HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-07-08, Page 7. � _.. . - - � - I . - 1. -1. .� .1 1, - - . .... I . .- I I . � . �� I 1. . .." - . ,—,. �_ - - � - - - - - - - — � - .% - Trm� . 1__1_r1__F� . PFIV_ - � _'1FFT__
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. ftneen Areldiftn0a, CAN W0.311CM Dairm . A )Dr:-V4XST11T1NG STORMS- ' Brifish ailid)Voreiggli. Noter,., 8T4-VV1B0*T v0Jw1,X6l0N9. .. ! I
. [Pyrr,bus-next advanced AgxinaO the city. It . I '(Albany Uvonlug lournAl.) . I , . . I A 401401MVIVANIS rnicAlig,
30 4 be � Colon 0 ",ote, but "lunntAe Power of the 'I Men Are allowed to willst in tile En Hallety Ap. BiannIng fzast ,I 'rog, lite 314ravem Him
a 030 04 0 ' in, ,
W ' t " t ' I
a ,
'on, Vlaffs eftllt has glish .a a
. . ChildrVII nod WpolegLyop%
0 ron' 46 "a 0 "64 us , ,in Ill til I IS11% it rather Singular that women Pecu Atte"Olea by IYAMIMY Ploft-oerm. militia, up to� 85 years of ago. In the re8u, to Create the otiler . , i�
ill " " t t d ' ' " " � or ._
'Am 4a "' � -0 " .'I to "." ` d 1_ U., never learn how to drive a horse properly?, COMIlleating on the late Steamboat disas. whoi At
o til - .11 ,at wrtntm remarks some !rate MAU, as lie ins __-.(X,'XQnI,t1%o Newyork Evoillug.popt') lar army 25 years is the limi tem, tile N.Y. Bulletin in * to ,
_ � , poets a it. . ,akes the following , Dr*"wetl-
14 he 4 U04 U 4a `a " ��21111attglll`i` as to live tired animm, and finds the bridle over its The gigantio power of the wind has been Colonel Gordon (Gordon raslia) believes Sensible remarks ; I One thing is certain, ST. STEI-11 "-, , N.13,, Jtme 24.—Rev. John
.'I -9 ... - ll'ci-�'
- 't.� tl
ud!'.t = C line
if t t n ' Itt ' T ' I hi
ft., Z ai� g
4 liv tll,lald,.ltl.�U�l cars Ana the bits Illustrated by tile ,repeated demolition of that nearly two-thirds of the people.of Dar. despite all human, precaution, amid that is, I
, half-WaY down its threat. . - I �
. I . lid - built On the fawous Eddystone I . J off into collisloils are inevit4blo as long as two "'Or"", Who rwttlod in Calais, Me" a few .
Vhe chiefs wore Tilet Ili $be council ball, 'Butwomell Call drivo,' orieu. a champion, . Athouses I four have Already been. carried wee ago
Their words'wora sad and fow; . rock; And the Sam ' I cbu� 48- Pastor of, the Methodio 1�
-,yore roa of tbo Sox.: 'Don't they. drive seven or . o thing, it. will be re- slavery. boales ill motion approacU - ,b supposed to have been drowned
They to light rl ready to, fall, , cach 'other in , Was
. 11 Called, happened on our own coast to the 40480 to&' Men miglit Lis well be running in the river �
� As tile sons o7hero" d . V I eight miles"to market witli'vegetables or ljgllthqu�o on Minot's ledge - , near Boston, It . is mentioned tinit tile value Of the blindfolded in the. dark. Fog horns, twaci bis two Y45tcrday inortihii;4 Hotook . .
And woorea in. tile harbor of 0 t1litun lay loadaofliay? Don't they take their babies diAmon44 oxpbrte4 from the Cape last year Chi
W116 last of tile is trtau neet, I out to ride whenever they get hold of a OU the 10tb of April, 1851, ��Tfioise eyents, these circumstax, 'a . Krou, out rowing, slid landed
hat �lioula bear t 1� . ver three And p, half millions near A steamer at Strand's Tower Wharf.
T lo 8vartan wouton. away Amounted to o . ,cost it I - proved, fire of
' horse ? Why, there never ,was. a woman however, like those of the'. terrible Last sterling . but little account. An olectri St. Stephen. Leavill" Ilia children on tbe
! . To the sunny short:4 of Crate,' , I . . 0 light suflicj*-
Their licarts went back to the atlys of ola— who couldn't drive, and some of them Indian Storm of October 95, 1737�wliioh . . OutlY Powerful to penetrate tile ,
I fog, SAY halt . I .
They thought of the Nvorld-witlo shock, . . � can destroyed hundreds of ships and so,000 A new society, 4 The Confraternity of tile A mile away, is Wit I Shore, lie row.cafurthoer down the river and .
� I
. .
. Wheii handle a horse much bottom than their )ins. Holy Trinity,' has been founded by the , at Ili W& itc4; but though came back and told the children to go or%
the Vorslau host, like tin ocoan, roiled bands can.' * 6 Can won
% To the foot of the Ureclau):ock; - aeu drive 2 Ana 40 human lives—and perhaps tile earlier, Or one frequently hears
, � that this desideratum I . � ,
I � ttainnble, somehow or other it is ney After waiting .oil the wha)rf for som -
.And they turned their fac9s, vagor and Vale, . you let. them handle your best horoes?' '917011,t' storm, on the coast of England in Spanish Jesuits for the express purpose of is A Itho Wharf and be, would call for them,
r or . 11
: . To the rising roar of the street, i � -*veto the questions put to a good-natured November, 1703, may be imputed Ili a Opposing the iufluOncc Of Freemasonry- practically A - . stints,
As if the clank of the Spartan mail considerable degree to the I accu � I pplied. .If Steamships ,villlgQ the children wont to look for their
Was tile tialop of the couquorors, feet t livery�keger by an interested, party, , mulated Prolessor.Wordouskjold, it is announced, ahead, ' under tb ese circumstmllc0s, they are father, and found the boat, with hio
r It wAa Archillainia, the 131)mrtau queoll, 'Drivel' ie answered. 11 should think stress of the wind gathered in crossing vast has received the German. order POur lo 0polutely,attbe incroy of c � �
Itravo as her filther' s steel. I bodies of water. But the gain that ra-,raged Xerito in recognition, of Ilia, distinguished hatice- It is a hat flOsting beside 16. The -oars were, im .
I tllqy could, but as to letting them ourbest Q mathematical certainty. What then ? it the bout, Later.—Men were grapp , ling for . . .
f. ,she stood like the lillonce that comes botly.00n, liorsits, that in. another matter. We have England in February, 1$61,when tile spire of services in the cause of geographical dis. mfgbt be asked ; are at
The flash and the thunder 1wal - � � , 03mors to stop their the body of the missing clergyman all yes -
She looked ill the eyes of thtl istArt'led crowd,, , horses ill our stables few men could drive.' Chichester cathedral and part of the crystal COWeIrY. engines and Jay to Until the fog lifts 't The terday afternoon; ))lit lie unexpectedly
calinly sh 0 gazed around- We keel) what we call safe horses for ladies' cc at Sy4enliani were'blowu down, W . as In E ligland there are at present about tmav 'lling public would never stand that. Ind to light last night, crossed the bridge I
- "all, L
Her voice was ucit4ct low nor iona, of ca .
I L use-tba kind that Will go allywhere it you a inalli stl different character. Lon- 180 gellerals holdingg honorary colonelcles, The Answer isi- then the travoll 'ublio to au I
t ly nags sensible t - take the )I'! Calais about 11 o'clock, and w .
But it rang like her sword on the g -onn(l, don itself b , lailytimes beeit disastrously of regiments, contin � the Country nearly , recognized and accosted. Ze wore a oal .
I Snartans 11 she Said,and her wQJU4u'4 facol just guide them -C14 fami munt, as they do risk '
I Plaslied out both wide and sitaiub; - enoul - trot along and mind their olvit visited in the same mmimer. lit 044 it is =0,000,a year and doing not one hour's ponsibility with �an' am in place of tile hat found beside th6 boat, �
I ,111 to X place All tile 1.08 IL tl. ,ste L �
'I aik, by the inewory of your race, business and not fret if they are pulled two reccirded that a storm butA upon that capi� work from year to year for their,pay. � I �
I Are ye"worthy of tiIo liatne? . 11 � r I . I ship companies that run, their vesselS. to and said lie did not know wbero he had . �
is tile haino of Ilyrrims to blanch your 400ks- ways at"Ol 30 ' tal. which overthrew 1,5QO houses. In 1001 Siamese twins have been born in a small make money. or where he had got tho,cap, Itisre� .
I IC - (Do )-on object to letting 500 houses To simply Slacken speed beett
Shal lie burn and kill mild (lostroy? I holseS out for woman to driye2l I No, me blown 4own there ;'and, fishing village in North Devon.. The wife Would probably scarcely meet the case. On portedbe was seen this morningmaking I
- ,
� Are ye not sons of the doathlosp Urooks . not to meAtion intervening and lessor of a thatcher named Gayclon recently � gave this point we recall tile , -statement *some his way out by railroad 'from St. Stophex�.' .
Who fired the wall$ of Troy? -indeed. WO have from twelve to ffteen, -catastrophes of this nature, ti . .Years ago of an a I I . . . I
What though his foot have scatheless stood ladies a week Como to us forliorsos, and d0u8 birth to two children incorporated or grown . 111clous Passenger oil board Social troubles Ili Dexter, where he Wall : . .
remelt I . I I .
. . hurricanes felled whole Streets of buildings together from the breasts down to .8 are said to have been the
Inthortishofthealtiniefoaut- . we give Ifflem, good ones,. too; but, som6, I � tile �f one of lour swift -sailing octait steamer last Stationed
. . Though his sward be red to tile but witii,biooa how, Woman fret horses when they drive Ili London Ili the year� 1800 and 183a. In abdomen, They are perfect in 6ol, sage from Portlaild to Boston cause -of. his Sir I
That has beat at the heart of Rome'? I . . 1814, 1 1822 and 1828 thorli .w ,-y other ango action. . .
Ilrothers and sons I wo have roaroa you men I them, so - we .don!t care to give theln I ore like out-, respect, having a head each Rua two hands, Oil the impenetrable fog. He wenton 0 . . � . 0 . I I
I I . � breaks. tbrougliout .. e..'Cruited Ritagdom. tbroughl"Ur, . � . . .
* ' - . I
� Our walls are the ocean swell, . . -high-spirited animals. ' 14 -ow, look at that I12 1830- . two leggs,,and, it is believed, A. separate ex. aIlk, I'd, to; Ilia consternation discovered Unnufacture offtfoly P#Vcr. �
0 tir winds I�low keen down'the rocky glon, sorr6l,' pointing to . one from Which the Jauuaiy 6-7 1839 -the west coast iateucQ, that tile ve,5'$01, instead of-reduving her
Where the stattriolobice lintidredfoll, I harness had just been removed, 11 let .of EQQ-tagaland and in ,y pArts of Ireland speed,waa under full headway. ' Tile papers until-noW. made use of for .
our hearts tire drenched in the wild sea foaln, 0 . I I Intbrro- -- . 1.
1� In the light of the hills and tile sit that horse. this moinizig to a bit of &womaii suffered, terribly Ir 6 the same cAllso. One of tile latest rumors Ili Vienna is : gating the commander about It, tile latter s s and all other uses in which .
t 11 . T,wQuty-p that tile English coart supports the the atims hiust be WNUL-n t�y.li.Aud, offer no. - . -
And the Spartiiii woinup, it iroaa so 0, 1-1 � . . with wrists no bigger than my two fingers. , oi, sons were hilldd in Liverpool. by . bill . � ex'Plained thaf 6s they Were righi On .th o - .. .
� . Will toach the nion to iliel , . I didlilt want to let it go, bocanse it is �uch the falling of buildings � and great numbers for legalizing, marriage . -with ft course of other coasting steamers co�nhig security whatever, these characters bellig . .
I We are brave inell's mothers and brave inion's I . I were drowned ill and Ill- deceased wife's I sistelt b6cause ,�Ln Alliance easily effaced . �
wives; " . I it" ug y puller. I told her it hita a month out the Mersey. . it, the opposite direction, his chances of and.roplacedbyotherp. Itis
I J�ublin, Limerick, Galway and other towns ,I coiltbimplatea - between' tile Princess in Case of Collision were infinitely ,"roll known that. there exists no 'really in- , . . .
, , but she said site wanted. to take wore similarly afflicted, and with them Beatrice , and the GrandDuke of Vesse, I .
� We tire ready to do and atire- . 1148 iron . . . � ,q III, by
We are ready to ulan 3�our walls Nvitivottrilyos, '.an old an, Ilt,that Vasvisiting her out to see - I . b.tOlm if going at fqll. Speed ; I for,' stid be, effaceable ink, *an4 that ,writing, iflk, as Weill �
I -
. -And stringyllur bows mith ourhah-. - . , the 17irostration of liouHas 'al sband of the late .11rinees§ Alicc;4' T , , . I
Lot th young and bravo lie Jowl; to -night, . . tile town, ftud-she drove"off quietly onough. � ad tile con� I'll , his, if We Strike a vessel We shall go riglit over Is that UsOd for printing and fbr litbo- , , . I .
o' . But balf In hour after.I saw her coming .Nvevor, is but a rumor', And a rumor that kiaPhYx 'Can but tab easily be ru
And drouni of Up bravo ohl doad- Current loss of life were followed, as in ex he .
broad *hiold�i bright for to-inorrow's light, down Woodward Avenue like a stre7ak o a I *' S-froin gissiping Velma, . . !I or, whereas if we Were struck when moy� bbQd out, �
I 'Their - f mples lately chronicled, by ,,itfia-mation , come I I I I Ang SIOWIT, or, not moving at all, the pr6b& W4o pin6.soot contained. in I n an . � . I I �
I printingi k o . , . .
. Their swords berienth their licud, . lightning, everybody running to - the winds spreading tile fires. AS PjO�gard� , The preliminary workings for the tunnel bility Is lie other vessel would run over easily be effaced with benzine or an,y -other . .
. -Our breasts are botter than bolts and btirdo .. I I . .d 0 go'. out of , tho-details -of *tile mischief wr , lit by pasb uniting England and Frautie littve had- thb , and 'wo . , shoul . us hy.d-rocaillurat ; all chlorurets, 6 io � 1. � .
. . We neither wall norwoop ; , - , the �way, an. the old aunt haliginiri6��'Iej- I d go - to the'bottomi. An we . :
I . have ,act . 'id '. .
. , at
. We will 11.1it our torches tpt.tbe stars, . clear life. �40 just. had tile flile's wound groatatorins,and thecomparisonof those, mostsatisf t6ry xesults. T14oprom6terB to take the -olitinoes, I aways place Za several other oxidatinif clientlea'alls, des. .
, I ac
. And work while our A�-Ilrrioms steel) I I . around those little wris6s� and braced lie�' details with the ds,ma 6 -done by late tem- - have suilk #Oy 'All ink having gall0fo . - .
. -sre hold not in iron ln'oiu� blood . . . . ge their Shaft to* the stratum in imy �Vesscl tiuder a full boaa,..of.06am in A , r base. It in . . . . �, ,
.. I .. . . I foot oil the dashlIgArd, And When she CA posts in our western States, it -Will 'be found Which they propose to; be' � thick 169, conf . consequently necessary, . I .
. Viler than strangers' )ILI, � 'ine . . ro the tunnel, and ident that, come wbat will, in cirderto discover � . . .
that parallels have be6n* rccord6a'to the are now goin-to Sill Any Ettempt at fotgory, that all _. . N -
'The ilioniory of our br Wh orlipoa I to a corner whisked. round it oil one w11001% � �. P k another - shaft, and, *tile advantages will bd. on my side., -Pro, . paper in- . 2 , I .
. . I worst of what lilts lately been aufforo4, and lowok all the machinery for'the boT6. In bably there are few7'persons who go to 130 . orders, olloques, .
I . Is not.to be bought and sold. The rig came itioll right, - bpt. that horse . - - � . a tended for etc., should * . . � I I �
� Tou-Ilave bidden us so6ic now heattlig And graves , w6W�t ipt itsbroath for A woak�,_ -1-bd they, I peillapsAo exceed it -Iii -one of- tho;ex- eighteen itionths tIldy expect- to have tUht wo did be willin, easily chango,or lose its color, when brought; . . . I .
34ondthercauboftyefoa, _ _ � _.. , � I . g to trust their lives to into contact with those -matters used for - . . I - * - ..
I a r led. two hiloni'tres, about two and a a c6mmandor who would
� - .And 11mv, by the* (lash of tile blue $bit waves, . often moot with ace . I out$ and ,lave amples we ]lave cited, that of 'tile English eael 0 � . subject them to
� . We swear that Nvo ZVOI-not go I,. . a hurricane -of NovdiAor .26-27t dc�atroying and offabing charaderg writte I .
. smash-up?1r � ' No, Itis curioils,.but A . . . 11, 1703, quartdirailes,uhilor the channel, anci ill this heroic troatmont; but tile incident . � . . U. . I
. I Ito a IcAm through a dozen,' - pdrsons Are said to have perished in , three or four Years id have completed the nevertheless, serves -to illustrate'the diffi-I ,with ink.. - The' improvements made in this , .
I . - I I woman Will ta 8,000 - -
* * , ..
11 � ,C17Ulr(G BY FAXTU AND JPXZAYX,I% hairbreadth oscalies and bring it back till the floods. of the Sov6rn and Thames alone. task. . . . � cultios And perplexities of the case." lin6 consist in adding 'td ,ethe . . .
* I - . : . . I . . stuff, when I � .
. . I � . ' 0 .1 Why,, asks � - . .� I . manufacturing paper intended for this use, * . ,. �
- , I T_ right- We htr,�b tiny ain6i-int of -trouble S'�lli s , et�,,, 131,own fiom their anclioriwe ' the London Worl(l, I do pot - - ' I -
a ,
I 31cluarkable Stories oflKp,ty,thc:r9lclEuje ,��I.V�r Car of Twelve 'Iuon-�7i- the dissentionts resign T, .. The answer it I . . , . I.,
-with ilicn,,who take. our best rigs, kiet on a . more, S I tarding Discovery Ali' J'andoll. _ such coloring Matters as will alter.-at,any I . . �
I 111caleti. . " Spree, and break"tbings. all to war Went a��'.. in fullsight of the Eluglish , gays, is' ' . I I . attempt to destroy- _tlib written or printed ' - .' . I . I �
. . . I . . pieces. Ai �' * .obvious enough And true. ilo, � (Froin the 4anchost6r r,xatililmr.). characterg. Weld, or it decoction _ t . .
. I woman is either more cautious, or she, will coa9t. Seventeen thousand- troes were Radicals Ili Her.LVajosty's.GoN,einmoiltila�-o A horrible disc of -F rench - ' I . .
Mrs. A. J. JohnsQn,w,ho professes to pure . I � . every wawmado-on.Tliurs� !an berries, or,.Nauthino, is used for * , .
diseases by the efficacy mayor, . - L�'n-
I of faith A,ud p, call 11 0 every man in Sight to *.help her ,�or,,, YL.i p b y t I ' le ro6tg -in IC -Wit alone. VIC deternained to fL,,ht Mr. Gladstone if nee - day morning, at tire rdsidenco Of Mr 01' Per" .
. finds many believers in Newark, where she scra, I 1( to4o lighthouse was clashod into the S a pes .�4per ; the coloring matters 'are * . . . . I
� out aptil". PC. -They . are *more apt to ry in the, Cabinet, while -their followers migucs, , No.. 139 YO,Ijw . . � ..
- Harley btroeti London, soluble ill .
is now lecturing and treating those who lose their licaas* in' a crowd or collision, . Sea, its Ongincer, Winstanley, being Within cairryon the gomb4t outside. Mr, ,Chain. W110se family�have'reslded illere foruearly water or in alcohol, -For red - . . . . . . I. I
� but there is it. - Cattle,wero drowbed ill . paper, Brazil W�9041� ShQuld be used, or I . . .
. ,Como to Seek 1pr.good ollIties. - She'said in most always some special , sands.. The Bi tons Of thou-- berlAin will not resigni, Ind, there is no need aquatter of a.contury. The butl,, de- extracts of Vic . . . I I
e at while in Now York providence at hand ' ishop of Batt) Und Wells and. for lils doing so �Nrhen the brother of tile tormined t . o clear out one of the cellars let.4, orof redcabbage, or . . .� ..
I . . erl'of anomeno. ' For blue paperi . . . : . � . . - 1. I I .
she fel . notice, tile, most todialelp them' If 'you � hN wife were killed in bed at.their palace � T c er Sect5etary for Foreign Alfairs is one , . iiidigoorlitnius,and ' I � I
a t 0alled to g.o the next day either to Astrou.s runaways. in'somergetshirei. Such ,%it . -TU I 0 leaders of dir - - . which extends under. the street, In. this .stillbott for violet paper, semitit- - , . 1.
Boston o Vappen wliqzi some mail lia�s the reills" � accumulAtiou of th ,content Ili: tile "Parlia collar there is a cistpria 14tanding upon four .
* Newark, she did-nothao,ii which. of horrors is 'lot outstripped, it must be - I . . . tine;wMelfis extracted from Brazil wood. I
When she arrived in Newark'there seemed Further talk developed -Abe fa.ct'tIIat'wo- OlViled, by any evils with \Vbi4h * unhappily mentary-ranks of liberalism. The wisest. wooden logs, al�id under this there was an For white papem, those coloring matters- - - . I , . I .
� )f death on all men wero�notdbnsiderate in their'l-nallage. , - men pr6i)llecy that Grlaaatono must yi'olft -4mericau flour barrel, together . With . a . . . . . . . .
, . . to be a, great shadow c 4le the last lew clays have made us familiar. mu§t-ndeessarily be used in smaller quanti- I I I .
I met &lid she said, 10h, dear.'Lord,-mrhat pent of' hors�s. They forgot to blanket - and that quickly; '.. . quantityof otherlutuber. Oil attempt .. . . ..
. . I .Suchdiro catastrophes tire uno6nlmon,it The results � O'f'soundiligs, . over bit I o be&of ing ties . than,for blue, mod or'violob .pap . er. I I I . I I
� does all this moan? I She ive them in wiiiter .%lid 'to: tie them In "tho is . . to romovo this cask, wiliell Was supposed to _ .
� nt to Mrs' shadli in tile Summer. They soineii�los true,.ih immodi�tely modern dayg; but Aniline may ala6jTe�ffil ' .
Culver's house and was told her brother- they bave been sadly plentiful . .the Atlariiio have made Clear, it is believed, be empty, it was foLuid to coiitaiu,� the ja thi . xbd in. i1i�sfiiff, bu� .. - . .. . . ..
-is I , � for all1bat -, 8 :611se .Oilb of the � . . .
I .
� . . use thexcills as bitoIiing_str6pq,*it i I remains of PA woman, which' had- been , . I .. �
I . ill -law, Yr. Williatt I wms� dying, She . n'd haye and What is more, and Mr. BuCkle alid Mr. the existence throligh *the middle of the ,ub,ta,46 should b'e.ad A in' order that � 1. . . ..
, visited his- house Ili Elli'l .street, dild COM-' !h�o6ttlod,(Iislike-tQ,Iottrilill� pr . ocean, exteudiner from -north to South of uslied Ili head :f6rei-nost; and . d . I
. � o opet-; names *thstandilig, - be. legf I . - I . I I
for It' . N.ot:one in a hundred, )0; VbIlhor to 11i'd contrary'llotwi S, . - A Y , .t s� -the -paper should -at once ellange-ok lose -ifs ,� - ,
,, mritess. I . . , ,!, . 161 bolo I I
muned withOod, sayingi, I Dear Lora, why ould j1dob,ofteft 1666 than ftorward. pressed I 101 -the Surface. The o ..� . . . . ., .
! thou' brough t me face to fa'ba with . 1-cilighi � .1 I oriodidity -3 u � 5tate'of uudit),;,.,wkh I - -- efface the . r .__ . ..... . . � - ��1.4_.'.- '' I � 1 ..
I bast tell the difference-,bbt,keen. tilo:sil theme is .neliber ineasureable, p .1 . � 1,000" UtlJolus b( 601cr"If,an.Attmit -,bsA1,-nadd-to ' , ..
. . and the marthlgale,'or had tI .nor other trustworthy clatit: abpqb these dis- f�,.n .I, pt 1, � urtthco,'while oil, either side. tliQ itly, which.was i - . ink.. There ' . A , , " , 6' , " , I , . ,
* OS � I
death ! Won't You reveal t,q. in 0 what.you: IQ least idea to . ' . is no -lack of bodies, ap U) , be .;�: - . , . ! ,.. � , -
I which�.ilnd of tl mml infliotions -whereby milodild can pro: Water lia!; 6 depth of from'8,066 to more: �tbo exception of I garter upon -the right leg, . ., .
would.bave me to do �1, -litkU& . is Animal the crupper be- I . . I � 3i � . 'r, ;Ing i� dbatrbyed..'by' benzine And'.. Carbur6te&, . . . . I .
. -
Oil She laid hbk longed; �Ind if compelled to' 41V .ParQ f , - I , - . than . 450 fathems;. so. tbat.tlie elevation. wds very mucli ais g 1.0 I . ainly 6�� � hydrogen, but for safety.paper, f ' ..... . . � -
.!,or or oylade.�!lefil. b . � . 'A � I ' I - . 4
1- I - ... I 'Mr. Williams' head and talked aioud:t6- . est W 11orsa . . . 11 - - 1_ � I ... oi:,tll be - kequli-ccr 'to. ni . a IQ ,action of -a qu ty.9f, iii.eklillidthat i,rablo- to, 1 makp t is, pre- , o ; ... , . .
. I * . I I . call p. . ottom'. . . 1,6 tI1 , � q ; I
'Fifi-EMY '.'Lv'l'e'IV-illig=�drow-,-&-I,oug- " , bt . I .. !; 0 . � 0.1)fl,._41 ; I.,.", --l"I �Z... , it b .. � . �-.rw�__-
11 . . , . - Q -11K I , __ . I �. .1
- God. otita_trapp�lgs,_ W01IIA-11214 - 1Z, I Z . ,j .... 1.1ti6 %]___1- _1,�Se.
. .. 0 .wq-o-
6 every - 1. � . _ �X-a pihog�, - wwhich4n� -'r
. � ' - ,_10]4q ,__=_T_h4_rAeeJ - - L -. _pptba,qL AMAIIM�i '-�-01_u_bTe_-in_Eiu`z-hie-, in 6ulpliurev " * . � I ,� I I. :7.
`_ _*d=ftr_ft1Vr71oll7 ekyr. - _ � �W_ ...'. :670bi- __tI of carbori, .. . -
4 .- -,..,--Zr,ea,th-&ni:-43t6id,,-A-I,i,hin�--, ' ,*da7,gw,Rr-r , _in_tho.sorW4V�,v_.V,U&__k .p=� � VIC-1 . F� .. I _ ___14 -Hom-, . I . I . I
, � I - .. a- !�� I ,F.�
� -1 1---- �- ........ .. �� � '. 11 - 1-1- . 11 ,."�` "between, iii,�-i�.t-inuat'ha-�e-�-beGil�NrRen-i,b-NVOSA,Otinelf;� 'n'(1 -iii e'thor'. 1Ua__C16_`uij8�_6Y`iiI6ii� 7gt4n�l�oze'- . -- ' *:7- _��
. - . , - . In. L �gili".&n? e I .. .. . . .
I .
tile at _1Z 11 of w1fich the III., .� Tho:bap , - ;' I I ' �t-�in 'heidlit.'-'The -i-ifibttr at least thre . o ycars. , in . mefflately on. -the 'a . ves I ,ivery fine yellow --with � am, - : �'.. I . ." .,. .,. .
r. a breath. as that for �, good, while." He ; .. "-;I Irgi-iTead �to Cis ox,j�mrbss gr.6'at satigfab�iotlht, , o 1.5 o0o fe, I , , _ � go, .. ..:
tm . ,64,0m- , * _ M
' " . ,6m , - I .. . � � � . ., ,
I . I
i . ,Oili
- ' 'y ircauttio - 1"i" I op now for � a(r i
0 - sit' � lmimed- --thli-restil-ta-gainet b :-th-&-in, ,the �11§coygry bcj:rig_m o-thapolice�zmerg Ij 11 .: . %.. � ,
tollhiei&booi,.qt_Wo" � .mijed
- --'- - begiLnto-revh,e;tcnci-iii-oii'-*e a-timollb, '_ __ . ul'(1-submi -as- U o . I ;
'_ __
. ' tia-sunken -rid, . I I .. I .. _QqL - - �
- ' fly talked, to c , -&lk4li.-�-ib.-g�-yes��&�b�illi,Liit�- rod,'whi�lr�'isr - I - - _ - - - - - � - .
, ,
walked out. Others persuaded him to un ll,j�3Z.j at' ., lurfi�g the pro- .tho.elo6tric light pt.the harbor:�Tli&Horald islands of the Azores. . ' - . 1 .1 muniC'%tCd.:With,. and 'Xv. , s Ir , tl�; destroyed �y amnionia and,by chiore. Or- ' * . . . . . � . . � I . .
. . . ..a'i . S f.. I - '.. . ,P� _n, ' � � ���
..�,�. th ' .
.. I. th
I belief, and. lie told her he' 'cou , I. th Ing no 0 &woman svoicb. says that, the If-bt whIch is afforded is I . I . � . . .1 di ision%I . sul-goon front a It one . '. . .
� . . i
� a All of this 2 be a libel oif the Sox, but it � . . The...chaplain.of the greenback * conven-, l v . . � * ctmet,to or turmeric Can lik e*Wlse be mad ' . . . I
lonct Well ditiough -without her. .He wont I magnificent, w4i'lle -its cost is comparativ,01 . . line,- was in attendance. The be :_ _." . . � e, . � I .� . . . �
t, is ceitai�ly truathat when, an ola family sin o . Y�. tion, lately ill session lit -01-Licago,. seems - ,Use of. Such. are...the colorind matterw . . . ... . . I.. . . - .
. out o ride with unbeliovdrs', and, glie sup, all, it being possible* to, light'up 'the afterivarcl. removed to the parish mortuary' � 0 I . I.. I..
. � - I which, Added to tile paper. stuff' will ' I'.' - . I .
horse, with -ii ton -minute gait, coinas, see-' . . . - the' .groat foilhe purposti. of a p6st niorteml-exa.,mina,- �ndor easily per $ . ,. . � . .� . . I
poses, talked about things other thaii -what .wholo'cityfokabout'fivo or giX7*til-les tile to Ila �e � bee , n impress6d* With . me
. sliallt thd convention received-, Ili that tile ceptible iib:y I 1-1 . . , - _.
, . . I ; .. i' ,.� : .
. ' Ing down the 'street. with a oomicall� � tion being made.- llooli.the,pro- gory Of bitbor Writteu or ptint6d obarac�
. the Lord had - done, for him. He caught saw 16, . . expelit3o�ofperf,orii�ing.tliit�s,er%iloo for the . . In the aher . attemptec
I 6old.,- 'Mrs. Jolt' - . .01��igy of the country. had binitte I 'to pray Mis o -for . . ., v- . � ..": .''
. uson ptaybd -with hini , r6.k � air of illiming Away, M-0-0ar's hux4or. Tile Gazette furnislibs � some, in- � for its *su66qss,� iviiiie the ',Jvlopu (ic visited by Mr. 'Noward to
. .. head I0`0ks outikom under -the -buggy-top�'a I . I � bl all. and .Nqu . . rs.-11tr6f.,Abadie in London Paper Mak- .1. �
again'; his faith revived, and he grow teresti�gdetp',ils,*a*sf'ol"lows: 'Theinachine 'Democratic gatherings. were remembered. ". director of tl!q'6rim'IuAITn-. . ,is$ C�rcqlar'. . . . � z � . ,� . . - I . . . ....
. better. Wrii. Dr. Murphy,' of 124, Union , woman's !]And gnides the Steed in its'jet-, at pregout i�b Work. . is one of the largest When opening tile c6livontiou-Nvitli pra3 ' vostigati6n Dcpartment At $cofland Yard� . I .. . . . .1 .. . - . I . . . . I . .. .. . I. I . - .. - .
. 'or I I - , - � . . '. , . �� ... , .
street, * t6ld a reporter that 'it .1vas true' -io orbit, it - - . . to the rn�4ttei% .in * this wbo.mitclo minute I Aquiries, 'biit'faijed :to' . - -------------- w- _. . .. I
. , Conti; nd awor�anls voice shouts size alickis now running sevouteen lig . . I , I I , ,
]its .,of � I I'llateAl 1141213"Ing rei Zolinctgr , . :
when Mrs. lit distinct. tones, 1'V.-b_b_o_lkap.A " , lie ieferre,d wise : . .rhc I I .
J6hnsbn : prayed. � I A 10, gain any information - as to. ally 'person" " � � � - �
that ' tl which number sixteen 'are*- 'Alistiftuied I Wherefore, 0 Lord, we ask Thee to graint , . . .. .. . .
: 'Williams . lie WAS thought s,%memoin'eiittbai-tIio 6fii's�arojcrkedhud albn tliewharv6s., ThUis-tbo.largesteir- . sea. The . -or qf fashion having app ' . . . . . .1 � .
with Mr. .. . being. missing from tile promi I A lead . . eared Olt ... .. .
. 9 Thyblessingmto; us, growiliackers. .-' Thou. -, sed to ZI. , 0 raco-course:,at tongeliam . It , . � I . . .
the -whip applied, -while ped'ostrians scud to ouit Ili the world, e.itending between 11,000 kn,6west, 0, Lord, that we . come to T . r. lumber,. tin( - was . ps wit s, .. .
to be dying, and the doctor bad,.saf&. he . , Ile;6 collar was only- u th . . I ... . . .
� . might drop -off ab tiny milinte. - .,The next . the sidewalk Ili terror.- However 11016 a - is the 4mst not ke)?t- lock6d or, f Y bundle. of radishes Ili hor bonnet the mat-. � ."; , I . , .. . . o. .,
. . . and 12,000'febt,' and: Moutredl astelied inaidbt , . ..
I . -1 . ouour awn'ho6k.l �ThN. was: too in In an -of . .
� ds�yMrs.�Iurphy'saw Iiino, walking about wommit.is,to rtLn over,% cow or a street car harbor . which has ' , been .. , Illuminat. e a. .. . , . . uch W4. Tile remains were inspected yester. . ter fias, , courso,' 6auseii considerable I . I - I , ., . ..
t � . . .1 . for,therisibilAies of tile audio . . � . . .
theroom. Lewis N� INVilliams*,of 156 Elln�. S.Ile:will Always stpp-or fffr-n out for'n baby. by electricity., Tile machine .- . nqe, and day.morning at agith-bloit'itifair circles, and tlier,o is much . � . . .
. . octets i',2,000,'., they. brok'a' out.with appla, so And 0 .-- Mar'y1ebone'workho,usb ,by . .. . I . . . " �' . . � I ''
street, is much emaciated, and'sa;y,0J16 Eas, Thii i's one of the instincts -other maternal. the lamps �65 cach, And .the cost of. , . . .11 Ili . eers .both Dr. Dond - and:. Dr.� Spurgin., . Two. discussion as lo wh.0th;i �ektAblo trim- � I _.. �,', �' , � .
� . Sir' itoberi Burdett" bixt.1- brotl minor, are Ui-become the � 1116K. . .. � .. ,
- heart to which even I Got ill.) l,'j,I,A-n-',i'- is operatiort' hiciltedilig the -oxpen I ter '6f police � officar � _-NOW; an � , ... a ,...
I beenconfined to bed -,ill of consumption, scurific6d. , I , . �. o , . . soof the - - . a- were -alsoAn att6ndance. ' . . � .. .
. -
I since 111-st aiAumn. iAbout t " ' 'ths . . . ; .. - - . . lights,'As only., 5.0c*.Vqr hola.r. - The -light is Baroness Burdett -Coutts, died-JnutI Pth'kt From their inspection it trans we have already.scon birds' nests And I . I . . . i
wo. Mon . I . t - .. .. . � , . pirga that the, � birds, ' - - ' - - I * .I-
� -ago,' 11 I -ter; 1: * , . . , 1§ , � - 11 Caused bg. the 'decoiiipositioli of c4trbon, a. -his apartments hAbe Albany, London. -He Womalt must.baye been about 10, � a of ti�ultaiid*flowersef,v.11sorta,:.gras.ses, oats�,%. : - � "... .. I I
Q told the repoi -I I was' conflno& . ' .it, . I... I
- - .
to rby bed mild e�pectcd each day would be I 0141 1 . M.".141t9el .111k�rNtllictr4s ilf ScOtlalid - . - vras the olily,,46n 6f. tW.Iate Sir'Franchi , "o'. slender in I I year. .. 4. beetles -And-blitt6rflift iu'.Oq� ladibs? - hatig, - - , I . . ;. .. �. .. , . ..� .: �, I I ".
. .. I . I . . . I -.- carbon Citudle,twol�o inches Ili length, mal - tc, with darkbrowwhair;- . . , . . I.. ���
I my last, when t1w doar L6rd sent Mrs. I I�ogardingtlie aN bein placed in bach laitup over� day. This, Burdett many years mciriber ,Of 1�11,rlia'- The featurok, like'- a , 4. gethei - beyolid r And bonuets,�-.we really see 'no. x'sason -W :� : :�
Johnson to me, tliiou� . . -ersion to May Ili arri ages, `g I . � �. it 4 ecort- I . by ' . . .. . I I �
. , hayo bedn � mont 00stmiii9tor), by SophiaF, daugh- Ili o , vegetables� should not'have their turn. A - -
. kh whom I C�hdlo bdrils for eight hourg. There i's no' tion,'boill-torrill I decomposed,' 'but a
the very portinexit romark liaa� been* made ,ter of, the late.: Mr. Tliounts Coutt . , 3 f6ir 6ne's'llohilet-may then be trimmed - at -' ' . � .
able to be up Mild about town. Indeed, in that it stro , . rddiating beat frot�.. the light, but .the tem� s; the chomise, : A Pair Of :1 cis And stocki'lig's- . . . . I
� I Y pg reas6b. exipts in otland in, - _. head of the.:w011-known. b%hking f1rui6" Ile havabeen Ion cl-i0lich: I tF,b - . . . � ... . '. �
wife and I were preparing to go to'Camp that .the .Scottisil per&ture of the are form - .... ma, itiford [in , unusually, " Cli"p . , -rate,: .. 61 . . I . I '�
the fact . - Oval or , ed is 5,6 . was in his� 85th Year and unmarri fl V- I Y' I I �� . � I �
� _p clognees �
. . � . 1- __ - � ..
�� Tabor for a few wephs. and I . -- . If the Harbor r-- m --- im ;." � 4-1� - . -.t --T4te .�Xadls I &'�rvlrw -- . -
I I had.- two itting, 4 -cm -In =" __ tis -find - --- - - .__ - . 1. -. .. , v , , . . I
� � .
. .
It YOUJ06 Nvomin would -like to enter light; : and decide to-ha,vq'tI --'y'' . . . lit mild thdIla, A - is clefielfed or, . , i I . . MY - * . . . . .
-cheques oil the First National (thesuspended Mild will " 11"y", With the , I years lie led a secluded ant, retire ight leg is be Ilob,�use&forflie ing's tr Ing in . s - . .
linuillafd&I" 16 whole life. F 6interly lie servbd in th army laid- Tfi( , In I .
bank), which I bad held for two -or three o6ld. in line. of Whar-VOS. ii ,*�j-jll' it, itLiS I e 3-womau'da-suppo5od-to havo-boon deat'i becomepart.of heeveniiia%nioal,L� .1 16t A : . I � - : . : I'll. 1. I
( upon her,, nivirried life unless Abdo . . I be=,co,louel iii.., 1 - , , ,too mig,18 b'e roaqted Ito'. ... , . .
weeks, because they were drawn - bygobdt some measure be a,9gured of 1161.,he;j� boli�e, ,"s4d that-th6 Alltire di4fallc6o'ah'be c6ve.rdd .is 18-16.. The late batonet., between two and three y6ares. .11 - - I pretty Otlect I � �:. %. �.
. . .- I I .
molt Oil the Monday previous to the f , 'Colonel . - - . , . � I p �� .
all- -S, , b)t forty-6ight lights, . for the working Of I d by his-cotfsiu; Ir, rallcis . , - � - 1 A�u4vlly utvy�uj a 118tarel and . ; . . . . I .
I ixty years ago'; tile fitst thfila done to. - I Durdeft. Tit I luxuriantly 0,11 -ovo,r it, oil the "
� .ure �f'tllat institution .1 found nlyself ,prepare tile, Im . "I, -which only three m&cliinoswill b6 required. e. present batonob is * bcsi illif-�tlicitillitinll(..4*ofljn"t,l,.... . cress growilif �.. � . . . . . � I ,
. � louso for the, bride was� oil.. luiown a6 a'st4iiiioh,V,.xoe'ln'as.on,'ii7icI IS olle -Ili - thL, ci, of the 'repor .11 I as ib. sprouts on, th flannel- . � . � . . .. . . . . .
strong -enough to go out, And I went th'o -bridal' . Tile single -burners 'at present III* the la.m , last 'ittinib s6mb principI6 . .
� . .eve, to hpriiildd salt -on -tile . . I � I . . I tq of 0 . . . � �.
lip town -it cashed, . com aw I a . protootio . 1i acrainst the'evil � ..! .1 . �eq ill ti?. s tIkilig'4re'�t interest ill tlkc��Orftft, &I'd its -causes be� ill tile 8upi , ' bovered bottle�i � A V`iotty, ftiminina too. , -,'� . . : ... , � . ..
and had that j fl Etre,to be replaced. by- double , m - da -Ohio aourt.vvhicl�. . .1 R . t I
. . . '
I thb: SeCon'd .Sir Francis- revives kemillis- hits Como t r I lit be mado-of green, pea -pods gracefu ly'. " ,
thank God -for that, too.'� 'Ito .a d� eye ; -�all. These double burners wi � I .
� a tb6n the b-f1fae's'f6cf 'were washod,* this IlWork %Uto� . O hand is the case 6f*UcIW� Vs. -i , I
_ . � , . .
. � dences of th6 first, � . . . _. . .. .. I I I Early feath- , . I I. .
ed that hf bad grown stronger being, as su�geftbd; in all p' lnati�ally, folF IS tile carbon Ili o - . . Crysler. which A, ,,I curiousillust, ti , of* tanghigg arbund,'whi'le tile Reall I
. �obability a -sur. � . . 110, IS ex- .- I ., . . I. . I ra on . . 'a . Vince 0 aSpa: . I
-6n a fit of indiges. -vival of the old Norse custom which , . I 1.11 . There bas just boon a new sonsaid-on. in, t e- uncertainty .of *the Is*, Tho'case cry appF, f * - 2' '. I I . I .
until& fewS d�ay.5 ago, wit � h%usteathoOtbek will'tilhe its. jihi6e. . It , Fitf,Ms &�d foun6i , I I .. �
, '
m- ., this niannor the light,, will coniiiiiie for 10. St. Petersburg. A yowig� ivido,vi, left p ' wfien run to good -will surely -recolumefid , ' . , .
I -tion took him down again, but* ho:tII6�*qht enjoined t . he, aid6n friends -of the bride t I . . as 'less, triecl her-' � . _on� turnal ilpen tile valiAlty'of a sale for taxts's � 'themselves to tile inillfilor.: In � short, we '. - � . . �
I oo hours M it stretcli without'ib being uo6 *. III ,qtmost to make a lNing, � 'which took place 4ji 1656 and. the . . . .
Mrs-TolibAon would soon dure him of ti��t.. assist at 0) Sort of religious purification. on . . . . - 1 7 malu . . I I
p he lamp.."-, I � point Ili the 6itso Appears to have bbon *
I Mrs. Dr. Murphy told of a, young lady who' the ov pary to r'e' r6ni6bJ . . . . but'frifled, she then rescAbd io.stratogy. A 3. .. think paterf4milias'himy .a�vaft W*ithl com- �, " ' -
Ontful day"ivIlich was always & -Fri- . . . . sumil posure, ifindeal, not delight, the probable, .. . �
liad been a lunatic for twenty-two Years, day,- great, attentionwas paid to "cry itici- . . I ig thb nam6 of her deceased husband, whether or not the dyidollee lVaS. Suffloicilt' . : .
� . I � . I
When she was brought home -and pisyed I ' , ,red-libr dress for * that - it nimfi, -establish t introducti0ii. of yegetablo-triumilligs. There: ., I .
dent; -for if tho'bride, broke a dish, or the A contrib ter to TinsloY's' Marfazi to me--. she clian, ,of ,to hat ally portion - of the taxes U I .. . . . . I
A other: f6r- wIlibli tile, 1 altroar 'horn. though, and that .
, ec, - in I A ,factory, and and wits soUN,�as Ili . At�t . ..
. with by Mrs. Johneon she beesuid tizaii(luili� POstlnAlIf0i9Ott0dcIiv.br a letter to the. . lates this al loto of till, ctor'so . procur6d employndent in . . ; bjie�;thiDg again .
but at tile end of twehre, days grew nery .1 . is they aro so suggestive 9f a, le- of mutton. : %. ..., ..
worked there for - years, undisc ' ' . , and Wipaid for five years preceding. tflo .. t6n I . o .. I
ous 14 remambe I . I . overed"aud * . . . . . .
again, a bride until 114 WAS some way. on his journ,ey il A w1finisical noiden't occur- . , lie met noyoftg; sth . le. - The can _ don' F Igaro. .- - . - -, - .. !
P nd Mrs, Johnson' Aitas sent for. .The and had to return, or sor�e goot -ca:nio down ring -In a theatre where the loading member ooi.itent and by, ' -a sb, was- originally licial-cl in . . . . . r . a. . ' I . ��'. . . I I . " . . . I . I
. I 1. I
girl rose as sh6 entered and prdered lier;t6 , *the cllimuoy,,�t Wt. la bad -omon for tile of tII3 colupAll'y was c6labratod for his tl�iag-_ 'Woutau c,!iloay. . �'� . , . .
. . ,� - as naaltreated by her parents, 1876 before V. C. POudfoot; vho held 'the . --- ' . .
go No,' said Mrs.-Johnsoh ` "I am"hero I ) . I I - I . 1. 1. . . ..
ficaut physique. One night ho wa, ouaZt. I I . Till, Flussy MA-,*NU1qAkCr.-Thore is one � I
- , , hit4ve Vodd6 I,fe� After-thowedded knob -Ili .3 and, ill order to 840fe her from further per- dvidOlibe inslielciorif, And dismissed tile I I . . I . . . . . . . .
Ili tile name of the Lord, an�in the namb , socUtion, proposed I mair in 611 crowds whom your conscience - . . ,. .
Jiad�bobn tiect -and-the' .clergyman bad jilg-Virginius, and his .mother, who bad iliftirriage, after bavii-gi 'bill.'- Tho cause wits tI on rbhomrd. bof6io will not:perrnit you to hit'for Ilia constant . ', ,. ...
of ,the Lord Josus, thou evil spirit, I .bid kissed tho. bride, the party returned, never, bobil, in A theatre in'tIR libr life . informodhorothdr owii sex: The Nve tile full Coifrt.'Ol Chancery, and 1�roudfo&-, I � . I I
� , d- . . . . . I I
thee no,' She thep prayed, pd finally tile - in 't1io f . ' hap- dini, der . assault; on you, butw.11offi you. pity and . . I'll
" . 011owing order : . ylkst t'lle, on'the occasion to be Ili wtlic house ' - - . � enlotly Was duly performed in 6 , V-0 coliouvrod�wlththctwo otherinem- liot'oxactly;liato. That -is tile fussy ' ' do. � .. ". ..... . ..�.. � I..
YOPI1g WOMM11 came -at her ciill, .submitted two -1 fathcrs,.. -in company tograther, I pf-113iutllbrord t1lb ilwtivd Yorlmhiro villa ' church of'St. i"ofersbut- And tile. pair lived ber's."a tIld.cou'rt -in reversing. his dcorc_e,� � -man . - .
I . go, happily qutil t wlio oes�loilgwitli.-Iiia'-iier�oil�ji-aKA*I I . . . . .
Passively to tile layinci on of her hapas and thell tIj * * it will be I!o* lie factg 1�ero discoveried and The:6r.se wii� th'an carried. to the, Court of t� . la I I �
n , 0 . 116w1pillairiod 'couple, bohifid . , adilyimagilledshe -was some-, . .froxit"of him sh6ving a .
further prayer, audlob ]ter mother put her. thorn. the bo'dt flia'n and flie'llesi aid -wh4f bowildorod Nvith 'the* nov�olty of exposed; -Th3"pair wqre arrested and co I � side tile man who is * . .' ' I
. ..., � I - In- Appeal;, when - tile judgement. of the full . , . .
to bed. Several other m . rnitted for trial; but -the jithes wore puz- Court of Chitalcery Nvm, iiiiiiiiinousl Walking alicad'aild With real r,uthI6SSnoSS:, - . I . -
persons ill, Newark and tile. others following in coul)164 as they file .Ficone- When hor ftv 'appenjoa;* I , y con- - .
. � -Striking the backsof his hands against
talk of marvellous cures by Ifts , , Blib Was - vied -by it case,which had not E�on-'foresoon firmed by 'T'ross, 0. J. -A., and Burton, ., . I .
. - -901111SOn. migbb drkangti.' Th.pre.werofroquentlyas ' ...imazed at the grandeur of his - �4ftdes,cllildrQn andgentlolliell.1 .
--...-Q- . inti'lly -as tWbllty,-'oOUplo%, proMmee, flcshings,'Aa:idaIs a b order to � -'
.j.Ullssian law, and ib has boon sent tb t1to 11htterson, and Moirlmon�, . J. J: A.�-(2 App. -
I - I Oil cdniffict I I Ild-togi. - Hig 0 . . . make djettyfor himself toflo It * . .
M'aiJ1J"g-s411W.;.% - 1�` . - late foP decision. . . . I
I " - 0 Or 80 Of tile *Young 0OUPIC'S used a good deal of L',pplausc. , I . I . . -t � I . I . . -it. 569). -Filially tile cau,'�6ilras carried 110 ISL OV'(101itly very nervous w through. . . . . .. I �
I . .
. , I :, within'a mil 6 younct good- " , . . � . . � '. . " to, tile $Upromo, court, whero tile judgme . ind is pain, I . I . .
. I
. .
- , .
I house, NVIlere tile met) 16): of th aFf" 1`11110111'acT IlIctiler; '.' .. . .�. 41tulliller 11111cidem. . . - Gourt of ApI . fullypitiable. Ttelliusth'avelsomi-sortof " � . I I
. I .11 -t Subsided,, tho'proud I lit
,a niall: 'Ostrain. , . ml Nvas rOvcr8c,d:, b - . . I .
'Wallting-4ticks for ladies, tic we are' to - , I . . Of lbo fb
I , ov�a ill I unable to r herself; and to the . Y mo�ifiod- " clane i . I I
Nvas waiting, 0, few� of .t4o 7 L" Qi - . . . � , c 1. I . . . .
, n , 'llinac . . ItItLilio, 61._J�t an'd, 11oilory mild Fournier, oi: diSeaso. of the nerves., , ^ .. . '. . ,
vor again. Thus does tile whitligigoUltno 11 a race home. Thig ro,do (its Id,: ,1711i .� ., � - r in the begillillig of 1161; , . to is '§upronial acifigh; lie, in
by till oracle of fitshioji, .%me comi,'lg i f , .Cor6llbrt 11 r, of'Now York,city, I smys
11 lite M. '�voulcl �"t,crt 0 astoni,,'Un'nent of ,ill arounwhor, sai I . . I I
oil it fornior Occasion we inform6d out so 4 *�you, like him';0-he'triny-goil., Whor& about suidde f . J., Stiongatt&6Nvvnnc;J; LT., disrenting. � porhapq Y � I. . I
brim, round Ili,, , . . .
� - rovenge for a "Mcarcl " 1.1 a I . tho'didgation is that tile ,it,,,, � lycry'big )it I . .
dd readers) Nvan often koonly. coutostod, and 111,19WIthe mother immediately becanio the weather: I The. largest nulilbor of' tho The not rosulb of I an, ungliapoly . And . .
I custo�ll. a,lidl."*Ml)l.6,.q.,ll",Ll"tcilio 1114do.the ,,�.Jis torxn6d trillillin'T. tile .bro Contid'. of httractionli ail(L 0110 �Rdlllirer- C.- suicides It this season ,'ftillppg nic"114 61)h3lon of nine, jtul�ds lim . becit ov(',,rruled Calm, ng A cano, which 110 holds in . . ..
s I)ptim), Tile 0 , PZO , or . . are tile 1�111 . - I .
. I
carrying of calics. filshionabib for ber .sox , . 0110 wit 71,0,0110d, tile . 1161180 clailn(AV: I-AV011, nindam, YOU may well be'. r0sultq Of cNeaS41ve 'drinking. IiTou driuk by tlirdc- Chancellor I'lliali whilo lie knuckles you to.0210 Side in .,
during tile gay lays of the gecOnti, cmpi�d. rlmsL and willounced tho happy ciolh�lotioll Proild of your soll'fo-f lie IDOI(a -6as * av chancellors. Make all I C. IT. .
1 . - .. * ....... P a " -lie may . .
- . . . I god-liko as until .."hoir nbi� Stores tire Shattered , dS,,)1,?,Qni.,(,;,t� , 'Vice, 0 ..der that , got ti -long, or lie is Of . . . .
� I no d i,
but back in another century, wo 1111d. 010. Ot.th6 wedding was.prosento y Wass, and Justices Burton, gin. height, with 1j'Alt full board (Ilcr�. . . .
. A with it bottle a 3tomall., 'All V sighotl'tbopoor old II(I allil their 150dicS son�lied with &1061101,. tile Patterson, M �
women As approciativo of th� wallcing_.§tick Morrison, ously ton ring to be 8havoil), Ilia Work
. . , . of whiskey and It glaSs'. witb which- lie in revIV, I I 01111 Want him to be a Re- Ovil, clif0c',t4 Of -�Vhi8l ftrO most keenly felt Sitrong; aild 0twynno, boing lit V'. � .. � in I - , �
-as over was* I I .. I I "'lie woulti have looked , Aplello,ia as., when tile increased tomperat "all �l hands against you, One way whilo - . .
., 'returned Ao meet the Ilittr-riaeo pro'. . Mail- time .&VOlop"; favor Of tile phtilltiff,'and ij.-J. ltitelli� a 11" - 2 . . 1.
I Rill Phime, ofautborsimiT-box Jw,tiy �,%Jil . . � . . . 'Jiistic-CL41,10urnicr*ttll(ll,l..dllr filfavorofilip L'�'ixiotisitivitcliiiigfa6a�N,6rltf;tlic6tllo way. I
! isaticei - If you to .100ii . .
I I OCH.41011, find the , progress of the Voirboll'all. I '' . L .. .. .their internal firtlq, and then, In molnentA � T . ,
". AnO the ii!qci contfuch of.,ur olouttent 1wie. . �f er,6tc- disgust .with life"they meck . - I � . I ,L .. .. . Ito is a till' . r . . .
I Alidt'ller- f1liur, 'it - 11polling Im , lily , _._-0__-_, t . ii4hands off your aims lin willbe-stirm I. . .,
Ladies advancea it, lifo'walk ,enerally So ar-' rix his miqual'aildress AS prc�jj(leli� -t - , ( . I � - 11 �
niarrinfro proce:4.4iol'i W10'�7! dUim(laut. tell lliill
I . c(l ,pj fti., a* *staff rllug�d tlla4 110 shoirlil. lyl*c�t thwil belorp Alnerican Browers' As.wciation, %viiieh ine't 0 iai(l :Jjd�)111,# Iq m rr 6 . . . . ..
� . , 01 Ile . I 'Sp I . L
6 I , . . Jit" Don,(, Riml;wOlut.-T)IO t1lilo for pri. ad to-think1thatyon.hould ell. ft bint, . . I
b tween. live and Six foot lit longth, taper they . arriveA. lit tile 'Villmi'to tow -11 whoro ill Wlffal(5, N.Y,, Mr. Henry If, I�Alo,wr said. $11. cyi is that forcignors who eotno hdre rinvl,�lro�k" is'around agnin, and once niot'6' Withpaullin"L and lie will-resc.tit tho � I . . .i
' n never become so acclimated until they two t , 11, . I
,o, turned ,over At .tile youllg(,olljylov�oro to,b� tosidolit; Ile that the movalluo. ColloctoA fr6in. - bfewers . . , Illan wit.,11 his 1)i(!k�l'llfl, mpu� .
!� alid Slell(lor ill Rubstane 'Ile htV � .
I ' 'Y aboVd 'I I . .. �
- , .
" t ,C til
thd ujilici cud Ili tile mannor of a Shop- : a yel ur I lt� IX t 11 you feel lika, drowilin't . a whole, . . . . I
berd's crook, And I twisted througho (I (10'.1,10m in In"dt li'ladis tluril�g tile last o . , , . . .
was thc-redore conHjil�rcd, their 1�rst.p,,o6, -an ' liero a getiat inany ir,s th&t-in qaso. of club, to" put Ill Ilia tilile., L I littdr of niel; like hilyl� . . L
lit tile 'IbUtod the . )uring t116 next . . ., I .
whole extent.' 'Somictlin6ii 'those :wtinds , I to 320, - or midortilile thint'do liob fe6r keenly, men., . .
. and (Uity - tionton 's Qf Ilia bottio alliountoc -5�1(1',720,, t -,.WL ivocks iuo."6 old yarns ivill be ml)uil; - Accat'ding-to the Scientific Amorican,it In � . .
�, , anioug, the party',�- each liriliking. to .tile ,,,, ,006.moro.-thli,�' forr thd'yaar . tally, alid in �46ir norvous orgalli�,,atio!14 loro tobacco smohod, more tinic.. k1ho(1,. � I .
... Tvoro foi mod (-jFo,-IV%�c-.L,-Ye-Cn"p,tiC��,but of-- health of tile Sloung luarriod pair, and 0031 P6831I)IO, tl1COr0tiCMIIY, to, niallufacturo icer �
* ,
I I 't',", Y(",%r6,Hillcol8(i�3tlloilll(!I,il�tl'llt!Vulllt Climatic influences. Tlluq, IvITC-11 they 11nd. - - I
a. toiler of -wood, i�or�,Vv W�;aiNo' A pm�,:(�V�li,l."�,4" _Mq lolnd � more behaming .4410 AQUOrany'- than ti,t_ltlluut,�La.,toil, pradically; artificial itict . I I � I
lid, boUto and glass' Nvdi:a throwa 4WAY . and I tax Oil 1111th 1! 6i.§TiAsi-.ilC)uLkVUU t1u. theirselvew-elit --�l�,'f-4i,eiti--t4mt�--mmfiol.ittic)li Illoliths.Nvoilld " I
. ash- broken: , I
writer of 1762, �pertljing ot tile' Illost f Tl suffleo foraially-othortitno Costs MbOtlt,,',t�2,�&ton. It is lippareub from
T116 Vholo,party then procooile(l $120,416,8i,3.67. x which thev would limyo ab.home ainatig �
ionable Sticka,cif this porio(l, says.; I Do not- Oil theirmmytotho youllgxolkal Ii - coll"llitte"" relyc" U'as their frk,,�ds, And Which would of, tile year. Tile drualli y" In, Ign id J istlon's thinflicro is yet great room for improve. - ' '
� . some of us strut about wihli . Ioil,30- At readshowilig, that tlio decrease o strongtholl fe"Jill 't that oroulto o�vr illo wfitilu being of Inent in the best of artificial ico processes - I . .. . I
. 1 ""'Porta- them thpre, desperation Htaros thent. in tile - , . .
as long lvalkillg'stiel�(a * ridbIg Nved(Iffigs it was the groat eSubition tion of foreign bU017 - for.. the. yea,V 1hP , ,as face, Intl they seek escape. ill Suicide, . I, 1, .,. .
; as hickory poles, Or elso with a of farillors'soliq to finecood lit winning tile o0itiLml-ca with 1,,375, Nvas ti, ron(fworkor Ili sititl to - be Something that . the production of ico making maollin., � I .
I yard of varnhibecl catio Scraped taper, and % braize,' 101(l they Nvould,oveii'llorrow racilig over 1"�)["�"()00 Another thiligwhich in a, gi-eLbt etinge, of 1( eAcribablo.. I DOJl% ,�,Otll -.*ot,l too lazy tp cryisonly�ob Ili its hif
I I , alley, and that so � I
bound lit one cild with a gallons,wIdlo.tho exportitioll of Ainorican talk , Seeing. to be tile livarost oxprosgioll, long as ibis �thcorotically rossiblo to make '
,wtw,!Od thread, and 'to occasion.- Chamb � ISO .
� , borsawforti: US' ,Jbu�- ' -,r for 1870 oxcoodoa that of 18 74"; by ovor suidid6 lit all sensoliq now is tile dadillo of 1111bil cau-bo given to; t, i(to for loss thall '41 atoll fil or livar ourgreat I
the other tipped Nirith a, cad as nal, � a � . I
I neat I � �,','216,000 in vAblo, I140 tbat. the bLwing rOli',ictls f"101, AV110toi voople Contra their .
big its a Silver pointy?, it is, iyn",'RyJal its ail � L'Iltire I
I .- _4� llopos4i their i-lorldly succes4a's, ii foinalachimpailzoo Ili thol,olitlon 70610. Cities, just so long . inventors Will have in , - . . .1
appurtoi-milco of , 0stAbliKIII11011ts Oftho eMultry now number. lack th ill a. .
.11111A. � I lost gleal gardens Coll ock And ulIlOCk4 door or . . . . t , .
appendage of pars6nal utill ., "),000,- tho, ir coll"ciousliess of Connection with a' deawor, and threa(l any ri.e&llo. Xu taftilig Tile roason mon don't, follow jho'.oxani: ' ., , . .
. lAlioll more than as all Tile National Toinporallco Society ab over 3,000, find annually coll, fiti future life,, alr�il have ld I this a promising fitild to worl In. I .
ty" ,hat Vo Va- NOW York-yeateremy forwarded 'a memorial� 000 bushels of barloyand 3!,pQ0,i;,oU Pounds � I
1 1
I .1Re
gard the walkitig-9ticks of. 11ION"I'll times, requeStfilg, tile Democratic National (,,oil. ofho�s.' I .1 worhl, thab lind no beginning and call It �her neals She ligod knife, f *rk, spoon &lid , plo, of wonlon audi stop to look i 0 tile . I .
I . I . . We , . nt
though ill (ill ftgcs mall has mader the 0 1 r I . . 110 Ond, they baVC nothing . to sustain'thout - drinkin-c ') . . .
� Oils volition to declare against tho continued mp With tile salno Case nq a Windows of inflIffiery stores Ili b6bauno I
of the forest contribute to his; support I . The number of oil�-66i'&l yomig lilon wholl ruilfortulle'asq'ills theill, tho patty lultualtloing. The Aacinta baboon haw �Such Nvindowg don't conlailt fancy pipon, , I �
� Ill' manufaettift mild sale of alcoliolio liquors, , q`aoii driving-dat with you)lge latlie,j these thwartings ftnd� grievances of Inund<`O been t.aught'to blo%v bellows And to Amivo and the portmitsof bumlosq,16 actresses. I �
der wcarinom and old ago. -London. Globe. and nominato candidates who favor ,pro � .
-----*.-- . . hibition. - stittiffier evening,; is truly uppall'i"i1g. All, affairs ilssunio till overweening importance tOaffts Of WAgg0U horses, . . . � I
. . I Cowper hatod Dr. Johnson. ,Ob 1, said , I
\1 One old w3ldier at our alboNv says'.that. 0110 ,Ili their eye,;, and they are prono to plunge Yotln,& mitn' 60111�' smolto lit tho car, � I
PR(IdY "whO lindq HOMO ratio too,] $A Workman j.9 kilb.,;vn by his ellips.1 Arm I,; inv'atiably lost duripli au ell,�,�go-- beadlessly into 'tile Shadow. 110, aft" -rdn(lillg Ilia lifOe 'I Could thr"ll,
.. much for him -Tho Padiahall. 11 SaMb W4Y With'a farg dealer. . , . 111 -4 of the drcad . though tile driver dooa .pliff saitilto in your � his olrl jilakot till I Inadebi,
. . ... - � I . I .. � . . I ant, . . . . . . . a pension jbil 6 . . I . .. -
� � . . 1. I . . � . . . . .0 � ilk1lown., . . . face, I I 1. .. In his roclwt V . . 91 . . %
� I . I I . � . . .. . -A - .. I I . . � - . . � _1
. I �. . & I I
I I - 1,
i �� I - I � t . � I
I I I 1. - - A._.,.�'. . ,.�k, . I -;-11 I .�� 1� -�a
I .
. I I
. I .. I . , I
I . .0 f� I
0 . . .
I �.�
I blb.-_
.1-1--1 - .L,�. _ �k- -
. %
� . . � I
. . I .
�, - I
. �
I ..
, �� a — _ � ...I. -.-I.- -1, " _---1----