HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-07-08, Page 5"itis hard to kick against the pricks," ()ur urbane and gentlemanly assailaut hats had another attack of frenzy. Though his writings, for their refinement of fan- guage and elegance of diction, would hardly rank es model specimens of composition or logic, yet, as after repea•tod trials, they aro his very best efforts,, it will not do to be too £ast[diona in that respect ; it may not be out of place to glance at his logical do- ducti.ons. We asserted that it was cow - artily to attack; another mail's business 'ad- vertisements, as they are 'Sentinel property; reply is " you are an infidel." It show s a lack of eonmou sense, even if you have' "piles of fresh new goods," t. .c,, to meddle with other men's affairs ; bis reply is "you are a Darwinian," Wo propose to give 16 cents per lb. for batter ; "you'are a thief" 16 The fellowrirg are a few.. (tf. al11istian•iil.e 41'.tti1etee..€14 pie by m to his fellowinan :—bear, dog, liar, noodre, villian, 1',anatic, read brute, freebooter, cur, thief, &c., &o. We nom - mend them to the notion of his co -work;: in bid good work. When convicted of a wilful and persistent breach of the ninth`' commandment, his reply is " I.have not told a lie in 18 years, it was a case of this - judgment." We are glad to hear of his successand wealth, and hopethat little af, fidavit he made -a short time, ago, thathe was worth only a few hundred dollars, was net a misjudgment; It would appear that his month, like any common sewer, has only to be opened in order that any amount of filth and nastiness, may escape from it. We compassionate the poor. .fellow .and his earlier associations, It is to. be hoped, (as, that dog days axe fast apgroaohing) t t his friends will look after flim and apply .some cooling draughts tothe spot where his brain is supposed to He ; it might tend to allay . his Celtic effervescence, alias brazen -faced effrontery. Wo !mote again from our fa- vorite author, •t Though thou shouldst bray a 4'i,o1 iu a mortar,among wheat, with a pestle, yetwill not Ina foolishness depart from fang," .. Clinton, .1 oly it, 1550. INli : COATS.; 8 Valets Inierest'1ea. 11 14 generally suppo;r d and civ 1,1;4'14 g ncralli: tlu.ttlt,pepAt can not •}iii riahl) be cured, I lett %cc are pleased to tray tint theca s August Flower In tater, to our ioi' rleag failed to cure dyspepsia 'Rind liter complaint in all it' fermi, .nth as +o14 no. mach, costiveue. , ,,ick headache, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, bad tato in the mouth,,5 e.• Ont of - ti,e 50,0111) dozen bottles sola Istat year, nut a tangle falluro;vas reported, bttt thuuss,nd, of eotnplirnentery lettere- received front druggists of ,soudcrful cures. Tlarcealoscs tail! reptile any ra e. Try it. Sample bot- tle 10 tents. AegnLu size 75 rent,, Sir Sohn Macdonald has now a splendid op- portunity of proving the eflioaey of the N. k. as a means of kecpanta up good priees for 4�a- nitdian farm produce. Gimeso and wool open. ed out title Season at good figures. The L.ug- fish and t'nited States markets have since suffered a serious decline and, atlas for the N. 1,, the prices of these •commodities have also fallen off in Canada in sympathy with the Unto of the outside markets, • Oar fanners wore led to believe -when they votedifor the XX., that Sir Joint could, by clapping dutiee. on the foreign art' 'enhance the price of .tae"liome prod'ue'i�,•l1. snake the (.'anadian armers iudepeitde It of the ups and downs of foreign markets. Let hint prove tho truth of his prniniees by restoring wool and cheese to . the ruling prices here when the season opened,. '•or else stand convicted of deriving the farm, ing public.•--eea novo/mover.. The boiler of a steam`threshing machine ex. ploded at Dunkirk, on Tuesday, killed nine :teen . , . During a 4th of July celebration' et Troy Mills, Iowa, a riot occurred, in which. about 400 persons were engaged, and fought for bilo hours ; a number being killed, and' znany wounded, The cause of the trouble was joal. ousy over;thc location of a railroad. • • AlLIEN'LQ! 'null 1ii['I'ei.• . ' July 8, 1580: Wheat, fail, "pbuslt, $0 Ja n 1 00 Spring, 1.iedchafl, FOatite, s, - Barley; f'cas, Flour, - Potatoes., new f5uttor,. 1fggs, Iiay," - •• m 77 .00 •Melee, 7 50 0 25 5 00,r 5 50 .3.00. Timothy S 10 'Wool 11 26. - 0.95 a 1 00 1 00 a .1 05, 0 32 a 0 34 0 45 a . 0 56 0 62 -• a 0'65 5 50 a 6.00 O S0.a 100 •' 6 1 a 0l4. O 9 a 0 9 av it.800 a 0 56. a• 600 a 6 00 a 3 11)'. a 325 7.• Pork, New Purniture,over', LATEST STYLES, And LOWEST PRICE'S. T11L 1Li;ASON �t'.EY GRAY'S N1TAUNE \IIE snbeeribor wonhl respe0tifilly aunourtce to the Public thathe has On hand is line stook of •• fl'LAI:N.atnel S'X 1'`Eflt>♦1(TuRI iA�l]ll. V1'ROLSTL•'It1E1) GOODS,, IS IN,$'1' =COWING . THE POPULAR REMEDY OF THE DAY Such ae PARLOR SET.^., EASY OliAXRS,`FAIE;'I r ltoolrERS, WOOL and SPRING MATTItESSES, &o. which he will. eel! as low ni.such •ggoo(laeau-he bought iu the Dominion. 'A call reepeettully solicited before. ". t.cchaing,elsoiil1ere,•, f e r .tlrr, plfr( -i.)Ile tf00r })Oith: Q$saw, is, that it will do all that is nlaimleiota it in thela 1,amphlot. = xztiol the 1'atephlet, eare1u3 Daly: onobotile.aul} eke e d' t direetioas and Oen Trill rind rola t ere mao t o aul be perfectly egti813ed,tliat it ie -worth OII, r 't i , Sold in 011uton by J: A CMOs and '!Cotta DO" �� 7i. •(�1,IGH, 'Ana all drtiggi.stH Ororywliere. ' \'A^LQRixt' Sr., (LI\TO\. FII ,( Il t5 1DID1OI:1F7 TCO " ostinea; :chins, aerie. i A t"P�a`� FOFr, 'OAp.11., • ----ANO LESS THAN q051%. AT TUE maintOTfl 'U31NITI'I E STORE �17,rt iv B. 1kr: [f(wli'(tl•e,Stove; iii r !hoick }dolt.',• (',,/wife>,, 7 'Phis is no }nein i»ug, but sa; 'bona fide .vile,. The •:ace niust be sold ;visitit to be distiuotly understood that rto other store in. ,Clinton is selling our goods. Inger malt TILL, ILAUk—JfnaHi- Bitip04,AL73klt7' 1`1t1F'T,. C'1.1N1'ON -t11'7- , P$ CD Orr i! .•AAAA , HARNESS9 TRUNKS VA�AALp- E.S' a & . .. TWI The subscriber having just receii'ed:his SPflII G and SUMMER STOCK of. BOOTS sand' SHUTS, would call the- attention .of • 1nteii ling purchasers to his well -assorted stock of both LADIES', (TENTS',, MISSES',,.CHILDRENS.', in great varieties and• at unusttelly low prices, having purchased before the anise in: stock: ' • H.�,;NES.17P.AL 7C7� 'i'' Having a very large stool; of First Class -IN(xL,E HARNESS on Med, the subscriber -would direct especial attention thereto, Mae DO1J13L1': HARNESS, both heavy ai.d 1rg1.E. Peing' made up from good stook, anti by a perieneod workmen, ho canguar.ntee the sante: ' My SCOTC1I O0L•T Tiny warranted to give entire satisfaetion., • • TRUNKS itlttttl VALISE --A vert largo aasot•tntent azul vory.choa}t. l'IltrI3XS.froKa 7.5 cents ul'• 1st and 2nd class SHINGLES, horn 40' cents a by t, up A room over the. shop • to let. AL1, GOODS WARRANTED. .JA•M $ TWITCHE Li,,,Vioteria'Bisok. .1-larciwoeanipt$tovo.::*,porypn HARLAND BROS., CLINTON. I• .•i r r ' I \ • ICJ ' C :11 II I !• t Ir I. 1 I 1 I,1i I til iiiiil G � L•l'. I;:. linnr,tl i; n t; liar :. 1 'T ?,A,J1' JT 11 3)f� "HAA+►�1NTTors EXHIBITED' IN CONN]a.CTION WITII. .; AAAA :... SHOW The �,'�. . -4" - '�-TF" • AAAA. -E�•••�1 � � �• �-i To be seen only in the universally admitted, Isirgost Tented Exhibition in the World. kurrp':NPR. ANNUAL TOUR O1+' Txil.. CAEAT AT FORLPAUCH SHOW, will revisit and exhibit, afternoon'and evening, at - , GODERICHj MONDAY, JULY 19. SEAFO.RTH, JULY' 2O. A mastodoriie, consolidation of 20 Distinct Exhibtions owned by me during the past sateen years;' and now' biassed into one colossal t:onfederation, representing. a (ash Investment of • Two:Million Dialers, elrfora single'itoliday, . • iigantic Menai-erie with l 500 Untamed Monsters a � ? .. .-�_ __.. ___ ... AAAA GREAT CIRCU1N TWO RINGS, -WITH: 100 -PERFORMERS, ANl)j`STt'PENDOUS TRAINED Wib;D .11 EAST .S1-I0.Wr' .The 'only e hibition iii•the .• :. • . world that ever owned • 1 —PERFORMING ELEPHANTS-•-• In eddiition'to' perfnrming Lions, ilyenae, Tigers, Bovines, Disons, Carrier Pigeons, Disci: Oiled Meese,. Groat Troup of Trained Stallions; Horses L eapmp Through Vire, _Living 'lWon., dere from .•everywhere; Tbdiays, )CailirS, and Hottentots,. lteptiles,and ,llarinewonders, '1.B\IA.`£HAN'HIPPOPO'1'AM1:6, :MONSTER .Ri1INOCEtLOS, TRAINED. (1IRAV 1.8, ARCTIC OCEAN SEA LIONS,.theevonderftil NURSING INFANT ELEPHANT, BeIP,1' LIONS, and in the 'great Two -1 ng`C'ircusand liippedrouie theMiracle-of the Century, bi •li thro 'Y • space 'and caught h a lad Rant ng head 1;,oadod with.:�laotidar,. and ,seut.tl rt _ ng_- _-.u„h space, � Y 9: n , . downwsrd"on the lofty trapeze:' This wondei:•><rlovang feat performed at.each exhibition .by. ..'Mons: T oyel, the !.' human cannon ball.". .e � m l ' ond. Arlie Ella /,uila who `crosses the high wire 00 feet Appearance .of the only I e a o Ll rr, , above the•heads of the: audience,•blindfoliied, and with -her feet encased in.sacks, and 1GI1)I'S' A VELOCIPEDE' O1 11 TSI} HIGH:WIRE, IRE. yJET fit.% 'CO AN ltri:\(,1 9'o our, NC7�1i}''It()'lS' CxJS'lOMf'R5 AND I'1ItI1'.Ni)S V V and the general goblin, twit we htwa added largely to olrr stock of HARDWARE, his spring, and are prepared to sell at BOT ,iOM PRICES, ' Our stock OPlIsiats of •Dans, Spades, Paints, Disterr-Pums°ps, Cutlery; W. Locks -9 . Shovels, ;Mho Iron; Shake,.' Plated Ware, Hinges, Forks, Va'rnishas; • Lead Pipe, ,• . • .Lantps, - Glass, Rakes., Machine Oils, Dates, Ply 7r' ps, i Putty, •:toes, Brushes. Brass Kettles, Granite Iron item Shelf Goons of all descriptions, Enamelled el+led Ketol s, . • And all article* usually kept in a first-class Hardware "stare.' • Eave Troughing and IRON ROOFING. a specialty • • • • • • • f • • llil EA' PANS, 1'AtI,S, rind all Alf tinware very low, BEST NO. 1, GOAL off,. (Ift ai eatwe tneode rind prices 7,r%re vureheki g Dunton, May A. grin. EIGUt of 1t4t1r lAPI,OOit;, EI1tCE Itt1) L 4T.b1t1Ii1' ,SrRitET' ,111 Y+'l' ira C 1'.A4,1, iLU;SaI'Itt"1' IJT,Ii, fi (t 1,1111;' . HAT L li3�D uOS' ' , •, tl't�;l'a[;(i11T, ;Solve pxoprigtr'r,, t'))rrtt„n,P'a1,.12,tQ110. . All, Riding titans, Hors p ues. (,ran(} .l'aut0mime'trene; Six threat'('':axesIliad" 100 • Fanint"s Foreign Actors, AAAA Only ,Exhih t'iftli° using the NEW AND WONDERFUL ELECTRIC LIGHT, Tremendo.'s - Reduc.tious �. F'OR THE MONTH OTS' JUNE, - XI' THE Growl C1iiig iip lloe lliiiiiss Sale. A.i hong the Goods' will be found the following dries .. w 1000: yards CLUCK LINEN DRESS STUFF, Ott hale' -price', . :3()0 yal'l.1 i LOVELY PRINTS in new design, Sets flinty. 00 NEW SAMPLE HATS, direct froth New York, consist-' ing of Men and Boy's fine Straw Hats, blacl and Zolored, American Fur and Wool' Felt Hats, Ladies Sun Hats, Maciknow and Chip Hats.. Remember I: am selling the whole lot at ono:half the Original cost. Don't fail to see . ta2letil. ' A. big lot; of ▪ LADIES LINEN COSTUMES at half. price, LADIES SILK awl. CASHMERE MANTLES at less than cost price. i MISSES , r r BONNETS l r • 1 v at -11�If . ' and' HATS � c O.I� N ,1S � lll;e, ,LADIES i4IISSh.S A 4 � 1 F� LACES, FLOWERS•, FEATHERS, I IBRO TS al half puce.. TRIMMING -SILKS & SATINS, NOTIONS, &c., half Trice: TWEEDS, 'FLANNELS, ANNELS, CLOTHING-, BOOTS and SHOES, ,at • fully 25 -per -ogee! below old price.: 1.. , Sell your Wool and buy ,your Woollen Goods at this• great sale, by so 'doing you will save money.- . • DON'T YOU'' FORGET ;THE. FAC ■ i The Goods must be sold;and the prices must .sell. business in a them, as -I will positively give. u:p'. thebu 1, lshort time. Buy early, and' buy at once, at -the Itequirtn„ a.:,0 -horse high prossnre engine to prndut:e the sates, (xrw i Tree (as 'Tial oro Aseeusiotis daily, from the show ground. ;Mammoth Pavilions holding ten thousand apecta. tore, The 'entire show tratis9erted .on Wry own !Three !Groat Railway Trains. Behold the monster free-fnr-all street procession, bythis we prove that the (creat liorepaugh>Show is the (+reateat of all Great Shows. It starts from the show ground every exhibition day, between the houre of 9 and 10 o'elook a.tra Two exhibitioua every ,lay, ltiret at 2,2o, second at3..te re P4villiona open one ,Briar previous, • ' • • Admission 50 cents. .'Children under 9,- 25 cents, l' '.Yt•)'t) 1 1\ '1.'3xtV - A\ltt f ,s,littl0 11„4,3104 on all re.iiroads on the .lay of Exhibition. nh+l bills for deaf la. • $11nag;Ln al it till 911 Sto:cs�l�e O1'POSI1'F: TFl kr MAE1' Cl$1; (Lt' 1`O:N. rci ` N appearing' again before the, public, with in advertisement fat' 1880, .I be;; leave to thank my numerous customers and friends for, their liberal patronage since' L.•eonlineneed '• Inteiness In Clinton' and to infoun thea. that have. ADDED. GRREATLY..IMPROVED MACHINERY •: To my. eStablislunciit, Arid ;tin l:oty, itlile to turn out mote .than double the iarlt f have Iterotofore done. 'i ct (ZL7tf , SpI).i1171(, i;' eaving, i'i1:Tec'at? /iictiG? bro� '•in,rat it's b raiz l es, Coloring, ?ii?li.ng. BLANia'1'S ' ade.•to order. • 1T.I,.I3Il 1'- 0L' tCOl I� 1'- 311i T1\E D0\1 wait, PLO3Il'I''.FS AND 1ttSlsiICIi, R0 LIm CARDING NG poi•ticulariyattendeit to, and every tiling guaranteed. satisfactory and it prices as'low de any mill in .Heron: BLANKETS, CLOTH,' I'-T,ANN1I14, YA N1,weld always Eetat- tot oh age for went: .. . ! I.LIG?,ILL;>—flea>e loan La ti 11 4.11ke ao,,ie f:tet, o l e?rt E , CEtuton wit'; :ye,ix• ii oxl.. d !tit„r. disy.,,,1t31 • ate. C.017:4S Ei'1.''. Crompton's: Celebrated' Spoon Bus :: "gni, Tits is tete Corset for oornfort.tud durability. MISSES CROMPTON . CORSETS; all sizes.• 1+;DUING3 and }VEAL TWA splendid 'tock of.E.etineolnr:tia, L.uvNs, Cie}St Ka; and .154,kts Mt a1 INa. Ittlarr' l:Itl IsK. IVICLTP TvnicIti rt TEipy, for LidieS and children's jackets.. (i -Bts1J ti-s;•Lt''T1th:5 anis FAAMEit's ,S.;Ttss. • .7,arge atodt • of'Pt1-,i'- in the newest patterns. HOtLA\I,s;'Tow 15tr',cc,•anti TAn1:r' YNTNO (.'q;'ro\' and Woor.,r rN SlltilTrigus. 1+'f A 11I1:R wild STRAW Tit :i1NCS, •Ji11tr a l ic, IBC^rreol-, acid DIt}s,• ',l'1:t11 ftlh(-, IIO,Ii:C v Aid] HABERDASHERY, . tai., . , Mullis } ani • Mantle - epart enta .1:f t'i�' ,ANT) IiaiM�iri's in the newest sliftr�es.:-. Itrrs>:oas asp •i i ,1{.tll! the.:uowesl . til( aac,i6 1`15.11” i. i, aLo\1) its, ;inti bt'ri` HA' s alld:1lov'n'.1", Stil{ rainje over itl rot.. tie.tvesb sht.p€.l,' =�IA.N1LE.S made to at.lar, in good stylo. BUTTER ei,na.: txCY to Cor in; exohan e fo' Goocig. Ile y:lb e it;et', lb!hieing her fi..:tnv Fri a ia.fovtheir very liberal support, wine!• ttu:iittes, hopes by st i') ,I,tteritiot' t r d keC ing ti. good stook , ts cOntinueto receive their favors. EESI.ZEIIa N yLirORIa.SdG'fE ET, • A Eglltl'1:'s to intimate tc file people of Clinton and.t'ieinity; that Ilroeery and Provide!( 13usii.estl formerly carried on by Mr l(le thereto. it freeh and well•aeleeted atoelr of '•` I411CIl AFI lntvulet, purnhneed. the J(d 4$4 ]le has ' TEAS. sITGxA1 " S, RAISINS, i; i•PA:C.ESr, Z" ec. AL)30 A srtl.o'r 'ta:i,)14'['atimt at' �^�1' rf^1p Tp• ,,.,f�•yy '•tat ••t,��-n��, '•�i,T • •7t' A� ,L! y� �.r^ "��1 'LJ .YC."".,..'L..✓ �i :laG`a. Atli A ° .0.J ,i "+I►., i. `.W "$ 0"05 ..ifs.+ Ede • • 1i irfL, AT.iu lift.' (14 rtAlti1) A t:wt)I) I, 1 I: ( air HAMS, SPICED ROLLS, I`S' 3EAK `AST' BACON, , FIRST 'CLASS LARD in pails 0e tonin• or by tee 1.,., trs s ilt pt <:lin #(sr . AL- b'Lenv% had Lard warranted first•clase, Ail of the above 1'0 is prepared to sell at hottotte pat ee for eash. lie will -tilt continue as manager of elle, 1''arUititre Store for 1?roatltr:est tt'G TAN,ilil„er'f3 prepared. to ;tell ai cheap ea any h9110( 'lest of Toi-nit;,.