HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-04-15, Page 14 4'
VOL. 15_, NO. 16.
• Tzstints—$1.00 Per Annum, ot advance.
,1,0131!=*""aiWifli.Z. .47nrgaccepitierisIMPMUMimaRicr
gragolonal Oilvil?. BUSINESS °HA NGE,
ltrONEY TQ eigene, eer reaiicz OR SMALI, SUMS
411. on good mortgage geertrity, at mederate rates of
Interest. le, Seen,
Clinton,Auguet 9th, 1869. 741
.LI. the Gaeade.Company mey be seen at Tgr
er:il of
e1inton,Jan.17, 1879.
RS. HITT, Teacher of Muds. Punils atteoded
E et their own residences, if neceesary. *Reader:leo
one door south of Mr. C. A. HerWe, Queen Street,
Clinton, Hey 10, 1879.
1-1D0IV6LEY, M. D., 11, ri. 0. 8. En'aland,
• Phydeiten Surgeon, &o. Office and residence
next Melson Bank, market square.
Clinton, an. 15,1880.
IYys. itEEvE & werzieens. '011ice,°Itattenbury
treet, imreedintelY behind lieneford's Book Store.
Office hones from 8 a,m. to 6 p.m.
Clinton, Jan. 29, 1880. •
• University') Physician, Surgeon, ,ke., residence
at Mr. Manning% throe doors eest of the Temperance
Hall, Londe,sboro, Ont.
Londeabore, June 14,1879,
Department of Victoria University, Toronto, for,
merly of ;the Hoapitals and Diepenearies, New York,
Coroner for the County of Huron, BAYPIELD, Ont,
3u1y22,1874, 81
fleR.--A,PPLETON. 0 , Residence _
Ontario etreet, oppositb the English Church.
fe3.'e Entennee by side gate. '
Clinton...Dec. 4,1879. •
ONEY TO LED. -1 have airy amount of moeey
t6 led, on good, improved farms Only, at Ve per
cent, interest payable yearly. Sum no object if securi-
ty ample. Privatefunds.
JAL Apply at the TOWEHtill, of a the reaidence of the
subscriber, near the Lonelon, Huron & Bruce 11ailway
Station. JAMES SCOT;
I.eallal; ollarriagOldeOneee.
Clinton, April 27th, 1876.
AccouchAptidtrafererthe College of Phyaielan,
and Surgeone o oteA Charade, and Provineial Lieenti-
ate and Coroner • for the County of Huron.- Office and
residenee,-, Tho building formerly occupied by hfr.
Thwaites, Huron street.
Clinton., Jaitelfn 1871.
. • eeee
1:1 AVXNG purelteeed the etoek and gocel.will of the
•Oroeery business, of Mr. W.11. MEE, tho sub-
scriber would take this opportunity of thanking hia
frierade for the liberal patronage enJoyed by hien while
o Inellibla of the firm of SHEPPARD it COOPER, and
hopes by liberal iadueements to receive a, fair share of
eustOm iroin them in Iie neW bushmes. As he intends
to keep the beat assortment, lie ie ready to
Goois at iho land reraunorativo Nolo,
' And will shortly. open out a freah supply of
. 'k 5 1
• SO1PS, &e., &e.
HEIHEIIIDER pLACIE /1115 old stand, -
Corner of A lbett.rtail Hateenbney teltreets
Ciinton,March 041880.
DiSSOintiOti Of .Pin•Ortership
NOTICE le bereby giveir that tilo partnerebiplere-
totem existing betweee tbu truder signed, as
IVLIE AND LIQ'UOit inEliCHANTn, in axe Town of
Clinton, has ibis day beim diseolvett byrnutual consent:
lan. W. SHEPPARD ,kizl condole, rite. hto.inees, .collect
• All moue ts due tlitelele Mee cud ettio ilia indebted.
es of the same. •
•W. Melee e
t't . COOPER. •
March 17, 189. •
T"3,0AL HOTEL — late Earmer'e — Albert
Step t; Clinton. S. PIEE, Proprietor. Tbis 1L�' •
tot haflately bean greatly improyed and thoroughly.
refurnished, and poseessee every reetiialte for the coin-
lairt Streot, °Hilton1
fort and convenience of the travelling public. Good
tabling and attentive hostler.
' Clinton Nov. 28th 1678.. •
W. E. CA.RTWRIGI1T, Srneecin DocticaT
Graduate °of the I1oal C,dlogo of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario, bas •opened roome
In the VictoriaBleck, Albert Street, Clinton , where he•
will constantly be i,. attendanCe, and &emir. d to per-
form every operetinn connected with Dentistry. Teeth •LTAB
extracted, Jr.iillod with gold, amalgam, or other filling
material. -Artificial teeth inserted from OMR toittaiffit,,
Clinton, April' 17, 1879. 16 ••
_ -
St1{0011: aIgArzasTaseinnstifvoonne•t>seoitctbrinaftrseemaabnieuttcuhildm,
LADIES .B01111DING. .1 re
1. prep.erties of•the oil•rhat produce pain and gripin are
p eas-
GODERIC11. - ant in. its action, but a solutelv ta.steless and palate -
lee, his pre-eminent -the ilnest laxative and ca-
n/IRS.. FLETCHER stipation, and all Intestinal Derangements i t is une-
titanic known, and ana edy for Costiveness, Con-
DrAVING eetablished a school for tlio higher -odium- quailed, and es destined to take' the pia e of crud on
11 tion ocroung Ladies, in the pleasant mud hoaltilY and all drastic pills and purgativess. cFor sale by all '
Town of tiodei Jell, h•new preerreete receive a. limited Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. Don't fail to try it. .
number of boarder.; . V
. •
' • ••' eliminated, and,it is rendered not only mild and
able with a eareful-disoipline. every cedeavor will, be N\k*v`" f eO-72'
made to raeke it it horne to those entrusted to its care..
Every attention Will be yule in order to give the pupils
a thorough Eugl14a Edueatitn, based en, High School
pH/advice, 0 mbining with it the advantages of tha.
higher branebes, in all ef which es perienced govoindsses
from Toronto, have 112(13 SPOIL...a to assist, . • .
Could' a few pupil.. for 'Vocal 'Music be 7 se t.tre in
Clinton, tfItie DURAND, it pupil of !Aire; Grassiek,. of
Toronto, w uld be gind to give lessome ei:t their° 'homes;
or at the sobool, if de& rable.
Penile reeeived at eel titan. Any. deeirons of attend-
ing after Eaeter, would oblige by sending. early for
Godorich, March 4,1E80. "
-,‘ :--,7,',, „"/714170 • . • .
Cnreg 'T,CReOaciae '. (4,P 1/1.1(10,1.) .'Pninfill nenstruetiefel
Ineereti, n e i i 4,3 17 eterns, II rcrian dig,' coca, Absent
le .. M enstreet...e. end art .n.. el..,ir, kIWIVII as Pantile Weak- ,
)..0..siiii.i.,g'''AN the riMIA:21)1'. kli3,,. 1.0,1411.9,i. a 7.100'0ml:whet hes Made
nesse They e..• t pie • lee) wee 1,9-1,9-g:t at 't t elite Linda
female disi ;Yoh e s• e elhl . -a ',v ter 'one .Yeare and
thew are a ffiodr;n
:q tar ‘51.3e1; L111
•104 cau de-
, pond "115 the t, or awl zap • in 1:wailing.
Female Ite>val;f /roe ere, \et.. etiei ie Ville' are
BY THE uxqpnitsrpr•lnp,
DECIDED. BAt1tiG1114tIS; •
. • .--.- X X 2
ON 71088' FAVORABLE TER213.;
Bouoin ANP SQLD-
. A. S, FISHER, .
Notary Pebla Mad Connnissioner.
Clinton, march 1, 18E0.
B4BlIZT .11.1114
117 M. .11:--A.C.E.Y:i
And yardware Merehavt.
dtaNTON, rob., 1680.
sola 110 en nveeeistii . e559l 9. AIX Peel:ages •
The 85, 'or v.".!: 1,.. 1. looney by
delreting .
11141:' ,txpl CO.,
• 1. CA fincit
1.* 13.1. D p 41-..0 B E,
. • , • • " •
itti*.a.tr.:111. );k aker
woularmlecttuny announee to Lis onetomore and the
public e thrt lie halt terneved into his former
e bldtdlkg, 011 ' ; ,
STitinT, Oprosrrn, Tun Mtifint,T,
:When:lit:du, keep en been p.eeleet eesortment ef
Cloolt Welehe s ilwerware of 411 kinds,
Whieb he will mil at roneouuble'retee. Repairing of
gent) feeerieliet, neoniptii1t'iiiil iIl to.
J. n1 n oleeceternE etnenviesenexe
One ten Dee. 0,1878. "
e 41,„5
c • • 4,
te "%a •
•2 u
e . •
"e,' • 1; -7"' 9.
Fat 7.'1;1
H.ca 4;1,1:4_3'
" 7.1
CQ .1;1 tei:
.te ete,
0 tetz17.
f.,1•1 :
0 (".
P4 ? o.:
ki t:‘,.g.•••,,,,g.rEY4
r b„.
w Nwertioemento. , •
subsoriber would take this opportunity.. of
/ thanking his nomereue Wench; who, aided In re-
moving hie goods at the late fire, and would also inti-
mate to the Dre brigade that he hag
Renaoved to Mr. Barge s
Building Victoria St.
- 'would 030 say to the public that he ie hie
BOOTS and 8110E8 exeeedingly cheap in order to r
all out before teking possession of his new null
Call and see prices.
Clinton, April lIth,1880.
QBALED TENDERS, in bulk and separate, will be
Until April 26th, at noon, •
For the several works neemeary for the erection of the
new brick
MIMI awl Xariet
Plane, specifications, and all neeessary infoxraation
given by applying at the office of the Treasurer. Plans,
specifications, aro on view at the above named
place. The names -of -two securities will he reettired to
thq amount of two:thircle of the value of contract. The
'Dacia, or any tender, net necessarily melded.
Clinton, April 15th 1880.
In the Surrot ate Court of,
the County ot Huron, •
In the -matter of guaNianship qf the Want.,
'children of Edward floury Tighe, deceased,
.MAKE NOTICE that at the expiration of twenty
1 days after the first publication of (hie notice sp.
Plientlou will be trade to the Judge of the Surrogate
Court, of the County of Huron, by Mary Tighe, of the
ToWnship of Hullett, the Coriuty of Huron, widow,
for Jotters of guereliansLip, appointing her, the Bald
Mary Tighe, guardian of OATEAHINE ANN, TIGHE,
8E111 TIGHE, tbo infant children Of the said Edward
Henry Tighe, in hie lilt time, of the said Township -of
mined, yeoman.
Dated at tho Towusiiip of Millett, in tbe County of
Huron, thitetwohth day of April, A. De 1880,..
CILTICEt shut PrielKly lboinfrey
911111 subscriber us Iv number et sets of this wil-
l_ derfany_productive adeptel•tfore
"feeding and fattening eteek for mile. It ou trivets may
herb hitherto used for .itoi ling purpmes, 60 tone per
acre. ,
Clinton, April 6, 1820. ' • •
111 IllemorY of Willie Paisley,
Lines on the death of Willie Paisley; in
syznpethy with his parents.
Seiffer the children our Snviour (odd,
In Heaven there's room for all,
Then let no not say dear Willie is dead,
Bu e just answered the heavenlyecall.
This world is wicked end weary nod sad,
We all have a share of woe, .
The trials, cares and sorrows of life,
Your darling will never know. •
'IeTeath, the, glittering wings of the angels
• he'll, rest,
On the evergreen plains he'll ;bun,
And join in the song of the infant choir,
In their beautiful sinless hoMe, •
Fond father and mother, the etroke was in
love, . • • • '
Yen may meet again nev8r to pafTre".7
One tie that bOund thee eo rfartheis removed,
Where the treasure is there is the heart.
How jowful 'twill be when your summons
has (mine, „
To leave all your morrow and care,
• -Teelie witliAlee blest in that fair land of rest,
And Willie to welcome you there.
I .
rAnapi. Accineme —A few days since jr.
T. Levan and his son, of the 9th eon, were
fuming a log, when the boy's finger was caught
in the Out, and one so badly emashed as to re-
quire amputation at the first joint.
Couirelle—Gorierieb Township Council met
at Rohl:063.011e, on the 6th niete. pursuant to
adjournment, Members all pretient, eniletites
of last meeting read and passed. Moved by
J. Co;eee. by J. Whitely, that motion No.
20 of 'February Otis be .reacinded.—Oarriecl.
Moved by E. Acheson, see. by J. Laithwait,
that tho reeve, deputy -reeve and councillors
be paid $1.50 per day and no mileage, for their
eervices as councillors, also that the reeve he
paid $30 and the'depety-reeve and octuncillors
$25 each as ''road commissioners. —Carried,
Mewed by E. Acheson, Pee. by J. Cox, that
the Clerk place the statute labor in the road
section whereproperterisesituated.—Carried,
Mewed by J. Cox, see. by J. Whitely, that
By -Lars Nos, 3 and 4 confirming the above
and now read, be preseed.Carried. Moved
by J. lialthwait, eec. by E. Acheson, that the
tender of the Clinton Now ERA, for township
printing be accepted; being the lowest,
(amount $37.2O.) Moved by J. 'Whitely, see.
by J. Cox, that J. Burk be fence viewer, in
room of "D MoNielly.—Carried..- Moved' by
J. Laithwait, see, by J. Whitely, that.0.13aker
be aPpointed pathmaster in rpom of J. Sher
Whitely, tie% by J. Laithwait, that all doge
and bitehee that are assessedeand the owners
not appealing. againet. them, on or before the
court of revision, that owners will be held
responsible for the tax,—Carried. Moved by
S. Cox, sec, by J.' 'Whitely, that C. erohnston
be allowed to perform his statute labor on the
road leading to his farm from the 9th and 10th
con.—Carried. r Moved by V. Cox, see. by J.
Whitely, that J. MeDotigall be allewe'd: to
work hie stateite labor On side line in No, 44
road division.—Carried. Moved by J. Cox,
see bj. E, Achelion, that the petition of'A.
Knox and others, (relating to road from .Col.
borne) be laid over for further consideration,
—Carried. Moved. by Y. Laithweit, eee. by J.
Whitely,' that $200 be granted to each ward
foreeoed improvements to be exempted nnilek
the direction of the road .comtniesioner an,
pointed for the subdivision:—Carried. keyed
by J, Cox, SOC. by J. Whitely, that the 'reeve
instroct Mr. Bay to get the original field notes
and survey the side read feriae 1st to tith con:,
between lotti. 36 And 31.—Carried. The fol-
lowing accounts were peed :—A. Taylor, for
Oth nee., .0; Wm. Collins, indigent, one quar-
ter§ allovvance, '$17.50 ; E. Butt, repairing
eulvertbase line; 0%30 ; pi. Woods, profession
'visit to Mrs Richards, on elm Of ineanity, e4;
.1.16ved by J. Cox,. sec. by J. Whitely -that tithe
(Mined do. now adjourn to meet again on the
26th of ..May, sail .meetitig to be cottet ,efeeee
eeelefieti.Ciiii.ied: ' .''' TAR: PATTON, Clerk.. ' '
' greTainesJohnstone jre, ef Stanley. hes nehl
his farrn. on the Qt.h con. to 1.0 le John Tore nee
Lor the.eum. of 03,3oo; The farm contains .99
ta.o9.1.•:(181journinente at Vdrua, on the 4.ith inst.,
To v.:4We Courcie. e-Clouneil met pereuant
the reeve nt the cleave all, the 'members pr.
sent ; athletes of 'previous meeting, read and
linseed. . Mnved Iv G. Caseles; sec by J. Mc-
Einley, thee ;folio Reid, jr., be tregourer for
this year.-e0errietl. • Moved by Y. Torrance,
sec.. by 14. Castles, that the petition of Joe.
Harvey and etbere be granted, viz., to change.1
the beats on con. 2.3,' Wall of Bayfield road.,
and form three beate ; Thomas Dinsdale and 1
Donald Graesack to do their Work On side line 1
5-6 ;, Win. Murdock end Robert Boyce to do
teen' _work :on side line 10.11 ; Henry Pow
found to. be pathmaeter (..ti 110:ttb. beet ; Joe.
Hai•yey ta be patlonaster on centre beat ; and
John .J ones be pathmaster on south beet ;
each beat to -be 11 miles lone, otimmeneing at
town line.—Carried. Moved by P. Dougles,,
sec. by G. Ceetlese thet, in accordance. with
the petition of amain Roes and .others, a
by-law lee feamed and •peened, for the purpoie
of selling to VaTentme Deihl the .roari allow- .
ence.between Lots e5 and .16 on'the 5 eon. for
the sum ,pf thirty dollars.-.--Cereied. Moved
by 5. Torrance, See. by G. Cast4,. thae .the
'Clerk notify -Wm: Dickeon to reinove his fence
to its proper .plaee on the side- road between
Lots 16 and 23 con 4, Beytield Road:South.—
Carried. Moved by P. Douglae; Sec, by J.
Torrence, that the Clerk get 100 Copies of the
anamendedly-laws printed and distributed to
the peeper per.sonie—Carried, Moved by G.
Castles, sec, by P: Douglas, that this. Council
ili, now adjourn and and that the (Inlet of revie-
iou be held. in Vona the last Saturday.bi May
pert, at ten o'clock a. m. Other •besmees to
be transacted on same day.—Carried. . *
VAILN A. pod,...id,42,.1.g, 0,-eCarriedee :Moved by
Mr, 3. Torrance, of Varna has aold his trot-
ing stallion ',Young Royal Revenge.' to Mr.
Samuel Moffat for the sum of $300.
The members of St. John's church, Varna,
last 'week presented Miss Plunkett with it
handsome bible and album in„recognition of
her service as organist.
re's Institute will be held at Vona on Satter -
day May 1st., commencing ati10 a. in. An
intereeting programme has been prepared, and
_a large attendance of teachers and. others in-
terested be education is requested.
„ ,
T. 11. Agent, inferno us. that the treceipts of
this Ageticy. for the fast week, amounted .to
between $14 and $15.. • Not so bad. •
r..Crte Onunoli".—The Educational service in
cOnnectien with the Methodist •Chtirch of
this place, was held. on' Monday night last,
when the Rev. Dr. NVilliamte. of Goderiele, de-
-livered -erste eexcellentenddressie Th e 'Rev s
Philp, of title place, and J. Caswell, ef
LondesbOrough, exchange pulpite next Sim-
dayeerhe lfith last, ' , '•
V• • Seme ihie bemired people.ai.e daily:supplied
aluable Houseaucl with food at the House ofProtectione Toeouto;
_ _ _
. • , - .Grounds for sale.
• —,-
rilhat prorerty, et present mormied Railton,
A heretofore the residence of the late vvtu, Smart, ie
lied a tory large Math& finiiiliee are' daily
fed at the }rouse of eItidustry ,one Elm
street.. Some very gad iostancee of "respect-
.able.poverty" come tqlight at theee institutions
offered for sele,-elmenron-libenal-terree, Apply to tneehltntes doing for•Oeye, itithout food rather.
W. W. FA 1tR' than apply for relief.
CAUTION. Prof Brice, of Winnipeg, writes advising
- o.
emigrauts bound for the North•West to take
one of the through trams furnished by !hose
who manage emigfant depeditions. There is
always a Bleeping car attached. to the train,
harboring or any of his ehildreu by eny one, which este bb used at it little extra cost and
the travellers have a great advantage in not
Goderich T'p, April 8, 1880. *
-being einble to loss of time from failure to•
Property For Sale. ',......„,ake c"'""t ..„.....6...............„
Clinton., Aril 8, 1880,
11,,Ttotiee is hereby givoe that the undereigued win not
IN be responeihle for any debts. contracted in.his •
elimerrevinteutois wvIttee artier, and also forbids 'tile
'Estate orthe lute Wm. ' ",- atelkl
ri1IIE Excel -Lois Of the estate offer for pale; in
all or part, tbe lot of anent one-Lalf acre lend, -
situated onli attenbtiry trod and ruonlng through to
Huron Street, with u lietitse illacitionlib shop
thereon. If deoh•ed, the Ileum and' tpurter-eme land
fronting Dayenbary street, eau -he bought Formate.
Tonne easy. For part ieu etre apple. to •
• • ,toIlN HOBO' INS ,
' • Executor. • .
-.--r-Good House for t...;ale,d
f/111E house belonging to the undersigned, on, Isaac
a-• Street, Clinton, in for axle ou medorete terms.—
The home contains uevon rooms, and.le well built and •
it good condition. Largo lot, good well, Ito. For •
partieularn apply to II: 11/11,E, Clinton. •••
• • a. D. AIKENHEAD.-
House arid Lot for gale„
rrinE undereigned offers for sale, In the vinege of
Holmesville, a querter-acre lot, on which is erected
a Concrete. House, with frame addition, and frame
lslatlismitli Shop,.driyiee 'died and etable. The helm
has seven rooms and cellar, end tbe let is, stocked With
eboiee fruit trees, and the neualeouvenienees.
Held on very eemonable terms. Full particulars On ap•
plleation to •
ifoimesville,Pcb.le, 1950, ••
TRADE MARE.E.arshlree:etti y.TRADE MARE.
An 'retailing ouro
for SoMinal weak-
. Miss, Spormatorr-
bee, Impotency,
and all diseases
4Abuse, as Lose of
memory, riniver.
Bolero Taking.fnalgrittegn After Taking,
utile Of vision, nromature.old Aga, and Mann:Abe
Cameo that leadto Insemity Or oonsemption, Ana
Premature Grave. run partiouldri; in out pamphlet
• *Li& we desire to send tree by mail to every
The Semitic liteciteine is Bold by all dregebes at $1 per
paeertge, or 6 paokagea for $5, or will be sent free by
mail on receipt of the money, by Wronging
f."Seld in Clinton by all druggister
To think that you la.re• inour‘able.
•Never. fails' to • re/love,. and with 5 peva use will Imre
dieeemos arleine Horn inipurity of the blood. •
Give Airitnillne a fair trial, and yon Will bit eon-
•vinaed that it le &wonderful renioey. -
Prim 81 per bottle ;, Six bottles 30.
, Sold in Clinton by J. II. Combo and Watte &C�.,
and en dtuegiete everywnere. . • •. •
..• . Servant Wanted.
:A.antlFge.wiAhausenlitidlby the first qf Dia y.
' • Mns. R.
Olken, Apri.114th,188.1. , •• . .
. Apprentices',
ANTED,. apply to • • • b.
G. nittire,ateitietnialierevietboo. Arcot.
Clinton,April S, 1880:
. Card of* Thanks.
. •
.rpliE undersigned desire.; to return his very tincere
.1. thanks to those who rendered snob efficient eid in
sowine his effect.; in connection with th e late Are.
Apr118.1880, • Oat
We have just, redeived is largo assortment a
PAPPII. BAGS, of various sizes, wbielt Nv'e of.
for to the trade at very low prices. Parties
not wishingto carry a large stock a these
gootls, way find it to their interest to purOhaSe
of us. ,tispeotion of the articles and prices
• respedfully Solicited.
nouns & Solt
• :
&QUA, Seed:81
• • . • • •
• • ' 041m.= stEns. • '
pades, Flits, Rakes,
Paints, Oils, Glass, &e1
Dissolution of Pattnership.
main besiness horetefere carried on bq ills under.
sinnad, undet the style Of Devi.. & Pay, as Mot.
water ederebenta, hag boo thie day diesolved by Mutual
consent, and will be eoiatinued in all its braneheit be
Davie, who in authorized to collect 11 debte ahd
(tattle an oleitneehtnleetieoold Arm,
• v
(8774.0 DAVIS. •
WOIteereo HALE. I 0E0, nl, PAL
Clinton, April leth, 1880.
Mammoth 111rdwp,:: StIt:
h, 1880.
A .
in aid of the Sabbath Sabel of the Episcopal
Church, in Barker's Hall, on last Thursday
evening, Was rather poorly attended. •
. Salmon' STonee—One of the most severe
storms ever experienbec' by fishermen during
thirey years Swept over the -lake on Saturday'
evening. four .bats left for the fishing
grOmed in the morning, 'and only oneniedee
the harbor at night. The rest were' driven
on theibeach and Wrecked Five boate from
Goderich wete beat down the lake and they
tired -To run' into BiteiBeld harbor, hut were
driven On the oboe° sod font Wrecked.. When
Wiggin's boat reached the south pier, she
filled Red sank, the two men in her clung to
the rigging. Wiggins soon became benumbed'
and poteerlegs, and would have Perished bad
he not been held on by his brave comrade,
vrho was hilueolf half (lead from cad end ex-
halistion, They remained in that pitiful po-
eition for nearer an hour, when 11)(;y were
reedited by Geo. 11.1 lobe e. le aye eid who
',Yea out to theni in a well The mon
in Clark's . boat alto • euffered' Very Muth.
There is considerable lees of property, but rio
lives lost.
Al. tin, to
. _BLIT II •
Trewin, Tailor, has removed to the
urer. 00. shopr
rooms over Lawrence Gilley's' furniture
abltl out his business
and is going to "Iowa, to farni, '
Mr. leteQuartie has been appointed Secretary
mid Librarian of the 'Mechanics' Institute, in
the place of Mr.Geo, Sheppard,
The Rev, O. Bangor, jubilee singer, will
give a concert in Blyth, on the 220d inet., on
behalf of tho Methodist efiurch.
An accident resulting itt the death of it boy
eleven years of age named John Ireland; on
the ism of Mr. aloha Thompson, between
Blyth and:Manchester, mimed on Saturday
last.- The boy was in the augar bush when
the wind Watt A tree dowse his bac, ldltiug
hiin instantly.
/ V.11(01.1IES A: SON,
( Pio biishers.
Thie Stanley council bee appointed John '
Reid, jr., Treaserer.
EreterBible Christianecontemplete erection
of e new church, in addition to the old oue.
gr. Duncan McDonald, of Wet Wewanosb.
is "off for Manitoba,"
- A sufficient amount has been enbeeribed to
entirely wipe off a $6000 debt on the Seaforth
Prosbyeerian church and manse.
• Mr. John Nopper, who has conducted the •
Seaforth Foundry for several 'years, ha dis.
posed ef the business to his Sons.
A. farm of 50 aeres was sold a few days ago
near Lumley. Mr. Win. Earle, the I3t1Cha. ,
ser, has it good bargain. -
hinisgAyhgoaeuanntagiel:tiiaglielion, Protection, for -the aunt of
bQuItit:14firyProrote4gi'einlYt°otthsiria. tolt
-1aAlblvr.eAekle'r.. Delget.ty, of IeloKillop, bee sold •-•
$500. The purchaser resides north' 91 .Brus-
sels. ; • •
. :Air. Sainu'el. Wallace, of Tunkereneitht has
.,13'een the firat lode Any .seeding this season.
lie sowed four .acres of wheat on Thuredah -
theist of ApriL • , •
Mrs, Erretk.of thd Bayfield road; in de- '
Bonding from the buggy caught her footin
the -buffalo -robe end fell -heavily' on the gtoinici,,
The injury proved Mee.° serioue than at first
imagined as she died oo Seturdity. '
Mr, W. Morirson, of Belgrave, formerly ,
hotel keeper, met with a serious, aceldnot last
week. fle received a kiek frozn a horse, break-
ing one'ef his ribs, He was -insensible--; for
some time after the accident; but is now fast
recovering, and will soon be well again.
The Spring Show of entire stook under the
Auspices of the Grey Branch -Agricultural So-
ciety was behl at tho-show gounds,Lumley, On
Weduesday last. The turn out of epectators
was the largest we have e.vei• seen. The stock
Of beth horses and cattle was veey.good. .
Robt. Yoe, of the third concession of
.Turzelaerry; :has caught .and -killed this winter- • •
12 mipk, 20 mnikrat, 9 racintbee 22 foxes and. '
3 deer, • Mr. Yoe bees beeo Arceident ef Turn- •
berry for.the hest 20'years, and his.clinie more
or less hunting each year. The first four years
he was in,Turnberry he killed 125 deer.. •
' ' On Teesday afternoon, a barn the property
of air. Wm—Baird, of EatWawanoseh, abeut
threeetenarteter irereirm7
(Recovered ta bein lanes: Ansi was bitriied. .•
to the ground together with lie contents. The
barn was veleed,at atout$500, and • contain,:
ed• two valuable fat stein*, a colt; a calf,
ning mill, sulky, boreerakou
ee net J50 bushels • .
of -groin bezides numerous ether articles. gr.
Baird, has an, ieeurence-on !r)Ab• and-
eatieitiiiiti of .$1,096 iti ti7c.ILwitik elutual In.
surance 06. • • •• .• •
White Mr. Won. Hue of Turnberry, was
timing wey, out to Brussels onTriesday, With... .
hireetallionfor the show, and when opposite
Wm. Farrell'a place on the gm vbl road., the .
breto attacked him, nod succeed:el in getting
his right hand into hismouth. lie then car-
ried hini reund a while, hangnig by the hand.
Mr. Hay at last .steteeedect io wrenching
,hand cleat, habit] doing to had tolairly draw
it through between the horse's teeth, stripping.
the back of his heed pretty tadiy. N'otwith-
stitedieg the severity of the tic:indent, Mr.11ay
managed "to get the lunge back to Writ:toter,
.and alt or getting Ons hand dressed by a mech.
oteiekkay.,.n.stareeel off w
•home iejeoldne.. Pretty
t . •
. ,
A NOTII 1:11. OLD RESIDENT GONE.,—,0 ell fele '
lowing; rom the Scaforih, Repositor of last e
week, refers te the worner of Mr. Jas. ..
leicCal•eltey of • Olin ton. One by 'rine the
'pioneer -settlers of .the Herein, Tract gene'
'dropping eft, The last' instance is that of
the dentli of Moe. Robert AleCertney, ,of
thee Mill Ronde which 1 (ink ielace. on Satur-
dey Iaat. She has been in it feeble state
for eeveeel mobtlei, ancl seemed .to giv
way before a w orn.o t t t consti tiltion, there
being no partipular disease visible. About
Time . menthe ago her htleband, ,hnd aed .
partner in life died, arid since • then she .
gradually but rapid lee•failed. . She wee 76
pities of age.: „She was 'n native of Dum-
friesshire, goo tl and , And came • to this
emnitry irm tho, year -1835, andcame to:
'lluckerimeith in 1886, end- settled op the 7
'farm Where she lived nu tit. befeleeth, It
was then whet ntieht be' called a wilderness,
hut bothhereell susi her 1; iiiiientle were
spared to Bee the. forests coo verteid" into ,
beautiful,f r ui ef ul fielde,.apil to .en-
jOy itt their old ago (bit coinfores of a spleen,.
did home, ijee very niidse of theirfamily
and, .friends ; 'andwhat must have. been •
even more gratifying to 'them,: they were
also privileged to see the various members
of; a numerous 'family ciunfortably settled.
in life ere • they wore 'called ..away.. Mrs.
McCartney was a Sister of IVfeeeire
Alexander and James Braitafeot, arid like
,them enjoyed the esteem,..friendship.and
good will of. all who., knew. her:. .She was
15uridd in Egmendiille can-tete*, beside t,
her_husband, on Tuesday : • The funeral.—
was very largely attended; and bore ample ,
testimony of the universal *emu and'af-
u i , Wic_._04.11 the d.e....„seaged was held,". .
The poptilai_,
lon of Olitehell is given at only - •
2,390 ! A sad failing off. •' .
Ingersoll is'paid1200 a night for hisleo
tures in Toronto.
Ex.LieutentwittGovernor •Letellier, De St.
Just' it at present' engaged, se says .be Con,
coYde, of Three Rivers, in preparing a requisi-
tion for prbeentatien to tho GovernmeGeeekel,
by him to be forwarded to the Imperial
ooki,og for redress for his eta:1171T
dieeniseethy the Dominion Government.
There aro four firms thait monopolize tho
manitfactore of quinine in the Whole United, .
s They Beezei"-to bnnotoontontedwitk
the enormous wealth they have acquired, but
aompIain *gaitist the removal of the 'duty oir
epiinine. Their idea of what is well for the
country Appetite to bo that on the things which
are used in manufacturing geiniriti there ishould .
be no fax or duty, but that 011
there should be a duty. Perinipa of all xneeli.
einal agents quinine is the Most important;
to Mumma andithousancis itis at times an
essential agent of.hetittli anti life. Thelaws.
of the eotintepshoUld be etieh as te make a
immensity like.thie as easily obtainable AO pee -
tilde by all—the poor ae Well as the rich, 110
inetopoly should be allowed to stand hi the
Way of its being made aceessible to millions Of '
tho poor Who need it. But it, is the Mastery",
Proteetione" deed not mean protection of the
intereete of thipoor. '