HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-04-08, Page 8-,w
yt.A. L Zorn . • nil` ,
Oyes thanks ern tendered to alt who ao
TILE roads recluiro to bg seen: to heap•
laboriously and aneceerfully asa:otiiil in.preciated
EMALY Pie sen • --Uur i,ltanlis aro due
protectiug oat establishment fruit tire, . to Mr. R. Eturgeouforabuneliofrhubard..
yesterday. A cow belouging to Mr. Fred Rutnball
Aroneer ----During the past week tho •died this week from milli fever,
junior proprietor of this paper hes been Goon PalC :.-•--Mr. Win. Weir, Gotlorich
defined to bed by illness, As the-g£tl&a r Township, sold u four year old mare in colt,
utanegement of tie .ofiicaltae hitherto tweet 10 "o to mitt- for the handsome sum of
entrusted toirim, our readers a ill attributb
the shortvvminp"8 of this mi'k'e bone to his
illness, Fur the information of friends,.
e we may state that he is slowly recovering.
A fire Lrokeout in Mr. Ju. Smith's; tailoring
eetablrr,•hment ott Huron street, about half -
past twelve o'clock yesterday while the major-
ity of the work people were away to their
Ginner. It was net discovered till it had ob•
tanned such headway that its immediate con.
trol could not be obtained, and it spread to
Mr. Fisher's on the east, tied Mr. John Jack.
eon's on the west in a very few minutes, By
that time the steam fire engine was got to
work, and two heavy etrearns of water were
soon thrown on the burning buildings; shortly
extinguishing the fire in the building where it
originated and in Mr. Jackson's building; but
not till they were ret dered utterly useless,
Mr. Fisher's office was entirely destroyed. -
Most of the contents of the burnt buildings
were saved, but in a damaged condition.
Mos,' W. S Perrin and John Daynient re-
e-moved their stooks, and Mr. Wm. Core, who
owns that building, and resided -ht thesecond
story, also removed hie .furniture.
Mr. Fisher's loss will he about $200, no itt-
erfrance. • T. Jackson's building, in which
the fire commenced, wasa total loss,
insured. in the Phoenix for $80Q;. J. Smith,
loss about 81,000, insured hi the Standard
for $1,000, and the Sovereign for500; J.
Jackson, building a total loss, insured in the
Royal Mutual' for $400; stock, loss small, in.
shred in the Sovereign for 81,000 Win Core,.
-1400 on the building in the Queen's; J. Day
meat, loured. for 8250 in the Gore Mutual,:
loss about $50. "'T
The steam fire engine did first.olass service,
working' admirably from the beginning, and
has proved itself a good fire extinguisher.
Great eredit• is due to allconnected with
the fire department, and a large number of
others,as they exerted themselves energetically.
1 Crain, Macwhirter & CO's goods were some-
what.damaged by smoke,
A spark was carried from the burning build-
ings to 311r. I. Rattenbnry's•atables; and ignit-
ed some straw, but was fortunately discover..
ed.and extinguished. . , •
Mt. Jolrn Leeltaru has rented his farni iE
1.00 Cores, near Londesboro, for a term of
years, getting WO the first and $400 for
subsequent years.
•• T 'wn Vo4titcil. -
Messrs. Crntb, Macwhirter s.00. will,
notwithstanding the fire, open their rnilli-
eery show room on Saturday next, the day
CRIOKIIT,—Tho mentbere of the Clinton
Cricket Club are requested not to forget
the meeting at the Itattenbury 1 -louse to-
night, et eight o'clock, all interested are
invited to attend.
Mit. Tw1'rCRELI. wishes us to say that if
the party who owns the clog that lumped.
through the window of his shop about a
mouth ago, will call upon him he will re-
ward him for his trouble,
. CHANGEABLE...4C would not be Canadian.
weather if it were otherwise. On Satur-
day, Sunday and Monday, the, sultry at-
mosphere was tempered by heavy rains
on Tuesday morning an inch of snow cover-
louse, SOLD,—A ehort time ago the
house occupied by'Mr. "H ugh Seat was of-
fered for sale under Power of Mortgage, -
but not sold. On Saturday last it was again
put up and knocked down to Mr, Isaac
:Inchon; nt $920.
«ro a.te softy to leairn that Mr; J..0, 1f c-
Intosh, of Centralia, while on• his. way to
Godereeh, ort !scentless, on Monday last; trip;.
ped. while getting off the L. 11. & B. train at
the q. T. R. crossing at Clinton, and fell,.
hurting the leg badly, wh:eh. lie had brdken
some time previously, aid free) the effects of
which lie was•ju3$ recovering.
Tim friends of the writers of the verses on
Canada are not satisfied with Lord Lorne'e
"National Hymn," which appears in ;an;
other whiten of this issue,'and humbly re -
!pest the students at . the..aeat:of learning
in Ontario (Clinton Nigh School), to de-
cide which of theta two poems they would
'prefer ; or produce a better; when the pre-
sent claimants for honor will gracefully re-
tire into obscurity.,
TeeerimNIO:<—The Montreal Telegraph
Co; have, arrangedfor elocel Telephonic
line; whichWill he equipped with the:moat
approved apparatus, connecting the offices
at the G. W. R. and G. T. R. stations -with
the main 'Office here, •Messrs. Glasgow &
Macpherson's foundry and the Stapleton
Salt Works.; will be connected therewith.
The line will probably be extended to other
busines•s points.
Drtrvtxa Perm. : meeting of the di-
recttira• of. the Driving Park will be held at -
S•. Pike's. Hotel, on Thursday, the'l5th
ins)„ to complete arrangements for races
on the ,24th May. Between: five. and 'six
hundred dollars will be given in prizes for
four, races, and a great many • horsemen
have already aignrfied" their Intention' of
being present: A Movement is en foot to
have several novelties in the way of sports
for; the .morning, and a great day for
amueeuients will be expected.
AUDITORS'' REPORT.—Wo have .rec need'
the Auditors'' report for this town, bu
unable to publish it entire thisweek, and,
therefore, give a few extracts from it
The treasurer has $2,902 cash on hand,
and• there is also to the credit of the town
$8,072 in the shape of cash assets. ,. Taxes
collected, $9,255 ; licenses, $1,105 ; High.
School, expenditure, $1,260; Public School,
(:3,615 ; streets and: sidewalks, '$1,740 ; sa-
laries, $1,10.8 ; charity, $201. •
SiRINO Sirow. Should the •weather to-
prove favorable there •igfevery pro -
'ability that the .Union Spring Show of-tho
ullett rid Morris .Agricultural Societies;
w 'ch is to bo held at L• ondesboro, will be,
the best towns tip show ever held •in this.
section. The amount of money offered•
prizes is large, and tho directors .are united-
ly working to make the. show better than
any.prc.ceding one, and we hope their of
farts in his .direction may meet with that
degree of .success their energetic laborarde-
serve, , .. .
.Referring to a rccont temperance eater- I
tainnient in Eiyth; the .1 ecorcdsays: ''The
preschee of . a number of musicians and
singers from Clinton added materially to
the success of. the entertainment,'and it
will not be considered invidious to men-
tion •the singing of Mise Jemima Straitb,
arid the recitations of 1VTx. Hale,. both of
Clinton, as being excellent, and much ap•
preciated by' the audience, and should our
Clinton friends ever favor Blyth with an -
ether visit, we think we may safely predict
a ranch larger house to greet thein.
PBoGrnsslvE.--The Methodists in the
-neighborhood of Dungannon appear to be
in a very flourishing condition, as they ire
erecting two ;new churehoa. The one at
,Sheppardon; an appointment only com-
menced last spring, is a neat btii-lding o
28 by 40 feet, and is pow nearlybompleted, •
and it is expected will be opened sometime
next month. • 'The other is to be. at Donny
legook, and is to, be fjnished�by the first of
October next. The contract islet to Mr.
Snell, of Windham. 1't will. bost'osbout
$000 when finished.
The regular Monthly meeting of the
Council was held on Monday evening last..
All the ntenrbers present except Council-
lors Cantelon and Ohidley. The minutes
Of the three previous meetings 'were then,
read -and adopted.
Finance Report was then rend, and on
motion of Coun. Stevenson, sec. by Coun..
Worthington, adopted, recommending, the
following payments :---$10 eech. to R. M.
Recey and W. .W. Ferran, as eudttora ;
London Free Fest, for advertising.for ten-
ders for erection of Town;Hair,;$5 charity,
$13.16; J Callander, quarter's salary, he.,
'$5.5.30; J. Paisley, expenditure.for chari-
ty, tits.., $Z.35 ; J: I3owey,, sand, 1 2O ; E.
Mountcagtle, far'-rop$c„piilly-bi'ock, &c:
used in pullingdown town ball walls, $10.
The reportalso' reconrmerided that the
bonds of the treasurer, remounting to $12
000', bo accepted... The.anditors' report for
1879,• after examinatioti and fo . d correct,
was recommended to be• ins •in the
New ERA and 100 copies• printed. Geo.
Hawkins, having accepted the proposition
made with 'reference to the lot purchased
by him for taxes, belonging to the.G.T.R.,
recommend that the order.for 31.8 be
drawnin his favor in.`accordance with the
resolution, which was also adopted. Mr,
Hale, as a member of a deputation, then
addressed the Conucrl with reference to a
grant •for the Mechanics' Institute Mr.
R. Coats also made a few remarks; giving a
few statistics as to, the amount of moneys
- received and ticpeuded'by the Institute.
')n motion of Poen. Stevenson, sec. by
Cond. Corbett, that $100 be granted to the'
Institute for 1880, -Carried
On ruction, Messrs. Patterson; Beasley
and Gardner was orderedto be paid $L
per day for work on the town hall wails,
arid that :2.50 be paid to A. Kennedy for
providing for traurp
Moved by Coen Deari, sec. by Conn.
Corbett, tliitt the resignation of: the Reeve
benot accepted; —carried.
Oh motion of the Deputy Reeve; sec. by
Conn. Wacker, bylaw, No. 3 for 1880, to
prevent obstr.•uctiona on ,the street, be reaa.
a third time and passed.. -Carried
On motion, Mr. W. H. Wright -was re-
funded.$1, dog tax,wrongly assessed
The Council then adjourned.
Miss M. A. •Foxton, of this place, who is
"engaged in Blyth school and has been quite
ill for some time, is, we are pleased to
• learn, able to resume her duties.
Mr. Alex. Morrow, fornierlyof"this plane
hap been engaged as teacher of the Blyth
bfnd •
'Rev Mr° :Lenten exchanged • pulpits with
the Rev. Mt. Stewart, oh Sunday morning.
Rev Mr. Fowler, of Listowel, formerly
of this place,• was last week so •i11. as to -be
unable to attend to .Itis duties. We are
glad to learn that he has since recoVeted..
.The helve . and barn bidonging to 1ilre.
Zwinkman, who was visiting her friends at
seine distance from here, was burnt on.Tuos-
day night of last week, There was some fur-
niture inthehouse which was also consumed,
As there was nobody living in the house it•
must have been set on tire.
Ttomernx As J7', Berea, of this village was
returning from Goderich Monday night,ho teas
stopped by three men and t•obbed, The fol.
lowing is Mr. Burn's story c- "Air I was cern-
ing from. Goderieh, •and when within three
miles of 33ayfiold, passing through a dark bush
on the Lake 'Shore. Road, T SMV what 1
thought to be old lean limping along, and
asked Trim if he would • ride, the man said
`yes,' and then got in, taking a long time to
reach the seat. The old man did not sit down,
but caught Inc by both arms and held inc as
if in a vice, and as 1 looked up Isaw One mai
at the horse's .head, and another climbinid.
over the back of the buggy. This last men-
tioned person searched two of my porlcets,
taking all the change•• -sono $2 or $3—from'
one, anda roll of papers, which the robber
thought was a roll of emelt hills. , 1 was then
let go without One word havingbeeiespoken,t'• The Philiaclelphia press Considers that in
Mr. Burns is in the habit of carrying largo distributing his emigration pamphlet with the
sums of money, at stated times, but the rob- I now rations acivertisenents, the "Canadian
hers miscalculated, as be lrad no large aiitount 1 Minister of Acricdturo hast just capped the
Odd time, • climax of a very stupid piece of business,"
VVil bu}- rt Gent's
THE FALL 1VDEAT.—As there was:a very
lcrge breath of fall wheat put hi last year
considerable .anxiety is felt as to its condi-
tion, after a more .than usually hard win:
terfor"it. Vertnnately, most of it was put
in early, -and it consequently, secured a good.
growth and. firm root hold, and it ,has not
'suffered so much from the repeated freezing
and thawing es was feared. The rain of
the past few days has greatly benefitted it,
packing the earth around the roots•, and
giving it's fresh start. Thero are a few
low, black, ntacicy places where it hiss suf-
fered from the frost, and will likely be
plowed lip, otherwise, -do fat, it looks well
tend promisee en abundant crop
The ewYork Medical College on Thurs-
day conferred. the degree of doctor of Medicine
on oven lady graduatce.
The New York Sun cetimates that the re-
sent strikes in the piano trade cost the work•
men 8100,000 in wages, and the manufacture.
ere 880,000 loss.
Will buy one of'Will buy one ofthe
those Nobby Stiff Nobbiest of .Atnpri,-
Hats, can Fur Hats.
Will buy a Nob
Will buy a pair of Suit -for a littla N ll Buy a fashion,
Gent's. Pants. boy. able Spring Coat.
Will buy tt pair of
Youth's Pants.
1 8
. - --
'Will buy Blank six and
Will buy Youth's Navy Bine Suhtmer
Summer Suits. Suits.
Will, buy a Fine
Halifax •Suit.
Will" buy Nobby
Pants and 'Vogtd,"
Will buy 'a; Gent's
Coat and Vest.
is ' 'AT l.I
14 15. JACkSON•&SON S
DOLLAR$ •I norrARs .. • DOLLARS . I aisilitmOTii
Will fru lel l'11 Vill buy 'a• •Gent's «rill- .limy . tt ;Fine
y Glothing 8� Punishing
Wool Canadian fine Spring Coat, Scotch Tweed'
Tweed Suit, i o order. Suit. srohE,
Victoria Mock, Clinton,
The above is the. only .
correct solutionthus far
CI'Z'Y- $OQK STARE,..' .
Oortier :0:Market Square, Clinton
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VW 9Vite H.-.RAN8FO D
cIrr Y 13Q0.S'"_iE'eo43,ri.
whiten; April 1,1E85,
Ilaciciehie Arnica Salve.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,&Sruis+as,
gores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,''Fetter, Chapped
Rends, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Skin
Eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to give
perfectsatiefaotion in every ease or money re,
funded. Price 25 dents per box. For sale by
T. II. Combo, Clititon. •
"rneetrnn ."—Tho new wondhr for whiten.
ing the teeth, delightfully refreshing to the
mouth --To try it is to become a friend to
the piquant, irresistible, popular dentifrice of
the day.
The Berl of Dunmore is going teletext Beat:
tie rancho in Montana,
The Queen will probably return to Englund
between the IObh and 22nd inst. The Colonial
Sec, has gone to Baden-Baden, whore He Mn-
jestyt is at present staying, from which some
people augur an early resignation of the Miro
An English newspaper, 4loyd'e iVFekly, is
authority for the statement "that in no eiuteio
instance since tho passing of the Reform Act
in 183211ae a Conservative Admisistration tip -
pealed successfully to the people et the polls;"