HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-04-15, Page 4Y Nov Nittatiomado iltio Wen Spring -S. Davis. • - Seeds -J. Cuisingharn. Itensovel-A. 8. Fisher. Removal -John Jacksou. Card of Thanke-W. Core. Guardianship -Mrs. Tighe, 'Spring Hats --daekson 4t op ' Crowning Sueceee-John Hodgins. Venders Wauted-John Callender. Auditors Iteport-Town a Gunton: ServantlVanted-Mie. R. aL Racey. Grand Success-Craib, Macwhirter ca Co. • Canton Itettr thL THUltDAY, A.PE,111. 15, 1880. EMIGItATION:, A.good cleal is riotv being,.and,.11 as been said about an emigration policy, the ma- jority _urging the Dominion and Ontario .Government to spend money freely in send-. ing good lecturing agents throughout Great Britain, and in aseistingernigeariliio &rife to this country. A large amount of motley has already been expended, but we 9annot say tho results have been what was ex. •• • - erected. Before' the time. hied 'eerie for thetas special effortss there used to be a • large influx of able-bodied inenniel women to this. country 'wins had nothing to depend upon or leek to but their own unaided labors,,whon openings fa obtaining em- ployment were scarce, and we muell lower, but, nevertheless, the great majors,' --day of theeeernigrants took up and paid thrtheir1a,zuilThewdienefearCtlfein solo es homes,. where. they are now Jiving in Oskar and Comfort. . • We are not in favor of •waking "Paiiperci of our emigrants, Which we actually .do when we give them assistance in coming to • this cciiin try and travelling through it ; and if they are panpas beide° they cootie bete ete clo not want them.: When we 'hear .of the etrikes in the old conntry we may .be assured that the waking People are in. such a cendition that tbey could earn and. eave sufficient to came to this •country if they severe wUn o.pra.tjoa1itt10self,deuiala and if they ere not they will not make goodte Defiers,. atria COnai3Cif.10,ntly, are unfit- ted iisountzye • • . Emigration, to bObenefleial Lora country, should be composed of those who are de- sirous of bettering their contlifieri, and are. — do sof and that is erseagetio labor, 1 with a willinguess to puaupewith inconveniences and seaVenial till the 'object is gained, England is quite as much interested in re- lieving herself of a redundant population- • as we are in obtaining settler's for our 'un- occupied lands. The decrease would re. have her of..a, considerable burden, but the • increase of population in thie country does not appear to relieve the people here of the smallest share of their taxes ; therefore England should share the expense•of send- ing her people to this ' country. The :best and onlyproper way of -attracting popula- tion to this country is that described by a . eorrespoadent In another column, and that -,-113-throw-iil1wi1d land open for Aetna set- tlement at a mere nominal. expen se.:aalace a desirable objeet before thee) which they can .obtain atm reasonable outlay, of .labor and self•denial. If this is done tlie land ' Will soon be ocoripied..by a desirable clue of settlers, and the • country placed in a, flourishing conditinn. • , • , , . on • TH E WAY RAILWAY COMPAN I ES •DECErirg Trig PUBLIC. ' • The New York Oth AeisneRailrdad was , organized iia September, 1851, arid in Se. tember, 1$53,. the Companywas able to make a dividend of seven .per conton its capital, leaving undivicled a eeserve of • about three per csnt. more, and all this from carryTiig 5,120,606* passel:oder& In 1859, carrying 6,489,129 passengers it made • aliVidend o 1.2 per pot, fa' that year's • business. The amourie ot travel has keptt. constantly increasing Sothat in the year 84 tho:Co,rnpanicarfied ist000sopo pas sengers, and in 1875 nbarly 16,000,000, and in those years, besides paying the . regular dividend of 10 per cont. per annum, distri. brited Meng, the sbareholdefa the mon- strous dividend Of 1:00 per cent; in what they called "certificates of indebtedness''. which did not go to. pay a single dollar- of indebtedness. Of course by calling it "in_ clebtedness" instead -of stock it was sought to maim the payment ; to:,thereity of •over $20,000 por annum of tax`es. The dampa- ny paid tenTer cent. on these certifiehtes,, " being the same araciunt Of ditidenci as up. on the stock. In 1876 they carried 17,674,- 437 passengers, aid yet, in the face of the above facts, knostly dro,wn, from the Com - patsy's own reports to the State Thigineer) tho Company' hed the audOity to,proclaini before a judge in court, "that the logs of a Million passengers in one Year would take away all tho profits, Stc., Ste These facts show hoiv company's business grows hi 25 years, They tetteh, also., how little depen. . cleric° can be placed upon 'the •declarations. of presidents arid direotors When they are lipeCially cooked •up for eivie• or judioial bodies, 4:5 ENGLISH ELECTIONS. The return of the Euglish elections UP to Tuesday were as follows : Liberals 349, Conservatives 228, Home Rulers 57, to hoar from 19. Since our brief reply to the Blyth It,e0ord last week we have learned, tioin the most undoubted infermation, that the assertions of manefacturhig activity in that place were totaly false, there beiug ecarcely. a factory in operation, and insteed of iLe population iv:woes/are, it is decreasing in abed the same ratio as other plaees of its size; We are aaying nothing to the injury of Blyth, arab is faring as well as other places in the county, but only showing up the mendacity of its newspaper, which, merely to hold up a false principle, gave publicity to au article with scercely a word •of truth seir it. Several Dewapepera are making a great ado 'about tho latest discoverrof Edison, which is a cheap mode of eating ell tbe 'gold out of the refuse •called by ruiners, ",tailifigeat Ttis.certniuly ri benefit so fir ateaathe seving of liboi-firrthe process is concerned, butaotherwiseeit svill be of no real gain to the world, for the acme melation of gold is already far tir excess of the •:ai•O`ria's'rieeilis, aria it- ereVriel 'Positrie- gain to the world if the price pee punter was lowereaeewitich.will certainly be done if the disaueery of Edison is hell as geed as it is said to. be. , • It is creditable to the people of Canada to see that they take but little interest in the lectures of the notorious iefidel, Inger" soil, .who ,has lately visited. a couple of places in the Doininion, and met witli .a somewhat indifferent reception. Ile is a • rean,or eousiderahle ability, but it is a p ity he should. use tha ability iti tae • way les does, • . • • . Protection -at papers in this country :have maintained that England was forsak- ing her free' trade priimi•ples, and •alp would soon take tip protection again. The recent elections will settle that error; for Gladstone anti MS supporters are • trieWecl free traders. • ' • • • • • • Dr Ja sato rely:earring _near -Ere erieneeigies1 down his first. field of wheat on the 31st of Maroh. " . • • • e. • The Cittwrit"G deeriffflasit-liaa decidbdupon •thersbommendation• of -COnsiaissioraei of Agri- calture s Wood, to appoint iegmeetors whose duta; it shall be to investigate and riport upon contagious and dangerous•diseass among far. animals:• '•• • Thrkcharred remains of a man named Ilas kine near the tillage of Wooler Northumber- land .equntee WOTO found in the ashes of Iris dwelling on Saturday night. The man lived alone, and there are sespielens that lie ,rias robbeeleand murdered and the hence sot on fire • ti hide the crime. •• . ,• . An exchange says: At ayecont term of the ,Quarter Sessions Court of Potter County, Penn. sylvania, the District Attorney irifortnee the •Court•that he had no indictuaeuts or bills to the Grand Jury ; the sheriff alio etated that he had no Criminals in the priseri ; the direct- ors to the poor reported that they had no one to keep at the County's charge or expense. Potter Cooley his.bad no tarern license) for ten years';and this is given as the reason for the lack of court busiftess. . LAND 11..LONOROLY. To the .Editor of the Clinton, 21reio Era. Sra,-In the dissatisfaction that is being expressed at the reservation of land in t/ae North-West most palpably felt by thediver. ton of emigration to the State a.di Qum; on the south, hopes may be entertained that popular opinion will direct Goverment to the eviee mode of allooaeing lands to actual settlers only, in limited amounts, for a price that will pay the Indian's purchase, and costs of survey and allotment. Revenue might not to be an object in disporting of wild lands. .People have no right to suffer chronic privation. Land is the source of Mod and raiment. The subjugation of it, to these purposes, is the very first command of revelation, and tho most obvious teaching of common sense. It is therefore the duty of governmeots to make unoccupied lauds easy of access to the needy and it is the slaty of these to go upon eueli land, and work them for the production of whatevele is necessary for life and godliness. 111 default of such enterprise, Starvation is a natural And desereacl mutt. The apology for want in the old coantries is, the govern- ments heats scarcely ever perceived their duties ru the case, and the people and govern. remits of the Wittier colonies only so in Small measure. It was first generally recog. slimd in the States, ancl partially adopted Imre, not many years ago. As allowing up the cella of nett monopolies, and advocating free grants to actual settlers only, there appears a letter in the °lobe, of March 23, by R. W. •Phipps, which I wish might be seen by every elector. I quote " Ike fertile plains of the North-West, gieep into the hands of actual settlers, mild have been rap -idle and closely settled by po. pulations whielacontiguouseadjacent, helping and being helped by each other, would almost I immediately have formed tariving communi- ties, able to contribute largely to the expenses ofethe-Governenentate Has this policy been carried out ? Alas, the trail of the serpent is oyer all. The old Tory policy -that enfortunate hereditary tendency of its heeds to keep the land back from the people, has been given instead, in alt its vile entirety, As when ,they worked into the bands Of the Canada: Compapy-the most injurious laud epeculation that ever ' • 1-1•^^ ,~ uselessness of law in promoting morality. ififteee seams be occupied iu writing the bis. GI tory of about as many couturiee. While his • • - volumes svoro Wang, Adam Smith's; "'Essay on the Wealth of Nations" appeared, eybich bad oceppied bine folly twelve yea= It had an elleet on the legislation of all nations, • greater thanany.other work ever Weed, The ; mat of the work 10, that ell lava to regulate trade are injarious. The gist of Buekle's un. finished " II is tory of Civilization". is,that all laws to regulate the morals are injurioue. There is nothing so important to tbis Do- minion, nothing so necessary to relieve the distresses of Great Britain and Ireland, as giving the opportunity of settlement of wild. lands, at a low figure, uhcheeked, by reserves. When aliehigan was first settled, specula - tore purchased largely there ; but the settlers put up the taxes, and lands began to be offer. ed for leas than coat. I resented the idea that the H. B. Co. had any clam in the North-West Territories, other tban being al. lowed, the posts they occupiecl for tradrug, purposes. They only had a beetles; Hoer:me to begin with, and it was ridiculous to take any cognizance of their old charter. " A trial took place at Edinburgb, in 1820, of one pretending -to Earldom of atirbag, and claiming Neve Scotia; Now Brunewick, and Upper unit Lower Canticle, ender a charter of Charles I., 1639. At the coronation of • 'William IV., he claimed to do homage for these territories, and created 13aronels. and ferwarded to Lord Melbourne a protest, dated ,Tan. 20, 1038 against the appointment, of Lord Durham. There were tour sets of documents in support of tho claim, two of afflicted Canada, as whim they sent theiespe• outstare to grasp, in the NortleWest, as when they distributed the old lands of Ontario so then, So now, so ever," - Having, for the past forty-five years, per, 'caleard th5toiil5; exercised my pen on-therne and on Cognise° evils, for nearly. the whole of that time, as °wagon offered, I wish to on. tribate an expression of opinioriin the matter. In all functions of gOvertanent, bribing oi has been the first and uhief consideration of turday, May istQ., Dickson, Auct , Tory goverfnuents. In awarding 'contracts and work, disposal of lands and appointing to office, pay for support -wee -She first object. Sir John A. Macdonald never conceived the ...podsibility of conducting affairi on any otherprinciple. Loyd Dufferm well knew the vil- lainous character of the roan; and in his last speech, before leaving the Dominant, (at the Exhibition in Toronto,) warned the people against the evils of changes fn office. Next year, oat= :the elections; and then followed, what had never. before occurred in Canada, the turnipaeout of oldastlacials, and replacing them witlfegfaeiaanaldaill0filetertlillesseltandses- . In the • preViOlis rule of the party, a long worksweeadenCiacene- twenty ra dee 7511; under a bogus contract, by which-One:seventh of the mount was to reimburse T. F.'s election expenses.: The engineer.•did. spingthing for himself, tee; lett so largely, that he had to be retaaeed. . . w le JULY 0110(1ere _ orgeries, et 4 the claimant did not anew to he so. Whenever I can address you earths, 1 will show up,some railroad villainies, in the early history of the Great Western chiefly. • April 9th, 1880, T. 11. ° THE BID DIM , TRIAL Judge Wilson delieerea judgment on Crown Counsel Irving's arplication foe a change of 1.30 on Tuesday, His lordship reviewed the aflidayits, arguments and authorities; at length, and decided against the application. A now jury will be empamielled and the trial will take place in about a month. SHOW CROWNING • 1 Everything in the Millinery Room "Humming," !MANTLES BONNETS and HATS made to order in First -Class Style. THE FINEST DISPLAY MADE. The Stock that has NO EQUAL in the Country, The Show THAT EXCELS all others, and no misrepresentation. In QUANTITY, in: EXCELLENCE,in CHOICE; n f- iVARIETY in NEATNESS -ODESIGN in • - LOVELY. COLORS, SHADES, and Effects. - .A.m.ong the Millinery none. to excel. Among the Dress Goods, got no equal Among. Amonthe Prints the variety. is so great it is per- venue at the trial° the Biddulph prisoners, et plexing. . .• • • —1; 4 SO • • Sale Itegister. • Househol'd goodie of Mr. G. E. Pay, Clinton, ' "Satarday next, at residence, Princess Street. D. Didirinson, Aria. Real estete, property of the Clinton Methodist Church, situated on Rattenbury Street, ; compris'ng one-and-onadialf acres, on $a - electors, but called rewarding or supporter's The raillenium must be at band, xf we are to judge from a paragraph in the presentmene of the Greed Jay at the Peel Aseizes. The great cry in.the past has been thee oer pri- soners are toe svell treated, and that the ma- jority of th,Ose., who find their evey _ into jail 'in the winter months are only Ocean -acme to get snug elearters during the stormy period. But the "unfortunates " .in Peel jail do not desfre to•be included in this chore They ex- pressed a: decided wish; to be provide.ci with work, andethae•at.onee. JMiero is•soree . hope Ice the country yet.• • • •• ; . Elwerds as been' caietriating how mauy•graains of timothy sera it takes to make bushel, and the result is 82;944,000. -To count the number it walk' take a single per. eon four years ene hundred an „thirty.fonr daes, to work tee hairs a day during that time, providing that oee hundred seeds were counted every mieute. If any one doubts the ealculation we would reeommend them to Ley the experiinent, and at the end of fear years. if they find ;Mr; Edweade sereeg seeport the fact to. us. Seven long Monthsmust terse before • the next President ik-chettic by ibis people, and yet the whole 'United States is agitated feom centro to circumference .over the 'earning Man.? aNervspepers are already fighting the battles of the various candidetos as earnestly as though the very existence ef the kepublie were threatened, . As the noreineting conventions of the'great ,political parties do, not meat until. anne, the battle to be fought la the interval has eineh a a pcesonal alarm:star. At present the Republican' ocintlidettis "peonitriontly hams edema General Grant,. Jobe Sharman , Blaine, of Maine, Edwards, of Vermont, and Waal - bourne, of Illinois, The Democratic espies ants are T/aunnan, Tilden, Hendricks, Bayard, Seymour, • Hancock, Pendleton and ,Randall. •Of them all the ex -President seems at present: to 1111if0 the best chancre. • In ease of his nomi- nation the battle will bo. severe, but .beeked by the capital of the country which seeks the protection of a strong governmeat tho ex -sol- diers, and the airily of officieatekers, the silent men will Matte a strong rim, though there aro many of the best Republicans wler openly avow their intender) t� vote the Democratic tieket should. Greet receive the Republican nositinatioire . • • Better than Gold,. The gra ud climak Of 0 tleaSti is at last achieve ed. The poor rejoice, the sick arme and walk - the rich bask in the golden stinehine of perfect health. The physical miseries of the human, frame need nolongerbe endured. Du. kirro's OitivonsrA o Lors Coirrouxo, for Dyepepsia, Consumption, Sick Headache, Coming op of Food, Jaundice, Liver Com/a:tit* 13111011E3)1as, Genera Debility; Drowsiness and Low Spirits. This wohderful remedy will positively cure, and that where every reined)" has failed. To prove that this wonderful remedy will clo all wo dam for it you are presented with a trial bottle free of cost, by which you will i•eadily perceive ite wonderfel OuratiVe qualities, tini WhiCh Will show you what a regular one dollar size bottle will do. Par sale by 3%. H. Ooinbe, Clinton. Illitc18148'rghB1F30;000'lidrds Wag al eee.: tised in tap official Geaette, aria no whereelse that 1 could learn of,) at an upset price of is. 10d. an acre, cash down. I paieted opt the job 'to it Tory surveyor, M. Be and he said.' it was ti swamp.. Sale reported at Is.. laetd. (thretayork shillings) to a speculator having 'large control le a certain county. Lord Sy. dean= introduced plankareads, and one pap. sect through this purchase, on some portion of it, and contiguous lots reported -sold at $6. per acre. IIis son long represehted the coun- ty, and was.a large pnrebeser of scattering 'lots, spending freeely itt elm:ail:les. The globe said, in connection with the U. C. Bank failure,: that he could pay $100;000 without intionvonionee, at an .inspeese notioe. True, bntgOry Governments had made aundreds .ef families to ',arrest their lives away to enable hien to do so.. ,And they scarcely wiehed to othervtrise, and even diverted to the •Stateir a portion of threemigrante who landed here .witk the.intention of staying. • I applied,. on arrival in Canada i 1835, but found there 'was no dealing 'at the' Crown Land Office. The Canada Company, and Milk -idea seen, latoreewere accommodating, if .enyecared to - submit to the 'shave. Except swam Oscupent of an eareeable. Mien Would sal; at a suitable figure, to the United States was their One meve,eand- there people have always been go- ing as they tiro going •flow. - ' "• Seeiagabeseelleeppointraents, and losses to ohr •country, 1 tinned myattention to the Haagen Bay Company's Territories and sought what oriel:matron I °Mild from travels and eiploratione therein. In 1858, £1... Y. Hind and S. J. Dieweou Wore •septiethere; and their several reports tothe Provincial Seine - tory, the Hon. Oharles.Alleyu, were obtained. Concluding that it was a fertile region; in' 1808, when its aequisition was a matter, of public aiscussional contribatea some papers in ittw"ocildadvocacyof u • f sit.a p.osed that as th e7Co-ern. went sold lands, some money Would- accrue, but this was not the- carte, the department which made the sales, ;ale the receipts, all up; and more too; besides leaving the Indian annui- ties chargeable upon other revenues. .1\rith regard to the sevepth of the Crown Lands, appropriated as Clergy Reserves, 'the nratiagement was betters. When they were:Wiested from the English Oirerch, the hinds amounted.to £/23,747 29.; of which that .0berreli goe if:40,014, 198. 3c1: cia cabman. tion to her Clergy. -But Where are these funds trove? Mr. Bouten eliargee thatetliey Were largely =peeled by an Adored politica champiou substituting doubtful secririties for sound ones. This wee indignantly scouted, by 'none more ao than the head of a new diocese ; • and on Mr, lloalten's recurring:persistence, • 110 was °ripened: But the idea subsequently • • vices scented by two other gentlem'en, and Mr. B. was restored with all possible apology. Well ! are the Presbyterians and Methodists . id any better , Case; the first got £106,664 150. and the other X9,768, 10s. 10a, ' • And here I remember a precedent for the casual advantages, .alluded to Jae. OD. . Forty years age, looking Verges' blue book, contain• in; the minutes of management of the U. C; College, (H. Bois; Registrar) autplus funds • were, for a tihne, handed to a ehttreh diva. WIT, on his own Security, • Yes have reason to•hate the Tories for the frauds they eommit or condone, and fear the Reformers and the :Churches for their ineddlesomeness. People are writhing under tho operation of laws; and for this, several of the •Stites have discontinued annual meetings of their Legielativo Assemblies, and only 'allow of a Bogen baennually. On, this triattea Gibbon, eriticisipg the organization of the Empire by Constantine, says as -"The operation of the Wisest latve is imperfect tend petearioue. They seldom iiiepire virtue, they 'cannot always restrain vice. Their power is insufficient to prohibit ail OW661101=11, nor can they always punish oat which: they pro- hibit." s I go further than the historian; as to tile , • . Wilson's Wild • Cherry. •: Ono of the Moat thoroughly reliable medicines noW in use by the Canadian nubile is Wilson's comported Syrup of Wild Cherry. The sums which attends its use In mewl of Colds, Coughs, Bronehitis Croup, Whoo0- ing Cough,.Loss of Voice and, Wool; Lungs, 1C; Mat re. ruarkablo. • Originally prepared to moot the demand for a good medium° of the kip& in the retail store or the proprie- tors, its sale tuoreased so rapidly and became so largely extended that the manufacturers felt it was only neces- sary to introdace it through tho newspaper of the coun- try to ensure its adoption as the national cure for dis- eases a the respiratory/organs. E'Very loading druggist in Wt3stern Ontario now sells it. , • no *Ise in time! get a bottle and have. it on hand when required. The large bottles are the oheapeot. • A.: S. FISI1E11. .1\714,cesuspiceosuterznyar of bite roonf , us.ed. by the c • . • • jiext floor to Davis' hardware store. Cl• inton, Anal 15, 1880. • ,• , , . SEED. OUNNIN(JLAI1E'S. . rLow.ert; and YIELD SEEDP. House 'LA Plants will Rabic on 'Friday... We Will ha;i0 all kindeof Garden -Plants in season. ' •• • IMPORT.A:&T. PRIDE of tie- VALLEY Among the FANCY MUSLINS, SATEENS, LAWNS and White' Goods, the Asiortment is Immense: . Among the PARASOLS, the Display is Grand Among the Black Goods there is every desirable make of CASHMERES, and LUSTRES.. Athol* the COTTONS, Athong the •LINENS. Among .the TABLE,LINENS • Among the CURTAINS, DAIVIASKS, SHEETINGS- Among CA.RPETS, CLOTHS,..SHIRTINGS H01.17' s • . , • • HO - LADS, DUCKS, and DRILLS. •. • • In the whole stook the assortment is Superb and in:goods: of equal:width, quality, and nowneSs of pattern, the value is First Class, and will not bo. undersold by .any tho business'. • , , tit)i-2CIT 1-101:3GrINS' ' . . .ppmATTpityr:Leeops;-2„:„-Koliss:,..:** • eatterbieacierit 14, 1880. • Farm. for Sale.* TTurli SC1100110Brd1111 11011S.8L' ODASSTA:71tirli•No.' 84 On? -L son. of GodericthTownship, belonging to Alre. 0. •. Gordbis; will be sold for (sash or on part cretin. Only onniiIefrom01ntcn. The farm contains 80 soros of Mrs. NI. -Norsworthy pv's;• elioiteoe.171, in.gocul condition, line orchard ; de,,.Apr.. canton, .rTe21,1879. , 41; ' JOSEPII STItEE.T, ittimeTette; • . • ' (DTJ-,12, • • • a...) a weather to contract a malaria intho system id' • oit )11eii. @Gent sFurnisluilg ... • 'pEIMMBEB, this _s 41m Ulm) of year v.. Ad if3 . . • that is sure to end with total result,. and the only uioiure THE PRIDE OF THE VALLEY' PA DF 1 • • A purely vegetable 'compound -composed of Herbs, • roots, barks. and vines, and prepared by Prof A. M, eherevesslio, corner -6f Talbot and -Dathiiist swede; Louden; Ont., wholesale and retail dealer.: For sale • are a f eve:- • • 3AMES.H. COMBE, .••••• . Our importation of Woellens this' seasOnis very • LIJUSDEN & -WILSON, Seafolyt. . J. 1 . LAW ASON. L t • by all the principal druggists, of whom the following ••. • . .. • . • r1.0taL.DHIJCPSTO,B,E,' Exeter: • .• . . • efilaiids of' our business, -and the prospect -• When • . : . . Eao.h. packag.e. makes half a gallon of Bitteni-five bun- CI 8, Londesbere. . • . .dred per tent eheaper titan a'ny otherraedicino in thl much larger -than previOus- ones.- The mcre.ased in the tmarket; and a gine cure for Chills andllever, Fevei an marke of an advance (which all are no Ague, Jintions Fever, Dyspepsia, Scrofula ,Cholcra Mor- doilbt aware has already taken pla(e) warranted bui; Liver Complaint, Female eveaknossranci en blood PRIDE or TEE VALLity. • Price 25 mite pet package -r• us in. purchaSing very ektensively; Our., custom- . . 4118e1808 that flesh is heir to. • Doe% forget tho name, Five for Si1.00. 4-8m ' , . • 1212 MANITQBA. .'GREENWAY'S. •Firot epeetal,Pausenger Train for this pear, Will start •from 033:11\1711M.A.T.,14. TUESDAY. A P.Ittr, ;20th, ' TVESDAir,' MAY 'Freight lenyes tho flay pthvioui; t� all the above dates • Due notice win be giviu of 1i future parties. Hate% Aiwa ys the loWest, and tho greatest pains taken to Mier arrm angeents most oonvloto and . • . . satisfactory. „ Persons joining these parties are released from all erro in bonding eaggagalreight, two stook, cse. 1.50 ths. of' Ba0•03<v6e Free. • tv• 111r. Greenway goes through with each party. Ifor Datil:milers apply to JOHN , • oseen. Agent, Contrails — thq 1.1 1111 14 •1 11- rt1nu 1111111819 ^^ ' Poe attlASTeitte comfier and heath, smoke otty the,geist. hie GOL FLAKE, Isreirouncee, by all Who have tried it, the finest, purest and best Stec/long Tobacco la the world. Ask your dealer for it. 'And if yoU tannet get it else. where,. write to the undersigned for cir., eider and pace list. None mama with- out my Trade AlaPk. hn d signarcire. dr. 11'4. SAX1r0114, Glob° Teta:OW(14 Wit4nS0i4,0N1', , - era will find a large range of the newest styles in WORSTED COATINGS, SCOTCH TWEEDS, and • the now celebrated "BLARNEY" TWEEDS. We guarantee satisfaction in our Tailoring .De- partment, giving special attention to that now important branch in our business, which launder, the supervision of a First -Class Cutter. IF YOU WANT A- NOBBY SUIT, don't fail to see our stock We have the finest stock Of HATS& CAPS, Gent's. WINDSOR SCARFS and REGATTA.. SHIRTS :in . Western Ontario. .This is no wild statement, but • -asolid fact-. . . • • . • . . •• • . • • We advertise nothing but what We are able to do.: Our stock is all new.,. We have. no old-fashioned, moth-eaten goods, but Our prices are lower than any. Bankrupt Stock, which we can prove , to the satisfaction of everybody, because WE BUY ONLY FROM FIRST HANDS, and are prepared to sell many lines at prices charged 'wholesale to other houses. • ATB,.*MACWITIRTER & 00... IVION'TREAh•HOUSE ' ditto" tar& 25, 1140 . • •I•