The Clinton New Era, 1880-07-08, Page 11. 7 ) ' TERMS -1.5O pet,: Annum, in adValier. grotgoolotutt Ana &vr.d5. NAR. REEVE has removed/de residence to the bowie latOy occupied by Tumuli JAcKson, Esq., Huron Street. Office on Itattenbury street, as before, "%TONEY TO LEND, IN LARGE OR SMALL SUMS -LTA on good mortgage security, at moderate rates ef interest, L. HALE. Clinton, Au guet 9th 1809, A LIST OF LANDS IN HUTIO,N 1'011 'SALE HY •11- the Canada Company may be seen at the office of the undersigned. II. HALE. Clinton, Jun. 17,1871 lbk RS. WHITT, Teaehero 1Iuso. Puplie•attended IVA. at their own residence, if neecfnary. Residence one door south of Mr. C. A.. Hera% Queen Street. Clinton, May 15, 1880. •te.% H. DOWSLEY,,111. D., 11.1. 11, C. ft. Engiand, A., • Phyoician, Surgeon, &e. Office .find reffidonee next ?/oboes Bank, market square. Clinton, Jan.15, 1880, TIE. APPLETON. — OFFICE -- A Reeidence on Ontario street, opposite the English Church. Entrance by side gate. Clinton, Deo. 4,1879. • . rem. nnEvE a 'WILLIAMS. Oflice, Rattenbury JLI Street, immediately behind. Bansford'e book store. Office hours from 8 a.m. to 0 p.m. Clinton, Jan.29, 18801 _ Ovot.ixo, p„ (GRADUATE OP TORONTO University,) Physieian, Surgeon, &o.,rosidonee at Mr. Manning's, three doors east of the Temperatiee Londasboro, Ont. Londesbcro, June 14,1870. ^ • . • TAR. STANBURY, GRADUATE OP T1fl mnigcar. 17 Department, of Victoria University, Toronto, fol.. merly of the Hospitals and Diepensaries, New York, Coroner for the County of Huron, ilAy.siat,n, Ont. July 22, 1874. 81 • NTARRIAGE LICENSES. AND CERTIFIOATES.- -af- Apply at the Town Hall,,or at the roeidence of the subscriber, near the London, Huron & Bruce Railway JAMES SCOTT, Issuer of Marriage Licensee. Clinton, April 27th 876. 'MONEY TO LEND,—I have any amount of money -1./.1. to loud, on good, improved forme only, at 7?, per omit, interest payable yearly. Sum no obJeet if securi- ty ample. Private funds. JOHN S: PORTER, Seaforth. IrtE. 'WORTHINGTON, PHYSIPIAN, SURGEON, AccoucheurfLicontiate of the Cadged Phisician, aucl.Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provincial Licenti- ate and Coroner for the County of Huron. Ofileo and • residence,— The building formerly occupied by Mil' Thwaites, Huron street. Clinton, jan. 10, 1871. • • •. FTMIE CENTRAL HOTEL — late Permer's Abort 1 Street, Clinton. S. PIKE, Proprietor, This.ho- tel has lately been greatly iniproved und.thoronghly refurnished, and posscssee every requisite or the com- fort and convenience of the travelling 'public. Good stabling and attentive hostler.v• . Clinton, Nov. 28th; 1878. - • • --- - - W. E. CARTWRIGHT, Sunolion DErfrisT Graduate of the Royal bb/lege of. Dental •laa Surgeons of Ontario, has opened • rooms in the Viato'riaBlock, Albert Stmt. ClIntemwhere he will constantly be in attendifice, and prepared to per- form 'VW operation- gonnected witli,Dentititry..—Teeth extracted, or filled with gold, amalgam, or other filling material. Artificialteeth inserted from one to stun set. Clinpu, April 171 1879. 16 J. BIDDLE.COMB; Teas tANI) CENTRE HURON GENE4AL ADVERTISER. CLINTON, ONTARIO 1 THuttisp4.N.47., JULY 8, °1880. Teasl. Gtaod Rouse Wanted, g. Cut (14,Alvtrtigientrnt5. ' FOP KE undersigned having impor ed direct from Eng. .2.• land some very SUPERIOR RLACE AND GREEN TEA, now_o_liers the same for sale. It la put rip in Ave or ten lb, caddies, Mr family use, TO THE D TRAE—it is offered in whol 4. Or half chests, at prieeslower than generally paid to wholesale houses. Orden, hymen promptly filled. A. trial solicited. JOHN LANSFORD.. Clinton, June 10, 1880. TICKET AGENcY. GRAND TRUNK rusaLw.AN, JIAM'ES THOIVIPSON •TABBITtEs to inform the people of this vieinity that Vuiliells been appointodTowu Agent or the Grand k Uway, and is anthorized to•issue tick° s on their behalf, • Parties going to the West,'will find it to their interest to call and ;get rates 'Wore makind , • final arrangements • Will and ieliablo information given, and every fapility afforded intending travellers, OFFICE—IN THE STORE. 01,T11011IP5ON-4; aoLEs, Albert Street, Clinton. • .BROADFOOT & 130X, UNDERTAKERS, Ti Med Sttiet, qiinton. TISDALL & GALE, BANKERS, Albert Street, . Directly opposite tho Market, ' • . !TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. 1. Money advahced on Mortgages and Notes of hand Drafts issued payable .at par, and collections and remittances mfide throughout the 'United States and Canada. NoTps. DISCOUNTEDI. • • MORTGAG.ES, Stocks, and all Other mitT• Retable Se-olltielesimuste-aand- sold: at. .best *nays. ' ' •B•AP."..c4.-4$ IN VEW. ,),7,9„,R4$72. ,Dx,Ar"2:,9 • OP THE 3111.1?0.11A.NT, , • • . • INTEREST ALLOWED ON . DEPOSITS. TISBALL.. GALE. °Radii, May 20,1880. • • • .• . .. Watch and Clock Maker. S,F,OWL R TENVELI,ER, • • • ' 'OtAr,tuS, • • . • • Would respectfully announce to his cuetoniers• and the W.A.TOTIES .CLOCKS public. generally, that he has removed. into his fernier ALBERT • STREET, OPPOSITE THE MAREET, ° SOA • buil ding... on • • - -• 3 • • ..Where he will keep on handl. select assortment ot CLOCks, Watches, Jewellery, and, Silrerware of all kinds. •-• „ '•• JE.W.E.L'LtRY, Al:bert Street, CLINTON• ^(ITANTBD by the first of October, to rent for a I 1'1' term of years, a good house containing at least . eight rooms a u ' I 4 . and sual SQIIVell.CRCe8 JI)/IN lifACWHIIITER. , Clinton, July 7, 1880. . Which he will sell at reasonable rates. Repairing of every description promptly attended to. ,T, BIDDLECOMBE, ALPERT STREET. Clinton, Dee. 8, 1878. BARGAINS. t'111,11ES Desiring FARMS. SHOULD SEE TIM • FARMS OFFERED FOR 'SALE BI? THE UNDERSIGNED, IN THE VICINITY 07 CLI1VTON, AND ELSEWHERE, AS THEY AIIE • DECIDED BARGAINS. xX X•••••••?.••• MONEY TO LOAN A.T • 7 To 7,1 TEll GENT. 140111.11(.1.4GES BOUGHT AND som. OFFICE OVER tA.IIES 1111VITOIX' FISHER, . • Notary Pablio and Commiesioner March 4; 1880, • LAT5fl13:113(10 . • • ... • • , • . . We hate just added to our .stook aline 10't irjopli:pd.:, GUITAR ITRINO:,. ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK, •*•'• Clinton, Oot, 2, 1879. • EUSINESS CHANG-E. GROCERIES. • Stray Calif STBAYED trete Lot. 21, Huron Road, on Sunday. •night, July 4th, a large, well.bred BED COW, in tine condition, six years old, newly calved. Any one returning her or giving such information as will lead to liar recovery, will be suitably rewarded. ▪ PLEASE MILK HER. • R. 1V. M0011E, Goderioh Township, Slily 8,1880. 8 • ID a.A.,""V"I • JJVING purchased the stoei and good -will of the• '. Grocery business of Mr. W. 11. HINE, the sub: seriber Wold take the opportunity of thanking his friends for the moral patronage enjoyed by him vrhile a member of the firm of Stu:mums comma, and hopes by liberal inducements to reeeive a fair sbare of custom from them in hie new boldness. As he Intond,1 • to Imp the best assortment, he is ready to Offoi 1104s.at the 1o2cot remuiotativolriols, .• • And Will shortly open ont a -fresh supply 01 . TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, TOBACCOES,- . 01100KERY, GLASSWARE, SrRUPS, SOAPS, &a., etc. • • ' . IVEIDELVITIED: TRU FILLA:CE Ills old .titimid, Center of Albert and Itattenbury Streets •• • TMOS: COOP•ER Ournou, March 24,1890. GroceryBusiness . MOORE- *• Platform So R. M. RACE VEGS to inform the ithatitants of cuuton arid Al Surrounding eoudtry, that he has recently put, Chased the Mock in trade of Nr. ZA.O..SUEPPARD, as GENERAL GROCER & fROYISION DEALER Ana fa addition to the_atocktimaina hand, ho hat pur- elmemtalargestock of ... .. $ ' leas, Sugars and General Groceries, . . • Prom tho best warehouses in the Detail -Atm, which having purchased prineipally for cash . he It prepared to sell BETTER 1300338 FOR LESS MONEY than Y theta who hay on credit, and eousequently eon afford to give hit emitomort the benefit. OW' ire liag nO hesitation in saying that. he Vele in TEAS and SUCIA1?$;as '011 0' had —• anywhere 111 Clinton. tn A iAL oormAtrA SOLICITED. . DON* tORGET TIIE FL A CR — JAMBS • $11EPPAltDiS OLD STAND Olintern, May 0,7980. . 8na 13AE, 1.1tO,N, And Rardwate Merchant. CLINTON, Yob. )18E30. can supply his eustoniers with. as yooel an al'. 1 DEALER IN „ . • .HARDWARE, &c. LINES. •Harvest MITTS, • P.i!kRIS GREEN, . Fly TRAPS, Clothes Wringers ,srEvimr. Imperial Measures. MT:Parties intending to build;will find it id •liefractrantage to eallbefore purchasingelse- where, ds ant selling at old prieek• . • r . • S. DAVIS, • AfAsietoxfz.TOf AND.HARDWARIC STORE., Juiy 8,1880. • • wseinsosammar MISIMIES,MM Milk and Cream -for Sale. • • 1:1-0,1 R Cre:am -fte-Strawberries, also Plk, at A. NOUSWORTHY'S; Josepi•Street.• Clinton, Jute,17, 1880. • •. .„. •• .•• Fo.r•.•$ale:, •TIME house on•Rattptibury Street, belonging to -Mr, - 1 A...Duncan, two doors west of the Methodist churl% Eight TOMB, woodshed, good stable, &c, ' IL HALE, Baron Street,. .0linton, July 1, 1880. ' • •, • . • " • . ' House. Wanted: • • • , NXTANTED TO RENT, a /Maga containing ior 8 T good rooms, in ..good locality; between the G.W. II, Depot and,oentre of town preferred. Apply to ' G.w.a. Depot. • Clinton, July 80; 1880.• "11 Venders Wanted... • •:%,•-•--- TATANTED, Tenders for Calcimining, Whitewash- • !' V ing, and repairing plastering of the Public School /louse. Tenders rebeive& UP TO MOND•AY, JULY nye, and particolars given by . 11. BINE, Secretary. Clinton, June IOW, 1880, • • • Notice to Debtors.. LL parties indebted to MESSRS. H. CANTELON ▪ & BROTHER either by note Of hand or book tic, count, are requested to call and settle'the same imme- diately, as they wish 10 110118 AA 900X1 Re possible, and fumy on business aft usual. Parties having claims against the finu will please send them in for settlement • , • CANTELON & BROTHER. Clinton, Tune 17, 1880. •Good Farm for Kale. • 111LEt 3XE 1N TIXE the N't ir Era, atAncus ta.Intexu. :‘ieet me in the evening, When the moon is meiong liOWE meet me in the evening. ;Suet it little oat of town. Youlrnow tite 0141 elm tree With its branches bending low; • Meet MO there thi$ evenieg In the moonlight's nielioW glow. I've a tale to tell thee, But 1 will not keep thee late; Meet me there this evening, Alla, oh1 do not make ino wait. • 'Tie the eame old story Teat in Eden first was told, Just tho same old story That's more precious far than goitl, nitalitiM100 Wttter0:, • Whitechurelt • • Large quautities of bark and lumber aro being shipped from here. A. mild type ora-measles,is prevalent in the •neighborhood. Probationary at the Presbyterian phureh, ReV. D, Y. Ross, of Beaverton, Preached •on the 2011i and 27th ult., and 4th inst. Rev. Mr. McKay officiates the coming Sabbath, Rey, R. C. Menders left here on Ffiday last for his new field cif labor, his successbr, Rev, E. Teskey, arrived hero the same day, and"will reside in Whiteehareh. • „ •• Good opeuiug here for gran buyers, free sites offered. • A grist mill is badly needed here. • : LONDES130R,O: Plenc.--The C. M. Church Sabbath school held their annual picnic, iu Brigharrils bush, - just north of the village, on 'Dominion day. The turn -out was not as largo as itsual, owing, undoubtedly, that haying had commenced earlier than formerly. The young:folks hear- tily enjoyed themselves with swings, croquet and other gamma and contests for prizes. The, weather benigt fine all paased.off very plea- santly. • : Oiwate °wriest—It is seldom that any- thing transpir0 in our quiet village that culls up so much interest as the late organ contest, which tbok place at Mr. Bell's, hotel. The instruments in competition were the Karns, • Of. Woodstock, Bell, of Guelph. Doherty, of • Clinton, aud Dominion, of Bowmanyille. After ample time had been given to thoroaghly test the qualities of each instrument Mr. /3e11 ap- pointed Wednesday, June 3011i, for the final test and decision,,when the representative of each fitotory were present, 'except -one, who withdrew his instrument the evening preVioufg. .11r. Bell selected and -purchased the Doi:anion . organ from Messrs. Wade Bros:, of Clinton, it, being the favorite.Com. . : ' . i; ing Ncerts,---LThe'fftriners • are'busy at haymaking. The hay in general is an ave- rage crop.. The fall wheat is riEng fast, and is hurrying on haymaking. ' • The inhabitants of 8.S.:No. 1, Stanley -and neighborhood held a very SuCeeasful picnic in Mr. 4. Innes' grove on July, 1st,. In the afternoon prizes were :distributed, to the enc. •Oeseful competitor's in the' tarioue athletic: -sports got up for -the children; the older ones enjoying ' themselves in watching the sports, wingibg, &o.' Pursuant, to adjournment.the Conned met in..their Hall, Varna, tit 2 p.m., Saturday, June 26th, all the members present. Minutge of previous meeting were read and adopted; As there were no appeals itwas Moved by Mr. Castle; see. by Mr. ' Dodglas,' that the assessment roll be now tinallY passed. —Carried. Moved by Mr. Douglas, seconded by Mr: Me.Kinley, that the.Reeve give in ord- er to Wm: MeClinchy for $22.50, fez' repairing sideroad between -lots 5 and 6, Brownson and Goshen lines; —Carried, 31oved by Mr. Tor- rance seconded by Mr. Castle, that Neil Mc- Gill do his statute lebot on sideroad between lots 10 11, con. 4 and 5.•Hearried. Jaroved by Mr. Torrance seconded 14 Mr. -Castle, that the Reeve give an order to Me, Bay,. P. L. S., for $6, for surveying aideroad between lots 15 and 16, con. Moved by Mr. Cas- tle, seconded by Mr. Torrance, that the cotin- cillorii give orders for the jobs let on the dif- ferent sideroads aa soon as said jobs are done. Moved- by Mr: Castle, Seconded. by Mr. McKinley, that the Reeve give an order to the administration Of the estate of the late Robt. Reid for $10, being diecount- on consoli, dated bills.—Carried: Moved by Mr. Castle, seconded by Mr.Torrance, that this Connell do now adjourn tomeet on the last Saturday in An'grait, at 2 p. • GEO. STEWART, OlerIC: . MORRIS: TE subioriberoffers for s- ale his farm, being .Lot1.8, Con. 2, Thillett, 100 acres, 60 cleared; good bank ' 'barn 96 x 70 feet, with stabling all under, 2 pump wells and a never -failing spring of geed Water ; good orchard In MU bearing. Situate 4 miles from Clinton Railway Statio•n (a thriving town) For further pertienlers ap- ply to the proprietor, on the premises. •JAMES VAL/ITN/MAW. • Hnllett, June 80, 1880.• fre , • '• • Good:Fairm for Lease. rIN the 16111 coneeseion, Goderioh Township, 85 V acres cleared, under gond state of cultivation. Good House and ontbundinge. Lease given f or one year, and.. if imitable to all parties, extended' for two. years longer. Privilege to plough immediately after harveat, with full possessiongiven let of February.-- For particulars apply to • BIM M. TAYLOR. -0lintom-Jane80, 1880. .. . Farm for Sale ' • Tut attbscriber Offers for sale that conveniently situated terra, being south -ban Lot 16, 8rd eon. of Hallett, about three miles from the town of Clinton, containing 50 -acres, on which there is a good .fraMe house, barn and stables, good water, fine bearing orch- ard, most of the farm being free frora stumps, and under good cultivation. To be bag either with or without ,,tbe crops. •Tanis made tia&rin'ef application. GEO. PLINTOFF. • Juno 24, 1880. ,• • Dissolution Of Partnership N OTICE. is heroby given that the partnership here - Wore existing between MESSRS. 11.14 W. CAN- TELON, at Carriage and Waggon Makers, in the town of Clinton aas been dissolved by mutual consent. Ifr. 13. Canielon will continue the basiness, as usual, at the former Stand, and all debts due the late arMean be paid to either of (he above, who will settle all accounts againtt them. . II: OANTELON, W. ilANTELON. Chilton tune 25,1880. Tenders • 1 WILL be received at No. 4 SehOol House, Tucker. smith, at 6 otelook pall.' on Italy 18.1h, for re- painting and re.plastoring said.Sehool House. .Portiot withinto see tho'work to be done before tendering, can do SQ any teaching day up to July 6111, when they will be ohovni tho premises by the teacher in charge, and alto a upeouication of tbe work to be done. Sped - Sections can also be risen at tho residenee of GE080E 8141tikt; lot 18, 0011. 8, 11.R.S. and at R. Psacoduit, lot 40, caul, Londen,Boad,.&ranton, -The Board d0. not bind themselves to accept Die fovea or any tender . - By order of School Board, Tuoiermiat' Jane 26, G188E0.SPROAT, Secy. TSR.0 MONO? ZOOX. MORTGAGES, NOTES, • AND OTI1EB • Good Securities Ptuehas9d. CONVIEVANCING. w. w. • 0118168, NO, 0, 3879. 47 41. .enneonswot:earimeeseerriseosoacesecnostosiereel jE . IRDI.11,11%-a.:.,114111i,.. . • riliblisiatnirt.. .,,PrOFe", m771xS1tIwt194!"0••?Prig."'"grltovo,rateleavetrevertar.storminomeinterersos9 TIUCKEal S • EvaLY Hauvrarrixo.—On the Otli lust., :Ifr. Jas. Dallas, of lot 20, 2nd con. l'uckersinith, eommenced harvestieg his fall'wheat, which is the earliest ever Itttown in these parts, and three.daye earlier than he commenced cutting year before last. The oro p is splendid. and will yield about 35 bushels to the acre. HOLMESVILLE, PERA0K&E,.—it it) our pkinfd ditty to record the prostration of Mr. John Calbick, of this place, on, a he of sickness. TB/arm—Mr. A. Duff, agent G.T,B., in. forms us that the receipts from passenger traffic alone, at this station, for the month Of June, amounted. to $40,85. This is a good; showing for a station only recently opened. -- The midsummer written examination, of the Hohnesville schoolrtook place On the`281h and 29th of June. The fol. lowing were successful in securing first, second and third places respectively, in the torms to which they belong: 4bh form,—S. Ford, -J. Ford, J. Rumball. 3rd form,—E. Proctor, A. Cottle, S. Walters. 2nd form, -3, Murch; E. Proctor, 11. Holeswarth. 1st -f orm,—A. Tebbutt, M. McCartney, J. JarVis. .GODEIVIC. YriTOWNSHIP. . • FOR DAE:0TA.—Mr. JaMOS Elliott, of this township, leaves this week, by boat, with a number of first-class horses, for Dakota. Picrtic.-÷-.& successful picnic in connection with the Sabbath school of Cole's church, was held'in Switzer's grove, -on Dominion day. . Traonne rhe trOstees of School Section No. 11, (1511, con.,) hese re- engaged their former tericher, 'Mr, J. O. Smith; for the year 1884 at a salary of f;400. - VoTarts' LisT.,—On the voters' fist of- this. township, for this year, are a total of 774 names, which, of course, includes a few repe- titions ; of the number, 548 are eligible as jurors, 559 are atsessed as owners, 111 as ten. ants, SI as farmers eons, and 10 as occupants. Among the names appearing most frequently are 25 Elliotts, 18 Sdhustons,18 Oantelons, 13 Coxes, and 10 Cooks. On the listihere are 105 names beginning with C. ,EXAMNATION.--A highly successful exami. nation was held in S.S. R.o.9, on Wednesday, June 30th. The pupils were examined in all the subjects taught during the half-year, the readiness and accuracy with' which they an. _Severed the °questions asked them by the exam- iners says a good deal for Mr. E,"Floody's abilt•- • ty as etc:teller, -There were a number of vi8it7 ,Prs present and ell appeared to be well pleas- ed with the, 'result of the examination,. The gentlemen present gave short addreases at •--the concluaion- highly cOmplimeatary te the teacher. . • • • "?, • ':. °LIPPED Ht3ROI ITEIVIg'• • Wrannam.HMr. Wm: McCandish has re- ceived the contract of building a bridge on. eon. 2 Morris, for the sum of $830 ; Mr. ,A.,. King has, received the job .of, digging 4000. rods of dra.in in Morris, at $1.03 per rod, . On Tuesday Messrs. Scett &Bell Shipped to Win- nipeg two car loads"of furniture'; this makes :mann ear loads thetthey have shipped to 'the Warne point this year. • A. litiliken, C.M., Who has for three years succesSfelly labored on AO. field circuit, has been appointed to a circuit in the St. Pair district: for which field he left on Friday.. He carries with him the sincere well wishes of all, lie is .sneeeeded by the, Rev. Mr. Menders, of Ulster; whose ministerial efforts we trust will be browned withsuceees. Holum...I-Mrs. Sohn Gallagher owns a tioese that, although 20 years old, has laid two litter of- eggs this spring, one Of Which hatched out and Is now bringing up with all the care 'which her extended experience in this line permits; this geese took first premium at the first agricultural exhibition ever hiAd in Howiok. Mr. John McKee and family left on •tho 6th for the "great lone land." • Baussims.—:The annual re. ort of the -Me- harrow, and when found wag lying on the grOUnit i11 an exhausted condition froi . its en- • (leucite to extricate heel ; Mr. Cardiff at once set to work to release the animal, but could • not do SO uutil he procured -a wrench. autl oh's. el, awl unbolted and took the harrow apart; eyonln few slight outs about the head. and egs, the animal was none otbe worse, fixareirrit.—Iley, rt. Cobb preached his firat sermon hero in the Methodist Unwell, on the 4th inst, • Mr, G. A, Dickson, late of Sarnia, •has been appointed caehier in the Bank •of Commerce. It has been decided to have the waterworks celebration on the 27th, the de- " monstration will consist of a thorough teat ef the works, a Firemen's tournament in which it is expected that the various companies in the Vicinity Will.talre part and compete for liberal • prizes to be offered, to goncludet with a grand procession, consisting of the niembers of the Town*CpunelBrigadea, the Masonic:, Oddfellowie and Foresters' lodges, the High and Public School Boards, tho teriehere and, pupils of the High and Public Scheels, and - the Volunteer Company; in the afternoon is proposed to have a picnic in Mr. James , Beattie' s grove, et which the Members Of Par- liament for tha counties of Huron and Perth, and the Warden of Huron and others. Lave • . been invited to deliver suitable addresses, A, son: of Mr, 'Toe. Kim, Dublin, lost $800.in bills, • between ,leaforth. and, Dublin, on Tlleaditr . •last ; tw� boys found it and afterwards cle niealt ; they were captured in Cloderielt tile • , swam day, Mr. Kidd told_ them to go and sin no more which was more than they deserved. , Mr. 'RA. Brett, leather merchant, proposes leaving town and intends starting a tannery in Beim• A Raux Ne0r.—On Tuesday, 15th of June, Mr. Robt. Relines, of, the 81h eon.; in plow - big a. summer fallow, turned' over a nest of mud thrtles • containing forty eggs. Tlaf3 eggs are very round in shape. and are about,three inChes in dirouraference.• Stactst.—A social was held at the residence of the Rev:Mr. Edwardsron Tuesday, 22nd June& Quite a number from the different ap- pointments were present and a very pleasant time was spent. 'rhe Rev. gentleman labors on the HolineaVille oireuit for the ensuing year. SA•oon ExdatneArtog.--Air examination of the pupils of S. S., NO. 9, East Wawanosh, took place on Friday last. The pupils were put throngh a critieal examination by their teacher, Mr, S. Reid, assisted by Messrs. J. 11. Brost and J, Linklater. Tho answering of the:pupils Was very _satisfactory in many of the classes. .The number of *Reis was not" what might be •expected, but this I suppose was owing to the busy time of the season. The gentlemen preterit then' gave short ad- dresses in which they -expresseLthernselves well satisfied with Om progress of the school under 4ha tuition of Mr. Reid.,'—A vxmon. Horan Athem..—Mr. Robt. Armstrong, of the 5t1 con., who took his departure for the state of Hansas about it month ago, has re- turned home. It was his intention Of taking up land if the place suited him, but he does _not seem to appreMate it so highly as some do. He says- the land there ischiefly-la prairie, - and farming is carried on more eitteneively than in Canada. Wheat, core and -clover is about' the only kind of grain that will grOW ther9, 011 account of the great droughts which occur. They had no ram for three months previous to the middle of may, but as the soil is of it 'closer, flourbh nature the dry season does not afkeet it1bo much as it Weald in Ca- nada. He says strong raw wind keeps blow- ing incessantly, which is anything but plea sant, and it is almost impossible to get a drink of good pure water. Wheat is selling at about 80 cents per bushel. They were reaping their grain while he was there, it Wa just a fair oro. He does not advise any per ,pon to go there to take up laud unless tlaey haye a good capital to begin with, • a • ';• thodist Sabbath School is as follows: No; of verses recited (hiring the year 14,853,els in- crease of 4,824 Over the proceeding year; No. of scholars on ro11210; average attendance 140. Mr. W. It.• Wilson; of the Brussels Foundry, arrived home from Manitoba last Monday; his three eons have settled in Dakota. Mr. D. MeGillieudy, of the Pose, after a fortnight's' illness, is around again. Mr. A. &Peters has ROld out to Mr. G. A. Hall, of Toronto, who is now conducting the business. HAY. —A young man named Peter ;Croft, of the Goshen Line, Stephen, got his leg broke while .,attending a barn raising at Jacob Rhader's. ; Mr. Philip Rader was plowing in one of his fields; and while in the act of un- hitching his team from the Plow, one of the horses; a young one, let fly with both heels, striking Mr. Rader in the stomach; hei died on Sunday. On Sunday last, as Alice Mabel,. the' youngest ohild cl Mr. R. Eacrott, was climbing over it fence it foil, knocking down a heavy rail on her, breaking the leg it little ab .To vueott hEen skmateTen, I, s. fall, while visiting in Ohio, Mr. Geb. Sproat, purchased and brought home With him a few bushels of fall,wheat for seed, of tho variety known as "Ioultx;" he sowed this wheat on his farm, the heads are now well filled and are plump, square, and of .good size ; it has stood the minter "ice% and promises a Very heavy crop; it • was sown about throe weeks later than the other varie- ties on hie 'fa'rni, and it headed out fullyt a week earlier this spring; it has done Well on the other side, and from his • experience of. it Mr. Sprott is perfectly satisfied it will do egeally well here, Gookmeu.-r-Our County Crown Attorney, Ira Lewis, Esq., lost a valuable gold watch while pbssing throrigh the crowd of people as. sembled here on the 24th ult ; he had it at. tached to a slight ribbon., and in the crowd it was accidentally jerked from his pocket, and its slight guard could not prevent it breaking loose and falling to the ground; fortunately, lionestlittle-hoy-d iseovered4t-and-returned it to Mr. Lewis the following day, for which he was handscnnely recompensed. Mr. Xidd, of Dublin, will erect a saw mill here if the town will give him certain gratuities.. The 1st of Inly celebration was not' much Of an affair, young lad, son of Mrs. Clark, of the lath eon., while working with a scythe, cut his leg badly. On going to the field one morning lately, Mr, Thos. Cardiff, Iot 10, don. 13, fond it yearling heifer in a rather strange predicament; the day 'before he brought home a sot Of iron harrows and loft them standing against a fence, in a summer fallow field, into which his stockhad Meese; the animal in ques. twit by some means during the night got its ' head ithd front feet in olio of tile Sectione oPtlie * FORVPAUGH'S MONSTER SHOW - • PARADE. On -the morning of Monday, 19111, the Great Vorepaugh Show will inaugurate its sojourn in - Goderich by a magifilleent street procession. The Hamilton(Ont.) Spectator thus ;mentions the appearance of the pageant in that city, a' few clays since :— This morning Forepaugh's mammotheiraus and menagerie arrived in tho city, and• also did thousands of people from the surrounding country, all big with expectation of the sights . which were to be seen. The procession was the attraction during the forenoon, the. prin. cipid streets being thronged with pedestrians . and vehicles of every description.' It was the general opinion that the .crowd of spectatoiS was larger than ever assembled in Ilatnilton. on a .oircus. day. King street was perfectly*. alive with men, Wonien and children, who go, atipied the hest position obtainable fore sight of the cavalcade,' while the vicinity of the .• . -Gore; and James street far. mirth were wee., / Pied by a donee surging mass of human beings. • • Ported° gazed With wonder on the massive gilded . ohanote-drawmhylrigir „ • • •, ,•• •,;••••••• •• , parlsoned--frorsesys•Xtileirrations, • - Wereleard. on all sides ns the troup..of • ole. ,* • , „ • pbants went soberly, along drawing the hand • chariot; speenlation was rife as occasionally a • • • icier or !scregeb from some wild animal was. • . 4heard from the interior of the ponderous oages, • .aild therewere numerous other thinksof a • " startling nature to please and interest tho be- holders. Heavy irregular Camels, diminntive • pehiee,,gergeously apparelled equestriant fol. lowed each other in rapid succession ; African lion in charge of,o young girl on top ole' edge • , excited boundless aitonishment,while- the steam Piano; or calliope, which" played popu- lar airs in its shrill and peculiar tones, (nine in for alarge share of attention.. .Altogether • the procession was e most creditable one, and, fully worthy the reputation • of the famous • . • . • Forepaugh. , • en.OP ritbsPECTs. .. • We take the ,following report in". reference ' to„the crone in this .seetion from yesterday's Globe, which publishes reports from all parts . of the Province. The figures indicate the state of the creme, 100 being assumed as an average condition CLnerott.—Fall wheat 1,20: Spring wiii4at 50. Barley 110. Oats 100. Peas' 90. Hay • 100. Flax 125,- Potatoes 120; Apples 100. • Roots 72. Other fruits 80. Area fall wheat about 25 per cent. above average. Spring wheat much below, Oats, barley, peas, po- • tatoes, an average. Flax above average. Rye and eorrelittle or none sewn._._,. Buenvat,n,-.7•Fall wheat 110: Spring wheat 90. Barley 941. Oats 110. Peas- 110. Rye 100. Hey 80. Potatoes 110. Corn 75, Roots .100. Apples 110.7/they fruits 120. 'Area • fall wheat, spring Wheat, wits, peas, potatoes. •• above ayerage. Barley, Corn, rye, hay, below average. . • - Wabr, --Fall wheat IN. 8pring .„ 90. Barley 100. Oats 100. Hay 100. Po- tatnell look well. Apples 125. Plums a fail- ure. Other fruits 100: Area fall wheat ' 'above average. Spring wheat below average. Oats inedinm. Potatoes average. Barley and vpaettied,, sbelow, Eye and cora yeti, little mild- Ntrixona.m.—Fall wheat 115. Spring wheat 65, Barley 100. • Oats 120; Peas 105. Rye 00. Hay 115. „Potatoes 110. hoots 110. Corn 90. Apples 00.; Other fruits 100. Area " fall wheat, oats, potatoes and barley above ' • average. Spring wheat, rye, corn and peas belowBteroueasvrtnatg,D°: - Fall wheat Aire spring • wheat 25. Barley 100. Clete 110. Peas 90„ Rye'norte. Hay 110. .Potatoes 100. Corn 75. Roots 100. Apples 120. Other fruits 130. Area fall wheat, barley and oats above. X11 others below. Roots above. Pratt above.• DAvka,p. •,•10all wheat 120, Spring wheat 20, owing tb blight. 13carcled riming wheat 110, bilt nob :doh sown, Barley 90. Oats 100, Peas, wormy, .25. Ray 00. Patatoes 120. Corn 100, Roots 100: Apples 100. Peaches injured by worMS in the kereol, Plums 25. ,BPS,MORE.--Vall wheat 120. Spring wheat - 100: Barley 90. Oafs 90. Pearl 110. Rye 100. ' Hay 100, Potatoes 100; Corn 100. Roots 90. 'Apples 125. Plums 70, Other fruits -100. Fall wheat, peas and oats above average. Bat, . 4 ' Iey, spring wheat, hay and potatoes below ' aVOreroaiStxtE,—Prill wheat 120. Spring wheat 00. , Barley 100. Oats 100. Peas 100, May 100. Potatoes' 100. Roots 100e Appleit120-,- Other ' Irbitlr200R0 Tn.—Fall wheat 110, Spring. Awhoot 90. Barley 100. Hay 100. Peas 90. Potatoes 100, •Applee 100, Other fruits 80. Area fall wheat above average. Spring wheat, bolo Peas, very few sowed. Barleytillow averNg PotatoesTtotnitstav:crrtar.:—Fall wheat good. Sprin wheat looks well. Barley, oats, hay, potato rota and apples promise anabundant bre Parte litile sown. • Area fall wheat above telt rage. Other crops average, Blinn. —Pall wheat 110. Spring wheat Oats 100. Peas 00. Hay 100. .PotatoeS0 Roots 100. Appiee 120, Other fruit 110. Ar fall wheat, Oats and potatoes above avers spring wheat, barley and peas boloW avara • •