HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-03-25, Page 71' c.pfliflgaay-R'U"nparalleled Success • miaow GRaND SALE • BANKRUPT STOCI(orR..ALLANDER&.Co CLINTON, Amounting to Nearly $10;000, Now Going on. Every one delighted withthem bargains. Dry Goads onsi. of all kinds have adadvancedc considerably,' �',' and are still advancing._ ... - Such an opportunity to -obtain :::-cheap ' Dry "'Goods, Clothing, Tweeds, . Millinery, Groceries, &c,, may . not occur again fQr . years. torsi I intend to close this great sale very shortly. Will offer „„2_7_tiiffror -- next fete treePAP .fot a�...��J. �JJ General, News Items; The Ontario Government offer a reward of 1, 00014 connection with the Donnelly murder. Mr.Caven, in,land Menne colleetor,sized an illicit still on the premieea of Geo. Gray, Egtemogt, on Thursday. ,An °reursion train with 450 ;preens on board left Ottawa last week. ; all but, three were hound for Dakota. The Saskatchewan. ,Kers i i protests against somach land in the north-west being held in reserve of one kind or Wither. .1 return of criminal statistics shows khat there was an increase of 8,000 in the numberei " persons charged, with criminal offences in 1870, as compared with 1878. Mr. Jas. EVAAB, of West Nisseuri, wbo re- presented East A1iddleseac in the Gret. Ontario Legislature under Confederation died on Sa- turday after a few days' illness. He wad -fifty- nine yearn of age, , We have heard of bailiffs. seizing Earths, houses, household goods and even pots and kettles, but the most remarkable seizure for debt that has cccurre 1 within the memory of the oldest inhabitant of the continent took place in Connecticut on Friday, the most un- lucky of days. It was nothine lees than a, whole train'of cars, with its mails and goods Surley there •wasnothing small about that bailiff, we are not informed whether the train was in motion or standing at a station when seized; but in any eases it is'trli' apt il- lustration of the strength of law when a steam engine of several hundred' horse power, with all its belongings,Is ilnpotent to resist the man with the little bit of paper, • Anson. larrantfL?, Bnarzx&P$,n30t't. Gentlemen, -I have much pioasera in testifying to the merits of your Yellow. Oil for outward•applleation, In relieving pain from Sprains, I3rufses, Sous, Neuralgia, etc,, having tried it raysoU and used it in my family for these purposes, and found it to beono of the most et>l• aaeious and soothing remedies that I know of. Yours truly, W. II.'FIL'rS, Real Estate Agent, Tetonto, 411iI\T(P1Ct 3SIAIC1 PTS. March 25, 1880,, Wheat, fall, red, 14. bash, $1 22 a 1 25 Wheat, fall, white, 1 23 a 1 25 ""SlSiiu3, wi,etieha>m . 1 17 -. 1 1..20 Oats, Barley, Peas, . . Flour, Potatoes, Putter, Eggs, Hay, Hides, Slieeptkins - Pori., Beef ,• Clover Timothy - e.. 0 34 a 0 35 pd5 .a 058 OOr. a 005• G 00 0 30 ' 9'1-6 0 10 •7. 00• • i JQ 1•©0 . - .475: • 4..04)- 2 00- 2 I5 2.75 a 050 a 0 35 a '020 a 011," n .S00 800 a •. is 50 u• 5. 00 •a•.5'00' a..3Q0. a 300 PARTIE;S.IN WANT OF CHEAP GOODS,: • SHOULD ..ALLa- AT O1. eILINTON, March 24i,1880 BUST •�/'. ,c .,' • • 11-ESIRES to intimate to the people of Clinton and vicinity; that having purchased the 11 Grocery and- Provision Balinese formerly carried on by Mr. A. -P. FOSS; he has Me thereto a fresh and well selected stock of • 7'A1.d II GIR; O 38 SUGH 'AS TEAS, :SIMARSS, RAISINS, SPICES, .ETC. ALSO, A SELEOT.ASSORTMENT OF 'CI ,( IKCEI '" .4 GL.AL4s-VVAAR f.`. RE WILL ALSO KEEP ON RAND A GOOD SUPPLY OF ' HAMS,- SPIC D :. ROLLS, , BREAKFAST ..BACON, .• FIRST-CLASS LARD in pails or tubs, or by the lb'; to snit purchasers.•.: 44 Meats and Lard warranted first-class„ -All of the above ho is prepared tosell at bottom prices for ,cash. He w311 still. continue as manager, of thePurniture Stbre for Broadfoot & Box, where be is - prepared to sellas elieap ,as: any house west of Toronto, A CALL .hti:L3PEC!1 ULL•Y.SOLICITED; Minton, Feb.12,1880. ,• S. oon u k •�roii< sons Celebrated1�, C CD 1Rt r-11 p This is the Corset for comfort and durability, -'11ISSES'•Cit'OlVIPTONT. CORSET'S, all sizes. EDGINGS and REAL' LACE. tWA. splendid stock. of +'MBEOZDERR't,' LAMS,. Comics,- and PLAIN 11MI;SLINS. IRISH LINEN. WnITE Tuntii1SIT TERRY, for ladies. and ohildren's,ii clrets. CAS1I1 RES) LUSTRES: and FARMER'S SATINS. Large stock' Of PRI\T' in the newest• patterns. • HOLLANDS, TOwELL1NGS and TABLE LINENS, COTTON and WOOLr1EN SI1IaT1.'NGS'. FEATHER and STRAW TI(:icrNGs. FRI\t.ES, BUTTONS and DRESS '.1TRIM Mf\U8. ,• H-IOsliin'i and ILYDEr.DA,SIrERt. ti;C.t ch. Millinery and 14antle.. Department. HATS AND BONNETS in the n west'shapes. R�IBBONS. AND SILKS in "the cgi!ea.t. designs. FEAT, 1EIIS; FLOWER , 'VELVETS, and 'SATINS. ' HATS' a11(1 BrNNtTS stili, made over in the newest shapes. MANTLES made to order, in good style. BUTTER and EGGS taken in exchange 'for. Goode. •:' The sibsoriber, while thanking her many friends' for their very liberal support since she commended business, .hopes by Strict attentionand keeping a good stook `t;o'cOntintie to -receive their favors --- •MRS. ,BE]ESLEY, VICTORIA STREET, Clinton, )wob,•20, 1880. Furnitui e Furniture B`roadfoot & Box I urn n iture. IAV oil two AT THE PRESENT 'renin r The largest and best selected Stade of r NITRE over oo .exhibition in this •toren,. Which they aro prepared to sell at prices to it the times. The stock eonsi8ts of PARLOR & BEDROOM SETS LO NGES, EASY CHAIRS, And everything regtiisito in the furnishing line Patties 'siting to furnish their houses, will cave money by giving ns a call. Wp have also on ban( large 'supply of COFFINS, CASKETS, ROBES AND TRIMMINGS, of every deseri i n. Alco, a FIRST-CLASS - HEARSE, all of 'which"wo aro prepared to farm at very IOW rates, RIME kilpit. THE PLACE—U1t>tOXi fhOCK, A.t.nuxer '1'It'EIiT,: 'CLINTON • JAMES T`O131.1E. GEO. DIEHL,. ABINET MAKEI , &c., &o. S.FOli'.LER.SO1V DEALERS IN j'�ATCI3ES, . CLOCI.S, -AND-• 'JEWELLERY,: A1b@rt Street; CLINTON .• We have get added to our stook . ae'Iot of VIOLIN aid GUITAR STRINGS. —o SPECTACLES ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCI(,' ' 0lfntoii, Dot. 2„1870. SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE TO STATE 1.• to the publro that hekeepsconstantly_oh hand a large and superior olass of . ,• COP INS, CASKETS, .--.-AHb' Coffin Trimmings and Robes, With a splendid IIEAIiSE, PLAIN Corms always on hand. radios con be supplied Inone hour, at anytime, at TIIIN PEE CETT LESS Than tan he Dv:mi ed at any otherpitice, A full stock of FUNITURE Always en hand, • • ,T(Oa.. STEV•ENS 1, clintee, dray 10,1877. U 6. • NOT (JUIT.E,SO. Tt le anasion-slrme-and-ckrhastd tribes only that the condition and comfort of the horse have been nogleoteq "but we believe there are -many in civilized countries who are guilty of the same neglect and without the escrow of the tormer ; Here all may avail thomselvosof the nee of an. article which has tlorie'Aibrt, thananything 1,880 .Ate. .-V\7"A.. E . 1880 IS PAYS MAMMOTH HARDWARE STORE, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON ALTONA AXE, VIOTOE AXE, Oi3'A IPIQ1 r AX EVERT MAKE OF AXES REPT IN STOOK, WIAMPION SAWS, LANCE TOOTH SAWS, DIAMQND SAWS., NAILS, LOOKS, HINGES, SPADES, SHOVELS, CATTLE TIES, !SALTERS, ROPE ' CHAIN, STRAW KNIVES, �' VER r CLASS. OF SIIEL E' HARDWARI, .. TAB 1..., TTLEBY, a full stook. TABLE, DESSERT and TEA SPOONS. TEA. KNIVES and FORKS,'(s,•;PUETS. SKATES. SKATES, SKATES. PAINTS,. OILS, ,WHITE. LEAD, VAR N1SHE.S, " GLASS, PUTT!, 14R1JSHEs, LT(,...•. Ltt7'BRICATING 4I.J *. J' ,t l av e«ti z� a Cn or c� la ar�� STOVES, HEATERS, •GRATES,. RANGES. 00QE ,STOVES, .BOA -STO'VES,. PARLOR STOVES,•.PARL.OR•'G'UOI STOVES, RUSSIA. -IRON HEATERS,, I1ANG1iS, •.GRATES, 'COAL S,TOV:ES,- SINGLE ANJi DOUBLE HEATERS—ALL ' WAKES. PI.OVVS, BARBED FENCE WIRE, WATER -LIME.' CHANDELIERS—tato, three,And.!our light, either'ip Verde Fr Bronze. . Dti: KE S --int 3 orde or %ooze. PARLOIiA, HALL, AND TABLE LAiIPS, 1'OJjCI�T.AI SIIAI)E , (%I 1T1v1;YS�"' GLOBES, SHADE HOLDERS. £AJIP S'?'CCK CD ./PT,ETE. • HEAD LIGHT Q11,,i,-I1IGHEST NON--LM'LOSINL, ATLANTIC OIL—WHOLESVL.G, BY. THE BARREL, LONGEST PRIC1!. Manufacturers of every class of Roofing, Tinware,: B avetriugtirn ,: &c. ()LOVER SEED, TIMOTHY SETD. CASH else heretofore kuown to improve the condition and relieve. the, suffering of the horse. Those who `vill not use 1t "will be the losers. their horses 'the sufferers: to avoid botii'uso' ". Darley's Con dation Powders, and Arabian Heave Remedy,!' and you will 1,° satisfied with the result. • Re- ,nemi,er filename, attd+sec that•tlro slguatitisb til Iiurd °t:•Co. is on molt parka o, Northrop & Ly- man, Toronto, Ont.,proprietors for Canada Sold: by all medicine dealers. Barstn'S WAri,iis (the great publio.rerlredy). have'now boon ni use over t.wouty years, hence. IV -Cannot? be, said that theyaret-ontrial.- They - have boon thoroughly tried, andpronounced (on' the •autlrority•of those. -whose lives and health they have preserved) to be a sure, harmless and eminently salutary preparation, aid if taken In season•wlll invariably euro colds, coughs, soro throat, and all. bronchial affections.. One fair trial, will convince the most skeptical: Sold by all medicine dealers, at 25 cents per box. The .Grent Slroslionees, Ite`medv Teen Indian vegetable compound,' composed of'tho juices of a variety of remarkable medicinal plants .and herbs; the various properties of these different ingre- dieate, when combined, is so constituted ea to, act, sin'. ultaneduely ripou the L'lood', Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive Organs, Nervotis System, de„ restoring their /notions to healthy action, and, being purely veget- 'ablc, is ne harmless ae nature's own beverage. This medicine is a decided benefit in all, aud s, permanent • 'cure Luta largo majority of diseases of the blood, snob as Scrofula, Erysipelas; Salt Rhenm, Canker, Pimples,' &o.• In proscribing this medicine we do not oldim that' 1t always performs ouree ; bub this we do say, .that is purifies and enriches the blood, permanently curing a large majority:of diseaoos arising from its impurities. It stands Inc ahead and unequalled among the hundreds of competing medicines of the day. It has stood. the -est of ton,years, and is to.day more popular that ever As a summer restorative it stands unrivaled; it enables system to bear np against the constant drain to which it is eubje�toil. by a high temperature; Persons who. •aro•subject til bilipuoColig, Dyeontbry,Indigestion,&o„ should talcs , the Shoshonees.Rennody. Pride of "the Remedy in pint bottles, S'1•; Rills, 2d, ote.•a box, .Sold by, all medicine dealers., .. '• • Pa orr.B Tonicaxranby the, many disagredable eon• sations prodnced.by dyspepsia, or are thin; nervon0 and • weak, 'ehould.ole the: standard tonic—Northrop & Ly: man's Quinine Wine, • ,They will find it ,.agreeable,and beneficial: It enriches the blood by aiding digestion, and assimilation; soothes and invigorates the nervous system, and imparts a healthful appetite.. When used as a. remedy for biliousnnd`intormittontfever, it pro. duces the happiest results, ittakon between the attaoke. Convaloscetwo is hastened and untimely decay of the physique and constitution is arrested•by it. The spir- ituous oonstituent,.shish wine, 1,16t the best quality; and the aromaticscur(bined mitt} it, reudars its flavor additionally. pleasant; They wbo use it gain flesh as well as strength, and it exerts a ehrerieg influence up- on the mint: It promotes a h ealthy seerotion and flow of bile,s,u d iopassna .,o.niarit tie Action of the bowels. If judiciously used it reay be taken: withoot: apprehension or any ill result by persons of tbo ntnst delicate constitution.. A fair Bial 18 all that is needed topove the geiiuineso of its claims topublle confidence' and to the truth of the general verdict in its behalf. o (articles' of itsclass commends ityeif so strongly to nervoila invalids who require building' nip—!luno is se well adapted is fortify the system' against tie dan• ors which threatenthe debilitated. It should not he .mistaken 1or n mere stimulant of,nppetite, which runny • so-called tonics simply art, It se,regnlatesthe stoinaeh that it is enabled to perform', its various functions with regularity and•viger, and its aatton is riot only,tharoug)i but prompt. Ask for the"Quinine Wino of NNoittlrop at Lyman." Sold' by allclraggiets.• TIE GEEA .T 5' t MALE REMEDY, for • Hides, Sheepskins, and all kinds of Penis, AT'. , Mammoth Hardware .Store, Albert St.,. Clinton. -77 Ike' Saler* • 1040ri. AND LER FANCYA400II9- CHOOL BOOKS A SPECIALTY. Remember .the Mace -ab groan 8f Humble's old. stand. Clinton, Dec. 24, 1870. 0 LEA -RING 'Owing;to„tile 4 ENTIRE iinproveinellts about. to -be made ill olii;''premises, ;we will offer for sale out• .41 STOOK OF PRY GOODS JOB :mOS1 S IAElti83DAt'eaL t"x'[.l.li This wellknQwn.inoiticine is imposition but a stare and safe•roraody for' male Diffi- culties and Obstructions, Isom any eausewhat- ever ; and although a powerful eeisedy, i t 0011 - tains nothing btu, tfu1 to the constitution, TO.MARRI1;1) LADIES Itis peculiarly suited. It will, in a shor:etim'e bring On the Monthly period „with regularity., In•allea'sesof. Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in .the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on Slight exertion, Palpitation of the heart. Hysterics, Sink Headaches, • Whites, and all the painful dieeasoa occasionedby a disordered system:, these Pine will effect a°tire.. when all other means have failed. • •These Pills have never been known to fail whore the directions on the 2nd page of pam- phlet, are well oiserved. For fnllpartionlars,get a panaphiet,freo,of agent. JOB MOSEI 8,NEW YORK Somt PaorntaTon. $1:00 and,l, 2i cents for postage, enclosed tt, Northrop tcc Lyman, Toronto, Ont,, general agents insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Clinton by J. I•I:,Combeand W. R. 'Watts ; ii, Hickson .and F. Lntnstien, Sen-. foill; J. Kidd, Cfarron sok; Parker. et Cattle and P. Jordan, CGodericlij E. Cause en, Bay- floldiJas.l3onthton,l odgervil1elandallniedi• cinodealers, AND UNUEIFCOS'F TWEEDS, FLANNELS, BLA TKETS, E:ANOY DRESS GOODS,; BLACK LUSTRE'S, ViTINOES •Sr OASHMERES, COLOURED ST drain+ GS,• TICK - MOS, GREY AND BLEACHED'e COTTONS, TABLE LINEN, HOSIERY; GLOVES, SHIRTS. AND 'DRAWERS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, &c., &c. XX The whole stock will be sold without reserve, at such prices- that cannot tail -to be appreciated. WILLIAM: COATS. Ali parties indebted to the above in overdue :Ac- i;ounts or Notes, will to expected to. pay. Il �) -in full, l 'without delay. . 3tfuten, Nov. 18, 1870.