HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-05-13, Page 5n ,. " , r --- -f— I -s-� . 1. I ! t __ __ .. ". ■ Tho rumour,ggwins currency that 'Mr. Hoo• THE (iR ,A.T FEUALE RF,,MEDY. �a _ . ._ ' per, itii. 1'. for ?,macs, W14 resion bia seat Harftaro a ' d S41ove apex within a few days, Ji Io�II. i•IF.lixollllOAL )' L1L>� o o7 7 7 " _,._.�,�_T -�--� - twenty t ya rs in he ownship of Gray, died but a sure and safo remedy far F °rnale Di1T. ' Y This wellknowu medicine is no im ositfion . as Friday, at Spriaghold, near ,�3t.'1`li°mss. cultiesand Obstructions, from anyoAusewbat-Thebigigig..�`+L�ltl There is gree# destitution in portions of aver;andalthough apowerfulremedy,t con- G•lalway country, Ireland, and it is. said that.tafusuothinghurtfultotheoonatitution. . hu edias-will perish unless food is supplied Itispecu,TO NABtedED LADIESltorttime ~ . , HARLANS ROS,-, CLINTON11 yIl CLOSING UP THE BUINFSS '"' —'¢ - - " of.the witnesses for the .defence at the trial Inlalloases o Iorvona an i S1ZinA1 rAoctionr),, Dr. AlcGratb, who was to have been one g yp y _-l.. --z,......"_.�._-.--__ ---- . E. BEG TO A.NNOUNCI TO OUR NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS of the Biddulph prisoners, died at Bothwell fain. a Ilio ht and Limbs, Heaviness, general b 'o -that-we h . tided lar el to our Atonic of :H AR QlP1�ARE on Wednesday. Fatigue on slight e><ertion, Palpitation of the Thea ,_ a��%��der 1.J the U.�, aWand the gen pit lz , eves g y . I --_ . , r l sc meter- heart, Systericst Szak $eadaohes,. �Vhitea, j+ ■ • U'• Uur stock consiete of &dtr i ce E. Da,vis,-theio 1 o.- . - - - . ..... _..., _ . - .'y. his. spring, xnd aro.prepaYed to sell at ,gllR'rQ) PfRiya. i traveller Who lied a wife at over ui- And ill the gaznfnl diseases 000asioned bs a _.,__ . disorderods stem these Fills willeffootaoure ..- - oortaut station on his'route, is now oil trial y > Polis Spades, Paints, cistern Pum s, Cutlery, u the Chicag Criminal: Court, Ten of when all ether ave means,ver been known THE STORE CRAMbTED FROM MORNING UNTIL NIGIIT, �YITR I'UR ' ! those fvives tris )resent at the trial, one A° Thee Pzlls.have never been known to fail CHASERS SECJURING THE BARGAINS THAT ARF; BEING GIVEN.— Looks,Shovels DiIS iron Sinus, Plated iN1lre, ho h art . i h townslii of Win.cl- where theclireotions on the and p tge of pAm. EVERYli.OD, .DECLARES THE•BARGAINS I AM OFFERING ASTONISHING', ! ,. . W m. e m z e . a t e p pblet, are well observed, ' Ilam, county of.Norfolk. , 1• Awl NOT. SURPRISED. AT THIS'UUTIIUILST OI+' WONDER, BECAUSE I. Hinges, Porkst Varnishes, dead Pipe, ' L8mhs, - a r Forfullpartinnlars,got apampblet,#roe,of AM SELLING elle prize light between Ilooke and•Dono- Agent, Giass, •._ Rakes, Machine Oils•, Oaths, .- Ply Traps, van, which was to have taken place on Long JOB MOSES,NEWTOR7�SOLE PRorRIF,TOR, . - Point on Tuesday, was prevented 1 tile t ue. $1.00 And I $; cents for p.ostago, enolosed to 0, 50 Black Dress STLXS, fur S1 per yarfl. _. prompt and determined action of t e a Northrop & Lyman Toronto, Ont.i general Oi- Putty, Hoes, @.rushes, - Brass Settles; Granite Iron Fare thorities do Norfolk county. The black nt p he amiriion will insii e a $1,25 Black Dress SIL.IK S -for. 90c: per yard guards were forbidden to land, afters great Age a ort D , r bottle • . Shelf Foods o6 all de5oriptlons, Ehornelled Kettles' . .a contafzingover 50pills byreturn mail, $1,3 Colored. Dress SILTS for 00c, per yard. . deal of bluster they steamed:'back to the Sold in Clinton by J. H. Combo and W. R. - r. , ' • American side. ' Watts, E, Hickson and F. Lumsden, Sea- 7Oc. Stripe and Check SILKS for 50c. per yard. And all articles usually kept in a. first-class Hardware Store, ti The to last Wednesday night, by a forthi J.1l:idd; Carronbrook;, Parker cit .Cattle o0c. Stull' Dress Gooel$ for 25c. p.er yard. " vette of 81 to 22, threw out the Boultbee and F; Jordan; Goderichl E. Cameron, Bay. Eave Trow lin 'and ZR�N ROOFING. S!' SpeCla,lty amendment to the. Scott 7`emFerauee Bill fielairae.Bontbron,nodgerpille:andailmedi. • 45c.. Stuff press Goods fol • 206, per, yard. • " ' '. g . - adopting the measure without the provison', oinedealers. Black CASHMERES ,for 60c. per yard. _ . which would leave virtual] rendered theOc' MILE{ PANS, PAILS, and all kinds of Tinware very low. BEST NO. l COAL 'OIL, y �' , ct inoperative. The'temperande people of . IOC. 'Colored' (.ASHMEBES for 50e. per yawl,^ °• Call and exan4nr, gals-an(t prices before purchasing elaewhere, Canada can return thanks that there was lj y . o . . ouch a thing as a Seaate in this.- instance,' 1860 SPRING. ..11 I. ; 2 Ct• Dress Goods for 1Gc, er. yard: 5 - although,as a generAl thing, it is avery use. ..20c. Dress Goods f.Or 121gc, per yard. • . . _ t �C RL AND $ROS:, legis body. , 10c. F t -Colored PRINTS for 8c: per yard.. • . 11 Oliuton, May 0, 18,QQ.. .... 9IG'I OF rHE pADVOCHi $I,tioTC BLOCH, AIL33EItT ST11EET. Mr. Allcentiead, V.S.,'perfot'rnefl a success- / �'1 !.� 3, .' i to and Bleached' LOTTO S for 10c. er I.' : . .. fill operation litst.Friday,on a shorthorn lost Seed 5, SeeUL , Q- 12� Factory . N n ye,. animal, The animal had been sold and was �20c.. LINEN HOLLAN7DS for 15c, per yard.: v, . _ _ .- _ driven by Mr. Ramsay, ilwanosh, to Gude- . Q �i 1Oc. LINEN TOWELLING for 5c. per yarfl: ..A....L S rich for delivery Ul)ot1 atrivinp there the a J . . -- .. .. .. , . . . . beast bloated lip to au abnormal, slze,frorn an _ : _ : 25,p.,_SHIRTING for 18 e per . ard. - UF— A -- - irccumnlatioil of`gases in'�the intestines •and t%L�VDti ,•IMOT$�, ....-�.. w1. . stomach.. jar, Akinhead made a puncture, . 2JC. DUCKS alii DENT]YIS: fol 20c. pet' yard. 04 ,:,Q� Ilio, gas f escaped; `lilt great force .much to.. AND EVDI;T CLASS'OP FIELD AND �1 tiVhite Dress. SHIRTS for 75e; each., . �. _ ,� �i.z S 0 1 the relief of the bov e. zt , �'S es ch. n- -•---- . - -. GA DEN SEEDt3I,.25 White Dress S'HTI� fori1 Exciting Scene. 1'! J. Colored Dress SZ3II TS for $1;25 each. e f9ARNESS, T'R1JNK�y VALs�iSsC0.� _1. ,, _ . A'•lart•,e-stalfofaslatantsnre emittnuoualy wnploycd , l $1..50 'Ladies:Buttoned P: •B:OOTS-for- �1`per pail --AT iti putting ap }Vllson's Compoundfiyrup of Wild Cherry .� dab e L{ orals RC1.Lkes f�� 7 �T� 1 1 . , the most popular of all remedies for tile, cure o1 oounlu, . . X O Shit$` Worsted CiJI�OrI CJ 11� VI idl e ! e�7 : G'r SUIt $7 colds, croup' whopping cough, bronohttis, catarrh, loss n., i i of voice, anti all ateoctiona ai' the throat, ]upgs mad ,- � 8 suits" 1VIEN S CLOTHING for .$14 per .lilt. bronchial tubes. The re,ppldlty ac uiicd b tttoHo con•. E. tEED 1+ Ir+ NC$` WIRE ja scantly engaged in Inindling bottl i Is most aston[shiri,�, s y7 ,S CL Or , . s 19 suits MEQ S (.LOTHTl�G.lor 'J 77��ererls ut.: _ and to an unaccustomed onlooker the groat wonder Is �dd r t,yq almost et erybottle is not broken . }Nilson'. Wild •L�4 5P � . Yf' p C lorry ie always made under the direct superi1s[on of FLOWS, �r5�' y t The subscriber having just received his. SPRING• and SUMh1ER •STOUR of. BOOTS air. Wilson, a4homistand driu-Ist"of ovarsixteenyears - • . , si, o OVERCOA'.FS for $0 each. . and SHOES, Wanda calk the attention, of 'intending purchasers to his well -assorted. .ezportonco. This great lame medicine as sora b •uq • . ; , i r s ' stock of both LADIES' GENTS,',' MISSES',.' CHILDRENS', in ; eat varieti'eb and leading druggists; uiid.should bo foniid lu ot�ery imuse... SHELF HARDWARr�. 10; 50 OVEROOA.I'S for $7. each.' at unusually hw, pricee, fiaving purchased 'before the raise in stock. e LADIES' BOS�T TETS,". half...�price. - ; U i�Y[l+;TO N .vii n tlx�> ITS . A LADIES and 'C,TTILDI�EN S . ]TATS,: half `price.. � '�r,,i Tei +g $ '�' E.i' T. . May "I , 1880. Paints, Qllsl :Glass; `+I . _ S Es.. Wheat, fall zed buslY, Sl l2 a.. l 15 O TSS; 'L , TRIMM . GS, Having. a vary large stock of First Class SINGLE' IIAl1NESS on'hand, rho%subsorib%r would , ,. - , . ' �I]j S at UlilouS. )T10ES.N direct especial attention thereto, Also DOUBLE HARNESS, both heavy and light: Being W . r , white,. 1: -12 a 1 .iG . , ..". ._: w- ORNA�ENTS, 1 �� , tVheat fall 1 i• made up Pram 'good stook, and by workmen, he can guarantee the sante. My Spiro,, Itedehiff, .... 1 10 -a 1 12 • .M; - , I. - . . SCO.TGJH COLLAl1S warranted to give entire satisfaco-ion; I ifs; i :l.$ a . 1 20 TR1UNKS and V ALISEf4-A very large assortment and very cheap. TRIINKS howl 76 cents up, Oats, r .0 34, R o 85•'.is if COME.., LOOK. SFE. DONT YOU'.FORGET I'T`: HI E from 40 cents a n b u A o m ver.the she to. let. Harley, 0 4v A U a(i St , It ,. , � 9' 1st and 2nd class S •NGL S,. bn ,o_, p... r o .4- p_ _ _ leas, ._-_•-:.-- ... _ U'Fi3-:_„��0.�,5,__ At once'is:tho best tit)ie to hay, because yen -get -rho •hest:.variety.-.-Th3..goodsara,..�.. L GOODS WARRANTED. JA91ID TWITCHFILL Victoria, Block; Flour, • . - G UO :•a - 0 511 . selling fast, a" the' news is-spieadingw so . come alone; At ones as the business' will , • . • . .` , S Potatoes; 0 ,4Q a .,Q 35 STREET, ,CLINTON,. • positively. .be closed' tip in o short' tinto.:, : THE. GREAT SALE IS NOW GOING __� _�. �__�r Butter, _ = : r U_I3 a ,0 14;P ON AT THE GREAT :777 .CLEA'P STORE, .Ol'POSLT.E'.'HF 113ARKET .. + .4°I.B . - .E s .0 `J..a'„ 0 10' ERT gg e1: sAv><R. .. GROUND, CLINTON.-...-.. ,. `1'�T ,I. 1J.L S Ilay, _ 7 0o a s. oo Chgtouil 161h 1880 1._.. ___._ ._.. ,.: vw . .:.:........ lin 'foo„a-, i.-5.°, - ,kiideps, • 0 % Shae ski ” i—' TEE • �. 5 u0 a o oci �E3.7C7-RICr2T Please call and. see Harper'sBAZAR PAT'T'ER,NS, �aef .. •' 5 5o'• a. C oo ..: L O0 K LOO K I'. .., Clower :::= 3 00 .a 3. 1U a v'; _ t�.+�on . : 25 cents for a full' suit. Also, a Choi -selection Timathv 10 a 3 2; AOGEST .ASD BET ASSORTMENT r1. I1. .�,*0 ... - -�- - .. .1. _ - S EAVURVIi 7NfABRET-14. • _Or_ ,. 0, L.. Iay"13, 1338 ' W14LL ��.1 P' R, 1V1/� hl t9�JW •:1�L9 AI°i�," Vic. Wheat—Fall • 112 a 1 75. . . r. .. • Spring - 110 a 1 12 ... C-, E .A fir. ,F; 1- . . . :' Oats • . 0,-34 -a 0 3e, . . A. __ �, W. H; . SIIPSQN, Boel�soller sail :Stati.oner: , ,roes 1.o v2 - a o -b3. . . Clhiton, Aprt1 1, .1660. , ....• .. . L ' Barley - 0. 4a a U as --(�� ; L . . ...- 0 35. . _ 4 ,•••-- -� .-v-," _,— �:. _ _,._. _ --- n,. _ I'otatoQa . • . 0.3U a - _._... _.... -^--. - - - - - _- . I :.. •. ' ' . Hay . 7. OU.._.a S UU G . �, S T A P, E.:,._ . _. Furniture'.Turtliture, Fr,-Urniture., 4jgS, .. 0 19 • a 0 14 . _ .... r:�n4. G a .� nn [ Tn be fio�lid in. the'. Goanty, rA 1 V C , . . R ..hide .. a - 7.Gi�_O..O.&�L .1_ ------- Flour, -rs AT ad o ' t - . .. It. �'. � . I ... �. I _ I . ..aro, o �c o... �_� �.. I.;.. s Qd .I D- •+-'. . . . . �Y1. a G 50 . a I . BRLAN s W,)].LR9 (thQ, gloat 1)ub11c- remedy? _ :. _ ..... .. 1 S,.tin � . HAVF oN HAND AT THE PREHANr TIBIE . .. • have new been in use orar twenty y°ais, hence, ffton- ,&. De��is ..Harness. - Sho1111, . _ . ' it oannot.bo• said that they, are oil trial.. _They r . The - r - _: • " ' • , i hstvo boenthorou'ghlyirled, and pronopuaod(on. - .. - _._o 1 he lar est and best solccted stool{ Stock -of FURNITURE ever on ezh�bltloil 111 this totii n,. the antlloilty oY those vvhosa:)ives and 1lealtll . they have preserved) to be a sure, harmless and Which they are prepared to sell 'at prices to suit -the .Vraes. The stook consists of eminently salutary preparation, and if taken in UA LL AND SEE THk RI: • f season' will invaxiablg oure colds, coughs, sore .. ' ` OWin to the'ilnhrovemelits auoue to he made in alar premises;.: . throat, uud all bronchial affections.. One .fair , OwNTox, Apri122 1880: . ' GAS, -EASY CHAIRS, tidal wilt couvinaa'tho most slreptioal. Sold by , j;re fist for Sale ,edit PARerOR i$i BEDR®OM SETS po��sliin tofuriiislitheirhonses will altntedtciulldealers,at_oeontepernox. N I. . And S. T,T� r (� T ' 1 save money by" gi in us a call; `Ve requisite in- the have .►Iso on Land a 1lirge supply of COFFINS, . NOT QUIT; SO.. '. .FO P. ;L� . w SOA . Dill o CASKETS, ROBES AND TRIMMINGS, of every. description.. Also,, a'..k'YRST-CLASS •i' It is ainrinr; the' most save o'and debased - ` i a a i1 a .o nPgr�ol lie. _,. ,: py,� �s �qa y� g,��/_ �+ . _ "._. _ .. nlloi.teli oh -3" -are,: re oretLto_furnish_at ver lowrates._, les_ nlythafxlu-a !W-I.tln_.--a.�f A_. _. - -- �I�d .�..R _ 6a9!�i ,9_�W �tll.i . _- �.���� .. - _H.EA.R..Es p . P y I. , .:'. , -. . horse hive beon neglected."hilt w° bolievo them ••b1.�A�5:I113 T:7. • . . - " ItE3IE3 BL:R TILE Pi.AC)Ct-litiiCK 131.OUll{, ALBERT �JT1tPAT, CLINTON.' : are many in civilizedconnitriosavheareguiltyo. • + the saute neglect, told without tile excuse. of the �. �_� I ----- fnrnner.;thlro'srilil }yai ilthoinsolvosoith�isp' " III !_ of tilldricO-w iei las conemorethananyt 'ng WATCHES, CLOCKS,.. � _ . Crom ton's Ceie,brated S oon Busk else lieretofoio known to improve the couaitiotl ®� • ;p , L . and iolieve the•-sfiffering of the horse. Those .� Np_ . . T AND U N R COSI ,. * • /< t lio.iv ill iiot ni itrvvlII lin the losorthi ii horses . L . L. he Sufferers: . o avoid both use, V ar; yu©don+ J'.E: AV E'L L:3E: R Y ' . . (D ��- ♦� n,�. -dit ou Powders arta Arrablan Ileavo Remedy,' yy r T. ,r v �� . .. .and, you tic ill Ue aatisttod with t to Tesult Re - CON S'IS.IINU O This is the Corset for comfort enol durability. ,miss, CR0127'TON. CC►}1•SETS, all sizes. tri°rubor trio came, :lira see that the sifinait� Lac. Albort I�J�ireet, •C�II� vTON ; EDGINGS + r " •�t� Hurd tri Co. is on each package. Nortbrolk y . . - . and REAL LA,CL �A splendid Btgc1t,of.G1IIIRGIDFfit1, Lkwzis,.'man,'roioilto,Ont.+irroprieCoraforCanada.:5old '• . '. . by a l,medicine dealers. . '-o' CHECKS, and PLAIN D'IUSLINS. IRISD: LINEN.' WilITI ,TURIfiSII TERRY- for ld(11PR "''� • , , o Wo have jest added to oar stook,a Hue, lot of . , f,. . • 'a' T�NEED R�AI�i�-J�i—TS=B A1�1 I TS = NOY7_1�.1.: I childielz_s u__ _ CASH'SIEREs, LUST1tES andr, FAi��tillt s: tSATINS.: •bar est cl: i. 161 .vnat.tho Clergy tiny. . Of PRINTS in h0wdet atterfis, HOLLAND., TowFLLIN_Gfs and TABLE LINENs. VIOLIN aid GUITAR : STRINGR. DRESS , azo Vis, BLAC:K rUSTR s, Win Ys; , COTTON and �UOOLLEN. SliIli'1'INCtS. FEATIiFlt ntifi �T1;Aw TI(litfNGS'.: FR1-,. , s, . • itay.•It. 11, 0rilig, Prinecton, N r., se,yya :..L t sum• . roar' ween I wile iii Canada, I naught a Ua$ cold in my q• BUTTONS and DRESS TRIb1111xNGS. 1 OSIFRY. and ITADrUDASkEfty. ; FAX ,itis.' • throat. It b'ename so bad that often Iu the middle of n . ^p• tl;•;7i•i�� �Y 7� � � e . . . .' my sermbu my-thrbat and tongull would become so dry. . . EN QU�,.L D, SHIRTI1.V CC`S, TIC •-;:1. I,conld huidly speak. illy. ton;ua was covered with n . t C . xZ�xx�cx' axed ax�tZ De • artxne.. CAsMER oL , white, parched ornst, pad lnY.throat was much fuilam• �. " .; y� �,,, „7 r ,a,' An old iml of m coil rogation aaviped mo•'to'ueo /� � - tho Shoshoncae Remedy, which she was theivusing. ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK, GS, S, . I�1' ,.GREY '.A:ND BLEACHED, COTTON The first doss relicred me, and in n fmv days my throat _ . • a . HATS AND BONNI.ITS In the newest shapes;. RILBONs. AND SILKS111A110 newest* y Cfi$ton Oot:2.187'9• -, • � w•ns nearly wan. I dixuoutinnod thn ase .,fit, bit m � , , . • . •,-. ,.y 'GLOVES Y.•��• 'p " designs. FFATHEIIS, FLOWERS, VELVETS, and S,&T1Ns, „XIAT8 and BONNrTS Btll'f throat notbaiugentirelywell, became worse again. I1. �j 1 I' E tJl' �, GLOV.LI S S L7I1►,TS triode over in the newest shapes.. 14f ANTE C S.lrlarle. to artier; in mood style:: proearod anothoi supply, and I am happy. to srly that �'LI,I.i %" . , . a . , my throat is ontiroly v'rall, and the.whrto'c ust has on. . . ' tiroly-disappeared," I wish that every minister who w . BUTT.ER, and EGGS takezi 1T1 a chair a for Goods.[N11'.V. • g shffora from eoro throat, would try thaGreat $hoslto•, , . , . �.�'D ,.1�RA�'ERS; L�3:L�:TS'; :A'�i'D • O:�:PS BC�QTS .. . The subscriber, while thanirinf; h(lr many friends for their vYr ' l Ueral su fort, nee.Itemedy.' TINl' . ' v' Pl Rev, O. W. Grout; Stirl[ng,Out., says: l?r9. Cdegrge: 7111t1w1pI . Since she cominenced'buSinesO, hopes by steiot' attention and k.00ping :i. g6,oa stock Francis was severely aill1q.ted with Kidney disease, and � I -��• ��ii ��pp� it��,�� 'to OOntinile to 1'eeOi. .their ftL�OfS. had lieen.uudor rho eato.of threephysid,tusWitherrt @ � ,��t QEtJ, CX,Ciy &C. .n drrtys' ��Y��}f•Q� �` oeiiir ¢jy� r h v �('� •@7,p', '• any b6SO kind result, rile has sine talon fAr VoWen� - - " iYi.Y�1.f�a'..fi.YE�E.JSLE ]L , i7 AM1..r' $ 6/.Z.A..d,(,SA. ST ,h"t EE 8,, � - of tido r�hoshonnaN liytnciiy, and new enjoys tile. beat .of w• I .' .. .. � � . ' L'ilmon, &br20,1880. health. .;. ..„.,.,_, . ?s • . . Rehr T. C., -Wopa, Brooklyn, Ont., Hayti:. 1+iY vita .,, , i l t a . - XX . _.. _._ ---_...... _..._.._._. _ .was vorY lots with lnnh disease, and gitwri np by heti «a l0 ti,r r yl . .. _..._ . phylniau.. Thought it bottle of the S) osbortt-9 :te• �•S,` ?;}t r + t+t g .ttii i, .?,'S; . US modY, and rtt the and of two days Hhn las mash r,:.. r: "' I. °' . •:rt 'I+;•t ,r', f t \.I, •.r4 w r • DY nontiuuing rho remedy, she w.rs• fmifco ly i . • , , ,`•.:• •:r .' Y � "i:'ti ti'rY i 'j'' y'.1 T ® TQ The. `whole stock•vll' b so1drithou�eser�re at a._J j' N C C ]. V r Prise o[ tiro Idomedyin hint bettlHn, ,vlt pills, @ii c + . o r t r r ) �w tt ! ,x u 1 i' , ir: . a box. Sold by all madfcdno dealers...I. I,..o M �':- ,xjrry yi . „ s , -1r;..j;qT�. t = _ sLich prices that c,i�aot fail to lie apprecartdr:. .. J . safinns t rcau6ed byy dyrgnop ie,, or ayo this liervoliq,ind , . A qx'5, 11 �, r' tvitnit, should, use tl,a standard tonne Nortbroh .f. Ly .." r'�"' tie �, rx,r. ''t�- w . o mnu'H 2uiubie \Vino, Thoy. will Hrid it narnodhln nod K++1fIE t3U$801i[Si1iRItIu(iS 1,11Aj L•' TO STA]] • jJ/,dam . bc.2,lT Itentlabosl.lr'o'blocAby doing-dil;estton .S4 toCliopublicthatholteepseonkantlyonhand . W►,'J� 1,�pESIRP�; to intimato to the people of Clinton and vicinity, that havilig jAu•chased the ioia astiimilationl„soot lies and invfgoratcu the nervous • it largo andsnperiorq .sof A. • D Gro°ory nasi Provision Tiusini�.ns formerly oaf'rierf on by Stir, A. I'. ILOS8' he•11ns syHtam,anttilnpanf.s.u:,wtlthfnl uppotiLa. lvhmr nand 1i as a i•eniedY far biliocr+ tn+[ rnterm,ttentdotrer, it p!'a• �y :� •� �.f P , r ,'- i 5 « r + . ,q. ids thereto a fresh an;l w°ll•scrleate(l stock (it . ., , duces tho hart teat to>.,,1tH, if takCnbt,twr:t'ntboatt,toi, L,011"IryI I� � C I� F�"JI� I xTt�9 r'.' �' , z . It, Iiia tion 1ndebtC II t0 f ll(. !il)o1.e ll1 0l el (liiU 1e, is . d Convntesaeuc, is haaC„ ed anduptimatydocayef the ) t'rv. 'i , , T , r ,, , -11 fid 1 �`�! .Il,hyHfgrwnrn,tr:onatilnti„nianrrgudo,liiyrt. Tl,o spin• •---Asv , C,ontit, .01 Notes Nvill be expected t0 lay up 1 % x :,.�i-..A .itiinnH constituent, sh ;rr, wine, It of lino b^st gnnllty, . and the aromatics comi,1poil withlt,,r, idors its il;tvnr. Coffin Trimmings .`-::, d - cibes) W1t1iO111 (lelilV. Sitcil AS additiarn•lly ph ar 'Int. 1'hoy villa 1%50 it (r .i i ,ni. r rlis Olhiton Nov., 197;1. '' ' 6 r r �. s ry My at ry -. Wold ns Htraaq,dt, arra it exerts a ah, a Ing in+iar-pea up- r A � �..g ! ^ `1 I9 �� r, oil tfie,udn,I. It l,rotnr,!eii dltnattliy sa(:rotl•m r,td fl,w tV1th a aplen'llitT ;SRS;;.. ilr.diN Oorrm ways - -*s+ + * +r ^r' r:”,±nrsr,le"u+ab°soemmee,�rnasa�r _ . AL90, A fidtitiLC1” A?SUltJ"III;NT f)1•` orbita,v„tt,ti,lrel:.,so,zn,irrkalnritN,iu tl(osctir,uofthe' i on hall ,1'artioacanbe Hupplicd in ore hours - r _. . bnwol,t. It all 61111 l,v nsmt 3t tiny bn t,il,en without any time, at )I Ilei m,o ��. Ij,r0h,at1k I.nf unj• til r o rust S,y ,penicin of the �y^n-�, r�- i�t-�y ,�i� ex• f�^t� ���1. House a��c� Lot for Haile 4,JJGL "T-.; � 40.11f-'ir f JIL'sa, 1C A. C 'H.a'4- 1--j A-'' t"' �V.� 14 P /� deliaavo •a •nstirution, A lair lrin1 is all tUnt iH noedcd, C .V+"hT 3'r.'J .3 ' y'�' T � :i1 ''389 to pprovn the gemritiaee of Its rinfrna n;udille r 611 lilmloo i..I., i -y 3•... Ie, �..1:'T t 1 ( IN I4C1I,:41}.�1 i II,l,I� . TIE \ViLL ATM) X1.11HP O:a f111ND A 6000 itJi'PIrY OF nml't+,tt•r.triltiloftlrr',fnncrel vsrdlntin 10 b6baif. Tlranewbel,roenredntanyathorplaaoI MUTUR F'If1E.199U1�RANCE Wollll t1UIf •:•.--• _ - ( Nn arlielaH t,f' its cinuH enrrrmends ltsolf ac sfrengly ,t.{ ,__.-_;�,`..:- n1mg nndcrr,fgntd affm% far sato, in :*,a VillnBa..bt . HAMS, •a'8PI�°ED n.,o ,G, �f I�+�'�.�I�It"e�a.�'ii �l¢kGONI tocnzveuvirrvat!,lsrvhove(juhrobultAIng to-noneia -t.. full ' P 3 � TROS' 4;4 LII.. A.N. .il.�y I"r, •N T I .l• 7Inh.tavvillr. p rlunrtor•no.a tat, nn w Mfah i t erected so v.::•I[ n•tapted t(z fortitr• tint syr,:nrn Against tho dap•, llitlt a i? tQel ©f 1i 1a�M'l� U- " y z I u CnnOi ata Ifau o, Wtth frnrrin addition, anti• fznma L 11 I IRST CIrAf3S LAT D iu pails or Cribs, or by t1lC lir„ t0 Aiiii 1)urCliasers. All :�Ira(s incl Car,• ';!1101. lhrealcu thn ilabilitatr.l. Te 42}onld unb be ltinehrunrth Sirnlr, di• tilig Wilted arul t SnUle. 2'ho house Lard warrantedfirst•eltmi. All'ftileabovnitci:l rror,reiltosel atbott ru riiesfor cai,li.•' r.ilat •.o•;fa•atru•re,,:tftrtnlantefnppotita,which many Slvvn nOilbawl, GlAlti,tyQ'xI, tD`�'f.;1r:ursov,rtrornrsard,vifrir,antlMotot ill docked with p .. p r 1 T. t , . o p,. „ a,a•• nt ,it mi n,:!inplynr.i. Ttrnratzalatnrthns;;mm�ch y , ; ebr,lml,nif trcos.nudtbninuareonvenlonees. 1Cillbo Ile will still continue as lnanal;oi of the 1+tirniture 5toro for llvoadfoot ti. bo,., where ha ig r t • • nrl:rflrm,tielror Pitlt '!:?l('JKi. S"d'k VLNSOI7. T nrntors wishinff to iusnrc will rin,i tlr!s Gonv ar'y , Null Atfiettlntsoua , + that i, . ant 1 i . , pOrinrm it vat l sold err vrrY rrnsniiablr tartan, p p prepared to sell as eLOap a5'ariy hal[8e tvc:st of I'uts)i).c. reaul.u'[rSi•r;d and Its f.rnotonl) ihorrinnb CG:,�. ,,1av10,t$7",. onnoftlrelrostanti ebaai.FR', ,e fnrin• l:t,,pnt1 will iia: rdlcatir:n to A t,TALI, ii LN.til3&IFI�(!1,1,V SO'i,ti'1'Cidlf. lintl•rnsnl't, AskfrrthellovininoWine of Nortl,r„p �..ss wnited�nnttheirLon,: fnfort 0:+inub, souttothn. 1:lhil + [:;P'fICliNill'r ' OilntOn, S OI,. 12,18$7. r I.I testi.” n?d by alldtitg fists. A Aticnta o@100 fY l iiidu:r.vtUn, Feb. 19,1$80. G , i : i yraLM-flE 1."4 .: t.!J-A ,e;f:7%'w3rI,wmb3m,RNtl7 -ft4ml o1,mnwiAtis • _ , ' . . _ u.. _...- _ . . + . r . . a . . % v j ,• I. . � I • • q1 . , h -. . n ,. " , r --- -f— I -s-� . 1. I ! t __ __ .. ". ■ Tho rumour,ggwins currency that 'Mr. Hoo• THE (iR ,A.T FEUALE RF,,MEDY. �a _ . ._ ' per, itii. 1'. for ?,macs, W14 resion bia seat Harftaro a ' d S41ove apex within a few days, Ji Io�II. i•IF.lixollllOAL )' L1L>� o o7 7 7 " _,._.�,�_T -�--� - twenty t ya rs in he ownship of Gray, died but a sure and safo remedy far F °rnale Di1T. ' Y This wellknowu medicine is no im ositfion . as Friday, at Spriaghold, near ,�3t.'1`li°mss. cultiesand Obstructions, from anyoAusewbat-Thebigigig..�`+L�ltl There is gree# destitution in portions of aver;andalthough apowerfulremedy,t con- G•lalway country, Ireland, and it is. said that.tafusuothinghurtfultotheoonatitution. . hu edias-will perish unless food is supplied Itispecu,TO NABtedED LADIESltorttime ~ . , HARLANS ROS,-, CLINTON11 yIl CLOSING UP THE BUINFSS '"' —'¢ - - " of.the witnesses for the .defence at the trial Inlalloases o Iorvona an i S1ZinA1 rAoctionr),, Dr. AlcGratb, who was to have been one g yp y _-l.. --z,......"_.�._-.--__ ---- . E. BEG TO A.NNOUNCI TO OUR NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS of the Biddulph prisoners, died at Bothwell fain. a Ilio ht and Limbs, Heaviness, general b 'o -that-we h . tided lar el to our Atonic of :H AR QlP1�ARE on Wednesday. Fatigue on slight e><ertion, Palpitation of the Thea ,_ a��%��der 1.J the U.�, aWand the gen pit lz , eves g y . I --_ . , r l sc meter- heart, Systericst Szak $eadaohes,. �Vhitea, j+ ■ • U'• Uur stock consiete of &dtr i ce E. Da,vis,-theio 1 o.- . - - - . ..... _..., _ . - .'y. his. spring, xnd aro.prepaYed to sell at ,gllR'rQ) PfRiya. i traveller Who lied a wife at over ui- And ill the gaznfnl diseases 000asioned bs a _.,__ . disorderods stem these Fills willeffootaoure ..- - oortaut station on his'route, is now oil trial y > Polis Spades, Paints, cistern Pum s, Cutlery, u the Chicag Criminal: Court, Ten of when all ether ave means,ver been known THE STORE CRAMbTED FROM MORNING UNTIL NIGIIT, �YITR I'UR ' ! those fvives tris )resent at the trial, one A° Thee Pzlls.have never been known to fail CHASERS SECJURING THE BARGAINS THAT ARF; BEING GIVEN.— Looks,Shovels DiIS iron Sinus, Plated iN1lre, ho h art . i h townslii of Win.cl- where theclireotions on the and p tge of pAm. EVERYli.OD, .DECLARES THE•BARGAINS I AM OFFERING ASTONISHING', ! ,. . W m. e m z e . a t e p pblet, are well observed, ' Ilam, county of.Norfolk. , 1• Awl NOT. SURPRISED. AT THIS'UUTIIUILST OI+' WONDER, BECAUSE I. Hinges, Porkst Varnishes, dead Pipe, ' L8mhs, - a r Forfullpartinnlars,got apampblet,#roe,of AM SELLING elle prize light between Ilooke and•Dono- Agent, Giass, •._ Rakes, Machine Oils•, Oaths, .- Ply Traps, van, which was to have taken place on Long JOB MOSES,NEWTOR7�SOLE PRorRIF,TOR, . - Point on Tuesday, was prevented 1 tile t ue. $1.00 And I $; cents for p.ostago, enolosed to 0, 50 Black Dress STLXS, fur S1 per yarfl. _. prompt and determined action of t e a Northrop & Lyman Toronto, Ont.i general Oi- Putty, Hoes, @.rushes, - Brass Settles; Granite Iron Fare thorities do Norfolk county. The black nt p he amiriion will insii e a $1,25 Black Dress SIL.IK S -for. 90c: per yard guards were forbidden to land, afters great Age a ort D , r bottle • . Shelf Foods o6 all de5oriptlons, Ehornelled Kettles' . .a contafzingover 50pills byreturn mail, $1,3 Colored. Dress SILTS for 00c, per yard. . deal of bluster they steamed:'back to the Sold in Clinton by J. H. Combo and W. R. - r. , ' • American side. ' Watts, E, Hickson and F. Lumsden, Sea- 7Oc. Stripe and Check SILKS for 50c. per yard. And all articles usually kept in a. first-class Hardware Store, ti The to last Wednesday night, by a forthi J.1l:idd; Carronbrook;, Parker cit .Cattle o0c. Stull' Dress Gooel$ for 25c. p.er yard. " vette of 81 to 22, threw out the Boultbee and F; Jordan; Goderichl E. Cameron, Bay. Eave Trow lin 'and ZR�N ROOFING. S!' SpeCla,lty amendment to the. Scott 7`emFerauee Bill fielairae.Bontbron,nodgerpille:andailmedi. • 45c.. Stuff press Goods fol • 206, per, yard. • " ' '. g . - adopting the measure without the provison', oinedealers. Black CASHMERES ,for 60c. per yard. _ . which would leave virtual] rendered theOc' MILE{ PANS, PAILS, and all kinds of Tinware very low. BEST NO. l COAL 'OIL, y �' , ct inoperative. The'temperande people of . IOC. 'Colored' (.ASHMEBES for 50e. per yawl,^ °• Call and exan4nr, gals-an(t prices before purchasing elaewhere, Canada can return thanks that there was lj y . o . . ouch a thing as a Seaate in this.- instance,' 1860 SPRING. ..11 I. ; 2 Ct• Dress Goods for 1Gc, er. yard: 5 - although,as a generAl thing, it is avery use. ..20c. Dress Goods f.Or 121gc, per yard. • . . _ t �C RL AND $ROS:, legis body. , 10c. F t -Colored PRINTS for 8c: per yard.. • . 11 Oliuton, May 0, 18,QQ.. .... 9IG'I OF rHE pADVOCHi $I,tioTC BLOCH, AIL33EItT ST11EET. Mr. Allcentiead, V.S.,'perfot'rnefl a success- / �'1 !.� 3, .' i to and Bleached' LOTTO S for 10c. er I.' : . .. fill operation litst.Friday,on a shorthorn lost Seed 5, SeeUL , Q- 12� Factory . N n ye,. animal, The animal had been sold and was �20c.. LINEN HOLLAN7DS for 15c, per yard.: v, . _ _ .- _ driven by Mr. Ramsay, ilwanosh, to Gude- . Q �i 1Oc. LINEN TOWELLING for 5c. per yarfl: ..A....L S rich for delivery Ul)ot1 atrivinp there the a J . . -- .. .. .. , . . . . beast bloated lip to au abnormal, slze,frorn an _ : _ : 25,p.,_SHIRTING for 18 e per . ard. - UF— A -- - irccumnlatioil of`gases in'�the intestines •and t%L�VDti ,•IMOT$�, ....-�.. w1. . stomach.. jar, Akinhead made a puncture, . 2JC. DUCKS alii DENT]YIS: fol 20c. pet' yard. 04 ,:,Q� Ilio, gas f escaped; `lilt great force .much to.. AND EVDI;T CLASS'OP FIELD AND �1 tiVhite Dress. SHIRTS for 75e; each., . �. _ ,� �i.z S 0 1 the relief of the bov e. zt , �'S es ch. n- -•---- . - -. GA DEN SEEDt3I,.25 White Dress S'HTI� fori1 Exciting Scene. 1'! J. Colored Dress SZ3II TS for $1;25 each. e f9ARNESS, T'R1JNK�y VALs�iSsC0.� _1. ,, _ . A'•lart•,e-stalfofaslatantsnre emittnuoualy wnploycd , l $1..50 'Ladies:Buttoned P: •B:OOTS-for- �1`per pail --AT iti putting ap }Vllson's Compoundfiyrup of Wild Cherry .� dab e L{ orals RC1.Lkes f�� 7 �T� 1 1 . , the most popular of all remedies for tile, cure o1 oounlu, . . X O Shit$` Worsted CiJI�OrI CJ 11� VI idl e ! e�7 : G'r SUIt $7 colds, croup' whopping cough, bronohttis, catarrh, loss n., i i of voice, anti all ateoctiona ai' the throat, ]upgs mad ,- � 8 suits" 1VIEN S CLOTHING for .$14 per .lilt. bronchial tubes. The re,ppldlty ac uiicd b tttoHo con•. E. tEED 1+ Ir+ NC$` WIRE ja scantly engaged in Inindling bottl i Is most aston[shiri,�, s y7 ,S CL Or , . s 19 suits MEQ S (.LOTHTl�G.lor 'J 77��ererls ut.: _ and to an unaccustomed onlooker the groat wonder Is �dd r t,yq almost et erybottle is not broken . }Nilson'. Wild •L�4 5P � . Yf' p C lorry ie always made under the direct superi1s[on of FLOWS, �r5�' y t The subscriber having just received his. SPRING• and SUMh1ER •STOUR of. BOOTS air. Wilson, a4homistand driu-Ist"of ovarsixteenyears - • . , si, o OVERCOA'.FS for $0 each. . and SHOES, Wanda calk the attention, of 'intending purchasers to his well -assorted. .ezportonco. This great lame medicine as sora b •uq • . ; , i r s ' stock of both LADIES' GENTS,',' MISSES',.' CHILDRENS', in ; eat varieti'eb and leading druggists; uiid.should bo foniid lu ot�ery imuse... SHELF HARDWARr�. 10; 50 OVEROOA.I'S for $7. each.' at unusually hw, pricee, fiaving purchased 'before the raise in stock. e LADIES' BOS�T TETS,". half...�price. - ; U i�Y[l+;TO N .vii n tlx�> ITS . A LADIES and 'C,TTILDI�EN S . ]TATS,: half `price.. � '�r,,i Tei +g $ '�' E.i' T. . May "I , 1880. Paints, Qllsl :Glass; `+I . _ S Es.. Wheat, fall zed buslY, Sl l2 a.. l 15 O TSS; 'L , TRIMM . GS, Having. a vary large stock of First Class SINGLE' IIAl1NESS on'hand, rho%subsorib%r would , ,. - , . ' �I]j S at UlilouS. )T10ES.N direct especial attention thereto, Also DOUBLE HARNESS, both heavy and light: Being W . r , white,. 1: -12 a 1 .iG . , ..". ._: w- ORNA�ENTS, 1 �� , tVheat fall 1 i• made up Pram 'good stook, and by workmen, he can guarantee the sante. My Spiro,, Itedehiff, .... 1 10 -a 1 12 • .M; - , I. - . . SCO.TGJH COLLAl1S warranted to give entire satisfaco-ion; I ifs; i :l.$ a . 1 20 TR1UNKS and V ALISEf4-A very large assortment and very cheap. TRIINKS howl 76 cents up, Oats, r .0 34, R o 85•'.is if COME.., LOOK. SFE. DONT YOU'.FORGET I'T`: HI E from 40 cents a n b u A o m ver.the she to. let. Harley, 0 4v A U a(i St , It ,. , � 9' 1st and 2nd class S •NGL S,. bn ,o_, p... r o .4- p_ _ _ leas, ._-_•-:.-- ... _ U'Fi3-:_„��0.�,5,__ At once'is:tho best tit)ie to hay, because yen -get -rho •hest:.variety.-.-Th3..goodsara,..�.. L GOODS WARRANTED. JA91ID TWITCHFILL Victoria, Block; Flour, • . - G UO :•a - 0 511 . selling fast, a" the' news is-spieadingw so . come alone; At ones as the business' will , • . • . .` , S Potatoes; 0 ,4Q a .,Q 35 STREET, ,CLINTON,. • positively. .be closed' tip in o short' tinto.:, : THE. GREAT SALE IS NOW GOING __� _�. �__�r Butter, _ = : r U_I3 a ,0 14;P ON AT THE GREAT :777 .CLEA'P STORE, .Ol'POSLT.E'.'HF 113ARKET .. + .4°I.B . - .E s .0 `J..a'„ 0 10' ERT gg e1: sAv><R. .. GROUND, CLINTON.-...-.. ,. `1'�T ,I. 1J.L S Ilay, _ 7 0o a s. oo Chgtouil 161h 1880 1._.. ___._ ._.. ,.: vw . .:.:........ lin 'foo„a-, i.-5.°, - ,kiideps, • 0 % Shae ski ” i—' TEE • �. 5 u0 a o oci �E3.7C7-RICr2T Please call and. see Harper'sBAZAR PAT'T'ER,NS, �aef .. •' 5 5o'• a. C oo ..: L O0 K LOO K I'. .., Clower :::= 3 00 .a 3. 1U a v'; _ t�.+�on . : 25 cents for a full' suit. Also, a Choi -selection Timathv 10 a 3 2; AOGEST .ASD BET ASSORTMENT r1. I1. .�,*0 ... - -�- - .. .1. _ - S EAVURVIi 7NfABRET-14. • _Or_ ,. 0, L.. Iay"13, 1338 ' W14LL ��.1 P' R, 1V1/� hl t9�JW •:1�L9 AI°i�," Vic. Wheat—Fall • 112 a 1 75. . . r. .. • Spring - 110 a 1 12 ... C-, E .A fir. ,F; 1- . . . :' Oats • . 0,-34 -a 0 3e, . . A. __ �, W. H; . SIIPSQN, Boel�soller sail :Stati.oner: , ,roes 1.o v2 - a o -b3. . . Clhiton, Aprt1 1, .1660. , ....• .. . L ' Barley - 0. 4a a U as --(�� ; L . . ...- 0 35. . _ 4 ,•••-- -� .-v-," _,— �:. _ _,._. _ --- n,. _ I'otatoQa . • . 0.3U a - _._... _.... -^--. - - - - - _- . I :.. •. ' ' . Hay . 7. OU.._.a S UU G . �, S T A P, E.:,._ . _. Furniture'.Turtliture, Fr,-Urniture., 4jgS, .. 0 19 • a 0 14 . _ .... r:�n4. G a .� nn [ Tn be fio�lid in. the'. Goanty, rA 1 V C , . . R ..hide .. a - 7.Gi�_O..O.&�L .1_ ------- Flour, -rs AT ad o ' t - . .. It. �'. � . I ... �. I _ I . ..aro, o �c o... �_� �.. I.;.. s Qd .I D- •+-'. . . . . �Y1. a G 50 . a I . BRLAN s W,)].LR9 (thQ, gloat 1)ub11c- remedy? _ :. _ ..... .. 1 S,.tin � . HAVF oN HAND AT THE PREHANr TIBIE . .. • have new been in use orar twenty y°ais, hence, ffton- ,&. De��is ..Harness. - Sho1111, . _ . ' it oannot.bo• said that they, are oil trial.. _They r . The - r - _: • " ' • , i hstvo boenthorou'ghlyirled, and pronopuaod(on. - .. - _._o 1 he lar est and best solccted stool{ Stock -of FURNITURE ever on ezh�bltloil 111 this totii n,. the antlloilty oY those vvhosa:)ives and 1lealtll . they have preserved) to be a sure, harmless and Which they are prepared to sell 'at prices to suit -the .Vraes. The stook consists of eminently salutary preparation, and if taken in UA LL AND SEE THk RI: • f season' will invaxiablg oure colds, coughs, sore .. ' ` OWin to the'ilnhrovemelits auoue to he made in alar premises;.: . throat, uud all bronchial affections.. One .fair , OwNTox, Apri122 1880: . ' GAS, -EASY CHAIRS, tidal wilt couvinaa'tho most slreptioal. Sold by , j;re fist for Sale ,edit PARerOR i$i BEDR®OM SETS po��sliin tofuriiislitheirhonses will altntedtciulldealers,at_oeontepernox. N I. . And S. T,T� r (� T ' 1 save money by" gi in us a call; `Ve requisite in- the have .►Iso on Land a 1lirge supply of COFFINS, . NOT QUIT; SO.. '. .FO P. ;L� . w SOA . Dill o CASKETS, ROBES AND TRIMMINGS, of every. description.. Also,, a'..k'YRST-CLASS •i' It is ainrinr; the' most save o'and debased - ` i a a i1 a .o nPgr�ol lie. _,. ,: py,� �s �qa y� g,��/_ �+ . _ "._. _ .. nlloi.teli oh -3" -are,: re oretLto_furnish_at ver lowrates._, les_ nlythafxlu-a !W-I.tln_.--a.�f A_. _. - -- �I�d .�..R _ 6a9!�i ,9_�W �tll.i . _- �.���� .. - _H.EA.R..Es p . P y I. , .:'. , -. . horse hive beon neglected."hilt w° bolievo them ••b1.�A�5:I113 T:7. • . . - " ItE3IE3 BL:R TILE Pi.AC)Ct-litiiCK 131.OUll{, ALBERT �JT1tPAT, CLINTON.' : are many in civilizedconnitriosavheareguiltyo. • + the saute neglect, told without tile excuse. of the �. �_� I ----- fnrnner.;thlro'srilil }yai ilthoinsolvosoith�isp' " III !_ of tilldricO-w iei las conemorethananyt 'ng WATCHES, CLOCKS,.. � _ . Crom ton's Ceie,brated S oon Busk else lieretofoio known to improve the couaitiotl ®� • ;p , L . and iolieve the•-sfiffering of the horse. Those .� Np_ . . T AND U N R COSI ,. * • /< t lio.iv ill iiot ni itrvvlII lin the losorthi ii horses . L . L. he Sufferers: . o avoid both use, V ar; yu©don+ J'.E: AV E'L L:3E: R Y ' . . (D ��- ♦� n,�. -dit ou Powders arta Arrablan Ileavo Remedy,' yy r T. ,r v �� . .. .and, you tic ill Ue aatisttod with t to Tesult Re - CON S'IS.IINU O This is the Corset for comfort enol durability. ,miss, CR0127'TON. CC►}1•SETS, all sizes. tri°rubor trio came, :lira see that the sifinait� Lac. Albort I�J�ireet, •C�II� vTON ; EDGINGS + r " •�t� Hurd tri Co. is on each package. Nortbrolk y . . - . and REAL LA,CL �A splendid Btgc1t,of.G1IIIRGIDFfit1, Lkwzis,.'man,'roioilto,Ont.+irroprieCoraforCanada.:5old '• . '. . by a l,medicine dealers. . '-o' CHECKS, and PLAIN D'IUSLINS. IRISD: LINEN.' WilITI ,TURIfiSII TERRY- for ld(11PR "''� • , , o Wo have jest added to oar stook,a Hue, lot of . , f,. . • 'a' T�NEED R�AI�i�-J�i—TS=B A1�1 I TS = NOY7_1�.1.: I childielz_s u__ _ CASH'SIEREs, LUST1tES andr, FAi��tillt s: tSATINS.: •bar est cl: i. 161 .vnat.tho Clergy tiny. . Of PRINTS in h0wdet atterfis, HOLLAND., TowFLLIN_Gfs and TABLE LINENs. VIOLIN aid GUITAR : STRINGR. DRESS , azo Vis, BLAC:K rUSTR s, Win Ys; , COTTON and �UOOLLEN. SliIli'1'INCtS. FEATIiFlt ntifi �T1;Aw TI(litfNGS'.: FR1-,. , s, . • itay.•It. 11, 0rilig, Prinecton, N r., se,yya :..L t sum• . roar' ween I wile iii Canada, I naught a Ua$ cold in my q• BUTTONS and DRESS TRIb1111xNGS. 1 OSIFRY. and ITADrUDASkEfty. ; FAX ,itis.' • throat. It b'ename so bad that often Iu the middle of n . ^p• tl;•;7i•i�� �Y 7� � � e . . . .' my sermbu my-thrbat and tongull would become so dry. . . EN QU�,.L D, SHIRTI1.V CC`S, TIC •-;:1. I,conld huidly speak. illy. ton;ua was covered with n . t C . xZ�xx�cx' axed ax�tZ De • artxne.. CAsMER oL , white, parched ornst, pad lnY.throat was much fuilam• �. " .; y� �,,, „7 r ,a,' An old iml of m coil rogation aaviped mo•'to'ueo /� � - tho Shoshoncae Remedy, which she was theivusing. ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK, GS, S, . I�1' ,.GREY '.A:ND BLEACHED, COTTON The first doss relicred me, and in n fmv days my throat _ . • a . HATS AND BONNI.ITS In the newest shapes;. RILBONs. AND SILKS111A110 newest* y Cfi$ton Oot:2.187'9• -, • � w•ns nearly wan. I dixuoutinnod thn ase .,fit, bit m � , , . • . •,-. ,.y 'GLOVES Y.•��• 'p " designs. FFATHEIIS, FLOWERS, VELVETS, and S,&T1Ns, „XIAT8 and BONNrTS Btll'f throat notbaiugentirelywell, became worse again. I1. �j 1 I' E tJl' �, GLOV.LI S S L7I1►,TS triode over in the newest shapes.. 14f ANTE C S.lrlarle. to artier; in mood style:: proearod anothoi supply, and I am happy. to srly that �'LI,I.i %" . , . a . , my throat is ontiroly v'rall, and the.whrto'c ust has on. . . ' tiroly-disappeared," I wish that every minister who w . BUTT.ER, and EGGS takezi 1T1 a chair a for Goods.[N11'.V. • g shffora from eoro throat, would try thaGreat $hoslto•, , . , . �.�'D ,.1�RA�'ERS; L�3:L�:TS'; :A'�i'D • O:�:PS BC�QTS .. . The subscriber, while thanirinf; h(lr many friends for their vYr ' l Ueral su fort, nee.Itemedy.' TINl' . ' v' Pl Rev, O. W. Grout; Stirl[ng,Out., says: l?r9. Cdegrge: 7111t1w1pI . Since she cominenced'buSinesO, hopes by steiot' attention and k.00ping :i. g6,oa stock Francis was severely aill1q.ted with Kidney disease, and � I -��• ��ii ��pp� it��,�� 'to OOntinile to 1'eeOi. .their ftL�OfS. had lieen.uudor rho eato.of threephysid,tusWitherrt @ � ,��t QEtJ, CX,Ciy &C. .n drrtys' ��Y��}f•Q� �` oeiiir ¢jy� r h v �('� •@7,p', '• any b6SO kind result, rile has sine talon fAr VoWen� - - " iYi.Y�1.f�a'..fi.YE�E.JSLE ]L , i7 AM1..r' $ 6/.Z.A..d,(,SA. ST ,h"t EE 8,, � - of tido r�hoshonnaN liytnciiy, and new enjoys tile. beat .of w• I .' .. .. � � . ' L'ilmon, &br20,1880. health. .;. ..„.,.,_, . ?s • . . Rehr T. C., -Wopa, Brooklyn, Ont., Hayti:. 1+iY vita .,, , i l t a . - XX . _.. _._ ---_...... _..._.._._. _ .was vorY lots with lnnh disease, and gitwri np by heti «a l0 ti,r r yl . .. _..._ . phylniau.. Thought it bottle of the S) osbortt-9 :te• �•S,` ?;}t r + t+t g .ttii i, .?,'S; . US modY, and rtt the and of two days Hhn las mash r,:.. r: "' I. °' . •:rt 'I+;•t ,r', f t \.I, •.r4 w r • DY nontiuuing rho remedy, she w.rs• fmifco ly i . • , , ,`•.:• •:r .' Y � "i:'ti ti'rY i 'j'' y'.1 T ® TQ The. `whole stock•vll' b so1drithou�eser�re at a._J j' N C C ]. V r Prise o[ tiro Idomedyin hint bettlHn, ,vlt pills, @ii c + . o r t r r ) �w tt ! ,x u 1 i' , ir: . a box. Sold by all madfcdno dealers...I. I,..o M �':- ,xjrry yi . „ s , -1r;..j;qT�. t = _ sLich prices that c,i�aot fail to lie apprecartdr:. .. J . safinns t rcau6ed byy dyrgnop ie,, or ayo this liervoliq,ind , . A qx'5, 11 �, r' tvitnit, should, use tl,a standard tonne Nortbroh .f. Ly .." r'�"' tie �, rx,r. ''t�- w . o mnu'H 2uiubie \Vino, Thoy. will Hrid it narnodhln nod K++1fIE t3U$801i[Si1iRItIu(iS 1,11Aj L•' TO STA]] • jJ/,dam . bc.2,lT Itentlabosl.lr'o'blocAby doing-dil;estton .S4 toCliopublicthatholteepseonkantlyonhand . W►,'J� 1,�pESIRP�; to intimato to the people of Clinton and vicinity, that havilig jAu•chased the ioia astiimilationl„soot lies and invfgoratcu the nervous • it largo andsnperiorq .sof A. • D Gro°ory nasi Provision Tiusini�.ns formerly oaf'rierf on by Stir, A. I'. ILOS8' he•11ns syHtam,anttilnpanf.s.u:,wtlthfnl uppotiLa. lvhmr nand 1i as a i•eniedY far biliocr+ tn+[ rnterm,ttentdotrer, it p!'a• �y :� •� �.f P , r ,'- i 5 « r + . ,q. ids thereto a fresh an;l w°ll•scrleate(l stock (it . ., , duces tho hart teat to>.,,1tH, if takCnbt,twr:t'ntboatt,toi, L,011"IryI I� � C I� F�"JI� I xTt�9 r'.' �' , z . It, Iiia tion 1ndebtC II t0 f ll(. !il)o1.e ll1 0l el (liiU 1e, is . d Convntesaeuc, is haaC„ ed anduptimatydocayef the ) t'rv. 'i , , T , r ,, , -11 fid 1 �`�! .Il,hyHfgrwnrn,tr:onatilnti„nianrrgudo,liiyrt. Tl,o spin• •---Asv , C,ontit, .01 Notes Nvill be expected t0 lay up 1 % x :,.�i-..A .itiinnH constituent, sh ;rr, wine, It of lino b^st gnnllty, . and the aromatics comi,1poil withlt,,r, idors its il;tvnr. Coffin Trimmings .`-::, d - cibes) W1t1iO111 (lelilV. Sitcil AS additiarn•lly ph ar 'Int. 1'hoy villa 1%50 it (r .i i ,ni. r rlis Olhiton Nov., 197;1. '' ' 6 r r �. s ry My at ry -. Wold ns Htraaq,dt, arra it exerts a ah, a Ing in+iar-pea up- r A � �..g ! ^ `1 I9 �� r, oil tfie,udn,I. It l,rotnr,!eii dltnattliy sa(:rotl•m r,td fl,w tV1th a aplen'llitT ;SRS;;.. ilr.diN Oorrm ways - -*s+ + * +r ^r' r:”,±nrsr,le"u+ab°soemmee,�rnasa�r _ . AL90, A fidtitiLC1” A?SUltJ"III;NT f)1•` orbita,v„tt,ti,lrel:.,so,zn,irrkalnritN,iu tl(osctir,uofthe' i on hall ,1'artioacanbe Hupplicd in ore hours - r _. . bnwol,t. It all 61111 l,v nsmt 3t tiny bn t,il,en without any time, at )I Ilei m,o ��. Ij,r0h,at1k I.nf unj• til r o rust S,y ,penicin of the �y^n-�, r�- i�t-�y ,�i� ex• f�^t� ���1. House a��c� Lot for Haile 4,JJGL "T-.; � 40.11f-'ir f JIL'sa, 1C A. C 'H.a'4- 1--j A-'' t"' �V.� 14 P /� deliaavo •a •nstirution, A lair lrin1 is all tUnt iH noedcd, C .V+"hT 3'r.'J .3 ' y'�' T � :i1 ''389 to pprovn the gemritiaee of Its rinfrna n;udille r 611 lilmloo i..I., i -y 3•... Ie, �..1:'T t 1 ( IN I4C1I,:41}.�1 i II,l,I� . TIE \ViLL ATM) X1.11HP O:a f111ND A 6000 itJi'PIrY OF nml't+,tt•r.triltiloftlrr',fnncrel vsrdlntin 10 b6baif. Tlranewbel,roenredntanyathorplaaoI MUTUR F'If1E.199U1�RANCE Wollll t1UIf •:•.--• _ - ( Nn arlielaH t,f' its cinuH enrrrmends ltsolf ac sfrengly ,t.{ ,__.-_;�,`..:- n1mg nndcrr,fgntd affm% far sato, in :*,a VillnBa..bt . HAMS, •a'8PI�°ED n.,o ,G, �f I�+�'�.�I�It"e�a.�'ii �l¢kGONI tocnzveuvirrvat!,lsrvhove(juhrobultAIng to-noneia -t.. full ' P 3 � TROS' 4;4 LII.. A.N. .il.�y I"r, •N T I .l• 7Inh.tavvillr. p rlunrtor•no.a tat, nn w Mfah i t erected so v.::•I[ n•tapted t(z fortitr• tint syr,:nrn Against tho dap•, llitlt a i? tQel ©f 1i 1a�M'l� U- " y z I u CnnOi ata Ifau o, Wtth frnrrin addition, anti• fznma L 11 I IRST CIrAf3S LAT D iu pails or Cribs, or by t1lC lir„ t0 Aiiii 1)urCliasers. All :�Ira(s incl Car,• ';!1101. lhrealcu thn ilabilitatr.l. Te 42}onld unb be ltinehrunrth Sirnlr, di• tilig Wilted arul t SnUle. 2'ho house Lard warrantedfirst•eltmi. All'ftileabovnitci:l rror,reiltosel atbott ru riiesfor cai,li.•' r.ilat •.o•;fa•atru•re,,:tftrtnlantefnppotita,which many Slvvn nOilbawl, GlAlti,tyQ'xI, tD`�'f.;1r:ursov,rtrornrsard,vifrir,antlMotot ill docked with p .. p r 1 T. t , . o p,. „ a,a•• nt ,it mi n,:!inplynr.i. Ttrnratzalatnrthns;;mm�ch y , ; ebr,lml,nif trcos.nudtbninuareonvenlonees. 1Cillbo Ile will still continue as lnanal;oi of the 1+tirniture 5toro for llvoadfoot ti. bo,., where ha ig r t • • nrl:rflrm,tielror Pitlt '!:?l('JKi. S"d'k VLNSOI7. T nrntors wishinff to iusnrc will rin,i tlr!s Gonv ar'y , Null Atfiettlntsoua , + that i, . ant 1 i . , pOrinrm it vat l sold err vrrY rrnsniiablr tartan, p p prepared to sell as eLOap a5'ariy hal[8e tvc:st of I'uts)i).c. reaul.u'[rSi•r;d and Its f.rnotonl) ihorrinnb CG:,�. ,,1av10,t$7",. onnoftlrelrostanti ebaai.FR', ,e fnrin• l:t,,pnt1 will iia: rdlcatir:n to A t,TALI, ii LN.til3&IFI�(!1,1,V SO'i,ti'1'Cidlf. lintl•rnsnl't, AskfrrthellovininoWine of Nortl,r„p �..ss wnited�nnttheirLon,: fnfort 0:+inub, souttothn. 1:lhil + [:;P'fICliNill'r ' OilntOn, S OI,. 12,18$7. r I.I testi.” n?d by alldtitg fists. A Aticnta o@100 fY l iiidu:r.vtUn, Feb. 19,1$80. G , i : i yraLM-flE 1."4 .: t.!J-A ,e;f:7%'w3rI,wmb3m,RNtl7 -ft4ml o1,mnwiAtis • _ , ' . . _ u.. _...- _ . . + . r . . a . . % v j ,• I.