HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-05-06, Page 5Hardware and Stove Emporium. HARLAND BROS1,__CL1NTON1 WE' BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO OVR NUMEROUS OU$TOMEItS AND FRIENDS and the general pnblio, thatwo have added largely to our stook of, HARDWARE this spring,, and are prepared to sell at BOTTOM PRICES., Our stock consists of Nails, Spades; Paints, Cistern Pumps, Cutlery, Locks', . Shovels, Oils,Iron Sinks, n : ,plated: Ware, Hinges, Forks, Varnishes,Lead Pipe, Lamps, - Glass, Rakes,, Machine Oils, Baths, . - Fly Traps, Putty, Noes, 'Brushes, Brass Kettles, Granite Iron Ware Shelf Goods of all descriptions, Enamelled Kettles. . . . - - And all articles usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store, • Eave Troughing and IRON ROOFING • a specialty MILK PANS, PAILS, and all kinds"of Tinware very low. BEST NO, 1 COAL OIL, r'^ _ Eall:.anrl-ecotone iools and-- priees-fofa•ptlgzasi iyelsewleetc5:---•--•. • Clifton, May 6, 1880. HARLAND BROS., . ' .SIGN OF TILE. PADLOCK, BRICK BLOCK, ALBERT STREET, 07:1R;M:4-1.71 -•=AT- 9 3" J ITrf,.IIEL TORONTO NE WS* BY '09R ottr CORRESPONDS . TUE lieu. George Brown continues very low, and hie recovery ie Very doubtful.. CoLI,IlcTiolls were taker up in some i.f the 'Churches last Seedv, in alt of the sufferers by the Hull fir411u SI'R1NG has at last arrived, Sunday being apparently the opening day, The park, Which is beginning to. present .a beautiful appearance, was visited by hundreds, who were .instructed (I) by the usual would-be preachers whp hold forth there. These orators doubllees missed their favorite pul- pit -the old band etaud-which has been removed. A large number of citizens also betook themselves to the Island for a breath of fresh air, the ferry boat having comhnenood ruuD1ta zln Sunday" -.. Clifton Council has given $300 to tho Me- chanics' Institute on the understanding that the annual fee be reduced to 25c, instead of 82. • ULIVT011] fila. RELICTS • t 1880 _ May 6, 1880. Wheat, fall, red, bush", $1 12 a. 1 15 Wheat, fall, white, .- • 1 12 a 1 15 Spring, •Itedchaff, - 1 10 a 1 12 - Fife, - - . • 1 18: a 1 20 Oats, • - 0 34 a 0 35 Barley, - - 0 45 a 0 56 Peas, • -' 0-G2.. a 9 65 Flour, - , 6 00 a 6 50 Potatoes, - 0 30. a 0 35 Butter, - 0 15 a 0 16, Eggs; - Q 0 u .0. l0 Hay, ,' 71)0- a --S- 00 , Hides, - • ` 6 50 a ..7 00 ,5teepskins - - 1 00 a 1 50 Pork, ' - 5 00' a 6 00 Beef, - • 5 50 - a 6 00 Clover 3 00 - a : 3 10. Titnothy - 3 10 a 3'25 BRYAN'S ' Arius (the great public remedy), )cavo now be e, an nee over twenty years, hence .it cannot be id that they aro on trial. They have been tho • ughly tried, and pronounced (on WI ` X11 t o: toss- ]izia and health they have eserved) to be a sure, liarm'less.and emtne . y ealntary preparation, and if taken in season will invariably cure colds, cotigba, tore throat,' and all bronehtal affections. One fair. trial will convince the most skeptical. Sold by all inedicine dealers, at 25 delfts per box. tor QUITE SO.. ••' "It Is among. the Most savage and ilebtfSe tribes' only, thatthe 'coat trona=ro Wftirt•o1"t1le horse have been neglected,"but we.believe there aro many in civilized conn trice who are guilty of the Kuno neglect, and without the excuse of. the tomer ; here all may avail themselves of the use of nn'artlole which ]Lae done more than anything else heretofore known to improve the condition and relieve the suffering of the horse. Those Who not iso It will be the losers, theirliorscs the Sufferers: to avoid both iso. "Darlpy!sCon- dition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy," and you i l' e satisfied with the result. Re- member. 1 you w, l b sgt s wi t o member, the'narne,, and see that tlio signature of Hurd & Co. is on eaeh.paokage. Northrop S Ly - Man, - Mau Toronto, Ont., proprietors for Canada, Sold by all medicine dealers. The subscriber having just received his SPRING and SUMMER STOCK of BOOTS and SHOES, would call the attention of intending purchasers to his well -assorted stock of both LADIES", GENTS",, MISSES', pkIILDRENS'-, in great varieties find at unusually low prices, having purchased before the raise in stock. HARNESS "IDEPAR, NIENT: ;• Having a very large stoek'of First -Class SINGLE HARNESS on lnend, the subscriber would directespecial asp lal attention thereto. Also DdU$LE HARNESS,.both heavy and light. Being - made up from hood stook, and by experienced workmen, he can guarantee the same. My SOOTOR COLLARS warranted to give entire satisfaction.. 'rf'UNIiS and VALUES -4. Very large assortment and veryoheap. TRUNKS from 76 evils up, lat and 2nd glass SHINGLES, from :40 cents a launch, up: A room over the shop to let. ALL GOODS WARRANTED. JAMB . S TWITOHELL, :Victoria :Block. Tics alma: Please•call and see :Harper's BAZAR PATTERNS, 25 cents for a full suit.Also, a choice: selection o WALL PAPER, WINDOW LI N DS, &C. W: H. SIMPiON, Bookseller and Stationer.. Clinton, April I,, 1i8e.:. Furnituie. Furniture; Furniture. • .od � d • HAVL ON • SAND AT TEE PRESENT TIMI • • The lirgest and best selected Stock of .FURNITURE over on exhibition in' this tom, S , Which they are prepared to. sell at prioe3: to suit the times. • The stock consists. of PARLOR & BE ROOM SICK' • R LOUNGES • ,....� EASY CHAIRS, .A -•d n everything " elsite-fn th •. a � e furnishing. line Parties: wishing to fnruisli: their houses,: will save money by giving us a• call. We bays also on band a large supply of COFFINS, CASKETS, ROBES AND TRIMMINGS, of every description. Also, a 'Tl ,RST -CLASS• HEARSE, all 'of which we are prepared to furnish at very low rates. RE'IE1YIBER TLIE PLACE -BRICK IILOCK, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, Crompton's,. Celebrated Spoon Busk Q CD Da. This is the Corset for comfort and durability. MISSES CROlMPTON CORSETS, all sizes:. EDGINGS and REAL LACE. ` . 'A. splendid o stock Of gSIBIt0IDERi; LAWNS, CHECKS, and PLAIN' MUSLINS. IRISH LINEN. WHITE TURKISH TERR'i, for ladies. and children's jackets: Csltx zt cs, LUSTRES and FARJIEa'S SATINS.. Large stock of PRINTS in the newest pattei; s. .HOLLANDS, TOWELLII S and --TABLE 'LINENS. COTTON and WooLLFN;SI#IRTINoS. Faa.THER'anf1 STrtaw TICKINGS. " FRINGES, BUTTONS and DRESS TRIMMING$. •HosI1SIi'Y and BABE%, ASHEltt: &C.;-S;o. Millinery axa:c�• .ax�tle . De • rtxica.ex�t HATS AND BONNETS in ttie newest shapes. RIBBONS AND SIL a in the newest' designs. FEATRERS, FLOWERS, VELVETS, and,'SATINS, 'HATS. 'nd Bo\NFxs'still • made over in the newest: shapes. M'ANTLIES•Inade to order, in ,good. style. BUTTER' and B:GGS taken .in exchange for:'Goode. The sibscriber, while thankinn. her many friend's for their Very liberal l support since she commenced business; hopes: by strict tlttenjaan and keeping. a good stook to continue to receive their favors. t~ • i ,S. BEESLEY, ITIPI LIAL STREET r"'"-Feh.,g6, 1880. _ • vs�s NESS CI- ANGE. . 3 • DESIRES -to intimate to the • people of Clinton and vicinity, that having p urcbased the Grocery and Provision Business formerly carried. on by Mr; A. P. 11088, he has ode thereto a fresh and wall -selected stock of TEAS. SUGARS, RAISINS, SPICES,. • ETC, ALSO, A SELECT ASSORTMENT 05'. ' CR',40�C17'41--1,1r �G1- ,A►° SW'. ►1..$ TIE writ AL50 ICLI';I' ON HAND A GOOD SUPPLY OP HAMS, SPICED. ROLLS, BREAKFAST BACON,. MIST -CLAM IRS ASS LAI1D • in pails or 'tubs, or by the lb., to suit purchasers, All Meats acid Lard Warranted first-class. A11;of tho ;tbovo he is prepared'to sell atbottofn prices for cash. He will still continue as. manager .••f ,lie Furniture tore for Broadfoot iE Box; where he is • r prepared to se'i' , heap as any house west of Toronto. • Oli»ton, Feb. 12,1880. A C;l Lb IU iPEC'Y EVL.Ia sortie T so. , SPRING. 1880 1 !b.atnprww Sees, Seed CLOVER, TIMOTHY, • AND EVERY CLASS OT FIIet;D At7D•' GARDEN SEEDS. Spades, U'orks, .Rakes, :BARBED FENCE WIRE,.. PLOWS, SHELF HARDWARE. Paints,Oils,Glass, &c. Dissolution of Partnership. TILE business heretofore carried on by fhe under- Bigned, under the style, of Davis & Penes -Hard. ware Merchants, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent, and will be continued to all:ita branches by Mr. Davie, who is anthorired to collect all debts and settle all claims of the old Arm, Witness t SILAS DAVIS, tiftl(TIO IIALE i GEO. E. PAI.. ' 011nton,,Ap eth,1880• . • Mirnot* 111:1wiro Moro ALBERT STREET, CLINTON,. Clinton', April Ito', 1880. TED dLARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT See what the. Clergy' say. Rev. R. II. Craig, Princeton, N•J:, says : Lt1lit sum - mor when•I was in Canada, I taught a bad cold -its my throat: It. beeatho,so bad that often in the middle of my sermon my throat and tongue would become so dry I could hardly speak. My tongue was covered with a white, parched crust, and my throat was much inflam- ed, An old ladyof my congregationadvised me to use the Sheshoirlesllelisedy; whinh-•she.Was then ueing,- The•arst dose relieved me, and in, a few days my throat was nearlywell. I ditteentinued the iso of'it, bat my throat pot being:entirely well, boedme worse again. I procured another supply, and I am happy to say that my throat is entirely well, and the white crust has en- tirely • disappeared. I • wish that every minister who salters from sore throat, Would try the Great Shosho- -.uaoa Remedy - Rev: G: 1V. Grout, strriing, d'nt:. Bays; Aire': `Geofgo Francis was severely aillioted:,with Kidney disease, and had beau: under the care b three physicians without any beneficial result. She has since taken' four bottles of the Shosltonooe Remedy,, and now enjoys the best of health. • • Rev. T. C. •Brown, Brooklyn, Ont., says; :• My. wife was very low with lung disease, and 'given up by her phyeielan.' I bought a bottle of the Shoshonees Rx molly, and at the end of days she was much -better, By continuing the remedy •she•wae•perfeocly`re ftored Price of the Remedy in pint bottles, $1; pills, 25 cents a box. • Sold by all medicine -dealers.- • P6orarroeMENTED by the many disagreeable sen satione produced by dyspepsia, or are thin, nervous and weak, should use the standard, tonin -Northrop ,t: Ly.• mao'e-Qnininio-Wine,-Theywill find it Agreeable -41W benefloial. agreeableand- benefloial. • It enriches the blood by aiding digestion .andassiu dation; soothes and invigorates the nervous System, and imparts a•healthful appetite. When used as a remedy for bilione and intermittent fever, it pro - dimes the happiest results, if taken between the attacks. Convaleseenoe ie hastened and untimely decay bf the physique and constitution ie arrested by it. The eppir- itnons conetitaent,.eherry wine, is of the .beet quality, andthe anisettes combined with it, rondersitsflavor additional) loasant. Theywho u i ain flesh yP so . t.g oh:ae well as etrength, and. it exerts a cheering influence up•. on the.mind. It promotes a`h'ealthy excretion and flow of bile, sound repose and, regularity in the action of the bowels. It•judicionely Deed it may bo taken without apprehension of any ill result by porsone of .tho most delicate constitution.. A fair trial is all that is needed to prove the genninesi of its claims tO•pnblio'contldence and to Ibo truth 08 the genoral'verdict in•its behalf, No, articles of its class commends itself so strongly to ngrvous ih}•ailds"who:regniro building tip -none is so wen adapted to fortify, the system against tho dan- gers *htoh-threaten the debilitated. It should not be' mistaken j'or a mere ettmnlant of appetite;. which many' so-called tonics simply. aro. It so regulates the stomach that it is enabled to.porform fte -carious functions with 'regularity and vigar, end its. motion le netonly thorough but prompt. Ask for tho "Quinine who of Northrop '&, Lyre an." Sold by altdruggists.. THE GREAT FEb1ALE REMEDY. • JOE MOSES PERIODICAL ,PILLSS This Wel/known medicine is no imposition but a sure and safe remedy for. Female Dif;l- oultios and Obstructions, from any cause what- evei;and although a'pewerfalromody, it eon-: tains nothing hurtful to the constitution. TO MARRIED •LADIES Itis peculiarly suited. It will, in a shorttime, bring on the monthly period with regularity: In encases of Nervous and Spinal' Affections; Pains in the Back and `Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigne'on slight exertion,. Palpitation of the heart, Hysterics, Siek • Headaches, Whites, and all the painful diseases 000asioned by a disordered system, these Pills willeff'ec t scare when all other means base failed; ' Thede Pills have never been kno;vn•to fail where •the directions on tho and page of pam- phlet, are well observed., "For ftilipartieulars,get a'pamphlet,ire8,of. agent, :JOB MOSES, ',NEWYOIRKF3oLEPaopatam e. $1.00 and 1'2; cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general agent or the Dominion, wi11 indnre a bottle ebntai ingover t0:pille by return mail. Sold in Clinton by.J. H; Combo and Vii'.:It: \Vattst E. Hickson' and 11. Lumsden. Sea - forth; J. Kidd, Carronbrook; Parker dr Cattle and F. Jordan, Goderioh; E. :-.Catneron, Bay, field;,Lap.l3ontliroli,iiodgervIlle:nnd slimed', cinedoaler'P.• • GMA`1'S SPECIFIC ]IIEOii]INE, TItADL 11IxRK. The Great TRADE MARE. English Remedy.' An unfailing cure for Sentinel weak - nee s, Spermatorr'. hea, Impotency, and all 4iseaees that follow as a eeenenee of Self .l+ y S t '` Abuse, as Loss of �; Memory, Uulver. i...C3 Talilll�riaallaseitudo,pain After Taking, intheRack,Dimr is' toss as 01sign i , Premature Old Age, J9id mann oche (Hawes that lead to Insanity or Consumption, and Premature Grave. Full parttonlare-In oar pamphlet which we desire to Bend free by mall to every MM., - The e Speoiilo Modio{ao in sold by all druggists at $1 goy; tlachage.or 6 packages for 1)S, or will be sent free by mail on receipt of tho money, by addressing: m TIIE Otta.2 MRfl1CINE 00., Torsnto, on Ga"4,,;d in Olinton by all druggists. ARRIAGES To be found in the County, . 1 NeColl & Dos Uaraess :Shop. CA11 LAIRD aSE E THEM CLIN row, ;April 22 1880, 7 . LOOK Tile big gigantic Sale AND CLOSING UP THE BUSINESS The rage and uronder of the 40.0y* THE STORE ()RAMMED PROM MORNING 'UNTIL NIGHT, W TR P1 -. OHASERS SECURING THE BARGAINS TIIAT ARE BEING - EVERYBODY GIVEN,-- `l3EOLARES-TI•IP, BARGAINS I AM OFFERING ASTONISHING', 1 All -NOT-SURPRISED .AT THIS OUTBURST OF WONDER, BECAUSE i , AM SELLING $1.50 Black Dress SILKS for $1 per yard, , 1.25 Black Dress SILKS, for ¶K e. per yard $1.35 Colored Dress SILKS for 90c. per yard. 75c.. Stripe and Check SILKS for 50c. per yard. 506. Stuff Dress Goode for 25c. per yard,_ 45c: Stuff Dress Goods for 20c. per yard. 75c. Black CASHMERES for'GOc. per yard. 75c. Colored CASHMERES for, 50c. per :ard. - -25e: . 2.5c:"Dress 0oads for TOZ •ex yard. 20c. Dress'Goods for 12&e. ver yard. 10e. Fast -Colored PRINTS for 8c, per yard.. ' - 12c. Factory and Bleached .COTTONS for 10e. per fid. 2(Fc. LINEN HOLLANDS for 15c. peryard. • 1Qc.. LINEN TOWELLING f r 5c, per yard.. 25c.. SHIRTING for 18e. per ard, 25c.' DUCKS and .DENIMS for 20c. per yarcl. $1 :White Drees SHIRTS'for 75c, each. • $1.25. White Dress SHIRTS for $1 each. $1,75 Colored Dless"SHIRTS. for. $1,.25, $1.S.50 -Ladies Buttoned P. BOOTS'for $1 •per pair. $20 suits Worsted. CLOTHING for $15 per suit. $1.3 -suits MEN'S CLOTHING for $14 per $15 suits1VIEN'S CLOTHING for $12 per suit. $12 S1Uts'.MEN S (JLOTIIING for, $0;75 Lie suit, •' x'121.50 OVERCOATS for $9 oech. •$10.50 OVERCOATS for. $7.50' each. LADIES BONNETS, half Trice. LADIES 'and CHILDREN'S' HATS, half price. FEATHERS, 'FLOWERS,: LACES, TRIMMINGS, .ORNAMENTS,: RIBBONS, at fabulous prices. COME. 'LOOK.' SEE. DON'T YOU FORGETS IT. At once' is the best time to buy, because you get the best variety. The goods are selling faatt and the news is spreading, so come along at onee as the business will positively be' closed up in a short. time. THE GREAT 'SALE': IS NOW GOING ON AT THE GREAT' 777 , CHEAP: STORE, OPPOSITE THE' MARKET; GROUND, CLINTON.., 'LOOK LAPi __Tie NUS %: Carps Leuoorrhh,a (or whites,) Paintul Menstruation, Ulceration of the Ulterus, ovarian' diseases; Absent Menstruation and all diseases known as Female Weak- ness. They are prepared with the greatest care under the personal supervision of a physician who hhs made female diseases a speeiai study for many years, and they aro a Medicine on which Married Ladies can de- pend "in the hour and time ,'f need" asan unfailing Female Regulator, IC Mrs. Wilson's Mystic P015 are sold by alt Druggieta at 81 per, package, or six packages for $5, or, will' be • vont free on receipt of the money by addressing T G • AY MEDICINE CO. THE R • Toronto, Ont., Canada: S. FOWLER SQA: DI:;AI.E1IS WATCHES, CLOCKS Albert Street, CLINTON 0. We have just added to .our stooka fine 1ot'pf : 6 VIOII asd GUITAR STRINGS. SPEOT;AOLE S .ALWAYS KEJ?T IN STOOK, Clinton, Oct. 2, 7879. UND.EllTAKiN 1'i11ILE SUBSCRIBER EE'GSLEAVE TO STATE .5. to the public that he keeps eonetentiy on'hand a largo and superior Glass of 'COFFINS, CASKETS, Coffin Trinninings and'1tobes, Bili,, a splendid 1tEARSE: PLAIN 001asins always =hand. Parties can be supplied In brio hour, at any Nine, at PER CENT LESS Than can' be procured at any other place. A fullst;o"cko f FURNITURE 1 ,' AlWaysoil l and, S • Clinton ,MaYl0,L8777.r 1 s. "'171148°N. • 23: W 2C a-rr. a®IIMMEMIIIIIM LOO K BARING SA STAPLE : and FANCY a Owiiio to the iin �.overnents i bout -`to be made in our, prelnises, a p 1 we will: of•fer for sale our EINTII.ZIE STOCK OF • DRY GOODS T AND UNDER COST CONSISTING OF •T EEDS • FLANNELS,B • ,W L.ANKETS FANCY DRESS: GOODS., BLACK. LUSTRES, W INCEYS,., • CASHMERES, COLOURED SHIRTIN GS, TICK- IN(S GREY.; AND BLE.ACHED, COTTONS, TABLE H4SIERY, 'GLOVES,' ES, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, HATS .AND OAPS, 'BOOTS. ,AND SHOES, &c: &c: The %rhole • stock will be sold without _reserve;.. at such prices that cannot fail to : be. '•appreciated. . W.ILLIA COATS. All parties'. indebted to the above in. overdue Ac countp'or. Notes; : vi11 be expected topay up in full, without delay, Clinton, Nov, 1.8,1870. . McKILtOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE GOMPANYK Taos. l!1 EXi,A11TS, AGENTy Ii.iittociy OWI'. - Farmers wishing to insure will find this Company one of the beet and clearest to in., are in, and will' be waited on at their„homee if information be bent to the Agents' office. 9y • House and ° L.ot for sale:,. •IN HOLM1ISyILLE. . - 1 /.. HE undersigned offere for Salo, in the village Of auouerete ,boar, with frame additions Ind frame Blacksmith shop, driving shed and stable. Tho houses has eeoen rooms and cellar, and the 1J•f is stocked with choice fruit trees, and the team on, .,,uses, will be Bold en very reasonable terms, r, ;onlarb on ap- pliedtion to liolmesville, a gaarter.acre lot, on whlolt lo erected •J'AbltiS ENTIOKN.AP.. .1Yolniesville, Fob.19,1889.