HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-05-13, Page 3. I I - -.1---1-1--r�
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. "". NEW 33911r,lext rViou I TIX9 or.XAT XONX iA'_r40_- — . I �! �24wowtl��__!!M �� , I I ------- -—W. ____ I
. . 6 ; W49 roes XAR9rCA1l0# 3[,U . 11 I
Tr7ug, It *."CeOmqf4llT �, St. . �������i����i��!������!�l�:�l�:�i�m:�!l�
� on One of the le . ltxv. W. 4r. W09P. - I I I � i : I 1_0�__-__�__�
V1UMq4'X40PC0#1P1IT1c8 * the V0 , by"*Icall 40'adthe The 1011OWi4g 12 Mr. Tatanyaoula last poem. It A"N" 40, �� I
.Phelmonse"'s qfoxaftAsob — - N * L
"=;rri, I ONAOIC $ra M : .
. , J AdOrl 4114 OAk, elaborately carved An
'Yo,;k Worldj Na"ItWe"—AL 4PUAnatO 'for *Alrdt"ItUrul j"ont'VlQa 'J)4k I-roftledIV QUO, 10 publisbedial 1(aycrotlawition ofsh" ,11 ,... OR, Aguipatithu , _,419RAM wooc ad
I t1aQ.WlnotOoxa$h OentIlry for May; � --rhoy lPrQTV VVIT lV40ab11j9kJa%la1. ----*-- ned with Irish olubleano. . I . "
, N -ow . JNarpoisco, Ivasurr;wNeA in the W,orld, . 1 Pat MOVURPTS, .1 A Berlin
A tr�pkl of Dr. Charles � . Tozono, Xay 4,—T COrresP0114OU11 fearO the days
� . . � .UOIiiiii4lo. hydro� Before the Canadian Inatit 4- Out Of the 400P, any child, out of the deep, . .
. oto at TOM I be. committeo ap. I I Xuropeap. I Of the free to .
. POWtOd to investigate t
. CVWA VtOrb, WAS made recently OA the to, tile other night, :F r Xv, � VMS in GOrnlmi)� are Itaxan.
. , rofeo,so a1OU1 Of Where all that Wag to be ill 011 thAt Was, I lie CbargQs a$ bared. Proceedings )love now ii�g.axn
, .
. Long 1914114 railroad between L . wbirled for &milliou Icons thrQ, the vaot . 00 Rev. Mr. 11.4ndfo %just Loxpox, Uay 4,-Tbt St. POtdisbairg; vor� ,,Againat Bremen which ,threaten to deprive .
city and College' Point. , The oug Island Belleville, read A valuable paper on the Nva.fited4wui)f=ultltiolnoua"o,ld ligUght, StrQQ . rd, pastor of Bond, respondent of the, N. Y, Herald tolograpbs
invention, Physical pbCnQMaxa% of Manitoba ana the out of tbo acoli�,luy zbilfl, out of i O'dColy, , i Congregational oburch, met last -as Itillows: - General Chalizy, the Yrouch, y of its rights as a free part, I .
V204 consists of V, that tQwu entire)
an apparatus for the Northwest. The region to wbicb, tll,o. ro. evening in tile chureitand. Proceeded, with Minister, V . Tbecorroppox%dout ,,,
I , Thro'all this oba ,'ill leave fQr Fran6o pposes Lixubreoz-Will �
- 400111position, of water into oxygen mud Marks mainly .apply is bounded outhe 11fing World.ot chan;olerslaw, tIIQ4 work' bcf � to-Viorrow.
Andavorylaigisq.c. 8vcrbrqVtouiuUlU0, or6 thom. A series of rules Re expects to arrive at Paris About the loth,. Shortly receive '
D . Its 404th warrant. ,This' .
0 . . . . ..441`09au, AUd tbA,JU9qxadeseexxce of these south by lat, 40 degrees, oil the north by Andn!46 long Mentlao,of ap ,0,imtsl were Adopted laing the mmamer of inst. lie will return. to st.. Petersburg, liewomadvtermined 'policy 6.0 thaparbof I
. * , loom, gover
I 11 ,r (lark tile evidence, end it was decided t0vrord the. end of tba Month,
Steam with tile Carbon of � I Toucla-MW!th bartit,q lLpht, thou e0an, orb, .Prince ,.
� ,,We g4ses with the 4'1'4_Qf,_4upCrho&'t'04' 40 _dogrd66 on -the Cust-by IN --dogroev, Ana With,tlt a last moon, twfi er-cont, C taldn" Prussia % regarded with the
. th4t i0lo, eliarges should be a tiore
Patio . or on tile west bythe line of the Dooky Uo=- . . I � ntertaiged hir. Orloff leaves xae�t weak utmost in., , .
__ - _ ALsphtha,, so th I boy- - . � st, darling for Pax -is, . , at by Many Exaglish and. American war.
- . - - ,
at Wcombustion.wIlf 11 is &I- 4ins, A Toronto Contemporary. in Six thor back than 1877, tho tibao when he was will re where Ito, ciatant., W140M it, will in .
. . sump his post as; ambasoador. aterially alect.
jo-obtai .1 U , ti Perfect, and proplivt P11hp Iierfect man; � accepted as pastor of the church. in the In tho.event at the law not allowitag" a StaxadArd adallits the t .
I � 1. _xacia4arfect, ,,In- Our own, A. babe In lialeaulent 40(l limb,
. . . nec i -was. p I 0 .0 marizing- lefsper-so,y,a-,-theL-moa�tiMpg�t� � Tit
boilers, of 'tllq .locomotive' I a ' Ailt Ist6tainexi has rofer I 1VUO4QfAVG-"a-1Qnn- 44�4ero_�anaxulu,:Ixx,ile.: Case Pt a3m, 4s,Wfl IV mAd ZA*s, B1,01411gil 19 =kQ = AzrwAtio rumors Of, a 914rip,y i4isor ruth of the . ..
00 - ing . - " '. OEM
India � ,� i0puzaa lii-_ _---_--,_--"_1 . ..... -,-
) . once ,to the alleged' �1"aispolubly , - ,Q 11 h4gt_QA 41", financial iosilltR aet-
which I% one of the largest loco 0 i a i aridity of the mariled, like ou� love, mdlub�rs rxt the Chair � -by�fa - y-laptweep .
� the Vuited Stat ,, � southern belt, Which Prof, Live aud be halipy in thyWIT alifl. 6erVo ph, duty signed, and of tilkilig; 1110 OAtla, inquired of Members of - Um Y ._ -, . -1.
. , es, Very little All a .. 'o Ngeou-4 visited in 1879, And which he This mortal race, thy kin, on Well th doliverea in Poison, they May be rec ived the House, a, bill will be immediate I ly iutro� . I �
O engine, was. necessary, .T. W . bla Uj at blen . ,, Raid those . � budget in' . .
Y b1pos thee as we blefis thee, - proxoi464 lax,ttio
.. founatabe much Less Arid than :91 gen� ytivriglife b� the cbmiatittee. Mr. Jame P"Son, duced to legalize such affirmation. Felaruary, the diff , arence
HOU I � llrealdpgwithliu a Thom from thr __.eati L ,*-Woo
allixt & Son, the Brookly supposed. The indications, of The ,u,me Whero tby moti a ve may 040 Of tile cOmplainitag deacons, was Whittakor, editor of the Leva ,oe to five milli45ii p6ammated' At
. � it engineers, orally � , fatud ob, qbtor from thotiaxk aud , than ant Herald, - , d I
I were in charge of the arrAngemexx 0 11 3, examined tit gre S --origin. .
. 'o ProsE017911slY 1311ftPed and MAY thy courso that thefinancialmembexE, I
to (16'littla L More tilan, place ts,litit tl.xey parching are very strong on thaL Surface of L I ,at length, but Ilia ovidence
%kid tl� bas been Sentenced to seventeen mollihW ating xxx 40 f4ct�
I L I a retort the j,'round, the grasses being; dry AU4 A 1 ong t o years of baste a Amounted simlily to irearsay statements, in im.
. in the 'fir -b L T.Taushatterod, then full cu ndr:,ndoux Youth . prisoxament for publishinga, new number a' the wooroy's council grossi,y uxader�
. rrept throl full nian. solnO C&SOU I` ling sifted through ave Or six, of big jourias . L
11% Lin(Ily oUrvoa' T.,X�h gentlest fall.- pealadS of
6 Ox And 00111toot it with withered; but at a Place called .Blackfoot, - And last, ' t, as one of tile , L .1, n9twj ing its recent, ' _ .
a degree and A, halt of lati I By glot fields, V4 slowly dyi L persons. in X&a . 1. I I the AfIlan war,
� the naphtha t4lik in the tonder� There Crossing, about � I . thstand ei3timatea the ex
wero ISO, jets of a flume at white hoak i I bl er'Tower, " the Committee expressed members of suppression. SIM11A, URY 6. -The Indian Government .
# n tude 'north of the boundary, vitere the TO t at.140 deep where we an L thoti Arc 5-Ull. it, his evidence did A Dublin correspondent, co).nmellt* has sent A despatell to the Itrarqn � ., I I
I I - the retort, and the Ilames on trial experi. superficial eftects of Aridity , d 'lot Amount to the 1741tio of 9, row of pins, the land Meeting m,tirightowit, county alag 0" ington, Sebretar is of I�art' . .
I . turuL a off and on alme, were strongest, Mr. Maco 13 lire He was Still under examination at I otclook on Sunday last, says, I 1. Y Of State for fialia, '�, � ..
MOuts Made before tile train started p � - , Mayo, - I - ,, %�O . .
. . . 4 st inst lm I Oland laild."Th-t1i 44 LATEST* IRISH JOTTINGS. thi - I This is the begin. ing.that the cost Of the Afghan war will . � I f
� antaneously. li�oax broken up in the spring, hearing excel-- . I s niorldtag, wl)el L .
I , �
I so urnod till th191 evening, T I Conference of tit . cent , tell aeclar .
� when the train Was put under ay the � lent crops of all ki -lie oats, being four jo I t1101 Committee Ad- 1111) g of the Agitation promised at the re 0 PrQDably excecattle 0stialls,tas by -04,000,006. I I ,
, Ads, t The death of Rev The 4espa
.. L I ., Benjamin .Tordan, admitted, but at t r he press is not a L.aild League, Parnell, .as that the milits i.1
I .. . . � 10j.- ry, .
� . . advaontages of the Lretort becAme-J'unstontly feet in 14eight,' while ou the unbroken land vlomr of Calaireorney, ocou LV, lie close of the examma- Olielly, Davitt, Daly Wd Louden have department are solely. to blame th4 ' � .
. � Apparent. There. WAS little'small from'the Ili tile vicinity the � native , vegetation was ,,, rrod at. big resi- tion ' full report. Will be given to taken tl�e field, and Are urging tit .1 mistake. . . .
* , - deuce, Ballingoolm, Gr d 78 yea no s� � - 0 poolile, , They 1`1iov0d the otimaies to ' . ,,;,
,,Wn, �,,ail* go, Age, ra. PaPOKA, Mr. Handford Was not r tut, as, to support the efforts of their friends in the .
I ongme axxil� no smOke, an(! of course no as much dried up As' it Was anywhere also, " as 0, Tax be sufliciox-it and advised their ado tion by
0 wo fro T f 1, libernem, MInialock, last Dight'S ailooting, b still.. , ose . nowl'arliantent to force on the Govern- . .
. .cixlilers� or sparks. . ].During the trial trip. ww . Who inference he dra, xxx Such P, Plaque- A f L the finaticial dopAx
. L is .P , I : I
askima, ptrakaxt, . �
L. to of tile amount of naphths, con- manow is that I the rainfall itaL the dit3talej is ,I 'Pat,. Y, 0 r, his %orse dt a draj During the Y---Ist W aing I I . I , . .
, , . Aut t. ,lid was I _ � eek he has receive o anent the land scheme adoptQ4.&J the con- . L � I .�
L Ruined was made, and it WAS fo . I � 7 . I I I - ,
,. land that the ample for the require 11o,w4s 21 yoarR%f alleall'i"Ous 10ttersof a threatening charac. forauce,' Parnell Raid that, if the far - * I
. . cost was 74- - Ceuta for 4, run L ments' of *vogetation, ago... - ter, merp. - NAW Youic, May 4. --it is fe�rQ th
Of 01-1 miles, but that'Until,tho baked -crust is b kon it I .Ono Conveyed the startliuo intelli, would renew tile pie I mb I
,- - which. is muc , - in ' . , - I age they gave A year dreadful opidemiog an I .
'halt the consumption It is'stateil from Dublin tl,E%t &once that he . AY be experienced' .
. - - I , .L � 1. during the heated period of the Conlin I
I near Edward falls, and so A gr is disqualified from -sitting .in I p])r. Lyons Saturday nigh last., ' o'lantil all the land L I I I
-would amount cannot percolate the grouxid. as rapidly AS it . , yould be 44mooinatpid .before ago, to t 'holdings
I of coal , L , , ake.a firm grip, ef their
� , to. Engi Dat portiiin. Of it i Tli4E - other �vaj and, coiltialue g.
Harris, who ran the train, said tile is evapo- by reason qf -all officitil Po arlimmont Minor natlireL r of a . the struggl,,,,,,,,,, L Of the. AlMiMOr on board European steamoll a if '' , L _ , , '',
1� ,,t he was rated by tlx� dry atmosphere and lost., If � sitiou h 0 hold at - - Both AN believed to. have had Passed, into. the they continue" to . Jp_ �
. perfe6tly satisrLed.with tile we' thatiqao,ofilis-no luati6ra_ . . I I been the work a * I L be Crowded with exati. . (�,_ I
. . I retort. Otio of the 44,vantv rking of the this inference is, c6rroot-Aud It seeing � . . . an . � f some Practical joker. Xr. People, he prodaiied them victory, as money grants and jig Poorly provided . : I I
I . ,,gas claimed. for reasonable4-the fact's Are of the Greatest * The death is Announce4 of ,Rev.- I-Isudlord rofithed to,preach on Sunday, an6L v, ,% a p . L - I L f or 40 pit I
the retort System ia,thatL I Sames . _ouring in from Australia and America present, I I . . . - I
L ' . tile pulpit was laf 6 vacant, , . I - I . 1- . .
L when -no power is pbssiblo importan i e of the ; Bennett, the respecteavicat Of Fedamore, I . tto ad the texamut farnacrV I . SAN Fw - ' I � I . -.
. _.. L help them defe . cisoo 1, ;
. .
no,eded, As on down grades, th si, , L Unho. Tipperary, - whose killan I " Tk-201STO, May Although private int0ligence was roceiv . I , May 4, -At a meeting of I I . . . .
. . I Cut off And ,tile ,axa�,. saved., - eL fire can be Northwest. Thequ,estion-arities,iii-ebi ess' Of heart And 5. -The committee ap-
, So i L . . ad tho, Board. of Supervisors last a bb . I
_ as th I lagregational So' L I . a In aciary p9maxiltLtee "PrLQased the , . . I
I- a tiou With flia 'climatology of the, � Great ..grAlid-YonerAble appearanee all pointed by the Bond street Co - veral da, . veiling, t
I .- ' va ago thdf the cruise of tit J di ' ' Patton., ' - . 4
L ,a 4on.e'Land,l how the 'rainfall comes to be After a short illnoss, Church to invest' ' , channel Squadron in- Search of the missing . - . 0 �
� * aii o the r tort is concerned, Dr. r admired., -
. It
. RIP111".41" Ys-`tbatLtIaeyoanbe;(1ttadto.Any aufficiont for paivos I L during which he Agate -the obargoo, against that Mayor 1(all0ch is ulaicr,upuloous,axn- .. . . I
L tile . I I , retained the Pa I . 'devoid of integrity -and-11delity .. 4
. . a. 6xJ?.e L as -of vegotation -,v �exi it * , ssession of, all his the Pastor, Ray. Mr. 11andfoiA, met. NX, Atalanta Was xxo�t stacceSsfaII'L Official ' '
I engine" and faculties, � . confir. Principled;
abowed,thaf, riment y6storday is 80 notoriously lausulhoiblat, -over the great a- man no,i4ed Hugh 1�ouxxedy . Irish occupied the chair &aid twout-yout of tile . mation of the' news ca,asedL.V1,grqat deal of to thO Public interests, and . I . .
'f!16 dIffeiVilce in tile mannor Itrid plains of tile U .ited Statd died ilbsr I thflt ill J' L' "' ..
al 4.* PioNissor Ullardore, M -tags, at the 4& ot tWienty-ortellicinbers of the committee were donsteratation ,among thed,ff,who clung has arrived for the people to a% . a mae. . .�. � 1. I . ", . 1L. .A .Ii
L of furnishing the motive power-allade 110 -Uticoun',oaxplanitticall'of the nagitt6r is very 105 year.A. present. - Deacon Thomson was under ojz. deg�perately to hope. Now:aosrcely- Ono Condemnation of jils-mot"ana to -Press theu: , ..
.1, .
.. . .. . � . . L itagL vatting, but Ilia liplieves.thsit i1xe lififortualate ves I is still .proinpt action tdIvindicate the name of the, :_ . . , . I I , r, ':
L differencelat thO'111=11017 of controlling the important it true, and very interesting' .' Tl,emQlliorialstone,otthqllew,buildings Sailination dur recommend * . . , ,
. engine. - I fo..r Be . the WhOleL'6 ' L - � .. � :
I . 1. . . : whether true. or not. Tile table contained 'fast Academy, At Clittonville, WAS itatementO have not Yet boon"divii1ged aftoll't.'. Many of the relatives o"�O the $20 lnlluioipality� byx, judicial inquiry into, the. I. I .
.. .. __-*�__ I I , in his _pa,po; Inid. by.Williarn Rwart, -At. P.. ' Th&rtl was It is Presumed that tile sittings of th�' I I .
. nit; 'A1JUAU1,.S.JUQXX., - , Shows L tli&t while At - a large atten( , persons on board Imve alrea oil X41190h case. The M(ation' to adopt. the I
lance of thwo having tile wel- committee will continue tliro�glx the wdek. In, The Admiralty will not� how- report. was pu . ,_
I . . . . 'L'. ____� . . . Wilanipeg--4and'the same'thiz)g inuab be fare of �ho institution at hotbrt� : L , ) "It * t by-39ayor Ralloob, whoo I I L'
L, i4elect .voranxitevc tim I . . a ' V. I Oalllo-ed.ft was Carried, -
. L 'aplaointmonit. of a L true Of a, large,part of Jbc. Nortl4we4t�tllQ L - . Deacon Beckett will b the next complain.L r7oblitra,te the Atalaxx6, from their list, anft I I '' i
. rainfall -is abundant during the in ath obottrred in Strabane, . ant before tile committee. Whether other. a of . oattlao., -�
Consider -�ltcther on. AtbeiNt Can be I , autbia of -,*� 4 gulden de ' . . or stop half -pay and put the widow reading of the, . Through . '-
I I ne, July -and August, Who I ax it in �Iatric% Griffin, who follj.*ed the, members will testify is not known. Itis Poo- a? KallQ'I appeareaL Unmoved,
. . . May Ju , Derry,, I officeis and crow on a Special ulloWan " report and the rasola,tion * . . , . . , �
1�erletltti&d to' Take b]W seat. - I occupatioll of .saexxxi�g to,.. I
. I . . I . : I wanted for tile growing crops, it falls r..tT. to- -.' bill4p6sting, and resided in aible that the work of the comn until something 4efinite respecting her is consider only tile L . .1,ii.. "
i I I I d. L . � '. � - a Position as � ..,
arkablo extent 'in Septi,n..'�wr "%I g0far advancea.-that arrangements will be .discovisie . . �
Loutiow,'Way $.-In the lionse bf _�coxxa_ a rem - Liffoid afroot went to his bed lit a state of aittoo Maybe . I presiding oMe * dignity of .Ili
Mons to -day the question of Xl..L Charles October, just intoxicatio ' , Or. , I . ..
I Wheat dry weather is aaa-ded ax,. and was4o,und , dead next made by the Sustaining dem�ons for the sex- Earl Cowper, recontly� appointed Lqril� POTTsVix,Lt, I'D,., May 4, * - - .
, i I oussion. - morning, L I � � L . _LaSt .. . . ,_
. ___ . , vires oil Sabbatil hext. The proceedings t -to arr,vb mas Fennell, foreanf,xx in the R Obs, 11 .
Bradlaugh's seat came up for 4;a. i ,for harvesting them. . Tliis . peclili6rlyae. - Lieutenant of Ireland, is expee ad - . 33igI1l7!tJ)t).'
. ,
lit k6 wall considered itud. temporate.gpeeoll Qommodati�g condition of the atmosphere The remains'ofth " ' arc kept entirel. i rd6on "" .. 11 '.
L L a Rev. Denis Nolony, y Becrot, said for the present at Dublixi'to-morrow, to be aworn.-la iia. collfery� was shot by a . . . .,,�,
I I . It . I I
amovbd. from hlh late residence - fore the Lord Justigoo. 'Re returns to and severely wbund4d. Fennell's fabhQr� - I - �,
,h claimed that he should be is st6coaluted for by the �ffcc`i prod ' � P., V tire k I the public will dq Well to suspend jilag concealed.assmisi .
Majr."dlimu 'aaaking an affirall4tion instead the and plains of tile . United st � 1. . I
,�� ad itt it , need by
I ates on the to the Catholic � church -of Gramt, .9,bout ti� 110 I 1�
. I
.. I Of taking the' a Mout- - It MAY, however, be stated that E liglaud in 0, Is* days,, and will anake w4a compelled to JeAve'this region recently * , . I 11.1
. L
I 4th, .. He quoted 'in support moist air Currents Passing nortlaw. -rom ,mile distant, accompanied by Ono of the thing. has yet boptl pst,Abij by t4@ and at
ard f .
I . - his attito outry into Dublin
Of his, cKint. the fact that by virtue of tile the gulf of Mexico, Those currents woul'd largost in a I L sbod to impli- . on scooplat Of Acting as a juror in the Casa .
� L u ra cortegas ,witnessed in that cate Mr. -, Handford in the . . may. . 1. .1.11 I ". I 7:.
. I more ,serious . - of Xunley,'a X,olly Mgiaire hanged in 1877, " . ' .. * ,
. I , I . � �,
, it L air moistures oil. di8t,d6bforyoarR' "Isix4mewdsabollio- .cb,%rges,orconaple,intsagaiiisthiin,L Onthe .di I . . . '.1 I
I . Act of 1820, he And .%It 0 - ath W , ere foute wore not -for -the beatea Mr.as- 4old Word ner.rly thr L Quglx all noXthL Tippe- yade , llaq,2 I A Vienram'correspondeati of'� the L Timps for the MtLr46r of 4 Mille 1306G'Sanger. This. % '' .. , I ��' I
provisions of tile Evidoxxc� Amendment naturally discharge tit I
that L
permitted aVLiaaxaC0 ill *6 I . I minor Olkirges, duly'llearsay a ' nee gelassing ilte. eventual relations between is the Second attempt Oil the life of young I .1 . .
I . ,!L
to. give ... it$ of 03nding frOxix th been. advanced. . - . I Austrim,Germany and Rus I exanell Since his father's bight. ' ... .. .
. I � . - a plains oyor.which th6y - r%ry. - P ather.Mololly . was in his Got)i Year,. - , .., ..- � . 0_ I ., . , sim. in View. 0 r ��
. I I . . % 0 'O I an' I lioved to be the work,of it - .. 11
__ I - jug - tice, although they did not OAII pass,, &'ad MB tile- p7evaililig wilidt? carry Soverit. I the chancre of G vernMen , ,is be . I
Oil L I Aegal. Appointments, Jhave'been - . ' COOP 4UPOI&TS. , , . . -t- � In E � I tile Mollies. . : . I .
L . . - Goa- to' Witialoss their. trilthfulness, - theria Ili the direation, '.of the - Canadian mad,3 in Dublin. Mr � . '. . the viWon of the defunct tri to . ELMIRA, N. I
elia_,. -.. T , .. Y., May 4 -At .
. . .nor say .that they' b ad God had for- Northwest, 'they arrive t-labre * r - B. Furloxxv� — Ile, b Penn you this .. I
. I bidd tile "Me. seciatilry of L. tile. Chanc<,.q � ro*. Pall * ,%VhOjLt. . . ' .lklInce has been dvoked, but -its. a ctre is morning Mrs. George Woodr-I , . ,�
on them to -take, an Oatli. Tile Spdakor,. the inoisturo is read to cam h- Cons . I Iff during the, * ..
I I . . Y .0 down in. the bosal app,01n titUtional Club, IiNl . � : more, likely to Bearo � than attract I 1. -- .. ,�..
L - M . . I . . ,�.
� ,. x. Brand, said lie bad giave doubts :as to form of rain. '' - , . . I � . tod secretary" of the inland, I D6"Ttr-�-I'mll whdat has been badly in- The Post's Berlin corio�pondent tele ce of hei � husband from
- �. . ary of 41,500; Mr. WiILIj,,n jured bY the ol�exx whiter, but ratoro c8pe- gi pit. hat Woo tent in Germany In y b - born' a, took bar two slOeP!n . 9 a L hildren from -L . '. L
I � . - . the-400kof AhA_qL0_r&dQd. to; and did noi At the close of. his.*pSper, Prof. .Uacoun reventle"at a sal , i, T, A -d A . .
- . A. Braloo, rh0ter of tile Qudeu!s Bauch, in bially by the October frost from wiliqE it' at 5 6 the bed, And g�ing to the cistern, drownect , . .
. 7. . . think it &640d at all to the oath.ro-quired gives the foIlowili'g inter.es - . � judged by the tiac of emi-r ion. � ft is hot),..'. � The cause. is tbought'to be insanat ' .
I of mombers�Df Parliament. . t"fg "x'for]�_Ull"'Off i45Zir_4 R "M_r'Zgiie-&dd4e&:L-jjJ - --- , * 120 1 .1 " ____._;... -P . I
- in rof . nee to ' . .. . . . ,ry;Z1,--2oo-. - vcr-r.ec0Vei�di- -.- � - - -�'------esti�a.%ted--.tbut-.�a-uring--the-pmsb--thi.rt�--.P,r.isi � 1. y � . ...
He" 'therefore, . are . I .. Mro.,12sixible, Q,,C.,J1mH . - been - hated ' PR � It . . I 11--i-alab . " -'_
Wishea the FrouRe to de4id� tile . . ng-4-rom-the'
. question . I I 11 . . .1 Uppol FERnor-o'.-Thp f% wbeat.orop-in .this i_1itr_t0`__pa"he1r7__77_ ____
1. ., . Loid.-CAyoaxilish refe ft. 7 � . : years two and a half millions of her people ,debti. , . . - .
'L . AGRICULtURAL orgRATION . chadimmax of. the counties of L DoWn and section -18 Almost 0, total1ailure. -Nine Out- haveamigrated. ' . . .. '. .. I .� ,. .
thal case . rredtolhoproc6dentlat The Iirogress ,'of the seasons and1ho Arin mll . - . 1. ,; S � -, MAY ' 5 I �--S I i� of - Brigh ' 4 ' ! ��
' L I .
I � - -____-c L of,kf�r6nLgOthg�biId',.'whO was labors of the It . Ui . I . 1. agh- . may, 91;40Q. . - �. 1, ..,:. �, . of ton fs.,rmera 410 p1dughing. it under ; - and . I A.Lt LAxx I. . am . ... .L . ". I 1�
.. le6ted- -1�6fore�the�-passag"f--tlto--Il. er-* ibanaman, may be sapilmar- court a yoling man ,ps. an unusu - Anglo-American teleg�i& -9 .Young's datight L CXCOMxxaUnj' ... . . I I i . . I
L . � .., in Consequence of tile armoulace- cated"from the Mormon . Church f6r cliarg I .1
to - --ized-as f6llow&�:L Early-iii-Apri-I th-oli��andl -namOd-40h, ..'will be -very great. 1. _
Zaitting, the House ,d_ , I , At.tha,Darey.rolico ' al tieadth. Was, gown tile. loss * d * � took - has ois haV6 boon .
lapoll -11 - _ .. .. .1 . .
I I . so at its unciondba out, clears, froni tile land tI16, last ,hl ving tt6 M&DO�1,6t--Iv�i,g,,'clitir.g'ed�Av.i.th.� ,14,.- ; . . .1 I . I . .w -
a; a Mpte 112"61VII, 6' break intho new. � Fr* the Church' witl . . .
L . =_ ERTL. .4L41ill3��-.�td-fitt,&I-.O,FhifolT-".Qf,,- an lit I ddfrauding Young's. . . .
. .. PIOASM-0 with the Provision iequirin a - of 'its lidl�t Sno'V; covering L; jh�Wg, &lid fit the d to d6waa � youna U. onch cable., Ing . �' . * .� I 1.
O $.wear. I Y�tlxe t ,,,, girl 'in farmarsis t1lat the Iasi ll�aVy frost finished "Of- RipqW,-_- � . I I . '. sing_tliaiixa,��__.__ ". .
. bars t b ' rue faith -o a L laria- I Foyle.' -McDevitt wlis arr a . 'the' --It-rs'gt�Cir6d,thitttht��'M.411�UfW- - .he'i-!B-�-OL.,$I,,0-0,0,00"11&,,,$or..ctLu _. 1.!- I—- 4-
. I .
Out Ct'A_ to f - "I - Tli6 dsibg - - _.� ��
tian,' I 'the samp4imo drios, thd groulia,$UffiWently warrant �issued a ' a 0" 4 four-fifths' sel cted .Qord'on prIfloati.pen ,ti 'h 8'd%bddJ,j�jWL
. -
. � . gla','and. 4lulost'simall- I I .Lfof . . I ,. -
.. s Lpgitli� the girl who appat&d prosee I . ISM.- .
'for: 'i � 0 � "I "get'& f4imers'will, -bo)i,bvor;"_1IotL private'Ad-dre'tary. , -, say they are.disgusted With . Mormon . , . I
and mbv6d,for the appo' Itjtfa,r'tb'SpIo'a L . Of th0fOlwheate A iteat'many r4slim.as his ghj,exg,, -
. Stafford No case. 'Sir tAn6ously . ie,edilig"' ' G6rnawatioxx � late., . . ,Nxi � . 1-1 � � - .
L t,oit L . � L
. - select committee to, consider.the . t tile - slax Sppa, plough tit) the The award claimed by tile United'States . '
.,rtboot6 s000ndea'tho motion, quickly .follow ' From tIA0 girl's statemell are &C_ fields agaila on accoinab of tile seed, d � . TYA"' ONgon 'Mqy� 6.---.tA eq * . � . 1�
and the House I- . a - and the youll" r0ets,' De,,Itb betra . f L' ' the grass �ppearing,io� be, all rig Ing' own, for ,tII6 Fortune bay. difficulties ' 11 1;C fromAd ' " 'rt- k . urler .11 .
. I '3ted to&P,Poha� th6 com- moistured b3 yed her under promise o taiar� L lit. some * I . I wi orla.repo stlIP&O, fishingfieetof , . � . . � N_.:
. . , I , .. � . r Ahe* thawing of Zia, Sub-. .ri ' . thinks -that they mmy bo`all p8rsi4ontly contested li�-' the. Ghtditb twenty boats I . .1 . I
. . nuttoo. I ,. I . L.. � . * � , Age,,andtheal, wishad. her to leave the . right yet" . � no On - the- Columbia, :river - :' . L '.- . - I .
I . I I ,; '7'� ., A . .soil, folio* the. Pores opened on v. by the dism co I . . another v','uek will place tile ' i' ; Administration. . ' I swamped in.m squall, oil t welv L *
. , L - . uutry; Sh�, refused, Lonce the attempt. I . - , I I In U a better .. . he. -bar. T Ch- L . , �. . . . 1�
. 0 ; . integrating power of the winter frosts, said .to . .. I . - � PPS't]LCnitojndgeL.6fth6.proi3pect, . . . The Swtland'r�rd deteqtivo " ' t persons 'were drowned I- 1". ' ,L, . . I %.. .. I .
.. �_: . . No 1111801'r4ent Law_! :1 . m aipwii her. . . .. .L I .� . 6 'state the, I , '' , .L I 'L I � I
.. . ., : , % : * . ponetrAto to a deptIlL inconceivable to tjios6, I . I I I .-I I � .: 'WINDSOR.-Iteports from� all' . parts of the Ly"' 5. -'Explosive OR, I $,at . . � �, .��
. The beauties Of 'L - . I I A. . I the whereabouts of 'the author of the Win- No, Pa., Mr, , .
. Forbes', UeeoliaL I Pit .. .
. t being 'without -hii -inaol. ,who have ubt plafthe matter in the to4t. . marriage - between Lmd�, Adelaide � county. Amy that the. fall *beat i6looking , ter Paldee explosi is known in ibe metro- tile Short Mountail.7 b-olliery' yesterday re- I � . .. . �,:..
. L . . .
. L . ' . I.,
vent Is* are mIrdm.dy commoiloijig to �Ijow' AY the. -time ihat the rains of USYL and daughter of -the Eari6f. remarkablyw;ll at pre�biit tialA gives pro- �Polls, .And that a.whole nest. of . fugitive suitoa in instan I t. AeAtU t9 .three, men and` , .. - .� I '�
-Ottawo, . , P . I hold L of .accolia: so . a ,of the, Duke of Lei * MiSo of ,an 13meellon ' ouk'anidat." Shavitch the we . : . , . I I L , L t�
thernsolves; - r6marks a contain or4ry. Juno come, the roots have a . firb Granard, landterMurice 1"itz&rtild, Nibilists is; in latall� bitrnffig t. ..' . . '. -, � :: , ,
I ,
- 'DjaiiVES'. May' * 1,
. . At . the other day a. collple the ground and growth i8L . . t It arvest, "The peach reported author Of- -the' Winter, P.1161AC, L � . I � I .1
oxtra;rdixiary. Holomnizodin tho.nol�ahax Cathoustor, WUQ' trees. in moilly .places 'in- this locality. are . - 5,--m-Tlxo -1 a' , . ,
_. � ol ..-oreditors .'-of' a. trader' frightened Tbe J'aily And early August * rains nourish He chapel again enveloped in their. beautiful aa�jAxatle explosion, is a brother, not -the nephew, of. tibIla have made the p ,)I Ian as real'�. ! 1. 1.
� � - .- - �,
. .him into selling out - la � i - a __ bus I 1 . ness - a -id. Pay -L and swat I I the ear'of the'-now,ii of NeWtowallorbes, County Lo4ford, on' I tile Governor of Ralo " . .., - I . erSid. 'It i � L , apple Of New wexica, . .1 . .. I .
I Ing Over the'prdedeas to them, . pelihig-orops, Tuesday - , I __ I 'L , ,,,, .. . ... ... I—. of Pink. , Th-e4ispla;y of-bi6om- L . uga. . . , des 8 bblieved' . I
..leaving the .and, Complete the-Tromiso-'R tile ev,xly Cablaol,,,waek The brad I . ��,vary-pro -Albart Edward, the Oldest- t, -the raiders sic' . . . I � ..
, . . � . a being a Roman fuse, giN,!Jg Pro2y"Ise of .-&in- 'abundiin --pf th,6 led JI -the notorious Victoria. and- have be6u � . ..... - - _ L-._. -
other creditors out in the cold. So '& brid60001il a Protestant, - fr il T ce 'a:( Wales, Vill, in all probability; joined by the Mbacb'lereo bucks wholescape . L..
. . mottling sprin,,. Towards the'.ond of '"gliatIlle And - c8 0 1�rlax son - -
. . . . 9,4 'And apple a _� . , . , I I .
L I Of, the Same kind has-been done in Another winds chauge, And the almost raittless period op.q. . " lio Qllej�y,� PIUJT4, make another short cruise on be ' I ' � Hatch. - The bodies of the asurder �
it'- k 'b I_, �.P,ngii_ Pa
Case in Wroxeter. in Orang-eville'& - trider Sets, in - and continues all -wintor. L� PIACZ y . . buds !ire wall advalice(If Ana. only, no, ad 4 ard one. of rem qd . w . . . .
. - The far- eiti-m'.,ril litt., t'no, " "eala" . "'dition -fewwarria. days to develo them. - her Majesty's ships prior to'his Shepherds have been found I
. . . entry it I I . .
old . imposed thtit t, .' tit. ' I .P I . - - -' . .1 11,
. al the instance .. . . . - 100 000 -sheep have begn� driven,
L had . been a . Out� by .the shariff mot harvests his crop without.loss and in " I ',lild"In ,.rc to be roared .. � � . one pithe'natilitary6chools" as10 is destinid -mutilated. . dreadfully �, . L: - . ..
' -
. ., . . Of . a brother-in-law tile highest possible condition, stacking it as Roman CA ".C., . . ,. I PIXIE -ANO ZoSf4 -OF LIFE. for the army. I . . . I 0 ---L-. -4
. . I L . . . . I I , , Off bYIndians.' Volunteeks are. starthig ; . _. . .
.While the. other ' in.the open. without bVeA L the necessity Of ; * 'L — . . 1. . . . .
. creditors look o� mr"Thoulas Lyle, J, P., mana&r. of the � A new Ocean giommall' Out to overtiko.the 1-naijals., . ..
. without any . - ' . .T-.io X.101'r., Childroa ]3Urnt to 'Oeutu� to tomplat 1p company is con- . .. I . 11 . . .V ,
. I I . , - .Orry, was - . their Father's UoUre��:' L . I , ad, tII0 vesg�18-6f which, U, the com.' , .
.. breeders, the advailit .. . . 4 ".. . � .. P&axyL , ifiL olty'recently liatwee an at Astot I . � � .
. --hear of Another firm in difficulties, wit D ,The duel over' a mining clai
redress; And - now" we thatt-,hing it for* the winter' ,To stock . ]liberation Banki:'Strabano 1.
. 9? ages. are equr.11y. grei't., fonacl.slatit through the )lead in his .private ' . ... . . . oan "'be .1loatod will rain between . I 1. . I
. I& when tished to %as4igal their effects *to Storing Of, fjleet'6r Awet feet, And L I 8, L L a . 12 two Swedas, whielx, � , . 11
J111111DOID, MAY .. - 1. I ,
. - a . . Snow are, linkilowal offlee, with a- revol-�Cr. lying tit his 4-�-This -'xnbrnixa;�.twO Mersey said one of EC'United lted'in'th6 death of b6th,waa jnsti� -. � , L
trusto6 for the lieneft 'of ,ih6li c on the western plains. .'Such 6now As d6p little -children, tc son A L . .. tates Parts rest'
reditcri,. ,s blood, about his, head and neek.. till(! on hit;' . lid daughtor, 3f Mr. 6ontiguous to Catimag,_ , L . Who told the Swodap,� that, � - L. � : . ".
ors in full. . . I such di0pulds in �this country we settlecl. . . ' , L .1 ..
. lary an William V4 ulton, A faa�nicr residing about , Advicas from -St. Petersburg stitte that platois, L Both. xxi re ,. . ..
.. . . I insist first on Jp.itying-thair neigbb fall i5always " . d "light, heiiop, Cattle clothes. Foni Chambers of tile, * . . . I . .. ...gated by-itinarg ... �.
, a -oases'" Would 'h'b,i'e been , __revoh-_1_ 1110 -0 -0 -f -Ur-
.. -Some of thes ind horses may. be left 6ut.the ,whole yiere. still loaded, The, decam8ed was Sitting . esTrbuthare,werebtaralod.to death oxie; Dr. Gough;. clailbing to be aeommi with though morially . . . . . .. - .� L
8� wounded, kipt firingen? I . .. .1 I I I .
. remedied to a cartaill extent by -the Credi- 1*irlter withou't the possibility in sax. soran-cha* in their fatbor'ir bout;6.. It xippears from t4 sioner deputized by the -United States Gov. .1 I r weapons �
L . I of Suffering , xr, and, had' been engaged . . Uuti tbei * ; - i
. tors' Belief Act -if in, fu,ree ; Cilia 'cases it from wet. - �IxlteriBe cold they . may Ox_' Cleaning th6L . toL � � . ::. ,
9 revolver' with oil 'and some stateandiat Of tbO'014014t daughter, a girt"Of 0 were empty. . , I
-,I- , L-,-_, glnxxji� perien66, biit stock . ow that rAP . �. about - �. . . . . L � L 11 .-.
.- will entirely fail t,) reach. ]III , , , a",: Fifteen of a , 8 years �Of �go, tiamb OT. of the, chil. rgment , hlve�stigata the ra`vmgbS of . . .. . � .. I ..
. __ __ _ It is. evident raisers 0 . . .
0 6f iokkr'.�Vo and it � ii Cattle t&k . I diplitbeiia'in'- Russia, hag'-siledoedea Lin .0 '_ ' - . � , I, t .. . . . .; . � �
this is on y the bol I . where.suell'oold iadi a�.aao of aniCide. While lab JuFyraturaxad a verdict d1`62 -. lighted' a - piece 09 -birch &ti:% And. I . . TrLXZ.lKCi titn M. � L . I . # . .
. i
. O'.. :. .- __ __ I ..n insane n u . . I L . .
. . , . I I ... & - - _� I Fe do I . I .
by the oa�ftleL y the orlaig under 4 FAZLS.-�T. ,,. Bqia, presi-� . ; . I
. . will be Strange il . end oc, a twelve harm. 'Hence Can bo, an tire, raised _iMpuls , . � -, L. . - threw 1 t. filto.. a wood bbx,, - whiola 'immedi. ,ting hilxiself.'offaniivOy ooaxs�jctio 8 dent- of the R066ster--Hy ralilic x6tol. . ... .. I ..
. �.
. I I. " � , . In that 6AY.'�'316 claims to b6jtha-p6s�,ag�or Couip,,y, incorporated %�ith:.'61,000 000 * . . _. . .. . � ..
I month WisZotaiitry- does noi -,�,mkb up -to a on the Northwest - Plains - without the no- 001111or McCarthy died at Dal .- - f�tely.ilgiffit6d.-Thoy-*or6-j3o-f-rigliternod-tliat, , ofa-spectialty.,witich is An inja jible-rolaxedy, 'Lospital. has invOnted 11101 . . 1. . � .
4livati011 Of -1110 xxxist�kar_ibat has-been �qessity.lor ,buildinga for wiritering .them f IYsiMOn,: the iwo 'Statui t
... n . I � ive Iniles * frbulL MQIOW, at 'ilie iciv hems6Wesup.ju,s;nadjO1xIi , 1. ,
I ads by the total repoil' of'tho �ba upt an.: � � � . I I . ta and for.- this'is sov�i - it, * - -- ----- , be placed At G-6 a.maoh' Which I� to - - .1 , -7" -
. . $ Y oil leizea, both by _ -. I . I L
. � I . - � I . . . alk.r . . � I L.. . . I I age of Ill years, '�Cxx . � &nced room. The girl, aftokineffectual efforts a ,medical and I - ::1 - - -1 1- �..
&W. . . . . . . � L . — .1 . Good F ridity he Walk- get tbomon . t . lies.ee falls, -atMocileStor, art - - - - . I—-
. . . .. . . � . , it, 6�mjlght up the you .governmental'authorities., Dr- the spring, And. . . .. , -I
. .. T . ... __��_ , __!!!!M., '� I 6d f6in tile White gates, nettr Ballysimon And razi to, tell . . ngest child Gough retortg. that ill th " ' ii-ixatOaaded.to coiiapress Air. . �
. . . . .. —, I , ,. ; THx;'Xi;czr,ixzvAL, RHOXT-Criox.-All Eng� a distance of 14 trail * . . I . . . her Parents, who *ere at cution'is piofesn . ocause (if air Prose- to Supply the City and vicirtify.with a Motok - , I ,,, . .1 I , . . 1.
. . I . . . as,' The next day he ional jealousy. . . � . . ..
I I .
L The. Canddlap)paclae. � Ifigh school report, in discussing t1ad valti^ . some distance froin,the house. - b . capable of wor . . . .
I .11 I - 1. . .a Visitodoevefalof his acqbdintances,pind walk. . ,. tit who I The .raxemoirs 6f General K ' ve king all pOrtionslof the n2m. .. # 1.,. I .
Referring to tile 125 bran�h about . qfteachingoliildr�aito coqaMittoJnemory found on iom6hind the scone of be L �Rslxtlx h& clain6r.y. in the o't,, . .i. . . . I ..
. to be -v . . Od 611 that day, about 9 miles. _uebadethoau 'that all their'eff 11-flagiation been jublishod. . � . I y; running all streetcar , I . .. 111
- tile . sent cost, and Able Ito *. t I I . L ..
. L -ords they do not, undeistand" givela , at one-tenth the pre � a . . - -
. bitilt through the BrItiall Columbia moun- all un affa�atioiaatofarowcll, and said that he areal wore in WO to gave the two Chit , The phylloxers, has appearedin Italian supply the 'Cit, I -r
. tmills M a " at of. between 08,000,000 and f6llowing illustraitiou of the faults of such - vA%- - Tile sad news , has ��jneyjirdoL -1 v er, I . . . . . . . . -)
. , . co iviould bo..s6oh -with GO& He was 0, very enlisted the � in the west of Italy�, - .., -with A, light - choap 1. . . � . . .
, The precise W6 a of :-the'r6- healthy Man And ympathies f all 9f, F lifto I I . ,.:. . . I
.. 1. .
sys. there horse -shoo light': The frame of tbo derrick -'. . . .
I 01OX00,000, the Victoria COlonia't bf tile - .. rd Maintained all his facul- I friends and'neighbors. . n1a A despatch from 06�erihagexx b -brighter, softerAnd safer, than'the RdisolI I I . I . .
13th nit.' smyR .- "I Mr. Onderdonk returned � a prectir"i It ., I The claildroat'had. boen. ,I c- ties to. th6 and, of his long' -life, , 0 � . have been several 'severe. oru I
1p.rt are . HO has A . ___ . .
repost the catechism during - . ptions ,of. I ., .
. Yesterday from Oregon: On . -al"t-tax-f tv.. ' brother who. ig. now in big 95th year. ' ' I � , I to be placed ip, 1110 river is 125 . . . ..
.. pro Friday%d'will . half an hont -each day, in day school ix� . Tile � . 7 —I, " ;* Mount Reelm' I . I I feet high, .
A ,j.W4LX, r1rIZZ. . * .6 . .
. coed to Yale- in company With Roh. Mr, decoasedlvasb�member of &,verypumpr, . � . I . A Siberian company is forming in Copan. andtfie Water is directed 'by 9, dam, bolted . � . I I . . . .
. I f3unday-sclio6li and tfiey wore 'called upon '�ous to *the rock by 5,OoO pounds ofi bolt,% up.OIX ,. . ... I , � , L . I ,
Tratch, Mr. Camble, Mr. Easier And th' . tamily, &aid was 4 teetotaller. ' '--: ' Three Girls 13tuened to' DcaW.,. � ".. hagen in connoctionwitb Prof - Nordensk.. . .. . I .
calgincerin a tO'WrIto the answers t ' I I . ` .. . ar I&feetbulkhamd, thiotigh Which it enters . . .,
- . : g parties, and go ever *010 line otW6 pestions. Thim . ' I - --- ____ __-*_________�_' I BOTIiwiML, At , fold'alexplorations. . - . , - I I ... I 1. .. . 1. I ..; .., I
from 111mory to SAvana. The first sod will. is *hat-w4s Writtbal: 'MY-Ruty tords Goa-' - WIWI , my 5----mBkV�00h .1 'And 2 __T1Id_dk(MsA_N.htQh_bAR. bOAD :, a fluipe and perkorms its wark.* The appa-4 � . . .1 . .. - "..,
' . . - . � . . "I
-, .
be tu)rned oil the 24th of M&Y at U, mory, is ,to bleed in him to fearin 'and to loaf * � C0*8'X'XL.]LATX0_'- . * O'clock this' morning a fire took place—V6—t Randiaga � s-m6de-to�use-the'-f-orce-of-Niagar,%�;---... I_, _�4 __..
� � �� � I I t -sheep in the nd south of ra,tus-wa �.� . , , �
.. � altil by tile lot of Augiiat Mr. onaoid, withola. your arts,kthold-my mine withold Airvill d1vid l9atorlain . . Balpheina tOftollip, four mi* from Both, Eirglan west a fs,118-in Buffalo, -biit the.city, is go far . . . . I.,
. . - . onk ment of 'he oracel."s well,.burning th _ d'14 - reported as being stamped out. - I
__ V , 0 any sold'and with"ifty sernth to wifellp and . &-.tDtibill�'-�.-At'ViLditKoulsozxrd. I a. dwelling 6f Irmo. A. dacro' - , that 02,000,000 bapit&l would h6�0 away . . . � . ...
I I. . . .1 TNy,o*of Mr. Gage's daughters P P The niost st'r nuou als, are made I - . . ., .. ..
. bop6s.to have hat ,3,000 ana4,0 0 men. . to give thanks Wput .my ola,tr I . a' a exertilo' .boon ,, ..
. con i .
. - I 1. I . . . I . I I
I at ""' ';corres- h-texi of Mi G, ation Agents. in Englaild to i becessa�ry. - - , .. .. . � . . 1
work on the dilforel4f sootions , . ast in him" Lc�mbx, May;. 4. . oviahed E
. to call upon 1xim Ao- onnor his old nalue land Pondexat . -The Wililin tile IN4,ra. - . by owi&' . I - 0 . �, ,
I W Iso . - orge ten - direot U11look. Cralk,'tbe auth I .. . . 11
Nearly,evorybody. has a romedy-,for so&. ' Of 1 the Now York Rerald In ding Bottlers" to take, Alp thair homes I,. no Oressi , . I I.".
. I . his 6kId bucl- to -Save him traly'all tile tolegraphs.: �, Capt.' ang Came to stay with I I . won a visit to Rome 'With her . . I
Potter ' and 'the thoW 'a in the:RtAtes. . . hus, � '-* �, , , .
. days Of MY 1lfo's,end-.-', My dooty tii rds n -,y a gh' A r�wl Sence. The' . I . I 1.
. �,.Gw Waite , as�ai 'O I ,Mrs. Diriah, . .
. f from Any form of trou . . d ' t .aat.,.,b ,;, May . . . b a,who.ih the editor of iwac � I . -_ '...
sickness, arid whoever has ex�erieaxcod re. ligbor .Ilirn.' w5 1 ti L officaja of tlie lonstellatitiff- Arrived , Origin . uritag f hair Par . . . DUBLI, . all millan's I . . ......
. ... lie' ,P to 10�6 I solf to 440 to all here this Afternoon., C The lord mayor sent f the " Is .,known .. . 4 -Captain �Pottor, of the MagiAlici. arsi Oraik is described in ii� ' - s' . . � �1. .
,taxiont aIM1114VAIly Man ,AR.Y . . I .. . L
that foran*., 11undreds, love onalet 4u�d ' . I . ���� .... Coilstollati6n,, was,to-day presented with 'letter to the Evening'Post as , a not -1 .. I
I ..
of So-called I infallible I cures might be" Suite any f - to ineet' .- Cold Ili ithp North tba'freedom*of .the city-� Lo elderly.. ' � ' ' . .
, has en'tir� faitli in ' ' wed �thou shbledd And to. ma. to carriaqes to Kingsbridge.statiori ,�
I - I ona. mAhot -and M.0their thern, and theywor Went. , . . id Mayor butwore than PaiQe-6gea �roxnaxx thor� " . - - � , ', :
.. a daivela t8 +Ile Shelburne � - 9 the �Dattlef6rd. barracks, Mr. th,t,the . . - �',
� I . , MOrat6d, and Yet- some' to Ofther and tobmy th6-queou and all th - Concernin Gray., w J
. ,
eoplo havd*1404 are pit At Hotal,-first stopping 4the Man � he presided at'the ceremony, stated : oughli-M, ngliAh in her apyeapinco. She ia , , , ; , , � i
� aY their respects td the lord M6,yor and torior I n. 4 . ��
: . any number Of ihem'wifigout.the least Ad- t -in a forty underlior,to axiiiinayself to? , $ioax Hbuse Walker reporti to the Minister of, the ,I disti6sg Ili Ireland Was Gs"grevit'68 416t hali4dome, bil-b has oving gray eyesi , �
vantage. The Pzoliability idthat s6a.sic.k� to all my govixes teaches spiritial pasturps 14 y Mayoress. aff followA�`, The Baftlbfor'd barracks ever# and he feared that during the next atia dresses, plainly in black silk or - velvet. ... . � !, .. I I . I
� I OThey visited'.the Giiety are just as you, Raw them last summer, tlxre�� montlia itwould prove Masi severe, She Speaks French voiy'wall, and a little I . I . 1. . I....
� . n6s .edmes frora different- citiseg witll� 061id mariters to, Ought0n - myself -lordly arid Thbatre in tile. Ovening, and Witnessed Mr. except thia,% they were all mudded over . *jix:t I "
I .
. a , , � . I .. . I I � , . .1 ,
� different inaiviausis. - Nviti, som � to all my betters tZa .but nobody by Cbarles-Wynalialialo Company in f J� whou. the cola bar of Depdias on the dtities on Petroleum 804le Of the many 'reception .. . :: �,.,
I a it &rise$ every P,inis, UA �-Tbo debate lie CII&M, Xtalhin, said armed,thus; she want about t 4,
from the st6ninch ; with some would nor dead to -bo IrGu, in joit in All my Tile 0�,hstailaijo.h Wentirely Im ,etzy., Weather SO6 in.' They tire . � 4.-�
nerves; with Wien from . the brarom "110 dOolius to boor no 11111dis nor ated in your the oxceptioll'of loadAwith still very uncomfortable. 'We are nQw brought out the f6at that Am. erioix�lpetro. .*here'!( you have n t . a of Rome, . .. i�
. . lia'; -with . art's to kabp any . -150 bbls. of meat which are b I O two olf three laxign. I I .. I
. an U imaginati U. No , qnds from packin and steel urning from four. to gvo cOras of wood per 9, a ln� I .. I I
, . . oblioga �again fro th ' 6 to go Aboard. the -gunboat Orwell,- 1,11&t . leum. is threatened with formid blb 6o ages tit conarnal2d, you may, oft . , .�
9" exact diagnosis Canbe Made of sett.gicknost;. my.tarn from - evil, speak atia I& ' day, "illd it is only by kc�pixxg 0 potitoi in the shapo of A :0 -ranch -company barrasgea.' She lives about ton an be em . .. I - I
willg and vessel being detailled by an Accident to hot a fares night miles from - I � 1. I
Of - 91441146i's If6t to -Civat or desar otbatmans nimebiiaevy nata�y not arrive till 'xxdxl;'Wa6k,. said day t1jo,t the -buildings are 'Made halai� formod: to work oil wells in the ulloy of Loadoii, and will soon return J,hith r, but - - - ,:I� , ., .
40 Or'60 Sufferers, oftch'May be sick. in a .
I . .
. di-Ifforent way, and wlien 60 816kilOSS is. 900a" but to loarh Isobot trewly to got 1'tabl6i aThismorning, with -the. tharmento. KUtAn,, Uttgai,s, where thd Supply 16 blothshoAndhor husband gro Flo 0 . . . I I
'a, it may �e P, an arkod variation, from the own leaving And, to a uty my The fr6oddin of the city will be conferred. . agrees below zero, water was frozen . unlimited. It 'is stated, that at Bmk6u a with Rome.tht6t they Pleased , I .
. cut 0 ter 3 - I. ,:, . �',
first sickness. state if life and to each it an "fi that on"CaPt, Patter to -morrow. afternoom. SAY it sball not be ' - .
The'digoract depends.moro anon.1 I I . pleaso, God to Call - A serious fracas occurred fit my bed400 Wall yielas 28,000 barrels of petroleum a their last visit, Silo Wilt.'not (Ugasin 'jo . ,, . . . � .
. . . on, board tho "'a 'be 1P, day, � ..
'or loss on the 1xadIVjdUAI,�Axxd any &ttftpb 0 ' I 0011st011atiOn Oil Sunday evening while tile . n-twith�a�t"i(n"din�'getli",',Oo��wss Sufficient fire in * imitate other travellers, and throw ,hot .
-Bitm, 'P Wag crowded the Steve to Start the mo 111PA fire. . I .
. .
. . to gontralizo.j1poix it 16 pretty certziu to be , A - 219118-te. Tory paper having writ. sit, All exclarb-i6nists. it r RoUt, May '4. -.*-The Goveralmout has pennies and it.%$$ tumbler !it- the,Vountmin .. I . . . . . .1
Misleading Aia Well as faitile. , 4 . ton -of Ur. W. 11. Gladstone as � tile boxieft, �K . published in the form of 4 report to the 'of Tr6i as An allgury. of roturxx,� . I . . I I .. I I
. . appears that the litO 60�mcu proposea to ,loo gulith son`7-1-t�a�Origiaaal 's really all �ddreas' Alarmor, �Vllo was � atikail 'for -big vote . . ,
- M plods Of IiOPOUSM 6UActoa in his havo 'a, damoo, but the coloro,.i n 1 t d j'oo Smith, , to the constituencies, blami � .
I The Brittah 'marquis and scapogracef wh� OiRrY Of iniisicia q doaleft a a 9 - kingon thdcrisis what I . I
to carry out a b6t, stood M one end of ton. behalf by his fath6r,'In which Mr. W. I -L r(ItIflod Ca RuPPIY tlx� music, Wlibn a r chtfreli of -Lmtor -Dmy Saints ie 068 0, fino Specimen of Ming f :
': %
. . doil bridge Crying 'Sovereigns I sovereigns I Gladst011o Was POtelitfoat until the ow or ,Too Smith's 16rarions, at., Chica,o On tion for delaying legislation, ana pOintlug dop6ndonce and th,ckboad tea baloollo in. , � .
,is f6therls i 1 t Y, to PO , bed Of engalea an't 1,14`1V4 WOM freely exchanged � � eduess, renowned " � .. I
. a polany api000,, and sold only lialf'r, doz6ax Must, . okat 41,000 a, iron Lelayh1g.pins f6iming the favorit I ., Sunday. This, is the first. rOgularchUrohof out thab'the Cacti, - asioni which have been too, �.for , big brus 0 I . . , .... I .
axos,for doing nothing,, a . ,�
lboral Wi6to", serious, buTtlao officers ultimm I ',Tile libol Suit of C1,6sshill va t and military reoiganizo,tiou h4VO demon. moYoU Are Such � A fool., ,VOSI, a 1-21 I
of them, bew4uso thd CoOknoys wore afraid Birmiligham; L' , 0 thiR Root ill Chicago. , . . I held on foreign relations, internal &ftsiria bluntly, I I'll - .
year out of' the t Weapon, Mite . . . . quenasg,. And he s�id I �
. - it was a boax, W6111d have bo�n poor, in fiv�o tely quieted ad - oral ..
. to Me. Glad. rs at Ono time iook6a very vote for yoku, only folks -tell
. Minlitog, bad it boon A 11anxiltott Crowd. I stono on the subject, And received tile fol� tliq disturbance and - placed 0 Publislihigeompan toriAAiliate Str&tedth"606081VOf tbOrbturnOf 0110-h retorted the candidate,, 't1lon, my.q In 0. '. I I
11 I I ,
lowing reply": 'Sir, -Tho gtory,� 1. call ..Lkigloadar� unaer arrest, .&k1siderable X,91,, YORtOrdity afternoon, t a , ood Sir,
ovem! of tile . alifail a Majority as will place tile Governnientin I'm The very an I
Sit Ittigh Allan, the Millionaire k, ivin ' 9, A position of an to represent You,) . �
�1 I rbmImutIlOkftY- TheMinistern came th6 farmer's heavy hand ,,Pon tile �
qw-apr, of Montreal, began tile' AS slyp- asquro you, is u6tariy Ana shabbily fa blOod Was Shed by the Combatants And ono verdict f at PlAintiff -- damage I 0 ,, � o Down - .
. ISO; n -8, ' bavongredd tofiavarmn- early bolition of
, I t 0 . . I
dry My son served tile pu�lie, as I (lid in tit jury, were absent thr'oo,quarto -ca,itaiaaws8houlder, R8 110 GXCIAiailpd, With . . I .
gn,ods Clark witli'm cipital of 4100. a'' , colored a0kniala. during the . conflict fired a f n our. tile grist tax E611A all extension 6 the balff� 0, 116arty laugli, i Conic, I'm am .
Ire 's . usual Way, MR Lord Of thO.T0mStxry# whi I Ono was injured by the Shot Olin Of tile Oldest inhabitants o � .
CIA pistol, but no 01
:now worth 41OW0001000, is 70 yomig old, and is not 4 Aitiocure, though, some make it *a . 80 fA,r1`,S is known. on ra(le., ThOre 19 every indication t1lat tile Aren't d; good un I YOU'ro n go ad if that
. may . Ift, busy with the.de. The diftoronoota,w6ve th t I I 0. Visitarg'aro now pro, OASt 14 Mr- ThOs- 11ilton, �vho works tile el' ,
I be Soon at his oil' ,
a WAS appointed inVi'""' tiona will be cariled. on wit)l untialial. at Stich a fool
1116ttlit I taxtil late in the afternooll by Sit It, Pool, at 24, After two y0arg , . ' ,1-.00&rdToo1, birthday, and is 44 lively as any personin preparation, T h6to% My hand, upon it,., . I 1. I .
'AI's of big business, from 10 O'elodk in the ill Libited from boarding., that,;eng . - . G. % U. Car slio&. Ire was 82 is last aceteivity. All parties are making, Over as C6 thOWt; slid you slit4ii 3imve my ,�Oto, .. I . �
workingday. . , . of ovary' Parliallaoxab; any son at ,90, after fivol an�i tZPVT.-OOVER1�01% 1&onOXAI,D.'--�Tho Lieu. . 11 ![!he Coalition of D�tb� recently atOV6 . I . . � . I
. .
I having done A groat aaII fen%lit-Govarnor of Ontario has been to. tlleslaol)g�' 110116,911OV021illoWwAsiolrday The directors .
� built of gratuitous for a� great many years, . Of the guopenae4 Wast of through SoaxtbportL .
A -WO . man AffdOte(l with Tiesit -aisoasb, -on work for the state so my private socrotary questod to romain an his 6ffieo till tile Ist Mr. _V. 0. Baugg'ah aftot *011 . Oncloavoring, to ellilst I
AdOing two well bUruo4 At XeDougall,s jac. -A scliool Aovore a Of LTIlly, and the known to England & South Wales Bank Ch&r4cd Pd 111961? fAVor'for the Liberal ��faudidates '
. to 1101191i.-YOur fAithful 1191, All his arrangements the -public, hAq datided to give up With falsifying the nocotinta and Louspiring \
iftrj� MOntrOal, dropped doo,a withm, baby and obedient servatt, 'W, 81, Gy,,U) had boon tr4c for re . fititrring. to defraud, have been acquitiod. . Alx� the Conservatives, I being tou galla�atb t
- or arms, - ' t�TONVI tile 1.114 14 mov&l to' MOIIti`GAl On 110 has boon angagoa by 010 Union Squako � groan the lady I turned their Comte Juslad , .
ing in . *1 lho&tre ans,ximgoment to fill the loadibg dom of the city of Du Orr 00- Out and fOIlOW1 d her carriage,
Thero ire aboilt forty ILAW gal,,4 over . A f armor nsial Iray'lld* has consented to stay, T The Lord Mayor, ill PrOsontitag th . . I
tito hin. han - 66TOMPloton had T'I't 1'?'e(,f1V will, hpwever, lemyo Toronto on . blin to Captain Potter
I do littaly pmsonaa by Some, matter . 1,rk,vi1:AN 61%od. 140 Ono Imows Film" in' I Tile BAnkOl"A Dati,eflitor 0 travel., YoAt6rday, Raid oral ExagIAxId is 49 Yet thd only country In tho
Xtlq red is!"A"" 0 , Y thteO XIMMOS bad pre., World in Which the exo4lient pr&ot,do of I I
. foa ,
� ,00p r�iglkt, Of the I Pirates bf Porattwoo,', fVOM gores oil Ono of his co*o. � 9 0111pallY, 'And will bo, �ile of tile pit- Codod hig-the late Dr, Isaac BlItt, p oxh
4111� , opera itself is, as data as a nail. , thoywill have to be ampufatod" � i f � *V;�Ilsuccvk4l;im. lu'videntlythoplaco Uri of that strong. combill4tion ran removing, tba SpQ,torslaip of .
� . . atobvet lilled, * . I . -t Batt- 01dastollo.alia third Grant, Parliamobb r .
" . . , : - , _. ...., , �_ . I . . . 1. . 0011, . The Certificate fioln tile aren06 of P%rt,Z,�n Pol,t1CS,0 toy. ,�
. .
. . . . I , � . I 1. I . 1. � I . - , I . I - � . I . 1 � . 11 . I . . �... Of IrbOdOm WtaclICIO'Sed-111. a casket of bog. Ally folloWoa. _ .,� �
� . - . � � . . .� . . . . I . .1 . - I . .' � -, . % � . -11.1 . ', . . I � ... I . .1 . I � I I . . . .: . . , I . , . I . I 1. I . ,
. I I I . .
. I � -1, �U . . . . . . . . . I . �� . . I . � I �
I . I . . . I . 4 I . I . � . .1 I . _. .. I . I � I
. I � I I . I . � I . � I I I . . . . A I . I . . " . . . . . I . . I 1p, I . . . .
I I V I . . . . � "I .1 1, . I I . . . . . I . � . I I I I
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I. 'I - .1 I I I. 11 I
I .1 � ..
' '
atao,th of
p.d .3�t.
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" . 1 4 ... I . 11 I . . � � .
4 . I 41",% , ,?. , 1." 4- . . . �. . 11 �1 � . " . I I
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