HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-04-08, Page 5f0000RN TN O Gi ro l r -dUn arallele a:success GR..ND. SALE! BANKIIRISTOCKoER.CALLANDEPt&Co Amounting to Nearly $1O,000, Now :.Going on. • Every one delighted with their bargains.: Dry Goods - of all kinds have advanced -considerably; ad .are:sti still advancing. Such an opportunity . to obtain cheap Dry Goods, Clothing, Tweeds, Millinery, Groceries 8c., may not occur again for years. NOTICE I intend:to close this great sale very shortly. Will: • offer a*. -tijottsdit.o. for_. 1.4411101i) PARTIES. IN WANT OF .CHEAP GOODS, MLINTON, Aiareli25.188e, ONCE TAMES N:o ...9104 Salk Horan linallural.Smotir, TO OWNERS OF STALLIONS.. • OWNEBSof Stallions intending to, exhibit at tbo South Huron Spring Show, to be held at'Bruce- field, on Tuesday, April 18th, aro hereby notiliod •that by'a new rale of the Society, they are required to make their entries with the Secretary, on or before MONDAY 'APRIL 12, as no entries for horses will•bo taken after 1 - that date. Entries for Bulls will be taken nihil 11 o c lock.on the show day. ,• O. EDWIN CRESSWELL, Secretary,•• Egmondvilfe P.O. •e • AloE,ILLOP MUTU�l•FHRE lSCE GU S R� ; Y . U U . �P��Y, TROS. $EILA11TS, AGENT s IIARLOCK, oNT. ' Farmers wishing to insure will find 'this Company one ofthe best and cheapest to insure in, and will be waited on at their homes if information bo sent td tho Agents' office. 4y • CLEARING} GI'.... STAPLE:nd.FA Owing to the improvements itbout to 17Q made ill our premises, 1 we will offer for sale oiir ENTIRE STOOK ' :,®F DRY GOODS T AND U.ND.EWCoSTr CONSISTING Ol+. 7 TWEEDS, FLANNELS,, ; BLANKETS, FANCY ' DRESS GOODS, ;BLACK Lb-STRES, WIN:'CEYS, CASHMERES COLOURED SHIRRTINGS, TICK- INGS, GREY AND BLEACIIIE1 COTTONS, TABLE LINEN,• HOSIERY, GLOVES,.SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES,- The HOES,. The whole stock will be sold without reserve, at suchrices that cannot fail to be appreciated, p� lip WILLIAM COATS. All parties indebted to the 'above in ove"`clue Ac- couut,p or Notes,,tr�ill be expected to pay up' in full, without delay. - Nov. 1:4, 1s79. 0 8 CABINET MAKER DL ALEII IN ALI KINDS Cir FTJRNITTIRE UNDERTAKER V!o oria St. Olin toll. FOWLER: a SOI' DEii:LERS i4 WA;TCIIES *CLOCKS. , EWELLE:RY, Albert Street; CLINTON •\Vo have not added toaur'st$ck. tie let of VIOI1I14d4iiTAR STRINGS, S P E ,. O tl A C fin' tion, S • • • ,ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK.„. pl[ntnu, Oct. 2,1879.. ' ' MFIE'SUBSCRIBEHBEGS LEAVE TIYSTATE �- to the publio•that ho keeps constantly On hand n largo and auporioroloss of • CO''INS, CASKETS, —t -•AVD• -- Coffin Trimmings and Robes; With a splendid 'HEARSE. T't,lrtt•00rtt8Ns always Oa hand. Partios tan bo supplied in 086 henry at any time, at r'_011N PER CENT LESS Than cast be procured at any other place., A Mail stoop of 1~'It TITITRI • Ails ouhand. nye THOS. STEVENSON Clinton ,tf ay10,1,877. 0 Ts BORN. 1188) 1)101./BAN.—At the Manse, Blyth;, on the 30th March, Mrs, A. A1eLean, of a +laughter, 13.27f1. - In Stanley, on April 4ththe wife of KA!? Legs. Stanley,. -.c.} of fk, 'Whitechurch, on the 31s611laroh, the wife of Mr. W. Coak of a daughter. DIED, MaOAat1, Ex. -•.-In `l'uckerslpitll, on April 4th, Mrs. Robt, McCartney, relict of tho late Robb. McCartney, a native of Ayrshire, Scotland. - D.twsox. —On the 28th March, Charles, second sou of Mr, John Dawson, Einloss, 'mile Register. Farm stock, implements and house -hold fur• nityre, of J. Lashain, near Londesbol'o, on Thursday, April 15, Dickinson and ITamilton, amts. The stale of the United States and Canada Express Company to the Atnerioan Express Company is just announced, 431,111Vie0N $1 1tH.Erti.. April s; 1880, Wheat;red, la' bush;, $1 20 a 1 22 1S -heat, fall, white, . 1 20 a 1 23. Spring, Iledchaff, • 1 15 a 1 10 Fife, - • - 1 20 a 1 23 Oats,0 34 a 0 3$ y Barle - - O' 45. a a-56 Peas, - • 0 62 'a 0 65. Flour, •¢ 00 a 6 50 Potatoes', • • 0 30 a 0 35 • Butter, - 1) 16 a 0 20 Eggs, 010 a 011 Hay, - 7 00,.. a 8 00 ' klidaa, - - 5 50 a 6 00 Sheepskins. - • 1 00 a 1 50 Pork, r . 4 75 a 5 .00 Beef, -. • 4 50 a 5.00 Clover . -2 75• a-- 3 00- Timothy 5 00 a 3 25 August Flower. The immense sale andgreat popularity $ of Green's August Flower in all towns and villages in the civilised world has oausod many imitators to .adopt, similar names, expecting to reap a harvest for themselves at the expense of the afflicted, Thin Medicine was intro. Jaded in 1808. and for'the Ore of Dyspepsia an Liver complaint, with their' effects, such as Sour Stomach, Costiveness, SiokStomaoh, Sick Headache, Indigestion. Palpitation of the Heart, vertigo, oto.. etc, it never has failed to our knowledge. ;three doses will relieve any naso of Dyspepsia. Two million bottles sold last year Price 75 oees, Samples 10 Gents. , • NOT TIIE SLIGHTEST AFFINITY exists between the numbarieas cough mixtures with which tho market is flooded and that •suceeesful preparation—Northrop' & Lyman's Emulsion of cod Liver 011 and Hypophos shires of Lime and Soda. • it stands alone, -distinct, is like itself, and nothing else: It embodies the best results of advanced' pharmaceutical• science. It ac- complishes positive, decisive results, effectnapyzoliov- ing oonghs (when the lunge are not tuberculous or hopelessly affected), colds, laryngitis, and diseases of a scrofulous origin, While it dons not onto •Consump- tion, it is theinoot're"liablo moans of defence against that dreaded scourge. The invigorating properties of the hypophoepbitee reimburse the. system debilitated by• the constant tear and wear of a oough, while the paroxysms rapidly diminish in violence, in consequence of the soothing emollient action of thecod• liver oil upon the inflamed lung mombranc.-The phosphorus; lime and soda, in combination with it, aro air natural components in the construction of the bodily edifice, which, in a 81080 0f decay, lacks a•eu leionoy of those elements. • These Lite hypophnephitoesupply,"inereae. Mg the nutritive propekties of the blood, end building up and rehabilitating tho tottering human strtteture with a degree of promptitude as'astonishing as it is gratifying•to the Invalid. 'A porcoptibie;ga_in in flesh. 'ae' well as in strength -ie one of the consequences of 004.014; standez a preparation, which both time and 'experience have demonstrated:to' be 'fully -worthy -of theton8d3tioe reposetiin it: Praparcd'liy1 OLTRaoe & LraLelr,Toronto, and sold by all druggists, NOT QUITE SO. • "It'ib` ariioni the most Savage and debase 1 tribes onlytliat•the condition and comfort of the horsehaso;bceh neglected:";but es t+ beli'evo there are many in'civilized'countries who aro guilty of the sante neglect, and swcifitiout the excuse of 6110 tanner:: Bore alllnayavail tifen,eOivoa0ft1l use• pi an article which has done more than anything. elso heretofdrekno, n to improve the cinidition• and relieve the suffering 0f the -horse. Those who will not use it will be the losers. their hor6es the sufferers: to.avold both ttso •' Darley'a Con- dition Pou-dere and Arabian #leave Remedy," and 3'ott will be satisfied with the result.' Re- member the name, and see. out the signattlrn Of *Hurd .1 1)o. is on eachpackage. Not throe & I.v, man rpronto, Ont., proprietors for Canada. Sold by all medicine dealers. • • :RorAN's WA1rr•.Rs• (tile great public remedy) have now been in use over twenty Sears, hence n 1t'cauot be said that they aro on trial, They have been thoroughly tried, and pronounced (ort the authority of those :whose lives and, Stealth they have.proserved) to bea•srnro,.barmlessnand• ,eminently salutary preparation, and it taken in _801180n -will . itivertably.ouro: eolds,-cenglis, -sore throat, and all bronchial affections. One fair trial will convince the most skeptical. Sold - m all•edioiue doalers,•at 25• cents per.bos. • •N O' -It l S.K. Tai0a6A6' EOLLCTAItI OIL:: ISORTII TEN TIMES ITs WEIoiT IN GULDIL, D0 You KNOW. A.ivrnlNO . � . _. _.._�....._—...._—_—__._.. ..... Iain a isnot XV NOT, x s'tYs DID. t is the ;TEiE STORE .CRAMMED tit.OM MORNING. UNTIL NIGHT, WITH PUR- clieltpest Medicine ever ivar.e.. One: dose cures. CHASERS SECURING ••THE BARGAINS THAT ARE .• BEING GIS EN.— common Soil33 Tiiltovi ; one bottle has cured EVERY130DY DECL•ARES•THE BARGAINS I AM OFk:'ERING'ASTONISBINQ, Bao,renxTis ; 50 cis, worth Sias ctired• an old. I AlV1. NOT SURPRISED. AT THIS 'OUTBURST OP..WONDER, BECAUSE- Z standing Conan ; one or. two bottles cures, bad a $ AM SET.LIN G Cases Of, Dials 'x11,1 Xi;IxiiY :TROUBI,TlS ; • six -to-. ur• eight applications ce$ any case of IuxCo11IATSD 1\TlrrLi. or-Ixt•r. 111Eri Eitr t'sm. one 'battle )las • . . ,cured lame. back of eight years' standing. D. Plank, of Brookfield, Pa„ Says 1' -" I went 30 miles for abottle of your Oil, ,whicheffected a wonderful pure of a Crooked Limb. by sly. appli- cations," Auotlier :who. has had. Astbina for • . 'years, says f " I have half of a'50 cent bottle . left, and •y""100 would not buy it if I could get no more." Itufus Robinson of Nunda, . N. Y. says : •" ()ne small bottle of your Eclectric •011 restored the voice where the .person had not spoken above a whisper in five years:'•' • Rev. J. Mallory, of W3oming, N. Y., Writes: "Your Eclautric Oil mired- in,' of I3ronchitis in one week." It is composed of SIX 07' THE BLIT' OILS 111A8 Ass • xxowx. •. It is -tis good fm internal as for exto rnal use, and is believed to be iinmeasure- ably superior to anything ever made. " Will' save •you taueh suffering and many dollars .of ox.iohao ' BEl�Anil ol'Ictl•rATIONs. Askfai Di, Themes' Ie, Motile 011.—Seo that the signature lab. N.:1'IIOMIA 8, is en the wrapper, awl the ua190'of'NOnTllnor & LY - MAN .NONE 1n:tho bottle, and arAIfi NO 0 8X1A It. Sold by all lnediobio'deidero. Pride 25 otnts..No'tbrop, & Lyman, Tot -onto, proprietors for the Dominion.. No'2,-1clectrat —:Selected incl Elegtriied.'.. • DAVIS MAMbIaTfi H ALBERT ST 9 BDWARE STORE, EET) CLINTON. CHAMPION AX, .88cif ALTONA'AXE, VICIO 4 AXE,. , " I:1'F,,IIY IIAifE (7F' ASES Ian 1N swops:. CIIAMPION SAWS, LANW 'TTO()TII SAWS, DIAMOND SAWS. NAILS, LOVES, HINGES, SPADES, �SliOvELS,, CATTLE TIES, HALTERSROPE - CHAIN, S'T1tAW RNIS'ES. ' ' -OVERT CLASS OF SHELF HARDWARE. • TABLE"bUTLERT, a full stock, TAJ3LE, DESSERT and TEA, SPOONS. TEA KNIV:ES a.id FORKS, CRUETS,. SKATES..SKATES. SKATES... • PAINTS, - OILS, W TE 1..E,A;� ' O NISHE•S, •GLASS; PUT'l4Y,' BRUSHES, EIL;` r { , • LUBRICATING OILS} 0x41 �E,1 by t; TIT c7ItiN oAO Ate» STOVES, IIEATER,► RATES; R T'GES.--. - •,:, COOK; STOVES,BOX STOVES' PARLOR STOVES, PARLOR COOK STOVES, EUSSIA.-IRON R ATERS t ANGE$, • GRATES, COAL - STOVES; SING -LE .:AND •DDUtiLE--HEMATERS-ALL-INIAhES,. I2L7Oti1VS, BARBED . FENCE; WIRE, !09/ATER-1.11V1E C}IANQELIEAS-.two, three and foul light„'either in Verde or Bronze,' BRACKETS—in Verde or Bronze, C PARLOUR, SALE;' AND TABLE L.A.-NIPS, I'0110EI;AIN 'SNARES, C1jIS1NEY$ • : GLOBE'S, SHADE HOLDEI S. LAMP STOCK 0p�fPLly'TL+ .LOGTVh.. ; HEAD LIGHT' 01L-T3Io$Eg•T NON -ENP • ATLANTIC 01L—WROLEse1LE, B;-0 7C u” . iti:EL," LOWEST YF7EL Manufacturers of :every class of ltoofang, Tinware, Eatletreu his , &c.. ,CLOVER SEED. TIMOT1Irs SEED., CASH paid, for .Hides, Sheepskins, and all kinds of -Pelts,. AT ammoth hardware Store, Albert St., . Clinton, Please call and -see Har..per'•s BAZAR PATTERNS, r . p5 _cents', for_ a : f'u'll suit] Also a ch`o ��` lection of WALL 'P;4PEkto WINDOW ei..INDS,,c. Clinton, April 1, 1850, EL. 'SI-IPSON, Bookseller and Stationer. LOOK LOOK e big gigantic Sale 4'a.. AND' CLOSING ITP. THE BUSINESS . The rage and wonder of the day. TI -IE (GREAT FEMA.LE REMEDY. (Q►At ltx0NE"$ PEE.dt1O1DI11Ai. t'ILL.tI This well known medicine is' no imposition. • but a sure and safe remedy for Female Diffi- culties and Obstructions, from any cause what- ever ; hat -ever; Gild although it powtir£lll remedy, it -0 taillsnothinghurtful to tho constitution, • TO MARRIED LA.D1L+ C It is peculiarly suited. It will,in a,shorttimo bring on the Monthly peri:o a with regularity. In mileases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Poing in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, •A lhttiguo on slight exertion, Palpitation of the heart, Hysterias, Sick Headaches, Whites, andall the painful diseases occasioned by a disorderoilotystem, those Pills will effect sante when allother means have failed. These Pills/lave never been known to fail where't'ho direotions'on the 2nd page of pain, shier, are well ob ierved. • n �1 OI �y� { , .. 'pp rot£••ullparticuiar..s,Act ap)ittaplrlet,fred,of COME' �. LOOK. SEE. DONT YOU FORGET IT' a;;ent. TOBMOS'ky',Nl3'CVl'Olk'ItF,0,l;;l�zIt:r2IETO1I, At onto is the host time to bay, because you get the best variety, The '•goods are - $l.00 nlat.7 d routs fur ;Co ouelosed t0 selling fast, and the news is spreading, app tomo airing at once es the business; will Northrop & )ymcn, Toronto, Ont:, general positivo1 bo closed nit in n short time. ' THE:GREAT SALE IS NOW GOING agontsforthel7ompills will manta a bottle ON' AT T}T'I': GREAT 777 CITE .81' F;TCRE; 01'POSTT+E 11110, MARKET containing oval 50 Trills by return mail. GROTINI),. CLINTON. ON. Hold in Oiiuton by'J. H. Combo and'W. it. Watts t'1 , Hickson and P. LuS TTden. Sea" forth; LHicdd,Carronbroolt; Pt 'ker & Oath + ? an (' - r" and Jordon, Go�lorioht E. 'Cameron, Bat. •L CTCi''olililes.13ontl)voll,Iiadgort'.ille:Sxld'ftlitr.(11i. 4, 'iOK aine,lnal5rri. 1.0 Fliiil. DessSILKS for $1`per: ward 1.25 Black Dress SILKS for • 90c. `per yard $1;35 Coloied•Di'ess SILKS for 90c, per. yard. 7.5c. Stripe and Check SILKS for 50c. per yard..• 50c: Stuff Dress Goods for 25c. per yard. 45c. Stuff Dross Goocls f'or 20c: per. yard.' 75c.' Black CASHMERES for.60c.- per yard. 75c:.Colored_CASII R-ES--1or 59e ;p01' yard. • 25c, Dress Goods'for 1.8c. per yard. 20c, Dress Goods for.121-c. per yard. 10c., Fast -Colored PRINTS, for Sc' per yaid. 121c. Factory and Bleu shed .COTTONS :for.10c, per 20c. LINEN HOLI.AND.S for 15.e. per yard. 1Uc, LINEN :TO?V'ELLING for 5c: per yard,'. .25c. SHIRTING for 1Sc. per yaid, 25c. D'TICKS..and DENIMS for 20c. per...yard. • _. 1 White Dress 'SHIRTS for 75v. each. 1.25. White Dress SHIRTS for"$1. each. $1.75Colaied Dress sinus for $1,25 each. $1.50 Ladies Buttoned. 1', BOOTS for $1 per Zair. $20 sults Worsted tLOTHIs1G for $15 per suit. $18 suits MEN'S. CLOTHING for $14 per suit: ' $1.5 suits MEN'S .CLOTHING for $12 per suite $12:suits MEN'S _CLOTHING for $0.75 pex.saiit, $12.50 OVERCOATS for $9 oda.. $10.50 OVERCOATS for .$7.50'each. LADIES BONNETS; half price. • r, LADIES and CHILDREN'S' HATS, half price, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, S, LACES, TRIMMIIS GS, ORNAMENTS, RIBBONS, at fabulous prices. yd. rpxITTIZc:zemareSNIe rarmanwastveiseue