The Clinton New Era, 1880-06-24, Page 844
l'xcenc,-The Bible Christian Sunday 00401
of this piece, hat; made arrangements to bold
their annual ptenio a Goderiebe on the lst or
lininC.4.1,,-On Friday the Blyth Band, on
on their evay to a pienie at Holmesville, stop-
ped for some time in town and favore4 the in-
habitants with a number of well' rendered
Hummerres ir Dont,-A (gentleman a
this neighborhood, who is in a position to
know, states that the parties who went to- Da-
kota' from We county, in a body, have taken
up the finest portion of iand in that state,
Movrna,-Meesrs, Cooper no McKenzie have
just finished movulg a pox tion of their work,
ehop from their late premises to the new site
near the G. P. B. They intend patting a
good addition to this at opce, in order to ac-
commodate their work.
FALL Wu -SAT. -Mr. jae. Logan, of the 5th
eon. of stanleys sent us, last Thursday, a
sample of wheat measuring Ave feet, six inch-
. es Jong; he -has twenty acres of the eine°.
There is no indication of rust on the heads,
which are well filled.
Doeuenox Than. -There will be no public
observance a this day here next Thursday,
and it will pimply be observed es a liolideer by
i1A4;104,4 ee Int gioggend bpsiness. The
Post Office will he open from 10 to 12 a,. ne,
and frotn 4 to 5 p. m. Tbo Nnev Erin will be
priuted on Wednesday after/Mon instead of Grand 'ramie railway, to the Model Fanal- place, amnia tive assistants framed, and flniela.
Thursday morniug, and advertieers will plata° • A. few got On the train at Goderiehe about ed a barn 42 x GO, for niraleffugh, 13th con,
govern themselves accordingly. 10 here, 31Q at Seaforth, ante when, it left of Loper, in pig and ene.baef nape
Stratford, there were about 650 on board.-
inn. -Sunday betethird annivoreary of the Queen'the of ty-
s accession to The train reached Gueh aboutphalf-past eUseionne.-On Thursday night dudes the
atanten•eneg fcieVen, and then the exeerstonists queeely thunder storm, Messrs, Horton Bros., of the
the throne, prayers from the form provided by
left it, some golug direet to the farm, others- lat on., had a valuable bull killed by light -
the Oburch for the occasion- wore used in the
scattering through the city, visiting friends Wen,
Epiecpal Chun:3h, here -tine period has Veen ex-
ceeded by not more than four of our English
eovereigne; viz: Henry 1II., who reigned. 56
years, Edward III.who reigned 50 years; and
George III., who reigned 60 years. The loyal
subjects of Her Majesty -will unite *with Pe in
wishing that her literacy be spared for many
3e3rs to coree and that her reign, which has
been so fruitful of good results, may be aa pro-
looged ite any of her predecessors.
GleeknifeZ Re=
An excurSlen, Under the auspices Of Prince
Albert Division -Grange, whose headquarters
are lovitt entrettrethe -London Ro•ad•, br Liay,
took place on Tuesday, front stations on the
.OLIFFEI). ':111/BIO1T
ItInKiet.oe.-11/r. L. Mellillau, being out of
hie mind, hate been, eminzeittetleto tlip asylum.,
Tocxensenena-eMr. .P. Keating, of thi
• •
TO,B'UXLD:-Mr.R. Clantelon has bought
out the 'interest of his 'brother in the land
where their premises recently stood, end we -
are pleased to leaner that be intends to rebuild,
.at owe; and also that he intends putting up a
brick iusteild of wooden shop, 30 by SO, two
stories high, .
Scnoon Examinageone-The public exami•
nation of the Model School will be held on
Fridey,,the 25th inst., beginning at 9 o'cleck
and continuing all ,day. Parents and others
interested' arerespectfully invited to attend,
and thereby show their interest in the progress
orthe school. .
Acciomi.-On Thursday evening Mit Mr.
Geo. Knox met evith a pretty severe aceident,
His tealn is in the habit of .starting just as
soon as he mounts_the bus, and whileeso do-
ing on that evening, the sudden star't threw
him off the vehicle, be falling on his head.
'He was laid up for a couple of days by the fall,
beino the extent of his injurieli.
Tim Tneanone.-On Tuesday a triangle
-was-erected over -the, engine house, on -the
• Market Square, which it is intended to use as
.a fire alarm, should it prove satisfactory. It
may answer until something better can be
procured, butlf the tests madam] it, on Tues-
day, can he accepted as giving full force to its
sounding ahilities, it will he of very little -use.
Flamm, BusINE;ss.-As a very gratifying
eveidence of the inorease of business in this
town,it may be mentioned thei the quantity
of freight shipped from here by the G. T, R.,
—Min theist of Jannary eti to ehe present time,
. shows an Min -ease of abbut three thousaed
tons over% the same period of last year. This
is a very large increase and must bp gratifying
not only to the townitpeoplei but to the rail;
way companyne well.
_ • . • ,
TrenesnEns.--Mecisrs. Glasgow, McPhersen.
de Co: are now shippiog several el their *re -
tonne& threshing re:whines to Manitoba, arid
expectto send one th British Columbia ere
long. They have been making occasional
. shipments to Manitoba for someitime. These
,artieles.of. their .manufacthre are unrivalled,.
. Axing well made in grtheir parts •and thor,
ouglely tested, hence the demand for.thene, ,
• Rennet, TEE Tztomea.-A. subscriber, en- •
closing $4.50 to pay arreare on his paper, eityrn
"1 Oan't understand how a newspaper man.
. can allow bis pawns run for thee years un-
paid, especially in bard time,- and with no
. Our friend does not
a newspaper man can live on, and how.mighty
•,glad he is to get his pay at 'ang 'time. • Four
dollars :and.a-half at one sweep is a little fer
• tune these days. .
Troia RoPS 2.1snrOnetANCE.--;;On Tuesday
a man styling himself Professor Dare, gave a
couple of exhibitions on a tight ropeetrefolied
from the Commercial hotel, .to the opposite
• " building.. A -number of the feats performed
by; him required considerable nerve, and
• showed him to be a gond acrobab, the most
novel one being that of walking on the Under
side of the rope, head diewnward,which was
aecomplished by 'means of fig:el-loops, into
-which he inserted liis feet as he went along.
Tun Venuxennns.=To-day the 33rd 'Bat-
talion will proceed to London to put in their
annual. drill. •The Goderich., Seaforth, and.
possibly Dengapnon • compautes, wings° by
• way of the Grand 'Trunk, an _the ton
S Porter's gill,-Wingham, Brussels, and Gcirrie
. companies . are expected to go by way of the,
Great Western, leaving here at I" p.m. The
• commanding officer of each company, is, (Sod-
. erich, Capt. :,, R. Miller ; Clinton, Major W
• V. Murray Seaforth, Major U. Wilson; Poe-
,' ter's Hill, Capt. W. Sheppard; .Wingham,
• Capt. B. Willson; Dungannon, Capt. J. Mal -
lough ; Gor.rie, °apt, a Keine ; Brussels,Capt.
J. Leckie. A. M. Rol* M.P.r.,is Lieutenant
Colonel of the Battalion T, T, Coleman and
W. W. Connor, Majore ; James Thompson,.
Betenes.-B. Horton, barber, has disoons
tinned business here. A quantity of butter
was last week shipped from thie station.
1VIessrs. Mooney, Freeman en Co. are pure
cha,sing number of good cattle for 'export to
the old country. Paint, as an adornment for
@hop fronts, is being freely •need by busigess
men here. There was no quorum on Monday
evening, and cousequently no council meeting.
The weather has been somewhat warm during
the past week. The storm work (teethe mar-
ket building gradually approaches Comple-
tion. Racing through town with horses is
contrary to by -lave, yet it is occasionally in-
dulged in ; racers should remember that they
are liable to Appear before a magistrate for the
offence.. A reporter of a pity paper, recently
here on business, expressed the opinion that
the magoifieent shade trees, •wlaidh are ea nu-
merous here, were a credit to the place, and
add Materially to its beautiful appearance;
there is plenty of-rdom wherein to plant more,
- HE 00"12 wita.m Weeerno.--He came from
Blyth, on thelVestern, and having a little
time . on his hands before the Grand Trunk
train would leave, concluded to " do the town,
and see the dighte." The -tram; he imbibed,
being stronger than he was accustomed to,
Made him etrong-very: strong, in fact,. and
as he sauntered around the hack streets he
vowed that be could liok any half-de:eon men.
Some boys gave 'Ain their attention, and when
hie unsteady gait hadgcaused an antiquated
beaver to fall irom his head, they ouiclily
posseseed themselves of it, ail d it very speedily
repreeented an the different ityloh,of hat frem
and sight-seeing. On the road down infor-
mation reached the train that lunch wOuld
be provided*by the institution, consequently
the majority of them were on the ground be-
fore one o'clock, where they were met by. Mr
Mills, the principal, and other members of
the lustItution, iu the most cordial and wel-
come manner.
After lunch, the visitors eapldly distribu-
ted over the premises, apparently determined
to avail themselves of every opportunity of
seeing what could be seen, and ot obtaining,
all the information poesible in the brief
periodit their connetaucl. The bulls, which
are'kept in stalls, were first marshalled out
for inspection, These consist of 2 Herefords,
1 Devon, 1 Durham, 1 Ayrshire, and 1 Aber-
deen poll. Nene or them were very large,
One of the Herefords, six years oldnevelghtng
onlye.boat eighteen hundred. The Durham,
a two year old past, appeared to be the fa-
norite, as it was larger in proportion to age,
and had better points of good breeding: The
naives and other stock were then inspetted,
together with the experiments that are being
made in growing wheat and other crops.
At about three o'clock the bell was rung
tte call them together in the barn, where a
platform And seats had been prepaeed for the
purpose of delivering and listening tie a few
brief addresses from. the oil -leers of the insti-
tution, and two or three of the visitors. ,
Mr. S. &DIM; of Hensel', was elected 0,8
chairmetne when he gave a brief synopsis of
the 'Wealth and agricultural position of Huron
and ntpresSed a few laudatery.words•of the,
institution they were there to inspect. • He
then caned upon Mr. McLean, of the Seen
forth -Expositor, Mr. Brown, agricultural
manager of the Model Farm, Mr..51111"s, prin-
cipal or the seine, Mr. E. Holmese NEW BEA,.
Hannah, deputy -reeve of Tuakersmith,
Mr. Robt- Moldordie, Stanley, 'Zti-,c„ all of
whern gave utterance to it Imes *axis in re-
lation to agrichlture, the benefits to be de-
rived from the vieit, expresSive of gratifi .
tha, time of Noah, down. Regaining poeses- cation at the Manner in Which they had been
;ion of the hat be stated his determination to re -delved and treated oy the °filters of the
have satisfaetion for the abuses to which it
had been subjected, and "went -for" the keys
with more enthusiasm than judgment, for as
his arms and legs stretched out in all direc-
tions, the intended blows Were cutely avoided,
until one ot the youths, mere bold than •tho
rest, gave him a dig in the -pit of the stomach,
which doubled him completely over, and as he
lay floundering in the dust. ho,saicl " Boys
(hie) lenune -up (hie) Iemme siesfaetiou
e• ' '
nough, (hic) want to catch train, boys. (laic)
and Meet be pin' (hie). Ho was allowed to go..
Pnalsoleate, -On Monday last Mr, J.H.
at -one time -publisher of the True 'Briton. in
this place, paid the town a visit, and spent a
pleasant thin with humber of hie ac.-
qua:intent:los ; fifteen years have made it little
change in his, appearance, bqt knocking Omit
the world . does not seem to have hurt him
very remain He is now advande • agent for
orepangh's mammoth show, vihich.may peen quality of the larnietropsentatle,, and,. other_
ably. exhibit in, this nines, about the 19th of general featuree ofethe farms .aethey rarAilije
*edged, like a Panoraiiiic".exhilittion, before
them. , Unfortunately for the country cast of
Mitchell, either from the lack of moisture,
good farming, pr. seine essential quality. in
the soil to produce geed crops, the genera).
verdict was not feavorable to it. The crops
are certainly not good along the line of rail-
road, but we were informed by a party who
had travelled through the county of Water -
loci, that the' were never better, and hardly'
cOuld be, at some distance from the road.
• The name Model Farm," under the sup-
port and -fostering care of -government,
hadeno doubt, oreitted in most mihds ILO ex-
aggetittecl picture of the 'reality, instagining.
that they were going to see farming carried
en in -all its perfections --the land without
weeds -the largest of crops -the fields in
perfect trim, and all the surroundings in
siech apple-pie meter that they:would be de,
lighted with` all that was to be eeeh. So
finnas .vegetable iincl flower gardens are
concerned this idea was in good part:realiz-
twa.,*.Uerhamitinight, ij.Lajneasure, have
been realizeelif the outlying fields:had been
visited, but the grounds near the buildings
were disappointing, espe.cially the nIxpirrie
mental pion asinit very, few of ihe experin
emeatal-beds-en•Anticat were -anything likene-
sueceetn. &elan ' ."
institution. • The company was especially
well pleased With the remelts et' Mr, Mills,
who (ave epithny-of his hietory from the
time of his birth 'to that ot his.appointment
tothe head of that institulloo, Like the
-most of hishearers, he knew -sorhethiug of'
the litirdshitis and excessive labors of bush
life, and had followed farming till, by the
.ioss of his right arm by a threshing. machine,
eie was compelled to study for. someother
professionerond he follotved school teaching
, foe Some years. •It will thus be seen that he
is -o: thoroughly practicalegs Well as educa-
ted. farmer, .
From its start to its return the 'excursion
WM- enteesiteg, sliccesnOthing whetteVer
having transptred to mar the harmonyngiod
feeling •and social eititercoursee net the ga-
thering created.; .0n the triei.down the eyes
°noun agridultural Wends. were kept open,
and they noted and made observations of the'
Badniey, late night operatornt Cannelde
has been appointed as assistant-aaent eat the
Grand Trunk station here. -•„ .
We are pleased to learn that Mr. W. Laing,
late of this town, has already secured a good
situation on the other side, he having been
appointed night operator on the Chicago.. ac'
North-Western Railway, at Fon du Lac.
.1.111,heiesewpay. Sutherland hotiathn de itiyaleainferto?
and is ex-
pected to arrive here in time to resume his
Woric-bythe 41h of July. .
•We *egret to hear that Mr: G. W.Railton,
who has ably-.Alled the position. of 'station •
agent here.since the opening of the L,,H.edn.';
is aliont to be nen:roved ,to one of the de,part-
mode connected with the road at London: '•
frp the trf the.CriiztO7i:Sreii!-Er:z.
" - •
SIA, -We would like to call the at- ,
tention of the party engaged to water the
streets to the ativieebility of putting in an
hour's work before six O'cloole thennothing,
when he could -hale the dust theroughly
behind' the sun ets ver strong and h then,
woad have no difficulty in lceeping the dust
threvia through the dsy, and eould finial his
eittyte work lunch ,oltelier in the aftei neon.
Espeeially on a outlay Morning iethie need-
ed, when the road is yery•dusty try not heieg
watered on Sunday, ,We hope he will give
the above his censideretion. Sen.; .
anion, Zone 11501850;
.8pailts and' AMuseinent$.
Paymaster; E. ;Tordan, Qtrarteemaster ; Hy. • .-egtienTs. * ,
.Cooke, Adjutant; Drseelthlmes and Harlin- On weduesday, aunt nue, Mr. doWalkinshaw,:,
ton; Surgeons. , , I of Win e,li, champion guoit player of Canada,
will play a match in London, with.Mr. D, Dodd,
. Hanyesee,g-The prospects of a good harvest- of that chen
anforoo a side. • . ,
thiayea'n net only should rejoice tiee hearts of CitIOKET. ' : ,
the farmers, but else the eenurninity generally. 'wee played at Lueknow, on Friday,
Whether the average farmer -with his usual between the Bachelors aria Benedietis resulting
volithility. 'upon hard tithes in general -will leo le Myer 01 the fonmee, by 23 runs.
etatiefied, we will not attempt. no foretell; but
The Guelph Cricket Clubnave cancelled their
cm:einem:Lent to play bore cm ehe 2nd of .tuly,
that he should he It prospect remains un-x.)e,
' .11188018 Cricket ChM Ferguspli.Fergus.atid Wing-
ititeritipted and the elements,prove Pferitieue, ham thle week, ' ,
no outsider will deny, From all directions ' The Greed Tennis Orieicet, el nii, d't eitratfotel,
we heard that there never was a better out-loo„k, ',play In nistowen, mi. the est et aniy, • •
and personal inspection of the . country for- . A. MeKown leads In the battinglIverageseof
. • meny miles around eonfirresthis e with. very thm
e enittere of the Clinton:Cricket Olith. . -
" few exeepjip he fall.wheatie 1.0elti.fig.mag- ' . • , !puny.•• •
mince& e'''.•
IttiFivrrir.3s. -t
.Operations ...the hey and fall
some seetions, the fall -evil* will 'require to
be out first, a thing almost ivitliont parallel
Canada, Spring crops of all kinds are
glowing well end give indioations•of waiving
early. Frotoliresont appearance the harvest
of 1880 will be a fortnight of ahead previous
Tan F.:tette:* nen Seernint Busrense.---Oug
• mercantile business for the season elitie fee is
one of encouragement,although part of the year
has been exceptionitbly dull, other parts have
• made up for this dullness. • Lately our
merchante have been enusnally active, and
trade iu its on a tolerably heal*
thy foundation. A very noticeable feature of
trend is what ferment generally are purchasing
o better quality of goods than formerly -I.
especially SO, SO fee no regards clothing,
. home spnn goods being eomparatively little
used now. We look forward to the coming fall
as one of increased prosperity to the town, due
in part to the prospeetino good harvest, the
push and. vim of our bitelneFs men; and the
exceptional privileges of the town ns regards
its central location and ooziness of awes.
'We believe thae:Cliaton hatrpassed its worst
• period commeroially, and have reason to think
' that with the use of ordinary judginent it will
cattily keep aliesid,of all competitors in the moo
for commercial precedence. Let the pool°
see to it that it is kept in the,. front rank,
sOn.'1'nesility last it, mateli. trot bettveen Brown"
.."-ineire °Wiled by Chen, Kenney, of
This and Dan Stillivaii,,owncd. by It. Andersen, of
with hal cuolph, took pint:A) on themeiton Brivhig Park,
• ' eilie4sTe" Goderion, end rest:Reilly. favor o t the Gifelpli
ltei•gc., by' three straight beats, The Mandl was
fm• ...0200 a side. To make the day Interesting,the
Ooderleh psopin offered•porees for an open rdn,
and a gentionan's *fretting race. In the Open
run there were only two entries, .T. Gentle's
.slcopy Tom taking first .money, and .1', Miller's
Gray nur5 sennd. in the trottrug earn nom-
entriee eomprised the hIsb,NIcholaori'il horse.
taking first, 'Polley'a mond, and Kriegel third.
,e. fate attentlenee was Proem during the day.
Britesels tied Exeter both etror '0110 poeses
for ratem•on the lot of lull,.
Linty, but' Goderich ream, is makers; vary east
time in reeve; on the other tilde. ,
. .
. A 'Stallion Race Will take place on the Clinton
'Driving Park, someti nie In October, and 'Judging
from at:emote a very ono ratio may be looked for.
The iteeond lacreese match of the season, be.
tweet 180 rtneons, of Goderieheand Beavere,'01
sougo,,tb, rot , .1)si champion:dim of the eoutity,
took id -co at Apfey'..%. ,en Prulay 1;tst, and re -
mitt: 1 : -, 'fii. 01 " ' ' . ' ,. fll. Sr..r, third
:IA fOntin , of.,i _. . . , .;,;06, 1)103,,, WAS
,.,/, own on honk 1,ptcs, Mit the playing ot too
Pleavers Showed that they had practised won
. Agother,and if the Thu one had, played More
after their exaMitle, the result lni t have been
diffevont. AP other match betWO011 id tWO *lithe
Is talked of, and if the Goderlelt y ys go strong
into •actiee, a very exciting ma .011 will lid Wit-
Mr, T. Cooper, 'corner of Alhomt and Rattail,
bury streets, win keen con ' i
from the gardens 8
bare, said Mho
. The land lis, -apparently, .beeu over crop --
'Pod natidenneds• thevren.ewing process of cat:
tle-reising and clover growing upon it, and
we believo. that this was the opinion of the
majority of the best fawners that viewed it
,that clay, •The*: farmers feel that It is their
institution, and 'they are proud that•they
have got sueh an establishment, mid hope .
that ere a .few more years dpire they . will
realize scree° of the advantagee it was des-
tined to coufer upon them. It is oftly yeniu
its infancy, being but five years .olcl and •
haying had to submit to saveral changes in
its management duringthat period, it has
scarcely had an opportunity of showing
what good can be done by enlightened' and •
scientific farming. There is one happy re-
sult from the -visit, andthat is the eeetur-
sionlees returned to their homes with tire
most evident satlefactionsthrit they.poseeSsed
.o material interest in the poll -of thn premier,
.county-IIttron.:--in their estimation It ad-
vanced • considerably 'in toinparisen. with
the counties theypaseed through. •
liluseas.--PitInfristers should rernems
her that , the new law respecting Canada
thistles is very strict, requiring all such to
ho cut down by the latter part of the pre-
sent month ; if thoy are not so mit, the
‘pathinaster is held respoliSible, (not tho:
owner,of property, as formerly) and is li-
able tti.a fine for negleet of duty,. These
facts should be borne in mind and action
'taken thereon tti otce. • •
Queen -Victoria is to visit Ireland this stun -
mer. •
A man untned;MoNaughton, of' Me:Nab,,
oloinii to have discovered A gold, mime on
his property in that township. Ho has.
ehown samples of, the ore to several parties
in Ottawa.
* Limey, of Istroye Ulric, di Co., Liv-
orpool;arrivcd. at New York on $aturday,
'white made, in company tvith his wife
and sou, tt remarkable quick journey
aro uh d the world Sciuing fro in Liverpool,
March 13, they pre eeded via the Suez
Canal (met, reaching Hose. Kong in thirty-
six and whalf days, want r Steam, the fast-
est passage on rodent From Yokohama.'
they crossed the PROMS, to Sari Francisco,
and. on reaching there had ?revelled 22,320
miles: The time, oxelino of stoppages;
was atlas .kitt,' dila. Allowing nine "days
to return to Liverpool, the world will have
been rounded in seventy -Ave days, or five
than the celebrated journey de-
s Verne.
3110ettles.-On Friday last, a lad, the sou of
Mrs. W. B, met with. a rather serious
accident; Was driving a waggon. loaded
with wood, when the horses became frighten,
ed flan/Airing, and, bolted, upsetting the
load, and. the wheel of the waggon passing
over. the upper part of the thigh broke it in. an
oblique direction.
Berevetne.-On Friday morning last the
wife of • Mr. Wm. 1Viesser, merchant, passed
away • deceased had for over a year been un-
der the power of that fell disease consumption.
During the thunder storm last week, A. Con-
evet's hothlewase etreck and set *write but
was extinguished before damage of any ac-
count was done, Mrs. J. Thynne had her
best cow killed on Thursday evening lest, by
Exneent.--,The rumor thaiEclward Hoskin,
son of Mr. Raskin, of this plaoe, had poison-
ed himself, near Detroit, isnot true. Hessian
flies and grasshoppers are already at work in
some places in this tiectionn.ket as yet no se-
rious amount of injury is reported from them.
Mr.T.Haralim has purchased Mr.Crunnican's
store on Main street, Exeter Council is ftio
vorable to granting a bonus for a woollen fac-
tory; and will subnife it by-law for the purpose'.
BRUSSELS. -Mr. Daniel Stewart left Brim -
eels for "Wisconsin, Monday. Mr.E.Vanstone •
Jute returned from Missouri, and'is content to
remain on this side of the line. A number of
valunble homes have diecl in this :Section re-
centty from surfeiting; the warm rains of the
past month have made.the grass yery rank and
juiey, and the animals, .beinglurnedinto fields
untouched hype scythe, -have eaten'to Buchan
extent as to cense distenaion and death. The
total ecaltze of assessed property 'here is $330.
BSLGRAVE.-A$ tWO. ongern en were
itoming frone Winglattin towards Belgrave they
lit up to White away the time, andpeoceediog
they discovered their buggy was on fire;
alighting they speedily drew out the contents',
which mien bent to the fire it burst into a
flame, frightening the horse, which started to
run, &ageing one of tho men a- considerable
distance along the road, when' parties came
to the resell°, sopped the horse and smother-
ing the fire by means of the buffalo robe un-
til water could be procured, they got it put
out ; remains -the body of the baggy a hope.
-less wreck, a badly demoralized robe, and an
oat bag and umbrella in, slinking reins'.
Sneimern.--sThe council has prohibited nOWS
running at large from 6 o'clock in the evening
till 6 in the morning.. As the waterwoiks will
not be completed by Dominion day, there will
be no celebration' here on that day. Mr,T.W.
Duncan and mayor Wilion'have left for the
.elci -country: New Yorker- has been. offer-
ing to Supply the mayor: .with counterfeit
money,.which, 'of course, *as reepeetfnlly de-
clined. ;On. IVO/1We'; a little girl'Ilrout 8
Velars of age, datighter of MEeThos. Adams,
plasterer, drank a teaspoonful of laudenuin and
,.chlereefenen.ininiettake:for a dose of medicine -
a strong en-tette:saved her life. .
Wrenegege.-eMr. B. B. Mories, • fcir some.
.time•past in the employ ofthe G.W.B. at tbia
station, has resigned; his place is to be filled
1.4 Mr. Dumas, from Walkerton. A, Meeting
of the Division Grange of the East Riding of
this county was held in the Quiene hoteleon
Friday; gitite a number Of delegates wee°
present from the different Granges in the Di-
vision ; the next raeeting is to baheld Blyth,
on the third ;Friday in October. Miss Rey-
nolds has resigned her position intim ached
here. On Friday as Mr. Geo. 1VInKenziewas
standing On the eideivalk, watching the netithe
of a horse which •was being trotted up end
down theroad, the animal made a bolt to go
into a stable, and.ran directly on to, hem,.
keocking him down by the. falleMr. McKene
zie's collar bone was broken. • •
Tieng-On Saturday night some unknown
person went into Mrs.. McGregor's barn, in
lIay, and • damaged Me. George Todd's MOW
. buggy, winch was there, hrbreaking cut
.ting the datiltbeard, -seat, Sm., and scraping off
the plant, buggy -whip .was also broken: A
valuable horse belonging to Mi Wm. 'Canto-
beil'of,Hay, died of inflainmation on Friday
morning last. ' he Plaefe.... Breneh Agricultural
-Seeietenhitee renal -aid to Yroldidll' stroVwd-
thO 4th find .5th Of Oeteher. at Zurich. On
Monday Mr, Zeller and Mr. Heney Funk left,
for Perinatty. • Oa.Thursday last, Mr.H. Vasa.'
aged 21 years, after. a,b6ub 'weeks Violent
enfeeble', breathed his last. The Cause of
his deathwas an accident he met• with in• Mr.
Kalbfleigeli's mill; •
Mr. M. M. Nesbitt, of Woodstock, lead'
eery exciting encounter with a forociope
bull at his farm, near Holbrook; the other
den. The brute attempecl to gore ea valu-
able horse„ and My. N. ran forward to
'drive' it away, • when it furiously attacked
him, throwing him upon the ground and
endeavoring to gore him, bob, with unusual
presence Of mind, be • gretag)ed the • bull by
the nose tind •horns '• he was drawn thus
from the .ground and neanaged to regain
his feet. After considerable streggling he
thought of a jack-knifo he had in hispock-
et, and drawing it out while still retaining .
his holfriin 010 animal's nose, stabbed it
swith such Vigor: that upon releasing hie .
bold, when lalmost completely exhausted,
the animal roared and fled from hith.., The
struggle larded fully fifteen minutes, and • t
but for Mr. Nesbitt's pluck And coolness
must haVe ended fatally.
At Jackson's noted establishment
Will be found a magnificent assortment of
$131411NDit ivirrE NitsT rim $L25.
' • •
We still have a quantity of 'VIER'S, YOUTH'S, and CHILDREN'S STRAW WS,
' which will be cleared out at a ieduetion. .
• ' •
-JA C:
p NOted., Outfifters;.
' •
and MOS;T
e. :county,
Services aro hold in tlie Oluikalics in Mann aS folloWs
WILLIS-(Oanada Prosbytorian)--Rov, A. Rowan)
pastor. Sabbath -11 a. m. and 6.80 pan'.• mayor moot-
inft at 9.45 a.m. •, Sabbath sohboi-2,80paii.; general
prayer meeting-Weduesdey, 8 p.m. .
on NADA IFIETHODIST.-Itev.a. Sntherland,pa Mori,
Sabbath- -10.80 aan.,„ and 6,80 p.m.; Sabbath school-.
2.1'4 ..,snconles mayor inooting.,-Tintsday,,S.02
To% ; getiel.;11 oast., meeting -Wednesday, OA p.m'pflStzFi,
CH1USTIAN.-Itsv. R. Thomas, pastor. -W.
Spiro), oast ,t,,at. Sabbath -10.30 a.m., and 6.30p.m.;
Sabbath school -2.30 p.m.; mayor mooting -Wanes.
lay, 840 van.• . •
ST. PAVVS.-(Eplacupal).-licw. R. C. 13rythoir. , nas-
tor. Sabbath -11 a.m. and 7 p.m; ; Sabbath schoo1-3
public service- Wednoaday, 7.80 pan,; young.
prOriliVii mayor mooting -Friday, 8.00 p.m.
• Nn e---
, "it is among the bloat savageand dobasoh
tribes only that the rendition end comfort of the
horse beet) been n e teleetea." but WO lyilieve there
ar , Man:, io civil: /ea countr es Who are guilty of
the MIDI, neglect, and within tlui OXOUSO of the
fOtiner ; bertutitmliy Mrioll OM 11 gelves of the nee
of an artn,le wheel hes done more than.anythieg
tont berme -dove known to improve -the emalition
end reneve the suffering of the horse. Thoth
who •. ,i not ase it etenbe the losers, their horses
the En ' I eOrx: to avoid beth uses "Darin, 's Con.
ditto' f mvders and Arabian Heave It edy."
and , , m 111 be eatislind with the result. ete-
mosaln:l' e name, and A00 that the shOnktur 'Of
Hurd & Co. Is on each package. Northrop, ..t-, t,
man, Toronto, On t.. proptietorli fOr Canada. S Old
by all medicine dealers.
060' '
, .14
TT S 01-1M.A.P.
tnintou, April, use.
r -Subscribe for,the CLINTON 11.81V EltA-a fir3t-
04 • local newspaper.
' • l'Emantitr,"-The new 'wonder for whiten
ing thoteeth, delightfully , refreshing to the
mouth. To try it Is to become a tnend to
the piquant, irresistible, pepular dentifrice of
Ike day. '
BUOlt.len'O ..1.•5 Salve.
Tho boat Salvo in the ' Outs, 13rnisos, Sortie,
Moore, Banning:we, Totter , spent lianas,Chilhlaiain
advits, and ell kinaa of Skin nreptione. .This sales is
guitranteed to give portent satisfaction in every rase or
money refunded. Priets2 tottia par box. I'or said bY
Z. If. Combo, Clinton.
• '0*