HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-04-22, Page 7- — - -- --t- -- -- � ---- - - - - — � 1
7 1
� �' � .
I 10 .
I 11. �
�d I A, .1 I - y
loof. leave the illiaren. " I I .. � -.------
, I ,caught by the lady so lie wits one
, I .- 1. . Oing out the .Melancholy Ratisfecilou a .
Mr. Angus mitodonSIA'altzovNiation ogg'04;! for 4 .stroll, COU0004 hot roweirk . that the AVOICIR FRON THE, PISTS, I . I .. . I seeing sba, OW00ANG4 olilx,olsr JUAC03A OUR. This would not is$ have boom 4q
. Weather - � D161041Y of the law vindicated. when Six ,=^ST. .. . Die had not � �
. Rave the Queen, Into Gaolio, for the the b seemed now to have cleared up, with Allan, $&ISO sk moralist, was sent $3 prison for, Others Urgod hie return to sughima. For $40
poc�lsty Of Ailvqmootip is 48 1Q)AQWB t Mr. Vftl�b )KOVIOUS; oy the Old king Woe allIn '; ,lie gg,noo, of L 11
D a of id old moseveratlon *. F4 Ye majame, a, I ., . I 11 cents Wile 1F1 91 I Wales lay
0 bar gh wh D I a far tw0f � . -Pt of the HaU40, He bad base rX9 WA00 0117 1villiquit IV, .
I aurlaiilo�olt . enough for o ei,liuk ot a , I *Celformer*. , ,oabrcoiasil 4i it witneoA before a committee . . (FXOD1 06 UQview in the Academy. siok'WIOU A Wasting 90TOX ; the Dake of York;
� I I I - tbVOUgb Ills OxQ000111, bad siriie,4 the batr d .
�agsba, him BODO
. ' � , b i Oar " �bg 11; noughs, .
. pus I ag h. 1 $0 Wobring up our girlsiP, remarks a modern aitVitn Appointed to inquire into theli'arnin .1 .1 -1 � 8 .
, I 101mcciuce" 09 in X0"e#eqnrlpv- refogiag $0 gn,Wor go. And In Publiolting, this Singular volume, I QQZO- of both kindred aid nation, 'Willisinit Was I
. Jah � writer. 11 like young men, a 4 give them, the ,. the Supstiono Pus it I � � I
Jr, u I U'us 00
The b a 4b
i or. go no Von Liumingou,' ,the editor claims i .. .
lilona, up ogbloirinh -4 J141bewity 'Ojxgy wenra to ,a whooliculdoblate upon his. parents' th �
. I , . . Punadian � . I
, am r viran , jr0pul . Alt . JAIM, he was declared guilty of .a . I XQIIQN �
44 ob is bladg . . %X9040m and Privilege of bachelors, and then Ago-warly Istruxulled For . ontempt reveal A secret W410111146 been book for nearly My father AS once went to London biansellk In
#1iIh,bA%arJ" . I
I phis of "ht .we expect that, they will bear the monotony And by order of 46 Rouse, spent The remain. a century. Caroline von Llnlilngon, 60 this two month$ William* followed him, paid to. .
. I
A TbIghearn, or )Xa, ciricb, of matrimony Artil the, reStriosions of Maker. 9911imbit-Alawn Rand 46?rewah ot � der - Of tbOPeesion In the qommou 0110 lip, we I 4 Done otitior � $ � bin the unre- Me the eXplituationwag given that I �
. 0 eitch, � ally with good grace, And ba h000-staylug VOWA0911.1itiOnall Gover"Wens, CoantY Of York. Tile yoat ,, jail of tba book S . formeil .
. . galp a; neimlidean , 11 of she present 009DIM4 first wife of our own sovereign I
. .
, I Wives And mothers after having boon maiden To the, Edirpip a the obetsipla $a �.
lus 1611K I-Ad'alos . . f tb day wauld stand, ogh - b
. * . 0 T=o,: toy beloved onelp Appiness.
entr oli an droolt -viaghladb. I -P ' . . . I I - - got at the madnemo -of a WJJIIAMIV. Pgomthessisevenotherprly4te , I
. . r4rablere. I . I . � - I . As III believed Ah Ir ,I kue
. . Tlog Rios An luib'dbla0bliti4b, I I SiB,-The present generation know bat member of Parliament who would now take. lendio we learn the wbota sea story of b , . Jkl . . I . W too wall she I .
� , , I
, - I hioh I lived and had any being., .
. ittac Of the early etrugglod of she race, of old Part in the burning in effigy of &be Uarquis , 340041lianeg . or .heart in w . .
,AiX dochis One long- Ono Of the novel enitoms prevailing among - , and of the bitter grief mud anguish jo. now becamo evident that the two
I Dhis gloldh, 'Blia,arighl . the Apache Indiana is the rigid � maintenance into" now nearlY passed ,away lix peer,trlog ,our of Lorne, and his untOblebAn which onatied, Caraii I ,
I I , p9pula � I .ant would be j net I . .. . . .no, YOU Liushigell, 80 vanot be 09parat - ,
of 14 system of no I � . , ,ad. Teare4vowo, ontreatipi, .
Do 01041hlaIg Wh4ith their 4w, . I n-latercouraq between a rrightm. ThoyounginenoI1980 will the meseure of the vaa% difforance between bar biographer, Boron Reichenbac, r6l4tes, allivere of no Avail. The Bin&
. f $lie moderation mud ja,31 : I Ali court
DRIA oirre palit gun dith, . lipoliand and big mother-in-law. 3,Rzoopt in 00 surPrillsd to learn %hot I Was In public life I I ice Of tbu Parties Of wait born in 9400ver on November 27' .b,'1768. so Id . � .
bladIrlagbIvAki 1: . I i; ,,never reoDS41130 a marxiaga of thla,
. very ey,lreme cases, kh6y Are never so see or when a Military offloar at litagara solemnized $11OPrO86111 43 wropared with 16violonce and Ror father, General you LinBingen, bold . I
� Ar xei"hillinAW44" 4 - � � sh". rq%r;iagqg contraoted b brutality of the Tory party of Aixty, -or fifty,, a a .- . kind ; is was one t6 which the prince's .
Toirt dhuixin zobbar, gun oglos, spagic to, e0cliv that,, and when by chance they: -4 a 'Y "' . . I- I- - Y I - io
I . . I I , -- -
I Eladians emmino A JA t4" 121hL HanOvari= IOt Parents wore wholly blind, ' 0arollite wro. -- - - .
I ,6hi oeinu. lu'r gutlit ,our orldhl, involuntarily approach, the who .were Compelled- by the Or forty, or 9vou, thirty Years ago, for she ta'atry RoAlmens, Hie r8laiIODS with. the -taken by her "fathur to CiAmpil, And , from . 11
. I some spol"it is narrow an , , �. I . �
1)hla gitift 'Blisurigh ? i the duly ot,one.or both to ,Ob&13g8 f9ont Sr.4 4 Unjuat laws, of their country to burning Of the bounce ,09 Parliament, of their Rouse of Mecklenburg-Strelliz were of a in At I �
. . 14. titalcog to Drlburg. Tbeanxiety and mental
. Seek the assistance of ouch men, ain a 110 magnificent library And the Stoning of Lord Intimate character, . .
. . . move off in an oppp, nits direction. ' . 0 . $16. .accompanied the, anguish wbioliolie opfieredreaulled in ilia I
ZE011?40 BY *uNr x4TE,. clergymen other than. those ofolio Church of Elgin Of this 01%iilO Party in Montreal will Princess Sophie Obarlo I
. I ,
� � THE DOMESTIC CIRCLES I 1. . I England were than,liermitted to pdrforrA the never be forgotten. 00 to England On the still birthol her, child. While, she was at
. 7 � Monitors for BreATxfamt-Ope cup water 11 � .. . . I I . I Occasion of her betrothal to King George the � Drlburg during -be prin .
— . . . marriage ceremony. TheYwill be surprloe4 The gerrymandering of the Tory party Third, and for three "Wher Ilinsoo, s 08
. ,
I � . . Wcounti . so I So as to English .1 oaur, -- " Yous, lie remains d at the reappea"rod, to ran 4.
. .1 . 11(car two caps M 1k, three cups flour, bit of oglt , to ''learn 'th p p 9 t, The quesix continued to 'urging ,her to be arm, nd on no account to
What the, Lndles Love to I .I . � .1 at eighty years, ago 418. ractiosa in Casting U . . hi vows 91 constancy,
11 I I
. . Abovato .. ueat quickly, and bake in a boo Oven, having eent,ing ministers, so t I hey *ore Oppi6prio favor their Supporters is not . A I
I I - I 11 . � - -1. I I aq I , a now idea, It show him Much kindness,. treating him quite . submit t
� I the rull�pmns beated,orst, . called, were not allo Ize Was actively in VO8U9 iU 640 time Of 0 A divorce. But, front a letter Al
. -- � Wod to Solemn , I Lord all &personal friend, She, had alwayactierild Of the queeula that he brought with him,
I I Cb000loto Oaramels.-Ove cup, sugar, one matrimony in Upper 0anads and they -III 51dombaw. When tb It r
I Kinpisit MHAzi W�4=ifa -LIttlo things oup molso . seat Can. cup ch000like, One-half *up later wish astoniahment. that one of's as . 44 offtear. appeared in to take bin davighter Carolina under a care, it Was, plain that the English court I
I Onnado as Gavernor-Gonerol, he was "m. and promise I I ...
I I I d to giva her a poet at court as entirely refused to countenance the : I I
I often interfere with our Comfort very mubb, milk, a piece of butter. size, of -an �ego , add gonslonion was. actually indicted before. A modiately pprosolied by'the late Willism Ono. of, ber Waldo of honor, when Oar I
I - , a
. . . .11 I I
aridone. oraiill. agnoYance is for man to delay' chocolate when. nearly done. ' ' . (3soadian court forpresuming to join ik couple Chiabol' I
. . . I . was ray �equsnt opponent had I oline marriage, even if they admitted Ise legality. .
"Faing to dinner *whem� Called. Sometimes . . . , in, who f r0401134 the Die of fourteen this offerwas W � . . I I I
Virginia Bisoult,-Oao quart flour, one. together in. holy matrimony, found guilty, in Hal On. with tbo to . . � �� , fill She prince,$ departure came, the Anal .
, they have an hour OV more of -work which .t ,presentation that renewed. The ohild's. grandmother, however, leave fakino';. the Jovaro were no r to mist .
. they will do before quitting, and half teaspoonful Asia, one,quartor pound. and, oentenoed, to fourteen years, bftuiahman� by taking away one, township unfavorable was unwillin .1 1. I � vo �
I I � . then, they go . . . - I � 9 to allow bar granddaughter again. For Carolina, all joy bad been taken � � I
. I
to the house to find the dinner cold And the butter; mix the .flour and busker, with the from the country, This case exhibited the 46 'him and adding one favorable from. to leave 12033iQ until )Act adueation had be. from � I
head., together, and moisten I injustice of the law in 40, gross A manuar that art adjacent county lie Could, conquer an car a A I har-life. Her Blow assumed a far
cook d600rtrajed, Kothingis F4019 aisheart, . with water ; r�ll it was speedily' Alto I not until And thin I . 8 , as In every way more complelo. So sh grWor form, and Culminated in -a tr - I
Ired- It. on very thin three timoo,. and 1. � .. ;ad, bat it was I a Reform party in remained in Go ' On April 13tb, 1790, am .Which once,
woman than a tableful of the ;t ,, I .I best Wish i rmany.
Going so A V olliOgt a deprive th . it she was restated by a clever
�-� dirty dishea, ornomenting the table - a -hour aheat 04 P pin each Alme ; roll a" thin so After it *!clan% struggle With tho'Xoxies of the the HOusif of one vote, Tbo thing was- the young Prince ftllam Honry,Dake of young phyololap, a �. Dr. Malinke. Three , . .
and a halt later in the . day than in us , Dal. apex ; out with a sanest and bake day that the perfect freedom .now enjoyed by managed, but he failed and I'Was kept in Clarence, arrived in * I
I � . . . � - � .
. - . . . Hanover 04 A visit to years later she became his wife ," all Xec . .
,XJ2 Shoals. , particularly nice to � . I . . � � . ollee.
Punctuality In a*virtue men should learn If These are r all dvnomination� in the piaster Parliament, where I had the honor of giving General Van Lluai6 availed . � I .
. . . . . I Of marriage I I 1. gen, who had tr . $Ion of, the prince was thus kff . . .
theyare in the habit of being uncertain about lunch. . �* . I was wrested frold.tho oligarchical Goverpme,ij, the casting vote, which secured for the people With -him from England. Hemet with av � sood ; the firms. . .
. . � I
. .
. Datch PaioAkes.-T . , whiob so long surged the, country. ., thia unspeakable beikefits . � ' , ery marriage wAs'an,if it had not been* Her -.. . I , '... ., . 100111110
.:� .00=11 . -- .1 of munigi Alinati colrdlal recopficipi � ' One O;Mr, and I
, . , P. � I RU, 4-cottain Lora Daffon I$-, ' idmuyhtiir'Jotiolien'nii��a T . . . ,
I 9 to theii'meals. Any Woman worthy .... wo eggh well beaten) �Oux young peoplesso thoknow-all r63gloua tions. - Xpny excellent Reformers of - the mentioned sebeing Sm. i his stLike. There
the name- of housekeeper will *be regular - ,two Ambleopoonfqla of gukif, iwo . - . - .0, g � I to him Carolina in her last
lier � *Uh-. - � I � cupfuls of bodies stand pbtisolly. equal before the la Oak day Inlounderstand the history of � , Yearn pe"Od the " . .
weals if it- lion �Wlthin h r to .b%ig milk, two tablespoonfuls of shortening, a I . I W, 1100 is ourely an error here, for At the time In greater portion of $home, extraordinary ,,
. . ' P
I . � 0 . � I I I . .
them . . I litsle ealt, one teaspoonfu . I and that the bitternaosOo engendered 'Iti this great measure. Is,waa Lord IsAenhan ques 'On no Duch Person will be found in the WekjhOr-like letters, Pitched as Jhey are in a � .
I .
� go, . I . I of cream tartar, a 'Britain. bythe connection of the Church with bill He made it * , ed t, . . I
. Canal' halt teaspoonful of: Bodo. three and a, nall Part Of - the ImPONO Act .'list of English peers. Dutionisthe.surname truly h paroontimental ke
so.�From out arm experien6e and the I I I . iiiing , Upper . ' Jjc)wer nads, of Lord 13 Y I I y. - They retell the I .
oba vition Of others, . cupfuls of flour. Bake in a quick oven having the State have in Canada no power. They an . and do liarborDe, aild,if the irincela cour. I .1. .
or, -We con fully ondorse I , � the doloni ' � . gross and absorbing romance of her youth; I
- . oaa that Do portion ol'the public domain in but, al Ministers, testing that, it 'ItsuiOn was a member of thin family" he was In,writing them she, as it werej 'isvives the' I . . .
Site testimony of the St. Louis Atiller, ofi this your gem pane, very hot. when We, butter so' and the coutfol.ol, any might audangerothe larger and vastly more probably at that time'anly .
. . . healtbful Properties of' the. Above esoulant# panted in. . . I . at ecclesiastical power, . I the Eon., Mr. Dut. eastseled of ]let early love, .At the pgo of � . � I I
, I � Oookleo.--�Beai well together two eggs -qua And that no portion of the publia funds ii important matter Of the union of ' the ton. A Lora Dnttonther6 has never been; It 46 she died at Blanako on Janus $let" I -6. - I
'L in --and liver complaints are � cars , . I ,
b:u g 4inly two- Capfuls -of sugar ; add a Cupful of bu devoted, to the support of religious dea provinces, took it out, leaving the Pr' 11 . MY ,
efisted, 0 . . . ovincial reminds. one of George Beadle, historic 'air 1815. . .
. . . star . .. .1
. . hen cared, by a free. consumption I nominations, bat they . . . . . 0
of on! ' Or Shortening, a cupful of sent cream with a I Will. perhaps b0gialature to deal wJth it., It had a narrow Brown.' The prince, on seeing Carolina . I
I I one.; aiihor emaked :vr raw; Colds be . surprised to. - learn that many. of escape from death. The French detested, it, atraightwayidat-hisheirt.. 'In,t �, . . � .. .
�. teaspoonful of Soda dissolved in it -, if you my early years nit a repress , he.firstol,her. a WAiN 'NOT TO ASK QUIISTIONB�-If a lawyer . . . I �
. yield to'them, like maglo. Don't be afraid of I I utative of the And headed bylisdontaine they joined- Baldwin, letters�ia. the one addressed - to Te )a asked to tell these of his ,
� shlem� . Taken at' might" I %fronoo wift be use sweet oream, sit$ two teaspoonfuls of' ubner, hould, I I state I .
� �. . - , -Wan . - . . al I -y I V61011tr ]?sepia -ist. -the � Legislative Assembly wore �
4 -cream- tartar�iir oprA6 . Priosian(ISIr AllenMaoNmb fnBijroR)vged' tier son-in-law-Carolino thus tells of her' client, 0
fing-by� morning slid thd 96od Affable . .. Or,-, Spica- . r if a . doctor were asked io'reveni . .
. . I , I spent Ia. a, Continuous and bitter cooteat and determined - cruRS4 against iti Th meeting with the young English prince : what he learne in the oick room, by parties . . . I . �
. Vill amply compensate for �he trifling an. taste and add a little Salt; flour to roll pretty ith the Church of I 'weve singular Oo00taOlO was seen of a combinations I William came with my father, and brought who only Seek to gratify Curiosity, ouch pa I ..
. stiff. -These will keep to . W -England over who I . 1. r. ,
noymnea. Taken� regularly they greatly pro. I � . . r Inon.1ha. lax %Jin known as the clergy reserves. Inthoso-early �of-thege incon . I ., ,
.. I . Mote the health 69 the , lungs and the con' ' . I I I . grziOus Olements, firA60pailable' ine a letter .from. . big' royal mother, and -a tisiLwould most vqry likely with a firm reproof. . . .
, .
digestive organe. An extract mado by boiling I ,Tapioca Puddl0ih=-For a family of eight days this Church was all powerful in Upper except in this unhallowed Attempt to d6prive 'Shawl-pin'With. bar iniklalsin diamonds. is Why I to It then that. 0an An article appears . I - . I � �
. ,
I .
. .
.11 or ton Perseids, one-half coffee cup of tapioca I Canada, and the Lieutenant. Governors, sent. the people of the m6at, valuable mesocire. was on April 131h that I firat a w him; in in a newspaper, as correspondence, or wheat ' I -
I .
down she j aloe of onions to oyxap and taken put in S pink ,fr ' Ono from Engl � and waze always its warm ever placed On the Statute .tbook. A oomAing editorial attracts more thmn�' ,the - I
t am a medicine, answers, the purpoa a very well, milk to soak, and k6ptw.srrn I .: .,Taly,wo already knew that by deathlalone 1 1 I . .
; until it becomes Soft; then add four eggA adherquts.-Their rule, being a personal one, They fought it : At every - stage. Our love could havelts end. ' No a ' r ore persons Who will ask . .
� but fried, roaatA4 or boiled onione, are better., I they wore enabled to work into, the hands of moving amendment after . amaodmen oon� -did usual .4ttention,there .
I . mud two. caps of sugar, - butter, th� size of a . t fay, beloved father -,b6obrac aware of the posi. the editore,of that paper ,, who wrote this, - . . I
I .
. � � .
! Onions Are a very cheap medicine, within ita. supporters bate, .mud the result was thak of every hue and shape, and the w tion in Wh(oh we stood to' each other th "Whowroletfiat ax%Iole?1i*Aud * . .
' 1141 Of gslt; by o44 of-dur- statutes n . �
- d they arii not by -may 'butternut, and one. toaspoon' ' an he, article,", or I - I I
I a lees than one- test waa'prolonged through many days and stral htviay sought to part no, himself ap. yet snob questions areatkadevery .any. If. '
� everybody's reach, An . when well beaten add two flaarts of in I pary con- . a . I
means so 11 bad to take 11 sa the ooaJ!y Dan. , I milk and boventh of Oil the public lands wan. set off for nights. On one 060asion it was on the brf,u.k pealing to the queen in tbe matter. Yet sho, - editors shoo . . . . .
.� 8rumJ a neglect of tholk use M51Y noosonitate. flavor with.vaDillet or ismon,, bake the same - . - I ld ,I give away 10 the'lit correBpon- - - ! -
. -scient-ific Amorican,'�' , ` I . an a oustard. . '. . the a uppois ol. this one denomination. In a of"itruction. TUallotteewasinco I I ..
. �. I . : . . .. . . minittee who was so fearful for the a2dont blood of dents, or should sell.' the sources -of their ,
I .
. .. . Rom d free coUntry this injustioa WAS simply intoler- of -the whole, I .being In th6 chair. On a 'her -son William' took; tho. ' but , I e -
, , I a y for Bore Tbroat.�Lot each one of . . matter Information, they Would. very soon Ion tbo . .
, mison ADonxmA:NTs OF Tnn DAY.�Tharo is out many ro4dera when aflitoted with'mor� ab - Is, and the other religious Wales joined , decision on an amendment which, if Cortina, lfgbtly�aho - -know nothimg 'of love , confidO 'Of�suoh Persons, who would very � I
a , g as I would have destroyed . tDOA I I
. really no accounting for tbo-,freaka 'of throat, or symptoms of it,, buy at any drug . . -the bill. thievote wag -mind- bOggOd - My � father to let thid. likely hereafter take no.pains to serve them. , * .
� Fashion, who prompse sweet woman to RaOXXX 'btoko Ono ounce of- camphorated oil.and five ini nit A a contest was long and bitter, even. I was called on at a moment'A notice dallying , *-(Isndolr,) .conflnue' . I — I .
. herself in-tho very thinga meet repulsive. ti5 cantat worth of . butrig.t ravailedin the and, and the people. to decide whether I should follow the lead -of thoughi; , . She .. . . I I
. I � I ablorate of Potash.. 6.8 soon wita. complacence that bar, souls - It cannot be denied that Lord Basco' I
.- - her sensitive nature. The- .flttbb lizard a . . an r , 118field - - I .� - 1
.1$ Y 4 any sorenoss. appearg in the thr6st put the ,oft q preeent day are living In the enj 6yment Baldwinand Pricanaddefeat the soon 0* fancy foi me At this, the most critioal period . Is a roan whose literary fams vies �with his . . . ;
. I .
; Crawls on her feet amongat the faids of a Ot&Sh in.,half of thin freedom, -wbiked for, fought for, and or -whether I abould rise abovei-party and give ,of his 3routh, might serve to - k660 his virtue oratorical L. triumphs. Moreover, all his . . I
, delicate . how, oild clatches the lace flolan, on P ' a. tumbler of water, and with . almost bled -for, 6y a bifid' of sturdy-Ratorm- to the people an inialuabI6 blessing.. 'I had intact . .N' . . I I . .
, . it gargle the throat. tborobghly; with the one dreamcd that for two lives it published works are oratorical, oven ta,dan. ' . .
. � � .
. .
her chest, or the tuft of leathers or Ila id oil at night, bei ers, most of whom have passed away . " not a moment's hasit"iOnJ 96vO my ODstlDg meant the utter wreck of all their joy., Then gerots limits. A' supreme genius barely . . . .- . . .
, were in camphorate ore going to bod, well from the sight as from 'the memory of vote in favor of. the. bill - a4d it wee resened follows .. .
1�1'1 her coi#are; A'alimy serpent coils round, rub the neck, and also pin around.the throat . . 1. An OPROMS Of th(r Succeeding events. eavos him from the ridletaous. R y Ones : - . .
. her arikles, her wriets'and b6r three'. ; daddy-. a small strip of. woollen flannel. . Title. i the present gentration. I . . from &hs impending dettr I otter than quote the bentences � . . . .
i 113 a . no%ion. eaVed my Wei danno.6 do b mijlit quoted from his works 1. wrihnin, she. . .
11�- long-lego, beetles, and- du�ky Ili ay, flios hop simpie,*ohaup kiad.surie remedy. , - . . Toe rectory question was another of'shose ,�o&untry, at'my friiinds; for from that which, the. heroine horsell has Written : I A oratorical pasoion'earriso'him, mue ' . ..
.. , � � I In, 1-10 . I h nearer . . , - . I ,
overshe onsire toilette, Accompanying and ., Tho,oattor-of Tr e&tises of burning discontent .which the moment I WIS oa1raoi7,eA- - . . I I 11
1. . , Q-ut-h-eya-thera-i"Otfillog- - . -by. -Baldnin-and. �yeAi4DAer-ll:at-Int-,*Ided-to�Willt&W"re-.- 7bathos-thanit-wo. addhowrl. . s . . � . ,.:,
9 I satnalLy-oupereedii3g-the-gorgeoug*-btt'tOrfl'68-- -0-4-de-r-11hom —inaking 900.0,00ftoo'ni6d gives the, grasping Cupidity at tho Church of Roglind' Price.- .1 have lidweyer, I . Inary , ., .
. .
Thus inseots and reptiles Are put into i6qabi- � 04nada. . T e, as I outlived the 1000, eigtiblo- tintreatien, and in the' presence of man to go- 4t best the lux ...... urlance of the- -. I . . . 1. . . I
! . 90110wing * Simple receipt :, Put tho'groind - foaAeradln Upper - , " h iiie inflo'. .anir I now have the Proud satidiabtlo I Ernst (bier brotfiei) and: Dutton we were orator makes's etingled.,viih-ofmany.01.1als- . � -- .�.. ..'!�!! * -��, I --.-
A 0 . . I I I
.. lion -for enhancing fragile biaaty1', �oria '. called in a $a ,- VS608'r- -made -one, at the allst by- 't ' ' ' . manganese are me . �
4 - her the clergy reserve gave knowing that the �raai we ' 'n 0
� . U00PAu --- itwo 0ocroufulifor a enco which gave .. ,too -of...luo a Sao ch �finister, "Padigin. -%e- I . I .1
: . . . this.,811, Blue. Boardla� bdn6h of, kaysi dangles - I . . 1. . - 40h, ther-lientonsul'.'goVertior of *thb devy the power, Ref6finers ab well a'- i . I a rule top , I : �. . ... '.
' ..
. at the ears and khrost;.'the familiar fly true to. idea uniiiber of rectories, each of . look with respect and. gratitude on the W .. . . . . I
I ' cUP.-PU the''gancepatt oD the fire-; just .i6.jet lie . . 8 u0nBer"tiV80 Of Ontario, -who after ard Went to' Washington -and: heavy. The alierpneso, point and Polish . I I
. lylfpl� tl1O water boils throw in &,is* drape of . .
. . 'VOtO 'who was greatly . Attached' to: Williant.. whicK characterize the oentendea ofThaekeray , , - - - " ' . I
I Ill appeoiapiniouddonthe'neoktiooraha.Wl, Coldwater and take the pot off; strain the* which was endowed with A liberil grant of which*.. secured to- - their province this Rhat . Riaght, naught :. at .Our bliss I . Words tire absent, His style In loose, florid and I . . I I . ' I
=8% a yellow '1ketking of I i a . %be Public lauds. . Fifty-ibree, of those ublast. oysism.of. popular governm6ut. ' � ,- . .
� I - nti`46at '"WeshRe , Concoction through � piece of'rauslin and you - . �. 1. ' I
- . .. I : � Con nevoi describe, It,- and any heart Is rant, 'I 006abiQn%IIY W64 fdae6dg �' Wik� often �,hear � ' - - -
: -
. owfto*PO8,e4,6n $1te:i1do'bf,the head is P,QrO* 'Will have better ceftao than is lixo4joed. by or6stioushad been, secured. by the Oliurahj' I have'. thus thoujbt it *61IJ6 show the 1stornl 041y"sfti3rt'hliteenm6ntl,'6.��id,lw *, of his originality and vivacity.. but � '. � -1 .;.
ed with a dagg6j I Ornaments, pidasing had �thaL ,. complic t . I n the hand of the I 7 pple of Canads tb st the admirAbleju--. . als raise . I .. . I I ... .
� . whe governor Was iitay�kb yoaug.pe � P I ..
- ' _ I In _1noot: .. . .. Y.pateno- I 1008- On'- Sercrit' to,' -w: � A or, w an -sx:�&ruodsl 61 - . . .
a so,,. aud-cost) .. I .. . . r P, 11 .0 ,--would suiggiot.-him-, .." . I ....�
,- iihnuaing4o, 06 6ys;bdtg1iioml1yitijg6itiij , - blue. �.�-. .. . , I "Wi warm , oppo-altio'n' -liet up-,Wthe am Ritution 0 F I th . , . I � no I I . . , ,
� � &a 4 . 11 I I . I all 9 uoder which tb�y'now live have boon William bad I litarery.mityle. . . . 1
I : - , . * .. �
f.. . For more matter -of fheb -woman &,here are the . � . force ot'LiberaIq in,. tho'country'and -to thaW saured to them* 6hijily by .the untiring Also,dilitin h6ma to big Parents. .� . . .. . I
. ---- --- . - -- - -, . I --- � . . . .. . I I .1
. . ' Sao* 'Padding.-One-balf, box golatine, , tintithig efforts the Catiadiano ,'of to day ire efforts of the I old Rbfo'rr4ere.1 They manfully . I— . � .. . . . . I .
�0- . - gold .or silvir screws, nails vies, 'gf1diroA,- - I , ' . I . = ,
I pour warm vater on it onott4h'to cover*it and . entir I ely indebted for.the freedoffi1hay enjoy bore the heat,,of the battle . slid the extent of . .. . I . I � . I I.. I . I I . . � � 1 , .�
.. .. spade, bucket; Vate's isoissors, Cupid's quiv- lot it oWud about three minutes,, then add , . . . I .
I . are filled with $heir deadly arrows, togethek from the in'tolerabloluoubus of coleleslastioal their toil and:,, sufferings ban never be . . . . . . I . 1 . . ''
� I and plat boiling- water to'dleSDIVe it; add the . -- '. .
, , , ,
i . with Neptune's trident,. symbol of fembfine juice of on6.lomon; two-oups ougar;.Idtit* domination. IsisoAeof'tlxe glorienof my. adcqiiately estimated. To their unceasing I I . � i I - 9) .. , .
t I power, Those je.wellery trifloa are'speoially. . old age that I ain look back on those contacts exertions, and alwayi against. the Mobt . � I I , . . .
6 othud end 6o6l ,- beat the wbisds.of, three o�go. and congratulate myeelVou having taken an powerful Tory finfluenoes, are � 10 T I �� 11 � 11 � U . I 1,
.7 lavished on bonnets.,. which, however,' Are to a stiff froth aud�-dd&to the golatillu, Dealing � the -r- , ;;; I . I . . . . . �
,� 11
.� . . DOW in a tranoltiollary stlate, Birds At all one .hour; put in active part as a representative of the people Canada now indebted for - the equality -of the . -1 I - M . .11
ve mould; make the busitard . 1, I . I I
imull nts sea6ed.to be allowed a root no ' .. in fighting those. battleo for liberty sud refigidua denominations, in , Q. I a, 1.� I .
� wall of the yolks ; ,oihon taken from she matild, I . . I nolemnizIng . , . ,Uf h - 5
* �e I't . . . .. I P , --- �
,'11� as t Immense flaoijing, brimo-a wise sup. pour the custard around iti or, if ,You QUO010" �- Y. . . . . � . matrimony, f6r 'the - secularization of the , "
. .
. proselon for blustering March. � To protect pwcan trim with jolly. . . A I . The young Canadian-,ot to -day, who sees clergy reserves, for ,the �aboljtion . of the . � I - d -- 21 I [16 a - I I I .� I .
I . .
i the ears those- are'replaced by the close early . Brown Broad. -Two cupfuls of sweet -milk, the otatesmanlike policy of,this age directed rectory oystom,Jor the eneoUragement giyon . . f kv III I .
. English bonnets with projecting fronts. What two cupfuls of �oour milk, into' which put on@ to the snoaurigeinent-of immigration'And to foreigners 96 oettle in the Country, for the , � I—— \kA I . I �. .
acontzast-1 The wide. up'turned. brims bol inviting all nations kind 'Pe6ple of all oreeds greatest at 611.our blesiingg, constitutional, -111�1705 1 . . .
I aly OasPdOzful- of QhOmically','Pare eoda,- one , - .�� 1. I
� f4ix
,'�'l I
exposO bsaitj to tbp'gazo of admirorn; and cupful of dark molsooes, -two And a. bell -9oco I in and imesial in�the development of Or, as it Is- sometimes called, responsible '. ., - - ,., �� -11 0 I i I . �
I .
the lucarne style alipost Won its lovely lace dallat will learn with ',a curious Asto'nish. governmbut.; for tha� stamping .out of the . 11 I .
. I , I . I .
. -oupfuls of rye. or Graham flour, two and a I , I � I
I � .1 ��� I . . . . .
I how inquisitive looks. Beware though, the, hall dupfulp ment that oomatime afkor the oloo6of the war brutal 0YOtOm Of crushing %he free expressi � - - 7" . , .. . . I I - . .
of coarse Indian meal Bud a little � , can - . '.
", I .
1, . .
i , - scooped billol does -not alwayo'screen modeat � gglj�. Mix thoroughly. slid. then, t , of'1812, Sit Vrsnolg Gore, she: Matenant. of.popilar Opinion by breaking' -up public - .- - , RI 11 A, ,. .� . .. �Iw, , . , � � . .� ... I .. I I .
eimplioity ; I �pu in A. g 11 " . . Ak I I . li . . .. . . �
. otone nd bludgeons,, by� ,' �,' 1111il I - .." , . ONE OF THE O�DEST AND MOST'RELIABLE - - � - .
4 . � -it is often but. a lure. HOW, many QovernorofUppar (Jonads, issuedap�oolal- meetings 'with a, a " � .
. I
. I round d6sp pan, made for. the purpose, 7 mation dbolaring. that. n6 -.oitbjbotL ol'tho. .burning g6verriorg -in *effigy, by destroying ' . " - 11111, - I _ I � , . � . . .
, -oly glances are shot forth from beneath its- -in dia -, 7� inches Un � 1. . I . I .� . .
I , inches , Water, gfthe bottom . � � li'll Ill � REMED16 .
cooy abide, evidently 'Inviting, a peep at the I . . . � I S INLTHE 'WORLD FOR
. I 11 JI!, � '. � . .
I � I At the top And 6J inebes deep. Cover thii .ited State� of America obouldbe permitted' Parliament, buildings and .6ioning her I � t.: " - ., --m . . . . I I . . .
. . . '11.111, , Z . I . I I 1. � . . � . .
. bewitching picture wiShIn.--:-Ladies' GaxccD pnrobiso6l=4 in the province,?. Thaearly mojostyls.onfef representative,-fai abr6gatlp , . $1111 , - .. L . . . . . ; . . . . .. I
of FasIdem . . . . ... .. 6. bottom Of the Pan with a piece of Pepsi weYl' to _ . 1.9 . lli`l�, I 1 . . . .
.� . settlement dt the United Skates was thits the direst and, thereforeJujuriotto influ6noeF 11 , 1;1 I � K, ', R , ..
. . � . !�! .: ,�` 11 'olds, Hdaiisendss,'SoO
. . . buttered, or. it Will not -come out. Tb !,11!.!11,,1!, olighs, 0 .
. ,;,.. , I�E:l 0 - I e
an�ateara . 1,� , 11 I I . . I 11
... - " - - *TUM materially promoted; and the rich ouil'of our of our governors &in, thq. assails of* public . .. .- 1''.'' 11111. - �14 0 0 f nza, . .- : � -1
. , WOMEN, OV TO -D ' - it over A kettle of hot water 16r.tbree he - - '�� i .1.0 V - - - —. -
I. - - �. ... 4 . are. . '. I I J1J�J1'JL11,,' 144!i 1111.1,1; . .'Br n. ihitis, Influe ..
0 .. . - gkoot',measare 000nd 1. 11WI: 1.0 4�1,,,,l '411, 1:111 ....�Tbroat, . I
i f an hour in the . range OVeD. DWd eduntry-was kept in a State of wilderness measures, for the --�s . �. . , f, ,V 11 "I , 1111�11 . . . . � �� - . . . I . . . � -1
. The jewel for a frilled shirtab000na is & -a . is. Then bake it hal � . - . . .1 . .. . .� !11�:Ug,�, �11011 1 11� I II, IN - Group,whooping. Cough, t ' - , ' �
I .
i. Mond In the Zell. : 1, .1 by this narrow, Ignoiiint -and suicidal policy. in value bulY td -the gift of conatitniidnal . - 1, ��J; p. �1 - 1'. . fl.,'. I �Jli- 11PS � . . . ..
, . o , . . It lqVexy nice toAsted the. second day J, I � I
(I I 1 . . I � - . - . � y. . , It was's'polioy so ldiotio.thAtthsmawof the governmentz---thb Municipal' Bill,' iiiii for Alm �1-k 1-0 �11;;,J, . . . .1 . I s . � . _every ,� . . I . . . . . .. . . . .
. ..
. . Three long o2trialt foathers Introduced into : Who '* make On I Present will land, it diftionli .1 other messurok to which Ihave no Space now . "41 1, '4" 11,; r 1. Asthnia)- and � ... I I ...
a "boys are advissa"'not to o' .enlightened day . I . . . .'' :;!; i., . 1. . ,. . . .. . .
I . .. ." - I k . . . . . I
f. ' ' - hygienic .grougdo,sbey imugh.2 to believe it vai ever purijued, bit -I *so a' to rate . . .V affecti6h oNhe . �
.1, , tans make an-extionio no ' .
. I I . . . I I i I , , * .
I .
' � �. as.. Bas livingv my 7 -I have 002 . *.the, Sonata of' . i ' ' ' . I 1.
I - red are the'aider for neiv parnoolo... . , 1. * . 4. . I
Twelve ribs And'. paragon frameo painted and op�ak. of As ^givejo sa old logle linage to it; fatal. effects, and did. nothing to say on 1 141 i .... I --Throat, Lungs, and.660lif, . , .. I I .
V9l1Y- -' t the. 'Advicei r. . � I I I 1'��'i :, " � ,
W . I oar* utwoot in Parliament and out of it to bring Vanads, -bat thin I MUSt. &10'to ,"another � � * - ' 1 1 � . I I I .
. efal experiments, lately. made by a phyji-, 1. . - , � . . . .1 . . .. � , . . I. I . i. . . . . I � . I.. �
t - : ' Light Colors ana. undefined tints are'agath clan of rilptite,prove that the pratice is , vbty . tion, . 1. I . . . 11 , � I � in6lud! - � . . � I . I ,
fa ouk its abrogi � I � 1. . occooJoh. .I fast I tire Your Pationoe. PaV: . :. 1"; , I . . . I 1. . . . �. . . .
. L ... 1. . nz��. . . I -
I - -- in,voig-de fdr-dieiisea, as'.%Nell as for bouneiai- linjurlonov -He kook� for his purpose Ahitty. ,' bat Of Our P16063AYOU739 POlifibia s -have -don. the garrulity,of .61dogo, but so'!' a few ... I . � . .. .
. . , . � I.knowledge of th$ history b of .the. vookii I shall have .'reached - my u 94th .111, ,�'d I 11 . - . -..- � -.1. .. � ,- '- - . �'. . 7- . ' - I . . . I . ..:-- �
I - Thero -never wV a season when so preate L eight boys, from 9 to 15, who had -been in a gene . . I �� I ... —Sausump—TION., � - � . , . . . I
� . "Wariety,was Rion in the Style of 4reasiiog the the habib of smoking, and ex�amined them 14-0-morepor% of Lord Darliam, 4 toper& ,, year, I am Warned that MY face'most soon be - I - I - . . . I . I . � � �
I.. � A�VRZL�ImowN PHYsiciAN WRITES .. ' . ..
. hair. . . .: ! � - - . cLose)Y. In twelAY-06YOU'lie f6infid .obvioue which is the foundation 'of our present -ad. - van. If before I leave YOU all I can add any. - . I . � -.. . ` ; -
� I 1. .. . . I various wirable system of responsible &v4tnaens to the inter . 11 It. does ,not dry,up a cough, and leave t7;� cause , . . I I
%; A Weatern paper heads. the mirrlitge f a hurtful offiets; twenty!two having thing motion of the young gonera. ,- I . . . . biihihd,* as is, the case'with, most prepa,rations, . ' . . . 1
k�- bachelor of-fifty-adven years,." Another Old disordere of thp Circulation 'and digegtion�, . , 'of them- can estimate the Violence of tion who ha*6 taken the' places of 'the i old . . I .
I Landmark Gone.1i . I . . . .. palpitation of the heart, aid, mote or' less . tilb'OPPOOltibn it raised up among thff Tories Reformers;' I shall have done viome.wod, and I but loosens. it, cZewises the lung� and allayi; irri-
I . . . dravIng for strong drink; twelve of the boys of thd province; Now, the diaoUgaiOn of thou U 0 n ov P �
Short eklits are - shorter than .6vor tb publi mastualo Carried on With courtesy and * gently received- by the people of Canada Who - . . 6 1 . 330 NOT BE DECEIVED by articles ,�. .. I �
i 1911 it be little, it will, I k ow, b 'iudul. . I I faiiO , thus ,rdm ift9 the cizuse:qf vom taint," - - - , -
; *Ppring, when worn by th were- frequ tl troubl,ed with blooding At I Is � I . I
� . . 0, wba.1 faghio .. I turbed sloop . ,qatetaboo, .. in-�--�Aays� ot� I . . bearing a similar name. Be sure you get DR. � I . . - 1. I .
I . An 1. the noso; toil a but _TO .are ever thoughtful'6f their old servants,. . . .
women. I � , . .r . .. - ! twelve . ry — -1 I
sets o o : i
� I I , j". I am. � - W T Wjlj)- r-TFRUY
- - . ' ' . had slight uloiritio ftho Mucous, In . insolence, a meeting of Reformers was usually ever kind to their - old libldlerse:-Yo. � I - �--- W- _MS -BALSAM OF� - -ILD- , , -.� . � " . I ..
� . . .
I . Spring tarbans Are either.x6mid bate I , . I$ . �-- I
" I - � brain of.the 6ath., jiih,aliappeared -after dieperned . with 'stories And- bludgeons. roope6tfully, . : , , Oman. 119,P)UNS.... '.. . . , , � with the 'signature of "I. BUTTS. on ffiit I � ..
* I . . I
I bonnets, emoording-48 t Nve strings 1880. .. .. . ... " I Wrapper. ..50 C 'is - � Pro . . . . -
I . I .40Y have strings. A-coliti,tua I wall remember a .meeting In Ho,mil$0n, Hamilton, April 9,1 . " and $1.00,a Bottle. - ..
- ,,� an atringi . . . I . , �. . . - . .. I 1� I I .
? eon. . them &I for 16 . . I ; � "I ' �
. � dayo. The physician treated balled by- the Reformers of -the town and i . . . �, . I I . . .. � 1. d by- SETU W. FOWLE '& Soits� Boston, , '
� Gold braid, . goIc . ), y for the ourp6a I .. . � -, )Y -1 UM I- . , " . .
I galloono; jolao� orns. weakness And, n6rvouanexo, thdugh With adjacent cannot a -of discus. . The Earl Of Dunmore, who boo just axjIv '.. )ld by druggista and dealers generally. � . ..,
. ,ad . . .
A; . sing. this report, 'when' Sir Allan it itt Now York, is the most - eminent stock. . .; . I
; ments 161A i0aisdo 08 gill mod. in &w. litildavAil,untIll bybadralinquishod' U ol�ab ,
I I AZdg h - I . . I . . . I -1 . . .
. millinery. , . . . . . .. '. ing, hen health a , omok. Violence, when. a . . . I - I . . . . I . . I . . ..,
� � 7' ,vas conipion6uo for hie ' .� raiflMi III Sebilandi. Eta only began ke buel. ., . -6-66--.- I .
. � � .1 I .. . . . .
. . .. .. . W nd otrang$h Were. opoodly I . I ... - -- -- I.. I I . � . .
I - - � , .
. The fealtion of having. the corgago �f, tbotored�.. E�inlfitbe granted.thatowok. inch of his oupportefs. ottaeked 1 with of , . . . . .
, -
I is cse , Some' twelve years ago, .bt,kt rapidly, - . '- � ?2 1 . I . I .
t different ma - and clubs, injared wany,of the Sadie achieved an oktraordia , ;3�� -1, -.. . . . . . . . - -�' . 1.111 , .
I erial from the skit lag Jo. not barmful. to adults there i - � ,--�f ,-- I't �- "" - I
no ,
STY success, Ina men ,
,t will pro ail to ,
V 0 Doe', to I . � - - , , .
. . . - " �' a .... � . I . :
- -
I I in the opting. . I . .., .. OfUlf harmfulness to ,the young. � Dr. down the A ag and completely broke no � the sure clue to the tutorship of big fathevin-law� . - I I- - ,-; , ... I I .. I I I
I . I . . .: �` ,- .1 - � . I
isnali 0, who , I I � -- - . . .
.. Apple bloosews.make lovely flower P =Z9, Dr. - Richardson,, and other meeting. Thage Were I the. days of Tory - tho i Istarl of Leicester, son of �th6 �xenbwnod . �m . . 41, . I I
- �� � !, `t I . I
I . ascendancy, wheir.a,Reformer was brande'd a' 'kicultutiati "'Coke .ofsK6ifolk," , I �� . "d7- --, � . .
� . for the side -garniture Of yo4ng girle evening bavd made a op661al'itady of the oubjeot, sli a ag its -he is - -- -N. K-1 � . .1. : � .
I � . I . .�, . . I .- ��. - I .
) dresses. . :, - aQ-x0O In deolaiingthatit causes -in tham a rebel, and when the 1016327 *he were otiog� � h1wayn dolled, - wh6 inherits him -fatharts . K- - --- , � .. .1 - .1
i .
i Qaantltles of tiny green bags sua,.bo�atldg Impairment of growth, primature Virility., and gling for the Ogfiti'of the peopio�-whiob we agrioulturAl tontso ''and' ospabilitibee- !,'or , � � 1.111, 4- - . .. . . . .. .�
at PhSOJOAL degradvititin. one of the worst all new enjoy', without l33qaIr1n*g, wholloo some years pass, the annual sales at-Dah. �, � �gm " ��fl . 1.
, apl4ead among the feathers mud flowore I ,��, kj�.� 5 a ia-z , '! �. I . . .
I . I % -7-.�)E- . . .
, I . �Ofladta is the Provocation of an �appetlw -for they� Cameo or by whose life-lb)og guffarin& mord,Park have been among the leading �' f� .� - ,, ,, - . .1 . .
i . . . , � �� � , I I �
that trim chip bonnetoi I ,- .-ZL' I SO t . 1, �1 "
The new gipsy hate will -be Word either I liquor, which indeed - is not 0031fined to, thq they wore oeoured�WOM in daily dreAd pf bU00116 Mote '01 the yeari and by � big � " " � . 1-1. -- I .
) � - - ' . Ju gme ... - ."1111111 I I , . I � � . I I
I on the forehead, or tilted far back onAlis head, young, but which drown porsoni Ore better Virulent slander, -of dastardly Ilbal andoltsh. " d' ' ut said fittelition to thin .pursuit � - A910 -Tag - I . .
. �. Ab 10 -- �� , r4d 1h, . � � . .1 . I
at the oj�tlolft of she is to manage. When boys drink to excesoi of pbroonal VI lance. . Even now the tbi Lord Dunmore is understood - to have made I I I
� .wearer. ; 2 In - T-. I- - .
I ther.are almost Invariably emok6ro, And It is blood of- my old value -flows Vith-A tane*od . w highly abeeplable. addition to big I . I . .
". All shaaad of violet are 148bionabla, from ' Income., . &� - I I 1-1 . � I - .. I "or- . I .
, . I very rare to fl ad a man over, tend of spirits On8r9Y When I* think Of the � oradItloo porpa. In :earlier life he woo I" 9 and - 01111 " 1, " . . .
i "", S, . .
I of an arls or' a Violet to the Who Is not'addleted to tobacco. -Men *he trat 51-- 1
.,. ��
I the Colo wood ad by 'the Tory powers of those' aark big good looks and attractive manners oft in , I U. ,,"
;, deep o0fitono of the Patmese V161016 * . want to 91T6 up dthokh)g uotially'linVe t6 days on tlio, small bond of Ref6rucars, of indelible Impkemionan datiodianisola lk� -� . Alroteotoa Solutlon of tho rrotoiiao alron, :
, . I . 0 hen * , , ", . .
F : i Bouquets for carrying la , the. bona br for give tip omaking at the same time; for .they Which I had'the honor bf-boing one;.,wbb he was in the Dominlon-vitfi . is regi out. , . � ", I, I I I .
. I
. . ,he-. (3 . I .. . I "I ".., � . .Is as. easily.digeste& ar�d assimilated with thd . .. .
. Orgage are- now Rant in boxes, Amy that a elgar or a pipe generally excitan a fought out the U:6equal battle to , its *later!. HidmOther Viso onelof the, ban so- 0 go- . . . 11.N ... I : ,blood as the si 'a - - the blood. I . I
daintily . � - 'o ' '
, lined With,qndted oilk and trimmed depira for liquor very 4hard to Control, . otis ending. . The virulence of. the Tories 61 , tPhei'stmal'nanntihon .
�. . I with -lace. I .. : I I . . . w taro Of the Eirl-of PeiDbroke, ... fit Sao . . does not c6ntair ty of1ron, the
� . . tbode dayst-was Well exemplified by,avoih6r' wife, daughter of Prince Woronzovv, (Russian . -1 . deficiency can be, suppli by the use -of the .
11.0, ., -tobacoot Pl\ d, � I
. In Parik bridem liavd paid their vialto I Ant! Aots ivill And CoWfdrt, Aid soondalousproceading, which also took'Plaos Ambassador In England), and, consequently, . , . �', W .PBRUV1A.2V,SYRUI,,. I. m. athouftnd . .
. month In dranoeir of white Hin'466 qashmerei gUnlo tointho,fadtthlktP&riOiauPhYBIOin�g in, Hamilton. SirAllan, MaaNA �And his alitei at the la&dnted- Lord 'Sidney Herbert. .. ��,�,,-
, ,�,� ,,,, .
"' " b � I IZOIC I ', ills 11 simply by ToNXXG UP,* idoftAtma, and
it � I 11 , .
. Its plush: with* the. 0, W hardly antexception, iesoaasgainsi 99--., ! . . .
trimmed with Ivory. Wit at a We, h . 9upportokwhad-daterminod to Show their at. A fdw month's ago Lord Dunmore behaved .b . � ',� , 11 VITALIZINO Cho system. I nriched and . .
. . . 1. w . . I
. V . Ith most Conspicuous. gallantry in t000tting , I � Vitalized blood .permeates ev 'art of. the
ant -toile and boblaot of ,plush- to miatob. th d, which they claim rapidly uses up po6ision.to all Constitutional government b. �t
� I L�---zi � .
� the vital forces ; mud in the fart I � - .
--- . -, I
oeveralpersono from drowning. A gun o4ol. ,.� � body� repairing ditmagea- And Wa earching .
A besasiful answer was alvOn* by a little her last that every means, foul as .well so fair, in their 4 �4 ` I
Scotch glrl� When bar class ose examined, . m6ot of the long-lived, tough old F, renoblinon - I . 0 ".. � I . �
I powerb Among other devices ihoTory mind dent deprived him in 1671 of one of his syeo; , - ?�, , out morbid secretion$, arid leavin ing for L I
she r ipliod to she nevok smolcod. Wag# GUIzoil firomiGux, N .
A qtlootion,* "What 'is bad .resolved that it would be a,fitting and and there were grave Apprehensions, happily' X� disease to feed upon. This Is th . f the � I I . .
� �. r� , - ��p , � . .
pationo(i 21, 10 Wait .4 wee and aluDi Weery'n nanpall and CoMpto Bonolt<Azy, who PkOici mOaO Of: exhibiting its .characteristics Utiftilfillod, that It might offedi the other. L'� . . . . . . . 1W 11, : ...... -, - wondorfal success of thi's rem . I
. 'the . recently died fall df yesro,'with unimpaired of brutal fore lWo probably no* boro on business connook. . I I �'t ,� � " , . . .
,,� I -
. .
t Ali otoliongo says young lady who Can 0 and contempt of all gentlea , I . � � 11 11 , , ' Dyspepsia, Live I , I . ..�L: I 1.
01 a potato Ill .five secondo is as useful its Mental faculties, .Were All r on oinokszo ; aud monlike foGlingo by burning Sit John Col. 1 04 With -big famous hard. . . L tl`l k- , , , ) , 1I �r Coinplain 0 , .
PO pi) are Dufaare and Usrtholerny'ft Hillatre, borne in offigy, Thl . . . Thera. Is now boing.lik6pared for publication " I . .D=
the young ftxiihn who spanks five lappages Victor Huge And N tionue Arag,o, 0 tkeY did in the oquars, I .
I I& this city; but t - I 11'' 0 . Memo Dia
; Is ornamental. - � o exhibit another character. 0, - , A , �
. . VerY interesting memoir of Mary, Queen of , I �� ,� .
A hotarer on optlog, In explaining the AetL-Aftor the hoaoeymooft'.�A young fetid they determined so to carry ont the Sooto� by Non, who at one time noted me heir I us AffectionSt F6 I I .1 1. .
I Mechanism. of ths organ 61 vision, remarked: Women who bad never learnt the gentlo art Oftitage'as 16 Cast Its blame on the Reformers. . prIvAto oeeraistyi The Work k ,'reality in an . I g . . . � , .
. .
, .1
I "Lot any Elan ga,ze closely into hie Witten of cookery, being donfrous of Impressing her They boldlYcOnatnitted the crime and Ilion as Autobiography and contains In4ubstanoo the . . .. I � 'Complaints,
- . I � i:0 I I And all diden.86a originating In a bad State of , .
i eye And he will ace himself looking so oxiseed. husband with her knowledge and diligence, 1:1041Y charged !to commission on their 'a account Of "or life, t1opooWly 'base . I the
I managed to bav6 bei kitchen door aj at On the political opponents. Ilwill appear Incredible 01,101, it Which have b on the subject Of NO . L blood, or Accompanied by debility, ora low , ..
Ingly omall that 10-, Here the lecturer's voice . to many, but' the truth ig that one � of she . � state of the eystem. s I .
1, WAS drowned by,she should of laughter it bridal trip, ., Paris Of
1� asy'aftat thelk return from their muoh000lisature And dim'0311iod6no
nd slid just Am hot lord COMO in from bin Offloe party engaged In this disgraceful . . I
� Applause which greeted his scientific romark. . breach 61 'Mrs. A. As Taft boo Carried her appoAl I . CAUTION. -Do sure you got the 91PIM
Sheridan, on6a declined to take o walk With stolAimed 'Ion ElIzA, do I a110 low was then actually the Solicitor. filalust being flood L by tho Police Maglatrato RUVIANSYRUP.'" Sold by-druggiats genck. * I
. ik, tro I a GO110111 Of the PrOVIU664 The unworibi trick lot placing on hot aborpi Aid ,he l6ttofo I .
AbIsSolue f6tolnino Admirer, on the p dly' ,situeni.it, , Xlettigive any. Pamphlets- sent ftee to any address by .
Ina Ravialt yon Washed J I I I
1. that ills W4114thOt Would not Permit' and being , 1110mo.whow�t48004W , .. . WAS aludovored and exposed� The anattor " M L D 9 to the Coati' of Q4QGil,o B$116h. SM"I W, ,VOWLZ-&, 8oxs, Proprietors) 86 Hat. . .
0 . � if .
I . L .. .. . I . . was brought befor Parilizatut, arid 1 had -jaiime'nt is rioerved. . rlaon Anaueo Boston, litase, . . A/ , � L