The Clinton New Era, 1880-03-25, Page 9OLINTO.N NEW MIA es 4eS»1flg oatIonT1iiOrer,UCOtO business allventages;ete., will be supplied with the same on enclosing stamps for C- p1Y addresaing MOW ERA ORRicR, craNTON, °Num. gown gopit$, • Mn. Wm. Bniounas, of Hallett, bats rented ii portlen elf the property owned by Mr,Jolin Copeland, just across the elver. Loa• SOLD. -Mr. Jas. Miller Ai, we un, derstandesold an acre lot on Mary Street, to Mr. F. Rumba% for the sum of $200: The lot originally cost considerably more than .2 It was stated at the Council nteetiug on Monday tbat &gentleman Of Wingham had made application for room in the new market building', for the purpose of carryiug on the flour and feed. business. Wp are pleased to learn that Meese& S Plitee,. tip meeting with good' oneness in the the sale Of tliblitorle: shire Baking Pewder, and expect toenter extensive.ly into its manufacture. • A good many hereabotitf hate a touch, of the Dakota fever, Manitoba fever, Kansas, feyeeealichigon; etc. After spending althort time "over tlapre," some of them would lake-. ly have the gaenback-to-Cenadadnyon-cau- lever." , • Reinwnv agents, state that they never had as many inquirteraelo-ratesineeoninieda- 'Bon, etc., to the west as at the:present time, and say that if all those go who are making these inquiries, an enormous number of peo- ple will ft) mit of the country. • A Main Itlaitt--011 Monday morning Mr. J. McDonagh, of Smith's Ililtpassed thrieugh town ou his way to Exeter, with his re. newned breeding mare, which he has sold to go to Ohio, at a price in the hundreds. The animal attracted generaiotice. by its enormous elee: • ' - ' ' " Wirer a (noon eaten sey -An old Huron- ite, MreDuncan McKellar, writing from the ittle Saskatcliewan, says Hi' We cannot do without the NEW Enna we yalue it as an old friend." As -this -flattery was accom- panied by. the "eer needful" we can appre- olate it all the more: • °Tnn other day, while Master Ed. SWarts 'was riding a horse through town, It sudden- ly shied and threw him, he falling directly Ander it. Those who saw itexpected to see bi'm eeriously hurt, but the horse jest hap- pened to step on the tali of his • coat, and tore it °ilk which was all the injury sus: tained ' SEDIOUs AiSAtia.--One day last week a: workmanat the foundry. named Simmons, _got provoked at a fellow -workman named parks, and etruck him over the shouicier with a spade injuring him so Much as to -temporarily disable lam. TIie matter Was taken before Mr, McGarva, J. P., who flned • etst.ffs6ender,. .e1.:11;ne; 7o:tinting; to it : „. 'SAFE Anniv.m.--Information was receiv- ed lit re ou Saturday, stating that the Dako- ta party arrived safely in -Fargo ' early on Vriney afteenook., The trairi,conteping the .1'4.6:Mi4lna party •ran aff the track-ein"•Minee-' aota, hut euatineed no demage; was detained - a shot t time by a snow'storat, and arrived at Winnipeg on Sunday.- • ' A RARE Ontersint weekMr. Jarvis, of lb, nieevii le, captured ananneal that is becoming exceedingly rare he this part of tile country. He had noticed the tracks of im oiler set e. trap fof it, h6eine reward- ed by It's capture, ‘vhich ineasuredfour feet six inches from mise to ti p of tai I. The skin swaS purchased by Messrs. Devlin& Pay, nf this town, for $7. • • • .• • SOMETHING theusuisn. -Last :'week a per.; Eon in town had slaughtered beeve, and :Was engaged in dressing it; the aced being entirely severed from the body, when' Signs of life were manifested by the carcase,n .seve 'minutes after the head had been, hung 'sip. Thi e is &Idlest as tenacious a lease of lied as that of. the proverbial cat. • • • . . • C.e'r?'Lle.-7-Mr. W. lag -Lean, of Goderien, shipped ovet • one bundeed head Of 'cattle from' this niece on Saturday, part 'of whigh avere taken to-Buffdlo. . It is •a gooci thing •for Canadians that the A.metican market ia -again-op-en to them in this respect, for.it wiJJ revive'a trade -that ..5Vii'apnce large and pro- fitable, but had for some time been • stopped by foOlislingoveenmental inteeference. • • , M. JAS. FAIR Sigel On TUMMY a span of edits, from Sir Arcby, aged 3 end 4.Yeere, to Mr. W. ahnith, a Mount Gilead, Ohio, at a good Tun other day a young boy, soy of Mr. W. Iliggens,while ridltng a horse, was thrown off, a.nd falling on the hard ground, sustain- ed a severe cut on the head.. No'rwausteasionio the arrival Of spring irds, the Weatheehas been anything but springalke for the past few dap, the exceed. ingly sbarp frosts prevailing. Ms town assessors istate that there luta been ooneiderable depredation in values, as compared with previousyears, personal property also showing a marked deciease, Tun paragraph in our last, stating that Mr. Robb had bought'out Mr. S. Shepard, was only pertly ceerect, fte Mr. W. Moore takes part of the stock and is to occupy the stand. atiLLETT. SsleaseN Dea.T.se-Mr, E. Tighe, of the 9th eon. of this township, died, somewhat unex- peutedly, on Sunday last, haviug.oniy been ill for a few weeks. He was long a resident of the neighborhood, ana very generally respected, 13.10,1N1VIILLEIt. greet number ot children of the village are afflicted with indentation of the lunge, and almost daily some of the physician' from Goderich may be seen in their attendance on patients. No vase has so far proved fatal. A conong of men got into a fight on Tues- day evening, by which one was somewhat disfigured. I3oth are well advanced in years, and should know better than to en- gage in such an encounter. Gramm -The annual meeting of the Clinton Cricket Club will take place on Monday evening next, at McLaren's Hotel, to receive report of the Skating Rink Com- mittee and elect officers for the ensuing year. A full attendance of members is requested. Goon Psanev.-To-morrow being Good Friday. it will be observed as a haliOay in town, and people will be at liberty to clean np their back yards, go out shooting, loaf, Or do any mortal thing to kill the time, -The Post-Offien_will lie•OPen.4041. 10 to 1 a. in. and 4 to 5 p, m. Anatosx lotortnrimitenn-A person, in town • informs -us that when in Gocierich the other day he hunted around the Square for half - an -hour for some one "to take a social glass" and when he found a person thus disposed -thowellknown Aleck -this party -was ex- ceedingly indignant at the bartender giving him a full glass. It seems incredible. EAsTEs1.1VIaAT.--The butchers of this place 'intend Making 'their ettistoniatne Wapner of easter iheat, and for that purpose have se- cured some splendid animals. ;We would advise our readers to make a personal In- spection of the several displays, being confl- denethat they will be well repaid for their trouble, • • Goon HoRens.-On. Monday Messrs. Shauavan & Stanton •shipped a number af good horses to Grand•Rapids, via G. W. R. Amongthern-was--aetertme purchased from. Mr. Brentelfoot,,Tueleersmith, at $380, which 'weighed 8,350 lbs, a small 'team, purchased from D. Shanahan, Hullett, for $240, weigh- ed 2,560 lbs. and a three yeir old from D. Reynolds, Hullett, at $135. LOCAL PERSONAL POINTS. • Mr. 'W. Brunsdon, sr., who moire(' out in- to Hallett a short time ago, has again taken up his residence in town. • Rev. P. Stealth, of this place, was a few clays since inducted ineo the charge of Hols- tein and Fairbairn'Bruce . County. His stipend Is to be $700. ,: • • On•Manday Mr. Wet' 'Charlesworth and • 'V 'CLINTON DRIVING Pettit -At the annual .3meeti ni of this Assoeiationthe officers elect- ed were as. follows :-Mr. \V. W. Parrannot desiring re-election his 'Asa as President was taken by Mr. Thos. Jackion, D. B Kennedy,' vice -Pres.; Larectors-P.McLaten -RatteebirY, Sas. • Miller, D. Dickinson, Jrte: Mason, S. Fite, and J. Copp;•See,Treas, N. Robson. . The finances of the Conipany are in a very satisfactory condition.-eALgood- day's rates are expected on the -24th of May. OYSTER Soornn.-On •Moridey evening JLr.Joa, Allinson entertained a ember of Ids admiring friends to an oyster supper' at Mr. Pike's hotel. There Was quiteannuinber present. ' The chair was taken by Mr. W. IL limisford, and the yice-chair Mr„ Thos. • Foevler, After more than ample justice had been done toThe good things such as friend Sam. always provides, the Impel toaais were drank and reeponded to, that of "the fair ow ones" by, Will Moore and T. Flerowho kept the assembly spell 1)0111111 hy their us - nal flow of ' elogyence. Some of Atte songs were a rare =atm' treat, Mr. Allialecnns and Mr. A. Kennedy's being eepedially wor- thy of mention. At an early aoue tne corn- pary dispersed, having thoroeghly enjoyed theniselvesse-Com. . Tnnares.-The present winter has we be- lieve, vviteessed a larger number of'Itramps soliciting assistance than ever before, some of them apparently deserving assistance, 'while others have ,been the reverse. Re- • cently a youtignmia called at a house in town solid asked for something to et, and on re- ceiving some breed and butter, manifested unusual gratitude' therefor and Melt with relish. On another occasion a Man asked for wine refreshements, and was informed that they had nothing but bread and butter 'to give him, whieh was 'proffered; but he in- dignantly refused its acceptance, stating that he wanted something better than ,that. Mc did not get it at that b011ed. One evet- ing this week We Witnessed the independence ono tramp; we happeeed to be itt farm bode when a tramp made hie appearance, requesting a tights lodging, Which the in- mates declined to give, but offered him a Mnall piece of silver to aid him in getting a bed at all hotel but it short distance away, butite toldthem to keep tlielr tmeney. laev.Mr. Henderson, from South Caro- lina, preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday last, the text being Hebrews 8, 1. The .entertainment held in the aletbodist eburch, on Tuesday night last, went off with great !success. GIODERICII TOWNSIIIP. FALL VVnaler.-tiears are entertained that the fall wheat, lifthis township, will be much Injured by the weather. • • ItemuuNnia.-Ilessrs, W, Herbison, jr, , W. Anderson and Elliott, all of Goderiels town- ship, returned from, Michigan lumber woods on Monday. • Hewn PURCHISED.-Mr. Robt. Beacom, of the Bayfield concession' • hare purchased a eplendid stallion, " The Pride of Canada," from Mr, W. Horton, of the township a bort. Tbe horse is a dark bay, 5 years •old, weighs 1810 lbe. and was got by Old. Enter. rise. • Mr Beacom intenda to travel it through dertela and Stanley feiweabins this season. COLBORN)33.• 00ARBOP-ONVEN014. • ,T1141 sa',41;fii RUSINESS. TII the Edttor if the Clinton Nin'Erai DEAR Stn, -I came across the foliating paragraph in the Globe the other day :- The Inenei states that there la &movement on Notes klontrect to term strong syndicate for the purpose of purcbasingthe various salt propertiean s in d around Goderieht and to consolidate the whole into a powerful orsanizatton that alrall economically and proatibly werh the inexhaustible eeposits of the purestsalt the world, which new awaits the capital anl. akIll of sOine persons n order to return for an time to come an assured and Are pereentage on ontlay, Before there ill any more money sunk in mob a profttless acheme would raise a warnieg voice. Let me eelthe Signal if "the capital and,iikill of some ',croons" is all that is reguir- ed'4zeto to assure "for all tiroe to come a large per ontage on outlay,''how is it the Salt Works in erci ulerich are n their present eon- ' dition ? I know of no more lamentable sight in the Dominion of Canada, of its kind, than Goderich presents to -day. Thousands upon thousancla of dollars lymg not only idle, but wasting sway under the sure hands of time and weather. Salt pans all rusted, brick work fallen in, and block buildings, gone to utter ruin, le a poor picture of the reality. If skill andecapitel are the two essentials to prosperity, was term no capital put into Salt Works in Goderioh, or was there no ekill? Surely no Goderich man will deny the existence of the latter essential, and the ruins of the bloclos to. daye peeve the existence at one time of the forraer. There is no saying what people will ern pet tnoney into, but woo be to the I some persons" whom money finds its way into Goclerieh Salt Works. It will, indeed, prove to be -the place from whence no dividend returna! • , , , Again, if there is. money in it, what capital would be required to buy up the whole thing? I should be sorry to offer 25 cents on the original dollar far all the Salt property in Goderieh, knowing how readily the offer would be snapped at. Surely there is enough money in Goderioh itself to form " strong eyndicate and consolidate the whole into it powerful organization," or, at least, in the County pf Huron. Why go to Montreal for "A.burrit band dreade the gin," and " diitince lends enchantment to the vievr," are the two reasons I would suggest' for:the Signal's other - 'wise, to me, inexplicable proceeding. 'Another question I would ask the Signe If Salt Works in Goderith did not pay the past six or sieven years, ,with the tariff as it was, how will Salt pay now? Oar home market. we always had; has that blessed (?) N, P, open- huy, new market ? Has "rather closed up any remote chance we might haVe, had to ally new market, and 'whatever salt goat to manufacture before the N. 13, existed, what does it cost now I If the Signal only would take $1000 worth of stock in this new, powerful organization, and examine the ac- counts ht the end of the 5ret six months, there would be the most powerfully organized howl of woe ever heard, even iu Goderieb. In closing, I would suggest to any "some persons" in Montreal, that before they put any money into this ocheme, let them go round Goderich and see what amount they could get pubscribed; bona fide, by people who have the detains of salt .bitsiness at their fingers' ends! The result would be surprising. Verb. Sap. The whole iffouble is this, -we have a very limited market; we -have emir - mous producing capacity; we can make in Canada to -day five barrels Si least lot every one that is wanted; et ergo, .the avorks•that nroduee fuur barrels out of the five, must stop. Those works,' according to the Signal, that possess " capital and shill, assure a large re. turn on the . outlay.'" I might add, Seaforth. LARm GE Lee.-Lasf week a ewe belonging to Mr. Geo. Bean, of Poleborne, gave birth to a Iamb which weighed. 18 pounds, 5oz. This is 'considered unusally large. Dreo..s-It becomes it painful duty to record the death of Mrs. Wm. Crews, one of the oldest I asides:4s of this township, hiving emi•• grated to this place from •Devonshire, in 1843, at the age of 24 yeatis. Heinfiiiineac which took place 011 1110 24th inst., was largely itteeded, and a very affective and appropriate serroon was preached to those present by the Key, J. Brand, of the B. C. Church. • The de- ceased was highly respected by a large stunt. ber of friends, and it procession of 60 vehieles followed her remaine to the cemetery. The bereaved family has the sympathy of the neighborhood. • Whitechllireh: - gn Sunday next the rreebyterian pulpit here will be declared vacant. • Lumber businees is brisk; there are More orders in than logs. at die mills. Revival services are being conducted by the Rev, R. C. Hendee§ ixt the C.M. Church here. Quite a number of our neighbors are off to' the north west; wo hope they will End the • silver slippers. ICE. -Over 100 oar leads have been taken off "Lake 'Purvis," a little north elf this place, and shipped to 'various places•on the GsW.R. Mr. James Gaunt has purchased the north half of lot No. 21-22, lst con, of Kinloss, con - wife, of Clinton, left for Grand Forks, Da .sisting oE 100 ares, bettyily tiinbered, and kota, A couple of others who had Made nr- within short distance of his saw mill. Jaime rangemedts to go along, backed out the has an eye to biz. His customers are.bound last moment. ' • - to haYe satisfaction: . ' Mr, W: H. Hine received a teleateam, on • ---'nea • • Monday, doetaining the sacleantelligenee, of BAYFIELp. the death of his son-in-law at Chicago. . . The fishettnen are making extensive lire- ' 'Ita-GrAT:WatenfiTtithinelfnre•tiel.: nepine.e,•• ',petetiesie-sfhesehessrseirszfighiegibutenorfishirig• , wotkeare runiimgateday; Godermh worksare iS 1110W- in •the northwest,: seveeal hundred done yet • ' , . • • ,e net 1"" Thanking you ' for the inete affeaded , miles from Winnipeg. ••• •A family; left the'•other day for Manitoba, me, n km, dear sir, year obedient servant Mr. JOS Miller leaves here te-rnorrow on and, as 'este), sermitted the business men to ••• • • .* 11ASUFACTIfilEft. Now is the time to RDER YOUR SPRING SUIT ! From one of the tneKt stocks in the west. la2? Nothing 'has ever been • shown to beat our SCOTCH tWEEliS at $15, $18 and $20 per suit.hesegoods have been imported direct • from Scotland, and are Very nobby goods. HALIFAX TWEED SUITS at all prices. . • BLUE and BLACK SERGE SUITS at all prices. WORSTED SUIT'S at all pribes. CANADIAN TVirEiD SUITS at all prices. his:return to Keeps. • . . . • mourn theirdeparture • •` raw MECIIANI6S" INSTITUTE. Aar. Jonn aloaney, Wile has beeinspereling ' A teeaneetingSvite held in the CM .Churelt „, , '-- • , _ s. , the winter in the States, has returned to on the eveniog of the 18th inet Goon roads . To the Editdr ofthe dliiaton Nene° Erii. • and a • meon light night drew an appreciative • ,SM , -The following is' au analysis of the The town constable, Mr. W. J. PaisleYala. .audienee that wese, ad. dressedr R bevs. isiva: memlaerehip of the Clinton Mechanics' lnsti, laid up with the measles. „ . inJ gstons pastor ; amison, Denby, and Smith. tute, taken from the list of subscribers for Mr' Smith's add, vas on .` courtsey" waespar. 1880 .--ladies, 17 ; retired gentlemen, 4; doe - Miss M. White left here on Tuesday on a • ', • tmu.,tr1). pointed ; he characterized the Eng- sees: ,dentists and druggists; 5 ; lawyers and Visit to Philadelphia.• 0•. - f;-htuan as Wing es:civil Lied boorish. Miss conveyancers, 4; teachers, 5; clergyrnen, 8; Mr..A. IL.Drumm, of the .Canadn,, 1 resby-.. • M. .ItutItiedue :p1 esiderl at the organ. .The terian,Tdronto,1§ oh a visit to his iriencls t‘ Tf rupest,d' it duet by Misaoe .1', rausol1 and here. - • - Cullen, and a sOlo. by Mr,g Nti,orgii were well - -• --...ea-,-.- 1 • I rendered. . Mr . Thos. J. slily. of •N' Area, • Emig .. . . Town Council.: . I several gospel hy trips, but " 0,er 1 he hills to . • • , . . I the .Poor 'House" we W4h We •g) eate.t ap-. . , . ' A special meeting' of .the town council was plauee. ••• beld en Monday evening, all the regalia:1-4 • ; present. The Mayor stated that the object a , 111014 the liteetIng was' for the purpose.of loo.st-ins • . . the market building, and hoped any it m PerisolvAt.—Mr. J. li. nolmee is again at taken would be final, The mothers had evis lionie, having apent a element time on the dently come with their minds made up, as the other, •• • ' ' folio -Wing medians,fixing the site, went along As IT Snoutis TE -The Otand '• trunk of. without discussion. . • ficials heve appointed Me; A.Duff, storekeeper, MoVed'hy. Conn,. Muir, see. by Coma. Cor- to be Ticket Agent here. We congratulate bett, that the motion of Court. .Stevenson, lo- hiM oit apponitinerit - • ' . . • eating the town hall. which was reconsidere.d,. Connecr. -Owing to the perieverande Oahe at the laSt Meeting,' be rescinded. -Carried. •energead storekeeper Mr. A. Duff, .of this Z•Toved. by 'Cones Turnbull, see. by COun. place, e s a ion o suitably urni ed -the t t' • bf Doan, tnat the town hall and market building, internally, end platforin. trebled in length:, be placed facing Albert St , aid with the side ' • • • parallel to Rattenbury Street,"it a distance of front • 60 to • 75, feet from Albert Street, and with the centre • of the front about 12* feet north of a line drawn from the centre of the front Of Albert Streets Yea-Cantelon, Turnbull, Doan and Corbett -5. Nay -Men- zies, Walker, Stevenson, Worthington, Glee- , gow, Moore and Twitchell -8. . • . Moved by Coun„Northingten, sec. by COUD. Glasgow, filet the town hall and market building be located in the centre of the front, eineaccordance-withthe-plananireadyeadoptedi- with the addition of the bevel to make it parals lel. to Albert Street, it about four feet from the street, it being understood that the build- ing front on Albert Street. Yere-,-Menziell,- Wider; Stevenson,Worthington, Gibbings, Glasgow, Muir, '' ' Dean, Corbett and Twitohell÷11. Nay -Forrester, Caritelon.and .Turnbull. . On motion the Council then went into Coen. inittee of the Whele, Coun. Corbett in the chair, to discuss improvements in the plan of the- building. In the diecusaion nearly as much was said. about the location of the blind- ing as the internal arrangement, and the Cara- =dee rose and reported progress, ' • 1VIoved by Conn, Carbett, see. by Coun. „merchants, 10 ;grain dealers, 2; hotel keep - mils, 3 ;farmer, 4; manufacturers, 6 ;railway officials and telegraphists, 5; booksellers, 2 ; total. 70. Nutaberof names onsthn list 143, of which 73 are mechanics or working men. Now sir; my reason for making the statement :is this; there are a few persons in this town who make a practice of railing against the In - Istituto whenever an opportunity offers; their favorite My being "Oh, it's not it Mechanics' Instituto at all, it's only kept up for the beim- fit of teachers, clergymen, doctors, &e." . I venture to say that it will be seen by any person'eapable of judging, on at examination of the list, that the statement made by those persons is totally iiicorrecte ' The books of. the Mediate are open for inspeetien by any per- son who desires to doso: . • . SC.OTT, Librarian; ••• ..elinton, March M1418801' " .., IWA I' illE.DA..L. , STILL Al•IOTHER,aRANT,•:-Mr A. M., some, e , . . • — . M.P.P. follows snit as Mr, 'Herbert Elford Po th"e EintoriO:f . the - Clinton Neto'Ll'o. • can testify, he Laving received the sum of 65 . from him towards din Rolmeiville railivay bnau Sies-LAnother ratepayer in your last paper speaks of , presenting a medal to the . liarnovesinsm.-Ur. A. Enci'x, tiro council, and asks for some one t� second the e PiPlAle' motion; I have no hesitation in doing so, as tor 6f. the Holmesville hotel, is makiiig exteia. I think that they are fully entitled to one. I. sive alterations on bis preneises, so that the might say more, but it weula be grandilo- comfotts of a fleet Class hotel. benighted traveller may shortly expect all the (Silently superflaouss Miura,. ANON " • Clinton, mareh 24,1880. etatio,n. Who's. next ? TEE VALVE OF A Newsesrene-_Information - - • • • has beenasked for With regard to the eta- • ' couxqa 4rATTERS. „ ability of this place for the erection of grist ' Po the Editor of ae Clinton New Era. mill by a reliable. person. One thing how- ever is remiiredem., the opening Of the road Demi Sm -In your issue of last week 'a to Colborne, and as the meeting of Cotten is ratepayer mo es that it leather medal be pre. so near let the ratepayers be up..and doing; sented to our Commit hoard for digit services and we feel Confident the" Township fathers ' during the last, two months. In regard to the will do their' defy. Now or never! . , matter, I would ask for a " reconsideration" • '—•-•-•-•-• • Since the new beard hakbeen in office, a vast amount of work has been (loin, greatly to the MORRIS. 'aVe are glad to leare. that the wife of the every member of this famous bodyuld te• o ROY-. s'\fr. Edwarde, Belgrave, who hag been ceive a mark of appreciation from thepeople, ill for some V•ite, of Iy nto, is in a fair ri•nof Nemo, sissy would cherish and hand down to recovery.. . • •1 their posterity. I move that the medal be On the r ve •inq of the 261h inst., a so sial niade from leather, which could be procured • interest of our place, and I, weed sugirst that Stevenson, • that the plans be altered leaving willb h' kl...!A the 2ed Rem of ,Mgne,, to.„.froq8Cfne Of the councillors at it trifling cost, out the basement and balcony, and thee the 11 t mew, euurch. Should the weather the iiiete'lifi'fWo by fati,—Witli a beard 'edge, Building 'Committee be instructea ;, e eve i.:vorable, it good time 16 anticipated. and at an angle to auit the different men who with the architect *heft iseeeSsert , 'are osV Snirresne.-On Monday, '14th Met-, Me. .will wear them, The same could be attached p the plans changed to correspond with thsentsn Heist 13aines, of the 5th con, of Morris, ex. ,to a iece of ribbon and suspended frbm the ad would °nee recegnize ' .under•tho effects of intimation of the neck,everybodytion 3ust passed. --Carried. Council thee adjourned. Mega, caused by a slight cold whieh he catight dam illustrious men. Planstend specifications about two weeks previous.His remains wor should be got out at once, and I would. ask gyonnvpItip and Villno Vintter$,.. GODERICH. the trotting mare Lucy has „returned to 'town; • Mr. Prank Fergusen, died on Vedneeclay, from cougeetion of the twigs, • Mr. Harry Dark, formerly a resident of this place is norionsly ill in Minnesota. Steam WAS got up in the International Sett Well the other day, being the first for it long time. The Spring Assizes commeueed on Monday, 22nd Meta Mr. Justice Ammer presiding, Daniel McDonald, Esq., Clerk of ASs120; Colin McDougall, Esc!, Crowe Online]. There are eleven cjtjl cases on the Record, The crimi- nal calendar is light, probably only one case of this class. borne to tbe Sin:whine cetnetery on Wednes. day afternoou, followed by a large concourse of friends and relative', where the lase rites of honer were paid to him, Mr. Baines leaves it wife and large family to mourn his loss: Existrx.serox.-A #ory interesting exami- nation took place in S. 5.. lin. 3, Morrisy on Saturday, the 20th inst. The pupils were ex- amined by their teacher, Mise *S. Dunbar, Miss Dick, Mho Baxter, of Wingliam; J., H. Drost, of S.S, No. 5, Mid George Hood, On the whole the answeting by the pupils to the various questions was very creditable„Mter the examination, speeches were delivered by Borne of the gentlemen peasant, Who express. ed. their entire satisfaction With the progrese of the school. We feel confident that alio Dunbar hes not been negligent in discharging her professional duties and hope her future labors may be crowned 'with ultirneto success. A 'thereon, the ratepayers not to be hasty in fetching in bedtimes, as the matter could be reconsidered if Ms not right in dvety respect. Of course the test of the above would be .considerable, but a few hundred dollars are nothing in en- large an undertaking, and Ithink if the roat- • ter was Mentioned to some of the farmers, they would gladly lend their essistance, as they will receive it great benefit from the lo- cation of the market buildings Awaiting a seeonder to my motion, I am, yours, Clinton, altireli 34,1880. SAM SLICK, [We havo boon taken to task by some of the Council, 'lots for publishing letters similar to the above, and the one published last week, soma going so for as to say that we sone them ourselves, e statenient which hardly requireS a denial. So long as the lottore ere not per. smelly Abusive, Nto assign() our right to publish's* them believing that ratepayers have a right to criticise the actions of their representatives.. All that has appeared so far has been' very moderato, and we believe the • Councillors stre affie to" grin and bear 11.1' If they are, not, they SliCadd retire to plIvate life. -En- New • HATS AND CAPS. We are Showinga grand :range of .HATs 'Am) OAPs, being . the' FINEST STOCK. EVER SHOWN IN THIS COVNTir: • e" Our (Ant's Furnishing Goods are complete with a magnifi.- . • cent assortment. Ja(koils.. Famotti. •V1OTORIA BLOCK, CLINTON :DISSOLUTION -.0.V.0-PARTIMRSHIE". • • •' •nrIIIE to.pintiterefillThefetofore 'Carried en wider tilt; Style WRIGHT* , & CO., as General Merchants (consisting. oP(1.; IL WRIGHT and W. Fosima,) • has this day been'dissolved by limitation of time, Mr. Foster retiring from the said fitni. The business hereafter will becarried on by G. 11,WRIGHT, who. • :will coiled ell debts and pay all liabilitles.of the same. • . Witness: if: HALE. • , G. H. ,WRIGHT. Febniary,1880. • • .4— • FOSTER. 1./IOTE-M6. rONTIOt will remain with me•for a etteretinie to assist in closing the lalliess40. IL, WRIGHT LOSING OUT THE BUSINESS AT. TERRIBLY..RDUCERPRICES. . 000 •. • T ANNOUNCE to the people of this part of the Country that I have been advised by my physician that in order to regain my, health it will be. necessary for me to have a ehan-o of climate and to make an early retirement. from business- pursuits. In order to necomplishlhis; I ba,vedeeided to CLOSE UP MY BuSINEss, and. its ; connections atoexpeditionsly as possible; In doing this I h..ve considered that which- iS hest for myself, and the people who haveso liberally patronized the late armduring the past sik years. After due consideration 6 have decided to girt our customers and ahem, the bonen et BIG liABGAINS by sacrifleing the.entire stook ef • • FIRST CLASS New (Noose -welch ambuntssto nearly $15,000 worth, AT Th•DRIBLY REDUCED, ." •. PRICES -TO PROMPT PAYING BUYERS. .' • t . . . . .THI.S. GIGANTIC THEVONDEWOETHE'DAY-t • ••. 41`1113 GOODS :MUST 1111. sorm. AD ritivEs MUST DO IT. We havo no rotten, shop-worn, bankrupt goods.. Ni, old mothsoaten goods,. Nalong-prieed, old-fashioned; faded atedS; to offer as bargain -EVERYTHING NEW, FASHIONABLE, AND' OF Tilisss•cLASS COME ' AND 'SEE, FOR•YOURSELVES, AND,REALIZR 2.TIE DIFFERENCE IN OUR GOODS AND 'run• •. , • . ParpEs Ok' OTHERS. ' . • • • . • .. • NEAJItLY ALL KINDS OF GOOTON 411.1)VNIFFING 1itiell-41 ia well.known fact that •nearly all claBscS of goods aro seism:leg in pried, in all the markets of Europe and Atherica, andin Canada in partIcillan Anticipating* this wd bought- largely of . goods likely to advance, consisting of FACTORY. AND BLEACHED oorroets; STRIPE, , PLAIN ...AND CHECK".DUCKS, .DENIMS,,COTTON AND FLANNET. .SIIIftTINGS, TWEEDS Dr tneacne Ann 'ALL WOOL,' SIIEETINGS,,HOLLANDS, TABLE LINENS AND • TOweretonos,. netEltdOAN. PRINTS, DRESS GOODS, 'CLOTHING; BOOTS AND SHOES, &O. By buying early and for ,clish, and when goods were at the lowest Price they have ever reacheain Canada, I ant placed id a - -position to offer goods to our customers) AT PRICES AS LOW AS ORDINARY MERCHANTS CAN BUY THEM FOR. I do not want. to make -an ordinary profit ole the goods, but siniply to turn them into money or its equivalent,so that I may rerirefeom the bust- t • • • • • • '. MORI bo.as short a time as IS • possible to 410 so. • • . GRANGERS AND COUNTRY IIIEROHANTS will find it to their iniereet,•70hen zo v?ant . of large 4uantilies of pods, to call and see the inducenWnts I Will offer aem. . • . • •• Every department of the businesa filled IN WI the choicest polls to he founa in e any ersciass store, consisting in '• . . •part of • BLACK AND COLORED SILKS;* MOURNING GOODS, CARPETS AND HOUSE FURNISH/NOS/ • BLACK. AND COLORED LUSTRES, WEDDING OUTFITS, BUTTONS AND LININGS,' • BIAOK AND COLT CASHMERES, LADIES Nana COSTUMES MUSLINS AND EMBROIDERY, PLAIN sen FANCY DRESS 00003, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, PRINTS AND LINENS,. SUITINGS IN ALL COLORS, LACES AND 'MILLINGS, MILLINERY AND MANTLES, Ac, . . R. • The goOd.s will be offered at MO sok at prim that will make the people stare, and in order to give the farmers ofthis part of the country a bettor Chance to buy from' mer have decided to take BUTTER AND EGGS ilk exchange .for goodd, at cash prices. THE WHOLE STOCK WILL DE SOLD 'IN KEh,PING WPM THE FOLLOWING PRICES:. , • Fins fast-eolored Amarcks and, Esomsn ,PaINTse for _8 eentesp.er yard. • ; , • • The.best FACTORY and 13Lescifen' Corroies for 6, 8 and 10 cents pe yard. . , 'Fine TWEED SUITS flat 612, worth 818. Sax, CasusieRe nn4 Cr,a•rit MANTLES at loss than cost. • VA Suits -EINE CLOTHING, at $1.0. ° • $10: OVERCOATS for. 0.50. , •• 81.00 HATS AND CAPS for 50 cents. • a• Flue English WORSTED SUITS for $115, worth 820. •. • : HATS and SONNETS at less thee cost' price • • mean- hilsinesgt t'1 SPealt faeis Uivant 'yOUrmoney andoyour patronage', and- I mean to give you the best Value for your, money. you have ever had in Clinton. . TO THE'Q.O.NOLUSION. . . On behalf of the old firm I thank the people for the patronage 00 liberallybestowed upon 'us during tbo • peat siat years, While et regret that some have passed out tif tho ranks of business during this time 1 8711. pleaSed 06 announeethat the bnitteas We liaVe controlled hos been successful' (although the years have boo ones of .depreasidit). I again return ,tnythanks and 1100.1 WM he ne well patronized during the closing up • - • • • of thelmaineta as we have hien in past, • • 777 CHEAP STORE, ALBERT STREET. CLINTON, March, 1880, • . Diteklen's AMIN," Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Totter, Chapped, Honda, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to give ported satisfaction In every AMC or money re* fended. Price 25 eente per box, For pale by Y. H. Combo, Clinton. %Flint it Will Do. Hagyara's Pectoral Masan' allays tho irritation 'Of the nnteus membrane,' the bronchial tubes ana the hums, atia will be lonnd exceedingly ealnable in dcOh- Seated eoughe and all dtseasee of the elitist, It offeetro, alis• allaYes a tickling °civil, removes hoarseness, MCI. atilt beeathiug, and win prove valuable in, ease of asth. n For rile by gitionirgimilefgraidlinggegto'6,0' anAtifteit3,64a611 s°"1" all dealers, prise eti cohostper°eottleP. 1