HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-05-20, Page 4.. � 10111 - .�., tint � _ U n ,4, a 1 - ,..__ _.:.: � - .---�: _r_, • .. T.:::.;W... _.-.,. - . . .--. ,.. - . . � - -... .,. - . _,..--.�. . - .- .." ,_.•I—,., ,". . a I glow Atuttro,191�tll'Ato tmo Wgsu i airxuro4n>< ctk�nt�facr�S10.ti, � � � ,�- »� i ; �, + 114 I FOR MANITOBA@ � g d ., ., ' -- --^- : 11x, Gordan lirowu, who has Loan editari• it irrw nsit hlotico l'. lid'atgsan ! ally connected with the 01obe for the last' f)1 tCklla UIaEN'S 1i11',TiiDAX, 9 1Vasture--John'fhorpe, • • ITAINO TXiE Ity,HAINI)XA Op TUEi81';ASON ° , Hats --T. Jackson Sou'. thirty years, haps beep appointed xnanagili'g--.�-r+ t•.r-p. D o1 w a f AXJkl Bankers-Tisdvll fi ,(rule, director in the lace of life 4.0tased brother, -A J.:V V-4' Tamp factory -John, Xn.assumin^his position Ila 'lees to the pub. (37ptEF, ftl Q tbrown on the C�tnwiau I . rket. tj Girl wauted-•-!lire. R. 110,10, Q p fs P The only town in this neigbborbood that �t Seed potatoes -Mrs. Eo'.eleY- DO An outline of the position the filol)e: will .will celebrate the 24th of May (gonday next) � BA PARTIES 1'pultrx, tqr sAle:---Ileo. 4r° l lexica, uccu v ol'itiaall 1s Clinton, And an extensive programme has. ��� �� �V "� p p j, ,claiming for it indepefi� kaon arranged for the day's enjoyment. - < o 3 O O Case? °E'MB OIDE .1�, V Servant nA'4.. 1v7ra, Dr. Dowsley. XYi:I lane oa ! . Special drives--•rraib, lvlacwhirter & 00, dence awl; an ,advocacy of lteforin principles ' .Che day will be ushered in '4y a royal. salute freedom of trade -a land olio for the at 6 a.m. At 8 o'clock a graud promenade X At a little over half- rice- xl .GItcAT BARGAIN. The d i n i � t "- l' y by the brass: band will take place through the The first TUESDAY of oV0IT Month ' p Tk ull cls.g ed was induced f pi, al. streets lastin for one hour. At y tf) bu Q11TIb',. FU[.x,, (; 41�tii`S,' -,10G8 nrtl's,p# tbtt ftilpo�"o ryuo<ls .T711t>~ PitIO7 t 1!iortlt West on tlto baso of soleal settlement P p , g k'or particulars Appl to Y ) ,� -the construction of the Pacific 'RailNay o olop>; a luagnihoent Propess)on of calithum- - TORN If•NPXI IiEINGi So y,Ea Loty� and will offer the Satre ;low at such prices as to attra04 lila iwithout undue baste. or burdensome outlay, pians unit parade the town, in costumes of a,w.it. agent, Cr ntratis attention of au. erson wanting suet roods. ` V yr every doscriptioii..and "_6.;1a-.a.m.,will aa= ._,_,..�;.._.:�' -- 3' Fi, a €, ITI+`� IS. UNU�UI3r.L'FrDLY 8itcl 1lrltish connection. As far as the f Lose aemble on the corner to recelvo ththr, Prizes, , n ED1p1NIC THE CJHFr:ll'ES1' LOT OF FAIBROID FRI.EB EVER OFFERED HEP.E, . --�.� " n 4n is �COn00rrl2d financially It iA a $UCCCBe, and it' 1At 1p Q'AloClr, the At�7.I4tla $porta.. 1Y1I1 com GRAYS iii Shp Greats '� . +�• A thence, Taus they liroulise, to be the most etc. TUADI, I4CAlt?I.gnglish Remedy.7 RADE nlAitli, ,� �•� _ . .._ . - «-•--- - ------ will only require nrdivary .business capitol ty _, _ citing ever held -in this section of the country, AA unfailing cur . ` to maintain its position cud progress, with the a lsr a number of runners from a distance " for Seminal weak- . *fir l P i L .. noxa 8permntorr. et01,11toll ►growth of the country. In olaiming indepen- having signified their intention of being pre- +t boa,' impotency, r �Qfr1!/e7 J/�jC> .iljlj?j0'� �!• • a cont, anti a very lceou competition }s axPeoted, and all diseases + e 9 dence for it it is nothing mors idea what A number of good prizes are offiired for the � that follow as w ,. ` every reform journal in the Country can do various sports. Pit 1 o'clock the races of the- ,,,r'?ysY., eequgaoo of Sell -s of yr A !, TrU GINS) � i711'FfrEi D O �T�l _ ___. _,_. _ Clinton !)Tient !'ark Association will ooln� •1;1 Abt1He,y, Loss .ii l+ ROD Vfi1 .1, DRY GOODS II0{J►JE.. - .__. ...... _., _.. . with equal justice, which is clearly g Memory, Univor- •-, TT r .o mance, and a ver largo number of horses will t ' sallassitude pail TIV.I.�,,�p�, i1ZA�C ..Ul',SQ. Y g - .;•rc'hd1Il.intha]3nek,Dim-'Ol'rla.ii?lib. A �•�7� 1 •n•��v ' t proven by Conservative journals Saying that be preHent. A. splendid brass band, cpmposOd .. of Vielga, Prema8 act;, Ago, and' many tithe. ,All YY O0t -BEIGE DRESS GOODS., lovely Shades -"""""""' there is no. harmony or donpors in elle opposf.: of 16 players, has been engaged for the day,, diseases that ioadto insanity cis cRnsuutptron, and. D •�•� IIJv Ct)iV$k[tYAT1V4 P1tEf3K AND nIit and they will also attend the roes of the Prematureorave, •Full particulate in our pamphlet very cheap' BROCADES' DES' a P M ' ' tion !!Teas. Iefarin journals hal a opinions Of DriPing ParkAseaCiatiOD, whish ora dosb'o� to send free by mail toeW,fy ane. +✓ a nd _. P.ADOURS In ' 0 , .QLAKE,, , , •1 The Speeifle Medicine is sold by all druggists sit 0 per ' - � ` their awn and express them, irrespective a 'the Grund Trunk and Oreat Wcstern Tail• paokagei or s packages for gb, or will be Sent tree by b. eautiful atterl7 S • I i11tf3Ci DSL ANE r The conservative rapers are raising a great, what others may f.hink, which is more than wajrs will issue return tickets to Clinton,. at mail once��••att,t of the mangy, by addreHsiitg p p S, printed 011Ir. Blake, in making a oomPali- ve press a As far as a single fares. Evening trainci on the Western TSG GRAY•i!'tEDICINE•o0., Toronto, on /► �v•�7�lt;1•�r •�•r�yi adv YfecI 1 . . s the(onservati p s a y. w leave at 7;24 tzoiag soutls, and 8:2,x1 going ftp Suld is Olinton by ou druggists, . ' CASHMERES, JJR L aA7, plain LUSTRES,, fancy frit.- son of the settlement of Kansas and the north- are concerned the differ with the 016hp in save•' north ; on the Grand •Prune, 6:64 going east; " .vest a eared to favor the former country and s:2s going west. It is expected .that a A. ` . " limed Satin PARASOLS, yS, Cotton and Zenilla ` • , • , Pp Tal points -we' advpaate either ah elective ff $ P _ at the expense of the latter, As a matter of tenate or none at ail,, the. latter idea boin very_ large Crowd will be in town on that tiny, and swills preparation will be mase fac their .'GE ��tt �� SUNSUADES plain Silk , SUNSHADES,' fact, he did not, for in. s comparison of this the best -we oppose the building of the Pa. nocommodatiou. The people. may depend on `L7P l'/U. DIEI L? f t nature, be could not do differently to what „ -" a seeing a grand day'o Sports, ethe Railway by the Government under any he did;. ass the charge 04 being unpatriotic, } . . - Pompadour PARASOLS fancy LA�TNS, : dlrettu stances, as it ik A monstrous injaetica -, .. 't which they a+,tribnto.to him, is, ontiFely with- tp other parts of the Dominion -we believe genian v .., rit�Llrtn . . a CA$IN�+t`i' MAKER figured �MUS.LINS, fancy .S-A TEENS, . out foundation, As well they know, .but they the time is not far distant wltou some change HANLA,N SVINS •,Ail $60,00 PRIZE, _ . T �,fancy.: '-RIND'-S;•MI:1 _L_ INE;E yl -I _T seem to thick that if they keep 'pelting At in our relations with,E igland will take �loce � - ulcer ES rx � �r�As " ..-, - �"" �" ..,•-- """ "" " " " " """""'" r �' `tt e eeGond race -for the dls utod rize bf . im,- a f"$hd t}iTt�tkrcy... .w , , , airs r _hither commerejally'closer or, a: vvmpleta p P DR' f j1 [� and BONNETS Lmm@use 'stock but in this we hope the.Ywill be disappointed. .severance,'&a the present: arrsngefitettt `iS-net 46,x' between Iiarilaw and Courtney, came F I �V N I .A. TJ lb i • off at Washington' yesterday (Wednesday) - , If Mr. Blake today wqo to, step out of 1, satisfactoryone.. '�,1�'e believe .thin matter and resulted. in .favor of Haulau. _It „eau- • -•" - of HOSIERY. in plain and: fancy," - iberal Tanks auclannounce-himself-aa an- can .o... discussed and"advocated b arties hsrdly ba considered a race at all.,,. althoggh- ,. _ �! r� • . he readc the hie miles tin excellent time, 3fi U N E ATA XR E� �' the L b - slit'A d.out C'-onservative; :the` vory"papers `vbo are as. truly loyal to,Eugland And would. minutes, Haulan led front the Start, aril r � . - • • LI LE .and KID CLOVE. that, are so strong in„their. denunciations of do as much for liar welfare as those who aro after rowing,acer the course part of the way, xc., -c, I Q . snore -all their past offences; con.'anall ,o osirig dishussion on .the sub' Courtney saw that be was going.to be eobadlyd' Ill all the above goods IMMENSE VARIETY ynew shades neNir pat- , would ignore . P ti Y Pp beatlii th;►t he.<lfd not finish, lint turned o , wheel right-aboutface,' and tdady to him in sect, . There fa no one now in Canada who to his -boat house, leading his rival .to do As �Yi t:ox� :ti St. Li rttozr. ns, SI1CI CHEAP -AS ANY IN THE BUSINE$S. BUT NO BANS- every conceivable way. ' , . ' . would be willing to snrrea&r the manage.' he pleased, Canada's champion ivas onthu- . g g P I�UPr: S1'OCI ZVT(3 AD'VE1tTISTiG'rO GIVE Tip Mr. Blake, in tratah, liar done nothing more ment. of our oii'n affairs And transfer them' staatically. received at the finish.u.SINIiSS nHanlan hits now Duly ane rival fn the World , t Il(1- tl:� 121x_ to illake believe :rv'e. are thus selling than what every newspaper in th.e Dominion back'to Dowuin� street; and.yet it- is,but a--Trlokett•-and'of course Lis admirers would _ _ .___._-9---__- ehe�j Willie ilt.tlle Si11T18 tialp buying has -done, that is, given a few,etatistics of the few years Since the ,change was. mads, -. It is be glad to see a trial between them, whichi THi', . PL 1n. , buy n new' goods antl stocking col through disousSion'tbe Whole •no doubt Will- soon be arranged, and if he 1.lip c` s usual.. . growth and progress of several States 'in the Y' • 'question• was to cattle off victor ho would than . be [I uur .. ' can be understood, And if. it was ascertained T u (►T ASSORTMENT 191 .” - gl.. Union, Is it a crime to do this truthfully? champion rower afthe world. ,GST 'Af1D BIIT S. 1�II f;la�selll]t1b• Out., 11`I)fl Il1WAys �ilyin Alxd^ will then we must confess ourselves guilts, for we' 'that improvement wouldnot rosult from any +--- t : ., give as good a dollar�S worth OIC: goods for a Tiro province of British Columbia a has t t alWatiys haYo aitit only published theae.stati§tic's, but ebauge, then, no se eiblo. person would be t1p11iLZ', it>ll(1 sell ,as elletip c`Ls Lt11�0Yte 'ill the �lilslileSs, 4,45$ octets. .. oF- Wit l ilio clece lttiolz ri�anlis_. ireselet t ora we have glean insertion to many letters from willing to permit tUe change. "Fruth .lind . . _ riylit never filers thti h ht Brown n .aplioiutod blllc� t-giYrl�iliC _,__nettlers_ia-.diose_;�tatea -,vlio_7 eke-g,onaJr, «,.-._-_-.--_____�_._.---._,_,E r___ _ _-- allaoi-g"Direortoroi tlrhoa Fa is oo . "' • . '-"''- - -:. . A London paper sAys there nevot has bbeu. .'�. . .. % � y + .. these parts. • It is downright iniquity for 'A B!JT 1.. GR _4'X11 EGGS taken at market ulna and in an . ,Pers®rani, Political alai: of��r lt�nes a British Ambassador at St, Petersburg who 1., -quantic, at . newspaper • to conceal the, truth. about.' some . — . has made himsslf. more popular alike with the " locality - because its advantages' riiay -be so It is said that Sir John A. '11laedonald will Czar qnd society than'Loi d'Dafferiu. • b D 0 .- - "'visit Manitoba this summer, great As to be damaging to its'own particular Mr' ChAs SEAY,tOU, for over ttveuty.foui G , � � 1G .. I A G E S: `�.. Lady Mucks, wife, of Sir 1+rano4 Hinoks, years the treasurer of Waterloo county, died . -, N'. surroundings. Also; it''ean Hardly'ih truth dieil at Montreal on Friday morning, ' ' at Berlin; Fri -lay afternoon, utter a short ill. . 'Piro (nsbeo Reform 'aluli has d'eoided to , : GREAT O Rte GOO S HOUSE ' CLI NTT N tile said tbat'some of ,the ZS'estprn Stator lire Hess, aged i4 yoare. �p ia® foundin lila'4Ulaty, f e sa o - entertain the Hou. Edward •Blake to a bAuquet - , n to us, although they may, at pre- in that cifY early in,the mouth of June. On Thnrs'iny last, .ther house of nilly, John, . , .. .. . ; sent;, have a foreign flag Ilantin9 over them . Mr. JosepJt Northwood, of Chatham, Kent, ilVhhte, of- the a 1:x�tgr Times hada arroti IS rix_ ° ha,t b�eu a omtetl to the 'scat a payee freta fire:, Quo of ilio ehlldrenbeing told _ _ In. some, see tions Britons arc, in the maloritv,. PP , � a in, place o, a - - '0'0----:"x*" ----- . _ to light fire took a halid'ful of a ereli m+ a ,. ,,.- ,...,..,.. ... , ..•.:«Ito 3,�te..Fian,,Geoxee,hrow�ll.. Sennt4rYnrth= .. g p ��...pp- a 1 � FARM- FOR SALE ON EASY TER_ S'�� 8nj0ylAg'Brltlalt. freedb[31 and pariilCFpating ins tyaed'i3 It +eutlaman Of 9tAndln �, itud ti•Caltll. flO, WO a box. be91de6 elle stare, slid -alit• pj� �1j1 P� Qj�jj'l•� att 1. s NO f1 toll & Doflill' HLI113Ut)S 00 UF, , subscriber offers for aale the aest:balf of.Lot Valnabl Hose. aid Grounds for sale' similar institutions, and iri.most all.respect With the exception of Senator Vidal, of Sar-., tinj thetninthestove,ligh6a them, But one T , g p.: piper in'the i'.I`o.,19, and the eonth half of lot No. 20, in the nfa,ahere has not boen.a Saiiutor 1n tllo jieuia. ,.end of a ion aErl of . a er reinainod 7th con. of linuott-1(10 acres,; GO cleared. Situated feeling' as if they ,vers one nation in unidn . sola west•of'.Harufltou', I o •box.}v411p tho Other end was ln. the, fitove. ,.. about G mfle,w from Clinton; and there are orected hat propor"y..hE pres`enE occupied by b1 r. Railton ' ' . The fire ran, sign this sAd enbryht tits paper + thereon .two log ;houses. For to heretofore the reeidgnce of the late Win. Slnatt; is• , Iwlth Al1ot110r.A.nglO-'S•'AXOn3. ]•Ile rumor t11At.F1021.•'1'1C. Aiken3istobb, S b p .? c:,iY.i. AND...rtEkt- ,Pfliv:fl.,•' a Flt+.s'an p4rticnlnre, efleredforsalo;bheetp, onlibarattsims. Apply to - in the box, whish was soon ill a blaze, Nor- pPly to W. W. FARIM we think it is to the iuterea of Canada to' alrpofnted Lieut. -Governor of Ontario gathers tun llrs 1Vhito eatereti t o. xoom, in A r f,rNia i •a ,Til tc.l5bo. a, 41DOUT.. C1inEoit, dpril8,.I88R.I. siren Ith. . As the vacancies now esistin Y, 1 Clinton, March 4, 1880, cultivate the -beet and wast friendly feeling , 6 $ niinnte after the fire was lit and 6ucoeederl in ---77—__.____- - - runet be filled before-tlie efliux of -time, itis _ _.._..,._ ___-_. _ �, .-_ ._,_ _ __ towards the United States, not only.becauso, not improbnlile that sown of the r utnara w•hfch : 'extinguishing ti'l'e faro iu the box. .In a £eii'1. 1., _ - k . 0 -the are neighbors and, far•moro' po,orful havebevu'floating round ,the Capital for the been biro ilio whole kltclion on-. have y a +:luycz�tt.eaka will obtain-piiieial:aalEti-r-malign ,beef -in a lllaie. �^ - E 0 _ __ _ _ 1 _ -----------T - tTiun He nr"e; bug utao,-beoaui-CI ley aro rn —.... = - ., Tlie • intlepondopt press of toe country ia, •Holy it lei Dene. 1 almost every -thing like .ourselves -they g'paak aavakvuiu�Ato a true sense of the ooriditian iii= r. � 11 e T a ifret object iii. life with the Americau people is IND$ . the same language-havo similar fashions incl duced by the policy of the Government in the to gevrieh,A the H,00nd, liom to regain good hralth: . 'I. . n matter. of )Milia expenditure. Itoferrin - to .[l,o.Ilret can be obtained tamed b onei•},y, : " customs -perfectly free intercourse through. 1 P•. g " . b y. 'llon.3aty,nndaav ,(y •' , an article in the .Nail the Montreal Star .re. fn , the second, (good liaalth) by using Green's Auguat, - " - 1;.i° ri,. 3 ' ., , . `�' ,�^ -« the post oflice; jtfst. as if there ware only Durr fuarks a 'i 'h a 11 .was. Should you bt( a'dospondent altfterer.ftom any w' 1 br t'i Nr,r ?• i;+ . g ... ,'I e 1ira;l m •y assui'0 its readers of iho effects of rly$pcpala, liver complainii, indigestton, -l4,, E �R •Gf.Na, r ,,;;,,. b . - de department for bbtli countries- no barriers to that the Govern[nent policy bstrays.thesound'• &o., snob am'aiok headache, palpitation of tho'henrt,,'^+�• b ,d r P eat 8tatesmnn9hi but OTdin&i . '[noTtal9 Wljo' Four stomach, habitual aoetireneaa, diziinesa of 'the k. ht�, •a i I� P. / • freedoiri of tra+Lel--raih nada dossing and T8• p' oy lic>id, nervous prcatrathon; low spirits, 3 ,; yon.need ig r ,'r '"' -, I •1 h Can attach only. one•. meanlna to 'tile phrase. not suffer another day. Two.doaes of Aii utt Flower' t T �r� y - crossing the frontiers almost as freely as cross. , the suooesa of tho'Conserrativo C+overatnent,' will .relieve y .r ` t 9 �+ 8c',;.� . yroa at once. Samplt battles 30 oenta, i „ ing the boundaries of two 'provfirces of One Can see in It only shameless and criutinal pay. ,'rlegalar Hfro 9G :cents, t'ositively sold by all,f'trst-class 1• ; jt: • confederation, and in other ways there is a son• `ing of ,party. services Oily a deliberate robbery • ruggistri.1. ; c, , b d -� % . of the people." - --rxA - _ %_ „ 8. . eiderable degree of coitlmunity,of intoreA' A fact, alladed'to' some time, ago, by the � . ..� ZORN• HE SUBSCRIBE1t8EGi9 vE.1�*E TA"l}rATE • If Mr. Blake has said, anything that is con- Now Y„ark, lreralcl; racy be recalled at the of •1T•--ln Clinton, Cnthd 1ftllilist., tlietiff0', 'to thepubitethathe'koopeconstantlyonliantl . ' , I i \ y • t pointed. out Anci Present tinialtith advantage. From the time: of 11wv. J. (Fr(ty, of A son. nlargeandauperlorclaesof r 1) . . . trary io the truth le It be __ that' protection established in the United AV "I”, do tiiti'lUlf inst,= the , ' • ...: -. e � • ° � - - -.- P ct L�mC+ . truthfully and ranaona},ly eontrntiicted ;but; Mates the -population •Af. the 1`1ew England wife of 11fr, 1', Willows,•of it dauglxter. (jt� 5, �1A►J�i u 11J, • _ • in all reu3ou, at an end to the absurd :talk States 'has remained . stationary, while the Coi al. -on the Bayfiold con.., G'adcrlall T'p, .. • • , P Msi,iiime .l'rovtnees hale atoacill iucie sell_ aa,tliortltinst,t,ha--ife of,-lfr-,...Peter, -- ,: . rv.- • . - bout f ulin I ohe%;OWit li sj#,,ond- raisibga: % :;:3 .. i - • a R P tiie itumhot' of .tltoir uthAbltant3. hoK, tLo Cole, of a; 9bii g aD�p(ypsy . Coffin Trimming - ° foreign country at the expousv of your own:. same _policy is eatablishgcl in the Provinces TFlomvsoa.-lu (xoctarich''townsliip, Baytiold e refu oil to communicate truth- `exactly the, same reault is fallowing,. • Peports' Can., oil the X$tii iust„ .the .wife', of J1Ir., lCithn a toudict IIEalISE, Pner r Corxix3 sheave If every on n from eaatorn c ides indicate that:the venous o£ ,. John I`krnul )sou, of A Sen: on]inudn T_?artiesean be suppiicd in cne'hocu, at fat informatioq of. a foreign coni4tty.becauso no, t year wilt shote little; if any, icerease on ' I. 1 any time; Tit itpossibly might lfe, n detriment -to . outI. P.thou peopho tvpuld remain in a wrenched state A'rbmarkablv'thing.abort the late Fngliah ' " -' dict.; Mr. Harry Rol to 'hli9s' Sarah . ' - - • electtolis is that not a Single Roman. Catholic 1` plan, botb •of Goderich. Than can be pro�nred at any otj,erplAto. ORM""' -rtof poverty; iguoranao; inlg1 . . 'lies beeir returned iii 1'arliatrient. t�nd.yet- .. ' p 1 •,, - ._ '_'__:,. qi.a. _-__.-- bina $-tgi v D14Q1t3:LOND-. lit r\tlatitic IOWA, - i i';the rr-ligious (location tills nowaere riiiced >iuil, aide ax .trRra'xT�r I l H E K C1110tc' PILOSPECTS. JQW8 wore elected,• the literary seci lArintr Tin the 20tH, April, by the Rov W.• T; h . John 3401 ley,, wits. hot ehallenged,as,tcs bis re- Stnili); hlr, Z'Vrii. Sbepperd, of Uakfietd •-41wayHon.linnd. . From information.gleanedfrc;m foreigu ligions creed, BrAdlaugb, the avowod irifciiel, township, fortnerly of Godeirich township ' _ - THOS- STEVEN,SON, , to Miss Iaak,rlla I)inmwoud formed of , blinton,uayl.. 1877. Al''PII'L7 countries the indicati.ous ara_At f.if,. tliq tiros= carried- Northampton --lo say iiotbing' of La- , . y , • . � J , I I .1 honchere slid several others who At loA9t:thin)c (llnton. peata.fcr s large supfily of breadstntfs ltrI Lttt• .freely. Probably the general absence of,Ca ����. ' usually good. Ll, Tug'laiid, where,' tbeybave tholics from tho: le,nglish majority has no.'sig- lIr"xill.s ;S -In Goderich township, on the l8th- ' ., ' " I'll ae but it is eouliar. . Inst„ Lawreftce,awi,of U1r. Joh-a Jbttkiirs, 1880 1 80 .E A i had five had Ilarvosts out of sevoit, the pro-.. ' .. aged ] 7 dais. , SPRIZ�T ( - ' . " "' �' It isrutirorod th,it Sir Jollrl .1..Alacdouild, • y. wises of a good harvest, this year, are very, � ' - ' if not, at present, at least before very long, 13uras.-iII .Santa Cruz, Califgrflia, on the • ' • a -- +'. - -` „ the 'weather dli'ring the priat winter will take the..hreutoiiaut.Governors)iip of Ou 3rd inst,,.Jo in })urns, formerly Of_ Glfn� -. . >% o . , ' dry,. a Sartain ieidication thuG most: all tat'io or some other equally. honorable aitd tou,.fatber of Mrs. i'l, linnt, of this•place, yy� p p /� (� ��� . q c do o 1. l tine dignilled position. •tf[t is . said, now that his . ailed 60 years. Q I 1 1 8�1%1.he n t - !"•'A T 1,',.,, ..m S ®"... 1.. L K �►,i ilivaa of crops .aro gtiirtg^to w 1 n. r s . . . 4J old'opponentofagtiattorofacenturyi;gone, �'e.eo r' p . present- P ✓ ro- 0110ltieti 11 .Arillca 8111vc. �., �,� ''I I United Ststates, u to lila• resent tiuif; tliq ,cud he sees h1S'coatem oxer+ friends and t wheat is lookirr weir mud there Navin . been if ell op oiieiltt gt•aduiilly dropping away; ' . The boat Salvo in the world for Cuts, llrulioH, 9oYes, • _ • g r b pp uleara,Saltghoum, lut•m,ChitppadHautla,Chilblains, ' , . a large area sown the yield is. expected to l o as tnb)'c ti�an oiler diapoacd to _withdraw from . `Corn+, and all kinds of Mia X;ru ticug. Thid naive i �•y•r �• rl•1y- per' �•(7�• y •� �j n 1 R public lire, and with his usual ppxpeption, h0. guavAnteod'tn give perlcot eAtiptiootion lii-ev6ry sues or o t0 `VE� TIMOTHY HY - - � .1..215 �f.50 $I.' ! 5 e�2 00.. : . 1 itnueu:tlly large. Ill diff'erentpaits.bf,Europo prefers to wia4draw while iii the zenith of his moneyrotanded., Pricy 2S cents pot box, Farnala by r • t f , ° , 1 J,114ombe, Cilnton• . itlook for. the jfarrninS, community. is power, rather iliac Fisk the' uncortain future. 73etter tit n • t#uirl. 1113 .. It • s CtF li. . txu - I 'J Oronto. Petr r ant : illi, Mackenzie •haven a 1, , s .0 Ger YI .. very good.. In thc:wostern portion I•f Canada 0 , g , Tho grand clbnax (if' auccoss is at `Inst cahiove,l. 7 j ( �( 1 IN tiLACh, TVIAS'>`If�UE eiiiD NAVY ., i . t esi . ned blue leadership of thr:, Opposition, thO Thn poor reiolce, the tick arioe and walk, the riefifi lutxk • ,CbItIDLrN FE1 TiB, _......,., All ERICAN. •BUN MNG , BLU +• . '.Che beat A ll -1V001 utilities ' there ivas a very large breadth rutin, and up llf a;ll Parrs acdt sea)) ahl over hum, and says it in the goldtnaanebine of perfeethertith. Thopbyaioab . ' •r -with rde a Si l s to match. to the.prbsont 'time it novor leokod .better: has always had the hfghestadmiration of him, liiisarios of the human frame nova uo longer bo and(ty " "� ' 3 ad 5 1; . od, l)n Xing'a California tinldon Compound, for Dys; , Tito miler day. when- 11Ir, 'Iiolioli riled, it- 1- x. _. " .. . . • .b .... From,tho fore4oing facia lila lll>oliliood is that ropaia, 00hHumptlon, Sick U011diaehe, Coming tlp:nt t2 Ct r� er l i �ie1 p slobbat c>d all over his tombrstoun... Itis 'thaw ifr od, Jauhcller, Liver. Complaint, Bt1l,onsncA(I, (loud• i J .) UdLs F UL 118 'It.tfol(es noes will rule low iia il)beulator aro well g o f p rel:poblllt. } i . % > !B,.C�9/ELY p r 1 Austin • to Se tins snit o Spirit to st public y, wit �pica s tine ro,V Suthat ' ,art) ;veli• .1ia�r� 4 'i s Printed otn•nal:. 1t A Can Arx6rd to;oulokfie the mem= dortul remodyvr111,poshfi'elyeuro, andlhatwhcro every .•, }" OWA,0141rac's��a �������� �jf� ��i� �g CHOICE aware tbAt it tales .but a comparatively eft i 1 remodyhao iniiud. to pigve that Ibis wonderful cores. , oY of A mail tvlicit he is class, ft ()light to .(,i.A.IiBED. F -UNCIA � IRU " . . amount over the raged$ derinkpas for Con, Ydy will do rill Sri olafoi far la you aro .preaentort meth ro 5 r • , . ` p havo been fair to•him 'when lid was" living, .trial bottle lroe of coat, by which you will rowdily par• ,. . ' 'n prices, t and if it can laud I'vir, Mackenzie aa' a' 'irivite teles ite,wmidgrfal curative ggalitdca, and ,viilcb Vill .. . ' , TWO CASES pERY LATIMT. APP40VEi3` ANI) 110PULAII, STS:I,R;S IN - sumption to brl R down p lc ,and itey are a > ' . ��� show los what . rotia lar ono, dollar size battle will do: ' the ones to •flu¢ out . tho'hiossflilo quantity .member, it onk4t not to havo slandered auyt p'or aataby 7.742. Ciitni,e, button, s � +" ' misrepresented )nm when ho was leader'of the - �y � q� LADIES p ry+p �y MISSIES ray +� that will be. brought to, market. As the Opposition. ---.� _ _ `4nd bOXNE, .4S FO,4�ir 2..idiDIES and 1��iISSI`1S �° pry �,y SHE�LE HAAI�WA- ' ', , ;(; tvnni(l ho Wisdom oil the part of farmers to is found with a revolver or other deadly twa• �Ip�� PRr,SW,1TINd A, UAOIvTIVICENT ST001C bolt LAD= TO StAI(P SELWITIONS Pliou. '. „• hhoir barns of sur lug rain -atid thus Pon concealed upon ht's porton, from this day CH LPIIST I DRUGGIST. . ` Y7 �7 1 �^ter . . . . P g i r forward,mutt be Visited With the lie Vie pen :t' Paints ' O11ui Glass', &e, , is possible`, avoid any less, altles the mag"l9trato eAu inflict upon flim. Vas removed to the promisee kno*n its •�� _ . �4 m ��� I , Mr. Blake's bill in that direction gees as for ad .0 A � t ll+ S C,O I0j1. $t' W ll R. Ic rlr V �� IV S' . . legisllation seems pogslbie. ,It provides that file 0r,T),Cr,X1oT"t,4014 140,1 =lr,, • , , " .1. 'sort thno ago lair. Bunting, ITIP., l)ro. it eba'1 be. considered an offence to have a re. , , . . of 1118 llratl;-annpuneed that he tivould volver.on tbo .person when Arre9ted fOC tiny Where he mill kcop for sale a select Afid gefteral assort. � � � - � � ` � r r _ - � - . � L - crime. As it is not possible to : earch a uta;i mons of . , .. h ���� � .Vr-1RGAT11rr� ,i1ZI .dB0tr..tyD P11B• I[Ot L. , ' , ;ort government nilvartis6ments. In a . for a revolver till ho is arrested dila A )erlr• w , g r ,' ill [)ILj'iris, ,allrlflCAGfI AN» >aTi7iI"CLI$L"i, Mai `lrII1NGS 11rE LXT�r.'Y. d! I'XI r 110:11%'l'Zitlxi IICJ]ic . issue IVa -counted no.Iess thali eigbt tho•limit that can be reached, ut:l+)sS, rn dol. l)YE STUFFS, 01 , &.3. . ' . They ft .is cissa an otffbuco t8 sell the capon, ALn�Rrl'.;3"TIi',E' 1"i CLINTON) rj�• y4i'�djl A ''pp'�'' "l'� //yy �y ��` � � ►`�1•� T1io must have been its. �.J L�+Ad es l3.� `i!� A..�:9f J. �:d Q measure re ufmbg purchasers to have mAgls r3,nRnraplrarla, rrcet))lx ffnr Co>npoutidsoars- co,i e onus. q lultnown to Jilin, and, of course, illi will toriAl or judicial In- mission m)glx. answer the � ,j"ully clack up,. toith tlrspa1"ll ly. ��,y Xp,. , poet pay for them, Likely, ell2 purpose. blintor;, Feb. 27r 1810. oulitoa,dptiliG.th,1980. Qtil�tri I May.`.0,': 3880 Q . . I ....,- .. " . ., . .. .1 ... . . 1W:1 I . 1W �� I I . . " . . .. 11 .1 I � , I ..� . . . - . �u. , . I � .1 .. . I . 111. I . . . L i . I L IT-. 1. .... . . .. . I . I 11 . . I I . � .r d I • + L,. . . a/ I I , L_ ­ I , I . . .. . ' t � � 11 -' . . t , ..... ..---_.. . ... ....::, w, ..ta.:.:.,.1.1-1,11.1.-....1­11­­­.­_.. ._ ..._. .. _...... ... .. _.. ... ... ,_,-w. .. u....:ca -y.i .v.. ... .. ....., _. .,._,. ,, L, "" ..... ....... e " v .e,•n,...- • .. ......... .... .. _ ,._v.,.