HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-06-24, Page 6­­ .....111-1...-._.. I.." � ,-V" -01 I � . . I..." I 1-1 . A �, � I ­ I � I .... I � I � � . � . I , . . � . I � . I . � . I � , . . - , - I . . 01r, % __ . v , . I . . ______ ­­ ­­­ __ -­ - I ___ � � __ ___ 11=110111 1_i[�_, . 1-11. ,­­ ­ .1 _­ I ­ � — _­" -­ --"­_-­­ - - - ,a4WPW�,49"V�7-,--­-- j - - --ir— r- - , . I � 't I . ."), I 1 T7,3- . . ., _k "IV 7W7 e I . I I I I.. I I I . . � �, � ') I . � � . 4 .1 .:, . I . I . . � . * . . I I . - � ­ _� . . I - . I I . . J.Dr.. lKolmels, � povlon.� . . _ I . . 11 settled regions of 'the eastern States farm- I down for f oaks, - - I I I I 1. I .11 T E CALLOW N THE STEAMBOAT DISASTER111, a Xrrespolmloluty of a Glnbo 3�ye. 'rb , Asatramouthe Kansas R401110 a I . � "' NOTED: MINIM'S MT Mi. - - ­ . . op often chop lre-wo4 pulled I I I (R.esd at the Meeting of the American �cmdorcy � . � of Sciences..) pinesnua hickories, when lege valuable I treeagrowinoo the same lauilwouldmu- - . I I . Terrible f aporieuces of ne itscued. away,frorri the depot at Denver A few warnings since a tall, Angular specimen of , T,.venly Yetii-,-W"tot-4do—tintelfei(ew,— ' . 0 * AP s # * * * ; r ' at their first small ventures as we miq ower the purpoisl 0 just Rfj well. , '­ 11INGING Op INDIAN CIRRIER THE . y I I I , . - I I humanity took a, S, eat. opposite a lady p". s ,. . c;rct- Ile J1D1 closes xL ft : . %,Ic Schoolboy's copy PlAmpos the 9.01401410 : , --.-, I �hand# I , A, DISTINGUISHED VISITOR I , 'WEE MURDE40L, 11(exurtrending, ]Incidents at Me ­ souger, and, to, all a3pearances, was 1117 tently engaged in stu ying her face.' At . ­­�_ 9,12,000 'Wo"h of 101atelo. Umv,pytravd, WM,& . . !rbpir ppt�ful memory fill$ our beirts to,40.,Y. Brave, hopeful, wise, this bower of Pem4e they . is likely to be Among our Canadian farmeFs � takina notes during the, present summer- : . -0 I I . Scene. . first tile lady treated tile rudeness with . the X*rlxoi � 4er.(!,gj?turrd at Woronlo.: . . I � Riatmod, I . . Wu e war,s drema plouglislimro Scarred the � ., , - I . � 0 Mr. John B, Booth, of Hillerby. Mr. Booth, : has been chosen by the, farinem of Ilia r Coolness Displayed by the -0 I THRILLING STATE=, NTS DY THE good-natured inolifteronco. But kit last- it began to tell on her ilorves. It was e, pe- - A despatch from Toronto Says, - , A few . 1 the aq,tne of !�.olw .days Ago a mmu giving rk . suffering land. , I i . ; 10hild of our children's children yet unborn , , . I I I I - neighborhood as a delegate to visit Canada ; . - and report upon the country me I P field ?f � ..x. � I � Doonted Mai , - I � SURVIVORS. . culiar and astonisl, p:ece' of imper- � tluezice. Ile apparently had the faculty of I , ,. Anderson waa Arrested. At the village at 'Unionville on a charge of passing counter. to n n as' When on this yello W Page on turn your cy I J. M. day me,. Whore the brief record oft �,, immigration for BugglislA farmers, He is I , . His )DYING STATEMENT,, NEW Youn, June 14,1a reforenge to looking two ways at -Once' one of "'a eyes wis restless, excited, and roved in All. direc- I feit bills, I a was committed for'trial,by . . nol fade ore 1,.., l . In phrase antique a d leg - Ritt Ill I ]Flow Vague, how pale, our ieg gh.sig " the son of John Booth,. of Warlaby,th.elia. I tinguishea. Shorthorn breeder, who divides q - . the terrible loss of life by the collision of � I the Narragansett with the Stoningtou, 'in tions. The other, fixed And Stony, fastened a Justice of the Re, � %cc there and to Toronto jail on Saturday. 11 0 wrote . .1 rise I - I I . Tat in our Teins the b lood- ran, warm. mud red, � with T honing Bates tile honor of bringing up the breed to its present usefulness. Mr. Bn&x.TronD, Time ll�To-dmy (Friday) inorniq, 13oujamin, Carrier paid the ' . .which the former was 4estroyea, it al that Clarence Leonard mud wife, w he on her with an undeviating Stare. She h ond away, but it intercepted her a note to the Ontario Government I Detective Murray, asking hini to, call at. the I .. . .. � Fox us the holds wei groon, tho skies wore , ,a 6 ' blue; . r Booth will find some of the beat living . Penalty of the crime of which he was ...v1,taa, and wo.bollove justly too. The poars . . I played At Booth'a . theatre during Miss . vision. - She tried to bido behind a paper, but.she felt that cruel eye piercing jail. - As soon as the latter saw his man he -your : Tbouqh from our dust the s Irit long has flea, . . )S loved, we to' ca,wo ciroaul%d like 6 of his tribesof shorthorna in . apeciniell Ilia visit . call Sol C-11111". mrooly fail to be r cted *itbin the walls .ter ible drams., ona . Neilgonla enga,goment, were on board the Narragansett, And wore brought here on throua ,a scroen And creeping w a Bmia,, name is Hot Anderson, you Are, . Uarrison, the noted countorfeite r of the - WeRved, wo . . . , on, � smilea at 'our sixes and thouglit how mueb we . proauctivo of .good to thiscountry and Eiig- of the county jail is one that will ever I live in the memory of the few who wit- I the City of -Now York. They lost award- I . ston oo. all over her features. It seemed to . p ,in them tip one by ,one and ' Canada, And U I have been ' after for five Irarrison Arst , llnow� . - . land too. THE OUTLQOX DARK, . � . . nessed it. The crime, the terrible and 4a- � . - Sanely executed crime, cam � a forcibly to mind robe valued at 07,000. Leonard ' Speaks in , strong terms against the conduct of tile offi- exa in! th with Care. T13o thing be- ,& a unen urn le, mud she criod out to him you yoarm.1 At denied the Statement, but afterwards .., - . .., . ig t bur spirits for one our return, I Mm I en the poxt century rounds Its hundredth JVb I I I . . rin The recent letter of Mr. James Caira, reviewing British agricultural prospects, I . � as the guilty and Almost, dying man , � Bte on to the deal without a cers and crew of the Narragansett. He says Capt. Young, who was in command, was . fiercely o . I Sir, wb y 4o,'you look at roe. so "poksist- acknowledged. the truth of it, Detective Murray then told hini, the plates he had - . I , 11 , 8 r a socrets it, s all tom to a , A the f, i 11 q, t I, I qor trut s its ye r8 IS a To b ar I I has had 9, strikint, endorsement from the pen of Dr, TjyZ Plmyfair, the eminent ,rapped met a It his frame. Ile slept well , agitating I I . but breakfast., During 6 one of the first to enter m, lifebov ti A Mrs. I Osborne threw h - ix-yelir-old child from r al' I I ontly 21 . ' 'Me, madam; why, bless my soul I I b- in is possession, mild urged on him. to. � whereabouts, Ile make known theil. - I r s , 5 talk, itp� ewgeter I 5 r0IS I is wise 6 . . . - � Chemist. He lims published an article con- ate no yesterday Afternoon C I arrier 'was visited by his I the man. deck lo him, And then in Pool - BIT haven't been looking at you." further told him UA he was getting to, be . � , An old man, and, he would have no ' � , . I . . - . . , FARWAND GARDENX firmiiig all of'Mr.'Caird's conclusions, and arguing that British farmers in view of . mother and Sister, who seemed to foci deeply the awful position of the. slon And 11. for the same boat and was rescue be shrieks of -the dying gii4 pleadings. of those I You bavo, Sir, For half all hour or more your,eye has been absolutely riveted on. in y .that further use for them. 11a I rrison asked , I tillthig to -up. his mind. . . I � . . utinent must,,to a competition fr6m. this cc I large , extent, abandon the production of brother. ' Last evening they 11sited him for I � the last time, but throughout their inter- -in the water for assistance were something � - in- never to be, forgotten. As the Capin' f ... ­ . . I . I I . A I beg your pardon, madana, but it's this morning make . Onthe detective visiting himlle -told Ili= hoo . . I . . - . X-jractical 1[firits by a Fra0t cal i � � . � 1. . wheat and cheese in favor of more perish- able The deterioration- of the . nced.no, motion view he evi L, and wheit the bid, them j,�Lmped into tho'bost 4 lady and her baby, eigliVniontlis old wore left behind. She, eye, is it not?' lifting his fl.uger 'to his left Optic,- i . ' .. I lead, him to where ilia plates. were � I won a hidden, . In company With Detective Hod. � I � I . Agriculturist, . . � I .. .1 � . � I .products. soil by over-working and-. general. lack of , I time came for them to departhe _ -a last I farewell l' H6 was, also, visited , begoga us to lot her in, but the boat floated it ' . I Yes, air ; - it's that eye.' _..1. . . . . gins the two drove to. P, bush aboutflye, ' miles northwest from thig. city and' there - Or= BORERS. I . . . .1 - I I . A subscriber, asks how he'ean got rld'of � ecientiflo cultivation must, in the la4 event, decide the status of the English farmer. . yesterday siftdriloon, by Mr. Bellamy, � . . � . W40 *prmyed- with him, He retired mud as we had Ila oars. was aw. a y, ImPOs' Bible to save her. The steamer being I WeIT, madam, that eye wont do 3"' Any I . harm, It generally looks any way it pleases.. . found, burieX-hi'm box in the grotind at.the * I I fact -of Airce 7 . $10 the On , tb(f apple borar.. According to a writer on I I I subjects, -a' In Ireland, by . course of systematic negle I at on thopart' at lanillord, And corres- I laft night about 10 o'clock,, and was soon I in'flames, she wawleft to perish. , wrappe( . Otliorg in, . the , water near our boat -it gives me a good I& , al of trouble. A t first - I plates, ,viz.: on - tario Bank, 05 oil the Canadian Bank of * '. I `.Dolp'inion . . ,gricultural � horticultural and, a I I _ ----. --- twhen-b.orers-linve.crece��piiied-�posse�ssi,oa..of- - _... � . . . . I I --pondingignoraii.ce on the sid6 of histenauta, I . 1, tb be fertile, fast asleep, in which condition he remained 910'6% this mbrilin until 4 a, , . . g, - When. Ile was I � . . begged to got in, but .we told them no, the boat capsim - They hung on to the . . I are a du,d fun of - me, but I - Ive Commerce, $4 on tile, Bank, ' -% I And �2 Dominion at Canada Potes, and two I . . . -a tree the onlyvay to get rid at them is to . . hirrit . them. Carefully with. A- knifd�'& , . for the land has largely ceased . � . , t for *, -and is ouly.4 . slieo� and cattle runs. I awitkoned by the turnkey, Mr. Ketchie. He jumped . up when as . 61 - Is . d, and se4med in would, stern I do not know what- beegil of I . fodn lit di a an .now� I've been klioc 8 clown ' o,.or three time 05 , son U. S. logal tender.' Cover- ' - plate _- - - - - � wire - and - destroy them. Who iggs.of- the � .1 . ights. durink� M�1( from similAr CaUP13, The soil of Eugl 1, is in, clangor the Same degeneration* I . good apirits;. not -appearing to realize his them: After that we saw two other clill,- I inthe water, They AomedtollaV6 impertinenap of that eye, .1 would leave it but.1o5x the looks the a with melted boeswa'X a or full intorlv,fd � 2 with stiff blott .0 y ing palfors, they were found ­ , 1. n . of beetle are deposited . parei in June, and Are placed in,thg,�grk.ol, the . . -of' . . I I I . TLosp 6ouclusions aro iiiovi4bla, . . . . Awful position. About 0 o'clook his br emic- I fast was brought i4to his. cell,- but Ile re- .dren I saw them , in no life proservere. a* k a little 'We out altogether of I thing. It's a glass eye, madam -only A� in the beat possible stato, of preservation. I I . . Further disclosures Are The � tree at. the, surface of the grbu nol, a r what- I 11 'may surround tile tree. These eggs , . � . . . . OTHER KOTES.* . . . I . fused ,ke, And, .then it was for the first to P"'ith' be seemed to realize distanceoff. paddled with our hats up to the city of Now York. S140 tcokus in. glaso. eye, " I hope you'll excuse, H. But, Upon rdy soul, PDA not suiprised that even - yot,oxpboted. rilt,oner is aged 56yero,rB And isma*engrAver p � I Ris ever . I . -ing September, and liateh in our latitude dul: Graphic - says �O - regret The London' I W i Z to learn that1u,-the Southwest of igland Jimo at doom. Mr. . Bellamy- was '. the his' . - I fovina on the City of Now York many . . � rescued 4 lady who had been a glass eye.'should .feel interested in so - � . I 'ty Igo br hio y raole. . b Canadian horno is on HazIb ' ton Avenue, Yorkville, and lie is father of . it is soon. after. this. that.. the young grubi I I without the u5O of ma� be emg�ily removec the . depressiop in, farming -and the fearful losses of -farmers by .Shoop dis6mSo - first person besides the officers of the jail -who 'visited him this -mor'�Iing. persons.. � Clinging to a, rope Olt the Narr.a.cansetthaa lost the flesh from inLide of her pr it other a a ao%' mnc� 0 Wom b 1 1 Oug ' ye t b r up 0 1 , I 1, 6"" a". � I 0 11 1.111,11-0 ' , five sons and f.wo* dauc,litors, all of whor� : live in grand style i7that thoroughfare, .. . . thing mord than the poilit of a pep,, . I way . . t%e A few minutes Spell, in this , have caused a fail in laborers' �iages below I . what �wo consider the, limits .of decency, He prayed with him and - his. impro, Sion of . . 5 the doomed man was that he.-W-ould not all I ,the ha4d, -which was open to the bone.' All . . 'drenched wid, "'Ill"Iy .F,Qp ., ir. t . %be lad! I., t I In l" _ ! I n t ie't " ]"Ur_'y . 1, a a ion 'nil tile � t Cox b. If ti I . Two of his bona are engravers, and- two of -. I . - I theniareprinters, Throughout tile United . . . - , . about the I'St of October each -fall will keep , . food, and shelter. Tro ' $2 ,50 to, Q3.25. i a ,. in . . papion to him for the reason -inake R 004 we to Shaking with chills, One -gentleman- said lie .had lost his wife W , , . a Very pl.." , 0, V ec all 13 - I. States and 06,nada fh� old mi -ii 4a known . - I - ". . I St. .. � the tree from �bis pe I . : � I I . I . . the prosent-rancte.? - - . i .0 . that lie wished -to- shield hig'relations from I and eldest son. A lady dald she had lost- �. �_ I * , . ­ 26�, . . I , as,tho elov6rost counterfeiter in the Iry . qp,i­_ , 1. . . NEW USES .ran cA'iADIAX SALT, , I I . The FarinorW AsIvocate says : I We are . I ae by'm writer in - A good;uggeatian is mai . . the New. orll: Graphic. , He asks why,ft is disgrace, Shortly after Mr. Bellarr ,y. left . . � -was visit,ed by his. spiritual ad .his cell he . - I . I mra. three children and was weeping I , aid she lost'two children. - Anoth. or lady a ' . Cni3ndinn iLlames at CoUlt.t. . . ' ' . . . . The Lonaon-Court Journal of tile 15th .. I I Fig. The United States legal ten'*aer I no a plate yesterday re Oyered . ' , printed froni th� .a pleased to note that our danadiau" salt . must be better appreciLted tli4n it has that the lawns are so, closely cut . -a- I . -now days. Why not -give the. grass a chance. .visers,.Rov. Robert Cameron and ill, Re, . � G. 0. Needham, Indian missionary, who- . - INIMEAN CONDUCT OF A, SAILOR— . . uit.,-in the account of tile Queen's drawing I room, hold on the Tuesday previous,, Con. by the clot6otives,'-wa4'so carefully exqouted . . that many'bf the )late$ paglaea ihinoticed ' I . been, not only for dairy and stock and land I I I , , I With the now-faPhionea Imwn . Cutters tl a 'shaving it rommin6d'kvith�him until it was . tinio for . . the oputy sheriff - - a 'to , enter big * cell. The Citypf Now'York sent- Ave boats to . -the assistance of. the Narragansett. One to,ins the following references to Canadian *them; throu�4 I gh " the : Treasury Department . . at - Wasliington� His* Canadian counter� purposes, -but for preslervina, our �eucing- I . . and building timbey� It may not pay to- close is carriod to such an extent exposes' the toots too Much t9 tile Bull, mild pillion him, which . lie - did A ' n boat nsaued twentSr-'iseven, hicluding el ladie's and tile dreesep, ,worn by .. Miss Isaboll-61Vaepliers6 (daughter of the I ,. r . . I I feita were also CleVar imitationel and WO I Jild � . . ' . � I I use it for all common felices, but where we sot gooci.solid posts for gates, wire fencing ' turns the grass yollo�v, dr ids up the earth, generally tortures* tile herbage. I A and I a fetv niftlutes.' The doomed man stood hl�- boldly not evincing a trOMOV . Of womeil, Some children rescued were naked.. . Very few Of the woman had anything but . - the Senato) : Train of rich ivory ' Speakeroi --with satili brobho velvet oil bretelle, linta be accepted as.g0d bills by nineteen out'o'f � , every twenty inon. The only -perceptible � � I shave no longer doubt or building tiinbei,wi I of it autilfty. We heard.it had been tested - luxuriant though neglected growth is niore � , . � pleasafit to the eye than those rigidly, i the muscles. . Thus far all, being in read!... . S.,the fatal procession, procepoled by'tho nos I their under -garments on. Leonard, tho me- . I . tor,says a deck hand in the life-boatwas. . - �t And trimmed With lace, over nil ivory RX in duoliessapettic6at chibroldered wijIl. fine . I , fla . J w- in the Dominion Bank bills. was a . ' �weak dot, 'or period, , betwebil the initial . � J by applying iu at. the base -of telegraph . closely shaven lawns.1 . Sheriff marched through the corridar to , � seen to'. strike the'fingers of an oldiaay'des - , Zo seed pearls.-` * Headdress, li,ppets and 'loft ' 'hils name. In his land ' , at of Mr. J. Aust, I - . . ' poles, and on inquiring of the person who . . . : The rentals of grassland in E ligland this Where the gallows was in readiness. The I f e4th w-aahbout 16 ).or 20 fact% instrument a d cratclly cli eging to side of the boat .. p' 'a' ' " to'be stwed, but was finnIly 0 ' 'a 8h. b ogge plumeo; orfiftments, pearls. Miss Mac. ars-as a coiniterfeiter hell .- . , pare er-of. forty ye - . has only been twice' arrested. 'Oa - one I ied it, lie informed -us that-elev6n. years . . appl. . I ago lie set telegraph poles with and without , year shovi M considerable increase while - - I . . thoad of corn land- show a corresponding de-- . . . . fronT the ceiling to the floor mild the dro,1v 5 ' hei hold,. slid was a leave i ,0_ "Ilea t . go _ . . . � phoraoli�B I dress was olle.of thd bm�dsomegt 'At the. drawing-rooni, and. Was .especially' I ' Occasion he served a term in till Ohio -state . . 0 � . "it On examination.this year lie found 0 thoL that were set withatt salt *were now -are - - ; . . . - . . AS@ 1 . , . - ; . . ' feet 9 inchei from the trap.. The rope was I about'R of An inch in thickness and was of took.his . . ", Ably drowned.. . . . I � , - w.u4L.Or THE Film. - I ... . . . � . . I I bpooming to her beauty slid- elegant fgUie , - ' The Hall, Mrs. D. L. Malopherson's costume prison, mud on the otheriii Indians'.' Last - .- year. there -were no less than'toU American, . - -, , I I ' . I . . . ' h - nto- t1lb wood', 7.hilo- . decaying two ine es i . i . . I . . - I 'tO' ,,veto Bl?.][W ISIX ANNO, ,r- 0=010N.r 1, . I . .. . ­ � - -.1 I . .. EngI .t!,5h manufacture.. ..�Carriek h on the (Ida 081, ill trap ai;idthodopuf� I. . 11 lkst Pilot of - tb6­eity-4-1 e�v-York Tho'f ,.,,N ' 'ag Coeur -wasAhdmirt - , � a. by, eyory.,-cno, -.thoq ,.dotoctiAro%-scou,ri11g-0 d'unarL"ill,�sse,reli-oftlie�,,�;..'� t. , F six - - - moo Vi * � I m�es. I , I ive or a I . I - them I : those that liall'enIC'spPlioa I just as sound as � !lie day,ttey w,Qr*e, , * � . I put in. . ­-� 1-.' - . � . � � . 1. Merced county, Nevada,bag boon viBitod P I -logs, togethm- ; Sheriff nosily strApped his 'the 'then' - said it was halt an fio Aftel! 60 collision arrive or before Lis boat (h.'-, Tile fog was vary ar�mug�mont of b1mck And gold being highly or. t erdiai'and - q Wore like.'. bccol�ing'to h . H .11 P . . yo�r ' . them Murray ' tried - to run � acidsSo. 1 ' * I . . . . . ' b .'� I , RAY , . I � . . . .. - I .. � I Aans Or T11h'AUXT Wail . . . by a Sudden aifil,terrible'eloua burst.,viiiieb, . terminated in the- death. of.'t-,vQ ien an- adifas � noose was . . ted And. e�ory, thing wasin *readiness, except covering tile I � 'ing. . I , heavy, but',the -glare of, the burni�g stammer could be goal -1 Mrs. -16iY. Waldr`6n, t� wise greMly - admired. Airs. Macpherson re .train, embroidered with- gold ,.satin, wq , . . . in ., Now York, : -but .After two . In ths, sGaich failea, . I on i 6hly'to .*11nd'them. , - The following is &.description of ill . I � - I . . I . -a Vaqt amount of war ., In which is Causing , gmgod in shooV.rmisiug, . Who, only wakning . 0 t q %ell of the cloud was - ti, terri bloo appro, ! � _by-.'-�--_�Solid man's bemol.'with th6 4" y white cap. ise .'Operaticris cons - ume�l' but a - 'f a w, TIl( I � ...__b ­1i ''._'­ .1 , ,, I � - P on the *, N`.(brrmgQl2Sctt,. thinks 6 . " aseengerf buriie4 number a Persons. mat have beon - attached to the'shoinlolero with diiiinond or m6i-ts lhied-'-with -astin a Ild trimmell. Pa t yesteidiy*buried iii the wo6ds. To an'' * . I lual the. mppearmp. I :dinary:i4dj,Vid P* Qf­tm, 41 -- O � , ,� � .. ..- . &stern I � - -46rge�-mnd ie -,c - . .1. . . �. � ­...., . . _dCS#uO0d1X.W.AJaw J1 , . - - I 1, .- I __ ­ t - .. grown �' . States: Thd. woi:4* wllon�. fully 1 . X)axiilg "a -nd evitlicklingifoll6wed I � . . . -Wall of wmter,,.dabr1s..andv great. masses.of in t. U gnq.q� 0 0 loni. mlillites,'durIP& w 10 0 Rl - _' '' h ' " I except an Oc4asi6n4 _,fiemdr of t e lim)s, �. I . � � to --dent)) - � `Mout tweilty-',.lady passengers - � _ !It With .blach .Chantilly lace, Q,vdr a --black ducbesso S, trb�irhod,: with, mtin- pott6m,� " d one to infer that t.h6y, �. - I plates would Ilea - -Wore not of &Odt valud.' -E4611 pfito ound f - � .1 Feasuresir-O-Ploille And ii.'4uartor to two ­ - �. I- I- ­ -.1----- ­... ' *." 2116hesin-length. In�tbi&nesg .ill are,of " I . ey � and rock .which swept e'verything = ii,qi�e-l�Itlin,�.two-pefgoiis.,,C. J. -Smith, t�jltcl,Q ,. of tile , &Icial or a nervous . � . mueciles, wore noticeAblo. I Have you �7, , .44-Y %. :,7,c,re.intlie6abin.bdforetlid'c'ollir,ion. I ' f tl is reported th4ttlid fire was caused by.,, . -wee- -with -Stoningt=- . and. fl.1111�,O. I 'I_te&dLd�ojg, ld�­ ­ibal, gold lace - 0 _ � ,-pets-- and a-phime ---- orn�mtnts; di�til6fi'cjsi. yQerday, occupied frop'eighi-moliths to � A " . .1 . . ..., ­eSthamfS&,-., ­,_ - 'year_to.;compIete%:and they- Are ­ .. .: I. . the diametbroand rotundity of a, full grown. � � . and a Portuguese - laborer, -wh6so b6dies thing..to.-sayl', mgke6(;. the sheriff. I Yes,' . - ,,I doomed Wliiolr� the- penow fisted tlifj bull of the .Narragansett,'forc- -_ -_ -_ --a -beate(rm Mis: Sloane Stad6y. (dail.ghter; of'iSii John to be wortli from $1,500 to, 0,000 each, so - - -aid � , goose quill. Their.color is .6liglit or .dark, .. , , � I . I , r-7 gray, With two. lateral Stripes'. the, UPPor I were found five miles away. The 6auge of . I this.sudden deluge in a gulch that pre. d the in .would -like I mi I . ,all I Zlt,O . say . Something, ,bub. ,00l do, � In �'ihf etmllic parts of tI] a furnace . 6 radina fire in . � kindling - T Roee)'was attired its f6floWs. -Y'ain�afid I . I coriag`6 of sha . ded Etrusean astin.,marvoil.% be Worth $1Q,00& - that t1je Wliqle find we � ,. I Or . overn . men 512,00O.' The United States G t - . . ith V & yellowish cofitral line, tile � � m' . . - lower with a reddish one. The war is Supplied .is bfp'itdus enough, to. carry off ai]cy I amount of wat6r, waslm� cloud -burst in the -.mountains' SO without an' *interprotor.? Chief fep&d up close to him A. G. Sniith then 'K � I posi#on, .0 0 . out 0 ( ateanior. " X T, Dex., the bo ly of the Of ba( his wife mild thied ohil�-' New York I P " 11 Issuo,and bordered Jouse, lined with s� vor,ti. with white jab embroidery And. laqe, over a . has i standind reward of §5,000 for the I capture of an; counte�.foit, plates, of. their . , ','The � . . � z - - -with siitoeu- legs. Thol, head is of a Polished honey color on, the front. of' which :is the - . , wh0ce the, gulch heads, -such. phenoinena ' ' ion, 1A,g affrejubilt-occurrenco in that ieot* 'and repeated after him the following dying gentdilces: I 1wish t,o ioll all -those w4o. are I I dron on board. The childrei.xWere-drdwiledi' I I . .. . 1. .. Z . . dress of white satin brocade, trinithed witli . .. . , tulle, lac'e' And cbeter� .. of�w , li I ito 1 - ilnes And legal tonder." prisoner's object in � giving. it away I (to uso a de.tiietivo phralie) -. , . . . .. . �, - letter IV' reversed. Although oupplied . , -Withauth 0, complete . - . � outilb, of,pedal accoll � . . .. . . .There wa� witnesdea. in London a ,few I . . to witness my going, out of' time into . .1 ­ � I citornit�, that I have repeuted of All my. . . . . . �00310()T TEEIR -CITILIJUEN.. - . ­ . . Mr. andMrs. Fred. Stiteon, ofAfI&ntm, I . . . ­ i: i a flowars.� -11daddress, dianionds 1121, olsau . 11 � � I as nd ve. 1; ornvLments, di&nloiids. . ' - is said to be Partly ,occasionbd by family � . 9 , , , . , , . 1. trouble mild.a4v4uCluff A a. : . .. I I trements, they marchwith great deliberm-, . . weeks hgo'a.curious repeiition of the sot of . ' I fallaticisinrep6rted by Pepys and Defoe. sins, that is whonover I hmve�beeu g UiltY Of ' forgot their two children in the.pan! 0,&Ila. , . 'biirnbd p,prco I . . . - I I . I .. . . . .. . . . I I ... a , . . ;6 � . ,. , I . �� . l. tion, mild at the slightest , touch they roll I . � overon their -sides, and form1haindelves . There was a bigg.fire in Alderagate street in . . . breaking thw dominandmente, .of God, and I trust 'that they have all been - pardoned * tho`� wore probably to doath. -Divots lit I i,ve been sent -to ilia wree k. SeV- I . . . . ­ ., C]1211NCJEW3C 310BAMITY. . . I � . . � � . . � I . , : - I . . . . . . Gi-Indint . .� . ., mi orgPlit. �. . into a wheel. It is said tb�t . although'the I � ­ �, � . ' in he city. in a young - an, While it Was rag" wildly,: attired 'a I%- appearando,' - through. the mercy of the' Redeemer, and . ' 'my' . �erftlxohborles occuried during tile, confusiqu I - I I ji Selo oc�lnlngter stitruingly 1101 naLed .by, . .. � ,; . � .__, ''. , , ,(Dundmg Banner.) - ' I - I I . . I � , to bugs dis before th the . � _PQtA_t_1 . Lappear em, � army worm is not sode-s5ruc-Ti-ve 9Tpotatoes .. . r-", ;hed-th-r-ou�h-the-e,r-ov4-boaiiug-a-banner . 1 , could - only wish that all feiefrdT--=1-n-Ixtiax;1s -woul ".ut�-41161-1­1- of lencfers from th`O Stan. tra4sf6irlfig page g , , . ­ 9 ....- Vort.to th-a-('Jity-Of-1\'cw-Y-.Oik .. ­ . - � . � - . . , . .. . - __­ .- . MA ague. - - I -� chaucellor sur. . . , . 7��� . � . I �. . . Sometime ago the HamiIt6li Speciator , . -._.._..­.1fgr,__­_ - . . . . . as of corn and .., .. . . .1 , 1. . . , , � !A�Ss . 1. I wl . .Ktlwg inscription, I-Comeout th the �ta I . of. Babylon. , Tile ..great city shall be ut� trust in God 4ow, who is ever merciful, so . . . I I . . � 'T BE --- - . 'RAVIi DISOMMIEN ',161A-1 il .1 I A 11 . . . Tono-,\To, June ii.-Garancr *-Y§. Greig . . ` , in& e so a or perious cimiges against"" . . - . - r. ; ell, the barrister - wlio had . .. , I � - A 9EXEDIZ 70B THE: rEST.. . . . . . . I -1. SoloinozirEa-lo torly *destroyed . by fire. . ... I that - evor they are 6milevupon to go , when out.of thhe into eternity flick may moot me . . . . Tlenry�Daroy, a seam . an from,the -U..,S " oranto yesterday wag 01 suit tried.fat T . boforb Changellor, - Spra.ggo. - - A farmer. . - � . . . 6 at 0. of t efenco of - Mr. Carpenter; ' Mr. W.. R. Hinsdale-, the manager of A . . T.- Stewart's great farm of 'twenty square tore. through the streets 200 years ago with hif0Woo, woo *to !he wicked cit�,, * Salomon : in that good, land, -Whore, ,through the '" , 'i 1 Ship Teu'neasao; Who left the ship'withb.ut i leave tq�vf�it his Inother, wagon iha* Nar, I . . named Greig, owning 50 acres.neat , Tiver- in i hose rid ttomseatinth'e LocalLigislature . �.. . . as a Oer, for - � auth Want, worth was sue-, -1 - . -known as Gaid6n. City -said: miles . . I I We have had nothing . ,made m.good panic of his perfotwancep,:but th6 the fav'&4 I Reaeomerl have been on� I * ' ' ' ' I met y 01 Ile hope - of, -gadning an entran=. a.- I ragansett and saved forty -peks *a, 0 . . . ,on, _a the -ijassbngers the coin tY of-Brix6e, being ody ton, in ilia coun ne circumstances, borrowed 020Q'from 9 gon-. 64 by the Reform party of .. cessfully attack . I that It da- � - Wornis 2 No, Sir. . I � - . of the kind.. We keep crows here..' They , . cirounigtances of -monialit him. :-.011. this occasion, with seventeen fire , . - I N;21clitO, only to say .tht Lt I wish All . I that I thase-piegont here to - -know petition. of toy and Of 'the .Tennessee pardoned Du* , I erous friend namoid'Qmrdner, -living near Drs,mpton,-tho latter loeming the amount riding.' was asserted' that the , fence had been -badly inionisuaded, and - I - I - know us, and have becoill so tame' that I 1, * ­ . --16-1% engines playingan tba-flro; poop Vero not . - -have L - entr ' ­ . L'I tly 666da I%posSeSsed, usted aU ilia wor � .)tion granted 'hini a' furlough . A . subscrii � I ny in -ithout interest. taki I for two years vy that Mr. Car&rotor - had Icl lis,: east., �* . � instoad.-of cawing around -overhead they . alight and Walk over our thousand more$ of particularly afraid- that 1067 woula be.ke. - ' peated', and so they' block nor,, ad tli'� 'ban � to- 'the - care -6f" mY­ moth6r for ' ' 'banoft ,.y.6,s also raised for Ulm. Tbe.'brst two I boat &rragmiligotb co,t�in,d: s�to leave the �ST . , secilrity therefor a ii6td in which. the- ,son, through the ignorance,-atupidity or inability . . . r. 'Outside,61 '. I displayed'by his.legal'adviso I . . ts,rye agc 't; -----------U& �hrl mr*7mi&-�.eorn.�-�Inn - b6aree-f�-"-"aai--ribbon":�-Iiis- ehsi4-%' I the ," . of' , my childk6u. I Silo -oftaurao-will-give emph-of., them-4heir- . 0'10 men, -principally, foreigners ' T))o i , �. John A. Gk6igt a school teacher, joined -his -4 fatile 4d of two ye. ra the father, . I . � I � the -Spectator. office no and could be found , . � emie how much they stow Away:' the . . Y..)dll mild pitobed him in the Puddle mmole. by the � . *tho. � . I . , portion whon, they grow. up. Th at is milt I -wit ft- child _Two,_ Unril^66 .6dw nran [to ' . .MiV . _r.__A_t_thQ_o Unab [a 6 i)my iiie-de-�'t",--tii-i'd-i-'n-"'t-l-i ei - mb1­s'_en6e'_ � . t6--believe-thi-�-sts-temen"-n-d--even--M�r-:t�,--,, . . . .the insects that inight otherwise thgoaten flowingwatercoolica. in tile end po lice . ' -fo -say. The black.omp -Was then draWU Wls" rombn and a man died: on the 8tonhigtbn '�`o I � . . ' ' ' . . . . 'Of tile -son,, 'signed two ftow,,Xotes for. �Waddellls'political opponents felt prompted � . lour,otber crops. Why, Sir; in*tead of:pvt- "the had'to Protect the prophet.' .' � ' .. down over IAB face, and the * Rdv". Robert after bein d � . .. I .1. 'g�,�&Cuo . I . . � . . ona , cl , '. two � years lo.uger, mud ,the. an � . t6come to. his rescile and give him credit . . . . . . images to soare away ting up hideous . � � . On leavingwashinAon the aubiarer, tho� Q . � CmmCron'offereil no prayer for big. soul.. . .. I . , .. . . . . . TOVOUING A'X*CIbZNTS . I . , old note On which both, father .and - . for. va +,' � a tt lianb and.mblb fight for .. : be'vin - . . . 1'1' ',:is I . black, ungainly, muoh-mbused crow, we . I invite, him 'a . our Veat friend. would S : - S. Pol -ex mor', will proceed V. [at ,ploringstes, . under. hail'(to imve MCI) to.St. Johns; I if.d.; -was now -16 EvorytAing-. .,,ready. �, -. Cameron . . . . : 'A' child was �taken from thd arm Sol its 'M :Soule' , - - S` -!i a's destroyed. L on.. were, liable ,v 'y the ,matured-tho � I a . hi, Client! view seems. to have+ - been enteit " d' mine iii,it inost unmistWiatfe M"'Ch.. .I . . - Prosecute a,man for'shobting & crow onthIs - � wlierel'she will stop�for aaaitioii,i -coaigna, then commenced the Lord!s pr�Yet, which . . An was ropbated by the few present, d Mrs. t4. of Dog- mol . I . . ton, was ,heard to say ­to her. rbila.Y' time the new notes father had dl�v Sto property a I d himself 61 Ilia. 'by.vi'coll- . . el 0 , South . . by the Con es of th . I 17un wifh�me . estate. Now, take a About . . the thousand �'&CrOS that we. have Under, all ice pilft And any further supplies that , may be nooded. From St. Xohnstlio ves- ,just when illatportion olibe prayer was reach- ;Nellie; if .*I jurap-will you'follow Doc T to. � 'a his son'JOhn A. 'Voyan'be 1, i Greig in 'repay- 'Vo'have .nor riding,- who, recently li�ld their Annual . . I and who unanimously ..' . . . . ­ . . . . . . cultivation.' . . . � . ' ' ' . selivill.gotonigoilette and. ,take ..on board . ad I Thy kingdom come,'the deputy sheriff 1 . preasedthe. lever' the drop,:fell &ndall .which the .child-veplica, I I; Will, mamma.' They jumped and both were, saved.: Charliq . ment of V�0,17`16u§ advances claim&i � . been made by,the latter from bia'emiiiings . ,mo-eting.hillitliailton . . passed a rosolution'to, that effect. This � I I - . . 33LACn 'ANTS "A ]CURE. For. ounruxi, w6rms, , . . I .� . . . . A correspondoint of: the - Ohio Farmer the dog drivers and . . . the - sledge dogs, wll'9A are expected to bo ready foY. the dxpediti&u, I I 0 . that � wag 'heard. was � th dUIl' fIGAVY -thud ' stjffened, . the lo�rge bell in fib to lo 0 I Clare, a boy placqz1on a raft by his father, I ' was Saved, but his . father -was'd7rowned. " I by teachino., The 'bill was 'fyled for the,. purpogo of'Zieclaring the desotioyda Date a . wall the- snub direct to I our'Organ,' And . !when it is known , that the, Spec.. indig,­ ,� , `- . ntias the common black ant an a flicient , From Rigolobte she. will go to Discoi.uBiney . -yt the "-it's aiming ym elfty was tolling, proal * .. 1 . . . I 1 � S�TILIXOE, IF TBUE. ' I valid Security as sgaii�afi the son; setting up nwitly'refused td publish a roporb of. ifie. - I . . � . � .. I . I : � a against the plague bt .Currant . . 1 protectioil ants worms. * He has'selveral Colonies- of steam only when absoluto: dywnboessary. , 11L Dieco, the coal butiliers Will bo'rof led f . kom, l, .,ag 'plied into that rer's soul .was laun t I eternity, *There was a dreadful silence, I . . . ' Rev. Mr.Lock . wooil diod after being . an a;freemeii b that, the Imitermag -also to b 0 , . obtaMed, as a surety on- the new note. "The proceedings of the meeting at which the - - . . � resolution referred to was paised, and that . . close to his currant bushes And enjoys an ��.,. . abundance of ourrantb, while his neidb-bors' . 0 the supply loft by th.o.'Polaria '"or, failing .that, from the Danish stores, and then tile 1 . broken onlyby.the m6aninT of the breezes;, the Wight blue sky secrile 'to shadow for. rescued; had- been xeadim', Pahio's I. Treatise. 'On' Rclasou $ be e %isagtdr.' On the . � I this I I defendant, John A. Greig, denied any 6gree- - ment to xeneNv the notes, and further said . tile Conservatives* of .South Wentworth � were. forced- to ask the , Tnina to give placo - - bushes Are overrun with worms. Formerly vessel will be pushed forward as olly as r2li An, itistant, as if. in Sympathy with the fly leaf' he't�roto, If 1 go clown with that' he hr�d provious'toihe -renewal desired tothe resolutioh in ita columns, if will be . 'nt lorgan' . he took pains to destroy the - ant colonies, . I but on witnessing their: attacks Upon the � . possible to Lady Franklin bay, I to the I Colony and. outfit will'ba landed. lfwohtll�, dr6adful-arama, being enacted within ilia pilson - The drop .foll. -pt walls. , boat ta.-nighb, I should ])a melliamed. to -have this book. foundWith mo-weic if not illat'l * . I s) name off his father to - get his,. (the soil � U_ the existilig note. � lordthip ilia cha , " that I our 18 not justas - .1pp4rc I reliable As if miglit be. '6f.b6ursewo have, -worms he has taken -pains to pr6ted, and, . . or and -water prove favorm�le; the v6sel Will return to ilia UhiW l " States ;4'ill 'a About . 5 minutes ., past : 8 - o'clook. - road it to refuto its oladrifies.' Ono of -thd 'tonington, was'probably bodies brought to .' S ,Ilia Collor , rain , arked *ox% : the comparative fre - . nothing to clo witri this quarrel, but & feel.. Ing", f justice compelled us at.'the time the Q . I . encourage them. - . , , ,.sn. .' ': ,* . . DUTTEn,, racls AND caEr , I . much speed as practicable. It is expected . , I The -body'. swung, for & few, moments and' thou r, Shivering of the frame took place, Pbila thatof Rev, C.'-r1,PoV,he,, delphia. At ency of such cases as that i1i question . �oiu .P ancilliodisposition amblig.th6so in tho'posi- ,' ' . achoc - stand 'up _, att I Mi. Waddell -to, ' �)?O- ' . . . - I ial sogsi6n at the 'Nit. . . . At the recent anih Butter, Egg mild Cheiso As�bciation ion on her re. that she will reach Washing, , . I Wril by the middle of Octobai� . . � . .t the knees wore raised till:they almostearno I opveil,witli hiabromst, th�u suddenly.rol,xed tile ­illodisaster-asui4as on -trial I time at 6wnerg of tIlL-Nmrrh&iaetf- Oh against the ' - ' tion of suiretios to' justify Any means, how- , ever que'ationable somotimag; by,Miich they - . 10, him, aq we felt c6nviuce"d that lie' had mblydefended. his client's position, and thst .' . tional . at Indianapolis, Mayor Lord, of Elgi . � n, Ill., read a on "the .milk industry. - The Not �ery long -ago a PC rtion of hard, dry found und6rneatli the'bosped heak . jki.,wm6 . I .And atraialitoirood out At full Ion dth. ' The body troalo4* -a considerab0iiale, tile - for aidn,whief, oe�urrccl on account of. &.'eollis . I lit of the 'galU6 (lay of the inofith as. thq nig .. , � inight, avoid ilia payment of the, debt ol a . . � I In. the present case, alth6ugh, priliall:n. . it w as not owing to ally oversight or in- . attention on ilia part that Mn Carpenter 1� papbr magnitude of, the, industry was shown -by . that'there are 18,000,.; to fact . , of.a huae iron nail that was fixed into the . or of theChapter H�pusnj at Wpatniffist6r. do , mouth .opouad wider and grAdually Closed again. - The body hung' s,aspCiidod for 27 dismiter. N& sa ti5factory explanation tll;a� -eon mado, . of the disaster has b - I . . . , homOit be obliged oil - RLrthorl coni,idera. tion, to hold that the deliiy. in qtiostioning - g loet his sont, hub simply bo6a � . . pentor had not t6cleived a rilajority of .the I - I reference tile . . 000 milch cowi in tile country, faquiting I UP03fthis skiiiwd,ro found several hairs. . I n Drs. Griffin hfi minutos; who d Harris, , .. � ; .. I cq�A,;MS OF TIM V�05M'W i , . ', - . . . . an .end . the security lidd 6niounted to OrSa election- whioll',w Votes in the . . .as being . , ' I � � . the glinual product, of 52,000,000 acres of, . . -giving employment food them, and Mr. Quokoft, curator 6f th6 MuSellin 6f tile 0 College of Surgeoni, recognized the bair t' Pronounced lifd extinct and; ordered it to be lowerdd, which was done by Lac Maya . , ' A�soon tic; the.xarrsganastils pasocilgers * ' ing ihey hurq. ti611 of it, mild Would,bo fatal to' the success . . yet, col -as 110 did. of tllo.'�Imihtiff, ,idoring contoated 'It would have been fat mord - �* honormW had *our organ,' ,aftor tho -mls4, , ' - . I land to to 650,000 man. . Iftimating the cows At b6 IiiiiIisn, and assatted that it bolongod'to 6, fair-haired perseb. In former timen.the , I . slid an assistant, wild oarr:iod it inta tht' L" learned of their pbril came . . 1 on tbo, main dealt And b9camo panic A Groit, m'diiholiest the dofeiico�of�Johll. . . takd iNiiich it mado was dla6ovoro4, m6cte' an I I�Ology for the, injustice d . one to Mr. li . . 030 each;. the hatses At $80 and land tit 030 � together -with 1200,000,000 far Dallas used to toma'up* tile- months of the next Corridor. Thd � phy4MAns" took charge -of the body' and' HisdO 'JI10 stiOkeil, mild"the most vigo�oug offores of. the, futile in :onei lie would. in his disoretion.refuse him � his cost$;. *.His loi(Ighip,_ih conclusion, , ­ itaelffroM L. ' Waddell, and thus have, saved pet. more, I , agricultural anadmiry implements, and the Ihgligh.ri�ora to pillage tile cburchog� wore caught ilio� were s1iinned Wllo)l'th6y , , Ugual'oXminkliati - nothing oti*; in:all Of which . offieekS were , restoring order... here Nftro many I T. Indies on board, but they - -he son. s W'll reiterated hisopinion that t a tire Uumnlindas condemnation of tb6 entire, � Conservative party -of . ilia' South riding. totai,mmount Invoated-in the industry is 52,2 10,280;000. This is considerably more , and thbir skina Usiled to qPJ,l.o door of the worthy of note wag adducede The body -was thou placed. in a 66fln. A plain ill . were calmer as a, rule. tylan, the 111011, mud thora were fewer exhibitions of par6lysing 19 his fathor and mother (Who. w,ro, all I , 'Wdr,ses) llad.a . I 0 -71 . )p6area in a, most dis6rad. � ,.Yair. play is, a jewol,' slid We mic alwaya , . . to . . . . the imoulit invested in banking. And than . . -mild rnmnufaotu�irig in. church they attacked. Ili 41l�L_course. of timil all the axpoaed , tiou would pool off,- Porwoula ;criwtion read, 133orijamin Cakricro aged , . 27 - ' died June 11th, fear -among them. - ... . . . . . itablo-,maiinor,and ho.waSr, porhapa,not gping too far In saying -referring to expres'- doeirousof dealing out fair play. &like - Pc litical friends slid opponents, and for thig, ., thd cc ularoial. . M . terests of the Country, Which is 0118001964l,- r, that covered by ilia imi, clus'n pro- 'boar .years, '1886.., Af6r the, execution ilia Sheriff. lea . CLOTHED. I.'4.A mrn-rimsi.�Mwni. . - ' , 0 a- 4", s used- by t118 son in's letter to th, -reason we take ploasuto in scoring one for.'-. '.out " . . - . 586. ' F T� M -S. tooted, And thus tostimony to the 'cruelty of our ancoBtors. Ili ilia 'College of 'three ,tile ,,�ay into I tile corridor, where the, declaration was sixbsbribod to: 01xilbo"Itlilt,1116 A Stout lady, -with absolutel� nothinq on buta I life-presavor, Could not be lifted in f 0 i who made Opposing Solicitors -that a mal a defend, such of morality as *ill - lit. Waddell and declaring that organ liaq.-boon bowlell out and * Ilia I stumps " �-." VALUS . - . . An interesting feature Of tho A,oraing . Surgoong may be soon 8 Ws -of human skin presented by Mr."'A"110b,"tic Way'lf . ! j n dg in 6n t a f - do &ill * a 9 ill i 9 day I �Ca;rtioll ilia r vor ascuing boat because the life-proger would Catch on- the oqgo of tile boat. She professions milt lind'dono-and fil ilia light of his ,on. I ' completely ,scatterea it, - this dontbjitibij', , - � . . � With Mr. Waadoil. " . 1, � � . . uonsuk roportj Saya tho'N. Y, Sun, will be a . catalogue of American forest tr leati. Prof. , vi%' . I Portion of human skin, said to be deck. executed oil Bonjmmin in the 00 Mon j .nil of the county of Brant, (h,'the FV , Was, therefoic, bitill . ad ill feet - first, and"all It I h tile duct -Was- not. a fit person, to ollseliargo ill, res�)onsiblo(Ititiefi-Ol,toLtzli6r.of the youth . . . . � I I., 4 � . . . . . . . I . , Harvarc Sargent; of I.Colloge, 'who is the ill 61 a Dane, from -the' of a church at Haastock, in Essox -I' a Second sped � , me" ci y'61 Brantford, in our piesence.-John , 9mith slieriff� 0.21 'goveriaor of nmL�cd P s AhO -was, Olt c Ow Among. . 11 boatload of Mail and. Uttered & fo of . . . tile country.. I � � 1. .__1 . � . AiiioA��' as; A food Contra Continues to . form topic for disoussioU in. the British . spocial agent of th'o cehaus for, this. put. � rose, is distributind picliminary catalogues fle from'Copfora, i Esioxi alid. a tilill:d from, the north door Of Worcostor cMliadral. -Smith , I �hil � itenry Lemon, 1P, -, V. Camoron t ' brayer of gratitudo, 'She thon sank down utterly exhausted -andwas covered it w Ila . . � Pr,O8PVWTV Out 'Wr.sT.-kr. Miller, a . -a . 'ournmIg Ilia Queen's baker, having ra- . � I with Malik pages to be filled UP with Ally I - for carrier;- A. G. Sinitb, Mohawk Pj" 8 t,6 r 'C,yugmehi0f; . . uk � bit ot� � former rGsiolent of Rockwood, Ont., who hag 'boon ceiVed t� 9 first barrel of flour of this year's �. . V06111610 information that those WhOarQ interested in trees may be able to giV8. - MkiBradlaughis m tall, squaro-sliduldered ungainly-lookiiig man, with longbair. Ilia 0 lie � . Richard , Win. Widge , Hill, Tuao.0170 it chioV I , . . 1. 1 . I I I .. . . I .. 1. CiVNADT.U48 SAVIII), I . -Bottled for seven y'bats at PrineD . Alliat, gives glow;n�i accounts of ilia, pro- I wheat, * crop, - has. Presented Amorical I a loaf of broad tligroof I to bar mr.jesty And . . I This catalogue contaits a list Of OlOr 3-10 American treog, with doscriptiong of faco boars' no eigiis of sliavind, yet it is 0 Clear hair, to I A . . I- , 6. 1 -U. I 1, - .41, �, "T,v �tvtoi)y.-The organ-grinolct's Anloug the pagsongors knoNvIl to ILI, . . , 'I �o) been mo.voll al'o " �".rl-,4 (;'-. B, Doalle MIA C,ro '1�.., 11.3 Jim. 4 lniulo�ouf, w0at. 110 lifts Sown t'144'year over n bunilrool Acres of grain. . issues a Circular to his customers sayiDgg that of t -kc mailywondorg of ilia nineteenth . I native their wood and thoir economic usoi, Our in As wall as beau. of psilid pagbyliess.1 long upper lip, a 'weak chin, shifty oiyeaj bmakwas, to the Procession mild licl didn't xov,liyo thatho vaq doing anytbilig `WronP) ,JT�% A!irih.-Viivoly, of St. ,1'ohn.N.I3,-,,T. Botay, Toronto, and Ileter Chilon, Quebec. His 1;�or last year allioulited to soino 3,000 buoihel4, for i�hiah lio radVad from 0 to century, to eat broaa, which is the -result of . till 1880 harvest in May, 1880,"is not Ono of . lor6ts ate rich . valuo.blo. tiful trees, and some such work . As this is an intellectual forehead, and a. porpotuftl . . S. thirst. Thoso Are his chief oliarmetarlatle � . in grinding out of his instrument tile tulle, I Good-byo� 'Liza Sm -40.1 But tile Man Oil . I . I . "..... - ­'r_� _ - - . ...... ­ D;pllthorim bas Caused a aiumbow of $1;parbilsliel, IIisg,,titi,41it,ibyc%i-froniliis Crops'and Ids cattle Iletted the nice little th6 lonet mto,tvallous, I . ... . . . � needed, They have . boon too ="a" , � . nagglectca,' &nil linve' suffered id Congo- What Is ilia difference between a stylish u lady's Cranium mild nil hammock- �Clc"A tile hoarse and the chief mourner got dowl'i t4nd thumped him mbou4 while th6 rest of deaths &1nolit; tile' poople ill '10rusalorn, (�uoojl-scoulicy, N.11, Ivithintlirc%o�wooks ll of $7,000. Ile 1IMP 'low tIlVC0 sPAU Of borses,ivorking oil his place, and is goner. Ing tile,, I orni During, ilia storra'Of I'lially ill ligiltning Struck the !louse of Mr,' Alw-,, , . ' . Cololuboun, Oth Ilibbert, quonm Bottet , and Moto vvidospieaa I . . knowlod a at the forest trees Would have 6f b1hok a banged hoaa.and thd Other is A hanged bed, (All rights reserved.) . the folks who Were in tile P20008si011 far � tile $&Ice of ilia tide tried to mr.ko believe no less than. fourteen children hav'a fallen victims to its fatal influence in two or three ally hi qnito 'm Prosperous condition, Ilia smys that ilia land ill tho,vionlity of Prim concession of near'- -Dublill, Ont., instantly killin tile -hire(1 , , , Mary Burling, wbdqlad just left, Savo a miqllions of dollars' worth . mud other Precious Woods that howe That is m',ll6p6ful p6triOt W110 Writes to ilia they Wore not laugbing Ovor tho ii.lCi(10Hf-- families, l,loureliil(lro),�lic(lili!3aeli�'vitli, orb is . I , ; Alb , suli.oriortottiiyljibtwceiitll4tpoilI aorv�llt, , licrown room slid entered Mrs. Colqu. walaut I . 6royca, because their . , . I been tocklosav acai : ,real was hol known. with too many ,American Queen, ,Lot us not despair of . 11 W Ireland. With the, past before 8 45 may . Boston Post, . . . A Havana deavalch Says Gon. Calisto in' a fow Tlays of each othov. Sove, ral other children A,vo down, and little liopo of 114 slid rort&go I& Prmirie� The Soil � (as , , - , xt 0 cioly sonlowhat sandy loani, 'O - r'l . W K 116un'si Slie find hardly got into tile room before She was killed. Mrs. 'Colqtihoun value I a, tree is only a tree, and the dis. wall afford to put ilia future b I n us,' , "' a I . I Garcia Ynigev, who recently landed ill their recovery is entertained. I 0 op NY """ ' 0 to ilia grow.th of r s. ( mid one of ilia Children, i0io wore in bed: . porons � I I : tiiidtioiiofapooic,oif3disregardod. Compar. V ' , - . I D rlihatonllag%ro �` I me I . to revive the revolution, Ims been do.. lie Gbvorninonb troops,. Several .1 G Sol' said iv I t 4 111), wh am tile 4000lnes 1, ri. i bill for tile 6.,q),enses of hig wifo,R fulloral- axe lit abuliVIt ftllfj� thpwatpr is . elle . fo 2,000 people, Mt. Miller ARYSy tire got led in at ilia time, wore Also severely "orchad. . I ativaly few In. t�ha forest districts Under- the boat U809 of ilia trees they live roll song'. to al. 6 takon, among othon Major 1 a 11ttlabill of Si.X thong&llcl fX61108-was Lry that section of tile Coun . Ila ling no . Tho next meating of file Itternatiolit,14' I stIna 60 is directly injurious Among. This ignoran� rity., ri,von ifi the long ilationalprospe 11, 013,800 an Of,125D,68- , , ated ilia last O,t- I � . bmilded to him. I I hga. &lines rathor she 't . b ad not died V . . I . desire to � return oastw%rd, oven to Mani. tob%: I 4 . I , Typographical Union'will be )laid i To . � ronto,tho fl t, Monday Of Sune, 1881, I 7 . I . to the , I 1. . I . I . I .. . . . . 1. I I . . - I I . I . , I I I .1 � 4 . . I . . * . I . . I . I I . . . . I . - I . � I I . - . � � I . .. I . . . . . I I ... Z, -1. I � � .. . 1. � � . . . , . . - . I . . . . 1� I I . . . . . . � � . * . . I . .-l- 1. "I - ..., .. - I ...- I-- -.1 I I.. I .. .. ,. 1. ­­ 11.11'..., ...­ ­­. � 11 1-11--­ . I . I . I I . . I . .1 I I . I . .. � . I I . J I 11 , . I I . , I I . I I ", � 1-1 ___ .... ... _... .. , , .1. . , . . .__ __­­ I . 1. '' ­­ �