HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-07-01, Page 1r • i Pr, ••••••••••••••••••••••• VERIMS-1102:1.11;45.4attlIZ.tur adValeCe. grotogional Othrie CMOs J)R, REEVE ilea removed hie reeidence to the house lately (minded. by TUODIAO WACREION, 48(19 URTOR, street. °face On Rattenbury 'street, as before. ..• Teas • anentexessettesenti • •AND CENTRE HURON GENERAL ADVERTISER. CLINTON, ONTARIO, T.13EURSD,AY,. JULY i 1880. • Money to.Lend, T - Et ig SECURITY. IJERE'ST tT TeasClinton, Dec. 18,1E479. CHAS. EIDOUT. MONEY TO LEND, IN LABGE OR SMALL SUMS rireIIE undersigned having imported. direct front Eng. .0.1. on good, mortgage security, at moderate rates of -I- land some very SUPERIOR ELACE AND GREEN intereet. U. HALE- TEA, now offers the same for eale, It is put up in ilia Clinten, August ilth 1869. 7.tf or ten lb.'haddies, for family use. TO THE TRADE—it le offered in whole or half A LIST QV LANDS IN MURON FOE SALE BY •cheste, at Prices ;ewer than generally paid to wholeeale boom. ' ...C3, the Canada Company may be aeon at the office of Orders by until promptly filled. A. trial eolicited. TOIT.N.RANSFQBE Clinton, Jan, 17,1879, Clinton, June 10, leso. MA us, WHITT, Teacher of Musip. Pupils attended 11.11. at their.Own resid.ence, if necemary. Residence one door South of ur. 0. A. Hiatt's, Queen Street. Clinton, May 15, 1880, H. DOWSLEY, M. D.i M, R. C. S. England, Ehysician, Surgeon, ito. gale° and residence next Molson'e Batik, market ware, . • • Clinton/ an. 15 1880. TAR. APPLETON. — OFFICE s-- At Residence on • Ontario street, opposite the .PInglieh Church, Entrance by aide gate. Clinton, Doo. 4,1879. ' • [ARS. REEVE.& WILLIAMS. *Office, Itattentsury Street, immelliately behind Rai:Word's book store. °Mee hours trout 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Clinton, Jan.29, 1880. O YOUNG, M. (GRADUATE OF TORONTO • University,) Phyeician, Snrgeon, ete.treeidenee at Mr. Manning's, three doom east of the Temperance Hall, Londesboro, Ont, - Londeabcro, June 14,1879. DSTANBURT, GRADUATE OF THE MEDICAL Department, of Viotoria University, Toronto; for. nierly of the Mospitals and Dispenearies, New York, Coroner for the bounty of Huron, RaVrrEnn, Ont. July 22, 1674. 31 AffiRRIAGE LICENSES AND 0ERTI1?ICATES.— ..131 Apply at the Town Hall, or et the reeidence of the subscriber, near the Louden, Munn & Brine Railway IAMBS SCOTT„, Issuer of Marro ge Lioonoeo. Clinton, April 27th, 1.876. 1U'0N To LEND.—I have any amount of money .111 to lend, on good, improved farms only, at 7} per cent, interest payable yearly. S.= no objeet if swirl. ty ample. Private tuna. • . JOHN S. PORTER, Seaforth. Dn. WORTMINGTON, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON; A ceouchettr, Lidentiate of the College of Phyeielisn, and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provincial Lieenti. ate and Coroner for the County of /furors. °Me and residence,— The building formerly Occupied by Mr. Thwaites, Huron street. . Clinton, Jan. 10, 1871. „ T8151 CENTEX'', HOTEL — late Feriner's — 1 Street, Clinton. S. PIKE, Proprietor. This he, tel has lately been greatly improved and thoroughly refurnished, and possesses every requieite for the 00131. • fort and convenience of the travelling nubile. Good stabling and attentive hoetler. Clinton, Nov. 2Sth, 1878. W. E. CARTWRIGHT, Stnionou DmerraT • Graduate of the RoyalCollege Of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, has 'opened rooms in the ViotorieBlook, Albert Strome, Clinton, where be will constantly be in attendanee, and prepared to per.. form ovary operation eonhboted with Dentietzy: Teeth extracted, sr filledvvith gold, =algal* or other filling materiel. • Artificialtrieth bleated from (meld a full eet. Clinton, Anil 17, 1879: ,16 Pass, .J. ,BIDDLEC.OMBE,' ViatC.h" and Clock .tfakar,.: JEWELLER, dm., • '• ' Would respectfully announce toshis onetomers aud.the public generally, that he has retuoved hin Itiegforiner building, on , TrtS, MA-ItuliTs Where he Will timp,On itend a Select aesortntent of Clocks, Watches, diandiery, and Silserrars of all kind.. ' Whigh he 11111 sell at reasonisble ratee. ItePeiring of every description prismptly attended to. ' • J. BIEDLECOMBE, .AT413Z10.! STREiTS 'Clinton, Dee. 5, 1878; BAFZGA1NS. PAIRS ' • SHOULD SEE THE • FARMS OFFERED TRRSALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED, IN THE:ITIONIT17 Or OLI.N TON; AND ELSEWHFIRE, AS THEY ARE DiP;b •RARGAIN. . x st x MONEY • 111.0 LOAN . AT? To 7i PEN -CENT:. MORTGAGES ad other unties BOUGHT AND SOLD OFFICE OVER 341 -MES TWITCRELIM3 . • , A. S. FISHER,'.' Notary Pubtie and Coremiesioner Clinton, March., 1860. • 'TX11 LEATIMI, BABBBT lergi Platform Scales. RI:MACE BA.1"-CiRON, And Mardi/rare Merchant. 01.1111TOX, reb.,1680. .; TICICIET AGEI%TCY. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, JAMES THOMP:SON DESIRES to inform the people of this vicinity that he has been appointed Town, Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway, and is authorized to !nue tiekets OR .their behalf. Patties going to the West, 101//finel if to th,eir interest to call •and get rates beforemaking final arrangements Full and reliable information gives', and every facility .afforded intending travellers'. OFFICE—IN n14 STORE OF Moisuscat & Bonne, Albert Street, Clinton. • v. BROADFOOT & BOX, ukDERTAKIEFISs Ti Albert Street; Clinton. TISDALL & .GALE, BANKERS, •Albert Street, Clinton, •• • ' Directly opposite the Market, • rilliANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. 1- Money Advanced on, Mortgages and Notes of band Drafts hound payable at par, and collections end remittances made throughout the United Steiten and •• . Canada. . NOTES DISCOUNTED,' IIIORTDAOES, Stocks, nitd nil other mate. lretablie• Securities bought- nu& Sold ,,Itt knelt BA.NICERS IN NEW AGENTS • , Gle TICE MEROR424"8. RANA.- . OP CANADA.—. INT—ERES1' P: TUDALL. ' • A: GALE: Clinton, May 20, 1880. • • • 't . S. FOWLER t SO A/ ,• DEALERS IN, . NONE, F. &WM MORTGAGES, NOTESII AND *OTHER — Good Soeurities Purchased. CO'NVEYANVING. W.W.IABBAN: Clinton, Nov. 9, 1879. 47 Properlies for sale by 11. llo,C1iutoll TAT FIRST CLASS FA.11111,-No. 35, on the 15th con. of Goderloh Township, belonging to Mre. 0. Gordon; will bp sold ier cash or on part credit. Only one mile from °listen. The farm conteins 80 acres of choice land, in good condition, fine orchard, &c. GOOD FARMS on the Fourth coneeselon of Mullett within live =ilea of Clinton well °leered and with good improvements; will be sold on easy h terms. Lot Seventeen, South -half of Nineteen, and North -half of Twenty. Be sold together oraeparately. rriffE two-story frame hones on Huron street, belong - 1. tug to Mr. 3. 0, Millet, and now occupied by Mr. Balfour, will be sold on 'My easy tonne. No•nioney ee. mitred down, it good security is given. •The house le well built, comfortable, and conveniently situated for it pssiessional or bueineaa man. • MOE frame Cottage •on Itsttenbury Street, one door weet of the Methodist Chureb: This cottage has 7 Toonss, hard and soft Water, cistern, dn. Ternaseaey. ONsix-iocuued Cottage, price A500 ; two tive-room- ottages, 1-100 and 6800. N'ach has it Rood gar. dena C, well, dm. Half the price may ren3ain on mortgage rpHE BRITISH 1101EL5 in Clinton, commonly -L known. at Lane's Hotelosill be sold on very moderate terms. This*pronerty comprises four ehoiee • quarter -sere lotri,Uear the Grand Trunk Station, with largo hotel building, part nearly new, containing 17 rooms. ' Stable about 55x36, with 10 shills. A capable' anth popular landlord eonlil make thie an excellent stand, er it is well adapted for a boarding house on a Jame scale. !TOM house end lot on Rattenbriry street, which be. J- longed to the /ate WILLIAM Ceranortret, will be • eold cheap fen Xag lately been put in geed re- pair. Six rooms, good garden, • • • H. HALE, Huron Street, Clinton. • Clinton June Ist,1880: . •• holds. • IN ROWING,' • . :* S. DAVIS DOES TIIE - IN tiJELLIND • ,1•70i.k-OGAE :0114 '1,5ecerris ver: gallon inmetuft-nura. sore, ATLANTM) °Ital. HEADL1GMT 0114 BARBED WIRE, LAWN MOVERS. , , . :HARVEST , SCYTHES; CRADLES, SCYTHE SNATIIS, HOES AND FORKS iv ALL KINDS, IVARVEST DIII'ETte BIED CAGES, FLY TRAPS, PLOW POINTS, SOLE • • •WA TOIIES) C140cK8 Shelf Hardware in Endless Variety. ... Albert Street, gLiNTON. We have juet added to eta stock it fine' lee of • • . • . . . . . . :VIOLIN -at -11111TAIFSTRINGS.: SPEOTACLE S ALWAYS h...eiPT 1N STUCIZe ' .. • -61int9n.; clet.'2; 4879. ' BITST;\TESS . . . JJAVINO purchased the stock Mid good -will of the 'Grocery business of •Mr. W. H. HINE, the eith- er:Tibor would take this opportunity of thanking his *heeds for the liberal petrenage enjoyed hy him while a ,member of the firm of STUIPPARA & Cooeurt, and hopes by liberal inducements to.reeeive a fair SLUM Ot •enstom from them in his new. buelness. As he intends 'to keep the beet assortment, he is ready to • Offer Dods at the lotort remunerative Prim Ansi will shortly open out' a fresh supply of TEAS, SUGARS, COFVEES,: ' . TOBACCOES, . , r joip onock Y, OLASSWATIE, SY1WPS, APS, &c., die. 11, RED ItIER THE ',lam:It —Rio old stand, • Corner of Albert end Hattenhury Streoth ,• •THOS. COOPER Clinton, March 24,1880. ' GroceryBusinessi • WM. MOORE BEGS intritm the inhabitants of ?Minton and surronnding eotintry, that bb.ban recently bur. °based the stock in trade of Mr. JAS. SHEPPARD, ae GENERAL GROD,ER & PRRISION DEALER Andin addition to the stock thmi 011 had, he has pup chased a largo stook of Teas oSugars and General Groceries From the boot wirehousee in the Dominion, whieh having purchaaed principally for cash,lie is prepared to sell GOODS 0011 LESS 210N81T than those who buy en ,eredit, and Consequently can afford ' to eV° hia customers the benefit. AV Ire .11a; no liesitaaon in,,saying that lie can supply his customers with as good• On ar. tide in TEAS and SUGARS as can beltad anywhere in Clinteit. A TRIAL COADLILLE SOL/0/tED. DOl'OT If ORORT' THE PLACE — JAN11603 aillIP EPI1ARS OLD , Clintell, May 80111110, ' 81AC/41'."., :RAILS.' NAILS. NAILS. BARN DOOR ROLLERS, WITHOUT TEACK, BEST •INVENTED; ' Ittivar, ad:skims; -CLOTHES WRING. Ell, PAINTS?. OILS, PARIS GREF,N, GLASS, I'UTTY, El:ASS KETTLES, ENAMEI.I.ED • 'KETTLES. ' StoveS&Tin*are Eavetronah;- in.g and •Conducting Pipe • . • TORN/P, SEED; HUNGARIAN SEED, MIELET• • aarPartieq. intending to buihl Ana i 1 „ tO their'arteantrige locall begbre purchasing sorlteee,. as I ell old prics. • • . • - . 'S.-DAVIS; .J.- • . .... . . . . . . . . ... .....• _. a . . • ...t.sAF.x.0141 r.LI:s AND.TIAISIDWARO STORE. • - ••' 03.111011, jrina'Srd,1880. ' . • CONSUMPTIVES; See what Physicists/is tend Ore.People say about SCOTT'S .E91111,1440K OF COX3r-LIVER OIL AND ItYPOPII0S- PIT as a remedy .for .Conaumption, Scrotal'', and. Wasting Alfentions • ' October 50,1878: IstO8BTS. SCOTT& BOWNE, Ginerr.uniar—I have prescribed. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, etc., in ray practice, and used it in ray finnily. I am greatly pleased with it because of ite milatablenees sad the *good results that follow its use. X have found it very serviceable in serefulons dimness and pulutonary affections. Respectfully yours, • • IRA M. LANG, m. D., •' 279 East Broadway, N. I/. ' Ldur MLLE, XT., Mowery 3, 1878. Ocurtunis---For the last Mit= months I nsod your COd Liver Oil Einulsion; both in. hospital 'and in private practice, and havg been greatly pleased *with its effeote. Xt ie better borne and can be taken for a longer thne than any other preparation of Cod Liver Oil.- In Consumptien and children's diseases X have found it ,asplarially* valuable. . JOHN A. oorgni,c NY, hi...D.,. Vis. Physlician, Louisville City,elospital. AttegEITH. SCOTT & Prowiln ; X have need Scott'e Emuleion of Cod Liver Collin vs - .:ions instating, andehave found it to be easily taken, readily aseimilated; and raphlly iniproves the nnttition and flesh. I consider it -the best Emulsion I over used. • • R. E. HAuGHT 81.81., • • Indianapolise musts SCOTT & BOWNR: I have given yottr remedy of Cod Liver 011 &o., it fair trial, and am glad that I tan say X think itis the rem- edy for weak lunge and bad cougha. • I oan highly re- 00Menend it. Whorl tho dootors had given me up, I h"'emalnitlrandasIgeinliggthyovtletrymfaedist°,111:1% Vinki larashaglaliztorong Totirstrulif G. A. BIEDERSTADT, . Galveston, Ind. .Seiseir & novena t • - . • X felt it My duty to let you know the benefit I have derived front the use of your Emulsion. Thad a very had cough eor. yeere, and on consulting Dr. ; r. E. Ger. eueb of thie city, he lammed mo that myleft lung was diaearled,aml prenribed Scott's Emulsion with Hypo. phosphites. After taking two bottles, X began to im- prove very rapidly, and continued using it nntimine token ten bottlee, and now am tso'hOolthy a"mari as there is in the (ay of Baltimore.When I began using t X weighed 145poundea now weigh 180 pounde. YOure, • Oct. 0,1870. 81.1. FARQUHAR, Baltimore, hid. ChatAinaerenA, SeptemberlS; 1877 • Seen' h ZOWNES' Ottitt—I thought I would write to you, as 0 saw a notice upon your bottles of late non its long contirtne ed use. Thin has proved true in my eine, I was given tip to die last Match With eionetusiption ;-the best medi- cal aid made nO nee of any treatment. My husband applied for your troUltion of Cod Liver oil; he lute bought tweittpOik.bOttlbri Mid it ie rodtoring tete to bOdIth beyond the expeetations of hundreds expecting to hear of my deathlsvery' day. I should like to talus it for year, wiion4 think, I Will be perfectly eared. Your* with reaped, Mrs.ELDEIDGIL Fit tele by Druggist. iit Sipa bottle. gg1ti NIV•ertiggittellt$. • Servant Wanted. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT WARTED. — Xi. Apply to 81118. HOVEY. Clinton, June80,1880. "7".•-•• For Sale, ••••• MEE hots° on Ilattenbury Street, belonging to Mr. 1 A. Duncan, two doora west ot the Methodist church • Eight rooms, *woodehed, good stable, dm. --. H. HALE, 'linen Street. Clinton, July 1, 1880, House Wanted. AATANTED TO RENT, a House containing 7 or 8 V V" good pores, in good looality, between the G.W. IL Depot and centre of town Preferred. Apply tq MR. IIIWIN, G.W.R. Depot, • Clinton, July 30, 1880. Tenders Wanted. • "(AT- ANTED, Tenders for Calcimining, Whitewath- • ing,' andrepairing plastering of the Publio School House, TOIldeTO TeCCiVed, UP TO MONDAY, IDLY 12213, and partioulars given by *** W. H. HINE, Secretary. Clinton, June 80th, 1880. ' Good Farm for Sale, . MBE enbscriber offers for sale his farm, being Lot 18, •THE 2, Mullett, 100 acres, 60 cleared; dood bank barn 86 ;70 fed, with stabling all under, 2 purep wells and a never -failing spring of geed water; good orchard In fell bearing. Situate 4„ nines from Minton Railway Station (a thriving town) For further partieulare ap. ply to the proprietor, on the premises. SUCCESS.-7This villago has one Of the. best •-JAMES WALKINSHAVI. country stores in tiffs county. The proprietor Mlle% Tone 80, 1880, • fin is Mr. Andrew Duff, ex -teacher, well known throughout these parts, and we are glad to know that he is so successful. V.41 i 15C&••••• A‘44,i •••• ' t =,,,,,,,er.,:nasnaasewearcreetworscosemszwecesenntwoograwssignij eculzinmer psbneerrsa, csroestrog, BAYFIELD, DAKOTA NICIVIzi, A 11 "4 1 AI -- ed. an auotion room here, and will transmit bu si- neon in that lino, Ile hoe comraened the butchering business, which lie intends to (Jerry on. COLBORNE. VOTION COM. r. o twit has open, , BARN Buruan.—The barn buildings, and contents of various kinds of implements, be. longing to Mr. Robt, BissettTOOlborne, were burned last Sunday night. 1118 not known, hove the fire originated, Nothing was saved. Loss $1,500,inoured iu the Waterloo Agricul- tural for 1800. STANLEY. BR051EN,-04 Wednesday last as a son of Mr. Geo, Baird, telieher, was up on a tree cutting a switch, hei missed his footing .and fell, breilbing his left arm a little Above the wrist. It is doing well, RoAns.—The roads have receive& eopsider- able improvements during the last two weeks, from statute labor and other jobs let by the Reeve and Couneillors, ootthat they are•now, in very good repair. • HOLMESVILLE. Piditro.—A number from tbie village and vicinity joined the excureion and picnic frora Clinton to Goderich yesterday, in cOnneqtion with the Bible Christian Sabbath School cif that plebe.• • .Good Farm for "Lease. Othe 16th eeneession, Goderieh Township, 85 tares cleared, nuder good state of cultivation, Good Holum and Outbuildings. Lease given for one year, and if suitable to all partio, extended for two years longer. Privilege to plough immediately after harvett, with full possesaion given ist of February.— For particulate apply to. MRS. M. TAYLOR, Clinton, Sane 80, 1880.' , _Tann for. Sale.. (VICE 'estets of the late Alexander Gardner, being lot J- 211, 7111 conceesion, Goderith Township, containing 80 acres, 70 cleared, balance good hardwood. 'A never. failing spring creek, well calculated for dairying or stock-raiaing—a substantial atory and half frame house, . ,atniedu:orosd, ndruptlbyutioldings ; also: a gorodorbteerit,roininoirPohma.rd: with 35 Berea adjoining the above, which may be mu, chased at the IMMO tinie,•ll desired. For further par, . .A.RCHIBALD IllePHAIL ), Exenthi.a. Or ROBERT MILLER, ' Gederieh township, July 41880, Cnunoki.---The Rev. J. Philp Preached his farewell sermon last Sunday evening, to a very large congregation. He removed yester- day to Belgrave, the field of his future labors. The Rev. Mr: EdWards,the new pastor of the, Methodist Church, in this village, arrived. yesterday from Belgrave. • LOATDES130R,O. Too BAD.—Miss Susy Vliarner,-,from near Brusiels, late of 'Elliott, passed through here Yesterday, on her tray to Cleveland, U., S. where she intends.to live.. It seems a great h daft. • • pity that such a geed girl as Sesy should lea've Canada unmarried. The boys must be going . , • SERMON. fler. Jas; .Caswell preached a moat exeellent sermon hero, ou Sunday last, ' on the "Origin, progress and advantages of Sabbath Schools,' one thing he said which — -••••••••••—• :•• Tenders-,- . .. ... s4uck Lul ,,,, boing” sadly too true, "That a w ' . .. .. - ill,: be receiv'ed at No. 4 School House, Tucker - • smith, at 6 <moat p.m.,, on July 1.3th;for•re- ,ew(lean great cafsetahneeira tmheorn.ralthpeyowf114., ,aamridd a'nting and re-pis:siding said School 'louse. Parties- •.f li isihing. to see the work to be done before tendering, 1 such, people jollied tile church they seldom'. .4clvainn dbo,e7.134aorawyntzettilictililinifetildaryoutt‘tii4,joultyeatiter, winhconhattbig, i , n.,,....,, ,. ...... , ,........::_::,• .. , , continued faithfullong."" . . - _ _ - . ,..... and also.a specification of the worn to be thine: Simms , ficatione can also be seen at the mildew's of Gnonon . . flULLETT:' SPROAT, lot 18, eon. 8,81,81.8., and at b. rem:mows, lot 46, con. 1, London Road, Granton. Tho Board do . ITITALSTATifine8.--For the halt -year ending , not bind themselves to Itecept the lowest Or any tender. the 30th of June, there mere recorded- with . By order of School I3oard, . ' .; the clerk of Hullett township the following r , GEO. SPIICAT, s'oey. T.S.B. . Tuckeramith, June'25,18S0. , . • ' births, 44; marriage* fi; death's, 19, of which there were five' females- over 70 years of age, • . . * . ri o T 1.0 E 1. ._ . Viz., one SO, two 75, one 73, and one 70. ' BiAistintcron.—A very puccessful. examine- - . .. . grelif many ydunj5op1,-of both 562-MiTiVitts • • tion was held io S. S. N. 2, on Friday, june • ' 25th, 'J'Ile teacher, Mr. S. Megaw, assisted by 'any Mr.S. M. Kilty,examined the pupils in various turned Iran a visit to' • • 'Under dare of the22nd of June, a forrn- er Heronite sends us the following itemS, the parties mentioned being mostly Gate- d& township youths : caAnlitXraraNkoe Mr1104.6e; iFnADSTa.—toWt4 o Isvazimhecyt Donald and A. Sterling took a job of breaking twenty-five acres, at R2.50 per acre; they started, on Monday morning, having six miles to go to .their work, and they got their job completed on !Saturday at noon. They. would have finished' on Friday night, -but one of them broke,bls plow, and had. to go home for another -one, the distance of twelve miles. They had to draw water two'miles, and that took up time, go they made $62,50 in five days and a half. Who can beat that The former had three horses and a° siuteen-incli plow and the latter had two horses and it four- teen -inch plow. janies Sterling has taken a job of breaking twenty acres for $2.50 ° per 'acre ; he° interala coMploting it in two weeks, that will be $50. He got $10 for drawing load of lumber twenty miles. • That is how the Porter'e Hill boys make their money. Goon WATER. h•---13,Tilliam McDdbald has Argot: luolo;; he got n. well bored sixty feet deep, and gOt. a Rowing stream- of. good water, which is very scarao around herb, but there are lots of wells going ahead. PLENTY TO DO. —There no need of men being out of employment here for there is lots Of work for them if they want it, but there are lots of mut looking for work and'praying that they cannot find it, but they will soon have to come to time. HOLISM COISIPIMTED.--Tsir. WM. Davison has got his house completed, aud it is the finest laking holise on tho prairie within. ten mike'. He intends going home for his wife? add family very sailor; he -lues got twenty-five sores broke 'ready for crops, next spring. URFORT [MKT s. Francis. late from Iiindardine, has had very bad luck since he clime out here ; his horses took sick over a month •ligo and he has done nOthirig with them ; seems like it distemper. There are lots of holies with it; but not many of them are dying. CouLn NOT STAND IT.—TWO Y5:fling 111011. from Goderieh town came out to..Dakotit to see it, and thev. thought they would . look for work ; sVey'started for .the , • miles thoy- got tired. One said .to the ' other. 'that . ley were no cut ,ont for " • , navvios,,'/ so they turned back and -beat thej road o Fargo •Tilers. -"--if iitiA3i.ivrltly; froth Mika's, signiker • - himself "J farmer, Ie. 'IS SORd. us ili8 name, • or telt ue bow it letter can **, be will mentor a • • „ • • $3,LIPPED ITU• • • 1.,Midon Road, near : heavy dranght horze,' , Sum of 11-120 john B. 4 .8 n ono. oan e on- uro.Comp . subjects taught during the half-year, andthe he Says that' Most oft! ' ' , . . . . .. h - ' readinees erel accuracy with which they an - .• vicinity to settle iu the - . . , . „ ., , . - . . • , (00,..X.olmom ONTAitic,) swered the questions puttee them, reflects great he sp•eahs highly of tb . selvee. . Their Arithtiletio wad preiseworthy. thore. . . * " ;. , • ' • . •• ' • Lane auir Dundee Street; • -. B.A.,sii..-., There were not many visitors present, -owing NBXT DOOR TO 'THB..MOLSON to the fact that' the farmers were busy Makin' g etiBi.ililiTrTiLa'ia/24411;Ni.V.11311.1 . `.. t, 11-: • . - • , And are.receiving regular mouthly remittances of Eng,' iturnion, wits gottina balk, on " • -,, ,. preparations foiliarvest,bithhosewhowerepre- -.-. 9 • . • • ' lisle. capital for inve,atment in Mortgagee, on real estate. ' STRA.IGIFF' LOA NS. at 't ford '7i per eenf, steeortlieg.:ie Ore elase of SOcatilty • ofrOred. • • ____'.__ ... ' • — L----BERSONAN.--41174.--Roberb-310stOill , - s'itivipiGs BA-zoii titilaicsi--Enteit•est ireen.ill.for some tinier is, we are- pleaged fc ' know, able to beabout again. . ' • • • • - anew.eil Oft depots1114., . Hive removed to their now oftioe, corn'er of Market* credit OTT their teacher as well aS dn. thorn- . Very oomfortablo-iii---13 , -sent were well pleased With the resillt of the -amination, The eXamination was closed with the axe slipped, giVing him a ratherseve, -t .„ on the right knee. On •Thursclay.the* sta., ' recitatione, 'dialogues, and singing: . • belonging to Jai. What (t Co:, of the savy - was burned:. the fire. is supposed to have • .113.1J.X 1.1.1 • : • caught from the smoke stack. acro arra, south half lots 24 and 25, con. 1, to Mr. Jas. Lynn,' fortnerlY-ofjanieetown, for • $2,800; Mr. Crerar will likely settle in Mani- . toha. On Sunday &ening a child About four years of -age, belonging to the Rev. D. B. Me - ]tae, of Cranbrook, was Suddenly attacked by • the minister!s, horse ;: the little fellow -was ' thrown *down and the brute kicked at . him - viciously.; Mr. McRae drove the maddened' animal off, and repotted his child., EXicrsit.-r-Stinlake's saw mill had. a barrow' emapefromiburning last week, having caught • ' fire from cinders. At the joint meeting of the directors of the South Huron, Stephen and Ueborne Agricultural Societies, held at*Hip- pen, the prize list of last year waS increased by the sum of $125.; the fair will be held at •• Bxeter'on the 20th and 21st of September. • • On Sunday as .Mr. john Stanlake andehis _ ' mother were driving down the London Road, ' • ' •• the horse became frightened,and juinped so • ouddenly to thesideof the road that the buggy was upset and 'Occupants precipitate& to the: ground; Mrs. Stanlake had • her shoulder knocked out of joint, and a small bone in her arm broken. • A. teacher'i,s wanted forthe 6th diVision of the schbol here. As Messrs: Win. . . Moore and Jos. Young wore standing near the middle of the road Mr. Moore met with what might mare been a fatal aaajdent ; Mr. Geo. Naylor of East Wawanosh, was driving along one of hie liOxses kicked and Amok Mr. Moore in thd'bowels ; luckily it Was a glanoing stroke or it would undoubtedly hae killed ' him ; Mr. Young..was also struck on the arm. • F. Ri ogers s• suing the corporation for $200 damages for the removal of his eign tho street. Meow. Shaw ct MoIncloo shipped _ hist wk for the old country, five double- . decked cars of sheep, ..i.ppij• personally; or by letter,* to . 11 1 BULLEN, London, Ont., 20th june, 1881 Si assemestreesosessemensmonamermsmitestorinnwrsomatnureser Milk and •Cream for Sale. • MIOR sale, Cream for *strawberries, also Milk, at J2 MBS. IC. MonsWoETHIes, Jogeph Street. ' Clinton, June 17,1880. . For Saler oful SINGLE BUGGY, NEW, • • • ONE SINGLE DEMOCRAT WAG ON,NEARLY NEW, ONE SET SEIGLE HARNESS, NEARLY NEW. Prieth and terms easy. WADR BROS., CIANTO1V. April 22n0, 1880, Pic:etc.—The °Presbyterian. Sunday: school pi icnc Was on the! 2981t of June, in the woods south of the village; it being a beautiful ,day a good tithe ,was spent FARE w3x,r..:—Itev. G. Clark preached his,fare. -well sermon in the C. M. Chureh, here, on Sunday evening last. Ho moves this week; should the health of his fatnily permit it (they having all been ill recently) - and carries with. theui the goosLivishossilic_verylarge_circleof friends. Ail Society intend. holding a bazaar and strawberry. festival itt. the afternoonpf the first of July; great pre- parations have been made, and it is expected to'be a -grand affair. English church people in- tend holding a strawberry festival on the same date, Mr; 131TOR--AlloW to make a short car - ,House to Rent.. ration of an item that appeared in last week'S _ • • • Blyth Record, which stated that W. Smith'e eV°Paisleystreet, LET, the house lately juatoccupied by Mr. J. Ws 1 ', Victoria south of hicLaren'S bay was kicked by the horse of Mr.R. Sellars. Hotel.. it is conveniently situated, with 'well oe good -which was riinning on the commons. This is water, and other coriveniencep. Refit Moderate; ary. false. The horse •was in pastime, and some to . • EALE,.Senferi • other horses broke in and chased it around the Mullett, June 9,1881 ' field, during -which the boy, who was in there•, Stray Heifer. ' • got kicked. Th -horse isnot a kieker, but boys are In tho habit of teasing it, and it does not forget it.—Oris Wu° ICNows. • • is C(43:1E into the .premises of the subscriberoot 89, likd con. of Stanley, about the middle, Ot April, a two-year old red Heifer. The owner ie hereby notified to prove property, par charges, and tamte.113,eirenawwaEy,n Stanley,„Jrine 17, 1880. • • • - Notice' to Debtors. . A'Ss D arties indebtedlo xEssnl. CANiELON illROMEE it them by note of hand or Wok ac -- count, are requested tcroall and esttie the same frame - (tate', as they ail* 16 build as soon ao possible, and carry on business as usual. suttee having elaime against the firm Will please send them in for settlement H, CAXTELON -& latOTHEE. Clinton, Inno 17,1880 ' • ' Farm for. Sale filDE eubscriber offers for sale thet conveniently aituated farro, being eonth-half Lot lb, 8rd obns of Mullett, about three 'miles from the town of Clinton, containing 60 acres, on which there is a good frame house, barn and stables, good water, fino bearing ova- ard, moat of the farni being fie° from stimme, end tinder good miltivatiOn. TO be had eimer with or without fhb crops. Terms made known on applioation, oEp. FLINTOPP. Hul4stka'une 24, 1880, • Dissolution of Partnership •kt OTWE is hereby given that the partnership hero. tofore existing between MESSES. IX. & W. CAN. %%LON, ae Oarriage and waggon Atakora, in the town Of Clinton, has been disSolved bymtstnel consent, Mr. 10. Gantelon will dontlinie the husinees, as meal, at the former Mend, and all eons duo the late firm Can be paid to either of DM above, Who will Settle all co:comae egniall them. 10. elANTELOX, W. CANTELON. Clinton, :and 28,1880. E • GODXICH, LaIsmo conmin sTown.--The ceremony of lay- ingthe foundation stone of the now St. George's tpiscopal church in this town was performed •on Thursday by Most Worthy Bro. ..T.R.Kerr, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ca- nada. Among the ministers prodent were Rev. Arch. Ellwood, R. flicks, C. R4 Matthews,. A. E. Miller, J. Jeffrey, Hill R. McCosh, W. Henderson' and Dr. Tim. The Grand Lodge met in thelodge rooni, ansi preceded by a fine band, marched to the site of the new Vending, Where, after it musical service by the choir, under the directions of Miss Bertha Trainor, who presided at the organ, Rev.. R. Hicks delivered the inaugural prayer. Vet, Archibald Ellwood briefly narrated the his- tory of the church, qf which he has been rector' for upwards of 35 years, and then introduced M.W.Bro.Kerr, who delivered a most eloquent' and interesting address, occupying about an hour; Addresses were then delivered by Rev, Vre, D D„ and gondol other clergymen.; Aftet the stono. had been laid with the fin- pressive ceremonies of the Maionie order; the large number of people assembled jolted in singing the doxology, when the Ven. Arch. Ellwood pronounced the benediction. The Masonie 'fraternity then marched. back to the „lodge room and the prodeoclinge of the day were brought to a close by the band Playing a aeleotion of appropriate music. The visiting .Mastins were entertained in a meet hospitable . manner by their Oode ich brethren, 1 • .1 • • • • SEArourn.-,-While Mrs. John Jordan WaS drawing water out qf the well one of the planks ' gave warcind iihe fell in; she caught hold of the curb hook in her fall and screamed for aid, ' • which was quickly given and 'her life saved, On Monday,a young man named L. Godbolt, was out boating on the dam at Egmendville in company,with MI% Smith, when the boat up. set, preapitatingboth into the water; God - bolt eenld•not swim and before Smith Could .• come to hid aosistanai hal hank twice, mai but for Smith's brave efforts to-resene him Jia would have aseuredly been drowned. jackeon, of EgniondVille, returned on Satur- day last from an extended trip through Mani. toba and the Northwest ; he reports some part of the country 'Very good', but it le not to he compared tb Ontario in many respects and varier's reimons. Mrs. WM. Currie of this , town, has a magnifieenthelimbing mita which ' was planted as a small root five year° ago, it has now attained the extraordinary height of twelve feet, Mr. Bethune.' has declined the pesition.as ettition agent at Goderieb, and, at his ow* request, has been permitted to remain here, • ; •