HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-05-20, Page 571. 4. a ... ...` e. _ _.. 1 • 4 AK I • • ... ...` e. _ _.. 1 • • 1. I ' . 0 ' . t. I, , i i.•, - e e, tom■■® 4 - from Bowmanviile to En laud on Uonda rare ani, Stovem. ar1.m, �`thousand head of fat Battle wore shipped f �Hp y. New Furn e lire• LOOK77111 0During the two weeks sinov the eattlo em+ i 4 p bargo has been removed in Canada the Great t ttt� a -- .^.--- — - - --------- F't'estvrit Railway transported 5,8u"8 cable i S.• LATS' STYLES, . `,..�t>c L 271 bogeauil 9.18 �Theb al, , - ` As Bout. H nrry of Cartwright, was going Is 4W, G Sa 11 11117 ' -• from ,Cartwright to Port Torry with a load of .Ql nd LOWEST PRICES. ' 'r HARLAND. . . fully Announce to the I ' ; BROSs,'CLINTONOL wheat on Friday Rlouning, ilia wife, who ' ac, ^1 I .P y as in• ubllo that he hapwon] on hsnd a An* stook o! ,g ND' CLOslNG UP THEB. USINESS . atantl nk b , fell ficin the lead and tipN andglR{1NOY FURNITURE AND p coo--- - Avery lar +e proportion of the fall wheat in . •• _.._. UIi3[07,h1'1`E1tEi111 4i0 Lir, TO OUA NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS the Ottawa district has been killed, owing to 1' 1�TE BEG TO ANNOUNCE the eculiarity of the. s rn r weather, Many • as PABLCIt BETS, Isasx axA11tS'; rATENT �j(� Wand the general public, that we have added largely to our stook of HAR p ,� P P b �1lJL. "� the (� f�I I hie': s yin nd are. ie are to se l at farmers have been compelled to brpak upt� oie' . EEris, WOOL,and SPIi;1NG XATTRESSES, 0;q. The. ra e � _ _ 1f 1( On'�/Le'r OJ. VhG, t �Q"1'T , M P1RIQ9 . p . 8, a p. P d l „ Ottr Stock OOn9lats of which ho will soil as law as pooh goods pan be tion�ht p ' fields and put in a sprlpg crop ini3tead:'"t "s'. I* the lrominion, A pall respectfully. solicited .befog° - 11..... "$lisp Spades, Paints, „ Cistern Pumps, Cutler Although leas than s weekhas elapsed Sino purohaafng elsewhere. • p , y,. gets' of'queations under section one in. relation !le)nenilier the place -One door north c .San's THE STORE CRAMMED FROM MORNING UNTIL. NI TRT, WITH. PUii - ' to the soil, climate, products an d progress and % CHASERS SECURING THE BARGAINS' . THAT ARE BEING GIVZN,-- . Locks, Shovels, Oils,, Iron. Sinks, Plated Warelt condition of husbandry in Ontario, were for. EVERYBODY DECLARES THE BARGAINS I AM OFFERING ASTONISHINt� ward to the reovea of the respective tgwnsbips, W. B. Cl2YC?IT) I AM NOT SURPRISED. AT THIS OUTBURST OF WONDER, BECAUSE I Bingos, Forks, Varnishes, Leads Pipe,. Lams p' ' man are Alread beginning to make their ao� Yzcr0ltlA ST., r LiNTO17, AM SELLING by o agricultural of T ciente` Oiinton, Jan., }880, Glass, Rakes:,.. Machine Oils Baths, ° ., Fly Traps, pearAuce and the completeness, shows that a Putt , - f9o8s gretic deal of intelliy;onee as. well os caro mastE. X1.50 Biuret+~ Dress SILKS for ,$1 per yard. i # ... , a-8rt�shBs,. Brass .Kettles.,. _ �aranit.o iron: �I►ara . hay a been brought to bear n ion tjieir .cam .._. l _:. x,1.25 Black Dress SILKS for 90c. leer' yard. ' Shelf Goods of all descriptions,, Edamellod Kettles.- pilatiou, " p . 4_L.s.-0 1.35 Colored Dress SILKS for 906, per yard, Tsxeldng 13ueno, FOR r p I And all articles .usually kept in a first-elasa. Hardware store, V C . 75C. Stripe and Check SILKS for 5Oc. per yard. .. ' ' A large staff of assistants are conthluoasly.cm Cloyed CONSUMPTIVES - [rc• , i ip putting up Wilson's 0ompoundSyrup of Wild berry e'}O6, StUtl Dx+eSS+ Goods for 25C, eel ys rtl. the most po u]ar of Sll remedies for the cure of coli h. See * hat Physiclans and the Peo ie Eave Troughing and IRON' ROOMING a specialty colds crouppwhopping c°ugh, bronchitis, catarrh, ,loss tray about SCOTT►B EMULOZON F 45c, Stuff Dress Goods for �Oc. per Sidi ., w ..• - vplce, and all affections of the. throat, lungs and COD LIVER OIL ,AN.P IjXPUPHOS. s MILK PANS. P I S ' a 'd bronchial tubes. The rapiriity acquired; by those con- PITEs, sa a remedy for 4oninmpton,, 756. Black CASHIVIEI�iES for 60c. sex yard, P. N A . L , . u all kinds of Tlnvtare very low, BEST NO, 1 COATI OIL, stantly engaged hi handling bottles iA most astonishing, licrotala, and Wwotiln$ AReotiour t y • . Slid to air unaccustomed onlooker the a eat wonder I. 755. Colored CASHMERES for '50e per ara. Cotobe; 20,1878. P ' Call ood examine goods and'priees before purchaoing .elsewhere, that almost every bottle is not broken. Wilson's Wild Name. SCOTT & BewNS: 25c. Dress Goods for 16c. per ard, • 4 . . Cherry is always made trader,the direct Aup'erviejon of. GsNTnEwEx-I have ptoserlbed 3ooit's'EraNpivn of p • Mn 1VilSon a chemist and dru ' t of ever sixteen years • r ggn+ , , Cod Liver Oil, etc., in pry, praptiee, and need it in m p ri[f�� Goods: #or 12c. per yard, , HARL AND. BROS. 1 apdi.aU. ggi Is and should be t ilrnd in every ho se� t smlaisbleaeee Sand rho cod resIIltth iaE follnse of its . 2i�ii. 1Jress " palatableness pth ow its age. 10c., Fast -Colored PRINTS for 8c.a per yard. ' Clinton, May 6,' 188Q. • - SIGN OF THE PADLOOK, BBiOK BLOCK, ALBEIET' 3TItEET.. - I harp fougd if very serviceable ,in•�grafulone dl.eSsop p y and.pnlmOnaryafLegtigns, llospeetfnllyyonre, 122c; Factory. and Bleached COTTONS for loci. per yd. OLIN'1ON M,1►RKRTS. IIs& llf. LANGr1tI. D., e . 270 BestBecadway,N, Y, '. 20c. LINEN HOLLANDS f`or 15c., per yard, Ajay 20, 18$0,' + m; LORI9vrLLS, K:„ Janus;y 8,1878, . Com-=Lti A'Z'• _& mi fall, red, lrTiah,1 ] 3 a 1 lu G>LNTLaruEai-For the last tlltggn months I baro OC; LINEN TOWELLING for _5c, er arca. '1 ' tr . •. _ - .: . _. Yh'eat fall,_.,white,,a,_. _.: 2 - Lu, m ,!d4ef1.y4A XQ- J ir€zAil >;iaaleion a,oth,in,a;os itS - - • .. - _._ _.L._ .... _, ... _ .. ....__ . . . ,. O "" -CJB'� Spring, 1Ledcbaff, - 1 %A' a X 12 sadin private praotIt its.e et d �bo�be0ngreatly pie.ped'. C. SHTiTING for 18c. per 'yard, ' • rife, . - 1 18 a 1.20,, oir ath ilonger°time thsa any othersprepaand zatioaobe f Cod' 2Dc. DUCKS and DENIMS fol' 20c. per ard, . O O � � S H 0:08 �"'� � Oats, r" . 0 34 a 0 35 Liver Oil. Ili Conenm Eton and children's d[seases I W R y f Barley,: - 0 45 a o ,51i 1=.va:pend it eapgoi yBvaEnablOeC e�X White Dress SHIRTS for 15C. each: A T , _ ___ _ _ Peas;. = 0,02' a• 0,66., N. ._ EIELONY,.M,D,, - :_ __ _ . _..,. -_._ �_ _. _: iia>rioi. OutPxillsalt�t3,stppjtal X1_25 white Dress;SHIRTS:for 1'eacll ;.. ___ _ _ _.. .> I*'lour,:.: .....,... , , , ..�:.MgrOtl.:.-A ., fiTbp '. HAME'SS, '1' ill Ke 'VALISES : &C. ffieenre;:$oe�x 7lpwx>4: s" • 9 7 Potatoes, - *,� 0 30 a .0 85 IhavenpedScott'sEmulsion\otOodLive;Oilinva- Z•75 CoIiired Dress.S:I3IRTS for $1.24 each. ° Butter, 11 72' ;3 0 2$ ;ions inetanoes, and have, fonnddt to be easily taken, .• toned P. BOOTS fort per r�Aix. V "/ 00 a . 8 00' Imitated, and rapidly'im. roves the nutrition h 1? -A2 ESgs, a 010 rk4 ' E ., - h . t t R. E BA r(}IITON, M D used, e�' 1 per Slllt,' readily 1.50 aches ut. and. fie9 I oonsI40 i ' h'ce skins .' . 0 50 a 100 • SL'eseis SCOTT dc.BI • 'I dianapo}Is,Ind,r , N.'S�CS20 suits 'Wo CLOTHING #or TWITCHELL'Se s p . 100 a '1 5o suits T Or 4 per suit. . `�+ • _ E NN: y 018 ME � T.OTHING f X12 p .,Pori; ' i oU a 0 '00 I have givenyour atnad of ay I Liver Oilth afair 'SU1tS MEN'S CLOTIiI1V G for S1 er stiff.`' _ rials. age am glad that I can say I drink tip the Tom= , , 1 a Beef, - 5 ,50 . a 6 00 od for weak lungs and.bad coughs. I can, highly. re, + - Clover 3 00 a '3 10, comnlend it, When the doctors had given\mq up, I 2'sults-MENS CLOTHING for 9,7. p ' $1 S 5 per suit: The subscriber having ju4trreceived his SPRING and SUMMER STOOK qf. BOOTS Timothy • 3 10 a 3 25 d?mpienced using your medicine, and I ani'ltainin'g $12,50 OVERCOATS for 9.each. - and SHOES' ,would' call the- attention, -of intending purdhasera to :his' well-aeaorted. h,iltb and strength very feet, and think I Sb�Il soon , steak of both LADIES', GENT'S', MISSES', CHILDRENS':, in great. varieties ,and '�''�'� Uewell. Yours truly, G, A. DIEDERSTAy��tr $10.56 OVERCOATS for $7.50 each. • .4XA,.F01t'1'Ii':lXARKVI'14: Oftiveston,I }d. i I at .unusually 147v prices, havin�rpurchased Uefore'the raise in'stock, � �, LADIES .BONNETS,. half pr1C0..• � ' . Ma . 20 1883 , SroxT It BywrrN: . . ' Whent-1� all - $11 r; ' 1 .l5 I felt it rary TluEy. to 66 yan know the benefit I her S a -.d. CHIL'DREN'S HATS, . half price, S$R.NESS - ]D7EPARTMENT. derived from the nso of your Tmuleloxl, i,bnd M1:vory. LADLE Spying 1 10 A .1,12 bad cough for yQaTS, and on consulting Dr. J. E. a ,.: T T' i Having a very large stock'of First-class SINGLE HARNESS 'on hand, the subscriber would Oats - - - 0; 34 a - 0 iii - Such o.rthis oity,he informed me that myleft Inn, was I A.THER,S; FLOWERS, LACES,. TRIMMIN GS, , 11 direct especial attention thereto. Als `SS,_Ir b hesNy Slid llal'r-t: -•;•I3ein„ s-. -� -• diseased a'nd prosarrbod Sootti'sd`mn'lein>z �vit>z IIypu. : QDj - --M- 2 �j �b:�j�N a b -U 011S rpT�xl'GeS, •phosphltas.. Atter taking two bottles, I began to im• r 'moos up from goo stock,, and by experienced workmen, be Can guoriintee. thesame; my. r Barley 0. '45' tl U 55 , prove very rapidly,, Sud continued using It until Ibad ' $COTVH COLL&RS'warrmted to give entire satisfaction. , , ' Potatoes ' - 0 30' a 0 35 • taken ten bOtIIAS, And now nm as•healthy a man.ne. �1 v ��YY •� i ,, TRUNKS and VALISES -A very large 'assortment and very cheap, TIWNIi6'frow 75 cents up. Hey . 7 00 a S 00 there is in•thae ty of Baltimore.. When I began nsing ,CiQ E. LOOK. A?�JJ.' D ON T YOU .FORGET IT. l Butter O 1r a „ 0 13 E I weighed iduponndo,I now woigb 180'nannda. Yours, , Ids and 2nd Class SHINGLES, from 40. cents a buucb, up A'rtigni over the strop to let: D'. P.FAII�UHslt, ` r Eggs, . - . 0 9 a , .0 1'0• Oct, 3, }879. • ' 13alt,moro: lild At . once' is the .Hest time to -buy, because you get. the best variety. •:Phe. goods'nr8 ° ALL GOODS WARRANTED. JAMES TWITOHELL Viotoria'Blook.• . • Hides ; - •' G 50 • n '7 QU• CAxAarnArt,VAt'septemberls,1s77 selling _fai 'Slid the newts is spreading, so come' along at ones as the business will- .. ' Wgoll - -` 2 Oa a .0 50 sporr & Bowxz. i ositivel �4 o, closed u in 'a sort tu. THE GREAT SALE IS* NOW GOING - -• flour 8 '00 . a .0 ri0 GExms-I then ght I wa,ild W11116to you, as lsaw e P Y lY '' noticeupOnydnrbottlesof'latonponitslou,00ntinu- ON AT THE GREAT 7T7• CHEAP' STORE, OPPOSITE 'THE'' 12ARiiET ^�T— • .. ed Ea nRt iupy cgs the boat miser N D� T . . _LA�1 s proved with e• This has �'�� �� the last Marc v co \\ i _ . . .�i�a 1\i�/ ' 110T (UITL, SO col aid ranee no use of� any, tirgatulent:... niY liuRbaud..:_ ._ _:::. . _ .. \. .' _ .. UN - - ..a.'-_ .r applied foty.our.lrmnlaion'of Cod Live} Cil; .he hue . ' .. .. .. � . . ' It is ai len, the most slava-0• and debased ��®®r>�• N ^•��� '••�-/^�• •�• ,�-� . GROU SLINT tribes only that the COnditiun AM, comfort oY the bon,lrt twenty ai:, bottles and it ,s restoring me to �,��, �.' V V MJ..t T..L1.�. Please call. and •see Hdrnner s BAZAR PATTERNS horse hAve been neglected.!1but we believe there henlEh beyond the expgetptians n! hundreds Ocpeptin, p� .. L',., o hear of my death every day. I ahouldlike to take it ,. , . , , • • f are many in civilized countries who are guilty of' for a year, .wLen•.I. t 'nk I w ti bs cr \ LOOX., _ tho salhe negleot And without the excuse of the .. - :- >. hl._,,.-, i. .,,_ p fe9,tly eqg, . I • , '', ' 25 cents fora f 111 suit.. Also a choice -select on ,ioimer: herellllnrayltvltiltltl)inAelveauftlleaNe roIIrHwltll reApedt l aaa as �' ®. . 7 Af rs, ELDIEIDtIE, . ,�+ •� of an article which has done more than anything od else herotofm•o known to iniprovo the condition Forsale by Druggists at 911 per bottle: ��o�ns®,rea",araoaaaa,oe� ' 4nd relieve the :an$Prin bf tiro' horee.. Those -- - . . - I.. . who tivi11 nut age It trill hb the losers, th0irhorsea ��\\`�\\�::r" ""' '�"!:°4/, �' P.• the sufferers:' to avoid both lira'+'burley's Con. )` R% . WALLPAPER, `;�/' PER, W! B'�GE DO 4L12f f N Dam' .:&C'. diti0n Powdere aud'Arabiau•Heave ReiueCiy,' ,'wS , ' W � C S� _�; L Em A � � G' 9 and you will bs satisfied with the ^result. Ro• ` \���\�� yl i ' �' , :., \' :, I +; arnet air ti„Q =35uaturo of ��` z li'� /� q� S I . t �r 1t TL E 1 ale3nber tli0 n d see that Yl .' I. �3TirltPe(�1 I O�I;SeIlG'1' c1T1Ct r�tat1011eT. Hurd.GCo.iaOneaellpa'°kage, X0ttlrrcp.GLv ,_ ' / . : ivan ToiontO,Out.,piopiietorsftliCan:ula, solid jpi�' CirnEen A ril 1, IWO, - �- p by ail wc�fiiOinC deltlera. = - , r . �. a: 1 e • i F. —C1� - ., I - '�'�i' fin«All's WAi+Sss Itbe, great public ren)edy) , ” - - I A �. ��� - - - -•„•, T_■ . -.-s-. Yfv leenniuse over trvun ,v. yearn, t�nc0 _ jt,' •� it cannot tie asgld tb)LCtihey aro oil trial. They,e � � V1 h;y�• ” :. . ]lavebeeu.tlio'elt hl trier] line nouonncrd Ou .=•- �- f .•.mak.; ,. \ �. �.� t urnltur e .r1.ill 1.re, � Ur1.• 1 fin+ i y l -y ..� �,:;, �.4 , nre1 the authority Of.tlrOae vvh°se llv'es and li0alth id. . . t)i0y have preserved) to be a•sure, harmless and \ �' v „ t .. crn)nOntly aaltitary prCparrtiion, line it tallen in c c•,G�� I:I I I' liG\\\ �. p� ?. • . season will invariably. care colds, ooughs, sore • . \ iP/ Y -i• -- 1+ C� 6' tbroat,.aua all- bronchial of eeticns. - cite fair 1 l P ( I1. �§ ' OG� OOH -. �.. ;, .� - � ,, , (tr)al m ill olio i fuse .the Torii skOptical. Bald Uy. i . Il�b',71^vFInir�ava, .x. ^. .til medicine aeulers, at 25 eeuts par bol,_ , _ cures T e,taorrlirna for white+,) Euinful bterietruation, , II . RACE ON i'IAND AT THE PnB13ENT.•T}liE i Udperatipn of the [hterus,'Overlan disouscA, Absent } . &- , ,. ... : .. lMTenetcuation.riud rill diAeases kn'gwn as Female Weak- , .• . ' r NO i THE .sITGT3:TEST Avrir4nY exists Isetweeii nes9. be • sre' ,r with i gr ' _ .. T , , T . } I spared i i, lho a eatwst care underI. �tiC �tUl ESU• W��� �US SB�UCUV� UO Il i ' i tha nnmberlees pougb mixtiires%vlthwhich thoinniket t)ic ereonnt.supervisionot a ,h Hiaian who hasmnclo 4' '. c OP .�URiNI URE ou -k —exhibition la this thm . 7 in coded that ouopeessfi prcparatiou—Northrop female diseases a special"study for many years, and . . Which thea a're''prepaied tC self at.prices'to suit the times: 'Tlie Steele Coir&fists of• & Lymau'a Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil,and Ilypophos• thav aro AMedicine-on irhich Married'Ladios can do- . irhites of Lime and'Cpda. It stands alOne,'distiuet, pend •cin. the hourdud thilerf need." As An unfailing ' ' PARLOR ,(�� &' 8'� ®�, . �, ;is like itself, and nothing oleo. It embodies the best Female Itetiufator. • p, jrNlre. Wilson's Diyetio,pills. are, 1` • OOM .SET>� LQU14GES, 1EA-SY CHAI!d'�• S, :reerilta (if advanae,l phat•macentioul science. It ne-' sold by allWaggistnat$1porpackage,orSixpnc%agep' " 1I1� t e nlprl� lir pr . vi= o tl i' venieilts tat•uuut tt�. U m�icle ill. our anis And ever thin re `uisite in'f , fur. f aompliHhes positive, Cie^faire results, eftebtunlly reliov- for 8b,ar will be sOnttroo pn receipt of the raouoy by. Y'P Ylll' fl'er .f . everything 4 n shin lige Parties' wisliing'to furnish their ji0ttseaA will ing oougha tertian tharlongs are not tubExpnloua or .adareeeiyg .. w . ti , 0 Or 'ale 11T g save money by giving tie 'a call.. Wq, have 'also on band a large su 1 of COFFINS hopelessly affected), colds, lAryngifle, and di teaises'of :. TLth-ORSY• BIBI)IOINE CO., � • ' CASKETS, 1i0BES AND:. TRINIMINt1S,. of every description. Ails P ayF It 'T• rL '• a Scrofulous origin. Whileit.dcesnotcure Cgnunmp- Toronto. Qui.' Cnusda.. p 0, I s ( ASS tion,'lE rs the most reliable nioarnr of deteuae against; b ' - — H E/• R,SE, all,of,,cviiich we ars prepared to, furnish at vex ;low rates: 0 . y .. that The inyr,rorating-ptoperties'or uuer,. E°�'1 S'T'OCK Off'+, ® Y GOODS RE1IE.lIBER T11:C' PruA.CE-7311 , thq'•hypopbospbites 'reimburse the vvetemdebilitatedl Ir,• It _, . _-_. . ICK 111140 lt., ALBERT STItP.ET,. CLINTOX by:tlio•oonatant tea:r'antl wear of a'emiglr wb31'a the : ._.__ _ , i - -----1. aa .1. a -__ paroxysms.rapidlydimIniAbinvfolencoju.eonserluence, I 1* f%' s _ t a ,.—.�......-- of the soothiug,wnaliient nation of tli° Coll- liver all.. a--•' 9 n upon the iw?flenitid Iuu, moinliriiira. '.x`ba pbosphornA, R �'�"`� Crompton s Celebrated S con.- Busk .C' q', " • luno and sods, in comllinatiou wftirlt, are all natural. ' ..1, , ®® UJ 0 Iffit C 0 F - ` MIN I compon'ente fn the1onstructlon of the boclllyndilleo, • . t �" Y71 . Ran D ® � wltirh i 1 n state of Cloda • 1 v: "'9 lack's sutdoicndyahthoea • � - - 0 (:D i. : - , �+,�:,+' cP s r i t ' laments. These rife liylrnphosp 'tnH st ply, ancien •. �. Ing propertied of tiidhlood, andbniidiug _ r' , This is the. Corset far comfort tY . �: ' lip and rehabilitating thn tottering bnman strudard y r r and durability. i1IISSES C1.0x11 f0-',' <;OP'S T4,.a11 air Os. :with n dtgree ot`prom)) I it i0, S.AstdniShi2) as •I t. is CONS] S.CING .OIs , EDGINGS and. P�l;AL rfiVi'�. 11i S )Ielldid S gratifying'tCi the inyat€k. A pereeptiblo:gClin fu,ileph - 3 1 _ tOCI. Of 3r1LI lEOI7YEliY, LAIVNS aA-well ae fri strength fa -Mie of the donsequouc?r+ot1. . . , 11 I + Clow, and PzAils _tIusr,vt ks, Iinsiz .1, UMN, WIfITL T t ) nsin,thisatandali preparation,which botb'titnd and r, b , a r' y , U 11.ISH: TEIEily, fol ladles. ezperieneo bare demnnstratcd t•o:, a fully trortby Ot y m �I��7 �f��t77��t�t t p �7 �� y �ro �j /� ���� r�7 and alilldteil saaclf et5:. ; CasIIj11.1t1,;,, LUSTItES tend FniE�Ie1t S SA+PINS. ' Ll1T H StOcI: the can&donee repOsiii,In it. "Prol'urod by It 110111 -v <L. MEE,i S ' C LL11.V �V EL1�7 t )1JLilV IL_E S - EA Y. Of PRINTS in the IIl/w( l) ,ttiefll S. r r i �' r ff LrriAx;'Toront°,'aiul sold by all druRgiate. ���+ . f ITar.'rrANDs, �l:OiV'RLi.Iiv(ra clad 1;Lrlr.r•, '[ lel _s. ,COTTON nd WO f,,_ +�'� ' i DIJ EJ a .O,LLEN SIfI11TiNGS. Fl:1TYiElL si11C1,�`i'IY___ rL'JCKI,,108' T!'iIINGES7 ••, N f) x >r l~ K a_ , El - VV 11Y V CI ' DRESS C -#'CO LACK i� . STR _. _ ___--- . BUTTONS'nri[1Li11's$'1'i'LT1l1tINGS, HOS [Gni andi31IRIYASIri1EY. c�0. tCC. TxoyfAs;EriracTnri'Ozr.i .1\°.onlrx'fex:raris'.iTs . P�i6 `lilt? tir*(oT li Ylorrsi°Yav�rrx° I CiS31VfERE COI�OUREI)` SHIRTIVGS. rl'iCiK-' MxZ�x�err axat�:. M�:�aze.e�-�xxaea-t e-11 +x > , I. .. .. . a, • Pain cannot Stay whevo`itis used: -It is the choaVeet , ,� . 1.A Lledidrie ever made. One does puree comruori' dote v q � g -t�.. •p Y' HATS AND BOYNEt1 In the CtCrNF,At Fl1a )Gs, ,}:lI fir'hroar,; one bottle hns'aarrd Yr'roucbitia; GO eta. worth - --. -_ p,,_ ;i' ' % IdV 17( G 4LE:i A3 D• M BLEACHED illi 5—__.__ . S COTTONS . 1 NS AxD 'r dI,I�5 t11. the 1}UNt St , !. 7� has cured an old shoo of Pilaff anis Kidney Trnnblob; Sir .T111S Gii•eat Household M' ' . :designs. 1+'EAi'IiF,RS, 4,1 L7WEt15, �ri11,VETa, :inti ,cyATIYS. )� \xS ltrirl ��ONNE,P8 Still to eight applications. eures any`case of Excoklatod Nfp• t3 @lllCllle ralll; S ` made OVOr ln•t11e i1L`NE/St SQd Ozi. DTr.SN ` ' stenoclnll'amsd73reant;onabottlehascrrredlamebuck ,aMon 'At, the I6cisSaries • " aLlJs lllaat� tt) etaer lf► �. g oflzfe, TABLE LTlEN, HOSIERY, GLOVES; SIItTS �OOd Style, of ofght years eEnndfnga D. Plank, OL Brookfield, p,i, y " L f. ,. . '+ - Saye:—'+J want U0 miles for a bottle of yang 011, wluch; !4hesd taixWiiH 1+Sits purify thr+ ii C,t)'lrt,, and net utast BUTTER and ]+ GLS takezl In ®ge1l;nge for. Gnoi, . ' etYocted a wondortul sure at C1 Crooked hi,nb, by Six n • rowortnll lit Hooublm 1 •"ui i 1'Y The ' rlinaEloua:' Another who hnn ad• Set mu for ea aly.. .i y, y d y, t tlo i .. !, sabsciiber, whila tbailking .lips manly ff i , ds for their . v ,r r• Liberal support port eu e• +' b • b h 1; rs' r ' AND DRA"Wi RS . TIATS' AND .CAPS, 'B since [life C l • .a ;� j, l l y_• . I are half of A. dont bottle left, Slid $L00 LIVER STOMA0J1 KEDN,1I. I s rr would rob bay it if l,:o0nld get uorn9Ore." Iiulun'lEob, ) - ,i YS, . . OOT 0 nm?1 \­ * llt ed btTSy: , llopr),y try Stt'1Ct ilttCritlOtr nod Kl'.Cl)iCr� a F;tlOd'stOC'It iuson, of Nunda+ lv,Y.,'Haja. +•Ona Small bottle of " •��• �r..v+� + and DO'1VEr„7, giving ;a • �^Q"�'1�Y• T `, . .• , t0. OOL1ti111t0't0 rC08ivN tbelt+ 1'AVO)'s, '. ;your Eclectt•ic.0i1 restored the v0iao audio the pdrsM, , , , •!; tnue,unergs,rtndvlgor to those :A D' S.L7.V.L:.1),7 �Ci. .•�(,, ' ' MRS 'u:w•a ESLEY V D. ,' . s - -, ' had not Spoken nboie. o whisper its N veartt,'+ 'Itcv. J groat 1MAPN NAITYGy OL' LIll., Tbnyaruecnifldently T8 N r ,' q Ga . � ttI L retommcnded as +, r,,•vur•yrWlru • i,lu;d - b:•it0, 1880. .. ' . ! .. DIallory, Of W)Iominty, N.Y. water: Yoar'Eclectrid'Ot1 C b Y lu n1I cases' . tfiluton, Fox ., . cured aro of lironahltis'in cine .ivicek;! It is .composed ,where the can+ttitntlnu„vi-.1 rvhvtevnr eauae, baa• bo• . 11 arm... _mss:-'----a>�mfrrevr�CmsCI . : . ncazzmmw.�aawimc.vas .at sig of the best -011- Volt arc known. 'It is ae good for . come impturod lir Avoskent„t., They are wonderfully *-- *• ' xx i �_ ._-. - ... _ _.... _.., ., . _ _ _ _ _ .....___ _ lukimal ria fur pxEc;rnai ,iso,,Aucl is believed to, be im• cflleadoug in all VA conte u,cidontal to Fenialea Of191I ' agt.s ;' un'd as a O7:NLiE AI, A'Aht1L1 BIF, OICY1dF 'are ri, ^i u,casureably Aupertor'to• any0ing over made. • Brill ' B'U/yt��,' s+ a/ save you nmeh sufroriug lino many dul'rirH of ozpr,nan, nnsur{,mytil, , i '1✓ 1 -N- E.' S S Y..J , A N G' _j . tlr'�V'AIM o)?15?fT.l1?idit:1.--Ask for Dr... lx,hil ae' Ec- . _� :Tire h®le stock -will. be sold ri�tixoL�.t reserve, at ' aa, loo onithelwrapp r, aU4 the u nig otjNotcrunoTri T).r: ��0'-- ofAx blown In thn boUtl.ynud 1AYiL Nr) r)Tilik;lt, 1,Y- . . �. ... I • h..Prices that cannot fail to be ap�reciatede. Y 11 y p i” ` t e S • L moz5toilnolectrin1� iIcOtechaDltFl etuNortNrtl r '. . ,. ; - : —,_ Y 1 ' . �"y ,ry tsI.11i,4 to )ntltua:tir t° the' err tic' Of 'lint !i nr i itv t d + T111t .OItEAT k,LtfAtlt 111! ])Y: , '' ;Its i9e reliil�g and healing ,Propalt es a• s- L IJOAT► Poo , .l ( o y . atilt vie t) .• , that ha yt,g purchased the ..-. n .,. IIJ Groceey anti i'lovicrinn Iiusirl+'�te iorinerly r.arrred on by. Mr. A.' I+ 12OSS, ho baa ::ice ;+xci•8EN i�OR10014,7 ib, 1 -1110th are IclloVvn tliroUghOlit t$e iRai1(L ; , •e:.. , . ' �. YAM . ! 1$e titeret0' a fresh wail w011-saleirtefl stock (if. !' . x'orthe cure :,f DAD Y,I:O i, Ylail Ylgpasta+ 4• 7 t` t s ° .. . Thiawoll-knowNia0rlioind is no i,api,altlofr, )nut a.:ttrre i a a I -• A parties UeAJt tO°' tile' ., '' : . , .and safe Dlalculfies and Cbs'tritc• + 'yi,', pa e>Yei'du6 Af.`” •• " _ ai�vrl• in li r ilY t�ci `� ��" �*1_ g� /^� '�^,, 'p '�f tion A,Lromnrryraua0whattwar,andnith0ughapMver'.Q1��ll)1CviS', St3X'(�.9 f�ii �ZCY',Sg y,'' q r I " "ry • '��'°' '-" •-"•�•a Y' %i- . i�V W . GS.1 . LSJ:.J , t�7 fat rmngdy, it a°ntaina,itothin + hurtful to 010 coned• , it Is au Intalliblo r•ecneil . If clUitually rnbbi i o" h eOu. t. Or ores, • t� 111 E , 7i�C( tG'Cl tc) a up ill , full,: + ' .. 'r' , 817011 AS tutlou. Ta' married ladles it is poonlinrly•Sultod, '16 nook and chvht, as salt ink-nip,it, iteur`es Sore Throat#, ' ' `�vitho'ut- delay. , ' TEASr t �a a,y- �i p -, �, . '.<. R,`��a..�.�R, X�rpy .will, In A short time, brlag on the nlpnthlypdrtod with Dror,ehltla, Coughgr 'Cold.: and evrn Asibma. Per O i" .. � . • ' . Sit G G.Ll.f4Ti,�'S, .tLtA ISIS 1.V S'', t'�d'"�LM1j,T S,, ETC, JL C, repulnrity. . In 1 canon of ndrvoas and ApinAl affdodoft, .•. f+laardnlat Nwollinas, At'se08,408,1'llesi FIAUlos, 1 ntMt, Nov,x1Uv. 1S7f . . pains In tele back and limbo, heavinons,.fatigneenAllght Ar,q% A 81=WT AS1t30EUXI.NT. OF ' oxortion, palpitation of lho heart, byAtoribs, slokhead• �t � t• - - _.'•'-----.--'--"----• ""...- o .-..__, ._.__._,,.__• ­__-­_====. ' �y. • 06� aehcs, wbitas, nail nil the painful diseases oaonsioned' GO h Buena 1ST', M'CK1LLOP �, ,t� '4 J Spy j•�p' •�,, �. ' �� • •�f �. � b u dlsordbrad t+ysti,m, theto Pills will. effect a' erre' Anti .v P, �f (+ t� I .. R� 1. _ _ . _ vv' A a��a,.ptrl,. wog all othat rnahr ,liavd faile:9., Aho-io p,[lls have r cry kin l of TSIN ll25kAS1 , XtlraR novOr bosh ou,�e a1A� . �ot l�r Sal`i. r stover boon known to fall; where thr• directions on the known to fail. P _ 71E It'ILi, AL$0 KEEP CN HAND A cloou> lvPl't,L OS) The Pfiln mrd ointment Oro vftrlafAdtur'efl, cut at IN TIOLMLSVtLM C. a"+' fc-, ^ ssnond pace of pamp111atdrewdllnbAerved.. t. ftiU• Y MU'TUA Fiff INSURANCE .ROMPANY •' !+/lf' , .�PIGC D ROLLS— BREAKFAST sss, c)sronrY 1T1Er:ET, r,o�DQN, and are adbl by I parlicu , act n M,Sol rice, f rho ARdna 12 lIIl3 nndoraf + ` ' . f �'�ii��y hI06i;!I, 1;I.W YOnlfi Sold PrOprintor: .rat and 12i' all �•endarH nllIrdioines throughout tba civilized 'j .lined Oftera for sal0,in the Vhlegc of f PiIAST-,'LASS L,U,]) in' ails Or'$rlbs or r. ° conte toi• poatngO, on'dloaed t° NdtlhtO 8c L man Worl4;withdireotionsforusolnAlmosteverylanguage. THOsr NE'Xx,AX ,�.Cxl..1XT ' j1In)monville,,agiiitibr•Aeve lotroil whichAscreeted the b t p y. , y h C,....veto 1#onen, with framo.addidou, acrd fraine r b Stift pit rrelraa T',ard wArranted fire -;'as$, .All f til o Y , p oTN, A)1 AIolr Anil 'r,.rO s ,% bottio R°narvtl Agoura L '" pi r)oby rabu,.wi11 ThO.Trado Ilfarke of these Dtnrtidine•S Are registered T l o eat>, vtl he is pTopartrd, t0 Rall ,w lrottgln prices for fsaiih. ,neurua bottio, centain n 0ypr'No r3Ua h rdtrirn Ot d tog stored Illaek.orlth Sbap,+tr::tna abed Anil stAtifo, lbs hones 1i'.u'ivill stili cctitinu• os V14114 or OC'rho b'a •r ! g 1 y til ottawA. lienee, any ane_ thicuttbor,t the British IYit.7tLOOK,. ONT. 1 d g, int urtl + ,oro for 131.. � . .nt iSi I3nit, Wlitlre ho i9 mail. 80Td In OliaE+nby,7,rL.OninbO andtY.It.Wntts; :PoHHeHatons who may lien the American frountorfoi s has 5+..• -f rddrue a,,,: the and two lot le atpska vilblt o jird' aged to sell ris ebeap as any lionso west Of , T. , , .0 r 11. Hickson And b', l.umsdon, grhfArtti; .1, Kidd, Car• for Sets, i ' d. t Farmers wlnhin to Ianure will find -this Company i0liKu yet trees, ar • tiro rrs . Arulvsartioul . WilAp- O n e, w 111rp lrraseduted. q p y r • . , , . , ronbrook t Parker tt: 011610 and F. Jm•dan, Ood;rrlob ; "' .. One of the beat and ehmpeAt to fnsuro In nod will be Old t_ vsry rassot.r t : tsrmb. L all pnrtietilnrA ox np• I. ClfntolYl#Ob+1O 0 A, CAlf,l. iiriylYCt.TOi1T.t,Y•Nili,1pl't'Al,, ie.0amoren,IlaeilaldiYaa.IlrontbPnitOd,e+�+', 'anc7 retttYNdfN.NiteYlld}otrlttothoI,nbelAhtile wAltedO Atthirl i' Cn rut" n k P11pAt,rtto 1 w .,188. ° - r C , 7'ALH•nnl! liOxtlrr. 3f lhU nddrusN iN nor 53:3r ,n p rpmeSlL fo pilo ba soot to J[bt1tS KNTIC1t11AP.. All intdtelnorlpalers, OxfordStrect,,l,ondonftht:y'arespuriolls. Agentdd111ed, Iy Illohires�ille,Feb.19,1080, �,..•, 0 * • i • • 1. N ❑