HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-03-25, Page 1--"-914,411PV-rwl'19111111F
VOL. 15, NO. 13.
WM4110-41.50 P'er Annum, 1 ntrynane.
greckt00011X1 Altd otlevr 6ardo.
-VA on good mortgage security, at moderate rates of
Interest, II. BAIA.
Clinton, Aetna 902, 1869. • 7 -if
.C1- the CanadaCompany may be seen at the office of
the nudereigned. ; II HALE .
Clinton.3en.17. 1879-
iluirRS. WHITT, Tonal:ter of Music. "triiifile attended
-1•LI. at their own residences, if neeessary. Residence
' one door south cif Mt 0. A. MarWs, Queen Street.
Clinten, May 15, 1879. •
T'a DOWSLEY, 11, D., M. R, d. S. Euglarid,
-1-10PhyioiIn, Surgeon,'&e. Office end readence
; rriettliffoloon Bank, inmket aquare. - •
Clinton, Jan. 16,1880. •
BREEVE & WILLIAMS. Moe, Rattenburi
Street, immediately behind Reneford:s Book Store.
Office home from 8 &an. to 6 p,m. -
Clinton, J812.29, 1880.
• *UnlYeteity,) Physician, Surgeon ; &C.•;•rtiaidence
at Mr, Manning's three doors east of the, Temperance
Londeeboro, Ont.
•Londesboro,June 14,1879. „
Department of Victorts University, Toronto, for-
merly of the Hoopitaie and Diapensaries, New York,
Zoronerforthe Ceunty of Huron, BAYyzenn, Ont.
'July 22, MC 81
- OFFICE - M Resideace on
• Ontario street, opposite the English Church.
Entrance by,side.gate.
Clinton, Deo. 4,1879. se
ONEY TC LEND. -I have any aliment of money
celendron,gobd, improved.farma OnlY, at 7i per
- cent, tntereet payable yearly. Sam no object if swiri.
ty ample. Private Wide. „„ • a
JOHN W. -PORTER, Seaforth.
AU- Apply at the -Town Hall, or at the reeldence of the
subscriber, near the London, Huron & Bruce Railway
• Issuer of Alarnage Lieenses.
Clinton, April 27th, 1876.
' Accoucheur, Licentiate of the College of Physician,
and Surgeone of Lower Canada, and Provincial Licenti-
ate and Coroner for the ()minty of Huron. Office and
residence,- The building formerly occupied by Mr.
Thwaltes, Huron lama.
Olintoa, Jan. 10, 1871.
MEE CENTRAL HOTEL - late Farmer's - Albert
Street, Olintonv-43,-PIRK,- Proprietor. ,This -ho. -
tel has lately been greatlyimprovedand thoroughly
refurnished, and possessee every requisite for the com.
tea and convenience of the travelling public. Good
stabling and attentive hostler, '
Clinten, Nov. 28th, 1878.
" w.-E,,OART-Wnialga.fittitou ow DENTIST
Graduate of the Royal C-011ife of -Dental'
Surgeonset Ontario, has opened rooms
. will constantlyhe in. attendance, -and prepartd to per-
form every operation connected with Dentistry. •Teeth
extracted, ar filled with gold, amalgam, or other filling
material. Artificial teeth inserted from one to a f ell' set.
Clinton, April 17, 1879. 10 -
- JjAVING e.tabliehed a school far the higher 'eduea-
Mon of„,Youeg Ladies, in the pleasuet aud healthy
Town of Oodeach, it now preprred to receive a limited
number of boarders; ingi day pre. its As far • 8 WU:WS.
able with a careful .dircipline everyendeavor will be
• made to make it w home to theme octrustedte its care.
'Every attention will be paid in order to give the ImPlis
• a thorough English Edurati, n, batted on High &hoot
principlee, enrebining with it' the advanteven of the
higher branches, Man el welch expeeienced goverues, es 17 kbort
from Toronto, have been Speurett.to mid. •
Could a few peptic for Vocal Mauls' be eeen.ed in . . . ' •
Clinton, MISS DURAND, 0 mien bIldrs. 0oureiok of
Toronto, wauld be giad to giveiessons at their ni,11H8,..,
fn . ' . . — ' COTT-1t
Pgupils reeeived at any time. Any desirous of °Moe& S
or at the seliool, if desirable. - , ' ' . • . • ' .. .
• site* .Easter, would oblige by sending early for . .
Goderich,*arch 4,..1$80.
Dwelling house wantet
Containing eix or seven rooms, and usual eon-
teat:nem ' Addrees or call at the Now ERA
Clinton, Feb. 26, 1880.
Cottage fo Sale •
. - •
MHZ frame Cottage on Ratenbery Street, one door
Weet of the Methodist Chipoli. This cottage has
Raven retoms, hard end soft weter4stern, &e. Terme
Clinton, Dec.1802,1879.
House for Sale. .
rpRE two,story eraine140ABA on Huron street, WM'
111$ to Mr. T. C. Idiller, and now eccupied by Mr.
Balfour, will be sold on very eaay tetras. No money re-
qnired down, If good security Is given.- The house 18
well built, comfortable, ancl conveniently Situated for a
paofeesone or businesa man. •
11, HALE, Huron street, Clinton,:
October sth,1870.
Huron Street, Clinton
• -Hou-se to • -
. • , .
TO LET, a house with•9 or 10 rooms, vtith hard and
mit water, and all complete, situate on Ontario
Street, at present occupied by Mre. Y B. Ram. Pos-
session given an the lst of Mardi. Three-quarters Of
an sore of ground in the lot. For further particulars
apply to Mrs. Ramey, on the premium, or to
Clinton, Feb. 4,1880.
Farinflik Hullett.
TOQUEGOOD FARMS on the Fourth Conaessibu ed
lf,ullott, sable aro miles of Clinton, well cleared
and with good anprovementsegwill be 'old on easy*
tense.. Lot Seventeen, lioutlf-half of Nineteen, and
•Nortlehalf-of Twenty. Will be $(214-tontber Or BOW
rately. ' II. HALE, •
• Huron Street, Clinton. '
Clinton,Fe . ,1sse.
Houses for Sale.'
roomed Cottage, price $G00; two f0,0•11:10111.
ON Cottages, $400 and $500. Each heti a goCd gar-
den, well, M. One hall •the price may remain on
Feb. 19, 1880. Huron Street, Clinton,
MHE subecriber offers for sale the west half of Lot
•No. 19, and the south half of Lot No. 20"; inthe
c9u._ot-Enfiett-1.00,acrea, ile.cleared.• ,Sitrtated.
about . 5 -mtles lipm,Clinton,-and there are erectea
thereon two log lionises. For taupe and partionlars,
apply to • •
Clinton, March 4, 1880:
• •
Ilouie azid lot for sajpi
TEE underaigned 'offers for sale, in the Village of.
Kohnesville, a quarter•aere lot, on whit% is erected
a Concrete House, with frame addition, and frame
Blackemith Shop, driving abed and atable. The house
has seven rooms and cellar, andlhe lot la stocked with
chaise fruit trees, and the natal conveniences, 1Villbe •
sold on very reasonable terms. Full partiealars on ap-,
flicatiot to _ • •
• • • EltTIORNAP.
Nolreesvifie„Tehm,If380. '
Street,. ClintOn. •
Is prepared in a form perfectly agreeable to children
and most sensitive persons. 1its manufacture the •
preperdes of the oil that produce pain and griping are
eliminated, and it is rendered not only mild and pleas -
ern in its action, but absolutely tasteless and palata-
ble. It is pre-eminently the finest laxative and ca.
thartic known, and AS a remedy for Costiveness, Con-
stipation, and all Intestinal I)crangements i t is une-
qualled, and is destined to take the plate of crude oit
and all drastic pills and purgativess. For'sale by all
Druggists at 25 cents a bottIer--Dont fail-toity it.
• • SHOU.LD .SEE , THE.. ,
.11Y TIfE Y1:01Ritir OF CAIN TOY,
IIORTGACES. nd other secontios
• .. •
Notary Public and Commissioner.
Clinton, Mardi 4, 1880. •
Watch aod Cock Maker,
wouldrespeetfuny announce to his cuetomera and the.
pubihreehertais, that he has removed into his former
building, on •
. Where he will keep on hand it seleet a s qortm en t of •
„ •
Clocks ',Watches,Jewelry, and Silverware Mali kinds,
Which he will eolcat reasonable. rates.; Repairing of
every deberiptionpromptlyattended to. '
• ,J. nThratToOteriE, ALBERT STREET
Clinton, Dee. 5, 1878. '
. 12 1.A 2 4,..titli
.P11,11i:ri,79 •g dl.
rtili krIlICI 1 443:1 4:41921.41: :121ri fl2 1 :c8:
goo•O''. NIA' 2 8.'r?1,".•:'21-.1.',4,„ •
W M ° 4 '' t 8"*2•5421..t,---:-
c, ..•.a• p., 4.. o•e „., b,
hie ea oLo.e.i,e.........:..s.o o
W..-", • ..6 pa !,, ,,,,
...k1 'i ttl',.•41!`t4: ft. -2;
a 0>o,'"glifer''27: 'RI
' •—'
ITt ri, .4 2'.' f, .
<10 t.
µ{ -...4Re, .
El 0 r) 04 i 11 9.il "ilLgell ii
tel.e ti -'""-•÷:•1"
lual vi. r4 5 floe'rviZvt gtot.'5
. a g 41 1,/, g ..or
COO 0 i;g(t6J115:'4Ttl
" I k ivi
Aid OM tit,e,"attiklat
13 A..11 0 N
•And Hardware Merchant.
',,OtINTON, vetoes°,
t tf14 'PPS. g
Art'Ir37-. "•2 :".:1:11;1;111"1:Cfig
C:111 C4 1 tf:11 r6Yk-g "4
• • -4 l•S
cm A. ,,,?1•;12,1q Lbe't;21
. obi P.0 ...t
ix 0'414141 3 NI'ff
T.TAVING iold out my Greeery bueiness to twr. T.
11 COOVER, I lutist request all tittle indebted to Me
to pay their amennts at '01308. All um:outdo not Mune.
diately paid will be placed in Ceurt far collection.
Clinton, March 25, 1880.
. Bann to Rent,
BBING fii2a lot hro:.18, ifat con., Hallett,100 acres
about 70 acres cleared. and 10 or io chopped, that
will be easily cleared, First-class son, with about 14
acres of fall aheat, looking well, and about 14 melt
ploughed. Frame 7101180 and here, and log stables.
Will be leasedfor five or ten years; .apply to THOMAS
CARBERT, Lot 25, Con, 6, Kellett; or CHOWN
MoINTOSH, Lo 29, Con. 6, Hallett.
Italica, Marc 5,1880. :
. And Amending Acts.
IN the matter of witramst was, an Insolv eat,
A Writ of attachment 10111 been issued in this cause
end the Creditdre are, notified,tkpieet at my office in.
Goderich, on WEDN, ESDAY,the 7th ' (114 or APRIL,
.nest, at 2 o'clock p.m., to receive statement of his af-
fairs, and to appoint an Asaignee if they eel) Jul aed
order the effairs of the imitate generally.
ROBERT GIBBONS, Official Aesignee.
Goderieb, March 20, 1880. . •
• ,
T_TAVII4G purchased the stock and
1.1. Grocery bushiest' of Mr. W. If.
scriber would take ' this opportunity
friends for the liberal patromige-enjoyed'by
a member of the firm of Sueerann
hopes by liberal indueements tareceive
custom front thorn In his yew business.
. to keep the beat aysortnient; Ile
Ofer Goode at the lorietleraunerative
And will shoitly open out a fresh
„..-..-.,---.1 0-1(..
' -11 ' "COES-5
• SOAPS &c. • dm.
good -will of the
HINE, the sub-
of thanking his
him while
& COOPER, and
a fair share of •
As 110 intends
in ready to
sunply of
" '" '
ad stand,
. . .
. .
4.,..Fiorney .iAlbert ,nroi ilitnenbyp:
.. • ' THOS.
Clinton:March 24, 1680..
. .
. . •
c;7/1 • • •
• !I
—1, '7 •—*" '!!.:--------=•-.1"--
,1 -
t, u
. •
. ..
: • . •• .
. •
. . .
ixAbios, B1L-
- Organs,
• , ' . •
amenget MOW
that Messrs. W.
for fifty Omens
Cams for the •
dock. Piano
of -toosioai-
Clinton, Ont..'
( -- - f••••
-. v:Eptuutax.inApniumiiigiA
fi P .i,,..m: 04 lamtill111111111111K ,
_ ivEnagit14\1 '
r.- • • --is -1 I
....1 I .7.--
' ' ' f,•'
' --:, .1 t
• - '
--Z- ".
Muse Emporntm
. . .._
. .,
.:... • •EilT.ABLISHED illelt,
. . — . •
Ara liandung xnasticil & BAow
, and others; also.
VV. Doherty & Cols
...,,• . -
These organs now have neer PLIEE
dealers, as is evinced from the feet
'Deism= & Co. aro finding ready tale
per Month. New and beautiful 'Carved
apring, trade. We will Also keep In'
Stools, Music Books, Aceordeotto,
eertinns,Violinii,Violin Strings,
Biles-r-Vlage—letteS,'Aed--oll -kinds.
. merchandise.
, .. DOHERTY & 0I13131NGS,
71 Brick Slack, Albert Street,
. . - . .
1.411CellSO .:InSpettor/s Notice.
• __.___ • . ..- •
A LL persons desiringLiconsee, wetherrotttOTEM
13. or SHOPS, in thie Riding, must have their apIllies-
tions in •the hen& of tho inspector BEFORE THE
• ssspEolo.sgsEs,,...
. Liceess see/motor West Simon;
Goderieli, March 8,, 1880. • • • •
. • -
.' Good 'louse. for Nide.
.. .,...,....,.. _ .
mins Ileum belonging to the undersigned, on rum
-L Street, Clinton, is tor sae on moderate terms. -
The house eontniot seven rooni 0; end ia lull built and
.in .good cOnditiOn. Large lot, good well,. &c. For
partioulars apply to II. HALE,'motor:.
"A...Sr.,AJEENEEAO: .".
Clinton, Marc),16, 1880, ' ' • • '1, " •
. _, :.•
DISS011itiOn Of. Partnership
--N.ToricE is hereby given that the'partnerehip luta-
.1.1 totem existing between -.the undersigned, a
Clinton, has this day been diesolved by mutual collect t.
Ift.'W. Sagreann will centime.° the busineas, Celled
all a000tuto due tho late fittoond settle the Indebted.
nose of the genie.
W..sircht.F .t,
T. C001'ER.
Witnese, dAS. ARCHIRALD.
Clinton, Nook 17, NO.
South Huron ..Affricliitoral Society',
nWl'IBBEI of Stallionviatendine to exhibit at tho
SoutilIftlro Sprin Show, to be held itt Bruce,
field, on Tuesdey, Ay8th, ere hereby notifie4 that
by a now rule Of the S day, they aro required, to Make
thole entriee With th Secretary, on or NAM M0111,10/iT
APRIL 12, its Mb entries for horses *Mho taken allot
that date. .
' Et:Wet:for Bello *Ili be taken voitil 11 &dock on the
show day, • -
G. EDWIN CnESSWELL, Secretory,
Zion ondvino
Par the New Zra,
In Answer to Bearsestbranee, of Bebruarr
1.4111, 1.13130.
Sweet thy remembrance, .
Sweet sweetd to me;
Friends true end faithful
E'er let AR be.
Though eats divide ;
Though reit apart, ,
Still thy remembrance
Lives in my heart.
NOTES ort Ja.ittArbA.
SITUATION. AND EXTENT.JfirtlaiOa lies about
30" leagues south of Cuba and the atimedia.
tame west of St. Domingo, between 17 and 18
degrees north latitude, and between 76 and 78
west longtitude. ..It le of an oval form, about
165 miles long, and, On an average,, 50 miles
broad, containing 6,400 square miles, or 4,,
080,000 notes. . .
-A range of lofty moutitaiigi milled the .Blue.
Mountable Ms through the whole leland from
east to west; and Agee, in some of ita most
elevated peaks, to the, height of . snore than
7;000 feet above the level of the eat. The as-
pect Of the country onthe opposite dide of
this range is widely diff0ent ;. on the north
Ode of the bland the laud Hass from the shore
to the hills and swells, Which are remarkable
for their beauty, being all of a little.acelivity
and cenineenaly separated from each other by
spacioue vales and romantiorivalets, . In pro-
oeeding towards the interior the I:wahine:tines
more elevated and is clothed witkvaa forests,
and in the centre of the island it rises into
lofty mountains; whose summits are lost in
the clouds.. . The southern side of the Main
ridge of the Bliie Mountains is generally
rough and eraggie,Int in the descent an , the
southern .ade' thew are several lower . ridges
running parallel with the principal one; the
stimaito of Which are niore round and amooth,
• and at the foot of the" lowest ridgi3 lie vent
plains or savannahe Tontidedonly by the
ocean and dieplaying all the pride of the rich-
est cultivation. A large portion of the eon
Of this' island, is unfit for cultivation ; out of
4,080;000 mires which the island contains,
only about 2,000,000 acres have been granted
-to-individuala by ,patent of the crown, and
lands in etiltivation, were distrilonteknealy
AS follows.: 767: sager plantations, averaging
.900 acres:in.:all i 1,000 breeding and grazing
faring, 700 acres each ; plantations of...cotton,
coffee, pimento,- auger, etc.„ '350,000.aeres.
.Edwerde.,eopposes :that the ,remaining acres
. amounting" to , 2:00; ii00.-iiiiillihifdly..Z.nrifft,' for
:cultivation, • net on acomint of the barrenness'
of . the god, but owing • to the mow:toluene
situation.. Indeed, almost all the waste land
is covered by a rich, eteong greWth of timber.
'The.land actually .cultivated hala i'deop ter.'
tile Boil. Sugar, itidigo, cotton.. and coffee •
were once the most inipertent nateral•prodUce,
tions Of Jamaica, but •of.reeent years the indi-
go and Cotton have :almoet ceaded ti) be arti-
cles of export ;.:'sugar has also fallen off and
'still .tontinnee to -de .se. Many' recooma may
be aesigned for this, but chiefly the low mar.
,ket pane in England, where slave -grown anger
is ,admitted 'on equal • terms with freo labor
productions, .eild . Frepar heet.root sugar,
which is manufactured and exported -under a
French bonntyi'and allowed to • be -placed in
competition with British Weat Iedia eugare,
tvhicliare left te.struggle. unaided and unpro-
tected by the philantbropiets in England who
'seem to evince so. much interest ill the...poor.
black engaged in its mannfainure • This is
not the only reason, however, the estates are
nearly alt. Mortgaged -to English .capittiliste,
andthere are.. very, few resident, proprietors'
in Jamaica, se that the inagigeraent of estates
is by no means what it would be if the pro-
prietors were • resident in the colony. The
management is neither vigorous mer very pro;
weave, it is .always extravagant in details,
and future crops. ore . often sacrificed by a•
penny wide ,polley, becouge.,preprietors care
little- about, the . haute, and •measure a good:
attorney and overseer by the proceedS of each
year's.work.-- The morchante who hold inert-
geges ' naturally lookafter their :oominission, ,
, forcitig planters to Ship only by the inert.
gagees' ehips-,. the freight of which the -y -fix at
excessive mates,. while 'eheilier terms -every
often half and not onfrequently one-quarter
'the 'rate -might be proeurable. Ships are
compelled to wait at great expense, and the
estates' supplies purchased and shipped by.
the Mortgagees are equallyexpensive and dis-
proportioned. Thal again, labor, which is
most precious, ie capricious aild Uncertain,. as
the" people, if , people I can call Wein, as a
rule,will never work beyond present necessity,
their wants are fewtand the necessity to labor
is not felt, for it is easier to steal than t
work, and the yein and potato° part of t e
_industry,:are_alway.a.availahle.at.rught; w dr
,it is impossible to identify the produce (Moe
,it is out of the ;ground. For this reale n •iin-
ported Coolie labor is the last resource of the
:Industrious who have to depend.rip4 steady
labor. There are also various other products
cultivated in the island, such as Indian corn, i
Which produces two crops in' the year; and
sometimes. three, Guinea corn, various kinds
Of ottlavancle (a species o -peniihieh ' afford
food for the negro), aid I idly,' rice, but in no
.great.quantity,-the. situstion:!Proper .for its.
growth being unhealthy. The bread -fruit
tree, with Several, ther useful , pronto, has
been introdtidedb the exertions of Sir Joseph
Banks. Tho isle el ago abounds With differ-
ent kinds of g ass of' an excellent quality:
These .are paytlyindigenous' and have been
Partly iduced froni other. cenntries4 of
tho native rase hay is Made, lint not in great
abundan e, .. The leveret kinds Of kitchen
-garden/produce,' hamelr those edible roots
which' ore in tole. throughout Europe, thrive
well in the inoUntitidoins parte. There are
a o excellent Vegetables of native geovith,.
iwhioh are deemed fully egua)„ to thoso of En
Tope, such as the oho-aho, pehroi Iiina,been,
and Indian kale. ' The others prodnctions are
plantains, bananas, gams of tteveral Varieties,
eatable (a species of apinage). Eddees, -Cas-
eate: and sweet potatoee ; fruits.aro found in
equal pellet:tit:1i and variety; amigos ore in
eettemi for at least .0ight months in the year.
Pineapples, inelon,e, star -apples, custard -ap-
ples, sour gaps, sweet sem neas betties (a da.
liaorte fruit), ableauutri, Mangoesof all kinds,
.shaddeeks, arid bananas are amongst the most
esteemed fruits. The star apple is of two
VaititieS, the purple and white, when out
itOrOtid the arrangements Of the seeds giVeti a
star -like appearance, honee the'runne I when'
the pulp is mixed with mange juice and served
in a dish it can hardly be distinguished from
strawberries Alia ordain. The mountains. AM'
generally °tweed with extensive. woods 00n4
tabling eXeellent timber, 'soma of Well are
of prodigiout growth and 'gelidity, such as the
lignunivita, dogwood, ironwood, .pigeenwood,
greenheart,,,brayiletto, and btillettree, the* .
E. HOLMES 4, Ming*,
are of great sppeitle gravity and hardness and
they meetly sink in water. Many of these
trees aim- to a groat height, as.the papou and
palmetto royal, the latter of .which' is fro.
wilily found 140 feet high. The trunks of
the ceiba, or wild cotton tree, and the fig tree
also, often nieaeure 90 feet from the base to
the branches. Other aorta of wood for Ituli-
mhearnaynt esahpitni fit! eievaarrei e it in:5u amdearpathel 40 .0710earbei na reet
work, among others, the breadnut, wild lemon
and mahogany. The island is well watered;
there are about 100 rivers which take their
rise in the inountaine and run commonly with
great rapidity to the sea,. on both sides of the
islitnd,4 and abound with alligators some of
which are of enourinous size. Nilo of the
rivers are navigable, except for boats. The
principal rivers on the south side:a-the island:
are the,Colra, Minho, and the Black ; those
on the north side are Great, Martha -Brae,
White, and Ginger. Jamaica offers a great
variety of climate and is; therefore,one of the
best of the W
est India Islands for invalids to ,
reside at, who can afford to move from place
to place, in order to put themselves in the
most advantageous position. Scrofulous ohilo
dren and persons threatened with consump-
tion, but in whom there is no actual disease,
might be sent there, but dyspeptic invalids and
those in whom there is a tendency to disease
of the nervous system ,would not find it a.
suitable place of residence, especially in King-
6:1011IV. IL D'. alb) POTTILATION.--T113 is-
land is divided •irlto 'three °entities, vit
Sunni". Middlesex and. Cornwall, and Alio
are divided into fourteen parishes; each Parish is presided over by a dudes or chief,
Magistrate, who represents the parish and
the Government. The office is an honorary.
and much -courted appointment in every place
other than the city of Rheostat), which has,
angularly enough, a eubsidiced custos, who,
unlike all othercustodies,,is paid out of the,
funds of certain city boards, of which he is
the chairman, and 'who, for this reason, is ex-
tremely unpopular as a eustos, still he disre-
gards the public dislike and holds to the int).
ney, which he prizes; many of the magistratea
have refuted to qualify under his grand com-
mission, in consequence of this salaried ar-
rangement. He lives oiit of the city and so
escapes the city taxes which he imposes on
the citizens. Each perish has a municipal
road board for the management of the affairs
of the endue; are appointed each year by the
Governer. I am afraid we Canodians vronld
not stand the stYle-of government theyhave
here, very long. The population of the island
wad, bylhe census of 1871, estimated at,
blacks, 392,707 ; browns, 100,342• ; whites,.
71:3-e-lfiffr• total, -506,1911,.. •
A Good Tiling •
German sprtip fa the epeeial preseription of Dr A.
Bosehee,_ a celebratedGerman Physician, and is acknow.
lodged to' be one of the most fortunate 'dbleoVeries in
Medicine. It (moldy cures Cougber-oolas and. an Lung
troubles of the severest nature, removing, AS it does, the
eartiel of the affection and leaving the parte in a strong
• and healthy condition. It is not an experimental me-
• dieine, tillt has stood the test of years, giving Imagine -
tion in ev +ry ca.s, which rapidly increasing sale °Very
[season confirms. Two minion bottles sold annually.
stewarn of medicines of similar names, lately introdueed„
Reechoes German Syrup was introduced in the United
Staten in 1.100 and is now ,old in every town and village
in the civilized world. Three dose. will relieve any or-
dinary' emit. Price 75 cents.. Sample bottle, lOcente."
Win:than bend bas collapsed. .
A priviite hank has been opened in Blyth,.
. • • •
by Me 818 Tanner & Co.
Mesas.: Leathern cii McCOubrey, pititer,',
eloee:up thelr;blisinese to day - - • •
- ' The caretaker of Myth School gets- the niu.
I:diluent. salary. of 845 'per' year.-'
stidessful revival meitiogSlor /h.2(el „ t weeka.
• Exeter blethedist (there'll:is b en •holding
' Mias blot:ley, Of the6th do Morrie, died
. Riehordsou, oct 0 7th ceii„ Grey,
ir,. Of
last week, frona ioflammatio ..of the lungs
MrNeil .
• has rented his farm and • one toasit the Wait
eta Statee, - -• . ' • • -
• ' The little boy nom or Cluff, of Seafortli; who
gothurt by a horse
on Thursday.
. 4 coaple of
ower, died ef his injuries,
ormon inissionariai have been
holding meek: gs in Usborne.but did not meet
with much success. • ' • -'
A. son of Mc,jasae Carling, Exeter, had a
narrow eacape from -drowning last week by
skating- into an air hole.
T c planing Will it] Blyth, offered for,,Sale
on moray Instil was purchased by Wm. Clegg,
w o paid $860ffor the property..
,The insolvent stook of Mx. W. Way, Blyth"
was plirohased by Mr. L. Thorne, of the off'
lege. Tho price pold.wae,34-cents 00 the 8.
-- The munistipal expenditure of Grey, for the
year 1879 was $17,345, of this, nearly $3,000
was for roads, bridges, &e,, $5,500 for schools.
. Mr:. M. T. Caninbell, who worlss with :Law-
rence & Gracey,myth, had' a couple of fingers
almost severed one clay last Week, by a circular
sew. • . , • • : - •
Mr'. Duncan McMillan, of Tuckersmith, has'
rented his tam for five years -to Mr. Robert
Beattie,' of McKillop. The farm contains two
hundred. &era. . : ._ . .. .. ._ . __ ..• . .
The number of convictions made by magis-
trates in the county for the quarter ending
12th March, was 76 against 156 for the same
time last years. • .•.
: Mr. Thomas Miller has Sold his farm, which
is situated near WinthropAto Mr, Gob, Mo.
Spadden, for the sum Of 01,200. The farm
comtains 25 acres. ' . •
At their meeting on Friday last the Dino -
tore of the South Huron Agricultural Society:
declined taking ettY Mops towards WC forma-
tion Of a joint'central show. .
Rev. W. IL Kerr, who for nearly ,A. year has
ecu the junior minister oU the kiiiitiodrat
'Church of Canada at Brussels, has been forced
by ill health to resign his 'alarm) for the pre.
r. 'Duncan MoPherSon, of Tarnberry,
near Nuevale, has purchased from Mr. Peter
McTavish, of Tuckersinitli, a half interest in
the young heavy draught • stallion "Honest
Sa0nOdY:"Thursday, while Mr, and Mrs. Nelson,
of tlabern , were away from home, their littics
boy.was oideritally shot ill the hip by do
elder bre her Who had found a leacle revolver
in a trunk in the house. '
'rho Jory fatally who left Exeter al the
first trip this Beason for Manitoba, utfortunz
ately did not get thioughwithout any mishap.
They were caught in a blizzard abent ninety
mike from Ematon,..and a valuable mare
heavy in foal took siok and died. Their
provisions also ran out, and they had to lay
in fresh sUpp4 at Considerable incelivepiellee,
bs,,?n'tle eta 134 p9 Fide aVYa it jar): 1Me horse,iiae1 anShdinime:maeGdir4Yet
ly after doing so the animal got reotive and
bounded forward,. striking its head against it
piece of wood winch otood. in the way. The,
horsethen rolled over and,expired. A oleo
°ISO of sadden death, surely. ,
During the patityear, Xr.G. Hanna, of Mer-
lin, sold 10 tubs of first-class butter at 170 per
Ib. earth, netting 887 ; aleo nine tuba tOINUS011,
& 'Young, at 17c-880, making a total of $167!
In. addition six tubs were disposed of for pri-
vate use. The above was the product ot nine
cows, which goes to ebow that the dairy. is
not the least Profitable institution on a farm.
On Monday, MT. 'Robert Leolcie.and wife of
the 121h con: .of Grey, were driving Immo, the '
ing ein-thecontactthe
withrtAlleardg118 upset,
throwing out the occupants. Mr. Leckie sus-
tained little or no injury, but Mre. Leekie,-did.
not get off so free, her collar bone was broken
and one of her ribs fractured. Ttie injured
hay about 68 yearoof age, and is mother
of JohnLeekie, 'Reeve of Brussels.
On Monday evening last Mr. Samuel Erring,-
tonsof this village,. met with an aceident which
nearly deprived Inm of two of the fingers of
his right hand. Ur. Errington was engaged
in elating,and while going around the rink •
had the miefortotio to fall on the ice. Mr. W.
H. Watson happened to be oloee upon him at
the time and before Mr. Errington could get
out of tlie read hie, right hand was run over
by the runner of one of Mr. Watson's alcates,•
the third and fourth fingerakeing almost en-
tirely sevefed...-Btoa Record,
On Thursday morniicg, llth inst, , a young
woman, who is dumb', left her father's 'hemp)
at Belgrave, on airerrand;•and has not•siuce•---
been heard of. Her mune je Elizabeth Crooke,
she is twenty years of age, hair -light yellow
and curly ; had on a red (Meek shawl, 'print
dress and a grey cloud on her bead. Any
perdu having seen her, or who may see her, .
will much oblige by communicant.% with
her farther at Belgrave, or if Shil 18 taken
home all expenses will be cheerfully paid.
The Crescent Cricket Club of Seaforth havo.
cluteen the following officers for the enduing
year: Patrous; M. P. Hayes' A. EL Ireland;
President, Dr. Coleman: 'Viet:I-Presidents, R.
J. Girdlestone, F. Holmeetead ; Captain, J. S.
Roberto ; Secretary, X. L. Harcourt; Treasur.
or, A ; Committee --H. • Can:Tenn, G.
-Joann,. J. Watson, A. W. Bleasdell. „The.
finitncial statement of hast season ehOWe a de-
ficit of about $21. • •
At the last holding,of the Division Court at •
Brussels, Mr. Thos. Farrow, M. j2 Of. North
Huron, was defendant in a snit instituted.by '
Patrieklfoore;' of Brusselnto'recover -mortietio
:paid out . by the latter in the,..intereet ef _the
former for hotel and livery -expenseduring
the election aSept., WIS. Mr. Farrow ad-
• mita the clam, but takes refuge behind teal-
ip that Moore didnot send in his um -
count to his (.Farrow's) agent witnhi 'lit • hir.
ty days required .tiy latv. The ease • " ,
The transaction (taw not redound to
dit of either. MT'. Farrow has beet. '
upon as a respectable MHO, and it t' to.
what straits be was roduced in 1878 tle
had to be assistecl by swill a pers;)W
but although he was out choice to hie . .11
of tuisodatee ril1ril1 the
pa.g9 .it 1,
he has 110 1.1gOt 10 fit110Rbelte bohlit
•nicality to avoid payinga jest claim •
questioutible obaeberto P
"TEABYtium.,"-:Th; new t;i.r.% f.
,ing the teeth, swecto,,,,., oe le ea • ,
mulating the mouth. The blightes
deasruigsgtisltitflobir in.ot t o' ,
The Senate his adjourned until •u SOth
-inst. What a hard working body. .
Sir John A. Maodenad took ill int it klbtuN
. Church en Sunday morning and Hal obliged •
to go • home. -He goon recovered. . •
Jinn. Mr) Blake will likely tale tl•a seat ad.
joining Mr. Mackeriiers, in the Henries render-
ed vacant by the cleattrof Hon. Mr.' Holton. •
Some old parliamentary 'friends of the late
Hon. Dr. Corral have ordered a monninent to
be made in Ottawa and erected over the last
resting place of: the deeeased Senator at •
'Woodstock, Ont, ,
Most of the Western M.P.'s may be expect-.
ed home this week M eoiaiegeonce of the East-
ern adjournment. 'The prospects are thatthe
present sesstion will run fully three months.
Little or nothing his been done so far. ,.• ' '
Mr. Edward Holton, son a the late Hon:.
L. E Helton, will be the Liberal candidate
in Chateauguay --the seat made vacant by the .
lamented ,decease' of that ontleinaii.
Davidson Q.C., ofMontreal, is the Conserva-
tive candidate.
Mr. Thompson of Haldimand, was the re-
cipient of a bataliof petitions to present to Par-
liament against the passage' to the Hill to le-
galize marriage with the Slater of a deceased
wife, and, in presenting them on Wednesday,
Ito took occasion to state that a. considerable • ,
number of ladies' names were attached to
themott remark Which elicited loud laughter.
Prom a return brought down on Monday it
appears that for the first eight months of the '
present fiscal year there has been a lar;/ tall-
ing.off in the,,receipts, evelkfor Our , as
compared with, thin period of 181 ' Sir
Leonard Tilley's estimate ei to- ,
likely to fall Wear the reel ap. te e very
considere,:•lo attont
On Thursday Mr B I: rot Drummond --
and Arthabaska, Ada:wove:I Ine House in
French in. ,support oi et. Ho' spoke •
at a grefif diaddvnattige, ' as the majority of
the members in the House do not understand
thelanguage, • It is much better, ao far„its the
Hone° is;eoncerned; for French.spintkingmenl:
ben to Use inferior'English rather that the -
most poliehed spew:hes in their own tangling°,
Better 'Inn Gold:'
The grand climax of attecesa is at last achieve
ed. The poor rejoiee, the sick arise Mid walk.
the rich batik in the golden sunshine of perfeet
health. The physical miseries of the human
frame need nolonger be endured, DO. Kirre's
04.t.avoutaA.Elotnxtr Comronttn?for Dyspepsia,
Consumption, Sick Headache, Coming up Of
Food, jaundice, Liver Complaint, Biliousness,
General Debility, Drowsiness and Le* Spirits.
This wonderful remedy Will positively oore,
and that where every remedy has failed. TO
prove that this wcinclerful remedy will de all
We elabil for it you ere presented with a trial
bottle free of betit,, by whieh you will readily
perceive its wonderful curative qUalitias, and
which will ohow you what a regular one dello
else bottle will ad. For sale by.T., 11, Combo,