HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-11-10, Page 4} 2 TRE W1NGl[AMi TIMES NQVE DER 10, 19O4,. TQ ADVERTISERS shies of changes must be lett at this alike not later than Saturday noon. The eupy for ehauges must be left net later than Mouday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to nntlem Wednesday of sewn week. ee- ESTABL1tt13ED 1872 TIIE WINfitlAM TIMES. la. R liL1,4OTT, PUuteeHNE AND eROPRIST(Pa THURSDAY, NOV. 10, 1904. CARP OF THANKS. To TIM ELECTORS OF EAST II0RON : Now that the eletttiuu is aver and the ;exult known, I wish hersby to convey to my Couservative friends my sincere thanks tor the tntteuineeut effort which they put forth iu use. behalf durtu6 the political t:UnteA wish also to thank those iudepeu nt Liberals who rose Superior to party ties auti evuscientiously gave me their support. b'artiier, I wish to assure all that, ae the repreeeuttoeve Of East Huron to the House of C.,wmons of Canada, I shall ei_deavutr to do nee duty faithfully and honestly. T. CEHISHOLM. Wingham,, Nov, 8, 1904. AFTER THE BATTLE. The Conservatives of Wingham wtre so jubilant over winning East Hurou, that they bothered very little over the general result. The political battle in now over and let ue settle down to business, and don't let political matters iuterfere with per- sonalfriendehips, Last Thursday evening was the first time in twenty two years that the Con- servatives had cause for rejoicing over a victory in East Huron, Mr. John Bohanan, an old and respect- ed resident of Sarnia, was wheeled through the town's main street in pay- ment of an election bet, It is a notable thing that only one Liberal Cabinet Minister was' defeated, while a number of the Conservative leaders are left without seats. Liberal -Oh, well, I am satisfied, the Laurier Government is returned by an increased majority, Conservative -I am satisfied, we nave won East Huron. Hurrah for Leaner! Five more years of Larger Canada. The TIMES ticket is out ot business, The three Huroue for -The Opposition It was a land slide fur the Tories in East Huron. The total Liberal vote was nut polled in Grey township. Peter 13. McKenzie wou a grand vic- tory iu South /eructs. A grand victory iu the Dotniuion, but a landslide in Hnrou, Blyth is the bauuer muntctpality iu East Huron for the Liberals. Personal canvas is the best card to play iu a politica battle. What was the matter len the large Liberal wajortty in Brusselb•? Leader Bordeu of the Opposition met with the same fate as Dr Macdouald. Tike complete returns from Quebec give 54 Liberals and 11 Conservatives. The Liberals of Huron should now get in readiuess for the next Dominion elec tion. Over -confidence. The TRIES warned the Liberals of East Hutou many times on that point. Howick township did not do as well for the Conservatives us was allowed by the Liberals. Lower Wingham polling place gave a great Liberal stamp -a large majority for Dr. Chisholm. The Conservatives were as much sur• prised over the result in East Huron as were the Liberals. There were enough Liberal votes left unpolled iu East Huron to have changed the result of the electiou. Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier were ELECTION FIGURES.. The following are -the figures of the vote in eacla polling sub -division, iu East Huron, aocordiug to the returns, mailt'd by the deputy returniug officers to the candidates at the close of the poll. The official figures from the returning officer for the riding will be given next week. Brrrx- Macdonald Chisholm No, 1 ,. ... 46 47 No.2 48 33 91 89 Maj. for Macdonald. 14 BRUSSELS-, No. 1.,.,.. No.2..,,. No. 3 . Nettling can he takeu for granted in an election. The Liberals were confident in East Hurou and the candidate was defeated by life-long Liberals who voted for Dr. Chisholm. Almnet the total Liberal vote in Wingham was polled, but Dr. Chisholm had a majority of 128. We are pleased to learn that the Dr. gave his Liberul friends some of the credit for his vic- tory. Dr. Macdonald had almost reached the satumit politically as he would without doubt have beeu the next Speaker in the House ot Commons. He deserved ninth better at the hands of some of the Lib- erals in Bust Huron. Of the Ontario members of the late !tome, 14 Liberals were re elected and 28 Conservatives, Of the whole house 32 members who sought re-election were defeated -1 Independent, 18 Conserva- tives and 13 Liberals. Three elections by acclamation, those of Mr. Sloan, Liberal, iu Comex -Atha, and of Solicitor -General Lemieux in G- spe, and Mr. Burrows in Dauphin, Mau,, took place on Saturday, give the Laurier Government two more of a majority. The TIMES was sorry, to hear of Bro. Holmes' defeat in West Huron. Mr. Holmes has been a good representative and secured many favors for Ms constitu- ents that were not appreciated. He is one of the beat newspaper men in West- ern Ontario and will be more money ne pocket out of politics. Hon. A. B. Aylesworth, who became a member of the Dominion Government withont portfolio just before the election and coutested Durham, a seat ander the redistribution with a decided Conserva- tive majority, that he was unable alto- gether to overcome, has been offered the Ltheral nomination in Gaspe, one of the two seats held by Solicitor•General Le- mieux. In the defeat of Mr: Robert Holmes in West Huron, the House of Commove loses a most valued member, and the given a splendid welcome on their Government an ardent supporter. Since victorious return to Ottawa. The official returns for South Bruce, declared on Tuesday, give P. H. Mc- Kenzie, Liberal, a majority of 144. The Liberals of East Huron learned a costly lesson last Tnursday and it should ' be of profit to them in future campaigna. It was not Wingham's regular Con- servative majority. Many Liberals helped to bring the majority up to 128.1 We lost the three Hurons, but won a larger victory iu seeing the Laurier Gov ernmeut sustained with an increased majority. The Conservatives need not wail over the "solid Quebec." Without Quebec the Laurier Government has a working !, majority. Mr. Prank Oliver of Edmonton ap- pears to have the champion majority, he being 3,003 votes ahead of his Conserva- tive opponent. The Liberals ot East Huron had good Wise for rejoicing when Dr. Macdonald won the riding over Thos. Farrow iu February, 1887. his advent to Parliament, Mr. Holmes has proved himself a worthy representative, always having view the best iuterests of his constituents and the country at large. He has been enccess- ful, among other things, in securing an improvement in the mail service in different parts of the riding. He will now have more time to devote to his newspaper business, which will no doubt be more remunerative under his personal supervision. dyer's Giver nature three helps, and nearly every tease of con- sumption will recoVer. Fresh air, most important of all. Cherry Pectoral Nourishing food comes next. Then, a medicine to control the cough and heal the lungs. Ask any good doctor. r lot owl 1.114.117reekorst St years �,yy,� �y� hsve 5..ases e!. 1ant die• Nies e*r*4 by it.crit aerar *ithi t tt." LLa1t11Ci' Gi . /tO1, Ulfk Olio. •1 /8: 4. a. 1191 00.. for Consumption • NOTES AND COMMENTS. 30 34 41 64 $1 23 122 111 Maj. for Macdonald' 11 GREY - No. 1 44 67 No. 2 51 19 Nu.3 70 35 No. 4. .... 65 35 No. 5 ..... ... 69 64 No.6 64 52 No. 7 75 47 309 The Provincial elections will be held in Quebec on November 25th. Premier Bond has secured 29 out of 34 seats in the Newfoundland Legis- lature. The continuation of the North Grey Provincial blection trial has been post- poned until Nov. 12 by arrangement be- tween the parties. The daily papers are making all kinds of guesses as to when the Ross Govern- ment will appeal to the people. We have not yet seen a definite date set for ,the election. Theodore Roosevelt has been re-elected i President of the United States by what may develop into the greatest popular i majority in the history of the Union. The Republican national ticket has been elected by a vote in the electoral col- lege that will exceed that of 292 given McKinley in 1900. M. G. Cameron, M.P.P., has been ap- ? pointed a memb..a of the Dominion commission for the revision and commit - dation of the statutes. 'the appoint- ment will not interfere with Mr. Cam- eron's position as member for West Huron in the Legislature and will not necaeeltate his tiling away from Goderich as the work oan be done here. 438 Maj for Macdouald 129 Howtcx-- No. 1 60 No. 2 51 No. 3 . 49 No.4 73 No. 5...... 78 No. 6,,,,,,47 102 82 112 113 85 72 349 666 Maj. fox Chisholm .... , ... 217 MORRIS - No. 1 57 No.2 60 No. 3 41 • No 4 50 No.5 63 Nu. (i 56 317 Maj for Macdonald 15 PURNBERRY-- Nu. 1 40 No.2... , 64 No. 3 ... 58 No.4 ,,,. 06 41 46 56 89 47 73 302 92 58 64 54 217 268 Maj. for Chisholm .... 61 WRexerreR- No. 1 Maj, for Macdonald 15 WIsGi1AM- ' No. 1 32 54 No.2 35 56 No. 3 42 71 No, 4 63 119 53 38 172 300 Maj, for Chisholm .......... 128 EAST WAWANoste- No. 1 65 63 No, 2 65 71 No. 3,... .... 67 41 No.4 56 45 243 210 Maj. for Macdonald 83 REOAPITULATION. Macdonald Chisholm 14 ,. 11 .. 129 217 61 128 Blyth Brussels Grey Howick Morris ,,., 15 Turn berry Wingham. Wroxeter. . ., 16 East Wawanosh .... 38 217 396 Majority for Chisholm , .:... 179• Sore Throat and Coughs A simple. effective and safe remedy for all throat irritations is found in CresoIene Antiseptic Tablets They combine the germicidal value of Cresolenewith the soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice. 1Oc. AU Druggists 400 Zion, E. J. Flynn, leader of the ton- servative Opposition in the Qn'ebeo Legislature, was in Montreal Monday in conference With local lraembere of the Legislative awl ntet Iona rvvativee, and it was announced that the Ooeieer• rallies will not put candfdetee in the field for the (Osbe° Legie'latare tit the saetit0a�1 tobobekliter.116 ••••••4•••,N4•••••••••••• ••••••••••••N••••••••••4r• •• • i e • • •• • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • Chisholm Block. - WINGHAM. •• •eo•••••••e••••••••••••••• •••••••e•••••••••••••••••• IAve Stock Markets. Toronto, Nov. 8. -The run at the city cattle market to -day was 70 loads, with 1,000 head of cattle,2,G50 sheep and lambs, 500 hogs and 64 calves. There was a noticeably slight improvement in trade to day, especially in the local butcher trade. The advent of a little cooler weather may have had something to do with this, but another incentive to do business was the fact that on the whole the quality of the cattle offering was an improvement on the past two or three weeks offerings. This does not mean that there were, outside of a few picked cattle in twos and threes here and•there, auy extra choice cattle of fancy quality, but the general average of the loads was better than has been seen in the market lately. There is still, however, a demand for best butcher cattle, and these will sell readily at from $4.30 to $4.50. There are plenty of rough cattle going at canner prices, There is really PO de- mand for this class of caltle, except for canning purposes, and the price may range from as low as $1.50 to 42. Me- dium butcher cattle sold to -day at about $3 50 to $3.60; good heifers at $3.85 to $4.25. Big Sale in Toronto as announced. A. R. SMITH, the lucky man, attended it, and has part of the goods mentioned below in stock . • 1,200 Men's $4 00 and $5 00 Boots. in box calf bale., patent leather bale., enamel leather bale., kid. bats„ vici kid bats. All the above are Goodyear wait, 900 pairs Ladies' Fine Boots, French kid, patent leather, box calf bale. The above are from one of the best factories in Canada. CLOTHING. 500 Men's Grey Beaver Reglanettes. • 300 Men's Fancy Tweed Raglanettes. 600 Men's Frieze Ulsters. 450 Men's Blue and Black Worsted Suits. 800 Men's Fauoy Tweed Suits. • 700 Men's Fine Venetian Suits. 600 Men's Frieze Reefers, grey and black. 1,000 pairs Men's Tweed and Worsted Pants. BOYS', YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. 500 Bays'.Fancv Tweed Raglanettes. 200 Boys,' Reefers. 500) Youths' BenveteRaglanettes. 1,000 2 and 3 -piece Children's Suite, in tweeds and worsteds. 600 Boys' Fancy Tweed Snits 400 Roy's Twee'd and Worsted Overcoats. 400 Men's Sporting Coats (waterproof). 800 dozen Mens Cardigan Jackets. 200 dozen Men's and Boys' Sweaters, 100 dozen Men's Wool Gloves. 200 dozen Men's Fleece -lined Top Shirts. 100 dozen Men's Sateen Shirts. 100 dozen Men's Flannelette Shirts. Special bargains in Boots for men, sizes 6 to 11, for $3.00 A. R. SIITI1 • • • • •• •• • t •• • • e • e e • • • •• • • e • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • e • • • • e • • • e • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • ♦ • • • The following are the quotations: EXporteteVeattle Per 100 lbs. heavht l* $4 60 $4 75 L5 4 60 Bolls 3 50 3 75 do., light 2 25 2 75 Feeders - light,800 pounds and np- warde 3 50 3 80 Stockers 2 75 800 900 lbs 2 75 g 50 Butcher&--- Choiee .... , , . 860 410 Medium...,......,.... 850 8 75 Pieked 425 2 5500 Bails.... ............. 2 00 2 60 h Light stook balls �/2 50 60 00 Milk oows..,r..r..,,8000 50 00 Best , .. 4 57 Lights 4 60 460 Sheep: Et 840 1150 Exporeoka,....*soot ...... • 2 5y0i 75 Culla ....... 2 00 '5 �f..jJ���a�jpryiing LW:tbs . , .. a 00 4 0 10 Ladies' Waists. 13101112 This week we are offering a large variety of Fancy Waistings in the very newest fabrics, French Cashmere, Mohairs, fancy and plain, silk wool, besides many other kinds of materials. You have your choice of a large number of pieces, just in waist lengths. Call early and select one before they are picked over. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. This will be•a week of special values in Ladies' and Children's Under- wear. We carry "Watson's Unehrinkable." This will be good news to many, as those who purchase this line of underwear know that they are buying goods "that will not shrink." Prices to suit everybody. Special values in Children's Underwear in all sizes from "Infants Rne- ben's Vests." Children's Tights in grey or black. Also a nice line of Child- ren's Underwaists. GLOVES. In this department you will find everything in age, color and quality that you ask for. A nice line of Black Cashmere Gloves, dome fasteners, from 25 cents nu. Another line of Black Cashmere fieece•lined-a very warm and most comfortable glove. In the Woollen Gloves we have the most up-to-date stock. We have them in blue, red, and in white, the very thing for this cold weather. We have them in all sizes for children and also for Ladies. We have a line of Woollen Mitts, very fine, in all sizes, and in colors red, bine, black and white. In the Kid Glove department, our stock is always complete. • COATS. We cannot close our "add" this week without mentioning a word or two about our Coats, direct from German Manufacturers. In style they are the very' latest, and in quality they are unsurpassed. The prices are the very lowest. We invite yon to call and see our Coats. Everybody is praising them and they are selling rapidly, so come and choose one before they are all sold. ''FURS! FURSI -7 We have a large and beautiful stock of furs in Scarfs, Ruffs and Caper- ines. Oar Furs are exactly as they are advertised. s D. Ni. GORDON. Highest prices paid for produce. i glut a •btbiGeel+settede taletGetCeers etose tesetot t PHOTOGRAPHS flilc+ r Notice our Groupe Alt sizer, large or small. They will please you. We can also frame them for you. Did you Notice this Fra*.eel? For Photos, oto., see M. E. ZURCR1CC. t Se C. J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE,' INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT, Aeeoutits 'Rents and Notes Collected. Con• v9 ancing clone. OFB'ICE-In vanstone Block. Open Saturday nifthtft from 7 to 9 o'clock. DR. OVENS, of London SURGEON, DENTIST, SPECIALIST D1eaAsEE1 Ere, East, NOSE AND THROAT. Visite Winaheth monthly. Masses proi)eriy fitted. Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. Wingham Ofllce--W. McZibbon's Drug Store. London Office --2Z Queen's are. Sours : 11 )spies of visite- fondays, rely 86, Be+pt. G, Oat. 8, Oct. 81, No'r'. 98, JOAN & JAS. H. KERR SPECIAL OFFERING in Women's Black Mercer- ized Sateen 'Underskirts We're glad to announce an offering of special values in. heavy, black, mercerized sat- een Underskirts. These skirts are all particularly good styles, finished with deep, full, circular frills, with fine tucking and cording. They are exceptionally good value. $1.00 $1.25 $1.I$0 $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 We'd like you to compare our $r.75 Underskirt with much higher priced goods sold by other dealers. HOUSE FURNISHINGS We rarry'a large stock of up•to-date House Furnish- ings and we're doing quite a lively business in this de- partment. This week we're cleaning out a few lots of Roller Window Shades. They were regular 400 and 503 Shades. You can have them for, each, complete .30 Cheniile and Damask Goods We don't exaggerate a bit when we say that at the Big Store you will see the finest display, of Chenille and Da- mask Curtains and Table Covers that was ever shown in Wingham. Rugs and Mats, all sizes. Brussels, Velvet, Tapestry, Axminster, Smyrna, Jute and Union. • SPECIAL OFFERING IN HOSIERY Here's a stirring offering in Men's and Women's Ho- siery that should make lively selling while they last. We" were very fortunate in secur- ing a quantity of hose at less than regular prices, You get the benefit WOMEN'S HEAVY RIBBED CASHMERE HOSE, fine, even yarn, spliced hods and toes, doable knees, and full fashion• ed, sizes 81, 9. 9J), regular 350. Our bargain price, while they last, per pair .25 MISSES' HEAVY RIBBED CASHMERE HOSE, fine even yarn, spliced heels and toes, double knees, and full fashion- ed, sizes G to 8, regular 30o. Our special price . , .. .20 to 25 MEN'S HEAVY ALL - WOOL WORSTED HOSE, rihbsd ; the kind J ou usually pay 35t: a pair for, We're efferiue these while they lust at, per pair .25 You'll be fortunate if you secure your winter's supply at these -very low prices. Women's Aprons. Have you time to make your own Aprons ? Does k pay to take the time ne- cessary to make them ? • We're showing Women's White Aprons, well made, good material, nicely trim- med with embroidery, as- sorted styles and sizes, for 50e each. Cheaper than you can make them. i vvvvvvyyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ► 4 I8PEOIAL SPECIAL-PRICE SALEI 4 E OF NUMEROUS LINES OF - i ISeasOnahle Goodsi 1.. .4 le TO CLEAR OUT QUICKLY. ► 4 4 ►fewonly them n lines bementioned here,such as: 41 ► A nyof manycan e CLadies' Astrachan Coats and Capes, Collar- 1 C ettes, Caperines, Ruff's, Boas, Muffs, etc. I large assortment of LADIES' CLOTH JACKETS must be 3 cleared out at YOUR PRICE to make room for other goods. 4 4 4 Ladies' heavy fleece -lined Hosiery, Puritan brand. A special line of Dark and Light Flannellettes, Face and Damask Curtains. Dark Prints, Tweeds, Cottonades, Etc, Ready-to•Wear Suits, odd sizes. Men's and Boys' high collar double-breasted Reefers. Men's Tweed Overcoats, usual prices from $10.00 to now from $5,00 to $6.00. Boys' Suits. Men's Odd Pants. COLORED DRESS GOODS, regular 25e, for 22e. A nice line heavy Melton, always sold 4 1 $12.00, 3 1 e 4 for 30e, now 25e. 1 [CARPET! CARPET!' A special line Heavy Jute Carpet, to be sold at 15e, usually 20e. 1 Hit-and'miss Tapestry Carpet Weaves, splendid value, 25e. A better line, nice colors and patterns, for 350 and many other 31 lines equally good value. 4 1 4 4 OILCLOTH AND LINOLEUM Linoleumsfrom 1 to 4 yards wide are goods you. can save from 10 to 35 per cent, on. It it to your pocket we appeal. Money well spent is a pleasure to all. Call and see these goods. Produce Taken As Venal. T. A. MILIJS.J A AAAA AAMAIL AAAAAAA AA AJA AAAAAAAAAi1tAAM