HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-11-10, Page 6tl� ! ■�it�
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There is nothing tete sunlight Soap for Heulshold Utensils.
When you have to use hard water it is not an easy matter to wash
household utensils. To do good washing you should have good soap
and soft water (rain water). If you use hard water you must have
good soap, and the best soap you can get is Sunlight. Soap because it.
softens the hard water and makes a copious creamy lather. Use Sun-
light Soap for all household purposes and the results will surprise you.
Sunlight Soap washes the clothes white without injuring the hand:,
Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Senator Cox predicts that trains will
be running from Port Simpson east-
ward on the Grand Trunk Pacific in 5
The British market for Canadian but -
iter is weaker but the advance in the
Mice of cheese is well maintained.
For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In-
fantum, Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dys-
sentery and Summer Complaint, Dr.
1'owler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is
n prompt, safe and sure cure that has
been a popular favorite for nearly 60
Mr. Fred Prondfoot, a well known
Winnipeg real estate dealer, died sud-
denly, aged 70 years. He was a resident
of Brace at one time.
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap
Povrderis a boon to any home. It disin-
fects and cleans at the same time. _o
Cotton mills in New England, employ-
ing about 10,000 operatives, which either
were shut down or running on short
tinge for several months, have gone on
full time schedules. e
For Over Sixty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
tfor over sixty yearsbymillionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
Rex -feet success. It soothes the child.
i'wwftens the gums, allays all pain, cures
;wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrheas. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
orld. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
ne is incalculable. Besnre you ask
or Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
e no other kind.
The average hobo will not likely
'«hoose Walkerton jail for his winter
natters, as the bill of fare would not
o his taste. The average cost per
'em of maintaining the inmates of this
h class boarding house is a fraction
er 60. Think of trying to satisfy the
ager of a robust tramp three times a
y for a total of 5c; why it would not
p him stuffed full of baled hay.
DON'T take med-
icine to make
you feel better when
you are not feeling
just right. If it's
your nerves the only
safe and sure rem-
edy is rest. The
proper way to rest
is lying down, but
you can rest your
es while you stand or walk
Dunlop "Comfort"
Rubber Heels
ere is many a still, dull head -
he caused by walking heavily
t leather heels. "Corn -
heels are made of good
rubber. They save a
deal of nerve discomfort.
Co., Lriittran
The Star Creamery, Teeswater, closed
down for the season with the ending of
October after the most successful season's
business since its establishment, there
being a gain of nearly 16,000 lbs. over
the make of last season, though the
season is two weeks shorter.
It's not the weather that's a fault. It's
your system, clogged with poisonous
materials, that makes you fell dull,
drowsy, weak and miserable. Let Bur-
dock Blood Bitters clear away all the
poisons, purify and enrich your blood,
make you feel bright and vigorous.
The Bank of Humllton is contemplat-
ing a change of service for their agencies
at Fordwich and Wroxeter, and after
Tuesday of last week these offices will
be open as follows:—Wroxeter—Mon-
day, Wednesday and Friday; Fordwich
—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25
le sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanantly cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr; A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo,
The exports of apples from North
American ports during the week ending
October 22ud, amounted to 109,204 bar-
rels, or 100,000 barrels less than for the
same week last year. The shipments
from the opening of the season to the
22nd totalled 667,110 barrels, as against
1,214,171 for the same period last year.
There is no form of kidney trouble,
from a backache down to Bright's dis-
eaae, that Doan's Kidney Pills will not
relieve or cure.
If you are troubled with any kind of
kidney complaint, give Doan's Kidney
Pills a trial.
A Michigan paper wound up a com-
pliment to a young sehoolma'm with, a
good word "the reputation for teaching
she bears." The next day the young
schoolma'm met the editor dud chased
him down the street with an umbrella.
and at every jump in the road she
screamed that she had never taught a
she -bear in her life.
Before the summer comes. Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup conquers
Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness,
Bronchitis, and all Diseases cf the Throat
and Lungs.
George S. McConkey, the well known
Toronto restanranten, left an estate
worth slightly over $94,000. Earnest G.
McConkey is the chief beneficiary, his
second son Fred hot being mentioned in
the will. The widow gets property
valued at $6,000, and the daughter Miss
Maud, who was to receive $10,000 gets
just $2,000 by a codicil dated Aug. 4th,
A Liver Pill that is email and sate, that
acts gently, quickly end thoroughly,
that deet# not gripe. Laza-Liver Pills
possess these qualities, and are a sure
cure for Liver Cotplaint, Constipation,
Sick Headache, etc.
Mr. R. E. Little has sold his farm .to
his eouefn, Mr. 3,amee Little, of Isloes
township, Simcoe Co. Tlie new pro
prietor gets possession on April lst,
1906, when Mr. little will move into
TeeaWater Where he has already par,
obaeed to reaidenoe, the property lately
owned by Mr. John Kennedy, on Clips
tan St. north +tit the river.
The death of Mre. Mary Ann Bishop,
mother of Mrs, Louis Diemert of the 4th
con. Carrick, took plaot' ou Friday morn.
ing, Oct, 28th. feoeaaedwas about 90
years old. Five wct'ka ago she took a
pitIalytio stroke, which finally caused
her death. She leaves to mouru her de.
raise 8 sons, 3 daughters, 99 grandchild.
ren and 09 great•grandohildren. Six of
Mr Louis Ditmert's children acted as
pall bearers. e
Vox* a Hall Cold.
If you have a bad cold yon need a good
reliable medicine like Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy to loosen and relieve it,
and to allay the irritation and inflam-
mation of the throat and lungs. The
soothing and healing properties of this
remedy and the quiet cures which it ef-
fects make it a favorite everywhere.
For sale by A. I. McCall & Co.
A great merchansage that "many
smaller merchants in the cities doubt
the value of advertising in their own
case. These men fall to take into con-
sideratiou the foot that in most in-
stances the department store began as a
neighborhood store and increased its
business by judicious advertising. Ad-
ve rtising is just as profitable for the
small business as for the large one.
Newspaper publicity comes first."
Better Than a Plaster.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Balni ani bound to
the affected parts is superior to any plae
ter. When troubled with lame bank, or
pains in the side or chest, give it a trial
and you are certain to be more than
pleased with the prompt relief which it
affords. For sale by A. I. McCall & Co.
The dairy cow is bred and raised for
one special purpose—butter and milk.
She quickly responds to proper treat-
ment, and if she is provided with plenty
of clean food, pare water and salt she
will prove the most profitable animal ou
the farm. Bat if she is turned out to
shift for herself, and to seek shelter in
the fence corners, she will not respond
with good product, but will treat her
owner as cruelly as he does her.
Wherever there are sickly people with
weak hearts and deranged nerves, Mil -
burn's Heart and Nerve Pills will be
found an effectual medicine. They re-
store enfeebled, enervated, exhausted,
devitalized or over-worked men and wo-
men to vigorous health.
A gang of burglars visited Formosa on
Tuesday night, Nov. lit. They broke
Into Tony Schurr'shotel by lowering the
barroom window, and carried the cash
register outside, pried it open and ex-
tracted about $15. The burglars also
broke into the brewery, but secured
nothing of any valve there. They were
unsuccessful in the attempts to enter
Graf's hotel. The burglary is supposed
to have been done by amateurs.
A. Timely Suggestion.
This is the season of the year when the
prudent and careful housewife replenish-
es her supply of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It is certain to be needed be-
fore the winter is over, and results are
much more prompt and satisfactory
when it is kept at hand and given as
soon as the cold is contracted and be-
fore it hes settled in the system. In al-
most every instance a severe cold may
be warded off by taking this remedy
freely as soon as the first indication of
the cold appears. There is no danger in
giving it to children for it contains no
harmful substance. It is pleasant to
take—both adults and children like it.
Buy it and you will get the best. It al-
ways cures. For sale by A. I. McCall &
A dastardly robbery was committed
at Kincardine on Saturday night of last
week. A farmer living in Kincardine
Township was going to take out his
horses from the Morgan House stable
when he was grabbed from behind and
leis pocketbook:abstracted, the thief dis-
appearing in the darkness at the rear of
the yard. The farmer reported his loss
at once but the robber has not been dis.
At a recent meeting of the Rathdrurn
District Council, a report was made by
the dispensary doctor to the effect that
iu one house in the district he knew of
a room in which eleven persons were
living, and with them were four dogs,
one squirrel, two ferrets, six birds and
a cat. In Dublin tenement houses there
is plenty of such overcrowding. A per-
son will take a room, and will underlet
it to perhaps three or four others—one
family occupying each of the four cor-
ners of the room.
& Minister of the Gospel Recommends
"Net several years I have been In Very poor
health. Last Fall Iwas advised byBev. J.S.Allen,
of Murray Harbor, P.E.I., is try 'Oxygenator.,
Before trying it I had no faith in it, buSlaet Oeto.
her 1 began its use sad can truly say that before
using one u w nd n I
I 0 ort 1 improved g ! y pored in my
f.n.ral health. since then I bars used several
ins, ase result hare never spent such a healthy
later or Spring as I did this year. 'Oxy
for Throat Trouble, Catarrh, trii ''ng the
and ter Iaildin up the System, i believe le not to -day Kby any ether remedy.
Several of my congregation hale sis. ailed 1t
with blessed results. I take great interest in
' Oxygenator; having given fag* of it away, And
snit say it!. A. WOMniRtgt I;Eilny.
In regard to :by eyes, ' Oxygenator' has eon.
them trite good than the ()tidbits or the tresttssat
1 roesived in the Ho.pltal.
For Baruch., I think It peerless. ?or pates !n
the chest, lungs or side, indeed anywhere. it
works Wonders.*
BEV. A. D. MotIOD,
Motet stewart, P.Z.1
ser ••t•
t2 Harbord $t. Taranto
suiion, discontented,
Morose, Low Spirited
Brace up --Vitalize Nerves
and Blood with
The Effect is. Instant ---Makes
You Snap and Dance
with Vitality,
Your appetite is Roue..
What little you eat brings no satisfao.
You're getting blue and melancholy—
you can't zest or sleep,
Nervous prostration is staring you in
the face,
Your unstrung nerves can only he
nourished back to health by a nerve
touio like Ferrozone. It cures weak-
ness of the inner nerves, gives vitality
and strength to the blood aad nervous
system, makes all the organs work in
The following experience of Mrs. D.
P. Courtland, of Myrtle, proves the
prompt action of Ferrozone.
"I bad no reserve strength.
"My appetite was poor and my sys-
tem was out of order..
"I felt weak and dispirited, was tired
out the whole day long.
"Ferrozone accomplished wonders,
"It gave vie a strong nervous system,
a good appetite, and abundance of
Ferrozone contains oopcentrated
nourishment you can'ts get in any other
way. No other medicine benefits so
quickly. 60c per box or six boxes for
$2.60, at all dejlers in medicine, or Pol-
son & Co., Hartford, Conn., U.S.A,, and
Kingston, Qat,
Many friends and old schoolmates in
Seaforth will regret to learn of the death
of Mr. Con. Logan, son of Mrs. Wm.
Logan, of Carberry, Man„ which sad
event occurred on October 24th, in New
Mexico, where he had gone in the inter-
ests of his health.
Mr. Archie Todd of Walkerton, has
received a letter from his nephew, T. R.
Todd of Manitoba, which states that he
has thrashed all his grain and it totaled
up as follows: wheat 16,600, oats 6,000
bushels. With wheat at a dollar a
bushel there is some money in a year's
business of that size.
5100 BEWARD,8.100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there rs at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that
is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a consti-
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the founda-
tion of the disease, and giving the pa-
tient strength by building np the coneti-
tution and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they of-
fer One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure. Send for list of
testimonials. .
Address F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists. 76c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
Wm. Boyd of Stratford, G.T.R. brake-
man, was hit on the breast with a piece
of tie and knocked several feet, falling
on a rail in the ditch, while assisting iu
r4lacing a derailed engine on the track
at Listowel. He was taken to the hotel
there where his wounds were dressed,
andwas afterwards removed to h's
home at Stratford. This is the second
time this year Mr. Boyd has met with all
accident. In the spring he was crushed
between two cars and was laid off for
several weeks.
A quiet but pretty November wedding
was solemnized on Wednesday, Nov.
2nd, at 4 o'clock, by the Rev. Dr.
Stewart, at the bride's home, Victoria
steet, Clinton, in the presence of a num-
ber of friends and relatives. The bride
was Mies Maud A. Keane, and the groom
was Mr. George Dobson, a prosperous
young Westerner, of Vancouver, B. C.
The bride who was dressed in a travel-
ling suit of blue broadcloth, with a white
silk bions, was attended by her sister,
Miss Lucie, who looked pretty in a gown
of brown etamine, with silk waist to
match. The groom was supported by his
cousin, Dr. Walter S. Turnbull, of
Mrs. Charles Mott of Meaford was
successful in her suit against the Grand
Trunk Railway, the jury bringing in a
verdict in her favor for $1200 and costs'
Mr. Mott, while crossing the track at
the elevator at Meaford last October,
was crushed between two sections of
ears, resulting in his death the following
day. By the evidence it was shown
that the locomotive was in charge of
the fireman, and that no signal was
given at the railway crossing, this being
contrary to law, which requires the bell
to be rung or the whistle blown 60 feet
before reaching a crossing and until the
engine had passed ,it. The jury found
that negligence had been shown regard-
ing the law in these points.
Trestworthy lady or genteel—Asa to manage
business in this countend adjoining territory
for well end favorablyy known house of solid
financial etsnding. $2000 straight eMth Wary
and Exprnsees, paid each Monday+ by check
dirtetlrcrt headquarters. Expenitee money
advanced. Position permanent. Addreefite
Manager, 810 Oomo Biock, Chicago linnets
Many a mac advanced in years nok
passing restless nights, perhaps on an
easy bed in :a.uloely furnishecikooni, gore
back iu memory to the days when tie a
youth he slept in a garret close to the
shingles where light and snnsbiue creat
theough in eunlnter and the scow during
winter. There, in an ntniosphere highly
scented by si rings of drying apples and
pumpkins and ears of seed corn, hanging
from the rafters, and with the patter of
the rain often as his lullaby, he slept the
sleep of sweet peace, refreshment and
health. He would give all he possesses
now for the return of those good old
days, notwithstundiug they were full of
Joseph Chamberlain's list of jokes
includes this one on himself ; On one
occasion be was invited to make a
speech, It was to be a great celebration.
The Mayor, who was to preside at the
meeting, had arranged a flue dinner for
the guest of honor. A distinguished
assembly surronuded the table and at
the right of the host sat Mr, Chamber-
lain. For a couple of hours the company
chatted over their food, and finally the
coffee was served. It wile at this junc-
ture that the Mayor leaned over and
whispered to Mr, Chaniberlaiu : " Your
Excellency, shall we let the crowd eujoy
itself a while longer, or had we better
have your speech ?" '
On Wednesday, Nov, 2nd there passed
away to its eternal rest the spirit of
Mrs. Clendenning, at the age of 108
years or thereabouts. This remarkably
loog-1.iygtl lady had Idle adtniratiT a and
respect of all who made her ai:quaiuta'lce
during the four years she had been a
resident with her step -daughter, Mrs.
Wm. Cantelou, Albert street at Cliuton.
Her former home wassat Walton, where
she resided for a number of years. Her
husband predeceased her some 17 years
ago. She possessed wonderful vitality,
as is evidenced by her age, and though
feeble from old age, she could do a great
deal for herself to within a- few days
of her death, and her mind was quite
active for one so old. She had been ,ick
but four days, not with any particular
disease, but a waning of forces that
kept life within her body,
A very pretty house wedding took
place on Wednesday afternoon.
Nov. 2nd, at the residence of Mr. Wil
liam Moir, Hensall, when his youngest
daughter, Louisa, was united in rear•
ringe with A. Sellery, D.D.S , one of
Hensall's most popular young towns-
men, The ceremony, which was per-
formed by Rev. E. F. McL Smith, B.A.,
took place in the capacious drawing -
room, whioa was handsomely decorated
with palms. There were three genera-
tions of the groom's family present,
the eldest being his grandfather from
Kincardine, aged 87 years, who gave a
recitation with considerable vim and ef.
feet. The groom's parents and sister,
Mr. and -Mrs. Sellery and Miss Olive
Sellery and Mies Hunter of Kincardine
were present.
/( 1
Do You Realize That a
Neglected Cough May
Result in Consumption.
If you have a Cold, Cough,
Hoarseness, Bronchitis, or any
affection of the Throat and Lungs,
what you want is a harmless and
certain remedy that will cure you
at once.
There is nothing so healing,
soothing, and invigorating to the
lungs as the balsamic properties of
the pine tree.
Contains the potent healing virtues
of the pine, with other absorbent,
expectorant and soothing medi-'
cines of recognized worth.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup
checks the irritating cough, soothes
and heals the inflamed Lungs
and Bronchial Tubes, loosens the
phlegm, and gives a prompt sense,
of relief from that choked -up,
stuffed feeling.
Price 25 cents per bottle.
Be sure and ask for Dr. Wood's.
Ont., and surronuding territory,
to represent.
"Canada's Greatest Nurseries."
Newest varieties and specialties ,
in Hardy Fruits, Stnail Fruits, -
Shrubs, Ornamentals and Roses.
A permanent situation, and territor;
reserved for the right Man. Pay weekly.
Handsome outfit free. Write for parties
Wats, and send 25 dents for our Pocket
Microscope, just the thing to use in ex,
staining trees and plants for insects.
• roil/mitt Ni1It41tsltigd
aver 800 Acral
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules, Theyare easy to take. They
are made of a combination of medicines approved.
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people --but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard farm tr remedy, They are a dependable, hon-
est r.:mndy with a longand successful record, to
r -rt; 'n:ugest!Fin, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
„o• .,t,lpation, t .fensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
• ation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
it-' latism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
• ..'ts, They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
'N-1wn systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
.ld sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
.;on .t nt benefit from a regular use of Ripans
'a'.ibules. Your drl'ggist sells them. The five -
packet is en ' .gh for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottlt 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year,
l,t:,,, • Oris,. o
THE OLD FOGY .:fir Or#141
FAMILY Doctors are all right as general practitioners,
but they are not specialists. The sexual organs cont -
prise the most intricate and important system iu the
human body and require the most skillful treatment.
You might as well expect a blacksmith to sepal,. your
watch, as a family physician to cure Sexual complauits.
We liare made a specialty of these diseases for over 3U
years, have invested tens of thousands of dollars and have
every facility known to medical science to cure them.
Every C%tss I. taken with a positive guarantee of
No care—No Pay.
BLOOD POI8Ol4—Whether inherited of acquired,
is positively cured forever. The virus is eliminated from
the system so no danger of return. Hundreds of cases
cured by us 25 years ago and no return; best evidence of a
$D1RQOIIa DEBILITY —and other complications
such as emissions, drains iu the urine, varicocele, sexual
weakness, etc., are cured by our New Method Treat-.
anent under a positive guarantee -140 CURE --NO PAY.
Consultation Free. Booke Free. Write for question blan.r for
private Home Treatment. Everything confidential.
K ac.K. K & K 'K 13rK K. tic. K &' K K' &=K
NERVogJs DEE3li.l'CY
WARNING SIGNALS—Nervousness, bashfulness, poor mem-
ory, piinples on the'face, aching back, cold feet and hands, no
ambition or energy, tired mornings, poor appetite, sympathetic
dreams at night, fits of depression, morose and sullen temper,
restless and suspicious, specks before the eyes, desire for soli-
tude, inability to fix the attention, etc., YOU HAVE NERVOUS
DEBILITY. Don't neglect it. It is oply a step to paralysis or
complete loss of manhood. No matter the cause—whether indis-
creetness in youth, excesses in manhood or business worries, --
Founder of
Dr. Spinney & Co.
We Cure Varicocele, Strictures, Blood and Skin Diseases, Proatatio Troub.
les, Urinary, Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
Coneultatton Free. Question List Sent Free For Hopie Treatment.
•••••••••••••A•i 111•••••••••
The Times
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Our Job ]Department is up-to-date in
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is the best local paper in the C ,cunt
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pets -
year in advance—sent to an `'o
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brings good results
An Advertisement 11p the Times
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