HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-07-15, Page 8rT. r . . ,I __ -, - - P, , � ` o - , , . : . I � I . � � . . , , I . I . � . . . . . . . ir�­ . -__ I I . I .. _111- . 'I . ,�, I � I . 11 , k . f I . , . I I - ; , . . I Al 4 "-"-,- ­­_­ -.- I . - - ...- � 'Ir 1. , 4 1 1. . I I . % I . � - I � .� - I.. . I I 11 . I . I Is , - j .41, � . . - I � . I z . . I � . - - - - - _. -� - � -I __ __ ­ -------,-- - - � -- ­ - ---- - ­ - - I - I I . . L-. � ��:� w�­__��- ; �;� ��­.;;�,�_ __ I . . , I � JUTIMN RUESIUYTERVIL, THE 004NIING op Turu GDEX-V FORE- . , I , I : 4 number of reports; front different cc I . _­ � 11 CENTS. 1j:ba NEW BEA will be era for 50 cords of gravel. . . in , '. pearance Of two iW131011150 C4V5l0a(lQ3 Of got- , & ,� -C-LINTON NF,w .r1,1kA. The sellools have closed foAr the midsutu- I - � - PAVCH SHOW, " I iner liolidays. I The regular meeting of the 11%,(,tillytery was , __ A? � " ( � � t- . . I . . Izing for tell- - bel(l at bracetield, on TitesdaY, - � . ad hors I o -women K E-7-11 _L�_h -?I s ;, K O"�' � O" _u W I 1 . The StroeV �ouimitteo are as' 0 ar eight was firat'gladdenea by the op. . , � d In � mitteef; were read atia considered, I � I - vtnt to now subscribers, till the end . I geouslyarrayed horso-mona . I I � .. . 1 60- of fliev,ear, for 00. cwit�,, in advance Recent heavyabtiwerslavo fill"htlY 170- The reports front the coiliallasioners to the seated Oil gaily caparisotioll, bigh-stepping I . � � I . . . I I . I . tardod. harvestirigooeratibus.. 0- I (len oral Assembly worebeardana Approved of. and well trained horses, 1114011baudouenter- .'_�, I. . I I . � . - tea to . ... I . - __ - � - I Vi The xeport,of the committee Appoint ilag took possession of Ono of the two rings I I . I . . ___7- POSTFO.NLD.-The consideratibil of con- sit DayfloYd And Dethany, ,was read, and Aqd. went through many well executed man. . I - . . � . . Zan z! 0111co. I traqts-for whitewashing, and calcimining'wqsupouthow,li I ole. encouraging, And after a, oeuvrep. Then commenced the round of varl- I . ­ I _00 - . I 1. I � � . the PoblicSollool, has been postponed an- long diecuaijon it wAliagrood to ask for a sup. ours Attractions, to describe which properly, , . . . . . . . . ,__ til the Christmas holidays, I plement of $150 frog' th6HOMO .111WOn C0110' anI with due'approoi;tiQu of their merits - . . I I I . . Mittee. � . would. draw too largely on the space at our I I I I A I . WAAT TOWN FOLKS ,AZLE SAYIN'(4- CLAWTOW Vowsus, LisT.-The list of vot. I The Ptev. 1Xessrs.-,Barr,1Stowart and Lough. I comma .1 I I I . , , lid, We call Only pick plib At random They say that, it is an annoyance to have ers for this. town for the present year, con- ead were .appointed A, committee to. examine A. few of the speci felt rep, d briefly com. , al a u AA . - I no recognized town bell. tains 0, total of 560 names, 321 of whom students for theology. . ment on their excellonoies. We fancy that A T J A C K 0"*j ON -9 ' are qualified as jurors, 377 classecas 6Wn. ,The Finance Cc e opinion of the Audience, �i . . . mmittee's report -was read the first* place in th . S - . . I . I I I They say that the number of weeks of era, and 183 as tenants. . .and received. as indeed in our own, will be. occuploi,l by I schoo . lholidays should. be Alightly shortened litailding Coinm�ttees for the year were 4p, eleven performers,, who, although they ,%veto . is . Tkiey, say that there .should be a formal Qn, the occasion of the 0, X. Sabbath . t a as follows .-For Sabbath. Schools- uot dignified inthe bills with, any high sound, V . , ,. M. I 1�re, Itev. M . I YOU WILL FIND- . I , . opening of the now t9wn hall, when co school picnic's of this town, which �411 be W11.4v , cents, _Vritelhard, .Sieveright, ing noms-de-theatre, yet they sueoeodedAiu . IL I I held at Goderich next Wednesda, 5 I � . � I .ys it i and 0apt. Gibson. Forg.omeMission-Roy'. beui4ug off the Palm And giving more occasion . , pleted ' I E ' expectelltlitttastea erwillbeoubandto Messrs. Stewart, Danhy, Loughead, IsfoLean, ad . 1. . I . . They say that a now crossing, : rom ,In, ,for wonder tha . id many of their competitors. . . . . . , inalce excursions on the lake. and A. Matheson, 91dor. The State Of Reli- for public esteem, The elephants, of course I 1. I JackBort's to Ransford"o store would be an , � . , I ) gion-rvev. Messrs. Fletcher, Cameron, llart� you cry; aye, the .elephants, and in cow, P , I . improvement. . .0 . CORRESPDXIDENTS.-Tho warm weather ley, Glendenning, Patterson, ,end Laing and ir-JuNI(Dw 40C>-A_rjrS, I . . monving on and praising the wonderful dooi- . , . They say that . efforts. to establish a, appears to, have. affected several of our cor, Landesborougb, ol4ers. Finance Committee lity of these Animals, we must not forget the . . I I . . " � - . . � I . N-* " , 1jeara f rom. __�j4v, Messrs. Thompsc I . I . . � dents, As we have not ln, McCoy, A,. D- Mc- extreme patience and forbearance which must . . 'I � monthly orquAxtorly cattle fairliere should respon - 11 . Sama'. G� IF, 406-.&rjU1§,, - I . . . � , ' . . . 11 I be pleased Donald, Mqsgrove,gud S..G.McC4ughey, older. , have been exhibi _0,1, I . be , . thein for some time, We shall , . . . I � . � .ted by Mr. For'bpAugh, jr., in .. . I renewed, to record the doings of their respective .&N. petitiou from the ExOto.r congregation, training these ungainly and ap arently clumsy . . . I .. . I . . , . , , . . They. say there is, no town in Canada localities, and hope this Aotice may stir in regard to a separation from Ptodgerville, 'animals uD to their Present. Eighly educated - .A_]Lj1PA1_`1040.A_ 40"_A_�rs I.. . . . where,fewer drunken mon.may-be seen them up , I . a � all# a union with Grand Bond, was read. couditi,ju,. Indeea.ti,etrinmphofeducati.quaI . . . 1 .9 - I � . than in Clinton, - I I . I . . I The rresbyteryAeoidoa they.could not. grant skill as applied t6 our pQcYr relations was exbi. . ' ; .� . . ,Quxcx,�-On -Tuesday evening the Fire tile reiluest ill the meantime, - . bited when Forepaugh formed his V) dumb ]Et7F , _Tf.4SjP . .. 'Fb�Y say that a more permanent way of . . . . . 41[_j 40q:>X:t13 40".A�rXs I � I , 4 Engine and Hose Company were out -for A "petition from the, congregation of Rod- friends into an immense pyTaiffid as it were . .. . . � fixing street-draips, Qlan annually 7s600ping , I I � . I I . I . . I . . 7 � . . . them out,, -should be, introduded. . practise. A test was made to see how gerville, asking for o6 separation from Exeter, and 0,414bing up the- huge altitude struck an . . . I � - ' � . I . I quickly the hose cou14 bebrougbt 150 feet, and to retain their present, Minister, Rev. Ivir, . o on the ournmit of th6 living . I ,.0 TIS . . I . i linposing'attitrid X-AIEW301V IDUS 30 . . . � . They say that -the inducemmits hold out . I - a - , . . � . attached to the engin% and ready for wa. Hartley, was read; the petition w s support il- 'Mons. Lowal' who seeks that bubble I 1) e. , j . . . . .. . to purchasers by Clinton merchants; in all . I - re utation even from t e cannon?a mouth, w1a - . .ter which- *as done minute and ed by three elders from Rodgerville congre I? h - - . -.:-1 -, ". . on . qrs Rosh And . , . � 11WIS a11d ]EAENIEW -VJFQS;rrS ­ trad6sl are not owpaisild by. � those of any, -2 P a, � 4. , . -1 9 ion. viz,, . Sutherland, oertatuly'eclipses all his predecessors in the I . - �. I . . 1 5. Ober . . I nineteen sedo * A. ' , b,v the . li;o, as hels not only ejected frbm the . . . . I . . � . . Place. . I - . cLaren. fter a little discussion - , some ! . . , .1 a , .. - � I ". A XQVXL SIGHT. - A somewhat novel, mehIbers of the Presbytery, it was'a 0 6 9-h u i g from * , I.. . IE - , . I !; .0 � 6­6­1-� , . . I . greed to month of the huge mortar, 4ut-he catelies 3B CXV I S IF -A 1N.JEW � 40,0.4_�rs . I sight was witnessed ouWbdncsda� evening, send a deputation to both, congregations opn-. hold of a -lady's hand I wh i ,a g n a . . . I I . The thermometer climbed to the neigh. From a high limb of -a tree to.the L ground sisting of Rev.AvIessrg. Dahby, Thompsonj trapeze near the rilgo poloof thil'tent, and . . . . . I L, . . . orlib'Od of ilinety in the shade. last, *week. McDOnald, Mr. Dauby's elderj Mr. MOCOY'lil swings safely suspended amid the deafening iB430"VIS - _UX__jSrr1ByZS"9. I . I . . I . were stretched balf-a-dozen cords like those I wits . .. 1. . . . . . . Qq'artorly services in coinection with. of A spider-meb, while down each. eord older And Mr. Landeollb.rougli, to ascertain plaudits of -thd'�Audience. The clo .1 -� . . . . I . . . . * 13, 0, Chlatch were he.1d,on Sunday last, I ,t at next in ut I - t, but , three . � . . . . I 0, . . . I I .. 1he true state of affa ra And To&r a mbor,are All qxcelleti we irriagine _. tbeL were sliding; numberless eaterpillars About . .. �f, .. ''I . i .1 . . - .1 -W . . L .. : I . , . I . tivg o Presbytery. in I e delights to be call, , I . . i . � . . Thei*fidIds are whitening f 6r the harvd9t half ,an inch in length' I L , meo I I . Wbi sicalwalkei., as h . . ed, � ILAUTNIE EXA-rJUS . I L ,� 0 . I I TlieiiestmeetiiigofPt,osbTte.i,�iotbl)dbelcI -was provocative df LthA greatest laughter and .- L . . . L I . . . . � . . . �* . . � .. - - I . . L . g v . - 'a, in fact, a real hu. - - , . . � . . and the threshing .indchin is Visiting tovin OATS FQT� ftOLAi4D.--LLaA week Mr, R' at f9onforth, on, the sepond Tuesday of Sep. amusement.. Walker' I . . . I . . . . . for rep4irs, I I � ' It s9ma-&w. - IRA,WS . - I . I . I . . ... . . . I , Irwin I I . . . 0 1 . 11 . . . . . ... Id . . The wholesome. raspber , predonis its of oats to Hartlepool, Euglani _._.____1_.,41..�..4,­__ . . ... full scope to his 'peculiar vein, fo*r there are . . I I - . . . . I ­ . . , I 1, � This is a * . . . . -ry , of this towns. shipped 5,000 bushel; tember, at'oleyen 'clock a. m. . � morist, and t e line he has adopted affords : I 9 - I I . . I � . I -the.popul4r palate, at I 'jifliuseinents.s. sl more elements reqL . I . .1 pink plumptitude to new bfitifeb. of the export trMe, being *the Sports antl A �uisite for .the cOmposition . I 1. SUITABLE FOR THE i1OT WEATHER. - L � L I . L . I - , I I . . . popular prices, - .", - - I first consignment of oats shipped from this j . . - �' . of a good circus clown than a casual observer � . . L . . I - .1 . I . . CIRrexr,19. � , .� . . . would ituagino. The tumbling and Acrobatic L I - I . . . I.. . � . . . ... . ' I . Cli-EAr F,IRI�-_Thb, G.T.R. will issue section to England. He received Toronto - I .. . . I . . L 'performances were beyond par, and tba'india, . I . . I . � .. � . , - I I Aickets from Clinton to Seaforth, -on �he prices for them.at this station., - , I. Ott Thijr;idav last thofirst cricket 111tituh vlqed on rubber -like individual who turned a somer. . . . . . . L � . . . � . L . I 11 . I 27 t1d inst., at I D.cents for the return trLip. olir bonie tonal's grounds, took placQ botivilen the Olin- - ' . I � . .. . I I . . . � - FOR, 'DAICOTA.-Mr. Calvin Callender,' toil and wbigbant clubs, rosultingin adl--a%trous defeat fiault over the eleven elephants showed the 1U1W"1u1P,3r_A-1[,-A,_S13 ". . . . ' ' . - I : . IL . , 69,, in� I of tho visiting, teatil ljy one blaffilge and Urtins, ,The d4phbilities of a high class perforine'r, We .. . . . . � . . . . 1 . THISTLLES.=A man was last Nveekemploy- -lately' employed.. with Cintelon Br L- . . I . � . . L � . I L' . . I I I f W Yeek . L visitors arrivedon. tile worzaing traill, but it Nvas !uet can. -Only refer to' th'c',excellent tight-yope . � . I .. IPWO _UIR 13 3E ]a... ,. 40N 1 . . `4 . . . . . . I I . - . . ed -about town in. cutting thistles, which had tends L leaving- for Dakota n A; 6 N El until 1:30 o'clock that tile gunle was called, NN'llighalin. , walkimi, t4c clever liorivoutal bar . Perform- . . I I , Q-._A_rrQ1% I Asia med large � Proportions in some p*ta. - parties theiel -,lobv, to bat against thotbjo�,_�ltg I . . . . . . .1 !I . .. � I d. Theyw6r6all on _h _ 'r(IV(1 and ""' .= amazing contortionist as all . � . s' . . . . He will take with. bifii foi , rt utin"f4o"r4o 34 runs, the ance r1a the '� . . . . I . . . . Mr. G, W. Railton Imt week assumed six.gots of bob -sleighs and' seyeral sets of "' -12 it 6 s0orc . ]Ei�JU13]R­ % . . I . .11 . . . . . � ly on lu figure chig ohns n'. . . beingwe)l worth seeing.-.1.1amilion, Times. .. . - . . I the'dutiei. of his new �position at Liqndl�, harrows, manufactured by. his brother, Mr. i0ililihoir rst iiinin s , lansford, � eltem 11, au. 110. . . . . .. . _ IE]PW ][_']F'G�4G"[WS'L - - . . � L I I I . and his successor Mr. Sivider, . has. takell Austin Oallander of this town, L . . . L batting 11 ( thei rosl ativo OV a nig- . . � '. . � I , - -1 . � . . . . ­ I .. . � . I I . . ... . I I I'll "' [P�l �Vt 18 rt it, rhal . L 4 . I I . . � I . - . . I ) . I . . . I . . beat ill It I ,(,I", till 1, 1, ' . . � . . . .. .1 _. . . I. Ill, (I . ruiItly ,I I 11 .�' tin or -a it 0 . . 'his.. place here, . - - . . one of the 13' 'Irlil I I it., W1111 � . ,rtoy stallong lilto Children. .. ]a T.-TIB131 W -AIR - . ACA-1PS, � . . � I . THF, TFLnruo,Np.s.-During - Blow , I ) found tilt) "Coro. I � . . I . _. 1 I I .. I . . . I ..' L . POTATOAS.--The price at which new po-- recent'. thunder storRs, the-sev-dral tele- I � ... . . CLINTON, . . OOPFUISD'sl SWEBT OASTOU Olf, e(JURIly suit- .. . . � . . 1: . . I . . . . . . . . . . . I . L . L tatoes areaelli . ng,indicates clearly -an abun- phones in town I were rendered tempoi,arily o..ki,ox, b, Webster, c. Bra) ............... : ........ 9 abie for chtld-ren. 4Iad adults'. E pdtirsed by� . I .. . . . .. I .1 . . . I ' . I . L I -. t I . dant crop of this kind-; the.y.can be bought useless by the lightning I burnin,a ; coupfe A. ncxoNvn,.c­(;Arter, b, -Webster . ...... � .......... I5 o�er 600 doctors ih, Canada. Thd difliculty. of . I ... FOR THE WET. WEATHEII. . ' ­ , . - I .1 I . I . . .1 " - I . I I I . . . . . C 11 * � . L , . ........... 0 L., Aria the de- I . . I L . AL 50 to 75 e Lts per bushel. , . of,fine wires in connection with the inst r*q- If. Dennis, 0, 8t]roll, b.'Wobstvx,.* ...... a.dministoring nauseous medicinbe . L ' ' I I . . I . . . . � . .. . . . . ' . W. flansford, c. Brm,�%-b, Hill,. .. 1. I ...., - -: ...... 1-16 sirability of having, theiri pleasant to the taste, . - I ---. . .. . . I . � I I . . SPLUTTliatED.-Dil ring the thunder storm ments, the circuits.bavirig been loft.open.. T, Fowlet', b, Wobst' _ , 1. . . . :L . 0�1`., � � ...... j..'.. -­ . t ...... 3 1 . . . - , I - " . I . . f Latibmni�bjtwicR . � 11 intluced T. Qopland to undertake researches � . . ... e . , - - -------- � . . . . I . oxi Friday aftertloonslightnilic, struck a'gato They .b@6ve all singe been repaired,. . . . 1. ­­... I 1. I . In discovery- of 6, Sweet Cas- . L I . . I . 11 I . . '_ I .+ J�'.'Drapor; b. Allobster . � ..... .... �: *. .'' -",',',' , , , , , , " I which resulted in tl . . . . . I . 14. . I . � . . I . + . nt of. the residonc�sof Mr. Wha- .. . . .1. 1111i'land; b, 1116bster".­7 ... 4...'...... ':. 6: tor0il;perf6etly algtable, of the same str�llgth . I .. . � I.... I . . � .1 . . . . ,� . . � . . I � . post in fro . . ..:::::. j I . . I . � , ley, 6ntario St., shiyering it considerably.:. _ .A3�6T#Elt NEW 13UILDI W. a, tire A v6rrester, b, Welintel" L. ' . I ., ,f . . . ... . � L . I - . L .No. - - , .. .­­. .I ............ .2 And inedical (jiar ities as the, ordinary Cantor , .1 :_1 .., . I . . I � . . . . . I L � . L + . . ' J -k . . , . . .. _ I . . I . . I I., � I . . � .. I I . . . pleased.to note that Mr. Win. Jac don,. 0. lioraggart, not Pitt, .................. ...*. __;. 2 - 011; Anil. while Ojuall� slif6'- Alta barmless,L yet . . - . . . " . I 40141-1 WEST. -Mr. .John Irving, one of , . I . I .+ .T"Craib, run out ........ . .. . 0 . ff � . 1. . + (of'T... Jackson & S , ­-, "`­­ ... *­, ... .. . acting i0ith more cerWlity, and producing nei- ' * . . . on) has Idt, the bontr3ct Byox 7, tdg byes 1,whieWri, ., s ......... � ......... ...Ill . . �E, L . I . the earliest residents. of this place, has gone - I I 1.1, ,�r. � � ;., - � ..tiler nausea, nor'griping. Some Qbilflien say it I . . :. pfor the erection of a two�etor brick build4. . I I *.. . I . . � . . - to Chicago, ,ivb6ril he'+has decured ernploy� .. - � y . . L , . .. .;L ' ! * ,* 00 .18 lioney;'others call it eyrup-they 411 say the . . I . L the spac6 batwelon-thoir present, . I . I Wl"GI _ "* , - 4' , . "likeit. Onlipan . . . .". . . .. . . ., - - � -" A,ly drink I L ' . I -AX. - . . nit,sayi . children 1. , - . . I . . . . .. '. , .� - I 'T' . - - The -con- . . �.- I,jt billill,�.q. 4 , - ,, ,, 12hld innings. , , . . . ­ � -� I - . . 0 1 1 . I . . I I L . . . f tj . le C�jo. � in" 'io other-" We'liad to bide the . . . aL . .. merit. in the woikshopsl'o To An(I build � �n'd the Post Office. T� W- ,"JACK.^ffi, :.FAM B FUTNISRINGA' . . I it,like Avater"I tin . . I . . . . . L . Rock -Island Railway. I I . : 8 -k, I'l. RArj;jIj(I ........... ;I b. Dvap _'...;t �" bottle itkie.y'wguldha,vL,�nish-editr�glit6ff;" . . ... �, - I .1 I , . . . __. =, !.,.,. " _� . . . rS,L Xc()a,rtn6y,, T.houlsori Mmi . . - , . L . , I . I o.. ., ,; IL . . : .. . I . �_ __ �__' .'- ItfMZ Z' L , . I . . 'Gilffln, 1). Bud c. Ransfora. �%; 0 1), Bail ...., P. tlgtbs� Sly little girl has tak�snt it twl' ' . � . I .1 I F. . 1) . I . .. � - . . I T � ; tractors are Mes : . I _ I . � . . � _� 'o��l"Tn�,tjl �U�,)Jor . L . . . W af� _ _, --- - lz­ ,it, -- I .. , 00 . L I . - . _ � , _ � . I ­ -..,. &00�- ,rl�­ .4 hist .h,1bXW.W:_,_,.Iq. 1), Ila 11 , . . - . . ,.., � 4 . ' .. . ton,:Iat6, of Sb. -4 John,Qtie.,. who has boerf,. - - . . , - T'a'l ,Vtl,�ft,rlffl, - -- - - - T_ _ . '. �.: %:4?,. 11: "Vlitl'fou,b'anrti�oiible,,,-aii(l-tl6ft-.,'ni�t.-k�oiv what � "'. . B100k Qlin�oh.­.. I IL -� 1 .. . , . . . ' . � I t - � - ­ � "" f t I L . .., I � . 4' . y I . .. 111. ­ � . . , ; al lie al i� , 11 . , , . . I � 4 �.;, ., � * , - , - . I - ;, . I �, �; I � . . � ac ing As a a; ic e, , Co., ', " , . b., . ­ ­ - thi'll -'--. �­' !L :: V...�Cto-r.ia lz._L�:_�_;_,..__�, . , " la ­�gon t, L at Godeiieb .. �O,VIE MB,�T. -On A101idgy` lait Messrs., . Ferguson, b. Rltnqf�l:d,.:::,:: I � I'll" I , . - iiiss �11,sllellates the.ordintiry,OtAtorLofl, . I . � I I , & h.. .. J- - , ,:, .. . . - i'could,:got tiler . , , . r . . I I , . �. . L L . "the departure. of Mr. Wiley, 'his been per- C , ucb,. bdta ers,'of t na p a Braj -,'b. Harland .. -1 Vitt, ollt,'� �,.'. ., � " v-4' And N%T.0 110%,e . _t'a,take:ft withollit a . . . . . . .. I '. I I . . - Ink 1, ob, 8`11p- ,', 6.:Rnb� , _., "'. _. i,.'__ - . . ­.­.� .;­_.­,; ... ::4..:,;*__ ". _.�� _ - _�_ - . I - , . ".. �:, ­ 4 � - 2 C.Forc.stQ1., b'llar'd I fl.,11 , .. . __......­_­­ ­­ -"-_1-. I I-— - 1. . . . I.. ­ , . - alter, b. Ranstford... .­" t `. - yet allotbei--_,� eats" 0 . I .� . . .. 1. . . . . . I a . . � - _00 . I ,plied gii,bundted 6nd,9fty.pPNJinds:of meat W( . I vrisll yOu, 'ki , i I I . L . . .. . . I .. . . I . 1. ". . . �1. .1 .1 . .1 . I I .. . I .. ... I . . , ... - L .� � 'nianobtly--lippoinwil to- the position. � - � ' ' i ­ ' (120tor b. 1.1tiriand ............. 2L -till), olit. .,.. � ."...,A). -y' '- 'T C'istoli-oxi; - it i? a- splendid thin 1. - - L. . .... I . I � - - I 1. . . I . . - ___: _ . - � ­ . - . ­- " - -.-,- ­'. . . _. .�.-. , I I I. . . .. . . ." for'the hotels �t Bayfield. This is slightly' �trollylc.Foroster,b� lftansford.� 11 rollout .% I.. ....... � I . due Swsr . 6 . . _­ % 1. -.0 . I . . , I � . P,�OW -Mt. . Thos. ,, Stevenson has bad . . t I the Bayfleilde6 are,in'tbe hallit Dhisliv, c. Knox, It. Ra isfoid, a L b.. Illarjand, � .... �. 0 .-sure to tatce the place 4. all the comin4ri oil.!' . . .... -_ ... --- 111. I ­ .-. -_ - --- I . . . ., . . ___ - ER!"w- ' " I I . I I � . . . . W _ , L - Ve, . . . , � . . i . L I . I I . Qre, thau ­_ . . . . B tbu�e, not out.._-... s-.. 2 not out.,...'. ..... 0 ' TI e.ztraotdinary-deino,ndfi)rthii,i*tiipro, . 1. . . I 1. ectod f' his front ga*r-dv- , of -buyi )i2ce, bat c . Byas�.4­_;.. ........ �­ 2 Mellt e S 0,,n L . . er 4 n, a small canvas . __'_�ifebraii6n -of �.the ' 2 byes. 170t a jt4.10 110111 hold niedicine has brought * I , . . I . n "' . . I ..'. * � , . 09% . tent.. where, time. can be v6ry pleasantly 1%h of Yuly,.,by ttie , Ogatigemem,,,was. this I I'Viav-4, ­...'......Wg, . . . . . audulbrItimitatious into thimirk0t, bq-the , plea- ,year at tbdt p ace. , , , -- ,public cart'gitard. themselves against substitutes . s �1 _.-1,1 . .. .... L ­, . . - H�'- RAN P AM L . ...... . - L pl��t tb�`se hot days witholNit the' un' . . .. I .... " .... I I �g '�j*Ii . 1, wide$ 2, .3 fr W ' ..Im -A , . I . , . . I all , . . is . (Which it . Icipled 'pat-ties,.ixr,-�Atternl)tiri,,, to - :0. , � , 0 1 .. . L lWar1ji;G851of suffering from the heat. , . . I 'L . .. I 1. ... . I I . � . � nprii I . . . - 1. . I . 11 L I . �� . , ., . L FoarsTzus.-The Blih, Court of Fores- . Umpire, for Clinton, Wra. j!Lcks('n,,'Or Whigbarn,G. L sell on -the romixitation, of 'this Article) by seollig . I I 1 . I - I I - � . . ­ I I . L'. .. . RE-J,NG.�Gkp.--�ifr.'T��s.,:P.oid, a form- ter$ of Ontario, 6hiisting of d6leghfils'.from Baird. L. Scorer, fur Clinf*n,'R7. Qombj, for Wbighturs, S,. that thif� VIAMO C0FLAX0.'$.$WS MT 0.,Otoit- Oil's . '/ L , ' " - I ' I L. . . I . I � . I A , . - . . ." . I . I . I . . , . . . 11 . n I u "'-o , match i0th our town. is (in- b6th. i , . 11 . .. . . . '. � . . I I . I L � . . . .. I . . hocii re-engiged by the triiaices of iS. S.' the Province, *',qas in -session here all yes� O' 0 1 8 "�'111'_' a rot"'ll 11 piobably visit Wing. The.undbrsign6a, baving,pirchaied IvIensrs. �L.'_ I . IS STILL SEILMN.0 GOOD . CHI�-AP ' 4 ' , ' I . . � ' I 11,L Seafurth ]-,as olliv T, Copland & Co%k-interest ill the Above prep,�- � : I No. 9 East NITswarloall, forlbe lWariC6 of 16rday until late lasF�d;i6mg, windibg up ' D� " " I �da�'- -.1 .,,I I "T 'far, ovet-V ration, are now manuf aetliiin if. from the ciri- I .. I � . . I . . ' ' ra ches of �tbi' . I . I vrapper aind*d1roption label.. I I . I . . .cc ;dVile t of tile Olinto Higli Schools has :the different b , n a instit' tion in - ' to �"u It. in' 11 t" -'arn ,it l A A .""a 'k to r -Ft ' , -� I "It table to I is .n,asoia so 11 � . I . . 0 ings with a diiiii b c T-1111 t - ! . . I . I I . . N rmql, -the proceedi er at Kbrined 'a 1. ill tit, I.,. it I mo� r,;. etim r I tit . I . . . , I � ... I . . I . I the y(lmr, he will then itten cl I tlI*P' 3 v o b . , B.I.It � ubjectin?. t!l� .8 0 al Id ginairpeipt.., . . 1. .. I . .. I .. . I .L . I , . . I . L . . I . � : . I . al , of � L ... " � . . . . . I . I . . :. , . .1 , L botilL We were unable to, obtain, a rep.�rt. . 13 Va U'lloo s L. NTORTFIR0 P & LVACAN � Toronto, � L ", .. I ., . I . I . : � . I . I . �Ic . , . IR fl 1�- , ' . . I . . L , hool. . - . . . _., . . . .: . . L I'ACROSS!".. , 1. . . .. Ask for 0orLA-,p'R.&:;-ET 0AsT'oft'0jr,, Ob- , * L _ , .. 1. I . .1 1. I . I.- .--.. L . . , I of the proo6edinks in time, for this issue. �j . � . . . I � . . ''. . CATTLE Foit ENGLAND.' -70n Friday lost . - . . . . The lgerosge match whieb wa& luttyetUtt z,trartford, oil serve 1lien irne,.- Do not be decetwd, , Sold by I . . I . . . , . , . " , '�, , L '. , I . Mess- � it.ANcHAo SooirTy. -'W6 Monday, between the Ph(cuiv, of Stratford, and the .1 �- _F7_ '. .., I .. I : I .., . I a. Mooney, Watson'& 06, 'shipped , llftLETT B I I . Id Domvers,,of seaforth; wo.4 wo& by the lmttar, they tm�ktr�g � all in.edicine. de:tlets: Price, 25 cents. ._, a a WA . . ' I I L, , * - : , " . thr.ae7car'loads of splendid cattl ft." this, : understand this: Sobioty We ro-purcl .�. . . . ..... � I . . . � . .. . : . . � . , I , . . " I � . . . 0 ona . , .1 1. lase thoilr4t, tbird and fourth gmues, !it 1.�)j 50 aAd.40 mi- . . .. . . I I I -.. !sss' M .. . .. . . I I . , 1. . .L I. �. . ".. . I .. I " -- . . tho*4 . . . . . B 0 . " XV S I . . . . . old coantry,'4mong, the - from Mr.- Racey - the.. grqu'rids feimerl� 'natos respect! x thet,codrid game in. I . . � L . I I � . . stations to , . 11 . , L . voly.yalid the 11ho.-I. I ­ i 1 , . . .., I . I . . . . . . I � .. . . 93 thlo'ju L at their fall jhOW.Will, 44 atch will be jilayed III: Se'a- '� x0l, ' ' ' . . . . .. . .1 I . - , I minutos. Tbo:,return in . TIM SLIGLITEST AFkINII�Y exists.b6tween ': , L � . . � . .� . .1 . ! . L -1 , , I I I . . boing fouxteen*hoad. purchased from Mr. . bel&by And th ., I . I .. . ' tile numberless cough mixtures with wbiuh the maiket , ., .1. . " . . I . . . . - . forth oil the 27thlusL ' , - . I . . . . . . . I I .'. . L . I . I I I .. . . . . L thin. yoiit be -held thereon ; a mootin*g of the 11. . I . . . . . .. as, F air� '- . - - . - . . . . .1 . . � .1 I.. . . . . .. . ­ .. I . I . I I ... . .� . . . ' . LL . ... I .,. . -a slid that sueaessful piepuratioll- .1"ofthiolt I �. ''. L. I . . . . .,� is ibmac I . � . .. 1. " .. . . � ' ' ' * . . . . directors will be bold'at Swarte'Hoiel, Oil . . I . . .., * &'Lymmult; h1millsiou of Cod Liver Oil and. Ilypophos- . I I � . .1. . ': . . ... . .. 1. . . I I . - ' . . LARGA. SyllpDl wv. OF W6OLj -Last *eok - . � Ijbitus of.Lime �and Sodm It stautbialone, ditritatit, . . . I .. . .. . . . . . . . " . . . ; -1 . - . 1. - . L:, I . . - � . . .ialt ion I . I '%y11!..,m , results, of advanced pharinmetattlaal -science. it UB- � ` . I I . . . . ' I Saturday' aiternbon,Jo.r the pnrp6se of fix- :'. . L .. E X 01 1711. I..-. 1 � , A .R. irwin, of this tow Is. made a' ship- - . . . . , , - - , ­­­­ . in like itoolf, and uothillg, efse. *X.t embodies the best L .. r. I iug the -day of shilw,iyand other business.. ;� . , I D V, . . . L inent. of about,6igh dipounda I I I . � . . . .1. : Selleor of� . L slilving t : . .... ­;+A�. I . ' 0- I , . � - I - _ U1111#81FIt _%IL le. I I . - � . 01" 144-w-Lb"ife . . . � . . . . . - - ' � PLD . . . Ing 'cotimis (when tile iungg'are notttuberculoum or (it wool 07 Uawrenc), Alass. .we think . -6AK.-:.The,Weath been 7_7-7 �.� � . -_ . I .1 _�Ulul X , teen thouqwl . .. I.: " . . 0" 6ta*uy-r,614&v� �- . . - - .. . . , - . _ . JL A 71- ONE . - . , * . . . iq* Or W i I L I I . I. . .. hopelessly affected), cold4� laryagitisp end diowases of " . ., I . . 11, � L . . ... .. � . .:. ..,-71 19 - . - a .. . L . this.is a very large! oozjsi&meja� for. our; no unseittled duii;w th6paat few.days that 7so flie kdli!*6r 0j, the Clinton Xe , * . *Whilo it (lues no t out 1. I . . - �'. 1,, . .., f , .. I . .. . I I . I % 1, . . . I - . . 0 . . ; v. Era. - . it tiorofulous origin. ,a 'LituRtimp- I I . . . I , ". , L. I . . L, , . ' . .; I—. I 1. : , � , . . - - ' - - . . ,I . 4 1 1 1 1 1. _ _ . .. : . t . . .. I wodest town. � � .. . ,.. Pa.coul(f-abt-be carried oii - , iimi, it is the'nio8t rollublo nioang of defenob against L � . I , . ­ . . 'L . . harvest operatio B, 4 1 . . I -, - 1 ji : - - - I L I . . � . � . . . I L I '..." L - . � � . . I I I . . .. I - ' , L 'L" _1- . idly as tl grain called ; Sjipt,�� avd a, nei Ibbor* who. ,said to me thabdriisdedoegurge. I'lii�iLivigorat6glit-c,pertie4o; I I 1. L . . 1. : .1. ... . .. I I:. � . � .. . * " , . . I � . , Wit, , M is I set ripenin, %1�dhiin..if ho .intonaed` theChypoijIliollphifes toiniburmg the oystellwilobilithted " �. I - I I I , -.-- - - . . I . RPTURZVED To TO .-�­Lhst tireek r.. as raE.'re,or, dfie 'demand for hillp is very iowin � - ­ by the BOnAtAnt toar mail wear of a coh4h,, While the �, 11 _� �' .L. ��-. " . . I . . f1r.-t L* I I Than'. Bark, of this place, returned fi-offi ') . I I g salt on his spribg. Y.v ioatj tii�qt 5o was - . . I . an extended-toar through Kan6as aind-bro-; 1. I Y L . fu ' I oil L -a- IV 11 . useful in the hdrveal field, ban obtain good n 'v t1jejess.: sowed ou� riate tvith'the hali of the soothing &moilient motion of tho-pod liver . " . . 'a the land, appear to be . . 0 or npowthe inflamed lung Atbrilibrane. Tho. phosphoits, .. � . on e 11 . I . I ". . , . braska. - R64 say a hall used i * ciiiing Pork as an .experiment. lime 'and stIda, in combination witli its are all natural I I X tj , I I wages juiit now, "There all parox�,Sws respid1l; diminish iriviolonce, Ila coritloquenob . '"' AVE "' ' I ,urgent and, an one who can: make himlielf doubt' 1 if i� L was'of any benelit, but who . . - 6 . - . good, but the crops -are all scorched up " Ill be no 11 I L , LL ir I 1' - s idlers now-s..thei6 is a loud call for help al- -1 m6thidi a few days sinoo, :�vhen Its told nie , fts. in the construction of tile bodily edifice, . .. I .1 � . . . . . .. . from lack- of rain -;,iind states that the parts .I. . L . L . ompone, a sitatelof decay, lackg a Bliftlelelley of 61iose , . I I . I .1 . * � I t 1. I 4% as . whieh, I. . . I I I I ' ' - Cot I.I.I..., l�Lo,;'othL,li3�pol)liol)liite�.stipply,lrte�reas- - - I he Visit6d bar] had- no reirr sfigoo last.Octo- In everywhere. ,* . . . .that be was fally.obilvinced now tl usaltiv. ­ I . . I 1. .. . I � � . 11 . . I -'ridge Ife* soNve(i .-Is itlitive 111l; the autritive, properties of the blood, and building I . . . I . .. . ' . . . .. ..� . . . I I.. a good things. as tile I . I . . � I I " 1 . . . . .. � . . ' tilt and, 1 4 1 � � I . . I .- � . b6r. ` ` ­ ' " 1. . ,,A.Tff.�-Early on jjrednesdA�. mention'ed . was ve I ry inuch better t4an. Any tbaL I . . I . � - . Sr�DbrN'D'V . reli%bilitating totteeing.hinuffn i8tracture .. I .. . . � . I . . . . mo I rning.,the I . . ,ld, itwasia.grea, - . astonishing as it Id . . , ­ A . . el . i.."�� . maA in Qv . I t8L,I a Mrs. Perrin,L who Mit a short time before rest.. We shall see what the difference will be using this standiml preparation, whloh both time aza L 0 .. - I , . . . . I . . � Viatica -have demonstrated to'Lbe fully Worthy of * 'R1 � GES. . I ,ilt. =WT IT ?-Soaicel� Ono w6- !amily oi,Mr.'W. R. Perrin other in. the - fle t (leal tallot. with, a degree of proml)titude 9.4 , , SrNoVL I L gratitylog.to the invallid. - A perceptible gain'In flesh � Weeks a �lier e as well as in strength is One of the consequences of , er� hundred. -will admit. th4t she of this towni were horrified to find that and looked fully two , or than' ill . . readii the advertisemen a the papers, An* � . I . oxile 'R A'B'' ' I V R... A I I , � i - bad been left asleep, was dead., - Deceased ift harvest. � I . . . the eattfilfimeo roporiled in it. � prepared byNOATHROF . . . . I . I . . . . . L . I . I . . �% � , I I . 9; . I . yqt, 161 the 'merchants advertise" cheap L Don't yne. tIllink . - I . . . prints� ,or some slinilar.artiolej,. and the ,had been. ailing more or lesi for soildj6tirne, ' ' . salting Out' StTaw, stacks At & LvAtAi;, Toronto, #,nil sold 16Y all dritgoisto..., . - - * I . L . .� . I . . � I I . ., .. . . .. - .. � ­ I . . . . I . . I . . � . I . � L wholeferualo, population -become apprised being troubled with beart dise�se, �lbut did, the time of threshing, same as Nvedo our hay, . . ,. !.� . . � . . . . . . I . �ena azy *orse than usual on rotiri wouldbobeneficial, I think our cattle would L . . ,�. I . . - . . �._ .. j I � I. I. . ..... I.. I . .. 11 . ... 11 . I . . . I . ... 1. . . . . . I ,� - - t , . .. . .. . I .L . . - - ' � . of it simultaniaousli, S Yular,hbw they "Ot-se ing. eatit betterin winter, and'yon. know tha *- 1q. 6 , .0 11 i4 1K I , , . 1. ..., .. I ' � I .. .got the 'new . 0 .i s residents of. the atkaw' stacks ,.wifha, groat many econoini� . . ., � , � _W0 . . . . . � ilag L � - ' . s , it rallA be by inatinot. - ,.ShdWaa one f_tfieLcarleW , .' I . � I . . . TIC ! ECrXC'ftlO 01,Ll - NYOmyrr tr� T�vt:i 11.8 , , N,' .4 % .. . . . the place, and her relatives haysl.thO sYm-. �cal farrater's cattle, is their staple article of, 1I1tn.HTzN GoLDLI)O 'YOU -_1&Ow:ANYT11%N0 ' "O L . - I `1`ji6'V-F,1IEXTS.-jV1essrs., Copper.& Mc�. . patll�edf all -in "their sad bereavement.,. ' ,; winter food, and it 'certainl,r would -do good - 1. -,'IT X8 TIMA You DID. .. I . j UIRL11 . , , .T - LS '' * . . . X - . � .. OFXT? IFNOT �.i B . ,!­.- . _V I I 0 . .' , I Xewi6llaTO�mgde two large additions to ­ , .. . I . ,' L , , I - . . . , . , . . 4 I. I . . . . I . . . . L . I I � I I . * . I ... .% . . h , to the etraW not thkw.eateti Nylqen donverted rain cannot stey, where itis ilsoil.. tt isA.6 cheapest . : . .. . . . . . . . I � . � I I I—— I . . I .. .. . 1. . .. I theif pla,oj�g.rujll MtL 41 . . ' Ilqdiolue ever moe. Ono dose euresdoramon sore . . I . . . �. I ,. . . . . . 'L . . I � � I . . . . . . . . � � . L : ­. � the G. T� R. .and -tire - . MA:fl� Accownbp4ttos- -- T 6 govertl� into nialrare 1. " - - .... I . . . . . . - ' 'T n '� I . . .. . I . . I . . . . . I I in-go.od working orderas usual. .61inton meat of this' Dominion 'do not Appear to, nuliqt�,juiyl.ojiiisil. . ' L , Thro4t; one bottle.bag ottrod Bronchitis; 50.ete.,worth . . . . . . .. I �. . . . . . I . � L L . . I hao'cured au old Base of piles mild Xidney Troubles; six . - . . . I .. I . % . � .. . . I I . Wo of the o8t.eOMPletQ �1& [L.r . . L .. I . . I .1. � . I . . .. . . .. . . posseAses t , m L W take muo stock in potitidna or'pay any 'rem. alltheinformation that we onnglean, to eight appifamtions clues ally edge of Excorfafed Nip- I . L . ., _ - . xnills .- iii the county��thbse of Messrs. attention to thaiefluest ther6of, othorvyidO, (and 'Nye -have 'q uestioned not a few� farmers) piss or Inilviniad Ilemat; onebottlehas cored lame back . . . , .11 ' . :. � L' - " ...., . . . . Car Luey, Thompson & . SdoM,, and Coo�Ar : . . . of-afght years' itauding. D.PhinktolBrookileld,Ps' .' . ... .1 � ... . . . . ...'. we might have bad an early morriffig mail we learn that salt is a very great- benefit to ,m;,s:�, 661 vvent so miles for a bottle'of your Oils Whieg . . , ' I j?.. . Xo witter 'most All ,kiniftif crops, espicially10 cereals o6ated a wonderful cure of a CrookedLinib, bj.mix op. -* 1. . � � . . L � ., & Mcir,enmels, both being Otted'up with All train, hortll,. on the GVW� . , .ALNCY G00 � D S' � . . . . . 1) L .. � L 1. . . .9" 1 I kifids of. improved inachinory.. .. � L ' - how great a clo'fiveniencei it would be to the and roots, aild.asa Proof that it is appred4tv Plicati AN." Another who halt bell Asthma for years, , I . I . . L I . . . L � . L ; . � . . I I .. I . I . . , ­ . I . . I tb it, . ed by those who have tried if, Nye ca'a tolr-diir =,11 1, have half of a,504ont bottle left,and$100 I � ... 1. .. .. I . . . I . . . L. . 1 4 . SU0F,NDP,D. �:-Mr� D. Browni whb.,Iya people of. this section, thd'Au or es at lot buy It If I could get Lno moro..'� Rufas Rob -S . � . . L I . .. . . . . . I I . * *been conduot6r of a; train on this- sectic, s -Ottawa are appare . ntlyAetorminca -to keep correspondent that , .they have doubled and inson; of Nunda, MY., sayq: "iOno slatall bottle 61 1 . I . . I .. . . . . 1 40 1 . . �. . ... . . I . I . n ,bled the quantity that they previously usedo" y6ur Eoloottie Oil re9toyed the voice where the person . .� I '.. . . I . 11 , . �. . .. I .�, . .. . , , yomrs"', Rev. .T . &C . them from'onjoying this.convenionce until tr, I , . . &O I . _ , of the G.W,R.j ever since it w L" . mmunic had not spoken above a whisper in 5 . . � I "I .,., . so AT THE - I . � ,as'opehed We"shoulil be, glad to Teceive cc mo � . . I .. , � . 11 I , . 'has been temP6rarily �6�pended,'pendiu patience �vith the people, wj)l cdase.to be- I Uttllory,'of Wyombigo N, Y. wfitest, MYourX0.4drio Oil I , . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . ' . . L 1, tions 6n thjs subject",froin Any one Who has . -onchitiiiin one *week." Itirtompose . . I . . . . g . . . I ourod me of Di ,d . L ., -1 . e8figation: iiito An, alloged;violAtion v ...., 1. I . I - the matter, ati it is itupor- of 41% of the U04f Oils that Are known, Itigailgoodfor -7- .1 . . . � I I .. t .. .. I . .. an iro, a irtne . ;. ... ­. had experience iti itilomm,led ,or c.ttot-nal tisok' and is b Roved to be lm� �. . I � . . . . . � ­ I � I. L Of the Co64a.ny's rules' 'It in said that * . ant -that all knowledge 6 1 . . . .. . . . . �L . - � . ' . Tiw Twkml,TH.-On Monday the Orange- t, - gaitioa by,exporionce talliamar itly superior to AnAlking,ever made, Will .. I . . . � . . ' . ' . I . . I . lie left h, switch open at Loridesb6ro, _last Me . should - , Have you unjoh sufferjultand many golla -9 of a I I . . n of this olace;atid their friends, proceed- ,, receive publioit�,, so that every farnier . I I . . shou nj6y the benefit of the knowledge Bjewittil Or NITATIOlts.-Ailkfor.Dr. Th'.,.,�'.".11ii. i.. I __-, .... __ . ,week,- whereby,the next trainjollowing his Od to St. Marys, wh�re tho� took part in gained., e We think the idea of salting straw 160ttlooll..�-Scat)af6ttfiesigriaturoot S. 14 THOMAS, I - STORE, CLI. TO IL I ___`_; ­--eustained.somo damage", ­ , CITY BOOK .1 I . . � � . ... -the celebration of'the Bittle of the Boyne.- stacks rk,good line, as it W111, no doubt cause Is on the Wrapper, and thj3nawo of Xoivr�110P & LY- . . . .1 I . . . I , % '�sve , ,,,,,,biowninthdbottleisild-TAICtNOOTHEII. Sold � . . ­ 1. I � - ­­.­ ... ... �__ :1 I . .1.. . . ­ . .1 ,ry - RA(axdi-It in bad enough for -G­6doricb,1v16Killop, andSeaf�rtli lodges tile cattle to eat it %vith more relish, in t'llig �y all medicine dealers. Price 25 cents, Northrop & . . . � . ,. . . I I ., " - .. � .. - . I 9TRF .. I I . L . . . .. . . I. . wiling fast horses to test.'their also taking part, At Bayfie14 nine lodges labor of giving them valt through th6 ivintcr� r4ymaniTorowo,propriotord for the,Domlitiom ... ' . I . .. 11 � '. I . . . I . .. . � � -parties ON - � TOTP Cie I an I Elootrized. I . 1. .. .. .. . . speed n the streets, on week dayaj but ass�mbled, when after parading the -vil- And Also the labor of putting the salt on the ,N c-,.---lP,cleetrio-S0le ( ( I I . . . I I . . . I I � I . . , : .. . ­ � L . I I . . . . when to Inge; they gathered *At Middleton's Point, land, as it will thus be .varriod out with the . , I I . . . . . I i � � 4 . I . I .. 4 . hey do the same oi�i Sundays* the ) . t ' . . I . I . . L � . � � - when addresses Nvore delivered by Mr. W. manurti and more ovenly than if thrown upon I THY, GRP,XT PTIMAL11, REMEDY.. .. . I . I �. I . � .. ., I . L . � � . . . '.. ., . . I 11 . .prtistice S 4, __ la& ,_, ,X. ' ._­­__.­___._ hould be stopp_e I= A __ --- ' "-, * ' ' . ­ La­'�­W­C�h , .. ­­ _. �­ -­ -�- - .. ___ ;v­m_111,rgT . � . - - - - -S ., .. . ,�__,._____­__ , W. -Connor, to J;e ! I I AVW Y . I _�i�,c­nadj(iri' � dAy- - .. ey,J.LiVings n,an �ot erN. tting.li P!_=�_Ij, 'N�_ 4 1, � . __ . , I A ' . SELL OHEAR; jj on Y --NP D " I- __ � - ------ I.:- �t . i * i Al�ert street- . - Z__ L L - . - ' - I ' � L - - L- - - ­_ - " ' I . - '_ Jojl-iwosx#�4 pultiroOloAl, P111A.Es I I .. . I . . . were much, ast"Isbed to See two horses In -the m9rning a little rain fell, which was _-_11 1�.__.1_____­_. - . . . - I . . . I , ­ . . . � . I . . L . .- 1. testing . down the street at a break-ne the only .thing to -triar the proceedings of ' - cirtlitc;I 011tize'VoRy. . Thfil wqll�knowta nkaielua is no Impositions but a auto . I . L 1. - I . .. .. 1; . . ok I 1. � I � -4 0 and saidtomedy for reitialo.Diftloultios and Obstrud. I . . . � . . . . . . pace wfiile� the drili4s were ,urging them the day, I .. .. F I . . . . L* L I . .. L ' I , , .1 . services are hold tit the 61inrchos In Clintol! ad follows , tions, front any cautio whatever, gild although s. power- , . W , * 'N S L " .." � . -t ,. A. Stewart, fill remedy, it d6tit(tine nothing hurtful to the e6n6ti- I . I I I . 1. ,. I . � on, We trust 'thier reminder will be slif, FATAL ACCIDEXT.-On Friday aft,ornoon ' w=r­(C&n&a& Prosbytcrlau)�Ro,i . � . - RA_ , FORD ' 1166tat to check the raotise. I tastor. .. habbath-11 a. In. and 6.80 p.m., proyormeot. tation, lie married ladiaA it is peculiariv'suitod, It I � H a L �,'. 11 . P . . last.a. worliah'named MeGinnes, witli her ing at 0.451 A.m.; SabbAth school -2.90 p.m.; gena,ml willo in a short time, bring on the monthij P1300d With - . . I . .6 . I . 0� . � L I :�,- *R'ECZPTIOX.­wThe reception extended to two children, was engaged in -picking Vier- prayer mooting-Wednesdais 8 P.M. I regularity. in all 6�gesofilet�'ollghndi;ptualaffoatiol), . . � I . I . I . ­ CANAD.kmrTI10I)XST,ttoy.G.�qiitherlsitcl,paktot, liablioll t I .-_--1. I 1. I I . ; . 3� �RA ofie. g Hiek. on - , � .. I I ­ I - . _. . �, I. . xr�s ID, 4. Sutherland, at th13 residence of risl& on the track of the M. R., near G sallbath-10,00 a.m., and 6.80 P.M.; Sabbath school-, cohili . . 1. . .1, I a rain storm coming of) et onad . � .. . - A. S, Fisher, on Thursday evening, rich , , �ho'startod 9.80p,yA,, yottitgpeoplo'oprAyertnoatlzig-Tuogdtty,6.00 care Clinib`n', -Tuly, 1880.1 . I .1 . . . I I I I . .. . . I . waa. a very d6ciable and, pleasaut afrairi Abngthe track, totally uncon cious of bar p.m. ;, general prayer m6titilik-Weaticaday, 8.00 p.m. 1,1118 I 0 1 1 . . nq danger, when sho was struck by theLCOW' Iav � � .L . I I There was a large number present ; duri . . nintin ojir,iSTIAN.T­:RoV. It. Thomas, pastor.-% forts .it the . L. . . I .. . � I I 1. . . ­ '.� � the ciening refreshments were served, af- -catcher of the Afternoon ox, teas an i n. Spsrg6,AsAistsnt. sabbAth-10.80 a.m. I and 0.00 P.M." . ed, ror full - !"...mr-n- . - � ­_ - -_ ... ­.___­_._ _____ L P I S41sbath school -%00 agent, JOR - ��_.__ . ­�_­ ___._ . ,p.m.; ptay6r mooting"Wednes- , ­ . . ... ,. ter which ad many as could gbt into the stantlk killed. It was raining very ard ,d&yj 8 00 p.m. � . I . . st.aua,%4 pT Subscribe for the OLINT(IN N MV P,RA - A flyst- flucklews' Arnica sollive. I . . spacious apartyablita did go and listened it the time, and th �,n ' cor don not , PAULIS-ftialibital).-Rov. It. 0, Afatbmv;�. ino. !!!!!!!!! i At., It & LyInall , clita local nowspapell. , I J o king b so I "' e! ST. 001-8 Toronto,: 61-111 agents fo th Do Intent *111 44 act for whiten The best Salvo in the world for CtItg, Blaijisdo, Sort'& 'lahea , eing tot. SAbbath-1 I A.m. and I p.m., Sabbath soR . Ile t1a L . any diatance'lahea er TP&Itunint "-The new won with much interest to 9. brief deAcriotive ... I'll D.m.j public sorvId6-WoduoRday; 1.80 p.m" young 11191116 A, 6ottla, etntaining over Go pills, by return of Ih;. dogghtf,illy refreshing to the lul6brs, Salt Rheum, Totter. 0happed Hands, Chilblailasi - . otivo mail. Sold InClltitbn byJ -' ifig thoUd' , 0orns, 'And All kinds of Skin Eruption#'. This sAlve, ill , .. I Address froth Mrs Sutherland. The Rov, fol peoples". prayer lne�tlug-rrldxys UA p.m. . If, Comba hod W. R.Waftil, )Coolne a friend t 11 .1 ddfl, aik' mouth. 'I I Alizi �� -­', I ­ E. Hickson And I" Lartalltion; soAfoIth " .T, r 16 try it is to I 0 guarantood to give perfect satisfaction. In every 66A6 of 11, Lanton to(& adishtagfs of tile occasion robbro6k; Parkor & Cititlo And F. ,tordan, Goderlob; the piquant' irresistible, popular dontifrieb of money reftnided. 11ride 06 cents -pot bolK, Por stile by L to bid his matiyfrietas tarowell, taking'.bils of di Wrapping Paper Yory 611 eap 1�,. c&motonv n4vilold; led. nrontholi.fiodgotilile. And � 0 � I .: It. Combo, Clinton, . . 044, - ' � . F the il6y. , . I N, . . . . ing for llamiltcio . ban $ . I . . I I .1 all medicine doiloks I I . I 'L ­ . . . I I- .0, I I . I . . I I . 1. , � I . . I . I 6 I . ­ . . I .. L . . . . I . I L. I . I . . i I I I . I . , , , .� . � . . I ... . I . I . . I I . I 11 . I . .� I . .. . I 1. 11 I . . I I I L . . . . . I . . . 1. I . I . I I . I I . I . . L I I I I . I I I . doub,fless ' � I f rom to. . . ­ � L .r B. -S and L office I . . , I . I X I � I I , ICT i A I 19 v I N� I , ur .. 11 - - and -I � r and _1 put .�-:4_ (10.11 .. 2 1 S . N N' I 1. -I , �Xl P I I I . . . 1. . . � .. 1 . . ­ I I . . . . I I : L "' . I . . , . . I I I . .� � . . � L I I I , . I t . . . I . 4 . I .1 - I . . ", � . I-— ­ . . . . I � . I I L . .1 . . I � . � . . . I I I I I . ., . . I . � . . I I . . � 1� . 10 . . .1 11. - I I . . . . 1 , 'L . I .1 . . I 0 . I I I . I � 1. , . I . I . 4 .. L ... 4 " I . . . L I I "L_,�,, .. � . r - I � . . - .4"'. � ­­.. I- -1 ­�L .... 4L-.--'- .... ... . . � , " ­­_ I , , ,_L t-:.-'- ­­­,", I - . . . . I., .. I.. ' � ­ ... � L ­­ - __ -, -1 _­ . ­_ -