HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-05-06, Page 110,0l.L,PWAYI$•...,41STME,RTE N., _ • • AND CENTRE HURON GENERAL ADVERTISER. •••••.•,••••••••••••0 VOL. 15@ NO. 19. TE110111901.511 Per .1111liantin, in advance. •CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY, 6, 1880. •gvefto$totutt alt4 °tittle Oardo. TC ;MIND, IN LARGE OLSMALL WIN on good Inertgege to00utit-7, at moderate tette. of Interest. a. EWE. Clinton, August 9 th,1809. 741 A LIST OF LANDS IN HURON FOR SALE BY 41, the Canada Company may be eeen at the -001043 ot theundersigned. It Clintonaan,17,1879. 11110, WHITT, Teacher Olinda. Pupils attended -an. at their own reeldenees, it necessary. Residence One door aouth of ilIr. 0. A., Hartt's, Queen Street. Mar15, 1879, D. ffice and residence If. DOWEILEY, M. D., kl, IL 0, S. nngland, Physician, Surgeon, &e, O 1 next Nielson, Bank, market, square. . i Clinton, jan, 10,1880. • i -Ups. REEVE-it-WILLIAMS. Offlee, Itattenbnry i -1-"Street, immediately behind Ranstord's Book Store. Ofdee honre kora 8 a.m. tO 0 pan. Clinton, Jan. 29, 1880. 0YOUNG, 11.B.,, (GRADUATE OF TORONTO ,gst the leading necessaries of life. Great Household 311edicine ranks • TJniversity,) Physleian, Surgeon, &e., reamon sidenoe , at Mr.Flanning's, three doors east of the Temperance all, Londeeboro, Ont. These femme Pills •Nulty the BLOOD, and actxueet M Londeelioro, nine 14,1879. 11,11.1STANBITRY, GRA.DITATE 01' THE MEDICAI. Dellartment of Viatoria University, Toronto, for.• *• of the Ifeepitals and Dispensaries, New York, Coroner eorthe Countyof,,,Huron, Barr/ELI', Ont. July 22,1074. 81• DB,A.RpLE.Rox.:- OFFICE - A Dosidenee on Onterio -street, opposite the Englieh Chureh. Entrance by side, gate. Clinton, Deo. 4,1879. • •le/TONEY 'TO LEND. -I have any amount et money . in, to lend, on good, improved flume only, at 71 per cent; intereet payable yearly. Sum no object if securi- • ty ample. Private tondo. • 1OHN S. PORTER, Beciforth. ARRIAGE LICENSES 'AND CERTIFICATES.- , XIX Apply at the Town Hall, or at the residence of tip enbscriber, near the London Huron & Btu& Railway Station. . JAMB SCOTT, . Issuer of Marriage Lieeneee. Clinton, April 27th, 076. Tklt. WORTHINGTON , PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, Aceouchenr, Licentiate of the College of Physician, and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provinciel Licenti- ate and Coronor for the County of Huron., Office and ' residence - The building formerly °templed by Mr. • Thy/sites', Enron Wed. , d Clinton, an. 10,1871. - Tr* CENTRAL HOTEL.- late Farmer's - Albert Street, Clinton. Er. PIKE, Proprietor. This ho- tel haaJetely been greatly improved and thoroughly • refurniehed, and possesses evco requisite for the com- fort and convenience of the travelling public.Good • stabling and attentive hostler. *ClintoneNov. 28th, 1878. • W. E. CARTWIlIGHT,SnlienaltDlirtrIST Graduate -of ...the- Reyal College of -Dental Surgeons of Ontario, has opened Toone n the Victoria Block, Albert Shut, Clinton, where he will .00nstantly.be in attendance, and prepared to per- t orinewery operation oonneated with Dentistry, Teeth extracted, ar filled with gold, amalgam, or other filling material. Artificial t e oth in serted rom one to a full set. . Clinton, April 17, 1879.. 16 . The I1ectric•Liglit outdone BY THE SUN'S REFLECTIONS FROM A STOVEPOLISHED WXTR E140:US EEPER'S. -FR-1E11D • MAGIC STOVE 'POLISII. • ff1HIS article is superior to all others hi the market. • Is wartanted to retain its lustre in any climate, and under all circumstancee, and is not ,affeeted by beat, No dust, dieter foreign substances will adhere to it. Tho following aro a few of thondany tostdinoulals received: MnS. T110s. FAIR -The beet I erer saw. NM JAMES TIlkIXBULL -The beet I ever used. • Mag. W. COOPRIL-No dast or dirt from it. • • • MB. A. Mammon -So eloan and, so quick. MRS. G. GLAsoiew.-I never need a pelf& to beat it. ta'Ask yenr grocer fOr4. PRICE 10 CENTS. Trade wapplied at whOlesale Mee. Itatufaetured only by W. THORNTON. Clinton, Feb. 12,1880. • BARGAIN6. PARTIES gJIIMS F SHOULD szn TR: FARMS OFFERED FOR SALE „ BY THE UNDERSIGNED, . IN iflig'.-V.'1O1NITY OF CLIN'f011T, • ' AND ELBEwHERE, AS THEY ,anei • DECIDED B.h:RGAANS. • MONEY, TO LOA.N .-• ON MOST FAVOR,ABLE 'TEEMS.; 11ORTGAGES -ail other securities . •• • • . BOUGHT AND SOLD. A.S FISHER, Notary Public andCommisalouer. • Mareh 4,1880. DELTIII�J BIBBIT METLIA, latforrn Scales. R• RACEY) 13AI? IRON, And Hardware Merchant. • aixt614, 03o.11880. • • • , powerfully, Yet soothingly, on the , LIVER, STOMAGII,.KIDNEYS, end BOWELS, giving tone energy and vigor to these PR great MAIN SINGS OF iIFE. They are ocffildeAtlY recommended gike a never:failing remedy in all eases whore the constitution, from whatever caueo, has, be. come impaired or weakened. , They aro wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all, ages; and awn GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE' are unsurpassed. • Its Searching and Healing. Properties are known throughout :the world. For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breaets, Old Wounds, Sores & Ulcers, it le an, infallible remedy. If offeetually rubbed on the neck and °beet, se salt intomeat, it mire, Sore Throat, Tirol:1011We, Coughe Cold e, and even Manna, Por Glandular Swellings, Abscesses, Piles, Fistulae, dout,8zRheumatism, • And every kind of SHIN DISEASE, it hae rover been known to fail. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at 583, OXFORD STREET; LONDON, and aro sold by all Vendoys of Medioines throughout *the Civilized World; with direetione for use in airiest everylanguage. The Trade Marks of these Medicines aro registered - in. Ottawa. , Ilence,any one 'throughout. the British Possessions, who may keep the American Counterfeits for sale, will be proseeeted. Purchasers should look to the Zabel on the Pots And Boxes. It the address is not 533. Oxford Street. London,. they are spurious. • . • 91HE subscriber would take this opportunity of 1- thanking hie mumerona friends who •aided in re- moving hie goods at the late fire, and would aleo inti- mate to tho fire brigade that he has. • Rernoved to Mr: Barge's . Building, Victoria St.. • • Wonld ills° say to the publio that he is selling his •BOOTS and SHOES exceedingly cheap in order to clear all Otit Wore taking poseession.of his new buildiog. Cali and eee prices. JOHN ZACIIS ON. Clinton, Aprifl 5th, 1880, • BIDDIJECOMBE,. Watch and Clock M aker JEWELLER, 4tc..,. • *. Wonldiespectfilly announce to his eustemere and the public g morally, that lie lam removed inb°. hit former building, on 4LBERT iSTRDETt_OPPOSIT.0• THE -1...t.ARNET, Wherehe will keep on hand asciac,iitssortmontof, 'Clocks, Watchtis,Jewoliy, and Silverre °fall kinds, 'Whieh he will sell at reasonable raterk. • Bepai4iig,of every deeeriplieanr ()replay tt ended to. • ' • ,T. EIDDI,ECOAIBE„krainrix STREET Clinton, peo. a; . BB.OADFOOT 8! BOX; • UhIDE T KERS, 4 Ti Albert Street, maim" re• Aoadr. MORTGA'G'ES, .1§19TES, AND GTHER. • ; Good. Securities Purchased, CONVEYANCING. w. W. FARBA N: Clinton, Nov. 9;1379. •' 47 131ISINESS CHANGE. , GB 0 CERIES,. ° • • -ILTAYING pnrchased thestoels and good -will of the JUL Grocery business of Mr. W. IL east, the sub. eoriber Would take Ode oppedunity of thaticing hit friends for the liberal patronage 'enjoyed by hinz while it member of the firm of FDIEVPAnD & Commit, and hopes by liberal indiacemento to receive a fair share of button from them in hit new business. Ash° intends • tokeop the beat attortment, he is ready to Offer Ooml: at the ineet remunerative Prim, . , • And will shortly Open ont a fresh supply of , TEAS, SISGA.ES COFREES TOBACCOES, CUOCRERY, GLASSWAltt, synth's, SOAPS, M., vto, HENVAIIIER i1EPLACE-Ills old stand, Corner of' Albert and HattenburN Streets TAOS, COOPtIt. Clinton, March 2.4,1880. atut awvtrttoontitio, •' SOWItOkilY Mul Villitio Vtattgrti. 1 Cook 'Wanted, 1XTANTED at once, a good Cook. Iligheet wages V V paid, Apply to )IBS. W. IL RA.NSEORD. Olinto-in, Vey 0, 1850. Buggies for Sale. f TIRE subecriber offers TWO NEW BUGGIES for saleonreaeonable terms, or tliey will he exchanged for horses, Apply to JOHN HOLMES, Key 0, 1880, Lot 4, Huron lioad, Goderich-Vp.- Dahlia Bulbs. NOW le the time to secure your Dahlia Bulbs, A largo assottment ler Bale (It ' 'DLYIS' • May Oth, 1880. • Mennuoth Ilerdware Store- Pounkeepees Notice. TMPOUNDED, at Clinton, THREE CALVES, year - 1 lingo, as follows: -1 red and white Steer, 1^bleck aud white Steer, 1 red and. white Heifer, If not pre- viously redeemed, they will be pia by Publia auction, OU SATURDAY, MAY 15ru, at One o'clock. thin. ;Om- WHEATLEY, Poundkeeper. Clinton. Mey 0, 1880. •-600d Farm for Lease. • ro. the 16th concession, Gederich Township, 85 V acres eleared, under good state of cultivation Good House one Outbuildings. Lease given for one „year, and it suitable to all parties extended- for two years longer. For particulars apply to MRS, M. TAYLOR. Clinton, May 6, 1880. . • • .Court of Revision, GotlorickTowifp. TARE NOTICE Dint the Court of Revision for the Township of Goderieh will hold Re first flitting at HOLMESVILLE, on the 26th day of May, ISSO, commineing at le o'clock, a. for the.pur- peso of hearini and reetlf3ing all aoinplaints againet or error& on Gm assessment von or the present year. All parties Interested are requested to !weed. . miss PATTON, . Clerk of the said Municipality. Goderich Township, May 4th, 1880. •School Dachas Examinations -- 88.0; , ' For First Class -At the Neiman SettooL, Tortotero; on Tuonsnav, JULY the 8th at 9 a. in. For Second Claes-At tho Towx or Gomenten and • Man SeHooLs of °LIMN' and Satiroltrif, On MONDAY, JULY thelth at 2 p.m.•• For Third Class -At the Tows or GODEntell, on, TuESDAY, JULY the lath, at 9 a. In. . . Forms of the notice to be previously given by the Candidates,' °air be -obtained to' application -to' the - Secretary. It is indispansible that Candidates notify the Beate - Eery. not later than the lat of Juno, of their intention to present themeelves for examination. 7Carididatee for First and Second Class Certifioates are required to forward tho necessary certificate of success in teaching, and all aro required to fernish _egriiileatee.aLmoral eharaeter • Candidates for SeO0nd Mae must state whether theyintend to weite in Goderich or at one of the other named High Seltod1S. •• Candidates for Third Class must furnish proper proof of age. Cunnierrx.-Mr. Chae.Dodde, of the 6th • eon, of this township is the possessor of a on. Moray in the ishape of a young pig whioh was born with four eyes and a trunk identical with that of an elephant, protruding from the head -aboye the snout, being entirely separate there, from, and with a hole running througIk its length. It was alive .when born, and well.. formed in other respects. LONDESBOlt0. Lxcersitz.-On Monday evening Rev, Mr. MeCrombie, R. W. H. 0, It. of the Ceihndian order of Forester, of Ontario, delivered a lec- ture to the Court here, in the temperance hall, which was .erowded.- A. Woodman, C. IL Londesboro Court, occupied the chair. Mr. P. Robb, of Clinton, D.D.Ef.C.R., was galled upon for an opening address,. which was given appropriately, after which ME. A. Bennet of Clinton, sang e song entitled "I will stand by my friend," which was well received. The leeture was an able one, dealing mainly pith the benefits of Ferestry as an order. During the evening the Lonclesboro choir sang a numberof pieces, and at the (doses votes ot thanks were piseed-te all tsking-r-tritiii-thir proceedings; and the aseemblY dispersed, hav- ing spent a pleasant. evening. The members of the Court then adjourned to Bell's hotel, where an excellent camper had been provided for them, and to whiela full. justice was done. 1. 401)ER1C11 • TOWNSHIP. Couto ov Itzvxsratr.-The first sitting of the Court of Revision for this township,. will be 'held at Holinesville, ou tho- 26th inst„ corn. rnenciug at 1.0 a. m. Moviso.-Mr, Yee who has been residing in. Clinton for some ;inn, is moving back to Me farin ma the Bayfield line, the term of his tenant having expired: • • •. Leavreo.-Mr. J. Perdue, of the 13ayflel4 'eon. ,intends going on a prospecting tour to • Sault St, Marie, and Will have et sale of his stook, etc., On Tuesday next. •, Eoucarrosax,.--The following is the derid- ing of the three beat pupils in each class at the last monthly examination for S. S. No. 9. The standing is based on general proficiency, attendanee and peat frork. Fifth clase--lst, Lottie Cantelan;; 2nd, Fannie ;Richardson ; • 3rd, W. Cantelon. Fourth class-lst Lizzie Lavin; 2nd, Jennie Richardson ; 3rd„ Annie Helland. • Senior third-Ist, Clam Stirling ;- 2nd0Ellext-Sgarp;,•• Srdr-1. Jiiinor. third -let, Carrie Stirling; 2nd, Katie Connell; 3rd, .L.A..Browniee. • Second class -1st Julia Carter; 2nd, T. Cook ; 3rd J. A. Carter. • ' •PETER ADAMSON, geoy: Bernal Ears. Goderieh, May 5th, 1880.. '„ MORRIS. Bei- rtes. -11r. Belliiiietioterni•Belgrav,e, 41.ifeli is about Completed, pi esenti a fine as!. • peot to•the little village, we understand he purposes meVing ieto it goon to i•esume his, usual businese, Dr. Poyne, of Toronto, bai min:nem:0 operations to erect a storehouse et the station,. we believe hp intends buying gran here thts, season. • We only hope Pur rocery B usiness zertrtyprlobas177s118ct)cieeadteeti. W, M M 0 -0,1tE- J3EGS to in -the inhabitants of Clinton. and Surrounding country, that ho hal recently pur- chased the stoek in trade of Mr. JAS. SHEEPA,RD, art GEER,[1, *GROCER & PRI1SRN DKALER And in addition,to the /dock thenon hand, he has pur? • • • • • chased p.large stook ,of ' • Teas Sugars and Genoral Lroceres From the host warehonees ir. tho Dendnien, which having purchased rrlusipafly for eesh ate le prepared to sell BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY than those who buy on credit, uhd consequently can afford: togieliis,cnetomerc the benefit - He has no hesiration i21. ailing that h1. ean supplY his eitstemers with cis yoott ctii "ar- ch*w TEAS' and $t70,4E8 ao ('an%lie had • anywhere 10 c1inft,21: A TnIA.14 CORDIALLY soLferTED. • J)O FOItG,,ET Ton PLAce: - elIIEPP‘tHIPS OLD 'STAND. ' IlleyV) 1880, . 8m ' •_Apprentices Wantedt•.: rpsWo snore Apprentices wanted at once, te main tlie Millinery bueiness: ,•• • • CRAIB, IgAOWITIRTER & *CO. Clinttin, April 22, 1880: • . • HOUSe • Rattonbury steoef, N.J.-church, Apply to . Clinton, April 21st1880. ' opposite the Methodist WAug,-ri. • , :' F1GRAHAM, tiCTIONEER, LAND & COMMISSION AGENT, CL Ooderich; Licensed Auctioneer for•the County of Huron Terms reasonable. • Goderiah, Fob. 8,1880 DIJ11,11A44ZULL CALF rtist enescrittrilas ler tale a thoroughbred DUrhakn bull Calf, roan, about thirteen • menthe old, ,and weighs 1,000 lbe. Will be sold on reasonable ternes. . . * WU, 'WISE. , Goderieh townaltip. April 28,180. • For Sale., ONE SINGLE DUG GT; NEW, ONE SINGLE DEMOCRAT WAGON,.NEADIN NEW, ONE SET SINGLE MADNESS) NSANTA NSW, Tricot and terms' cagy, • • WADS GROS., CI,INTON, Alva. 22nd, 1880. • Farm for Sale. eitbeeriber offers that conveniently situated hunt, Let No. 25, 16th conceseion of GOderieh Township, containing SO aeres, nearly all cleared, for sale. it is good day soil, well fenced, under good cul- tivation; hat good bnildings and throe wells on it; and it only two scales from Clinton. Terms easy. S. ItilMISALL. oderich township, April 28,1880. Property For Sale. lf,stttte ot the 1-nte , Mint Executers of the Aimee estate offer for sale, in 1 all or part, tho let of about one.hair acreland, situated On Rattenbury Street and runnieg through to Enron Street, with s mese and Bkokinnith Shop thereon, If desired, the nonce and quarter•acre laud fronting Dattenbury Street, eat be boOght sepanite, Terms wily. Yet partie;ttionarxe atippolnyotOttis,,,emotor, in getting in most of -their crops in good order. The fall wheat looks very promising since the -41ne:wcather„Set lo, and farmora,nris anticipat: ieg a good y fold •thris season. • • ' EDUCATTONAL,-The following' is tho correct standing of tho pupils in •the -various classes of 55. No. 5,. Morrie;' for the month of April.. . The standing is based on proficiency, regular- ity and good -conduct. Fifth class -1st J Stubbs ; 210, H. Clark'; 3rd, W. Anderson ;, 4th, S.'Paylor.• row thblass--let, H. Tucker; 2n.d, Belle Tucker ; 3rd, E-Caspell e 4th, C. Badottie Senior third-lst, Saran McIntyre; 2nd, M. Stubbs; 3rd, J. Gilmour; 4th, A. Be,. • •• miler tInrd-lst, J. Wilkinson ; 2nd, Ella Barkley ; 3rd, Agnes Anderson; 411, • Mary Claele; ,•ISenior second. -1st, T..Q.' Wit- kineon ; 2nd, W. Badour ; 3rd, MaryCamp. ' boli; 4th, Jane Banes. Junior seemed -1st, MarriLta ,Masters; 2nd, (V.Taylor ; 3rd, J. :Tie)sor ; 4t1, J. Brooks.. First _Oleos- let, Annie Camplielle, 2nd, C. Baines ; 3rd, Ellen Clark:14th, Ataggie McCrea, • , • lit AWE T • movip.--On 'Ctiesti ay Mr. Edit. Rich- inond 'and family loft for Manitoba.• . IMP-ROVIOMENt ?anion is roofing his barns, making -an addition' thereto, Mid puttiog in atone feundatione. • Sffavicis--:-Quatterty services in connection with. the Methodist church were held at Kin. burn, 'on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Caswell offieiating. Birienixes.-Mr. Wm Wlaitelele of Londe's- both, has the contract forthe erection of about twenty-five buildings,of 'different kinds in this - • - . • THN Finn Yrr.-Mr. Humphrey Snell has a Aeld ol spring Wheat and also one of peas np aboVe ground, both looking will. Tide ie the first noticed yet. • • Wxne' Effeionso.-Sorne tinie ego Mr; H. Snell put' tip h short piece of' wire fending on th.isigraVel road, as an experinjetit, He has fettlild it th satisfactory that he intendputting • • np more; • 1 ClIcitNon.--The flullett Orange now numbers ever one hundred members, and much interest manifestedin its proceedings. The subject Lor diedusaion at the next meeting will be " Whet is the best rotation of crepe,' EARN SoLn.-Mr, Alex. Leckie has sold his farm of 106 acres, Pu the 14th con. of Mullett., for $4,950, to Mesers. John and Wm. Deer.. • This is considpred e geed eale. Mr. Leckie intends taking a trip to Saulr'St. Marie, to see what the land is like there. UNFORTUNATE:601in titne ago, Albert Gray (sou of Mr, Stephen Gray) had his leg broken by a stick of timber falling,on it. The injured limb was getting On ae well as ..gould be expected until e -few days ago, when he was waking about, and was unfortunate enough to !slip down, which so hurt his leg fle to put back his recovery for seine time. • AN ttoessraNT SPO/LED.--It is reported that quite a sensation was created in it curtain section of Hullett last week, by the disdovery that a Married man intended eloping with the daughter of an esteemed farmer. It is said that be had sent his Wife and two children away on memo pretext, and was making ar- rangements to elope with thcbadyin question, net. yet sixteen years of age -when the fact was diseovereil by mane of letters that he had Written to her; and steps were consequent- ly taken to prevent a constimmatioh of the plan.' The man's wife is the daughter of an East Wawanosh farmer, and !spoken of as an exceptionally fine talisman, and the "girl in the doge" may consider hotelf ferttinate in .getting off tree. , • , Fl • ,1 i. Itiallalig$ d; SON, whireehuren. Mowbray Bros'. new shingle mill is now complete, if you want a dry roof give him a call. We notice a large quantity of cedar relics, ties, and cord wood being shipped away from this station, and Mr, Jas. Gannt is buoy send- ing off some fine long jeleting, ' The past weelee wet weather hasjretarded Reding somewhat and farmers are thankful for a dry open. The fall wheat in the neigh- borhood halea good appearance. On. Monday;, 26th of April, Mr. Wm.. Rin. tonl, family and it o_er,e,Letook left here for Dakota, and on the following Friday several families from Culross left for Michigan. • In the absence of Bev, R. C. Menders on Sunday last Mr, Jolin Mowbray ably filled the 0,111, pulpit here. On Sunday next guar, terly services will be oonductedby the chair- man of the district. On Monday last„ while chopping in the bush, Mr. Jos., McDonald badly cut his'foot,• nearly severing the toes therefrom, and will be laid up some tile; thereby a family of ten little ones are depending upon his daily labor. I3AYFIELTI Paseen,-Rev. Mr.. Iemisen._peeilefl a very streobsefffreitanimatidit list week. Faurso.-Fishermen occasionally lift as many as 1,290 lbs out of One wing of nets. MESSIts, Cullen, -Logan, Wallet§ and Green took a trip last week, to nialm.purobases near Sault Ste IVIarie,: in Michigan. FIRST BOAT, -The first 'boat . that called this Bernina was the Evening Star, of 'Qodee rich, with a load of lumber for Mr..Falbfleisch, of Hay: • , • . SAND BAR. -There is a sand, bar formed lust outside of the smith pier, The only vrey to avoid it is to keep close to the north pier, where thethiaa channel of 7:14-• feet. Soceon Exsused.-People from a distance arecatching waggon loads (?)' of suckers, just below Thompeon's.• mill dam., It is hoped that mon who indulge in this sport will exer; cos e a little cionution -melee and not foolishly drown themselves by **ling in a river that abounds in .deep holes. A gum was drowned in this Way last !spring. • • • • . • HOLIVIESVILLE. Tits GARDBX.-Bizein'ess in this line is lirisk jest now. . Ierrnovetasse.-The streets of this 'village are now nearlyall open. 'What .abent nem, ing Merin • Restourt,'=We.-Ifiter-CrilTrethril tltii week the deperture of two highly, respected young men of .this village, Messrs. E. and G. Levis, who left last 'week for the .Sault, taking prig' them all the•neceasary apparatus for clearing, etc: We wish them !mews's. WNLI, Doice...-During the' reet yearilrflje members • conneeted With • the Holrees7ille, 'Circuit of the.Methodist Church, -contributed .over $20 each, fon - an. ..average); ia cash to- wards the various fluids of the church. •Where: • is the emintry circuit that has bean thie • lelco.BONO PlYSITOo. ' Holmesville, our village,is not so sinal, . . As many say, who rail as .• • • . '.1.17A;i'vbe.yt.ewtnOgo0.foadnact;e r,,sp,x,x.r.,sig1.1 .,. B ..4Waggonehop, a•blacksriiiiii's LiC 'Hotel,. good as can be, • ' • A. pound, a fence of barbed wire; ••., 'And fish fresh from the sea. We've churches three, one parsonage,. A public school ackirelt, ' . • • And yet iti tette, '00 eays our sage,' ' • All that wo Want's a bell, ; A station house upon the Trunk, • .. Trains thrice•each ivey a day,. • , • • 4.AloW.n467ntigent full of *Mink, Who..says sure to'pay. .• My tale is told, Imuet conclude, Oh 1.i forgot the Post: .- • .-, And Telegraph, the last, I'M rude. . Iles given Up the Oast; • • • - °Lake, • , • • ••• Oun OwN ClYn. • VAitNA. TEAcnnit'S J.Icsnimrp,,-L-The regular meet. ing of the Varu'a,Tea.cher'S Institute:was field in the .'selnial -house on SaturclaY May 1st; oommenci% at lOo'clock, ,Pon. The meeting: Was tipeued:in the Ilene' manner by. the „Pmre., "denttyle )Vin. Plunkett; and lifter the.read- ing and adoption of the minutes of the previous session, Alm GO. Baird, sr., introducetj the subject of Uniform PrOmotion'Examinations, and showed the benefit .arising therefroin. , A lively discussion followed,in which several' teachers took perk and a reeolution wee pass- ed that this Institute approve Of the system of Uniform Promotion Examinatien 'if the `competitive element be loft out. ,Nr...Taines -11,1tA-ndrew-read an essayon• Spelling, pointing out the faults of our present system of Odin!. graphy, and suggested that it might bo reme- died by intredueing, !sufficient now ihareeters to allow each character or letter to have 'only, one sound, and then siell.by ilie•Phonie me- thod.. '•He then proceeded to notice and an- swer seine of, the objections raised -against the introduction of Such a sYstenr'And closed by saying he believed it -would bobetterta make the.' change. thorough'at once than do it gra- dually, The Institute then adjourned to meet at 1:30 'poi). After- dinner Mr. Wm. Plunkett 'took tip' the subject of Physiology at considerable length, and showed bit method of teaching' it to a class. . After a few rreli.' minery remarkehe deecribed the bones; their .compesition andieurce of nourishment; He then went on to deal with the muSclefl;liga! tient", .circulationofthe bleed, digestion and nervous systerh ; tn a very interesting and practical manner:, Mr. J. MeAndrow gave a reeding, and 'Mr. F. Crassweller a recitation which elicited consideittable applause, • The subjects to be takenup at the next meeting Were then assigned and the Institute adjourn. es1 to meet on the fltrit Saturday in Septem. ber.-.-COes, • , . CLIPPED HURON IT4MS. Mr. E, Gaunt, of West Wawanotib, lost it breeding mare Veined at $300 last week, by inflanimatiOne During the wind etorm last week it frame barn, on the farm of lidr.L. Holman, Stephen, was blowi down, completely deetroyed., Mr. O. Samwell of Ezetet, the other day received per express it ntunber of white poutar Italian pigeons, Avery rare and beautiful bird, The Varna Cheese Factory will,thliiMence operations for the season ehortly. Mr, Robt. McCartney has been engaged as ascot) maker, • Inuit Friday W. Campbell, 8 young men in the employ of Mr. A.GOyeillock, McKillop, met broken. Whilecrolling a log over it tell back upon his handspike, which caineelown upot. his leg, breaking it above the ankle joint. • Mr. H. Majel Imo purchased the stage ran., ming between Zurich and Seaforth. Mr. William Neal, Brinesels, owing to ill health, has retired. from the milling business, , pa °fur:: 8fE,a eGoawl nt to, wo f. of ooshoclerrejecehi,italyt 61e, per pound, She weighed nearly 1,800 .„ The Exeter DriVingParleAse.ociation inteed oiing their spring meeting on the lst and 2nd of July, on the old traok. $3,o00 wilLbe offered, in prizes. • One evening last week some evil -disposed r mem broke into the barn of Mr, Wm. Hen. def -son on the 4th -con.- of Igo -Killer, and -stole therefrom four bags of grain. Mr:!' Williams of Tuokersmith, 'ILeell,puted ' his farm to Mr,!Sinion Hunter fora term of. eight years. -The farm' contains 150 acres:. • The rent pEiis $250, per annum. . Mr. William Weiser, of Brucetiela, has rent., ed the blacksmith -hop. opposite Kyle's hotel, for a term of. yearn ' Mr: Mordaunt the for. mer occupant, hat gone to Ohio. , • Mr.IVin:Shaw-,-531-of Mr.john Shaw, prin. cipal,of the Brussels Public School, has been , engaged as teacher of }fetlock school in Hut: . lett, in, place of Mr. Scott who has resigned. • ° • Mr. Joos, Cumming has' sold.his farm of 99 acres, being, south hall of lot 'LS, eon. 12; Weak, . WaWanosh, receiving therefore in the neigh": ,borhood of $4,000, Mr, E. Gaunt was the -pur- chaser. ;• • A horse belonging to Mr.. Lee; Of •Yerna got his leg broken last week. He was chased•by it dog, and in trying toleap over a rai,lfenee got his. hind leg, entangled in the - • rails and broke it above the knee. • He had to heshot. Mr. Jas. , e. Lang, of Redgerville,. together with • ' • his sen.fn.law, Mr. Moir. who Went to. Mani. • toba with Mr. Greenway's first party, have been but out of their new home in theN•orth- ' Wester' nairowly escaping with their lives, 'They lost everything. : A -little girl, three years Pf ago, daughter of . Solomon Shannon, El , treasurer of Melia- • lop,' was badly- smith's hiet..Saturday.. She. • hail been playing in the kitchen with a brother , and while thus engaged the latter accidently I' rushed ber into a peal of hot water. 'The barn of Mr, jobb Cooper, Of the Baby. ' Ion Lino, Stanley, was struck...by lightning on Monday of last week. The, fluid entered .the • - -building at ours effd,• irettino, fire -tic &large heap Pf chaff and hay, and in a. few nionieute wartall in a flame. Strenuous efforts, how, • ever, saved the building:from detittnctiOn: : ••' ' • Mr. Jas. Sparks, lird ben:, Tuelterstuith; L, • R. S., 'hats it covr ethieli gave birth to a two • beaded -me -If -aix•igereiffy. growing oat from the same lee* and were set • , • • at right ariglei to (mei:lather. Each head was . • :; perfectly formed, nevi tha jawe of each seemed to work ' sdParately: • The eyes were also itt their proper .places oh each, but there wort' ; only three ears for the tw6.heac1s. The body ; • was perfectly.formed. The mousteosity was dead•wlaen bora:. , . Mr: Devid Youill, of SeafOrth has received- • . • a letter front his son.in-hlw, Mr. Tiles: Oliver, - 'who resides at Big Philos, Burnside, P.O., Omit 60 miles from,Portage.la•Prairie, Mem • • • Mr: Oliver states that there is great destitution among the .emigrants Who arrived there early • this :spring, many of thein wandering about on the plains having no houses to corer them and eery little food td eat. Thespring' is very backwai d.. this year, and the inclemency' of - the weather -has added to their sufferings. Tke following'partiee left the, County on Tuesday; far. Manitoba; --John Bissett, wife. ' • - and child, Jae. Greenwood; wife and fivie children, IL Biesett,-Exeter ;R:-itbliins, wife • • and:three' childrai, Miss -Daly, fiat. Centralia ; Mrs; LydiaNIurclio end five . ' •- • rec1,-W: and P. M °Ewen, wife find seven child.. • ren' T. and M. 31arshell-Brecon; .A. MoLecin, andtaro childern, -Hensel] ; 1'; -MoKenzie•-• • : Brucefield ; W. Dodde. and T. Gibson - • , ick ;_ A. Kyle, M.. McKellar, McAllister;-. " Wirigham ; T. E.enneify;-1,1lheVale ; Qua - • sins,-eltderton ; Ni;l-oicclitoo ;J. Fame:: . • .harson wife mid dve Children, --Morris ;, Stowar1,-1.1russels ;. J. Ilidley,---Ethel 'A., cif..S0-1/1.,), Alpo loft ?de Dekcitils •- • • sumption 11 this'he.----;,ho::.---"niariy of our people must . IS sald'hy the% who have made S. htudy of diseasc• . ' • that almost one-sixth of the. population glio from Con. • a be suffering from Pulinonary e011111 1.0 Lo -day, and • • 3'ot consumption can be .eured. In -our colums of. thlii ••• week will he found, something of interest to all whether- thig dread diSeale has a 1101,1 011 theul or not. ScOrr'S • EMULSION not only has all thogood reM.IIIS of Ced Liver. 011 and irepopeosphitee but 11 18 palatable and emelt° administer. This has always beenthe trouble with other -OW Only a few of those who needed Its life giving virtues could take and retain IL . • • Donanlon ParliamentNotes The Senate has,played the obstruction. role once more -this time throwing' out themar- • riage with a deceesed wife' e •sister's bill. by a,. Vote of 32 th 91. '• • ••1 • In the House of. ConamOns on Friday ltD - • Edward Holton, the recently elected member • , ?or Clutte,auguay, was introduced by the Hon. Mr. Mackenzie anlHon. Mr. Laurier.Mr Holton Was reeeived with cheers by the Op: •" • position. M. P for East Hastings, pubheby warned the Government in the House the other bay, that unless they fulfilled their promises;, ef maiming the expenditure, ho would go into opposition. He also stated hie see conviction that the position of farincrs, me, chanics and others, had net improved Under ' thepeon Government. • • • • • A iGoar'd Thing Gott= Syrup is the epoeial prescription 'cif Dr A.' , • Idoseheo, a celebrated Gorman Phyaielati, and is aoknow. lodged to bo one ot the meet fortunate discoveriee itt rifedicine. It quickly oures,Coughs, Colds and all Lung troubleefof thoSevereeneture,.reteoving, as it does, the . Called Of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition, , tt Is not an experimental filo. diednei but has good the tut of years, giving satisfac- tion in every case, which rapidly increasing sale over/ oeoe*n bonI1rm, Two million Waite {told annually. Beware of medieines of similar namea,latelyihtrodueed. Botathcee Gernian Syrup was introduced in the United States in lack and is now Cold in'irvery town and village in the civilized world. Three dotes Will relieve any or. dinary sough. Pries 15 cote. !Sample liettle, tOomite "Ion.. George Brown. APeelel Telegrem per atontreel The very lateit acconnt, last night gays Mr. B.roWn hits not loist strength since yeeterday motniege and it, it Anything, More conscious, with a !severe actident by Which hie leg was , but he hi Very low, • t'a (