HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-05-20, Page 8° OLTl4TON NEW �1?1C uoptro, Tui Exmxsu 11i41i..--instead of the Eng. dishmail closing here at lti eduesday noon, as • during the winter months, it will close at 0 to m. every Friday, for the summer. Eoos•Tn4oEDrNUBY.--On the 17th Inst„ Mr. John It cCennell; (of the firm of Hamilton: & McConnell, Wingham) packed in town, from the hours of 1 o'clock p. no. until 5 o'clock p, M. the, enormous number of 1,377 dozen ieggs, or 10,524 eggs. This would require a. pretty nimble use of the bands, and it would be interesting to know what packer can beat it. Cxors.—At the present time the crop pros. recta are exceptionally bright, fall wheat and all spring grains looking splendid and growing well, An old farmer, with who we conver• sed on Saturday, stated that "the prospects ' for an abundant harvest of everything, were. snore encouraging than any previous years in his .remembrance. ," • A WAxpEaaxta—A few days since a little child under three years of age, whose parents raptly brought to a close. n reside in the north end of the town strayed .ltioved by Br, �Pvrthington,acconcted by Mr Cornett,. away fro`in home e Crotilga or ralktSrori.,.—An impression Having gained ground that the stores hore would be open for the ti aiteactioil of bnsfnets on the 24th last., the merchants issue the fol. lowing, and the public should: govern them- selves accordingly : '- we, the undcntigned merchants of Clinton, hereby agree that our towel plares of business will be closed on tlie`VitLIA4th M COON, Of s OnTiles.previous J M !tsO;i &holidays, , rieraY.PLrusrceI, IaMbi, MMACwinavEa & Co. wIT4LtM rearm, -G, tl, 'Wiliam, Jens trams. RESOLUTION or Corrnoaw cin -»Ata meeting for the espeeial purpose,._the following reeo- 0 l . carried lotions'Were nnanim ns y Moved by Mr. Turnbull, seconded by Sir, Chidley, that the municipal council of the town of Clinton desire to place on record their deep sense of the irreparable loss sustained by the entire Dominion, in the lament- able said untimely death of the Aon. George Brown, .Senator of Canada, who for more than a quarter of a century has wielded a powerful influence over the pub- lic affairs of this country. As one who took a pronii• Hent part in eonfedorationi and the consequent creation of the Dominion of Canada,,lie will' occupy a proud po- eltion in the history of this, the land of Ids adoption. They also wish to give expression to their sympathy with his widow and relatives, is their sorrow for his loss, and to evince the regret which they experience in the thought that a life which gave the promise of many years of future usefulness, should have been thus ab - cif the town Council, on Friday evening, held arty in the morning an Gl• that a copy of the foregoing resolution, signied by the though it wags missed and._ diligent search mane for it, it was not found until late in the afternoon, when, it was discovered on the road to Stapleton, whither it had toddled all alone. 'NEW BASE. reference to our advertis- ing columns it will be seen that Messrs. Tis - Mayor and Clerk, be forwarded to the widow of the late honorable gentleman: Tho council then adjourned. l.'nnsoxens,--Mr, T. It. Foster, (fora;erly. proprietor of the Woollen Mills) of Thorn - hurry, was on a visit to towfi last week. Mr. W. McLean, drover, was laid up at McLa- . Gale are about to open a banking• ren's Hotel, on Wednesday of last week, with loll & P inflammation of the lung, and was with dif. establishment in the express office,. which Scully taken. to Goderich; he is, we understand!, they have leased. and are fitting' up for their somewhat better; A number of'the Oddfel use, the express going to other premises. Mr. lows of t is place, went to Godericb, on Fri- T. A. Gale is from theJohnston Bank, Strath- day, to 'a tend the funeral of Mr. Root. Mo- rey, and is therefore well experienced in the Kay, M . D. MoCloy, of this place, has been been business, chosen precentor of the Egmondville Presby- IfumAmos OF • caution a few' 'parties 'who who are* proneto nee Rev..Mr. Stelwart,arn LAV -14 would. teriart (Aur,nd ofClinton removedhas td- Mr.hHart-' their fowling pieces out of season, and would ley, of Exeter, exchanged pulpits on Sunday. inform them that there are members. of the Mr. W. H. Perrin left here on Monday, for a Game Protection Association in town who en- eliort sojourn in. Dakota. ; Mr, Jos. White•' force the law when an infraction of it is as- bead' is at Ottawa trying to get back his con-. certained. Every one should feel it to be their tract for the construction of Section 15, C. P. interest to protect game, as by that meant it' It., which was assumed by the government will become more'abunditnt and a benefit to recently, owing to the time granted for the :all. completion of the section having expired. Don't hail to see the great Celebration' in Clinton, on the 24th Inst. Jaokson's. Tilt, SCALES.—Yesterday, while trying to MEcna:1ms' Ixstrxvrn:—A .Meeting of the" weigh a number of cattle onthe scales, it was Direetore. of 'the Mechanics' Institute was found that they would not work properly. held -on Tuesday evening., 'The auditors' re. re - The scale were immediately examined, when port showed that the total receipts for the it was found that a, wooden heath had been past year, including, a balance of $41, were displaced while driving a heavy load of salt $1,145.74; and the expenditures' • 11770.10. on. This was at once remedied•and the scales Among the resolutions passed were the fol. are again in perfect working order, having lowing:—That• this Institute; tender. their been tested in a variety of ways and found to thanks to those who took part in the Cantata, be correct,.. • and that tickets of meinbership'be granted to Low WTArrn.-•TIr. G. N,'McDonald, of the •the: class for tho currept year. Also, that •a Goderich observatory, informs us thatthe notice be posted up hi the library room, stat. water in the lake here is two feet lower than ing that suggestions from any subscriber re- usual.—Siynal. .[We alwayss thought•Godo- 'Parding the purchase of books, will receive: rich people were hard drinkers, but never favorable -consideration ou the part of the thought they would lower the lake that much. Book Committee. It is pleasing to find that But hold 1" Goderich people "don't take water the Library is in a good• and flourishing' con - in theirs." The Signal ni'nst•be deceiving its ' dition, notwithstanding the great loss sustain. readers. Or-perhaps•it is due to the people ed last' winter. The annual meeting isto be taking their first wash this spring. held next Wednesday evening,' and it is hoped Ax Thus far duripg there will be a much 'le.rger attendance than EXTENSIVE BUSINESS.- the present month the imamnioth gent's fur -is usual on. such occasions..All who are nishing establishment of Messrs T. Jackson &, members are at liberty to attend "and take •,• _ part in the proceed ngs w• .~•-Sora-has-•turaetd•-ont�olothing• equalµto--one• ,,.,r hundred and .twenty-five suits.- This will Blum, Louis—The weigh,scales have been give some idea, of the very extensive business removed- to the north side of the market. carried on, by this firm, which nnmbers.•ainong ;ground; •.Tbe:'dust was something. dreadful its patrons residents in.nearly. all the towns on the main streets this week. The and villages for forty miles around. shade trees are_fell..out:.in leaf; and where Tan Tail Cow Nuisexas.—'We do notthink. thickly planted, present a'beautiful appear;, there are many owners of gardens inthie town anile there are yet several places •where,the ° . who do not have cause, some tim° or other ludicrous:planting of a few would materially, daring the summer to, anathemize 'the sows' improve the streets:'•and' dress - that are to be found straying on our streets makers en° rest ,these days; •'Tho side• at all times of the day and night. Loud • .and walks and roads in different parts of the town numerous, last summer; Were. the complaints we are ed slightaving lots.of weather jastarsed gaows such ests that' of the•unlueky growers of "garden who, as it is. A `train of 34 !''empties". went. west had the misfortune to have the fruit•of many on the G. T. R. on Thursday. M r. • S. Davis an hours hard work destroyed in a row• min- . has this epring'diepoaed'of about250' lbs.: of Utes by the ..breathy propensities of his. neighbor's. " orummie.'i No gate is proof , logOld' seed, McKay, at oderiah rom on.,,the'sy,neral tite • against them. ' Not only do they play havoc, .of Mitchell band played a number of tunes on. hocwithking dirty condiardens kilt tion Bk The Council woue the sideralks ld' the''platform of the G. T. Station here, to a'n have the thanks of a majority of the ratepay reCiatve .go houses int town crowd.. e. of an average One of the ardware of 500 • ere of this, town if.they would pass a by-law. cows trom roaming the streetskers of nails annually. Mr John Shipley, of habiting, ' the Huron .road. ie building_a large barn, with t r nightfall, even if they: are. allowed to be • j:stone foundation sn� stables beneath ; this np- entjiq daytime . , r ,pears to is be the: general. n- way' of putting up- A Ronsultr'--Just south of the town, on•the; stables,.and it`, certainly better thathe . London Road, resides an: aged widow lady: old plan, ,for this 'climate.. County Council named :'Freer,_ •in •comfortable circumstances., Will meet at Goderioh on •the•lst of June. It Her brother named Stephen.Honey, has also is expected that the '33rd Battalion:' wino -1st t . renided With her,' for three Tears. .On Friday'.. in their annual •drill at London, •about'the' afternoon they had a war pf . words, during middle of June. • Work 'was commenced.on which he knocked: her down; with a platter,: the new market building on Monday ; it is to • 'and then concluded :rob her' and depart,. becompleted by ,the 1st of November. ' On and proceeding to *here he knew she'kept her Saturday,,' three yearling calves • were sold at money, carried.of a' cash box containing some the pound here, for $24.75,•a•figure consider- ' $45 in money, • and notes to the value of X250: ed very good. :,The Salt Itefinery•huilding,. • As was afterwards. learned,• he_ hid the cash where formerly a considerable business wail box with. the, notes, near the river, and stetted' carried en, is fast going to rain ; part-Qf the to makable escape; He proceeded on foot ta' smokestack hae•fallen •through the roof; : the, the vicinity of Erucefield, givfng parties whom •engineis tumblingto pieces, 'and boys have he met on the.wayto understand that he was .carried off'' the belting and- whatever other going somcwiiere south, but, retracting his moveables•they could. Thirteen large sacks steps, he took a . train at Brimfield, ticketed' of bones awaited shipment to Toronto at the for Winghanm: 'As•soonas Constable. Paisley G. T. R..on Monday. The:frieglit business is • was informed of .the matter, 'he telegraphed considered better at, this season or the•year for the fellow's •arrrest; which was made at than it was' at the same time last year, Palmerston. B'e was brought back here on .which is an encouraging sign. On Monday; • Monday and' tried before the Mayer and Mr. Messrs. Watson &Mooney eliippdd a car load McGarva, J. P., when he pleaded•guilty,,and• of god.: cattle.• About 20,000 bushels of grain *as 'committed for trial. 1MIr.- Paisley march- is all that is at present in store here, and •it is' he had hid the cash ed him' clown towhere ex ectad that the greater • part of this will box and -notes and thns•recovered.the same. soonbe:,disposed.,of. ' A few `houses around, •Mrs..1�'reer did. not wish to prosecute him, town.°stand'empty, while two years ago they • but the magistrates had no'alternative but to w.onld not have been vacant any time. We pursue the course they did.•r1 doubt if there is a prettier town of: its .size • Hloii-S'Crl'oon SBon.TS AND ErrrnTA1Ntte rr. ':ii Canada, than Clinton is during the summer —Yesterday the anneal competitive drill and months.• A boy', apparently about twelve athletic sports •came off at the High School, years•of age, was seen on the streets en Tues. commencing•at ten a.m.. The. morning being, day in an intoxicated condition. In exec avat-. rine there was a tolerably good .turn • out of lug the market building cellar, the, six men • ' ' spectators. A little before noon it contemeno- employed in filling the waggons with earth, • ed to rain and continued for about an' hour, load one about evoir four minutes --.that is leaving the ground in a'very unfit condition before they warp deep down.' Mr, R. Irwin ' for athletio sports, the gathering, in the after- has during the past season, handled fully one • noon, consequently net being as largeas Would' hundred thousand bushels Of grain at his store otherwise, have been the case ; but, . notwith- house, besides purchasing quantities that never standing, Fthe programme' Iva§ •well carried entered the.store; if the other grain dealers out. The drill. was creditably performed and bought as much in proportion, there: must • Major Murrayhighly complimented them,on have been an ,enormous quantity of ;grain their pros cienoy. The'names of the sue easeful marketed here' since last fall. Recent i ifor r om Canadians ' D'a- competitore we Will give next week; In the oration resolved here fr in; • evening the musical and literary entertain= kota.states that: they had .completed spring•• meat was given in the temperance hall, which work and were much pleased with their pros- ° was literally crowded, Ii, Hale, Esq.,..one of poets. The principal article -of export from the trustees of the school,. presiding, who, in hero just now is salt, considerable quantities opening the entertainment, gave a brief' his- of which are being shipped—both by the'GIT, tory of the origin and'. progress of the school, and G. W. Ii. the salt inanufactnred hero is he haying been connected with: it from the A 1, and parties requiring any will find it •to begining. The musical part of the entertain-. their interest to pnrohase•here.•..A new time- M:w ent was under the management of Mr."Bal: •tableent into force on• the G. • W. 1t. on four, and the rendering of every piece•refleeted Monday, but there are no changes on this sec-. great credit upon both leader and• company. tion of the 1:nil. The railways •give single, The lady singers consisted -of Misses'l Bay, fare rates on the 24th inst. A drive in the Hicks, Helyar and-Stanbury, and all were country is grand just now, everything is so listened•to with a high degree of pleasure. fresh and beautiful. Tho young,. man Venn°. The readings were excellent, the only defect more was before the Judge, at Godericb, on was they were a little too Tow. The extracts Saturday, 'and pleading guilty tQ larceny, from the journals were very interesting and was sentenced , to one month in jail. The well giVen. loot before the ose of the on. therminneter dace nt 82* in the shade on pp tetitors of thionainent e dre ill and gao mesiwore given by Monday 'next the post office ssful ore. Tuesday ; warm tor the middle ill be opeOf n from Mr, Turnbull, 'each recipient being lordly 10 to 2 a. in., and 4 to 5 p. m. Mr. frazzle, cheered by the audience. Miss • Callander weod acrid only fent head of fat cattle last • presided' at the Piano, to whom a veto of Week, not five as reported. Yesterday Mr. thanks was passed, for tee use of her instru- 'Jae, Fair shipped forty-five head of splendid anent, and also to all those gentlemen Who so cattle which had been sold to Mr. Craig, of generously presented • the prizes for competi. Brampton, . The sprinkling cart is tq start on tion. The entertainment closed with the sing. its tonna ail soon as needed 6i41ontday next ' ' ng of the National Anthem. is the Queen's Oat anniversary. • • Noted HAT STORE, Victoria Block Clinton.' 000 We sire Showing 1 eve A.rriva1R ° of CHRISTY'S ENGLISH STIFF HATS, CHRISTY S ENGLISH SOFT HATA • CHRISTYS ENGLISH TWE;D HATS, AMERICAN STIFF HATS, ' • . AMERICAN SOFT HATS, - AMERICAN . CAIS, • A!! Nein the very L.ates.t 000' ---- Si . W1.CrOODS f We' have a tremendous stock in everyy'shape, size, and color. Splendid lines in Boy's and Children's Straw,' iiatS, at all prices. TeatBankrupt Slaughter , • NO BLOW,. O 111SBEPR SEN TA,TION. • , 1 am not runninthe Greatest. or the Grandest show on earth,. but' I ant 'giving the Biggest Bar- gainswins ever' - given '.. in the Town f �. Clinton. B - g g n '� 4 C to �. The . peo- ple buy the goods, and the people tell the prices and as a result, (as was expected) some people are, a, little tickled on account of the terrible . slaughter my low prices are makingof the old-fashioned long prices.' But if I b>1y goods at about one-half what they are worth, and sell them accordingly, that is my business; and in the interests of the people who buy them. The goods are selling fast and the peo- ple g fast,, h pilo ple .are delighted with their purchases... This week Lwill begin to_make.Astill:,furthei reductions...for the °• • benefit of my customers. • Look at the Goods. See the prices. Take sam-'- pies and compare them at other 'stores if you like to do so, and be convinced of the facts with` • which. I handle the piles of goods I sell. 1() cent fast -colored AAAIERICAN PRINTS for' 7 cts. per yard. 1211 and 15 c. ENGLISH PRINTS for 10 c. per yd. f --. Beautiful...POMPAD O R PRINTS 'for .10 c.. - per • d,, other ,SHIRT IDD I iITMENT, • stoles sell then, at 15 c. per yd.. 7Everybod37 shstypild see our WP/t3 and . " 7500 yards of PRINTS to choose 'from. Colored Skirts for spring wear. Col: • ored Sl anis from $1 to $2.50, in every tyle and We show a; lmabni fi+!ent Wh1te :g iirt for .t ieOO_ Splendid SHIRTINGS; for 124 c., Worth 18 c. per. yd, $20 Suits of VINE CLOTHING for $15 per suit. 111 f - LOTHING o 1 15 S is o C . 0. r5 $12 .Suits of CLOTHING''for $8. soKsoresH I N Hous _ . $.10 COATS for;.: $6, • '$7 COATS for '$4.5 $3.OASHMERE' MA TTLES .for $2.4 $7 CASHMERES MANTLES. for $4. $1:25' White: and Colored DRESS SHIRTS for. 75e. $1.50 White and 'Colored DRESS,SHIRTS for .�1 each. . $4 . SHAWLS for $1:75. RANSF e C PEST d MOST STYLIS WALL R In the county. �"1 gid P ail aid see'�••Sara es, � cbs ----coo..• ���►r Baby Carriages City'Book Store Clinton', April, 1860. PS E T ^• ESL c. W. H. RANSFORD, corner of Market Square and Albert Street. Pullman & llaniilton's show exhibits here tS.mortow (L'riday). They appear to receive a very 'hearty reception at the different places visited. krl` Subscribe for the CLINTONNW ERA -a lfrNt•, Blast local nowavap€r; . ' "rEMIEnttT."--The now wonder for whiten- ing the teeth, delightfully refreshing to, the mouth. To try it is to beeomo a friend to the piquant, irresistible, pular dentifrice of the day. Paper'73ags and Wrapping Paper very cheap_ at law i t (Ace. r.,. 756. TABLE ` LINEN for 50c.. per 'yard: 40c DRESS GOODS • for 20c:' per.•':yarcl.' 50c DRESS, GOODS for •25c. ,per yard. 60c DRESS GOODS for 30c. per yard 25c. DRESS GOODS for 15c per yard... 20c DRESScxOODS' for 1.212-c:;per yard. $1:25 per yard -CASHMERES for 7:.5c, `:per yard 80c, P•RTJNELI,A ,SHOE'S: for..50c. per. pair. 5 ,; •:E, +LLA SHOES for 75c.. el' pair. �1.�� PRtrNE P.. 1 .$1.2:3 .PELT. HATS for 75c. each. $2.50 7IATS . for $1.56 each.. $1:50. HATS for $1 each. People of . Clizato> eind : surrounding country-- . Remember' u . Remember it:is"lainfacts that I:advertise. •Everthing I' announce I .strictly perform. during the time the. advertisement ;appears• before the public J have no .time to Penny ~vise and • ound foolish advertisements, as' it takes. Write pe y P - all my spare moments, to attend- to my 'own business.' People . come for , miles ;and bring. their. families, that have not visited: Clinton for five years, to buy goods at the•astonishing low prices lam selling at.. `Bear in mind I give BIG REDUCTIONS in prices'. on every article in every department of the busi- ness. This is : the only Bankrupt Stock of goods in Clinton at this time, and the only place where goods can be had at wholesale cost and under. Boit't 11h1 Watorlao Rouc C.' Glll,{... ,s Old stand) opposite the Post Office, e: ` T pOS'IE, ' Chlh!,i"..Msy; 1'880. .