �' `? •,ino .�`ho�e ii l�ts of rcetrio- �+lisu �iut4ntitios; nttd thnt tho li�;litcr le��vcs uro t i.- ..,- °� qvon dirtior and moro , . �,u,id to mctirri� o, �. tlio iutorest o� coutractorti of l;i�p clotlies, etc. .__... _. _ . ___ _.. • • � • 'ah -flickeroa ou ' � � • �'� • � utc • ir'se, _ • •� . tlio ehrl �erioci i� tlto • •. e 7�iboral ConseLv;Liive...5olected. . I�i�cli Uouquet rsiu5t be liuisiicd _. � t1�in� Zvore �iossii�ln• A h„ t (iu�y ��.�.�.7 J� _,�1 c l , t�ou, posses..ecl ,t�t Y 1, Y. nnvv�es, whi1G> as tL • Poi;ato SbniTle T�nil ti•.•r� �oud•�ized • an old tablo, ztnd. sl�owed a Aoor covered ' .• n ��,1 ChtiYcli, n��xo cotifirmed Uy the Stetite; bub S,�,orkin�„ineu �ny, ' ott�: o�vu• ]itixdy �ft witli a circlo of gLeen, eithei foruu or qtatoes, �iesy tlictn tiiruu;�li ��, sievo. T�ring 'i tho coruor. Tliis � certain �entlouinu requiim� le�, guch ri<rli,ts tlie2p �cns t7i�,t of scentocl rorm�rnim , lcn�vo:+ ; iio fe�d��l oi p i�'' . yVltll flltil nnd ;� becl 1 l ns�istfluce �lzmcl� been 1CC01171T1CllC1CCt t�0 0310, ,Uj't118 61C10 Of. y-� . SO11�S IIIIIS�i ��100�i ��O i�ll(! IiLllC7.� 1�730i:0� kL �? � LO .iL .60.L�11 II:LIF f4 411�.�{lll �U� 1T111�C �Ylt�.l 34 � lattor cousistecl Of Lti S1Yll�110 11011 fY1LU1C� .�r • 1i C1757811SLLt1011. �v11Cll �il(." (11109t10R O� IYli11• ��lQl 11 �LQ.n� {1014�5 �iQ ]110CL1T0 IU.�30T fLllCl 2LL1�illTllll-t111tCC1 ICiLVC:} tbPC i1CZ1ll1SS1U�L'. fi]1O01tfU1 Uf ' blltj:CY'� i641�� tU t11G' Z�OtiLt0E9 • itl � few r� s tha�t liad been of tl�o t�vo Uiatlrers, U�tt l�zeci foi„ott,eu t e 1 , � ' str6wu over P� x � ou�lit so lie iia�ro fell ont o£ tlio ]xtinda oi. the.Uliuich Uxeadl 11nd tiiose t�e5}�eetaUle �mon' wL.o �rcaisicc. r7ii: e�ii�is. , �vitli �eZ�per flucl sn�lt itLid UatL� ta et croam.. c� for nu iucalculmUlo eriod. Ou Chri�ti�n ncume of liiuz lio s o, � unphauge P fi �st found iuto the hz�nd� of tlie st�,te, thoro �vns n�}nvo bcan Lrented�tiithcLarmiu�trencliery, 1�, gleat n�istalce thzlt rrattn� af oiu g[�'ts ':�}lon Uear,t •tho }�olks mn<t �vliites oi iour .. 1 anoldmnnofsevent -livo,soriousTy callodnbtlto ofiice c�f'bl�e ou� x . � them ny , Y ,. � n�, necessn.ry chivugo in t1�o orclor of ovezlts. ,ivo us to lcuo�y very Uro�Ldly tliab tLey ar� iyT� .�i�kiug, nud tl��,t tLe.:r . motl�e��a itirc en<ns 5ept�rn,tel}*,, tidd tlie 3 c:tl;s lirst, one at •• hreuoixs nffectiov o� ono oP L9s �ud nslted,fgr 11Ii. I. od„ei ,. u ec ueuco �s��Ls.tlant uq �^, while r�<;l;t � SLLSV1tT1�E1� �*L111a ,, �- llie co � L �. deterini�iect $o x'epitiy it with tlie xesentment �either cucouru���nh Oi t�llutvin�� tl�eni to ��, tiino, be:�tinti tlaorouglil,r, tJ�cn-tlie��vitites,,, iu a� itimblo s6t�te„ It seems S��L ls t}�y uwt�lc, "11` , . lo s. 'IIe wa�s p mo . lpS�.eipntl �re�ivtes -n�ssoxted tl�eir nutlio�ity .�luo to,tlieir salf-reapect, iri tlrenrportluiity ��,l�c, is tluLt of spentlin� tli�i� �iis�o ont v£ jUst stiirecl'ii}. �s9tihc�ut Uc��.tiii;;. luiri tit � o d lad � who occu :iocl a poxtion `��t tl�ere are two nf you of tl�a�t un . k _ �tLat a�a 1 y n, .�> , r. over this que5tiou, tiio e�zortnous IvTouoon• offering to thoir utt�ulinoss in 1S'ebb 'i`orou• ��ilool xn.ictleness, oi iu fcicnl<ius, ietnu5c- ovee iuto �,Utittered pucldiit� cli;;h tiud bnkc � ie fl t nbovo 'hizn ha<1 uoticecl tliat lae liore iu to�rn. riuis5 bcdioN af T�n�lu�nd elsuimed tJiat .��, LesentnlenL �vlioso enrnes�iiesa m.ti, of tl a ' Yes , fa tp Y riic;nts; doiug uo tvorltto ;p�ul ot,:Liidlca;ru- twentv Iri�utites i�i ti quirlc over�. Tlie cii<l� did not move arotuid liis •room 2;s uHu�ul,, „ t11Qbe rel[�te5 liail uo right tio impos4 Ue uii<'ler5tood �'vlroix we nrld thnb tlio l�tter lll� llOtl]lIIJ f4�J011t LI10 �1]�k1U�14.�i t111C1Ui .tlll(� .ujl�uld 1�.,, lftirE;o u!iqu�„li t�� l�crruit ishe, on Sntnrcla flftetuooii to �`1Ve1�; T�visli ta consult tl�o 1'Cr. Poclner r„� ..0 �oll tlicm. Iia;;li1; rov- •. r, � uUliceution• of tlieir adilrc�� ci�i-I ; , SLT1Cl (ZOtOTTiS1llCC�., . .Y — tiCllSO Ill0��0� �t�30 lLllll'�1b11—«'110 �VC�'aIb i� thcii vzc��, � . tislciu� ou1 p t�:Il(7 8CL1UU5 �Cf1L'�B of ]ife. Tt i�t nut oiily .iit�,� saul?;te to ria�.. � ascertain.tlxo cnuso. Sho eutcrecl zLud fotiiid � , � � • -- ---- •,> . „ ezeud - prel�;to� iniglit couti�iue tlioir Uodies'L•lio deliUertito'judnine�it- :��'to Sir, tiliowe:�ltLicrft�milie�tl'i.�tqirl5:irc�;;cowiii�; . nrl clet�d for avtint qi foocl aud. in �vab� .,.. ` tical lo«isl;�t�on :ts tl�ey . Arti��outelcl's tlutnblp-.ii���'in;, 9s n u iuclUleut nncl ti2t7)raer..�ieed ,•iit hv,u'se:l�c�d � °� iiim ne y, ��ve Uoth �venr �i«s; sxr: ecclesit�s SoL�a P � , alo�: t�bove meii- � � 110111C1 IIOt 1111 1QSC • iCll 'Ot(:18 t0 '1}llll .L'uu, � u , ��1: •' iudeecl I tliiiak.tliaC na<�t�e �4ttu.�tiou Z� seems �o be ;,oixwr�ull,�• uicclu,rstooci in • tho wrotchod stata of snn �. ell �tlio mmu Z scUk was�divorecd.frpm ehose, l�ut tliey s ,J.. , clouunciatiou �vli �, . w ,, � se wero roq�trec�, cle:tn •�� � _ oinnsts �,ua u ou tl�cir ei�•�l n lmuve !' ` . - is nicl Lo'the•i c1ti5Lri��l trt�iuiii;, Qk �;irlr; in rnnlztixld tluLt Cxeo�ne Taltot «�i11 not• �viit�'.� �ionod; 117i�ttras a n , • , his wiib:not Tou�* a�ro.' . -- uZ�on I�onconf , � . , , rob�ze aud � . P . �i . . ..,, ;Ln;y. rvorc "uov4ls or .tiu)rlltita�: olao. Sl�o . aheots ro�vided �uucl oid I3orris �vae �;i� eu � �: �. �r • • . � nnd reli�*ious liUcrt}�, nu nu�ust re�t� niut, : . � •`...�...- -- r. _.- • the �venitluer F��tnil.e5�r.��z iu ti�o, t:titnilies • n ��laeio you uit n� both a�,aiu,.su.. � . - edLs 'too Smr t• ss�rt U��lmt • �c �utiv �lini�ics anil . ica '.e in inu�lerato cir-' ��i�s, it ;is snicl, uafi ntel,y nw�ouuced 3ier 3iis first bmtl� in t� uumUcx of y ,. , ��y�is recoznuicndecl t�ud lie GcLlleil �1}�oii tlietn o n S � D1�L�rr.�t �,IT,oLsi:.—.1 mouso xc � of ruac 1. 1? 'lhe ia�t�u io'tviioin I � ,,. detcnuruatiau"�cs'Yo'tiro �razn Clte pmstiif.of ._ � t reokon u�. sIia�vin« �rov'rcled', for ,. '� lie itu osccl. bli,tit resti�miut., ti'Vl�en ' � 1£ iuto n.lo;d s clin,inUc�r; z�iid aumstnuces, whcre '�Le iuui;li^;rs i�tie coxiY• ,. . 7�mek d 1 �. l�:�s receu�i been nccuseal . of" for oi r��lit t y P iiit�:uc�acl, it„e ,. y �retliei•. Sfia lic.s ofteix ' smicl . rar .wauts `. tlie visitors � erc Y. �' Y'' o•to• ti-clivision --tlie mmjority � htcr:�ture .41tOh . his tom�o y . , n iv' stl ..' ' the bili. enm ., .. . fotincl upou l��r Loiiet table :�:suanll vit�l, of, pollecl to �^,orlc lznrd �till 1;lie wliil�. «'ith- tliiLt DTr. Leives tvtts ti�;Le.Lt tneut:Ll stimtt- - � ieir tvn don n the crnzy olrl . thouoh, i trust, t�u._. ,Y, �;. , lad to f�ol tl ,y . ._ _. • �, • ' o a�tainst it � n,s oiYly 11.ii1_ iL voto o£ 191 �rit2� vl�i�lco •�rLicl� it Ss but :f:eir to any, tl�o 1n tlie liLst �veek, s:�ys ouo �f uiy i�or •riud tlafl� SL e. cqnlc'i., nnt„]i�ve �. ,,__._ _.,....: • � , . _ . • ; • , � Tl�ere we aro �,on,in, iny dear sir. '�V� „ . . . . . � y, ., , - . _ . .. . , � resli ai�. :�ntiiu.. It: �vms _ . . . • ; : , ud tlio uumber o� Ux�,Lto . � . � . . '" hcr. } c •' i. y, . ,S�es �.audcuts ..`_11iin��e .he..scZ.t}4.u.tnbilieis,.. ltis to_ ._ , ....: .. ., . � ...L erond:�' ' v . . staiis and Uient�ie f �, li:� �enhle insiuumtion latiid ul pitiixa aUsoiit, n P ]�id �_u�ecl: for tlio Ucneut�u�,,. ___..��3�_12�._.G�. 1 .> •`ches h�,ve l�otl� hncl t, t�, -:.; ti 1 tlio ?� �• • t n. i i znust' ies �cets •s� ,. t110 done lIiddleept�rcli oi '°Dniiiel D • sa�id tl�n6 tlie olcl.m�u recJ;oned his �� , , .a .... :_. . ........ .: .. ... .�s'�o:--M1���ecl <a���:�xus� it �va� e. �c 3�J: , ,. ' „ Y,. . nt otir cloois. . .-'. �lio. �-iaLl R•�s sto1�pqred �pitli m'pa��ot coil , wartliy �coine . i 1 � , . ,.. ,. • ..•,... s; � II� �o�^ns' �ro• . . • . : r .. 1 kitin m 12t1i ancl tl�e �vitliottt.. his encour:�gemc�it.; �znco lus - ,.. - , � by tuausnnds. So lic doe , �. ' , t o brothcrs tlrchUislio oE 3.oil, n�. �, .. . eil u u m word �ou .w , P .. .� fivliicli, of.co,urse zviLs s.ctuLn;ted, ,`vitli�.tlie tirst, tliat lier datt�litcr iiuvec did itsiy aentli slle fc.els her iucniit��a niid- mmin � _ �arcl ina tha czt .. �ncl , tiV � P4 3' � . ;�ntcrUur Uean� tcUseut,_ - - _ _ e t xu .e�er � Y . .• .� . . , r . � • Ar +libislio of .0 Y b _...,. :,_. • - , . "Iw inouso uik�Uletl oi'f tl�e t�,� oF •sn•4s.�11�',�.�ti� 1��,_i�tilt�.:� �,ait�4 tQ...�t�y.�n liei_ _._ .. -rt. . p fi Y Y . . . • � t� iltiu« iesomblauco. Lut I ues� I.. . ri.. .. ,_,.._,.: .., , _. _ .. - , . . wliis].c.Y•__.�� _ . . . i�cax �, .s n ...... _. ..,. _.._ _6 . ... . _ _ . . . _ — 1 1 �-- ,. -. �---- , rriii�„ goue, ;�iS1, �g s ie li�as lou�_boeuin� 1 n is estim�i�o _his c�sset� iu tl�e ___..._ ,..__ . , �,. 1 srs of ilie �rela�eslzact roEecl. �F {, r .l __succee�ler in cTz•a��ving c�iu .auioiis, 1 uevi:r s�vel�t .a iuuni iu u�y .. .._ _ _ . . . . v� u to_ . � _ . ^.._ —�--_: _ . , �- - - -. o v.-, L.11io--ouo �-:�ui-tufite�. is iu_: If� y , i , ilxe cork, :�n�l �iiin ly _ , ,. .. , • �. . . �' . . . . . , . , delicuto lae�lth, siie. cou�idcrs licr li{;erai•.y . . -- �-- -- -- - nei�tior'L`oocT of�-�3,�QQ0. Yc6 Le hn,� haro �ot-�t n v .- b . cetu'iouall� •driukin�* to c�cess `�1}g ]3is11o�a �f Itiy?on Lhete Svoulcl lm�o �it; nii�i ti�eu xeg�leEl Xtso11 �tii;l svlitLL• tLc�•. -1Lfu;' aud tatil�es ^ni�y eottiYozt iu it, lct lici . „ een fi$ to live niouo in tlacse �vrotcUed tli� linli�t of n s. Y,. � o n m ma 'orit of buo tor . tho bill, , c£�ieer o�'er. � s to' iutoiicnt3ou. ��� �.. Y ti�cr Lztid nl�sqibed. L� uder 'th�o' stirnultrs sn�y it ; ni?i1, yeG bL�Lt �uotlieti i:� -soirowizio . l�is mono , i�itliout —���eti�ne t�, P 1 , . ooms and �o�urcl. u Y "i clisensaiozi develo eci a,good de:�T o.f -., ,; ; lu�d.e it� ,�L�sci}co .iiiu4li �ver.tlre sliorteouiii.t;;y' af tltnt vcry ' I'�S�rmipz;s �cicoon.Ti:t�Trr:s.—TlieBonrd , • x n� ' 11T . C1enr.: u�n�n , tht�t li-ttlo' �ice is un-; 11 e , P, tliux s�ci��'ed:,.i,t,7� �, 1 , ,; „ af �'dticatiou of,Si�ncoe; :iti ;vlvertisiug for • ' � iu nncl ez��tiud, Y. , � . , •> . �clColerid<<o Clitcrnc-.. . . . . , . . .., . ctare£ t2 . . ��,lite.i: 7.1ie o�li.,t �E�aid '�1�e;�o�ulc�Aiic�'�� ;?� . a rttq of suusliine to•cree}a P i ra Leiistiie of tlie uir of u�, br'ilhnntaiatasense.. Loi n,,.., ,.... . ln tglo xoo�a .�.e�.y . ev�clex�t>� 0.1id. a� t cY�� ,, . ,. , ;• U tl, ti fortuuately cl a c , P ... .., . ztiou of -.� � nli r clo au tltin�i iii tlie l�itclrcu. . t`vo te:�el�ei�. ��p;salmiies ' M100 a;u�l �G00 xes- :,, . 3�is ahii�ellc�d old lxeai�t. kIo 1�La eo • ends eould telk lzed i,ho Uili nsa merysurefortheabol aud I sloubt .i� our, Uest 'fix ' setircli far it s�:�s proYnp.tl,y i}x5titu�cil. 1t let li�i dt�n„ te y.. c � ' s{; cauiirinecl t 5e and �vliile._ i d ncldecl thnt if.:it ws�s ass- h drm�ver of ti I'oor. dolitirled tivomttn 1 Slir clicl it all liet- � peetively, zc�c3ttires as �vell' as • satisfuctory , miser of the mo 3'Z .� ou �vhicli id $1?e �vorst?.. sisters-in-law,a z ,,, r �va,s soou disco�•ece<l. in t o , him butfo�r can s in �tithi�o' Y �nulcl desi �ucito e��ery � �-- «tli on.z� cvz?i- " self iiistG�sl :' '11iG'.itLbits of iuilolence t�iid tostiinou�als�..that tlie pliotographs oE, tl�e ��ome ixiay,pity ?' P �}y�ll ou aro.n xnNte7�ec1 pnir certtiiuly, ecl ita provisian�t n .�, i�tire�u; stretched at full, lan� m - o hme m dailnliter.iu Lo�dpn, � 3' . ,, •-iu-lce�v 'ns tllo ro'tier p:�rlim- 1{ 1;�.hen iti�n5 re- o,f l�ol les5ness tl�:�t nre tluis iurinecl e�ro ap��lienuts, lnclies z�nd otiiers, ,sliould lic , �vith hi . II o I3ut tell me,' eoutiuuecl tho visitox, , R liich �nnu's K�stez p, P 1 forttkUlo UecT, cl'ead clruu . P ? �� n�lnud `wl�o � ec�rs n«o, pr,e£errecl to b,o n,rv sueeessor of the wife. .Luril3e:�n• • � 1 u on tlie �rou�id tl�e �ioi�.tlac hretiieyt evils resiiltiu;; fcoin ctl�i5 sent to tlie socretaiy oi tlio boi�rcl Tlie �� ' ' y b of tlao t�vaiiu it �vas that tobl� the r�tior meut movccl �Lud tliio y z divided f�om her father by the eslaa�usive n�� clin,i2z c1e �zocatec'i it as • tencliug to nUoliSh d it.to �irtial coi sciousucas b�.d },irfLctice ; tl�e acllisliricsa tl�mt it fostera �uernbers, of so.mo.scliool 'boiitds niLiat Ua _ h u live �ua� 1 tlie inisery tvhich debEor's oath� a fe�v montlis nno . P 1 sliock restore � 1�.tlautie t a � , h iu t�,t muddle. I tho ,tender. titlo of aunt nxicl -ere'�tiug n�re, �,�la to n sta�J„eriu�> e.fiort at loeomotion. .`. is i;lie ttorst tI�ing nUoiit it, Ilo�v dc�•oiclok .�ooc1 at �lirenolo�y oL phizioguimy, 'ox lio atlxered aUout liiin. , No teuaut ever �ry. lia� �o �ere Uot 1� -� _ 6. .. > � � ou m' � e.' suin ti��o stepmother ui �lmost e��e�=y liousc- , , :• been ctinsiu � sen- coia5c:evice, uow lackive in :�ll true seuse of poili:��s tlzey l��ve beeu re�dmg n` Tren�iise Lvan a�c�a Inte �vuon thcreut ��q on I3oU s p<�pei mud lie cv:�s . z� � ' te 'ealous for ttiffeetiou .' D�'� �fluner, �vho lins � teuclerueas; or'e�°eu o� �justicc, ti girl mnst . on I�7o.;es '%tind lnciies', fa,dea. It is we11 ; �ouna tlio oia Y li li:�cl ' Iu mercy'g uame !' c'ried tho anphcn�nt holil, to, suUstitu �_ y T � II� to • not 'once: 1 or � qears e,. ' 1ou for qonfidence. �atiou Uy ft�stzng in I�ew Yotk, caino Yrom lie wlio �vill tlius coiasent to devote u11 her, tlit�t •��lyere , suCli lar�e surci`s of �oney ie, lt , ,� �,tici�in despe�aLoly, '�vill'S�oa'te11 Yn.e �vhich of tl�e tiud suspic `h U,jl, ���inbiiclga ZVells, i�i Tient, Ln;;., nnci : cnmo earned his livm„ Uy ocld joUUs of g g, . >. Tu the Gommoixs it is uuderstooci t e , . e of s�eeet 17. TTe titno oai of ficliool to plensiiring,� Svhilc aro couccruecl the ho��rd sliould bo so c�tu-. ' � ine s' rofcrred to ou t�io is tlie most sousible innu ?. .. to ti�is couiitiy :�t tl�e a� - ,:. . , a d. h�s �va�s tha bus S � cotuxuancis a doc�sive majarity.. <.,� � •vy lier motlieris l�e�,riug nll, tlia lienvy burdcus tious. _�• Q' '_ elI•luiown A1x,.;tl�era qon totich bottain, my ���na. ' i�n :�t tho �loor. fIe is a iv ` �- ' ,.. ' is tl:ie lnst oue iu t�ho,�vorld onetqouldthY � �� o � e eu to . '75«. . lie is n ver- o£ the hou5eAold I 11nd tlie foolisl� �cvny. iu .� �lesp�tch frou� Piineo �lrtlittr's Land- ., •^ iE a� reat Pooi 13oU, I cau t stretoh t1to�Lruth, v nIIr. Gin�oHtou��y t�on"�acanek� �«yct�� 'of iii conueetiou witli fast� „ ��,ild i�tienb ` character; and lias lived iv tlie, c y g ,. � m r . •. • • •', ssa, itib felstiurt whicl� niotliers`tllomselves. ao;netimnes t�Lllc . iu� he�ys tlitit fl{tor .loiT�, P ' ' It.l�uet beeu intouded ta ro- :�ervo u bratl�er.:. Tf yon wnut tLa o e ��e,00��. . ztnblo John T�nll. FIi� i�ist a y n � � many qears. m�s�. _.: liis reside2ice �ti, utiout this,.eveu iu ;tlie' preseueo of their moutl�s of �coriun��, ��itliout snccess, on tlte hos ital but his li si- Hen9i171e olie Oi ih9 t�+7p I�uppose I move l�im to , p � � Y ,, �-: ` osterdn nt a coufereneo � pf tho cicrny �as t�t PZir�nea�polis, �ehere �� .eliillren, is miachievous in tlte estreme. ti�Y�,ducsc�ay ]ast tlie L�roprietors oP Sil�er 1`in ]iis reseut state: , ncl�nowiedge tlie.cozu. I ui tlie mnn. �'. • y• a Plolcl tl�e �1id �vas doue to. cure hiinself of,a tlyspeptz � - T�titt9e. ia .so alisaibed �Vith her lsooks, atrikin�Y silyex on '., , cia,ns forbacle, r�moya p � in the denuer..y o,f 11Io1c1; lield t , � Oli, T Is1et were xewarded b.y b. circumstances it ia douUt• i rectar of. IIt�wa.r• coixaplaint. '.It� tl�en ffLsted.�l:. ilayy Ijc Ql liei cnzti ous or.licr on�tiroiclery, that she the dnin oii,ihe islet, att a deptlt oi ;)GO feet � :� '13uilor esisting , :. � i�ev� Ste�hen GTitiasto ie, i ^_.., ..._ � c�n•����■ z nc:�:•. n��z.:t. ._ , _. _. _z • -�Zi�xi�ter inade aav� thnt:on the�'teutli clay.t]ie cloetor i.i�• Y • _..,,� %izl-a# ha-3vi11_r.�ca�ex, . ., t, , . ��-(ztrx:-san of t�re lrime ), .-- _.-.� interest in liottseh�lcl matters, mnd' ,:froui tkie surfuca _'1hC veir� is rich, barrel- "' i ,' } � • ' a�*a�in be i attaclt ou the Gkuxcli of �n Iaucl.Sun� tenc�inghicn ooizTlc e r��t�nn-�tirl�t:, aricl-�va, The home labor mnrket ..musb � flz � � r mucli nliermod: Just Ucfroro . z ao �i�b lil�e to ctull. upon iei. ; s� �o qrig rock. ' `t �1 nocel cric'itet . tna�tch, �vliiclt creuted a no�,tural_ ye , >� '= ernll dull botl� the iron :clt� " scl�ools.,� }�e,,: stiia • ho believed Y Y �•,, lttinuel, dmtlglrter Uelonaed to n s.upeiior�oide� of Jolv� ];v,nus �vas arreated inl.'ittyburb,for do5erilied as �eu y. Y the com letiou of 2iis fix•:tt fitist T� . .� ''� lar e amottut oi iuter�st ancl�amuseraent, . "'ll -cousidein,ulo no . ooci � inatitution' �ag� • so enor- , P ',�,1 ueiiigs :�3zd inust nop.soil lierliriuds,or ruftle . . � nnd• tlio ,qoal trncles sho�vi, �_ . g _ b�in;;�c�runls: T3e exprehsecl sd much clre�ici camo off on the- 73.isl�o Aucklauc� cricket.; . n ver : aisecl as tho '. . rosent, �alke�l se��ou or eigLt miles �vitlibut �y l�er Lein er �vith necessaiy lioiisen orl; i �' cla reesion .. mt ; mos� ' eoiitres; � tliou�,h in� zuously o rr , 1? 1� oi 1ns trouble lieii�� e�posecl t�iaU. tiie justiee , �� n i ivhiehllTr:iFLilesBro�vn, ,. �- o- elieved `it �l�d aPPrirentdi£fietilty or•ft�tigue.. �l o ti�otlzer is Uhe^clrucl<re; tho dtitl�liter iq .•n Z�lii 1 ric:atel niid clisel�arged .; -: gro�nd, �v�la d, n , � Clo .e1an41 nud: 5t�tiffor�lshirt� sowe inl�irfl��- ac3�oo1 system, pucl h b, . ,. ., , 2.. i. o ari.tii�nec � Y,._„-�....__.._ .. . — of-�ntherbruah;-�takecl•£20 to. . � - _ innkee or., , esb aoasti of` xiotdeser�oone-liundre�ltl�pmrtof,theprniao C,onzzsxoz.�,.Dirnefz.��.rs., A]'�ozictoii eol . the i�aa ]:�c1y for wh�zn slie'�oila.• Nomo- fiim �vithout re��erin;; his nnmc. 73u��ie"'"""""�"` . "`" " �'. . . . inent m� Uo no6ecl, 'On the �t '10 tlaat 1lTx: W. 1'iexs, "uuc'�xoneer,, couid y -�---- �-� •-^ � • ' reel beatowed' u an itself; and . res ondaut� Sinlllll� I]IR1SCIf •� I� ftiix Yl:ay, .: �, n� '� CizmUerlaud �tl�ere htts, beon m cousidert�'t>To wl�ieh it f y I� P tlier. �� io suffers such ?� stato :of_ tilii�i�,� o� U iim' out �in ttvelvo ' i�ours, ,- doclnrecl tlitit the truLlr ���uld sometime• � n�' p �d� iLt 't110 1T011 �VOTLiB� SLllCl 117 ti16' }V�11CI1. i1ll 1nllOY�Il�r WOT�.CZ' O�• �C1Tri1T�18. tLSZ{a. ;�� Iiort mflclx�do.� bb�se: �corucr,,�lltl� t�115 CiL�i �ll'�501�6�t�.lE T06j1CCu �O���I1Cr.(liLllall-� COYilE 6ltt �O'�1115 CZLSn1AGC� �� iLIIC1 QOf11IY11���C3. � � . 33rowu. ' dirig his own bat and Piers. uis atoppaoo �f . - eice8teial�iro cottl �ield a,larpo. st1'iko Uf eCl�aec�: Tho nlean9 .for attninin� tUeir, 'vendorq �€�y for tlio privilenes they cujuy ••ter, arid tho respect of hor dty�,t�;hte1' 1?0 �tlicic'te. � - owu bwil.�. 'Sho novelty of tuo matcl� drew �' � '• . . colliers 3a uo�v iu pro�ress. No .improse• ol>ject� �are so utterly inndequato thtit' Tlieso Itn,lic�us �:�y-x7o reveutie to.tlia cixy, �dt)icr c�u n,fford to losc. � . to etl�er a lar e uumber of spectators, , . • , , � ost me cler ' meu refused t0 lac�vo,anytl�ing ,o,nd iuterfere tvitli'tlie Uusitiess ot re�;ulnr La�r1 C:�irns,li�s, his first']�oliday iu 5�i:r g � ut was caused when •�ent xs us yet iepoited froin tho i or sa �y � � . fl17CZ �T0i6t� I1i11119CII10 - r�- 'L• ltll fL S stem wliicli�lookod so hollo�v merclinnbs �vJ?o p"ay- bi;; TCll�e� A�,71l1 �if6YCS. �:1:i IiYGLISII DISI:rPECTd\T�' ^ ��tC:LiS bj� 11(?t IJ(.'311yf �Ol(1 ��C+iliL11C8110T ,ll,.11j�,. � of .De�u. t16 73xr � l�oin tUe specul: to do w Y �t� 1 theii c�illiiagupon, isiufecta2rt •�n�teuioqsly ;coi�posed of. inore.: IG costs w'1,OO�.to put tLe Grcat-_. x3rown uroduced. liis��bak, whic}� hnd been activ t in zron tinrlo, is aud rottev. '�ad.they never he�,d�of. Sun• Tlieq aro permitte p y �. !i d lie occt�siou and. waa 10 tive z y nindo�s ecia,ll for t , turnecl xn�o benz +ardeue i;l�o consicierzLtioritlr�t tl��y i4ro. poqr. �,ut, olle�, riirt of ieqtified oAl oE tiir eutiue' nnd Ser�l zri.carsmission, t�ud•�y LorclUliaLncellor � p y ra,ther groater, but= io 'is :a lacli of fresh ilziy, scl�ools 4, ' e e�a�tii •tlio. ��atu .�na �����t � er school ? fTotv ot• tl�e are iot. - I]sno�v of, �ny . nv�u kno�v- ;;��.cll i�nzt.s l�euzine, �vitli iIio iLdaitiou of ` canno � leavo tlie l:ingdom �lithagi�ife l E� Y'^ �� inefie� wid , Y o r c l e r s: Uucler tih�a .uew wa�es sanle an either . beforo ax :n£t, y �. � - � . Of�.fi�16 'CV1C1iCt8. , Piers had �a pobsha,re bn l l , .� dt heffield bhe t011 �i'ETO SC110019-�IllllCleTCC1, if nqt� antirely � iedo0 ��.liLt t}1C CO'1011j' � iltt9 ,Cjt11 tG .L. � lo t. " o f � iive c lroZi� o� oi l� o f ver Uen�i to ca c l i o u n c e, 1 S tI11S, ..r.11C C£Ll� �Iar £�dtld . � � . i sl�in 27 oz. anmo as used in bo�Yliug lmprovemeut'is c�pacted, S �'e 6 & > q ' E dustries are less uctivo thou h tiie u set, by,tl�e preseuca ` of oue .or t�vo .inoiicy iri �their �osqession, niid the So�Yncr iecommottded liy Dr. Da}; i�,u �lustraliau. S�tiitzerl:�n�1. ; � Pla commouced at teu minutes li0a�y ln ' � � ' efPicicut tenchers the'lieensu i�is cetor colleCtH tlie uan:�l fecy ;,� � . ma,tches, y utinue bu�� n;nd 'cutlers are fairly: vxrtuous but utterly in � p � Z�liysiciuu, far c estroyin;; tl�e.:poi4on �e'rms ,A, xle�v do.c�rino �•hou7d U'e fitted to t11c. :i • 'o laciu liis bat fixmly iu , mills co y to 11 Bi svu p � " orts h ficl ettea about, wl]o took ottt •their re•. �rom thei�t t]ie soouer wi11 all couecrued b.. �g �;mill-poz, sc�Lrlet iever, :�n�l otlier in£eC- , iuind na �+a�ncu iit clresses. L'aste iB iaoselyr' � ' ' obscu in .the �vicketi. oniployed..• At most of tho northern p �v' o, � iront, oom letoly F�- •• n n ueeri � fLTO 1LTC�L lll roesi in�, in. loyity of couducti' or pttt on a busiue�s fooEin;�, w]iicli is. till '.i �io�ie disea�5ea i� Lospitnls. Its purifying try ib on caxefully, esnuiiii0 it tliorou�hl},. •� • i rs .commenced tlie attnck ivith hie Rlii�buildm.d rnci maYiue en4t nn. w €, nA b � ,. , y takortYn•here nud let i� oiiti tlicrc, ztind.. �' e brisSt. Tn the tectilo tinde9 uo grotit:�nima- x the uiiachiovoue folly of amaxt aressin�'. ,desiro.. cynd disiufectin�; prop'erticsaore clue, Le sm s; onderou� Uall Svith suclx effect that in u u1 . P ' 6g and atNobtinnham botli tholnce Z�hore was eo�netl'iing, too; of iiribory auc� � cnrious mi�tnite ictic� male. nt � DIidQle- :to the ��o�vcr wliich is possessed by enc]� of �nnlly, �vlion-it".i� just ri;;l�U,sew iL to6etl�er sl�ort time. tho bat tvas Uegiuning to Show tion osis .„, sier liranehos- aro du1L .A.t corruption liy me�,ns n£ uu<Zesoxved tr4ats. g�t clivisiou �ouit lt�tely.. T1�o «ufeuclnnt tiia iugrecliouts, o.f. "nbsorbi�ig ritmosplierie �itili,stt•oi�a tl�rend. i n� �of l�eiu '� liritere.d.,_ �.t: l�ugth; �ti� the'l�o y " � � n s nro iuther iir and riies to,seeure tho cuilclreu't� 'ntteud- i1� }�is otF9ot l�ad ii�ldecl in tkie yeux of onr oxpgeu, nnd coiivextiva• it into pexoside of• �r,;��yvie, �, bttyet.in tho Guelpn �grniu �" .n�ccident �3rowu lefb one s.tuinp �ladfoxcl inaaufn�tixrer p b somo , ,. , . ' 1 'o d tlio sillt auco aud of acluiittiu all eomers, even do- ,yorcl;�s S$1850, tvLicl� brin;;s.to ana'� recollee- iiydro�;eu--a iiigltly aetivo osiclizing :�gent; mnrliet, 'liny. Ueen lnfb r,00q ne�e� oi Ittnd, •, Y •, thb".btt�l' Com�ttn strui hb �alle o� �La�rs �,ua at.nzn�c esa z u 6 ' uBcov6�ed, i�nci b �+. imnst r�enr e6. �erters frotnotlaex, achools. Tieur�ecl�tlieSn tiiou �u scevo .t�t"au. Iiislt U�Cik: , 7,orc1 c�ncl vcry similnr iii �tfi iiretnro to ozone. l�r•- �ll� na �,}� �Y�ce� iu. x��str:Lll[L� by a relm- , � �rou lxt' down the.atump. Piore .thus aC- �ri�d'o is �oor: l�.tr I{iddor d p • � intinufneturers mro doxn� tivell nud at bo make tlie eontenary m time of z'ndicnl ��u�;uder—` Uy�rdr:i�cri,AZt�.,O'Ti�gn�u, �vliy ticle�,�t elotlzing, furuitnro; �vall paper, ac�x- tion �at Lis uumod.IIaLuiuoncl, �vlia Las just. Compl,i�het� his baak in �J� minutes: EludderHfiold • arn.e iiiner� are miso busq. refoYm�—Londou Globo, Juno 28. • � ��5�. ixp� t�o pass,Ueolt 111j�90IF. r�ud zt pCClllb� , UOOiCb� lIG\VSpiLpCT��. LOttGX9�. aICC�. �1 • TuB FTuu�.r i'iC'vnn --Tlio propoYtiolis'o uffolk a rieulbuxal ;.lnbor ` agaiu sho`cved bver m�tl�ouhniid .pouncls in isiy ete., mc�y, it• i�• sUatcc'l, .Uo bom• • � t1n oU�er.��inn m:�u lins tlisco��rad a'sim'r- ' o humatt fi uro are �ix tinxes tho longt;l� In s ' �t led. !t l�r e r£ox N.s�ti.s iri Porac :. CouitT.—Itigti� scuaibly , facor.' Aix. U'Ii�«:�n�--` t1L, in lord, i4:, ii lebe] Smtur.it��l tvith ,'i� .�vith- . �1� � , sometvliat unse t g Y P Y l;irit between ti_ynw<<;• liticlie�' soulin:at�y �'�� 110 i00�i. ,�L10t�10T �LtO �OX111 ,15 9iG'AC1Cr � 0118�i1'UC�+lOTI iLlll- clbe5 tllE3 �yilll�(�elpltla �lD?OJ fl�,y �t�lt4�i, �.0710 tT1filTln 21]3[iti61CC you've�inado, �011'CG C.4St 011$ 4tCG'CCtY11I(�" t11C'� Elllnllt05t � 111jUYj� i� �,��a Zy21(1 W 6U(;tLT f.1Ct0Y�;}'�� tLS tJQ�LI TC�illO W�]fAt 18, �� uavvioa ior raiiway c „. • . w - ot lum , tl�a r�Yo hol<la ooc�. 9.ny devit�-; n'�:c3eeivocl �� �tla,e o tlzo of tT�e creuuiai nui�fiiiees ia tlio'nian wlio- tl�o' �ear of ou� I�c�rc� irito tlie pottucl;�: ;�ahou`ib has beeri oneo�fxec�ly,a�p�liod to nJSy �lendy sn'eot.: • •� � to%a lias. l�ee , . � �� tiou from�it is a cle nrtura'fro�ri tlio lii�hept in tlio �]3riti+9�1 ;oIonies Nrite�pto tLa �editor xcc�uestin� :l�im. to �xo j� its rollinr1 in ; riclieH �ve'cl ail Ue; it roii�;li or�porous SUTI(�C0 ItH nction will �be `'ttin«s of tl�e �nricultuxal Cominis• n cloma�ud for lnbor . , � heauty in propor"tion: Tuo Greoka mado 'is not � ecx�ll brisle. Golc�- �.;��n� i?.� Vic- ' stnto tl�roii�li' .Uis.valua,Ulo paper' tI1:L�i� �VO Ctlll1(1.'OTl�'j� (IISCOUll�i A1Y110 I�O1Tlt[]y' 1�. i?CiB1�t�9IIt �Ul (611 iL1171D9G iudefinito period. : T.lio si „ all their statues accordinb tb tl�is rulo., � liowover a n�itt lod�`i%.; u,�u�l 3oliix � S�ni$li, of �'onea s4reot, ry11o, tvas , ai��i to tmko oral evicleiice iti �iection.3,• , .torin ie, ,�, P A NaTonat� �vx�ni.--�lio �oizdozi Z ree, ��ow ra coqx..e nc5t�.�tin. (ci�6tl�, etc.;) �vill siL at Ui�elpl� o�a tlie I3tli � ' Tl�e face from the hi�lieat point of the.foro- sovoral Yt�iltvn� s nro to bo' �usl�ec�' forwmPd •arrostecl for benting liis wife, wns not Jolin L y •�1�e ffr�U 4•hiu� to n,nd 14t1i iu�st., commeuciv� ut 10 �. m• Yu . 'r o�ius"to �TYq cliiu ie • � 'mith' tho o. uli�r roceY of �021i �TCfiS BLLyg t.`�l��n i�rst �vara� y��liL'71 • I7 � Uo clblie is ta cntcli liitn 1 7ioad, whoro tuo li�ux , b b ,, ln (Q,lueonslnnd. �'ho Argentive repablic'is. IIeury E� , p r �,, , . i cl from h Jo in IIonr sl�oulci ��'Zr. ITarilc�n tb hir, Iiirrell oi1 Lia tirrive.l �,Iany a�;oocl kiu�sLnud ..i� ' vpoilc�l i�i t1�o Ehc City Jlnll: ono-tonth of tho statuxo. '.�lxo l n,n , a�aiu unsettiecl. Tu tl�o• United �a'takoy .ILoUinsou stxoet, �V y I Y lieze lmst �'Ve<'ineeda ni �lit woxe, S liave ,, � ddlo for'e' fin er is tho � b '�r os ti�at i�is fiionas wouia au� ect him y 6 c�oJti�s�, So�va wotne�i l;eep theni cou- `,��Ie uucertaintie� of tlto t}iea�rioml burii- ihd wYist tio -t;lio mi � � mosb tracles axo £or c� timo compiniuin� of supp e , P, y 3' stnxitty in hat �tvnter, �vliile oi;liers freeze � tho to of t1�� chest to �lie beoii requoated to t�slt ou it tliero is nn ness n,rc°illttstYated by �lio YiLet t}�i�t„�1F2i�si , aame. I'rom p clulne�s, nttex tho asao�sivo activity cvLioh o� wife-bentiug hc seldorli tl�inkq it is noces� � tlietn tviili coujugi�l col<l�ie�s ; some smotlier iut f tI�o £orc�l�end is a�eveutl�. ' , sar �o et lasn, uor c�oes ho expl�tin.�rliy �uater ii� yotir �iv,er, ZIo clid it iii auch :�ti Neil�idu nftor Fti sc�,�oa� of garent. sueCass �i�i' hi�l�eqt po o ��,s pxeVailed.--Labor 7?iotvs. . Y, 1�, iu�ioceut �vn 'tl�nt tl�o U atNnrlere mi�d 11ir. tliem �ith,contention, hud �ti11 otl�dt� ke�p t ,r, o �ultposti Gm, C" ' Ii t1�d faco� from tlao roots Of tiio liair to _ lio tli�nits l�imaelf ontitled 'ti�i m gratuitou�'. � y ,. tlre en�i�, l�as U�e�i•}ilmyirzb i� n J' . X3irx'ell could noi; raKis4.t;ho . op�iorteuiity i�o ' theni.iu �>icklo all iliait livds. ,.Llzeso wo-, liouheHitt Sau 1�rrivCisco� the cl�in; bo cliviaed into throe equal },7nrts, �t aaz in ubst on+tho body of S'dillia�sn a vez�tisemoiit ou tLO, stren�th oi som� mcn Hexvo tlzem tvitli tnii�, � , i�Vieion determines tUe lnoo o , iuc�ul�o iu a joll,y la;ttolx. Our Ne�i 1Y1liH�i iLIQ flni1CC. N04Vs ,. t110 f1Y8�i C�i . . 1�. � . , � I3t�11� a ed 13, ' I�tely in tLo emplay o#.a or �r ..Smibli s rttscalxty, . 1£ n irinn `� llot'mnl{o 1i 1�8' of oux ':.iY�n{;iii(icent. �vfLto�: .it is,�rab io Ue �u},�poHed tunt liu�Ut�uds �vill �ettar fottud oii a"Cititifoiuiri �uicicle : • whero tho eycUrq�va meoti and tlie socond �anclou firm o� riutor�, tlie owiclenco claar�oter is�so�'bnd that l�o is �uspected ot t,e c���a�r �,ua o�d � y' xu tl�ia slieitered aioa]t I Imy �to dotvn to" co of tuo noatrilq. �ho l�ei ht frotn r • stroteli' if llo tvitinty to lieo�� f���ar tv�tli his g if trented iu tlxi� sva , �' . tlic•pla � �ivbu sliowecl blint tPio,�Teaemyed l�ncl boon . o�lier meu'S Cilmes, uo Svould do best . to �nll Londoil friontls I � l�ub tlie� are, an tl�o � con�rary, very delz� die. lVlie�i n tnni� ontii�es l,is usa£ulnesa . tlte foot to tho tnp of tlio l�ond is.tho c�is- on' a�od fox a<1:� nu�. a hnlf ixi �Ilu• l�oon 1'�ie nmulb out of�.tl�o raper, Thc Y , � . � r �^• � + � lauatic�n� ` i�ito� A�x. i3iigl�t told liiq iuudienco in n receui� cious �aheu z�an�,+o�lnsfollof�v� :(�et alnr�;e �I thiialc ha-bu{;lit to retire., Ilza�vo done Sb. .. banco fram tho estremity to tl�o finbc e mmatiu i biUles„ a'ncl cdmpinined �,t tho ouci Timos puts all sucu e p • . � � N eeolt t�l�at n�i eminnnt, nabinbe�, of. tlic jac,call�d tlie jn,r of ca,refalixes�; rinoe qour dilieul ' "' ", wlieu the nrlize t�ro eatondod� �� th tirst; da '� w'orlc,tLat tha iuixturo tLc �vaste•bnsl:et, whicli is manifeatl'y their, P, "`�"'"" " � °f a �' IIouso n£ Lorcls finicl,in rearec� oP tl�e Eic�re� lzuxlrautl iu it, �nd pinee liim iienr tho firo ,��i� ��cal:ea' cf the I�oit.,� of Cbmn�ona NrAnLX A5 I3SD d8 Cnx.�ne '.�r;isLrg.--�So usecl'b liim mn,do liiin ill. At tue Cud o£ picoper destiinnt�ol]. • • u�l'i'v iYz �:'a�rjia- of coir;jUn�T iav�; lc6 il�o firo b��ietitiy l�ot, }l�y� ��plessecl l�i� intentiaiX c>£ retiiin�� nt� ' � ns b�en anicl a niust tlic �anadn tlio socoud dn� 'uo �ya� seriously ill, nri�l T�e London GuaLdiau sitys: _' i�2r- !�":e�a� ��?a Ztal�bits.13,i11, ito�v Pp cel nr� tliit� � eK iccinll le6 it lae cler�r • abovo all, let tlio � in6tit, tlint ti�erewouldbescaz q y E, 1 Y , tlie cluse of tlio �essicrn. 't�ob:�Ul Mi. hatlo that n ne�v �ost, snia to be eqnnlly �i�� tµ,o �ayy aftie��vaxsZ �vitli n11 tl�o� ��a11G"� Eriends bonsi; liis couxu;;o, n1c.�laciicc, • ��nl� �1ca�uren Nere to b�; l�eut bo con :tniit; cot�er ltitn over �VitL '�IiitUret�d�vill sAcec�clliitn. ` ha i�theYto Csca od notice. tt tter fl�7auain,l � p � LCPt �OT t11C1]1 lE t i. . , 1�, ��•pnlcl, affucLiozi � f.Lruicsh I�ijn o•tci �vitli t11e xpice 7��lilciclol lrinn tnnde tu fi'uitle��s eiTaxt. lpaci, or �ybr�o, s h� P Ay,m�toins o£ �Soisonirr,, nci a poyL mortam � 6y, fe�ina. �s � u`it nticl � ,. , i cvl�iclx Ma Uo n n,th had xo5111toc1 frnm in- . ersaua� n' '' .�i. �Ii�. �tze�iie� tllus interfored witlr, n�ad tLz, 6 il ,y f, �1 r 7.lais i� tha Uu11 s eyo da sy, �' , aho�ved tl�n�t ci� tvart3�t1� of p Qcr, I � to �cll «•oLthle�4 Unrs ztb tl�c� t�riyat, fox �t1re , te�tvo tih� t•;oun�ry atul iiu�l sictw in- ctE �le�;txierttr �, aucl if yoti ,nclzl ltihaes and i� k�Q lt�tcl, siroCecclea, ' soen rotvin in vaYious �rirts of tho c�ty flnmmatiou of th� Uowols, �;>io�wbly cnusac� linvo 5aid £rarr �+?rir �.,, t�ano tlrab he i� ob . 4 �;old� l.lie proiit, b' �' �. terest� i�5, firn•c;;��t r,lirnc:a. 1[a TCC':1,11ef! o'lier c;o.d'c:cLio:tiy 1ot �lieiii bo. accon7• �+ , n y �,nd country. Yb is.noZv iu blo�soin, ragetn• u tlio '�oisdn: scuro, irritatib?�•,13npulsi�o; tl�n,t X�o is '�;oofl :,, ; 1 T ��•oulc7 Lav� Ucoit ,, �0, ' Y 1 ,,, h�militir �ci t�. �cut� dur,inry tiLo frc� tradr: �a3iierl �cii.lr :t ;+Zt:iicieirt �orti��u c>f �ecrecy, �" 000. blc� tllocammo� Mt�'y wecc'l, �nd �;rotva from. �,Itoob TCt�n,u'N€�nts sc j,mlitieo iii �i�hi�axi, iu tho wor:�t �ense o£ tlxa tvoicl, tl�at. Lc is �,��;atio�i. isiiscd c+'itli �rudeztcn �'i�ii iriqciermtioxi. r1'lie bill ior �ivitig tl�e x'iesbyterin,ti Cnl-" �.� £0 20 incli'es high. Tl�a plwut, xf rio�moti �� 0 ta livo on thero, uc s:� K, �vill n vcnart'�tYq �erpeui� I3ut �vitl� tliis wic'Io ri� �' `• O,nd ���0,00 , Y �� ,7��r7 lihltnziliCa�•}�r,LiticqUeliei;eil�t�f: ifi I;he �r.ys;zti�c r;u; z�r:r;T. Ie;:o �E nIoittre.bi ��o�ver ta {;t•a�tt �zozz�xnry : iind fou�l�t now, may bo ox�oc'toc� sooii �o uito �atisf him tor tlio lo�q o$ Iz�s Uiirou�. d`ifforer�a �� oetitnn,bo tlioio is anu tui�a„ on ,� , o�i��l�t tlic �vilt rx�:�l�o � 1 aud rova tlto � y ', 1 fricnd �iiil �oe mron reec�, tlin,t�vLcct• Cluuc.se letLiix Jic7�t� t ,, Y �1rno»„ .tha asiazet;t X oles tlxc, UriSio titlos IriLK boeu ��tis.3ec1 by tlio '4�u�U�o I ar- tako ross�ssion di tho soi ,_ P l�bclul Itahmari tl�� �»»t��� cli�iblo.of tl�o�re- �vl�icl � . I� n �o is ti�nt lyo is'tviEli t� vou �enuee. A ri vory clutr �OYOLiN ])CO��JCy "�ectit:r�c tlicy nro �vi�ll:ed tlirec� iinieH rouiicl r� iirC, tlici� s��� lininuvf� "�;xotttdsti �tlgat �b10 �e�t wti havo , for w 0 teadots Svri�es to suy t1inG t6reo orares o£ .over , � S, r to obediextt ar��1 1�:��•o no ', oetl�e st�ya a tn�i� i�iu;;G %c� ci�l�or' nn ' • • • tok�minato. �' . • � ._. ' ' �essat m�eo �cJiuntvledged, �ae xs noU cut robust, tortzpe n , , , clo�vxa n,iid �vnslle�C ]icr fcr,t. . 11�c,ctret�ru �� - xt onco �ets �oo't xt xs liaxd to e� ru �.ee�—thN1, i�, nUouti 1,30�,000 will �tist ne Y. • . • � . , � ' ny ' T cn it iu 1u�nd. 't�nt Iio feitir of donth. If n, Cliina�nnn.F;liotzicl U,r, �u of �vaslzing tlio Uridc�rc��ni'ss fcet is t�?oz'c �,ncil ar t� linr�incr; S'c8 l�o�v u�u�txy nLe � '.��0 7Sin� �£ Deutisi&, ns T�o o�Llls I�zLu- a�yo�it fit him n1�t nYcely £or �u aar�diclnto fc�r paaco t�ll }�a y� , ba c tiV , , � .- � • -• • • • � ,n.lte� iu li4ncl, tunt uo Hottica, tlio fielcl £or n enne'iclorn,ble .lonht�r�a£ time ��t<rnently,reCer�recl tt>� ttl�e r�au�,+liter �f ts� k1utlupP Utii; bello�v�! . Holf, xs a�.'hilacl�l�lx�n, nurxoaity, �C+ w0ai.a CtLbu1; �l�ilo 1ltolznixirnec� �7Nn �K,ready �o . �. lic �va�11c] .�cA�n to altvot ��ell. 13rtLtrmiix ie d�c:�yctl l�y lior fititl�er itz a • cou� robeq xidea ' oi l�ti Co tl�o 73ritiqli acttle, 5evornl ��o �ioc ers at IlnliPa:�, 7�. �� ,,• � , tlto bricic��ra�rei';s ilurr;i,l� fo� tlro luicl:leUeYrq !�'ltt�4 is �o� � aotvolled crowu t�nd gurg � �rr�nsPox hr�,w � . . . P P . . = 11 urt +er- ecr tvit}�oti� iti Tri tl�o bill, r�f � I� roncli l�tidy nf qiattlit,y fc.stivp cl�e�s, a�tc1 wi�plre� , ri p�;y �vLm� i� �s douo ta =t turYi '�ei�tveon twc�- , att n, re5ptoudbut clxt�rint, ancl ost�aCt� i�eotl� prpvlaotl Iio }H �nit1 nu tinuuity �itl� n xC:�i� �l�a ]iavo benu ae i„��, . b , • , • ', . • . o ummo�tocl boforo tlio ir>lico �xatv I�efnra t1�olYnriK c:�uit:s ax•ottir�o itois�s fo�t, t1.�e �iitle s rr��tYier pauri�ag t�ut'to�. licyet� of Z>tiff•},rnstie� ' tivitliout cuaL�n. ytiVUilo n, �lib tqnguod �t acuco iu Tudra, liconsb, wer � 1 • . ,_ est�rc�w on n clin,r>c of for �;alter�, ns, follotva: ' f#tvrter�s flouyiced tviiler fvr 1;1LtuL �ur�os6. l�i �s�tne �n',�t5 11 "1'liu �vcatl�e3� tlrxoX��h«nv 5}?ai�y is itx- ' �onflant ao�nd� Uis praYaos, tl�o ki�g take� 1,�,, ttrt in tlin,t citq y 0 1 �omotimoq 'xl d�• �� r af tlio liccnao la�v �:)in zl icnea �vitls L�oinG lace, r00 frnncy; ;;t�rtora ��itli ,7avcv tl�o �ricle, n� iti g�;,+�i �aet o£�th�o l�ri ie, ieiiticTy Ixat nud irie�i�y cr.sr;a uY �uu��'Lrake' out tabbT� for t�ll �vl� s�pp y, I:�icols n��id �vn�rI�nA tlao ., pusl�in� trienl bixt �vitl� tlio poiiib of �uy t�i�t iu co 1;er tvas nob iii�a�cicatin �. Na liorso'� lioofs iti di�iiz�ouclH, 7,UU0 fraixes; '. s�vord. �'�on ha �ellg au Aclac doatroyer �Lt _ be introc� et been givev,, , � �itirters oti3eadeuses, 2f•� francs: �rooit� trliou La entera tl�o° r�ause. `1'l�is yro scportecl. �fty cents t� b�ttle. .. the o�uri . •. . Y� , . • . ' ' �. • - • . ' ;� ` . . • , n ' - , .. � � ,. � e � � .. � ' . �' . r'� ,__ . �. y . , �