HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-03-11, Page 6F r ' 7.• GTZAND SALE! 0.1111.111 BANKIIIIPTSTOCKAIIIICALLANIIER&Co • The entire stook of. DRESS GOODS, TWEEDS, STAPLES, HATS & CAPS, GROCERIES &c., • - -- • . SELLING AT A. • TREMNDOUSSACRIFIC hMILLINERY AND MANTJ At=ss SereA • 1 a straok work in th Cl Oli &OWN?, and ifiJ. expecte will become general and widely 00 On TittnitleY hart a on o Jame ParIes, township of Damien who was felling a Ws in the wood, had lain leg badly crushed. It Penis the tree lodged in another And the butt swung off the atuurp, jamming him *gloat a One of his feet had to be amputated. targe numbas °Move Suotians continue to leave for the Western States, The, distress in Guyelmre' county, aa well as in tbe City of Halifax, is severely felt, and the calls upon the charitable societies are heavier than can tip Met. An appeal leaned by one of these so• oteties says that unless it is furnished with mean a at once it must suspend work. Mr. Patterson's party for Manitoba, wbieb • left Ontario on the 2nd, did -net reach Windt. peg until the 8th inst., owing to a snow block- ade. 1VIessrs. Prit tie and Taylor's parties were' delayed a couple of days longer. It took six engines to put the first train through the snow. 014 Monday morning Alex. Doan, contractor for delivering stone per tramway from Wel- land Railway station to the canal bridge, for the use of Hunter, Murray & Co., on the new aqueduct, was instantly killed by being crush- ed while coupling ears. -----41"1"-WItsott's WI14 Cherry. One t the most thoroughly reliable medicines limy in use by the Canadian public is Wilton's Compound . Syrup of Wild Cherry. The sueces which attends its use in cases of Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis Croup, Whoop- ing Cough, Loss of Voice and Wealt Lungs, is most re- : aeordrki fy t in the retail store of the preprie- tailrideti, to Meet the demand for a geed tors, its see increased so rapidly and became so largely extended that the manufacturers felt It was only mice sary to Introduce it through the newspaper of the coun- try to mare its adoption us the nationalcZdrus forgegliisi 'eased of the respiratory:organs. Every leati In Western ()aerie DON eallsit. Be wise in time! get a 'bottle and have it on hind when roquirkd. The large bottles are the cheapest, - r- We offer the choice of One hundred and, fifty Ladies TRIMMED HATS,. at $1 eaoh, original prices $3 to $6. . — THE. GOODS MUST BE SOLD: WO RESERVEI NO TIUMBITG!. N'.B.,—Shop Furmture for sale cheap, consiSting of Stoves, Sewing Ma,chineS, Show Cases, - . (CLINTON,'Hardt 4,190 - JAMES NOBLE. • • • • CLINTON REARRIETS • Maich 11, AWheat, fa1, red, '4f3. bush, $1 '20 a • Wheat, fall, white, 1 20 - "Spring, Redfhaff, • 1,15 a Fife, - - . - • •1 18 a Oats, 113 By., 5a -Peas, - • -0 62 • a Fleur, . - 6.00 a Potatoes, • - 0 30 a '0710'7%1 Eggs, „ - . 011 1880. 1 22 122 1 17 1 20. 0 34 56 '0 64 • Hay - 7 00 a , Hides, • - - 6.00 a Sheepskin's - - • 1 00 a Pork, • •z - 475 • a Beef, - • - - 4 00 a Clover - -• •• 2 75 a . Timothy •- • • • 2 75 a • SEATAIRTHWA BRET'S March 11, 1880 •• $1 18 a 1 22 Spring • - 1 15 a .1 16 CAB -a 0 33 a 0 34• ' Peas • - • • • 0 60 a- 0 63 Barley - - • , 045 a 0:55. • Potatoes - •0 30 a 035 Butter • • - 0 16..n 018 Hay - • • • 00 a 8,00 E.„01s, • - - • - 0. 11 a 0 12 1.1ides • • • • 6 00 a 6 50, Wood - • - - 2 OD a '50 Flour - 600 a..660 Parlc,° - -4.75 a 5 00 •LNPARALLELE16 st.10QEss. • .6 50- p 35 010 0 12 8 00 6 50 1 50 5 00 5 00 3 00 7 IS ik 'At MAMMOTR HARDWARE STORE, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON ALTONA. AXE, , VICTOR .A.X:0, 'cirAmPNIT EVEItT MAIM QP AXES REPT IN 2700N. CHAMPION SAWS, LANCE TOOTH SAMS, DIAMOND SAW& NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, SPADES, sgovEtis, CATTLE TIES, HALTERS, ROM CHAIN, STRAW KNIVES. EVERY CLASS 'OP SHEIX HARDWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, full stook. TA.BLE,. DESSERT and TEA 81'00N8 TEA KNIVES and FORKS, CRUETS. • SKATES. SKATES. - • "SKATES. PAINTS, OILS; WHITE 'LEAD"; 'VARNISHES, GLASS,. PUTTY,, BRUSHES, ETC, • . . • LUBRICATING OILS). clr-41`.TE, WEST NrinG-.1141.A., Seal and Castor . STOVES,- HjEATIEltS1.— GRATES, RANGES: • COOR STOVES, BOX STOVES, PARLOR ,STOVE, PARLOR COOK, STOVES, RUSSIA -IRON HEA,TERS, RAGES, GRATES, •COAL' STOVES, SINGLE A,ND DOUBLE HEATERS—ALL MAKES. PLOWS' BARBED, FENCE WIRE, WATER•LIIVIEu cHANDELIERs--twq, thiee'an'd four light, either in Verde or Bronze. - BRACKETS --in Verde or BrOnze. • l'ARLOGR, HALL AND TABLE LAMPS, PORCELAIN SHADES, CHIMNEYS • . • . . GLOBS, SHADE HOLDERS: LAMP STOCK CO.MPLETE. HEA -15 LIGHT 'ails—HIGHEST NON3tPftSiVt17' ATLANTIC OIL—WHOLUALE) BY °THE BARREL, LOWEST PRAM, manufacturers of every class of Roofing, Tinware, Eavetroughing, Ito. • • 300 CLOVER SEED. 'TIMOTHY SEED. 0 • OA,Sil paid for. IIides, Sheepskins; and all .kinds ei Pelts, • The unparalleled succesit ol.Vicioria,CompeitntiSylmi. . _ • • _ Hypophosphites Es eatinr, tolitsneverlailing triumphs . - • •• - • " ':t— over complaints leading. to cOnsumption and:genend de. • , • nESIRES: to intimate to the people .of Clinton apti rieirtity; •purehased GroCery and Provision Business formerly. earnedon' by Mr. 'A. P. ROSS, he limit • ide thereto a fresh and well•seleeted stock of • • • • FAMIT.I-V* G-12.002ELR,IMISC SUCH kt. , • , • TEAS. SUGARS".RMSIN, SPICES, ETC, • • • ALSO, A SELECT ASSOR•tRE • GEO. DIEHL, CABINE'r MAKE DEAT..OitXN.ALLIUNDS OV FURNITURE, UNDERTAKER • d e., ttc. bility. F;verrone who baser& tried it has 'experienced inintediate.beneilt from, its use. and they Om comend it - withpleasure.. For sain_by ait dealers, . The Telephone Is becoming onite.popuiwh ar ore it .has been introduced:: Hagyard's Yellow 01.1 10 also bo coming very popular as a remedy tor chilblains, bruises -e/ffain0T1nit119; vo:"-Travorcivirors•artrustrig-it -exten- sively for sprain's, bruises, &c. • • . WHAT -IS BRONCTIPIXSt). Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous lining, of the bronchial tubes, or smaller ramifications of, the windpipe. • In •its milder form it Iff commonly called X' cold on the chest. Thu tishal symptems are hoarseness dryoongh, a slight degree of fever, followed lry expect,. • foration 01 1005005 at first thin and afterwards cOpions. In the severe forms there ismore fever, cough and op.prossion at the eheta, whit& yield to repeated doses or flagyard's Pectoral 1.3alearn, at the slum time adopting a light diet, and keeping the bowels open with Hag - yard's Pills, or some other mild purgrtire. ' • SEED. GRAIN 'ClcIAOJEKC10.11,7V• Victoria St.Clinton. FOE, SALE. - , • — • HE WILL ALSO KEEP ox ifaSh 000ll SUPPI.Y OF ' • - HAMS; ,SPICED ROLLS; BREAKFAST BACON; SEED PEAS) SEED. -BARLEY, FIRST-CLASS LARD in pails or tabs, or by the lb., to, suit purdhasers.... All Meats and SFOkVI.ER,-, SON Lard warranted first-elass. All of the above he is prepared to4iell at bottom prices for eash. • . •-' Ile will still continue as manager of -tlie Furniture Store fbr Broadfoot cti Box, wherele is • , , ' . - ' . . prepared to sell as cheap as any honse west of loronto. . . . , . • AUL' 07001N. , .: A CALL REYPECTEULLY •SEILLPITED, • . . . ' Clinton, Feb. 1201880. - . ' ' •• • ' W A.TCTIES, OL001(8, lSO• . •• Crorn to sCelearated poT)B•iSit • •• • -7:4ND- • • • • , C This is the Corset for comfort and durability.' MISSES CROMPTON CORSETS, .all sizes. EDGINGS and REAL LiCE. starA spienclid stock of Eititabiiihny, LAwirs, CnEcxsT-and .Prgi-s—,Mtrshiss. Inuit 'LMEN. WHITE TURKISH TERRY, for ladies and children's jackets CASUMERES, LUSTRES and FARMER'S SATINS, Large stook of PRINTS in the newestpatterns IldizANps, TOwairsus and TABLE. LINENS. COTTON and WOOLLEN SHIRTING% FEATHER; and .STaalv Deimos. :PRINOES, BUTTONS and DRESS TRIMMINGS. HOSIER)" and HABEIWASISENT. • .&., 'tze. • The sAserilier, while thanking her. Many friends for their. very liberal support since she commenced business,. hopes bvSteict attention 'and keeping it good stock to continue to receive'iieir !livers... • • . . . - ea,.. • . ' MRS. •BEESLEY' VICTORI- Clinton, Feb. 26, 1889. •• . , • ••, . - • . • • Millinery and .IVIantie • Department.. • HATS AND BONNETS in the newest shapes. Rmsass Ash Sivas in .the newest designs. FEATHERS FLQWERS, VELVETS and SATINS. Hos and .13osishrs • made over in the newest snapes'. 'MANTGES made to order, in good style. BUTTER and. EGGS taken in exchange for GOOCIS. . • Yurnitute. Broaclerbp Ttg.iitt 01•1•410 AT VIP, PitESENT TrME The largest and best selected Sleek of FURNITURE evet on. exhibition in this ton, Whish they are prepared to sell at prices to min the times. The stock eonsists of PARLOR & BEDROOM SETS) LOUNGES, EASY CHAIRS, And everything requisite in the furnishing 1iie Parties wishing to furnish their houses, will save money by giving us D. ; We have also on hand a large supply of 001PFMS, NASKETS, ROBES .AND TRIMMINGS, of every description. Aliso, a FIRST-CLASS HEARSE, Allot which Wo, are prepared to furnish at very low rates. , REmEromm 1s1,4(1E-111ttie1i. IILOCIC, ALBERT STREET, •CIIINTON • JEWELLERY" Albert Street:CLINTON We have est added: to-enr stoic uelot ot VIOLIN Hi 'GUITAR. STRINGS. 0 SPECTACLES •• :••• SEED. OATS., CORN—CORN CLOVE. R & .TIMOTHY SiEn-• • • • • • ' roy•sath AJ• W. H. PERRIN'SS Olinton, March; 1880. , ew Furniture, STYL EST— . . And LOWEST PRICES . .• - THE subscriber would respectfully announce to the • A.LWAYS itErfr is Wroog, -. •public that be has mi hand a fine tan& of _ Clinton, Qat. 8, 1879. PLAIN and FANJET FURNITURE AND . EPIE0A.SEpDHED 000Dsi, ,. • Such RR PARLOR. shrs, EASY CHAIRS,' PAT/NT • BOOKERS, WOOL and SPRING 111.A.TTRESSBS, &o • . . 11s in the Detainion: I call •respectfully solicited before pureha.ing elsowboto. • NDER111 1. 6., which. he/1,,,i,„io.will sell as low 'aL0,,,,,,/1,,noi,Imola goods can ,111 be botrght of Solt'44 ° 1 • W. B. CRIC.tf, VICTORIA CLINTON. . , frHE ittBSOIXIBER BEGS LEAVE TO STATE „• L to the public that ho keeps constantly 'on hand a large andettperlor ciao s of OPLFPINS., CASKETS •. Votlin Trimmings and Robes, With a splendid HEARSE, Pt4ct ficrPms always on hand. Patti/wean be alipplied in one hour, at ' any time, at rt PER ()ENT LESS. • Than can bo creamed at atiy other phiao, A Pill stook of FURNITITIVE • Alaays on hand. , TH0S. STEVESSON. ciiston,mas.1C41877. Cithlon,Jan.12,"1880. • JOHN SMITlf, W�8 to tender his _thanks the nubile in general or the patronage bestowed on him for the past .two 'oltriY41114 would now say he hes 00 hand a large , ' and well selected stock of ENGLISH and; 'Finch Worsteds, Broadelothe, Doetkins, Scotch, lEnglisli, and Canadian Tweeds, AS ever Stkewn in Clinton; besides a taiiassorimset of GENT'S YURNISHINGSria Reis, CaPs, Shipte, 001' Mrs, Cuffs, Tic$, Seats, Vtidereintb mg, . ' Goods alt new -no old steek-atut will be sold as any other houxn IZI • Ho want& also state that he hes taken into partner., ship Mr. W. M.1110011E, ;for the past couple ot yoars as salesmen with Mr. Plumeleeb: The business will bo cailied on In Adore under tits tianie of SMITH &iNtqorin.. Alt garments tttrued out guaretiAieed a. Deere flt. A. d.;ittil Vespt.cfhtliy• f4olit,i4 ed. • ' • SM11II tt lllfl(ILIE. Oet. 118, 1870., • • 3D A:718 .8v PA."Y' s Mammoth Hardware Store, Albert Si., •Clinton. EARI • APL nd misimmumnonsmiom • • . , • , OMlng te,i' the imProvenients f11:?01,1.t to bo madein our premises, , . . .• . we will offer for sale Our • ENTIRE STOCK Or. DRY GOODS T AND UNDER COST ;CONSISTING - ..• • . • TWEEDS, * 'FLANNELS,: iBLA.NKETS, :FANCY DRESS GOODS, pLAOic. Lp-§TR;s, WINCEYS, CASHMERES, Tick:. GREY. AND BLEACHED COTTONS; TABLE. LINEN, IHOSIERY3- .GLOVES,: SHIRTS ANID DRAWERS, HATS AND CAPS; :BOOTS . • . . AND SHOES, &O., Szb. • "• • • The whole stock will be sold without reserve, at • such pric,eA that cannot fail to be . appreciated. WILLIAM COATS. Ali patties indebted to the abov ilt overdue Ac -H . counts or Notes; will lie PN.peeted to pay up in full, . •• • • • : without delay. • • . 13, 1s,4. •)" ;. 04\I00:.:*; (s_ AND DEALERIN . PA.IsTCIY- aroomb.. • . . SCHOOL BOOKS A SPECIALTifi-7' ilemembor the Piase--Dingmen & oid stand, Minton, OM. 4:11.,..1870: •