The Clinton New Era, 1880-06-10, Page 4, . • 1 3101, Atirtrtionnento IMO atTga Teite-J, Ransford.' Boos! to let -C. Dale. Pure tea -D. Crawford. • *le rerlitrd—ebas, SpOOner. Vitaline-41ray bleclichoe CO. Taidees wantea-a. Itenstord. Tenders wantqcl, J. Itansford. Macwhirter & Co, lfillaigsgata 1e loose -John (Milton ttv 64. The Toronto Ti ierirliM suggests that ailtre-tli's rt ll (the great public remedy) vention of the National Liberal Party be Call- litalettg ed. by the Hon. Edward. Blake, for the have aeon. therouehly tried the authority of those wao;tcliVer pose of discnseing the situation d clifiocaonsiideration. 1.'he counter iia •e, W°rtbY :WEli106/111141iiPit'grY PrePt:Af4tIlir*eillrir pretences and a series of flukes, and theLiber. NOT QUITE SO. of Canadians as their leader, aro facto which trclighZtbegtilAVAtrillt alwrat , an they trove preserved> to b 1 Q04111::g. '4,ttmotn.Y„,10E (he Za:aoten 0-13- power by fal133; ti:i-,66:" 116 irirtilL'ar alkeiliregeliraigitettirst 246121' °C1d114 cents Per box. e°11g14'ellirt als having phones thelnost able and advanced. "It atuong the most savior And clebaSed ort olthe establishiug a platform Th ilidiCale all opportune time for a consolidation are maw in civilized countries wae are guilty of termer : here all may Await themselves of the use Of an article which has done more than anything .A. cemmereisil traveller who writes occa- eloe heretofore known to improve the condition of the party and a declaration of principles, the same neglect, and witnout the excuse of the Siena]. notes for the London Advertiser, Over and relieve the suffering o the horse. Those ho will net use it will be the loSera, their horses -.--- the signature of Diogenes, is one wlip travels tag: Powderer d Arabian aferiv eY4 4 " ' C and you will be eatisned with the result. member the name, and see that the eilpiatrire Of fferers • to a;reid both use • Dg!rk on. THUItSbA.T, P.TNE 10, 1880. with his eyes open, and putsin his lettermat- ter for saber thought and rection. In his WM; ?REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. • The Republican convention, now in session at Olden°, for the nomination of a candidate for the Presideney, possesses some degree a, interoi for Canadians, although it is not of; any very groat moment to them who Shall be the pewees& one. The principal Mature that affects Canada is Chit' relating ,to our trade relationea and eo•far. as that is concerned the Democrats bay° always shown a stronger ° disposition to hold more liberal endwise ones. The platferm that the Republicane again enuneiate still contains the principle of pro- tection to mannfieturors, .but •it tale a some- . what modified forma and may ba very much toned: down in the 'canvass if they. find that --the feeling of the country is drifting in the di- reetion of unrestricTed trade, whilt there is doubt 'whatever but what it is. ' Another plank in the platform is one which no honorable ana liberal minded statesman *Quid unite in carrying out, bat which. is ap- • . parently adopted for the purpose of catching the votes of that ignorant and vicious, class who are at preseet the supporters of it, re- Fresentedhy such nekirious persons' as Kear• - ney, of San Francisco. How they are ping • to prise -eat teammigration of Chinese,' with- out a change in- the deelaration"of indepeed- mace, we Cairnoe tall'; but we think they need not trouble themseiveS, (or the Chinese Gov- • ernment does not Wish its people to leave the • countryand they are not disposed to do so to any greet extent, and afterliving in th• e tionntry fOr a time, they all return. The idea cif i -preventing the mmigration of a • peoplehecariee they are willing to work for a lower rate of wages ..than whisk one other parties are; ie aaxiost foolish and vicious one. If fully carrie(l. out anaill the. traneactione. of Iir'ilw�urdterpreventCOmPet1t1on: tfierefore ad4Ance ad 114r:wet:neut. Pio* laat he touches on the drinking customs, stat- ing that he has seen min in all ranks of eoci- asty, ministere, judges, editors, ete,ete., under the fearful iefluence of liquor, and in closing, suggestively says: -IE is the curse of Christens darn, and I have often wondered why so few clergymen denounce it as fearlessly as it de- serves. There is no excuse fpr it. The liquor traffic is had and only had;the best thing about it is bad. • • The Brovin Memorial Committeela issued: 'a circular asking for contributions to the PO- port bronze statue of the late Hon.. -Cc. Brown,. to be.erected in Queen's; Park; Toronto. The cost of the werk is estimated at from twenty to twenty-five thousand clonal s. The circular BUB "While contributions.may.beseentadireet to the treasurer, it is deemed desirable •that local organizations should be formed toomake collections in all parts of the country." The friends and admirers of the deceased gentle- man in thironeighborhood should take aetion in the matter at an early date, and assieit the praiseavorthy &tact of doing honor to the great stateeman who haei passed away. Any eentri- balms sent to this office will be duly ae- knowledged and forwarded to the committee at Toronto'the officers of which are Mr. Jno. Macdonald, Chairman; Mr. David Blain, Tree, surer; and Mr. J. D'adgar, Secretary. ' abetted it would be for the parties who first took poiserision of a produce rirn`rket ro, a city, to 'arty that there should be no decline in prices, and if the' highest could not he obtain- ed, the articles must be taken away and do- steoyed. If labor, or the prochic-e of lahor, la dieposed of cheap, there =lit be some ono benefittecrby it The, let*: dispatches state. that' General ' Garfield:, of Ohio, is the nominee of the eon- ieution. • • , -•or es ' AN EaioltiattiOa EXODI:Ma •DAKOTA Nwws.-W e have received' the fol. lowing iterate from a correspondent in Dekota, Mader date of the and inst., which Will be of interest to ourreaders in Goderich township particularly ,The last arrivals from Barter's Hill, Messrs. J. McDonald, S. MoDougall and Robert G. Matshall, arrived at Fargo about three weeks ago, with a car load of horses and farming implements. j. McDonald got ote of his hest horses killed; that was his first lose.., Of the Porter's Hill boys that came mit last March, W. and A. McDonald have 60 acres of wheat in and it looks wall; J. and A. Ster- ling have 60 acres of -wheat and 30 of oats ; T. and J. Burnette.30 acres of wheat' ; George Pratt, 35 acres of wheat; T. and Walaliott, .60 mares of wheat,and they intend plowing all* the asset of their farm this summer.. Mr. W. Davison, of the eftbaclinsof Goderielatewnsaip, arrived here three weeks age.; he has bought a farm and is building a hems on it; h haif. • refused the naafi sera of $1,006 fru' it, and he intends going herd iiext Month for his wife, faniily and farming implements, when -he in- tends to make this his home. Maas. T. M. and J. A. Klliott have sold' out all theirao rses az good prima and p.m° back to Canada for another oar lead. They intend to take up lend arid start farmingnext spring. Kurd et: C0.18 on eat% package. Northrop &Ly - by all medicine dealers. . man Toronto, Ont., proprietore for Citeada. So ld PEOIILE /1:415TENTED by the many disagreeable Ken - maims produced by dyspepsia, or are thin, xi errouaaud weak, should use the standard tonie.-Northrop it Ly• mates Quinine Wine, They will find it agreeable and beneficial. It enriches the blood by biding digestion and affeimilation; soothes and invigoratee the nervous system, and imparts a healthful appetite. When used as a remeily for bilious and intermittent fever, it pro- andel; the happiest resulo, Li taken between the at tabiss. Convilesconee ie hastened and untimely decay of the physique and constitution ie arrested byir. The epir- ituous sherry wine, is of the best quality, and the aromatics combined with it, renders its flavor additionally pleasant. TheY who use it. gain flesh SO well SS strength, and it exerts a cheering influence lip, on the mind. It promotes a healthy secretion. and dew of bile, Honed repose and regularity in the action of the bowels. If judimouttly used it may be taken without apprehension of any ill result by persons of the moat delicate constitution, A. fair trial is all that is needed to prove the puniness of its SWIMS to public confidence "and ttftlfe-truth-of the -general vardlot-brits--behalf; No !articles of its class commende iteelf co strongly to nervone invalids who require building up -none is so well adapted to fortify the system against the clan - gem which threaten the debilitated. It should not be mistaken for a mere etimulant of appetite, which many fie -called tonice airnialY are. It so regulates the stomach that it LEI enabled to perform various functions with - regularity and Vigor, and its action is not only thorough but prompt. " Ask for the " Quinine Wine of Northrop &Lyman," Sold by alldroggists. • v • . • The Great shostionees Remedy. • GHAT'S SPECIFIC liEDICINE. TRADE MARK. Tite Engilah OV04111 TRADE MARE. Remedy,. An unfailing cure for Seminal weak - noes, 9Ipermatorr• hea, ampoteney. Ilnd, all diseases that /0110W RS % sequeece of Belt - Abates, as Lose of • Memory, UniVer. Tjurare vnllitseitudepain Afte,To ekna nose of Vision, l'rematore Old Age, and many °the ditaniees that lead to Ineanity or oodunietion. and Premature Grave. Full partioulars in our pamphlet *high, we desire to send free by inall to every one. - The Specific Medieine is sold by ell druggiets at $1, per package, or 6 paokagee for f35, or will be tient free by mail on receipt of the money, by addresaing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto, On larSold in Clinton by all druggists. The port tauten Times has fast poblished a itatistical return, showing the nunibei. Of Ca:. nailiens-Who,havas Mitered .that port, for the past eight-MoUths to be .57,09; who have en- tetedes actual settlers, no accomit being taken of those who Wete passiog *Tough to.Menitoba.- The'Sarnie Observer,,dolAting the accuracy of. these figures,: took the trouble to esiquire int o ' the matter,' and fouhd tbat the figures we: e only. too tee.•. When itis • retnernbered VIA . this is at a single yort, apd the oard,iiiinglias been golf% on at other places ars well, i5. will he seen what'ati enormous-exedus there is from . . .this chuOtry to the :United. Stet* There is • no'computing the amount of wealth thisoxoclue • represents, hut it Must be immense. That policy whieh artiste have kept Oauadiane in the country), bring back thee() who bacl leftemake everybody prosperous and evergthing happy, is ,daily proeiog itaelf to be a monstrous amid, and will eventually result in financial ruin if adhered to for any length of ime, • An Am- • erican paper, in `noticiod the great inaux of Canadians' into their- etaintry, temarlis„ '4 un- less the Canadian Goverenient:Whee up,. the whole of OanadieWill... he .iever with es," In ' the face of these foots, the litioistetialprose doubtlesitellne the N. I'. is a complete •.succeser and that the exodue . exists only. in imagination. • sesoo• . BETTER PosTAL • 4.--•••,•-.11;•• •••• •• 'Town Connell • The regular meeting of the town council was libld On Monday evening. Members all present. : The report of the Fivanete committee, as Sol - lows, was read:- , • .. IIRANCV. CO3lMITTE1111's , POR, Recommend that the foliowing aceounta be Paid; J. Twitabell,,eharity; $1.50 :Holmes & Son, printing and .advertising, ; GaReutgen, work at town han dram, $84.0$11 : work on etreets • sprarae esecord, cazzetis as Co. two ears enema bee. 6160.88; T. J. 'Wilson. 12,690 ft. of codat oe ell per in. Mem; less $12 for' freight; S. Wise- man, engeossing monomial, $2.09; W. J. 'Paisley, work at cemetery, 558.87; work on streets, nrov- iug eetaes liana freight dee, Mee ; qrs. salary; $112.50; A. Kennedy, keeping tramps, 52; J. An-• dereou, unloadinglumber,. 52.28; Nastevens; salary as assessor, Ssearecounnend that it be pad after the, dna meeting of the Cdart .of Reaulion. . • • The Louden Pri,e Press has lately been , agitating the matter of inoreaped postal ec- , commodation along the line of the L. ,H.& B., and in a,recent article, attid; /a an Indian Vegetable compound, composed of the juices of a variety of remarkable medicinal plants and herbs; the various properties of these different ingre- dients, when combined. ie so COUSEitUted 118 10 net sim- ultaneously upon the Blood, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive Organs, Nervous System, &e„ -restoring thew flirtations to healthy -notion, and, being purely veget- able,•is as harmless as .nature's own beverage. This medicine is a decided benefit in all, and a permanent aura 15 11 large majority of diseases of the blood, suet" as Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Canker, Pimplea, &e. In prescribing thio medicine WO do not claim that it alwaye &Hering mires; but this we do say, (1101 15 purifies and enriches the blood, permanently curing a large majority of diseases arising from its impurities. It stands far ahead and unequalled among tee heed -reds of competipg medicines of the day. It has stood tho, teet of ten yeare, and is to -day more popular than ever • An a summer restorative it stands unrivaled; it mows systeurto bear up against the constant dramn. to which it is subjected by a high teraperatere. Perseus who are subjeet to billet's Collo, Dysentery, Indigestion, ite„ should take the Shoshouees Remedy, Price of the Remedy in plot bottles, $1; Pills, 25. otea box. Sold by all mediaine dealers. . • '•,TIIE CrREAT.FEMALE ItEMERT. JOB BIOS 1EO .PERIOD1CAL PILLS • This well4nown. medicine ie no ainposition, bui-a sure and-safe-remedy.for-remale„DiMenitias and _Obstruc- tions, from any cause !whatever, and althouglr power- ful remedy, it containe nothing hurtful to the 'consti- tution. To married ladiee it is peonliarly suited. et svill, in a short thne,.bring on the monthly period, with regularity: Ia'all eases et nervous and spinal affection,' isIine in the back andlinibe, heaviness, f atigue orc slight exertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, stok head- aches, whites, and ail the painful diseases occasioned by a disordered .system, these Pills will effect a env° -When all other moans have failed. , These Pills have never been known to fail, where to direotions on the second, page of pamphlet are well observed: 'For fall partietflars get a pamphlet,leee, of the agent. JOB AIOSES, NEW YORK, Sole Proprietor. $1 and 12i cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, 'Toronto, Out., general agents for the Depilation, will insure a bottle, coeteintag over 50 pills, by return or nil. Sold in Clinton by .1.11. Combo and W. 11:Watts; E:'Efiekson and F. Lumsden, Serdorth ; 1. Eidd, Car- 'ronbrook; Parker & !Cattle and I'. Jordan, Goderich ; ltd Cameron, Bayfield ; Jas. Ltrouthon,Rodgerville; and au mediate° dealers. ew • Furniture, LATEST STYLES, ° And LOWEST PRICES. • • frRE !subscriber viould reepeotfully announce to the public that be has on hand a fine stook of PLAIN and VANCE PERNITEHE ANR IIPIKOLSTERED GOODS, , Binh as PARLOR SETS, EASY CILAIR3, PATENT ROCKERS, WOOL end SPRING MATTRESSES, &e. whioh he will eon as lost se such goods oan be bought in the Dorninion9 A call raspootfully collated before purchaeing eleewhere. . • Remember the place -One door north of Salt's W. Is, omen, . • VICTORIA $T., CLINTON. 'Clinton, Jam 10, 1880. BILLINGSGATE LET LOOSE: " 04. NEMO Xft IMIPIJNE 14A.OESSIT77 IN A .RACVE, • li48'1 would prefer had Dui following remarks not beee so lengthy, hut the article they are in reply to coutained ID away MisrepreSentations and was so veriest In its virulent abuse, IS My excuse for not being more brief, while to treat it .with the eilent cootempt It in one sense deserves, would not be just or wise. Lad, week the public Were treated to nearly a Minna of billingsgate abuse, in ti;gi HEW BOA, over the nem° of the storekeeper who advertised to give 16o. a lb: for butter the week before, and for which no one queotione his right to give 60 if bean desires, but because the underoignect announced, by a4vertieemerat etleo, that he could not give so vault, and gave as the reason the very same one given verbally by him, namely, he was giving up busineso altd wan tad to too offthe Old stock, and, it ivas as. cheen (or cheaper) to loose on the butter as tbe goods. liecanse of thio," leiels at me the full burst of bis vitaperious wrath, and in the -usual vindictive and snappy manner that io oo eharacteristie of the man ; he ie in snolt. a passion, and wanders. about so confusedly to find whereon to feed hio gigs!, that an ordinary person would be led to- queotionoitber bus oanity or itio sobriety. Ile certatnly meet have aped some time of his life in the GlitegeW Salt Market, or near Billingsgate, ap the language he useasavors largely of what is retailed in theso. notorious localities, and I cannot consent to follow inthis respect. Pew men are perhaps es loud i11 their agitation. of liberty and justice and equal' rights for All, AS this man, and yet when it comes to practise, and he is opposed in any way, he gets in i‘paosion end won't allow if if he can. Consistency is a" jewel our friend seems an equal. rights man in: theory, but in practise he cannot,permit it, AS far ILS bele concerned. In the :name of reason 1 would like to ask what cause has he to get into ouch a tantrum. Have not I as good A right to.ilse printer's ink and say I can't -give a, gertailrffeefer an article werbetla are buying, as be has to Ray he will give 'so much More, and w4en.. the people who oell the article ask why I Can't give 44 much as he, I give in bxplanation the tama. reason be .gives himself, and in addition I also state that the markets of Canada do not admit,of paying tho pricehe does. This is the cause of his getting angry end treating us to the wonderful daily- eranoe he did last week, end in which he twee Inc for the target against which to fire his foul abuse,. I would like to oak our learned friend did not he get in a Sift against somebody in tovrn, and as he was about retiring from the field of commercial life, doubtless °hackled' at the thought that he would make it hot for therm other etorekeepers, and .make those fellows pay for their butter, by running it up far above its value, while heves three weeks ahead of all others a short time eines in pulling it down to 124 c„ when at the same time the market was brisk at Ific? 'Pity somebody did MA get jn a pessionat hinilhen, and give: hinva dish of Aimee. -The fact iuu, hie littlegenie of spite is spoiled; the tables .are turnedon bim. The farptere under- atand his tactics 1411d hiB PlIallpOT too, and he is. so °nag he is likea bear with a tone. paw, .he don't know what id. the Matter with him. I was always aware the thistle Waa a stinging plant, to encounter, but in this instance, it inttet have been steepedin-vinegar as there us an un- usual anaeunt °lead connected with it. • • ' Inevery branch of trade, whether, buying or selling, oompetition le so keen that it is diamond out diamond With men, 08 each vies with the other for 'emcees, and if in the battle any get worsted, they should not complain, but rather take it graciously. , '• My alltiSions to his goods were amply what would apply. to mine Or these of any one 'else " noder oiniiirnirou1nttancegi.--=1--itrnottndlorespeothilt.:-I1-matterrnot if a Man allay& kept the --- best goods to ehristendomi•when he tetahis stook ran down with a view Of citaing np, as has been doh*, the balance comes Under the head of olff goods, and we can't avoid it, like it or not. I have no apology to offer for the advertisement he complains of. I seek no quarrel with him or •anybody else. I Would not malieiously do an injury to another, and if I did go inadvettently would regret it; at the °Me tirne I atn just AS careful to guard against another injuring me,' and claim a fair .field and no favor to defend mysell. and bueinesseither from .direet or indieeet injury from any source whatever. If what I Fray istrue' and just, then I fear not,.eVen though some do get in A pet•and are not willing to be opposed in anything they say or do. To get it oonaparieon for me he quotes from e'learned writer of antiquity that Fool io• not to•beanswered According to his folly, 8sc." He Should have read. a little further, dont three and a,half chapters, and h11 would. have found this same writer set in order many proverb; one of whichae that there is more hope for this foolthan the Man Who doesas he: does, speaks in haste nod gets Very angry. . • Re says bus advertisement iehisCoNVII property aperhaps it is, butif a Man speaks by Word . of mouth or aclvertioarnent to the puldieebe at once leaves himself opento be criticised, and if ,.what he says affects others, any such have aperfeet aiglit to, as he soya, hate a fling at at and offeeelt. I dare say our friend will Bay‘no, no," to that. He says,.for years- pieta haveattethed other men's advertisements, andthat he thought a certain retired merehant had • let the wind out of the windbags of the possessor of the..whiinwhame. . Say I 'never attacked - any 'one who did not first makesome undue-,reflectiort-on-men_in the seine line of trade, as this merchant alluded to djuI, when he .mado announcement that ,because bie haa.cpased part- ifersbip, in which for 20 years he was succestful itt bnsiness, and alto had a thop of his own, • ' he could. aell goods cheaper than those who were in partnership and had rents to pay.. • This was not fair- or jest to •such Men, and I, at one of them, had a right to eiplode the foolioh as,. . sottion.,--J don't think he had much percentage Of trie in the. argnmett. I gear° .him all .he deserved, and have lots of Wind left for Nemo and •the butter question' to boot. ..Tlie interest , oia capital that boys a store, is generally equal to a rent, *while a partner should bees good. as • •. ; • antamati employed; comixtitionattywayxegulates.thapriceeati a general thing. 'Of .all thee , little affairs the public form. their, •own .opinion, and ayeaquiteable to. judge of. the eight or. • wrong, and-will:do so in thiainstance. ! . " ' • • ., • . ..Ho :attacks my inteceaerits and says peetiouspartner's: have raked disgusted with. me' : and the businese, and I iito noineftalone. to .sail tilY emit. Whoever fathered' the Ore part Of . thenbovetissettiOnats the antlier•of a barefaced falsehood., ItrentO 1,10 inipune•lacessit,; perhaps • a the :teish'Wai father tb the thought.: Art thou Dietitian. :al have thatt,:twepartnei-es :spit foa.enitaa.. years in•succession, and their interest'and mine called for a change. Wo had been, and.. ; we parted and.are.new on tetras of amity and the mdet friendlY feeling; In justice to these two • anen.i hope be will et 'Mace apedogiza to them:for po foul a misrepresentation. Tani else grate- a fril to be ahle tbaart my own vessel alone, which maybe Voting to himpetwithetanding, but I ' don't take ,itnd idult 'respectable partnerships by advertising .1 would sell cheaper because I had ceased to have .one.. • . • . • . • ' . • • • 'Eta, takes. a rap at my creed, and couooles me.with.the advantages I have in living in: a free country. I need not thank him for the freedom. lie and I may be taitiolifutto the good teethe creeds he:sneers at for that... Ifravenla: he limited, -indeed, •if menlike him had their ' way. .unetmosed,- As to nry. greed, I am.. netdammed of it, and trust it Will have aittle to " he ashamed of . oh- my • part: Any creed is allowed Waled, :.bettet than • co creed., awl • I Claim' he is iIIi11 to pose opinion. on such matters, tis he'prides; himself onbaying no creed, sta. plumes himself 04..learibiglowards. Mr. Daewin and others of that eelleca, who claim their origin 10 1)0 frail. the family of aaeri and monkeys, and, if tie ancestry is, Of the monkey . tribe, what, may be asked, an the Man bel certainly quito. iheapable of, sitting in judgnierit . oilaa question of'a religious character. I also:challenge tarn to point out where I ever' said I maid buy °beeper than all other merchants. , Neeasuch„ expreseloo wee avarindulged in by m,e ; °there have advertised.at, to which I have taken eiceptiorra 1 claim orpiiiiy acted facili- _• ties for buying,with any in the trade, ancleaccoea to others equal privileges. :. •.' ", Hie greatest perplexity. is to .solve the problem how, ,ati he says, small • business, in a baeltwoods to.wii itt Canada,' with heavy Tents, alarge interest account, and four: a or fire families to 'support, can be caeried•on. and give. the public mach eapagoods • as other' traders. This la certainly a bee ha' his. bonnet.. I will try and relieve his troubled mind. Hie great . mistaleo is in imagining the litisioess asmall .Otie, •and ' if tie will •eniriii clown' alinest any time and take a Boat for an hour or two, (he can well affor4 the time) I will give Mai a few .ntits.to -crack, and promise lino a Mid willefaltha Torah ; the conundrum will then not he, bow my businese supporta four famillee but how his own, in, the same country town, suPports three and a span .of hordes. 1 employ geed saleemee, who know their biteiness, to attimill to the public and do the trade.. If they have-familica J mei not reeponiii... . ble for that. • I• Pay thena, for their. services, • 'and' When • I don't :'need them, I dispenee with them and let them aep. 11 my • trade was as small as' .his,' two *men and.. a . could do it just as -.eady As • he alcieshie. a I pay no heavier rent than other buei nese metaand ma tearay interest .adcorint and contraerelat ntandingaare Must have. been looking intO seine very old number of the meteentile eget:toy, which May have been about as Well. posited as he is. I pay fent; totes,- wag*inteiest and , principle, ene "helidred cents. on .• the dollar every time; 'and care as littic and.feel its independent Of the opinions of.roereantiieagsncioo . ee 1 do of his: • Though he yropheineii, -no reflection ma any, past or present; 'all • Each bueineieconcertis Must come to grief, because' he is jealous and 51578 130, he certainly Wishes it: Just so, there. is not a businessenterprise, from a.etearn mill to a peamiut atand, that he indulges in• castle': comment upori its progress.. If he cannot get the reason why it succeeds" through .his cocoa • nut, according' to the abstract principles of his Medeareisian • theoretical hi*, then lie gets !our and, grouty, and it must come to .guef. Poor noodle, while he is cogi- tating, other men pick up the coppers. Still, tf lie knows any One holding a olaim.against me, all they have to do is peeeent it and get their money. To his remark about my 'pledged, word, all I will say is, the Man must Eases been non: compos Wentis When he wrote it.• ' }Ieis weldome to criticise my advertisements as much ies ho•pieases (though they are my private property) declare them as nauseous and fuleome, ana compare them to quack medicine advertisements that are on every fence and telegraphpole; hp might have added, and also bqaucakeltupad;vertilieme..nt.s.ofilii.g1,:i..prices fof:.b.u.tter..• I hope inir verierable 'friend. has by thisitime . • cooled off', and that this exposition bf the case, f•ronatay point of view, will not again get his . . . . accord it> him the right to ',announce' any prate for produee he likes, aml ifthe.farmers - are satisfied' with what he has to give .them in exchange, certainly I 'have ale aathie to complain. • Nor have 1 ceniplaided, only I ask him not to goat -rot with me if I'anitounce I pan not able to give as much as he doee. • .1 am not giving itit business. I decline to out. off my nose to spite • my feet... •I have no goods to frit away in losses, to gratify.the malice of anybody, apd pa y •Olote thari Market value for ati • .artiele.- To de; thatwould cause the. concern .to conie to yallakneWa• Urileae tbe, tuerket adyances, he can tak.e ell he cart get at the price he7olfers. But 1 will 1105 give Trot° thaifthe highiSet price 'the Canadian markets' wiltafFora, and I will always be in the front at that. I decline to he led • up or &barb by the fossifiaed notions of • . tweiltyssix years ago, or of even fourteen years ago, when I doted for myself. The *aid tmoves- on, and We try to keep abreast with tbe times, and keep pike of goods isuitable to the • wiiiate of the people, bought en .best of tonn' e 'and alwayspaid for atonipt and in fell, awl by treating.the publie courteously end rigitt, .1 hope to continue and bnild, up Still • farther the business that at present gives employment to throe men and the boss that hoe a fam)ly: each: • -to'support, and also employment -to Bonin who ate ripe bled with 'thee'. elsnendeaMes, 158' wtheallpaoeinstosorifjeuiirreibdret,O.all employed, end kepi besa. • Tile above is all f lir • • to 887 ort. Assurinwhim of the most geberoae censidaratioo fer . • • e a-, and him tiro, hotWithatanding lihreery hot temper arid equally bed toilet • , • • a. r lengthy article, , and with:hint:can smoke the pipe of peed., . 6 JOAN. IlOIDGINS%; • THE ALLAN LINE .10E1111017=-L01:01141W----111110W; SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE. Cabin, Intermediate and Steera ge ets at Lowest Rates. KUMMER SAILI.NGS irita 41,IIEBEC., Parties desiring to bring AO friende froze tho. old wintry; can Salm money by purchasing prepaid certifi, estop f •oin the agentin Clinton. _ • STEERAGE TICKETS' TO •• Liverpool, *Londonderry, Glasgow, Queens- town, Belfast, LOnclon, Bristol, fardif. For through tickets and every information apply to • A, STRAITON, . T. m, Agent Clinton. Clinton, May 6,1880. • FIRE AND -44*.A.TER. A.Eltoler. • T116 cortiMittee having-conlorre'd with adelega-.. - tion from the Fire Conmany, and at the request . of Me latter, ba.ve agreed on tb.nfoliciwingchang- es., let. That each firemanbe paid 50 (lents eaeh • -practise, in place of Se per annum,. and tliab.$1,b0 allowed • for team' to haul engine ao 'practise. 2nd. That the sum of Si be patiato the owner of the team tirat bitched on the -fire engine in ease of actual fire of buildingaod, hauling engine wheto accessary during tire aufareturnieg same to engine room ; and $2 for the eame whim the engibe if drawn to water tauk mid back to engine. room in case of false alarm or fire mit reeniring steam engrue. 'ard, The tiro company need hose couplings: and would ifite the triangle to be put up as- SOD AS convenient for alarm in cage of fire; whioli we reCommend to be Dalmatia, The Bre engine is now itt the building temporarily put up for -it,- • LAROEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT -01- , 13 "Y IAG To be found in the empty, •-18 AT— Nelii011 & 8l101):- CALL, :AND • $BE THEM. • CtisTon, April22 1880.. • •—•1 a It is a very strange eireumstatee that the Post (H- ike Department lam not 701.1)115 on a morning. Wain on 1110 London,li uron and Prueetine. In every r dime. tlotu Ind that .nost Important one to 1 h .a melte prevail'. Letters leave this • tire destluatiom, very early in . Aast and West. Bid • . ,rrespoud- Gum in that dir, •• . m. 11c tore it goes out. .,• . " • Volootli, the • Toronto mail is 1)), .1. which have area waiting an , . '.ed te. male If. as line.was opened in the till !!1:1:15. iVAS OXI)Seted that a mail train would have been put on at once. But thrOlIgh 301110 sinister influence the old 'one -11010o con- • tracts wore rettowed, ad the pliblic left unsorted for viell iiigh eighteen months. At last ithemelessness could 50 na fartkee. A mail was put on but ordered to leave precisely at the hour When it weitld do the least good. It is time that the public service. was better attended to. The rostinastentienerai should see that les western friends are riot forgotten, and that the ;inhabitants. of Middlesex, Mullet and Bruce aro treated Upon the same gamma] grounds; et postal accommodation mitre those of 1.8)13115011) E8110Y, ROM or Perth, If there be too much red tape at'Ottawa, ar 011(1013,11) 51)15 pie -Ocular it should • be cut short. Giro lie, Mr, Postmasteretletiertil, roorn• .Ing mall on thes L., as la la, and the Weiler the better," • We fully agree with out coternporary that it vvould boa, decided advantage to have an • earlier mail to the north, and hope it Will eon - *inn° to num its iiifittence with the (4overnment Untifthe desired object ilf attained. The London Prete Press heads all attiole, "life among the' lunatioe." We presume the' Orikile is the pet4iOna1 experieriee a the metri* • hers of the Stall Of4Itat jOurtuil. Moved by Coon: Corbett, See. by Coatii'orn- bull, that, thaReport int afloyitefl, and that.the Clrairniaube instructed to preenre hoe() eoup• linge.-Carrica. • • , ' rIt011ttrrY C01,uilliT811 ogrottr: The Property Committee • hernia. examine(1 the two small are (mettles found them in a•bad state owing to dirt and rust, and the leather hose hard and dry. They recoinmend thatthey be 01058100 511(1 oiled, the hose washed and oiled. unit as the town has a good steam lire one -Luisa a and have but little or Au4 nee for the two hand • .etiginas, recommend that they bb advertised for saleIOVed by Coma Turnb aoli, ace.. by Coup. •Cor - butt that the report ho adopted so far ets the cleaning, Sea is concerned, but that the remain- ing portion of the report be amendea by adverb. tieing the larger of the two marines for sale, and also the leatbei"hofie.•-:-Carried. Mired. by Corm. Worthington, see.' ay Mtn. Muir, that the specithrations of . the. Market building be roma cianse by clause, to this Cow -k- eit ata speelal mama for that puirpoeo, in or- der that the whole council may funyutelerstand. -Carried. • MO'ved by Colin. ateaceson, see. by CoonaGib- tangs, that the clerk be instructed to eelleet the manuals befOre next regular meeting, Mid 1e3)0i to this Cettileil, in order that new' c'ollileillOrS nlay get the Use of thete.C.artied. Moved by Coma efenziee, see, by Conti. Chid - ley, that the Mayor be itualearized to glen ordera for architect's ettirnates, in favor of town hall eontriretora when certified t.a+ 'the Building Com- mittee. -Carried, • . The Commit there aajourand„ to 'meet in' two weeks.. • • .k.'xotting. Scene: A iarge stailot assistants are cOntin)Joildy employed in putting up Wilson's Compound Syrup of Wild cherry the most popular of all remedies for the cure of coughs, vitas, croup, whopping cough, bronchitis, catorrli, hiss of Voice, and 'all affeotions of the, throat, lungs and bronehialtubes. The rapidity acquired by those eon- stantly engaged in bundling bottles is most astonabine, and to an unaccustorned onlooker the great wonder Is that almost every bottleis not broken. Wilson's Wild. Cherry is olways made under the dimet supervision of Mr. Wilson, 103101885111831 druggist of oversIxteen years experience. This great home medicine is sold by all leading .druggists, and should be found in every heuee. . BORN. • mormis..-171 Cliidou 08 3510 45h Inst., the wife of Ur, David Multeao, ef' Kippers, of a on, stillborn. CANTEGOIL:-Iri Cfinten, on the nil inst., the edie of Hr. D. Canteion, 05 55013. " ^ ' ItOSIt.- ClInt01). 811 th0 eta' hada Mai wife of Mr,' Jas. Item, of *daughter. , MARRIED. ESL1Y-MtlottAY.6-On filo 24th ult., at tIle residende ,ef the bride's father. West WairanosliAl nor. Lendr,111r. Peter telly, Tuckeramith, totmary, ei6 dost daughter of Rebt. Murray, Esq, STANLEV-A15MSTR0N(1,-At the residence of the bride's father, on the Seth ult.,* Rev. Mr. tette- hea ,d ef Londesboro, gr. Jobe Stanley, of Kinbunt, , ' to MISS lean Arinstrong, eldest daughter of Wni. AraistroAg, Esq., of Ilullott. .• ,a'lleten, lune 10, 18in, SrtheNeW Way . The old way to soli out it gook of Oki goods and get otat of bueniess ie te offer the etosk by tender or at auction and receive about tifty.or sixty Olds on the dollar of the Cost price Of the goods, or a diesd'Iosi of about forty per tient. The new waj is to oiler to take Butter at 3 e. per II:27o, re than 15 18 worth, and Siva to Old goods at a profit oo the cost price, Then sten the butter' at it lone of 4 c. per lb, and lei? that mesne het needy best prioe for the old goods that 'people Will not buy at any price, arid 'pay the money for them, The abnte lea fair sample of the MOTO Of one eterekeepor in Clinton Ile can take all he wantent the price ha °firm if the farmos are •satitilled.' to take whet he has got to give them in hatterfor their Vatter. '• \ The undersigned is not giving tile busitiese, and does not liMiit those who eell butter to him to it few old unsaleable goads to make their ptirehaseti, brit can offer volas (no 1,710 NMI/ VII,BSII GOODS, worth one hundred cents on the dello and is allaying in eteliattoe for *amain 0, for good loose Batter, aba for good packed Butter, 131 e. per ,1b Thema are the very highefit prices the blonttipal and Toronf.o matitslts will tarilit of just now, and When the markets warrant US in paying a ltaif a dollar tr pod Pi' U, We will pq it ; oth,ore son give what they please, but that is 'why1 Saul give 16 a, per ib, for 13ttter , . . , •• • • - . IMMENSE RUSH FOR MILLINERY, AT , Okaib litteihirier &Co's ... .. 'The publie 'satiefied that vie turn out tho lost S'TYILIS.Ft .fioXivErs mut - liiits • 1E', tewhe averything new ana lobby.' Ne old goal.. . Nov- Geode lust reeceived.by hero., LAMESILK PARASOLKANO UMBRELLAS, LACE, MITTS, !LACE GLOVES, FRILLINGS, BLACK AND COLORED SATI&Vortletalgt.DIEW & MISSES • ! . • grLatijes ;till please Call at once as those aro Asarco peon, and a good assortment eau only be had at . Qll..A114, MACWHIRTER ' ,4t. UO'Si : tioNtilEAL MOSS, CLINTON*: • .• ,a'lleten, lune 10, 18in, SrtheNeW Way . The old way to soli out it gook of Oki goods and get otat of bueniess ie te offer the etosk by tender or at auction and receive about tifty.or sixty Olds on the dollar of the Cost price Of the goods, or a diesd'Iosi of about forty per tient. The new waj is to oiler to take Butter at 3 e. per II:27o, re than 15 18 worth, and Siva to Old goods at a profit oo the cost price, Then sten the butter' at it lone of 4 c. per lb, and lei? that mesne het needy best prioe for the old goods that 'people Will not buy at any price, arid 'pay the money for them, The abnte lea fair sample of the MOTO Of one eterekeepor in Clinton Ile can take all he wantent the price ha °firm if the farmos are •satitilled.' to take whet he has got to give them in hatterfor their Vatter. '• \ The undersigned is not giving tile busitiese, and does not liMiit those who eell butter to him to it few old unsaleable goads to make their ptirehaseti, brit can offer volas (no 1,710 NMI/ VII,BSII GOODS, worth one hundred cents on the dello and is allaying in eteliattoe for *amain 0, for good loose Batter, aba for good packed Butter, 131 e. per ,1b Thema are the very highefit prices the blonttipal and Toronf.o matitslts will tarilit of just now, and When the markets warrant US in paying a ltaif a dollar tr pod Pi' U, We will pq it ; oth,ore son give what they please, but that is 'why1 Saul give 16 a, per ib, for 13ttter , . .