HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-04-22, Page 4r- '.. : - -11 - -, - --- -
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I .
- V'quilplar� . - -- , - -""-"-"r- -11,11., - 11 -
I fW=;W- - -- - � �, ---"A -.11�. .1 1-r- ---
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. I 11 � .
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I I ..
. .., � I - - --- - — - - . 11 -1 - � - . . .. .. " - . . � I I . I . � .1-1 I- ---�.--�W� - . -1 1,
.1 I fav A, allutforilit-14to Otto Utaft A VSHIJ.814 DOI)Xf - Mines to grow, each year developing some I � - . .
. I , W1144tion Wild Cherry. I
. � -pot. . The Bxj)ositor (1 .last week new fo4,turellit4ertQlo4taip,lt&,of. ThiQ,oar . Ono of the tuo3t lborough)y reliable .medicines no", I HO,DG IN, S7 �
Manitoba -7. X . � IIAS A Ung fre8htish isquite a prominent feature ill t I OnV Compo
� . . Dp - lauso by the Vau%dlau public is NVtls 11A.4
I � ... ,
For Salv-w-lVttde Was,, ' . article 4irectirg public attention to the exports. Upward of five hundred tbougana, -SYXuP Of wild 03orry. Tbe su6ocs which Attotub it. ' I . . S H 0 W�T
. Great Salv--Wiii�. Witter. ' .. I . , *Q in cases of Colds, Cough%Drongbitis Croup, Whoop.
. . . . uselessness of tile ]Dominion Sonate, pounds of fresh salmon wore shipped during Jng con b, &oss W Voice aid Weak. UtBp,, 44 mootre- ,
I � Concort-Hurov. Star Lodge. . , urging the year. I . marls0fl. . - I
I House to Itont-T. Walker. - 01�ou tho-uouutry tile Wi5doni (if tile 11boli, 'rho export of pbospha,too boo taken quite a Originalli,propared toincet the dot=44or a good I
Special bart,,,ai0B-JXs,, Noble, medicluo o tho kind, in the retuil store of the proprle-
I , I tiOU Of that bad Y leap, having jumped from tbirty-ooven, hun. tors, its -roased so rapidly And bocauto so largely I VIR V � I
, J - Wo heartily. u-tsite .with sale lat I
Boots and i loes'-Jas. Twitobel). � hundred to near twelve thous,144 tons in one, s*tOndo4 that the manufacturers felt It was only noceo. I - A 10ROurNING
. I
Baby Qarrlagoo-Xewtoa & Dennis. our oot.omporary, in this matter. It never year. Although. this is small cowp:xre sary to Introduce It througli the or aftho coun. I I .
- .
I 1 wbat it bhould be, still tile . progio L so is .. ell I , tryto ensure Ito Adoption as t1lo"Z11,11,11 I cure for dis. L
L d with
Apprentices warito4-Craib Mae% , 1.4 .Bai
, . )Arjor,& Co, was a useful or neousoary institutioll"-A A, on I -, cues of the rospira I torylorpus. ,Lvory lea4ijqdru6gist
I . , - I
- - . - � uragifig, and -indicates tile tuture volume, Of In Western Onfarl new selis it, . ,
, *
- - ,
- . . � I
rl�m�"!!11�- --------7 cartuilily, .04 . onot be. PaW . to be im ,,, tbimcomparativelynowtrad�; Tbat there is Be wise in thucl?get A. bottle And have It oil hand , � � 1; . ., sl--','--tz�
. � proviu, _ ' ,
. in efficioxicy. The so* til a groying demand for, phosphatic fertilize 8 . post.
I pposed o4jiqt (if a , r in when required, 1p I lie large bottles are the ohm
. . I . � I other parte of the world lvbore� agriculture is v --- - -
- ----T'---.-- -7
� �0)1 . 1-1, �'3804t1s WAP to 40t as 4 olleck oil hasty legis. , vanoitig we are ao4uro4 by the onarmotis con.
, - -Ve " -ospec . oFlaption. of raw mWeials. by the manufneta- . - I. I 00 -ase for' Sale* -
. — lation, bli - S lu G, G
I � volt in this i t it 4el4oln I I ., ,� - S � I
. . . . . . .. . - . q ' llytIling. At ries of artilicial. manures ill the United. King. two-stoxy frome hoine -,..,;trca,bolvng- J -- . � ... � -1 I . ..., � I .....-- - I � .., .
11 ... 11 . � . -Or never really Accomplished A 40m and in. the United 8trtos. Thonecotisitiou I' . . on It I . . .
. I -k:01' I : . TT=Ag to Ur, J. 0. Xillpi, and tmw occuplea by bTr I I ..
------.-.--!M the present titne0ib is looked of-thils chemical manufacture pla$9 under tri. ialfour, will be sold on very L-nr,y terms.' Noraoneyr;: ! Everyth* ' . �5 1 .
- , -�� F !.- � npon, raorts bute 4 large portion of the �lobe, X W rod down, if good *=urity h given. The bon o I -,J ,. - .
. ..'' qV � "I in, in the Millinery Room " H
V As it huxurions restillg-pl4pe for pOliticlAn8 South -America, Vrance, ofth and lJbUllt,074tO1t%blO, Und QQllT0nIeJ,1tJygItRfl4taa ' " g � I I u1nmingg �
tierum Y, orwa, , o"Jaural or bu - smeNs man, , ,:�� . -
. " ri a pet -f "' 4- 1 MAKTLES, BONNETS and HAIrs. made to order, .
. Who have outlived their usefulness, but Russia, R nglaud and Au4trAlla, cach on tll6ir IL HALE, Huron. street, Clinton. I - . � ',, .
I -9, I " it, t 0 it, '-fitir (ghka )ta, 02 bone -ash, gumlo, boueo. and n neral . OotpborOtlt,1870. .
I � I �� I., # still desira tt) draw pity fruix i 0-------- - I I �', .
-..,. - 1 � � � I � , - . --- ----.- n the public pluh.0sphates to the great controu of ivanufac- � in First -Class Style, , -
11 TIMISDAlt, APRUL 22, 1880, tr0ftBllrX- it is ostim.atei that the ational Wro.—INPles,4. I � r4 9krms in I-InIlett. . 1. . �
=-=-. - -, 1- " ---, - - � ----. ---W.4+.e— 1 � . ' I
, � .. . . , - -- -, �... coat of tile fiorlmo io fully $100jo0o, And we T011ONTO NSIVei., . FOUR 0-003� PALMS on the Fourth concossit,ri of
woll cleafed
. . � .1 � '. xi;Vault OWN COURRISPUNDEN�. . " and with good Improvements, ivill be sold (,u ca6y S- T `1 - - I
JOV10AWN MN llliTlu i�t(!IFIO UAX)AIVV�ty. Hullott, withill five 3111108 of Cllutonj
. Boo no roason Why this atl(.Xl Inight not be . I
- I . 14 the Hu4se, �d 00.411iliona, ouThursda� eaved-to tile cpuntry. : , � I terms. Let fieventeen, South -half of N�Jnotcrjp, And � . . . I
I - ' � ' ' as opened, but there iii, Nonli-hall OfTwontv.' Will be sold tog0bor of soft- 1 4 . � . . . I
awfil Friday r h4 , , Navigo,liou It. . very I rAtoly. Ill. I&L" -
, Al . 11M�-oAio iv rod a inAster-* Th6- (inestion IV I
� . 1. �e . is and fipon ioll bbtll little doing as yet. U.".. i,;,t,.ct, 0liaton. The.S.tock"'that has NO'EQUAL in,the Coiin'bry. I I
ly and ex1laustive speecil, in reference to , . � . . I
. PllrtieEi Ought to unite, but we suppose thig ' TI-In—lon"!o-1111180. --I-- - Sho* ' TH-AT R' XCELS *all -others- md no - J
. � . I I The new West Prosbytoila.ri churcit was * The
� ilia PA01600 llhil'WRY, the m4ill feature. of is hardly. to be expected, the"Refori6ers opened on. Sunday luat, . I . I . . I s a
I I I . . I . i T 1. I
. I FARM - FOR SALE ON� EASY ERMS. � � misrepresen .
, No fewer than fivo vases of child desolition I , - I � .
. . I
wlliob wew. to show, m1lich he did inost should, therefore, mako, 11 the abolition Of : .. . . I . tation. � I.. I I
. � , . . I lalle con) o of the police with. Tti subs-Mbox,offers for ogle the west balf of,Lot' ..., . I . . I
conclusively, tl;r,t tbio country A? � I e under the notic � ' T=Nd-. 1% and the soni;h half of tQt No. 20? ilk the - . . . . . I
, Woula be tile 85 -late, a plank in their plakUnrat, i0lie last few weeks. ' '
11idek], if tile Gov 4 n . 8 � n, JW43 I
. .. . . I . I I I . . I thoroatu two lob, housvo,-34ar tarivs Anit partlettlarq, N
ceeded with the-wnT.mruc ext of the road it -to aeoeadaeful4sope., ., - .- . . . beiug torn down in order to make room for I C . . . .
. I . i . . � I spil y 'O a. I . I _ al - �
. I . . , . . more substantial structures. - . ) M
. . 7th. coil. 0 Hullett-100 acres, 60 cleared. Bitimted
�Irlancil,My r or 4ant, pro- t1wronghly Agitate tile qnoqtion'�jid carry ''Quite a iiuuil�er of old woodon bqil4iu- are about 5 milon from Clinton, And, there are erooted, Ila QUANTITY, 11
. I � "I
't . , in VAMETt in N- I T
. . . � . . I RIDOUT, .. - , NESS of DESIGN, in .
I . , ,er th-an the rfecluirounanis of the country. I ,a --C��— a few Weolca Clinton, Mareb. 4,18SO. .. . . . . . ,
* ' , ,
. � . � fast 4o. . . KONOIVOL19S. ; . The and- Affair which a . catirred . I . .� LOVELY COLORS, 'SHADES, and Effects..' ' , . .
. calleil for, ai�d it) concluding gave the -foil . . . I . ago, of two lads drifting - � I I . . � L.- . .
e lowin- its I I I Ito . L The latest tn.oiiopQly is a Now York cor, and dying of okpoo . Across lake Ontario 11). the - surr�ma4 - . I .. .. . I � I
- ano,.-h4q. rpuied �he ' " Court Of Among the Mil I I
, policy 'which should Ike . . public
m . . . . - . I . . to A, sense of the Aecessity of' hmring oL, life, Me; Countyolt Huron. Rinery, none, to excel, . .
. . . adopted : - I . nor on opium. A oliquo'is 'W4 to llaye boat fc;i, this harbor, And the question is now . — I � I . IddL - . . .
. . I I I . all tile opitlill itl,�the receiving , � 0 -io equa .. I I..
- s, bought up no,arly, attelitio L . I I JA . 1� D` .
. " . . � Ike 71tatter ol.qua)-dian-i741) of the iitfant A.m ng the Go s) got i. 1. .
I I got free the'springs of lenitim-atexeyclitio, - . I . . I . I I n. I . �ivildrea of V, dward flenry - Ilighe, deceased, . . - � ., . .
- Q ' At unon, on S,ttti rdAy, quite an excitement. L L .4
Which yall have legally choked; , pen the vrorici, Willi a view to.force.tho price L . Xb'TjC�,tb�, at Among the Prints the varietV I,% so great'it ia �er' .1
L .
. bnr�ier by NN'hiCll you 'ha�VQ. Blinked legitmate . . of tile was caltised. oil 111climoral St rp,,,xb . tho —exiq nAwa- -of-tvauty 1. ... I- -1 I � - - ., . .1. __ . �.� L I
I . . I 6119 uJi to A fort it r�e-znak ing. poin A faky i g of I ,8, reet'by tho,find, , -1L days After the Ilrob pnblication'b& this notice AP. � plezinZ I . I .: -111.; -1 . . - L i
, . q, L . .
trAdo ; free tire people .As rapidly do may -be .t. 1� I 1) a nall skull and 4 1, rgo bottle coil- . plicatlon will be made to tho.Judgo of the 8urro . MT L .1 I .. .
I . ,
-from your e d" taxation; return - 4fiys 9-0 it was -,a Chicago ring bi tsiuin� a bumam' Ito �11111.0 , " " . �
xoessive gin ing lying tip I bus of about live mooth's Court,,offho County olHuron, byUaryTighe,of Among- the, FANCY LINS , SATE,1ENS ''
. L
- , "' I .. development. They were ,taken to trie.wo . rgue TownShip Of Hullett, in tile COUJ�ty Of �JrUrort, Widow, � L d L I 1. .
I iall isthe only legitimate I I for* letters of glianlianomp, appointing her. the said .. od P .
to a revont, nil the �b.at and Urcing, the world'to pity for the inispectioh of tile ocirohor, who itiv gho, guardian of CATHARINE ANN TIGEL11, LAWNS all White *.Go the , Assottment,
I - I a
. tariff for the purpose of this' .country, afford- m I . , L esm "ary so .
L . . , ing necessarily, as it dons, 'a certain* i4easure exorbiturit pricei or go hilng*qy; flien Gould tigated the case, and found * that t 1XI LNA�i TIQ114, TZRI)SA. TX0114 An& ,TOITN JTO- : - . . . . I . I I I . "
, . ' ' . L , . . . . .� been stolen from a medical shident, to who v I -is Immense. . I . . . � I
� ,
. . . . of protection tol mantifacturers,'-nnd 'is also and. his oo-col"P'rators buy�- illi -all the rai.1- they were raturaed, ,� . I I . P pri,PH TIG11:0, the infant oldl,iran of the said Edward . . . I . . . . ..
. . Henry Tighe, in his lifetinio, of the said, Tnvn0l� of .
. . . the roductive means by,which the pub. . . � I Elfillett, yeoman. . . .1 . Abaong the P S, the DisPlay is Grand. .- I . . 6
. lie i=dness onn'be reducod ; endeavor by roado and compel tile . . I I .ARASOL . I
. . . . L . . . Chicago whoat.-ring Replies to Ingersoll from pulpit, �Iatform MAZY TIGITS. I .
I . all earnost searching plan of economy. to' re- and alt.others to pay w6tevee freight I the a.plL6S . , . Dutod at the Townsblp of Hullett, In the count '; . .
, I . an . Barenowtheorderoftbeday. Some, his Welfth day of April, A. i). i8go. Y -f. Among the B, I re is every desirable
.. 4 of these,dro more Wades of abuse which cart L .1 . � �
. trench im every branch of, public. expenditure 9iique-is pleased to eXaot. L a the way . Huron; t . . 1. L lack Goods"the ' L
This I . . I ...--1-1..--------- I .
to make both ends meet and lighten the peo. - . - � do no jodd while they may do harm, while . make of CASHMERES. and LUSTRES. .
. I . ple's burdens at the sAme-tiple. Let us do nioniedmen'will Ateiript to extuit onroaI others are logical and excellent replies. to the , J � H C 0 .11 IB E, * A � . . .. L . I I., I
this, And if YOUL.%Vill pToceed in ybar present sonable an I d u . hjust prices ;greab blasphemer, for such lie unquestionably . .. . . I 11 Among the COTTONS, An?p'ng the LINE N& - - - -
' . . -
I . course hi this p4rtioular which is under dis- - I I - , front , the ,rest of . I A at that S - Among' the 'TABLE. LINENS. * , ., I . I .. .1
I.. cussion be prudont, And if ill all else you, wil the world,*and the uly ' : is. Taking into bonsideratio the fai CHEMIST Pal DitUGGIST, L .
- O W I run . y an opera . I � ' � i . - . I . I .
-the fu ture- of ihe'country do not do so iu is to. make. trade'as free asair,. a that. hin guiding star, like, that of any other ' *r, , ed to the promises known -DAMASKS, SEIEETIN G -S . , ��. -.
I.. --riok L I 4� to preve�t itL Ingersoll 18 "' ' " b-' comygily and ! - . .
... L this. Con fine yogradl f to tile completiqxi of- . . . � �o ; thati the , a� . .Hall rein6v ..-,,:. ., Among the 0J."URTA114S,
. I . a ' ' actor, is the " Almighty Aollari" it strikes -us . . . . . I . . . . .
purobper h' . . . . . . .. I .
. �. .� a d" Among,CARPETS, C]�QTKE;, SaIRTINGS, 110L- -
. section, ()Oilfiuo-3,onisel�-ostotlie-coib�letion . L .. as the prlvilwq of s o. ing thd.' - t6o ranoll, -has been takon-o . riie. or,p cx.mwoisz. no,mpr,., . .
. ' �, �, * : that
- . I P notice I
. .. of the railivay necessary to Pottle and develop -article - iti. other markets.. If tfi e . :w6ild ,especially by the pulpiti,- And. that af, ------ I I . I . .� � k I . . . I � . L I . . . . . J I . ' . . I ..
I � I I I .
� . . the Northwest for fhe.'�resent' in order othat I - good Would be done bi leaving hirt; severely - Where he will keel) for"Psla a sQl6o& Ana general aow,rt- LANDS, DUCK -S, and IDLPULLS.' I '. '" � I � . . .
. . . . . .
you may 111iintatel'y succeed in the -rest of tile on y, know itj this is the very class,of.uXelt alone the 1044 . . ,I Ment of . I . , � . . I . . . - I I .
I . . . I . . I . - . ' dailies of.this city did', I - L . . . ., .. �, It I � . . I .� . . I ,� I .. I . .1 . � .. � . . . . IL.; I . I . ... .
of the railway in Britit,4 yvho labor. to restrict trade b at t�oas t , i' g they- refused his adver- . I . . .. . . p
. constriactibn . ,Colum- onto. "he. . I . I L . I � �
. . . . y high d4ities, , . . I I ... I 1 1)J1UC,S;:- QH-SVICALS ANJ) UBDICINLI S, 'In . I
bin. Postpone- tile wes, tern �iorl;, And do .not I L . I tio6ment. . �',
, I . knowing its tl' . . � . the * hole ,stock'the' a ort ' 11 I I
. by yolir present action, based art Airy- d 16Y do. that it woultt be near- . .. - i ,- DYE STUFFS, -OIL$, &a. , . .� ss nielit is Superb A d In ,goods -
� resins I . I I .------**� a* — - - I . . I I I 1. . � th,_ L 4U, y - n. . of pattern, the valu*e is, , ' ,
I-..-.-- -- -----am-d-ft0iftede-visionfs,--risl,-the-futu,t.o-�6f-tbi6. J1yLjMp I . . �.� : . . . of equal.wid . alit , and ewness I
countey." . . I . . . . I . PMII-l�-(g-cr-e4tq�AL.,!RQT,;Lo*i-gr—riRg,,- �D , -.,.-.-�--,,,.�LIILP-,f,.PgLq-t�_r., , , , -0,-,,qiti-i�L)II�?i�q;'Recei�)ts, atid Compozii? do aari- . F t.10 . � '
I . .1. . . . .. . .1, .. . :- Any article of common use in a I . - property of tile Clint9h M-ebbodist i , 'fullp 'Inade iy, -wItli. aespqtch. *.. . . lirs I lass� dnd will" not be. undersold by any 'inthei business. * , ' -
. . I : . . I , free trade Real estatd, . � . . I
. .
. I I Diso.ud,sil3g t1le same . sub ect,. the Ottawa: a . 6unt � ' I * oil 'a a pet . * . ; . Church,- situdt6d On Rattenbuiy Street,, . . olinton, Feb. 27j, 1'879� 1 . . . . . L I I . . . . . - . . � . . I � I .
. I . I.. . I i . L. . Ty.., So so , A. ple realize the , .co,ap . . . - ate I I d-one-balf, acres, : . . � - " . . . . . . ... * . . :1, I . . .. .
. . . I . . ... r1s ng -an, on Sa- � e - . . . , I.. .
l . . Frec Press place the pogti' , . . I ..'tu y IQ . H -Wil I I I . � . . : . ..", I
. a I Oil of L . — -N 1.
. . . tbe-country fettbrs they pJace.lipon'thernselves by 'the - rdb ,'May Ist. D. DiQkso , Ana".. L- � CT0111T I 1-3:0JDC3F1MTe ..
. � .. � . tLof I . . I .1 � . . ..., . I . I L I ., .T E ALLANUNE I . ' I .1 ..... .1. .. �. I .. ..''.1 �.. 1.
.. . in a.-Mutolilbll,- in-Aia following 's ;-, onactuibn, * . . . I I .� . -01N , I . � I .11 . . 1. I . - � . . . .
. . I ,.retbark .. � a high tariff si�ainat import&- .- I . , . I 11 . . I ,
. . . I I I . L � � .. . 'L . I . L .
. . I . L . . . I � I
L . L . .. . . . - . aqfta � , �.re. . . L'' I....".... � . ......1. - EAT:DRY GOOD . , .
. . . AiTb��"en.( , )IO,'thing"is 6 fritid 6f� the most ' Calls, �hey commence to ' ,to foi, th � ,A wealthy New York wid.�w� was oil Satur. ' ,:L , , .%, .-, , ` L :
----..'. � - .. .. I... l . ,Gk - , *
. r.. .. , I LWagsys%,4 in $2,500 daintigiis' for otiucitia a . . .. . . . � . . . 6 HOUSEN '
. igart�ivproportdonsand mitio0oad-theootin Vy ,V-W1,oF6ll"AbBtA . BIB .. . . I I I . I .
. . It V
extricable difficulties if it is'. ch4lod' � - - - - k I i , I .1 . . . I . . .1 I . .. . . : . . . . . 1. I . I , : , . .
. ill . utba,adawa ,f:om,bis-la%vf�l-wife�,. The'le-ALI'V111, UL -104MMY L1110% CLINTV,a, All I I . ,� .. -L
* , f , ; �-:.�I!L-��-�."�- ,h , . .
. . lit. I . . jL ------"'- Clbs tkF6ftd(S:�' L . . I 'L . I ... -L . .. . . � ,
. L .. -� tiar N�iis'brought by'the inj � ro�ii wite . . ;,.: II111-18S#1!.'1 L; . . .... -, . L I .. . .
. -the m4fintir iiow propose , -b is*' . .1 :'1'7410-7�%-�. . . .. 1-1. "'L. . __ :=z-,7- - - - - - , - . ... . ,,
� out after d, I ,, . .. I . - .... a . � ' .. --- r'i --- - .. .- ... I .
.. I . � -- , . -- . . �-�. WAWA , - - I ----- - ' LLLLL , I I I - -11 r....
L ... impossible 6- copebal at))! lon . ULTUJtAl4- J�?,Xj,61i4ls.. * ; Gob, Xohour� who �v,as arrested,inst week. . ., 1. . - . �� -.-� .
--- . gar the true state I A:t,kIC I SHORTEST ',9,EA 'PAMAOR, I . . 11 . . .. ..
. - . .. ' ' . . I . . I .. � . . I . . . 1. I ... . 11
� , . , . 1. _ . . . I . . . L J F -A 'al , I.. . I I ..... .
1W. -��,of the national finsibb", List year tWv total - . . . . kin, �.or S. Oo% ,
. -
. L ' I 11 foi stealing alid, sfaughtorinj� his neighborp'- * P, eTick. . : ... — , , , , . . 'Qgx�,, , CAUTION. . .
- On eo ' * , The report of-th,3- ,Alloistor of ulture ;Bheepj was i6tenc( . '. I . . . . .
revenue of the Dominioll , ligolid . . I Agric' ' - I 0, bl.w$'laxterinedlatenzid Ateerag I I I .
L , ,
. atedfafid . I ,�d At Napattee. on Tuesday I el:%, I t.Levvas�t. ,91,14e�j , " '' tice-lb .. — L . . I
� � A .,�- '! .� Ir
abcount was* $22,577,802, and" the ekpondi� ' has just been* issued, an'd indicates.a d6cided I � . . . . U
. . . to one year's imj)risonment in the Cenirtil . I . I *--;�Ll � rl1A,T 20MOLASS.-VAR. ,.�No.. 05, oB,.tj1O I . , - ill ' NO .hc�ebjglybwthattho uAdorsignea Wia.ncA;- ." ' _
. I - 441,Gr-Qase-in-th&4.oeoiW.i-�-trnd-o-of�tl'ie--cou�tr.y Prison. -. Thn you . na m L all. , is . respectably con. W1.*iTER 8'?,JJJ'.q(;SL VJ;% 111ALXFAX con. of. GodeiiAL'T.ownship, belonging tO mrs "a. b=ible for any debt.s coutrmtodL in hio .
. ture $24,445,38l; A deficit of'only a few dol in agrioultu � r4l prod LICCS'. ,In . . . � � .� '' . . . I Gordoh; will be sold for oaRhevou pntt croilit, Only Mime is written order, and also forbids the ,, .
. lars short Of $2,000,000. This� year thero is. . 187:7 the aninials `iicetedi married, atid is the'owner of one-hun. I . . I .. . I . L one mile from Chibon. Xho.fartne I outq
an enormous incroase of expenditure; yet the ad for the -British. Yharkets:w� I .. I I %o 80 "acres of, harboring Of any ofhIsiobildrerebyla .01 - L
ore a4.1ol- dioa ao'l,es of lana. . � . Partied desiring to brIng,out fri�ondg.froin the. old o4o�ceiaua.iii,g.00(lpb'n�4ioif,ii.no o 4 A . tJJy 8�'
' . - Up �
L .. -'f .. Z country, c44 save money by p-irohnsing prepaia cortin. 1113, to , , . I - . LEI GH0 , . KLT. -
. Aine4nouthe of the fiscal year itist p�st sh6w. glip, in L and gwifie-,- . - . �-:-�� . Palos f Qm the agent In Clinton. I . Ir 41",1,FZ, P- I Gbdoricb� T'p, April 6, 1880. .. * .
. low.- . Cattle, 6,910, ; sheep, 9,000 . I .
. .
. . a deoYbasq of re'vel3fte already of 8,2;000,000. 43()' L .1878 the numbers were ificr�Rifed to: . . - I * . .. . . . . . (AlIntonJnly 21,1870. . L . . . 1;. -, , . . .. . I .
. Cattle, JL8,665 ; sheep, 41,250; a SW . . .. BORN. .. � . '. . .
'ine L '%.' L
. � It is impossible that the remaining three . ud I , .1 . I . . � ViEr-P.kGX TICKUTS TO " . .. ---. --11- ---!�� -wm ---- -nn--- " � .
- th. iL' t..,'tb4 V .. . I . . . -...--.-.r
. inouths, or to the 30th:J 778- In. 18.70 the fidtires rose to -, Cattle, 24;- Folum';."011 tile 11, lie of Al;- -, - '. . ... . , I I " I . . I � . . I - �, ... . . .
tine ilext, will com- � . r I . I
. f L " , g , �,irerpool,. Londo�ifferry, V&i8goio, Qued.ns- I . : I .. I . .
. � . 1112 ; sheep, 71 085 , 'sud iudne, 4,74�. The * Tho J1 or ell .1 a - , ' . . . � I
. . ponsate for illis enoralcui decline a .receipts I I e, d , son. -v . , tva, Pejfast,'.Tjondo�n. BrWol,'Car'd;Jf. ' . . . - L� .1 , . 1. . . I , I , , . ,- . .
. L .
. . to . . . I . . . L .
. .
under the Natiqual Policy., Sir Samuel Tilley' above *ere co�si .ane d 'from the ports of.Mon'- ('oO1)P1D(;J1.-On'tfi6l9br1 illat,p ills wife of For throuk4 fickets and , . � � , .. I . . I �
�. . has, theref 'traal,'Quebpo and Portla6d. 'The effw.b of tile ,X 1 � . . every iii1ormation apply, to I . . . . L . I
. ore, the inevitabl6 -prospect- of a -British � .. . L .1. �. . I
our millions of . . M r..Jameft'Goodridge, of a son, X, G., T. It., Ajoni " Clinton I .. . . - TRI - . , . . I
I ,
dericit, to. between three and f Go4ornment regulation'of the- foreign . . . A. qTRAITO � . 1. I L .� . . 1, I TJ . I �� I I I
L do)laes to. disturb the glowing ,dream which -he trade in live stock has been decideffly favor- qsn!ii)En6,N.-0n the gist Maibb, tile wife ; ClIntoil,JgU 22, 18!8b. - . ". � . . . . � . . .1 . . .1
I . , � . . � I
presented to - Parlimimt, in place of a budget able to'C.a,nada. Cattle from this country itte of Mr. ,klex. Osbaldestoft, of. Goderich ... . .. . -1 . .. . . . . 1 , � .. . . I . .. . I
. L , . . . . � . . I . . . .. � 1� I 11 . I I . .1 I . I . I
speech. ' allowed to pass into'the �. township". of A daugh er. ,, �. ,. L Gill Avs, Sivy,t)XVIC -ur'DIMN1,11. - ' W , .
. These are the facts of the'sAiiiti6u � inland towns Alive, . . .1 It L . I Ifite Great K., 0 L
- I . whiell no rhetoric. can-'Oliscure, -*and thb dis- a KrNy.'-At Whiteebnrch, on'the I ilia A L'*Englls - h Remedy: . I ][Ig L.
cussiOn MuSit go on -till. the people are slaughter,e� at the ports'- Canada has alw�ya ; ,' the, wife of 'Mr. Win '1�aw, Gj W. it. ' - ,,, . An ,�%ft,i,i,li,ng cure �,-, I
, I 1. . 1� for ,weak. � I t . ...
I beeni,entirely free from contagious cattle disu ' ' . .. 00' fle][1 `G e'ut''sFurnishi
while thoge, of th�.Ulaited SiitoB have to ho )8t , - b,,. T11, DE MARX
thoro:ugbly aroused to ' a truo.'Ponse .bf their agent, of. a daughte i r. ' I .'' L L - v . nosill.8pormatori. I . . L . .,, .1 , . . . . I . . �.. . I . I I .
. � mies of'anylkind and judging ft6mAio is�porja yF ' . I I L . . I . I . . . : . . I L
. A . "I � .
geous nature of the dai I .O. -In Grey, on the 110 inat., the wife O' f ..... .'' ,� . ,. . . . � . . .. . . . . . ,. .. I .
. . �. =on and the outr. .0 Qb I verurnf).nt ofsecriit4rioa of the agricultur'Al's a I ''. : �? L heo'.. lono7,, .. . , . . I I . . . 'L .: I. . I - L . .
s lbade upoh them -by�' tl _L. L . . ,%o . .. . I I f �� I . . I .
I 0 tattoo Of -' ` ' Ir.1 Wesley Yeoj 9f a daughter, - . � And 11 alses.'. . . I I . .. . . L ., I . .1 .� . .. I , � .... . . - ". . I
.1 I . � . I \,. L . . . I %. . - I. �. I . '. ". L I
in the,mad undertaking of building the Fa�i- ,the piovintes, is likily -to .romain so. This. � . . I . . . .. I I I that follo-O as's � I . I . ... . .. . . I
I . . . ... . " I . I
I .
. � I
I -
. . . . � . . ant Weat.on the reputation of Canada.'as 8Uf,�oCX-WJll,ZF'. �.�' . V '?,fernery, Univer. .. - .. . . .. . . .1
I olatlonL I a country _blooded L 'R -T " '
immunity from diseaso i"st exeroisa an`im- - ' -.� . � - MARRIED. - . , I "I soquence,of Self. , ".. . . . I . ' -
tic Railway at once in deflaucti of all oonse., port i , . I I . .1'.., Abuse.'ag,)Loso of . . r
. . quences." . � .. � . ' On th6 20th hist., by ills '..", I . - D E PA TM E N * �
I � ' , , , ibg oi .Pnra R�v- ff. Lariton, Mr. (,'has". N'Bulloo . k, I B 0,11,) r 6 TalLin .sallassitude,pait o: 1. . . I . . . . . . . I . . . � � � .
I . . . , * ' . Jor 4he breedi . . . . . I . . �
There is one calls * I ,g . " 11 " ug" - - ., : . I .. . . LL . I . . . .1 .
. ell . . . � . .
- that Ole peo 0 and hig�,hly-geaded'animals. ' Thti adv, .. L � . of. Cliffora, to Miss Kato White; of Tuck- , . . . . . I I I . � ., . L . ;
. . Ill antaffes. . WthoBack,DIm- . . . .
may comfort themselves-witlij and, thaj is of ditir dry and bracing ollma-be -aroL many, Be_ ' -ibrumfth.' . . . � I . . L .. . . � 1 nous 'of Vislon't Promature'Old Age, And inany OW6 - * . . 1. -, . .. . . , I . .1 I ...;--. . I . � .! � L'' '� . . � .
. . . ... . . . L, . � . 7- -r. � . . . . . .
, I Ouring a high state'of hoalth,'ind pr6mot .disoases-bb'fit leadto Insanity or Consumption, and . 1 4 . . �. I I . I '. � ... L � .. �.
that notwithsta-din'' i n ' ' P�t!rYRRSON-EAGU�-Oatbd 7th ingt.,. Olt the Prpmature Grave.. Full particulars In. out pamplxict � " , , L , ' . . . . .. I . . .. . 1 L .. . . I . L ., I . . I .. .
. . L .
.. I . .9 the'dPPOSIii, O, 'to and strength of race in. the arifinals raised. ,112 tl)"o - -(j;V.' piroduage,!Ohat"-'orth,-b widel"we 400'ro to send, free by;L mAll to every 611Q.- . . I I . . o. � . . I .
votina 4own of Mr.'Blake's'amon L 1. ' L ture, C th. 'L � j the R'ev. . The Specific �Tofticiuc Ioaold by All druggists at $1 . . I I I t L I . .
. , , , L dm'ent pear fu . anadd should become e brood- or will b6sou,b.66 , -t - Our *importation. of- Woollens, this seals'611 I - very- . -
. .. . � . . 1. . 1. - '. 0. Read, 11 �.� J as, L. 1>atforspn, ,NAThi te - ,--vekago, or 6,poicAgoo for so, ,�by - . , .
0 L 'i I.P. O It . � I -fo*t f ing-ground-fQrE%lish sbock4aisais. Alreadi churoh,'to Miss Sara4 Bagie, of, Holland, . mail ori recOlP.t Of.tho money. by'addreasing I I . .. . . �, . . s.. , . .
%h Government �% it ttot I' -it ' iven' , L.e our stocli-raisers hAe juipplied prii ,. THR GRAY BIRDICIND ea., I
. I 'L I . � Rom of . . I I � .1 Tordn'to,'04 � - 'r I . 1. I
.. vs -80141
.- L . .� . .- I if.unkvilling, which .1�0'bav,o. soll;o do'ubts 'stock to English bree'(Urs, " . .. I . . ��=T- -- . 1� 0111itop by All druggists. .. , . much large , than previous anes. ,. The ingreaS'ed.'L� . :
. -.. .. . . . . .
1. . . . . I . . . . Thg dairy 6xports 'ine, Di4ijimPs (!a1Jf�rn-1n,1GoJ.den Compound. # -----"-� . � I . .. . . . L _
-will be t6m�ulled* to suspend 'as wili be- geou- from tl' 'pobitivOZY c��trd Dysi)�psia,,' Sick ffcadach�,, WL F* h ' ' .... . . ... . . 6fi L , ' ' , .
, aboti-t) they icase� with ever e%- - 10 a strictly veget,tblo, liroparatioll,, alid will. .' - . . denian.ds-of.our�btisiness, and the .prospe t when
. .. . . I I I . Pandivg�volulnd, is � I I . %
. I I I L -1 the cou.struction ,c;f a6uldpart pf the road statistics for the yettr'-�iiding June 30,,187,). -Acidity of Stomach, corning, it- , Pain NO U r itur* ) in th hi 1. * �. ...
. . . . . '. .. L -0 of Food . e. ar et Of An attv'Wance,, (w --aremo�: - .'�,`
. . 11 Fourteen- million'po�ncls Of butter wore sold in" i3it of gtoii5ach, Loiv %pirits, Uilio'u1snesH . T � .:. .
. for the lack of A' . . . � I . � I I ., � . ' ' .
. inoueyo. There is-n6Lptob. Uoustip-ition, Jaundice. Liver Complaint or . L .. �L . . . I
. . . e, across the seas, and of this quantity ' ' .. . I . I . . . doubt awar& has already: taken place). warr .1
. . . lity o r . . - L, over - . I � . ted. -
f niaing suflicient faudo in any way.. t*elvomillions were shipped to Britian. Tb6 o.nya,ffectioi.ofth(�,,�toinac,li orLiver, hiffie I - LATEST SrTYLES*,' -. - � . I . . . an ' - - - ,
. . . I . -L
Tile ordinary rovenuo.of d . .Canadian trade in butter, is 06 - rtainly small shortest* tirfto�pos�ible. You aro'not -ag�ed to - - - . % . . . I :. I I .
.. . . buyuntilyoti know what.you Are jetting. - - ' ! . . .
ntiiis xvill I i I nato., . . . . . I . us in purchasing very extensively. ''Our. custom -a . I
. I . I tL I Whon ..compared, With the - other exportilig IThol-eforo, as yon vaiu6 . . . . ... L *.
. rially dedine this'yqar, and be igsud o.f An countries� Tjxo Ukiled States, Fran" and your existence, do t , EST, I e willfind 6 n . -styles-in, , - . ; .
'' I . fail to go to. your Druggist, J. 1-1, doizaM I And.LOW :�F
. no, 1:. �. .. . . PPVIC 'S.. rs .t large ra g.6 oftil-le new"est
. I
- , L L
� I increased Amount of.Doniin.iout note*i will Ventnhrk,. 'lot to incintion ethers,� ,send enor, .and gota, triallbottlef�eepf C"tal.-ye,"L which -,vill , . . .. — . , E I
. . . � inons _ subkorlbor would respectfully Ahnou cot I . . ,� -SCOTCH TW EDS and .. , 1,
not bring -into the Areasury .a very. laicie. 1878 A tirles'of butter to British ports. Ill' show w.liat a regular, one dollar bottle 'wiU do 'i T'll O the WORSTED -COATINGS$ - - . . . - . .) . . I'll
. . ,In. 11 �c .,' I Public tha.the'hitpoULhantla.Ano4tockn6f , '. * I L .
o . 1. t . value of the British import'of. butt -3r Ask for DR. �KT�M'8 C,kLil.,oltm.t Goti)rw 0 t- 11 . I .1 . . - . - I .. . . L I I �. ':
'. Wtho'y forco, a loan front, the peo 0 * it *incr I ., . . . . ! I . celebrat d. " .. 11 . 'L .. '! �,.:
. , �, . . -then6W
. SUF4 for . I was X9,040,412 ; in 187 eased -rou"D, And take -no other. J. 11. COMBE, Clintba . e .
: .
- . . L to X10,265,762. The vAloo of the entire .ex- , i-IGAIlY 1i1,241.-FAN,UY FURNITUItz AND I , . I . .. . . . I . . .. . I . . . :. �. I - .
I—, . .. L ple-in ..this,. %�,g%� .it Will curtail the ineana - -f-eantifflaWbu hall. 2- - -" � ,�---,Z"%,-"--,--,,---ll'�"-"I 11 --- A 0 - ' - - - - . - .. ., . I - . � I . I . `L � , � � 1-1 "L ---. '. - .: I � I * I - . .. I- I
' - , � . .
--'— . . . .
. . . - �-- L, ttorwag--hase -tb . . .. . - I'S"' ."ODS . . . I
- 'pot" - IT -t' -K '"'ll): �' : .: � I . � ., .
. . - . I . All .. . . , . . � . I . . L &t ' '. . . . . .
. .. Appreliffees.' . I I 0,L- A, R N. E" Y�" -TW E E.D:S .. . . .:
at tfie -disposal of .bu6iness Men tind -there. TBillion - itterling,' or about - four � . .. . Such As PARLOR 13�,;Tgj tASY 611AIRS,'PA . ' . 1k I . L
. , . ' or cent. of . .1 . -�ENT' VAM I
. . .. .. . I . import. .'.TJ 'L , . . , I I ,. - UOCKtRS, WOOL and SPRING MATTAHSS4S, &o. . . q .. S!t 1 .,7 . .. 1. . . ... - I I . . I . I . I . . .
. .
. . by log : ''the British. ,is io - probably largely AN' - Dj a�ply td' : , � . � which he will sellas low as snob . � I . I . . . . , --.. .1 . .
11 - . gooAs can be bought I . ..., I . I . . . I . . .L .
I 80111.traddl 'it d, consequently, a' 'f ' he.. In choose 1. ,A: In the Domtnlob� A, otal respoetfuuy solicited. before I .
� - �u�e, atte to the �ooruoss a our ran .. . I " , ,
. ,,tho revou tic to fall of�. - ' " '-' .*. - ,W6," . av feel.'d�me satistaclion, - f6i. inasmuch I I . . 6,'Dir,-HL,CAWaetmakor,, Victoria street., .. I;. , puroba'Ing elsewhere. ., . I We 0314rantee -satisfaction in our-. Tailoring - De! -A . I ..
. .
. . We think file talk of lilinisteriallsts, in asour britidi are linlited to tile J�nllcy CIA I saigs Clinton, April k 188b, - - 1. ." . - .. . . I . 1. . I L M ! . � I 'L I ! � * ' . . .. I
I I . . . . � , ' Rentembe? tor It of- sall's p . .1
, . the PoSitioll J L ' . and*Biltish demand for tancy :makos is con-. . I - I , . . . , . . .1 thp'j�lqee',�-One .doot.,?' .1 . artment. = pecial. 'attention to, that *-noW, - , ' ,.
. . reference to n which%the late stantly increasing,11in, tot%J value � I . 1. . . .. . L � L . . . . ' - .. I .
I .. 1, In our Which is- under* - - -
I govern I trient stand ivith . L(;t- . I . I t
-- � . .. I . ; .1 . . . . ' - . Pf OUr'L eX-' 1: .. . I im a .AHAMi .� �4T, ... . . . ., . W*B. onicir, - import
. . . � -regard to baildiwo por a to the. old eduntr -last year wail-111'auty. - qTIONLER, LAND & '0,011 . L. an. . busi.nes§, . I
. P. . MrSSTOX A I ' 'q... L .
.J'lo, I
I . p -'TJ ... . . vic,roltu Er., 6LI , .
.1 ortoent. 0 litish ildporttij.�W'lloao - Godori6h.' Licensed Andtioneor for the County of J` ,:, ,-:
' . on " - I I I
- I I I L - . - ,, -IFYOU'... , .::
, , " ... . : Clinton, "n.j ; 168.0.-. , , , � . supervisi I en.' .'
Ahe ,'rt5ad, is ofily. ,5kIpposing the ., I i A - ' on 'of 47irst-Class Cutt ' . .
. y ,did value excoodea S.3,822,080.' : It ia.a. sob of'.o,�� Huron. TaTs reasonable ' I the
. I .,. Ood Vot ,.,. �'.....'..... I—— .1. . . I ]g0B]3 ' . � 11,
- cohinilt thama�lvos to the polio f 'P, ilitercib that 616h, , B, ISM. . .. � - I . 1��;L�---------;:-�-��- * b, .. .
-- . 1. � ... -- I -- - - . Y -.Ii ingo treme 'we should. stand I , . �, . -S 11 t,Lfail_,t -out Ul" k "" '
. . . L. --A . .", . go -we 4��11 1----.1--;-::::, ---. . ANTA -see is
14, reffarTlouhecio as,compared. lvjbll Initter. -��- . I Y UIT, do " 0 ,
. . art with tile road, (which they*d1d not' ' ly I , L 0 LL , I . I . ' 00 , t . - :. .
—,-- � , L I I "
. Wa RB " . ---. - - - . !- , , __ � . ..... - - , , I 11 L....---
- S. - . . . I . . . I . I I I . .. 11 .
. , . . . .
. o6purces of aunCry 10votlorty-41irce 113111i6na of Paul) uarl� ;. - , . . . . . I I.
I Would adiffit) are tbe� to be to Or' not L ' ", an,, fin' E �M 0 V A , I To 'think, that you' are Incurable,'. . � We have the fin' "' t - ek of HATS & CAPS, Gent's * " . I
. . . . . on Whil-6 our'cxpbrfa-of.,oheaso t9 . -A:-7 M-4-8—T—A-K-E
so far as tile r the "' , s, the q
. I . like he laws tity of'butt wits MOrethan UVO-qeVeliths. , I . . . 3. L . — .. es s to" I I I . �
� , , . . . "' ,
. .
L *
I - .
I was taken oil Mr. Make's amend- gyeator der . . VI i L' I - -- S and REGATTA SHIRTS' In'; � ,
of the Mtdea and Porsians, unchangeable I of the Amount, Butter of f6reiga make is ill. Ir L ... , . — , . , . I .WINDSOR'- SCARF'
� . . A vate. '6andLthin cheeso;the axpqndi6ure' r Hr, ailistAbor'would into IbIS 6p�or*uni'ty oi . GRAYS-. TA INE,.' - A, . . . I
I . ort.Tue was, defoate, , .`ithak articl� exceeded. ten 111jous 6tdrillig t� .... king his numtroug friends. who�nided -in ro. . - : 1. - '; ' . . ;# - - -
- (i oft - rut � .
. .. 1. - - -mout ).$day.,,. -AlA`it% , n1OAu.,4 his 7odo- at the l4to-firo, And i�ould also Inil- NOVOr falis io relic"04'-ftna with it Proet use will 06ro West6rh Ontafib. 'This is no wild statement.i but . ..'
. -
. I . . whiie the'lnlli6r"Al" &-ill; ohj�j6'L(lid 730i' ,in&Wto ific to brl�j"ao ihat'lib has _ ' '' L L"' _'� 'all (11901%908'arlsivi; frolaimpurity of-tho blood. . I I . . I I ..
, . the vPte standing 49 -to 131 . ' - I . . '. -. . I . � ' .1 .�1,
- --0--s-0*qP . - reach two-fif"lls of the Amount. of course 7 , laive vitalline a fair trial, slid you' will we Coll- . 'L . . .. . . , - - .
. -- . butter is the more costly of tile two, but even I . arge .s. Inood that it Is. A wonderful rome,ly'. . . ..
I . . Removed to Mi'. B' w - I a solid fact.' - . . . � L
. I A U001) URSOLVA... - I I . I . I . . A I . . .
I . I . 96, every por4on, coAdintios 'at least double as ' Price 81 per bottle; Sl:t b6tae"5 . . . . � I . .. . . I I . . I .. . . .. . . � I I L �'. . . . . � .
.. . Combo And, %tt orti so �nothing. but What we are e,t6'L 0,,......
... -- . � Building, -Victoria St... I - 9 ' ' a a Co"
- ' . . . much butter ,as choose. OtichansteiliFfauce I . . , ald fit Clinton by J, ft *
. The Mail has cioale out with a statement I Would, also'osy to the linblic that he is selling his and, Ali dragglets eve y e� We adv., ab d ' "
, � - supplies the London mal,ko6wit,h ,'S exdecditig,ly ehoap In oider to clear . r N1,11 6. 4 , . . .
. ,
. . . , . '
that hencoforth'all paitiea'provod guil f eqtlal to tWo�thikdg OfLall'th ' BOOTSAbd SHOL I . . 11 I.. � L
I ltyo , a butter we -export. all,ont b6fojo tal. ing,peomes, oil, of his ubw ba a, . 'L* I ur stobk is. all, new. , 'We -have" n '' .
I . . I a Lit .. I . . -, 11 ng, OL 0 . I . o old-fashioned, " -
I . L. I The imptoverriemts- wbich Wer doossary. bes Call klid ace pricoo. . . , , H8'GRAY MEDICINE G - , . '
, . . I � .1 T . ow
. ' 6 flivorite, . nis6N, .. , . . . I 1. . . TDAOXTO. . our, prices . than �
connection *ith traboactions in any respect ' 'an4aian choesebeilanig, th I . I mnx 1Ac moth-eaten goods,,. but ate. lower,.'
. . fore 0 I
� . � . similar to the Printing Coritraot'Swindlo, whith it is tiow, are not less ri6costigry in the C�Inton,,Aiuil 1501'1880,� . (. . .Apill8jefft. . , , . 12m. ; . I � I I . I .
. - —, I � case of butter. . . I . I IsT--------- -----." - any Bankrupt Stock 11 . .
. . . — === - ----
I its coil . . I , . ;;:����� - - —Icm . . ,,9 which we can prove t 6, I
Will receive demnation, wit ' othor -Tho little State of Denmark, with Its tw . . . . -
I I they be priivi% individuals Or Alini'stors of millions of people, 1118 made Buell' progress i - f6fisfac'tion of .everybodir, b6cause, WE � BUY - I
. . I . If \ I it lirr-A ML �Ililllr�J-�& :MS 0 L _ I L . L I I
the butter trade that its export has a ed I . . . KIM, and are prepared ..
' ' 0 IlWro
the Orowti, Aof . ofin. or. Conservatives. from eightto twenty-six million iner as . I . I . . NLY FROM FIRST H11
, I a of pounds in I I I . — . , � . I I . . .
, .
-� L This is a laudable position to take, and we the short poriptl of twelve year$. . Denmark,. TE L '' - ines at prices charged wholeskle to .
� .11 L - .: , , ifto - wltll,A,Aollnotto�.W. oomparod to' Please calland see Harper's BAZAR PAT RNSI .to sell many I . .
,H6 Out$, And .- . . I ,
AM SUM Ovary consciefttiotlo� PL 4) 2 L I '*.*, - I . . . . I .. . . . . . I . I I . ". .
I . . .
� . I . 'a . .
Climate in every way infeHor to the Canadian . I.. other ] ouses. , . ..
. . .
. --matter what his politics, Will be' heartily 'broods and foods cattle whi4,h yield some � Oi 6 cents for'a full -�suit. Also, a choice selection . , .. L
I - - regolvo put ill ptactlao. the beat ln�h inAltd, world, Xcrdaieyjtvgb,%g I .1 . , , , . . . ., I I . I L . I '
I glikilio see 6o been reduc6d to at exact sciOnce, and its pratin ' . . . I I . rl t) - - � -
Thp Only 16ar iji that tho Ifail's o'libburst . . . I of - . I I.
. I � tipo tilts attainecl tho position of a fin - I . . I .. �'L.. I . I
I of hotioaty will bo like tnany*othor is .little St 0 art I I . . uLtAlB, MAO.W.'HIRTER & LC *0 I
profes" 112 the dairy co)16�os of ate in- W A I . I 31 . . I , I . I I . . . ... .. . . . " I I .
� nion'd from' this same ativree-moro ill struotioa iff 1voll toltho pupils of every ita� I -ILL PAIPER$ W IND 0-M BLINDS9 &0m I I . . L I
� .. .
I theory thatt practice. , Rowevor, we give witiropo excapt Gl,oat 131�iblan ,. anti I . L . . I . . .
. it credit foV it's baldness, and. will anxi011s- this 0066Y is notoriously behind in dalty, I � MONTREAL,HOUSE . I . I
. ly await its future couvao� . NVI 111 SIMPSOIN,.Dooksellor an(I Stationer. � I . I . I I I I. I..." , .
I . . I I ... Matter$.' Tho fish trade of th . 0 oon� I tty . Con, offiltoll'Apell 1, 1880, . . . � . I . � � I I I I 0lJnJ6n,Uaroh26, lellil i ' . I . I
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