HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-07-15, Page 3_,"`7� , , . ? , I 43MOMS AND CARTA14TAMIS, 811AP ON]Wkicu ONTARIO. sipiri,r4,ciK,O-VXKOIX.XIZ.BL,&XLC-. CONSVII[XVATIVU - - _____,___­,­ , '' ________­ 11 . * , IVOXCIKE111EN UEPU. Itr, V0J,UTX0NAnV 111ti[SIXIMEN A IrKINCILIAING Ap 'Xivuls. — Z 1. , ,V)8N I . . by p 111111111ativ -Dead and Dying—Wh;tt. III the L — , — I . 144ocking OcrurrIItmcc - Killed * Dointiottle" IDAY Oration, OXXV11 TAR Alt PARTY, XAoW They 111roppie F9 40otlI E- ngfau4 * Maniac Captain and a fabi :1 A!*eIgbit Train —Ak Vapolly PI Away valkNe ? p Addre u. by Toronto Union. . —They "Aly 1101VT mant AKRY40 JETV Ailont fic , veral Aloaris, on A .4, go) � I I , At the Dominica .day dinuer of the I! . 'alce on� Pad 111irp-40-19"Irnt to Alicath- Millions Of the SII that were introduced X4tiQlj111 Club, Ili To , rOnto yesterolay,'Holl The following address is published in the $Ior A.'ref Tooth. fox, Wooth and Blood . , A 1111o"Ible 111vardcr-S ,00 Co'%vurdly in Is, I � - turlO in On Open Boat --A Chased blr� I Me , n. , , , @I . ke Ontario by Mr. Seth Greene, tile Messrs, Mackenzie and Blake,woro mmongs; Toronto Telegram. It gives an Idea, of )low for 781004. 161irniels" I eminent pisciculturlst, are reported dead or tile Speakers. The Opposition leader, NO,, the party in power is regarded b I y thQ work- � . A contemporary gives additional part!. SAN FitAsclsco, July 5.-A Victoria do- dying ovbr.v,b large extent of that lake. 4, , (PlinatlelliblA Thacis.) I . � . . was Inost cordiall received, said lie was , ingmen of tile provincial capital - culara of the picking up by the Empress of I spatch says all S W11 Y I . Tile I United Irishmen of ArI to' Inaia of Captsin X, Fitzgerald, of the � , I atur0my a crowd, assom- steamer, on a recent trip from Waterto glad to notice that the observations made To the NVorkIngilien. of Canada, . assembled on Wednesday morning in the 4 Olea at Wellington to colobrato a series of to South bay, Now York, ­m distance of 45 that evening ba the pblitical institutions . V MLOw­WOlU(lNO3lU.N,-A fitting time has hall of Marcia Hall Schooner, and VVm. Clarkson,, .. Athlletiosport% Thomao Hall, boatswain miles, reports liaving the Siiemras Club, Afterathe adop- . . , - , I I I passe(l. through of the,opuntry w,ere so cordially received, arrive&for concertedand united action on tion of the report Submitted by tile (),)in. 0aged, 17, one oft I I I I of the, ship Maggio E'. Zed, created'm dis- compact masses ten feet wide Audi miles in. f , , I 110 crew, in a yawl ball! . tuibance mud w4s oltained,to a post ill . or it revealed thil,t, a living interest was, the part of th6 working classes through?ut filled with Water, about fifteen miles from I � . � . I ength and breadth of out DQuintion moved tile appointment of a committee to Toronto qrr Saturday. Tile story of tho . . I the length, or where not in windrows countless. taken by the youth of tile country in. all tile I wittee on Rules, Mr. J,. O'Donovan Ross& . istable of the hotel-. At 6 p. m. the stable numbers covered the waters in the conoll. that related to its well-beingwith, reference p u ur. riders. proceed at once to We CmIttatil, whoappemrod ra I I . discovered on fire. A rush was made tion above meliti . .,w York to confer vellous from Imu- , , ­ . van . one(" The Ashavinan 1341Y I tothatbralichof .1,14rijamout with which All Parliament recognition of our just with. the tru li a ge ,a . I - � to rescue Hall, but before the. obairt, could 6, each Ash has a mossy s I . Ist000 of the Skirmishing F n , r nd who 8VOke in 94 wild incoherent . , Not upon it, of a I -was * coiineQte& There was much rights And reaso hat disposition, IlI been chased while Ili tile Yawl by pirates, . I le removed tile flaines. drove the rescuers yellow cast, with & re, look %bout tile 10 liable de1nands. - Our in order to ascertain w . , mautter, ,was to tile effect, tbat lie had anxiety about the state of its Ilealtil, and interests as Workingmen are, identicalt been in' do of the inone� 13mcL The victim was burned alive before edges.' The Inhabitants upon the islands Ile, himself, tit I . I a I The Skirmish- who kept up a Steady fire .on him with. their eyes. ' are already oughtib was not very ivoill, The disadvantages under which ,we ing, tFund, it will be. ;em.inbered, -was z . I . ­ I . , busy getting rid of the V?I" ilaughter), but if it again took the country labor are the same, irrespI of party, Star ad by Mr. ltossm,,wbo, in 1878, resigned , needle guiis. He had seen ' a light XWOSTOX, July 15. -An old -mail ,who was. luting -mass that begins to infect the Air, rosli air he was inclined to Vie belief that 'Whether Conservative or Reform, Grit Or his trust and turned the money over to a on the lmko�� and licara. voices call. , ' . 'Walking on the urana Trunk track last It is to be hoped that thedisomse is merely. it would lose much flesh but . - We have been too long kept asunder board of trustees. Since the time this in 2 'There is one of 10 gain renewed TQf'Y th; I Sailor, come bore 11 might, about three miles west of here, WAS CAUSeaby some adventitious eircums e . . . tarcO, vitality. As 4 party man lie heartily by the arts and wiles of cunning ficiliticimna. board assumed the custody of the fund but pirate boata now 11 be Said to tho II and Instantly killed by 4 passing and not owing to an ,attack, as, is sup- suggested that oil all occasions when 'whose professions of sympathy all little bas been heard ' mitte, Mr. Ackerman, who, however, fail. , I .- �. � I d pledges , although it is I.. I freighttrain. 'Nothingfoundonhis person posed, of a parasite inimical to salt water danger was apprehended. that the Govern- of support on the eye of elections (made to, , of it eato oee the object. pointed outbytht) to load to hils idautific � I - 11 stated b uti011. NO inquest fish- Should tile latter supposition - prove eople should recelvq no stinted decoivo) have kept I and widel been 1, Y the ,,United Irishmen.' tIj at it has straotle captain, who, moreover, stated that I Ilas been hold. ment of tbep us divided Y )propr, ,tod far Parliamentary irI 11 . . to be the correct theory H will be Ltisad support from 411 without exception, The separated. They regard us. as vdfi6 .Istoaci O, for skirmish while on his own schooner his crew It I 13AYANT, ,July 5.-tast evening Ilugh blow to the sanguine hopes entertained I 91 Ing,purposes, I att 31a by lion, gentleman portrayed in eloquent terms machis n party lines at tEe The sessions of the convention areellar- Conspired to rob him of 4150 and to mur. . . .Innali, a-fariner, living near Bryant, tit- many ardent pisciculturists of seeing all how Confederation was brought about and buglo call of, prof essional wire -pullers and tIctorized by the utmost harmony, The der him Afterwards. Some of them waro I . a -he re- pirty trioksters, to be used ,at pleasure oil delegates only close their doors in scarot C, . ,#mptoatWoross a-subiti.orged bridge, over it. our Inland Iskes teeming With millions of ,VIjmt Were its advantages, Wh u I I Ili favor of outtinglilm, up %ndpacking hint I . - five , with . 0 ous, . - , . stream near his home 211 M Wagg011 salti water fish of all descriptions, marked that all were assembled that eye. certain convenient mild indispensable occa- Session to h- Id council with-tbe thI repro- were for simply throwing him over board. - .bis wife and children.. Tile . strong . . I __ - . . . . . in a, barrel, while others,, less oerQmoni C=ent swept the waggon from the bridge, � �� - _�-- . niilg to celebrate tile thirteenth anni'versary­'Bions, afterwards to be thrown aside as sentatives from England. It has beei4 a AII 11 e I . . . of Confederation, lie rejoiced that this step iinwortby of attention mud consideration source of much comment outside of the t Ise statements he called upon the boy . , 4 x1nillwo Fee . . . I I I � andi all except Mrs. Hannah were drowned . , . was taken,:And it was fortunate tb&t'such - until againt requlrcd� I , to corroborate, T116 boy, who was nearly I .1 dil, of Levis, OTTAw,%, July 5­,�Lu Interesting case - . I .. QUEnEc, July 5,-A Mrs. Bar,, a lively interest is, manifested in the ..con. . convention 'as to how and when the, 4 United soared to death when picked up, told All . li" been burnb, to death up the river, on came up befoic tho police'rus,gistrate this Workingmen:, Tile makers of members Irishmen I Will operate against England. � . . . . . I . board the tug Hercules, of which she WAS morning, A landlord's bailiff, named Oc- earns of. tile whole country. '(Cheers,) It of Pailia, I ment are'to-day without one repre. Oilo,of the most promine4tm,q I mbers of the ejjtiro�ly different tale, of which the follow. . . . . , . . was' right and proper that the people of 6entitivo on the floor of the House of Com- - Ing is tb6- 6tibetance - Tile Morale E. . . I . cook, by attempting to light P, Steve ,with ,tmvo Dpford, was charged by Damas Leger - 'body said yesterday: I Mark you, two weeks I . . � . this province should be acquainted with loons to assert their rights, advocate their after the close of this convention we Com- Hmlllefb0s,,vqgoon, Tuesday last, ,flying . -coal OU. . with collecting ,excessive fees, It wits the resources of all the others, and interests, or champion, their cause, Capital wence action directly in the light,'bound for Toronto, and the variablo I ,� . . . CnicAeo, July 5.-T . lie body of -An un. shown that Duford bad assessed the tenant 110 was certiiiii, that Confqdetatjoil aloud is represented, whil6labor is land. You ns . I . I heatt 6f Eng- d adverse . winds she in.et so retar4od h .. . . . . Imawn, man 'w,aq' foulid In the extreme for 65,75,. while Mr, MosgrQve held. that lie , . I entirely khowwowilioperate? I'll 8"' �. ­ � .er . � . . ..".1111 ... . northern -portion of the cit� yesterday (Ilio limiliff) was only entitled, to K,50, The su�pliOd them with suiricieht materials igdored. Bankers, building , so"bieties, tell you. It will be on.the ciple of .eye progress. up theJake that it took her until I I , ith which to build, up a nfluential a;nd wealthy 'moii6tary institu- for -eye, to . oth � for, . teeth, Prill i Friday evening to get within the' distiric6 . . - � . I . . Trn5n with the face in the friu&, it out in ,...S, for the defeii8e admitted that an W1 I blood for blood. . . . b. g I . nation.. Ile never really believed,that tile tions, Scours such legislitition as they desire 'L`ftry eviction in Ireland will be Av9nged of some fifty miles of her destination. Tllq - .1 III of the, head, and the threat. - 6ut overchargo'had been irade". tile itatutes , , � . . I act passed thirtebri years ago wits albial for Increasing and conboildating their profits by the life of an English -oppressor or the min, the boy w,ent onto esy, had been . . I having been. misinterproited by his We ' . from' ear to car. .Tho body'was stark . I tit, capt I . maked. the clothes; of, a. lo;boring man b Bettlo�meljt for'Canad wh drinking yevy'lieavily for about two' . . ut not to tile amount held by the opposing . a, because without our and -extenaing theirpowers, Ile laws for destruction,by fite and dynamite of a Gov� I weeku, . . full Share Ili tlio . � I I and had left Oswego with Scarcely any pro. . . I . 'were found, nearby, Investigation. Showed counsel. The magistrate . prosperity of the great the impr6i,ement, elovottion and comfort of 'ornineut building. Like the Willilists,bur i , . theI Dian had been murdered, 'his clothes bailiff -was entitled, to ,62 ailleld t"t tile bmP!re of which �ve form a pArt� call the working classes receive .no attention. operations -Will be conducted, secretly. but . T,,,!,.n Sg,that they subsiatpol: on the pas. . . id i , - � ,Va I . ro'more; so hardly be said to be truly connected. Ile whatever. bbi �li present 'u a tief sag. -8 most entirely on potatoes. At I � � removed and others placed Ili the vicinity he ordered that Duford pay back to Leger � . � b n a Q0. with unerring accuracy, and theresult will O'.10, .1 I evenly , . to conceal his identity. He was evidently triple the ambunt illegally � collected and believed Unit four millions of British sub- t . It on Friday ig the capiaill .. I . OrY condition- of our, country'; ill- the be the rolaxation of English oppressibn I I . -no laboring mail... His well Bfinped hands one, dollar co,stg ; lit default to be commit- jects,-residiiigin-Caiinaashould have 4 voice face -of tile many thousaii4o bf our best upon Irish tenants. Out; , convention came on deck, went forward, picked up P, � I I . � in- the. council of. tfiaL nation of wit! I norman ' 4m -largo iron - bolt to im;rt . I . and cleanly appearance indibatod a prof�s_ . ted to it-bil until res-titution. be made. The form . CIA they I*bone and sinew I Seeking homes in alieli is composed' of the most desperate I I tile ' . - I I .. I o plus, � .- �&Tlloiint ilist, Dofora "has to pay.Loger is , ta palft. The speal6t then character- lands for walit of that encouragement set :Of, devils .1 ever. saw congregate I windlass to, kbep the cable in'it,j. . . _ . sional. gbritleman.. N . - ized he olauses of tile Washington treat aikol. empl6yniont denied th6in here, we tog thor .and they will hektate at place thereon when they' I let go anchor 1) . . C4I William -Rammond,,on the tug �, 1 1-2)5. . � _...dl__-_.- . � 'U"Im- . antl . . . . - I .... ­ I .. �.. ­ I I I...., . -..-. . ­ - dtya6�n s use pr'e'y­ailifi� 6�WW6 ii�_6ii " 1,66-iii-NVI ­­ ' Mad, walking�aft, also pized .an axe, H6 1 � .. . . at o. . , .- ­­_­ . .....­ . m 'T - t1i so -And re-atUt-th lilig-�h1kt-NiN4 ­adw " . I � : I .,A" I . rrow o ' Sjatisfactiolj, firing with a revolver ft � ". . � . _n0vies are' being imported" to. We mcin'busific�s, and. ere, mhny days, _tlka._.______ . ..... __ .� . � (I &great Btopin the marchof progress, ands of. _. $ ce t"eir-: "W't'-'tlxe�,-'w&�-.�-al,,it--tlie-�m,a,iu--iiggwo�AO I . 7nark . handed a revolvej�to his -,sou, who . IttetaIsed 11is t1hanciN.. I . all . . . , � �. .� __ I . . . ­ - v . . 'and one which will be followed by ;ther build our Pacific .. r . silway. - ,Tile. millions have-elItipsed. yo,u will have .VitnesPed the croestr6es, where he kept wavincl tile a,xa - - - - � I -began examining the chambom. A- cart- 'sr,w Yonic, ,July 3, -August Engleman nations,,to the great benefit of mankijj1 to be expendoollix this, antic Stern realizWon of.my prophecy. Branches. and the norman Ili either haftai. vowing - - , I . . ridge exploded. The bullet out�erqd the I iviIt4 brought into cZiurt tQ-day charged with We may not believe that all .the vi,mrs in g a � to ill- ptiiit to f Urn 9 , I that he would -kill any 6ne who Wdlild . - _ I I � � � : . I I I I . I = ish am-* of oui orgauiza,tioix and other bodies of m. attempt to coifie mear him*. He 'also. . � I I I I I ' A yac gers, While our own similar'eliaraoter are on the qui vive ih. , father's breast, killing him instantly, .. refUshig to support his"- wife mild cliflI which E ligIgnol wa's engaged -were, justi ployrnentlifor Strang . . I I I ST. PAUL, Minn., July. 5,- lit,, con- W on I . threatened to cut away.the mai . . . it iif6rmed lit must give his family 07 but we have a just pride in all h9r , hardy sons must 'look -to, the land where both E ,iiglmnd and Ireland mild are waiting 1 4 ItI � . I taming fourteen persons, capsized onWhite a week, be became excite�i and threatened - glories. 'He' considered that I it was )ust a foreign flag floats to pr9curo labor and in pnibush to. Strike the initial blow. - They, mud lot the ", il down by the run. . I I . , I . . � Dear lake, twelve mil,og.froin .here, t1iis to lent �Ijis throat.' Justice Kilbreth, renjark. 'tend natural that Canadians should aspire br6ad. . conside a . . afternoon. . They were .struck by'& sudden ad the city -woold.not -suffer much by Erg. to tile proud . position a . .� - __ . ,are well organized an(I sio composed of After Some . rabI time, tile - I squall,-4nd having uco coniveteut sailor ,oil leman's Suicide. He then drewi f being a part of the. Vellow-wor, hiligm Oil 1,Sliall flus ,state of the most daug.orous, body of m6n in the boy rI %Ijo� captain. came down. . � . . - ill *I'll- empire, mild lid liopbd England may see her things be allowed to continue?'. Will we W . on .. deck, �and about twenty minute -4 � . . I . . t ov . orld to -clay. ,Our funds will be -invested I board, the �aoht won at,, Thero were monse os'rvind knife from ,the drawer of his way to this happy consummatiol 'el. r6maiiii tile dupes as well a-, tile to 2 on Saturday morning ordered. '%-� . � . . -eight men on board. The remainder an& handed it, to. the'&ison - I i ere it be lonn in death-dealing'clynamite, which will send � 11.011 .'. - _ . . or- and too late. His advice W68 to hold fast by !slaycff of .uinvortby mild clesiguing nien? . terror to the him Auto' the yawl. Ile then earn . . I -woman and children. Seven single men ,of said; -1 Nbw's your challI L'iigIbman I . hearts of the British lyrants­ - ' . . . , bhose constit'utional -principles whiiih have . Loit your answer be a (166* 1 v menced to out the tackles which suspende,t , . ,. . filed and empliatic Erin go bragh. Sic se per iyrannh.l I . . . I . . � . . .tile party swain ashore, without making tiny started 'back, shuddered, and after havin� been referred to. '. He was it , home ruler I No I Independence of party.is our oxily � I . � in � . J 1. , thib­Wdt to the davits. Tile mate tried to . . I effort to.save the women and,obildre'n, who been put under bonds to furnish, eo a week - . . .4 . I ., I . . - . I . .1 . .. I . ' I ) in everyseuse of the word, and - for I ' wt him, but got. knocked dowif wit] It � I I Nverb'4'ff drowned,' with' one married mail, shot out of court, like'ah arrqwi % ' � I ' insisted propdreourse.' Let,uBvotoonly nde- It is alleged that in consetluenco.of berry- proN . . . . I I - -who . . - - I .— * I that it would b6 impossible, to discharge popolent candidstes, wh - f eitrlessly I the norman, so the man Succeeded Ili get- . � � .. � stayed and inado'an eff6rt to jsmve his. . . - - ,a Will I.. . time-allI the. damajjdAr_f&ffyJ�_p9IitieS, . � . � � I . family. , Several of ,the bodies have beau * - I . , the duties at Ottawa which could be fit7 battle with tiny party and ;every party.. for -sugar has advano' ting the boat into the water, not, however, %. . . I I I I � ad oiler one cent per without partly filling her with water. At . ... recovered. The lake 'is being dragged f I or 1 W934 Importation' oclror� 1,t.i ignien. , tingly perfornied at Toronta. (Cheers.) the f ilithercluce of , our causo�whb- wily pound. s a result of this increase in, . . . I I . I . I . I The lion, gQntlenimil. concluded a brilliant endeavor to swoop a*ay class I . I 'fir9t the captain tied Ilim,(the boy) in the , � . . . the rest. 1. - The*Eng . . VOWBUNVILLm, - mlish mail, rdeeived a dity or two address by calling on - 1611 to livelike bro: ,ft lil politics, slid egislation' prin ,, a cis in arn-1%f,-,c1fiyiI in &iafores bow of the boat, but- at ter v, time kelease((: I . In . WIl& Will place. the inter- und nteldttes, youth just-'Ifuctuating be- him, . . ; � � . . I . July 11,-4s the night since, puts till and to it,11 doubt as to the �re- thers Ili this fair country, thereby making eSts of Qoun try-. * slid I tile- welfare - of our two saying,, i-011, this.1s you, ia.it,�, , -, . ­ I I . ­­ . -watchman tit the G. T R. stagon W -as dise nature of the actioft. of the Don-lini aliness' e"ttlis'ne. .1 . . �1 . , i .. . U Oil our liable Canada a I haven of rest and p6ople far above* t � Va &I n heart nI Willie T - ,Tile boy at once went aft and ig ,Ile dis­ . lie designs -mild, ambitigns ters, with-whoin candy is ail essential, and . : . . taking ili,tbe lamps ihis r�ornij. .Government with respect to the iifiport6- , pIdnty.for the down -trodden and opp,resged of'individuals oi pLty. I . I 1. 44 wide -world of poop - . seized the only Oat: they had, and scull6il : - I . . ."yered a mail lying. bv the track west of tion of workingmen. Tlie North British . of - every nation in the world. (Ciipers:) Fellow-workifigmen of West. T ilt6 � le with teeth for bon-'- for dear 11 I fe . for . the north . sh . I . . . . the,station badly injlired. Medical mid�_Agridulti.jrist wid sbme-otlierpaperq,.con:- - I . . . ore : .bons, must foiotLI�Ci4�jmfnce cither. Ili the ore. hi � ' . . .... , I �� � . - . . tile .. ..... hope �tlla " I I �.. ...­ � I - %, . - - . . . It. :lie �'Wwl4..b6,.,.�.pio4ect:,,�.�."- ..,.�_,_.­­.­t - seat Ax.�Wis.�LLa-v�artigel)aellt,,..�.-�—.,�.""4".�.;--.,���,.,�.,�1 ,-:*.,.,-_ll ­,­­ ­­..., ,cmt'respou�ibility now dov6 ihoiIs -of - Sugar'. or ill-ille, '- . . �,.AN�1-y-e.d�..,�4t,t4.(I,P,43,,f.P�r,tul)"C�te,--kufferei-73A�i - - , . . . ,.Gi - Iv ' 0 ' 8 Oil YOU, hbs, in. tile strain -I . . ..-. - - � I - .. W,k1s. ., . AS 16diid'-a; . I �­­ * ' I— * ' .1, `;­ '­ --`�'-­­ 7- � ItE. I . . .. r your con- : ockqt.*� -But tb.p.,�Ar'ontraal,--.'MonGpolistF'� lip by some - I . � . ' '-- Aym �i ` lit I - � li6aketff-wo,T6 �e.s�ei. Tile.. poor 'Ind ww,4 .. � 1. . .. .. I ­ � * �.. . .1 ... I , ­ '&�-:�­!­ ­ -C-,'k'L%'A,OA'9.'.9b'�-S'I"'-,k.'ND ru!'M 4*1netirber'llas to be cIo6t6d`fo­ '. -e� , . CA�pi.4600.kdr .As . I . I �, I 'I a0UhT1JA.U,T, 1I.P . . . � I n 0 . neail �i ' ...: , ticket from. Ppyt,,Lr .. - . �xavvijcii�wanted-i --tho various. . � ,.. _ .- .- _2 .- _. . � , � Sti.tu6ue,Y�to--fil-l-tiila-Nlttcandy.oLtii'sod-by�-i�ill.00l'*I� nwy-411thesamo. - . 1 31 oxliiauIi I when rescued, and coulI ' . ,wis'to London, two. u 11 . . " ' * �. - - No 1) *0 6 ' .-IF. � hardh, have, held. out much longer. Undev ,_ .- - .. . .� . : -1. �1. , I, .. t64 I, _- I -e.gins, .. 6-ShA." -, , K "I. 40 ), "lio�al. -Wew - ,4MMIAW, r.mp,7,10-4Deflilem-Mi. . . I 1. . �. ­ ­­ "Ie�_ - is 41114 . I I . . . . -x- jl�z--ppomtfifgjl-oi� --A--.-Robiusofi-LioutcjjI ', H6n. Ala�:. Mprris, Id. P. P.,, Mr. IV. B. th , lie'll6hitived -,,cry coolly, i _% . gas)1�1bamoll" oi . . . . -- a circumstances I . il - . - . . and a newsp . apet, wrapper With *the. name, otiti Assisted Passages granted to 1,r�,�,�ur,,�j .. � . I - . . lion. ',- . . . 1. �. I ... �xjit-GoVaftior for.: this province, us� Is r' ,. . 1. . 1. �. ... .. . 1. I a . , I . of � J�obn. McKee, on it.- The mai I ILiboj:orsali*(Ithdii-ftiijiiltL,s,,,tii(itofoilI " I " , _ , . . I . � .. I .. waid'-forbis many. yisrN Of faithfuliervice Seatth, ,and a party o� Toron to gentl0meit, for-bewasinfear.overy'moment rillat tiI . .1 .. . 1. I whel.i. ,tic sorvillit I ' - ­ '. . .1. . � 1. - - - . I .., "Aticin,al Club diii'n 'llisp , . -1 a, - thither 'capt�inyvoul4brainhiln with thb'.a\O ou, . .. I I . first found', bould sL �, . j? , Is. 1,'Xeogrants of fertile intiob, ma(le-in, �,, At the N or Ili Torofito . to -j�arty,, Af � not to his Country. , . The ii.ra abolit to. vigif Winhipe, -going .x 5eak, s1id gave. his rI :both the olcl Mid ne%V provilloGI etcum,fla, -Iroll� -:611 Dontilliol'i day, I1du:,M,r.;K&ioiK6i2,c � , -"- I lby -�hor C611ingwoo& line. - - - '.. .:. I " . 'throw b1n�pvc`Aomr`d: Captain Vitzg6rmht- - ' . `� : - I - - . , ".5, . __ _...w � _ r _ , _. . . � _ �. _ Q * , * . 'd .., ...'. - jai bavia �1(,Qo. Ile. said J�e Was go _. " I.. . ',anV.f&rfn6rs'i,6ports' and iLiiy..f(i)-til(il.,iiiforiiim�, ' I I Vas he,fift"'Ohiso is yoTr iliMrdiYabld- . . . . a I . ., ,:. , i, � . p t most --cordially received. " IiI Ithanil.ed tile, a 1. ` a L I . ��. I'; . I . 'I '"a ,96 tion can be oibtainotl viti'l, upoll apIfficiLtion to . iiIgll,r�ai,saj�o.f itt wisoly mild well. 'Swing free: Tha * i,'o�iisville- -�ourier-ipurnAl � assert" was ttrrosted and remanded. -The 11for- � . . . � I I I . . .. see'two of hiti sons livir!g in the,couilt; Of. . WFLOMAS GWAHAME, Canadian (iqy6rUjjjQj1t club for their kind invitation tol,�bupresdht and olea't frol�p -mare party iitbmos. th"10; -tile English * 0 rro,%vs � 119ve driven: tunat; radn w�s suffering-Irom an &I , ' : , - I. I . Xiddlesex� HenodoulipwaB�an.emiaratt, agent,200,11iswicikstroct, Carlisle, , . . t1litt eveniiig�.and said that'iliough lie was . Who- tile S . r -S'froUI o II . , .. Mem- 'of.(IeliriuM,'tMipt4�,.,z�li-ic,JL-u-ouliltfl,--tci,r,.,-.,,.-,,-,-�.— '.... ­ . - I - I . . -1.-,;, S Urt s Liare � ----..- --,-Lml.�tild-tr4ti-)��.�.V.Ii�i(�,11--l-ItLd--Pa..39c)(I-w.ogt,-ti,:i�'ort- .'�. ..,Other. 164-v6&.1"en-ta'I , , , -,a that lie ' " ' -e.ye.t�r.our-caiiad�Ae,-theavorlciiignlA,un",$.'"I.i;,- __ ­ a , .. , ill __ . . . . . . . � -phis, TO , . . . -1 . I . .. .. . . -was. f '0allc<l'UPffn_t6_ didat6 in my be, lot him be above mll-a nil. . � . . '11 -is eit'riaorcl lit ar�- eorI . � . . . -mil-anuou,nebinqnt., -ilot-awai �-qhould­bo , . - right1eg that the Dominion Government will Y eXpreSS an opinion on. &�Y Subject' wits . mail of, . . . , . . . I . . . . . . . , . . I . . . -timebef.ore lie oand. His ,p� .t- - I: - I .. I I . . I . ... � . .... , . . integrity of purposoi, slid. independence of _�=-_-= ---,-- _ __ __ I � ___­ I I . 11 I ­ . . � . . . . I . . . below the knee WaR mangal6d t6 shreods mild tile fares of about 3,000 laborcis frorn Qie- 6vq,r,.yet �slfls'iian�e.* hall been coupleil eli'mracter, and .ane,*h6 Will not barter __­_­_�.­ . . � .1 ! . I . . . . , . I � brokon ab bowto-Mb1itoiba. I 10 lat of the "Domi. I . I . __" _. 1.�, I � . eye the knee, the left broken tit � . Hoic � s itl' . xtradt -from 'with �t) I icn� of CatiI so - . , _ !". I _�­ . 1. �,� . . I . - . . . . I � ' . . . . the, kiieo joint, mild &-deep outover the tight &'London . Away your I interests f6r honors ol� emolti... '. f r'o...._'­' ­­­­ . I - - 1. a . ...a- . I I � . . , newspap , r ce or . t.,ti',.-�. 1--.1.1.1-i-' .3 . I . I er,­t,Iro­DmiIv News: � dear, to. all irrespecti ,e, - of orde ., . I I i� Nim I . il 11.1, I .------. . I I ,,, �11... t:.Z 1, " IA vW If I' I � lInister in Party (&h6ctis�-Ijc '-w6uld -in ' ,. i t 'i , ; .'' .. � ON � . . .- . - . . . w. ­_ .I. . . N d 4 1 ments. - Signed- by 6rder, I � . . eye., ,. I .. . . , .1 , I � . 1� . Sir A. T. Galt, tile Canadian. Mi .and on boliall of I W I " ,,, - NF , . I . Eat," g1sud, has informed Messrs.'Allan Br6. remarks. 'Tile bon, 'g6litlemiiii. tile,, re� U Ilioil of Cana I , i qO Iv it: " ­41­,-J� In I . I -fifty ake-. 'it' 10W tile Woiki�gfficu'-; Lilleral' 'Colisdryative * � I MR, 11 e WA k. I I 16 1. or 41 -,,; . . . , * .� � . , i�q 5 r', IS, � I � t 1" I Xr.-tv Youict, July (i.-Thos,deatil of I .. -, "U'' �� I I " , - ;-� �N, i "I . � children here from the bletit is 'report I (a 1-1 I at ion assembled , , 41" '. `­�J',-- ;­.. N­�,- j14�, , ! "I , I . I ­ . __ . � e I ill thers ol. Co., the owneis,of tile Allan Iiii '. - P 0 Whicii , 1. ..", , o v, 1 A52, 111 . . I , 7 '40`2 I � 4, I �, . . . � a of fatted to tile. witititi u u ­(wn to oil tile 22ild June, 1880.. V1. ­ . . 1 �..., , ­ I I - , .. � f , . . . . . I , . , sj cridingnoon yoqtcrday� At steamers, that, lie has 'received 6 despatcl n mtion _'_.Y. ,_ -,q, - '� .,� , I . . twelity-16urliour - ' . � , -1. I., I "� o, m­a%a )11F."WhMAN , . . � I - and ill tlil%t. 7 .. . ; -.1., .. 'I;, . . . . . q . 11 !,�.i;.­ -1 I i�.,, . - rvr*�, �', &�­ , 'A , " , , , , I I t ). , b7l� Ivx�,�� I " . receded , Confeder, Sal . . . , - . . V. W: I-IO)DOSO.-T; Pre.4iddil.f. . . I ,I ,,,, ,,,.,O;,��, P& . _, ­ . I Chambers'.streot hospital last -everling.the f rOm the Departmen t of Afticulture author- it. tile'*- time lic, ielf tli%t if We - ... . . . . I. .1, ; :.."Z" ­.' PR� 11 I .-! ,1212�:r_ . . � . . I - ___ , --- , . . . , � , i. ... �.. . . . . 1-11. I ­ 0 A'X"I�� - � . I I I -e . .� . , 'Nil N�!', . . ­ . .. I IACJ( Ev-k-'s I . - �i 11 - . doctors afteinled.thirty ceisesi, m64tly boys, izing �dvmiiees t6 a number .of navvies. to Were to pfose6�q our status as'a it*: S, It "a . . I atioll a ­ cisgat . - : - - --, .";.) �!;%-;"Q-t ­�:�,, . . I_ A �__',. --'> . I . J. . � : - : : , ../ . �.'?­��..); . aboo to. Uailitoba ., Federal union of the provinces wits. . I � .. .. . . � *,% 'I 1i 4'i, ,..-,e,ef;,, ; " � ki � . - � . - an indit'-' ' . . ' � .1 I.... �, �':.`,, � _ RA __ . ,� :,�tr-�,. ­ . 'VI ,.i;0_-_ ­ who shot tliomscilvcs� while �colebrating the pay.-theil- fares from Qu JOHNSTON :J y ` 1, , It- k . ., "I, . "I -,Ii' None of,theta . � . - . . .,., ,,, ""A' , ' -ab a races - Glee, 1.3 BOYLI.- - " ,� f�l ,� . . .0 __�t _ � 411 s6ricusl, I - " .!Nk.r, 1 4 IN - .., . � . .wag . 1. Zfl._ 4!. , M . _� I - y injured. on:c011dition of their signing an, agreement pens I " , , sity. Ile would. take this . . .., .. .: ! F.1 - _ , � _ ,.-,.,! . . I I - I There has been seldoin so'littl(; drunken- to .. Solicitor ior the Ullion, - ... ..., ,t,: " ., " ,­, - � il" .-.­,�, . - - I . . _ . I IV. . , I . - . . repay Stich -advftuces f rom wages earned opportunity, of ScI that while he liad'no . . I It . , , o I I.. . ; . ­­­­ 1- I SWY ��yl &�&' tile, streets yoistej�dty. -p - of . . .. . .1 ­" 14 I ri. 11 , . . I . "''' , " 1, �. %rf. ? --. ' . , . .., N'l I iiess as .wits soien on' I W1 . Mes�6, 'Mmn- allimosity, to -the lie . . I . .: - * "I ­,�.�­ . -It . I �� V'l �, I " � - . ' . . � � , I 1 I..'; .11 -.11 . I . I . . '... , - ­ - . . . Vour cases of Aiowning are, reported. . . -hing. MoDonald, . McLation & t in -the United. States,, M , ­�.�. � " I I . I on especially 1N,1114:11M -11) WOO r-19EELr., I �:`�5. I , . . � . I 11 . 1. . .. � . . 1 ., 4, . . 'i, . 4'-',i,.�j',�.'­ � I . ____"_ - . I . I . — . .. . - . IS13KNI, I I . . . I . � ­ .. .. . . I . iraiAors.4or eenAtructing Is section of the silica the -abolition of slavery, lie though ! I . , v ­� -.�?A)p - , &� , __ . I , I . tile in the 'am. loy pubdican systom of gov. � .. ,-_-q-N. 17 . . .f 1. 6' , I . ,�,­4j. , � El k r - - I - ... . - . �. . . � - - - I .. . t I . ­­. "J ""'O A .. 1, � "I 411; ;--- - . A Cotwle o("Voltthto. 14'illlid ,%vith AV61skey , L ,�� � ­-r-'%V,MLJ1V1�.'�, . . --- , The ChoivaI Go Along.' ' Canad m.Pacific' railway. 'I J.�,._.�, .� I I . . 'M , , - , . I . The'firra,*uiiderr slid always belie�roil _tlmt tbero,%vas-room - . � .;.I - . I . I - - "�-fia".'.4;V, -Y�"v'­,,,,,. , . ."i,7, � I . . . . I I . . . , ,. ,. � . take t6 find employment � tills season, for enpugall in,Ainerica for twodfs�tiljciforliks of 414 *.to, Sleep on , 94e, " Wirtocii-Wheir I _ � , �, .,;, 1. . . ;., . .,.. . . 1. .1. I I . . . X - -, . . .. : , Aft. Chowder, ,Mrs. Chowder and four i I 2"�'it,"o,",�,"ie- , `� �.F`4.AMI�,31_441. � I 11 I . ftenatins - ro .� 'i" ,,`�I's'­.', P I . I .. I � . ardy .,men,. government. �Chccrs.) Hoalso.Ildlievedoui­, �Iad#led � .r. III, � 4. - 1. _1 �, F .EST AN . D MOST FrELJABL�: . . 1, I I , about '8,000 laborers, good; h and in - tire , "'Y", ttq ,;(�, . I I I I . II :-, 'I'L, .� , I . I M . � ,,., 4 - Irl. I_ . I .11 I I . '" I I . . 21 �; - . I I �,�� - -r'._ . � ., . I I little Chowders wdlit*off oil the excursion . without families and. accustomed to rail- presentsysteni wotildbebronglitto suLb-per- i or-abla. .. -. ., . ., . "i ­!_-ir - - .' , 9E14 M., THE WORLD FOR . I I . I . . . .. il.21 ;%qj�_-f$­:� ­ .11 . . I - . 4 cow -R-1 1 . I ... .. . I I � yesterday. It had"been tlletm�14,of the . ,% 114�­'­� I � . way., farm mud similtv work. T fection, -free fr I �.1:;, .p .jj 5, : I I . EDiC . S � . . . I lie rate Of I - (if oil-. , Coii�i�it6i'Oiit.,,T.iily..4.�Oije - ..j , � . � ,family for ao'Wdbli'. - Each child had be6n . 6m* the tralitiffic s A W� ­ . �.-- . . . . . . of .the sadm I , �",;, l." \ V '41, - -a- � . . . THE 'OURE OF * . ' . . . . I � 1� 1. 4�' -- , . . - wages is $2.50, bet day f6j�. Oremen, an tile garoiby*or mail'a"rolliv, as fit be equal if -not, d6sb 'occurrences . that has taken plade ;, , -;�!El,,41 W4 - -t . I - . . . I .. I . . . _. - - - - ­- - -talcerr , I � !,j "; 1,ii' - '.� � � gm � .. , , : � * , -inty-thz--:Ii%tir�r(yom-!:ajzi,a--�va.�lledi� �i,6ip!1!M:1;tRL �, -,, . I.., .-I I bol. li� ' Colds Hoarsene .. . % . . Wt. AX , I'M , ' I .Itv�iss­rYII ,��­Iaborera -is, 1-1 arI '-a_=AAuUonaI_ , " - -1 �i - , ,� .. 11�! . . ­ :�. �, TIN . ,60 t Superior .-to- , I 5: ..%,� � . si, s4ra, - scoured and paud spored. down, Each one . in L -within-thia.diorict.fo"Oluoti (r,past-11 '­-, I ­ _1i - - - -19 --"- - --- 2n'r-71 _ - __ _.. ;MW , . - � ­_ " .:�i��, ,'�+?, ., 5, I . . , ,�!, ., I . per day,. some receiving more for sliecial rule in the . world. I . ,;,I't,:, .11111;1 11 . � liad r(;o�ived twelve lectures on.the 4rt of I On - this ques- pened between 5'and 6 -o'cloc this morn- ' .1 � *1�11­ . 'I" ."'I.Q. "I':1111" � � Th�o6t,,'Bronohjtis, Influenza; , ; , - � �' ' - 1 !.,!1;"7.'r11JY I III l�, 41 III r. . . .. . 1 . labor. The contractors further undertake tionI* all should be .UjiI 'because union, ing. Tlior.tias.Caziitillyaiidl-'tttric]cCa.,41icii,' I . . . .­'�', ?..t`w�,�, It 1) . I . . I . . . . `:g -, r,o5l, 1, III , : - . - Oro�p, Whooping Coug'h, . - I " , . * , ". I , , a '14. .respectively, met With a " , `-, ,:1 111 L' I% , , . I . I . . . � . behaving li'mself or herself' after getting to supply. suitable shatity-board at tile &6. was powe'reverywhard. ..Ho'balieveditwas. mg6d Man �, � ,,�v,.,I,11­1 - 1. � .. I aboard tile boat� Bach one bad'bequ told . I � I—. ,%I�", ,'i; ,�'. I .. I . . �. - * . . .1 I �. i; I ,� � % I . I . of'!K.50 per Week; and1hat ..tile ,Work will 9, 'mistake. for. a V Illation to be formed horrible death,'being run over by .ij, west' . . . A, 1. '.. - I,Riii., , 1 I . . 'qt,JhMa ,.and, eyery . I I ­ __ - . I I . ' . . .", -, '' *,.,�Jrjj , , I . . . , about fifty times whst td . reply if old Mrs. � . I ; '. " .", , ; I.. , , , I . , * � I last mbo& three.years,* giving..steady .am- wIlprotlicre.was lo".sympathy in d6mmon bound -freight train. Yodfij Cmsben was � .. .. -"n . . ., ...., .� . y . ' I - . I . Clamsball felt gr, 1.4 I . `1 ! � 01VII 11�11�1�1-i' � I 2 . ­ ., 7 e'ttion of t .. . . . . I .. I acloq enough to. ask after . 1 .!�, �,�. , . . A he .. .- . , , �- " . . had, -ploymorti summer. and -virintar. - Messrs. amongst the �eo b.-' The mode of respcin-. go,fri�htfully mangloia, that lidebUld: not be. , I - , ' - - ' 1. - ". �. I . . _. , . . . . . � . � . . � . , Cos at . -recognized, parts of '.Iiih body being III I I - , "I , ,, - ; .. ;. - ­: . . Is . ,�-, , �,-;,r �.% I I .;, . � I , . . .1 . --their health, or if tliat bad Brown boy Allan Ii�7.others have's, syst6in' of age�ci . sible government n CanadaWasIbasoid on a I . , :,; ,,;,I, -': .�... . a . - , . . - . � one of his streaks on and made up fa . . Throat,. Lun' -- . I . . -speaker then alluded . .1. � ; �; - . , ' , � �. . . . 1. . � . throughout tli'e United Kingdom', *from Solid foundation, The I for. some yards. ..&long the track. ' -i i , 1- .. . n I Os, and Che'0, . �. . I .. I � , .. I . I . ; . .� . . . 1. . them. , E very tinae. the §Ubject came., up . ", . i 1, I . I . I . - I .. � said - U . . ,,� I 1, . 4'ncfuclin I . . , , � i. .1 I . " . . . . whom laborerg intending to -avail them& to Our c'diiiiection with tile British, er�pire, Rilailly Was not so badly- mangled. * 110 ,. I I I . I . .. ., gq� ,. , I . .. Mrs. hd ale for silellao and � soilveg of this opportunity r%,�y obtaip --all und'said that tie the -CanadihUs are bound . was struck on'the head and is . up � posed to I . . . � I . . .. . .- I . . ­. �. I . " I I. .. I I - . ' . .1 : - - - .. , , ,I - - I I . . ,., NOW,`Y.ou childreh, pay strict attention to neceshary information.' . . . . to Support * Great Britaid ill tlie;� time of have lived sciiiaetime. 'aftem'sards. .The . I I . . . GONSUMPTION. - � - - � ' - - - ' 4 . -what I say.'' You can't have any ice cream 1. ­ I I . . . ­ 1, � . � . . . . . I .1 I . � . - . . I . . nabol, therefoire Canada 43116 . 6�� I I -;-,LL-KNOW N. PE , .. : . � or lemoliade or peanuts.' You caI run up. . , � . 1. . - uld liave:ao Voice young. fellows,'who w.erepsid off last nightj I 11� , I � EY9101AI4 t7l�.ITES t , ,� , . . 1, . l8,,o , � in matters relating AcAlid wel are of all, had hidulged too.,freely in...�Iiquot . ;_ .. " &I A WI n ate J71e Calle.,'. . T . . - I � . . . 4u4 down on tb a . boat., , You- ,must I*ot , � . , AII I Cour.ti; -in, �, . f and are . :.4m It does izcit dry vl�'a coughi'a' d to . I I . � I . . � . , It was true that vv� were getting &long very believed to have beei , �iQh !., A I . make a racket. -You mast )act ask your . linocit 01ACUIT.-noN, SUsTICY-1 ('A'AlPlION. I i lying on the track , bekind as is thi§ case- ,aiih. most -.preparations . . . - I . . I . let for penni ,You . .. " .It '. I.. . . . . wall'as -people of Efiglish de cent in On- asleep ab6ut a mile above here. Coroner Ill'! 0% butloos - " . fatl es. - must� not'ItOOp Owen 9ound., . ­,., . ens'it, deanses did hings and allays iii , I I I . . � . � .......... 1%101i�I&Y��..: .... 20th Soptenibor tario and .urench descent in--tli4,lower' Ewing empannelled. a juyy to view- the. ,kxmni, , . talking to me. If Henry, or William asks NValkerton ....... I. , . � , ... .... Mollilay .......... 17th.Septainber I . I . - j, V%N "A , I tation, tI reinoviizy VI of.:coi�i,plaint,` . F . . ,� � `� � . .. . .to go fishing or in'swiniming theywillget. GO(Ickich .1 ................ )IOntlAy ............... 4tb October provinces, and though we had no reason bodios, thiqlnoriling. The h4quest -was, ad- - -(� *N1, I � � I � eg . DO NOT ]BE, DE CEIVE D by-articitis . - . 11th'Otitobet to complaiii,'still in order to ensure su journed till I -p.- ms to-inorrow.,. Caslion IRI. � F ., . . 1. O_ mg, � o, bearing it. sintila .. ould. was tarred this aftewoon and Cansilly I I �. I. . . . .1. . . whipping, If Lu6y or, Jounie sits dvIvii Woodstock .............. �!Iojjday .......... ;_.18tb Q6tober cegB in our constitutional efforts it w Ill I I .. I . I a, strutford ................. mondiLy.;._ ....... N - r natne, Be iure you get DR. , . . on tbe'grasg I shall punisli tlibm.' Tile I . . I . . I N.IAG.ApAl CIFTON.'IMP4 cjnmF JUSTICE or A, - I I I I � . � - . six sat in a t . I *T1113 _ on ill buried to -marrow. � . . � , , . ))) IVISTAR'S BAL'$Alij Or. WILD. -CHERItY,: . I . . . .� � , I olemil. row, -as the boat started ' I . C0111I T1,1I . ' be desirable that * each province ell '' Id will b. � ,. . . I ­ I -of"I. BUTTS" on tl:i$' ' . I . out, Mr. OfioNMer had oao.eye'on his twb, Milton' , ...... �_w , preserve its, own in'stitutions intact.. .Ile ­ I . . . " � __ . ....­­ I- 11 � .... � with tile signature . � ... � .... ­NTc&(lmY .......... Wth SoijAcinbe, . , . I . I ts an 4 , . ' � ' . 1 1 . I N, or. 50 e1i d Q1.00 -ii Bottle. Pre- I . . 7>�ys and the otljbi's�luijjt�Il down the Wolland .................. Moifclay.� ....... 27th. September would impross orr Ills friend, Mr. Blake, as Himg6's BAY - ComrANY.-The -profits - QA . I . I 1,,,�,101111N,,, !. . . . . ,� - 10 I - i1l � W.. POWO) '& SO248,. 130�tOhj . I . tj - uiI ....... � .......... lifoinday ......... 1� .... 4th October w6ll as- oil the, Promier, thst in 'this wide . e. �. ,., .1. I = by 833 . I . 1, river. Mrs. Chowder had 6ne eye oil 10 aCcatbariner.; ..... Monday ........ ; .... nth October Dominion�itwbuldbeoixtremel difficultif tile fur accountwof outfit 1879 amount t6 . �� , , 11 . �t Mass. - Sold by druggists'and dealers geliI � - .i I . .. I Z5,5 5,803, as conipared with ;C52,852 in outfit i I , , , . , s , ­ � I . . . I I . . I two girls and the other flashing at':cI Hamilton .......... ...�::Xonclay .. ...... : .... 25th October I . � . Y . . ,� I .. . .-�_. I. - I . � . . . I ' . . . Who had harvest applaw,to sell, mild who WIThULOO Cll16hT.-UOX.'JVSTlCU 08mit. . not impracticable to be properly,govekhed 1877. The not profits -are X46,286, which 1. �11, � . . . _ I .11 I . � . . � I I . . I . . . . . . 11 I I . . - . I . this V dto-:922,037brou-lit forward -make a - 0 . . _. , .. � -was trying t6,'gA near thom.,,bliowoler. Guelph..� ....... by one. Legislature, * It was for ­.: _­ - . .1 . � . . � . a I ­ . I - .. . . . .......... Monday ..... : ... 11th Soi)touiber that lieJolt7bimsolfbound'to ,udv 04te tile total of 1:68,13'.33. � Tile committee race . -11 , - ( . ... . . had his mind made. up that if -one 1wrlill ... ......... ;jAI .... 127th 86ptowbor . 0 M. I I '' . I . .r . - I . . :1 , � . Drantforol ....... ; ......... Atonday ... ; ....... dth October 4, edoral system as one tj,� - -­ . . . .� I . . ... 1-:�, I I , . ­ . I . , . -_ � 1. . fIds - boy's attempted � to ___ - ___ ,,----- sinititie ........ � "Aroll(lay! ............ 11th Octolft bi no 6bjoction on ally grouild. Alth6ugl zel)a 323 to be carried -forward � Iteports - ­ �$.-. - ,� - -,% -1 � o , tdwhiQh there cdfild mended-a.dividefid of"Os per share, leaving -�- , � I � . . - 4 . 11, steamboat was -likei or bilited at, Barrie ....... ;:: :::::::�:" I ..- ?�,: vk! _- - . . I . I I .. .. � .: . , . I nits or refresfirheilts or desirea. to mingle. . . . I . - � � . 11 �., ,. . , . .�;, I fr* -AlondaY ............... 18th October he'llad a liand 'iii the preparation of the .have been received . to the effect tlimt the .. bo r ', ...... . . . 'wnwmaor oiltIC'Urr.-TION, tustum Ali -46V% . - 11 - I . : ., � . . With other boys, lie would iqualch' him Oil . 10ederargyStanji 116 Wits free to si,by that it boVere wilitei 'and t116 Scarcity' of fooLhave , - ' ,-1 ­ 1. . Taonolon: .............. o ... �Tumla� ...... Wth 86�Wjnbei it word noW:ijitrodneed' 11.0 I�Ould m' , lin I �. - . I . . -1 � . . &Ice �p!4 � ­ . . _1 �_ ­ ­ . . I 1:11 ... 121;11.Octtobo� some impartanb, sirehdjiacnts.� ' Ontario trade fot outfit 1879; hub the results'ffiay- " - �A A � _� A? 1� ,� . .1. " I I . 1. flic spot " all(I'Mm" ' (,1IlOWd0v;IVa4 fullY"do- St. Thomas ....... ; .... 1ruesday ... I to, spme axteil� affecto5d tile prospects oT the L � Tu,os(lay ....12nol'Ovoinbor. than thi � . . -1 ­ 1�2 I . . � ty and wrinkled her " I ­ - ­ - I"I'l , , term ined to let lier pinches be felt the'veiy Chathall'i ,.; ............. . ruestla . ��. ­­ I . , ruesamy ............... 10trl Octobor being more populous and more wealiby yet be iinprov6aby the spring I , I If . . .� . I I instant eitlibr of tho' forgot hot digni- sandwkell ............... I y ...... 126th October -hunts. .. . I � - . liff�; Sarnia ..................... ) oth&-piovinces, iathorsufferod A,s0T1fr,lt CLATMANT.-It is no �_ . . . . y st y starched dress. I noul"., ClitcUIT-11ON, JV 'T­�'(';n monjusox. Ill,& commercial view, by Confederation I W Asia that I - . . . Two or'thrce hundrdd chilolken . roffipod . I if the -books, documents, ote., of the Grand - - . . . . I � � Over tile island, played 1 tag,' p 'UP Toronto ,� ..... � ......... Tit s(laY ....... 6;1th Septolliber Yet tile people did- not, grumble, its they Tent of the Ki . I . . . . . � I . � ' 'icked -_%asize mnS Nisi'llrius. 1. � Ware well. award tlimt,nations, likg fata lights of the iffmcdaboes, for . . �� ­ 11 .. I . I . I . I -pebbles, climbed trees slid rQed" after, Toronto ...... � ......... Tuestlay ............ 20th October ilicsIi having possession of which yo)ing Osborne � . . . ­ , in ` � - - �t . `4N, � . . . I . ., . I I . grasslioppars, but Chowder Sat on a log and . Oyo� and Tohhinei. - . I . Ust b6 Ulifted in'theit efforts in order to is now under arrest at London, eatI . I g'14 ­ � . . .. . . . . I .;. talkbd � politics -9 Mrs. Chowder Sat: on, a YTOILJI'Stlee Galt will 2�eillain in Toronto dur. obtain rospority. Atfer-keforiing-to ,'is. found that line hot �Iaidaijtj in'the, person t I j . . . . - � , I . .. , V , t c � 11 . - 0 . . . . . . . .1 I ing tbo Autunin Circuit to how the I comicotion.wAth tile Ontario Government, of Supreme Commander Boynton, of P tt 14, N A Frotectei Solttiot a the Vrotoxide Of Ironj . . . � I . , 1. . . . . . � cathp-stool and'.tmIlted of the poor heathen, t1n, quotials Bbiich and 0011,11non, Pleas OAXII 'Under the 'leadership of Mr. Blake, the . 0 I . � - I . , . Hurou, Michigan, will appear, and that lie . .., , . . It as 6asily digested and assimilated, with thil . . I . nad-tile yoling0flowderAsakon-the edgeofv, %vowc, an(f for tile traluieCdtionof.busluessby m, lion'. gentleman concluded by Saying that . 1, � ' ' plank se&t*mnd -kept thoir inbuths in proper Jud9p ill OhainlidtS., . . , will'be likely to cause the issue .of a. writ ,,. : .. I .'blood �s -the simplest'fodd. When the bloo;l '­- . . .. . . puel�6r to reply 1-y6st inslam I to every bl(I - , - . WII Goverlimailt might be in power it of replevin to obtain podsession of thein, � . . . I .1 . il I . 4 1 . * w, g tho.duty of the' people to uphold and - they rightfully bblong to the ordet of " IN' deficiancy chn be supplied by the use of tit;) I . . i Amq.a--1;le6srs.Pcter. as iloes not contain tile usual quantity of Iron, tile j' I grilb-hoo who asked4f they were having ail VrilaziNat NlAan& r .a awful gdhd-timm. W.hen they r.pturnod last Bon & Galbally, of Lock�ort, Wall known , Iva it a loyal support. As. for himself, Which lie is heado � . . k . . . co wa . . I ; , P.&RUVIAN SYRUP. Retires d"thousanil. � . . . -� , . I . , . . . I ; prepared, even though mistakes � . I � . I I .., . . I . I I evening; hbt'A -list had Won, lost -not a coutiactors, - have contractoa With, tile I . in n - , Xomri Towner domMittod sui6iao at Con. I I .1 — � ii ills 11 simply by ToI UP ' `1NjlGOftATlNG, anti ' . . .. I button gono-not a shoe,string �rokdn_ NiggafaWatokpowetCompally of,Niagarm were coni itted, to yield the ear a, obo � ,� I N VITALTZING the system. �:Tfie enriched anti ' ` . I tral, vV. Va., because be had nob been true ' , � ""�,. � I not spartic.10.0f*Starch missilig. 'Theyllad. falls, to sink''a shaft tbrough took 20 by II Which fie gave at the inception of to his'. swe . _� � I I ­ .. . etheart, I I decolve'd her,, be . .,:,�!, v . . . , . 40 feet w1d'86 feet deep fbr a wheol pit COnfO40ration- (Clicers,) ' � ­,�, vitalizdd blood pc�rmeatbs' every part 'of lha , ,-: that Same solemn puckor, mild Chowder I .. � , __ , said in a letter, I and now I am going to m ��, ,- - � i / and his* wife -had that same awful parentAl near,tho Hydraulic eanal,'and also tunnal . . I . . ­ I ­. . . Y . ,,-, , �­_ - body, repairing damages and waste, searching - . Aignity. Not. one; had oviiii tile fidntogt through, to the river bank for I tail race. As morowded arwm9pMsSMj W. . 1. olvorlasting rowardi where tile smoke of rn� , __ ­ but morbid secretions, and leaving nothing for . ... . _ I . Tit I work 14'to 156 finiNlied, by November ' lemali fiftle 9-UVr-,9trOOt - torment will ascond up for ever and over.' � disease to feed upon. Tfiis, is the secret of tba � . I trace of a smile -whon a. newsboy, standin't " jo car- punched the driver . . ­ ..� - ,- ,4� - " 'I wonderful success of this rejoady Ili curing ,. . .. . . o , .�, . re's a � . the gang plank shouted Out;, I I I expect - Mrs. Hatherints X&Iiley, a bride of .17, , ,� ,� I . I . at He iX In t1liq Shaft the company will place in'tol',lo' back with is cauc andsaia: , I . till �, , , I family. who've been off to bury their dead three *largo Water wheals, capable of pro. that lady wants to ride. lie driver, - Sup. ended her honeymoon journo 51 I 14,E) I I . I � I Y -very set- - � i. 11 , � - Dyspepsia, Liver Complainto Elolls . grandmoth I or-mako Way for, tile mourn, dacin4' 3,000 borAo-powor, which - will be posing the gentleman ii.Tsoorl Ole lady rbWfully tit Cincinnati, where her husband .. � . . P, . . I , ere I,- 'buted, by. cable and stole )let fortune of $2,500, for which lie I ,, ��R ropsy Diarrhoea, ' . .distti . ,ut 'on the brakes and ".. ) �11�,',` D , , Chronib, I - � . to Adjacent lots, 1� I Other Connections signal th6 ear' p had- marriod Iler in Germany, 'and ab. " . . Steer clear of the'aut; thou Sluggard, ' . .- 4 -_ . waited for the ladyf wild weighed about , sconolod. . He oven took a -way most of her - .Nervous Affectloils, Female . . and � I . I two' 'hundred pounds, to come lip, which . . . follow ,tip the iightning. movements of .the � Cahoff Inuag, of London,, was the Victim She did, And passed oil without getting ill, � tmussdau. I "I � I . I . Complaints,, I . . I I . . idbuble-jointcd cockr6ach, who travels of & b6sting accident oil Thursday, 1.10 i What made you think that -lady wanted The . work a L f . completing tile Wa I shington ­ ..... I It'. 11". . � And all diseases originating In � bad stitte of' I . �. . . 1. I faster, carries more sour pasto on his heals was approaching tile boat bouso ill -his to ride?" growled tile driver: II1300muse monument 'at Washington Will Soon he . .0 -the blood,, or -accompanied bY debility, or a low . '. . '. kind is direoitlythe cauqdof more profmIlitY pleasure boat, which liagan awning over it, . the was walking, my * dear follow, It Is coMmelic6d. Tho stroke, of .engineering I I state of tile system. . I . . . I . . than can,bb found Ili tile Worst SPOcimell slid attompto�a to take down tile &I only those who are walking outside of the performed by Vol. Casey in Strengthening CAUTION. -Be -sure you get the i4PA*- - � 11 of Itinerant -bill p6ster that ever trod & and for titat purpose leaned over tile ti .ear who Want to gob inside, You never I the foubdaticin of the inonumentand,bring- I I 1 � . . suburban turnpike, . do ..- I , RUVIANSYROP." Solld by-drilggisto gafter- � .. ­ � . of the boat� which capsized and tljrew� the noticed that, did you? Never 11iiinat, I'll !ng the structuic back t6 its proper position I , I -11 ; I . . ally. Pamphlets gentfreti-to any addresa, by 1, ing to tile 'London Truth, the I rev. gentleman, into tlia river, '80MOYOUng is regarded ag extr4crainvory, . I I . . Adootal gdtYOU another passenger dirootly" and SLITH Wit F OWLU & ;21oxe, Proprietors, 86 Hat,- I I . . faiallionible &-a in Lonaoll just now is from mon who were near and witnessed tile me- gazedintently down scrosifAtraot Y�r tile Navy blue find ."F .1 , I . . ., 111' . . If-41over I - . . . I I ; , - . I .1. � I 1 i I I I . t I I I I � 14t680. 8w.06t.171s,out -of thoc running, oident,,nogiSted him out of the w&ter,. n91.(t peaestrian. . I I risen 4venuck Boston, AtAss. I . �. . I I I . . I . I . .1, , . . � I - I . gold &na.rod sl I iade, I . I . � . . . � . . . . . . I . I . .. . . I . . .. . I � . I . I . . . , . . � . I d� I . �, � . . . I . � . . . . I . I . . . I .,. . � . � , . . . . I . . n .I. . I . . . � F, I � . .. I � I . . . . . I . '. � ,,, I ., I.,--.- I . � . . . I . I . � � . F11- .., . . . . . . I . . I . . . I I 1. . . I I , I . .1 . . Ir4l. . . t I I I 1 4 - � . . . I 41 ­, .. ... ,. , t � .."., .".."I., �. ". 1. ­ ­:­.. " . .., ­ �, I . ­ � I . . . � , . 1, I 1. . I I . . . I � I 1. 11 1.-.,.__ 9 __*­ ­ ... -1 _ __ - I . � - ­ _ ... . ­A�� - 11 " . , �, 11.11-11 11 I . . I . . I I . . , ,, , . I I "'t, , .,� � I.. � . ,� ,� 4A � . 1.1II0 , . . . . I . . - .1 �..". __ ­­___ _--I, ­­. -11, ­­­' ­' ­­_-___­­­­­--_