HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-05-13, Page 6I
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I - I . .1 - �, I . I 1.11 . . I . � -1 I . . I . I .. . I 11 1. 1. I . -, -, . ._
� . Xr, Xobonala (Fictou) ,aid be had Mr. Langley (a Colloorntive) spoke rpliallul. salary as High Commissioner WSKU 01=010 t FAUVA 1944TS.
. . . 1. .
I to pay the ra _rf . . ud, giiia. 04,000 per A NIAGARA MYSTERY. .
.. DOE , T. Concluded ,cIttim only After a warmly against the amend out, Censured Canada in Lilngla,
� 1, W PAMM. �
. - 0 a imi4oition at the details, The' the Government, for not axoroiaing control annimt as oolitingoncieot Mr. Blake moved -1 ..0 Who Pruelvat" of u� NA -1 � q,��"numnit]'r 14
HOUSE OF COXHONS. , item passed. � 4 over their followers,vilarvocterizail the Gov- an amendment declaring the amounts SWRANG300VATIX Or- . AV00-VNG : cau""V14111"131" PO"-'I'lu'rXNjugurn
- , I . I . I ernment's, following as boiligtheworat set' asked to be excosgive, The �mendraent - Valls. I . - .
OTT*w*, May $.—Tlle Speak6r took the' �OUA =1336XVII AMBABOADOU. . � WIFIE.
, thio matter','and. finally c1iiiined that the was. nogativea on a vote bf 48 yes'o to 114 � Thosyracuse stivol.......1 1,1�.l boenhinit.
'Vr motion Ia favor of prohibition moved, b,y Days, Mr. Fulton (Conservative) voted., . ingurltheCansaimu !w1,j,4*--iA tuoOnolda.
chair at 8.10.' Oil the item to' ovide for Contingent a%- in _11zV1____11!!�_1 :0 i
� ',��__Ili_,:_
. xr.mousseAuattorepteatoparr a penpos of the High Conunissioner of ,the Conservatives when in opposition. was with the Opposition. rbe - Alleged 1bovllw ooit�,;withw,17.." %:"., -a� ��'i the follow.
. _y a motio I XWE.Ww- �of . . .,
Canada in London, §4,QW,'Xr. Blake oug. . . ,.;,o",;i%
, .
Order ta A e.,1011 resote on rip, I � I - . an Insincere Ono, The principle of this The House then went into Committee of' . i Nut Wi�ely but too WelL, lul; report tells': 0 1 1 , , � liv f4IIS our
. . I t At 'a I'll esef6tof I . ass a , "t 0 gested that, future eatimAt,es ulloula be pre� I I � - , � fo
. . � amendment was entirely now tp our law, ,ways And means, passed the necessary reso. reporter sought thu ,.% io�:� I J a, rmer
i a r for U, 0 pa t 'heading sGult," with lution, and the supply bill was introduced. . &vines corrospozi4ent sonda us Is's iu 0.
ago a � ... . a . ichelie red wl li a special . and if ,adopted would 1), Ave t-ho'effQct of A St. Cs,th acquaintance who rt;-,; -.� villooge. It
I . . printed. I the various expenses under that Loading defeating the objectof the act. - 'The bill to amend the act relating, to pariticulars of some extraordinary happen- was learnqd tIltLt tNv 4' h-, i. -i, a bout a mile
Mr. Blako objected to the motion on t a � classified t�gether, he asked what thelle I 1. . � . in
I I � . Mr. White (Cardwell) said the 'local bankQ and banking and to: rdilew the bank Ings in Niagara township, v,hich appear to dl,tautfro .o,,I
I I � I oflirx, i,ad, lj�-en rented
ground that the petition not having been, contingent expenses meant. option law wheiever adopted hail"hot Btb'R---- chafters was read the second time and con� demand investigation. It is sal,cl that a undwerewcupiedb,- 1',.*-,itk-.?,�,nists, but
received wag �Lot botorothe 9 . well-to-do fariper in that township aeted in .
peaker, T4e Sir L. Tilley said it was for rout .of the Ted the sale of Intoxicating liquors, but haa oidered clause by clause in committee of � 04 short distance fro6i tho) vow Suspension -
I Speaker sustained this objection. I Commissioner's dwelling house, . h4ply led to frQo tr%b. iii - tbom. .. The th 'whole. . Several . rar .amendments -the most dislionorable mannor towards 9, bridge,iii the Queeik'*6m,ini-tri. Afterhe
. , ,a, xiii 'it, under promise t'6 ularry her, - I
-1. I . . ..: - "' 'The oupplenientary estimates for both- Mr;, Blako-�.Are -01 those, dionttligoliciei 11 lis law was, always: re. were made, after whicb. tho'committe, re. gi 11mviOg � app�omobodtliobrid6,!Ii!N�t-i�-.it�t vointedout
I I . theaurrplit . an4 approwling fisoal . yokma personal contingencies,? result was that tl Uouse, adjourned cliegracudliisaffimucetl,he(lecliucdtOmsrrY the dwelling Occupied I - %-V r.Viio, �, the leader-, -
11 I I pealed about a year after its, adoption. In ported progress, _,P4�i& tho J . . �
-were submitted. I Sir L. Tilley -:-Yes; in -connection with order to make this l4weffective Ile thought at 1.26 ai . I . ber,una'attempted to get Iiiii unole to assist and the greater part 66 �tu v:nwq;-�uy, The
I . - him iii. getting I . I
. THE PACIFIC RAMWAT, ' his residence. a decisive vote of the people was accessary,. I - I the Bid Of SOUIO In0dicAl house, is a Iiaudsomo.v%io-:,*or)- stonestruc-
, .
I ov- Mr, Blake—So that the office is to and, therefore, in the interests of,,tempor- JDW_PA1%T1?JWNT 01? THE 9XWEgifoR. ,quack to help him out of the ocrape into . ture, Qothio in styI,-, wra oC(�l.tI)tea a Pooj-r
. � Sir Charles, Tupper moved that the 0 cost us. in offoct §14,000, a y -and not . which his indiscretion had- led him. By
. . . 6raineAti be empowered to filiall Ile ,par, - ance itself. He was ill favor at the amOnd. Virecress, of the Settlement und Develop- the intbivention ofs, St. Cathariaos medical tion onv� prominoutb�bol` .bolmvigfity rods
I a A - . .
4 , Raoific railway contract. for the �Be%wo'nad It0l. 010,000- meat. � �.. from the precipice -Ahi-b !�,ri� Uiebankof
I Sir L, Tilley—Yes, The item passed. Mi. Huntington said that the Scott Act ment of the Northwest Werritorlos-- man, to whom the affair was reported, ilia the river. It commot f i on'��*
. saile section West of WJ*nI1ipog, without T a committee reported progress. I . was proventealinder threat of . - o �A the finest
a -to I.Varliarnout for rati. Ili . was uQW oil its trial, and beforo it had been , Srnopsls of the JLunual Uoport, , unlawful act _ views along the riv,-'e, ,%wl k Wt a little
submitting ilia sain . . CA I expe3ure and punishment. Subsequently, n, xifflt Ir ju4 -
I fication, N,&DA TEMPERLNCE ACT. . fairly tried the House was asked by this OTTA,WA, May L—Thp r4pid fiettlercieutof over a quarter of L � - 1. .!ie famous .
- .. . � to save an actionineourt, the farmer was . ,� -.t,�.k-;:
I � Mr. Blike'objectea to the motion Of the The bill aifiandind, the Canada Terapor, amendment to. wipe out -the very principle the Pembitio, mofintaiii, Rock. lake, hittle - - - - 16 hat Cliftau Iffowpo, . Tho �� - 1, dw placd,
4 grould I read a second time vocapassed on wh - skatobowa � � I 1. � com1mll,id'to marry the'gii-I wlibm' I ' .
. I A,that the contract might yet,bq atee Act was ' ich it was,based. -(Ifear,lioar.� SA , u, and Prince Albert. dialricts, George B. Biggar, w!,.',wl thai� about two
I I I . . I � Sir Leonard Tilley pointed out that in NCrthwe4t tro4te& so cruelly. But she lima only been months since MT, Vitt vmw- Whim, and .
. signed before ,Parliament was prorogued.' through committee of the whole. On the ' . . I Territory, is, advorted to, And . .
. , 1�10 this bill had beiin'bAssed with the can- .also the'llow of migratic5a in the direction married three weeks when she died of cou� after..odme little ui-gotiai.i,w. rented the
The 'motion w,as allowed to stand ap. ak .question of receiving the report, Mr. Iloult- .1
� , vulsions aud'bleeding at the eyes, 210130, hou. an ix re I
� ourrence, of both sides. of .the House. He of Bird'Tail creek, turtle mountaiii, Fort . so &Bi so' tjufY--,,,t�-.-.,)�iii�surr.oun,do
. notice. t A . lieemovedin amendment that the bill be inouth and ears. Med it, for Ono. year frQui ',I,..s 1,t t 4 11.surch. He,"
. I war- referred back to the committee with in- had hoped that the agitation of, which this ing . ical ajA was obtained
. I A bill amending 0 The General Port , , � Bilicel and other districts, Stock rais nL but nothing could save the unfortunate girl
1. -rting measure was a result hhd been settled by is likely to become an had not IoWrned-dclli.!tv1y �.I�n bitontions of
-dons Act, 3.87V was introduced by the structions to amand the same by Ingo ' . important and from a. premature, grave. A post mortem - I
. Xmistor of Marine. - I aplauseropealing,clAutofi7of the actand theadoptipnof the act, and be therefore Worative business along' the easterly base hill tenants, but had i.qtl that theX pro-
. . I
. . . thought it a. mostunfortunate tiling that at and slbpes of the Roo I , examination was promised in Cider to clear pose to engage in tU; fr.ui t, v.,,wi *?n:,, busine , ss.
. a mitjori . � . ky mountaills. There , - �
I ILLUMINAIN.0 orL, * I subotitutjAg,a clause stating that - the very oi;toet the hill should- Be so laige � . I . . up the affair, but none has taken place, 014Mr. Bander, who -w,v4, �orii in the.
. ' ty of the registered electors, ,and not at the IY is its much seciirity for life and pr6porty in I �
Afte 1. . I . � changed. As 'One who 11 I . Oat Correspondent adds ,that it behooves All
r some debate, participated in by ad risen in his the territories As, in the . older,provinces.. � . , vicluityin 1802,and !�,liV(%t Lher6ever
"Megsrs. Colby, Flynn, ,Rot votes polled, must declare in favor of the . U par� ins concorgod to clear up the Ponupyl, since,exceptiluringwa-- Ci%.-, occupiessfarm,
. 'a '(Middlesex), act before it emu be enforced, 'The debate place in the House to propose.,measures TJiidor the head 0bf I aians, the question vania and Lockport mission and the ,dj,,,,, -',ill h0i'llciists. He, .
Plumb; 0asey, Connell and McDonaR was adjourned . and tho-Speakor-left the which in his opinion wpuld have the effect of the food tilipply in discussed, - And I � It tQ the Aniv?�i
. . -
... . .(Prince Edward island . . . ,of giving employment to the popple Bud of , I � During t6 mysterious death of this fainale, which is was balled upon - .*)rtor was in- .
, �P, during Which It chair at 8 a. in. - � . 11 � . , difficulties arjoing. therefrom and 01, )"
I o tg to notice the unanimity with , -a indeed very strange., Wo. Wive boon sup, .
.was amusir I . OTTAWA, May 4.�The Sppaker tool� the Increasing, the wages of the working classes, year the department have. purob4sea-An I �it,4 into the house, Nybt-Llo 1;o,.5*&s -givbn' 0,
, 11
. . I which the maritime province Conservatives I � � . .� lie desired'thit as far'a,o'possib ' delivered at various points, in � adolition to . plied with the namos of the parties, but for -seat in front of, tho !i,,,: pfm.,�,. where. . m, .
I.. condemned the prot6ation afforaol to CAna, chair at 3 o'clock, I , , b. . I ... .... emp SUPPI mised'by treaty, no lesq than obvious reasons. they I are withheld for the blazing log took the ud-.!'i;fi tho vi Ili mo;n. I .
. AmouWa numb6r of 16ther �Wiiono.pre-' tation to spend t air , money int harmt-i 1 11 ro , . . . I . I -elisa� I
. than coal oil produoeri, the resolution rals- . pleasures shoul be ram -v from t4ei. 500 head"Of beef cattle, ,91,000 lbs of bacon, Pro8ent, � __z_ - . - . Ing air.. After a Itttla v 1.ry boavQrsa�.
ire t . est, on Canadian petroleum dented, ;;aa Ono by Mr', Robertson (Hamil- ,or this romon !I ' 100,OOQ lbs, of beef, 20,000' .of I pe.mi- I TR9VSERS A LA IVIO-DE. . .. . tio4 by way of gotbini; i avii-tiair " itud, the old �.
g, the f . ton) in favor of an amendment to the act cople, a would vote I �
. .
. ro 106 to 115 degrees Fahrenheit, and re- . against theamandment. I Can, and 806 bags of flour Ao relieve' . . I I was. Askwil.,J).11w, Ilia new -
130 prohibiting pool -selling. Th0 petition �Vas � . , gent"Im ....
. . uOing that on foreign petroleum from usc .divided, when the- amend- the distress,for ;aut of food. With A 3DUOlientes of the ILdvely Anintaloons or naighbor,. Rushing Ny itit ij,:41�ryness rarely
I .
to 120 agrees, was adopted, �and a bill received with ironical cliders. The report p .. 0 0 ' ' tly provide a all ply of . for C^L-orac Vrecit nry�.% I elf, ' seen in one of ,li . is ywst-oi ,%N, I Let I me ' - �
� . . of the Committbe on Official Debatesi ap- Out AS c4rriea-on� the followhig division. view' to pormanon P - , ho ,.,.
, .
. &Bad u n the same introduced. pointing the staff for next session, oto., was Yeas—Moosrs. Angers, AnglW, Arlioll, Baby, -.food, ninot�en farmers' agencies at different . I 9b,ut the door, 'A1wr lit; h4o) Closed the , �
I . . Tlioiinaginativo�gontl6man Oreexi, Nvho
. . ESQUIUALT OVATING DOCZ, proeaen ,d. - . . . � � I amierman; Barnard, Beallohesue, Bechard, points have �een bat6blished for the train- I door lie returned -And t.mk awiut besidethe
Banoib� Boigoron, Bergin, Bolduc, Boultbee, . . . 'formerly lived in this ciby� and who �bas ! NVc�11,' �sv,i,,l ha, I I don't.
. 1' . I � . 'I :in agricultural pursuits. On , ' .
. th .,Ing of Ind . �
I SirrpLeonaz:4 Tilley moypol the House third raiding of � the bill to rooks, Buciptor, Bunting, i3amorou (Victoria), fie, . had a social trilliaph in San Francisco. un- -
I . '
I 0 :W . .
. cortai i stigat,ong . arling,oaxon,oillion, Cockburn (Northumber- count onumon lands the recelpti in . 'asq G: Bridges, lit tlla,tw 1-,11.s. I No heard , ,
. a inve , � Cog � " I - they was gain' to start a fnil 1, oannin' - busi-
. into committee on the resolutions granting a authorize, ma;king � der the , urn6d title of Sir G, =oW"P2"u0.rhm.0bn,-
. subsidy of 1250,000 towards the construction � under oath, Mr. Blake moved an, amend.' land), Coughlin,�. ,Val, Courabl, Cuthbert, Daly, cash and scrip (luring the year for sales bart., wofe pedqliar trousors. �A;:76'ooioty ..
. -the bill shoul . d - not I , 3ulos;'Dosaulniers, Dos4 I - ness,'but 1- d6n1t kuuv.� i�. - oibin., about it. . .
ot the E, aouot Dawson Doco� . amounted -to 0210,409,, and --the. fees on lhdy became cQa , I ,.
. . quirnalt graving, dock.in British ment declaring that ins: Doull.. brew, Dugas, Dumus.it,.. glllott; vinced that & certain dig-
� . � - �. , . � -., -, � :. . I- I * .., . � � . . I I Id, head ono 'os e e there hax
- . . . Mlumbf4, ... : apply*to �riiiinal charges''which ani6lid. guson, Fitzsimmons, Fortip, Girouard homoste,aa and pre,eniption entries alone nity of bearing mud grace of c.arriago W- . Mr. Pitt (he's, t a .�
I . . a division. The bill was 11 qqa Cartier), Girouard (Kont), Grandbols,' res,lizea., outolo, while the aica, disposed of . been talkill' *about bq. , ,, . I tore,
Mr. Mackenzie objected 'to. the Tote for ment win lost on I I � ii, Honda, lVirleau, Jones, linulbach, Keeler, - I . thiguishing ,English ;debility was in some
was not intended * ' ' . -Kirkpatrick, Kranz, 1 �1,115,072 acres—exceeded the arep dis- . . I � . and wanted to, know wb-.Lt J. g6kt-,d. r told
three reasons: (1) That it . then finally passed, ,ano, Langevin, Larue Mae. � , way connected with the out, of his trollaro. ,
. . Ily the. Order-in-Counoll - of 1878 to give a . , . . - TEMP11RANCII A . . - I Millan, McCallum, McCarthy, MocuaG Mo. poo,ea of'cluring the previous yoar by half a With t)-ua wifely affection she determiiwd im. it was worth �ZOO vn ac -re, but lip
� ' . . CANADA Groovy, McInnes', McLennan, XoQL undo, Malopin milli Over and million acres thought i.tLwas too Inut".1k, I heavd since I
. ' I I Min, , to seouro the bellefita of lAer discovery for -
I bonus to towards this work; (�) that if it . on acres I . �
� mhe debate on ilia Canadatniperanco Masson, Masquoi Mercer, Mongen Mousseau, of. land.vere' surveyea durin -the year. 'thiLt they ll'id been ' 'I ry i's t' to L buy Abner -,
- were intended,.'then it was contrary to the, Act and Mr. Bc5ultboe'o ainondment thereto O'Connor, Orton, :�attersort (LPasox),, Perrault, . 9 . her p*n lord, Whether a hotel chamber, I I , � ' '
� . t of the terms of union ; and (3) thatL .. . . Finsonnemult,Xiatt, Plumb, PoE!L ( Xodification6 in tk6r system of survey are malil was. bribed to I abstract the trousers Cook.% fowin, up beyi.iliat� Dnnyoclondville. -
I � .1'. i u0sn' . I I He's got ' 250 aori!s of ILI i 1: I 1, % o.
was then resumed, - fret, Robinsou,Rochostor, Rout icr,%.y.1',)R"'y'ia`n -to be made With 9. view to. loosening f . 1.114 X know
- �
119eiriresolutions provided that. not 6illy Mr. BOW611,;Lla SlAbbamonts were made I prt" Shhw, St7hensob Tasse " tha'co�t a � f setting out the public domain . 6 room, . . I .
, t or & time from his lordsilip'
. � 'would the Government. give - this -sum of . (Montreal), Ryko finasse, waflacz I whether they were snatched from the hands 'V . I , . .
- � to the working, of the Tollier Thompson (Cariboo), I . ? AVAI. I caultatby
" ds the building of this dook ,lecessary to fdoilita . (Xorf9&), Wallace (York), Woldon, White. (Card. foi � settlement, Increased prices w6re ; I About their fsmilio;� I .
. 41250,000 towar' bill - The am of an attendant while undergoing some no- 11
, - - ' enament of his bon. friend well), white (Hastings), Willianls,Visor� '*�right. realized -for the sale of .timber berths in habout.them. I'vel,mr,ptiheywasn't 1.
. but tbat'in the event of the 'Trovincial . � oessary repairs, whether in f tillilbou of heart mlic .,
. . . , froin Past York (Mr. Boultb Would do a --N. - . . lumber last year, ,allowing the growth of . . " wife ap-, married. Bu t they h,*)ta A � it) ba nice fblks. , .
"a) . -
. . Government, failing to com�.Iete the work . great deal to destroy t1l. useful h RUiafts�s. Allis6u, Bain, Bill, Blakci, Bbr- confidence on the part of capit&1i I Sta' L The or mQrity Of purpose husband or The'women Come OVor-').4;r1J'. L . �
C . would have to .. vvery day to� . .
. 'the Dominion GoVernment not. The effect of -this amerMnleidt was to don&Murana Dourbeau,Bawoll, Bkiiekeu,Brown; . p6aled directly to the gencrous'spirited young . A milk and thin I'lloy 1J&y for all . ,
' .
. . assinno the responsibility, thereby placing. make it Burpo�e. (St.Zlin), Burpoe, (Sunbury), Cameron allotment of 1,400,00o.acres of land to, nobleman, will never -be known. . Certain go 11I , .
. . neoe'sa'ary,- in order to Adopt this (Huron), Cartwright, Casey, Casgrain, Chandler, half.broodFi in Manitoba has, )?can com- : -lady finally rode. to, a fa , they got, but ta�-141id L, .. say. .
ilia buiclon upon the Dominiolf.� ' ' . .. it is that the shion- -they .11:%No Inuch to I
I Mr. DeCosmos. quoted, official. cbrro bill, in any part of the collatry, to ll�-�o & Charlton, Cockburu,(Muskoka), Colby. Connell, pleted. Ali application for the railway able driper`B with a bundle in liar arms, Theykeep.tlieir own uowi-A'! _ I - �
. majority not only of the actual voters but Costigau, Farrow, Fiset, Viaming, Flyun,.r, ultou, � Others bf the naighboi . w�.#i in' terview6d, -
I . spondence to show that it �vis jutppdod'by ciple Gigault, 0illm6r, Guthrie, Haa#ow Hilliard laildfi in British Columbia hag been made; - which, .she triumphantly unrolled, display- I . .
I . of all thoqe eligible to vote. Thiit, prin . Holton, Hooper; Huntingt6u, IV60, Killam, King: and HOU.Mr. Trucial appilinted,as Dominion � Ing to the eyes All ag*ceed. that the .w.-w-viank-rs appeared. ,
'the Order-In-ticuncil that this grant should, . of the astonished man a pair .
. - was not adopted Ili any other elections, atid Lantier, Laurier, Longl Macdonald (Sir John), agentin the Vaqifi6� provillop. Tho.field . respectable, i.461ligont aw*vt laclustrious. �
be made, and further, that it was Be under ? onald '(Victoria, X, a.y . . �
. . . ,�(, . of trousers somewhat tho worsti for.wear,
. . . . . except in case of grimt political ekeitement McDonald (Pi6tou), Me :d9ugill, Me- operations of the -geological survey were Ono of them asserted 0�,.ht' Lhere were
stood by the late Government. . . . Macdonoll (Lanar,k), Mackenzie, Mac . and giving tho.command, 1INvish you' to
. . it would .be impossible to poll a Clear ma- Lrinj the year. Di. G. I
. Mr. Mazk6lizie denied this. � I . Rory,.Methot, Mills, montplainir,"Oliveri Olivier, pushed vigorounly at about thirty' ' in ilia v,,-,nq)�,wt �,'. but the as- -
jority of .those on ilia voters' list. . . Paterson (Brant), Pickard, Poupore,. Robertson X DawsCn traverabd the district between . make Mr. --, 'naming'fi6r hutiband, Is. sessior, whose duty it iii tv loitr�i iho riumber --'
- . ........-----4—T-he,-resolutiona -were -referred,. to;. the. .- . ' pair of trouser. exactly i1ko these., I But, , . .1
,_ . .. . I � the moutIr-of -thb-Skeen.&,-river-an-t,lie-l�'adiflo- nibLa -.,-__1__ � , ,�-:.t .�.111`4_,Aqi_*�,Fas .'...'...
. Xv:71tosa failodto�%see� wlmt-V,�s,�U�b�. -(Slielbtirn6),Rogors,Ro4iL(Dandas),Ito�fj,(Wdao-- -of 0,(�ORP-�.utf3-.oAQlA--rqp.;,tl.�i'- _-, 1, , ,
� , -
'. .committee, risportea. and adopted. Oh their jo6t of the &mendm6ut. The move�' c&�Icl Boxy, Aduleau Ryinal, Schultz, Scriver, Skinner, am, eJaCu1&V?d-tIw,. BUTPTN.Cdtailori�
. . I . second iending, Mr. Blake , recounted .the Smith (Selkirk), Sproule, Thompson (Haldiinand) boast and Edmonton 'on the Saikateliewan , these wore . mado t0ter tho. fashion. which informed that there w(,rn i,o.,vIl, Wh.enlib�', ..
4 .. . .not feel that there -was anydeeling -in ilia Tilley Vhitp - river, including also the Pille,and Nude, i "Ir asked'as to tji�ir. rubgiou-.4 .�cn-iaa . sfon'� the
. � Tupper Wade, . (Ronfrew)
. .
. .1 I . ... ,original termsf6r the purpose of proving Country fil favor of -this motion, but-beford' "73.,. ,., Trow, . ? . ... . . . I river' districts., Dr. R. . Bell, gesited prieva led fivo y6ars' ago.' liposgibl, I � . lat each-othor ai)(1 -iqxiled,and ,
that it was -by them intended thatTanade. " all .11 his fair visitor, with' indignation. wo`�` lookoc
this bill was- introduced this House was Mr. Mackenzie--Mri .$Iieaker, I ,would �y Xr - 0-Phese-trduseksba�Ionci tor,SirGeQrge Green .
. should not guffer pecuniary loss Oil account .. � --�oqq)ir�AIQ,-...e,.-,;18,.=U.a�-tlxe...r,Q. tholi.one of .them, said,. U guQsAypu. r4xy- :.,
. . -attention - tor �tlre - fa;ct,thut ' ' . p tus�do;"asib6ngr6g�,,ti�)II&ti'�its.' - .
.. - p .1 , I . . I ..- bif-the "guE-jr-ant6b, 4nd, th(mefbr6,,.1he !flood6d by petitions for -some restriction of :just call your . . gion north and northwest of lake Winnipej. -13rydges., I But I assure you, madal-Ine, 11
. . " the liquor traffic. . Nor had the hall. gon- there hag not all �P.bsolute majqrity of *thlh - Other members of the staff weie engaged hanor, that they are -five years : The nuv*er occupying lice houge Was' ..
. . present resol!itions were not based upoh . � upon my ,, ill th&'way f;bm.
I .. I , . tleman shown that - any injustice would be -House. voted for'.. thi6.'raction, . (Land in the older provinces. - The last subject b,hilid-the style., ,you will P, .... to reported by* neighbor, .
. .
. . . any prior agrbement. He, :,. therefore * I . I . 1. �
I .
- .
,,w . . . . . . 3 . done- ' by the bill in its present otstd. ,.-He laughter) , 11 ,. dealt With is the Nort.hwept moullitea police. make Mr. ��'§ trousers- exactly like' Sir seven to thirty, but. the bir.�b informed -
moved.: . I I . I . , I
. .. I . seemed to think big iinenandei&Woulanot .-T%obili-wft9carriod,'tlIrO1i ommitboo -force has been .trans, �G placed tho-.inifilber ak twel,.o or fifteen., ,
. . - . . I - a Wiffier- - .. I
�and the following substituted: I That the terms I , . . , _ ,.-I,-,D __-_-__-_E1_-_ A�r_ ' ' Mr.'Noyanj the I&Lder icla . .
. That 0,11 the words oft&., that VVe 4truck-out Ia.. ad � a__..... . , I �.� The control'of this ..cor - lad.�, with
bear looking in 'ported, - � �9",! 017deied-Ihe
I _; to, far ho had"holadva * '. of . U4 0
I . . I f , & ina-re �as a 0 a .'. . : M�rea to t, io epartmi3nt of t Ia fn Id7r Ing look, dj,naaiWng further discussion. of . ,.Tie i com-
. provided imly for. asingle fact Or ,or ,po . . Mr.. B owell moved its third reading. . '. � mu! ; visited, tht, . 1,1aco,-but is not
. of union,with British Columbia I . - , " .The condition of the men and' their digoi- - nityi has . '
. - wag result. � , - . -�s - the T11.3mti6n.' The gatmeats were maao.,.� . . � -
. . . . a guarantee of interbot for tofij�eara in respect of This bill passed "I the �4 . Mr. Ross mov6a that the bill'be not now' �� . The ot 4 house;4hich -.�
. I a fraving pline are described a excbllent, while their . 1lio . band donned thom'-with - theic at present. , ,
part of the cost of the British Columb' Ich had contiauad -time, but that it be read the . . out a aila , -`gtory� -
____ I , -the' temperau.6.agitation.whi . fead, the third - ing;, Alack I Sir Goorgbr has turned out -Mr. Pitt has rented -is a Fmall tw6
. . I aock ;.that the act �of 1874 proevided. only or - ,for years, and we -to satisfy large housing is Baia to be imperfecti The tolar gli'v . wooden residence'stfust.teA iu, ilia outskirts* ,
. � ,a intended third time this day threp months'. He re- tio s of the men witli the Iil�joiug are favor. - I � I I
I .
. I . advance of 8�=,000 in lieu.bf tho'foriner &rTan#o 11 an &dvqDturcr I ... e,-.-. . I . �
ment;-that the yroposed resolution would In- numbers of people Who believed they should exceedingly -that the Government able. The last paragraph reports an Im- " 'bf the littlellS11110t Of i1'r111.�11TA)udy1IIo, one'
. volve a free gift a .$250,000 b Canada to 'British have the-p6wai, if they desire . d to do so, to ettod seen ,fit to oppose an'-sittandment. . 4 , . __A�l ,. I �
I I . Ed ,at �. 61L the , "'
. portant aiscovery in the noiabborhood of �. . ,��iovinclnl Appolu.1mbut.q., mile above the n6i'�,, bri(l;�a ,,
Columbia in liem; -of the Winer: aftangoment . I .1 ho'housc 16 OC ..
which-involvind no charge on the Canadian trea- pla,Cq, reasonable restrictions u&n. the like this., proposed aga,inotia''Government Mu�ddy river, Northwest Torriicry, of .,]I Ard- . Canadian shore. -T . " oupie'a
. p -to m4e Buell a liquor traffic. - !Ilia hoft. gentleman I.. pror .1 . 4easure. Ile believed it was miachlevolifl- I . The Lieutenant-Governoi has . been. 1;y a man n� h is &beat
nury; that it is inex edient . wood in large quantities; o of gbod"qualityj ke. 1he follo ing .appoint�. , Mod. brett, W 6
. . grant., , I I I .1 I � . I pleased � to . ins, w . known As -
. . I I
. . . � .. I. I �. I pos.ed to introduce an-entirdly new pfinciple slid kee,�tionary in all its teadonei6s; an , and well suited- for the'anallufaciturd. of ",Tames McQuarry, of Caledon, 40 y6ara of ago, a .Nvoun-an.. . �
. IOIX. i t 6 � . *
w into.our,voting system. Not a. single mom- that'this House on' redongiders,t' " 10 .monts,-viz.: I ..... - . . I I .� .
'xi iiiied by Messrs. . ' �� 1 I .��xleq, gMko� andy a olq��. ; -�&f-t�o Tb�ird-DirisiorrCGUT � .. ; ev" . ..
The debate was co t Ax ,.-- �' ' -.- -� - -t o -b a: , .
_jL . __ _ __yAgg � blviliff
'b or- Q f-th a � -11 a a a a i -I- a =v a nt ur a -WteAt+a&-gi--ya . . � . —_ -
. __._,_'.__ __ , i�'C-C--m�ei-�"i�r-i�"nienan�eiif,-� � I d-10-_say_,_-ym%� .- lee _ -Brett-came. _S1rMt4Wq ,&_aulau _P1Q,C_0__
� . . KaclienzI6 - � - -...- , I _.. -1. - __ _===�_ . IO,T- -- __*___1Vi1Iijffi_Stt[b1V, .
,tT oin�ty OJ:1W
- .. . . 1. able to claim that Xe. had been elected by a '. Mr.,Blake hdped this motion oul.Cve �� � I . - . . .. .1'r . abo'ut 20 miles northwost 61' f,ocidon, Ont., . .
. and by Sir. Charles .Tupper against. . Sir I A QUEBEC. BNOW. . resigned., Joh� D�cw -to be a lieeAse Com- and has been ,it Drumuiowlviila only about. - ,'� .,
. John Maeddliald charged the leader of the clear majority of the actual voters .in his adopted. The Govirniment', no doubt with - . . . . — I . ... . ... .
I . . c6listitu6noy. ,The -mover a this.amend- th6 very best -Intentions towards the Scott . - . missioner for Welland, vice .A. Orchard, a
. Opposition and his fpllo�iers with seeking . I The Blyal Factlonm'of Sh.16 Mbborcr.4� r�sigxied. Archiliald'Thompson 'Of'St&m-* a month. : The fact wats �i.ba,' Wain d that '
. by'their actions and votes. to'drive British' ment would probably . say , that his Act proposed certain 4inondments which, . . � .. 11 Mr.- Pitt 'had routed. n. htm..w which Mr.
' I . . Again at, gerlo.ufs',X�ioggeritc:itdm-t,svo, f6rd, to be inspoot Vellmid,,
. . - - CokfederWO'n. -. The. object -- was to- free Ahe - miaorAy.. froi;i I 's. I . or of licauses for N .. Brett Occupies. The pliwo ww; not rented '
Columbia out -of -the: . the action. 61 a -tyrabilicil majority, � Mit a he Minister of -Customs. explained, were,. ---�1W6h-W,oUhdod'Yc8terdu . yj .. . --� - --:- -victl. -Dilly-colemal � li superseded.. *, . .- .- 'for any. definite ienti, pf i'mu. The re- . . I .
amendment wa's negatived. oil i� division of . . . . . I not to the. -principle of the. act, but do. - -- . . . 1. I _� I .. I I . .
- ____ -.-- - -
. . 42 to log.., The resolution was thendon�* Aould thM be 1orward9d -by this amplid, ' ' its working.. .. Unfortu- Q uEnsc, May S. -A gang * of laborers of 1,� . porEer inquired whabor .7dr. Brett pro�
- � � signed to improve. - . . I ' " 6 kelikoff took, a 4o7ZI, in- . I � . I
I . dutr6cl in, and Sir teonara Tilley introt.' ment? Suppooffig, a .Y�aa had .s. volto in-' naiely �he Qovq . rnment Aid not determine the shij laborers . society . known. as, the '- General L6174 . posed:to engage in the fril"t. hii4iness. He . .
I . . I ' . . I
. .1 . . . . .
. � ' �. . . .1several'pc;lling�l,aces,ybt.w&Fi'-so sitliated .to make 'fhia' Government measure -a ., Union Canadienne had been eng&g.ed .to -un-' ger,Ao,txi-and diverting method of conveying expressed the absouc:� of any �mch purpose.
. . . '
. . duced a bill thereon. , o � ... 16m& -the Quebile portion Of the cargo of'tho. to, he 0 . l,w,%N, 'c,,jivdieed that �
. - . I - .. � that he could reach only one, if he voted f or Government question, and the bill, *hich . zar the intelligence of Mi'adetvky's The. reporter came i '
� bMADA PACEFIC 31AILWAY. :ghip'Lake Winnip hich 4rrivdd to-dai, . ititack on. bia-Melikoff's-life. " As soon As (,
. the Scott Act ill one his absence. .frbm the iw�s intended io improve the working of t �c��vrima,ht'to test 1
- . � .. . the nioveatent was an. - x '
. .,
. . PIZ
I � After recess, t6. the, surprise of thaEouse, ,Others wCUI& cause his vote to. be recorded the�a6t, was ,now with the SpAnd6ant. but some'. of a h sections of. ship - the would'be assassin . had beon arrested the tem�er of Canadhot �.A' ti'Llent illxoiw - '
, . � . ' I M
. : Sir Charler Tupper laid upon the table -against the principle. which he stipported. just made, in it aestrucCivo of the purpose laborers took oxception to their bbing am- " and convoked tb . . sell, the Aidtator drove gard to the a . ommunity, lj� vrould appear .
I . - � , ,
. I I the contract for. the construction Of thO He trusted that the Uillister of * Customs of the act. " He" thought 'they should give played, and forcibly proV6ated them from to the winter palig., and ciraved all audieuce. that they had merely, 6iAod L�Ixces inerder' -. �
- �
� I I second one hundred mile -1 'section ,OI had spoken for the Govaiii-men't'--aii, this'.the act a1air trial'. 0 � (Heai,--IWRT. go working. An, a Consequence" ,the ship left �.of his'sovereign, whom lie had quitted 'but not to risk an . i0qAtmeut mitil ihoy- we a - -
. . -the Pacifig. railviay� west of . Winnipeg: subject.. I In.187.7 � :a. number of hoIi.. geutle'� thought it quite 'podsible that:. Some. ex� �fqz Montreal, and took. the Quabe � a cargo , two hours .earlier. As .11p 'entoiod"thO .sure, it. -would not be hmdn . unpleasant -
- I . . ' ' �
. This WiW -the . contract .'he - ask6d menhaa- voted ;,in * favor of a resolution .pectatf6ns which. were -indicated #a to . with her, which the owners will Band down LTeCeptlon'Chaffib6i big ma,jesty,.surprised. fo -th . - ___ - � . . - -,-- ,
. r em.*% The woman -abandon the girb, . -
. .
.. power- in -the afternoonto i6wara. -without. affirming th, y__Abdut_Lp.m. -a -�w - � I Ord aaky- _
I . _a_p_Zin,cipIC, Qf-prollibiticim-of -the.- -the difficulties. -in- -the- way -of its,45-elual'. br_1ho.1,T.orAb_Shore_railw& lat-biin--i0quest-Jor ,., -_�800644_-AXPUIM - ,' wora-�st- Oueilda�,alnd. ilxo-,�3-h - i
___ . 1-1 -__ . _.. -'-xubtikitting -it -to--1?arIidmanVf dr-katifiba-, - - - ii�bic, and be.appealed to theP6 bon.' . . r.� the row* betwe.ion 'the. par!ties grew to vio- 'greeted hira With 'Well," Nolikoff, what .gemmle, 1- .... ff, I - . . .
. I working in Counties where it'had boon ea � I I . . . - -Apparel, and thuz;, ti, - vt . !!` attracting.. ' . .
I .
. tion TfiereporV'Of tbel?dntmgComnait� li4u�rmbn.. to ),ate .down thi ajorityalighlbefulfilled, lonce, and two nion ate reported wounded, f resh, tidingi do yoiL being ?! - I. I a .1 . I
. , 9-atil . � . . a amend- r1ea byl� narrow In . � in Como, attention to ilia -peculla4tieri: of the Com-
, � - . tee, �-C�ommending thd cancellation of the ment.. H6:read�- the& names of I I t, yself.of a misdeed, and Itt . . . a diinh - .
. gentle. and if experience poiated in that, direction %olie having been shot ip the breast and the sire, a accusg.m . mlii�ity. The greater I-Att i,C th I -
' '
. contract for parliamentary printing;'N59' men, uinglig ,whom �wera x'- - other in the head* The police wore called thasavae time Ac -
. .. ' . . � - Sir Jqhn they w6uld of course be guided by that' 6 I. 4 � , - � ,solicit YO11i Miliestfs diaas 'look with dism-ppr,;�.,�l ti.'L III6 sociat
. . . pies6nted -and adoptect.- - Macdonald, and Melasri.Maason, MciussWi, ,061rien6d - but with- the view of giving tlio in &ad the 'combatants separated, some Of pardon.' .1 What lilts happened 2' "I hiwe7 paptices which aro_8appo.*4vJ to'prevail, - �
. .1 . - Mr. Buhstgr* rose to a. questioiI. of privi' Plumb, aria others. - This bill hAd not. yet act a fai`� trial,'he would veto for the three the Union Canadienno men -having to take committed �b highly blamable action. 'In P. and it IB exceci'dingly do U bilf I I t Wlletdaer the
. logo, 'and apologized to� the, Proinier for I I .� .1 �- I.. I . n , in th I
. . . been fairly tried, and he hoped that, the, months'. hoist..: . . rehiga ih, a, flour store: until taken holue by word, I'have boxed a, ma:'A earn .6 socialists *ill find .any g;-oator toldratio
. -previous debate, accused " . iple. of it would not be voted down. : . d - illey now 'camb to the thopolice.- Several pistol- shots wore -fired. . street., , Is that, thon;,sb grave. Rn . tha:n tbe�� have at Onei(ip,, �il(;-,i.7y !I .
having, during a prino . Mr. Anglin - sai . Imblic - . h.6ae real- , �..
I him of acting iinfairly towards 'British Mr. BoAltbee said the 1 Notwithstanding the'represent-ations of offeAce �' I*That depends, sire� to &-certain .iat the pao�;!o .�v,ould submit .
. I , . . . .. . . mt speaker had. quebtion, , Whitt was a failk trial.? ,1n Now . I I I -dont thought tl � , .. -
'I, Columbia. jumi�ed up and gpoken before he' had a Brunswick the voters word. about one in tell the Queboo,Bpara of Trade, merchants and extent upon how your ma,jesty m4 Please to i,haost anything if tb4' , v -.-,N- buld start a . �
' .
# Dr. i3chultz dirgetod. attention to 9, para- ! -hance, and then tauntecl him with having of - the . n . -
� 1 4, populationi Was. it. u folij under others interested inAbe welfare at this port tota,koit. Theonlyexellsol'bavotooffor frilit-canuing-Industry. 1.11 -C&LIads" in - -
, � 11
. � ces- to I hsk , that one. against the proposed xediietion in the water i3 that the man, had fired'. at mq, which cir � 4
. raph,in.the papers stating that certain failed to 'support this amendment. This the, circumalan ,the p - � - this state, there seems to 1,,, no la* -ilrich
. . I �l , ts" at ill a" cuniBtance it is a1sn In . prohibits g6cial tpraotiuc.i n,*- tilax to those - -
. . di ,u ad ciaim� of the quasou Day Com. 'might be in accordance with patliamentary half.of.6nem'terith-,dr, one in twenty of .olipo fordo, the great, man w1io ni y duty to report to
� . . . .
- -
.1 . . . pAny against. the Dominion' Government practice, but'it v�as not'in. wcordancewith population should favor the -passage of thin head of the Marine and Fisheries - Doper C- YoLr-luajosty,' , . . . .� . formerly prbvalcnt ut Olwiia- 'If these - .
Were to 156 submittea to'ihe Imperial .Gov.. - It 'was admitted by temperance rnent at. Ottawa has, it seems,. snubbed . . . - * vo to tbe�jiosbrils. - �
. ilia di tatils of courtesy. , go yielded to no bill 2 Xr,w POST-QYFICis.��Tllo following now practices are not too offei) m
I -if this wore intin ic . .
I � brament for arbitration. in hiii desire t6`- 4avaneo the cause of m6g. that -the cause of temperance would. tltem� all. Only twenty-cighb men and five ,post�offli600j havo lately been dstmblished 'in oftlicir neighbord',it is not bliprobable that
� true h6 hotied count6k Claims against the � not be Advanced -by the passd . d- Ontario: 11asiII Depot, district 6f Nipi,- another piZsperoua coluu-nin!'-y' may be.
. . . . . temperiace', but he dWined that that -cause %o OJf a lirom CQ.Xswa:idshdVaw6o far baoll-�worn iu,anl .
. . . v�lly would be submitted at - tbA Sallie had never beeir-fiavanced-'by harsh, restriiet- bib unle sup . porte �y this in the face'of an anticipated ldrge siho; Dpuville, ,Strong, Miskokall Domw -built-up here, as tho--regio-n-v n: fertile -one. '--.- . -
. � - .1 . . . ' I I
. . . . =., . . . . ' it '011, I I ou ,� .
. I . . . 1" Cut, B W - . ville, Ail, % ming.
. : ive legislation. He hold thatilotemperance P, it r" iwm and imd Jncrease in the traffic. of the port, and of
. � . I- . . . . . .: blic .o�nt or the best air gustd, Greaville,'S. R.; Grattan, ana well Adapted to. fruit' .' ** I I �
-1 . . I . I CUU19=12 To. AND . rALS. a . . on d .umet.. .0 it Was , roortairity.-of dire-1r6libles 'amongst the . Grattan, Renfrew, S. R.,, Griffin's'coiners,,. -1 .— ...-0_,__.., L. . . . _...
. . . ' legialati ohld'bo uplield or thoroughly . , p,ol. test, of public Wo
The Government measur �,amehaing the carried out unless it was, backed by the sentiment to show that more than one-11alf sliftl-laboring element,, of .which the dis. D-,%yha,rft 4 lgi ' Monteith, . . . . � I "
. � 0 ,.�G .ip, E._U.-, Jarisburg, . . . . I * ,
. . met to prevent'. crilelty to ailimals. passed , sentiment, of the majority of the people, oi.the voters . were ift favor., of , a cortaill � turbance thio afteinoon is.oxily� it is feared, Mudkoka ;. � Lohmarl's Landing� Bidwell, � I Ouida,' ill a letter to i%LWTd6a- Journalo -
. . I I
through --its Inal stageiv after Certain 'slid his amoildment merely provided that enactment. Many temperance man were to be regarada- as the commencement. * I , ., Algofnv, ; Windomoya, Carnavon, Algoma ; says : ' Society nOw-a-daP03 ill itself msa- . .
amendments . had bedn adopted, one of this bill should not come into force unless very fanatical. Ili' their views 'and. this ' , - . . I � . �. . ,Muilifary, 14dolaide, Middlesex, N: R.; ly extravagant and very Atntugdly dom- .
. ' . . �, . � . - . I I
, . . . )r Infringe- f avoreaby a majoritylof the people �f the Xarlinineat should not allow themselves to I � . . . 1. . Vallaston, R. ,, . pozed , Any truthful pioC�ro .oi it looks-, of , .
. . which: reduced the penalty. h . I . I Lr�test Business Changes. Niigent. Hastings, 'N, - I
. . I a -for Ro, . . llfusalty,oi,crdrawn. ' ltd tinasioiv for diam .
Mont of the law frob� 0100 to'05O.' I n6otion Ili which it was intended to ' be made, the instrument of- Avich men. -. . -1":givds -the follo '_ Idaudfieia, Sandfiald, .k1g6ina ; ,5ua�ridge, I ctc.- -
. I .. � I
, . 1
.. . .. .. � - .. . ... . ,believed'that the' and6nament. wliieh* h4d - -Dradatroob of M4 w 31ay or t"for noixzldiy,�!A'
. . - ' it.- Sumptuirylawswere utterl OP Ing : . I . I I 0 , following officeK , excitemon _- q �..
� * . cmi.: BEUVICH INVIISTIOATIOX, ET& . . . y OP . � Sttong, Muskoka; Tb
. . . . . . I I . 'to-tlieoiiiitimentjiiidgoniu's.-of burped a. been made this.aftornoon to the b,ill vargill I
I . are closed: Creek Town,-Co�SivacoetN. of the, saAdeab male-ai(I.4 of opr times. - - I
. A ministerial bill, entitled an act to, They disliked any restrictions'. an to what the right airooti6v.. .. . . OxtAlao—A.vening-G. .B. Livilsay,goii- ux, Co. Proscod, O.; Soper- English-novelist6 do, it h'. true, Mill CQA- , , ,
I authorize making cortain investigation$ they she . uld eat, drink of- wear, This Mr. Ro,19W amendment was put ind lost 6ral store, assigned Ili trust. Belleville- R., O�,, Lonlia . Anne to, cloplot mankind r.,.i ,nlftys so . MO& . . I
. I undei 6athj was after considerable discus-, , , . . Sames Glass & Co.,,. hardware, stock adve , Co. Leedgi S. R., O. The name Ding -
,,would destroy, nr .reduce thti value on the followi, . . r� 10-11 . "It an Aunt Tabitha's. tea -table, the current - ,
. . law ng division: - wall 00. TIT,uce, S. X, O., Ia I
bills pro" of the proper tised. for sale 'by assignee. Broelt'villo- I I ...changed to .
ty of m&ny.-,mon' 'now Yeas�Messrs. Allison, Bain,. Blake, Borden I 'y' . - . I
sion,acivancoa two'sta&s. The Riple � . of smill Wit only being u.11owed variety'
. . . viding 'for W3 b,aministration 69 crinim4l. .Carrying on business in this traffio,, The Bourassa, Bourbdau, Bowoll, brown, Burpoe- (St, Carl 'IV' . Volnoy, nitro-glycerine, o6bring to � fr�aj the visit of an occasional inurdoror or
I . . justice, in - the disputed territory. west- of law upqn,t#is. subj9d should be such a�, to John), Burpoo (Sunbury), Cauldron aluion), eonibromise at 20 eents� Guelph -F. Ainorig the lieoms Of -Mr. noiatinoill's detective; but E , nglish nov , ellata are not .
. aton, Cockburn (Musm Fbarillak, flour and idect, reported leit -expenses jll� JA26, * when contesting
I . Cartwright, Oasgral% C)iklA cioation coaspioncils Tor thaii knowlodge of 'the .
. .r�ott Villiam, ate., also that amenaind the disdountonance'tho sale �f distilled liquors hok&), -dol , Connell, Fiset, Flembig, Fulton, eOperg ind .
. law a . f o-Vidence in cra and ducouragoothe drinkind.of beeri wine Gdoffrion;%igault, Gunn, Gutlitio, Haddow,. 'town.' John HogA & Son, ary goods, dfs� Northund6erland, .were: Toinli, world, and their ignoranco close flot.chmago .
Mo ta�ng.o depositions, and to Hilliard,,, Holton, Hoopor, Huntingtiul Ivea, solveaj Di�ia N. Ifogg continues �arri� 61; co'c6dos% and -flags,
" style un- r gas, ;820',9 I . 1
suibbrize Zr the fact that ao,gonermtio I Nvas ever,more- ,
. ),, , - I
make the game vid and other - lighter 'boverages- a law that Xlpg,,Lanfior, Laurier, Langley, McDonald (Vi,! changed, London -B. A. Mitchell & Son, - printing ."stnd stationary, 21,582, sadly burdened -than our own with license,
. I nee in certain. ovenV, would deal fairly with respoctable- hotel- totia, N.'S.)o VoRory� Olivero Oliviori Paterson t',il drugs, dissolved, � B. A.- Mitchell can- privat lodgings, 22,348; band8, 495B.' .
passed their final' stages. ; - keepers, and would visit with dire pueish- (Brant), Pickard, RobottAon (Shelburne), Rogers, rp a I 6 with satiety, anawith a passionless iMMO-
After. a number otiteras reporteafroin , . Ross (Duudclo), Dogs (Middlesex), Ryan (Mon. tinu,es. - 'Orangeville -Skelton Bros., dry Undor I sundies I- Were placed chargeri
I Mont those found guilty of an Infra,btion of treal), Rynial, Selialtz, Scrivor, Skinner, 8 I amounting to several thousand pohads. rality which has Act even the excuse of
. . - 'the coninAteeof- supply had' beey4concur the law., . . . . . . Rroulo,- goods, Called meeting of creditors. Toronto ardor. A luxe offrene is the hate of the .
. . red, th6-bill providing for. the Increased . � . Thompson (Haldimalid), Tilloy,'Trow, -Tapper ::.46soph Way Lei Co�, hat and cap nianufac- Those worohigh old times for the hotet slid . . diflf'480, Which
. I it was iin�ossiblo to have --N . . I., . ,
. *. . � I I Mr. Cagey Said X�ys.-Moiasro. Abbott, -S-nglln. Arkoll, B'e,b , tutots,- stock 'advartisecl for sale b� assid- stable keepers. It' wits the great anti. time, and it in % COUt&g(OL!4
I Bad % I * . � 0
. Issue of -Dominion notes was flually pan smilority of the .entire vutiu, in, counties t I . 1. . - spreads downward from ,tho..pal.%co to the �,
� . I I ird, 33op.clobesup, Bono t," tiods'; . -fOrtimJ3 .
. on 9, division. - - .. . where boill sides wore very alone. Bissideo, Balcor,13annerinan,Barut .. �. � I . . Borbgfora 6russtdo, *)Iidh m6ac the * oottago. This I have reflected and poi, .
. ... Bergin, Boldtfe, Boultbee, Bro,okd, Bunting, Ckin. I of the famous Dianconi, in ]'Poland. All
The Housoi then went inib cominittetl bf ' � .tQ8 tri6yed, in c Moths,' tho. exa.igeration ig not
.. I this ilniondmentwoula-roq'uiro 6 majority dron (Victoria), Carling, O&rofi. Chaon, Cougblin, L .� * . L � I .
. supply on the estimates an(! guPlj16m6a- of all names on the voters' list, no matter Coursol ,Currier Out bort, Daly,.Vaoust, Dow. NOT E YACTLY A. MoNosymAllm.-A corres. .his Card wave secured bylafr. 8 tgart'a ag Mine, . but tho,opoch's., , . I . I
. tary ostimates, bad passed the galfi& - � acm,Dobosmos, bosaulnieka, Dogjardins, Doull, for 415,000, and this ga'�o his business its . . .
. . . how many lion-vosidents, ,deceased clectOrs Dre%Ddans, Dumont, .Ulliott, Vorguson, Fitz. POaddnt writing tothe Philadelphia-Timos f,rst great inopdtl.1s.
. �
. . . I . . A V08811j,CLAIH. . I or other ibsentees.. 'There were also many shnong,Vortin,Girouard(Jac uoBC&rWor),Gralld- says: I I so$ that' tvcorre�pondant ill Tues. L I . . Mr. Edward MaDbnald, of ,Belleville, . .
' L
On tho' Haiti to pay mt. S, G. Moylah 4 repeaters, anawhen,amati-who hAd votes b6la, Hogagn, Halide, Jojiog4 Toiler, Kirkpatrick, daylgTintes�fiihifs Roareliforlong wordo, Can an 6atiwip.-houso hoopor be a gon ble- AshtoWn,- who had o6le. Charge oftho hunt-
rntL in 1�,,Iijy Aim
. Kraim. Lmugovin Darns, Little, Macdonald (Sit ,1a1j&,.1 seems -to bo the 'quo hig arrmogemonts of the ]impress, of 'Ar.6,
account for removal expopes in two or morwplaces, though lie might %'to jabu),'MoDoaala (Ilictou), M01 giVes frorn ItabelAis lalitiporicataparboug6d, 11
balance of Mi1jan, McCallum, i a 3: �d --W-
. . frond Toronto to Ottawa, 4300, Mr. Blake ,t V -the bill, might In McCarthy - amphieribtationes ' as a pretty long Word'L rt6hicil by tho recent olloctioli fokillo Staple- Austria whilo in Ireland, 11 9 ecolvo
in one place Ili favc .� MoCuaig, Mdnoug,611, McGreevy, Nft' L
,Ldnnar, McQuade, Malouln, Magson.Moknor, To all Ainorica�.it may seem so, but it ir, , Last'�,�ar &
I . � . � �mothot, mongowd% MoIltillais' ssi WoM C&I-no forwaid as 0, CAD V,mperov V rahels aoseph has can- -�' '
vsrulao,� Ill Qrtou, Patt"' illoro baby beside Ono used by the old Mr. . 0 o
askea for explabationg at this item 9,11 places where .110 L did not veto be p toll dg� Board, notLr Bristol, letter informing him that the
6 down against the bill.' If the Go I 'r
. I Tli in "
. . A Mr, McDonald (Notou , 0 non( 89ox), lorkal 0 - ibod
hall. membe' I supp,ostia th ""at"'11"b' 4vooks. On Pago 837 of Liddell &ScotVs diditt for 0100tion' * Ho wgs then aosed forked upon him - the Golden Cross for
r know as,muc about it as lie did not,throw their influence one way 0 Tope ( linens), ic i fret, keeper, and, only 267 r Movit with the Crown.1 Before the doeora-
. did himself, He then proceeded to explain the, other. with LroSpeat to this bill, which loau outhio , ' rt ' ., to Rob,""'an ... C', Greek -English lexicon your, r6aders 'may- ng aii eating-honso I I
f -wag a, Government measure thley woie Bon mi no , 11 a ( L 01 house. I find the word I huh I spelled thus , I Lepa- vojos; Wore recorded for him. This year lie tion could be presented to Mr. McDonald
W111111 -118,1a
. . that this item was in full paym6nt of Mri , I ol on I 1�, il 0,0, Im"A'Alpil Aced again, but,bting,desoribedvaagan- the ambassador proctirGa permission far
F er
Q it hey
it Ryke 's p
(d Wa a 0 k), W I
Xoyl&nls claim. for expenses lov. removing abdicating ihoir lundtio'ns ZI a most im. d a(Cardwe 'it . aotema6liosolacliog&leoE-o,niol'eipsttiiodrim - . doman, Obtained 609 vbtes, and -Was' elected'. - him to wear it, ]Wrs. McDonsild ai foit daya
. The bill ws, , lir time an "POO - uopotrimita,tosill)liiope,rttomoUtokatakecliiI '
from Toronto'to Ottawa in 1813. The hon. pbrtaub question., I ' I . , . I � menoltiolliepiltoss�dplioplittttoporisterslolttr. A protest has now boon entered gg&i�St his since received P, handsome breach from liar I
., gentleman bppoqito (Mr. Blako) had praoti. Mr. Plumb said that 'when members on . XNSPPCTIOX OF IMTROLHUU. 5s1yAI*Ijlp_, election on the ground of MisdO40iPtiOn Oil . ms,jesty. The pattern in that -of &'butter, '
cally, x6cog] , 'do of the Ilougo voted in fLwo The GovornmenVA measure .�amonding uonoptegltephaloldgldopoloi6lago( I
. alzod 1ir-Moylans Claim by this si r of I a . all so a $he voting papers. , I I fly with outstretched wings, the bodylboing
. paying him.. $200. . . resolution for a, temperance low they,wero the act respecting the inspbotion -of poira. hotragolio&rut=1 And it is giv , .
\ Mr. Blake said that Mrs Mdylan had in favor of small, but At did not follow that leum, passed through its final stages. - common word used by Ar. PUcl. 1,16D. If The Now York (IrApbio pliNitihea a plo. represontarl by a large minothyst, while the ,
I 0bootill;', of Do 71"onlig from wings are formed of diamouas got- in 11110st �
. aceapted that $2W aor payment in full avored in mbittarymemure like the �Tho House went into concurrence on tho th686 old Groo'ka had to 6all for as raudli. turd of the i , .,
\ of his Claim, and now thin additional claim I =Act, . supplementary estimates. Most of the hasilt a%* the average student doos At his ItologmPhio sk"tolloa I by 0. Iq (��-it. J'artist. gold, The hoaa is composed of A large -
,-d. Lvha 1, and, aid aftor standing for Mt Atkollthoughtthe amendment Was itemawerodon rroalkiwithoutdisoussioll, bO9;TdIng#h6a�O,JIley have our sinceropt -alla-bye thu draIqlic Nall gcL ,)�cturos diamond and tlic eyes thro' of bright
Al r . � . . . I ' . I Ili telephone. I omaralda,� , . .
ato. .1 .. I . .. A very roaso4ablo 0110. -14* I On the Ono granting Sir A. GrA 010,000 - s1iVpktLiol8.' .11.1-11 . , �
. . . . I I .. . . . _� - I . . - - . . . . 4 A . . . I
_____.__.______—____ . I � __.__---_.*__..__ � -1 - - . . -.___.__ �-.14.-".--,�-...,-�-.---..��.,;-- —.,--.----�---.-,.—�,-.�-.--..".-,�-�.,..-z------�.���---..�----.�-----�--,..-.-"--�-�.,--..-�
, .--..-. :
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. , . I . . . � . . . . . . . I . I . I � , . . I . I . . . 0 . I � " .. . . I .
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-) ,.- _I I.